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Who Lover
10-15-2015, 09:59 PM
It's all very simple. I do realise as geeks we want to always 'complete our collection' and panic when that doesn't seem to be happening the way we want, but learning patience is vital in real life as it is here. So you wait for the free-thing-you-don't-have-to-pay-for with patience. Yes, this may mean a whole week. OMG!!!! The sharers don't need reminders the day of release as they can see what's been released and they also have lives to live. And if the host site isn't what you prefer, then do what you need to do to do a slow download. If you download the small sizes first and leave the larger files till last, you can get most done in 2 - 3 hours. Too easy unless you make it difficult or have no patience.

10-15-2015, 10:56 PM
DWST4, thank you for the updated post, much appreciated.

10-15-2015, 10:56 PM
...The sharers don't need reminders the day of release as they can see what's been released and they also have lives to live...

So much this.

It's probably going to get posted here in time. Asking for it only annoys people and doesn't make it appear any faster.

Worth a reminder of the first post in this thread
Thread 85235

10-15-2015, 10:58 PM
del37 I was trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

10-15-2015, 11:36 PM

10-16-2015, 12:41 AM
<!-- -->
TL airyF alesT


10-16-2015, 01:02 AM
i think that i went over this right before the big months of September and October giving the lists and telling peopler to be patient and then having someone greedy impatient slimeslug asking not 1-2 post after.... --- and their excuse was that it was just released so they were ok to ask....

people especially on new releases unless it is 2 weeks after don't request ---can we make that a thing

This is another request where we ask politely and then some Rutan of Doom goes and pissed everyone off for asking 1-2 hours after the release or complains about the format of the release after the fact.

Enough already...-- rule of patient HOW many times does it need to be said?

---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------

and telling the board it has been released is just a veiled way of asking for it.... just don't do it.....

one of the reasons i started the "list after the month's release have all been posted is for those people that can't seem to get to the big finish site [for whatever reason] that they read what is coming up. It does seems strange that anyone needs to remind an uploader that it has been released when they are fully aware that it has...

BE PATIENT it will appear.

10-16-2015, 01:32 AM

10-16-2015, 02:29 AM
Former Medic 11 companion makes a short horror film.

10-16-2015, 02:51 AM
Thanks to everyone who has shared stuff here the past few weeks. Much appreciated.

Meanwhile I've already run out of online storage so trying to move some of my stuff to another account. Will leave my LC medic stuff where it is if anyone already has the links to my stuff and hasn't DLed yet. Other stuff like Bullseyes and cbb audios will be moved to a new site.

Exterminate Me
10-16-2015, 05:46 AM
More thanks from me dwst4, you're extremely generous with what you share. Exterminate Me, you're also amazingly kind at upping requests, whenever I see a request that I could fill, I'm too late! Thanks to everyone who shares anything.

Would anyone be interested in B3n @rr0n0v1tch's Magical policeman ebooks?

Oh yes, I would be, please!

10-16-2015, 07:54 AM
Former Medic 11 companion makes a short horror film.

Well that was depressing to watch.

Exterminate Me
10-16-2015, 08:40 AM
Well that was depressing to watch.


I've a question too - WHY???

10-16-2015, 09:37 AM
From a long time lurker, used to be a frequent poster, member's perspective…

I don't do the downloading as a rule as I am tragic and old fashioned and listen to CDs in the car. I know, I am a dinosaur.

But a few weeks ago, I was off work after some major surgery and I was pretty much bed and couch bound for a while. I made a couple of requests on here for some older stuff and they were all shared very quickly. Last year I got the chance to share stuff myself. Both felt great to do.

I am now probably going to fade away again, but the regular posters here are legends and I am eternally grateful for their help. I just wish people would have a little more patience and be a lot more grateful. It seems ridiculous to treat people who share like they are providing a paid for service, when really they are just sharing with a community. And in a community, giving back can also be worthwhile and fun. If people really want to keep it going and make amends, why not try sharing back for a while. Really build some bridges.

Sorry, I will bugger off now.

10-16-2015, 09:41 AM
... greedy impatient slimeslug ....

Can we please keep away from comments like this ... this is how flare-ups start, and how the thread gets closed (again!).

10-16-2015, 10:35 AM
I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and support, both on the forum and through the PMs I've received. I know the majority of people are grateful. When the “like” button existed, I would receive up to forty-five likes or more for the Monthly posting. That alone was thanks enough.

If any moderator is reading this, bring back the “like” button if you guys can. I'm guessing this was done to focus on reputations points, but not everyone knows where to click for that, especially new members.

For those who've already stopped posting, I considered doing that. I recently received a PM in which one detail of the message was that the author of the PM was out of work. That person does have a job now. The point: I was able to help someone out at a different part of the country, a person I've never met face-to-face and may never met face-to-face. For me, that felt good. I know for some people money can be tight. I have no doubt there are single parents here who live on a tight budget or families where luxuries are few and far between or people who are just out of work. I have co-workers who are in the same type of predicament. Posting something that makes a tiny dent in my account to help someone else escape a situation for a few hours is what keeps me going. As this is not a massive inconvenience, I don't have a problem with continuing.

That being said, I don't like panhandlers. It's bad enough when they accost me on the street (the stories I could tell about that...). My patience has it's limits.

Well, enough serious talk. Someone put something funny up.

10-16-2015, 10:41 AM
Just listening to 8's latest set and is it just me or does it sound as if the 11 should be living in a cave trying to catch fisheses?

10-16-2015, 10:58 AM
Just listening to 8's latest set and is it just me or does it sound as if the 11 should be living in a cave trying to catch fisheses?

At times, yeah! But it's a conceit that could work really well on TV with his face transforming with the personalities surfacing.

Only just finished the second one, but PMcG is showing a lot of joy at playing the part in this series.

10-16-2015, 11:00 AM
Something funny....

What happens when the medic crosses his own timeline? We get a pair-o'-docs.

I'll get my coat.

10-16-2015, 11:17 AM
Something funny....

What happens when the medic crosses his own timeline? We get a pair-o'-docs.

I'll get my coat.

Let me get the door for you ....

10-16-2015, 11:18 AM
Changed my mind, lowering the tone with a rude joke.

10-16-2015, 11:41 AM

Can we please keep away from comments like this ... this is how flare-ups start, and how the thread gets closed (again!).

sorry but it is apt.... when i suggested politely last time [and we continue to suggest as such ] i was berated by the people asking for the new release and they responded with dates and times it was released from LC and even went into a discussion over time zones....

the fact is that instead of being a greedy slime patient...don't want to be a greedy slime slug??? then don't ask ......and no one is being called anything

The best way not to be a greedy slime not to be a greedy slime slug

maybe slime slugs don't know to read... but just in case reading this should turn any greedy slime slug into a real live patient human being [ or at least an Alzarian] ----

A requested statement being posted.Just a place holder for newbs coming to this thread.

If there is anything you especially want then ask politely for it and someone often will upload it for you.

Try not to ask for something that's been released in the last week or so though. The release will find it's on here eventually and asking for it so soon can seem a little demanding.

10-16-2015, 12:04 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and support, both on the forum and through the PMs I've received. I know the majority of people are grateful. When the “like” button existed, I would receive up to forty-five likes or more for the Monthly posting. That alone was thanks enough.

If any moderator is reading this, bring back the “like” button if you guys can. I'm guessing this was done to focus on reputations points, but not everyone knows where to click for that, especially new members.

For those who've already stopped posting, I considered doing that. I recently received a PM in which one detail of the message was that the author of the PM was out of work. That person does have a job now. The point: I was able to help someone out at a different part of the country, a person I've never met face-to-face and may never met face-to-face. For me, that felt good. I know for some people money can be tight. I have no doubt there are single parents here who live on a tight budget or families where luxuries are few and far between or people who are just out of work. I have co-workers who are in the same type of predicament. Posting something that makes a tiny dent in my account to help someone else escape a situation for a few hours is what keeps me going. As this is not a massive inconvenience, I don't have a problem with continuing.

That being said, I don't like panhandlers. It's bad enough when they accost me on the street (the stories I could tell about that...). My patience has it's limits.

Well, enough serious talk. Someone put something funny up.

I'd like to express my gratitude to DWST4 for all of his sharing but especially for this week (I'd give you more rep, but it won't let me yet, maybe a tweak there from the moderators would be helpful).

DWST4 not only did you provide the new VIII at superspeed you also gave us the new VI too and when a glich in the upload was detected you not only re-upped but enhanced your original upload, thank you.

10-16-2015, 12:14 PM
Former Medic 11 companion makes a short horror film.

That took a direction I wasn't expecting. Excellent work, but not sure I want to watch it again soon.

10-16-2015, 12:37 PM
I just want to say that I appreciate everyone on this board and all that is done here by like-minded people
If it wasn't for such a fantastic show like the medic, we would have never met
It's nice know that I am not that only one who enjoys the show (at least in my work) and the fans it has created.
We learn from each other and have fun in the process....
Who could ask for more

10-16-2015, 12:50 PM
Hi. Hello. I am looking for the fourth medic's last adventure. The one where he returns to a planet called Telos. There is one in the bay of audiobooks, but perhaps there is someone who happens to have a better version of it and is kind enough to share it.

10-16-2015, 02:09 PM
Taken down now

Exterminate Me
10-16-2015, 02:34 PM
To those who I've promised to upload some things, please bear with me. I've found myself a bit too busy today to sort things out. I should be able to sort it out tomorrow.

10-16-2015, 03:28 PM
To those who I've promised to upload some things, please bear with me. I've found myself a bit too busy today to sort things out. I should be able to sort it out tomorrow.

can you get with the program???????? people are waiting!!!!!!!


hee hee hee

10-16-2015, 05:24 PM
well thats the tix to get me in the door 2 sidraTogachiC locked down

now to unsnarl the fubar they did with the photo and autograph tix to see eighth medic

10-16-2015, 06:25 PM
I hope you're joking, because if you're not...did you see the posts above?

