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04-23-2013, 10:38 PM
Seriously, it's worth it. With a three-day free account from somewhere like ....

★ ★ Hitnews ★ ★ (

... you should be able to grab nearly everything you need from the ...


... group.

If you're on a PC get a copy of ForteAgent, read their help and FAQs, and you should be fine.

And it's times like this I wish I was better at explaining things! :)

No that's enough to be going on with, it's always been the account sign up process I've had a problem with or just nothing happening even though everything appears to be fine.

04-23-2013, 10:42 PM

04-23-2013, 10:45 PM
I've never tried to download any of them, but I'm sure there's got to be some kind of method to let you grab them if you wanted.

If you download realplayer you can download dailymotion or youtube videos with one click.

04-23-2013, 10:57 PM
Jeremy Brett first? But who second? I'd guess Basil Rathbone but I've recently gained a massive appreciation for Johnny Lee Miller's interpretation.

Top 5: Peter Cushing, Basil Rathbone, Ben Cumberbatch, Jeremy Brett, & Robert Downy Jr.

EDIT: i really like Nicholas Briggs' audio Holmes as well.

04-23-2013, 11:02 PM
Dunno if it helps, but I've recently started seeing 1gb and 2gb USB sticks in POUNDLAND of all places. Should be able to stick a complete story on one stick. Yeah, it may mean having loads of sticks, but you're unlikely to loose the lot! :)

Haven't seen those in there, will keep a look out. At the beginning of the month I bought
a few gadget's from POUNDLAND just to see what worked and didn't work and the results where-

Card reader - Does what it says on the box
USB Multi charger - Err, charges (doesn't do much else but what do you expect for a pound (WDYEFAP))
Over ear headphones - worked for a couple of weeks and the sound wasn't that bad (WDYEFAP)
Lights for Bike - Thank F@#K the days are longer.

I could go on ....

The Coriander seeds are sprouting though, which is nice.

04-23-2013, 11:07 PM

04-23-2013, 11:07 PM
That graphic really didn't show that, then! :)

BTW: I did say *irrational*, so it's not a view one should take too seriously.

My faves would have to be ... Merrison and then Brett. I've not really paid attention sufficiently to others to have a decent opinion.

I do like "Elementary". But, to be honest, it does feel more to me like "Monk 2013".

yes it did, it's a scene from Star Wars: Episode IV, if u've seen the movie it makes total since...i to like Elementary, it's a good show. i wasn't to sure how i felt about Watson being a woman, but it's actually worked out quite well. i particularly like the angle they're taking with the 2nd half of the season, Holmes teaching Watson to be a detective, that particular angle hasn't really been touched upon.

04-23-2013, 11:12 PM
Dunno if it helps, but I've recently started seeing 1gb and 2gb USB sticks in POUNDLAND of all places. Should be able to stick a complete story on one stick. Yeah, it may mean having loads of sticks, but you're unlikely to loose the lot! :)

I always thought this was great idea for storing things anyway, no pesky moving parts. I even ran over one once and it still continued to work, should add I didn't buy it from POUNDLAND!

04-23-2013, 11:12 PM
If you have just 'deleted them' they are recoverable all that has happened is the file allocation table now shows that space is available. Thing to do is to stop using that drive immediately to prevent any of the data being over written! What OS are you using?

Unfortunately it was over a month ago and I've been transferring, transcoding , deleting and many other things that end in 'ing.

؟Read into that what you will؟

Not sure I need those sarcasm marks but I've just set up a shortcut and wanted to know if they work!

Edit.... sorry the OS is good old XP.

04-23-2013, 11:18 PM

04-23-2013, 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by DemonSeedMonkey
Canon is specifically and exactly what I believe it to be, and not what anyone else believes it to be.

That is precisely my point :)

And mine as well. Since Canon is a dictate from "on high" on what shall and shall not be accepted, I say *no* Who fan would sit still for it (even if that authority received their paychecks from the BBC) if anyone actually bothered to try. But no one has. No one will. DemonSeedMonkey rightly illustrates: no two of us will ever agree on the continuity of DW. This is a dead parrot.

Maybe it's the old street-punk in me, but I find that refreshingly liberating :)

RedSkutter: here's a couple toe-rent linkies. The first is a new one getting good reviews, but I haven't d'loaded from it myself. The second is far more comprehensive. RWQ


04-23-2013, 11:21 PM
No that's enough to be going on with, it's always been the account sign up process I've had a problem with or just nothing happening even though everything appears to be fine.

Hitnews is stupid enough to allow you to keep registering from the same pc over and over again. I use the 'disposable addresses' on Yahoo email to generate a new address. Their main 'issue' is it takes about half an hour for an account to become 'live' after you've clicked the 'verify' email.

Once you're up and running and just getting stuff on a day-to-day basis, I recommend ...

They say 25gb before they cut you off, but they've yet to kill my account and I've certainly snarfed more than that getting US TV programmes every week.


They're not particularly fast downloads from there via the free account, but still generally faster than torrunt!

04-23-2013, 11:24 PM
yes it did, it's a scene from Star Wars: Episode IV ...

I'll take your word for it! It looks to me like some 8bit graphic of one of the Monty Python Inquisition Team! :)

04-23-2013, 11:27 PM
Hmm, I think I need to reread "Lungbarrow". I've read hardly any of the NA books; only the ones that were posted on the BBC Classic Who website (which are now apparently gone). But "Lungbarrow" was one of the ones on the site, and I don't remember anything about Susan being adopted - and I'd have thought that was a significant enough break that I'd remember it. I need to go back and check if I missed something.

(Of the few NAs that I have read, my favourite was easily The Sands of Time - I loved the timey-wimey element in that story, and the way it all seemed to actually make logical sense in the end.)

Filling a couple req's here.

And I forgot who asked for them, but here are the LP versions of H2G2: same cast as the radio drama, but updated scripts, so no bird people or cloned archaeologists.
I wasn't one of those who asked for it, since I only just saw that you mentioned them, but thanks spiderkb for the LP versions. These were the first versions I ever heard - the local library had the LPs, and I still have 20-year-old dubs sitting around (complete with a scratch that skips a couple of seconds in the ball-point pen discussion). I've long wanted an actual copy and am glad to have what seem (after a quick check) to be very good copies.
Although there is one disappointing thing about it. At the very end of side 3, once it seems to have finished, Peter Jones comes on to say that "Arthur bruised his upper arm", as the pay-off to an earlier joke. (I've always thought the way the same joke was paid off in the radio show was a lot better, and I've always wondered why he changed it for the LPs, and the TV show if I remember correctly). I might need to find a tape deck somewhere and try to capture the audio for that line from my cassette.

04-23-2013, 11:29 PM
I'll take your word for it! It looks to me like some 8bit graphic of one of the Monty Python Inquisition Team! :)

If you're fine with to-rents
Doctor Who - The Complete Classic 26 Seasons Collection + Extras ? DOCTOR WHO CLASSIC ? isoHunt ? the BitTorrent & P2P search engine (

Took a while to download for me, but picture quality is very good.

04-23-2013, 11:30 PM
Hmm, I think I need to reread "Lungbarrow". I've read hardly any of the NA books; only the ones that were posted on the BBC Classic Who website (which are now apparently gone). But "Lungbarrow" was one of the ones on the site, and I don't remember anything about Susan being adopted - and I'd have thought that was a significant enough break that I'd remember it. I need to go back and check if I missed something.

(Of the few NAs that I have read, my favourite was easily The Sands of Time - I loved the timey-wimey element in that story, and the way it all seemed to actually make logical sense in the end.)

I wasn't one of those who asked for it, since I only just saw that you mentioned them, but thanks spiderkb for the LP versions. These were the first versions I ever heard - the local library had the LPs, and I still have 20-year-old dubs sitting around (complete with a scratch that skips a couple of seconds in the ball-point pen discussion). I've long wanted an actual copy and am glad to have what seem (after a quick check) to be very good copies.
Although there is one disappointing thing about it. At the very end of side 3, once it seems to have finished, Peter Jones comes on to say that "Arthur bruised his upper arm", as the pay-off to an earlier joke. (I've always thought the way the same joke was paid off in the radio show was a lot better, and I've always wondered why he changed it for the LPs, and the TV show if I remember correctly). I might need to find a tape deck somewhere and try to capture the audio for that line from my cassette.

If you read back a bit, I posted a link to some DW ebooks. I think there were loads of NA stories.

04-23-2013, 11:49 PM
Humbled thanks to everyone, everything you have advised has been very much appreciated but honestly I can take it from here. Otherwise I'll end up spending more time here reading the great advice and then replying to the great advice without actually doing anything with it.

If I'm stuck I'll give a shout out.

I hope that doesn't sound too Negative.

Again thanks all for your concern and what a wonderful forum!!!

04-23-2013, 11:51 PM
You've got me so paranoid, I've just ordered another external HDD to back all my medic stuff onto. ;)

04-24-2013, 12:06 AM
You've got me so paranoid, I've just ordered another external HDD to back all my medic stuff onto. ;)

Now you've got me paranoid. Back up the Audios... Where are those DVD+-r's?

Hold on I've just found an old USB HD.

No they're not on there.

Only 80 gig what should I put on there?

04-24-2013, 12:06 AM
Crap I just realised how paranoid I am I have three HDD for my audios (BF etc) and four for my avi etc, all backing up the main, plus I have everything on disc as well (well do want something on my shelves in pretty dvd boxes LOL)

Plus a HDD 8TB that has everything on and in put back in a box just in case.

I know weird but I have lost all sorts in the past because of powerouts and I got a little weirded out trying to get stuff back before I found places like this.

*slicks back into world of HDD*

04-24-2013, 12:08 AM
Ahh thinking about it that's where all the OT thangs go!

04-24-2013, 12:23 AM
Thanks guys and Girls...and goodnight.

04-24-2013, 12:27 AM
Night red, I am off too.


04-24-2013, 01:18 AM
This proves my point, each and every one of us has a different view of what is and isn't good canonical material, I agree the main drive behind these books was in virgins view to make a few quid, and from the writers view it was a release valve, a chance to put right all that they thought was wrong or could be improved upon.

Some of the books are quite well written and imaginative and I don�t think it�s fair to say they were all bad, though Transit by BA was utter tripe.

Yeah, but changing Susan's entire backstory so that some people don't have to think that the Doctor had sex with someone to produce children that turned around and had sex with someone to produce grandchildren goes way beyond the pale, doesn't it? I mean, sure, there are some things that you can brush off, but bastardizing Susan's identity so she's no longer the Doctor's granddaughter goes way, way over the line, I think. It would like claiming that it's now canon that the Doctor was never a Time Lord, or claiming that the Fourth Doctor was an impostor, therefore Eleven is actually Ten.

There are just some things that should not be touched.

04-24-2013, 01:50 AM
Dunno if it helps, but I've recently started seeing 1gb and 2gb USB sticks in POUNDLAND of all places. Should be able to stick a complete story on one stick. Yeah, it may mean having loads of sticks, but you're unlikely to loose the lot! :)

I absolutely love this. Somehow the idea of rummaging through a drawer full of drives looking for the one that has 'Myth Makers' scrawled on it with a Sharpie is both nicely futuristic and hopelessly retro.

