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04-06-2013, 01:08 PM
Of course I would love it if more missing episodes turned up, but I am not getting my hopes up. We have all been disappointed by false rumours in the past.

At any rate, it does raise the question: Why commission an animated version of 'The Tenth Planet' episode 4 if they have already found it.

Money. And mitigation against the episode (if they have it) being in such terrible condition that it'll take ages to restore?

Or a red-herring.

04-06-2013, 01:12 PM
Not cryptic, I just forgot which one he was in, Archers or Emmerdale - knew it was a farming one. No problem with him or her being it just a bit irritated that in an interview with Carol Anne Ford specifically about Doctor Who and the 50th Anniversary some tit had to ask questions about a %^& soap

04-06-2013, 01:26 PM
With all this talk of recovered episodes, I would just like to say that I have a few friends/contacts who actually work for the beeb, and two of them actually work in relation to the show. and one has done a lot of work for 2Entertain for the dvd releases.... I cut and pasted a few comments from here about it, mostly foes (dont worry, I never named this site NOR the people who posted), and the universal response was " HAHAHAHAHA! yeah that rumors been doing the rounds!" and "Nope its not true, this African vault find is a fantasy". Now I want these things returned as much as the next medic fan, as do my friends and all of you, however to me, that seems pretty much official that the beeb dont have them, nor in "talks" to get them, and 2Entertain are not prepping extras for them! well how could they is they dont have the episodes!

oh and the "secret" regenerations box set that no one knows about........

its the US revisited episodes on the 1st 4 medics along with the tales broadcast... aztecs, tomb, spearhead, and the mummy one for No4

04-06-2013, 01:27 PM
on the plus side amazon. com have THIS for pre order..... Doctor Who: The Moonbase: Movies & TV (

heres the cover for revisited, or regenerations as its known in the UK

Doctor Who DVD news: Box Art for Doctor Who - The Doctors Revisited: 1-4 | (

04-06-2013, 04:04 PM

Perhaps a BBC ploy to divert attention away from the 8 episodes "missing" from last year (i.e. Series 7) and the 13 episodes "missing" from this year (Series 8)? ;-)

04-06-2013, 07:01 PM
Well that was a really crap episode! Hope Neil Cross never writes another one

04-06-2013, 07:16 PM
Well that was a really crap episode! Hope Neil Cross never writes another one

I'm still processing ...

There was 'something' missing. Like it was originally going to be a two-parter and then it was stripped down to a single parter at the last minute.

But a nice rip-off of one of the EDAs at the end. Phobos?

Have decided, though, that JLC is now officially the most sexy companion of NuWho.

04-06-2013, 07:24 PM
How do you do a "spoiler" box. Don't want to give things away for people that have watched it yet

04-06-2013, 07:26 PM
How do you do a "spoiler" box. Don't want to give things away for people that have watched it yet

replace the following '(' with SQUARE BRACKETS.


04-06-2013, 07:30 PM
loved it, those who disagree, need to remember back to the days when doctor who wasn't on the tv. the void we had. this was a imaginative , visual feast. Maybe the haters should just watch ITV next week.

04-06-2013, 07:30 PM
Here are my thoughts jotted down as I was watching the episode - may be subject to change when I force myself to watch it again. There are spoilers!

Tedious Star Wars pastiche of the marketplace
No TARDIS translation for one alien to make a crap joke
Land of My Fathers!!
And why not use the TARDIS rather than a Star Wars pod knock off
Wish he'd loose the sonic screwdriver, just makes it too easy a plot crutch
Like the creepy black suited guards
Not more fucking sonic screwdriver crap... Don't they understand physics!
Awful dialogue
Oh no not a badly sung lullaby putting a planet sized baddy to sleep
Appallingly bad dialogue!!
The Last Great Time War!!! At the start of the Universe(s)
Oh no not the frigging leaf!! Barf!
And now the ring back... Jesu!!
Probably the worst writing of the new series. Absolutely dire!

04-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Here are my thoughts jotted down as I was watching the episode - may be subject to change when I force myself to watch it again. There are spoilers!

Tedious Star Wars pastiche of the marketplace
No TARDIS translation for one alien to make a crap joke
Land of My Fathers!!
And why not use the TARDIS rather than a Star Wars pod knock off
Wish he'd loose the sonic screwdriver, just makes it too easy a plot crutch
Like the creepy black suited guards
Not more fucking sonic screwdriver crap... Don't they understand physics!
Awful dialogue
Oh no not a badly sung lullaby putting a planet sized baddy to sleep
Appallingly bad dialogue!!
The Last Great Time War!!! At the start of the Universe(s)
Oh no not the frigging leaf!! Barf!
And now the ring back... Jesu!!
Probably the worst writing of the new series. Absolutely dire!

Next week, ITV for you!

04-06-2013, 07:35 PM
loved it, those who disagree, need to remember back to the days when doctor who wasn't on the tv. the void we had. this was a imaginative , visual feast. Maybe the haters should just watch ITV next week week.

Ever heard of the concept of 'shades of grey' ? (And not in the porn sense!) - One can dislike some aspect of something yet still like another.

And you know what really pisses me off? Those that come out with trite cobblers like "Maybe the haters should just watch ITV next week week."

04-06-2013, 07:35 PM
loved it, those who disagree, need to remember back to the days when doctor who wasn't on the tv. the void we had. this was a imaginative , visual feast. Maybe the haters should just watch ITV next week week.

Nope I really have to disagree with you. It was very badly written by someone not familiar with Doctor Who. When you consider the fabulous quality of writing that we have had since the Doctor came back this was a pale travesty of an episode. It would have been a mediocre episode for K9 and Company. Visually it looked fabulous but you expect that these days, but Doctor Who is about the story not effects.
You can tell it will be bad when even the Radio Times writes "New to Who, Neil Cross (creator of Luther) has penned a tale bursting with spectacle and poignant incidents, but the lullabies are thin and even Matt Smith looks unconvinced by the Doctor's final grandstanding"
So a staff writer that doesn't know fuck all about the programme does a pick and mix from SF DVDs he's seen after a beer and curry night!

04-06-2013, 07:39 PM
Ever heard of the concept of 'shades of grey' ? (And not in the porn sense!) - One can dislike some aspect of something yet still like another.

And you know what really pisses me off? Those that come out with trite cobblers like "Maybe the haters should just watch ITV next week week."

what pisses me off is people who don't know how good we have it now. Doctor who is on tele. If people keep slagging it off, people won't watch and it soon won't be. Period.

04-06-2013, 07:39 PM
Here are my thoughts jotted down as I was watching the episode - may be subject to change when I force myself to watch it again. There are spoilers!

Tedious Star Wars pastiche of the marketplace
No TARDIS translation for one alien to make a crap joke
Land of My Fathers!!
And why not use the TARDIS rather than a Star Wars pod knock off
Wish he'd loose the sonic screwdriver, just makes it too easy a plot crutch
Like the creepy black suited guards
Not more fucking sonic screwdriver crap... Don't they understand physics!
Awful dialogue
Oh no not a badly sung lullaby putting a planet sized baddy to sleep
Appallingly bad dialogue!!
The Last Great Time War!!! At the start of the Universe(s)
Oh no not the frigging leaf!! Barf!
And now the ring back... Jesu!!
Probably the worst writing of the new series. Absolutely dire!

Hard to quibble with most of those on first blush.

The bit with the leaf at the end I thought was quite good. Clara had a very nice speech which JLC delivered really well until the writer decided to have The Doctor walk all over the end of it. Odd choice, I thought.

The Doctor flying the speeder I was OK with. Clara - No. That was just silly.

04-06-2013, 07:43 PM
what pisses me off is people who don't know how good we have it now. Doctor who is on tele. If people keep slagging it off, people won't watch and it soon won't be. Period.

So you just blindly accept anything with DW in the credits? Would you be happy if they had Matt prancing around Tellytubby land?

04-06-2013, 07:43 PM
Well as someone that has been watching Doctor who for 43 years that episode will rank along with some of the dross that Sylvester McCoy had to endure in his first season. Also the consensus among everyone I've chatted to online is that this was a dog!

I do think that JLC is going to be a brilliant companion

And Mark Gatiss will give us the Ice Warriors next week so hopefully everything will be well in the Who Universe :)

04-06-2013, 07:45 PM
The general comment is that it was a CBBC episode so Tellytubbies is very apt

04-06-2013, 07:48 PM
Going to watch something from Jon Pertwee or early Tom Baker to calm my nerves LOL

04-06-2013, 07:51 PM
ttle aside to the book she was reading in last week's episode........ the author is one Amelia Williams....

04-06-2013, 07:51 PM
One thing about the ending - did I miss something ...?

So there's this system of asteroids and planets being supported by this alien/parasite/SUN thing?

Now there's no SUN to hold the system together ... what the feck happens to all those people that lived there?

04-06-2013, 07:57 PM
One thing about the ending - did I miss something ...?

So there's this system of asteroids and planets being supported by this alien/parasite/SUN thing?

Now there's no SUN to hold the system together ... what the feck happens to all those people that lived there?

Nope you didn't

They die - another really irritating aspect of the abysmally written episode. Never mind the fact that all those asteroids shouldn't have had an atmosphere and there are our heroes' hair was blowing in the vacuum of space as they flitted around on the cycle thing with no problems breathing....

