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brewster mc
05-28-2014, 12:27 AM
Ditto cubed. And if anyone has the latest Blokes 6+1 Freedom Tales, I'll happily do a Zen impression....

Ditto x 5! Bump!

05-28-2014, 10:58 AM
I have a request myself. Don't know if anyone can help though. I'd like to try my hand at doing some LC cover redesigns and wondered if anyone knew where I could lay hands on clean face templates where the logos, titles, and featured players names go. Any help would be appreciated.

You'll just need to cut them out. :)

05-28-2014, 02:44 PM
You'll just need to cut them out. :)
Thank you. I do wish they were a bit larger but I'll make these work.

And now I have another offering to present. Here are the Medic yearly's from 1966-1986 with only 1972 missing. I ran across these purely by random chance and collected them into a zip file which I now present to you for your perusal. Enjoy. RWQ

05-28-2014, 05:05 PM
I need to add that the files are in CBR format so you'll need a reader like cdisplay to open them. Either that or change the .cbr to .rar and use WinRAR to extract the files.

05-28-2014, 09:51 PM
PM'd you webs01

05-28-2014, 10:16 PM
PM'd you webs01
Got it. Thanks a million.

05-28-2014, 10:21 PM
Here are the Medic yearly's from 1966-1986 with only 1972 missing.

I don't believe there was a 1972 annual so your collection is, in fact, complete.

05-28-2014, 10:34 PM
I don't believe there was a 1972 annual so your collection is, in fact, complete.
After consulting Google it seems, sir that you are correct. I stand corrected.

05-29-2014, 01:56 AM
So I'm finally finishing off Home World, am on series VI with one episode to go, and I have some thoughts.

Wow, these last two series really have been as bad as you guys said. I'm usually pretty positive about the LC stuff, but they really have been stretching my patience. Series V was remarkably dull - they didn't even try to make any characters beyond the three leads even remotely compelling, did they? And then the entire last episode was so by the books, the old playing the evidence in front of a crowd gimmick was obvious from the start of the episode. Heck, it's so well known a ploy that Angel was subverting and mocking it fifteen years ago! And Series VI has just been off balance with incredibly poor character work. The Dal-eks are defeated that easily? And the leads didn't even think to take such remarkable weaponry with them to face off other hordes? And they reclaimed the Axis so easily? And then where was Tin-Dog, and why was his whereabouts even discussed until halfway through episode 2? And so many bad character decisions I don't even know where to begin, but those Rom-anas were the absolute worst, completely inconsistent in their attitudes even in the same episode. I know some of it was described as being out of character deliberately - although I still haven't the foggiest idea why - but that doesn't cover the multitude of errors in characterisation. Like, when has Rom-ana ever talked to herself so much, let alone pretending to be Tin-Dog? And why did Future Rom-ana become overtly evil within about two scenes of appearing (she'd give GoT's Littlefinger a run for his money, as far as 'are they trustworthy? Well, obviously not, are you even paying attention?' goes) And just repeating classic lines from the Medic throughout the episode doesn't make it any more palatable.

Yeesh. These are really bad. What a great pity, it had such potential, with the whole Time War thing they could have built up to (indirectly, of course, but still). What a lousy couple of series to finish on. I only hope they announce another series to try and make up for it. Maybe the last episode will fix it all... but I doubt it.

One more episode. Then I'm listening to Ms Wi-ldth-yme.

05-29-2014, 04:02 PM
So I'm finally finishing off Home World, am on series VI with one episode to go, and I have some thoughts.

I never made it past the second episode of Series IV. I tried to listen to the third story but drifted in and out so much that I just gave up. I'd recommend the first three series to anyone who asked but I'd tell them not to bother with any of the others.

05-29-2014, 04:41 PM
I was watching TOTD yesterday, and I'm looking at Jenna, and a familiar phrase just struck me "Don't you think she looks tired?"

Announced 21st of March 2012.

"Asylum of the Daleks" 1 September 2012

"The Snowmen" 25 December 2012

"The Time of the Doctor" 25 December 2013

"Today" May 14 2014...

It's been 2 years and 2 months since it was revealed that she was the bright new young thing there to make Matt look sexy from proximity... In which time she has done 9 episodes and 3 specials.

Not even been on screen a full season to her credit, and the new car smell is gone.

I must have missed this post, or else I'd have called you "crazy" right then and there. lol
Jenna had to play several iterations of herself, all with similar, yet different personality traits, and then at the end of 11's time, made the events of the episode (she gets dumped back in time and then has to hold on to the TRADIS' exterior [exposing her to time-winds] only to see her friend [crush] as a wizened old - and dying - man.
If she looks "tired" it was a fine performance.

Now, if you're speaking metaphorically, and you think the bloom has come off the rose... you're even nuttier than I thought.
Jenna makes Karen Gillen look like an old hag (which is kinda how she was acting toward the end there, anyway. Was glad when the Ponds' left - but I do realize that is just MY opinion. That it is 100% correct, is beside the point. ;-) ).

05-29-2014, 04:57 PM
I never made it past the second episode of Series IV. I tried to listen to the third story but drifted in and out so much that I just gave up. I'd recommend the first three series to anyone who asked but I'd tell them not to bother with any of the others.

If Homeworld bored you I just can't see how you could get past the first 5 minutes of the CP series lol..

05-29-2014, 06:21 PM
If Homeworld bored you I just can't see how you could get past the first 5 minutes of the CP series lol..
I actually fell asleep while trying to listen to the first was that dull.

05-29-2014, 07:50 PM
I actually fell asleep while trying to listen to the first was that dull.

Ironically, since my opinion on the various series usually fits in with the people on this board, I actually love the Homeworld series. The fifth series does drag a good deal, but the sixth does a good job of introducing a new actress in a familiar role. Ultimately the whole concept of that series sort of suffers because it exists exclusively in the Zagreus timeline (The Medic "dies"). I do love seeing how L and R handle situations without him though.

05-29-2014, 08:40 PM
Does anyone have the medic what journal number 473? I've been waiting for getting it myself but no one seems to have uploated it yet in any site.

05-29-2014, 09:32 PM

My bad wrong issue

05-30-2014, 12:43 AM
Ironically, since my opinion on the various series usually fits in with the people on this board, I actually love the Homeworld series. The fifth series does drag a good deal, but the sixth does a good job of introducing a new actress in a familiar role. Ultimately the whole concept of that series sort of suffers because it exists exclusively in the Zagreus timeline (The Medic "dies"). I do love seeing how L and R handle situations without him though.

I have now finished it, and while I think the third episode was the strongest of VI, it was still messy and kind of dumb, character-wise, for a lot of it. Then trying to tie it into the 'First strike' of Genesis... I'm not sure I buy it. They could have made a series that really moved forward with a Ga11ifrey entering a war with the pepperpots, but that was as far as they went. Pity. (It's a while since I've listened to Zag-reus, what's the timeline you refer to? Or do you mean the entirety of 'Home World' is set during the divergent universe arc?)

I have now listened to the first episode of CP, and actually I enjoyed a lot of it. Yes, it was a bit too repetitive, but CP herself and Robert were enjoyable enough to listen to. But really it was the V1yrans I enjoyed the most; they're comparatively underutilised to date, but they play an interesting role in almost every story they're in, and I enjoyed hearing more from them. I'm not sure LC have justified bringing CP back yet, but after struggling through G V and VI, I'm happy to give them the benefit of the doubt. For three more episodes, at any rate.

Can I ask a general question: What is everyone's favourite LC spin-off series? Personally I've loved pretty much all the J&L I've listened to, and I Davr0s, and I enjoyed the original UN1T series. What's your benchmark for a good spin-off?

05-30-2014, 02:20 AM

05-30-2014, 03:40 AM
Can I ask a general question: What is everyone's favourite LC spin-off series? Personally I've loved pretty much all the J&L I've listened to, and I Davr0s, and I enjoyed the original UN1T series. What's your benchmark for a good spin-off?

Surprised no one has even mentioned Bernie. Took me a while to get into.
IW. Good in parts.
CP. I eventually quite enjoyed.
CC. Just doesn't float my boat.
Homeworld...Hmm.....Liked it at the start then began to lose interest but it managed to peak my interest toward the end.
J&L. Personal favourite.
Grace. Liked it at first and then I really can't remember what it was all about.
Unbound. Good.
Vienna. Liked that one more than some around here.
Kelad Empire & Cider men. Sorry I just lost the plot on those. (could be good)
CM. Don't know why but I just liked it.

Oh and then there is firewood and SJS - Can't remember what I thought.

Forgot about D4vr0s....Yeah I liked that.

05-30-2014, 05:23 AM
Surprised no one has even mentioned Bernie. Took me a while to get into.
IW. Good in parts.
CP. I eventually quite enjoyed.
CC. Just doesn't float my boat.
Homeworld...Hmm.....Liked it at the start then began to lose interest but it managed to peak my interest toward the end.
J&L. Personal favourite.
Grace. Liked it at first and then I really can't remember what it was all about.
Unbound. Good.
Vienna. Liked that one more than some around here.
Kelad Empire & Cider men. Sorry I just lost the plot on those. (could be good)
CM. Don't know why but I just liked it.

Oh and then there is firewood and SJS - Can't remember what I thought.

Forgot about D4vr0s....Yeah I liked that.

Gotta say, that I feel all of them have good bits as well as dull bits, but Kelad Empire probably was the most solid series for me. Though as Redskutter said above, it kind of meandered off in the later series. Bernie was good in the early days too.

05-30-2014, 09:43 AM
Can I ask a general question: What is everyone's favourite LC spin-off series? ...

In no particular order ...