Edit: this message was for TaganAndSarah.

10-16-2015, 06:35 PM
I hope you're joking, because if you're not...did you see the posts above?

Edit: this message was for TaganAndSarah.
Did you see his previous posts?

10-16-2015, 07:26 PM
I need to amend my previous post. A friend who's barely computer literate is ordering the tix for me as a gift and fixing thst is what has me frustrated. I didnt mean to slsnder the good folks at CT

10-16-2015, 08:30 PM
To those who I've promised to upload some things, please bear with me. I've found myself a bit too busy today to sort things out. I should be able to sort it out tomorrow.Jump in your TARDIS, go back to yesterday or last week, then post them. That away your not behind, in fact you'll be ahead of the game by posting their requests before they sent them.

10-16-2015, 08:56 PM
Does anyone have the special features to the Black Fluid/Mortality in Paradise 3D BR? (The deleted scene and interviews)

10-16-2015, 08:59 PM
That took a direction I wasn't expecting. Excellent work, but not sure I want to watch it again soon.

I kept thinking of the movie Sunset Boulevard, only for the horror community. KG does a really good job, but it is really dark and not one I would re-watch that often.

10-16-2015, 11:12 PM
Did you see his previous posts?

Whoops. My apologies, TaganandSarah--didn't realize those previous posts were you.

Anyway, are you guys looking forward to the next episode of the Medic?

Edit: also, does anyone have a copy of the Medic - The Audio Scripts Volume 02?

10-17-2015, 12:09 AM
I kept thinking of the movie Sunset Boulevard, only for the horror community. KG does a really good job, but it is really dark and not one I would re-watch that often.

Same here. You have to wonder who she got the inspiration from from the Convention circuit.

If that's her just at the start of her writing/directing career then I think she's going to do damn well given the chance.

10-17-2015, 01:04 AM
Same here. You have to wonder who she got the inspiration from from the Convention circuit.

If that's her just at the start of her writing/directing career then I think she's going to do damn well given the chance.

I agree. Everything was well done, even down to the tiny details like the bad Botox lips.

10-17-2015, 03:44 AM
I agree. Everything was well done, even down to the tiny details like the bad Botox lips.
I suspect that working with James Gunn on "Guardians of the Galaxy" kinda rubbed off on Karen to some degree for that short film, because "Guardians" is chock full of little details. For instance, it took me several viewings to notice that the creature from Gunn's earlier movie "Slither" is hidden among the Collector's caged stuff. It actually makes me kinda excited to see what little details Gunn will sneak into "Guardians Vol. 2". :)

10-17-2015, 07:43 AM
Wow "greedy impatient slimeslug" (thanks tegan & sarah! Even though you've blocked me.) I apologized. I explained multiple frelling times that I hadn't been online in a week. AND THEN Tegan & Sarah even accused me of asking for it BEFORE it was released!! NOW they're saying "and their excuse was that it was just released so they were ok to ask". I NEVER SAID ANYTHING REMOTELY LIKE THAT!!! I'm sorry I'm such a "slimeslug" for modestly requesting something I thought I might have missed, that I had been looking forward to immensely. (Charlie IS my all-time favorite!) It was also the last release of the August, which did not get released till the 31st!! ---which is why I thought I might have missed it. I found your post offensive and distasteful. Your words were mean and hurtful to me. I've been nothing but polite. And will continue to be so. I will also continue to share when I can.

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

Anyone who wants to verify this can easily go back and read the posts from august 31st through September 2nd.

---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 AM ----------

Although why you'd want to get into the middle of one of the dumbest and possibly lamest of flame wars, would really be anyone's guess.

Exterminate Me
10-17-2015, 08:29 AM
I agree. Everything was well done, even down to the tiny details like the bad Botox lips.

Those lips gave me nightmares!

---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

Jump in your TARDIS, go back to yesterday or last week, then post them. That away your not behind, in fact you'll be ahead of the game by posting their requests before they sent them.

Damn, now where did I park my time-machine?

10-17-2015, 09:18 AM
Damn, now where did I park my time-machine?

Big Ben, perhaps?

"First rule of active camouflage. Park somewhere you'll remember."

What happens when the medic crosses his own timeline? We get a pair-o'-docs.

If you want a laugh or two, RWQ for a (shamelessly self-promoted) blog I made dedicated to medic puns. I stopped after a handful-or-so because I ran out of ideas, but I'm definitely stealing this one.


10-17-2015, 09:44 AM

chill, bro. T&S is a stirrer. if you take it as a joke everything's unflamey. Unmad, pretty please?

10-17-2015, 10:00 AM
Thank you EM for the interlude, I needed that. Now then, let's move on to why I originally came here tonight...

For those who aren't familiar with the new "evilTimeLady"'s other works, I offer unto you... Series one of "yveLcM" starring B.Cox & S.Redmnd. There are 10 seasons of 4 half hour episodes. (plus pilot & one xmas special). The writing is superb, and Miss R is truly wonderful in all of them, (as is Cox!)



If anyone wants me to post more seasons, let me know.

---------- Post added at 04:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 AM ----------

Unmad sashabot! TY!

Exterminate Me
10-17-2015, 11:07 AM
Big Ben, perhaps?

"First rule of active camouflage. Park somewhere you'll remember."

If you want a laugh or two, RWQ for a (shamelessly self-promoted) blog I made dedicated to medic puns. I stopped after a handful-or-so because I ran out of ideas, but I'm definitely stealing this one.


Now they were funny.

10-17-2015, 11:25 AM
chill, bro. T&S is a stirrer. if you take it as a joke everything's unflamey. Unmad, pretty please?

that is why i blocked him... because instead of taking things in the spirit they are intended he went all OCD posting dates times and seconds... when in effect his story didn't match.. over that particular gastropod [it was only a flamewar because he continued to flail and bitch and moan that he was not begging -- when clearly he was and if you want o go back to his posting histry he had a history of doing that. [but then why bother]

and i am no more a stirrer that you[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 AM ----------

the point was he knew when the site released it and then still begged for it right after whatever he knew that it was him.
yet he claimed ignorance but knew all the times of release and such....

rule of thumb be patient and if you don't want to be called a greedy gastropod ...don't be a greedy gastropod...
if it doesn't apply to you then this isn't an issue

[i like that term better more alliterative]

10-17-2015, 12:43 PM
Can we please just not start this all up again. What's been said has been said. Let's move on.

Meanwhile, here's something to tide us over with.

Medic 2 - Teh 4saykun


<Audiobook m4b ->

<MP3 ->

10-17-2015, 12:55 PM
Can we please just not start this all up again. What's been said has been said. Let's move on.

Meanwhile, here's something to tide us over with.

Medic 2 - Teh 4saykun

Thanks happyegg!

10-17-2015, 01:01 PM
Can we please just not start this all up again. What's been said has been said. Let's move on.

Meanwhile, here's something to tide us over with.

Medic 2 - Teh 4saykun


<Audiobook m4a ->

<MP3 ->

see patience is rewarded with hardly a greedy gastropod in sight

thanks Happyegg you make us all happy er ummm Eggs

10-17-2015, 01:11 PM
Thank you happyegg!

10-17-2015, 01:12 PM
Can we please just not start this all up again. What's been said has been said. Let's move on.

Meanwhile, here's something to tide us over with.

Medic 2 - Teh 4saykun


<Audiobook m4a ->

<MP3 ->
Thank you so much! I am a happy egg too, now!

10-17-2015, 01:28 PM
i did like the 1st episode of the latest 2nd medic... nice that this story is so Sailor-centric. [ and that the new sailor does much better on his second outing.]
I do wonder when we will hear him again [maybe in the 2nd medic CC Box in the spring? as the next series of Early years is 1st medic]

although i would prefer at this point to have series of box sets [2-3 stories each] rather than a mini season

10-17-2015, 02:25 PM
... a greedy gastropod in sight ...

We get very greedy over gastropods. In fact we're thinking about getting into Heliciculture as Helix-Pomatia are delicious with Garlic & Parsley Butter.

10-17-2015, 02:31 PM
Listening to it I suppose I was expecting something a bit more epic especially since it features the sailor so much. The narrated sections flowed much better this time.

10-17-2015, 02:41 PM
Meanwhile, here's something to tide us over with.
Hooray - as Russell T would say
Thank you Happy Egg

10-17-2015, 02:49 PM
I just want to say thanks to all the uploaders here. Wish I had something to contribute, but I admit that I'm a freeloader. Actually, I have all the FP audios somewhere. I must dig them up and post the link.

In the meantime, I tried to listen to Planet of the Hindi Queen this evening, but my version kept stopping at the 21 second mark. Could someone please repost it? Thanks!

10-17-2015, 03:11 PM
Very much appreciated

Alexios...I think it was reposted in the original post as No.2...(If the post is still active),

Exterminate Me
10-17-2015, 03:15 PM
Thank you so much happyegg. I've been looking forward to hearing the rest.

I still haven't listened to the first story but I think the guy who does the sailor did a good job, almost like the real person!

Thank you.

---------- Post added at 10:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

Very much appreciated

Alexios...I think it was reposted in the original post as No.2...(If the post is still active),

I think dwst4 said he'd leave it up for the weekend.

10-17-2015, 03:31 PM
In the meantime, I tried to listen to Planet of the Hindi Queen this evening, but my version kept stopping at the 21 second mark. Could someone please repost it? Thanks!
Check the original post again for the mp3 version.

10-17-2015, 03:56 PM
Thanks dwst4! :-) Thanks happyegg! :-)

10-17-2015, 05:39 PM
We get very greedy over gastropods. In fact we're thinking about getting into Heliciculture as Helix-Pomatia are delicious with Garlic & Parsley Butter.