04-06-2013, 08:02 PM
Nope you didn't

Ah! Glad to see I didn't miss something.

I'm OK with the 'air' aspects, though. Force-fields can wonderfully handwave some things away! :)

I wonder if this episode is the series 'cheap one'. Normally 'the cheap one' is Doctor-lite, where-as this one is noticeably SET lite. One standing set (the TARDIS) and two others; the market and the other place. Lots of green screen.

Agreed, though, it did look fabulous.

04-06-2013, 08:13 PM
Ah! Glad to see I didn't miss something.

I'm OK with the 'air' aspects, though. Force-fields can wonderfully handwave some things away! :)

I wonder if this episode is the series 'cheap one'. Normally 'the cheap one' is Doctor-lite, where-as this one is noticeably SET lite. One standing set (the TARDIS) and two others; the market and the other place. Lots of green screen.

Agreed, though, it did look fabulous.

Could be

At least it is Mark Gatiss next week so hopefully several 1000% better writing

04-06-2013, 08:26 PM
Could be

At least it is Mark Gatiss next week so hopefully several 1000% better writing

well let's be fair...even some of the best regarded Who.. is pretty much questionable in plot and resolution...... Tomb of the borgclones..... we are going to take everyone over by sealing ourselves in a refrigerator with no handle of the inside......

04-06-2013, 08:47 PM
Well that was a really crap episode! Hope Neil Cross never writes another one

He already has, I think it's on in about a fortnight. He's the writer who created Luther for the BBC and he wrote eight episodes of Spooks as well, but Sci-Fi may not be his strong point.

04-06-2013, 08:58 PM
Well, you can't please everyone all of the time. While some of us may think that this may not be Who at it's best, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who did like the episode ... and everyone is allowed their own opinion.

At least we've got next week's ep to look forward to ... Ice Warriors and guest star Liam Cunningham. :)

04-06-2013, 08:58 PM
what pisses me off is people who don't know how good we have it now. Doctor who is on tele. If people keep slagging it off, people won't watch and it soon won't be. Period.

You don't actually believe that do you? Isn't it more likely that if scripts of that level keep getting made, people will stop watching it? I find it sad that an episode with so little substance, so little story and so little entertainment has been made at a time when all focus should be on celebrating everything that made the last 50 years so enjoyable.

04-06-2013, 09:02 PM
He already has, I think it's on in about a fortnight. He's the writer who created Luther for the BBC and he wrote eight episodes of Spooks as well, but Sci-Fi may not be his strong point.

Oh dear... Well hopefully he will improve.

04-06-2013, 09:39 PM
The 2nd Trailer for Cold War is up with the vocals of the Ice Warrior.... Not too sure on it, sounds like a Judoon speaking English to me :\

Doctor Who: Cold War - TV Trailer - Episode 3 Series 7 2013 - BBC One - YouTube (

04-06-2013, 09:48 PM
The 2nd Trailer for Cold War is up with the vocals of the Ice Warrior.... Not too sure on it, sounds like a Judoon speaking English to me :\

I hear what you mean. NOT A DIG AT Mr B, but when it's just him doing The Voices there's always that underlying timbre. (And that's not a dig. Purely an observation.)

It's the Senior ice-warriors that 'hiss' more, isn't it?

04-06-2013, 09:51 PM
The 2nd Trailer for Cold War is up with the vocals of the Ice Warrior.... Not too sure on it, sounds like a Judoon speaking English to me :\

Doctor Who: Cold War - TV Trailer - Episode 3 Series 7 2013 - BBC One - YouTube (

Yep I agree with you there. Where is the whispery, sibilant voice? Feeling depressed now. SIGH :(

04-06-2013, 09:52 PM
I hear what you mean. NOT A DIG AT Mr B, but when it's just him doing The Voices there's always that underlying timbre. (And that's not a dig. Purely an observation.)

It's the Senior ice-warriors that 'hiss' more, isn't it?

I think the senior ones tend to speak with more gritted teeth than the normal warriors (I should know this as I was watching Seeds a couple of days ago)

04-06-2013, 09:53 PM
what pisses me off is people who don't know how good we have it now. Doctor who is on tele. If people keep slagging it off, people won't watch and it soon won't be. Period.

As long as there's money to be made out of the franchise, I seriously doubt the beeb will drop Dr Who because a few people trash an odd episode. Since it's return, every season has had a couple of weak episodes. This week's probably looked good on paper, but just didn't translate so well onto the screen.

Personally, I thought the bad guy was a joke and the whole idea of sending him to sleep with a lullaby was laughable. If there was some explanation as to how the song worked it may have been better. I kinda got the idea that the songs were done simply for the inevitable soundtrack which will probably be released later this year.

04-06-2013, 09:55 PM
Yep I agree with you there. Where is the whispery, sibilant voice? Feeling depressed now. SIGH :(

I know the feeling, both the sound of them and feeling depressed after tonight's episode and cancelled date :(

I may watch Timelash to remind me that when things are bad, nothing can be as bad as that story.

04-06-2013, 09:57 PM
Yep I agree with you there. Where is the whispery, sibilant voice? Feeling depressed now. SIGH :(

In fairness, it's only a very tiny clip.

04-06-2013, 09:57 PM
I may watch Timelash to remind me that when things are bad, nothing can be as bad as that story.

*cough* The Web Planet *cough*

04-06-2013, 09:57 PM
I know the feeling, both the sound of them and feeling depressed after tonight's episode and cancelled date :(

I may watch Timelash to remind me that when things are bad, nothing can be as bad as that story.

I would suggest Time and the Rani but that would be cruel

04-06-2013, 10:00 PM
I would suggest Time and the Rani but that would be cruel

Worst thing is I like Time and the Rani... But that was my first full story I could remember as a child so has a special place in my mind, like most of the later stuff.

04-06-2013, 10:01 PM
Just watched the Image of the Fendal. Great story, acting and pacing with cheesy paper mache and bubble wrap monsters. A mirror image of todays farce

04-06-2013, 10:06 PM
Worst thing is I like Time and the Rani... But that was my first full story I could remember as a child so has a special place in my mind, like most of the later stuff.

First stories have a special place - I remember flashes of "The Web of Fear" and the first couple of early Pertwee episodes but the first full story which I can remember clearly is the Ambassadors of Death probably because the spacesuits killing everyone was so creepy.

04-06-2013, 10:08 PM
Worst thing is I like Time and the Rani...

Blimey, but it's been ages since I last saw that. One for tomorrow, I think.

Though last time I did, I did remember thinking that it wasn't quite as terrible as I remembered.

04-06-2013, 10:10 PM
First stories have a special place - I remember flashes of "The Web of Fear" and the first couple of early Pertwee episodes but the first full story which I can remember clearly is the Ambassadors of Death probably because the spacesuits killing everyone was so creepy.

Like you, I've plenty of 'flashes' of other episodes, but "The Green Death" is the first one I have very clear memories of. Those giant maggots. And pre-pubescent understanding that seeing flashes of Jo's knickers wasn't just a good thing, it was A Good Thing.

04-06-2013, 10:14 PM
First stories have a special place - I remember flashes of "The Web of Fear" and the first couple of early Pertwee episodes but the first full story which I can remember clearly is the Ambassadors of Death probably because the spacesuits killing everyone was so creepy.

My first real memory of Who was the sand scene in Trail with Sixy being pulled under. Silly part is I remember that but do not have a clue about watching Ghost Light, yet I can remember the rest of S26 as Curse frightened the living poop out of me (and Greatest Show is my number one reason I have a fear of clowns)

04-06-2013, 10:15 PM
Like you, I've plenty of 'flashes' of other episodes, but "The Green Death" is the first one I have very clear memories of. Those giant maggots. And pre-pubescent understanding that seeing flashes of Jo's knickers wasn't just a good thing, it was A Good Thing.

Well, rather traumatically, just after that we moved out of the country and I didn't get to see Doctor Who again until The Terror of the Zygons so in some ways that is my first episode! Really, really looking forward to the proper DVD release and them appearing in the 50th episode

04-06-2013, 10:16 PM
Like you, I've plenty of 'flashes' of other episodes, but "The Green Death" is the first one I have very clear memories of. Those giant maggots. And pre-pubescent understanding that seeing flashes of Jo's knickers wasn't just a good thing, it was A Good Thing.

See I was just too young to watch Peri and her wondrous cleavage, just got the shouty ginger one and Ace, who reminded me too much of the kids I grew up with... But with less swearing

04-06-2013, 10:31 PM
My first real memory is Planet of the Spiders but that maybe because I was hiding behind the sofa for most of the earlier ones.

04-06-2013, 10:49 PM
My first real memory is Planet of the Spiders but that maybe because I was hiding behind the sofa for most of the earlier ones.

For me the classic hide behind the sofa episode was the first episode of the Pyramids of Mars. My brother had nightmares about it and wasn't allowed to watch the rest of the story. Doctor Who should excite, enthral and scare. Not provide bad singing lesions to an inflated satsuma

04-06-2013, 10:53 PM
See I was just too young to watch Peri and her wondrous cleavage, just got the shouty ginger one and Ace, who reminded me too much of the kids I grew up with... But with less swearing

Ah! Peri!