J&L - So far so good.
Benny - Generally some really strong stuff until they got to the Boxset era where it's all gone a bit pear-shaped
DE - 1&2 superb, 3 over-long, 4 so-so but never seems to 'fit' the story.
G-Less - Tedious
IW - Funny when you're in the mood
CC - Good hit rate
CPol - Tedious
Unbound - Excellent, but I think they made a mistake with the in-series sequels. (And the sex-change one really needs to be re-done without the, er, humour)
CM - Took a while to warm to, but getting there.
SJS - Brilliant
C-Men - Excellent, but a bit too dark to listen to too often. Heavy going at times.
Gally - Started well, but lost its way from S4 on wards.
I, DaveRoss - Brilliant.
Vee-en-nah - Still a young series, but not particularly engaging so far

05-30-2014, 10:04 AM
Vee-en-nah may not have been great storytelling, but it was still more fun than CPol. You're right, Nobber. CPol is tedious.

I don't have a problem with CPol as a character (I quite liked her with Medic 8 and Medic 6). It's just that some major revisions will be needed for a second box set.

05-30-2014, 10:56 AM
Can I ask a general question: What is everyone's favourite LC spin-off series? Personally I've loved pretty much all the J&L I've listened to, and I Davr0s, and I enjoyed the original UN1T series. What's your benchmark for a good spin-off?

I Stavros, without a doubt is my personal favorite, and the Stavros Mission is a often overlooked gem too. I've lost count how many times I've listened to these.

Jango and Lightfeet come a close second, a few others are worth a mention, homeworld series 1-3, the early Benny stuff, some of the unbound series is quiet good (Ma*st*ers of War is brilliant), and of course SJS.

I find that the cc's are hit and miss for me, some I really enjoy while others fall flat so I'm struggling to pigeonhole these as a whole.

Kaled Umpire is very good but is somewhat let down by series 4.

C'men, I quiet enjoyed the first series, C2 less so, a bit to dark almost to the point of depressing.

I quiet like the Ultravox Hit, well more of a wanting to see where it goes rather than a like.

Worst spin off series must be G'less, and CP (which is a pity cos I like C in the main range)

05-30-2014, 11:40 AM
C'men, I quiet enjoyed the first series, C2 less so, a bit to dark almost to the point of depressing.

Oh, yes. Got to the end of C2 and felt utterly drained. But in a good way. Sort of.

Just don't listen if you're in A Really Good Mood or in A Really Bad Mood.

05-30-2014, 11:59 AM
Oh, yes. Got to the end of C2 and felt utterly drained. But in a good way. Sort of.

Just don't listen if you're in A Really Good Mood or in A Really Bad Mood.

If C2 where to be made into a movie it would be directed by Tim Burton, its that dark.

And I know exactly what you mean by being drained at the end.

05-30-2014, 03:21 PM
Hi could I kindly request the new da**rk sha**ows audio book please or if someone could tell where the best place to get these are I will be most grateful . Thanks

05-30-2014, 03:58 PM
I have what is sure to be a difficult request to fulfill but here goes anyway. I was wondering if anyone out there has issues 21 and 22 of the Medic Weekly Journals. I'm trying to create a complete collection of the original black and white comic strips and those are the only two issues I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated.

And to clarify once I complete the collections I will be more than happy to share with everyone.

05-30-2014, 04:23 PM
I have what is sure to be a difficult request to fulfill but here goes anyway. I was wondering if anyone out there has issues 21 and 22 of the Medic Weekly Journals. I'm trying to create a complete collection of the original black and white comic strips and those are the only two issues I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated.

And to clarify once I complete the collections I will be more than happy to share with everyone.

Here you go: 21 ( and 22 (

05-30-2014, 04:36 PM
Can a kind soul repost main # 186.

05-30-2014, 04:45 PM
Here you go: 21 ( and 22 (
Thank you kindly.

05-30-2014, 11:16 PM
Vee-en-nah may not have been great storytelling, but it was still more fun than CPol. You're right, Nobber. CPol is tedious.

I don't have a problem with CPol as a character (I quite liked her with Medic 8 and Medic 6). It's just that some major revisions will be needed for a second box set.

I've listened to the first three, and tedious has definitely become the right word for it. As I said, I thought the first one was fine (mostly because I find the Viy-rans interesting), but the next two... sheesh. I couldn't believe how long they were taking to have simple conversations in episode 3. I guess they were trying to make it character deepening... but it was just so duuuuuuull. There's some interesting ideas in all of them; if you cut down each episode to ten minutes and glued them together you'd have a decent 45 minute story with enough material, but as it is... I was so tempted to skip from the end of 3 with about 15 minutes to go just because I couldn't be arsed any more.

Also, that guy was psychic? And somehow he's able to communicate with the dead AND with someone trapped in the prolixity, thus simultaneously proving life after death AND alien mega-technology, and both entirely distinctly yet with exactly the same ability? So ghosts are definitely real, then? But he's just one of many 'half' characters in the series, someone the writers seemed to try to give a character to but gave up before the first draft was finished because they wanted to spend more time on CP.

Oof. Not good.

05-31-2014, 01:24 AM
Kill Lord Roon of the Sunburn Sore.



05-31-2014, 02:38 AM
Kill Lord Roon of the Sunburn Sore.



Many thanks redskutter

05-31-2014, 05:54 AM
[QUOTE=redskutter;2678025]Kill Lord Roon of the Sunburn Sore.
I have no idea what this is, but it's an interesting title.

05-31-2014, 07:50 AM
thanks redskutter. appreciated muchly

05-31-2014, 08:52 AM
thanks redskutter, very much appreciated

05-31-2014, 09:21 AM
Thanks redskutter.

That was a bit strange, Jdownloader flagged it as off-line on first try. When I copied the link again, within seconds, it went through fine.

If at first you don't suck seeds...

05-31-2014, 09:24 AM
a request for a couple of scans. does anyone have any format (epub, mobi, pdf, cbz, cbr, jpg, anything) of these?
the berLLyant bukk 2011
the uffershull annwall 2011 (not the IDW one, the beeb one)

05-31-2014, 10:39 AM
Cheers Skutter....maybe its time you upgraded to a DRD lol

05-31-2014, 11:19 AM
They're still making Red Dwarf.

Season 11 comes out later this year.

Surely that means that Red Dwarf, and the technology in it is more advanced, superior to the tech from a show cancelled in 2004?


05-31-2014, 11:47 AM
a request for a couple of scans. does anyone have any format (epub, mobi, pdf, cbz, cbr, jpg, anything) of these?
the berLLyant bukk 2011
the uffershull annwall 2011 (not the IDW one, the beeb one)


Also I've just got the medic journal 473, someone has the last one?

<!--[] genius volume 2k11
[] Medic What 473-->

05-31-2014, 08:38 PM
They're still making Red Dwarf.

Season 11 comes out later this year.

Surely that means that Red Dwarf, and the technology in it is more advanced, superior to the tech from a show cancelled in 2004?


Might have to wait a bit longer I don't think they start shooting until October. Probably a 2015 release. Could be wrong.


Make that Autumn 2015.

05-31-2014, 08:40 PM
I need a little download help please? I have been trying to download a file of TV's Greek warrior woman comics from a site that takes me to and 30-45 min. later it says download was interrupted retry? I click yes then it says download complete but it's only 98 mb when the rar file is supposed to be 836 mb. What's worse is that uly only seems to work on IE because whenever I try it on firefox or chrome all I get is an html representation of the file. Can anyone help me, please?

05-31-2014, 10:52 PM or

Need more information.

But... Have you ever considered using Jdownloader? - Official Homepage (

Also copy the file name into google (don't copy the www.uploaded bit), and see if it has mirrors on something else other than uploaded.

Meanwhile the file could be corrupted, so just move on, or your ISP could be ####ing with you, which does happen. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY they will protect you from successfully completing a horrible download from despicable and ILLEGAL places that will obviously ruin your moral standing in the local community.


06-01-2014, 04:55 PM
Bloke's 6+1 Freedom Stories 8.

There are two files. One file is for the two stories and the second is for the third story and the covers.




06-01-2014, 06:15 PM
Been really looking forward to these all month,
Many thanks old chap!

06-02-2014, 05:45 AM
thanks dwst4

06-02-2014, 08:06 AM
Many thanks dwst4

06-02-2014, 04:16 PM
Any hope of a re-up of Blokey's freezing rage??? Thanks in advance (heres hoping!)

06-02-2014, 07:33 PM
Having a pretty rough week so far (I know it's early!!) so I decided to knock back a few and lo and behold LC posted the new Vortex.

So now I have had a good cry too, Thanks LC!!

06-02-2014, 10:41 PM
lo and behold LC posted the new Vortex.

So now I have had a good cry too, Thanks LC!!
Yeah, I was reading it earlier and found it pretty touching how many people paid tribute to Paul Spragg. Despite it being almost 3 years since I got into them, I still feel like a newbie to LC's contributions to the mythos of Doctor Who. However, even I feel the loss of him. I'm suspecting it's either because I'm still grappling with some recent losses in my life or I'm just way too empathetic for my own damn good. I'm personally opting for it being the former, even though the latter isn't really that bad of a reason in it's own right...

06-03-2014, 10:27 AM
Hi all, I wondered if anyone had a copy of the audiobook version of "Medic and Me", a biography by one of the Medic's producers in the 1970s? I have been looking for the audiobook for a long time and can't find it anywhere so I wondered if someone could help?

06-03-2014, 02:00 PM
Hi all, I wondered if anyone had a copy of the audiobook version of "Medic and Me", a biography by one of the Medic's producers in the 1970s? I have been looking for the audiobook for a long time and can't find it anywhere so I wondered if someone could help?

Here you go: Medic and Me (

06-03-2014, 04:18 PM
Thanks so much!

06-03-2014, 05:20 PM
Thanks redskutter.