The Greedy Gastropods.... well at least it is better than a Suicide Squid

10-17-2015, 08:28 PM
The Greedy Gastropods.... well at least it is better than a Suicide Squid
They are called the Suicide Slugs....get it right.

10-17-2015, 09:22 PM
I don't remember the last time I've ever felt so welcomed! The doctor would surely approve of your behavior. Name calling and blocking me is obviously the most mature approach. Everyone is so impressed and proud of you.

---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

And no worries ya'll - it'll take more than that to keep me down. Only one flaming (prior to the above restrained outburst) has been T&S. I may be long winded, but I have always attempted to be polite and considerate.

10-17-2015, 10:31 PM
Can't we drop this in-fighting? I'm surprised that we haven't had a knock from the mods yet. Remember - it's spats like this that got this thread locked not that long ago...

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-17-2015, 10:46 PM
Moderator here:

Yes, drop it now.
Everyone is just repeating "let's drop it".

Anyone catching up or joining in, don't bother responding to anything.

Just continue as normal.

Yes, it's band when people flame and troll.
It's worse when everyone must echoe the same thing for nothing.
Everyone gets the sentiment.

I won't be deleting any posts or issuing individual warnings because this thread has made it a separate community from the rest of the forum.

If I went back to delete the offensive posts, I would have to delete a hundred useless posts about people repeating "let's drop it".
Which I don't want to do.

Later today, some people who just returned to this thread will read, and immediately reply the same useless thing before reading the rest of the thread.

So I'll issue one warning:
If anything else continues, I'll close the thread for 2 days.
That should give everyone enough time off from the internet and cool off.

10-17-2015, 10:51 PM
Check the original post again for the mp3 version.
Got it, thanks!

10-17-2015, 11:50 PM
Thank you Happyegg! And thank you mod!!

So...what did everyone think of the new 8th?

10-18-2015, 12:57 AM
So...what did everyone think of the new 8th?
I really enjoyed it. I just hope we get a story with the 7th Medic detailing the 11's initial capture. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes, since they've got it all planned out.

10-18-2015, 01:32 AM
Not exactly sure on how I go about looking for links in this topic but am looking for what I assume is the 4th medic? novel adaptations ? can someone point me in the right direction

10-18-2015, 01:42 AM
So...what did everyone think of the new 8th?

Really enjoyed it and glad that they gave him a bit of a breather (sort of!) after the DurkEyes stories. And like GTG, above, I hope we get to hear the prequel at some point.

10-18-2015, 02:25 AM
Not exactly sure on how I go about looking for links in this topic but am looking for what I assume is the 4th medic? novel adaptations ? can someone point me in the right direction

Because we've had issues in the past with people having their links reported people tend to just leave links active for a couple of days before taking them down.
As a newbie it's probably worth reading the first post. Thread 85235

I know you had trouble with the links. I hope you managed to make them work for you in the end.

10-18-2015, 02:50 AM
I just want thank everyone that's has posted comments, etcs.... I really really appericate it, I am so behind on BFA's I just cannot keep up, so thanks to all of you here and have a Fantastic Weekend!

10-18-2015, 08:20 AM
Just watched the latest TV episode and the trailer for next week......a virtual $10 says the next LC weekend reduced price episode is the one with medic 6 and 8's companion (111 le d00mw00d curs3).
This week they have 7's goods & munsters....

10-18-2015, 11:18 AM
cannot seem to download from the links you posted, keep getting a "Sorry, the file link that you requested is not valid. Sign error."

Matt Paradise
10-18-2015, 11:53 AM
Oh yes, I would be, please!

Here we go, B3n @rr0n0v1tch's Magical policeman ebooks:

<!-- -->


10-18-2015, 12:04 PM
Thanx Happyegg, much appreciated!

10-18-2015, 12:33 PM
cannot seem to download from the links you posted, keep getting a "Sorry, the file link that you requested is not valid. Sign error."
Oh. Sorry.
Can someone else try to download them as they seem fine to me when I try to do it.
If not then I'm afraid you'll have to get someone else to upload them.

10-18-2015, 02:00 PM
cannot seem to download from the links you posted, keep getting a "Sorry, the file link that you requested is not valid. Sign error."

Just checked those 4shrd links by hand and via JDownloader and they all seem OK to me.

10-18-2015, 02:10 PM
thanks mod perhaps you should also remind people what the first post in this thread says...

people seem to either ignore it or think it doesn't apply to them.

Exterminate Me
10-18-2015, 02:20 PM
Here we go, B3n @rr0n0v1tch's Magical policeman ebooks:

<!-- -->


Thank you my friend.

10-18-2015, 02:24 PM
Just checked those 4shrd links by hand and via JDownloader and they all seem OK to me.

Thanks Nobber

10-18-2015, 04:34 PM

Oh, that DOES make me a Happy Egg!

I'm only able to pop on here on weekends (and not even every one of those) as my personal and work lives are so insane... so I DO appreciate the succor that a medic story can give, and owe many thanks to those whom (out of the goodness of their hearts [two?]) provide sharity.


Exterminate Me
10-18-2015, 06:17 PM
Does anybody here have the BeeBeeCee documentaries: The Cult of Doombwatch and The Cult of Adam Adammant Livves?

10-18-2015, 07:34 PM
@versatile Thank you!

Matt Paradise
10-18-2015, 07:40 PM
Many thanks for medic 2's second EA! Wasn't sure about the new B3n in the first story, so hopefully he's better in this one.

10-18-2015, 11:12 PM
does anyone have a link to all 4 sets of Counter Measures please?


10-19-2015, 04:31 AM
Thanks for the Second Medic story. Does anyone have the Ladek Mpire four-parter (that begins with "Menocide Gachine")?


10-19-2015, 06:09 AM
changing the topic for Rel..... did any of you happen to listen to the Captain's reading of Gaderene Last? [novel of the 3rd medic] What are you thoughts if you did?

also the Time Harvest book that was focused on The Mister.

It always seems to amaze me that Dicks related
that they were locked into to types of stories when they had the Doctor on earth...but then gave The Mister almost the same plot over the course of 8 stories - Doomsday weapon is the only one that seemed to break the mold.

Exterminate Me
10-19-2015, 09:43 AM
I'd just like to send a big thank you to Del37!

Thanks mate.

10-19-2015, 12:22 PM
I've got Ranet of the Plani in single file 256k .m4b if anyone wants a copy, but I don't know how to do a RWQ post.

Exterminate Me
10-19-2015, 12:38 PM
I've got Ranet of the Plani in single file 256k .m4b if anyone wants a copy, but I don't know how to do a RWQ post.

Have sent you a PM with instructions.

10-19-2015, 12:59 PM
Ranet of the Plani .m4b It's in a password protected RAR. Password is mondas


<!-- -->

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

Have sent you a PM with instructions.

Got it, and all sorted.. Thanks!

10-19-2015, 02:20 PM
Apologies if this has already been posted here (I did do a search, I promise!), but if not, Downtime is getting an official DVD release next month.

10-19-2015, 02:56 PM
Apologies if this has already been posted here (I did do a search, I promise!), but if not, Downtime is getting an official DVD release next month.

Never even heard of this, but anything with the Brig and SJS has already grabbed me :)

10-19-2015, 03:45 PM
Apologies if this has already been posted here (I did do a search, I promise!), but if not, Downtime is getting an official DVD release next month.

Excellent News!!!!

10-19-2015, 04:06 PM
Moderator here:
(...) this thread has made it a separate community from the rest of the forum.

While the Moderator is among us, perhaps he might shed some light on the disappearance of the LIKE button, which until recently was much enjoyed by this "separate community"... ? If only to verify that it is deliberate and not an accidental oversight.

Exterminate Me
10-19-2015, 05:00 PM
Never even heard of this, but anything with the Brig and SJS has already grabbed me :)

Wow, I can't believe you haven't heard of this!

I read about it in DW mag back in the day, and bought the novel when it was released. When I got internet I searched out and downloaded someone's VHS rip.

Mind you, I guess it does depend on how long you've been a fan. Mind you, someone who could be my son (by reason of his age) only became a fan about six or so years ago and he probably knows more than I do about a lot of things medic related. He makes me feel like I know so little about Medic What!

---------- Post added at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 AM ----------

While the Moderator is among us, perhaps he might shed some light on the disappearance of the LIKE button, which until recently was much enjoyed by this "separate community"... ? If only to verify that it is deliberate and not an accidental oversight.

I'm suffering withdrawals!

10-19-2015, 06:41 PM
ST: Toy (from Compleat Biography) has popped up on eBay if anyone wants to snag it.


< t>

I'll have my copy in hand soon and will be able to upload it.

10-19-2015, 07:47 PM
Thank you Happyegg! And thank you mod!!

So...what did everyone think of the new 8th?

I liked it a good bit. I totally forgot to post my opinion on it for some reason or other....
The current crew, I feel, works really well. Although I had the random thought that #8 has only had female companions excepting the ONE from way back.

As for the new #2 adventures
Frazier appears back on form after the last release!

10-19-2015, 08:53 PM
Never even heard of this, but anything with the Brig and SJS has already grabbed me :)
This was the story that introduced the Brig's daughter. There was also a second video featuring Kate and the Daemons made a few years later.

---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

And while I'm here I'll give my opinion on the latest Medic episode "The Teen Who Croaked". I didn't like it. The first stinker of the season. They made such a big deal out of the stunt casting and it turns out they could've cast anyone in the was that much of a non-role. They only hope for this story is for Part Two to be a real mind blower, though I'm not holding my breath.

10-19-2015, 08:58 PM
This was the story that introduced the Brig's daughter. There was also a second video featuring Kate and the Daemons made a few years later.

---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

And while I'm here I'll give my opinion on the latest Medic episode "The Teen Who Croaked". I didn't like it. The first stinker of the season. They made such a big deal out of the stunt casting and it turns out they could've cast anyone in the was that much of a non-role. They only hope for this story is for Part Two to be a real mind blower, though I'm not holding my breath.