I missed most of Ace's run the first time around. And just double checking her dates has suddenly made me very old as I'd left home, got a job and got married by then!

04-06-2013, 10:55 PM
For me the classic hide behind the sofa episode was the first episode of the Pyramids of Mars. My brother had nightmares about it and wasn't allowed to watch the rest of the story. Doctor Who should excite, enthral and scare. Not provide bad singing lesions to an inflated satsuma

I don't think I've ever had nightmares, or ever wanted to do the cliche 'hide behind the sofa', but I do remember getting real chills from 'The Hand Of Fear'. Can't remember why, but it definitely gave me the collywobbles at the time.

04-06-2013, 11:00 PM
Ah! Peri!

I missed most of Ace's run the first time around. And just double checking her dates has suddenly made me very old as I'd left home, got a job and got married by then!

Lol I'd just finished university and started work when Time and the Rani "graced" our screens

04-06-2013, 11:02 PM
I really did do the hide behind the sofa thing but then again I was only 4 or 5 when Planet of the Spiders was on.

In more recent time's and even though I could see what was about to happen 'Blink' almost made me fall of my chair.

04-06-2013, 11:09 PM
I don't think I've ever had nightmares, or ever wanted to do the cliche 'hide behind the sofa', but I do remember getting real chills from 'The Hand Of Fear'. Can't remember why, but it definitely gave me the collywobbles at the time.

I found Pyramids of Mars creepy but I think that was because there were Mummies and Egyptian things - shades of Boris Karloff. Brother was really scared with it all and it is classic hide behind the sofa Who. I can remember being a bit freaked by the mutated plant/human chasing people through the artic base in Seeds of Doom. Very John Carpenter and The Thing

04-06-2013, 11:13 PM
I really did do the hide behind the sofa thing but then again I was only 4 or 5 when Planet of the Spiders was on.

In more recent time's and even though I could see what was about to happen 'Blink' almost made me fall of my chair.

Blink was great but the Angels have been over used. The modern equivalent of Daleks. Using them to get rid of the Pondlife had so many holes in it.....

Apologies if I seem to be in a bit of a critical frame of mind, reaction to tonight's farcical episode

04-06-2013, 11:14 PM
Very John Carpenter and The Thing

One of my favourites.

04-06-2013, 11:15 PM
Blink was great but the Angels have been over used. The modern equivalent of Daleks. Using them to get rid of the Pondlife had so many holes in it.....

Apologies if I seem to be in a bit of a critical frame of mind, reaction to tonight's farcical episode

Totally agree.

04-06-2013, 11:16 PM
I found Pyramids of Mars creepy but I think that was because there were Mummies and Egyptian things - shades of Boris Karloff. Brother was really scared with it all and it is classic hide behind the sofa Who. I can remember being a bit freaked by the mutated plant/human chasing people through the artic base in Seeds of Doom. Very John Carpenter and The Thing

Much the same here, too. Even now watching Pyramids gives me a few chills.

04-06-2013, 11:19 PM
Blink was great but the Angels have been over used. The modern equivalent of Daleks. Using them to get rid of the Pondlife had so many holes in it.....

Apologies if I seem to be in a bit of a critical frame of mind, reaction to tonight's farcical episode

This is making it really difficult for me as I haven't seen it yet and if it's that bad I'm not sure I want to.......but of course I will.

04-06-2013, 11:21 PM
That period of Tom Baker's Doctor is my favourite. I must have a thing about gothic horror lol

04-06-2013, 11:23 PM
First memories for me, I haven't got any. I never watched it as a kid, My mum thought it was too scary for me. So my first introduction was via Video (the big clunky things before DVD for you youngsters), my friend brought round Death to the DElaks and I loved it so much I started collecting the whole video catalogue, only to have to sell them when DVD came out. so now buying the whole set a second time. This is still one of my favourite episodes. although I do like TB as my fav doc.

04-06-2013, 11:24 PM
This is making it really difficult for me as I haven't seen it yet and if it's that bad I'm not sure I want to.......but of course I will.

It's not entirely terrible. Just feels very out of place and that there's a lot of plot missing. Like the writer had A Big Idea but either wasn't allowed the screen time to expand on it or (and I suspect this may be more the case) just didn't have the skill to put it across.

My main gut reaction was that it'd work far better as an audio.

04-06-2013, 11:25 PM
I found Pyramids of Mars creepy but I think that was because there were Mummies and Egyptian things - shades of Boris Karloff. Brother was really scared with it all and it is classic hide behind the sofa Who. I can remember being a bit freaked by the mutated plant/human chasing people through the artic base in Seeds of Doom. Very John Carpenter and The Thing

Bugger was going to watch it again and then realised it was on my old long gone Hard drive.

04-06-2013, 11:25 PM
This is making it really difficult for me as I haven't seen it yet and if it's that bad I'm not sure I want to.......but of course I will.

Ah sorry I have tried to be circumspect with what I have been saying. Lets just say it wasn't the best - in my opinion.

Be interested in your opinion when you get to see it:) And any comments on the posts myself and others have been making.

04-06-2013, 11:26 PM
It's not entirely terrible. Just feels very out of place and that there's a lot of plot missing. Like the writer had A Big Idea but either wasn't allowed the screen time to expand on it or (and I suspect this may be more the case) just didn't have the skill to put it across.

My main gut reaction was that it'd work far better as an audio.

Should I watch it with my eye's closed?

04-06-2013, 11:27 PM
It's not entirely terrible. Just feels very out of place and that there's a lot of plot missing. Like the writer had A Big Idea but either wasn't allowed the screen time to expand on it or (and I suspect this may be more the case) just didn't have the skill to put it across.

My main gut reaction was that it'd work far better as an audio.

I think you have hit the nail on the head as a lot of the visual stuff would just be scrapped for people's imagination and there could be more plot consistency and coherence

04-06-2013, 11:28 PM
Should I watch it with my eye's closed?

Lol that is probably the worst thing you could do

04-06-2013, 11:29 PM
Should I watch it with my eye's closed?

Certainly not!

Plotting issues aside, it does look fabulous. And it's a very good example of using minimal sets.

04-06-2013, 11:29 PM
Just watched the latest, I'll give it an ok rating, not the best, but not the worst. It seems everytime a new companion joins they have to do something amazing to please the Doc.

04-06-2013, 11:30 PM
Certainly not!

Plotting issues aside, it does look fabulous. And it's a very good example of using minimal sets.

Should I turn the sound down?

04-06-2013, 11:31 PM
Minimal sets, they obviously spent the budget creating all the different races that you see in the market.

04-06-2013, 11:32 PM
Should I turn the sound down?

Only for the singing

04-06-2013, 11:33 PM
Although they missed a trick getting some aliens from the classic series in. But the grand daughter gets a mention. is this going to be a year of spot the references?

04-06-2013, 11:34 PM
Should I turn the sound down?

:) The singing is rather good!

04-06-2013, 11:36 PM
I thought Land of My Fathers was starting up lol

04-06-2013, 11:37 PM
Minimal sets, they obviously spent the budget creating all the different races that you see in the market.

Nah. You could tell that they raided the dressing-up box for those. I recognised the 'green liquid breathing things' from one of the Martha stories, doggie girl was based on a sontaran costume, and I'm sure I've seen other bits in trailers for that 'Aliens And Monsters' thing.

04-06-2013, 11:38 PM
I thought Land of My Fathers was starting up lol

Could have been worse. Could have been "Abide With Me" as they all sit in a nonsensical traffic jam ...

04-06-2013, 11:40 PM
Only for the singing

:) The singing is rather good!

Now you're just really trying to confuse me!

04-06-2013, 11:42 PM
Now you're just really trying to confuse me!

We're Who fans! What do you expect? Consistency?


04-06-2013, 11:43 PM
Do I have to like musical's?

04-06-2013, 11:44 PM
Muppet uploads answers some of that.

04-06-2013, 11:47 PM
Do I have to like musical's?

It's not quite "... and the Pirates", let's put it that way! :)

04-06-2013, 11:49 PM
I rather liked the new episode. Then again I also thought it would of been better as a two parter. Then again I thought the same things with PoT and aTCM. Honestly why does the Moff hate Two parters so much? I honestly think they save him problems, and flesh out his bloody stories. I will admit I liked Matt's speech there though, I thought that was a nice nudge. Made him seem not so...happy go lucky I suppose would be the best way to put it.

04-06-2013, 11:55 PM
I think I forgot to post this one, might be wrong.......

Warriors of Passion disc 3



04-07-2013, 12:05 AM
I think I forgot to post this one, might be wrong.......

Warriors of Passion disc 3



Yep you had forgotten - or I missed it, either way thanks

04-07-2013, 12:09 AM
I think I forgot to post this one, might be wrong.......

Warriors of Passion disc 3

"Look! Maroon carpet on the floor. I like a tufted shag."

Courtney is just so brilliant in these. I really hope he was enjoying himself as much as he seems to.

A *REAL SPOILER* thought on the series.

Such a shame that many of the starting cast dropped out as the series progressed. You can tell that some of them really didn't 'get' the series and/or didn't appreciate the humour level.

Colin Baker, for instance. Gareth Thomas fills in his shoes very well, but it would have been so much better had Colin remained in the role.