That was a bit strange, Jdownloader flagged it as off-line on first try. When I copied the link again, within seconds, it went through fine.

If at first you don't suck seeds... or

Need more information.

But... Have you ever considered using Jdownloader? - Official Homepage (

Also copy the file name into google (don't copy the www.uploaded bit), and see if it has mirrors on something else other than uploaded.

Meanwhile the file could be corrupted, so just move on, or your ISP could be ####ing with you, which does happen. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY they will protect you from successfully completing a horrible download from despicable and ILLEGAL places that will obviously ruin your moral standing in the local community.


I'm SURE it's just that I'm somehow doing something wrong, but I can't seem to understand HOW jdownloader works - or perhaps I should say, I can't seem to get it to work.

It loads, I enter a url ( is the only site that I'd need jdownloader to reach since my old mac [osx 10.5.8 with no pentium chip] can no longer update my browsers to mega's satisfaction), and - nada.
It says that there IS no file at the url - then looks for other files/urls, says it has found 2 links and then after a second of activity produces exactly nothing.

I was trying to access the mysteriously titled "Kill Lord Roon of Sunburn Sore" (NO IDEA what that is supposed to be, but with a TEASER title like THAT...)
I've also tried a few other of redskutters other mega offerings and the same thing happens.

I've read how to use it and watched youtube tutorials and sadly, what should happen isn't happening.

So... just how stupid AM I?
(well... pretty stupid, but still... what am I doing wrong?)

----- UPDATE----

I just tried links from another site and while I DID give me some results, none of them were the actual files that are to be downloaded.


06-03-2014, 05:38 PM
It does sound like you're just doing something as simple as not copying the URL correctly. Make sure you get everything inside the '[--' and '--]' (using square brackets as examples rather than angled) before you copy.

Just to double check, open that URL in a browser before doing an 'Add Link' in Jdownloader.

06-03-2014, 06:07 PM
Having a pretty rough week so far (I know it's early!!) so I decided to knock back a few and lo and behold LC posted the new Vortex.

So now I have had a good cry too, Thanks LC!!

Cheeez... that's horrible. I just read that news - tragic. I just had a friend die on me, so I'm feeling in a similar way... damn. Eat drink and be merry, folks, and enjoy life, celebrate your friends!

06-03-2014, 11:16 PM
Two important things when installing jdownloader.

1. Reboot your entire computer.

2. Update your jdownloader.

The installation widget was made months ago, maybe a year, and there might have been a thousand updates since it was made, which means that you are a thousand updates behind and this may be why you are having problems. (Although these days they force you to update everytime you turn the bastard on, so that's probably not the issue, unless your installation widget is so old that it doesn't do that?)

Sometimes copying too much, an extra comma, can screw with the link grabber as much as copying too little. But most of the time ctrl A (highlight all) and ctrl c (copy everything that's been highlighted) and you're away laughing.

06-04-2014, 01:27 AM
It does sound like you're just doing something as simple as not copying the URL correctly. Make sure you get everything inside the '[--' and '--]' (using square brackets as examples rather than angled) before you copy.

Just to double check, open that URL in a browser before doing an 'Add Link' in Jdownloader.

Nope. While I am stupid, I'm not that bad off.

Two important things when installing jdownloader.

1. Reboot your entire computer.

2. Update your jdownloader.

The installation widget was made months ago, maybe a year, and there might have been a thousand updates since it was made, which means that you are a thousand updates behind and this may be why you are having problems. (Although these days they force you to update everytime you turn the bastard on, so that's probably not the issue, unless your installation widget is so old that it doesn't do that?)

Sometimes copying too much, an extra comma, can screw with the link grabber as much as copying too little. But most of the time ctrl A (highlight all) and ctrl c (copy everything that's been highlighted) and you're away laughing.

As it turns out, you guessed it! The version of jDL'er that I got was configured for my old system, BUT there were OVER 2500 updates that it had stored to install (mostly configurations for multitudes of possible websites).
Anyway, once I said "yes" to install updates, jDL'er works just fine.

Thanks all!

06-04-2014, 10:13 AM
Hey all, bit off topic and I need some help, and I know you guys know lots about lots of things . I was trying to get hold of the 1st episode of Just a minute of the new series 69. but it's not on iplayer anymore. also I used to use radio archive cc for such a thing as this, but it's closed...Any ideas where I can go for my addiction?

06-04-2014, 10:42 AM
Hey all, bit off topic and I need some help, and I know you guys know lots about lots of things . I was trying to get hold of the 1st episode of Just a minute of the new series 69. but it's not on iplayer anymore. also I used to use radio archive cc for such a thing as this, but it's closed...Any ideas where I can go for my addiction?

Sigh. I only just cleared up my iplayer rips yesterday. Just grabbing another copy from UseNet, so keep an eye out for a PM in about half an hour.

EDIT - PM sent.

Didn't realise radioarchive had shut down. That's a shame. A great resource gone.

06-04-2014, 09:03 PM
Okay, unrelated to the Medic, but does anyone know where I can find TN's S series 1? The LC podcast has interested me enough to look into it.

06-04-2014, 09:49 PM
Okay, unrelated to the Medic, but does anyone know where I can find TN's S series 1? The LC podcast has interested me enough to look into it.

Probably here once it's released. According to the LC site, it's only 'coming soon'.

06-04-2014, 09:50 PM
Probably here once it's released. According to the LC site, it's only 'coming soon'.

Not the CD, the original series :p

06-04-2014, 10:16 PM
If you're ok with torrents and your isp still lets you, try

06-04-2014, 10:50 PM
Don"t for get to look at the remake from 5 years ago too with Julie Graham.

Survivors (TV Series 2008? ) - IMDb (

06-04-2014, 11:55 PM
Don"t for get to look at the remake from 5 years ago too with Julie Graham.

Survivors (TV Series 2008? ) - IMDb (

I enjoyed the remake, pity it only lasted 2 seasons

06-05-2014, 12:20 AM
I'm making a list of names for when the revolution comes.

06-05-2014, 12:26 AM
I'm making a list of names for when the revolution comes.

Just make sure you check it twice ;)

06-05-2014, 12:34 AM
Just make sure you check it twice ;)

...BUT WHO is naughty.....and WHO is nice????

06-05-2014, 01:06 AM
Are you buggers suggesting that I have a belly like a bowl full of jelly?


Bah, Humbug!

06-05-2014, 01:25 AM
Well, I was hoping someone would be my Santa. ;) I'm lookin for the audio version of An Dabnett's "The quiet suns bye go". Super TY in advance.

This place looks like it's returned to it's light-heartred fun setting. I've been vacant last few months after there was a spot of drama. Nice to see everyone on the otherside of that. Hope you've all been well.

06-05-2014, 02:10 AM
Okay, unrelated to the Medic, but does anyone know where I can find TN's S series 1? The LC podcast has interested me enough to look into it.

It's also on youtube....

06-05-2014, 02:33 AM
I enjoyed the remake, pity it only lasted 2 seasons

Yeah, I sort-of enjoyed it, too. One of those where the basic idea was OK (obviously) with the added idea that whole thing may well have been a deliberate action by the/a Government, but by calling it "Survivors" it suffered by comparison.

A bit like the recent US:Tmrw People. Not a bad series, but that name brings a certain expectation and, again, the comparison shows the failings.

06-05-2014, 03:49 AM
Yeah, it's like having B7 with no B and not 7!!


Oh, no, hang on - never mind...

06-05-2014, 08:56 AM
Someone earlier requested some Medic Magz, here are the 3 latest issues (not my uploads, though, so thanks to the original uploader)


<!--DWM 472 :>
<!--DWM 473 :>
<!--DWM 474 :>

06-05-2014, 09:36 AM
the audio version of An Dabnett's "The quiet suns bye go".

sorry old thing, thought I had it... but apparently i only have the ebook. :/

06-05-2014, 10:45 AM
Someone earlier requested some Medic Magz, here are the 3 latest issues (not my uploads, though, so thanks to the original uploader)


Thanks mate. The 472 link seems not to be working, though.

06-05-2014, 11:12 AM
Thanks mate. The 472 link seems not to be working, though.

472 can be found here.....

DWM#472 (

Or here....

Doctor Who ? Issue 472, 2014 | ReleaseBB ? RlsBB (

Nowt to do with me!

06-05-2014, 12:03 PM
472 can be found here.....

Ta mate.

@jlatx: This is for you : Quiet! White Dwarves passing! (

06-05-2014, 03:53 PM
sorry old thing, thought I had it... but apparently i only have the ebook. :/

While I am gathering some audiobooks for such time as my eyes dim from reading too damn much, I still much prefer READING books to hearing them... any chance for a link to that ebook?

Thanks in advance!

06-05-2014, 08:54 PM
Here's my problem.

I spent 15 years conditioning myself to read in the the bathtub.

10 years ago I moved into a house without a bathtub.

06-05-2014, 09:09 PM
Here's my problem.

I spent 15 years conditioning myself to read in the the bathtub.

10 years ago I moved into a house without a bathtub.

Which means that either you haven't figured out how to read in the shower, or you smell really badly :D

06-05-2014, 09:43 PM
While I am gathering some audiobooks for such time as my eyes dim from reading too damn much, I still much prefer READING books to hearing them... any chance for a link to that ebook?

Thanks in advance!

RWQ for the epub, but if you look for the audiobook and have torrent there's a magnet link (magnet:?xt=urn:btih:35ACC7B42932CF1048CEF55E80F45 D26BAC362F2&dn=The%20Silent%20Stars%20Go%20By& nce& nnounce& e& e& fannounce& announce& nce& e%2f& nnounce& ce&


06-05-2014, 09:56 PM
well, there you go. I collect my ebooks in pdf (don't ask me why I prefer reading them in that format) so if you want anything in pdf, hit me up.
(comics, on the other hand, I always convert to cbz or cbr... I also have loads of those, oyus.)

