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03-11-2013, 01:41 AM
Too much 2 drink - doesn't appear to be too much wrong with the first post.

03-11-2013, 01:53 AM
Too much to drink and can't remember how to do RWQ, I'll work it out again soon........sorry.

03-11-2013, 02:08 AM
Any chance of a PM for me too?

Also, does anyone know how to get around the daily down-load limit?

try a proxy ;)

03-11-2013, 02:16 AM
I think he's raised it by a lot more than 12. I have no idea what he's talking about. :)

MacBeth!! (Does complicated theatrical ritual to dispel bad luck caused by uttering the name of the Scottish Play...) Once played Banquo (& his ghost) myself.

03-11-2013, 02:25 AM
Would someone mind re-upping the last story of the Immortal Riders. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


If I could second this - I missed them the first time round as well.

03-11-2013, 02:28 AM
I agree that it's gone too far but I had no problem with the way they originally went with Rose & Martha! I always remember that, after cheap monsters & special effects, The Doctor showing no interest in any of his companions was the main thing the show was constantly mocked for by the media & general public! Older fans didn't like it but it made sense to address that issue for a modern audience!

If Rose's story had been left alone at the end of series 2, and not constantly returned to over and over for RTD's happy-ending/wish fulfilment insistence, I'd regard her with a lot more fondness now. To a lesser extent, the same is true of Martha (marrying Mickey? Really???). Donna was brilliant, but I still have issues with her memory being wiped so cruelly. Having the wonderful Wilf in the TARDIS for while helped there. And I find the 'emotional journey' of Amy & Rory worked perfectly for me. I have strong hopes for Clara, but a little less smoochiness would be good!

03-11-2013, 02:33 AM
If I could second this - I missed them the first time round as well.


03-11-2013, 02:38 AM
If Rose's story had been left alone at the end of series 2, and not constantly returned to over and over for RTD's happy-ending/wish fulfilment insistence, I'd regard her with a lot more fondness now. To a lesser extent, the same is true of Martha (marrying Mickey? Really???). Donna was brilliant, but I still have issues with her memory being wiped so cruelly. Having the wonderful Wilf in the TARDIS for while helped there. And I find the 'emotional journey' of Amy & Rory worked perfectly for me. I have strong hopes for Clara, but a little less smoochiness would be good!

On the whole Amy/Rory work well for me, but they should have snuffed out her infatuation with The Doctor properly. It niggled me that despite her love for Rory that it was still The Doctor that she *really* wanted. I think it's only really Darvill's performance that saves that relationship from looking like she used him as a substitute.

Arguably she could have had a better storyline if she'd become more and more disenchanted with the reality of The Doctor and his life compared to the fairy-tail she'd created for herself. So disenchanted she'd really want to rid the universe of him.

But, yeah, I can see that they'd probably not do that dark a story for TV! :)

(Now that'd be great story-line for BF, though!)

03-11-2013, 02:57 AM

03-11-2013, 05:11 AM
There was a reason I call Rose - "The Boomerang Blonde" - I didn't mind her at first, but with RTD's obsession with bring her back over and over, I honestly got sick of her. A lot of RTD's stories put me off - he came across as a bad writer - some stories (for me anyway) read like bad fan fiction. I was glad to see the last of him. I MUCH prefer Moffat's stories.

03-11-2013, 05:15 AM
I'm a long time fan of the original TP series - the LC versions weren't TOO bad. Some stories are better than others. IF they're still on my hard drives, I'll try to locate and post them in the next couple of days - it's bedtime now.

03-11-2013, 05:50 AM
i will never understand fandom and this unhealthy or osession for what was pretty much a cypher.. I never want to see Sally EVER just because of this crusade to have her in the show

03-11-2013, 05:50 AM
If I could rewrite any of the older episodes..... he would have dumped Martha and invited Sally to join him in his adventures!!!

i would do this only to have Sally killed horribly

03-11-2013, 05:55 AM
Gimme an hour or so and I'll upload the first lot.

@Jesevige: I ended up using IDM myself in the end. Took just as long to download but I didn't have to wait an hour to download the next part. My only problem with sendspace is the 300mb limit per hour and my pc won't let me use the accelerator.

Nevermind. I just saw TorySage already uploaded them. :)

Would you happen to have the 6+1 Battle Ship? Or the 3rd Freedom Chronicles?

Exterminate Me
03-11-2013, 07:15 AM
Oh well. The rest of Series 7 will be back on at the end of the month. Hope it's been worth the wait.

03-11-2013, 08:15 AM
Too much to drink and can't remember how to do RWQ, I'll work it out again soon........sorry.

Please! :-)

03-11-2013, 08:15 AM
There was a reason I call Rose - "The Boomerang Blonde" - I didn't mind her at first, but with RTD's obsession with bring her back over and over, I honestly got sick of her. A lot of RTD's stories put me off - he came across as a bad writer - some stories (for me anyway) read like bad fan fiction. I was glad to see the last of him. I MUCH prefer Moffat's stories.

None of RTD's stories really stand out for me. He's good at setting up cliff-hangers, but his resolution really sucks - just look at his track record...

Parting of the ways - Rose just wishes the Daleks out of existance
Doomsday - The Daleks and Cybermen face off for the mother of all fights and the Doc beats them by flicking a switch
Last of the TimeLords - Martha beats the Master through the power of thought
Journey's End - Donna stops Davros and the Daleks by flicking a few switches

All ended so anti-climactically (for me at least).

03-11-2013, 08:29 AM
Please! :-)

hope this helps your good self and anyone else wondering how to do a rwq . with ref to post 7766


03-11-2013, 08:36 AM
Just to make sure - those requesting Immortal Rider stories that have gone MIA, do you need the entire Series 2?

03-11-2013, 08:42 AM
None of RTD's stories really stand out for me. He's good at setting up cliff-hangers, but his resolution really sucks - just look at his track record...

Parting of the ways - Rose just wishes the Daleks out of existance
Doomsday - The Daleks and Cybermen face off for the mother of all fights and the Doc beats them by flicking a switch
Last of the TimeLords - Martha beats the Master through the power of thought
Journey's End - Donna stops Davros and the Daleks by flicking a few switches

All ended so anti-climactically (for me at least).

I totally agree with all of this... Personally, I kind of wish RTD hadn't revived the show because I feel like he really couldn't handle it. I felt his era's default was "terrible" with only a couple instances of "decent," and one or two of brilliant.

That's all taste though. Really, where RTD failed was in poor writing and poor decisions. For example, Doctor Who is a show that is all about change and viewer-personalisation. For example, let's say you're Jane Pieson (the daughter of a pie, you see) and you just *LOVE* Mel. Not many people seem to care for her much, but you adore her. Well - Doctor Who's got you covered. The Doctor treats Mel well and in the show everyone seems to like her. Even if other fans don't agree with you - you feel like you can identify with elements in the show.

Now contrast that with how Rose was treated. She was treated as 'the most specialest companion evar' and the Doctor's 'one twoo wuv' and all of this. The idea being that she was put on a pedastal above other companions. In fact, this poisonous outlook of The Doctor 'ranking' his companions goes way beyond Rose. Rose's mere existence ruined Martha's characterisation and enabled massive ret-conning when it came to SJS's personality as well as codification of her relationship with The Doctor. Sarah Jane Smith was reduced to a plot device to play against Rose. Rather than being a character, she became a tool to create a rival so that the audience felt more pity for Rose or came to worry about their 'twoo wuv' relationship. Martha, of course, was reduced even further - you could tell her actress wanted to explore Martha, but she was never allowed to. Martha was reduced to the "Inadequate Replacement" in the plot and this is reflected in how 'fans' berate her for basically not being Rose. This special relationship with The Doctor became the default for new companions and, with the exception of Donna, every single new companion has followed that mould of 'Doctor Romance' in some capacity with the Doctor. Contrast this with the wide variety of companions and personalities featured in the Classic series.

Now, the reason this fails in Doctor Who in particular is that this show is a show about change and about personalisation. Codification of relationship and relativistic character importance is fine in a typical syndicated show of several seasons and a consistent cast (which RTD was most used to), however in Doctor Who this inherently discourages change. When a character is played as vital or important to the overarching plot, when that character leaves, it is inherently jarring. Look at all the fans STILL complaining over Eleven not moping over Rose 24/7. This is NOT good for a show that needs to evolve to survive.

What's more, in terms of importance, in a typical television show, you go in with the knowledge that you won't please everyone. Not everyone will like, for example, Emma Peel in The Avengers. For the few people who don't - whatever. They just won't be part of your audience. However, as long as you have a sizeable audience remaining, that's fine - your show will survive until the viewer gets tired of the characters and tropes being presented.

However, in Doctor Who, making a character a 'special snowflake' is especially venomous to the show's survival. Never before has the show told you, you were 'wrong' for not liking a character. By making The Doctor put Rose on a pedestal, RTD was telling the viewers who didn't like Rose that we were WRONG. Contrast that with Jane, mentioned above. The show never told her that she was wrong for liking Mel, so she did not feel excluded. RTD was alienating people who did not conform to his vision (and don't pretend the first two series weren't "The Rose Tyler Hour") and by doing so, was alienating sections of the Doctor Who audience. He was shaping what needs to be a broad and diverse population into a much narrower one. This is actually somewhat reflected by the lack (except for Donna) of romantic sub-plot companions in the new series. The audience has basically been limited, by Rose Tyler, into more-or-less the people who care about that. Those who don't like the romantic Doctor are ignored or excluded. They might still watch, but the show is telling them they're wrong. Even Donna had a romantic subplot of sorts, but one that was played for comedy (everyone assuming they were together for no real reason).

Personally, I'm predicting the show will run for awhile longer since it still makes money. However, the more they continue to codify relationships and rely on glorification of companions (Moffat does this too, but let's not pretend it didn't start with Rose), the more and more narrow the 100%-happy-with-the-show audience will become and, in time, the show will die off again until someone else revives it.

(I did like Midnight though. That was great)

03-11-2013, 09:15 AM
try a proxy ;)

This works for me!! Not sure if your setup is similar. I have an adsl modem connecting to the internet and my ISP gives me a dynamic ip address. So if I reboot my ADSL modem I get a different IP to the previous. Thus I can continue to download

03-11-2013, 09:43 AM
Baeutifully written and thought-out opinions, Nimue! Lots of food for thought, and many good points made. RTD's era isn't bad to me in general, but he's definitely not one of the strongest writers, much better at one-offs than 2-parters, and when he was good (Midnight, Turn Left), he was superb. I think his era will date much faster than Moffat's - not for the fashions, etc (although there's a few cultural references that are already old hat), but more the whole tone/approach of the show. Time will tell though - always does...

And Exterminate Me: I can't WAIT for Series 7.2 - it looks like it's gonna be a blast... :)

03-11-2013, 10:03 AM
Baeutifully written and thought-out opinions, Nimue! Lots of food for thought, and many good points made. RTD's era isn't bad to me in general, but he's definitely not one of the strongest writers, much better at one-offs than 2-parters, and when he was good (Midnight, Turn Left), he was superb. I think his era will date much faster than Moffat's - not for the fashions, etc (although there's a few cultural references that are already old hat), but more the whole tone/approach of the show. Time will tell though - always does...

And Exterminate Me: I can't WAIT for Series 7.2 - it looks like it's gonna be a blast... :)

Indeed, RTD has done a lot for which he should be congratulated for - reviving the show in the first place being the biggest. And Midnight ranks up as one of the best episodes so far for me.

The only thing I can never forgive him for is handing Torchwood over to the yanks, who promptly butchered it :(

03-11-2013, 10:29 AM
Blokes 6+1 Battleboat (

03-11-2013, 10:36 AM
Hi. Does anyone have LC's S*a*p*p*h*i*r*e*&*S*t*e*e*l? I was watching the ITV show over the weekend and fancied listening to more stories about the inter-dimensional elements. :)

03-11-2013, 10:37 AM
Hi. Does anyone have LC's S*a*p*p*h*i*r*e*&*S*t*e*e*l? I was watching the ITV show over the weekend and fancied listening to more stories about the inter-dimensional elements. :)

If you read back a few pages, somebody posted a link to a torrent. Would upload them for ya, but don't have them with me atm.

03-11-2013, 10:45 AM
I totally agree with all of this... Personally, I kind of wish RTD hadn't revived the show because I feel like he really couldn't handle it. I felt his era's default was "terrible" with only a couple instances of "decent," and one or two of brilliant....

Rest Snipped For Brevity.

Well said!

Always stuck me that, really, RTD is a good story teller and writer BUT he needs someone strong enough to stand-up to him and say NO every-so-often, and to properly act as an editor. Some-one to say "You're pretending to be The Companion again, aren't you? You realise that resolution is dull compared to the cliff-hanger? And stop with some some of the 'Christ' analogies. And ... George ... Don't do that." [1]

BUT, wow, there's no way the show would be as big as it is today without the shear combined force of wills that was RTD and Julie Whatserface. I would hate to be on 'the wrong side' of a meeting with them.


[1] An old joke that I really hope some get!

03-11-2013, 10:50 AM
The only thing I can never forgive him for is handing Torchwood over to the yanks, who promptly butchered it :(

I see what you mean, I think, but S4's biggest issue is that it just too long.

I've not watched it since transmission, but my main memories are that it was a bit repetitive and given this particular TV universe and how it works, you'ld expect The Doctor to turn-up to fight something so big happening to his favourite planet.

03-11-2013, 11:10 AM
I see what you mean, I think, but S4's biggest issue is that it just too long.

I've not watched it since transmission, but my main memories are that it was a bit repetitive and given this particular TV universe and how it works, you'ld expect The Doctor to turn-up to fight something so big happening to his favourite planet.

Yeah, there was far too much padding. And the ending just didn't sit right - you never found out exactly what it was that caused the effect and having Rex become immortal because of Jack's blood just didn't fit in with the rest of the background.

03-11-2013, 11:24 AM
...and having Rex become immortal because of Jack's blood just didn't fit in with the rest of the background.

Ah! Yes! I'd forgotten that. Yeah, that was a bit of a WTF moment here, too.