You've got me so paranoid, I've just ordered another external HDD to back all my medic stuff onto. ;)

That's the good kind of paranoia. A few years ago I lost an external drive that had the complete MST3k run on it, not to mention my collection of 60s Euro-horror and a bunch of other great stuff. Ever since then, two copies of everything. And three copies of the most critical stuff. Nothin' like learning the hard way.

04-24-2013, 01:56 AM
Grrrr.... double post.

04-24-2013, 02:28 AM

Here is BBV's The O*the*r s*ide REMIXED:

Download BBV-TOS from - send big files the easy way (

04-24-2013, 02:39 AM
Yeah, but changing Susan's entire backstory so that some people don't have to think that the Doctor had sex with someone to produce children that turned around and had sex with someone to produce grandchildren goes way beyond the pale, doesn't it? I mean, sure, there are some things that you can brush off, but bastardizing Susan's identity so she's no longer the Doctor's granddaughter goes way, way over the line, I think. It would like claiming that it's now canon that the Doctor was never a Time Lord, or claiming that the Fourth Doctor was an impostor, therefore Eleven is actually Ten.

There are just some things that should not be touched.
Thing One: Yeah, they called each other Grandfather and granddaughter, but why does that mean they necessarily had a blood link?

Thing Two: I don't think Lungbarrow was necessarily saying that they didn't actually have that link. It was saying that it's more complicated.
Not that it wasn't fanwankily complicated of course, but it was reconcilably complicated.
Yes, it says that the Doctor was woven on a genetic loom.
But it also quite heavily implies that the Doctor is a sort of genetic reincarnation of a Gallifreyan from the Old Times, back when nobody disputes that sex was a definite part of life on Gallifrey.
One of the MA stories implies that Susan was born in those times, and taken away from then by the Doctor.
Going by this, it's possible that Susan would be the genetic granddaughter of the Old-Times version of the Doctor, and thus sort of really his granddaughter even if the Doctor proper is asexual.

04-24-2013, 02:54 AM
Thing One: Yeah, they called each other Grandfather and granddaughter, but why does that mean they necessarily had a blood link?

Thing Two: I don't think Lungbarrow was necessarily saying that they didn't actually have that link. It was saying that it's more complicated.
Not that it wasn't fanwankily complicated of course, but it was reconcilably complicated.
Yes, it says that the Doctor was woven on a genetic loom.
But it also quite heavily implies that the Doctor is a sort of genetic reincarnation of a Gallifreyan from the Old Times, back when nobody disputes that sex was a definite part of life on Gallifrey.
One of the MA stories implies that Susan was born in those times, and taken away from then by the Doctor.
Going by this, it's possible that Susan would be the genetic granddaughter of the Old-Times version of the Doctor, and thus sort of really his granddaughter even if the Doctor proper is asexual.

I think it's a little too complicated even for who LOL... Let's be serious for a minute: Susan is the actual granddaughter of someone who was reincarnated in the first incarnation of someone who will regenerate 12 times, someone with whom she is travelling now... so who the blazes is she? definitely not TL and questionably even gallifreyan since these "old times" happened b4 the Gallifreyan history actually started (the harnessing of the Eye of Harmony and the loss of Omega)

i like my doc to be the rebel who rejected TL society and who chose a better future for his granddaughter. BTW being the "savage" she was, i imagine Leela would have had sex with Andred. So somebody in Gallifrey must have still had healthy hormone levels :)

04-24-2013, 03:08 AM
I think it's a little too complicated even for who LOL... Let's be serious for a minute: Susan is the actual granddaughter of someone who was reincarnated in the first incarnation of someone who will regenerate 12 times, someone with whom she is travelling now... so who the blazes is she? definitely not TL and questionably even gallifreyan since these "old times" happened b4 the Gallifreyan history actually started (the harnessing of the Eye of Harmony and the loss of Omega)

i like my doc to be the rebel who rejected TL society and who chose a better future for his granddaughter. BTW being the "savage" she was, i imagine Leela would have had sex with Andred. So somebody in Gallifrey must have still had healthy hormone levels :)

Yes Gallifreyan, coz born on Gallifrey. Old Times, but not super old times. like just as they were starting to explore time travel. so not TL, but Gallifreyan. a contemporary of Rassilon and Omega.

neglected to mention - she was (in this story) taken away from Old-Times-Gallifrey at a time when all the babies were dying (that being to do with the reason why genetic looms rather than sexual reproduction). there are two options given for that: one, they were killing them, clean sweep kind of thing, law now saying loom-not-sex. two, they were dying of a curse from the founder of the Sisterhood of Karn, magic now saying loom-not-sex. I'd say that's choosing a better future for his granddaughter right there. Also, it does not preclude his being a rebel rejecting TL society :)

yes, Leela and Andred probably had sex. in fact, Lungbarrow has Leela pregnant. HOWEVER. Andred wasn't a TL. also, nobody said that they couldn't have sex, just that they couldn't procreate from it. It's sort of understood that the not-being-that-interested-in-sex thing is a result of the extreme longevity making it a bit impractical to keep procreating throughout life.

04-24-2013, 03:48 AM

Here is BBV's The O*the*r s*ide REMIXED:

Download BBV-TOS from - send big files the easy way (

lol i have this cd and another with a similar cover - and i have to ask WHY? WHY is she in that....pose?? I haven't heard the story but i don't see the point regardless

I've got the cds with my other cds but placed out of reach of the kids so they can't accidentally come across them and start asking questions i can't answer lmao

04-24-2013, 04:15 AM
lol i have this cd and another with a similar cover - and i have to ask WHY? WHY is she in that....pose?? I haven't heard the story but i don't see the point regardless

I've got the cds with my other cds but placed out of reach of the kids so they can't accidentally come across them and start asking questions i can't answer lmao

As the old saying goes "Lord knows! And he ain't saying!"

Those two stories are pretty good, though. SMcC couldn't make the recordings so she carries them both on her own merit, and she makes a damn fine job of it. And there's one particularly powerful scene with the usually affable Mr Longwirth that's ... well ... not how you normally hear him. Even when playing The Lore Man.

They're definitely worth a listen.

04-24-2013, 04:21 AM
lol i have this cd and another with a similar cover - and i have to ask WHY? WHY is she in that....pose?? I haven't heard the story but i don't see the point regardless

I've got the cds with my other cds but placed out of reach of the kids so they can't accidentally come across them and start asking questions i can't answer lmao

So THIS is the reason Ace never made it to TL academy... Definitely too much for any 800 yr-old TL or Gallifreyan to handle... just may make them rethink the whole looming thing...

you know we could start a debate on this: wombing VS looming. what do you think???

04-24-2013, 04:24 AM
So THIS is the reason Ace never made it to TL academy... Definitely too much for any 800 yr-old TL or Gallifreyan to handle... just may make them rethink the whole looming thing...

you know we could start a debate on this: wombing VS looming. what do you think???

i think that conversation could get out of hand very very quickly lmao

04-24-2013, 04:29 AM
i think that conversation could get out of hand very very quickly lmao

I was only kidding evilmonk :)

04-24-2013, 04:46 AM
wombing VS looming

LMAO! I'm totally stealing that from you.

04-24-2013, 04:54 AM
I like looms. It's something different from your regular reproduction, and not quite cloning. It's an idea I fully intend to shamelessly steal for one of my own stories, when I find the right place for it.

04-24-2013, 06:46 AM
Unfortunately it was over a month ago and I've been transferring, transcoding , deleting and many other things that end in 'ing.

؟Read into that what you will؟

Not sure I need those sarcasm marks but I've just set up a shortcut and wanted to know if they work!

Edit.... sorry the OS is good old XP.

Sorry wasn't being sarcastic was just trying making the point that on most OSs deleting files doesn't immediately actually scrub the files off the disk just marks that space as available for writing over. Sounds like too long has passed to get a lot back but depending on the size of the HD some might still be there intact

04-24-2013, 09:33 AM
Ouch! I had a recovery programme somewhere from when I did something similar. There's a very slim chance I may still have it - will check my pc at work and if I do I will send you it.

In the meantime, a few DW ebooks I found while looking for it. Don't know where they came from, or when, but enjoy!



Will leave the link up for 24 hours or so.
While I was dl'd this to see what it included I was asked to type in a captcha to prove I wasn't a bot. I had to type in 'river song'. Make of that what you will.

04-24-2013, 09:49 AM
This proves my point, each and every one of us has a different view of what is and isn't good canonical material, I agree the main drive behind these books was in virgins view to make a few quid, and from the writers view it was a release valve, a chance to put right all that they thought was wrong or could be improved upon.

Some of the books are quite well written and imaginative and I don�t think it�s fair to say they were all bad, though Transit by BA was utter tripe.

It certainly was - although his "Also People" was one of my faves. I generally prefer the earlier ones, before they went completely up their own bot-bot, stuff like "Highest Science", "Nightshade" and "Human Nature" (all, BTW, by people who went on to write for the series proper). "Just War" was a good 'un, too, and that gotr re-made by LC for the early Benny range...

Personally, I generally preferred the MAs - but some of them were bilge as well ("Man In The Velvet Mask", take a bow...)

04-24-2013, 10:02 AM

Here is BBV's The O*the*r s*ide REMIXED:

Download BBV-TOS from - send big files the easy way (

Given that cover, I think "The Other Side" is a needlessly provocative title... :P

04-24-2013, 10:23 AM

Here is BBV's The O*the*r s*ide REMIXED:

Download BBV-TOS from - send big files the easy way (

Again, fantastic!!! Can I ask what program you use to make the covers? Thanks x

04-24-2013, 12:13 PM
While I was dl'd this to see what it included I was asked to type in a captcha to prove I wasn't a bot. I had to type in 'river song'. Make of that what you will.

Quite recently I had to type "amy pond" into a captcha!

04-24-2013, 01:30 PM
Forgive the Pavlov's dog impersonation, but --

Those two stories are pretty good, though. ... And there's one particularly powerful scene with the usually affable Mr Longworth that's ... well ... not how you normally hear him. Even when playing The Lore Man.

*Sits up, pricks up ears* He's in one of the Ace Specials? Could you please specify which one?

04-24-2013, 01:37 PM
*Sits up, pricks up ears* He's in one of the Ace Specials? Could you please specify which one?

If I remember correctly, it's "The Other Side". It's only a brief scene. but he and Sophie play it very well. Spine chilling, in fact.

04-24-2013, 02:40 PM
If I remember correctly, it's "The Other Side". It's only a brief scene. but he and Sophie play it very well. Spine chilling, in fact.

I just listened to it again (first time in 10 years) and I can't seem to find a chilling scene featuring a male actor at all... There's one man in this (other than McCoy) - the paramedic, no idea who the actor is - and I think I also heard John Ainsworth once, but that was it. The only Time Travellers BBV audio I recall that features a scene that chilled me is Only Human, where Ace's child-molesting step father makes an appearance. The voice I remember doesn't sound like any of the 20+ I've heard Longworth do but could that be the story you mean?

04-24-2013, 03:05 PM
...The only Time Travellers BBV audio I recall that features a scene that chilled me is Only Human, where Ace's child-molesting step father makes an appearance. The voice I remember doesn't sound like any of the 20+ I've heard Longworth do but could that be the story you mean?

The scene certainly sounds right. Well blow me, I would have sworn it was in one of the Ace lead ones.