06-05-2014, 11:43 PM
Here's my problem.

I spent 15 years conditioning myself to read in the the bathtub.

10 years ago I moved into a house without a bathtub.

Which means that either you haven't figured out how to read in the shower, or you smell really badly :D

Am I the only one who seals his e-reader in a zip freezer bag for fear of dropping it in the tub? In the good ol' days, dozing off while reading in the tub merely resulted in a fattened paperback and maybe a few stuck pages.

06-06-2014, 12:50 AM
What!!! the bathtub!!!! what do you do with the lufa?

06-06-2014, 01:02 AM
Am I the only one who seals his e-reader in a zip freezer bag for fear of dropping it in the tub? In the good ol' days, dozing off while reading in the tub merely resulted in a fattened paperback and maybe a few stuck pages.

I just want an e-reader that I can generally leave on a pub table without fear of it being nicked whilst I nip out for a cigarette.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 AM ----------

What!!! the bathtub!!!! what do you do with the lufa?

06-06-2014, 01:05 AM
Ok...thanks Nobber....I have my answer.....I think......maybe I really don't want to know..

06-06-2014, 01:25 AM
Ok...thanks Nobber....I have my answer.....I think......maybe I really don't want to know..

06-06-2014, 01:53 AM
What!!! the bathtub!!!! what do you do with the lufa?

Ok...thanks Nobber....I have my answer.....I think......maybe I really don't want to know..

Lufa! Lufa! Lufa! (wait for it...)

06-06-2014, 05:49 AM

Frelling thank you mate! That makes my weekend sooo much better in soo many ways that I can't even begin to explain on here.

And yeah, I actually have it in hardcover. Sometimes I like to "read along" with the book. But when I do, I'm still always expecting R2D2 to tell me when it's time to turn the page when he beeps :D

Thanks again recon. Super excited!

06-06-2014, 06:55 AM
And thanks Sasha too. :)

06-06-2014, 08:55 AM
In the good ol' days, dozing off while reading in the tub merely resulted in a fattened paperback and maybe a few stuck pages.
A few stuck pages!!!! What sorts of books (magazines?) are you reading? 8-)
Off to the zero room with you!

06-06-2014, 11:26 AM
Does anyone have any Eighth Doctor stories in Flac? I already have Storm Warning to Zagreus and Dark Eyes on CD, so would like any of Big Finish's main range Eighth Doctor stories, Solitaire (Companion Chronicle) and Dark Eyes 2 in Flac.

06-06-2014, 12:44 PM
Does anyone have any Eighth Doctor stories in Flac? I already have Storm Warning to Zagreus and Dark Eyes on CD, so would like any of Big Finish's main range Eighth Doctor stories, Solitaire (Companion Chronicle) and Dark Eyes 2 in Flac.

I have all of the Eighth Doctor's stories on the Macbook I'm using, but in MP3 format. Is there a converter you can use?

06-06-2014, 12:48 PM
I have all of the Eighth Doctor's stories on the Macbook I'm using, but in MP3 format. Is there a converter you can use?

I'm sure that I can find one, I don't mind having to convert them.

06-06-2014, 12:53 PM
I'm sure that I can find one, I don't mind having to convert them.

Compiling them now, should take a bit as that's a fair few stories. Watch this space. :)

06-06-2014, 01:09 PM
I'm sure that I can find one, I don't mind having to convert them.

Is it actually 'worth' converting mp3 to flac? I thought the great advantage of flac was that it was a 'pure' rip of the CD, where-as mp3 is lossy.

06-06-2014, 01:13 PM
Is it actually 'worth' converting mp3 to flac? I thought the great advantage of flac was that it was a 'pure' rip of the CD, where-as mp3 is lossy.

Actually, it probably isn't. I just want the stories in the actual quality as presented on the CDs...

06-06-2014, 01:34 PM
Actually, it probably isn't. I just want the stories in the actual quality as presented on the CDs...
Ah, These range from around middle to high quality, they're mostly from eMusic and the Large Conclusion site.If you still want them, I'll go ahead and upload them.

06-06-2014, 01:36 PM
Ah, These range from around middle to high quality, they're mostly from eMusic and the Large Conclusion site.If you still want them, I'll go ahead and upload them.

Thanks, I'll be happy with just being able to finally hear the rest! I can wait for the true quality copies for now...

06-06-2014, 02:21 PM
Thanks, I'll be happy with just being able to finally hear the rest! I can wait for the true quality copies for now...

I'm uploading them one by one, A link to the folder they're located in is below. (RWQ)


06-06-2014, 02:22 PM
I'm uploading them one by one, A link to the folder they're located in is below. (RWQ)



If you or anyone else wants, I can do high quality rips of the Big Finish CDs that I have. (Storm Warning to Zagreus, Terror Firma and the first Dark Eyes, also Energy of the Daleks and The Mutant Phase (The Doctor Who Adventures free version))

06-06-2014, 05:22 PM
I Thought I'd listen to Bloo Forrrgottten Plannnet again before listening to the new Charrrly Pollock series. To remind myself of where it left her...

...I lasted about 25 minutes before wanting to disembowel myself. I'm not sure I ever managed to make it to the end the first time round either.

Can some kind soul give a brief round up of where the Eddwardddian Adddventuresss is at the end of it and what her state of mind is?


06-06-2014, 05:39 PM
Can some kind soul give a brief round up of where the Eddwardddian Adddventuresss is at the end of it and what her state of mind is?


She gets a bit screwed over by the plot, really. She *has* to leave Sixy with his memory mangled (again) so that he doesn't remember meeting her when he's Eight. So she ends up being a bit of a sulky martyr.

But, with that said, she does sort of head-off into the unknown with the Viruns with her head held high.

Not the best send-off for a character, really, but realistically the best they could do as they'd written themselves into a corner.

06-06-2014, 06:58 PM
In the process of collecting together the comic strips from the Medic's Journals I came across a very interesting article that contradicts a piece of Who lore. This article talks about the last episode of First's final story. According to the article the Beep had in its possession (at least at the time the article was written) 95% of episode four intact. The writer even states that he watched what there was of episode four and lists what scenes were missing. (Ben and the scientists in the radiation chamber, the final confrontation with the metal heads, and other little snippets here and there.) He goes on to state that the episode was undergoing restoration and the missing scenes were being reconstructed. I can post the two page article for anyone who wants to read it for themselves. Its quite intriguing and adds food for thought why the reconstructed episode, with the surviving restored footage included, was never released.

06-06-2014, 07:56 PM
Hmmmm, curious. What issue number please, webs?!

06-06-2014, 08:03 PM
I'm not sure off the top of my head. I'd have to go back and look but I think it might have been issue 72....somewhere close to that number for sure. I do know it was an issue during the Davison era for certain.

06-06-2014, 08:31 PM
I'm not sure off the top of my head. I'd have to go back and look but I think it might have been issue 72....somewhere close to that number for sure. I do know it was an issue during the Davison era for certain.
The cover of which was dated on, or around, April the first... ;)

06-06-2014, 09:04 PM
hisi79, are you the same hisi79 from deviantart, who's been doing those pretty amazing covers?

06-06-2014, 09:17 PM
The cover of which was dated on, or around, April the first... ;)

I seem to remember that this was actually the case. They did another April Fool's story - was it called The Phoenix Rises? - where they had allegedly found two episodes of a lost Hartnell four parter and claimed that the story would be completed by filming two new episodes with Davison and co. They're up there with the Nationwide Spaghetti Tree!

06-06-2014, 09:39 PM
I seem to remember that this was actually the case. They did another April Fool's story - was it called The Phoenix Rises? - where they had allegedly found two episodes of a lost Hartnell four parter and claimed that the story would be completed by filming two new episodes with Davison and co. They're up there with the Nationwide Spaghetti Tree!

I remember when The Daily Mail ran a story about Red Herrings returning to British waters for the first time since Tudor times, complete with a photo of said fish. It fooled so many readers that they had to print a statment a few days later explaing it was a april fools joke.

06-07-2014, 01:51 AM
Bugger 6 pence short on my prepaid credit card for the new Sir Vivers box set. Not planned that right.

06-07-2014, 03:18 AM
Other, cough, place. cough.

06-07-2014, 04:00 AM
Double post...just ignore me.

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

Other, cough, place. cough.

You need some cough medicine there.

But I do thank you.

06-07-2014, 05:24 AM
It's nice to know that 1980s April fool is still fooling people decades on...
It had rather excited at the time.
Didn't the piece also say the BBC were "colourising" it? - A new technology at the time.

06-07-2014, 06:39 AM
Yes, with a picture of a pink or purple cyberman...

06-07-2014, 09:07 AM
You have to wonder about the uniformity of colour, no matter what, no matter where and no matter when.

When I was about 4 years old, my mothers new boyfriend looked at what I was building with my legos and he asked me if I was a ####ing Hippy? I was twelve before I understood that I didn't have enough pieces to keep pace with my imagination, and my parents hadn't bought me new lego in YEARS, in fact mother and her hoovering had seriously nibbled away at my resources over the years... But I was twelve before I realized that it wasn't so awful to be a hippy, and I could finally make a stab at building a Battlestar.

The Cyberrace must be expending considerable resources, throughout their thousands of years of existence, to stay still silver head to toe... Except for the wooden one last year of course.

Do the different designs over the years actually denote different levels of techpools they drew resources upon during construction rather than the reflection of some Cyberideal? So different models of Cybermen can perhaps co-exist unlike the Daleks whose Xenophobic instincts are so obnoxious that they can even draw inside the lines of their species.

06-07-2014, 09:38 AM
The only Lego I ever saw was at nursery school.