03-11-2013, 11:26 AM
If you read back a few pages, somebody posted a link to a torrent. Would upload them for ya, but don't have them with me atm.
Found it. Thanks. :)

03-11-2013, 11:30 AM
Ah! Yes! I'd forgotten that. Yeah, that was a bit of a WTF moment here, too.

Got the feeling that the writer of that ep obviously hadn't done their homework. Either that or didn't want to over-complicate things for their american audience :D.

03-11-2013, 11:36 AM
Got the feeling that the writer of that ep obviously hadn't done their homework. Either that or didn't want to over-complicate things for their american audience :D.

That, and the "Oh, look, we have a potential spin-off ...." :)

I wonder if they'll ever do any more Radio Drama's of Torchwood? The last lot they did were rather good. Especially the last one.

But, to be perfectly honest, the biggest attraction of Torchwood for me has always been Eve Myles. Phroaw!

03-11-2013, 11:36 AM

#863 Americans must never be allowed to remake British TV shows. IT DOESN'T WORK!

even when they think they have got it right, they haven't

03-11-2013, 11:46 AM
That, and the "Oh, look, we have a potential spin-off ...." :)

I wonder if they'll ever do any more Radio Drama's of Torchwood? The last lot they did were rather good. Especially the last one.

But, to be perfectly honest, the biggest attraction of Torchwood for me has always been Eve Myles. Phroaw!

A lot of people rubbished the audios, but I really liked them too. I'd like them to do a few full cast audios set earlier with the entire cast.

Eve Myles never really did anything for me; not like Nicola Bryant and Karen Gillan.:naughty:

03-11-2013, 11:51 AM
Just to make sure - those requesting Immortal Rider stories that have gone MIA, do you need the entire Series 2?

as much as you can put up would be great

03-11-2013, 11:53 AM

#863 Americans must never be allowed to remake British TV shows. IT DOESN'T WORK!

They attempted to remake a Kiwi show too a few years back. Scoundrels is what they called it, and the original is Outrageous Fortune (a frightfully good series, with the notable exception of the last season which was an equally frightful disaster IMO).

Having attempted to watch Scoundrels' pilot ep, I'd say Americans shouldn't be allowed to remake anything, period.

03-11-2013, 11:55 AM
They attempted to remake a Kiwi show too a few years back. Scoundrels is what they called it, and the original is Outrageous Fortune (a frightfully good series, with the notable exception of the last season which was an equally frightful disaster IMO).

Having attempted to watch Scoundrels' pilot ep, I'd say Americans shouldn't be allowed to remake anything, period.

The brits tried to remake it too. Can't remember what it was called now, but was a bloody funny show, but only lasted 6 episodes iirc.

03-11-2013, 12:05 PM
They attempted to remake a Kiwi show too a few years back. Scoundrels is what they called it, and the original is Outrageous Fortune (a frightfully good series, with the notable exception of the last season which was an equally frightful disaster IMO).

Having attempted to watch Scoundrels' pilot ep, I'd say Americans shouldn't be allowed to remake anything, period.

I wonder if some of the Korean film industry feels the same. I know which one I prefer

03-11-2013, 12:21 PM
The brits tried to remake it too. Can't remember what it was called now, but was a bloody funny show, but only lasted 6 episodes iirc.

6 or 7 is where the Americans choked on it too. Btw, if you liked a remake, you'll most likely love the original. It is hilarious a lot of the time, plus when they felt more secure after the success of season 1, they started getting into some heavy s**t too - not too often, but often enough to show off some serious writing / acting chops. Remarkably good character development too. I'm so pissed off it's over I keep downloading every Kiwi series / movie I find online, but nothing's measured up to date. (Except for maybe Seven Periods with Mr Gormsby, at least comedy-wise...)

I wonder if some of the Korean film industry feels the same. I know which one I prefer

Oh. Never seen any Korean stuff (just a handful of Japanese movies and 1/3 of a series). Any recommendations?

Right, reup of Immortal Riders s02. Please RWQ.

HL2.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.3 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (


03-11-2013, 12:24 PM
6 or 7 is where the Americans choked on it too. Btw, if you liked a remake, you'll most likely love the original. It is hilarious a lot of the time, plus when they felt more secure after the success of season 1, they started getting into some heavy s**t too - not too often, but often enough to show off some serious writing / acting chops. Remarkably good character development too. I'm so pissed off it's over I keep downloading every Kiwi series / movie I find online, but nothing's measured up to date. (Except for maybe Seven Periods with Mr Gormsby, at least comedy-wise...)

Oh. Never seen any Korean stuff (just a handful of Japanese movies and 1/3 of a series). Any recommendations?

Right, reup of Immortal Riders s02. Please RWQ.

HL2.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.3 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

If you like a good Kiwi show, try The Almight Johnsons. About the Norse Gods reincarnated in New Zealand. Not everyone's cup of tea, but i nearly wet myself laughing at most of it.

03-11-2013, 12:26 PM
A lot of people rubbished the audios, but I really liked them too. I'd like them to do a few full cast audios set earlier with the entire cast.

Really? I thought they'd been received pretty well. They had to obviously 'tone down' some aspects with them being day-time transmissions, so I wonder if that's what people reacted against? The only real 'off' thing about them for me was that Barrowman doesn't make a very good audio-only performer.

Eve Myles never really did anything for me; not like Nicola Bryant and Karen Gillan.:naughty:

Ahh! The lovely Ms Bryant. Even now I follow her on twitter and think "Nev Fountain, you are one lucky sunnofagun!"

03-11-2013, 12:27 PM
If you like a good Kiwi show, try The Almight Johnsons. About the Norse Gods reincarnated in New Zealand. Not everyone's cup of tea, but i nearly wet myself laughing at most of it.

Oh, I watch it - waiting for the next season.

03-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Oh, I watch it - waiting for the next season.

Same here. Was gutted when i heard it had been scrapped. Overjoyed when the network bowed to fan pressure and renewed it, hopefully for more than 1 more season.

03-11-2013, 12:45 PM
Really? I thought they'd been received pretty well. They had to obviously 'tone down' some aspects with them being day-time transmissions, so I wonder if that's what people reacted against? The only real 'off' thing about them for me was that Barrowman doesn't make a very good audio-only performer.

No. From what I remember reading at the time they were likened to badly written fan fiction, but iirc they were written by the same writers from the tv show.

03-11-2013, 01:06 PM
Oh. Never seen any Korean stuff (just a handful of Japanese movies and 1/3 of a series). Any recommendations?

well that really depends but:

I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK
The Good, The Bad, The Weird
any of the Vengeance Trilogy (Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance)

and Japanese films - you have to see Happiness Of The Katakuris and Funky Forest!

03-11-2013, 01:39 PM
It's odd that the yanks cant do remakes seeing how they make some of the best tv series themselves, Lost, The Big Bang Theory, 2.5 men etc, and not just modern stuff either, MASH, Taxi, Hill Street Blues, the list is endless when it comes to good american tv.

03-11-2013, 02:29 PM
It's odd that the yanks cant do remakes seeing how they make some of the best tv series themselves, Lost, The Big Bang Theory, 2.5 men etc, and not just modern stuff either, MASH, Taxi, Hill Street Blues, the list is endless when it comes to good american tv.

Tomoph, You didn't mention the one which stands out above all others for me...... "My Name Is Earl". But, with American TV now consisting primarily of American Versions of REALLY bad Brit TV (X-Factor, America's Got Talent, etc.). But, the above does prove to be true...... Brit Comedies tend to be much more original, and enjoyable (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, etc.) (The Aussies have had some great comedies also).

03-11-2013, 03:01 PM
Tomoph, You didn't mention the one which stands out above all others for me...... "My Name Is Earl". But, with American TV now consisting primarily of American Versions of REALLY bad Brit TV (X-Factor, America's Got Talent, etc.). But, the above does prove to be true...... Brit Comedies tend to be much more original, and enjoyable (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, etc.) (The Aussies have had some great comedies also).

Given some of these US shows people have mentioned, I find myself thinking 'Could we (the brits) remake these?' and coming to the conclusion ... no, we couldn't. There are differences between the sense of humour between the brits and the yanks. Our comedy seems to be more subtle where the yanks sense of humour seems to be more 'in your face'.

I remember my mother constantly complaining that nuWho was nowhere near as good as the original series, and although the production values are much better nowadays, I do think that a lot of the older stories were much better written.

03-11-2013, 03:02 PM
hereeeeeeeeeeee we are, born to be kings! we're the princes of the universe!

Incredible song that.

03-11-2013, 03:11 PM
And ... George ... Don't do that.[/I]

Now then, let's all put on our Thinking Caps, shall we, and think what flower we are going to choose to be.
.... A horse isn't a flower Sidney...

Thank you for reminding me of that wonderful sketch :)

03-11-2013, 03:23 PM
You can't beat the classics!

03-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Read that 2 adventures with the scarfed Medic are out now, one of them featuring those Victorian gentleman. I look forward to hearing 'em. :)

03-11-2013, 05:07 PM
Read that 2 adventures with the scarfed Medic are out now, one of them featuring those Victorian gentleman. I look forward to hearing 'em. :)

2 Adventures with the scarfed one? Strange.

03-11-2013, 05:13 PM
2 Adventures with the scarfed one? Strange.
I know, it IS kinda weird. But I vaguely recall LC saying on their Twitter feed that the one with Victorian gentleman was to be released a month early so people could get it signed by the actors who play them at "Large Conclusions Day". That could be why we're getting 2 instead of 1 this month.

03-11-2013, 06:28 PM
don't suppose anyone has an unmangled ebook of the EDA novel anderVdeken's hildCren, would they?
every copy I can find has the last bit cut off :(

03-11-2013, 06:39 PM
don't suppose anyone has an unmangled ebook of the EDA novel anderVdeken's hildCren, would they?
every copy I can find has the last bit cut off :(

oh yeah. I've not read that one and have now just found the same thing. please let me know if your quest is successful

03-11-2013, 06:41 PM
wow huge month.... i guess this means that next month will be pretty lean

03-11-2013, 07:09 PM
Indeed, RTD has done a lot for which he should be congratulated for - reviving the show in the first place being the biggest. And Midnight ranks up as one of the best episodes so far for me.

The only thing I can never forgive him for is handing Torchwood over to the yanks, who promptly butchered it :(
It is odd that we make so many good sci fi programs but can't seem to handle the transaltions. On the other hand, getting any show off the ground is tough. Adding a translation just makes it tougher.

I see what you mean, I think, but S4's biggest issue is that it just too long.

I've not watched it since transmission, but my main memories are that it was a bit repetitive and given this particular TV universe and how it works, you'ld expect The Doctor to turn-up to fight something so big happening to his favourite planet.
That was always the main flaw with TW. The medic practically lives on what we consider present day earth. How did he never hear that the children were being taken or the planet had gone immortal? They could at least put a throwaway line in dw. "Haven't been that late to a party since I missed that whole drug trade debacle.''

The brits tried to remake it too. Can't remember what it was called now, but was a bloody funny show, but only lasted 6 episodes iirc.
Supports my idea on remakes.

It's odd that the yanks cant do remakes seeing how they make some of the best tv series themselves, Lost, The Big Bang Theory, 2.5 men etc, and not just modern stuff either, MASH, Taxi, Hill Street Blues, the list is endless when it comes to good american tv.
I have to disagree about Lost. The show feels like it was cancelled before the finale. Just google 'unanswered questions from lost' and see if you agree with my conclusion: The show had lazy writers. You just cannot keep injecting mysteries into a work of fiction without any intention of a payoff. Maybe we should tattoo that on moffat's arm?

Given some of these US shows people have mentioned, I find myself thinking 'Could we (the brits) remake these?' and coming to the conclusion ... no, we couldn't. There are differences between the sense of humour between the brits and the yanks. Our comedy seems to be more subtle where the yanks sense of humour seems to be more 'in your face'.
Thank you.

I know, it IS kinda weird. But I vaguely recall LC saying on their Twitter feed that the one with Victorian gentleman was to be released a month early so people could get it signed by the actors who play them at "Large Conclusions Day". That could be why we're getting 2 instead of 1 this month.
Their news blurb on the release implies as such. They also state that 4 will return in may so it's not like anything else is getting moved up.

As far as the romantic relationships between the medic and his companions go, I think we have to at least acknowledge the reality that young people thrust into dangerous situations with the opposite sex often feel an attraction towards the person who shared the adventure with them. That doesn't necessarily mean that the medic has to act on it. Amy for instance. He shot her down cold, grabbed her fiance and continues traveling. Rory's own insecurities kept bringing that possibility up but the medic himself doesn't pine for her. With the revolving door of companions explanations are going to become stale and repetitive but to simply ignore the fact that two people (closer in age which wasn't a problem the classic series had) cast in part because of how pretty they are aren't going to try and knock boots is just unrealistic.

I never had a problem with Rose and ten because I felt it worked. In the long run, we could always just say that eight kissed Grace because he was high on regeneration energy and ten had seen so much tragedy he allowed the possibility for love. Rejected it shortly after. I was always of the opinion that ten sent Rose away for reasons yet unknown. You remember how his blue box went crashing into the void with the two steven hawking sound a likes? That's because it didn't. He could have stashed her in there and dead locked it. Instead, he jumps on the opportunity to send her somewhere he couldn't reasonably reach and she shouldn't ever be able to return from. Later, when he realizes she's returning, he has this look on his face. Donna says 'yeah but rose is coming back. That good right?' and he turns to the camera with a grin on his face. I think it was a mask. He did not want to see her again. I think he could have gone after her (with extraordinary difficulty perhaps) if he really wanted to.

That said, how interested would you be if the Bad Wolf was the anniversary villain? Former companion regains some temporal powers, realizes her human medic boyfriend knew that her old boyfriend rejected her because like Jack she's a temporal freak and he just can't stand the sight of her and crosses dimensions to destroy every version of the medic she can get her hands on? Yes, I just pulled that out of my butt and no I don't write fan fiction.

