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04-09-2013, 09:37 AM
anyone happen to have T*H*E**R*E*U*N*I*O*N from BR4?

I have PM you

04-09-2013, 10:54 AM
hi does anyone have T*h*e R*e*s*c*u*e T*A*R*G*E*T* audio book please

04-09-2013, 12:29 PM
I would appreciate a PM letting me know as wellI too would be interested in a PM about the backup site, if that is possible.

Thank you in advance.

04-09-2013, 02:13 PM
Sh4d4 author's non-extra-terrestial detective dark softly all 3 parts
if you're interested



part 2 DGHDA02.rar (
part 3>

Hi Moodylampy. Having problems with downloading part 2.

It gives an unauthorised request error error 403 server refused request.

Any idea?

The other two parts were fine!!!


04-09-2013, 02:15 PM
Sorry double post

04-09-2013, 02:24 PM
Hi Moodylampy. Having problems with downloading part 2.

It gives an unauthorised request error error 403 server refused request.

Any idea?

The other two parts were fine!!!


Not a clue I'm afraid. it's d/ling for me as i type.
I'll try upping it to fourspared...

04-09-2013, 02:24 PM
Medic Who Magazine January 2001 - January 2005
Issue 299 to 351


Sorry again for the delay to all you who have been waiting for these, hopefuly my hard drive problems are a thing of the past :)

I recently put out a plea for help after a recent hard drive crash in which I lost almost my entire collection, thanks to this site I have almost
recovered all that I lost and I would just like to say thank you, especially to del37, moodylampy and lokisph for helping me out.

If anyone can help with the few more obscure titles I am still missing you can read the list in RWQ

<!--The Diary of a Dr Who Addict (2010)/-->
<!--Deborah Watling - Daddy's Girl (Fantom) 2012/-->
<!--Mary Tamm - First Generation (Fantom) 2009/-->
<!--The Stranger Chronicles - the Last Mission (BBV) 1999/-->
<!--Ghostlight (Silva Screen) 1993/-->
<!--The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (Silva Screen) 1992/-->
<!--Dr Who and the Daleks & Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150AD Original Soundtrack/-->
<!--Sherlock Holmes meets Dr Who (by Carey Blyton)/-->
<!--The Actor Speaks Vol 2: Elisabeth Sladen (2001)/-->
<!--The Actor Speaks Vol 5: Louise Jameson (2001)/-->
<!--An Evening with Jon Pertwee (1996)/-->

<!--2001 (1):>
<!--2001 (2):>
<!--2001 (3):>
<!--2001 (4):>

<!--2002 (1):>
<!--2002 (2):>
<!--2002 (3):>
<!--2002 (4):>
<!--2002 (5):>

<!--2003 (1):>
<!--2003 (2):>
<!--2003 (3):>
<!--2003 (4):>
<!--2003 (5):>
<!--2003 (6):>

<!--2004 (1):>
<!--2004 (2):>
<!--2004 (3):>
<!--2004 (4):>


04-09-2013, 02:46 PM
Not a clue I'm afraid. it's d/ling for me as i type.
I'll try upping it to fourspared...

Thanks Very Much

04-09-2013, 02:49 PM
tomoph - two of those are the same?

04-09-2013, 03:05 PM
Medic Who Magazine January 2001 - January 2005
Issue 299 to 351

Hi Tomoph, thanks very much for these.
unfortunately the link for the last part of 03 takes you to 04/05
thought you'd like to know

04-09-2013, 03:08 PM
Hi Moodylampy. Having problems with downloading part 2.

It gives an unauthorised request error error 403 server refused request.

Any idea?

The other two parts were fine!!!


try this - part 2 upped elsewhere


04-09-2013, 05:43 PM
try this - part 2 upped elsewhere


Thanks That Worked!!!!

04-09-2013, 06:06 PM
OK corrected that erroneous link to 2003 (6) :) sorry.

04-09-2013, 07:00 PM
OK corrected that EDITED :) sorry.

dude, whilst the correction is gratefully received, there is really no need to apologise.

our gratitude EDITED makes such things completely superfluous.

Thank you

04-09-2013, 08:14 PM
All those Magazines :)

That must haven taken some putting them up!
Thank you for your hard work!

04-09-2013, 11:23 PM
Something about the 'leaves" issue from 'The Rings Of Ahakten-or-how-ever-you-spell-it'

[BoSJ/TRoA Spoilers] I think I solved the leaves. : gallifrey (

I know there's some clever writing in the series, but I think when it comes down to having to decide if something is production error or not then you're probably not putting the idea across properly.

Exterminate Me
04-10-2013, 03:37 AM
I know that since the Moff took over I can't just sit and enjoy an episode because I'm constantly looking for clues, wondering if something is important or not. It drives me mad sometimes!!

04-10-2013, 04:08 AM
I know that since the Moff took over I can't just sit and enjoy an episode because I'm constantly looking for clues, wondering if something is important or not. It drives me mad sometimes!!

usually, the first watch is to enjoy the episode as it is, 2nd and 3rd watch is looking for clues time
and, after the series ended, i watch the whole series in one go

04-10-2013, 04:12 AM
i don't mind looking for clues - i love murder mysteries, this is a sci-fi mystery - not that much difference ;)

04-10-2013, 04:37 AM
usually, the first watch is to enjoy the episode as it is, 2nd and 3rd watch is looking for clues time
and, after the series ended, i watch the whole series in one go
That's pretty much how I've gone about watching it, even during RTD's time as showrunner.