I must get some for my second childhood, I believe I've seen some Medic ones for sale.

06-07-2014, 09:46 AM
You can buy bags of it on ebay for pennies on the pound.

8 bricks and a little man can run as high as $30 dollars in a Toys R Us.

06-07-2014, 01:32 PM
Well, I've just finished listening to Sir-vivers and I have to say I'm impressed. IMO, the best thing LC has put out for a long time.

I've never seen the tv show (original or re-make) so have nothing really to go off so can't draw any comparisons between the pair, but even before I finished listening to ep2 I found myself wishing that they'd done more than 4 stories and it's a long time since I've done that :)

06-07-2014, 01:43 PM
The LC website is already talking about the next Box Set. :)

06-07-2014, 03:11 PM
I worked in a small toy shop for several years. Lego is a wonderful toy. Lego is a pain in the arse company. You can only buy multiples of things. Like, two of the big sets, four of the medium, or eight of the small ones. You have a minimum order amount, though that's easy to fill when they cost that much. You can't save your cart. Their site is slow.

Imagine if Amazon said you can only buy four of that book. And you had to spend at least a hundred dollars at a time. And you couldn't preorder. And they used the slowest software known to humanity. You probably wouldn't use Amazon twice, would you? But of course, that's the only place you can get Lego...

06-07-2014, 03:36 PM
I remember in Deadwood, they showed the hireded gold miners being striped, hosed down and their cavities investigated for foreign nuggets... Can you imagine a worker at a Lego factory sneaking bricks out and the precautions lego must take to stop such pilfering?

Klinger on M*A*S*H* tried to eat a Jeep piece by piece to take home for his mother.

06-07-2014, 03:48 PM
Loved Survivors as a TV series, met Ian McCulloch a few years ago too, nice chap. Really looking forward to hearing LC's take on it.

06-07-2014, 04:07 PM
I remember in Deadwood, they showed the hireded gold miners being striped, hosed down and their cavities investigated for foreign nuggets... Can you imagine a worker at a Lego factory sneaking bricks out and the precautions lego must take to stop such pilfering?

Klinger on M*A*S*H* tried to eat a Jeep piece by piece to take home for his mother.

"Dad... I need a couple of base plates and some of those 10 nobble long bricks... about 20 should do..." The Father then faints... muttering "The pain, the pain..."
Sorry, been a long day at work. Will not pass go, and will, instead, go the the Zero room.

06-07-2014, 04:56 PM
Klinger on M*A*S*H* tried to eat a Jeep piece by piece to take home for his mother.

Yeah, but Klinger spent his early years in the army trying to prove he was nuts, so the army would kick him out.

"Dad... I need a couple of base plates and some of those 10 nobble long bricks... about 20 should do..."

The long bricks would be easy enough - the base plates would definitely bring tears to the eyes :D

06-07-2014, 09:12 PM
I love it how every 5 years or so, you're at a friends house and their child says "Will you play legos with me?" and you think "what the ####? I used to be good at this..." but when you get a good look at their stash, it's like at the end of 2001 when you see all the new, odd and wonderful shaped bricks lego has now invented and put into general dissemination since your own mommy and daddy cut you off.

"Oh my god, it's full of bricks."

06-07-2014, 09:40 PM
Yeah, but Klinger spent his early years in the army trying to prove he was nuts, so the army would kick him out.

M*A*S*H* is one of my top five fav shows, I loved Klinger's character, Klinger was epic.

06-07-2014, 09:47 PM
M*A*S*H* is one of my top five fav shows, I loved Klinger's character, Kliner was epic.

and not forgetting Radar :)

06-07-2014, 10:24 PM
Huh? Wow. Look at that. Radar is a palindrome.

06-08-2014, 12:39 AM
and not forgetting Radar :)

and Hotlips too :)

06-08-2014, 03:09 AM
Hullo, fellow WHO lovers.. A bit of a request, two actually, something I don't usu. do, but as both are "Subscriber Only", I am hoping that someone could help. Looking for the fif medic tale, "The Fiends of Crimson Small House and Other Stories" and "The Five Minus One Medics". Does anyone have either, or both, in tracks format, instead of "album wrap"? Thanks in advance..

06-08-2014, 07:12 AM
Hullo, fellow WHO lovers.. A bit of a request, two actually, something I don't usu. do, but as both are "Subscriber Only", I am hoping that someone could help. Looking for the fif medic tale, "The Fiends of Crimson Small House and Other Stories" and "The Five Minus One Medics". Does anyone have either, or both, in tracks format, instead of "album wrap"? Thanks in advance..

I have them split into their respective parts, Crimson is split into 4 episodes, but Minus One is a single episode.

06-08-2014, 09:56 AM
So I realise this thread is really for audio dramas but as there have been one or two exceptions to that rule, I thought I'd post this and see what happens.

I'm looking for a handful of Medic-related spin-offs and documentaries which aren't readily available here or in any of the other places. Some of them were only ever distributed on VHS tapes!
I wondered if any kind soul might have copies that they could share?

I'm looking for:

The Medic "Years" series (covering Medic 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, the early years of the Pepperpots and the C-y-b-e-r-m-e-n)
The Second Medic in America
D-a-p-h-n-e-A-s-h-b-r-o-o-k in the UK
In the Footsteps of the Two Medics
The Medic's Pet Unleashed

06-08-2014, 02:54 PM
TT - hmm.. Okay, that will work, then. I wish LC would release them on the website. "Minus One" is nearly 4 years old now - I am not sure why they continue to hold it.

06-08-2014, 06:45 PM
One other request, as well as a question related to it.. I am digging the Faction Paradox stuff overall. Especially glad that Mad Norwegian Press made the first three into ebooks for my Kindle. However, it seems that they've stopped doing that. I was hoping for Lance Parkin's 'Assailants of Bliss'. Does anyone know if they are done with ebooks altogether? If so, does anyone have an epub of that one?

06-08-2014, 09:34 PM
TT - hmm.. Okay, that will work, then. I wish LC would release them on the website. "Minus One" is nearly 4 years old now - I am not sure why they continue to hold it.

It was a subscriber exclusive, it would be a bit shoddy to promise exclusives to loyal customers then release them anyway.

06-08-2014, 10:09 PM
It was a subscriber exclusive, it would be a bit shoddy to promise exclusives to loyal customers then release them anyway.

But they are available online, if you know where to look so I don't think there would be a problem putting them on their website. You subscribe you still get them free, otherwise you would have to pay.

06-08-2014, 10:11 PM
It's time for another small update to my formatted ebook series.
It contains proofread and fixed versions of NA 55-61 and MA 27-33.


dwupdates20140607 (

Btw, any help doing the proofreading would be much appreciated.
I started reading these books before I knew how to fix them properly and I don't intend to read them again so soon.
These books are: NA 1-31, MA 1-3, EDA 1-5, TC 1-2, TM 1-3, DEC 1 and BFBS 1-7.

06-08-2014, 10:13 PM
Lufa! Lufa! Lufa! (wait for it...)

Shiny Suds funny commercial - YouTube (


06-08-2014, 10:35 PM
But they are available online, if you know where to look so I don't think there would be a problem putting them on their website. You subscribe you still get them free, otherwise you would have to pay.

Everything is available online if you know where to look but, as a business, LC need to offer incentives to customer loyalty and to go back on the terms of that incentive wouldn't be good PR. In any case, it's a model they've abandoned now and instead the subscription is discounted.

06-08-2014, 10:55 PM
Speaking of everything being available if you know where to look, and I know this is somewhat off-topic, but I tend to lurk in this thread in case anyone posts any more Medic fan anthologies. Thanks to you guys I've gotten the first Impeccable Scheduling book and the one "named after how long things can be kept in the cupboard" as timevortex called it. I would be happy to see the others. I imagine they'll be hard to find, as they were all limited releases. Keep in mind that there's also a re-release of the first Impeccable Scheduling book which had two additional stories, but I hear only 150 copies were released.

I'm also seeking 10logs 4 and 5. I know that 4 was mostly about the family of one of Medic 7's assistants, and 5 barely had anything to do with Medic. But I'd still like to have them, and they're proving to be elusive.

06-08-2014, 11:41 PM
Everything is available online if you know where to look but, as a business, LC need to offer incentives to customer loyalty and to go back on the terms of that incentive wouldn't be good PR. In any case, it's a model they've abandoned now and instead the subscription is discounted.

And the idea to have 'The 4Ds' as only EVER a subscription bonus really back-fired on them in terms of PR. Whilst they possibly could get away with putting it on sale they could face a proper legal action from Trading Standards due to how it was advertised in the first place.

06-08-2014, 11:57 PM
Couldn't they ad some framing, where someone remembers that the Four Doctors happened?

Dodgey but mostly legal.

06-09-2014, 12:18 PM
Funny how you remember things from your youth. I've been trying to find an old 80's episode of a show that I couldn't remember the name of but I was sure the main character was played by John Duttine of Triffids fame. After much searching it turned out the main character was played by Anthony Andrews and even after watching it I'm still convinced it was Duttine when I watched in the 80's.

Oh, the show was Play for Today: Z for Zacharia.

06-09-2014, 01:53 PM
Funny how you remember things from your youth.

I've been trying to find a series from the early nineties called Specials, it was a Police drama about part time coppers and I am intrigued to see if it is as bad as I remember, can barely find a reference to it online, let alone any of the episodes.

Was the play for today based on the book?

06-09-2014, 04:24 PM
I was sure the main character was played by John Duttine of Triffids fame.

My main John Duttine series was "To Serve Them All My Days" and it didn't hurt that I quite fancied Belinda Lang. If you've ever watched this show you'll realise that it traumatised me and I no longer get attached to on-screen characters, especially not Belinda Lang.