03-11-2013, 07:20 PM
don't suppose anyone has an unmangled ebook of the EDA novel anderVdeken's hildCren, would they?
every copy I can find has the last bit cut off :(

You're right.
I see it is very cheap in the UK (it's much more expensive in my country). If somebody could buy a used copy and send me scans of the missing pages, I would be glad to fix the electronic versions and provide them here.


03-11-2013, 08:02 PM
So sick of this bollocks about Rose always coming back. She came back once, that is it. The next time we saw her was with everyone else, as a prequel to her story. He didn't keep bringing her back. She left at the end of series 2 and came back at the end of series 4. Keeps coming back?!! Get a grip!!!

03-11-2013, 08:27 PM
Tried that. Changing to .rar still didn't work for me. Have given up and will just wait for a couple of hours for sendspace. Thanks anyway.

What I did was change the entire name of the file to what the original site said it should be. Worked fine for me. I'm afraid to wait, with links disappearing so quickly!

Be warned, though, that rapid8 has a million popups and exploits in the ads. Make sure you have very adequate protection on your computer, which you pretty much need if you're going to ANY of the file sharing sites mentioned here. If you don't already have Malwarebytes PLUS another anti-virus program, and you're going to any of these sites, then you're a fool! (No, I'm not saying that YOU are a fool! Just that anyone who does is!) Malwarebytes and/or Norton's popped up several times on each page there to warn me that it had blocked something.

As for the whole RTD and modern era, I agree with Puthkins that everyone is exaggerating everything. Rose came back ONCE. To finish her story. Admittedly, it completely overshadowed Donna's truly tragic story, which really should have been the focus of the ending. She appeared one more time -- at the very end, along with ALL of Ten's companions.

As for Rose herself, I think she was absolutely perfect. A case of lightning in the bottle that happens very rarely. I'm constantly amazed at how many fans are so completely opposed to even the very idea of a relationship on the show. God forbid science fiction should have silly emotions in it! For me, it gave the show the kind of emotional truth that I thought it was missing previously. People thrown together tend to have attractions and develop feelings. I simply don't understand why that's such a hard concept for so many fans. It absolutely brings a wider audience to the show. I have a friend who always made fun of me for liking the show in the old days. I showed him some of the Rode stories, and he got hooked. He loved the Davies era, but really isn't that interested in the Moffatt era, because it doesn't have the relationships he liked with Rose.

As for the whole "every companion in the new era has been the same" bit, I'm calling bullsh$t on that one! Rose and the Medic were in love. Martha loved him, but he couldn't get over Rose. Donna was appalled at the idea, but wanted adventure. Amy was scared and confused about her upcoming marriage, and got her lifetime fantasy fulfilled, which led to a lot more confusion. Eventually, she realized it was Rory she loved, and stuck with him, until their appropriate departure. If anything, their storyline has been unlike anything ever done with the show before. Companions that are married and eventually slowly back off from life with the Doctor, who keeps coming back for them? When has anything even remotely like that EVER been done on the show before? Clara? Well, we'll have to see. We haven't actually even met the character yet. Maybe.

Or is it that anything with ANY emotional content is "the same" to some of you?

Finally, a huge thanks to those who've shared this week!

03-11-2013, 08:35 PM
So sick of this bollocks about Rose always coming back. She came back once, that is it. The next time we saw her was with everyone else, as a prequel to her story. He didn't keep bringing her back. She left at the end of series 2 and came back at the end of series 4. Keeps coming back?!! Get a grip!!!

i see that too ...she came back once, heck so Did Martha,Donna,Sarah and Jack! and they all came back for 10's last episode.

Rose Left came back for the Dalek finale...
Martha Left came back twice
Jack Came Back Twice
Sarah Came Back back once
they all came back for the end

get over the Rose HATE

03-11-2013, 08:38 PM
and The Doctor clearly stated to Donna he just wanted "a mate"... and he was clearly not interested in Martha, and RAN away from Amy.. very companion and "mini" companion [the specials] all had something different in terms of story.... saying they are all the same is just being lazy in descibing the relationships.....

and as for some of the classic stories being better........ possibly better dialog but come on most stories had "run around in a quarry/tunnel/hallway ...get captured, escape, get captured again sort of padding

03-11-2013, 08:40 PM
thank you for the immortals

03-11-2013, 08:45 PM
I too missed a bloke and six mates volume three, can anyone help?

03-11-2013, 08:49 PM
i see that too ...she came back once, heck so Did Martha,Donna,Sarah and Jack! and they all came back for 10's last episode....

But her presence was still there during Martha's time, and she cameo'd in nearly ever one of Donna's episodes.

03-11-2013, 08:51 PM
But her presence was still there during Martha's time, and she cameo'd in nearly ever one of Donna's episodes.

2 quick scenes (less than 5 seconds each of 'Doctor' being yelled) and the scene at the bin. And she was in the last 3 episodes. Every one? Really.

As for the Martha episodes and her 'presence', well she was mentioned but he had to talk about something when Martha was there, just to keep him sane.

03-11-2013, 08:51 PM
That said, how interested would you be if the Bad Wolf was the anniversary villain? Former companion regains some temporal powers, realizes her human medic boyfriend knew that her old boyfriend rejected her because like Jack she's a temporal freak and he just can't stand the sight of her and crosses dimensions to destroy every version of the medic she can get her hands on? Yes, I just pulled that out of my butt and no I don't write fan fiction.

Perhaps not as the big anniversary story, but a 'wronged Rose' back from the other side to get her man back to find he's changed again and NOT into someone she has the hots for could, I hate to say, be a rather fun story!

03-11-2013, 08:55 PM
2 quick scenes (less than 5 seconds each of 'Doctor' being yelled) and she was in the last 3 episodes. Every one? Really.

a) Please note the use of the word NEARLY and b) I'm sure it was more than that. It certainly felt like it, but I'll take your figures as it's still FIVE episodes of 13 where she's a direct presence.

Either way, she was still around in some form or another and it completely undermined Donna's story.

03-11-2013, 08:55 PM
Perhaps not as the big anniversary story, but a 'wronged Rose' back from the other side to get her man back to find he's changed again and NOT into someone she has the hots for could, I hate to say, be a rather fun story!

Lol, that would be amazing. And it could work. She would never fancy 11. Matt is very good looking but far too geeky and a bit wacky for Rose.

03-11-2013, 08:58 PM
As for the whole RTD and modern era, I agree with Puthkins that everyone is exaggerating everything. Rose came back ONCE. To finish her story. Admittedly, it completely overshadowed Donna's truly tragic story, which really should have been the focus of the ending. She appeared one more time -- at the very end, along with ALL of Ten's companions.

As for Rose herself, I think she was absolutely perfect. A case of lightning in the bottle that happens very rarely. I'm constantly amazed at how many fans are so completely opposed to even the very idea of a relationship on the show. God forbid science fiction should have silly emotions in it! For me, it gave the show the kind of emotional truth that I thought it was missing previously. People thrown together tend to have attractions and develop feelings. I simply don't understand why that's such a hard concept for so many fans. It absolutely brings a wider audience to the show. I have a friend who always made fun of me for liking the show in the old days. I showed him some of the Rode stories, and he got hooked. He loved the Davies era, but really isn't that interested in the Moffatt era, because it doesn't have the relationships he liked with Rose.

As for the whole "every companion in the new era has been the same" bit, I'm calling bullsh$t on that one! Rose and the Medic were in love. Martha loved him, but he couldn't get over Rose. Donna was appalled at the idea, but wanted adventure. Amy was scared and confused about her upcoming marriage, and got her lifetime fantasy fulfilled, which led to a lot more confusion. Eventually, she realized it was Rory she loved, and stuck with him, until their appropriate departure. If anything, their storyline has been unlike anything ever done with the show before. Companions that are married and eventually slowly back off from life with the Doctor, who keeps coming back for them? When has anything even remotely like that EVER been done on the show before? Clara? Well, we'll have to see. We haven't actually even met the character yet. Maybe.

Or is it that anything with ANY emotional content is "the same" to some of you?
Man, thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to say and more. The companions have always been surrogates for the audience's POV, but the new series took it a step further and made then fully realized -and flawed- characters that have lives and families they care about in addition to travelling with the Doctor. LC has since followed suit by doing the same for many of the classic Medic companions, as well as any original ones they make themselves.

As for the romance thing, the only reason it was never brought up in the series prior to the revival was because of the fact that during the 5th Doctor's era onwards, the BBC mandated that the Doctor couldn't be physically affectionate with any of his companions because they were paranoid about people watching it and thinking "Oh my God! There's hanky panky going on in the TARDIS!". Several fans -as well as some writers of the "expanded universe" novels and such- interpreted that as the Doctor should ALWAYS be celibate because of the fact that he's a Time Lord. They even go so far as to say it's just a Time Lord thing, hence why there was all this uproar in the fanbase when Eight kissed his companion in the TV movie, and the hostility towards his more openly romantic attitude in the new series.

Never mind the fact that the first person the Doctor ever traveled with was his own granddaughter, which blows the whole celibacy thing completely out of the water! Now, I am aware that the only reason Susan became the Doctor's granddaughter canonically was because the BBC felt it was a little suspect of the Doctor -being a old man at the time- was travelling with a girl who was so much younger than he was. But the fact remains that the Doctor's first companion WAS HIS OWN GRANDDAUGHTER! That implies he's "done it" before! Deal with it! It's the 21st Century, not the Dark Ages!

03-11-2013, 08:58 PM
a) Please note the use of the word NEARLY and b) I'm sure it was more than that. It certainly felt like it, but I'll take your figures as it's still FIVE episodes of 13 where she's a direct presence.

Either way, she was still around in some form or another and it completely undermined Donna's story.

Wasn't more than that, and yeah, I saw the word nearly.

Scene with the bin
2 5 second video screen shots of her yelling Doctor and then Turn Left onwards.

I just don't get the whole 'always coming back'. I find it even stranger that the people on Digital Spy forums and the likes who say it are also the ones who want Amy to come back at some point. Which would be the exact same thing.

But yeah, I know you said nearly, I did go to edit and put that in but I forgot.

I liked Rose a lot. But I LOVED Donna, my favourite companion apart from Lucie Miller who can never be beaten.

But I don't buy that Rose overshadowed Donna's story, it just made Donna feel more part of the back story for me. I think Turn Left is an outstanding episode because of both of them.

03-11-2013, 09:00 PM
But her presence was still there during Martha's time, and she cameo'd in nearly ever one of Donna's episodes.

I thought she only appeared in Partners in Crime and Midnight before the finale. And in Midnight blink and you missed her.

Tbh, I hope they don't bring Rose or Amy & Rory back. I think that both of their stories ended in the right way and bringing them back as a plot device would cheapen that.

I'd like Martha and Mickey come back, just to see how that would play out.

03-11-2013, 09:01 PM
Also, has anyone else not had their LC CD's yet? I was hoping Saturday but nothing yet.

03-11-2013, 09:02 PM
I thought she only appeared in Partners in Crime and Midnight before the finale. And in Midnight blink and you missed her.

There were two blink and miss. Midnight and another one on the Tardis screen, but I can't remember which episode.

Edit: Poison Sky

03-11-2013, 09:09 PM
Man, thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to say and more. The companions have always been surrogates for the audience's POV, but the new series took it a step further and made then fully realized -and flawed- characters that have lives and families they care about in addition to travelling with the Doctor. LC has since followed suit by doing the same for many of the classic Medic companions, as well as any original ones they make themselves....!

Not sure I can entirely agree about the classic companions not being 'fully realized' compared to their contemporary counterparts, but I think I see where you're coming from.

The degree of 'extended TARDIS family' really depends on the character and how often the plot device turns up again. Rose needed that, yet with Martha and Donna (even though we got the wonderful Wilf out of it) the technique was used too quickly again. The format of the show really works best when the two or three main characters can just wander at will without having to worry about nipping back home to put the cat out.

03-11-2013, 09:14 PM
Not sure I can entirely agree about the classic companions not being 'fully realized' compared to their contemporary counterparts, but I think I see where you're coming from.

The degree of 'extended TARDIS family' really depends on the character and how often the plot device turns up again. Rose needed that, yet with Martha and Donna (even though we got the wonderful Wilf out of it) the technique was used too quickly again. The format of the show really works best when the two or three main characters can just wander at will without having to worry about nipping back home to put the cat out.

Probably why we disagree about this. I think it works better for me when they have the extra supporting cast. It never used to, and the classic series works without it, but with the new series and the addition of SJA and Torchwood, it made it feel more full and like a universe of characters. Moffat still does it with River and it works that way too.

Even Aunty Pat with Lucie works great for me.

03-11-2013, 09:14 PM
We can argue all we like about Rose, Donna, classic Who, new Who and whatever else is debatable, but the fact is it dosn't make a jot of differance.
Some hate Rose, some don't. Some like classic Who better than new Who because it tells a better story and not over reliant on FX and CGI, some prefer New who because of them.
The fact is we won't change anyones opinion to our way of thinking just because we rant and rave about it.
For instance I hate Rose, I think she was the worst piece of slap ever to appear in the series, Medic #10 good... but not the best, new c*y*b*e*r*m*e*n; crap, new I*c*e W*a*r*r*i*o*r*s; brilliant etc etc
Have I just changed anyones opinion on these subjects, no!

03-11-2013, 09:17 PM
I've had my main range cd.

03-11-2013, 09:18 PM
We can argue all we like about Rose, Donna, classic Who, new Who and whatever else is debatable, but the fact is it dosn't make a jot of differance.
Some hate Rose, some don't. Some like classic Who better than new Who because it tells a better story and not over reliant on FX and CGI, some prefer New who because of them.
The fact is we won't change anyones opinion to our way of thinking just because we rant and rave about it.
For instance I hate Rose, I think she was the worst piece of slap ever to appear in the series, Medic #10 good... but not the best, new c*y*b*e*r*m*e*n; crap, new I*c*e W*a*r*r*i*o*r*s; brilliant etc etc
Have I just changed anyones opinion on these subjects, no!

Is it not just called a discussion? Kind of what people do in real life and exactly what this board is for?

03-11-2013, 09:18 PM
I've had my main range cd.