04-10-2013, 04:38 AM
i don't mind looking for clues - i love murder mysteries, this is a sci-fi mystery - not that much difference ;)

I don't mind looking for clues, but only in the right context. I'm still not really convinced that DW is really the right context for me.

04-10-2013, 08:44 AM
The BBC is in the process of acquiring no fewer than forty-four (44) Medic episodes that are MISSING from the archive.
This includes PRISTINE copies of the first two seasons. It includes some of seasons three and four, including the FULL 1st-2nd regeneration episode (and the first 2nd Medic episode with the pepperpots). The story in the London Underground has been found, as have some of the recently animated episodes.

The recovery of these episodes is the result of a MASSIVE inventory of African television stations. So many of these episodes were sold to African stations in the 1960s, and a proper, one-on-one examination of these stations' archives has never been done until now.

So, is there still any life to this, or have people been had again? And if this is the fabled secret news that DWO were teasing, they may want to hold off on reporting things, well... forever.

04-10-2013, 03:46 PM
So, is there still any life to this, or have people been had again? And if this is the fabled secret news that DWO were teasing, they may want to hold off on reporting things, well... forever.
I suppose its fair to say we wait with baited breath.

04-10-2013, 04:03 PM
I suppose its fair to say we wait with baited breath.

As much as I want this rumour to be true, I'm sure I can remember a similar rumour going around a few years back. It would seem like the right time to release them if they can get hold of them.

Even if this turns out to be bull****, I'm sure theres a Nigerian official somewhere who can get his hands on a full set of missing stories if we reply to his email. :D

04-10-2013, 05:45 PM
Read on the LC site that the story insisting that a certain crystalline alien must perish has been released. Looking forward to hearing it. :)

04-10-2013, 07:02 PM
As far as missing episodes go the rumour mill has never stopped, the fact that we all dream of a day when we can sit down and watch M-a-r-c-o P-o-l-o-,
The M-y-t-h M-a-k-e-r-s or The A-b-o-m-i-n-a-b-l-e S-n-o-w-m-e-n etc only fuels the fire, and I, like many hope and pray that each new rumour is true
even though in our heart of hearts we know that it probably isn't.

In the case of this current rumour we can only do what we always do... wait, and hope.

Maybe one day we will be able to sit down and pick any of the 255 black and white episodes, (255 episodes include the two versions of the pilot episode
just in case you were wondering), with the possible exception of the f-e-a-s-t of S-t-e-v-e-n, maybe.

The recovery of 44 episodes would go a long way to make this dream seem more acheivable.

04-10-2013, 07:14 PM
I was wondering if anyone had the novel reading of the 'Egg-cartons of the robotpeople'? (hoping you get the reference - just they reminded me of egg cartons when I saw it 21 years ago on video)

And does anyone have the pepperpots super story in 13 episodes from the 1st medic and the crab episode from the second medic with the narration by the assistant and not the 6th medic?

04-10-2013, 08:24 PM
I suppose its fair to say we wait with baited breath.

bated ( breath. :)

04-10-2013, 08:34 PM
This month releases are out according to the LC website!!

04-10-2013, 08:46 PM
bated ( breath. :)

lol, well I was thinking about going fishing at the weekend when I wrote this.

04-10-2013, 08:51 PM
As far as I know there have not been any missing epiosdes found I follow another forum that is about missing episodes and has people who work for the BBC and the Restoration Team on it and there has been nothing of this rumour there not even a peep just the news of The Moonbase appearing on amazon and the mysterious disappearing Regeneration Boxset. Though the most interesting thing right now was the 16mm film of Episode 1 of The Rescue on ebay. The website is - The Missing Episodes Index ( take a look it is interesting.

04-10-2013, 09:02 PM
This month releases are out according to the LC website!!
I've already mentioned that. Albeit a bit more obliquely. XD

04-11-2013, 03:42 AM
Nothing in Doctor Who is real. I was rather shocked to discover some kids think it's scary.

So you just blindly accept anything with DW in the credits? Would you be happy if they had Matt prancing around Tellytubby land?
Now there's some real science fiction!

Exterminate Me
04-11-2013, 03:59 AM
That made me laugh!

04-11-2013, 05:34 AM
So, is there still any life to this, or have people been had again? And if this is the fabled secret news that DWO were teasing, they may want to hold off on reporting things, well... forever.

Hi again everyone. As I said when I first posted, I was a little hesitant because I have no idea as to the BBC's actual timeline. The impression I get is that this announcement will be made sooner rather than later. Of course, "sooner" could mean a few months still.

The other, more important thing, is that I have personally now seen some evidence that these episodes do exist. The people who initially shared this information with me (last August, I believe, was when I first heard), are people very closely linked with the show. Two in particular are names that you would recognize, and I've been lucky enough to have struck up a friendship with them. It was only two weeks ago that I finally saw some physical evidence that there is a huge amount of substance to this rumour. These were the briefest of clips from two lost stories - but they are clips that I know should simply not exist. (And by the way, I am very familiar with what exists and what is thought to be lost - including Australian censorship extracts, etc.)

As I've said, do with this what you will. I hope you have all gotten to know me over the months, and I hope you realize that I am not the kind of person to get my kicks from posting unsubstantiated "wishful-thinking" rumours all over the Internet. The only place I have shared this is here, because I've gotten to know many of you and I sort of see this place as a bit of a refuge when I need it. For that, I thank you all, and I just wanted to share some of this exciting news with you as a way of saying "I'm grateful".