06-09-2014, 05:20 PM
I've been trying to find a series from the early nineties called Specials, it was a Police drama about part time coppers and I am intrigued to see if it is as bad as I remember, can barely find a reference to it online, let alone any of the episodes.

Was the play for today based on the book?

The Specials was anything but. It was dull, plodding (ha ha) and nothing to write home about. Summed up the safe approach to drama the BBC took in the early 1990s. They lost the knack.

06-09-2014, 05:27 PM
... and it didn't hurt that I quite fancied Belinda Lang....

Agreed. She was definitely a hottie.

06-09-2014, 06:11 PM
I recently decided to re-watch some old anime from my childhood with some friends.
One swore to God that Pokemon wasn't that stupid when she was a kid, even though it was the same episodes. And I didn't remember DragonBall Z to be that over-long.
I think I remember SMBC Theater, some fun youtube channels, made a video about that "My God I swear to God it wasn't like that when I was a kid, it's not possible".
(EDIT : I found the video, warning : it's SMBC humor, so kind of NSFW)

Anyway, sorry to bother people with a request, but if anyone could give help me to listen to latest T N "The ones who made it" from L C, I would be very grateful. I'm seriously considering buying it, but I would prefer to hear it first.

06-09-2014, 07:54 PM
R.I.P Rik Mayall

A high school teacher got me into The Young Ones and since then I've probably watched the series a hundred times. Rik Mayall and his talents will be missed.

Rik Mayall, Star of &#x2018;The Young Ones,&#x2019; Dead at 56 (

06-09-2014, 08:47 PM
R.I.P Rik Mayall

A high school teacher got me into The Young Ones and since then, I've probably watched the series a hundred times. Rik Mayall and his talents will be missed.

Rik Mayall, Star of ‘The Young Ones,’ Dead at 56 (

Holy shit! I am truly gutted by this :(

06-09-2014, 10:08 PM
Holy shit! I am truly gutted by this :(

I think nearly everyone is. A legend, like many many others, gone before their time. RIP Rik

06-09-2014, 10:34 PM
Edmondson paid tribute to his friend, saying: "There were times when Rik and I were writing together when we almost died laughing.

"They were some of the most carefree stupid days I ever had, and I feel privileged to have shared them with him.

"And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish b*****d."

06-09-2014, 11:54 PM
R.I.P Rik Mayall

A high school teacher got me into The Young Ones and since then I've probably watched the series a hundred times. Rik Mayall and his talents will be missed.

Rik Mayall, Star of ‘The Young Ones,’ Dead at 56 (

So shocked by the news of his early death, the man was a comedy genius. so sad.

06-10-2014, 12:23 AM
My main John Duttine series was "To Serve Them All My Days" and it didn't hurt that I quite fancied Belinda Lang. If you've ever watched this show you'll realise that it traumatised me and I no longer get attached to on-screen characters, especially not Belinda Lang.

Who didn't fancy Belinda Lang in that?? But did you spot Matthew Waterhouse?

06-10-2014, 01:32 AM
Forgot to add my own R.I.P. to the B'Stard!

06-10-2014, 07:59 AM
RIP to Rik. I'll never tire of exposing people to Guest House Paradiso. (or vice-versa)

06-10-2014, 08:32 AM
Yep, it's a sad day for British comedy. Was only watching Bottom the other day, thinking how excellent it still is. RIP

06-10-2014, 10:24 AM
Rik Mayall's death is incredibly sad - and at such a young age. Anything he was in was funnier for his presence, and to those of us that had the privilege to see him live had the chance to see what a quick-witted comedy genius he was.

Alexei Sayle was absolutely right when he said that Mayall could make good comedy out of nothing.

06-10-2014, 01:07 PM
Bloke's 6+1 Behind Bars.

I'll leave this up for several days. Enjoy!



06-10-2014, 02:44 PM
Bloke's 6+1 Behind Bars.

I'll leave this up for several days. Enjoy!

Amazing. So quick. Cheers

06-10-2014, 02:48 PM
Did anyone post the Sir - Vive - Ors yet? [i was away for a week and dont know if i missed it]

06-10-2014, 02:54 PM
Thanks for this dwst4! :)

06-10-2014, 06:35 PM
Loved Survivors as a TV series, met Ian McCulloch a few years ago too, nice chap. Really looking forward to hearing LC's take on it.

It felt a little too much like the walking dead, but without Zombies to me!
I really liked the original series, didn't mind the updated version a few years back and read the novel a few times, however I stand by my opening comment...TWD without zombies!
Some of the story beats and issues are lifted from it wholesale, I know there are no NEW stories to be told, and everything is a version of something else, but taking a current world wide smash hit series and lifting from it so blatantly, is rather dumb!
That said, it is well acted, produced and edited, and other than the feeling of "heard it all before", it was entertaining!

06-10-2014, 08:01 PM
It felt a little too much like the walking dead, but without Zombies to me!
I really liked the original series, didn't mind the updated version a few years back and read the novel a few times, however I stand by my opening comment...TWD without zombies!
Some of the story beats and issues are lifted from it wholesale, I know there are no NEW stories to be told, and everything is a version of something else, but taking a current world wide smash hit series and lifting from it so blatantly, is rather dumb!
That said, it is well acted, produced and edited, and other than the feeling of "heard it all before", it was entertaining!

In my first comment I should've been more clear. I didn't watch the rehash of the series, because I didn't like a lot of the actors they used. However, the original 1970s series was beyond brilliant, typical Terry Nation stuff - also starkly different from what I did see of the remake.

I'm still looking forward to the audio version, will be interesting to here a new take.

06-10-2014, 09:53 PM
In my first comment I should've been more clear. I didn't watch the rehash of the series, because I didn't like a lot of the actors they used. However, the original 1970s series was beyond brilliant, typical Terry Nation stuff - also starkly different from what I did see of the remake.

I'm still looking forward to the audio version, will be interesting to here a new take.

The LC one kind of takes elements of both versions, which I guess is kind of natural for some will only know the newer version, and of course the afore mentioned TWD. As I said though, it was well made, acted and entertaining, but too familiar/similar to other things that have been done of late. I think it has the potential to blossom out into its own thing, but could also morph into something like the original due to the way it played out (I wont spoilers here).
The one think that did disappoint me was that they had the potential to make it really, really dark, because you can get away with a hell of lot of inhuman brutality on audio, and really go to town with some of the themes that TN raised in the original, but they played it a little safe!
Oh well, maybe that may come in time.

06-11-2014, 02:08 AM
For anyone interested - Torchwood: Asylum is on BBC radio 4 extra website for the next 4 days:

BBC Radio 4 Extra - Torchwood, Asylum (

06-11-2014, 09:05 AM


06-11-2014, 11:12 AM
Does anyone have the Sap and S Audios by Big F, please?

06-11-2014, 11:42 AM
Nope, that code's just TOO impenetrable for me, I'm afraid...

06-11-2014, 12:56 PM
Can somebody point me towards the biggest hill around, so I can put up this huge neon sign ...

06-11-2014, 02:02 PM
Can somebody point me towards the biggest hill around, so I can put up this huge neon sign ...

Depends on the area in the UK where you live. I'd go the whole hog and slog up Ben Nevis.

To any "newbies" on here, for God's sake, PLEASE try and be cryptic when posting requests! This forum has some lovely, genuine people who share what they have paid for, then, they kindly share for those of us, who simply can't afford to keep up with the releases. I for one have found this place a wonderful way for sharing.
Oh, and its my birthday today. "Another year over, a new one just begun." Sadly, got less ahead of me now, more behind!

06-11-2014, 05:17 PM
Can somebody point me towards the biggest hill around, so I can put up this huge neon sign ...

I think you should go for a blimp piloted by Br1gg$y. It'll draw less attention than that post.

Happy Birthday Ufokev :)

06-11-2014, 09:10 PM
I will point out that NO other thread or section on the Shrine uses any sort of cryptic code or nonsense in them at all, not even for posts. So ridiculing a member for honestly not knowing the "rules" of your little group lacks class, don't you think?

06-11-2014, 09:31 PM
I will point out that NO other thread or section on the Shrine uses any sort of cryptic code or nonsense in them at all, not even for posts. So ridiculing a member for honestly not knowing the "rules" of your little group lacks class, don't you think?

I think that so many sharers on this particular group have had cease and desist notices that they are somewhat wary of openly identifying requests.

06-11-2014, 09:36 PM
He posted in the request forum and I suggested he ask here since many of you would have a better idea of what he was even asking for. He was just following advice he was given.

---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------

There was no way he could have known any different.

06-11-2014, 09:43 PM
There was no way he could have known any different.

I accept that but people are still jittery. I think a problem is that the producers of this particular product are very keen on protecting it and are very active in hunting down any distribution. I'm amazed that other threads are as open as they are in discussions about material so it must be slightly disconcerting to come in here and suddenly it's all paranoia and secrecy.

06-11-2014, 09:52 PM
It seems that my earlier post has started this, so I would like to nip it in the bud just in case it all flares up again.

All we're doing is trying to make our posts and requests a little harder to flag and personally I hate the whole secret squirrel thing and would like to apologise if I've rubbed anyone up the wrong way.

I do have the audios that were requested and will try and upload them over the next couple of days.

Edit: And happy birthday Ufokev

06-11-2014, 09:59 PM
No flares. Just making one comment. I felt bad I got him into any tough spot. I was just following up on the request forum. it's no big, just pointing out most people outside of this group would not know about cryptic.

---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 PM ----------

Dunno why the plays are so much more protected and sensitive? Maybe the actual buyers in the target audience is much lower than music even and it is imperative they get every sale possible? But, almost no thread or group has the level of issue as these. I have often wondered.