04-24-2013, 03:24 PM
HOWEVER. Andred wasn't a TL.
have you heard the homeplanet audios?

04-24-2013, 03:46 PM
Can somebody explain where this whole 'Timelords can't/don't have sex' thing has come from?

This is not me being sarcastic, I've honestly never heard this before. :o

04-24-2013, 03:55 PM
Can somebody explain where this whole 'Timelords can't/don't have sex' thing has come from?

This is not me being sarcastic, I've honestly never heard this before. :o

It's sex of one, and half a dozen of the other...

04-24-2013, 04:18 PM
Can somebody explain where this whole 'Timelords can't/don't have sex' thing has come from?

This is not me being sarcastic, I've honestly never heard this before. :o

Gonna try to nutshell it for you LOL:

Peter Davison gets cast as The Doctor. Young guy. Young Ladies. And another teen guy. The Producer, JNT feared there might be complaints of hanky-panky going on in the TARDIS. Davison was asked to play The Doctor as very old and aloof.

Later, this re-surfaces when shooting The Five Doctors. JNT asked Carole Ann Ford to NOT call the Doctor "Grandfather", as that would definitely imply sex had happened at some point in The Doctor's past and therefore draw attention again to Davison's age and the attractiveness of his companions. Ford is reported have laughed in JNT's face. Even 1963 wasn't THAT uptight.

A couple years later, Andrew Cartmell, script supervisor, is tasked with making The Doctor mysterious again. The de-sexualisation/impotence of Timelords becomes part of his "masterplan" as do a number of things regarding Tmelord physiology, society, and The Doctor's actual history. But that should forever keep away the puritanical eye from The Doctor's underpants.

Some of these hints make it into the show before it gets canned.

A couple years later, Virgin begins their book range with the promise to go further with DW than the TV show ever could. Some authors interpret that to mean "more sex and cussing!" Others take it to mean deeper, more psychological stories, timey-wimey stuff, and scarier monsters. Along the way, they decide to incorporate The Cartmel Masterplan with The Doctor's history. It became apparant to later authors that three were some problems with incorporating this with early TV continuity. They had to choose between changing The Plan, or changing history.

They chose the latter. Some fans think they chose poorly.

04-24-2013, 04:26 PM
Ah, gotcha. Thanks for that info.

I can see why they did it, but sounds like so much shite. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad :(

04-24-2013, 04:27 PM
It's sex of one, and half a dozen of the other...

Is "the other" the one mentioned by The Doctor as being present with Rassilon and Omega? Blimey, he gets around.

04-24-2013, 04:34 PM
Anyone have ebooks of the latest 3 NSAs or the latest anniversary comic?

04-24-2013, 04:45 PM
Anyone have ebooks of the latest 3 NSAs or the latest anniversary comic?

Comic RWQ


04-24-2013, 05:06 PM
Does anyone happen to have a copy of the latest audio T#h#e# #D#a#l#e#k# by #N#i#c#k# #B#r#i#g#g#s#

Thanks In Advance

04-24-2013, 07:15 PM
Anyone else heard Barrowman will be in the Christmas special? A few random people have said it now, and I keep saying I haven't heard it. But worried I am just out of the loop.

04-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Not seen anything.

04-24-2013, 07:23 PM
Anyone else heard Barrowman will be in the Christmas special? A few random people have said it now, and I keep saying I haven't heard it. But worried I am just out of the loop.

Don't think they're thinking that far ahead. He's only just heard he will not be in the 50th.

04-24-2013, 07:29 PM
Thats what I thought too. But you know those mini moments of panic when you have been away from your PC for a few days and then think you have missed everything. And then realise you haven't...

04-24-2013, 08:07 PM
From what I've read on various sites Barrowman is pretty pissed that he's not been asked back for the 50th.

04-24-2013, 08:12 PM
I honestly think that the whole Doctor/Romance thing needs to be put to rest. It's so tiresome.

04-24-2013, 08:14 PM
It's weird. With the 5oth coming up, I didn't even give a Christmas special any thought until a coworker asked if they were doing one. I assumed so. Then he asked how long the anniversary special would be. Scratched my head and assumed it would be 90 mins. Has anyone heard anything official on either questions?

04-24-2013, 08:14 PM
I honestly think that the whole Doctor/Romance thing needs to be put to rest. It's so tiresome.

By revealing Romana's long lost hidden love child?

04-24-2013, 08:15 PM
I honestly think that the whole Doctor/Romance thing needs to be put to rest. It's so tiresome.

Same here. Does anyone really give a monkeys if TLs have sex or not?

04-24-2013, 08:15 PM
What? Romana? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Mostly I just think that it's an unimaginative angle that keeps bogging the new show down.

04-24-2013, 08:16 PM
By revealing Romana's long lost hidden love child?

Is in fact Clara :)

(Pull pin, throw hand grenade and DUCK!!)

04-24-2013, 08:28 PM

Here is BBV's The O*the*r s*ide REMIXED:

Download BBV-TOS from - send big files the easy way (

I'm assuming you've saved the proper cover for this one for the left H*a*n*d of D*a*r*k*n*e*s*s? Never worked out why they did them that way round.

04-24-2013, 08:30 PM
Same here. Does anyone really give a monkeys if TLs have sex or not?

؟Not unless it involves lots of sparks and flowing energy streams؟

04-24-2013, 08:39 PM
It's weird. With the 5oth coming up, I didn't even give a Christmas special any thought until a coworker asked if they were doing one. I assumed so. Then he asked how long the anniversary special would be. Scratched my head and assumed it would be 90 mins. Has anyone heard anything official on either questions?

Nothing official either way. The BBC Worldwide poster said 60, but others said it was longer and since then nothing else has come out.

And yes the Xmas special is confirmed.

04-24-2013, 08:39 PM
While I was dl'd this to see what it included I was asked to type in a captcha to prove I wasn't a bot. I had to type in 'river song'. Make of that what you will.

I had something about Zaphod Beeblebrox on an HHGTTG file a little while back.

Made me giggle.

04-24-2013, 08:50 PM
Same here. Does anyone really give a monkeys if TLs have sex or not?
Well it would explain why they all looked so bleedin miserable if they don't :D

04-24-2013, 09:13 PM
Trying to watch The HHTTG Movie found on YT.

Lawks, but it's painful.

04-24-2013, 09:26 PM
Trying to watch The HHTTG Movie found on YT.

Lawks, but it's painful.

Absolutely hated it the first time round. Made myself watch it again with a different head, (Oo Wurzzle.... no drop it). Found it funnier the second time round with a beer in hand and just generally filling in some of my favourite jokes.

04-24-2013, 09:30 PM
Absolutely hated it the first time round. Made myself watch it again with a different head, (Oo Wurzzle.... no drop it). Found it funnier the second time round with a beer in hand and just generally filling in some of my favourite jokes.

Didn't exactly hate it - just though meh :( Definitely funnier with drink in hand. Thought Sam Rockwell and Alan Rickman were pretty good but that was about it.

04-24-2013, 09:36 PM
Absolutely hated it the first time round. Made myself watch it again with a different head, (Oo Wurzzle.... no drop it). Found it funnier the second time round with a beer in hand and just generally filling in some of my favourite jokes.

Things I do like:

Mos Def, when he's not mumbling, is pretty good as Ford.
Zooey was far cuter than before she became a kooky cliche of herself
The Vogons look perfect
The Guide looks great, and Fry does it near perfection.
Rockwell is ... OK.

Things I don't like:
Martin Freeman
The script changes that take it widely away from the books (has there ever been a book of the film version?)
Martin Freeman
It's just not funny
Martin Freeman
EDIT TO ADD - The Heart Of Gold totally fails to look like running shoe
Martin Freeman

04-24-2013, 09:37 PM
Hate may have been a bit strong but when one of my favourite lines just wasn't there it put me in a negative mood for the rest of the film. Second time round it wasn't so bad.

04-24-2013, 09:41 PM
Hate may have been a bit strong but when one of my favourite lines just wasn't there it put me in a negative mood for the rest of the film. Second time round it wasn't so bad.

Which one?

04-24-2013, 09:44 PM
Trying to watch The HHTTG Movie found on YT.

Lawks, but it's painful.

I've never seen it, the trailers I have seen just put me off.

04-24-2013, 09:47 PM
I've never seen it, the trailers I have seen just put me off.

Don't let us nay-sayers put you off. It's worth it just to see the how good the Vogons look. The Heart Of Gold looks pretty hoopy, too.

EDIT TO QUALIFY - The INSIDE of The Heart Of Gold is hoopy.

The outside is NOT hoopy.

It utterly fails in every respect to resemble a sleek running shoe.

04-24-2013, 09:47 PM
Things I do like:

Mos Def, when he's not mumbling, is pretty good as Ford.
Zooey was far cuter than before she became a kooky cliche of herself
The Vogons look perfect
The Guide looks great, and Fry does it near perfection.
Rockwell is ... OK.

Things I don't like:
Martin Freeman
The script changes that take it widely away from the books (has there ever been a book of the film version?)
Martin Freeman
It's just not funny
Martin Freeman
EDIT TO ADD - The Heart Of Gold totally fails to look like running shoe
Martin Freeman

I've nothing against Freeman and thought he was er.. just OK, as I've said in a previous post about some new audios, my choice it Mitchell. I know he's far from the description in the book but...

04-24-2013, 09:53 PM
Which one?

Somewhere about here.

"But the plans were on display . . ."
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a torch."
"Ah, well the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice, didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard."
"Some factual information for you. Have you any idea how much damage that bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?"
"How much?" said Arthur.
"None at all," said Mr. Prosser.
"The mere thought," growled Mr. Prosser, "hadn't even begun to speculate," he continued, settling himself back, "about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."

Haven't watched it recently so can't remember exactly.

04-24-2013, 09:56 PM
I've never seen it, the trailers I have seen just put me off.

I agree with what Nobber said. Give it ago.... It's not terrible.

04-24-2013, 09:56 PM
I've nothing against Freeman and thought he was er.. just OK, as I've said in a previous post about some new audios, my choice it Mitchell. I know he's far from the description in the book but...

It doesn't help that Freenan's in "Tim From Off Of The Office" mode and there's no chemistry between him and Deschanel.

And as good as Rickman is ... why the zarking fardwarks didn't they stick with Moore? It's not like they'd have to re-record him.

Oh, and tiny-bobble-head Marvin is just ... well ... crap.

04-24-2013, 09:58 PM
Somewhere about here.

"But the plans were on display . . ."
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a torch."
"Ah, well the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice, didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard."
"Some factual information for you. Have you any idea how much damage that bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?"
"How much?" said Arthur.
"None at all," said Mr. Prosser.
"The mere thought," growled Mr. Prosser, "hadn't even begun to speculate," he continued, settling himself back, "about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."

Haven't watched it recently so can't remember exactly.

Ah, yes, that put me in a terribly bad mood, too. And the bad mood wasn't helped when they missed

"It's at times like this I really wished I listened to what my Mother said!"
"Why? What did she say?"
"I'd don't know. I wasn't listening."

04-24-2013, 10:05 PM
It doesn't help that Freenan's in "Tim From Off Of The Office" mode and there's no chemistry between him and Deschanel.

And as good as Rickman is ... why the zarking fardwarks didn't they stick with Moore? It's not like they'd have to re-record him.