04-11-2013, 05:39 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"




04-11-2013, 05:48 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"




Many thanks. I always enjoy a bit of Dardle

04-11-2013, 05:55 AM
Dardle has to perish!!!

That has to one of the funniest altered titles we've had here. Great stuff.

04-11-2013, 06:50 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"




Thanks for the up foe, much appreciated. :)

Please understand, we do believe you. It's just that we've all heard these rumours before and it sounds too good to be true but if you've seen actual evidence of the existance of these clips then it does seem to be a lot liklier to be the truth - or an elaborate hoax. Here's hoping ...

04-11-2013, 07:44 AM
Hi again everyone. As I said when I first posted, I was a little hesitant because I have no idea as to the BBC's actual timeline. The impression I get is that this announcement will be made sooner rather than later. Of course, "sooner" could mean a few months still.

The other, more important thing, is that I have personally now seen some evidence that these episodes do exist. The people who initially shared this information with me (last August, I believe, was when I first heard), are people very closely linked with the show. Two in particular are names that you would recognize, and I've been lucky enough to have struck up a friendship with them. It was only two weeks ago that I finally saw some physical evidence that there is a huge amount of substance to this rumour. These were the briefest of clips from two lost stories - but they are clips that I know should simply not exist. (And by the way, I am very familiar with what exists and what is thought to be lost - including Australian censorship extracts, etc.)

As I've said, do with this what you will. I hope you have all gotten to know me over the months, and I hope you realize that I am not the kind of person to get my kicks from posting unsubstantiated "wishful-thinking" rumours all over the Internet. The only place I have shared this is here, because I've gotten to know many of you and I sort of see this place as a bit of a refuge when I need it. For that, I thank you all, and I just wanted to share some of this exciting news with you as a way of saying "I'm grateful".

Thank you for the update, Foe. I think all of us have just been burnt so many times by this. Rumor becomes fact so easily. But saying that you've seen them firsthand - I've got to say that I'm very excited (and jealous). And thanks for the upload, too!

04-11-2013, 08:42 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"




Thanks for the up Foe, but could someone please post them to somewhere that is 4shite?

04-11-2013, 08:44 AM

thanks for EDITED....:D

and as for the whole missing eps thing......

its just I now feel like an eight year old whose Dad has said "maybe you could get a puppy for christmas"
I want to try and convince myself it is complete baloney, to avoid getting my hopes up and the disappointment that might follow.


please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true

(oh and can I put out a general ask for a link to the backup site, ty)

04-11-2013, 09:37 AM
cheers for your a star!

04-11-2013, 09:42 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"




Foefromthefuture you may be - Hope&joybringerintrhepresent you are! Many thanks, and words cannot express how much I hope you're right!

04-11-2013, 10:05 AM
Slightly off topic but if anyone is interested in the D*U*N*E* S*A*G*A


<!--All 8 audiobooks as individual files, about 400-500MB each-->

04-11-2013, 10:37 AM
Hi again everyone. As I said when I first posted, I was a little hesitant because I have no idea as to the BBC's actual timeline. The impression I get is that this announcement will be made sooner rather than later. Of course, "sooner" could mean a few months still.

The other, more important thing, is that I have personally now seen some evidence that these episodes do exist. The people who initially shared this information with me (last August, I believe, was when I first heard), are people very closely linked with the show. Two in particular are names that you would recognize, and I've been lucky enough to have struck up a friendship with them. It was only two weeks ago that I finally saw some physical evidence that there is a huge amount of substance to this rumour. These were the briefest of clips from two lost stories - but they are clips that I know should simply not exist. (And by the way, I am very familiar with what exists and what is thought to be lost - including Australian censorship extracts, etc.)

As I've said, do with this what you will. I hope you have all gotten to know me over the months, and I hope you realize that I am not the kind of person to get my kicks from posting unsubstantiated "wishful-thinking" rumours all over the Internet. The only place I have shared this is here, because I've gotten to know many of you and I sort of see this place as a bit of a refuge when I need it. For that, I thank you all, and I just wanted to share some of this exciting news with you as a way of saying "I'm grateful".

Thanks for sharing this info.

04-11-2013, 10:38 AM
Thanks foe.

04-11-2013, 10:44 AM

thanks for the link to Dardle....:D

and as for the whole missing eps thing......

its just I now feel like an eight year old whose Dad has said "maybe you could get a puppy for christmas"
I want to try and convince myself it is complete baloney, to avoid getting my hopes up and the disappointment that might follow.


please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true, please let it be true

(oh and can I put out a general ask for a link to the backup site, ty)

People were supposed to PM me as I don't want to clog this thread up with talk of it or the address given out in this thread.

However yes as a one off, Ill sort it now.

04-11-2013, 10:52 AM
Hi again everyone. As I said when I first posted, I was a little hesitant because I have no idea as to the BBC's actual timeline. The impression I get is that this announcement will be made sooner rather than later. Of course, "sooner" could mean a few months still.

The other, more important thing, is that I have personally now seen some evidence that these episodes do exist. The people who initially shared this information with me (last August, I believe, was when I first heard), are people very closely linked with the show. Two in particular are names that you would recognize, and I've been lucky enough to have struck up a friendship with them. It was only two weeks ago that I finally saw some physical evidence that there is a huge amount of substance to this rumour. These were the briefest of clips from two lost stories - but they are clips that I know should simply not exist. (And by the way, I am very familiar with what exists and what is thought to be lost - including Australian censorship extracts, etc.)

