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01-30-2017, 02:04 PM
I heard about John Hurt over the sad.....

01-30-2017, 03:09 PM
I heard about John Hurt over the sad.....

01-30-2017, 11:21 PM
So no more Capaldi

01-31-2017, 01:23 AM
So no more Capaldi

I was really hoping he'd stick around for at least one year not under the Muppet...

01-31-2017, 03:13 AM
So no more Capaldi
And let the speculating begin over who will next pilot the Police Box.

01-31-2017, 07:21 AM
Well 3 seasons is better than some people

01-31-2017, 08:54 AM
It doesn't feel like 3 Seasons. It barely feels like two what with a year hiatus

Exterminate Me
01-31-2017, 09:47 AM
It doesn't feel like 3 Seasons. It barely feels like two what with a year hiatus

That's how I feel too.

01-31-2017, 01:23 PM
I am bummed about Capaldi. He made a good doctor. I was enjoying him.
I agree about not feeling like three seasons. Too much time between shows. Moffat messed it all up.

Then there is the rumors about making him female.
All I can picture is the mistress and the female medic having a cat fight, pulling each others hair and ripping their clothes then making out just like those night time dramas. In most cases, yes, I would love to see something like that but this is the Medic.
If it ever happens, it will be the end of the show for sure

01-31-2017, 01:48 PM
I am bummed about Capaldi. He made a good doctor. I was enjoying him.
I agree about not feeling like three seasons. Too much time between shows. Moffat messed it all up.

Then there is the rumors about making him female.
All I can picture is the mistress and the female medic having a cat fight, pulling each others hair and ripping their clothes then making out just like those night time dramas. In most cases, yes, I would love to see something like that but this is the Medic.
If it ever happens, it will be the end of the show for sure

Is that how you really think women behave?

01-31-2017, 02:52 PM
No but on most of those nightly shows like Scandal and some other the other soap opera type shows they do.
I am talking about extreme cases and poor writing if it continues going down a dark path

01-31-2017, 04:21 PM
Might anyone have the CCB's Horrible Men of Snow from the Second Medic?

Exterminate Me
01-31-2017, 04:54 PM
Might anyone have the CCB's Horrible Men of Snow from the Second Medic?

The narrated audio?

If so, I've sent you a PM.

---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 PM ----------

I am bummed about Capaldi. He made a good doctor. I was enjoying him.
I agree about not feeling like three seasons. Too much time between shows. Moffat messed it all up.

Then there is the rumors about making him female.
All I can picture is the mistress and the female medic having a cat fight, pulling each others hair and ripping their clothes then making out just like those night time dramas. In most cases, yes, I would love to see something like that but this is the Medic.
If it ever happens, it will be the end of the show for sure

I'm with you. It would have been nice to see what he would be like under another show-runner.

01-31-2017, 05:40 PM
The new little journey is on the ABB

Miss Joan Doe
01-31-2017, 06:03 PM
The new little journey is on the ABB
Currently peerless at 0.19%...........................................

Charles Dalek
01-31-2017, 07:28 PM
sad to see Peter Capaldi go , but not surprising after report of BBC's concern regards falling merch sales and how they were looking for a younger, handsome, runny, jumpy type , again.
whats the betting they go for a cheaper option of an up and coming actor and bank the difference?

02-01-2017, 12:41 AM
And gone

02-01-2017, 06:26 AM
It's a shame Capldi won't be staying past his 3rd season. I really wanted to see what he could do with somebody besides Moffat running the show. Capaldi has proven to be a very strong Doctor. He's my favorite since the reboot.

02-01-2017, 10:20 AM
Currently peerless at 0.19%...........................................

Downloaded first time this morning

02-01-2017, 12:19 PM
Despite being hampered by some truly horrible stories (Kill The Moon...ugh), with a veritable mixed bag of quality stories throughout his tenure, C@p@ldi always gave GREAT performances. Of the Nu Who Medics, he was rapidly gaining favorability with me.
I'd put him second (I liked ELEVEN) as he embodied enough of TEN to pass him (and I loved the old school Medics 1,2,3 whom TWELVE emulates, which only adds to the appreciation).

I'm going to have to adjust my ranking in my signature to reflect this (soon).

Sadly, it's difficult to truly get a bearing on the overall performance as the aforementioned bad stories definitely hurt, as did some questionable choices (sonic spectacles, guitar, etc...) added to the fact that his run has been so broken up by dead time.

I would have loved one season under a New show-runner. Just to see what it'd be like...


02-01-2017, 12:35 PM
I agree about the sun glasses being a pretty lame idea, but from everything I've heard it was Peter himself who pushed for his Medic to play the guitar and dress slightly more punk. It was his way of injecting more of himself into the character.
I agree with everyone that despite having been hampered by some really bad stories during his first two years, Peter himself has consistently given a solid performance. It would have been nice to see how his Medic would have been handled under someone other than the Moff but now we'll never know.

02-01-2017, 01:35 PM
Thank you very much versatile!!!!!

I agree. I wish Peter would have stayed on longer.

Exterminate Me
02-01-2017, 02:17 PM
I'm with you webs01 and stupidbuttonmasher - exactly how I feel.

02-01-2017, 05:06 PM
It would have been nice to see how his Medic would have been handled under someone other than the Moff but now we'll never know.
Maybe someone should put the squeeze on ol' LC to get clearance to do some audios with him...

02-01-2017, 05:34 PM
If I was running herd on Doctor Who, I would start casting the next 2 Doctors (13 and 14) at the same time. 13 would be a short-term Doc, maybe just one storyline and HE'd be the one I'd announce as having been cast and having a multi-series/season contract (total lie) and not say one word about the following Doctor. I would write a story with no way for the Doctor to win, only for him to realize the only way he could would be to sacrifice himself and follow through on it. Not even a full series for Doc 13 and have 14 start right afterward with no announcement of the change beforehand.

13 would have to be white and male (though possibly NOT British) to avoid accusations of racism or sexism, but 14 could be anything.

I'm picturing the death scene involving the Doctor noting that he hadn't even broken in the new body yet, hadn't even look in a mirror and asking who-ever happened to be around "Am I ginger?" and then kicking the bucket before hearing the answer, leaving 14 to wonder what 13 looked like and never knowing whether he/she had ever been ginger.

But maybe that's just me...

Miss Joan Doe
02-01-2017, 05:49 PM
Downloaded first time this morning

Different time zones, bane of my life................

02-01-2017, 06:56 PM
Gutted he's leaving but I imagine BBC Worldwide need the revenue that a Tennantesque figure might bring in. Glad Moffat's off through, like some of his writing but his series arcs have been rubbish. And much as I like Gatiss I wish he'd just stop writing for the medic, I'm sorry but an Ice Warrior taking off his shell was really stupid and the episode wasted Warner. I'm not keen on the idea of a female medic just because i think they'd pick someone terrible, Miranda Hart? NO!!!! So all in all a downer and I think he was pushed and am extremely dubious about Chibnal, didn't rate any of his eps and thought series 2 of Broadchurch was just bad.

02-01-2017, 08:32 PM
I've heard that series 10 will broadcast in April. Are we being cautious because of older brother watching us is that why there's been so few requests or postings lately? Although this thread started as a medic audio thread I believe it's evolved into a more informal discussion of LC and british audios in general since we've also discussed the hooded man of sherwood released by a totally different company altogether.Would it be out of place to ask for trail seekers corpse's disguise and the new series scarlet something and dim castings lingering remembrances and other most recent stories of those series please?

Robot D84
02-01-2017, 09:00 PM
Sooo. The PCap mentions Frances De La Tour as a good replacement.

B. Piper reckons a female medic would be good for the programme.

Are they all getting us prepared?????

02-01-2017, 10:30 PM
Sooo. The PCap mentions Frances De La Tour as a good replacement.

B. Piper reckons a female medic would be good for the programme.

Are they all getting us prepared?????

I think the lack of major outrage over Missy will have let them think that it's a possibility. Not sure if a female doctor flirting with her male companion will have the same pull as male doctors but I'm willing to give it a try.

02-02-2017, 12:50 AM
The latest small roaming
I'll leave it up until the end of the week
Really Wonky Quotas
According to official statements, there ARE no Really Wonky Quotas, BUT if officers don't hit a certain number of tickets, then they can be assigned Desk Duty.
If they had some nice Audios, then I doubt they'd mind it as much.


---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 PM ----------

If I was running herd on Doctor Who, I would start casting the next 2 Doctors (13 and 14) at the same time. 13 would be a short-term Doc, maybe just one storyline and HE'd be the one I'd announce as having been cast and having a multi-series/season contract (total lie) and not say one word about the following Doctor. I would write a story with no way for the Doctor to win, only for him to realize the only way he could would be to sacrifice himself and follow through on it. Not even a full series for Doc 13 and have 14 start right afterward with no announcement of the change beforehand.

13 would have to be white and male (though possibly NOT British) to avoid accusations of racism or sexism, but 14 could be anything.

I'm picturing the death scene involving the Doctor noting that he hadn't even broken in the new body yet, hadn't even look in a mirror and asking who-ever happened to be around "Am I ginger?" and then kicking the bucket before hearing the answer, leaving 14 to wonder what 13 looked like and never knowing whether he/she had ever been ginger.

But maybe that's just me...

That's rough (but not a horrible idea. Just very, very rough.)

02-02-2017, 07:17 AM
Like others on this thread, I'm sorry to see the latest Scottish Medic go, and was hoping he'd be around for at least one more season. He's my favorite Nu Medic so far. I wonder when we'll ever get a Nu Medic that lasts more than three full seasons (not counting Medic 10's year of nothing but specials, of course).