04-07-2013, 12:11 AM
If anyone has read any of Charles Stross's Laundry series of books did they notice the striking similarity to the baddy and the whole situation? Heading to bed now and don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen the episode but I think the writer might well have read "The Atrocity Archive" and "Apocalypse Codex" recently

04-07-2013, 12:12 AM
Yes pleases trabisty, more would be appreciated.....


If my net connection holds out tomorrow/today, I'll upload more Warriors of Passion. See what happens.

04-07-2013, 12:20 AM
Should have had 'Warriors of Passion' disc 4 uploaded but it keeps failing.

04-07-2013, 12:42 AM
Just read this elsewhere ...

Something about Clara - the Tardis doesn't like her. She didn't let Clara in and isn't translating all languages for her. Way back in Utopia she does the same with Jack, trying to shake him off in the time vortex since he was an anomaly.

Which I'm undecided about.

Clara didn't have a key, and I can't remember if we've seen the Tardis just open-up because companion-du-jour was knocking on the door? But if we presume a production error (as in she was meant to have a key and the lock didn't work) then it's an interesting point.

Translation - going for 'comic effect' on this one. It wasn't particularly funny, but it feels a safe bet.

04-07-2013, 01:05 AM
Thanks for the appreciation. I have also remixed and re-covered the BBV Time Travellers to make them more "Who" like including replacing the Alice and Domini references with Ace and professor in the later episodes and adding the TARDIS sound effects. Only thing is the episodes are still extra long one parters otherwise the cliffhangers would be as lame as the ones we got here in Australia when they cut season 22 into 25 minute episodes... wow was that bad! Will upload them soon.

Apologies as some of my covers will be pretty lame (as were some of the originals!) as I am a designer not a finished artist so I can only work with readjusting preexisting artwork. I also do not want to spend excessive time on them as there are so many that need readjusting that I just do it to a satisfactory rather than a finished level.

Here's the next one remixed, G**host**s of N-S***pa**ce

Here is G**host**s of N-S***pa**ce REMIXED: Download GON-S (REMIXED).zip from - send big files the easy way (

04-07-2013, 01:23 AM
Pedant Point ... If you're 'releasing' these covers fresh this year, then you really should be using the 50th B&W logo ... :)

04-07-2013, 01:23 AM
about the latest episode, some says that it is the beast below of season 7, and i feel like it is as i watched it, but i quite like beast below, so it is a quite good episode for me, and of course it is a visual feast

04-07-2013, 02:18 AM
It's sooooo debatable, we all have our limits. I just have my own system which I'm happy with. I'm not so fussed about logo and fonts all matching across the whole lot, just the overall look of the covers being similar.

I don't really like the "new" 50th logo. From what I've seen I'm not the only one: (NOT MY WORK)

Pedant Point ... If you're 'releasing' these covers fresh this year, then you really should be using the 50th B&W logo ... :)

04-07-2013, 02:37 AM
It's sooooo debatable...

Actually, I agree with you there. (And I was just being cheeky, BTW).

The colouring and pattern of the waveDW logo makes it more difficult to 'sit right' with lighter coloured designs. Your example shows that perfectly. By its very nature the logo only really works properly against much darker backgrounds as the edges get lost. The additional 'BBC' bit is cumbersome, to say the least. Just how much branding/trademark/trade-dress do you really need?

And, of course, part of me thinks the waveDW should be Gold being the 50th, even though it's obviously based on the original howlaround opening sequence.

I like the improved contrast on the main image on the make-over version, but they messed up the 'Classic Doctors...'/'full cast' bit. Better off staying with the original stroke/fill. The make-over ones get lost in the image.

(As an aside, I've always found the lighter, top-left, blush on the blue 'D' to feel wrong.)

04-07-2013, 04:23 AM
Does anyone have the last serial of the Divergent Universe arc? If you do, I'd much appreciate it

04-07-2013, 04:40 AM
i'll be back to this thread after it screens in aus tonight - far too many opinions not in spoiler tags for my liking - please remember that a lot of us haven't seen it yet!!

04-07-2013, 04:44 AM
about the latest episode, some says that it is the beast below of season 7, and i feel like it is as i watched it, but i quite like beast below, so it is a quite good episode for me, and of course it is a visual feast

There's a fine line between syrupy glurge and an emotional story, and it's different for every person. I liked the space whale episode too, but this latest one was a bit too much for me.

Do I have to like musical's?

No, but you'll have an easier time if you have a high tolerance to...child choristers :p

04-07-2013, 05:23 AM
There's a fine line between syrupy glurge and an emotional story, and it's different for every person. I liked the space whale episode too, but this latest one was a bit too much for me
like you said, fine line..different for every person..for me, it is fine,not that good but not that bad, i think my social background have my taste a bit "low"

i have to say, thanks to "free" office internet, i can watch new episodes of almost any series from UK & US hours only after broadcast because DW is not broadcast in my country (cable tv is too expensive for me)

04-07-2013, 05:24 AM
I rather liked the new episode. Then again I also thought it would of been better as a two parter. Then again I thought the same things with PoT and aTCM. Honestly why does the Moff hate Two parters so much? I honestly think they save him problems, and flesh out his bloody stories. I will admit I liked Matt's speech there though, I thought that was a nice nudge. Made him seem not so...happy go lucky I suppose would be the best way to put it.

I actually liked it too, which seems like a not so popular conclusion so far. More than the space whale, it reminded me of the Satan Pit, even visually. I liked the speech as well although I'm not sure we can read too much into it. What does spring to mind is all of the "leaves" we're seeing. And I can't help but think that this brings us all the way back to Silence in the Library. I mean River was stuck in a fictional computer life just like Clara last episode wasn't she? There may be some link there too. The fact that the bluebox didn't translate bothers me but it was never adressed. The Medic translated which as far as I know never happened before. That the bluebox doesn't like Clara well I just think she was upset that it didn't open up for her. She doesn't have a key and the Medic didn't open it for her. His "Come in" statement I took as equivalent to snapping his fingers, like a mental command to open the doors through the telepathic circuits, maybe?
In any case, we saw more of who Clara is. She actually has a life. Presumably she has had at least 2 more lives thus far. The reference to Susan is not coincidental I don't think. For me, the 50th has to come full circle to some degree and if Susan doesn't come back, I'll be disappointed. Wouldn't it be incredibly awesome to have an appearance by an older CAF who regenerates into Clara at some point but maybe she was in mid-regen when the TW got timelocked or something that could explain her being so scattered? I can only dream!

04-07-2013, 05:34 AM
I thought the new episode was reasonable. The creative team for the series have on numerous occasions stated that it is targeted primarily at families and younger people. Perhaps those that found this episode so appalling should stick to the B.F. audios (catering to older fans) rather than waste their time watching the TV show.

04-07-2013, 05:43 AM
Can some one reup the two victorian gentlemen's recent stories incuding the one with there old friend the medic who's all teeth and curls?

04-07-2013, 06:43 AM
Re: Last Night's Episode...

I was disappointed, big on effects and small on plot.

I know it's all about taste, and when a show has run for such a long time, some times the ideas are thin on the ground. No spoilers but I thought it was one of the worst since the relaunch. From the trailer I hoped for a great stand alone monster episode but nope - it was a filler. There's no room for fillers when we are getting so few episodes this year. This is the year the medic should shine in the glory of being around for 50 years - tipping it's hat to the past with some links to past glories and showing that there is still so much more it can do and so much more for us to see. Episodes like this actually lose the casual viewers who might tune in to see what all the fuss is about and end up becoming the fans. What makes it worse is that medic11 is wonderful and SLC is shaping up nicely but neither one of them could save this one.

04-07-2013, 06:43 AM
Trabisty G**host**s of N-S***pa**ce part 6 is registering as a corrupt file for me.

04-07-2013, 07:00 AM
Just made a disc of last night's episode for an offline friend and my eyes were drawn to the writer's last name "Cross" and the words "--hate-" and "Rings" in the episode title. So, let's see, some of us are cross because we hate the episode but as Medic What fans we are obligated to conclude that the word "Rings" in the title and Clara's ring in the episode makes Clara... a post-Chameleon-Arch Rani. ;-)

04-07-2013, 07:28 AM
I thought the new episode was reasonable. The creative team for the series have on numerous occasions stated that it is targeted primarily at families and younger people. Perhaps those that found this episode so appalling should stick to the B.F. audios (catering to older fans) rather than waste their time watching the TV show.

The message this week is: "Your grandparents want to eat you."

04-07-2013, 07:41 AM
Just watched RoA. I enjoyed it, but I can understand why some really wouldn't like it.
Shout-out for the Doctor's granddaughter Susan.
Clara, who for some reason made me think of Ace.

Cons: Too short, needed to be longer and fleshed out.

04-07-2013, 08:02 AM
Did you wonder if the Mummy was an alternate version of the Doctor put there by Susan,who then fed herself to grandfather to stop the god from destroying the universe... I mean when we saw him finally, it was unlikely, but there was a point before that where grandfather was referenced as a Mummy.

04-07-2013, 08:16 AM
I did mentally connected the Susan reference to the "Grandfather".

04-07-2013, 08:41 AM
Don Jenver & the M Puppets: Camping Trip



04-07-2013, 10:03 AM
I think I forgot to post this one, might be wrong.......

Warriors of Passion disc 3



THANKS. Been loving these.