Oh, and tiny-bobble-head Marvin is just ... well ... crap.

I think they dropped Moore cos he's just not well known enough.

Marvin just didn't look right, but it was good to see the original in there.

Heart of Gold looked nothing like it was described and looked like zero work had gone into it.

Mos Def looked like he just didn't want to be there.

But yeah, Fry was spot on as the book.

All in all, I think the movie was just too different from the books/audios/tv - they were all different, but not too different.

Worth a watch tho - just don't expect too much.

04-24-2013, 10:05 PM
I'm guessing your not liking The Hob*bit movie either Nobber.

04-24-2013, 10:09 PM
I think they dropped Moore cos he's just not well known enough.

Marvin just didn't look right, but it was good to see the original in there.

Heart of Gold looked nothing like it was described and looked like zero work had gone into it.

Mos Def looked like he just didn't want to be there.

But yeah, Fry was spot on as the book.

All in all, I think the movie was just too different from the books/audios/tv - they were all different, but not too different.

Worth a watch tho - just don't expect too much.

Mos Def was just a token for the American market. There is no racism meant in anyway whatsoever in that comment.

04-24-2013, 10:13 PM
Mos Def was just a token for the American market. There is no racism meant in anyway whatsoever in that comment.

Not so sure, remember Rockwell and Zooey are both Yanks as well. Mos is a good actor, he just looked uncomfortable in the part.

04-24-2013, 10:21 PM
Mos Def looked like he just didn't want to be there.

Oh, I dunno, he certainly seemed to be enjoying his towel-acting.

I'm guessing your not liking The Hob*bit movie either Nobber.

Suffice to say that The Freeman Element didn't help, but, nah, it didn't like that either. As an ADAPTATION it sucked due to the additions to the story.

As a story in it's own right; too long and couldn't make it's mind-up if if was a childrens movie (the first set of comedy trolls they meet) or an adult movie (Gandalfs 'comedy beheading' of a troll, along with all the deep 'back story' stuff.)

McCoy was great and it looked amazing, though.

04-24-2013, 10:22 PM
Mos Def was just a token for the American market. There is no racism meant in anyway whatsoever in that comment.

Not so sure, remember Rockwell and Zooey are both Yanks as well. Mos is a good actor, he just looked uncomfortable in the part.

EDIT TO REMOVE utter cobblers.

04-24-2013, 10:23 PM
I don't really mind if the Doctor "enjoys himself in company" (or alone, for that matter - ooh!) offscreen, but onscreen I find it a bit of an unwanted distraction.*
For the rest of the TLs, it's well in keeping with their sterile, fusty image if they don't concern themselves with that sort of carry-on.

*that said,I have some cracker quotes on the topic that never fail to amuse me. Some examples follow.

"She made a 'Grrr' of annoyance at being caught out in such a way, then tried to hit back with a little sarcasm.
'You certainly know how to make a girl feel good, don�t you.'
The Doctor was suitably aghast at the thought. 'I certainly do not!'"

"'Put some clothes on!'
'Oh, this wouldn't bother the Doctor. He�s not interested in sex with aliens.'
Nonetheless, she pulled on her jeans and jumper. 'I'm not sure he's interested at all. I think his lot reproduce by being woven from DNA or something naff like that. Not much fun, is it?' She headed for the door. 'Probably accounts for him being so gloomy.'"

"'Well,' she said coyly, 'are you coming to bed?'
An unreadable look on his face, the Time Lord slipped under the covers. As she reached across and switched off the light, he whispered, 'Be gentle with me...'"

and then of course there's Iris Wildthyme. Her attentions, and the Doctor's responses to them, I always find worthwhile. :D

04-24-2013, 10:24 PM
Not so sure, remember Rockwell and Zooey are both Yanks as well. Mos is a good actor, he just looked uncomfortable in the part.

I get that and I agree about his uncomfortable thing but in the movie world you have to cover a large demographic and the black community is part of that demographic. There you go I said it... Actually though he was pretty good, just a bit lost.

04-24-2013, 10:25 PM
Oh, I dunno, he certainly seemed to be enjoying his towel-acting.

Suffice to say that The Freeman Element didn't help, but, nah, it didn't like that either. As an ADAPTATION it sucked due to the additions to the story.

As a story in it's own right; too long and couldn't make it's mind-up if if was a childrens movie (the first set of comedy trolls they meet) or an adult movie (Gandalfs 'comedy beheading' of a troll, along with all the deep 'back story' stuff.)

McCoy was great and it looked amazing, though.

Haven't seen it yet, but I'm still at a loss to see how PJ can make 3 movies as long as LotR out of such a short book. That's what's kinda put me off watching it.

04-24-2013, 10:28 PM
I get that and I agree about his uncomfortable thing but in the movie world you have to cover a large demographic and the black community is part of that demographic. There you go I said it... Actually though he was pretty good, just a bit lost.

I'm not disputing that, and you are probably right.

04-24-2013, 10:34 PM
Suffice to say that The Freeman Element didn't help, but, nah, it didn't like that either. As an ADAPTATION it sucked due to the additions to the story.

As a story in its own right; too long and couldn't make it's mind-up if if was a childrens movie (the first set of comedy trolls they meet) or an adult movie (Gandalfs 'comedy beheading' of a troll, along with all the deep 'back story' stuff.)

McCoy was great and it looked amazing, though.I really enjoyed that movie. Looking forward to seeing it in 2D.

I liked Freeman in it. the moment where he swoons was brilliant.
and McCoy was excellent, which is a good thing because his presence was the reason I saw it at the cinema rather than waiting for the dvd.

didn't think it was too long, in fact when it ended I was surprised and disappointed that it was over :(
The additions weren't the absolute bestest, but didn't offend me.
definitely a children's/adult's movie. lots of gore for the kiddies, lots of action and comedy for the bigjobs. Maybe not a movie for the under-5s, but anyone else should be able to handle it (ignoring inclination, just capacity).

my favourite moment waswhen Galadriel was all "you knew!" referring to the fact that the party would sneak out, prompting the most sublime "who me?" expression on Gandalf's face. I went back a second time just for that.

04-24-2013, 10:37 PM
Haven't seen it yet, but I'm still at a loss to see how PJ can make 3 movies as long as LotR out of such a short book. That's what's kinda put me off watching it.

In fairness to it, if you're happy with the changes PJ made to LOTR, you'll probably be happy with this. As well as taking the basic story it attempt to fill in some of the back-story and blanks in the book, and bridge towards the Middle-Earth Universe he built for LOTR.

04-24-2013, 10:42 PM
In fairness to it, if you're happy with the changes PJ made to LOTR, you'll probably be happy with this. As well as taking the basic story it attempt to fill in some of the back-story and blanks in the book, and bridge towards the Middle-Earth Universe he built for LOTR.

I will get round to watching it. Atm, it's just finding 3 hours uninterrupted to sit and watch it.

04-24-2013, 10:46 PM
Maybe I should have used the ؟؟ was only meant as a flippant comment.

04-24-2013, 10:46 PM
I agree with what Nobber said. Give it ago.... It's not terrible.

Well I'll give it a go, I have a couple of hours free tomorrow. I love the original tv series and didn't want to ruin the memory of it, if that makes sense.

04-24-2013, 10:47 PM
I will get round to watching it. Atm, it's just finding 3 hours uninterrupted to sit and watch it.

:) Given the structure of it, you could probably watch it in two or three lumps without too much problem.

04-24-2013, 10:47 PM
Haven't seen it yet, but I'm still at a loss to see how PJ can make 3 movies as long as LotR out of such a short book. That's what's kinda put me off watching it.

Ah well although the films are nominally called the Hobbit they actually contain a lot of the back story that Tolkien wrote over the years in in number of different books which has been wrapped around the storyline of the Hobbit. I suspect that there will be a bit of PJ filling in as well but the films are a compendium of the relevant part of the Silmarillion, The Hobbit, Appendicies of Lord of the Rings etc all covering the same time period. Though as always you can't really judge till you have all three of the extended versionsof the films to watch

04-24-2013, 10:48 PM
Well I'll give it a go, I have a couple of hours free tomorrow. I love the original tv series and didn't want to ruin the memory of it, if that makes sense.

Nah. It'll never ruin the memory.

04-24-2013, 10:48 PM
I will get round to watching it. Atm, it's just finding 3 hours uninterrupted to sit and watch it.

Take a couple of days. I couldn't make it through it the first time. Wanted to but just couldn't.

04-24-2013, 10:55 PM

04-24-2013, 11:00 PM
Starting to wish I'd never mentioned it.

Sort have guessed what was going to happen.

04-24-2013, 11:02 PM
Starting to wish I'd never mentioned it.

Sought have guessed what was going to happen.

Can't even remember what you said now. ;)

04-24-2013, 11:03 PM
A lot of what they purport to be story from the Silmarillion or the Appendices actually isn't. The Appendix-material in 'An Unexpected Journey' (

Ooo! That's an interesting list. Ta!

Still, better than the animated version at least, in my opinion! ;)

The animated LOTR holds a very dear place in my heart as it was my first exposure to the world of Middle Earth. But it was the BBC radio adaptation that really made me read the books.

04-24-2013, 11:04 PM
Starting to wish I'd never mentioned it.

Sort have guessed what was going to happen.

Blame who ever cast Freeman in HHTTG ... then I'd've not mentioned him in the first place! :)

04-24-2013, 11:07 PM
I read the Hobbit at school, LotR just after I left and then accidentally stumbled across the radio series of it and LotR. I almost wore out the LotR cassettes (for those of you who can remember them ;D).

Took me years to find digital versions.

04-24-2013, 11:10 PM
Blame who ever cast Freeman in HHTTG ... then I'd've not mentioned him in the first place! :)

Freeman for the next Doc and David Jason as his companion! :D.

That said, G'night.

04-24-2013, 11:14 PM
Freeman for the next Doc and David Jason as his companion! :D.



04-25-2013, 01:04 AM
In fairness to it, if you're happy with the changes PJ made to LOTR, you'll probably be happy with this. As well as taking the basic story it attempt to fill in some of the back-story and blanks in the book, and bridge towards the Middle-Earth Universe he built for LOTR.

Oddly, I hated his LOTR adaptation with a passion, and rather liked the Hobbit. It's possible that it was just lowered expectations, but I honestly think the cast is just a lot stronger. Freeman out-acts any of the hobbits in the original, and any movie without Orlando Bloom in it is better than any movie -with- him in it. Alas, he appears to be in the second one. :/

04-25-2013, 01:07 AM
I read the Hobbit at school, LotR just after I left and then accidentally stumbled across the radio series of it and LotR. I almost wore out the LotR cassettes (for those of you who can remember them ;D).

Took me years to find digital versions.

I grew up with that on cassette from NPR (basically our Radio 4), but broken into 26 parts with Tammy Grimes providing linking narration at the beginning of each. I'd love to get those versions just for nostalgia's sake, but they don't seem to be around anywhere. I bought the CD set and even chopped it into half-hour episodes because I find the hour-long ones strain my attention too much.

04-25-2013, 01:09 AM

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 01:17 AM
Much as I love this thread, I've begun to find it quite difficult to navigate through endless posts discussing the latest episodes of DW or whatever, or about HHGTTG or LOTR to find links to DW audio drama things. So how about this as a revolutionary idea - start a new thread for links only, and leave this one as a discussion?