02-02-2017, 07:30 AM
Like others on this thread, I'm sorry to see the latest Scottish Medic go, and was hoping he'd be around for at least one more season. He's my favorite Nu Medic so far. I wonder when we'll ever get a Nu Medic that lasts more than three full seasons (not counting Medic 10's year of nothing but specials, of course).
it is because of those specials and the shortening of the seasons from 13 to 12 .... that 10 edges out 11 and 12 for the amount of screen time

Robot D84
02-02-2017, 09:26 AM
Anybody have any good ideas for who might be a good next doctor???

Male:- Ben Whishaw could be good but not sure if too young.

Female:- Eva Green. got the strange good looks of a time lord.

or non white:- Idris Elba or Colin Salmon both would be good.

02-02-2017, 09:49 AM
I don't think we'll ever really see a female Medic. Most fans (even female ones) identify the character as strictly male. Fans are far more willing to accept a male actor of a different ethnicity as the Medic but not a woman. If a female were cast as the Medic I have a feeling the backlash from Nuwho fans would be deafening. Look how many lashed out when Peter was cast rather than another young tween heartthrob type.....which I suspect is the type of actor they'll be looking to cast.

02-02-2017, 10:25 AM
I think the main issue with the speculation of the new medic is that the names they are dropping are already famous people with film and tv careers. Filming the medic series and the promotion that comes with it means they would have to put that on hold and I don't think the Medic would pay so well that they would give that up.
I would love for them to find a relative unknown again and make them a star.

Robot D84
02-02-2017, 12:31 PM
I don't think we'll ever really see a female Medic. Most fans (even female ones) identify the character as strictly male. Fans are far more willing to accept a male actor of a different ethnicity as the Medic but not a woman. If a female were cast as the Medic I have a feeling the backlash from Nuwho fans would be deafening. Look how many lashed out when Peter was cast rather than another young tween heartthrob type.....which I suspect is the type of actor they'll be looking to cast.

Considering the popularity of the show it would be a very brave decision to cast a female doctor. they could do an episode where the tardis goes through some kind of wierd wormhole and everyone changes sex. lol

Charles Dalek
02-02-2017, 05:01 PM
Anybody have any good ideas for who might be a good next doctor???

Male:- Ben Whishaw could be good but not sure if too young.

Female:- Eva Green. got the strange good looks of a time lord.

or non white:- Idris Elba or Colin Salmon both would be good.

Ben Wishaw would make a great doctor, but his career seems upwardly mobile enough without it?
What about someone like Tom Burke as a lively outsider?
PC has acted with him , he was superb in War & Peace and makes the best of Musketeers.
also worth noting for anyone having a punt , that neither PC or MS featured in the odds markets until 48 hours before when they appeared as odds on favourites

Robot D84
02-02-2017, 06:10 PM
A friend of mine said Nicholas Hoult.

02-02-2017, 06:24 PM
This is just my personal preference, but I'd love to see Robert Carlyle as the Medic.

Exterminate Me
02-02-2017, 06:25 PM
Considering the popularity of the show it would be a very brave decision to cast a female doctor. they could do an episode where the tardis goes through some kind of wierd wormhole and everyone changes sex. lol

Now that's an idea I like.

02-02-2017, 10:46 PM
I know that not too many will like this idea, but I feel that David Morrissey would make a good doctor. They have drawn on previous guest stars in the past who were chosen to play the Doctor, why not Mr. Morrissey? His Doctor persona would be different than the Jackson Lake character he played in "The Other Doctor". He has the looks and the character acting style which suggests that he could pull off the role of The Doctor quite well.

Just my thoughts. (And I so very rarely discuss my thoughts....I so very rarely even have one!!!)

Exterminate Me
02-03-2017, 12:03 PM
I know that not too many will like this idea, but I feel that David Morrissey would make a good doctor. They have drawn on previous guest stars in the past who were chosen to play the Doctor, why not Mr. Morrissey? His Doctor persona would be different than the Jackson Lake character he played in "The Other Doctor". He has the looks and the character acting style which suggests that he could pull off the role of The Doctor quite well.

Just my thoughts. (And I so very rarely discuss my thoughts....I so very rarely even have one!!!)

Yes, I quite liked him.

02-03-2017, 04:11 PM
I feel that David Morrissey would make a good doctor.Even though I quite like Morrisey I think he may be a bit out of the age range the BBC has in mind. A number of the younger fans abandoned the series after Peter came on because they felt he was too old. I'm willing to bet that Chibnall has already been given his marching orders to find someone with the same youthful exuberance Dave and Matt brought to the role in the hope that it will bring those fans back to the series.

Exterminate Me
02-03-2017, 06:06 PM
Even though I quite like Morrisey I think he may be a bit out of the age range the BBC has in mind. A number of the younger fans abandoned the series after Peter came on because they felt he was too old. I'm willing to bet that Chibnall has already been given his marching orders to find someone with the same youthful exuberance Dave and Matt brought to the role in the hope that it will bring those fans back to the series.

Yes, it's a shame that age has to play a part these days, instead of just being a good show to watch.

Matt Paradise
02-03-2017, 07:13 PM
I know that not too many will like this idea, but I feel that David Morrissey would make a good doctor. They have drawn on previous guest stars in the past who were chosen to play the Doctor, why not Mr. Morrissey? His Doctor persona would be different than the Jackson Lake character he played in "The Other Doctor". He has the looks and the character acting style which suggests that he could pull off the role of The Doctor quite well.

Just my thoughts. (And I so very rarely discuss my thoughts....I so very rarely even have one!!!)I think he could do a good moody and intense Doc, similar to Eccles but with a bit more bluster and showmanship.

02-03-2017, 09:22 PM
Dennis Waterman, He can write the theme tune ("Got to be so good for Who")

02-04-2017, 08:04 AM
Dennis Waterman, He can write the theme tune ("Got to be so good for Who")

The companion could also be called 'er indoors

02-04-2017, 09:32 AM
i agree with chip and matt whole heartedly. and thanks for sharing chip. i like hearing from more than just the usual suspects.

Robot D84
02-04-2017, 11:28 AM
Kris Marshall is leaving Death in Paradise. He could play a more Pat Troughton like doctor. cosmic hobo that everyone under estimates.

Matt Paradise
02-04-2017, 11:30 AM
Kris Marshall is leaving Death in Paradise. He could play a more Pat Troughton like doctor. cosmic hobo that everyone under estimates.

He was rumoured to be replacing Tennant - hated the idea then and not keen now!

02-04-2017, 06:56 PM
Whomever they chose I wish they would go back to storytelling where the medic arrives at a situation and has to work out what is going on. Instead of the current, I'm an omnipresent being and I have had you outflanked all the time and you could never of won. Some good old pure discovery of the universe stories.

02-04-2017, 07:12 PM
He was rumoured to be replacing Tennant - hated the idea then and not keen now!

I think the rumours back then were due to the eccentric way he played his role in "My Family". That show's comedy was too broad for me but I remember finding him very watchable due to his oddness. However, I don't think Doctor Who needs a wacky Doctor right now as it plays up to non-fans' idea that it's about a silly man in scarves and hats chasing Daleks every week.

I believe the rumours that the BBC wants an attractive male and a younger female to lead the charge into the next era of, they hope, huge ratings and massive toy sales. I'm doubtful the series can do that again, particularly with a writer of Chibnall's caliber in charge but one never knows.

I agree with salteran above - land, get involved, work it out. Stop pontificating about your "darkest day" or your status as a "rebel Time Lord", just get on with your darn job, Doctor.

02-04-2017, 09:20 PM
I think the rumours back then were due to the eccentric way he played his role in "My Family". That show's comedy was too broad for me but I remember finding him very watchable due to his oddness. However, I don't think Doctor Who needs a wacky Doctor right now as it plays up to non-fans' idea that it's about a silly man in scarves and hats chasing Daleks every week.

I believe the rumours that the BBC wants an attractive male and a younger female to lead the charge into the next era of, they hope, huge ratings and massive toy sales. I'm doubtful the series can do that again, particularly with a writer of Chibnall's caliber in charge but one never knows.

I agree with salteran above - land, get involved, work it out. Stop pontificating about your "darkest day" or your status as a "rebel Time Lord", just get on with your darn job, Doctor.

i hope some of the storyline involves him getting a memory wipe of some sort; knowing science and maths but losing his personal memory of times places and details as well as who he knows.... and having a bear minimum or how the Tardybox works..... the universe is new to him; the earth history is a mystery; and he is learning the basics of time travel all over again... and "i know i am a time lord from galleyfree but what is a time lord and where is this gallyfree?"

and add two college students, a science/math student and a archeology/history student as companions

02-04-2017, 10:32 PM
i hope some of the storyline involves him getting a memory wipe of some sort; knowing science and maths but losing his personal memory of times places and details as well as who he knows.... and having a bear minimum or how the Tardybox works..... the universe is new to him; the earth history is a mystery; and he is learning the basics of time travel all over again... and "i know i am a time lord from galleyfree but what is a time lord and where is this gallyfree?"

and add two college students, a science/math student and a archeology/history student as companions

That reminds me of the Eighth arc in the novels. However, that wasn't wholly successful as the writers kept him away from his major foes etc. so we never had the chance to read him facing up to Pepperpots and having no clue who they were.

Personally, I fully agree with you about a fresh start but I doubt the writers would follow through on it. Also, it could get too complicated; he bumps into NUTI and Stethbridge-Lewart has to info dump all over him or Dirac returns from the grave and spends five minutes lecturing him on dinosaurs and pyjamas. Again, the option would be to stay away from those situations but I think we'd hear complaints from certain areas, angry that the writers have ignored five decades of history, whilst completely missing the point of the exercise.

Two full-time companions would be nice to see again. I'd also appreciate a lot more variety in the casting with regards to age and race. Too often we discard viable ideas because the twittertumbleryoutubers "may not like it". Ballcocks to them - if the writing's up to snuff, the series can get away with anything.

02-04-2017, 11:56 PM
On one hand, he's not handsome enough to please the fangirls.