06-11-2014, 10:00 PM
Yeah, but I think that recently we've shown that an innocuous remark can be blown all out of proportion ;)

06-11-2014, 10:20 PM
But, almost no thread or group has the level of issue as these. I have often wondered.

I know from personal experience that this company pursues its copyright vigorously. Maybe for the reasons you state and because it's an expensive license to own.

06-11-2014, 10:49 PM
So I started listening to Terri Countries Still Alive Episode 1: "Apocalypse". Not a good idea (for me at least) to listen to it as I'm trying to fall a sleep. Who knew incessant coughing would be so unnerving? I had to listen to two Blokes 6+1 Freedom Sagas audio-books before I could fall asleep.
Also despite the fact that I know full well that it has nothing to do with zombie, I kept expecting them to pop up some how throughout the episode. And today while I'm out and about I keep noticing everyone that coughs.

06-11-2014, 11:08 PM
Haha know what you mean. It's worse because I have a cold right now, so guess what? Yep, coughing.

06-12-2014, 12:32 AM
B'day Ufokev.


Hmm... coughing creepy.

And now I'm starting to worry about those cough's guygardener sent my way recently in post #23615.

06-12-2014, 01:43 AM
Just finished the first part of Tales From The Coughing and pretty impressed.

There's a thing niggling at me, though ... I know these are meant to parallel the original TV run, so I suppose they're set in the mid/late 70s, but I honestly can't think of anything (in the first one, at least) that confirms the date? It's only a minor thing, but just wondering if I'd missed something?

Which actually makes a bit of a change compared to C-Meas where I felt like I was being battered over the head with 60s references.

Now, I must go and find some lemsip. Suddenly started feeling a bit flu-y.

06-12-2014, 03:31 AM
I think they're set in the present day, actually. Very good, though. I've heard the first two and was most impressed. Hope they keep up the quality...

06-12-2014, 04:45 AM
I have them split into their respective parts, Crimson is split into 4 episodes, but Minus One is a single episode.

Teporal Tomato - would you please be able to share "Fiends of Crimson Tiny House and Other Stories"? Thank you in advance.

06-12-2014, 07:14 AM
I think they're set in the present day, actually. Very good, though. I've heard the first two and was most impressed. Hope they keep up the quality...

I don't think they are - John Redgrave introduces himself as being from the Department of Health and Social Security and that hasn't existed in the UK for over 20 years.

---------- Post added at 07:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------

Teporal Tomato - would you please be able to share "Fiends of Crimson Tiny House and Other Stories"? Thank you in advance.

Doesn't look like it, so here you go ... RWQ

06-12-2014, 09:24 AM
I don't think they are - John Redgrave introduces himself as being from the Department of Health and Social Security and that hasn't existed in the UK for over 20 years.

---------- Post added at 07:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------

Doesn't look like it, so here you go ... RWQ
<!--> Do you have the link to the post that shared the The last people? by the dustbin creator? people keep talking about listening to it and I can't seem to find the RWQ

06-12-2014, 09:43 AM
Do you have the link to the post that shared the The last people? by the dustbin creator? people keep talking about listening to it and I can't seem to find the RWQ

Sorry, I didn't get mine from here; I don't think they've even been posted here yet. I would upload them, but I don't have them right now - they're on my PC at home and I'm supposed to be busy at work.

06-12-2014, 09:44 AM
Never Mind.

06-12-2014, 09:51 AM
Thank in advance. Much appreciated

06-12-2014, 04:26 PM
Here is "Emerald & Silver", the Sci-Fi adventure requested by HoodedMan1976, the three seasons. Due to the huge size of the .zip, the second one is split.
I didn't remember I already got them and thought I would already upload them, saving some time to Andyb2011.

RWQ (which means you need to click on "reply with quote" to see the links).


06-12-2014, 05:19 PM
I don't think they are - John Redgrave introduces himself as being from the Department of Health and Social Security and that hasn't existed in the UK for over 20 years.


Started to noticed other subtle dating, too; Polytechnics haven't been around since the early '90s, and when was the last time you'ld find a regular car with a short-wave radio?

06-12-2014, 06:41 PM
would anyone be willing to share the two "Voyage to" stories featuring Six and the two Victorian Gentlemen. Need something to listen to while working on some projects.

06-12-2014, 08:43 PM
would anyone be willing to share the two "Voyage to" stories featuring Six and the two Victorian Gentlemen. Need something to listen to while working on some projects.

Here for you, I especially love them, were my first Sixie audios and loved them.


<!-- The Medic - Voyage to ( -->

06-13-2014, 12:30 AM
Much thanks to Loriant and AndyB, and to Amanda, for the links and advice. I have amended my original post to be more obscure. Apologies for not following correct protocol here. The last thing I want to do here is to bring things down and ruin this great sharing community for everyone. As Amanda says, this is the first group I've encountered here where encryption is used. It makes sense, so I'm cool with having my fingers wrapped on this occasion ;)

Appreciate the share!

06-13-2014, 09:47 AM
Much thanks to Loriant and AndyB, and to Amanda, for the links and advice. I have amended my original post to be more obscure. Apologies for not following correct protocol here. The last thing I want to do here is to bring things down and ruin this great sharing community for everyone. As Amanda says, this is the first group I've encountered here where encryption is used. It makes sense, so I'm cool with having my fingers wrapped on this occasion

Welcome to the gang, it's true we have some strange ways here but you'll get used to it, I'm glad the wrap across the fingers didn't hurt to much :)

06-13-2014, 01:56 PM

Started to noticed other subtle dating, too; Polytechnics haven't been around since the early '90s, and when was the last time you'ld find a regular car with a short-wave radio?

no mobile phones - she's trying to ring her fianc� etc from the airport. she's a corporate attorney - she'd definitely have had a mobile by the mid-eighties.

I'm enjoying this series so far I must say; best thing I've heard out of LC for ages!

06-13-2014, 02:39 PM
Here for you, I especially love them, were my first Sixie audios and loved them.


<!-- The Medic - Voyage to ( -->
Thank you. Much appreciated.

06-13-2014, 05:21 PM
Not to be "that guy" or anything, but the new box set featuring a certain adventuring archeologist and friend to the Seventh and Eighth Medics has been released. That is all. :)

06-13-2014, 07:17 PM
Not to be "that guy" or anything, but the new box set featuring a certain adventuring archeologist and friend to the Seventh and Eighth Medics has been released. That is all. :)

I think you know what we do to ..."People".. like you, sir.

06-13-2014, 07:22 PM
I think you know what we do to ..."People".. like you, sir.
In fairness, I haven't requested much from people lately. Plus, when I do, I'm not as obnoxious about it as other people seem to be. So, maybe a bit more leeway for me is in order, hmm?

06-13-2014, 07:28 PM
In fairness, I haven't requested much from people lately. Plus, when I do, I'm not as obnoxious about it as other people seem to be. So, maybe a bit more leeway for me is in order, hmm?

Okay, Okay

06-13-2014, 07:45 PM
Okay, Okay
Thanks. :)

06-13-2014, 10:20 PM
I think you know what we do to ..."People".. like you, sir.

Soooo, you wrap his hands in chains, tie him to a post and worship him. :) ;)

06-13-2014, 11:10 PM
Soooo, you wrap his hands in chains, tie him to a post and worship him. :) ;)

Nah. They're making him into a wooden pepperpot!

06-13-2014, 11:15 PM
Curse you all!!

06-13-2014, 11:48 PM

Looks like they guy on the left is miming what his wife is thinking of doing to the man on the stake and the others are just in various stages of 'REALLY'

06-14-2014, 02:35 AM
I think you know what we do to ..."People".. like you, sir.

All 13 incarnations of Obi Wan Kenobi burning himself at the stake.

06-14-2014, 03:28 AM
All 13 incarnations of Obi Wan Kenobi burning himself at the stake.

Or Ewan McGregor's accent, at least...

06-14-2014, 03:34 AM
So, a question about Audacity.. Andyb2011 was able to help me with Four+One Medic's tale, "Fiends of Crimson Tiny House and Other Stories". However, all four of the tales are combined into one big mp3. He suggested Audacity for me to edit them in four separate ones. Is Audacity pretty simple to pick up on?

06-14-2014, 07:04 AM

06-14-2014, 08:01 AM
I think so, I've used it before for minor edits to audio files and it seemed pretty straightforward to me.

Yeah, it's pretty straightforward and you can even put in labels (and give them suitable names if you like) where you want the breaks to be and export the sections as individual files (which are automatically named based on the label names).

Just make sure you download and install the mp3 audacity codec to save as mp3 files.

06-14-2014, 08:33 AM
So, a question about Audacity.. Andyb2011 was able to help me with Four+One Medic's tale, "Fiends of Crimson Tiny House and Other Stories". However, all four of the tales are combined into one big mp3. He suggested Audacity for me to edit them in four separate ones. Is Audacity pretty simple to pick up on?

It's fairly simple, you just need to look for the breaks in audio and the where the wiggly things (I believe that is the the technical term) peak, which is normally the closing theme around the 20-30 minute mark.

But don't bother with this one, I have it right here. Sorry it took me an age and a half, that tedious thing known as "Real Life" got in the way, but I got there in the end. :D

Also, whoever it was who was after the 7+1 Medic tales "Irony Substance of the Pepper Pots" - "To the Mort" & "Dimmed Ocular Spheres" and everything after 20x2 Birth Celebration Extravaganza, that has been completely uploaded as of around last Sunday, just in case you haven't checked. The link to those folders is also down below. :)




06-14-2014, 10:33 AM
I'm looking for 2 One Shot comics to complete my collection - I thought I would ask here as many of you are interested in other fandoms
I'm looking for 2 Planet of the Apes comics from Boom! Studios. Both released in 2013 - I need Planet of the Apes Giant and Planet of the Apes Spectacular

Please PM me with any help you can give

Thanks in advance

06-14-2014, 05:12 PM
It's fairly simple, you just need to look for the breaks in audio and the where the wiggly things (I believe that is the the technical term) peak, which is normally the closing theme around the 20-30 minute mark.