04-25-2013, 01:41 AM

04-25-2013, 01:53 AM
...there are no NEW releases out until the start of May?...

Is this true? Or are we still awaiting a boxed set of our favourite female archaeologist?

04-25-2013, 01:58 AM

04-25-2013, 02:28 AM
Is this true? Or are we still awaiting a boxed set of our favourite female archaeologist?

I believe a book has been released, and there's a box set due for release by the end of the month. (Which I'd completely forgotten about.)

04-25-2013, 02:31 AM
Sorry. I was just talking about Who.

"That Who is one baaaad mutha...." "Shut yo mouth!"

And now that that's out of my system, I thought I'd float a question. I've mentioned the Wife In Space blog, and it's been interesting to me to find that my opinion is usually much closer to hers than her uber-fan husband's. I'm about to start the last episode of Image of the Fendahl, and in what I think is a first, I'm really enjoying a serial that they both hate. And which doesn't seem to be held in very high regard by fans-- sort of a fair-to-middling serial rather than a complete dud? While a dismal final episode could completely turn me around on this one (actually, Invisible Enemy kind of managed that), so far I'm completely sold on the mix of occult and sci-fi elements.

So, here's the question: anyone have a serial they always defend that most people think is terrible? I'm kind of using this old Outpost Gallifrey survey ( as a general guide to the reputation of various serials...

04-25-2013, 02:37 AM
؟Not unless it involves lots of sparks and flowing energy streams؟

For God's sake - DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!!!!

04-25-2013, 02:39 AM
Things I do like:

Mos Def, when he's not mumbling, is pretty good as Ford.
Zooey was far cuter than before she became a kooky cliche of herself
The Vogons look perfect
The Guide looks great, and Fry does it near perfection.
Rockwell is ... OK.

Things I don't like:
Martin Freeman
The script changes that take it widely away from the books (has there ever been a book of the film version?)
Martin Freeman
It's just not funny
Martin Freeman
EDIT TO ADD - The Heart Of Gold totally fails to look like running shoe
Martin Freeman

That's all well & good, but what did you think of Martin Freeman??

I think one of the biggest problems with the film is that we all know and love the original Radio & TV versions so much, that it's hard to deal with a version that diverges so much from them. That said, some of it IS complete tosh...

04-25-2013, 02:44 AM



04-25-2013, 02:50 AM
"That Who is one baaaad mutha...." "Shut yo mouth!"

And now that that's out of my system, I thought I'd float a question. I've mentioned the Wife In Space blog, and it's been interesting to me to find that my opinion is usually much closer to hers than her uber-fan husband's. I'm about to start the last episode of Image of the Fendahl, and in what I think is a first, I'm really enjoying a serial that they both hate. And which doesn't seem to be held in very high regard by fans-- sort of a fair-to-middling serial rather than a complete dud? While a dismal final episode could completely turn me around on this one (actually, Invisible Enemy kind of managed that), so far I'm completely sold on the mix of occult and sci-fi elements.

So, here's the question: anyone have a serial they always defend that most people think is terrible? I'm kind of using this old Outpost Gallifrey survey ( as a general guide to the reputation of various serials...

Oh, I've got LOTS: Thyme Monstah, Thymelassh, Pair-o-dice Towers, Gnufyters, ad infinitum. There's always something to enjoy in even the worst of Medic srtories. One of my favourite examples is a bit early on in Thymelassh, when one of the older Karfelons is declaiming on something while fiddling with a control panel. Suddenly one the knobs comes off completely in his hand, but our man just puts it back and carries ob acting, without missing a beat! Now THAT, my friends, is CLASS... :)

What about accepted 'classic' stories that leave you cold?? I don't really 'get' Keeepah of Trekkin or Rest-erection of the Lekads, for instance, and their both regarded as good 'uns by most people...

04-25-2013, 02:51 AM
So, here's the question: anyone have a serial they always defend that most people think is terrible? I'm kind of using this old Outpost Gallifrey survey ( as a general guide to the reputation of various serials...
The Sxpacxe Pirxatxexs
english is not my first language, so i can't tell what bad accent is, the story itself is flat but can't see what's wrong with it

04-25-2013, 02:59 AM
The Sxpacxe Pirxatxexs
english is not my first language, so i can't tell what bad accent is, the story itself is flat but can't see what's wrong with it

I'm inclined to agree with you there. I'm guessing it has such a bad reputation because everyone expects magic from Holmes' scripts. I don't think it's anything special, but it doesn't deserve the scorn it seems to get. Like his other 2nd Medic story, which I didn't think was bad at all. Of course, it was my first 'Holmes experience,' since I'm watching the series in order. There was no way for it to let me down.

04-25-2013, 03:06 AM

04-25-2013, 03:38 AM
anyone have a serial they always defend that most people think is terrible?

Well, I don't know if it's considered terrible, but "Mawdryn Undead". In it's day, it was considered among my small group of Whovians the best story since "City of Death". And having recently re-watched it, I *still* think it's the best since "COD". And I'll even say it's the best until we get to "The Doctor Dances" in 2005. The only downside for me was the horrid music when Turrlough stole the Brig's car.

"Paradise Towers" - I absolutely love that story. Dunno why, but it really tickles me: "OH! He wants to 'how-you-do'." "Red Kangs, Red Kangs, Red Kangs are Best!" And who could *not* LOL at a self-styled hero named Pex? It almost came across as a Red Dwarf story taking the piss out of DW, except it actually *was* DW.

You know, now that I've typed that out, I can see why DW fans might hate that story.

I still love it, though.

04-25-2013, 04:12 AM
So, here's the question: anyone have a serial they always defend that most people think is terrible?

I've got a few that I think are much better/worse than their reputations, but I suppose the two that first come to mind are The Web Planet and The Creature from the Pit. I'm quite fond of both.

04-25-2013, 05:11 AM
I've got a few that I think are much better/worse than their reputations, but I suppose the two that first come to mind are The Web Planet and The Creature from the Pit. I'm quite fond of both.

Oh yeah, the butterflies. That's a good choice. I'm genuinely torn on that one. I think I'm just willing to cut stories a LOT of slack if they're just really ambitious. And that story was certainly ambitious, bless its heart.

Oh, and I did finish Image this evening. The last episode was kind of a mess, but I still enjoyed it. Though I can appreciate why people might be annoyed with it, too. I just prefer to interpret what some might call 'nonsensical' or 'full of plot holes and loose ends' as 'dream-like' or 'hallucinatory.' And it was certainly ambitious.

04-25-2013, 06:51 AM
We watched "Hide" tonight and I have a question -

why did the Medic have a Metebilis 3 crystal again? Taking it back got him "killed" the last time.

04-25-2013, 07:01 AM
We watched "Hide" tonight and I have a question -


He got rid of the nasties at that time, though, didn't he? he's had 8 lives to get over it. I just figured he'd been back since. Or, we could go with an explanation that takes into account the following The Eight Truths/ World-Wide Web, the Earth was full of the ruddy things. it isn't inconceivable that he'd have retained one or two of them.

04-25-2013, 07:12 AM
He got rid of the nasties at that time, though, didn't he? he's had 8 lives to get over it. I just figured he'd been back since. Or, we could go with an explanation that takes into account the The Eight Truths/ World-Wide Web, the Earth was full of the ruddy things. it isn't inconceivable that he'd have retained one or two of them.

Sorry, never heard of either of those. Were they comix? I tend to skip comix because of my vision.

04-25-2013, 07:13 AM
Things I don't like:
Martin Freeman
The script changes that take it widely away from the books (has there ever been a book of the film version?)
Martin Freeman
It's just not funny
Martin Freeman
EDIT TO ADD - The Heart Of Gold totally fails to look like running shoe
Martin Freeman
I'll agree that the film has its problems, but I dont think you can complain that it deviated from the books. The books themselves deviated from the original radio series, the TV show from both. Adams was notorious for re writing this completelly different each time

Freeman for the next Doc and David Jason as his companion! :D.

That said, G'night.
I've told you once, this is unhoopy!
if you do this again i shall cut your towel into small pieces; i shall spike you pan-galactic gargle blaster; I shall feed you the the ravenous bug-blatter beast of Traal.

Taken from an interview with big chief regards series finale.

Steven Moffat says we'll finally see the resolution to several of the story arcs that he has tantalized us with since the beginning of his era.

"There's often an element of throwing in some lovely names, and then figuring it out later, but I've always had a sort of plan for the Doctor and Trenzalore," he said in DWM.

"Things will be resolved. Things I've left hanging in plain sight � and sometimes not in plain sight � will be tied up�I feel as though we�re going to deliver. We've only just finished shooting the actual completed ending � it's ridiculously secret � but it's quite a thing, hopefully."

In relation to the future of Doctor Who (beware speculation/spoiler ahead)

Anyone else get a feeling the slate is getting cleared for a new Doctor? I like Moffat, but I definitely think some of the plots he left hanging were simply down to bad story telling. Possibly having realised the mistakes he has made, he wants a clean slate for his next go at creating a Doctor...

"resolution of stroy arc" = cobbling something together
"always had a plan" = been making it up as I go along
"hanging in plain sight" = the mistakes that fans have spotted
"not in plain sight" = stuff that I will now say happened, even though it completely changes the previous episodes I've been in charge of
and yes. yes I do get that feeling
for the only question left is whether the changeover happens in the anniv. ep or at xmas

04-25-2013, 07:20 AM

04-25-2013, 08:05 AM
I would think that the 50th would finish in a cliffhanger and we have to wait a few weeks to see who shows up after the 11th falls. Can't wait! MS just feels too much of a slapstick. PT was hillarious but so serious as well. You could feel him goading his enemies and I don't think any other doctor was quite as cunning as he was. I seem to be in a very nostalgic classic mood lately. All this talk about "image" and "mawdrin" take me waaaaay back and I do have to say that I still feel they were great episodes.
Is it bad for me to want a more classic feel to the stories?
And on the topic of Muffet knowing what he's doing well I'll believe it when I see it. I still dread his miracle-solutions. If Clara starts spitting up the time vortex, spreading a "We love you Medic!" line throughout the globe or singing the zygons into submission I will NOT be responsible for my actions! The way the latests eps are going, I'm almost expecting another flop. We'll see how the hunt for Clara goes this week... Can't be worse... can it?!

04-25-2013, 08:14 AM
We watched "Hide" tonight and I have a question -

why did the Medic have a Metebilis 3 crystal again? Taking it back got him "killed" the last time.

What gets me is after having introduced the metabelis Crystal in the story we got a totally pointless monster. Couldn't it have been a metabelis spider??!! Would have been interesting to have the GREAT ONE survive after all or one of her subjects take the throne. Then again, that would have made the long lost lovers development useless. Oh wait! They would have had to rewrite half the episode. Now would that have been so bad??...

04-25-2013, 08:20 AM
I enjoyed both The C*e*l*e*s*t*i*a*l T*o*y*m*a*k*e*r and T*i*m*e and the R*a*n*i, neither of which seem to rank highly among most fans. Sometimes it's the small details in an episode that make it good for me, even if the overall plot isn't the greatest.