On the other hand the old nerds will be jubilant that the prophecy from Battlefield is finally good to go.

02-05-2017, 05:09 AM
On one hand, he's not handsome enough to please the fangirls.

On the other hand the old nerds will be jubilant that the prophecy from Battlefield is finally good to go.
Well, you've convinced me at least. I'm not a fangirl, but I am an old nerd.

Who Lover
02-05-2017, 08:49 AM
January 2017 Shares.
Some interesting ones this month. New philosophy books from Start Warts, Bigger Bang, and even Moonty Pfyon. Couple local fiction novels from Diana Hockley that no one else will have. The next Leftbridge Stewie book, some extra Lemon Snickers (including his bio), The Very Strange Children Box Set, Celebrating Aussie day with Dr Karl, Sheerluck Homes, Dr Woot, and the amazing adventures of a pudycat named Bob that is based on a movie that gets released in Australian Cinemas on Feb 9th 2017. (that's today here).

The List:
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket
Doctor Who -The Time Lord Letters [Justin Richards]
Floyd Flegalman presents the Lost Comic Heroes - Daniel Burke
A Street Cat Named Bob - James Bowen
After Ariel - Diana Hockley
All The Wrong Questions #1 Who Could That Be at This Hour - Lemony Snicket
All The Wrong Questions #2 When Did You See Her Last - Lemony Snicket
All The Wrong Questions #3 Shouldn't You Be In School - Lemony Snicket
All The Wrong Questions #4 Why Is This Night Different From All Others - Lemony Snicket
Cat Behavior Secrets - James Thoroughgood
Doctor Karl's Australia Great Australian Facts & Firsts - Dr Karl Kruszelnicki
Doctor Who The Ultimate Quiz Book - Jack Goldstein
Great Mythconceptions (New Moments in Science) - Karl Kruszelnicki
Lethbridge-Stewart Mind of Stone - Iain McLaughlin
Love and Monsters The Doctor Who Experience, 1979 to the Present - Miles Booy
Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children Boxed Set - Ransom Riggs
Monty Python and Philosophy Nudge Nudge, Think Think! - Gary L. Hardcastle
More Doctor Who and Philosophy
No Place to Hide (Hidden Identity 3) - Lynette Eason
Nothing New To Say About DW 8 The Revived Series [Seasons 4 - 6] - David Clark
Nothing New To Say About DW 9 - The Revived Series [Seasons 7 - 9] - David Clark
Nowhere to Turn (Hidden Identity 2) - Lynette Eason
Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy The Footprints of a Gigantic Mind - Josef Steiff
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Broken Window - William Todd
Star Wars and Philosophy - Kevin S. Decker
The Adventure of the Unexecuted Deed - Francois Chartier
The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy - Rock, Paper, Scissors
The Celibate Mouse - Diana Hockley
The Greatest UNAUTHORIZED Doctor Films A Grand Tour of the Weird, Wild, Wonderful World of Unauthorised Doctor Who Film and Video - D.G. Valdron
The Naked Room - Diana Hockley
The World According to Bob - James Bowen
Void - David Staniforth
Who Beyond 50 [Celebrating Five Decades of Doctor Who] - Brian J. Robb
Files: juhozqh

02-05-2017, 08:50 AM
if the writing's up to snuff, the series can get away with anything.
Which is why I thought it was awesomely audacious of Moffat when he dropped the bombshell that was the Conflict Medic on us. I'm betting anything that if it weren't for JH's superlative performance, the fans would be in revolt because of Moffat's retconning of RTD's "myth arc".

02-05-2017, 09:23 AM
Does someone have the second last Brig book The Vein Liquid of the sunken Island? I would be very greatful if someone could upload it. :)

02-05-2017, 10:29 AM
Which is why I thought it was awesomely audacious of Moffat when he dropped the bombshell that was the Conflict Medic on us. I'm betting anything that if it weren't for JH's superlative performance, the fans would be in revolt because of Moffat's retconning of RTD's "myth arc".

I absolutely hate the entire concept. :D

I was a huge fan of the novels and it was the Eighth who led us into battle. Moffat was aware of this and decided to ignore it. Fair enough, only a fraction of fans read the novels but to invent a new incarnation and give him more screen time than actual Dotcors in the biggest anniversary so far was, for me, completely unforgivable. Yes, Hurt always gave a good performance but, were I in charge of the show, I'd retcon him out of existence. The character is a confused mess - the hardline warrior (who's really as cuddly and fun as all the others) who doesn't go by the name of the Dotcor but actually does... it's jumbled nonsense.

Who Lover
02-05-2017, 10:29 AM
Does someone have the second last Brig book The Vein Liquid of the sunken Island? I would be very greatful if someone could upload it. :)

Australian Kindle doesn't always get the releases on the day/week of release. This one came in late, so will be in next month's share.

02-05-2017, 10:44 AM
Australian Kindle doesn't always get the releases on the day/week of release. This one came in late, so will be in next month's share.

Thank you! :)

Exterminate Me
02-05-2017, 02:48 PM
I'm looking forward to new Twin Peaks this year, probably moreso than the Medic, which is a shame.

I agree with a lot of the above comments though, especially what Salteran said.

Lots to look forward too with your list WhoLover, as usual. You spoil us!

02-05-2017, 09:32 PM
Szasz - that's a brilliant idea. (Except it should end with him saying "Well, at least i got to be Ginger.")

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 PM ----------

Also, "jumbled nonsense". Lol. That describes the bulk of Moffat's stories.

Bent Copper
02-07-2017, 05:00 AM
The Planet Eating Planet is at the beach this evening

02-07-2017, 07:26 AM
I just discovered that there was an audio release that I'd never heard of call the '12 medics of yuletide'. Don't know how that one slipped by but can anyone share it?

02-07-2017, 09:17 AM
I just discovered that there was an audio release that I'd never heard of call the '12 medics of yuletide'. Don't know how that one slipped by but can anyone share it?

If you look for the Medic on ABB, it's on page 5

02-07-2017, 12:21 PM
If you look for the Medic on ABB, it's on page 5


02-07-2017, 01:01 PM
ehy guys? Who of you used to get stuff from that russian secret medic stuff page?It seems they removed all content and won't be uploading anything more -.-

02-07-2017, 03:46 PM
For anyone interested - Series 2 of FathPinder Legends is also on ABB. Simple search for Fathpinder should find it.

02-08-2017, 04:00 AM
For anyone interested - Series 2 of FathPinder Legends is also on ABB. Simple search for Fathpinder should find it.

Thanks for the heads up.

02-08-2017, 02:18 PM
Now it's R.I.P. Richard Hatch :(

02-08-2017, 03:05 PM
just read sad
I used to watch Battlestar all the time

Exterminate Me
02-09-2017, 03:59 AM
Now it's R.I.P. Richard Hatch :(

Bloody pancreatic cancer again. Man that sucks.

Who Lover
02-09-2017, 06:23 AM
Several posts back. Lots of new ebooks. Enjoy. Please say thanks (where you can).

02-09-2017, 10:39 AM
Who Lover - thanks.

02-09-2017, 11:33 AM
I've been ponderising - according to recent medics, it takes six of them to fly the blue box properly. So what do the six of them do? My assumption - 1) Pilot in space, 2) Pilot in time, 3) Engineer, 4) Navigator, 5) Safety officer (radar etc).
Haven't got a sixth, anyone else have any suggestions?

02-09-2017, 11:57 AM
stabilizing genomitrator

Who Lover
02-09-2017, 01:35 PM
Slinky stabiliser...

02-09-2017, 02:33 PM
One to reverse the polarity of the neutrino flow.

Exterminate Me
02-09-2017, 03:06 PM
One to reverse the polarity of the neutrino flow.

That's the third one on the list ;)

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

Thank you WhoLover :)

Charles Dalek
02-09-2017, 05:47 PM
One to man the Coffee Station.
Thanks Who Lover!

02-09-2017, 06:38 PM
Thank you Who Lover!

02-09-2017, 07:17 PM

02-09-2017, 08:15 PM
Since the news of his departure, I've been gorging myself on the P3T3R C@P@LD! episodes (not all of them. I've skipped some of the "less-than-good" stories; "Assassinate the Earth-Satellite", "The Adolescent Female who Joined the Bleeding Choir-Invisible", "Slumber Nevermore", etc...) and just soaked in his performances.
He. Is. GOOD!
Riveting performances, filled with nuance and emotion.

It is official: 12th Medic is now in my # 5 slot (4,2,8,11,12):
This was a big jump. He *was* sitting low in the back half (#9 or #10, I can't remember), but that was primarily because when I made the list, he barely had one series and I needed more to gauge my opinion.

I've updated my sig (which, it seems gets retroactively changed in all my old posts).

Not really *news* or anything.
I just thought I'd share.

02-10-2017, 01:29 AM
Thank you, WhoLover

02-10-2017, 10:09 AM
Haven't got a sixth, anyone else have any suggestions?

Doesn't somebody need to operate the fornicator?

02-10-2017, 10:50 AM
the fornicator?Sounds like a perverted relative of the Terminator.

02-10-2017, 11:57 AM
Thank you WhoLover!

02-10-2017, 12:19 PM
Thank you once again for your generous offerings, WhoLover!!

02-10-2017, 12:20 PM
(Sorry, accidental repost)

02-10-2017, 12:50 PM
Danny Dyer wants to be the Medic: "Oi Daleks you slag! Get outta my box!"

It would certainly add a new dynamic!

02-10-2017, 01:44 PM
Thanks very much, WhoLover! Always appreciated! :)

02-10-2017, 01:54 PM
Danny Dyer wants to be the Medic: "Oi Daleks you slag! Get outta my box!"

It would certainly add a new dynamic!

The one thing I like about Danny Dyer is that his surname is a helpful review of every film he's ever been in.