Bollocks. OK, thanks. Will give it a few more days.

03-11-2013, 09:19 PM
... Lucie Miller who can never be beaten.

Amen to that!

But I don't buy that Rose overshadowed Donna's story, it just made Donna feel more part of the back story for me. I think Turn Left is an outstanding episode because of both of them.

Unless that's a typo, it's the 'back story' bit. The character of Donna should have been allowed to have her own story, and her story with The Doctor. It's shouldn't have required a third wheel.

03-11-2013, 09:19 PM
On a totally unrelated subject ... given how we disguise our filenames, would it be possible to do a google search for files uploaded to MF?

03-11-2013, 09:21 PM
Probably why we disagree about this. I think it works better for me when they have the extra supporting cast. It never used to, and the classic series works without it, but with the new series and the addition of SJA and Torchwood, it made it feel more full and like a universe of characters. Moffat still does it with River and it works that way too.

Even Aunty Pat with Lucie works great for me.

Well, I wasn't entirely DISagreeing with you! :)

03-11-2013, 09:23 PM
Amen to that!

Perfection isn't she?

The ultimate companion. The ultimate story. Sheridan plays it so well and I just love her!!

Unless that's a typo, it's the 'back story' bit. The character of Donna should have been allowed to have her own story, and her story with The Doctor. It's shouldn't have required a third wheel.

Donna did have her own backstory, the runaway bride part. I do get what you mean, and take the points, I am a huge Donna fan so I am on the fence here.

And you like Lucie, so I trust your judgement!

I just don't like people who jump on the 'Rose is always coming back' bandwagon because they think it, and not because she actually did. I am mainly taking about people who use it in the endless RTD vs Moff war. And mainly talking about the morons on digital spy...

03-11-2013, 09:25 PM
I loathed Rose with every fiber of my being. Donna too. The only one of 10's companions that was worth a damn was Martha, to me, because she wasn't mushy-mouthed trash, had a brain, and was successful in her own right without having cling to the doctor.

I stopped watching when River Song came back (she just made me want to put an icepick through her eye), so I don't have that much of an opinion about Gillan.

As far as the classic stories just being "running through quarries and I don't know lol maybe better dialog," that just sounds like someone who hasn't actually watched very many.

03-11-2013, 09:25 PM
... Have I just changed anyones opinion on these subjects, no!

I don't believe it's about changing peoples minds, it's about understanding another persons point of view. As long as people stay civil, and don't start throwing 'HATER' around when they don't agree, I find it fascinating.

03-11-2013, 09:27 PM
was worth a damn was Martha, to me, because she wasn't mushy-mouthed trash, had a brain, and was successful in her own right without having cling to the doctor.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I totally respect that, but did you watch much of Martha? She spent most of her episodes whining that he never loved her back...

I have nothing against her, and loved her in Torchwood, but she was pretty mushy, in a different way.

03-11-2013, 09:28 PM
On a totally unrelated subject ... given how we disguise our filenames, would it be possible to do a google search for files uploaded to MF?

I suppose it really depends on how Google-able (what an awful word!) MF is. Never really tried it, TBH.

03-11-2013, 09:28 PM
Crikey - nip away for a couple of days and there's a lot of talk to catch up on.

Sheridan Smith as Lucie Miller gets my vote for best audio companion ever. I'd love for the TV production team to find her a part on the show itself (not necessarily as the same character). She's really a great actress.

By the way, I love Rose too and don't care who doesn't. Haveta agree though, her story was stymied and rendered ineffective by RTD bringing her back - she should've stayed sobbing on that alt-universe beach.

03-11-2013, 09:29 PM
I loathed Rose with every fiber of my being. Donna too. The only one of 10's companions that was worth a damn was Martha, to me, because she wasn't mushy-mouthed trash, had a brain, and was successful in her own right without having cling to the doctor.

I stopped watching when River Song came back (she just made me want to put an icepick through her eye), so I don't have that much of an opinion about Gillan.

As far as the classic stories just being "running through quarries and I don't know lol maybe better dialog," that just sounds like someone who hasn't actually watched very many.

Ouch! Gotta agree with the River Song thing and the comment about the quarries. It used to be a running joke about the quarry and one was used quite a few times, but only as a backdrop to the story.

03-11-2013, 09:30 PM
Loving the Lucie love.

03-11-2013, 09:33 PM
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I totally respect that, but did you watch much of Martha? She spent most of her episodes whining that he never loved her back...

I have nothing against her, and loved her in Torchwood, but she was pretty mushy, in a different way.

Her character changed massively when she came back in the Sontaran two-parter and I actually liked her in that and TW. My main beef with her in her season was the constant whining.

03-11-2013, 09:34 PM
Her character changed massively when she came back in the Sontaran two-parter and I actually liked her in that and TW. My main beef with her in her season was the constant whining.

Yeah she did, I loved that Martha, the season 4 and Torchwood Martha.

I wasn't so keen on love sick pup Martha.

03-11-2013, 09:37 PM
I suppose it really depends on how Google-able (what an awful word!) MF is. Never really tried it, TBH.

Hmmm. Either someone has stumbled over my uploads again, or someone has passed my links on after being asked not to. I PM'd 5 links to the latest Slakes Beven but the downloads on the files are almost into double-figures. I've had 1 C&D and I'm not looking for another so I'm not happy.

03-11-2013, 09:39 PM
Hmmm. Either someone has stumbled over my uploads again, or someone has passed my links on after being asked not to. I PM'd 5 links to the latest Slakes Beven but the downloads on the files are almost into double-figures. I've had 1 C&D and I'm not looking for another so I'm not happy.

So would that be peopled you messaged sending the links on or would it be people hacking and searching? Either way, not really fair.

03-11-2013, 09:40 PM
Ouch! Gotta agree with the River Song thing ...

Alex Kingston is a ridiculously hot actress, that plays the character well, and I like the idea of the character. It's just that I was never entirely convinced that SM had completely worked out her story before committing it to paper. I get this niggly feeling that you shouldn't press her story too hard or it all might fall apart ...

03-11-2013, 09:41 PM
So would that be peopled you messaged sending the links on or would it be people hacking and searching? Either way, not really fair.

Not sure, that's why I asked how easy it would be to search MF. I'm not convinced it's a coincidence given the filenames I use.

03-11-2013, 09:43 PM
Alex Kingston is a ridiculously hot actress, that plays the character well, and I like the idea of the character. It's just that I was never entirely convinced that SM had completely worked out her story before committing it to paper. I get this niggly feeling that you shouldn't press her story too hard or it all might fall apart ...

I always get that too. I loved the idea in the first story, but he clearly had no idea where he was going with this. Even the hints about how young he looked when she first saw him in the library. All very unplanned. But keeping it simple would never work for Moff, just wish he would tone it down a bit. My only niggle. Some of his stories remind me of a bad liar who compensates too much with an overdone story. Not slagging him off, just commenting.

And Alex Kingston is also pretty damn good in Arrow too!

03-11-2013, 09:44 PM
Not sure, that's why I asked how easy it would be to search MF. I'm not convinced it's a coincidence given the filenames I use.

Sorry mate, thats not fun. I have not been doing much downloading as I am a bit CD obsessed, but I love this community and want to keep it safe. So I am sorry if its people passing them on.

03-11-2013, 09:45 PM
Alex Kingston is a ridiculously hot actress, that plays the character well, and I like the idea of the character. It's just that I was never entirely convinced that SM had completely worked out her story before committing it to paper. I get this niggly feeling that you shouldn't press her story too hard or it all might fall apart ...

I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to agree to disagree here. I don't like Alex Kingston and never have done - don't know why, just one of those things. Just thinking about here story gives me a headache.

03-11-2013, 09:45 PM
Hmmm. Either someone has stumbled over my uploads again, or someone has passed my links on after being asked not to. I PM'd 5 links to the latest Slakes Beven but the downloads on the files are almost into double-figures. I've had 1 C&D and I'm not looking for another so I'm not happy.


Take 'em down, and ignore those five people if they ask you for links again.

Or put up five separate copies, with names that are the requesters name, and when you see more than one download on a copy you know who's 'breaking the rules'

03-11-2013, 09:46 PM
Sorry mate, thats not fun. I have not been doing much downloading as I am a bit CD obsessed, but I love this community and want to keep it safe. So I am sorry if its people passing them on.

Just wish I could afford the CDs, but running a household tends to soak up most of my cash :(

03-11-2013, 09:47 PM
I always get that too. I loved the idea in the first story, but he clearly had no idea where he was going with this. Even the hints about how young he looked when she first saw him in the library. All very unplanned. !

In fairness to her first story, am I right in thinking that at the time of filming there was no intention of bringing her back?

03-11-2013, 09:48 PM

Take 'em down, and ignore those five people if they ask you for links again.

Or put up five separate copies, with names that are the requesters name, and when you see more than one download on a copy you know who's 'breaking the rules'

Those links are already down. Other links will go straight down as soon as I see the downloads match the requests. Good idea using the requesters name. Hate to be so untrusting, but what can you do?

03-11-2013, 09:49 PM
Just wish I could afford the CDs, but running a household tends to soak up most of my cash :(

I am happy to share, but I can only download at weekends (I work away Mon-Fri and stay in a hotel) so by the time I get home people already have stuff.

03-11-2013, 09:49 PM
Hmmm. Either someone has stumbled over my uploads again, or someone has passed my links on after being asked not to. I PM'd 5 links to the latest Slakes Beven but the downloads on the files are almost into double-figures. I've had 1 C&D and I'm not looking for another so I'm not happy.

I'm not ignoring your paranoia (frankly I share it) but MF does seem count every time the link is clicked as a download. Failed d/l attempts and all

03-11-2013, 09:49 PM
I don't wanna derail this wonderful discussion, but has anyone gotten the new adventures with the scarfed Medic and his Time Lady friend yet? I'm pretty anxious to hear them. Especially the one with the Victorian gentlemen. :)

03-11-2013, 09:50 PM
I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to agree to disagree here. I don't like Alex Kingston and never have done - don't know why, just one of those things. Just thinking about here story gives me a headache.

Don't worry. Mrs Nobber doesn't 'get her' either. Normally she'll just roll her eyes and go "Yes, dear, I can see why you think xxxx is attractive." but with Alex Kingston she just can't see it. Reminds her of Sarah Jessica Parker :)

03-11-2013, 09:51 PM
In fairness to her first story, am I right in thinking that at the time of filming there was no intention of bringing her back?

Well thats what they said at the time but different interviews say different things. He has said he always planned to bring her back at some point. And he has said numerous times that he knew the ending and her story. But then other times hinted he didn't. Who the hell knows!

Those links are already down. Other links will go straight down as soon as I see the downloads match the requests. Good idea using the requesters name. Hate to be so untrusting, but what can you do?

Be untrusting, the way of the world these days.

03-11-2013, 09:51 PM
Those links are already down. Other links will go straight down as soon as I see the downloads match the requests. Good idea using the requesters name. Hate to be so untrusting, but what can you do?

Not a bad idea at that though.

03-11-2013, 09:52 PM
Don't worry. Mrs Nobber doesn't 'get her' either. Normally she'll just roll her eyes and go "Yes, dear, I can see why you think xxxx is attractive." but with Alex Kingston she just can't see it. Reminds her of Sarah Jessica Parker :)

Nooooo! I have never noticed that before. SJP looks like a foot and a horse at the same time.

03-11-2013, 09:53 PM
I'm not ignoring your paranoia (frankly I share it) but MF does seem count every time the link is clicked as a download. Failed d/l attempts and all

Not sure about that. I have no problem sharing what I have, but sharing the last scarfed one's story is what got my C&D. The last time I checked there were 200+ downloads on it so now I'm trying to keep tighter control of things.

03-11-2013, 09:54 PM
Is it not just called a discussion? Kind of what people do in real life and exactly what this board is for?

Yes of course it is. I wasn't disputing that, I was just pointing out the wasted time and effort we all put into these topical discussions, but I'd be first to admit to the fact that I'd miss it like hell if we did'nt.

03-11-2013, 09:55 PM
Don't worry. Mrs Nobber doesn't 'get her' either. Normally she'll just roll her eyes and go "Yes, dear, I can see why you think xxxx is attractive." but with Alex Kingston she just can't see it. Reminds her of Sarah Jessica Parker :)

Unusual for me though, cos I love redheads.

03-11-2013, 09:57 PM
Yes of course it is. I wasn't disputing that, I was just pointing out the wasted time and effort we all put into these topical discussions, but I'd be first to admit to the fact that I'd miss it like hell if we did'nt.

Yeah, I know. I agree to an extent, but then I get bored and realise that you could analyse all of life in a similar way. So I just ramble about any old crap now and admit that I enjoy doing it!

03-11-2013, 09:58 PM
I don't wanna derail this wonderful discussion, but has anyone gotten the new adventures with the scarfed Medic and his Time Lady friend yet? I'm pretty anxious to hear them. Especially the one with the Victorian gentlemen. :)

I too request these stories, especially the one with his two Victorian friends.

I want to thank everyone for their constant sharing. You guys have made my commute to school bearable, to say the least :)

03-11-2013, 09:58 PM
Yes of course it is. I wasn't disputing that, I was just pointing out the wasted time and effort we all put into these topical discussions, but I'd be first to admit to the fact that I'd miss it like hell if we did'nt.

If we didn't have these discussions the thread would simply be 'can I have this' and 'can I have that'.

03-11-2013, 10:00 PM
Unusual for me though, cos I love redheads.

I second that. My first and second girlfriends were true redheads, then I married a Brunette, go figure.

cousin fourth
03-11-2013, 10:02 PM

#863 Americans must never be allowed to remake British TV shows. IT DOESN'T WORK!

even when they think they have got it right, they haven't

Certainly not nowadays, but in the past we did a good job - Three's Company, formerly Man About the House and Too Close for Comfort, formerly, Keep It in the Family

03-11-2013, 10:02 PM
Though I may not keep it up too long in the light of recent events...

03-11-2013, 10:03 PM
Unusual for me though, cos I love redheads.