Interestingly, I have been hoping for a return to the historical roots of the series for a long time and this one comes along.

I'm... not really sure it measured up to my expectations, but I guess it's as close as I am going to get to a historical anytime soon.

10-19-2015, 09:43 PM
Apologies if this has already been posted here (I did do a search, I promise!), but if not, Downtime is getting an official DVD release next month.

Wow. I just watched this several months ago. My VHS copy is recorded onto a DVD. It'll be nice to get the official DVD release. Hopefully they were able to improve the sound quality. Some of the dialogue is really soft and I had to turn up the volume for several lines.

10-20-2015, 12:38 AM
I really like the switch to mostly two part stories this season, i prefer the classic six and seven era format.

10-20-2015, 12:48 AM
Did anyone else whos listened to The Frosaken think the guy playing the sailor's father sounded more like the original sailor than the guy they've got playing him??

10-20-2015, 01:17 AM
I really like the switch to mostly two part stories this season, i prefer the classic six and seven era format.

Due to the rugby we've not been able to watch the live episodes so have been watching the two parts together and, so far, they've played really well. I see a lot of folk said the tone shift for last week felt a bit off from the 'base under siege' to 'boot strap' story, but watching them back-to-back we felt the shift but it flowed, if you see what I mean. So, yeah, the two-parters do work but they just need to make sure the week break feathers well.

10-20-2015, 06:53 AM
Hello. Does anyone have a copy of the "End of the Line" and "Fright on the Stage" from the Last Adventure of Sixie? Thank you.

Also, any more audio scripts? Again, thanks. (And thanks for the ones I already received.)

10-20-2015, 10:13 AM
This was the story that introduced the Brig's daughter. There was also a second video featuring Kate and the Daemons made a few years later.

---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

And while I'm here I'll give my opinion on the latest Medic episode "The Teen Who Croaked". I didn't like it. The first stinker of the season. They made such a big deal out of the stunt casting and it turns out they could've cast anyone in the was that much of a non-role. They only hope for this story is for Part Two to be a real mind blower, though I'm not holding my breath.

I'm with you on that - I thought it was dire and depressingly I think the second part will be even worse. I quote from the Radio Times that arrived this morning
"The Woman Who Lived", has the task of advancing the story of Ashlar who gained immortality last week.... With a pinch of Virginia Woolf's Orlando she surfaces in 1651 in a madcap tale involving a leonine creature straight out of La Bell et la Bete, dandy highwaymen and a stab a bawdiness that, frankly, Carry On Dick did better."

The only plus as far as I can see is that Clara isn't in the episode much

10-20-2015, 12:14 PM
so, spoilers? please don't.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-20-2015, 12:39 PM
While the Moderator is among us, perhaps he might shed some light on the disappearance of the LIKE button, which until recently was much enjoyed by this "separate community"... ? If only to verify that it is deliberate and not an accidental oversight.

Sarah posted in the Help section that it was removed due to some security risks it exposes if activated.
The "like" was removed to prevent any further security exploits it imposes while the "Reputation" has been re-activated.
The only caveat with "reputation" is that you can only give a limited amount of reputation in a 24 hour cycle.

10-20-2015, 08:00 PM
This was the story that introduced the Brig's daughter. There was also a second video featuring Kate and the Daemons made a few years later.[COLOR="Silver"]

It's worth checking out. You can purchase it here:

10-21-2015, 02:02 AM
Dowwnntimme is unwatchably awful IMHO. Even viewing it with friends and alcohol doesn't improve it much.
However, having the Brig and Sarah in it is a consolation. (Even if you are thinking "WTF are they doing in this mess")

I'm really not a fan of fan productions though. So it was probably never going to be for me.

Sarah posted in the Help section that it was removed due to some security risks it exposes if activated....
Thanks for clarifying that.

10-21-2015, 08:55 AM
So, today is the day when a certain other time-traveling madman first landed in the future. Happy erutuF eht ot kcaB day, everyone!

Trying to bring this a little more on-topic, I'm interested in your opinions because I think the BTTF trilogy was better than a lot of the Medic Show and its spinoffs, even though I'm a diehard fan of the latter program and devote much of my life to it. Are we talking apples and oranges here, or is it possible to compare the two?

10-21-2015, 09:16 AM
Sarah posted in the Help section that it was removed due to some security risks it exposes if activated.
The "like" was removed to prevent any further security exploits it imposes while the "Reputation" has been re-activated.
The only caveat with "reputation" is that you can only give a limited amount of reputation in a 24 hour cycle.

Moderator - You can't just give more 'rep' in a 24 hour cycle, I've just tried, it says I have to 'spread it around' first, which I think is unfair if someone has posted two uploads and I want to thank them for both.

10-21-2015, 09:35 AM
So, today is the day when a certain other time-traveling madman first landed in the future. Happy erutuF eht ot kcaB day, everyone!

Trying to bring this a little more on-topic, I'm interested in your opinions because I think the BTTF trilogy was better than a lot of the Medic Show and its spinoffs, even though I'm a diehard fan of the latter program and devote much of my life to it. Are we talking apples and oranges here, or is it possible to compare the two?

i always thought there was a similarity between the demat circuit (as often seen being tinkered with by medic 3) and the flux capacitor.....

Exterminate Me
10-21-2015, 10:09 AM
So, today is the day when a certain other time-traveling madman first landed in the future. Happy erutuF eht ot kcaB day, everyone!

Trying to bring this a little more on-topic, I'm interested in your opinions because I think the BTTF trilogy was better than a lot of the Medic Show and its spinoffs, even though I'm a diehard fan of the latter program and devote much of my life to it. Are we talking apples and oranges here, or is it possible to compare the two?

I love both. Both are enduring (though I think the classic series is more enduring than the nu-medic what).

I loved all the Back to the Futures. I didn't think any were worse, or better than each other. I've bought the trilogy twice on DVD (the three disc and four disc box-sets) as well as twice on Blu-ray (they re-released the Blu-ray set recently with a bonus disc that I just had to get - the set was only $25, so I can't really complain).

I've got the first third medic story three times too (inclusive of the Blu-ray) as well as the revisitation sets. So I guess I'm mad about both.

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

i always thought there was a similarity between the demat circuit (as often seen being tinkered with by medic 3) and the flux capacitor.....

I agree.

10-21-2015, 10:51 AM
EM Whats on the bonus disk?

10-21-2015, 12:10 PM
So, today is the day when a certain other time-traveling madman first landed in the future. Happy erutuF eht ot kcaB day, everyone!

People will get excited about this til midday tomorrow then it will never cross their minds again. That's what happened in 1984 & again in 2001.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-21-2015, 01:28 PM
which I think is unfair

Unfair or not, that's how it is.
Enabling "like" will compromise the security, of not only you, but every other member here.

I already stated that it is limited in a 24 hour time span. I don't know how that got taken out of context.

But I wouldn't bank anything on reputation.
If it's so hard to iterate your gratitude with a text, then just leech and leave it at that.

I'm not here to debate with you on what's fair or what you want.
I'm here to deliver.

That's final.

I can't do anything with your opinions.
There is no fact.
You can twist everything to sound like a fact: "Fact: I dislike the "like" button being gone."
But I can't do anything.

I'm a moderator. I deal justice to those who act unjustly.
I change things that need changing.
This isn't a babysitting job.

If you feel offended, you're not the first.
I'm used to hearing it from everyone on the forum.
Doesn't mean you're right.
Just means you're spoiled.

How you take it is up to you.

Now drop it.

Keep the forum clean and civil.
That is my warning.
Everyone else did good not to quote me and continue things to points where it proved nothing.
I explicitly asked people to drop everything and continue.

I see no evidence.
I only see personal opinion and fairy-tale feelings.

Exterminate Me
10-21-2015, 02:43 PM
EM Whats on the bonus disk?

There's a doco from 2009 (I think it's around that time) on the making of the first film, about an hour (again I can't remember the exact running time) - it's called Tales from the Future and features contributions from most of those involved. I think it was a TV special on some channel.

There's a newly filmed sequence of the Doc, arriving in the DeLorean, at a lab (that's obviously in a studio) with him talking to us on a video camera, that's sort of like the test with the dog in the first movie - you know, the car park scene. The Doc remarks that all those things we were expecting to come true (Hover Boards, flying cars, self lacing shoes etc) now aren't here. So the Doc goes back in time (we only ever see the lab) to make sure that the future we have now is with out those inventions the film says we should have now. It's a bit of comedy really, and will only really illicit a snigger or too.

There are fake adds for Jaws 16 and the Hover Board - the Hover Board one was very funny.

There's a feature about the restoration of a DeLorean - apparently the only surviving one the studio had, which had fallen into disrepair. Nice to see the fans doing the loving restoration.

And that's really all I can remember.

I don't think it really warrants purchasing again, just for that. Though I did enjoy the documentary.

As I say, $25 - I couldn't really complain, but I guess you could be cynical of their 30 year anniversary edition. Mind you, all the other special features on the other discs are pretty comprehensive anyway. I guess there wasn't too much else they could add that we hadn't really seen.

---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

People will get excited about this til midday tomorrow then it will never cross their minds again. That's what happened in 1984 & again in 2001.

Nah, I still love my copies of 1984, 2001 A Space Odyssey and Back to the Future - they're ones I always goes back to and re-watch, look at the special features.

10-21-2015, 03:40 PM
I loved all the Back to the Futures.

Despite years of watching and re-watching, I repeatedly failed to notice the subtle re-naming of Twin Pines Mall / Lone Pine Mall. Nice touch.

10-21-2015, 03:57 PM
Thanks for the info EM

I have the original box set. Maybe I'll wait until it ends up in bargain bin!!!