02-10-2017, 02:44 PM
Doesn't somebody need to operate the fornicator?

didn't one of the schoolteachers remove that after the 1st medic tried to switch it on?

Exterminate Me
02-10-2017, 05:02 PM
Doesn't somebody need to operate the fornicator?


Robot D84
02-10-2017, 07:08 PM
Doesn't somebody need to operate the fornicator?

Isn't that what the companion is for??? lol

02-11-2017, 02:34 AM
So, does the Orgasmatron in Sleeper use the Blue Box technology for the fornicator, then? Is an intergalactic patent violation happening there?

02-11-2017, 10:19 AM
It's bigger on the inside.

02-11-2017, 01:41 PM
In case anyone's interested, the Roman Attorney is sitting on the dock of the bay. Bottom of page 3, currently.

02-11-2017, 11:03 PM
Thanks is this the previously released excerpt because I just got it and I thought it was a set rather than just one story?

02-12-2017, 03:11 AM
Thanks to the Bay I have caught up on all the medic related releases. However I'm still after the latest Revengers comix pt Deux and Losties 7. If anyone can help let me know.

Here's some new commentary goodies.

Phantommb Comms - Cybus 60s and The Non Terrestrial kid (plus pt 1 of the Ocean Satans which was a freebie)

Plus with the newly animated Pow!-Errr of the Pepperpots- there's a new commentary for all 6 episodes which I'm including here to help complete anyone's commentary gaps.




Revealing With Quilts

02-13-2017, 01:39 AM
Thanks to the Bay I have caught up on all the medic related releases. However I'm still after the latest Revengers comix pt Deux and Losties 7. If anyone can help let me know.

Here's some new commentary goodies.

Phantommb Comms - Cybus 60s and The Non Terrestrial kid (plus pt 1 of the Ocean Satans which was a freebie)

Plus with the newly animated Pow!-Errr of the Pepperpots- there's a new commentary for all 6 episodes which I'm including here to help complete anyone's commentary gaps.




Revealing With Quilts

Big thanks Manofsteel. This is brilliant.

02-13-2017, 05:48 AM
Here's some new commentary goodies.

Phantommb Comms - Cybus 60s and The Non Terrestrial kid

Oh that's really appreciated. Thank you :)

02-13-2017, 01:21 PM
Got bored so I decided to see if I could throw together a decent sounding extended mix of the theme to the Medic webcast Reaping Visits Time despite it not having the middle 8. This is what I came up with. Let me know what you think.

Miss Joan Doe
02-13-2017, 05:36 PM
Anyone missing any of m@in R@nge 51-126 who has a little spare cash can get them for GBP5 download/GBP6CD at the official site this week only....................

Exterminate Me
02-14-2017, 01:56 AM
Anyone missing any of m@in R@nge 51-126 who has a little spare cash can get them for GBP5 download/GBP6CD at the official site this week only....................

What a bargain, especially on CD.

02-14-2017, 08:07 PM
Cheers manofsteel25, PM'd ya re. lost revengers

02-15-2017, 06:22 AM
Anyone missing any of m@in R@nge 51-126 who has a little spare cash can get them for GBP5 download/GBP6CD at the official site this week only....................

excellent sale. I nabbed myself a few stragglers :)
It's bewildering to think that BF has got nearly a grand out of me now, considering they would've got diddly squat if I hadn't been a filthy pirate.

02-15-2017, 07:19 AM
excellent sale. I nabbed myself a few stragglers :)
It's bewildering to think that BF has got nearly a grand out of me now, considering they would've got diddly squat if I hadn't been a filthy pirate.

Same here, i passed the grand mark with them late last year. They would have received nothing at all had i not stumbled upon these pirated audios while looking for audio books to help me pass the time on my night shifts. Virtually everything i have subsequently purchased i already had via this site and others.

02-16-2017, 08:35 AM
Have you seen the announcement for the upcoming Burning Trees release from LC starring the character from WWIII/Space Pigs in L0nd0n?
Meethinks LC is trying to tell us something...very subtle.

02-16-2017, 10:14 AM
without checking, coz I like guessing, do you mean the mayor of Cardiff?

02-16-2017, 12:15 PM
without checking, coz I like guessing, do you mean the mayor of Cardiff?

Ha, no. The computer programmer who pretended to be a doctor because the real burning trees doctor had a mega hangover.

02-16-2017, 11:58 PM
I was doing a Really Weird Quiz this month. Hope it's a good 'un.

<Medic 5 deux cent vingt-deux - m4b audiobook ->

02-17-2017, 12:16 AM
I was doing a Really Weird Quiz this month. Hope it's a good 'un.
I hope it's a good one, too. :)

02-17-2017, 12:19 AM
I was doing a Really Weird Quiz this month.

I hope you won it - for being awesome!

02-17-2017, 12:21 AM
I like your Really Weird Quiz,don`t suppose you have any about dogs,scarves or curly teeth by any chance?!,

02-17-2017, 12:44 AM
No I don't have scarfy but hopefully he'll show up here soon.

02-17-2017, 11:17 AM
No I don't have scarfy but hopefully he'll show up here soon.
Question.....Why do you need a scarf? Is it really that cold? Or are you just looking to make a fashion statement?

02-17-2017, 11:46 AM
Question.....Why do you need a scarf? Is it really that cold? Or are you just looking to make a fashion statement?
Well, I certainly don't need one. I've got my own. In fact, I was wearing it at work the other day and this older lady complimented me on it, saying it was nice to see a young man like myself being so fashionably colorful during this harsh winter... :D

Exterminate Me
02-17-2017, 11:46 AM
Have you seen the announcement for the upcoming Burning Trees release from LC starring the character from WWIII/Space Pigs in L0nd0n?
Meethinks LC is trying to tell us something...very subtle.

I don't think it's subtle, more like a sledgehammer!

02-17-2017, 01:40 PM
Thank you happyegg and webs01!!!!!

02-17-2017, 05:02 PM
I was doing a Really Weird Quiz this month. Hope it's a good 'un.

Mon Deux! (Dieu!)
THANK you!

Well, I certainly don't need one. I've got my own. In fact, I was wearing it at work the other day and this older lady complimented me on it, saying it was nice to see a young man like myself being so fashionably colorful during this harsh winter... :D

I wear mine all the time, as well.
Also received compliments from women at work, who thought it a fantastic scarf.
Oh, Yes. Isn't it, just?

But I shan't rest until I get the burgundy one as well.

02-17-2017, 07:29 PM
I wear mine all the time, as well.
Also received compliments from women at work, who thought it a fantastic scarf.
Oh, Yes. Isn't it, just?

But I shan't rest until I get the burgundy one as well.
Very nice! I forgot to mention this, but my scarf was also a Christmas gift from my older brother's in-law's a couple of years ago. They know I'm a big fan of the Medic's adventures, so they figured it'd be perfect for me. Also, I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't like the burgundy scarf quite as much as the original. I mean, it looks nice, but I feel it's not as instantly recognizable as the original. Plus, having it be all varying shades of one color is honestly kinda dull to me. I like the differing colors of the original because they makes it pop and give it a real personality.

02-17-2017, 08:14 PM
For anyone interested, the Hombre Who Can't Be Seen is visiting Viktor Krum.

02-17-2017, 08:33 PM
Is it really that cold? Or are you just looking to make a fashion statement?

*doffs fashionable wooly cap*

02-17-2017, 09:01 PM
Very nice! I forgot to mention this, but my scarf was also a Christmas gift from my older brother's in-law's a couple of years ago. They know I'm a big fan of the Medic's adventures, so they figured it'd be perfect for me. Also, I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't like the burgundy scarf quite as much as the original. I mean, it looks nice, but I feel it's not as instantly recognizable as the original. Plus, having it be all varying shades of one color is honestly kinda dull to me. I like the differing colors of the original because they makes it pop and give it a real personality.

I used to feel the same as you do - re; the multicolored neckware vs the umber ombre, however, as I got older, something about that burgundy scarf really called to me.

I'd wear both (not at the same time, obviously, as walking would be IMPOSSIBLE - and I'd likely spontaneously regenerate... due to the HEAT). While the classic scarfy IS indeed iconic, some days I think the autumnal shades would be just what the, uh... Medic ordered.

Oh, and as for family gifts, yes - the multicolored was a Christmas gift, several years back, from my (also Medic-fan) Sister, while, for my birthday 2-years ago, my brother gave me something I've wanted since I was a lad (long before the Medic wore one)... a Fez.

I have one more sibling... I have to choose wisely.
Which do you guys think; Question-Mark Umbrella? Rumpled black frock coat? Wild Bill Hickok Outfit? Purple Velvet Jacket?

02-17-2017, 09:12 PM
I have one more sibling... I have to choose wisely.
Which do you guys think; Question-Mark Umbrella? Rumpled black frock coat? Wild Bill Hickok Outfit? Purple Velvet Jacket?
I'll say the umbrella. :)

Exterminate Me
02-18-2017, 05:29 AM
I'll say the umbrella. :)

Or, indeed, everything! :P

02-18-2017, 06:45 AM
and there is a story that has yet to be told as why the 4 medic's 1st scarf ends up at Unit withozgud

02-18-2017, 08:56 AM
I think she is the biggest fan of the medic and it is not the original. Is it mentioned it is the original?

I see the multi-coloured as the 70's scarf and burgundy as the approaching 80's scarf

02-18-2017, 09:49 AM
For anyone interested, the Hombre Who Can't Be Seen is visiting Viktor Krum.

Sorry but this leaves a bad taste in the mouth. All the messages below saying how sad his loss is then proceeding to download the file and screw his widow out of a few pennies of royalties. Not for me thanks. I'll show my appreciation of the man by actually buying it.

02-18-2017, 12:54 PM
I have one more sibling... I have to choose wisely.
Which do you guys think; Question-Mark Umbrella? Rumpled black frock coat? Wild Bill Hickok Outfit? Purple Velvet Jacket?