Who doesn't? :) My girlfriend is a redhead (sick brag, right?) and Karen Gillan reminds me of her, so I am more than a happy camper.

03-11-2013, 10:06 PM
Who doesn't? :) My girlfriend is a redhead (sick brag, right?) and Karen Gillan reminds me of her, so I am more than a happy camper.

That was one reason I like KG. The serious short skirt doesn't help either :naughty:

03-11-2013, 10:10 PM
Redheads do it for me too, but then so do blondes and brunettes so I don't really know why I said that.

Anyway, during one of my recent bouts of insomnia I was thinking through my favourite companion top ten and after going through the classics (Victoria, Zoe, Peri, Nyssa) I realised that I fancy Amy, but don't really find Karen that attractive. Maybe it's strong writing on Moffs part or maybe it's because she ignored me once on Twitter, but I just can't warm to Miss Gillan at all, yet Amy fascinates me.

On the other hand Alex Kingston is so, so hot and I quite fancy River as well. What conclusions can I draw from this? A) I need to do some exercise and B) I'm a bit bored.

03-11-2013, 10:10 PM
Thanks moodylampy, and don't let my paranoia get to you. ;)

03-11-2013, 10:10 PM
<!-- 4.2.4 - Download - 4shared - Smith John ( -->
Rwq for a new scarf story. The 4th of the 2nd of the 4th

Though I may not keep it up too long in the light of recent events...

Paranoia paranoia????????

03-11-2013, 10:14 PM
I totally agree with all of this... Personally, I kind of wish RTD hadn't revived the show because I feel like he really couldn't handle it. I felt his era's default was "terrible" with only a couple instances of "decent," and one or two of brilliant.

That's all taste though. Really, where RTD failed was in poor writing and poor decisions. For example, Doctor Who is a show that is all about change and viewer-personalisation. For example, let's say you're Jane Pieson (the daughter of a pie, you see) and you just *LOVE* Mel. Not many people seem to care for her much, but you adore her. Well - Doctor Who's got you covered. The Doctor treats Mel well and in the show everyone seems to like her. Even if other fans don't agree with you - you feel like you can identify with elements in the show.

Now contrast that with how Rose was treated. She was treated as 'the most specialest companion evar' and the Doctor's 'one twoo wuv' and all of this. The idea being that she was put on a pedastal above other companions. In fact, this poisonous outlook of The Doctor 'ranking' his companions goes way beyond Rose. Rose's mere existence ruined Martha's characterisation and enabled massive ret-conning when it came to SJS's personality as well as codification of her relationship with The Doctor. Sarah Jane Smith was reduced to a plot device to play against Rose. Rather than being a character, she became a tool to create a rival so that the audience felt more pity for Rose or came to worry about their 'twoo wuv' relationship. Martha, of course, was reduced even further - you could tell her actress wanted to explore Martha, but she was never allowed to. Martha was reduced to the "Inadequate Replacement" in the plot and this is reflected in how 'fans' berate her for basically not being Rose. This special relationship with The Doctor became the default for new companions and, with the exception of Donna, every single new companion has followed that mould of 'Doctor Romance' in some capacity with the Doctor. Contrast this with the wide variety of companions and personalities featured in the Classic series.

Now, the reason this fails in Doctor Who in particular is that this show is a show about change and about personalisation. Codification of relationship and relativistic character importance is fine in a typical syndicated show of several seasons and a consistent cast (which RTD was most used to), however in Doctor Who this inherently discourages change. When a character is played as vital or important to the overarching plot, when that character leaves, it is inherently jarring. Look at all the fans STILL complaining over Eleven not moping over Rose 24/7. This is NOT good for a show that needs to evolve to survive.

What's more, in terms of importance, in a typical television show, you go in with the knowledge that you won't please everyone. Not everyone will like, for example, Emma Peel in The Avengers. For the few people who don't - whatever. They just won't be part of your audience. However, as long as you have a sizeable audience remaining, that's fine - your show will survive until the viewer gets tired of the characters and tropes being presented.

However, in Doctor Who, making a character a 'special snowflake' is especially venomous to the show's survival. Never before has the show told you, you were 'wrong' for not liking a character. By making The Doctor put Rose on a pedestal, RTD was telling the viewers who didn't like Rose that we were WRONG. Contrast that with Jane, mentioned above. The show never told her that she was wrong for liking Mel, so she did not feel excluded. RTD was alienating people who did not conform to his vision (and don't pretend the first two series weren't "The Rose Tyler Hour") and by doing so, was alienating sections of the Doctor Who audience. He was shaping what needs to be a broad and diverse population into a much narrower one. This is actually somewhat reflected by the lack (except for Donna) of romantic sub-plot companions in the new series. The audience has basically been limited, by Rose Tyler, into more-or-less the people who care about that. Those who don't like the romantic Doctor are ignored or excluded. They might still watch, but the show is telling them they're wrong. Even Donna had a romantic subplot of sorts, but one that was played for comedy (everyone assuming they were together for no real reason).

Personally, I'm predicting the show will run for awhile longer since it still makes money. However, the more they continue to codify relationships and rely on glorification of companions (Moffat does this too, but let's not pretend it didn't start with Rose), the more and more narrow the 100%-happy-with-the-show audience will become and, in time, the show will die off again until someone else revives it.

(I did like Midnight though. That was great)

i get where you're coming from, but i just don't agree. but i will say that you're right about RTD being a fishmonger for selling Rose Tyler the way that he did. (for those of you who don't read Shakespeare, my use of the word fishmonger here is referring to the fact that RTD was Rose Tyler's pimp, for lack of a better word. if you still don't understand, read Hamlet.)

03-11-2013, 10:15 PM
Paranoia paranoia????????

La la la la...
I'll be honest here: 80s (real!!) goth informed a large part of my world view...;-)

03-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Bloomin' 'eck, but there's a lot us like red-heads here! Mrs N is one, and she's the first to admit she's a short, slightly dumpy, red-head cross of Victoria Coren and Tracy-Anne Oberman.

...I realised that I fancy Amy, but don't really find Karen that attractive. Maybe it's strong writing on Moffs part or maybe it's because she ignored me once on Twitter, but I just can't warm to Miss Gillan at all, yet Amy fascinates me.

I have some sympathy for this. When she's in character I really like Karen, but I can never quite warm to her when I see her in interviews.

03-11-2013, 10:20 PM
I prefered Spear of Destiny and Magnum.

03-11-2013, 10:21 PM

#863 Americans must never be allowed to remake British TV shows. IT DOESN'T WORK!

even when they think they have got it right, they haven't

that's right, with the exception of The Office. sorry, but the american version is WAY better.

03-11-2013, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the one with the Victorian gentleman, moodylampy. I pray someone will share the new one with those temporal manatees. I'm anxious to find out how what happens next with that cliffhanger!

03-11-2013, 10:22 PM
Though I may not keep it up too long in the light of recent events...

"As the bishop said to the actress ..."

03-11-2013, 10:23 PM
that's right, with the exception of The Office. sorry, but the american version is WAY better.

Probably because Ricky Gervais is as subtle as a kick in the bollocks, it translates a lot easier.

03-11-2013, 10:24 PM
"As the bishop said to the actress ..."

Maybe that was why the pope resigned too...

tippy wooder
03-11-2013, 10:27 PM
<!-- 4.2.4 - Download - 4shared - Smith John ( -->
Rwq for a new scarf story. The 4th of the 2nd of the 4th. Though I may not keep it up too long in the light of recent events...

Ooh, have I missed 3rd of the 2nd of the 4th ..?

03-11-2013, 10:28 PM
Thanks moodylampy. Do what you think is best mate, I only leave up for about 48 hours.

03-11-2013, 10:34 PM
Perhaps not as the big anniversary story, but a 'wronged Rose' back from the other side to get her man back to find he's changed again and NOT into someone she has the hots for could, I hate to say, be a rather fun story!

according to Moffat, The Master and the Daleks are gonna be the villains of the 50th Anniversary, he wants Ben Cumberbatch to be the new Master, tho Ben hasn't decided whether or not he's gonna do it...he has been asked SEVERAL times whether he'd like to be the 13th Doctor or not, and EVERY time he's asked he quickly changes the subject. but he seems to really be thinking about this Master thing.

03-11-2013, 10:34 PM
Thanks moodylampy. Do what you think is best mate, I only leave up for about 48 hours.

If you take down your links and nobody else offers to mirror it, then we don't deserve them in the first place.

03-11-2013, 10:36 PM
according to Moffat, The Master and the Daleks are gonna be the villains of the 50th Anniversary, he wants Ben Cumberbatch to be the new Master, tho Ben hasn't decided whether or not he's gonna do it...he has been asked SEVERAL times whether he'd like to be the 13th Doctor or not, and EVERY time he's asked he quickly changes the subject. but he seems to really be thinking about this Master thing.

If rumour is to be believed then Ben Cumberbatch won't have time to be the Master. He's due to start filming the new series of Sherlock soon. Would like to see him do it though.

03-11-2013, 10:36 PM
Thanks for the share moody, but I must be a bit of a spanner. I can't work that site out at all. I can avoid all the ilivid stuff but it keeps asking me to sign up for an account before letting me use the regular download. Normally I can work these out fairly quick but I must be getting old. Ta again for uploading, we all appreciate it.

03-11-2013, 10:38 PM
If you take down your links and nobody else offers to mirror it, then we don't deserve them in the first place.

I'm not sure what you mean.

03-11-2013, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the share moody, but I must be a bit of a spanner. I can't work that site out at all. I can avoid all the ilivid stuff but it keeps asking me to sign up for an account before letting me use the regular download. Normally I can work these out fairly quick but I must be getting old. Ta again for uploading, we all appreciate it.

It's easy enough. First you have to sign up for a free account. Click the blue download link and then the free download link and wait 20 seconds.

03-11-2013, 10:40 PM
I thought she only appeared in Partners in Crime and Midnight before the finale. And in Midnight blink and you missed her.

Tbh, I hope they don't bring Rose or Amy & Rory back. I think that both of their stories ended in the right way and bringing them back as a plot device would cheapen that.

I'd like Martha and Mickey come back, just to see how that would play out.

i'd LOVE for Martha, Mickey, & Jack to be in the 50th anniversary. and K-9 had BETTER be there, that's all i'm sayin'

03-11-2013, 10:40 PM
I'm not sure what you mean.

I mean if he takes the links down and nobody else uploads them when asked.

03-11-2013, 10:42 PM
i'd LOVE for Martha, Mickey, & Jack to be in the 50th anniversary. and K-9 had BETTER be there, that's all i'm sayin'

Barrowman has said he's up for it, but Freema has ruled herself out (or it could be a bluff).

03-11-2013, 10:42 PM
If rumour is to be believed then Ben Cumberbatch won't have time to be the Master. He's due to start filming the new series of Sherlock soon. Would like to see him do it though. He'd be an excellent choice as the master.

03-11-2013, 10:44 PM
according to Moffat, The Master and the Daleks are gonna be the villains of the 50th Anniversary, he wants Ben Cumberbatch to be the new Master, tho Ben hasn't decided whether or not he's gonna do it...he has been asked SEVERAL times whether he'd like to be the 13th Doctor or not, and EVERY time he's asked he quickly changes the subject. but he seems to really be thinking about this Master thing.

Yeah, I can see Cumberbatch as The Master as long as he's written in a 'classic' style.

It was a shame that Simm had to play him as he did. Not a bad villain as such, but never really felt like The Master.

03-11-2013, 10:45 PM
I don't know if there's any work to be done on the Hobbit movies, but he does the voice of the Necromancer and Smaug apparently so he may be too busy.

03-11-2013, 10:45 PM
Not sure, that's why I asked how easy it would be to search MF. I'm not convinced it's a coincidence given the filenames I use.

possible that one of the people you gave the links to was having net issues and had to have multiple goes at d/ling too - each attempt is counted as a d/l even if it wasn't completed.

03-11-2013, 10:45 PM
I mean if he takes the links down and nobody else uploads them when asked.
Oic, I can be so thick sometimes :)

03-11-2013, 10:47 PM
possible that one of the people you gave the links to was having net issues and had to have multiple goes at d/ling too - each attempt is counted as a d/l even if it wasn't completed.

Maybe, but I'm not taking any chances. I handed out 5 links and each file was downloaded 9 times and I don't believe that each file messed up exactly the same number of times.

03-11-2013, 10:50 PM
If you take down your links and nobody else offers to mirror it, then we don't deserve them in the first place.

True, for a long while now it's been the minority uploading and taking all the risks while the majority (myself VERY much included) have been happy to take what's on offer. But it's also important to understand that most of us are not as PC literate as others and finding a site to upload to can be a bit daunting. Especially as it's not entirely straight forward (changing tags, file names, formatting, even compressing to zip can be a challenge if you don't know where to start) When I first arrived here I was under the impression there were a few core uploaders who were happy to share and the rest who were grateful to download. But I can see how that way of operating would become a very heavy burden on few shoulders quite quickly.
At the moment I have no income, so all I can do from now on is re-up stuff when requested which I will endeavour to do, once I am working again I will be buying again. Then it will be party time!

03-11-2013, 10:56 PM
True, for a long while now it's been the minority uploading and taking all the risks while the majority (myself VERY much included) have been happy to take what's on offer. But it's also important to understand that most of us are not as PC literate as others and finding a site to upload to can be a bit daunting. Especially as it's not entirely straight forward (changing tags, file names, formatting, even compressing to zip can be a challenge if you don't know where to start) When I first arrived here I was under the impression there were a few core uploaders who were happy to share and the rest who were grateful to download. But I can see how that way of operating would become a very heavy burden on few shoulders quite quickly.
At the moment I have no income, so all I can do from now on is re-up stuff when requested which I will endeavour to do, once I am working again I will be buying again. Then it will be party time!

I'm in exactly the same boat as you. All I can do is upload older stuff and have no problem doing so.

Yes, uploading can be a bit daunting at first. I'd never done anything like it up until around christmas but people will give you help if you ask. Some of us (including me) may be a little paranoid but three of us received C&D notices from LC over the course of a week so we are being a little more careful now.