10-21-2015, 04:01 PM
As I say, $25 - I couldn't really complain I got my blu-ray box set of the trilogy on sale for less than half the price of a single medic story... AU$12!

People will get excited about this til midday tomorrow then it will never cross their minds again. That's what happened in 1984 & again in 2001. I still feel superior every time I see the Space: 1999 box set sitting on my shelf.

My two cents? When something as big as BTTF or DW sets something in the near(ish) future, it's inevitably going to be wrong, and it's inevitably going to be remembered by someone, somewhere, for being wrong. I reckon it's even getting to the point where writers will intentionally set their stories in a quasi-near-future to illicit articles or blog posts or convention "questions" or whatever from overly critical posterity about how things have changed, and how they're so clever for noticing. It happened with the Third Medic's stories (season 7 especially) apparently being set in the near future, and I suspect many post-classic stories like The Movie, Pepperpot and The Flebel Resh/The Nearly Persons were written with a similar intent in mind. But this is just a late-night musing of one overly critical fanatic. Really, it doesn't matter if anyone notices that they got it wrong. We don't know if it was intentional or not (although in the case of BTTF I think it's fairly obvious), but I bet we all still enjoy them as the fine pieces of storytelling they are.

After all, why bother pretending the present's assumptions about the past are any more accurate than the past's assumptions about the future when I could be watching television instead?

Exterminate Me
10-21-2015, 04:19 PM
I got my blu-ray box set of the trilogy on sale for less than half the price of a single medic story... AU$12!

I still feel superior every time I see the Space: 1999 box set sitting on my shelf.

My two cents? When something as big as BTTF or DW sets something in the near(ish) future, it's inevitably going to be wrong, and it's inevitably going to be remembered by someone, somewhere, for being wrong. I reckon it's even getting to the point where writers will intentionally set their stories in a quasi-near-future to illicit articles or blog posts or convention "questions" or whatever from overly critical posterity about how things have changed, and how they're so clever for noticing. It happened with the Third Medic's stories (season 7 especially) apparently being set in the near future, and I suspect many post-classic stories like The Movie, Pepperpot and The Flebel Resh/The Nearly Persons were written with a similar intent in mind. But this is just a late-night musing of one overly critical fanatic. Really, it doesn't matter if anyone notices that they got it wrong. We don't know if it was intentional or not (although in the case of BTTF I think it's fairly obvious), but I bet we all still enjoy them as the fine pieces of storytelling they are.

After all, why bother pretending the present's assumptions about the past are any more accurate than the past's assumptions about the future when I could be watching television instead?

And it's good, fun stuff in the end. And I love it.

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 PM ----------

Despite years of watching and re-watching, I repeatedly failed to notice the subtle re-naming of Twin Pines Mall / Lone Pine Mall. Nice touch.

Yeah, I like the little details like that. I think it's those little things make it enjoyable on further watching.

10-21-2015, 05:32 PM
Stuff BTTF, I'm getting in training for The R*u*n*n*i*n*g Man show in four years time.

Exterminate Me
10-21-2015, 05:44 PM
Stuff BTTF, I'm getting in training for The R*u*n*n*i*n*g Man show in four years time.


Watch out for Subzero, Buzzsaw and the, frankly crap, Dynamo.

That movie still has one of the best head explosions, with a guy who tries to escape at the beginning. Honorable mentions to The Fury and Scanners.

10-21-2015, 06:12 PM
The flux capacitor actual FIRST appears in an earlier time travel movie - "Time after Time" (1979) starring Malcolm McDowell as HG Wells and David Warner as Jack the Ripper!

10-21-2015, 06:39 PM
Nah, I still love my copies of 1984, 2001 A Space Odyssey and Back to the Future - they're ones I always goes back to and re-watch, look at the special features.

Yeah, course you do - I'm not suggesting we'll all suddenly hate the movies. It's just that, in late December 1983, you couldn't go 5 minutes without hearing someone mention George Orwell. He was everywhere & the closer New Year came, the worse it got. Then, the day 1984 arrived, it was done & you never heard any more about it. A similar thing happened (to a lesser extent) on the run-up to 2001.
The excitement going about, at the moment about BTTF reminds me very much of 1983 is what I'm saying. Don't worry, I'll still enjoy the movies tomorrow (well, maybe not 2001).

Rassilon Imprimatur
10-21-2015, 06:56 PM
Yeah, course you do - I'm not suggesting we'll all suddenly hate the movies. It's just that, in late December 1983, you couldn't go 5 minutes without hearing someone mention George Orwell. He was everywhere & the closer New Year came, the worse it got. Then, the day 1984 arrived, it was done & you never heard any more about it. A similar thing happened (to a lesser extent) on the run-up to 2001.
The excitement going about, at the moment about BTTF reminds me very much of 1983 is what I'm saying. Don't worry, I'll still enjoy the movies tomorrow (well, maybe not 2001).

Or when the artist currently known as Prince was a big deal in late 1998.

10-21-2015, 07:09 PM
Just got the latest WorchTood monthly (1.2 - llaF oT htraE) get it here:

256 kbps

128 kbps

Exterminate Me
10-21-2015, 07:25 PM
The flux capacitor actual FIRST appears in an earlier time travel movie - "Time after Time" (1979) starring Malcolm McDowell as HG Wells and David Warner as Jack the Ripper!

Yeah, I really have been wanting to watch that movie. I haven't seen it anywhere.

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

Yeah, course you do - I'm not suggesting we'll all suddenly hate the movies. It's just that, in late December 1983, you couldn't go 5 minutes without hearing someone mention George Orwell. He was everywhere & the closer New Year came, the worse it got. Then, the day 1984 arrived, it was done & you never heard any more about it. A similar thing happened (to a lesser extent) on the run-up to 2001.
The excitement going about, at the moment about BTTF reminds me very much of 1983 is what I'm saying. Don't worry, I'll still enjoy the movies tomorrow (well, maybe not 2001).

2001 - at least the visuals are still great.

10-21-2015, 07:45 PM won't enjoy 2001? ...or you just wont enjoy it TOMORROW?

EM - if you'll give me 10 hours, I'll PM you a copy.

10-21-2015, 08:10 PM
Thanks spevman!

10-21-2015, 08:29 PM
Thanks spevman - much appreciated...

Exterminate Me
10-21-2015, 08:42 PM
EM - if you'll give me 10 hours, I'll PM you a copy.

Thanks mate. I saw a review in one of my old DVD magazines and I've always wanted to watch Time After Time since reading that. Funny that I didn't even know about the movie before that. I used to scour the video libraries in the 1980's (remember what a video library is kids?!), seeing what was available to watch, and never did I see that.

I loved that experience. I got to watch quite a few obscure movies just by looking shelf to shelf. A shame the way things have gone really. I get annoyed at the stores that sell DVDs and Blu-rays - they all just seem to want to sell the latest. I can imagine when the classic medic DVDs sell out and all that will be available is the latest series.

I suppose the internet is great, in some ways, as it allows stuff to get out there and fans keep things alive. I only have to think of the VK site and how they've uploaded a lot of the classic medic stuff, including extras. A shame that the commentaries aren't there though.

Ah, I'm getting sentimental, cynical and I think it's time for bed.


---------- Post added at 03:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 AM ----------

And a big thank you to Spevman. Can't wait to hear this next episode/story.

10-21-2015, 10:09 PM
The excitement going about, at the moment about BTTF reminds me very much of 1983 is what I'm saying. Don't worry, I'll still enjoy the movies tomorrow (well, maybe not 2001).

2001 is amazing and the pinnacle of science fiction and 1960s cinema excuse me

10-21-2015, 10:42 PM
Just got the latest WorchTood monthly

Thankyou spevman :)

10-21-2015, 10:43 PM
Victorian Gentlemen 10

I'll leave this up through the weekend.



10-21-2015, 10:52 PM
Dear dwst4,

You are brilliant and you rock!!

Cheers for Season 10


10-21-2015, 11:47 PM
Big thanks to spevman and dwst :)

10-22-2015, 02:01 AM
+1 on the thanks to spevman and dwst---thanks guys!

10-22-2015, 02:19 AM
Exterminate Me rumor has it that the Classic Medic DVD's will be re-released as either Series Sets, or stripped off extras DVD, in years to come.
That's if sells are still wanted. With hulu they might not. : (

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

I know this is another totally different subject but does anybody have the last 2 LC Blokes+6 classic full cast stories?
T & L's 2.6 & Devil's Helper 2.5?
Sorry i don't know proper codes, and I have never asked for anything.
Figured worth a shot, if not NP Thanks to all of you have been very very generous, I can no longer keep up with LC, so was trying to end on all series for now.

10-22-2015, 02:27 AM
2001 is amazing and the pinnacle of science fiction and 1960s cinema excuse me

I just can't get into it! I've tried more than once but it's not happening.

Thanks spevman!

10-22-2015, 03:47 AM
Checking through my calendar, the next BBCAudio story in the Winter saga, "The Building of Coldness" was released a week ago. Have I missed it or has it not been uploaded yet?

10-22-2015, 04:00 AM
Chapeau to spevman & dwst4 for today's treats!

Exterminate Me
10-22-2015, 04:34 AM
A huge thanks to dwst4 - you are totally ace!

Thank you :)

10-22-2015, 05:12 AM
Thanks spevman! :-) Thanks dwst4! :-)

Exterminate Me
10-22-2015, 05:26 AM
Exterminate Me rumor has it that the Classic Medic DVD's will be re-released as either Series Sets, or stripped off extras DVD, in years to come.
That's if sells are still wanted. With hulu they might not. : (

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

I know this is another totally different subject but does anybody have the last 2 LC Blokes+6 classic full cast stories?
T & L's 2.6 & Devil's Helper 2.5?
Sorry i don't know proper codes, and I have never asked for anything.
Figured worth a shot, if not NP Thanks to all of you have been very very generous, I can no longer keep up with LC, so was trying to end on all series for now.