What about a nice multi-coloured jacket?....Might go nice with a multi-coloured scarf! Shouldn't clash or make you stand out at could also add a nice woolen vest.


02-18-2017, 03:48 PM
Sorry but this leaves a bad taste in the mouth. All the messages below saying how sad his loss is then proceeding to download the file and screw his widow out of a few pennies of royalties. Not for me thanks. I'll show my appreciation of the man by actually buying it.

As commendable as that is, don't be too hard on people. He was a multi-millionaire & I'm sure he left her a few quid.

02-19-2017, 12:28 AM
Sorry but this leaves a bad taste in the mouth. All the messages below saying how sad his loss is then proceeding to download the file and screw his widow out of a few pennies of royalties. Not for me thanks. I'll show my appreciation of the man by actually buying it.

This should really apply to every single file that gets shared here shouldn't it?

02-19-2017, 12:55 AM
I used to feel the same as you do - re; the multicolored neckware vs the umber ombre, however, as I got older, something about that burgundy scarf really called to me.

I'd wear both (not at the same time, obviously, as walking would be IMPOSSIBLE - and I'd likely spontaneously regenerate... due to the HEAT). While the classic scarfy IS indeed iconic, some days I think the autumnal shades would be just what the, uh... Medic ordered.

Oh, and as for family gifts, yes - the multicolored was a Christmas gift, several years back, from my (also Medic-fan) Sister, while, for my birthday 2-years ago, my brother gave me something I've wanted since I was a lad (long before the Medic wore one)... a Fez.

I have one more sibling... I have to choose wisely.
Which do you guys think; Question-Mark Umbrella? Rumpled black frock coat? Wild Bill Hickok Outfit? Purple Velvet Jacket?

Question mark umbrella for sure.

02-19-2017, 09:37 AM
This should really apply to every single file that gets shared here shouldn't it?

I just think then when it comes to charity anthologies or, in instances like this, where people are professing to show respect the sharing of the files doesn't sit well with me. It's ok, you don't have to agree with me!

Exterminate Me
02-19-2017, 12:44 PM
I just think then when it comes to charity anthologies or, in instances like this, where people are professing to show respect the sharing of the files doesn't sit well with me. It's ok, you don't have to agree with me!

Well put. That's just the nature of life, we all have different opinions.

02-19-2017, 09:01 PM
I just think then when it comes to charity anthologies or, in instances like this, where people are professing to show respect the sharing of the files doesn't sit well with me. It's ok, you don't have to agree with me!

we don't have to, and we don't have to take a lecture from you on ethics either.!
There are many dead creators/actors/musicians that you have downloaded material from. Sorry but stop the bitching.

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------

I just think then when it comes to charity anthologies or, in instances like this, where people are professing to show respect the sharing of the files doesn't sit well with me. It's ok, you don't have to agree with me!

hear ye hear ye Del37 will not be asking for an upload of the last warmedic box ...ignore him if he does... he doesn't have to listen to me ; if he doesn't agree with my current attitude toward him. Sort of leaves a bad taste in my mouth for someone to chastise or make people feel bad for downloaded it. you dont have to agree.

02-19-2017, 09:45 PM
and there is a story that has yet to be told as why the 4 medic's 1st scarf ends up at Unit withozgud

I think she is the biggest fan of the medic and it is not the original. Is it mentioned it is the original?
I see the multi-coloured as the 70's scarf and burgundy as the approaching 80's scarf

No. I doubt that it's the original. I mean, anyone can knit one.
HOWEVER - that being said, she DOES have access to the Black Vault... WHO's to say that the Medic didn't leave one behind that made it into the vault. Maybe she's "studying" it for unusual-properties?

I'll say the umbrella. :)

Question mark umbrella for sure.

The Brellie seems to have it.

What about a nice multi-coloured jacket?....Might go nice with a multi-coloured scarf! Shouldn't clash or make you stand out at could also add a nice woolen vest.


I don't normally wear much color.
The scarf is a one-off.
And that vest/jumper... No thanks. It even LOOKS itchy.

02-20-2017, 06:41 AM
we don't have to, and we don't have to take a lecture from you on ethics either.!
There are many dead creators/actors/musicians that you have downloaded material from. Sorry but stop the bitching.

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------

hear ye hear ye Del37 will not be asking for an upload of the last warmedic box ...ignore him if he does... he doesn't have to listen to me ; if he doesn't agree with my current attitude toward him. Sort of leaves a bad taste in my mouth for someone to chastise or make people feel bad for downloaded it. you dont have to agree.

Okay, Del was being polite. You're being a git. Calm the flip down.

Who Lover
02-20-2017, 09:18 AM
Really love that Torchwood audio Made You Look. Such a great message about dealing with bullies (and trolls). In order to destroy the monster, you have to not look at them, not give them the attention they are wanting, not fighting back. Just IGNORE them and they will be defeated soon enough.
Seriously one of my favourite audio's. Particularly when I really didn't see how they could defeat this monster in the last 5 minutes. The heroes just walked away without looking back. Brilliant message there, I think. It really left an impact on my life.

Exterminate Me
02-20-2017, 09:25 AM
Really love that Torchwood audio Made You Look. Such a great message about dealing with bullies (and trolls). In order to destroy the monster, you have to not look at them, not give them the attention they are wanting, not fighting back. Just IGNORE them and they will be defeated soon enough.
Seriously one of my favourite audio's. Particularly when I really didn't see how they could defeat this monster in the last 5 minutes. The heroes just walked away without looking back. Brilliant message there, I think. It really left an impact on my life.

I quite liked that one too.

Exterminate Me
02-20-2017, 03:44 PM
BTW, totally off-topic here.

Been wanting to mention this for ages. I love the Beach Boys. One of their albums was recorded during a party. On the track "Barbara Ann", during the instrumental break, you hear someone shout out "Al (or Carl - I can't quite hear the name very well) and his famous ash-tray". A little after that you hear someone say "You silly asshole" (though they actually say "" but, as this is a family forum I won't).

And radio stations have been playing this happily since the 60's. Turn up and have a listen yourself (it's around 1.05 into the song that the ashtray gets mentioned, 1.10 the swearing)

02-20-2017, 04:04 PM
Hal is a call out to Hal Blaine, their session drummer that would put his ashtrays on the drum set.... one fell the comment was "Hal and his famous ashtrays" the assumption was that when they were recording it they were pretty drunk; the ashtray way knocked over,,,and someone cursed him out over it

02-20-2017, 05:44 PM
Okay, Del was being polite. You're being a git. Calm the flip down.

the point is that him getting his heckles in a bunch over this particular actor doesn't make much sense...since out of all the talent that LC has employed ovder the decades...... this is probably the one that was the most well off and didn't need to money.

His reported net worth was somewhere between 20-25 million .....

Choose the outrage wisely

[if you feel such a distaste a better thing you can do is donate to a cancer charity in his name ...the very least]

02-20-2017, 07:41 PM
the point is that him getting his heckles in a bunch over this particular actor doesn't make much sense.

It makes perfect sense to me in the context I was talking about, that of people lamenting his death in the same breath as downloading the file. I'll happily donate to a cancer charity and still won't download this file. Can I assume you'll be donating too?

Exterminate Me
02-20-2017, 07:48 PM
Hal is a call out to Hal Blaine, their session drummer that would put his ashtrays on the drum set.... one fell the comment was "Hal and his famous ashtrays" the assumption was that when they were recording it they were pretty drunk; the ashtray way knocked over,,,and someone cursed him out over it


Still can't believe they let a swear like that go to air though. Mind you, it got me searching the net for info and other things that have been left in popular songs.

Who Lover
02-20-2017, 08:06 PM
Reportedly, on Genesis of the Pepper pots, when Daveos arrives with the 4th and Harry in room, 4th whispers to Harry, "he's looking a little pi**ed, isn't he"... :-)

Matt Paradise
02-20-2017, 08:09 PM

Still can't believe they let a swear like that go to air though. Mind you, it got me searching the net for info and other things that have been left in popular songs.

There's a Beatle's song, maybe Hey Jude, where Lennon says 'F***' quietly.

Robot D84
02-20-2017, 08:16 PM

Still can't believe they let a swear like that go to air though. Mind you, it got me searching the net for info and other things that have been left in popular songs.

Doesn't Peter Gabriel "Pee on the G##ns" in the jungle on games without frontiers? or is that just on my copy??

02-20-2017, 08:37 PM
Doesn't Peter Gabriel "Pee on the G##ns" in the jungle on games without frontiers? or is that just on my copy??

That's everybody's copy!

Robot D84
02-20-2017, 09:34 PM
That's everybody's copy!

Phew! for a minute there I thought I might have some bootleg thingy. lol

02-20-2017, 11:12 PM
It makes perfect sense to me in the context I was talking about, that of people lamenting his death in the same breath as downloading the file. I'll happily donate to a cancer charity and still won't download this file. Can I assume you'll be donating too?

i work in a cancer hospital...i help organize fundraisers and am a regular charitable donator ;; thank you trying to shame me into something that you didn't need

ha ha ha

02-20-2017, 11:35 PM
Maybe I'm hallucinating again, but it seems that the site directory for this page reads:

Forum -> Downloads -> Film, Television and Classical Music Download Links -> DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD

Given the inherent stated purpose of this thread, I humbly propose that this is not the most appropriate place to make any moral judgements about file sharing

02-21-2017, 12:19 AM
i work in a cancer hospital...i help organize fundraisers and am a regular charitable donator ;; thank you trying to shame me into something that you didn't need

ha ha ha

Sigh, I genuinely see no reason to be so aggressive.