04-07-2013, 10:08 AM
I thought the new episode was reasonable. The creative team for the series have on numerous occasions stated that it is targeted primarily at families and younger people. Perhaps those that found this episode so appalling should stick to the B.F. audios (catering to older fans) rather than waste their time watching the TV show.

Since it's start, DW has always been aimed at families and younger people. In the early Hartnell days it was supposedly part educational and part entertainment.

And believe it or not it is possible to like a series as a whole, but dislike an episode without it being a waste of time. The basic story actually had a lot going for it ... it was just the execution let it down.

04-07-2013, 10:10 AM
Am I weird to feel abandoned when the TARDIS disappears at the end of each episode?

04-07-2013, 10:13 AM
Am I weird to feel abandoned when the TARDIS disappears at the end of each episode?

no you're not. i feel the same way too..

04-07-2013, 10:48 AM
Am I weird to feel abandoned when the TARDIS disappears at the end of each episode?

But isn't that the difference between being his companion, and follow him traveling around, have adventures (on screen in books and some even whitout us knowing) or being the bystander watching/reading their stories... and wanting to travel with them :-)

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 11:16 AM
As I type I'm still waiting for Doktor Whoah to come on in Western Australia. Oh well, I'll have to see what I think of it (having read what you all thought of it).

04-07-2013, 11:21 AM
Apologies to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Hope we haven't spoiled it too much. Not sure how it works outside the UK, but could you not watch it on iPlayer?

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 11:26 AM
I'm not too fussed with spoilers and the like. I can use a proxy server to watch it on iPlayer, which I have done in the past, but I can wait. Also ABC here has iView (where last year they made episodes available just hours after it was shown in the UK, but a week before it appeared on TV here (don't know if they've made it available early here though, haven't checked).

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 11:29 AM
I always enjoy hearing what other people think of things but I'll always make up my own mind. It's been good reading people's views. Funny, but I've already watched the preview for next week's episode before I've even seen the most recent episode!

04-07-2013, 11:38 AM
We're pretty lucky in the UK. DW is repeated a couple of times during the week on BBC3 and then it's usually on iPlayer within an hour or so of being on BBC1. Just wish they'd stop buggering off for a 3 month break in the middle of the season tho. :(

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 11:45 AM
We used to have DW on Saturdays, but it was always a week after the UK. It's on Sundays this year, only a day later. It's gets a repeat on ABC2 on Monday nights. It's better than we used to have things. When the show returned in 2005 we had to wait several months before broadcast over here. I seem to remember having the news that Ekkleston was only doing the one series and that Tenants was the replacement before we even saw the first episode here. Better than the 70s and 80s though, where the wait was often a year or two. I seem to remember Leala's first complete season being broadcast in 1980 for example.
Ps: spelling is deliberately wrong to protect this thread.

04-07-2013, 11:53 AM
What's really surprised me is just how low, by their standards, GallyBase has ranked this week. Normally they do tend to mark very high - this one's rather flat.

After further cogitation I'm still decidedly "Meh" over it, but hope it'll be a 'grower'. It's still better than "Love And Monsters" and "The Web Planet" :)

04-07-2013, 11:59 AM
We used to have DW on Saturdays, but it was always a week after the UK. It's on Sundays this year, only a day later. It's gets a repeat on ABC2 on Monday nights. It's better than we used to have things. When the show returned in 2005 we had to wait several months before broadcast over here. I seem to remember having the news that Ekkleston was only doing the one series and that Tenants was the replacement before we even saw the first episode here. Better than the 70s and 80s though, where the wait was often a year or two. I seem to remember Leala's first complete season being broadcast in 1980 for example.
Ps: spelling is deliberately wrong to protect this thread.

It went on iview as soon as it finished in the eastern states - i plan to watch it a lot lol

04-07-2013, 12:00 PM
We have the same problem with a lot of US TV here. A lot of the time we're a year or more behind, and quite often the show has been shown and cancelled in the US long before we get to see it.

04-07-2013, 12:02 PM
What's really surprised me is just how low, by their standards, GallyBase has ranked this week. Normally they do tend to mark very high - this one's rather flat.

After further cogitation I'm still decidedly "Meh" over it, but hope it'll be a 'grower'. It's still better than "Love And Monsters" and "The Web Planet" :)

tbh, I don't care about other people's reviews. They're just that one person's opinion and as far as I'm concerned there's only one person's opinion that matters ... mine.

04-07-2013, 12:06 PM
We have the same problem with a lot of US TV here. A lot of the time we're a year or more behind, and quite often the show has been shown and cancelled in the US long before we get to see it.

Normally I get about half way through a season, and just as I decide "yeah, this aint bad!" is when I hear the news that its been cancelled, and yet Big Bang Theory continues....

04-07-2013, 12:09 PM
I'll try to stay spoiler-free here...

Well, I really enjoyed the first 30 minutes or so of this week's ep, lots of fun, then I thought it got kinda messy and at times just plain silly. (BTW: For those who didn't see why the Doc didn't just take the Blue Box to rescue the kid - remember last week he said he doesn't take it into battle anymore, it's too precious...). Still not as bad as the Pirate fiasco from s6 for me, though. JLC is friggin' incredible, and she and Smith just click perfectly. Thought the Vigil were great, shame they weren't the main baddy though. Also, really surprised to find I liked most of the singing, except for the last bit, where Gurray bloody Mold went into sodding power ballad mode again (and as for the crowd of aliens swaying along - Jesus, I thought they were all gonna get their space-lighters out for a second)...

All in all, about a 6 out of 10, I could easily watch it again (and will), but far from a favourite. Really looking forward to next week's watery episssssssode... :)

04-07-2013, 12:13 PM
Normally I get about half way through a season, and just as I decide "yeah, this aint bad!" is when I hear the news that its been cancelled, and yet Big Bang Theory continues....

Same here .. except I really like BBT, but I have to say it's dropped off a little during the last season or so.

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 12:14 PM
At least with piracy it seems that around the world some shows are getting a better treatment around the world. The new season of Games of Thrones was shown here within hours of it being broadcast in the US (only on pay TV though). Alas some shows still get shoddy treatment, less popular ones.

04-07-2013, 12:16 PM
tbh, I don't care about other people's reviews. They're just that one person's opinion and as far as I'm concerned there's only one person's opinion that matters ... mine.

Oh, I completely agree. But I still find GBase's reviews fascinating as an intellectual exercise precisely because they do tend to the over positive. When 'the blinkers fall' and you there's one that buck the trend like this one it's always interesting.

04-07-2013, 12:20 PM
BBT, but I have to say it's dropped off a little during the last season or so.

Agree. It's definitely been off the ball recently. Thankfully there's generally still enough laughs to keep it going. Just. This week, for instance, it took until they reached the wake and the bit with Penny (you'll know the bit I mean if you've seen it!) until I really laughed properly.

But it's still better than "How I Met Your Mother" which feels to be limping to a conclusion.

04-07-2013, 12:22 PM
At least with piracy it seems that around the world some shows are getting a better treatment around the world. The new season of Games of Thrones was shown here within hours of it being broadcast in the US (only on pay TV though). Alas some shows still get shoddy treatment, less popular ones.

Yeah, we get GoT here the day after, but apparently we're never getting S5 of Chuck so thank god for Torrents.

@Nobber: It wasn't just Gbase I was talking about. Someone posted part of a review from Radio Times (I think it was). My point is a reviewer may not be predisposed to a TV show or a complete genre and it's hard to be impartial about a show under those circumstances.

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 12:23 PM
Can't stand How I Met Your Mother!

04-07-2013, 12:24 PM
@Nobber: It wasn't just Gbase I was talking about. Someone posted part of a review from Radio Times (I think it was). My point is a reviewer may not be predisposed to a TV show or a complete genre and it's hard to be impartial about a show under those circumstances.

Oh, right, I see what you mean now.

04-07-2013, 12:38 PM
Yeah, we get GoT here the day after, but apparently we're never getting S5 of Chuck so thank god for Torrents.

@Nobber: It wasn't just Gbase I was talking about. Someone posted part of a review from Radio Times (I think it was). My point is a reviewer may not be predisposed to a TV show or a complete genre and it's hard to be impartial about a show under those circumstances.

It was me posting the bit from the Radio Times and it was to make the point that this was the first even slightly negative review of a Doctor Who episode I have seen by them. My problems with the episode fall into two main categories. Firstly it felt as though it had been heavily edited so that a lot of the explanatory back story of who, what and why were completely missing, we had the "mystery" of Clara shoehorned in and it was just generally clunky and never came to life - visually it was brilliant and I even forgive the singing. Secondly I am starting to have a couple of issues with the way the programme is going which crystallised in this story, namely:
1. The sonic screwdriver which some Doctors never had and some only used infrequently has now become a crutch. He is waving it about every 5 minutes and it seems to be this magic wonder device that can do anything and everything. It needs to be dropped or only used occasionally
2. Everything is a breakneck speed and at a gabble. There is no time for anything and every story has a rushed hurried feel as a consequence.

Now this might be an age thing (I hope not) but I do feel that a slight easing of the pace and maybe having the odd episode when everyone is not running around manically could help things

04-07-2013, 12:48 PM
Is anyone interested in the R4 Reunion program?

04-07-2013, 12:51 PM
I agree 100% about the sonic screwdriver, and yes, the episode could have done with being a 2-parter - there was no real explanation about anything in the story.