Series sets would be good, if they retained all the extras, but I assume that would mean too many DVDs, and cost prohibitive.

I've a feeling that might be too much of a stretch for them and they'd go a download route, sans extras.

BTW, give it a bit and I'll upload those two Bloke's 6+1 audios.

10-22-2015, 05:33 AM
Another dose of thanks to spevman and dwst4 from me also

10-22-2015, 05:49 AM
Decent fellows...MANY thanks!

10-22-2015, 07:48 AM
Mucho gracias Spevman and DWST4!! Tus aportes son muy apreciados!!!

10-22-2015, 08:04 AM
Many thanks to spevman and dwst4

10-22-2015, 08:08 AM
Thankyou Dwst4. ^^

10-22-2015, 08:49 AM
@ Spevman & dwst4

Exterminate Me
10-22-2015, 10:18 AM
@ Spevman & dwst4

That's the way to do it! Excellent!!!

10-22-2015, 11:10 AM
Splendid Chaps!!! All of you!!!!

10-22-2015, 11:16 AM
Splendid Chaps!!! All of you!!!!

"It's good to know that my future (of listening) is in safe hands."

10-22-2015, 11:18 AM
Giant Comix - IXth MEDIC 4 cbr


Giant Comix - Xth MEDIC year 2 02 cbr



10-22-2015, 12:17 PM
Many thanks spevman and dwst4 xxx

10-22-2015, 01:29 PM
Thanks dwst4!!!

10-22-2015, 03:21 PM
@ Spevman & dwst4

's your post

10-22-2015, 07:24 PM
as all the releases are now out for October we look ahead to November.....

another big month....[they all seem to be this time of year.]

the Last Ones by the Pepperpot creator has the 3rd series this has been really good so far... and this series has Ms C-more from the original series

The continued tales about the Guy in the picture ...this series has surprised me as i can't believe e how much i enjoy it

classic Who : a quick fall featuring Joe and Unit...
the early adventures featuring Fraze doing double duty again but with the victorian girl
and ol sixie has another outing with Constantz she has seemed pretty good as the new companion

Nu Who: the victorian gentleman get haunted with the Sontahan St-Rax
Burning trees focuses on the married couple as if they have forgotten a life
and the Brig's daughter has her LC debut in the new Unit

no medic 5 or 8 this month...but 5 has one next month and were just has the box for 8

See you on the flip side...

10-22-2015, 07:39 PM
I admit I have sort of avoided Gorian Drey. Not really even sure why. Should I dig into it?

10-22-2015, 07:49 PM
There was recently talk on the board of searching out the Bullseye readings, I'd like to find the Medic VI reading of The Two Medics if anyone managed to locate it.

10-22-2015, 07:58 PM
I admit I have sort of avoided Gorian Drey. Not really even sure why. Should I dig into it?

it is all over the place in terms of where it takes the influences from... one episode was very Murder She Wrote ...very entertaining overall. wasn't thinking i would like it and i like it better than some of the "spin-offs" farfromgraceless; charley; latter day home world ; austrian capital girl

10-22-2015, 08:22 PM
There was recently talk on the board of searching out the Bullseye readings, I'd like to find the Medic VI reading of The Two Medics if anyone managed to locate it.


Mmmm shepherd's pie...

10-22-2015, 08:34 PM

Mmmm shepherd's pie...

Thank you for the really fast response.

10-22-2015, 08:55 PM
I admit I have sort of avoided Gorian Drey. Not really even sure why. Should I dig into it?

If you like (generally) short horror stories, I'd say "Yeah, go for it." - I admit I was in the 'WTF are they doing?' camp when they announced it and was generally miffed when he hijacked one of the Benny stories as a Not-so-subtle-back-door-pilot. But I'll also freely admit I was wrong. Really enjoyable stories so far.

(Oh, but the cross-over with Homes doesn't work for a multitude of reasons. Mainly being that Painted lives in world where Magic! is the answer and Homes where Science! is the answer.)

10-22-2015, 09:25 PM
If you like (generally) short horror stories, I'd say "Yeah, go for it." - I admit I was in the 'WTF are they doing?' camp when they announced it and was generally miffed when he hijacked one of the Benny stories as a Not-so-subtle-back-door-pilot. But I'll also freely admit I was wrong. Really enjoyable stories so far.

(Oh, but the cross-over with Homes doesn't work for a multitude of reasons. Mainly being that Painted lives in world where Magic! is the answer and Homes where Science! is the answer.)

yeah the crossover didn't work for me... but the sheer fact that almost anything can happen and there are pastiches on almost every media genre involved in the series... very intriguing. not spectacular but very enjoyable

10-22-2015, 10:14 PM
Does anyone have the Victorian Detectives season 7 and 8. Much appreciated if anyone can help

10-22-2015, 11:32 PM
Huge thanks to spevman and dwst4 - much appreciated

10-23-2015, 12:15 AM
Been awhile, thought I'd chime in, now as I am working again and the "dark cloud" over my head has seemed to dissipated..

Listened to the first 2 stories in the new 8th Medic boxed set, and all I can say is "WOWOWOWEEWOW!". So far, this boxed set seems to trump all of the Dim Orbs boxed sets! Seems like proper 8th Medic stories, with some seriously fab, edgy tales! I will even go so far to say as it helped renew my interest in the Medic as a whole (my notable distaste for NuWho just pushed me too far with the initial offerings of Series 9)! I can't wait to sit down and listen to the last two adventures of this boxed set!

I've said it before, and I will say it again.. Sure, LC has had their share of stinkers (*cough* "M1nu3t: *cough* "..Hades"), but when they nail it's 110% spot-on (like this boxed set or even "Sp@re Bits"). I will definitely be purchasing this new 8th Medic set as soon as I get a paycheck or two under my belt.

10-23-2015, 03:31 AM
Been awhile, thought I'd chime in, now as I am working again and the "dark cloud" over my head has seemed to dissipated..

Listened to the first 2 stories in the new 8th Medic boxed set, and all I can say is "WOWOWOWEEWOW!". So far, this boxed set seems to trump all of the Dim Orbs boxed sets! Seems like proper 8th Medic stories, with some seriously fab, edgy tales! I will even go so far to say as it helped renew my interest in the Medic as a whole (my notable distaste for NuWho just pushed me too far with the initial offerings of Series 9)! I can't wait to sit down and listen to the last two adventures of this boxed set!

I've said it before, and I will say it again.. Sure, LC has had their share of stinkers (*cough* "M1nu3t: *cough* "..Hades"), but when they nail it's 110% spot-on (like this boxed set or even "Sp@re Bits"). I will definitely be purchasing this new 8th Medic set as soon as I get a paycheck or two under my belt.

what i found interesting in the early LC is that the stinkers were really huge... and for the first few years ol sixie never really had a bad story ...i think it was around 7-8 year and the story about the Pressure on the Peer that was the first one for 6ie that was a clunker [8th and 7 had the most its seemed] and 5 was either fantastic or Crimson Dawn style

Exterminate Me
10-23-2015, 07:06 AM
what i found interesting in the early LC is that the stinkers were really huge... and for the first few years ol sixie never really had a bad story ...i think it was around 7-8 year and the story about the Pressure on the Peer that was the first one for 6ie that was a clunker [8th and 7 had the most its seemed] and 5 was either fantastic or Crimson Dawn style

Yeah, very true.

10-23-2015, 08:24 AM
Just in case anyone wants the Rodian Rayg stories here are the first three series and the LC classics version of the novel

Again, sorry that it's the upload service that it is - it's one I have premium membership to and I'm having a really bad time trying to log in to Mega - but if you can use this infernal service then please help yourself

Wilde Paintings (

10-23-2015, 10:02 AM
Victorian Gentlemen 10

I'll leave this up through the weekend.



WOW dwst4, You've done it again.
THANK-YOU. Me "like"!

10-23-2015, 10:30 AM
Crimson Dawn style

A terrible story that is only over-shadowed by that utterly appalling cover art.

10-23-2015, 12:02 PM
Odd request, but does anyone have a DVD region 4 version of The Insult of the Elder God Bloke featuring Medic 7 who they can scan the cover of? I'm sick and tired of trying to find a copy and have resorted to burning my own, and I haven't been able to find a version of the cover in high res, let alone the version that will match my collection. Alternatively it'd be helpful if anyone knew where to find the isolated cover art? Bit of a long shot, but it'd help me tremendously!

10-23-2015, 01:36 PM
Hi all
Has the 12th Medic's audiobook "beginning of the universe" generation been put on here?

Exterminate Me
10-23-2015, 03:13 PM
I'm just putting a call out. Does anybody have the 1960's/early 1970's BeeBeeCee TV series 0ut 0f the Unkn0wn and D00mw@tch? (namely just the second series of D00mw@tch).

I've never seen these and most of the t0rrents are dead (I am managing to get what there is of the first and third series of D00mw@tch, which should finish downloading tonight).

---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

Odd request, but does anyone have a DVD region 4 version of The Insult of the Elder God Bloke featuring Medic 7 who they can scan the cover of? I'm sick and tired of trying to find a copy and have resorted to burning my own, and I haven't been able to find a version of the cover in high res, let alone the version that will match my collection. Alternatively it'd be helpful if anyone knew where to find the isolated cover art? Bit of a long shot, but it'd help me tremendously!

I have no idea what this is! If I knew then I'd see if I could help you.

10-23-2015, 03:31 PM
Willing to bet it's the one about the chap with the wolves if that's any help...

Exterminate Me
10-23-2015, 04:20 PM
Willing to bet it's the one about the chap with the wolves if that's any help...

I was thinking Cursy Wursy of F3nric? If so, I can help (which I seem to remember was one that was being looked for - I have been keeping my eyes out for that).