But don't bother with this one, I have it right here. Sorry it took me an age and a half, that tedious thing known as "Real Life" got in the way, but I got there in the end. :D

THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! I have been having a hellish two weeks with my depression, and this just truly made my day that much shinier! *hug*

06-14-2014, 05:55 PM
Has anyone got the ebook of the latest book release about the Medic and the famous English playright? Apparently it has the "battle medic" in it, and it's sparked my interest. :)

06-14-2014, 06:36 PM
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! I have been having a hellish two weeks with my depression, and this just truly made my day that much shinier! *hug*

Spacedog2K5 dont worry, I know what joy this thread brings to me. Even after 11 years after losing my wife and soul mate, along with money troubles, the lovely people who kindly share on this thread brings a little light into my deep dark times. Everyone seems to think we can "Snap out of it"... Hmmm... Well, we can't sadly. Keep on smiling at what the world throws at you, and remember, as my wife used to say: "What goes around, comes around..." Wise bunny my wife.

06-14-2014, 10:36 PM
Speaking of everything being available if you know where to look, and I know this is somewhat off-topic, but I tend to lurk in this thread in case anyone posts any more Medic fan anthologies. Thanks to you guys I've gotten the first Impeccable Scheduling book and the one "named after how long things can be kept in the cupboard" as timevortex called it. I would be happy to see the others. I imagine they'll be hard to find, as they were all limited releases. Keep in mind that there's also a re-release of the first Impeccable Scheduling book which had two additional stories, but I hear only 150 copies were released.

I'm also seeking 10logs 4 and 5. I know that 4 was mostly about the family of one of Medic 7's assistants, and 5 barely had anything to do with Medic. But I'd still like to have them, and they're proving to be elusive.

If I'm not mistaken, an excellent poster named l0calh0st has provided links to epubs (various formats) of many medic books., including a bunch of anthologies as well as all 5 of the 10logs.

Check out post # 22699 on page 908
also go to post ##22746 on page 910 (I believe the 10logs are in this one... i think, iirc)
and some updated extra goodies # 23641 on page 946 (although, the updates here are also represented on the previous link, if you hadn't already obtained from there)

And be sure to like & thank all of l0calh0sts efforts.

And if *I* have forgotten to do so, THANK YOU l0calh0st!
My love of reading had taken a hit because I couldn't lug books around with me on my current job (nowhere to stash them without fear of destruction or loss) but now with the e-reader files, I can keep a bunch on hand on a small device.
I am reading voraciously again.

Thank you!

06-14-2014, 11:56 PM
Another great man of comedy is lost to us :(

'Allo! 'Allo! Actor Sam Kelly Dies Aged 70 (

Rest in peace Sam.

06-15-2014, 12:05 AM
Another great man of comedy is lost to us :(

'Allo! 'Allo! Actor Sam Kelly Dies Aged 70 (

Rest in peace Sam.


Very underrated actor.

06-15-2014, 02:39 AM
by any chance is there an upload the 7+1 freind and her new adventures would be very happy

06-15-2014, 05:04 AM
Lol, there's always someone. Don't worry junior I'm sure we'll all get our archeological heroine fix soon enough.

06-15-2014, 05:26 AM
Lol, there's always someone. Don't worry junior I'm sure we'll all get our archeological heroine fix soon enough.
To be fair, I was the one who mentioned her new adventures first... :P I just hope it has the hi res cover art when it is provided...

06-15-2014, 07:51 AM
Another great man of comedy is lost to us :(

'Allo! 'Allo! Actor Sam Kelly Dies Aged 70 (

Rest in peace Sam.

Another wonderful theatre actor gone. I'm feeling very old again...

06-15-2014, 08:23 AM
Another wonderful theatre actor gone. I'm feeling very old again...

Yeah, actually read this last night while watching him in Porridge. Loved him in 'Allo 'Allo as well. Very sad :(

06-15-2014, 02:42 PM
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! I have been having a hellish two weeks with my depression, and this just truly made my day that much shinier! *hug*

Naaaaw, thanks! :D It's always good to know I've helped someone out! I know how you feel, I find the adventures of the Medic are a great occasional escape from reality when things gets tough.

06-15-2014, 04:01 PM
A special request... any chance someone could upload the bonus disk from the second Pepperpot Empire series, Pepperpot War? Mine doesn't seem to be working.

06-15-2014, 04:45 PM
Some more random thoughts as I listen through stories I'm sure you all got through a long while ago:

I'm now up to the first of s3 of Ms Wild Time, and I'm loving it. I think it's all quite messy, and there's several references to the Medic without actually making logical connections, but it just adds to the anarchic and parodic feel of the whole thing. I wouldn't mind a bit more coherency to the stories, but there's just something immensely fun about the adventures of the mad woman and her stuffed toy (STUFFED? HOW DARE YOU!). I'll be sad when I finish s4. Do we suppose there's any chance of further adventures? (I'd love to see her cross over to the TV series... but I suspect that's impractical for various reasons)

06-15-2014, 05:20 PM

Collection of a certain archaeologist's recent expeditions....

Happy Trails



*** All parts use the key SKARO (case sensitive) ***

*** Each part has the HI-RES cover included ***
*** NA-BS01 - 1st story ***
*** NA-BS02 - 2nd story ***
*** NA-BS03 - 3rd story ***
*** NA-BS04 - 4th story ***
*** NA-BS05 - Extras ***

*** FORMAT: 256kbps MP3 ***

( -->


:) :) :) Have a nice day :) :) :)

06-15-2014, 05:33 PM
Naaaaw, thanks! :D It's always good to know I've helped someone out! I know how you feel, I find the adventures of the Medic are a great occasional escape from reality when things gets tough.

I agree, it's kept me going through tough times too.

06-15-2014, 05:45 PM
Happy, happy, happy - Thank you Emerald13. :) :) :)

06-15-2014, 05:55 PM

Collection of a certain archaeologist's recent expeditions....

Uh, hate to be "that guy" again, but what's the password?

06-15-2014, 06:35 PM
Uh, hate to be "that guy" again, but what's the password?

It says in the OP ...

06-15-2014, 07:36 PM
It says in the OP ...
Yeah, I just now noticed. Sorry, I've been so distracted lately, that sometimes simple things elude me. It's been getting annoying...

06-15-2014, 07:41 PM

Collection of a certain archaeologist's recent expeditions....

Happy Trails

:) :) :) Have a nice day :) :) :)

I'm never quite sure how to express my gratitude for such things - a simple, if heartfelt, "Thank You" can come off as perfunctory....

So, I think, this time I'll say that you're either incredibly handsome/pretty (as appropriate), and that your hair smells nice today. And that joke you told someone today was very funny.

Who could object to that? :p

06-15-2014, 08:47 PM
I'm never quite sure how to express my gratitude for such things - a simple, if heartfelt, "Thank You" can come off as perfunctory....

So, I think, this time I'll say that you're either incredibly handsome/pretty (as appropriate), and that your hair smells nice today. And that joke you told someone today was very funny.

Who could object to that? :p

Nicely and appropriately put Claude, couldn't agree more.
Scrumptous thanks Emerald from me too, you really are a jewel.

What also be equally nice if some one could post a certain LC piece about a group of persons who withstood a debacle of sorts.
I seem to remember another party indicating they did already hear it, but I don't know if they have it, but if they do we would all I'm sure be ever so grateful if they would be so good to share it with us all.

06-15-2014, 08:49 PM
As I don't know what perfunctory means, I'm going to go ahead & say thanks Emerald & hope it sounds ok! Thanks.

06-15-2014, 09:29 PM
Nicely and appropriately put Claude, couldn't agree more.
Scrumptous thanks Emerald from me too, you really are a jewel.

What also be equally nice if some one could post a certain LC piece about a group of persons who withstood a debacle of sorts.
I seem to remember another party indicating they did already hear it, but I don't know if they have it, but if they do we would all I'm sure be ever so grateful if they would be so good to share it with us all.

I think this is what you're after - The Last Ones Alive


A big thanks to the original uploader (whoever that was).

06-15-2014, 09:51 PM
I think this is what you're after - The Last Ones Alive


A big thanks to the original uploader (whoever that was).

Indeed it was, big thanks to you too Andy, your another jewel.

06-15-2014, 10:13 PM
Thanks Emerald 13!!!!!!

06-16-2014, 05:50 AM
thanks Emerald

06-16-2014, 09:12 AM

Collection of a certain archaeologist's recent expeditions....

Happy Trails



*** All parts use the key SKARO (case sensitive) ***

*** Each part has the HI-RES cover included ***
*** NA-BS01 - 1st story ***
*** NA-BS02 - 2nd story ***
*** NA-BS03 - 3rd story ***
*** NA-BS04 - 4th story ***
*** NA-BS05 - Extras ***

*** FORMAT: 256kbps MP3 ***

( -->


:) :) :) Have a nice day :) :) :)

Ta, Emerald. :D

06-16-2014, 09:27 AM
Some more random thoughts:

I'll be sad when I finish s4. Do we suppose there's any chance of further adventures? (I'd love to see her cross over to the TV series... but I suspect that's impractical for various reasons)

I recently finished them myself and quite agree with your sentiments, I wasn't too sure immediately after I finished them, but I find I look back with fondness and would love a new series.

---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

Thanks emerald13 I tried to post before but nothing appeared. If it appears later that's why.

06-16-2014, 11:46 AM
Great stuff..Well done!

06-16-2014, 12:35 PM
Thankyou Emerald :)