I think the whole breakneck speed thing of the story was to stop you realising these things until after the story had finished.

I'd like a season of just the Doc and his companion(s) head out and save the day - job done. I'm sick of the long, convoluted story arcs and can somebody explain why the Doc takes Clara home after every adventure?

04-07-2013, 12:56 PM
...and can somebody explain why the Doc takes Clara home after every adventure?

I think it's because Clara needs to get back to look after the kids. Even though it's a time-machine I guess she needs to not get 'jet lag'.

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 01:00 PM
I've been having issues with the story-arcs and sonic-screwdriver uses too.

04-07-2013, 01:22 PM
Can't stand How I Met Your Mother!

It's not too bad, but really should have ended after five seasons. My main problem with it is that E4 keep showing the same episodes all the time but, frustratingly, never from the same season.

04-07-2013, 01:31 PM
Another thought has just struck me.. It's all got too nice. Been watching The Dominators recently and people are killed as object lessons all over the place. There is human experimentation, slavery, potential genocide, facist ideals, torture. The companions have individual stories away from the Doctor who is, at times, as helpless as everyone else. Time to make Foctor Who more gritty and nasty - like it used to be lol

04-07-2013, 01:39 PM
I'd like a season of just the Doc and his companion(s) head out and save the day - job done. I'm sick of the long, convoluted story arcs and can somebody explain why the Doc takes Clara home after every adventure?

I'm personally waiting to watch this batch of episodes until the run is over. That way I'm not drawn into speculating about Clara's backstory and can enjoy each episode on their respective merits - Moffat has simply burned me too many times.

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 02:05 PM
I just love hearing everyone's opinions. Great stuff!

Exterminate Me
04-07-2013, 02:17 PM
Now is it just me, or are the glasses the Doktor wears now the same ones Amy wore in her last episode (reading the M elody P ond book)?

04-07-2013, 02:22 PM
Now is it just me, or are the glasses the Doktor wears now the same ones Amy wore in her last episode (reading the M elody P ond book)?


04-07-2013, 02:28 PM
Well, she wasn't using them.

04-07-2013, 03:03 PM
I really like BBT

and for this, I would recommend a lobotomy
but its clear you must already have had one

Another thought has just struck me.. It's all got too nice. Been watching The Dominators recently and people are killed as object lessons all over the place. There is human experimentation, slavery, potential genocide, facist ideals, torture. The companions have individual stories away from the Doctor who is, at times, as helpless as everyone else. Time to make Foctor Who more gritty and nasty - like it used to be lol

Totally agree, Time to up the Body count!

peril is only peril if there is a risk of something nasty happening
so much for "just this once, everybody lives"

04-07-2013, 03:13 PM
and for this, I would recommend a lobotomy
but its clear you must already have had one

Yeah, I think they wheeled me into the operating theatre as you were on your way out. ;)

04-07-2013, 03:56 PM
Is anyone interested in the R4 Reunion program?

oh, i am interested

04-07-2013, 04:21 PM
THANKS. Been loving these.

Still trying to get Disc 4 up.

04-07-2013, 04:42 PM
Warriors of Passion disc 4 finally uploaded. Almost caught me out because I really thought it was going to fail for a fifth time.



04-07-2013, 05:05 PM
hi folks - with all the OT uploads flying about can I butt in and ask if anyone has the S*ca*ri*fy*er*s Lock N3ss and/or 13 H*a*ll*o*w*s please?
i couldn't think of codewords for this...

04-07-2013, 05:26 PM
Slightly off-topic, but I had an epic geek out yesterday. I read that Colin Baker is attending a con in local area next month! I hope to God I'll get to meet him. I live in Michigan, btw. :)

04-07-2013, 05:29 PM
hi folks - with all the OT uploads flying about can I butt in and ask if anyone has the S*ca*ri*fy*er*s Lock N3ss and/or 13 H*a*ll*o*w*s please?
i couldn't think of codewords for this...

If you're OK with P2P, then the radio-edits are available via ....

04-07-2013, 05:37 PM
If you're OK with P2P, then the radio-edits are available via ....

not when i searched. that's what prompted my request. I've put in every search string i can think of too!

04-07-2013, 05:54 PM
not when i searched. that's what prompted my request. I've put in every search string i can think of too!

Well blow me. I would have sworn those two were on there. Sorry about that.

04-07-2013, 06:36 PM
*cough* The Web Planet *cough*

The Below-H20 Male-Sophie...... Nosig in da world can stop me now!!!!!

04-07-2013, 06:39 PM
First stories have a special place - I remember flashes of "The Web of Fear" and the first couple of early Pertwee episodes but the first full story which I can remember clearly is the Ambassadors of Death probably because the spacesuits killing everyone was so creepy.

i lucked out with that --but was completely baffled at what type of show i was watching ...... The Matrix Murderer part 3 scarfmedic without friends in a world only a Master could create

04-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Just watched the latest, I'll give it an ok rating, not the best, but not the worst. It seems everytime a new companion joins they have to do something amazing to please the Doc.

yeah i was getting flashes of the first outings of Petal,Lead singers of the Vandellas,Dawn-A,and Bullseye-E

04-07-2013, 06:51 PM
hi folks - with all the OT uploads flying about can I butt in and ask if anyone has the S*ca*ri*fy*er*s Lock N3ss and/or 13 H*a*ll*o*w*s please?
i couldn't think of codewords for this...

If nobody gets there first I'll see what I can do.

In the mean time Warriors of Passion Disc 5.



04-07-2013, 07:11 PM
The Below-H20 Male-Sophie...... Nosig in da world can stop me now!!!!!

I think that UWM gets a bad rep. Soon after the episode was recovered and the clip released online, I gave it a re-listen and it is much better than I thought. If they do animate it with the recovered episode, it should show that some of the earlier 2nd Medic stories are better than people give them credit for.

04-07-2013, 07:36 PM
Could have been worse. Could have been "Abide With Me" as they all sit in a nonsensical traffic jam ...

Oh man was that a terrible episode.

04-07-2013, 07:38 PM
S*ca*ri*fy*er*s Lock N3ss



04-07-2013, 07:52 PM
Does anyone have either of the following hobo episodes in audio form?

Ones without Faces
PT's Teenage Female Companion's First Appearance?

04-07-2013, 08:28 PM
And here's 13 H*a*ll*o*w*s for you moody.



04-07-2013, 08:29 PM
Sh4d4 author's non-extra-terrestial detective dark softly all 3 parts
if you're interested



part 2
part 3>

04-07-2013, 08:30 PM
I live in Ontario -- where is the con?

04-07-2013, 09:27 PM
Sh4d4 author's non-extra-terrestial detective dark softly all 3 parts
if you're interested

Looking forward to giving these another chance. I heard the first episode when it aired but I was so put-off by Enfield's interpretation of the lead that I didn't listen to the rest. It'll be interesting to see how I react this time.

I know it was on TV and they didn't quite stick to 'the formula', but I really liked Stephen Mangan's take on the role. (He's another of my potential Doctor's, too.)

04-07-2013, 09:32 PM
hmmm Mangan as the medic? interesting... i had problems with him in dark softly as i couldn't get green wing out of my head...

and yes Enfield. I was very worried when i first heard that was going to happen but i think he's good in it

04-07-2013, 09:57 PM i couldn't get green wing out of my head...

Now there's another series that's due a rewatch. And I do believe they're available via 4OD. Which is nice.

and yes Enfield. I was very worried when i first heard that was going to happen but i think he's good in it

Doesn't help that I always had Mel Smith as my mental image of DG.

04-07-2013, 09:57 PM
Thanks for these moody. Thought the Mangan tv show was brilliant and didn't even know these existed. Hopefully get chance to listen to at least one of these at work tomorrow.

04-07-2013, 10:11 PM
Sh4d4 author's non-extra-terrestial detective dark softly all 3 parts
if you're interested



part 2 DGHDA02.rar (
part 3>

Out of curiosity is this the first or second in the series i.e. H*o*l*i*s*tic Det*e*c*tive A*g*ency or Lo*n*g Da*rk T*ea-Ti*me?

04-07-2013, 10:13 PM
Out of curiosity is this the first or second in the series i.e. H*o*l*i*s*tic Det*e*c*tive A*g*ency or Lo*n*g Da*rk T*ea-Ti*me?


04-07-2013, 10:19 PM
Not trying to steal your thunder moody but if you haven't got the second one I could upload it at some point.

04-07-2013, 10:20 PM
Out of curiosity is this the first or second in the series i.e. H*o*l*i*s*tic Det*e*c*tive A*g*ency or Lo*n*g Da*rk T*ea-Ti*me?
yep, 1st but 2nd will be on it's way soon

04-07-2013, 10:21 PM
Not trying to steal your thunder moody but if you haven't got the second one I could upload it at some point.

steal away! i'm not precious about it :) i'm not sure i could get the links sorted until tomorrow now anyway. work beckons...

04-07-2013, 10:22 PM
Good that means I can concentrate on warriors

04-07-2013, 10:23 PM
steal away! i'm not precious about it :) i'm not sure i could get the links sorted until tomorrow now anyway. work beckons...

Mine wouldn't be until tomorrow anyway still uploading warriors.