Pretty much any request will get filled eventually and I'm not gonna re-hash the whole sharing discussion he had last week.

03-11-2013, 10:58 PM
according to Moffat, The Master and the Daleks are gonna be the villains of the 50th Anniversary, he wants Ben Cumberbatch to be the new Master, tho Ben hasn't decided whether or not he's gonna do it...

That will have been decided by now - it's too late in the day to still be casting!

03-11-2013, 10:59 PM
Hey wait, so we've got the 4th of the 4th on here before the 3rd of the 4th? Weeeeiiiiirdddd! >.<

Unless I'm missing a post.

03-11-2013, 11:04 PM
... it's also important to understand that most of us are not as PC literate as others and finding a site to upload to can be a bit daunting. Especially as it's not entirely straight forward (changing tags, file names, formatting, even compressing to zip can be a challenge if you don't know where to start)...
If you need any help I'd be happy to give you a few tips, but at the end of the day it's your choice wether or not you choose to share.

03-11-2013, 11:07 PM
If you need any help I'd be happy to give yo a few tips, but at the end of the day it's your choice wether or not you choose to share.

Yeah, sorry. Of course it's your choice. Nobody can force you, and at the end of the day you'll still get any files you ask for if anyone has them.

03-11-2013, 11:07 PM
according to Moffat, The Master and the Daleks are gonna be the villains of the 50th Anniversary, he wants Ben Cumberbatch to be the new Master, tho Ben hasn't decided whether or not he's gonna do it...he has been asked SEVERAL times whether he'd like to be the 13th Doctor or not, and EVERY time he's asked he quickly changes the subject.

It would be interesting to see him as The Master (although as far as I'm concerned he's too young), but I'd REALLY like somebody older to play the next Doc. And by older, I mean at least 48 years of age. Visibly so. Over 50 would be even better. I have no objection to The Doctor being attractive, don't get me wrong (I still remember how flabbergasted I was when I first laid eyes on 9 and thought "Why on Earth did they make The Doctor sexy... on the other hand I can probably live with it"), but the tendency to drive the age bar lower and lower with each season is irritating as hell. I'm aware I'm not going to get what I want because somebody somewhere decided younger viewers couldn't possibly relate to a protagonist who's not nearly their age, but I did need to vent, so there.

03-11-2013, 11:12 PM
It would be interesting to see him as The Master (although as far as I'm concerned he's too young), but I'd REALLY like somebody older to play the next Doc. And by older, I mean at least 48 years of age. Visibly so. Over 50 would be even better. I have no objection to The Doctor being attractive, don't get me wrong (I still remember how flabbergasted I was when I first laid eyes on 9 and thought "Why on Earth did they make The Doctor sexy... on the other hand I can probably live with it"), but the tendency to drive the age bar lower and lower with each season is irritating as hell. I'm aware I'm not going to get what I want because somebody somewhere decided younger viewers couldn't possibly relate to a protagonist who's not nearly their age, but I did need to vent, so there. I totaly agree with the Doctors age thing, MS is amazing as 11, but if the Doc gets any younger the only costume he'll need is a diaper :)

03-11-2013, 11:16 PM
Yeah, sorry. Of course it's your choice. Nobody can force you, and at the end of the day you'll still get any files you ask for if anyone has them.

tell me about it! I put the immortal horsemen up for 18 hours sat and had over 40 dl of each ep, yet when I took it down and there were lots of requests for it to be put back up, which I may add, I have only just seen as I was away for mothers day, only 1 person seemed to do so!
Now I am not moaning or complaining, but could not others have done the same??? after all, nobody wants a CAD order, and if we all took turns to help, would this not limit that happening?

03-11-2013, 11:20 PM
That will have been decided by now - it's too late in the day to still be casting!

i'm a little behind the times, so sue me.

03-11-2013, 11:20 PM
If you take down your links and nobody else offers to mirror it, then we don't deserve them in the first place.

If the people who share feel underappreciated, they shouldn't - we couldn't be more grateful! Every download I make, I marvel at the thought that, somewhere down the line, someone's knocked out hard cash for a product then then taken time & trouble so that like-minded people they don't even know don't have to! If I haven't done enough to express this, in the past then I'm sorry - you'll be hearing more from me from now on!

But I keep seeing signs of resentment shown towards the people who haven't shared so much & I just don't think that's right.

03-11-2013, 11:20 PM
I'm in exactly the same boat as you. All I can do is upload older stuff and have no problem doing so.

Yes, uploading can be a bit daunting at first. I'd never done anything like it up until around christmas but people will give you help if you ask. Some of us (including me) may be a little paranoid but three of us received C&D notices from LC over the course of a week so we are being a little more careful now.

Pretty much any request will get filled eventually and I'm not gonna re-hash the whole sharing discussion he had last week.

same here.

03-11-2013, 11:20 PM
tell me about it! I put the immortal horsemen up for 18 hours sat and had over 40 dl of each ep, yet when I took it down and there were lots of requests for it to be put back up, which I may add, I have only just seen as I was away for mothers day, only 1 person seemed to do so!
Now I am not moaning or complaining, but could not others have done the same??? after all, nobody wants a CAD order, and if we all took turns to help, would this not limit that happening?

This is exactly what the discussion was about last week (or thereabouts), everyone willing to take but not so many willing (or able) to give back.

03-11-2013, 11:21 PM
tell me about it! I put the immortal horsemen up for 18 hours sat and had over 40 dl of each ep, yet when I took it down and there were lots of requests for it to be put back up, which I may add, I have only just seen as I was away for mothers day, only 1 person seemed to do so!
Now I am not moaning or complaining, but could not others have done the same??? after all, nobody wants a CAD order, and if we all took turns to help, would this not limit that happening? Same here, I took down S*G-1 series 3 after 48 hours with 67 dwnloads, and I had to re up today after geting more requests.

I'm not complaining so please if anyone is reading this who sent me a request I'm not having a go.

03-11-2013, 11:22 PM
Hmm. I keep reading about senior uploaders here eventually taking down the files they uploaded - I hadn't considered doing this, and all of mine are still up, including Dredd. Would you ladies and gents recommend that I clean house? Does this lower the risks (and other kinds of unpleasantness) that we keep discussing?

03-11-2013, 11:24 PM
If the people who share feel underappreciated, they shouldn't - we couldn't be more grateful! Every download I make, I marvel at the thought that, somewhere down the line, someone's knocked out hard cash for a product then then taken time & trouble so that like-minded people they don't even know don't have to! If I haven't done enough to express this, in the past then I'm sorry - you'll be hearing more from me from now on!

But I keep seeing signs of resentment shown towards the people who haven't shared so much & I just don't think that's right.

Well I for one don't feel underappreciated or resentment and sorry if I'm coming across that way. I understand that not everyone is able to share, but given how many people seem to be out there it's disappointing, that's all.

03-11-2013, 11:26 PM
(I still remember how flabbergasted I was when I first laid eyes on 9 and thought "Why on Earth did they make The Doctor sexy... on the other hand I can probably live with it")

It kind of started with 8 imho, he had always been on the cusp of things. Withnail was possibly the biggest thing he ever did in terms of critical acclaim I suppose. But he was cast as Richard Sharpe in the tv series Sharpe ( and broke his leg a few weeks into filming. His replacement didn't do too badly for himself. And I remember an interview he gave on the 'Bidding Adieu' documentary where he was asked how he would feel being the George Lazenby of Doctor Who if the series wasn't picked up on the back of the film. His answer was 'Bring it on' if memory serves. That's why I'd like to see him have some screen time as the Medic again, I think he has proved through the audios that he has what it takes.

But in terms of the Doctor being an older actor, I agree and think it's a pity that the character of Jackson Lake has pretty much ruled out David Morrissey from the role as I thought he would have been an outstanding medic even before that episode. Won't be long before the 'Alan Rickman' rumours start again. Ha Ha!

03-11-2013, 11:28 PM
It would be interesting to see him as The Master (although as far as I'm concerned he's too young), but I'd REALLY like somebody older to play the next Doc. And by older, I mean at least 48 years of age. Visibly so. Over 50 would be even better. I have no objection to The Doctor being attractive, don't get me wrong (I still remember how flabbergasted I was when I first laid eyes on 9 and thought "Why on Earth did they make The Doctor sexy... on the other hand I can probably live with it"), but the tendency to drive the age bar lower and lower with each season is irritating as hell. I'm aware I'm not going to get what I want because somebody somewhere decided younger viewers couldn't possibly relate to a protagonist who's not nearly their age, but I did need to vent, so there.

i'd LOVE for Sean Connery to be The Doctor, i think he'd be PERFECT...i mean come on, he played James Bond, King Arthur, King Lear, Macbeth, he even played a character who was so much like Holmes his name should have been Sherlock.

03-11-2013, 11:31 PM
OK. I've had a few messages tonight from people I've PM'd links to. I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I can't say with 100% certainty that the links have been passed on. I will keep PMing links as I see requests for stories I have but the links won't stay up indefinitely. Hope everyone understands.

03-11-2013, 11:32 PM
Hmm. I keep reading about senior uploaders here eventually taking down the files they uploaded - I hadn't considered doing this, and all of mine are still up, including Dredd. Would you ladies and gents recommend that I clean house? Does this lower the risks (and other kinds of unpleasantness) that we keep discussing?

I'm not sure if it lowers the risk or not, but I hope it does. Incidentally, can you point me in the direction of your Dredd files, I haven't got any of those and was a big fan of the comic back in the day.

03-11-2013, 11:32 PM
Well I for one don't feel underappreciated or resentment and sorry if I'm coming across that way. I understand that not everyone is able to share, but given how many people seem to be out there it's disappointing, that's all.

Ok, fair-play.

03-11-2013, 11:33 PM
Well I for one don't feel underappreciated or resentment and sorry if I'm coming across that way. I understand that not everyone is able to share, but given how many people seem to be out there it's disappointing, that's all.

Its not about resentment, its about limiting an individuals exposure to risk, like poor old Wall a few weeks back. My point is simply that people say that others post the stuff before they can, which is a fair point, because it happens to me too, however there are ALWAYS requests for reposts of the items....sooooo why cant somebody that dl the request from an original post, upload it as a re request at a later date? that way everyone would be helping out and not just left down to a few to do all the work. AND before anyone comments, I do not consider myself one of those "few", as I have taken more than I have given in the past, however I do give what I can when I see a request for it.

03-11-2013, 11:35 PM
OK. I've had a few messages tonight from people I've PM'd links to. I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I can't say with 100% certainty that the links have been passed on. I will keep PMing links as I see requests for stories I have but the links won't stay up indefinitely. Hope everyone understands.
You seem to have opened a can of worms there my friend :)

03-11-2013, 11:36 PM
It kind of started with 8 imho

Oh, right... Quite frankly I'd totally forgotten what he looked like because there was just the one movie (which I only bothered with because I wanted to see how McCoy went out, as he's my favorite Old School Doc). I agree the audios do a good job illustrating what a shame it is he didn't get proper screen time.

Won't be long before the 'Alan Rickman' rumours start again. Ha Ha!

LOL! For shame, but I wasn't even aware of them. Can't say I'm opposed to the idea :D Great voice on that one. Speaking of which, why not Jeremy Irons ;) He's always known how to look and act eccentric, and now that he's of respectable age the combo would be quite unique. (Wishful thinking. I apologize.)

03-11-2013, 11:36 PM
OK. I've had a few messages tonight from people I've PM'd links to. I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I can't say with 100% certainty that the links have been passed on. I will keep PMing links as I see requests for stories I have but the links won't stay up indefinitely. Hope everyone understands.

that would not be for the latest 4th medics would it? hint hint lol pretty please

03-11-2013, 11:37 PM
Apart from re-upping stuff, I am having an 'I Love Bulletzen' t-shirt printed to show my support.

03-11-2013, 11:42 PM
that would not be for the latest 4th medics would it? hint hint lol pretty please

No, it's about people worrying that I won't send them any more links.

03-11-2013, 11:44 PM
Incidentally, can you point me in the direction of your Dredd files, I haven't got any of those and was a big fan of the comic back in the day.

There you go - RWQ.


Series preview (for the thorough collectors among us):
AD00 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 01:
AD01 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 02:
AD02 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 03:
AD03 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 04:
AD04 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 05:
AD05 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 06:
AD06 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 07:
AD07 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 08:
AD08 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 09:
AD09 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 10:
AD10 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 11:
AD11 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 12:
AD12 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 13:
AD13 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 14:
AD14 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 15:
AD15 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 16:
AD16 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 17:
AD17 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 18:
AD18 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 18 recording session VIDEO:
AD18v - Download - 4shared - (

The 4 Chronicles from 2009-2010:

Episode 01:
CrC01 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 02:
CrC02 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 03:
CrC03 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 04:
CrC04 - Download - 4shared - (


03-11-2013, 11:44 PM
I'm not sure if it lowers the risk or not, but I hope it does. Incidentally, can you point me in the direction of your Dredd files, I haven't got any of those and was a big fan of the comic back in the day.

If you're a fan of Old Stoney Face, I have a couple of BBC audios from a few years back - The Day The Law Died & The Apocalypse War. Totally different to the LC style, but I like them.

03-11-2013, 11:44 PM
Apart from re-upping stuff, I am having an 'I Love Bulletzen' t-shirt printed to show my support.

I'd buy that for a dollar!!!!

03-11-2013, 11:46 PM
No, it's about people worrying that I won't send them any more links.

oh well another dream shattered lol! actually just seen the 4th one on here and grabbed it, but no sign of the third.... its the waiting game again lol

03-11-2013, 11:51 PM
If you're a fan of Old Stoney Face, I have a couple of BBC audios from a few years back - The Day The Law Died & The Apocalypse War. Totally different to the LC style, but I like them.
Yes please :)

Thanks jijoya, Dredd fest coming my way.

03-11-2013, 11:52 PM
on a different note, if we are talking future medics, I think Damien Molony, who played Hal in the last two series of being human would make an amazing one!!!!