02-21-2017, 12:45 AM
ignore - I thought better of being sarky

02-21-2017, 07:04 AM
Maybe I'm hallucinating again, but it seems that the site directory for this page reads:

Forum -> Downloads -> Film, Television and Classical Music Download Links -> DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD

Given the inherent stated purpose of this thread, I humbly propose that this is not the most appropriate place to make any moral judgements about file sharing

That was kinda my original point.....sorry to stir the hornet's nest.........4th medic reference not intended. 8)

02-21-2017, 08:30 AM
my point exactly

---------- Post added at 02:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 AM ----------

Sigh, I genuinely see no reason to be so aggressive.

and i see no need to make moral judgements about file sharing in a thread dedicated to file sharing...,.
the widow of john hurt isn't exactly going to starve without a royalty from The Visible Sapien...

i submit that if you took the net worth of everyone on this stilll wouldn't equal out to how much much the War medic was worth.

02-21-2017, 10:19 AM
Ah, there's the snarkiness and judgmental infighting. Wondered when someone would mount that high horse and start a row.

02-21-2017, 10:44 AM
Ah, there's the snarkiness and judgmental infighting. Wondered when someone would mount that high horse and start a row.

I said right at the start you don't have to agree with me. I also said that in this one incidence that sharing that one file while saying that one thing didn't sit well with me. It's not a high horse, it's a personal judgement that, let me repeat this you don't have to agree with. We all have a line somewhere, I'd imagine that you would probably be against the sharing of new charity anthologies despite the fact that this is a sharing thread. That's your line, that's fine and I'd respect your position. I individually and without judgement of others decided that I was uncomfortable with another thing. I shared this thought without any entreaty for others to think the same.

02-21-2017, 11:07 AM
Dude, calm the f**k down. That was a generalized statement aimed at the room. I wasn't going after any one person. Don't take sh*t so personal. You'll give yourself an aneurysm.

02-21-2017, 11:25 AM
Dude, calm the f**k down. That was a generalized statement aimed at the room. I wasn't going after any one person. Don't take sh*t so personal. You'll give yourself an aneurysm.

Don't worry, I wasn't having a go and I'm perfectly calm :) Just thought it was a good opportunity to explain that I'm not making a moral judgement on others!

02-21-2017, 03:24 PM
I understand everyone's view on this, and I am not taking a side or getting involved in it - however, the discussion did lead to a thought (one of my daily few):

It's often quite difficult to try to get a point across without it SEEMING to be an angry reply.
As seen above, I often use CAPS to emphasize a word, but in internet-parlayance, it is "shouting".
As seen in del37's instance, using bold, yet lowercase letters is taken as the same thing.

I will also sometimes try to use italics, or underlined text but not all venues allow for it (even if using HTML code to enable it).

'twould seem that a hefty use of emoticons is required to ensure others that it's merely emphasis.

Now, let's all go back to discussing things that are more pleasant and agreeable...
What's up with Trump?

jk :-P *ducks and runs away*

02-21-2017, 04:36 PM
It's often quite difficult to try to get a point across without it SEEMING to be an angry reply.
As seen above, I often use CAPS to emphasize a word, but in internet-parlayance, it is "shouting".
As seen in del37's instance, using bold, yet lowercase letters is taken as the same thing.

That's a very good point, I was using bold to imply an emphasis and a rhythm to what I was saying but it isn't meant to sound annoyed because I'm not. :)

Exterminate Me
02-21-2017, 06:47 PM
Reportedly, on Genesis of the Pepper pots, when Daveos arrives with the 4th and Harry in room, 4th whispers to Harry, "he's looking a little pi**ed, isn't he"... :-)

Reminds me of the famous Destiny's "Spack off".

---------- Post added at 01:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 AM ----------

Yeah, we're all entitled to our opinion, and you don't need to agree with it - that's life.

Just try not to belittle or put one another down, please :)

That said, anyone got an air-date for the next series of the Medic yet?

02-21-2017, 08:01 PM
---------- Post added at 01:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 AM ----------

Yeah, we're all entitled to our opinion, and you don't need to agree with it - that's life.

Just try not to belittle or put one another down, please :)

That said, anyone got an air-date for the next series of the Medic yet?

Hear! Hear!

And, as far as I can tell, all official notations state APRIL for the return of the Medic.

Exterminate Me
02-22-2017, 11:22 AM
Hear! Hear!

And, as far as I can tell, all official notations state APRIL for the return of the Medic.

Not much longer to wait. Thanks.

Not referring to you, but I guess that sometimes it can be pretty hard to state what you really want to say within a paragraph or two on here, when you can't get across your tone of voice or, like me, find it hard to put something in a reasonable sentence and ramble on. It's easy to misconstrue something.

---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

There's a Beatle's song, maybe Hey Jude, where Lennon says 'F***' quietly.

I think you're right on that one.

And there's a "" from Billie Joe at the start of Green Day's Good Riddance.

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

Doesn't Peter Gabriel "Pee on the G##ns" in the jungle on games without frontiers? or is that just on my copy??

I thought he sang "Piss", not "Pee" ;)

02-22-2017, 08:06 PM
:holdit: This place never changes :roflbalok:

Charles Dalek
02-22-2017, 08:37 PM
Any Quatermass fans might appreciate Orbit Zero One , currently on Radio 4 Extra and BBC iPlayer

02-23-2017, 12:25 AM
Would love to see them and read somewhere that BEEEbBSeee had purchased large batch of seaweed,
Here`s hoping!

02-23-2017, 04:29 AM
Recently suffered a drive failure, would anyone have the any or all various novels available? I know it might be a big ask, but thanks in advance!

02-23-2017, 01:51 PM
:holdit: This place never changes :roflbalok:

and you never change only coming out of your hole to do this every so often....not seeing the irony of your posts ...

time to go away jawa like you always threaten to do.

02-23-2017, 03:24 PM
time to go away jawa like you always threaten to do.

Why not just be nice to people? It's probably less effort.

02-23-2017, 03:27 PM
Recently suffered a drive failure, would anyone have the any or all various novels available? I know it might be a big ask, but thanks in advance!

Do you mean the audio adaptations of the novels, or the epub and pdf of the novels like get-tar and others ?

02-23-2017, 03:31 PM
Why not just be nice to people? It's probably less effort.

It's just not in some people's genetic makeup, unfortunately :(

02-23-2017, 04:21 PM
It's just not in some people's genetic makeup, unfortunately :(

I cant be bothered to even directly answer them! I check in here now and again to see if its all calmed down and returned to how it used to be, yet all I see is carnage! Maybe its just bad timing on my behalf lol!
There are some decent people on here and I do miss the banter from the old days, but life is too short to get wrapped up in all drama! So to the good ones and the friends...Hello... to the ones I don't know...Nice to meet you and finally to the drama queens, divas and axons by any other name....meh !

02-23-2017, 04:33 PM
I cant be bothered to even directly answer them! I check in here now and again to see if its all calmed down and returned to how it used to be, yet all I see is carnage! Maybe its just bad timing on my behalf lol!
There are some decent people on here and I do miss the banter from the old days, but life is too short to get wrapped up in all drama! So to the good ones and the friends...Hello... to the ones I don't know...Nice to meet you and finally to the drama queens, divas and axons by any other name....meh !

Hey jawa, hope you're well. I'm not sure which category I come into (I suspect Axon) but hi anyway :)

02-23-2017, 04:41 PM
Why not just be nice to people? It's probably less effort.

it is interesting you directed this at me rather than someone that pretty much lurks under his bridge and pops out only to make comments that stir the pot and nothing else...
maybe that should be directed at him.

---------- Post added at 10:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

I cant be bothered to even directly answer them! I check in here now and again to see if its all calmed down and returned to how it used to be, yet all I see is carnage! Maybe its just bad timing on my behalf lol!
There are some decent people on here and I do miss the banter from the old days, but life is too short to get wrapped up in all drama! So to the good ones and the friends...Hello... to the ones I don't know...Nice to meet you and finally to the drama queens, divas and axons by any other name....meh !

just go back to your holier than thou hole...and leave us in peace ---you have nothing to contribute but these types of posts lately...

you are dismissed princess

02-23-2017, 05:05 PM
Hey jawa, hope you're well. I'm not sure which category I come into (I suspect Axon) but hi anyway :)

And Hi to you too! hope things with you are good! you can be an Axon if you wish to be a golden nudist that is hiding an ugly truth, but I would have put you in the decent people/friend bracket lol!

02-23-2017, 05:12 PM
I cant be bothered to even directly answer them! I check in here now and again to see if its all calmed down and returned to how it used to be, yet all I see is carnage! Maybe its just bad timing on my behalf lol!
There are some decent people on here and I do miss the banter from the old days, but life is too short to get wrapped up in all drama! So to the good ones and the friends...Hello... to the ones I don't know...Nice to meet you and finally to the drama queens, divas and axons by any other name....meh !

Always seems to be bad timing where you're concerned ... brings back memories of 'The Oncoming Shit-storm'. Glad to know you're still out there though.

02-23-2017, 05:17 PM
Always seems to be bad timing where you're concerned ... brings back memories of 'The Oncoming Shit-storm'. Glad to know you're still out there though.

God I had forgotten about that! lol! yeah that was a while back lol! Like I said, I pop on here now and again and see what is going on in the "old country", but really cant be bothered with all the drama. Still its good to know that you and a few other oldies are still kicking about, its just like family lol!

02-23-2017, 05:42 PM
And Hi to you too! hope things with you are good! you can be an Axon if you wish to be a golden nudist that is hiding an ugly truth, but I would have put you in the decent people/friend bracket lol!

Thanks :D, you too. Though, tbh, if I was a nudist I wouldn't be hiding an ugly truth!

Robot D84
02-23-2017, 05:50 PM
Thanks :D, you too. Though, tbh, if I was a nudist I wouldn't be hiding an ugly truth!