04-07-2013, 10:41 PM
And here's Disc 6 of Warriors of Passion.

When they're all upped I will stick them in one post.



04-07-2013, 10:49 PM
Much like this one for the 'hill made of sand' audios.


The missing disk 14---->[/QUOTE]

04-07-2013, 10:50 PM
Double post........

04-07-2013, 11:15 PM
Just noticed there's only me and Lord_Flashheart online and he's not joining in, so not only am I talking to myself in the real world I'm now doing it in the Cyber world.

04-07-2013, 11:22 PM
both.... remember psychitzophrenics are never alone............................................: loldata:

04-07-2013, 11:27 PM
Dark Softly and the excessive lightless lunchtime. well you get the rest!


<!-- part 1 DGTLDTTOTS01 - Download - 4shared - Smith John (
part 2 DGTLDTTOTS02 - Download - 4shared - Smith John (
part 3>

04-07-2013, 11:28 PM
Just noticed there's only me and Lord_Flashheart online and he's not joining in, so not only am I talking to myself in the real world I'm now doing it in the Cyber world.

You're never alone with a beer.

04-07-2013, 11:41 PM
Anyone have either of these hobo episodes in audio form?

Ones without Faces
PT's Youngest Female Companion's Debut


04-08-2013, 12:28 AM
Interesting thought about last nights episode that I read on another forum.

Also worth noting, this is the first true "alien world" story since 2005, in no way involving human expansion in the future.

Is the poster right? It certainly sounds right.

04-08-2013, 12:48 AM
Interesting thought about last nights episode that I read on another forum.

Is the poster right? It certainly sounds right.

well, as far as i remember, yes..
come to think about it, i think this is why i was so excited about the episode in the first place

04-08-2013, 12:53 AM
Warriors of Passion disc 4 finally uploaded. Almost caught me out because I really thought it was going to fail for a fifth time.



Thanks for these!!!! LOL!!!!

04-08-2013, 12:54 AM
well, as far as i remember, yes..
come to think about it, i think this is why i was so excited about the episode in the first place

But was that aspect of the story 'advertised' as such? It certainly doesn't ring any bells with me.

04-08-2013, 01:33 AM
Slightly off-topic, but I had an epic geek out yesterday. I read that Colin Baker is attending a con in local area next month! I hope to God I'll get to meet him. I live in Michigan, btw. :)


(in Dorkface)

04-08-2013, 01:48 AM
Interesting thought about last nights episode that I read on another forum.

Is the poster right? It certainly sounds right.

Planet of the Ood doesn't count?

04-08-2013, 01:53 AM
its does seems that . RTD dealt with Earth more.....SM with TIME... maybe the next guy will do space......

and does truly alien world Home of where the Medic met Idris count?

04-08-2013, 02:19 AM
Dark Softly and the excessive lightless lunchtime. well you get the rest!


<!-- part 1 DGTLDTTOTS01 - Download - 4shared - Smith John (
part 2 DGTLDTTOTS02 - Download - 4shared - Smith John (
part 3>

Thank you!

04-08-2013, 02:23 AM
Planet of the Ood doesn't count?

Borderline, I guess, as the Ood story was tied to humans.

04-08-2013, 02:26 AM
and does truly alien world Home of where the Medic met Idris count?

In the context of the question, I think not. It's more about Big Things (say, New New New....York) rather than smaller things like that. Signs of civilisation on a large scale that isn't tied to us.

04-08-2013, 03:02 AM
But was that aspect of the story 'advertised' as such? It certainly doesn't ring any bells with me.
ah,,well, hmmm,no I dont think so
it's just me seeing the trailer then assume it then.. :D

04-08-2013, 03:03 AM
Good Lord! If this is true....then...then...that's THAT'S BLOODY HUGE! :o
I've been heart broken before though, so until we are waiting for confirmation, is a recently released original music soundtrack to the 5ths medics final story any good for you good folks?

Download Page - powered by sendspace | (

Oh god I hope that news is true!

any chace of a re-up? i seem to have missed it.

04-08-2013, 05:39 AM
In the context of the question, I think not. It's more about Big Things (say, New New New....York) rather than smaller things like that. Signs of civilisation on a large scale that isn't tied to us.

weren't too many stories in the classic era that fit that criteria...were there? so why this is a major issue or question is beyond me.

Exterminate Me
04-08-2013, 10:30 AM
I've seen the most recent episode of Doktor Whoa two times now and I have to say that I don't think it's bad. Next week looks better, though I have to agree with the comment that the Issssssse Warrior heard on the preview sounds like a Judooooon speaking English. I hope they don't all sound like that!

04-08-2013, 10:36 AM
I've seen the most recent episode of Doktor Whoa two times now and I have to say that I don't think it's bad. Next week looks better, though I have to agree with the comment that the Issssssse Warrior heard on the preview sounds like a Judooooon speaking English. I hope they don't all sound like that!

agree with you,after rewatching it again, i came to like it, and dont mind the singing..

Exterminate Me
04-08-2013, 10:38 AM
Great. Nice to have someone who agrees with me.

04-08-2013, 11:55 AM
Just watched it. I must say, it was surprisingly easy for once to switch off my brain and just go shiny-eyed at the spectacle.
Except.I was definitely expecting Cantina Music.
The acoustics of that system must be fricking amazing.
Yes, it must really be a strain holding down a button on your sonic screwdriver. I completely understand the heavy breathing and gritted teeth.
How would singing "wake up, wake up" help anything, at all?
How does the singing thing work, anyway?
If the sonic screwdriver were all that fantastic, couldn't he just have emulated the song with it?
While the Vigil were cool, them calling "Maaary, Maaary" was a joke.
This story was a bedtime story. Alright for some, I guess, but... I've been absorbing the less kid-friendly stuff, and it's rather a jolt to go from the one to the other. Frankly, I think they should tailor every episode to my personal expectations.... maybe I didn't disengage my analytic reflex after all.

04-08-2013, 12:03 PM
Frankly, I think they should tailor every episode to my personal expectations
you cracked me up.. :D
well, i LOVE the singing bit more now

04-08-2013, 02:37 PM
Looks like Blake's 7 is now a go

"The US Syfy channel is set to make a ”revolutionary reinvention” ’70s BBC sci-fi classic Blake’s 7 with Casino Royale and Green Lantern’s director Martin Campbell behind the camera (clearly he wants another stab at space opera after the disaster that was Green Lantern).

FremantleMedia International and Georgeville TV will make 13 hour-long episodes for the channel, written by Joe Pokaski (Heroes)."

US Blake?s 7 Remake Set For Syfy With Bond Director On Board | SFX (

04-08-2013, 04:01 PM

A) Believe it when I see the trailer

B) They'll can it after filming 13 episodes, but only after airing three.

04-08-2013, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=redskutter;2320619]And here's Disc 6 of Warriors of Passion.

When they're all upped I will stick them in one post.

Thanks! that would be great... Meant to d/l 'em, but been ill so haven't had much interest in things for a week or so!

04-08-2013, 04:26 PM
I hope they don't all sound like that!
guessing by the trailer, there is only one so "all" may not be an issue

I recently listened to the LC CC "captive of ledapon", the extras contain a conversation with the Director (who played -pergilliam on tv) about how the ise fighters should sound.

"do they hiss on their own world? is it because they are in a different armosphere when on terra or depalon?! kind of thing.....

The one on the trailer for next ep is........well perhaps if someone NEW had been given the opportunity to voice them....

04-08-2013, 04:51 PM

A) Believe it when I see the trailer

B) They'll can it after filming 13 episodes, but only after airing three.

All very true I'm afraid. There is a long way to go yet, still it is a step forward and they did manage to turn the horror that was the 1970's Battlestar into something vaguely watchable

04-08-2013, 05:12 PM
Kate is back!!!
if only it could be her father.....

so TUNI are to be involved, could we be seeing a repeat of the last (and only) shape-stealers story?

04-08-2013, 05:22 PM


04-08-2013, 05:33 PM
... the horror that was the 1970's Battlestar into something vaguely watchable


Apart from S3. Boy, could that have done with some guff removed.

04-08-2013, 06:29 PM

Apart from S3. Boy, could that have done with some guff removed.

It does seem to be a major problem with most series, come series 3 or 4 the eye is taken off the ball and all sorts of rubbish comes in

04-08-2013, 07:03 PM
Just watched it. I must say, it was surprisingly easy for once to switch off my brain and just go shiny-eyed at the spectacle.
Except.I was definitely expecting Cantina Music.
The acoustics of that system must be fricking amazing.
Yes, it must really be a strain holding down a button on your sonic screwdriver. I completely understand the heavy breathing and gritted teeth.
How would singing "wake up, wake up" help anything, at all?
How does the singing thing work, anyway?
If the sonic screwdriver were all that fantastic, couldn't he just have emulated the song with it?
While the Vigil were cool, them calling "Maaary, Maaary" was a joke.
This story was a bedtime story. Alright for some, I guess, but... I've been absorbing the less kid-friendly stuff, and it's rather a jolt to go from the one to the other. Frankly, I think they should tailor every episode to my personal expectations.... maybe I didn't disengage my analytic reflex after all.

singing helps in the same way organ music summons servants of egyptian gods

04-08-2013, 07:32 PM
It does seem to be a major problem with most series, come series 3 or 4 the eye is taken off the ball and all sorts of rubbish comes in

True. I think in BSG's case it didn't help that the writers were a) still working out the story for them selves and b) caught very flat footed at the number of episodes requested for S3.