As I've said, do with this what you will. I hope you have all gotten to know me over the months, and I hope you realize that I am not the kind of person to get my kicks from posting unsubstantiated "wishful-thinking" rumours all over the Internet. The only place I have shared this is here, because I've gotten to know many of you and I sort of see this place as a bit of a refuge when I need it. For that, I thank you all, and I just wanted to share some of this exciting news with you as a way of saying "I'm grateful".

Hopefully, this is correct. It's an exciting possibility at least. Thank you for sharing.

04-11-2013, 10:59 AM
I see the latest 11th audio is narrated by Mr Warner. Him doing 11 is not something that springs easily to the mental ear!

04-11-2013, 11:04 AM
I see the latest 11th audio is narrated by Mr Warner. Him doing 11 is not something that springs easily to the mental ear!

while I would be happy to listen to Mr Warner read a phone book, I have to agree that him doing 11 is not something i can imagine!

04-11-2013, 11:11 AM
while I would be happy to listen to Mr Warner read a phone book, I have to agree that him doing 11 is not something i can imagine!

More David Warner is a good thing.

04-11-2013, 11:12 AM
More David Warner is a good thing.

Well said!

04-11-2013, 11:33 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"

Woo, Dardle! Thank you very much!

04-11-2013, 11:50 AM
Hi All

Some great stuff on here as usual!

What a great forum but I feel I am being thick as I can't work out what RWQ means?

Please help!!

04-11-2013, 11:54 AM
Hi All

Some great stuff on here as usual!

What a great forum but I feel I am being thick as I can't work out what RWQ means?

Please help!!

No problem. It means click the 'Reply With Quote' button. Links and such are hidden in the code there.

04-11-2013, 11:57 AM
hi does anyone have T*h*e R*e*s*c*u*e T*A*R*G*E*T* audio book please

04-11-2013, 11:58 AM
hi does anyone have T*h*e R*e*s*c*u*e T*A*R*G*E*T* audio book please

I think I might have. I'm at work atm, but I'll have a look when I get home.

04-11-2013, 11:58 AM
Also does anyone have the audiobooks of the 3 new 11th medic novels released this week. Thanks

04-11-2013, 11:59 AM
I think I might have. I'm at work atm, but I'll have a look when I get home.

Thanks xxx

04-11-2013, 12:02 PM
No problem. It means click the 'Reply With Quote' button. Links and such are hidden in the code there.

Thanks andyb2001!!! I understand now!!

and thanks to Foefromthefuture for Dardle!!!!!

04-11-2013, 12:08 PM
Corr, I step out for a couple of weeks and the forum gets flooded with M Puppets! How'd that happen?

Thanks to everyone for those, many wonderful, long forgotten tracks on there! And thanks to Foefromthefuture for the latest up :D

04-11-2013, 12:15 PM
And does anyone have the pepperpots super story in 13 episodes from the 1st medic and the crab episode from the second medic with the narration by the assistant and not the 6th medic?

I've got the scary crabs in the holiday camp.
Hope this works. This is my first time doing this.
Crabs - Download - 4shared (
Password = Vertigo1958

04-11-2013, 12:22 PM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"

Thanks foe, love the anagram it made me laugh, and thanks too for the update.

04-11-2013, 02:16 PM
hi does anyone have T*h*e R*e*s*c*u*e T*A*R*G*E*T* audio book please

I've only just noticed you'd asked for this and seeing as I already have it uploaded.


Thanks to the original uploader / sharer.


04-11-2013, 02:22 PM
I've only just noticed you'd asked for this and seeing as I already have it uploaded.


Thanks to the original uploader / sharer.


Thanks Tomoph. Saved me a job ;)

04-11-2013, 02:32 PM
Thanks Tomoph. Saved me a job ;)

I'm in the process of uploading some stuff for another member and this is one of his requests too.

04-11-2013, 02:36 PM
I'm in the process of uploading some stuff for another member and this is one of his requests too.

No worries, I'm not even sure I have it. I have so much stuff in my download folder, I'm not even sure what's there ... I need to get it sorted at some point.

Exterminate Me
04-11-2013, 02:41 PM
I know how you feel andyb2011!

04-11-2013, 02:51 PM
Foe if it is true about the missing episodes go post on and tell them of the truth then I will start to believe in the impossible.

04-11-2013, 03:18 PM
I've got the scary crabs in the holiday camp.
Hope this works. This is my first time doing this.
Crabs - Download - 4shared (
Password = Vertigo1958

Thank you so much for this. :)

04-11-2013, 04:11 PM
Foe if it is true about the missing episodes go post on and tell them of the truth then I will start to believe in the impossible.

You response seems almost hostile, I'm sure foe has his reasons for not posting this 'news' everywhere, He did say to do with it as you will, so why don't you post it. I'm guessing probably because you fear the same response as he does, ridicule. I am a member of several other forums and I have not mentioned anything about it either. Foe is a well respected member of this site and if he believes what he is telling us to be true then I will take him at face value, if this rumour turns out to be another dead end then I'm sure he will be as saddened about it as we are. I'm not trying to fight his battles for him, I'm sure he is more than capable of doing that himself, I'm just saying we should at least listen to what he has to say and thank him for giving us the information.

I'm never the first to believe any new rumours, my first reaction is invariably "here we go again, another load of bulls**t", but this time I've just got a gut feeling.
Let's just wait and see. I'm going to stick my neck out and say I believe him 100% and am just waiting for the official announcement.