Looking at this Survey, I'm a little surprised. I think Timeflight got a bad rating. I liked that episode. Then again, I find other episodes really overrated, like Robots of death and Inferno. To each his own :)

04-25-2013, 08:20 AM
...that would have made the long lost lovers development mean it wasn't already a completely unnecessary and pathetic appendage to an otherwise fairly worthy story?

Looking at this Survey, I'm a little surprised. I think Timeflight got a bad rating. I liked that episode. Then again, I find other episodes really overrated, like Robots of death and Inferno. To each his own :)started watching Inferno yesterday, ...then realised the file was misnamed and I was actually watching The Romans. Good times :D

04-25-2013, 08:33 AM
The only downside for me was the horrid music when Turrlough stole the Brig's car.

Then it would be cruel to post it. Perhaps even bordering on some mean spirited sadism.



04-25-2013, 08:48 AM
I think with fandom, especially in specific communities of fandom, you run the risk of received knowledge. Things are the way they are because that's how they are. I had the good fortune of growing up with the program as a child in a completely neutral environment. I watched it with my dad on PBS on Friday nights in the 80s. I had no inkling of fandom until the late 90s, and I feel like I'm better for that. I'll take an intimate (you know what I mean) place like this over the gawping obsessiveness of the larger, more self-important and officious fan boards. My point is that I enjoy a lot of stories that are not only disliked, but that you're almost supposed to dislike. I love Thyme Under Rainy, Dealt Anathema Banned Airmen, A Tack Awful Sigh Berman, Thatch Ace, and Whore Nuns Nigh Mon.

04-25-2013, 08:56 AM
Then it would be cruel to post it. Perhaps even bordering on some mean spirited sadism.



All the more reason to post it :D (evil grin)

and Whore Nuns Nigh Mon.

Best kind of nuns.

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 11:39 AM
Tippy, if you want a download link it might help if you suggest the name of an audio you want......
...... instead of the sarcasm, if there's something you want - let us know.

Hi there! Actually, there wasn't anything in particular that I was looking for - and I also wasn't being sarcastic. I was merely stating that it's harder to find links inbetween lots and lots of chat about subjects that aren't particularly related to this being the DW Audio Drama thread. I was suggesting a way - another thread that is a repository for links only - to counterbalance folks' desire to talk with the desire to find the links easily.

04-25-2013, 11:45 AM
Hi there! Actually, there wasn't anything in particular that I was looking for - and I also wasn't being sarcastic. I was merely stating that it's harder to find links inbetween lots and lots of chat about subjects that aren't particularly related to this being the DW Audio Drama thread. I was suggesting a way - another thread that is a repository for links only - to counterbalance folks' desire to talk with the desire to find the links easily.

It's not that hard to find links. All you've got to do is scan quickly through and look for RWQ - it's a fair bet there's a link hidden there.

04-25-2013, 11:51 AM
tbh i think any thread about this subject is going to become a chat thread - and having a link only thread also makes it a lot easier to take them down

we seem to have developed a little community here and the chat is part of that - i often find i have five or six pages to read through when i come back in the morning - an easy way to keep track is to make a note of the # of the last comment you've read and just go back til you get to that then read forward. ;)

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 11:52 AM
It's not that hard to find links. All you've got to do is scan quickly through and look for RWQ - it's a fair bet there's a link hidden there.

That's actually quite time consuming when you consider having to go through and check individual posts on upwards of five, six, seven or eight pages, and particularly so now that everyone is chatting so much! Again, I have absolutely no issues with people chatting - in fact, I've enjoyed reading folks' opinions on things. I was only suggesting a way to make it a little easier for people to check in and see what's new - a thread that is, basically, a list of posts that are links.

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 11:53 AM
tbh i think any thread about this subject is going to become a chat thread - and having a link only thread also makes it a lot easier to take them down

we seem to have developed a little community here and the chat is part of that - i often find i have five or six pages to read through when i come back in the morning - an easy way to keep track is to make a note of the # of the last comment you've read and just go back til you get to that then read forward. ;)

Forgive my ignorance, but how does having a link only thread make them easier to take down?

04-25-2013, 11:58 AM
Hi there! Actually, there wasn't anything in particular that I was looking for - and I also wasn't being sarcastic. I was merely stating that it's harder to find links inbetween lots and lots of chat about subjects that aren't particularly related to this being the DW Audio Drama thread. I was suggesting a way - another thread that is a repository for links only - to counterbalance folks' desire to talk with the desire to find the links easily.

I see where your coming from, but imho its the chat and topical freedom that makes this place so fresh and relaxed compared to most other forums. I would not use a thread soley for the purpose of links because when I post a link here I feel I am sharing with friends whereas an "ask for and take" thread would leave me with a feeling of just being used by members who are happy to take but give nothing back.

(Before we get started on the sharing issue again I'd like to add that by nothing I mean not getting involved in any of the conversations, it's always nice to read other peoples views).

04-25-2013, 12:01 PM
searching for RWQ is as easy as CTRL+F and typing in RWQ.
what I do to keep up is just update my bookmark to the last place I read.

04-25-2013, 12:06 PM
That's actually quite time consuming when you consider having to go through and check individual posts on upwards of five, six, seven or eight pages, and particularly so now that everyone is chatting so much! Again, I have absolutely no issues with people chatting - in fact, I've enjoyed reading folks' opinions on things. I was only suggesting a way to make it a little easier for people to check in and see what's new - a thread that is, basically, a list of posts that are links.

You don't have to read right through the posts, just quickly scroll through them. Most ppl put the RWQ so it stands out.

At the end of the day, if you want another thread just for links, why not start one?

Or search as Sashabot points out.

04-25-2013, 12:09 PM
I see where your coming from, but imho its the chat and topical freedom that makes this place so fresh and relaxed compared to most other forums. I would not use a thread soley for the purpose of links because when I post a link here I feel I am sharing with friends whereas an "ask for and take" thread would leave me with a feeling of just being used by members who are happy to take but give nothing back.

Plus all the chatting has led to the sharing of a lot of audios lately - even if most of them have been OT.

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 12:09 PM
I see where your coming from, but imho its the chat and topical freedom that makes this place so fresh and relaxed compared to most other forums. I would not use a thread soley for the purpose of links because when I post a link here I feel I am sharing with friends whereas an "ask for and take" thread would leave me with a feeling of just being used by members who are happy to take but give nothing back.

I can see why you might feel that - but I was suggesting it more as a "repository" - a thread that we all know about that is a handy place to put the links only, so that people are able to keep a clear eye on what has come out / been posted. I have been a member of this board for a couple of years and over the last 6 months or so this thread has become mostly unrelated to its title (I'm not slagging anyone off for this). I, myself, don't get involved in the discussions as I feel there is really nothing much that I want to say about the new series of DW... but as a consequence of everyone getting along so well, it has become a chore to wade through so many pages and posts looking for RWQ - which lately has often been used not to disguise links but to disguise comments - particularly when we don't know specific dates that things have been released / posted. I was suggesting a solution / compromise.

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 12:10 PM
searching for RWQ is as easy as CTRL+F and typing in RWQ.
what I do to keep up is just update my bookmark to the last place I read.

I did not know that was possible. I will give that a go.

I mean the CTRL+F thing, not the bookmarking!

tippy wooder
04-25-2013, 12:14 PM
At the end of the day, if you want another thread just for links, why not start one?

I was canvassing opinion.

04-25-2013, 12:15 PM
I did not know that was possible. I will give that a go.

If ever you think you may have missed something just ask, someone will always help. We don't all bite :D

And now I've given my two peneth I'm off to the park to walk my dog :)

04-25-2013, 12:18 PM
I was canvassing opinion.

Wasn't being funny - you could always start another thread and ask ppl to post links there. It might work.

04-25-2013, 12:31 PM
I was only suggesting a way to make it a little easier for people to check in and see what's new - a thread that is, basically, a list of posts that are links.

If people who do share want to chat as well that should be absolutely fine. It's not costing you anything except a little more time.

04-25-2013, 01:36 PM
They were 8th medic audio stories.
Ah, I must have missed that one. Does anybody have a copy they could post, please?

04-25-2013, 01:40 PM
Ah, I must have missed that one. Does anybody have a copy they could post, please?

Gimme a couple of hours.

04-25-2013, 01:48 PM
Third Medic meets his own set of ghosts :D

Ghosts of N-space.
GON-S (REMIXED).part1.rar (95.8 MB)
Download GON-S (REMIXED).part1.rar from - send big files the easy way (

GON-S (REMIXED).part2.rar (95.8 MB)
Download GON-S (REMIXED).part2.rar from - send big files the easy way (

GON-S (REMIXED).part3.rar (41.1 MB)
Download GON-S (REMIXED).part3.rar from - send big files the easy way (

04-25-2013, 01:52 PM
Thanks, Andy!

04-25-2013, 01:53 PM
This could be interesting, if it ever goes anywhere - John Barrowman and Alex Kingston want 'Doctor Who' spin-off (

04-25-2013, 03:00 PM
does any one have B*e*r**n*i*c*e S&u&m&m&e&r&f&i&e&l&d novel F*i*l*t*h*y L*u*c*r*e novel please. thanks

04-25-2013, 03:16 PM
This could be interesting, if it ever goes anywhere - John Barrowman and Alex Kingston want 'Doctor Who' spin-off (


04-25-2013, 03:16 PM
Dark4eyes here is a present what you seek may be found here look at the Penultimate and the Final to find what you seek....]My Files (

04-25-2013, 03:39 PM
John Barrowman and Alex Kingston want 'Doctor Who' spin-off


My sentiments exactly, can't see anything good coming from this.

04-25-2013, 03:43 PM
Thanks, Andy!

No problem. PM sent (if you haven't already picked them up)

04-25-2013, 04:02 PM
...what I do to keep up is just update my bookmark to the last place I read.

I use a bookmark that always brings me automaticly to the next post after my last visit

04-25-2013, 04:12 PM
I'm quite happy we all have little chats and in response to the question someone posted why a links only thread is more likely to be taken down, we are happy to read the posts etc to find what we want to find, but if every other post is a link, it's fairly obvious the place is here for just a specific purpose. We are multi-purpose instead!

04-25-2013, 04:19 PM
I use a bookmark that always brings me automaticly to the next post after my last visit

tippy wooder's problem was more about how much he/she had to read through since the last post they read. There is an option at the top of the page to 'view first unread' - you just have to sign in before you can use it (I think).

04-25-2013, 04:27 PM
...There is an option at the top of the page to 'view first unread' - you just have to sign in before you can use it (I think).
It was only a reaction on 'bookmark to the last place I read' and just me being lazy to click twice when i cando it with one click and others maybe also... not to solve a 'problem'

04-25-2013, 05:06 PM
I see where your coming from, but imho its the chat and topical freedom that makes this place so fresh and relaxed compared to most other forums. I would not use a thread soley for the purpose of links because when I post a link here I feel I am sharing with friends whereas an "ask for and take" thread would leave me with a feeling of just being used by members who are happy to take but give nothing back.
This is generally how I feel. a thread that was basically a library of links would be very impersonal and wouldn't encourage EDITED.
Hitting a "like" button isn't the same as an actual "thank-you" post, and sharing a joke or off-topic tangent helps create a feeling of fellowship which makes people EDITED
a link only list would soon find EDITED becoming rarer and rarer, and a thread of only dl'ers doesn't work.