04-08-2013, 07:46 PM
any chace of a re-up? i seem to have missed it.

sent to pm

04-08-2013, 08:24 PM
Warriors of Passion Disc 7



04-08-2013, 08:51 PM
They're both 65. Could you be more specific?

Anyone have either of these hobo episodes in audio form?

Ones without Faces
PT's Youngest Female Companion's Debut


04-08-2013, 09:46 PM
I've seen the most recent episode of Doktor Whoa two times now and I have to say that I don't think it's bad. Next week looks better, though I have to agree with the comment that the Issssssse Warrior heard on the preview sounds like a Judooooon speaking English. I hope they don't all sound like that!

There's been far too many alien threats, recently, that can be killed by a fathers love/a child's tears/a church choir & a leaf! I fear he'll be seeing those Ice Warriors off with a nice warm hug!

04-08-2013, 09:55 PM
There's been far too many alien threats, recently, that can be killed by a fathers love/a child's tears/a church choir & a leaf! I fear he'll be seeing those Ice Warriors off with a nice warm hug!

If it's warm enough it would work.

04-08-2013, 10:03 PM
I love the internet! I finally was able to acquire my much needed Victorian Gentlemens' adventures! Including the one with 4th Medic and the Time Lady.
I also managed to get Saplings of Conflict feturing the amzing technicolored Medic (gone blue).

04-08-2013, 10:32 PM
Them With No Noses, Mouths, Or Eyes On That Specific Part of Their Heads



Incidentally, is there any interest in recons of Poolside Calling Game, Strength of the Pepperpots and The Tire in the Sky? They're the narrated audios synced with photos, snaps and animations. Let me know.

04-08-2013, 11:01 PM
Hi can I just put in an early request for the 3 new 11th medic books, audio or otherwise. Thanks .

04-08-2013, 11:10 PM
Them With No Noses, Mouths, Or Eyes On That Specific Part of Their Heads



Incidentally, is there any interest in recons of Poolside Calling Game, Strength of the Pepperpots and The Tire in the Sky? They're the narrated audios synced with photos, snaps and animations. Let me know.

Sorry? Just couldn't get the X-files out of my head then. Although I think they had eyes....

04-08-2013, 11:14 PM
They're both 65. Could you be more specific?

I meant youngest in the show; my apologies for not being clear. The last female companion of PT.

04-08-2013, 11:16 PM
Warriors of Passion Disc 8



04-08-2013, 11:18 PM
Double post again..................sorry

04-08-2013, 11:43 PM
Just wanted to say thank you for all the like's and such...I've joined a few forum's over the years and this one has definitely been one of the most pleasant to be around. I won't be going anywhere soon. Thanks again......Red

04-08-2013, 11:50 PM
Just wanted to say thank you for all the like's and such...I've joined a few forum's over the years and this one has definitely been one of the most pleasant to be around. I won't be going anywhere soon. Thanks again......Red

It's 'cos we have ... beer ....

04-09-2013, 12:00 AM
Could anyone PM me the back-up site, did find one in a previous link sometime ago but it just kept on and kept on asking me so sign in, might have missed something obvious.

04-09-2013, 12:03 AM
Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but for anyone who is interested Starlog Magazine : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive ( you can now download twenty years worth of Starlog magazine.

Some real gems in here and well worth a look.

04-09-2013, 12:40 AM
Cheers Nobber. Just need approval.

04-09-2013, 01:15 AM
Mooncatt's avatar is still distracting me....need to go to bed!

04-09-2013, 01:16 AM
Got a thing about redheads.

04-09-2013, 01:30 AM
Got a thing about redheads.


The best thing since sliced beer.

04-09-2013, 01:58 AM
Good nigh...

04-09-2013, 02:47 AM
There's been far too many alien threats, recently, that can be killed by a fathers love/a child's tears/a church choir & a leaf! I fear he'll be seeing those Ice Warriors off with a nice warm hug!

Not to mention that the Medic's screwdriver is looking and behaving more and more like Harry Potter's wand!!! Can't wait for a Terrileptil to crush that damn thing. If in the classics it was done away because it was waaay overused, what can we say about the nuwwho?! It does everything from raise doors and wrap potentially lethal aliens (which I personally thought were cool!) in a sonic force field bubble?! Sheesh!!!

04-09-2013, 02:57 AM
Not to mention that the Medic's screwdriver is looking and behaving more and more like Harry Potter's wand!!! Can't wait for a Terrileptil to crush that damn thing. If in the classics it was done away because it was waaay overused, what can we say about the nuwwho?! It does everything from raise doors and wrap potentially lethal aliens (which I personally thought were cool!) in a sonic force field bubble?! Sheesh!!!
i love that function. it is, as you said, cool..
i think that the more function sonic screwdriver have, the harder to create enemy that can match that.. so it will be a "challenge" for the writers to come up with such enemy, or to give explantaion how they come around it

04-09-2013, 03:20 AM
Dunno if any of you guys will find this interesting, but this somewhat made my night.

I'm in law school and we're currently studying defamation in one of my classes. The case involved an identity theft and creation of profile of an actress named Christianna Carafano. Her stage name is Chase Masterson, who did an audio with both the Fourth and Seventh medics, as well as ST:DS9 and one of the newest LC audio series.

Needless to say, it made the case so much better.

04-09-2013, 03:25 AM
i love that function. it is, as you said, cool..
i think that the more function sonic screwdriver have, the harder to create enemy that can match that.. so it will be a "challenge" for the writers to come up with such enemy, or to give explantaion how they come around it

Think that came out wrong. I didn't think that the sonic force field was cool. I thought those aliens were cool and scary too. I definitely thought it was NOT cool for the medic and his wand to be able to do away with them so easily. Next week, our fav little classic monster *should* be armed with a sonic weapon if anything sticks to canon anymore these days. I just hope that the FrozenSoldier weapons take out the stick for good. I mean the FrozenSoldier's tech is sonic based, so I can't imagine that the Medic will have such an easy time with them just by throwing a screwdriver at them... here's hoping!

04-09-2013, 03:44 AM
anyone happen to have T*H*E**R*E*U*N*I*O*N from BR4?

04-09-2013, 04:15 AM
.... I mean the FrozenSoldier's tech is sonic based, so I can't imagine that the Medic will have such an easy time with them just by throwing a screwdriver at them... here's hoping!
this would be great!

04-09-2013, 04:37 AM
I agree. I think he should get bored with it, or decide it's cheating.
It makes things not enough of a challenge and I can't see him being okay with that.
He can't show off how brilliant he is when he's always relying on this super-duper-fix-everything device.
He should get back into lock-picking and fantastical devices using corks and paperclips and the occasional table.

04-09-2013, 04:42 AM
Can someone re-up the soundtrack for the 5th Medic's swan song? I'd really like to have it. Thanks! :)

04-09-2013, 06:24 AM
Think that came out wrong. I didn't think that the sonic force field was cool. I thought those aliens were cool and scary too. I definitely thought it was NOT cool for the medic and his wand to be able to do away with them so easily. Next week, our fav little classic monster *should* be armed with a sonic weapon if anything sticks to canon anymore these days. I just hope that the FrozenSoldier weapons take out the stick for good. I mean the FrozenSoldier's tech is sonic based, so I can't imagine that the Medic will have such an easy time with them just by throwing a screwdriver at them... here's hoping!

are u 4getting wat he said to Kazran in "A Christmas Carol"? he said, and i quote: "Kazran, trust me. It's this or go into your room and design a new kind of screwdriver." he designed the damn thing. ergo, he has the know how to adapt it to do pretty much watever the flippin' f**k he want's it to.

04-09-2013, 07:14 AM
surely he was able to produce the sonic wrapper because they were attacking with SOUND. it seems like the whole tech of the area was based on music or noise. the SS was fighting fire with fire.

but the door thing was silly, "ohh its heavy" wtf?

04-09-2013, 07:22 AM
surely he was able to produce the sonic wrapper because they were attacking with SOUND. it seems like the whole tech of the area was based on music or noise. the SS was fighting fire with fire.

but the door thing was silly, "ohh its heavy" wtf?
maybe because Newton's third law?

oh, what i like about the last episode is how Medic is changing between scifi and fantasy..really loved the idea when the song keep the star sleeping and Matt explain the life and death of stars which is based on real science

04-09-2013, 08:36 AM
maybe because Newton's third law?

Newton's third law didn't have anything to do with it: in his technobabble explanation earlier, he'd explained that the sonic frequency controlling the door's mechanism was varying, but he'd then managed to duplicate the sequence. So all he had to do to keep controlling the door was hold down the button on the screwdriver. The door's mass wasn't at all relevant.

04-09-2013, 09:27 AM
anyone happen to have T*H*E**R*E*U*N*I*O*N from BR4?

Here you go. Listened to it today - very enjoyable, albeit with a couple of fanboy-wince inducing factual errors. Anyhoo, enjoy!



04-09-2013, 09:37 AM
Could anyone PM me the back-up site, did find one in a previous link sometime ago but it just kept on and kept on asking me so sign in, might have missed something obvious.

I would appreciate a PM letting me know as well