04-11-2013, 04:29 PM
You response seems almost hostile, I'm sure foe has his reasons for not posting this 'news' everywhere, He did say to do with it as you will, so why don't you post it. I'm guessing probably because you fear the same response as he does, ridicule. I am a member of several other forums and I have not mentioned anything about it either. Foe is a well respected member of this site and if he believes what he is telling us to be true then I will take him at face value, if this rumour turns out to be another dead end then I'm sure he will be as saddened about it as we are. I'm not trying to fight his battles for him, I'm sure he is more than capable of doing that himself, I'm just saying we should at least listen to what he has to say and thank him for giving us the information.

I'm never the first to believe any new rumours, my first reaction is invariably "here we go again, another load of bulls**t", but this time I've just got a gut feeling.
Let's just wait and see. I'm going to stick my neck out and say I believe him 100% and am just waiting for the official announcement.

Tomoph, I greatly appreciate the support. And you've really hit the nail on the head - this is more a question of me sharing what I think is some exciting news with people who I consider my friends rather than simply trying to "get the word out there" on any site possible.

I am, of course, VERY aware of how often we've all had our hearts broken in the past. I've heard this rumour from extremely reliable sources from some time now, but I didn't want to post anything until I actually saw something with my own eyes. Of course you're right - if it turns out that I've been had, then I would be the saddest one of all. But I don't think so. I'm more optimistic than I've ever been.

Again, thank you so much for the show of support.

04-11-2013, 04:39 PM
And here's this month's Friends of the Medic:

About a famous book depository in Egypt.




04-11-2013, 04:41 PM
Cheers Foe, for both the latest!

04-11-2013, 04:50 PM
Again, thank you so much for the show of support.
My pleasure.

And thank you for the latest Friends of the Medic.

04-11-2013, 05:09 PM
Also does anyone have the audiobooks of the 3 new 11th medic novels released this week. Thanks

04-11-2013, 05:36 PM
Also does anyone have the audiobooks of the 3 new 11th medic novels released this week. Thanks
3 audiobooks this week? I only know of Disease of the Cyborg Humans, what are the others?

04-11-2013, 05:54 PM
Tomoph, I greatly appreciate the support. And you've really hit the nail on the head - this is more a question of me sharing what I think is some exciting news with people who I consider my friends rather than simply trying to "get the word out there" on any site possible.

I am, of course, VERY aware of how often we've all had our hearts broken in the past. I've heard this rumour from extremely reliable sources from some time now, but I didn't want to post anything until I actually saw something with my own eyes. Of course you're right - if it turns out that I've been had, then I would be the saddest one of all. But I don't think so. I'm more optimistic than I've ever been.

Again, thank you so much for the show of support.

I think you have the support of most of us here, and like Tompoh, I don't think some people are being fair to you.

All you have done is share news which you have been told in good faith ... which is appreciated, and given the fact that you have seen actual evidence leads me to being optimistic. All we can do is wait and see but this would be the perfect time to announce the find, with the 50th coming up and all.

I got the same reaction a while back when I told people that Dave had commissioned a new series of Red Dwarf. Nobody believed me ... but look how that turned out :)

04-11-2013, 05:56 PM
I for one am very very happy you shared the news with us. If they turn around and never release them, fair enough, but at least we have some hope for now!

I won't pretend I am not jealous about the clips, but I am grateful you told us!

04-11-2013, 05:59 PM
People were supposed to PM me as I don't want to clog this thread up with talk of it or the address given out in this thread.

However yes as a one off, Ill sort it now.

Sorry DrWho001 I Think I started that current trend. I only vaguely remembered the original post and didn't remember the PM me part.

04-11-2013, 06:20 PM
My pleasure.

And thank you for the latest Friends of the Medic.

Thanks Guys!!!!

Does anyone also happen to have the audiobook of the Crypt of the Emotionless Ones?


04-11-2013, 06:27 PM
And here's this month's Friends of the Medic:

About a famous book depository in Egypt.



Thanks again mate.

04-11-2013, 06:28 PM
Sorry DrWho001 I Think I started that current trend. I only vaguely remembered the original post and didn't remember the PM me part.

If you wanna try joining the backup one again I will approve you. I have only got a bit scared of people turning up to join when I dont know they are if that makes sense.

04-11-2013, 06:36 PM
thanks Foe. again and again

04-11-2013, 06:44 PM

04-11-2013, 06:55 PM
3 audiobooks this week? I only know of Disease of the Cyborg Humans, what are the others?

The D*a*l*e*k g*ene*ratio*n

S*h*r*o*u*d o*f S*o*r*r*o*w

If anyone has the audiobooks ill be most gratefull !!!!


04-11-2013, 06:58 PM
A couple of years ago someone was kind enough to upload an audiobook reading of the novelisation of the never-made story from Season 23 *T*h*€***U*1*t*i*m*@*t*€***€*v*i*1* by *W*@*1*1*y***K***D*@*1*�*
That's a new one on me, I know they released the Batman one of the same name as a audiobook.

04-11-2013, 06:59 PM
3 audiobooks this week? I only know of Disease of the Cyborg Humans, what are the others?

There is the pepperpot genealogy read by the voice of the pepperpots (should be out 11th apr), and cloak of apology but that isn't out till July

Edit - ignore the pepperpot date - that was me looking at the book release date on amazon

04-11-2013, 07:10 PM
The D*a*l*e*k g*ene*ratio*n

S*h*r*o*u*d o*f S*o*r*r*o*w

If anyone has the audiobooks ill be most gratefull !!!!


Pepperpot Generation isn't released untill 03.06.2013 and Cover of Woe not untill 04.07.2013 as audiobooks.:)
I'll be getting Disease of the Cyborg Humans this weekend so if no one has uploaded it before then I'll do it.