---------- Post added at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------

Just in case anyone wants the Rodian Rayg stories here are the first three series and the LC classics version of the novel

Again, sorry that it's the upload service that it is - it's one I have premium membership to and I'm having a really bad time trying to log in to Mega - but if you can use this infernal service then please help yourself

Wilde Paintings (

Damn, can't download it - the file size exceeds free download limits.

10-23-2015, 04:29 PM
Hi Does anyone happen to have the bullseye audio reading of the 4th medic bubblewrap monsters (we-r-in) or (rrrrrrkiinnn space)?

Thanks in Advance!!

10-23-2015, 04:37 PM
A terrible story that is only over-shadowed by that utterly appalling cover art.

that was one of the worst covers... although it was very much in the style of the 5th medic target covers --as in really horrible

10-23-2015, 04:47 PM

I thought that would be easiest for people - I'll get them up as single series when I can

Exterminate Me
10-23-2015, 04:56 PM
that was one of the worst covers... although it was very much in the style of the 5th medic target covers --as in really horrible

It was awful!

---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------


I thought that would be easiest for people - I'll get them up as single series when I can

Thank you for the effort though!

10-23-2015, 05:53 PM
Ta, Exterminate Me. I've managed to make a decent start on recreating the cover art so far, so I'm fine for now as long as this torrent doesn't cap out, most of the peers for it seem to have capped out at 93%. If not, I'm a dab hand in Toa5t, so if worst comes to worst I can download all the special features off VK and put a DVD together from scratch. I'll post the cover when I'm done incase anyone needs it to make their collection uniform, so I might do a region 2 version as well.

Exterminate Me
10-23-2015, 06:23 PM
Speaking of Cursy Wursy of F3nr1c - the Bullseye reading is on the ABB now.

10-23-2015, 08:36 PM
Grazie dwst4!

10-23-2015, 09:05 PM
Speaking of Cursy Wursy of F3nr1c - the Bullseye reading is on the ABB now.

Thanks for the heads up

10-23-2015, 09:16 PM
upping my stuff of 6+1 medic today , old stuff, nothing too recent

pm for links

10-23-2015, 09:37 PM
Okay Dokey - The Picture of Rodian Gary in manageable chunks

Series 1 (

Series 2 (

Series 3 part 1 (

Series 3 part 2 (

10-24-2015, 06:31 AM
Totally off topic here...does anybody have a copy of the silent comedy *C*O*B*B*L*E*R*S *O*F* U*M*B*R*I*D*G*E Mid 1970s never released on BEEBEECEE done in the same style as 2 *R*O*N*nies silent comedies with R*Oy K*I*nnear
Pure comedy gold
Sorry to go off topic.

10-24-2015, 09:10 AM
Many thanks for all the shares. I was asked to create a formatted epub/mobi version of FP08 (A morance in 11+1 chunks) as that one is not digitally available on amozan. My PDF copy was not very good, so I had to guess some of the formattings. But here it is anyway. RWQ


10-24-2015, 12:50 PM
Small Journeys 5.10 The Direction of the Hempty And


<!-- -->

10-24-2015, 01:52 PM
You misspelt sendspace.

It's spelt sendspace not m.sendspace.

Anyone who wants to use this link, might care to correct for the spelling boobooo.

Exterminate Me
10-24-2015, 01:52 PM
Big thanks to DamienK and MetalOllie. You guys are legends too.

10-24-2015, 01:56 PM
Many thanks for all the shares. I was asked to create a formatted epub/mobi version of FP08 (A morance in 11+1 chunks) as that one is not digitally available on amozan. My PDF copy was not very good, so I had to guess some of the formattings. But here it is anyway. RWQ

There are some wise, wonderful, and on more occasions than not, some damned funny people on here. But, for me, l0calh0st will always rank at the top, because of the time put in edited the NAs, EDAs, etc. into a better format than the shoddy ones Amazon has been trying to sell. We can no longer do "Like" (which is not as a big deal to me), but we sure as heck offer "virtual" HUGS and HI-FIVES! And that said, I'm gonna offer the biggest "virtual" HUG possible to l0calh0st! Thank you for all you do!

10-24-2015, 03:28 PM
Big thanks to GuyGardner for the hint and MetalOllie for the upload.

10-24-2015, 04:09 PM
Speaking of Cursy Wursy of F3nr1c - the Bullseye reading is on the ABB now.
c'rse of f'nric
"We can't all, and some of us don't." -- Eeyore

Exterminate Me
10-24-2015, 04:30 PM
c'rse of f'nric
"We can't all, and some of us don't." -- Eeyore

Ah, good on you Ironhead2. That's twice now you've beat me to things.

(hey, I've been a tad busy).

10-24-2015, 04:47 PM
Big thanks to GuyGardner for the hint and MetalOllie for the upload.

Ditto. Like. Like

10-24-2015, 05:45 PM
You misspelt sendspace.

It's spelt sendspace not m.sendspace.

Anyone who wants to use this link, might care to correct for the spelling boobooo.

m.sendspace is the mobile formatted version of the site.

Exterminate Me
10-24-2015, 06:20 PM
m.sendspace is the mobile formatted version of the site.

I wondered why it looked so spiffy!

10-24-2015, 11:24 PM
Some sites don't let you browse mobile sites on a computer (although sendspace does) and for those you can use a useragent changer. Sometimes mobile sites are more readable.

10-25-2015, 12:27 AM
Have you seen the LC special offer today?
It's ole 6ee and the eduardian @dvernturess..........called it!! 8)

10-25-2015, 04:29 AM
Have you seen the LC special offer today?
It's ole 6ee and the eduardian @dvernturess..........called it!! 8)
Yeah, I had a feeling it was gonna be that one, too. It's one of my fave Six/Charley audios. I may re-listen to it sometime.

10-25-2015, 05:55 AM
Yeah, I had a feeling it was gonna be that one, too. It's one of my fave Six/Charley audios. I may re-listen to it sometime.

I think it was actually the first LC I ever listened to, followed up the 5th Fr0zen T!me.....before I'd managed to get any others and start at the beginning.....was a bit confusing without any of their back stories, but enough to get me interested in the whole line. I wonder how much money I'd have now if I'd never heard it....seems like a lot of my pay goes straight to LC!!!!! 8)

10-25-2015, 01:03 PM
There are some new c0m!cs (10 yr2 02, and 12 #13) online...RWQ
Thanks to the original uploader!

10-25-2015, 01:24 PM
I think it was actually the first LC I ever listened to, followed up the 5th Fr0zen T!me.....before I'd managed to get any others and start at the beginning.....was a bit confusing without any of their back stories, but enough to get me interested in the whole line. I wonder how much money I'd have now if I'd never heard it....seems like a lot of my pay goes straight to LC!!!!! 8)
My first LCs were monthlies #34 and #40 at the recommendation of some Classic Who-loving friends of mine. After I loved them, I gradually started to listen to all of them. I've liked all the stories for different reasons (the sole exception being monthly #41, which I refuse to listen to again but keep in my computer's collection only for the sake of completion) and will occasionally drop a reference to them in my YouTube videos.

10-25-2015, 02:02 PM
m.sendspace is the mobile formatted version of the site.

My computer/software/os/browser together united are too stupid and out of date to understand such things.

Sorry for my lack of faith.

tippy wooder
10-25-2015, 02:35 PM
Does anyone have THE TOY ?? Thnks in advance !

10-25-2015, 02:57 PM
...I've liked all the stories for different reasons (the sole exception being monthly #41, which I refuse to listen to again ....

Can't remember the last time I heard that one, but certainly doesn't stand out as being a duffer? What do you think is wrong with it?

10-25-2015, 03:45 PM
well it does fall in between 2 spectacular 5th medic releases we just had Spayre Parts and after that came Creature of Booty..sometimes the one that are just okay tend to be looked at unfavorably among the gems

10-25-2015, 04:31 PM
Can't remember the last time I heard that one, but certainly doesn't stand out as being a duffer? What do you think is wrong with it?
It just feels like a story that was trying too hard to be "darker and edgier" in places, particularly when Erimem is almost raped in one scene and Peri's totally nude in another. That just didn't sit well with me at all, especially since the former is never mentioned again in the overall story. Plus, I heard it was so negatively received, Peter Davison requested that the author never be hired to write for anything Doctor Who again.

This is the recap page for it on TV Tropes. ( If you decide you need a refresher course, that is. Followed by the necessary brain bleach, of course.

10-25-2015, 05:48 PM
Where can one find the Classic Medic episodes in the best possible quality to download? I believe the whole series was available as MKV files somewhere. Any suggestions?

10-25-2015, 06:17 PM
It just feels like a story that was trying too hard to be "darker and edgier" in places, ....

Good Lord. I'd completely forgotten about those bits. Yes, I can understand that people would have issues with that release.

---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------

Where can one find the Classic Medic episodes in the best possible quality to download? I believe the whole series was available as MKV files somewhere. Any suggestions?

iTunes has most of the Classic series at only a �5 a story. (That's the SD price, mind you.)

10-25-2015, 07:44 PM
Looks like tomorrow 10am for the Medic-Madonna if the Odd in a Blub0x is a clue!

10-25-2015, 07:48 PM
I don't think I ever noticed that Vader's codpiece has a vaguely lightsaber-handle-shaped cavity inset.

10-25-2015, 08:47 PM

10-25-2015, 08:51 PM
Looks like tomorrow 10am for the Medic-Madonna if the Odd in a Blub0x is a clue!

Umm... what???

10-25-2015, 09:27 PM
Umm... what???

LC Twitter, huge announcement tomorrow. He suspects medic 10 and the ginger.

10-25-2015, 11:24 PM
LC Twitter, huge announcement tomorrow. He suspects medic 10 and the ginger.

Cool, thanks. I tried turning round and round in my head, but wasn't working. Seriously beat from working last night, and then wife and I walked nearly 4 miles total at the State Fair today.