03-11-2013, 11:54 PM
If you're a fan of Old Stoney Face, I have a couple of BBC audios from a few years back - The Day The Law Died & The Apocalypse War. Totally different to the LC style, but I like them.

I agree, they are good. Unlike Longworth, the actor voicing Grumpy lacks the potential to bring walls down when he yells which is a pity (he sounds more like the Karl Urban version in that dept), but other than that I was glad to have found them. I'd been wondering about the Apocalypse War and I didn't feel like looking up comic books. How's the bitrate of your mp3's by the way? I'd offer my copies too but it's really quite shoddy (double digits).

03-11-2013, 11:56 PM
I agree, they are good. Unlike Longworth, the actor voicing Grumpy lacks the potential to bring walls down when he yells which is a pity (he sounds more like the Karl Urban version in that dept), but other than that I was glad to have found them. I'd been wondering about the Apocalypse War and I didn't feel like looking up comic books. How's the bitrate of your mp3's by the way? I'd suggest to upload my copies but it's really quite shoddy (double digits).

Mine are only 64kbps. I suspect we got them from the same place.

03-12-2013, 12:15 AM
... I'd been wondering about the Apocalypse War and I didn't feel like looking up comic books.
I remember reading the apocalypse war years ago, the image of dredd guning down a soviet city block ship is still very vivid, if you have the chance I would recommend you read it.

03-12-2013, 12:17 AM
There you go - RWQ.


Series preview (for the thorough collectors among us):
AD00 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 01:
AD01 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 02:
AD02 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 03:
AD03 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 04:
AD04 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 05:
AD05 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 06:
AD06 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 07:
AD07 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 08:
AD08 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 09:
AD09 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 10:
AD10 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 11:
AD11 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 12:
AD12 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 13:
AD13 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 14:
AD14 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 15:
AD15 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 16:
AD16 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 17:
AD17 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 18:
AD18 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 18 recording session VIDEO:
AD18v - Download - 4shared - (

The 4 Chronicles from 2009-2010:

Episode 01:
CrC01 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 02:
CrC02 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 03:
CrC03 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 04:
CrC04 - Download - 4shared - (


Didn't realise you had the Crime Chronicles as well. Thanks so much for these.

03-12-2013, 12:19 AM
I remember reading the apocalypse war years ago, the image of dredd guning down a soviet city block ship is still very vivid, if you have the chance I would recommend you read it.

Yeah, I found a torrent a while back with loads of old Dredd stories. Lost it when my old PC went belly up and couldn't find the torrent again. :( I have the collectors edition of Block War somewhere, which leads up to the Apocalypse War.

03-12-2013, 12:24 AM
Don't worry. Mrs Nobber doesn't 'get her' either. Normally she'll just roll her eyes and go "Yes, dear, I can see why you think xxxx is attractive." but with Alex Kingston she just can't see it. Reminds her of Sarah Jessica Parker :)

Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a shaved terrier. For the life of me I'll never understand why she's considered attractive. Give me Alex Kingston any day.

03-12-2013, 12:26 AM
Yeah, I found a torrent a while back with loads of old Dredd stories. Lost it when my old PC went belly up and couldn't find the torrent again. :( I have the collectors edition of Block War somewhere, which leads up to the Apocalypse War.

Wish I'd kept my old 2k a.d. comic book collection.

03-12-2013, 12:28 AM
Wish I'd kept my old 2k a.d. comic book collection.

Same here, but when I moved I didn't have room for them and had to dump so much stuff. :(

03-12-2013, 12:33 AM
I used to have a huge 2k ad collection - ebay did for that.
Now I settle for every issue as a cbr. Took a while to get and I'm only up to about prog 900 reading them.

I'll have a look at my early Dredd radio files tomorrow and check the bit rate.
One of the few things I actually caught on radio when it was broadcast

03-12-2013, 12:33 AM
My but this is shockingly off topic- I do apologise!

03-12-2013, 12:34 AM
Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a shaved terrier. For the life of me I'll never understand why she's considered attractive. Give me Alex Kingston any day.

YES! Thank you!

03-12-2013, 12:35 AM
My but this is shockingly off topic- I do apologise!

Have we actually been on topic tonight?

03-12-2013, 12:39 AM
Have we actually been on topic tonight?


03-12-2013, 12:46 AM
Didn't realise you had the Crime Chronicles as well. Thanks so much for these.

Yeah, surprisingly I even paid for them :D (but then that's true of the whole range).

I remember reading the apocalypse war years ago, the image of dredd guning down a soviet city block ship is still very vivid, if you have the chance I would recommend you read it.

All right. I'll track down that digital Dredd comic collection I think I spotted on a local torrent tracker and have a read.

To return the gesture, let me direct you to episode 14 of the audio series, War Crimes. It's a follow up to the Apocalypse War story which should add another layer of value as far as you're concerned ;) Even without a sentimental attachment to the prequel though it's probably the only episode in the range that's more than well worth the bother story-wise. It's heavy, it's depressing, it gives the (grand total of) 3 actors involved A LOT to sink their teeth into - in a word, it's delicious. (The other stories are all well written because those guys are talented; 2 are quite clever and a few are very entertaining, but down in LC history they will not go. Neither will War Crimes, I suspect, but it deserves to - along with most of S&S.)

PS: Apologies, War Crimes would be episode 14. 18 is Solo, which is interesting (and stuck in my head) for a different reason. Make sure to watch the Solo Recording session AFTER you hear 18 to see what the big deal is.

03-12-2013, 12:59 AM
Yeah, surprisingly I even paid for them :D (but then that's true of the whole range).

All right. I'll track down that digital Dredd comic collection I think I spotted on a local torrent tracker and have a read.

To return the gesture, let me direct you to episode 18 of the audio series, War Crimes. It's a follow up to the Apocalypse War story which should add another layer of value as far as you're concerned ;) Even without a sentimental attachment to the prequel though it's probably the only episode in the range that's more than well worth the bother story-wise. It's heavy, it's depressing, it gives the (grand total of) 3 actors involved A LOT to sink their teeth into - in a word, it's delicious. (The other stories are all well written because those guys are talented; 2 are quite clever and a few are very entertaining, but down in LC history they will not go. Neither will War Crimes, I suspect, but it deserves to - along with most of S&S.)

Thank you, I'm looking forward to hearing these, Dredd should be heavy and depressing to reflect the world he lives in, I'm interested to hear how LC portray this as a audio. Episode 14 will be my first choice since you recommend it so highly. As for S&S so far I'm pleasantly suprised with the quality of story telling and for me David W can do no wrong, His voice is a pleasure to listen to.

03-12-2013, 01:04 AM
Episode 18 will be my first choice since you recommend it so highly.

My apologies, War Crimes would be episode 14. 18 is Solo, which is interesting (and stuck in my head) for a different reason. Make sure to watch the Solo recording session AFTER you hear 18 to see what the big deal is.

03-12-2013, 01:08 AM
... let me direct you .. War Crimes. ..

Oh, my, YES!!!

As incredibly powerful stories combined with outstanding performances (Mr Longworth of particular note) it's a Top Ten of BFs for me. The first time I heard it I was completely and utterly gripped. Stunning work. Absolutely stunning.

03-12-2013, 01:10 AM
Thank you, I'm looking forward to hearing these, Dredd should be heavy and depressing to reflect the world he lives in, I'm interested to hear how LC portray this as a audio. Episode 18 will be my first choice since you recommend it so highly.

Nooooo!!! Leave SOLO until last.

Trust me. You'll appreciate it oh so much more for its particular magic.

TBH I'd just say listen to them in release order.

03-12-2013, 01:23 AM
[QUOTE=Nimue1016;2297138]I totally agree with all of this... Personally, I kind of wish RTD hadn't revived the show because I feel like he really couldn't handle it. I felt his era's default was "terrible" with only a couple instances of "decent," and one or two of brilliant.


I still see comments on news stories all the time about Matt Smith screaming about how 'horrible" he is as the Doctor, how bad the show is now Moffat is in charge and demanding the return of David Tennant and Rose. Then they get mad (I mean REALLY MAD!) if you tell them it ain't gonna happen. It's not good Doctor Who, it's bad Soap Opera. I've been a fan since '82 and I've seen it good and bad and Matt's stories are MUCH better than some and (granted) some are worse than others. I watch because I love the Doctor and the message the show sends in general. I tend to use The Brig's comment in watching the show.

03-12-2013, 01:23 AM
Nooooo!!! Leave SOLO until last.

Trust me. You'll appreciate it oh so much more for its particular magic.

I'm responsible for the mixup, in the first draft of my War Crimes recommendation I told him it's N18 so that's why he's saying he'll start with 18. I fixed the number eventually but it was too late.

I do agree Solo needs to be left for last, Tomoph. And make sure you don't get tempted by the recording session video and leave it for AFTER you're done with the play :D

03-12-2013, 01:25 AM
thank you a bunch moody for the 4th of 4th

Hey wait, so we've got the 4th of the 4th on here before the 3rd of the 4th? Weeeeiiiiirdddd! >.<

Unless I'm missing a post.
i think i missed that one too

was someone in need of a motorcycle cop story?

03-12-2013, 01:25 AM
... very entertaining, but down in LC history they will not go.
Its interesting that you say that, from what I remember LC stopped the Dredd series because of low sales. Given how popular the character is, I just assumed that the LC productions failed to meet fan expectations, and yet your obviously an affectionado of the character and give good praise to the audios. I wonder if a new series of Dredd would sell on the back of the new film? If only for the fact it may have generated a new generation of fans.

*I got your correction, episode 14 War Crimes, solo last and then the video :)

03-12-2013, 01:33 AM
Its not about resentment, its about limiting an individuals exposure to risk, like poor old Wall a few weeks back. My point is simply that people say that others post the stuff before they can, which is a fair point, because it happens to me too, however there are ALWAYS requests for reposts of the items....sooooo why cant somebody that dl the request from an original post, upload it as a re request at a later date? that way everyone would be helping out and not just left down to a few to do all the work. AND before anyone comments, I do not consider myself one of those "few", as I have taken more than I have given in the past, however I do give what I can when I see a request for it.

I've shared stuff via groups for years and it's very frowned upon to download somebody's links and then repost the material they posted (worse is forwarding the links as your own). Most of what I have just now is from here and I feel uncomfortable re-upping it. I wouldn't want to offend anybody. I will try to post a few things here when I can, but still working on killing off that bloody drive-by.

03-12-2013, 01:35 AM
Its interesting that you say that, from what I remember LC stopped the Dredd series because of low sales. Given how popular the character is, I just assumed that the LC productions failed to meet fan expectations, and yet your obviously an affectionado of the character and give good praise to the audios. I wonder if a new series of Dredd would sell on the back of the new film? If only for the fact it may have generated a new generation of fans.

*I got your correction, episode 14 War Crimes, solo last and then the video :)

It's all down to advertising.

Or lack of.

I honestly can't remember them pushing the range when the film and DVDs were released.

Even now you think they'd push the Strontium Dog stories as they just happen to star some-one that's staring in the new Star Trek movies!

EDIT TO ADD - Do any readers of the parent comic know if they advertised in those?

03-12-2013, 01:37 AM
i get where you're coming from, but i just don't agree. but i will say that you're right about RTD being a fishmonger for selling Rose Tyler the way that he did. (for those of you who don't read Shakespeare, my use of the word fishmonger here is referring to the fact that RTD was Rose Tyler's pimp, for lack of a better word. if you still don't understand, read Hamlet.)

More like she was his "Mary Sue" character - It fits her perfectly - she's blonde, pretty, smarter than the world and the Doctor falls in love with her - Mary Sue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Like I said RTD writes bad fan fiction :D

03-12-2013, 01:39 AM
I've shared stuff via groups for years and it's very frowned upon to download somebody's links and then repost the material they posted (worse is forwarding the links as your own). Most of what I have just now is from here and I feel uncomfortable re-upping it. I wouldn't want to offend anybody. I will try to post a few things here when I can, but still working on killing off that bloody drive-by.

I don't know about anyone else on here but I have no problem with anyone re-upping the stuff I've shared. Anything is better than having page after page of dead links.

03-12-2013, 01:45 AM
It's all down to advertising.

Or lack of.

That seems to be a major flaw in all LC's ranges, thier advertising stratagy borders on appathy.

I don't know about anyone else on here but I have no problem with anyone re-upping the stuff I've shared. Anything is better than having page after page of dead links.


03-12-2013, 01:48 AM
It's all down to advertising.

Or lack of.

I honestly can't remember them pushing the range when the film and DVDs were released.

Even now you think they'd push the Strontium Dog stories as they just happen to star some-one that's staring in the new Star Trek movies!

EDIT TO ADD - Do any readers of the parent comic know if they advertised in those?

none that i can remember

03-12-2013, 01:54 AM
That seems to be a major flaw in all LC's ranges, thier advertising stratagy borders on appathy.

That sounds about right.

03-12-2013, 01:55 AM
none that i can remember

Precisely! You'ld hope they'd have had something that managed to stick in the memory, even if it's not "oh, yeah, issue ..." type.

03-12-2013, 01:56 AM
I've shared stuff via groups for years and it's very frowned upon to download somebody's links and then repost the material they posted (worse is forwarding the links as your own). Most of what I have just now is from here and I feel uncomfortable re-upping it. I wouldn't want to offend anybody. I will try to post a few things here when I can, but still working on killing off that bloody drive-by.

I know the online culture you are refering to, as I have been active on the net for over 20 years, and to be fair, it WAS like that back in the day, because people wanted to make a name for themselves, in the cyberworld. However that culture seems to have shrunk drastically these days. If you frequent torrent sites, you will see the same movie upped again and again, with a different group correcting this, tweeking that, reformatting the other..... and yeah they do "credit" the originator of the file, that is if you can be arsed to read the release notes! All that aside, people on here just want to hear the damn audios! they dont care who it comes from, as long as they get it! If you have it, and someone requests it, if you can do so, then upload it!!!! I think I speak for everyone who UL's on here when I say that NONE of us will have a problem if another member re ups a file that any of us put up before! no need to feel uncomfortable in the slightest my friend

03-12-2013, 02:31 AM
i see that too ...she came back once, heck so Did Martha,Donna,Sarah and Jack! and they all came back for 10's last episode.