04-11-2013, 07:20 PM
Just checked audiogo and you're right, Pepperpot gen is released today as download only, sorry I doubted you :)

04-11-2013, 07:24 PM
You response seems almost hostile, I'm sure foe has his reasons for not posting this 'news' everywhere, He did say to do with it as you will, so why don't you post it. I'm guessing probably because you fear the same response as he does, ridicule. I am a member of several other forums and I have not mentioned anything about it either. Foe is a well respected member of this site and if he believes what he is telling us to be true then I will take him at face value, if this rumour turns out to be another dead end then I'm sure he will be as saddened about it as we are. I'm not trying to fight his battles for him, I'm sure he is more than capable of doing that himself, I'm just saying we should at least listen to what he has to say and thank him for giving us the information.

I'm never the first to believe any new rumours, my first reaction is invariably "here we go again, another load of bulls**t", but this time I've just got a gut feeling.
Let's just wait and see. I'm going to stick my neck out and say I believe him 100% and am just waiting for the official announcement. i don't believe it for5 a second... almost NO one in the fan community has any info..... NO ONE.... and what is the point of keeping it a secret? well?

For all due respect but this whole conversation is twaddle......

04-11-2013, 07:32 PM
and show of support? you need validation? if you dont have any concrete evidence --and you have shown none or told us nothing but supposition and rumor... there is no support to ggive... except the belief in something that isn't based on any --ANY verifiable evidence at all..

come back when you can give evidence... but dont play with people's emotions and hopes by posting UNSUBSTANTIATED rumors

Show us the proof
Tell us who told you...

what are they goign to do? hoard them if you tell us and never release them?

why so secret? the only reason would be is that like Tenth Planet 4 this is following the same damn pattern.

Put up or shut up as the saying goes...

04-11-2013, 07:38 PM
i don't believe it for5 a second... almost NO one in the fan community has any info..... NO ONE.... and what is the point of keeping it a secret? well?

For all due respect but this whole conversation is twaddle......

Thats your opinion and no one can change that, but at least pay him the curtesy of not being quiet so rude about it. You are quite happy to take all that he offers in the way of new releases and then call the man a lier. Shame.

04-11-2013, 07:44 PM
I'm not calloing him a liar... i saying he has been had by his source... the way missing episodes are found reported and released have followed a certain patern...... hoaxes have followed a different pattern.....

in every case openness and information to the people has been used in the case of found episodes..
in every case reported for hoaxes.. this secrecy ...need to know.. and "more info coming soon but we can't tell you about it yet"

his follows pattern 2...
he may not be a liar but he may be gullible.

[and really this isn't about the current releases... this is about posting a story that he has almost no information about. and keep saying that people in the know know about it... yet -- the people who would actually know about it in the BBC or on or missingepisode know better..

again pst some facts and names or just stop talking about until any REAL information is posted...[or not as the case may be..]

This is a hoax and he was had.


[ tell you what..... if he posts 1 bit of verifiable information, a name, a company , a source, a clip...... something...anything...any fact...i'll apologize.]


or will this be like the rest of the hoaxes where if was say we want proof --the sources takes it away saying "if you don't believe me i won't show it to you"

just saying.... what is the real reason for holding it back other than it doesn't exist

remember i'll apologize with any shred of proof

04-11-2013, 07:46 PM
wow you verified a source after you doubted someone.... hmm wish we could do that with Foe... that's right ...we can't

04-11-2013, 07:47 PM
and show of support? you need validation? if you dont have any concrete evidence --and you have shown none or told us nothing but supposition and rumor... there is no support to ggive... except the belief in something that isn't based on any --ANY verifiable evidence at all..

come back when you can give evidence... but dont play with people's emotions and hopes by posting UNSUBSTANTIATED rumors

Show us the proof
Tell us who told you...

what are they goign to do? hoard them if you tell us and never release them?

why so secret? the only reason would be is that like Tenth Planet 4 this is following the same damn pattern.

Put up or shut up as the saying goes...

While I can understand your frustration I think you are being rather rude and unpleasant. If nothing else it could be betraying confidences and trust of other people. I think, like everyone one else, I am faintly hopeful and think this is only a possibility. It might be great and we get all/some of the missing episodes back, but at the end of the day we don't have them now so it is only a win situation. Being abusive to someone that is reporting in apparent good faith and with very large caveats as to the veracity of the situation isn't helping matters

04-11-2013, 07:53 PM
and show of support? you need validation? if you dont have any concrete evidence --and you have shown none or told us nothing but supposition and rumor... there is no support to ggive... except the belief in something that isn't based on any --ANY verifiable evidence at all..

come back when you can give evidence... but dont play with people's emotions and hopes by posting UNSUBSTANTIATED rumors

Show us the proof
Tell us who told you...

what are they goign to do? hoard them if you tell us and never release them?

why so secret? the only reason would be is that like Tenth Planet 4 this is following the same damn pattern.

Put up or shut up as the saying goes...

First: A little something some of you may get a kick out of.

Second: Foe has stated that he has no actual proof, only that he has been shown it. This proof may, or may not, be bogus but he believes it is true enough to pass this info on. Either way this is not his fault - he is simply passing on what he has been told. 'What are they going to do?' Well they could start by firing the person who leaked the information. Nobody else out there may know about it if the beeb is trying to keep this under wraps - it is entirely possible that Foe does indeed know somebody in the right position. They could actually be trying to keep it secret so that if any announcement is made the rest of mankind will say to themselves 'Didn't see that one coming.'