04-25-2013, 05:37 PM
I see they have announced the Regeneration boxset release date and contents over at Doctor Who TV - News, features and spoilers on BBC's Doctor Who (

Unless they are being extremely crafty it would seem to end any hope of a recoverd 10th pla*net episode 4 :(

04-25-2013, 05:50 PM
I see they have announced the Regeneration boxset release date and contents over at Doctor Who TV - News, features and spoilers on BBC's Doctor Who (

Unless they are being extremely crafty it would seem to end any hope of a recoverd 10th pla*net episode 4 :(

Very excited about this boxset, even thought I have most of the episodes.

Also, i am interested in this Barrowman and Kingston idea. Although LC taking over Torchwood is what I really want. They never reply to that tweet or Facebook question though.

04-25-2013, 06:01 PM
Very excited about this boxset, even thought I have most of the episodes.

Yes same here, I already have all of these episodes but will definately be buying this one just for the animated episode and book.

04-25-2013, 06:42 PM
Medic Who Magazine Specials. All 28 publications from 1980 to 1996.

That completes all the issues from the classic era uploaded. All the links are still alive but I will be removing them after this weekend.


<!--Specials (1):>
<!--Specials (2):>
<!--Specials (3):!/-->

04-25-2013, 06:54 PM
Medic Who Magazine Specials. All 28 publications from 1980 to 1996.

Thank you Tomoph, Thats my reading for the weekend sorted!

04-25-2013, 07:06 PM
Thank you Tomoph, Thats my reading for the weekend sorted!

Your welcome :)

One of the best short comic strips is printed in 93 Summer Special The Br*in*ger of Da*rk*ne*ss it features an almost molevolent 2nd medic.

04-25-2013, 07:06 PM

04-25-2013, 07:09 PM
Medic Who Magazine Specials. All 28 publications from 1980 to 1996.

The first file has an error on special number 5. The others are fine.


04-25-2013, 07:14 PM
Has someone posted the latest book? Dirty Ercul?

04-25-2013, 07:18 PM
The first file has an error on special number 5. The others are fine.

seems fine to me

04-25-2013, 07:22 PM
The first file has an error on special number 5. The others are fine.


I tried Unarchiver, Stuffit Expander, and Zipeg. All report errors. I'll try downloading it again.


Problem resolved by a re-download. Thanks again.

04-25-2013, 07:24 PM
The official story synopsis for Neil Gaiman’s eagerly anticipated Series 7 episode, Nightmare in Silver, has been released by the BBC. In Spoilers for those that dont want to know.

Maybe a stupid question, but who are Artie and Angie???

Dunno! Perhaps they're picked up the week before?

04-25-2013, 07:30 PM
I tried Unarchiver, Stuffit Expander, and Zipeg. All report errors. I'll try downloading it again.
worked for me just with windows and with 7zip

Dunno! Perhaps they're picked up the week before?

or they are just "extras" like ancient egyptian queen and big game hunter in "ancient sauropods on a interstellar craft"
the week before has the victorian trio returning, and this week has the salvage crew

04-25-2013, 07:31 PM
The first file has an error on special number 5. The others are fine.


I've just downloaded them to check and it was fine, try redownloading it. Hopefully it was just a clich.

04-25-2013, 07:32 PM

04-25-2013, 07:41 PM
This could be interesting, if it ever goes anywhere - John Barrowman and Alex Kingston want 'Doctor Who' spin-off (

The idea of a new Torchwood with River already sets my ER fan heart a twitter... Doctor Corduay and Pratt...together again!!!!

04-25-2013, 07:52 PM
Has someone posted the latest book? Dirty Ercul?

No I've not seen it yet.

04-25-2013, 07:58 PM

What links are you interested in? If it's just the new stuff from LC you can always bookmark their page. They always announce when something new is out. That way you'll know when to pop in. If you're poking around for any of the OT stuff we post here.. well that stuff pops up randomly and you'll just have to drop by.

On the other hand... What if we had a post that was simply a list of stuff that has been shared here. No links, no chat. Just a thread where each post represents each month, edited to reflect everything that has appeared here. It wouldn't even have to be on the shrine so filenames could be out in the open. People would still have to look for stuff here but if they want it so bad...

04-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Maybe a stupid question, but who are Artie and Angie???

My guess, red shirts who can easily be turned into silver shirts, if you take my meaning.

04-25-2013, 08:01 PM
The official story synopsis for Neil Gaiman’s eagerly anticipated Series 7 episode, Nightmare in Silver, has been released by the BBC. In Spoilers for those that dont want to know.

Hedgewick’s World of Wonders was once the greatest theme park in the galaxy, but it’s now the dilapidated home to a shabby showman, a chess-playing dwarf and a dysfunctional army platoon. When the Doctor, Clara, Artie and Angie arrive, the last thing they expect is the re-emergence of one of the Doctor’s oldest foes. The Cybermen are back! The episode airs Saturday 11 May, with the time to be confirmed.

Maybe a stupid question, but who are Artie and Angie???

Aren't Artie and Angie the kids that Clara was looking after in The Bells of St John?

04-25-2013, 08:09 PM
Aren't Artie and Angie the kids that Clara was looking after in The Bells of St John?

Yes they are, seems unlikely they would use new characters with the same names.

04-25-2013, 08:24 PM
We are surely not at the stage where we have to spoiler tag the names of the kids Clara looked after? They would have to reappear at some point, it never explained anything after her running off.

Characters reappearing is not a bloody spoiler! I love this thread, but come on.

04-25-2013, 08:28 PM
We are surely not at the stage where we have to spoiler tag the names of the kids Clara looked after? They would have to reappear at some point, it never explained anything after her running off.

Characters reappearing is not a bloody spoiler! I love this thread, but come on.

I see what you mean, but as you trace back through the conversation they're linked to the spoiler about the plot of the Gaiman episode.

04-25-2013, 08:34 PM
I see what you mean, but as you trace back through the conversation they're linked to the spoiler about the plot of the Gaiman episode.

If a characters reapperance isn't a spoiler then I don't know what is.

04-25-2013, 08:36 PM
I see what you mean, but as you trace back through the conversation they're linked to the spoiler about the plot of the Gaiman episode.

Yeah, but the majority of this page is posted in spoiler tags. We may as well post everything in them in case some sensitive soul gets upset.

I agree with not posting 'OMG, The Doctor and The Master were tag teaming Clara when a Dalek burst in and killed them all', but it is just plain weird to spoiler two characters names. They are just appearing, in the same way that Strax, Jenny and Vastra are appearing in the Crimson Horror. Me revealing that, didn't spoil a thing.

The people who claim it does, do they sit with their eyes closed all week just in case they see a trailer or poster? Somebody actually complained on another forum that they don't watch the next time trailer and people talking about it was spoiling it.

No plot was spoilt. No storyline was spoilt. Bloody spoiler tags, they are so misused and abused.

04-25-2013, 08:37 PM
If a characters reapperance isn't a spoiler then I don't know what is.

Two kids who Clara looked after are re appearing in an episode. Oh shit, that is it, the whole episode is wrecked now.

I mean imagine how crap everyone watching will feel when they see their faces in the trailer the week before.

04-25-2013, 08:37 PM

04-25-2013, 08:40 PM

04-25-2013, 08:40 PM
The original post was definitely a spoiler, but Katrinaau asking who Arte and Angie are, and the subsequent replies can't possibly be considered spoilers.

04-25-2013, 08:43 PM
Puthkins instead of having a bitchy rant trying to prove your point, perhaps you could read Nobber's reply to you about the fact their reappearance was mentioned in a synopsis of the Cybermen episode which some people on here dont want to read hence it was put in spoilers.

Some of the passive aggressive bullshit some people have been putting on this forum in the last week has got beyond a joke.

We apologise for upsetting your sensibilities we used spoiler tags

A few things... I have not been involved with any of that. I read it, lost interest and didn't post.

Secondly, I did read it. I get the first post and why it was spoilered, but not the ones after.

Thirdly, I was not having a bitchy rant, I was just talking and making my point. You don't agree, argue back instead of turning into the passive aggressive person you just claimed to dislike, with your sarcastic sensibilities comment.

I just think we can be a little too sensitive about spoiling things. The word is losing all meaning about what spoiling actually is.

04-25-2013, 08:46 PM
Here we go again...

04-25-2013, 08:47 PM

04-25-2013, 08:50 PM
Here we go again...

People can talk without it turning into a drama.

Fair enough, you are right, I am wrong. I couldnt be arsed with another row on this forum taking up 7 pages.

I will be taking a break from this site until May. Good luck and happy sharing folks

Yeah, not at all passive aggressive. Lecture me for my posting, by all means, but then to repeat it twice with your own posts. Weird.

It appears I am not the one with upset sensibilities.

Such a shame that people cannot talk or even debate something out without this.

04-25-2013, 08:52 PM
It never ceases to amaze me the petty things that upset some people, take a valium.

All we did was to consider other people who may not want to know, where's the harm in that?

04-25-2013, 08:53 PM
does any one have B*e*r**n*i*c*e S&u&m&m&e&r&f&i&e&l&d novel F*i*l*t*h*y L*u*c*r*e novel please. thanks

I am so intrigued by this title. I don't really bother with her spin off, but this grabbed my attention.

Medic Who Magazine Specials. All 28 publications from 1980 to 1996.

That completes all the issues from the classic era uploaded. All the links are still alive but I will be removing them after this weekend.


<!--Specials (1):>
<!--Specials (2):>
<!--Specials (3):!/-->

Thank you for this, I was missing two and ebay was charging ridiculous amounts.

04-25-2013, 08:54 PM
Yeah, but the majority of this page is posted in spoiler tags. We may as well post everything in them in case some sensitive soul gets upset.

I agree with not posting 'OMG, The Doctor and The Master were tag teaming Clara when a Dalek burst in and killed them all', but it is just plain weird to spoiler two characters names. They are just appearing, in the same way that Strax, Jenny and Vastra are appearing in the Crimson Horror. Me revealing that, didn't spoil a thing.

The people who claim it does, do they sit with their eyes closed all week just in case they see a trailer or poster? Somebody actually complained on another forum that they don't watch the next time trailer and people talking about it was spoiling it.

No plot was spoilt. No storyline was spoilt. Bloody spoiler tags, they are so misused and abused.

Well apologies... my reply was spoiled because the question it was replying to was... just following a convention... apologies for any offence I might have caused... But then again, aren't there really bigger things to get worked up about?

04-25-2013, 08:56 PM
It never ceases to amaze me the petty things that upset some people, take a valium.

All we did was to consider other people who may not want to know.

And all I did was point out that it was a bit OTT.

04-25-2013, 08:58 PM
I am so intrigued by this title. I don't really bother with her spin off, but this grabbed my attention.

Thank you for this, I was missing two and ebay was charging ridiculous amounts.

Rule 1: Don't pay ebay prices :D

04-25-2013, 08:58 PM
Well apologies... my reply was spoiled because the question it was replying to was... just following a convention... apologies for any offence I might have caused... But then again, aren't there really bigger things to get worked up about?

Yes, certainly go ahead. For posting an opinion, I have had... A strop from one poster who is now taking a break (that will last until about tomorrow), advice to take a valium because they don't agree with me and now being told what I can and can't have an opinion on.