Rose Left came back for the Dalek finale...
Martha Left came back twice
Jack Came Back Twice
Sarah Came Back back once
they all came back for the end

get over the Rose HATE

I don't hate Rose, not at all - as a companion she was excellent. My problem lies with the perfect bitter-sweet ending her story originally had at the end of S2 being totally nullified by the 'here's everything you ever wanted' wish-fulfillment bollocks of her s4 return. If that had never happened, I'd be thrilled to see her come back for the anniversary, it would seem very special and poignant. Her return felt very much like a cop-out to me, and, coupled with the (not reversed) unhappy ending for Donna just left me with a sour taste in my mouth. So, Rose is great, but her return was too much.

That said, if people don't like her, that's perfectly within their rights. I don't think much of Martha, but I totally understand many people loved her, and it's fine with me...

03-12-2013, 02:42 AM
Who doesn't? :) My girlfriend is a redhead (sick brag, right?) and Karen Gillan reminds me of her, so I am more than a happy camper.

You lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, luckyyyyyyyyy, luckyyyyyyyyyyy bastard (to quote Monty Python)... :P

(and you, too, Nobber, from your description - Vicky Coren: droo-el, droo-el)

03-12-2013, 02:54 AM
So sick of this bollocks about Rose always coming back. She came back once, that is it. The next time we saw her was with everyone else, as a prequel to her story. He didn't keep bringing her back. She left at the end of series 2 and came back at the end of series 4. Keeps coming back?!! Get a grip!!!

See, a lot of my issue with Rose coming back is the circumstances she came back under.

Look at Martha - when she came back she was very specifically over The Doctor. She had moved on, found love, and charted her own path in life. A good return.

Compare that to when Rose came back.

Now, let's just think about the circumstances of her return, yes? They developed technology to jump across universes over in Pete's World, yes? You know how long that probably took? Eons. Years. At the very minimum two years.

What that means is that Rose did not start developing that technology when the stars started disappearing. She started developing that likely mere moments after being dropped off. What that means is that, despite the danger to the cosmos explained in the rather silly Ghosts story, she was willing to puncture another hole in the universe (which is what her device did), risking the lives of everyone of BOTH universes... For love.

So just to recap. Rose coming back to help save the universe was INCIDENTAL, not heroic. What's more, she became a modernised version of the widow-waiting-for-her-man-at-sea trope ( And don't mistake - this trope is one of female subservience. Ten didn't wait. He just moped for aeons and was an absolutely appalling person to his companions (did I mention Ten is my least favourite Doctor?). That Rose is listed as a feminist character or a role model frankly baffles me.

With Donna, Ten was allowed to finally move on and become at least partially tolerable. Rose was never given that chance.

You know what would have been amazing for Rose's return? What would have actually gotten me to tolerate her character? If her return happened something like this:

*Rose appears and shoots the Dalek*

Ten: What... Rose? ROSE?!?
Rose: Doctor! We were able to trace a hole in our universe and walk through! We need to tell you something, it's the stars! The end of everything! *exposition*
*Several scenes later*
Ten: So... Did you ever... You know, find... Someone... Over in Pete's World?
Rose: Yeah... Yeah, I did. Couldn't sit around waiting for you now could I? I met a scientist - you'd like him. He helped me track this rip in space... Reminds me of you a bit, really.
Ten: That's good... He sounds like a great guy.

Instead, Rose's return was to bank of those who had an investment in Rose and to continue to alienate those who didn't. Yay!

03-12-2013, 03:00 AM
Hi everyone!

For those who have been asking for the new Scarf audios:

Here's the 3rd of the 2nd of the 4th - "Battle against the (Space) Manatees"

Do people still need the 4th one? (The one with J+L) I see it was upped a bit earlier on today; not sure if the link is still active.



03-12-2013, 03:02 AM
There you go - RWQ.


Series preview (for the thorough collectors among us):
AD00 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 01:
AD01 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 02:
AD02 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 03:
AD03 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 04:
AD04 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 05:
AD05 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 06:
AD06 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 07:
AD07 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 08:
AD08 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 09:
AD09 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 10:
AD10 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 11:
AD11 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 12:
AD12 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 13:
AD13 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 14:
AD14 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 15:
AD15 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 16:
AD16 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 17:
AD17 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 18:
AD18 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 18 recording session VIDEO:
AD18v - Download - 4shared - (

The 4 Chronicles from 2009-2010:

Episode 01:
CrC01 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 02:
CrC02 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 03:
CrC03 - Download - 4shared - (

Episode 04:
CrC04 - Download - 4shared - (



03-12-2013, 03:07 AM
Foe, you are awesome. Thanks!!

03-12-2013, 03:14 AM
You lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, luckyyyyyyyyy, luckyyyyyyyyyyy bastard (to quote Monty Python)... :P

(and you, too, Nobber, from your description - Vicky Coren: droo-el, droo-el)


03-12-2013, 03:17 AM
Bless you, Foe. Now I have a couple of adventures with the scarfed Medic to listen to during my volunteer work tomorrow afternoon. :)

03-12-2013, 03:18 AM
Many thanks to moodlampy and foe

03-12-2013, 03:34 AM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks foe!

03-12-2013, 03:51 AM
Its interesting that you say that, from what I remember LC stopped the Dredd series because of low sales. Given how popular the character is, I just assumed that the LC productions failed to meet fan expectations,

I'm not surprised by the low sales problem - the production quality IS excellent and they did recruit talented writers, but you nailed the problem (that I see, anyway) in one of your previous posts: It's meant to be a dark, depressing world Dredd lives in. The stories need to reflect that. And IMO many don't (which even includes some of the interesting ones). To me, they sound more like action-comedy than anything else. Rather... lightweight. I wouldn't be surprised if that affected sales as much as the lack of advertising (which seems to be an issue across the board).

and yet your obviously an affectionado of the character and give good praise to the audios.

I'm afraid I'm not a particularly representative example. When I reluctantly got the pilot, played it and Grumpy Joe started talking, my eyebrows shot up to my hairline and I had to sit down. (And pretend I didn't subsequently assume a "come hither" expression that's by no means directed at my boyfriend.) The voice was how I got into the character and ended up researching the 2000 AD world, which basically means I'll always be partial to LC's effort.

Thanks for the uploads, moody & foe!

03-12-2013, 04:00 AM
[QUOTE=Nimue1016;2297138]I totally agree with all of this... Personally, I kind of wish RTD hadn't revived the show because I feel like he really couldn't handle it. I felt his era's default was "terrible" with only a couple instances of "decent," and one or two of brilliant.


I still see comments on news stories all the time about Matt Smith screaming about how 'horrible" he is as the Doctor, how bad the show is now Moffat is in charge and demanding the return of David Tennant and Rose. Then they get mad (I mean REALLY MAD!) if you tell them it ain't gonna happen. It's not good Doctor Who, it's bad Soap Opera. I've been a fan since '82 and I've seen it good and bad and Matt's stories are MUCH better than some and (granted) some are worse than others. I watch because I love the Doctor and the message the show sends in general. I tend to use The Brig's comment in watching the show.

I'm all for friendly discussions about our favourites and least favourite doctors and companions. It's fun and a nice way to spend the time. But every so often you get a "fan" with some kind of bee in his/her bonnet that he just won't let go. I actually left the Doctor Who listserv because there was one guy who had to include in every single post (no matter the topic) how much he hated Donna. Dude, we get it. Leave it alone already. I'm glad this is a more sensible place.

03-12-2013, 04:05 AM
Hi everyone!

For those who have been asking for the new Scarf audios:

Here's the 3rd of the 2nd of the 4th - "Battle against the (Space) Manatees"

Do people still need the 4th one? (The one with J+L) I see it was upped a bit earlier on today; not sure if the link is still active.




03-12-2013, 04:26 AM
Thank you, Foe! But a question: is this a direct continuation of the second of the second of the fourth? Because I didn't like it, and didn't finish listening to it.

For that matter, I'm not a fan of J&L either, nor the story they debuted in. Yes, I don't like Claws. Unpopular opinions? I have a bunch...

03-12-2013, 04:32 AM
Has someone posted the 2nd of the 2nd of the 4th? Did I miss it?

03-12-2013, 04:36 AM
Thank you, Foe! But a question: is this a direct continuation of the second of the second of the fourth? Because I didn't like it, and didn't finish listening to it.

For that matter, I'm not a fan of J&L either, nor the story they debuted in. Yes, I don't like Claws. Unpopular opinions? I have a bunch...

Yes, Redhoof - this is part 2 of the 4th's second outing this season. From what I understand, some of the characters will be returning in the two-part season finale as well.

Even if you don't like "Claws" (everyone's entitled to their opinion, but really???) , I would still recommend listening to the audio series - I personally think it's the best Medic spinoff that's ever been done.

03-12-2013, 06:02 AM
Foe comes thru yet again! A billion cheers, my friend!

03-12-2013, 06:04 AM
I liked the first installment of Scarf's adventures with Mary, I might listen to the fourth installment.

I don't like Origin of the Pepperpots, either. Have I just completely alienated myself to everyone on this thread? :)

03-12-2013, 06:20 AM
Has someone posted the 2nd of the 2nd of the 4th? Did I miss it?

Oops, never mind, I found it.

03-12-2013, 06:32 AM
I don't know about anyone else on here but I have no problem with anyone re-upping the stuff I've shared. Anything is better than having page after page of dead links.

Completely agree!

03-12-2013, 06:40 AM
I liked the first installment of Scarf's adventures with Mary, I might listen to the fourth installment.

I don't like Origin of the Pepperpots, either. Have I just completely alienated myself to everyone on this thread? :)


I don't think you've alienated anybody... Umm... well maybe a few :)
Origin of the Pepper Pots is a classic and is actually one of the old-who that fits in perfectly with nu-who. that little dialogue between Sarah-Jane and Davros is one of the most amazing dialogues of the whole series IMHO. "You were there in the beginning, on Skaro!"... "Yes... but I've learned how to fight!" PRICELESS!!! Makes me love and miss Liz all the more for it...

03-12-2013, 07:28 AM
I read once that the guy who played Doctor Rush on SG Universe had been considered for the eleventh medic but he turned it down or bowed out for sg. Thought that would have been interesting given his age. Still do.

03-12-2013, 08:28 AM
RE: #post2293118 ( And finding 1400x1400 images on your own. Search Google Images (, click an image, you get:
SEE WHERE IT SAYS MORE SIZES? It's a real link, it works.

03-12-2013, 08:33 AM
Sorry but does not return any super large results. In fact, testing it on the previous example reduced results to four while excluding some of the medium ones.

03-12-2013, 08:35 AM
Thank you moodylampy and foefromthe future for the scarfed one's stories. Now I have a dilemma: which of this week's stories do I listen to first this morning? Ugh, my life is a nightmare! ;-)

03-12-2013, 08:39 AM
The latest CC is certainly interesting, isn't it? Perfect for the somewhat schizophrenic Ms Manning!

D'y'know, I really thought this would be excruciatingly bad, but I really, really enjoyed it! Must be the Muppets & Happy Tree Friends fan in me coming out (also, I didn't realise it was by Mr Goss, who's always a very clever writer)...

Manning's CCs have been very enjoyable all round IMHO.

03-12-2013, 08:42 AM
Quack. Re edited and posted later.

03-12-2013, 08:45 AM
D'y'know, I really thought this would be excruciatingly bad, but I really, really enjoyed it! Must be the Muppets & Happy Tree Friends fan in me coming out (also, I didn't realise it was by Mr Goss, who's always a very clever writer)...

Manning's CCs have been very enjoyable all round IMHO.

The muppets and happy tree friends? If you say meet the feebles too this
is going right to the top of the next listen pile!

03-12-2013, 08:59 AM
Hi everyone!

For those who have been asking for the new Scarf audios:

Here's the 3rd of the 2nd of the 4th - "Battle against the (Space) Manatees"

Do people still need the 4th one? (The one with J+L) I see it was upped a bit earlier on today; not sure if the link is still active.



Is there a copy of this somewhere other than 4shared??

03-12-2013, 09:07 AM

I don't think you've alienated anybody... Umm... well maybe a few :)
Origin of the Pepper Pots is a classic and is actually one of the old-who that fits in perfectly with nu-who. that little dialogue between Sarah-Jane and Davros is one of the most amazing dialogues of the whole series IMHO. "You were there in the beginning, on Skaro!"... "Yes... but I've learned how to fight!" PRICELESS!!! Makes me love and miss Liz all the more for it...

I don't even remember that. The only good bit I remember is the whole "Do I have the right" moment. That was great, two minutes from what, six episodes?

More unpopular opinions: I never had a problem with Adric. The Cartmel Masterplan was a better backstory than the one we got. Paradise Towers is good fun. Moffat is a hack, Cumberbatch is annoying, and so is Freeman. Though now I'm starting to drift away from Medic, so I'll shut up. :)

03-12-2013, 09:24 AM
Alright, I found the original post and will d/l it see what size you are expecting. Oh, gee wallpaper size 1400x1400px hmmm... Nope, not me either. Cannot get the robot to do my work. Will have to hack access individually. Almost every recent image is available in wallpaper. Image size descriptors have varied over the years and by category.

At the LC site find an image url, change the size descriptor, paste new url in new window. I'm pretty sure the FFS formatting is going to destroy what I'm trying to show you. So do the RWQ.

2.03. War Against the Laan - Doctor Who - Fourth Doctor Adventures - Big Finish (
Image (small):

Image (medium):

Image (large):

Image (wallpaper):

Egad, I hate this editor. So do the RWQ.
At the LC site find an image, copy the url, delete the image size, paste url in new window.
Image (small):

Image (medium):

Image (large):

Image (wallpaper):


03-12-2013, 09:29 AM
CC high resolution covers as requested. RWQ <!-->
Marvelous. Thanks!

03-12-2013, 10:16 AM
Just a question everyone - I seem to keep missing The Immortal Horsemen. Would anyone know of a link still active? Or could someone PM me directly?

Thanks so much!