04-11-2013, 07:55 PM
If what Foe's saying is true then I will be so happy that I can forgive any lack of Classic folks in the 50th. And that'll take a lot of happiness. And if not, who cares, it's not his fault and Foe's one of the best people for uploading on here, so just give him a break :)

04-11-2013, 07:57 PM
not really.... is my attitude of asking for some proof going to deny anyone the episodes if they exist? no

and why all the secrecy...this doesn't makes sense... why not tell the story that they are found... you know the episodes exist? great... what is the reason for not telling people they exist? that is the part that makes no sense in any way shape or form... and leads anyone with sense to the conclusion that this is a hoax

Why so secret? why is his source keeping it a secret.... why would the BBC keep it a secret this time when last time they got them they posted it on TWITTER!.... the facts and the comments lead to a hoax and pretty much no facts to refute it seem to indicate he was had...
FACTS are tricky things you know ......without them ..... you have unsubstantiated stories....

okay we'll bite what clips did you see? tell us those clips you witnessed first hand..

04-11-2013, 07:58 PM
More on B7 from the BBC of all places. So perhaps it all make come true after-all.

Personally, though, I'm still sceptical until I see the DVD boxset in the shops! :)

BBC News - Blake's 7: Classic BBC sci-fi to return on Syfy channel (

04-11-2013, 07:59 PM
maybe he can star in the BF Classics Gullable's Travels

04-11-2013, 07:59 PM
If what Foe's saying is true then I will be so happy that I can forgive any lack of Classic folks in the 50th. And that'll take a lot of happiness. And if not, who cares, it's not his fault and Foe's one of the best people for uploading on here, so just give him a break :)

Apparently Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker & Paul McGann are all in Oz together right now. Coincidence, or is something else going on here...

04-11-2013, 08:00 PM
wow you verified a source after you doubted someone.... hmm wish we could do that with Foe... that's right ...we can't

Yes I verified my source AND apologised for my doubts in a civil manner. I find your manner agumentative, hostile and arrogant I say again , shame. We don't come here to argue and abuse other members, we come here to share what we have, and that includes information, and what if that information turns out to be wrong, where was the harm in it? Ok, so we maybe dissapointed but is that so bad. If it turns out this is a hoax I will be the first to stand up and say "you got me", and on the same token I can also say I wasn't the one who mocked our friend for giving us information in good faith.

04-11-2013, 08:01 PM
More on B7 from the BBC of all places. So perhaps it all make come true after-all.

Personally, though, I'm still sceptical until I see the DVD boxset in the shops! :)

BBC News - Blake's 7: Classic BBC sci-fi to return on Syfy channel (

Whoever wrote the article seems to have got his info from Digital Spy and all the other sites who first reported it.

04-11-2013, 08:02 PM
I'm not calloing him a liar... i saying he has been had by his source... the way missing episodes are found reported and released have followed a certain patern...... hoaxes have followed a different pattern.....

in every case openness and information to the people has been used in the case of found episodes..
in every case reported for hoaxes.. this secrecy ...need to know.. and "more info coming soon but we can't tell you about it yet"

his follows pattern 2...
he may not be a liar but he may be gullible.

[and really this isn't about the current releases... this is about posting a story that he has almost no information about. and keep saying that people in the know know about it... yet -- the people who would actually know about it in the BBC or on or missingepisode know better..

again pst some facts and names or just stop talking about until any REAL information is posted...[or not as the case may be..]

This is a hoax and he was had.


[ tell you what..... if he posts 1 bit of verifiable information, a name, a company , a source, a clip...... something...anything...any fact...i'll apologize.]


or will this be like the rest of the hoaxes where if was say we want proof --the sources takes it away saying "if you don't believe me i won't show it to you"

just saying.... what is the real reason for holding it back other than it doesn't exist

remember i'll apologize with any shred of proof

A Wild Ian Levine Appeared! It used petulance. It wasn't very effective.

04-11-2013, 08:04 PM
I, for one, do not need "proof" to believe when I'm being told something in good faith. So Foe, you have my support and respect.

Being cautious or skeptical is one thing.. being hostile and needlessly rude is quite another. Why do you deserve "proof"? Why should anyone prove anything to you?

These new generations, on my soul... feeling entitled when they've done nothing to earn it.

04-11-2013, 08:05 PM
I for one hope that Foe's news is true as it would be an amazing find. I keep an open mind as I know that there are some out there who have taken advantage of other fans with regards to missing episodes. I had to help someone who thought they had found a missing pepperpot episode from a contact of theirs who had sent then a frame of two destroyed pepperpots. He was cautious about going mad & public about it (He was a newer fan also), so asked me to look at the frame, which on viewing I knew was faked as it was an image from the 5th Medic pepperpot story changed to B&W, reversed and some blurring added to it (I took the DVD release and captured the frame from it to show them).

04-11-2013, 08:09 PM
Whoever wrote the article seems to have got his info from Digital Spy and all the other sites who first reported it.

I'm not sure who has the rights to Blake's 7, the BBC or Terry Nation. I would expect that the BBC would have maintained some rights and for them to thorough checked the story before it appeared on their website. I have hopes that it will at least get into production

04-11-2013, 08:12 PM
I'm not sure who has the rights to Blake's 7, the BBC or Terry Nation. I would expect that the BBC would have maintained some rights and for them to thorough checked the story before it appeared on their website. I have hopes that it will at least get into production

I have a feeling that the Nation Estate has the rights to the characters/names/etc akin to his deal on the pepperpots

04-11-2013, 08:13 PM
I'm not sure who has the rights to Blake's 7, the BBC or Terry Nation. I would expect that the BBC would have maintained some rights and for them to thorough checked the story before it appeared on their website. I have hopes that it will at least get into production

You'd think, but the article is almost verbatim from a couple of other articles I've read. They all say the same thing - a 13 part series has been ordered. Until all 13 have been finished and shown, I'll be a little skeptical. Knowing SyFy, they'll show 3-4 episodes and then pull the series.