This place used to be pretty damn amazing.

04-25-2013, 09:01 PM
Rule 1: Don't pay ebay prices :D

I will keep looking, I have to have hard copies (why I only ever request when it is something new to me and I want to test it out). No idea why, but I am just not a digital boy.

But being able to read them in any form is a huge benefit, so I am very grateful.

04-25-2013, 09:01 PM
It never ceases to amaze me the petty things that upset some people, take a valium.

All we did was to consider other people who may not want to know, where's the harm in that?

It's not just people getting upset; it's the fact that sometimes we seem incapable of letting these things drop.

There's absolutely no harm in putting things in spoilers - learning that a character is returning can spoil a story, but I can't see how any of the spoilered posts except the original could possible spoil the upcoming Gaiman story.

04-25-2013, 09:01 PM
And all I did was point out that it was a bit OTT.

OK point taken, I apologise if what we did upset you in some way, (wow thats a first, I hardly ever apologise) now let's just forget it :).

And my valium quip was just a joke.

04-25-2013, 09:05 PM
Yes, certainly go ahead. For posting an opinion, I have had... A strop from one poster who is now taking a break (that will last until about tomorrow), advice to take a valium because they don't agree with me and now being told what I can and can't have an opinion on.

Fucks sake, this place used to be pretty damn amazing.

Don't think that I told you that you couldn't have an opinion - you're more than entitled to it as far as I'm concerned and I shall certainly be more selective about what I spoiler tag in future. Don't want to cause any bad feeling... this place IS amazing, and I don't want to be part of a pages long war of words. With that said, and I hope the air cleared, I'll not be commenting on this theme again for that very reason!

04-25-2013, 09:05 PM
It's not just people getting upset; it's the fact that sometimes we seem incapable of letting these things drop.

There's absolutely no harm in putting things in spoilers - learning that a character is returning can spoil a story, but I can't see how any of the spoilered posts except the original could possible spoil the upcoming Gaiman story.

I get that, and I will let it drop, but there is no way that they won't appear in some trailer. The only way spoilers can work is if they are not officially released and then they can be avoided. Once something is released by the BBC, how possible is it to avoid finding out? And for that 1% of people who might avoid it, is it really worth the rest of us tip toeing around?

I really am not having a go here, far too grateful to some of your contributions to be abusive, just asking out of interest.

04-25-2013, 09:10 PM

04-25-2013, 09:11 PM
OK point taken, I apologise if what we did upset you in some way, (wow thats a first, I hardly ever apologise) now let's just forget it :).

And my valium quip was just a joke.

Yeah, I know. Apology totally accepted, and also returned to you. Sorry.

Don't think that I told you that you couldn't have an opinion - you're more than entitled to it as far as I'm concerned and I shall certainly be more selective about what I spoiler tag in future. Don't want to cause any bad feeling... this place IS amazing, and I don't want to be part of a pages long war of words. With that said, and I hope the air cleared, I'll not be commenting on this theme again for that very reason!

You kind of caught the brunt of that, mainly because at first I was just talking and really not expecting aggro back. I ramble in my posts and I can be blunt and to the point. I can be annoying and a bit angry sounding. I wish you could hear me though instead of reading my words. In my head and in person it just comes out as a rant in a humorous way, not an angry one. I type as I speak and that is my weak point. So for that, yeah, I am sorry.

From a totally selfish point of view, they are a nightmare to post with and to read on my tablet and because I work away and use a work laptop I cannot use it on this site. So when I do get behind them and it turns out to be something that isn't a spoiler, it can be annoying, but as I have said before, that is my problem.

04-25-2013, 09:13 PM
I apologise for the strop (my break lasted 10 minutes!). You're right this is a great forum and its not worth people (I am talking about me here) getting into a meaningless argument. Apologies to all.

So everyone has buried the hatchet and, as tomoph says, lets move on.

Because it might have got lost in my "strop-fall out" here's the link to The Third Doc Revisited again
Doctor Who - The Third Doctor Revisited - Video Dailymotion (

Haha, that is amazing.

I take it back, this place is amazing. On DS or GB at least 3 of us would have had a temporary ban and battle lines would be drawn.

The apologies above are extended to you as well and thank you for offering them back.

04-25-2013, 09:13 PM
I get that, and I will let it drop, but there is no way that they won't appear in some trailer. The only way spoilers can work is if they are not officially released and then they can be avoided. Once something is released by the BBC, how possible is it to avoid finding out? And for that 1% of people who might avoid it, is it really worth the rest of us tip toeing around?

I really am not having a go here, far too grateful to some of your contributions to be abusive, just asking out of interest.

I never said it was easy to avoid finding out - I said that finding out can spoil a story. Sometimes the beeb seriously pisses me off when they run the trailer for the following week immediately after, or during, the end credits. At least when people post the links to trailers, it's up to the individual if they watch or not.

04-25-2013, 09:15 PM
Yeah, I know. Apology totally accepted, and also returned to you. Sorry.

You kind of caught the brunt of that, mainly because at first I was just talking and really not expecting aggro back. I ramble in my posts and I can be blunt and to the point. I can be annoying and a bit angry sounding. I wish you could hear me though instead of reading my words. In my head and in person it just comes out as a rant in a humorous way, not an angry one. I type as I speak and that is my weak point. So for that, yeah, I am sorry.

From a totally selfish point of view, they are a nightmare to post with and to read on my tablet and because I work away and use a work laptop I cannot use it on this site. So when I do get behind them and it turns out to be something that isn't a spoiler, it can be annoying, but as I have said before, that is my problem.


04-25-2013, 09:17 PM
On DS or GB at least 3 of us would have had a temporary ban and battle lines would be drawn.

I don't frequent those places, but by the sound of it we would pretty much all be banned now with all the OT stuff that goes on here.

04-25-2013, 09:21 PM
Remember when the front cover of the Radio Times carried a picture of the Sec hybrid two weeks before the episode? that has to be the worst spoiler ever.

04-25-2013, 09:23 PM
Rule 1: Don't pay ebay prices :D
no. That's not rule 1

this place ...pretty damn amazing.

I'm deleting all my 3 paragraphs of comments on this, as everyone has acted like adults and made nice while I was typing; starting it up again would not be helpful in any way.

sanity, decency and apologies....on the internet?
I fear I have slipped into a parallel universe

04-25-2013, 09:24 PM
Remember when the front cover of the Radio Times carried a picture of the Sec hybrid two weeks before the episode? that has to be the worst spoiler ever.

Not quite - the Davros toy was advertised almost 3 months before his reappearance. Was a definite clue he was gonna be back soon.

04-25-2013, 09:26 PM
no. That's not rule 1

I know, I know... Rule one, the Doc lies :D

04-25-2013, 09:28 PM
Not quite - the Davros toy was advertised almost 3 months before his reappearance. Was a definite clue he was gonna be back soon.

I forgot about that one, yeah that has to be worse.

04-25-2013, 09:32 PM
Here we go again...

and i was nowhere near this dust up -------ha!!!!!

04-25-2013, 09:39 PM
and i was nowhere near this dust up -------ha!!!!!

Well a change is as good as a rest as they say :)

04-25-2013, 09:40 PM
Well a change is as good as a rest as they say :)

a miss is a good as a smile... and Time and tide melts the snowman
and two wrongs don't make a left turn

04-25-2013, 09:52 PM
Sorry TTROY I just couldn't resist it.

04-25-2013, 09:52 PM
I know, I know... Rule one, the Doc lies :D

I thought it was Don't Wander Off ?

04-25-2013, 09:54 PM
I thought it was Don't Wander Off ?

I thought it was always know where your towel is.

Sorry, wrong series :)

04-25-2013, 09:54 PM
is this place turning into a soap opera???? if so wheres the pub? they all have one, lets all sit down and have a pangalactic gargleblaster and just chill!!!

04-25-2013, 09:55 PM
More Hasta less Vista!!!!

04-25-2013, 09:56 PM
is this place turning into a soap opera???? if so wheres the pub? they all have one, lets all sit down and have a pangalactic gargleblaster and just chill!!!

mine is more like The Woolpack or Rovers Return [ never really warmed to Dog in the Pond or the Old Vic]

[this is a post that will totally confound people in the US]

04-25-2013, 09:58 PM
Very excited about this boxset, even thought I have most of the episodes.

Also, i am interested in this Barrowman and Kingston idea. Although LC taking over Torchwood is what I really want. They never reply to that tweet or Facebook question though.

i've emailed them with that question and this was their response: The BBC has the rights to Torchwood, but if they offered it, we�d certainly consider doing it.

04-25-2013, 10:00 PM
mine is more like The Woolpack or Rovers Return [ never really warmed to Dog in the Pond or the Old Vic]

[this is a post that will totally confound people in the US]

And if we explained they would send us to rehab!!!! lol

04-25-2013, 10:00 PM
i've emailed them with that question and this was their response: The BBC has the rights to Torchwood, but if they offered it, we’d certainly consider doing it.

That's something I'd like to see, but only if they have the whole cast.

04-25-2013, 10:00 PM
is this place turning into a soap opera???? if so wheres the pub? they all have one, lets all sit down and have a pangalactic gargleblaster and just chill!!!

Make mine a large one, and bring on the Vogon poetry.

04-25-2013, 10:03 PM
Make mine a large one, and bring on the Vogon poetry.

Suppose you want the Pangalactic Garglebaster served by Eccentrica Gallumbits as well ;)

04-25-2013, 10:06 PM
and the thing thing is The Rose and Crown pub is the authentic english pub in Epcot center....

but that is also where Clara worked in " The Snowmen" --- which was a Christmas episode....

Christmas is usually when "Santa" visits....

and Disney is based in California in "Santa" Clara.....

and the most famous character of Disney that is Clara is a cow......

and Clara in one of the latest episodes called the Tardis a fat old cow......

this is all a secret plot by moffatt

04-25-2013, 10:09 PM
and the thing thing is The Rose and Crown pub is the authentic english pub in Epcot center....

but that is also where Clara worked in " The Snowmen" --- which was a Christmas episode....

Christmas is usually when "Santa" visits....

and Disney is based in California in "Santa" Clara.....

and the most famous character of Disney that is Clara is a cow......

and Clara in one of the latest episodes called the Tardis a fat old cow......

this is all a secret plot by moffatt
are you saying that Muff is infecting the show with......Disney????

I feel ill

04-25-2013, 10:10 PM
It's not just people getting upset; it's the fact that sometimes we seem incapable of letting these things drop.

There's absolutely no harm in putting things in spoilers - learning that a character is returning can spoil a story, but I can't see how any of the spoilered posts except the original could possible spoil the upcoming Gaiman story.

04-25-2013, 10:11 PM
Suppose you want the Pangalactic Garglebaster served by Eccentrica Gallumbits as well ;)

Ahh the triple breasted whore... yes please

04-25-2013, 10:12 PM
Where there's a will, there's a beneficiary.

04-25-2013, 10:15 PM
Where there's a will, there's a beneficiary.
where there's a will, there's a lawyer making money

04-25-2013, 10:16 PM
Where there's a will, there's a beneficiary.

Ahh, well every dogma has its day.

04-25-2013, 10:16 PM
where there's a will, there's a lawyer making money

What's black, brown and looks good on a lawyer

A Rottweiler :D