10-26-2015, 03:48 AM

10-26-2015, 05:31 AM
Wow!! Go foru!! How'd you happen upon that?!? I thought for a moment - "maybe it's a fan-made banner." Then I looked again at the web address!! So exciting!!!!

10-26-2015, 05:40 AM

Nice catch.

10-26-2015, 06:11 AM
"Collected"? Couldn't that just mean the previously released stories by that Audio company that had to Go out of business? All of the early exclusive to audio stories featured that Medic/Assistant pair.

10-26-2015, 08:35 AM
Wow!! Go foru!! How'd you happen upon that?!? I thought for a moment - "maybe it's a fan-made banner." Then I looked again at the web address!! So exciting!!!!

Nice catch.

It's all over tumblr and 4ch@n apparently that's how I found out about it.

10-26-2015, 08:52 AM
It just feels like a story that was trying too hard to be "darker and edgier" in places, particularly when Erimem is almost raped in one scene and Peri's totally nude in another.
Yeah, the whole implied rape of Erimem really bothered me as well. It just didn't seem like something that should be included in a Medic story as it was just way to disturbing.

On the other hand I could totally get behind a nude scene from Peri. The pink bikini scene is one of my stand-out classic Who memories.

10-26-2015, 10:39 AM
I was wondering if someone could help me?
I recently had a computer crash and I have been sorting through to see what I recovered
I actually recovered more than I thought. I am using the lists you posted for me and have been going through everything
I had most of the older stuff on back up but noticed recent things were lost

Would someone have Medic 11 pepperpot generation?
Any idea what the title was when posted? I may be searching my hard drives for the wrong title and may have it without knowing

I appreciate your help!
Thank you so much!

10-26-2015, 11:05 AM

10-26-2015, 11:07 AM

Beat me to it! :)

10-26-2015, 11:17 AM
Small Journeys 5.10 The Direction of the Hempty And


<!-- -->

Cheers to you MetalOllie for this

10-26-2015, 11:23 AM
Remember when I said we'd be seeing 10 back first when it came to the LC? :P Sooner than I expected, granted.

10-26-2015, 12:24 PM
Gosh, am I excited! These news are fantastic! Nonna Doble was my favorite companion of 10th, and I can't wait to hear more stories with her.
But this incursion of LC into nu-who means we could have stories with 9th as well (yeah, I keep dreaming about that...)

10-26-2015, 12:32 PM
DT&CT Interview-ette

10-26-2015, 12:52 PM
I love the fact that almost all the medics are joining the audio universe
It keeps the stories going

10-26-2015, 01:07 PM
i just had to put this out there.... the title of the second story for the 10th medic

---------- Post added at 06:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 AM ----------

I love the fact that almost all the medics are joining the audio universe
It keeps the stories going

well thios goes back to the point i made the other day; that maybe the door should be shut on the earlier medics instead of recasting .... right now LC has 7 medic to work with [4,5,6,7,8,War,10] a wealth of companions a huge array of spin offs... and as for the companion from those eras.... well Chesterton could pop up in the Counter stories; Fraze and the ms Herriot could join the 6th medic or an older Victorian girl as; Polly could pop up in a UNit story ; and it has already been established that Iris and Jo are traveling around and Yates traveled with the 4th medic; the more they move into new who the less i would like to see classic roles recast.

10-26-2015, 02:06 PM
...that maybe the door should be shut on the earlier medics instead of recasting ....

I agree. Keep with the CC/Short Trip format where needed, and use inventive (not TOO inventive :) ) ways to give companions active life beyond their Doctor.

10-26-2015, 02:08 PM
The Iris and Jo CC was pretty great.
I think though that -outside of the medics being substituted by established actors in the series already - we arn't going to really see much additional recasting outside of Ben. Just because -and it is a morbid thought - they always rely on the remaining cast to approve of additions. The fewer of them there are the less likely they will be to recast. So it is sort of a slow burning fuse on the eventual diminishing of the older medic eras.

*That Said* I love 1st and 2nd medic stories. And I think that the crossover stories with the current main 3 medics and the old companions worked pretty well (individually) - especially the idea of Jamie meeting and going about with the fourth.

Ok, that out of the way;

I have many American friends who I will be sending the ad I got from LC regarding #10. Because he is OVERWHELMINGLY the first medic they saw. (#9 is more or less just ignored here, but really that makes sense given his small number of episodes) So, this is a great business move for LC. I fully expect their profits to explode after these start coming out. Am I interested in 10 and Donna? More than I am 10/R0s3/M@rtha. Maybe we will see some stories where they don't devolve into the medic flirting/being flirted with all the time.

It's not going to happen, but I wish that #9 would do some LC. I think that the ability to expand on his adventures far far exceeds that of 10 or 11 - even though 10 and 11 is where they started just randomly doubling his age.

Anyhoo, my thoughts!

10-26-2015, 03:17 PM
Ten was the Medic that made me a fan of the Medic's adventures, so this news definitely makes me happy. However, Eight and Six will probably remain my favorite audio Medics. Eight because it's the only way to get full-cast adventures with him unless Moffat decides to deliver more minisodes (plus Paul McGann is frelling brilliant), and Six because they managed to rehabilitate his Medic's rep to the point of giving him a proper regeneration story. However, I do not ignore Nine and would gladly welcome any opportunity for LC to expand his adventures, even if they're pre-Rose Tyler.

10-26-2015, 03:47 PM
However, I do not ignore Nine and would gladly welcome any opportunity for LC to expand his adventures, even if they're pre-Rose Tyler.

I think its fair to say that the people that visit this thread are not the typical people I am talking about :p

10-26-2015, 04:04 PM
I think its fair to say that the people that visit this thread are not the typical people I am talking about :p
I know, but I've been on numerous fan boards that ignore Nine because they think he's "too brooding" or "too emo". I'm like "Seriously?! Did you even SEE The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances?! The joy on his face at the end of the latter?!". It just annoys me when people ignore Nine. I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite though, because I'm a bit ashamed to say that I used to be one of those fans myself. But I grew out it after I rewatched his eps with a friend who was just starting out and realized just how brilliant Eccleston really was. However, the episode "Father's Day" hit a bit close to home for my friend, since he lost his mom at a young age, and I was scared that ep would strike a nerve. But he loved it in spite of that, which made me relieved.

10-26-2015, 04:34 PM
However, I do not ignore Nine and would gladly welcome any opportunity for LC to expand his adventures, even if they're pre-Rose Tyler.

Oh, yes. There's plenty of time Pre-Rose and there's even that bit in 'Rose' where the TARDIS de-materializes a for bit before he comes back for her, you could place stories in that slot, too. I mean, look how much they've crammed between Plan.o.Fire/Caves.

Exterminate Me
10-26-2015, 04:54 PM
I mean, look how much they've crammed between Plan.o.Fire/Caves.

It's quite embarrassing how how much they've crammed in, considering she only knew medic 5 for two stories on TV! Actually - didn't she, on TV, state in Dilemma with Twins that she hardly knew the guy before he changed? Something like that?

BTW, just been having an interesting chat on Facebook with Brian Hodgson, creator of the Pepperpot voices and the Time Machine demat. sound. That's really cool to chat with a legend. Well, I say chat - just really a few messages back and forth.

10-26-2015, 05:02 PM
[...] there's even that bit in 'Rose' where the TARDIS de-materializes a for bit before he comes back for her, you could place stories in that slot, too.

They already did that in "The Be4st of B4byl0n" (50th anniversary e-book)...

Exterminate Me
10-26-2015, 05:06 PM
They already did that in "The Be4st of B4byl0n" (50th anniversary e-book)...

Yeah, but they can always disregard that - that's not canon, LC is now! Well, knowing them they probably would.

10-26-2015, 05:18 PM
BTW, just been having an interesting chat on Facebook with Brian Hodgson, creator of the Pepperpot voices and the Time Machine demat. sound. That's really cool to chat with a legend. Well, I say chat - just really a few messages back and forth.
Nice. Bit jealous, honestly. The closest I've come to anything close to communication with any Doctor Who creative team was messaging Matt Fitton on Facebook, praising his story for monthly #181 in helping me come to terms with the death of a close friend of mine several months prior. Oh, and I also praised him for giving Hex a happy ending in monthly #191, because I was really worried LC was just gonna off him in brutal fashion and say "He's not coming back this time! Period!".

Plus, I had a recent Facebook conversation with Alan Barnes regarding the "locum Medics" trilogy, suggesting that we could have a trilogy of CC-type stories to show the other side of that. For example, since Seven was with Jo and Mike, Three could be with Ace. He replied that there were no plans for that, but it was an interesting idea to consider. He even commended me for putting so much thought into the concept, which made me feel like I almost made my own contribution to the Doctor Who mythology. :)

10-26-2015, 05:25 PM
BTW, just been having an interesting chat on Facebook with Brian Hodgson, creator of the Pepperpot voices and the Time Machine demat. sound. That's really cool to chat with a legend. Well, I say chat - just really a few messages back and forth.

Nice, I've had a talk via email with Bernard Lodge, the guy responsible for the classic medic title sequences which was cool. Also Francoise Pascal, 70s sex kitten and star of Mind Your Language...but that's not really medic related.

Exterminate Me
10-26-2015, 05:29 PM
Nice, I've had a talk via email with Bernard Lodge, the guy responsible for the classic medic title sequences which was cool. Also Francoise Pascal, 70s sex kitten and star of Mind Your Language...but that's not really medic related.

I would love to talk with Bernard Lodge. He's a legend.

And, hey, a sex kitten - she doesn't have to be medic related ;)

I only came across Brian as he was recommended to add as a friend, by Facebook (because I'm friends with three other medic related people, who are also friends with him). I just thought I'd tell him how much I admired his contributions to the show. I tell you what - he looks pretty damn good for his age!