Ah! But if I were a golden nudist, everyone else would be hiding from my ugly truth :) ;)

02-23-2017, 05:51 PM
God I had forgotten about that! lol! yeah that was a while back lol! Like I said, I pop on here now and again and see what is going on in the "old country", but really cant be bothered with all the drama. Still its good to know that you and a few other oldies are still kicking about, its just like family lol!

he can't be bothered with all the drama yet he was the one posted the big pictures enormous pictures stirring up the drama...seriously take you self important self and go back under the bridge you ironic troll

seriously that is all you ever post in here

again dismissed

02-23-2017, 05:56 PM
Ah! But if I were a golden nudist, everyone else would be hiding from my ugly truth :) ;)

Nurse, the brain bleach. :)

Robot D84
02-23-2017, 06:02 PM
Although I'm probably more like an Exxilon. Silver nudist with big eyes and bald head. :)

02-23-2017, 06:10 PM
he can't be bothered with all the drama yet he was the one posted the big pictures enormous pictures stirring up the drama...seriously take you self important self and go back under the bridge you ironic troll

seriously that is all you ever post in here

again dismissed

All I will say is check the smiley button on this site....
That's where the pictures come from... they have been available for years to ANYONE that wants to use them! :doc: just like that!
now kindly leave me alone, stop PM'ing abusive and aggressive messages to me and go about your own business, as I go about mine!

02-23-2017, 06:16 PM
Although I'm probably more like an Exxilon. Silver nudist with big eyes and bald head. :)

I just used all the brain bleach on the previous image!!!!

Exterminate Me
02-23-2017, 06:23 PM
Maybe its just bad timing on my behalf lol!

Come on, this place just knew you were going to check in and, of course, the place erupts Lol ;)

Good to see you here mate.

Exterminate Me
02-23-2017, 06:23 PM
I just used all the brain bleach on the previous image!!!!

Me too...

Robot D84
02-23-2017, 06:23 PM
Sorry. :):):)

Exterminate Me
02-23-2017, 06:24 PM
Sorry. :):):)

Unless it's robot you, the D84 you. That's not so bad.

Robot D84
02-23-2017, 06:27 PM
Unless it's robot you, the D84 you. That's not so bad.

Wait till you see my metal crank.

02-23-2017, 06:31 PM
Wait till you see my metal crank.

i thought Robot D69 had one of those

and what happened when you oil it up?

Exterminate Me
02-23-2017, 06:39 PM
Wait till you see my metal crank.

I hope you keep it well oiled!

Robot D84
02-23-2017, 07:32 PM
Usually it's so well oiled that a couple of cranks fires the piston. ;)

02-23-2017, 07:43 PM
Usually it's so well oiled that a couple of cranks fires the piston. ;)

I had that problem too.

02-23-2017, 07:43 PM
Usually it's so well oiled that a couple of cranks fires the piston. ;)

you do realize that is how Kaldor City fell

02-23-2017, 08:48 PM
Do you mean the audio adaptations of the novels, or the epub and pdf of the novels like get-tar and others ?

It's the epubs, not the audios. I may have found a source, but any help would be great.

02-23-2017, 09:15 PM
Does anyone know anything about poultry? I bought me some odd ovulations to make an omelette and it's come out very pale.

Is it safe to eat really white quails' eggs?

02-23-2017, 09:22 PM
Those quails eggs are good.
Thanks Mister Jez

02-23-2017, 09:34 PM
Very tasty.
Thank you Jez!

02-23-2017, 09:58 PM
Jez right! Thanks!

02-23-2017, 10:43 PM
Does anyone know anything about poultry? I bought me some odd ovulations to make an omelette and it's come out very pale.

Is it safe to eat really white quails' eggs?

Really Wouldn't Quibble...
Rarely Warrants Quarantine...
Ridiculously Worrisome Qualms...
Relished! What Quality!

02-24-2017, 09:04 AM
The Jez. You're absolutely right. Those eggs are delicious!

02-24-2017, 09:15 AM
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Them eggs sure was some good eatin'!

02-24-2017, 09:23 AM
Yeah, I could go for some eggs right now so thanks. But it seems I've missed all the previous times people were having omelets. Any tips about how those were done would be most appreciated.

02-24-2017, 09:55 AM
Omlettes are delicious.

02-24-2017, 10:31 AM
Yeah, I could go for some eggs right now so thanks. But it seems I've missed all the previous times people were having omelets. Any tips about how those were done would be most appreciated.

Try the ABB

02-24-2017, 01:02 PM
Does anyone have the MOTNAF alternative comms please? Sorry if been up before, been away for a long time.:-)

02-24-2017, 01:32 PM
It's the epubs, not the audios. I may have found a source, but any help would be great.

Well, you may find in this message some help.

Bernice Summerfield :
Brigadier Books :
Class :
Faction Paradox :
Iris Wildthyme :
Missing Adventures :
New Adventures :
New Series Adventures :
Past Doctor Adventures :
Target Novelisations :
The 8th Doctor :
The Missing Episodes :
Doctor Who Handbook :
Other :
Telos Novellas :
The Companions :
Torchwood :
New Series Tie-In Novels
New Series Tie-In Anthologies
Puffin eShort
Short Trips


Exterminate Me
02-24-2017, 03:12 PM
Does anyone know anything about poultry? I bought me some odd ovulations to make an omelette and it's come out very pale.

Is it safe to eat really white quails' eggs?

Battle Medic 4:

I used to keep quails, though never ate their eggs. I'm sure yours would be delicious though!

02-24-2017, 05:16 PM
It's the epubs, not the audios. I may have found a source, but any help would be great.

After a year I finally made another update for the classic medic books (epub/mobi/pdf). They now contain proof read versions of EDA 03, 15, 23-33, NA 81-84, PDA 23-30, X1 und ST 02.

The complete archives aRe also still aWailable. Q.

Complete archives (including the updates):

02-24-2017, 06:18 PM
I couldn`t find any eggs,but instead found a series of rather wonderful sounds!!,

Exterminate Me
02-24-2017, 07:06 PM
Usually it's so well oiled that a couple of cranks fires the piston. ;)

I hope you don't have any problems with premature firing!

02-24-2017, 07:42 PM
After a year I finally made another update for the classic medic books (epub/mobi/pdf). They now contain proof read versions of EDA 03, 15, 23-33, NA 81-84, PDA 23-30, X1 und ST 02.

The complete archives aRe also still aWailable. Q.

Complete archives (including the updates):

Thank you l0calhost always enjoy these updates!!!

And Jez no one else has said it so I will that is eggsactly!! what I was looking for!

The Valeyard
02-24-2017, 08:42 PM
The eggs are much appreciated, Jez. Last time we'll be able to enjoy this particular brand. Best to savor it.

02-24-2017, 11:05 PM
Cheers Jez! Gonna try and listen to all series of teh warrior in order finally.

02-25-2017, 02:09 AM
Thanks for the eggs, Jez. Just what I needed, since I've been feeling a bit under the weather these last couple of days.

02-25-2017, 05:20 AM
Might anyone have, or be able to point me to, the LC extended audio version of the 8th Medic remake of the scarfed one's never-completed adventure? For some reason it seems to have gone missing from my archives ....

Thank you in advance!

02-25-2017, 09:48 AM
Thanks Jez!

Robot D84
02-25-2017, 12:44 PM
I hope you don't have any problems with premature firing!

Welllll! I get the occasional misfire :)

Exterminate Me
02-25-2017, 03:23 PM
Welllll! I get the occasional misfire :)

Ah, that comes with age. Should put yourself in for a service (just don't let SV7 do the work! I've heard there's a nice, tall, curly-headed chap who will help you out though)

Exterminate Me
02-25-2017, 05:07 PM
Well, you may find in this message some help.

Thanks Loriant.

02-25-2017, 10:09 PM
Thank you The_Jez!

02-26-2017, 11:47 AM
We have an official start date for series 10 - Saturday April 15th.

Exterminate Me
02-26-2017, 03:49 PM
We have an official start date for series 10 - Saturday April 15th.

You know, it really feels like series 10 should have been a couple of years ago, what with the year of "Specials" and the year of only the Christmas special slowing things down.

I remember the long "Wilderness Years", and now the Medic's been back 12 years!

02-26-2017, 04:34 PM
You know, it really feels like series 10 should have been a couple of years ago, what with the year of "Specials" and the year of only the Christmas special slowing things down.

I remember the long "Wilderness Years", and now the Medic's been back 12 years!Technically you are correct. Never understood the reasoning behind the hiatus'. Ok, I get that Moff supposedly needed the prolonged stretches between series because of Sheerluck, but if he couldn't make both workable then he should have stepped down from Medic hoo sooner and concentrated all his efforts on the other show. As it was 12's run suffered creatively because Moff overextended himself. But what was RTD's excuse? Hopefully there won't be yet another prolonged stretch between series 10 and 11.

02-26-2017, 05:16 PM
But what was RTD's excuse?
It was a combination of RTD getting more hands-on in the writing of "TW: Children of Earth", as well as Mr. Tennant having a big theatre commitment before shooting the 2009 specials. Granted, I could be wrong on those fronts. But from what I read in "The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter", RTD was seriously scrambling to help TW out while hashing out the last stories of Mr. Tennant's era driving the TARDIS.

02-26-2017, 05:19 PM
It was a combination of RTD getting more hands-on in the writing of "TW: Children of Earth", as well as Mr. Tennant having a big theatre commitment before shooting the 2009 specials. Granted, I could be wrong on those fronts. But from what I read in "The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter", RTD was seriously scrambling to help TW out while hashing out the last stories of Mr. Tennant's era driving the TARDIS.

Pretty much, but it was mostly Ten's commitments to the RSC and such that necessitated doing the specials instead of a full series.

02-26-2017, 05:54 PM
Pretty much, but it was mostly Ten's commitments to the RSC and such that necessitated doing the specials instead of a full series.
Yeah, I couldn't remember if it was the RSC or something else altogether, but I did remember it was something theatre-related that Ten was up to.

02-26-2017, 06:24 PM
Ok, I get that Moff supposedly needed the prolonged stretches between series because of Sheerluck, but if he couldn't make both workable then he should have stepped down from Medic hoo sooner and concentrated all his efforts on the other show. As it was 12's run suffered creatively because Moff overextended himself.

It didn't do Sheerluck any favours, either. I'm tempted to go back and rewatch the first few stories to see if they really were as good as I remember, because the last few didn't do much for me at all.

02-26-2017, 09:04 PM
looks like brits dont want a white male to play time's champion

02-26-2017, 09:09 PM
Large Conclusions are celebrating the Victorian Gentlemen's 40th anniversary with them meeting medic 10!

02-26-2017, 10:31 PM
Pretty much, but it was mostly Ten's commitments to the RSC and such that necessitated doing the specials instead of a full series.

Nope that's backwards! Originally there was a complete gap year to give the series a rest before Moff took over so the public wouldn't tire of it. So DT went and booked his theatre stuff assuming he would either leave at the end of S4 or have a year off before S5.
Only then the Beeb suddenly changed their mind and RTD agreed to stay on and do some specials purely to stop an interim production team stepping in for 12 months and messing it all up.

"Journey's End" was originally meant to the RTD's swansong, hence Rose coming back and having a conclusion to her story. Check out The Writers Tale.

02-27-2017, 09:40 AM
It didn't do Sheerluck any favours, either. I'm tempted to go back and rewatch the first few stories to see if they really were as good as I remember, because the last few didn't do much for me at all.Oh I agree there. This last year of Sheerluck was a major disappointment.

Exterminate Me
02-27-2017, 11:46 AM
Sometimes I think that people should just concentrate on the one thing.

Just heard that we've lost Bill Paxton now - now there's someone out of the blue.

02-27-2017, 01:32 PM
I think that people should be really careful about claiming that reasons that they are GUESSING are why things were done are the actual reasons that they were done. They should also be very careful about assigning blame without actually knowing where that blame should be assigned.

Has there been ANY evidence that these breaks are any of Moffat's doing? If not, is it really fair to give him the blame? He may be the producer, but he goes with the budget and the schedule that he's been given by the BBC. We know that he was very disappointed that he wasn't allowed by the BBC to fulfill his promise of more Who than ever before in the anniversary season. If he wanted to produce more Who then, why should be believe that it's suddenly him that wants to do less of it now?

In fact, Russell T Davies gave us our likely answer back around series 4 of the new show. He was constantly asked why he was't producing the show in HD, and his answer was always that it would dramatically increase the costs of the show, particularly with the CGI, which would force the BBC to cut the number of episodes that they produced of the show. Eventually, he reluctantly gave in at the end, and we haven't gotten more than two full seasons in any three years since then. Meanwhile, in that time, the BBC's budget has been dramatically cut. Doctor Who is one of the most expensive series that they produce. Is it any wonder they're looking for excuses to make less and less of it, while still keeping it on the air, and keeping the overseas and licensing revenues flowing?

But you have to have the show on the air regularly to keep those revenues flowing. Sadly, they seem to be assigning the blame for less licensing money on Capaldi, rather than on their own decision to rarely produce new episodes, lessening interest in the series and its merchandise. Yes, licensing revenue was way higher during David Tennant's era, but there were also 56 episodes in 4 years then, as well as countless episodes of Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Confidential, Totally and much more to keep interest high! Since then, we've had fewer episodes than that over the past SIX years, with another huge break coming. When the show finally comes back, it will have had only three seasons in the previous 5 years. They've put out six novels in the last three years, and they're surprised that they're not selling many?

02-27-2017, 02:02 PM
.... But you have to have the show on the air regularly to keep those revenues flowing. Sadly, they seem to be assigning the blame for less licensing money on Capaldi, rather than on their own decision to rarely produce new episodes, lessening interest in the series and its merchandise. Yes, licensing revenue was way higher during David Tennant's era, but there were also 56 episodes in 4 years then, as well as countless episodes of Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Confidential, Totally and much more to keep interest high! Since then, we've had fewer episodes than that over the past SIX years, with another huge break coming. When the show finally comes back, it will have had only three seasons in the previous 5 years. They've put out six novels in the last three years, and they're surprised that they're not selling many?

And in terms of toys licensing they went from lots of 5" action figures to almost exclusively shitty 3.75" figures, except for a few 5" figures that were limited edition and/or exorbitantly priced. They had been less than $A20 for single pack 5" for series 2 and now the bad lady figure is going for $A70+ if you can find it. The 11 medic multi pack was about $A150 and the new 13 medic one is about $A300....wonder why they don't sell as many!

Exterminate Me
02-27-2017, 02:21 PM
I think that people should be really careful about claiming that reasons that they are GUESSING are why things were done are the actual reasons that they were done. They should also be very careful about assigning blame without actually knowing where that blame should be assigned.

Has there been ANY evidence that these breaks are any of Moffat's doing? If not, is it really fair to give him the blame? He may be the producer, but he goes with the budget and the schedule that he's been given by the BBC. We know that he was very disappointed that he wasn't allowed by the BBC to fulfill his promise of more Who than ever before in the anniversary season. If he wanted to produce more Who then, why should be believe that it's suddenly him that wants to do less of it now?

In fact, Russell T Davies gave us our likely answer back around series 4 of the new show. He was constantly asked why he was't producing the show in HD, and his answer was always that it would dramatically increase the costs of the show, particularly with the CGI, which would force the BBC to cut the number of episodes that they produced of the show. Eventually, he reluctantly gave in at the end, and we haven't gotten more than two full seasons in any three years since then. Meanwhile, in that time, the BBC's budget has been dramatically cut. Doctor Who is one of the most expensive series that they produce. Is it any wonder they're looking for excuses to make less and less of it, while still keeping it on the air, and keeping the overseas and licensing revenues flowing?

But you have to have the show on the air regularly to keep those revenues flowing. Sadly, they seem to be assigning the blame for less licensing money on Capaldi, rather than on their own decision to rarely produce new episodes, lessening interest in the series and its merchandise. Yes, licensing revenue was way higher during David Tennant's era, but there were also 56 episodes in 4 years then, as well as countless episodes of Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Confidential, Totally and much more to keep interest high! Since then, we've had fewer episodes than that over the past SIX years, with another huge break coming. When the show finally comes back, it will have had only three seasons in the previous 5 years. They've put out six novels in the last three years, and they're surprised that they're not selling many?

Again, it seems that many are getting stiffed :(

---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

And in terms of toys licensing they went from lots of 5" action figures to almost exclusively shitty 3.75" figures, except for a few 5" figures that were limited edition and/or exorbitantly priced. They had been less than $A20 for single pack 5" for series 2 and now the bad lady figure is going for $A70+ if you can find it. The 11 medic multi pack was about $A150 and the new 13 medic one is about $A300....wonder why they don't sell as many!

Indeed. And I find it very difficult to find many shops here in Oz that actually sell the figures, especially since most of the ABC shops are gone.

02-27-2017, 04:22 PM
Indeed. And I find it very difficult to find many shops here in Oz that actually sell the figures, especially since most of the ABC shops are gone. The only place locally that I've ever seen Medic merchandise is at Barnes and Noble, which incidentally is also the only place that sells classic series DVDs, but the prices are so outrageously high that it's nigh impossible to afford on my budget.

02-27-2017, 07:47 PM
Over here it's mostly Newbury Comics that I have seen any merch.
Come to think of it, I can't think of anywhere else....

02-27-2017, 10:53 PM
Nope that's backwards! Originally there was a complete gap year to give the series a rest before Moff took over so the public wouldn't tire of it. So DT went and booked his theatre stuff assuming he would either leave at the end of S4 or have a year off before S5.
Only then the Beeb suddenly changed their mind and RTD agreed to stay on and do some specials purely to stop an interim production team stepping in for 12 months and messing it all up.

"Journey's End" was originally meant to the RTD's swansong, hence Rose coming back and having a conclusion to her story. Check out The Writers Tale.
I knew there were parts of it that I forgot. Thanks for filling the gaps.

Exterminate Me
02-28-2017, 04:48 PM
The only place locally that I've ever seen Medic merchandise is at Barnes and Noble, which incidentally is also the only place that sells classic series DVDs, but the prices are so outrageously high that it's nigh impossible to afford on my budget.

That's one thing about the DVD/Blu-rays here - at least they're affordable here. Luckily Aussies seem to love stuff from the UK and will actually be released here, though there were still many things that weren't released - that really annoys me (I'm talking what gets lumped as "Cult" TV).

I've just been going through my old DVD magazines (in the early 2000's Australia had about three different DVD magazines going - I won about 100 or so DVDs between them, luckily) and note that a lot of the old complaints still apply. Things like certain titles being released overseas, and not here. Or taking so long to be released here. A lot of our DVDs miss the features that are present on overseas releases.

You'd think companies would learn but, no, they still continue with their crap. No wonder people buy online when they get dudded here. And why do we still have Region coding???!!!! I'll buy myself a region free Blu-ray player soon (only AU$100 in Big W), just so I can watch overseas Blu-rays (not that it matters with Region free ones).

Ah, that's my rant I just had to get out. Sorry.

02-28-2017, 04:56 PM
Does anyone got the individual covers for the latest Combat Medic stories? Thx

02-28-2017, 08:04 PM
Does anyone got the individual covers for the latest Combat Medic stories? Thx

I'm suRe they're aWound here sQmewhere

02-28-2017, 09:19 PM
The new Brief Stumble is now on ABB!

Rassilon Imprimatur
02-28-2017, 10:34 PM
The new Brief Stumble is now on ABB!

Thanks for the head's up. Replizzle with-izzle Quot-izzle