04-11-2013, 08:13 PM
or at least all character names with the last name "Tarrant"

04-11-2013, 08:20 PM
I'm not sure who has the rights to Blake's 7, the BBC or Terry Nation. I would expect that the BBC would have maintained some rights and for them to thorough checked the story before it appeared on their website. I have hopes that it will at least get into production

I thought B7Media were the sole rights holders these days?

04-11-2013, 08:26 PM
I thought B7Media were the sole rights holders these days?

Back in 2000 Andrew Sewell bought the Blake's 7 rights from the estate of its creator, Terry Nation. But I don't know if he is involved in this new effort or has sold the rights on

04-11-2013, 08:27 PM
I thought B7Media were the sole rights holders these days?

Blake's 7: The Forgotten - Original Novel

14 December 2011

Categories: Blake's 7 - Audiobooks, General Big Finish News

The first of Big Finish’s original Blake’s 7 novels - The Forgotten - is set for publication in May 2012. The books are being released in a licence deal with B7 Enterprises.

Looks like you're right. :)

04-11-2013, 08:34 PM
You'd think, but the article is almost verbatim from a couple of other articles I've read. They all say the same thing - a 13 part series has been ordered. Until all 13 have been finished and shown, I'll be a little skeptical. Knowing SyFy, they'll show 3-4 episodes and then pull the series.

They'll show all the episodes if they go through the trouble of producing them. Now whether they will order more or not is a different story, but they will definitely show it.

04-11-2013, 08:35 PM
Blake's 7: The Forgotten - Original Novel

14 December 2011

Categories: Blake's 7 - Audiobooks, General Big Finish News

The first of Big Finish’s original Blake’s 7 novels - The Forgotten - is set for publication in May 2012. The books are being released in a licence deal with B7 Enterprises.

Looks like you're right. :)

If the rights holders had any sense they would have only allowed the TV production under licence allowing them to develop other media outlets if it is a success. There will also be existing licenses to people like BF for the current batch of audio productions and the novels. Like all intellectual property it will be differentiated geographically and by media type. I suspect that one of the stumbling blocks will have been getting all this lined up before pen got put to paper. If there are more than one set of rights holders then the problems multiply very quickly

04-11-2013, 08:38 PM
They'll show all the episodes if they go through the trouble of producing them. Now whether they will order more or not is a different story, but they will definitely show it.

Not always. Quite a lot of episodes from cancelled tv shows only see light of day when the dvds are released, or at weird times on the actual channel.

If the rights holders had any sense they would have only allowed the TV production under licence allowing them to develop other media outlets if it is a success. There will also be existing licenses to people like BF for the current batch of audio productions and the novels. Like all intellectual property it will be differentiated geographically and by media type. I suspect that one of the stumbling blocks will have been getting all this lined up before pen got put to paper. If there are more than one set of rights holders then the problems multiply very quickly

I'll have to take your word for that. ;)

04-11-2013, 08:42 PM
Not always. Quite a lot of episodes from cancelled tv shows only see light of day when the dvds are released, or at weird times on the actual channel.

I'll have to take your word for that. ;)

LOL sorry working hat slipped on then

04-11-2013, 08:43 PM
...why would the BBC keep it a secret this time when last time they got them they posted it on TWITTER!....

If you need a reason, what about the biggest anniversary gift for all DW-fans on the most important date this year for all DW-fans? And after bringing the news it will be years for them to get them realeased on dvd so why should they hurry bringing the news on a ordinary day. And because of this possibility Foe could be right without anybody else leaking the news for some moths. But in any case you could be less rude when making your point of not wanting to believe his word for it.

04-11-2013, 08:47 PM
Anyway back to DW, I think it is listen to the Ice Warrior audio tomorrow walking the dogs and commuting, then watching The Seeds of Death ready for Saturdays episode. And pray that the Doctor's sonic screwdriver gets blown up in all the manic running around that there is bounds to be - even on a sub!

One thing I have been struck with in the Patrick Troughton episodes is the death count and how many the Doctor actually kills.

04-11-2013, 08:51 PM
The BBC has never reacted to the announcement of a missing episode in this manner in the past and there is no reason why they would do it now..... the last 2 episodes were twitter announced... pretty much the BBC has a way of dealing with this sort of thing and subterfuge and secrecy is not one of them.

04-11-2013, 08:53 PM
If the rights holders had any sense they would have only allowed the TV production under licence allowing them to develop other media outlets if it is a success. There will also be existing licenses to people like BF for the current batch of audio productions and the novels. Like all intellectual property it will be differentiated geographically and by media type. I suspect that one of the stumbling blocks will have been getting all this lined up before pen got put to paper. If there are more than one set of rights holders then the problems multiply very quickly

AFAIK B7Media/B7Enterprises are World Wide IP holders; they're the ones (with some help from Freemantle?) that have been touting around the various versions (audio, animated, Sky TV etc) since before the rebooted audios were first released in five minute chunks on the SyFy website.

04-11-2013, 08:53 PM

04-11-2013, 08:54 PM
AFAIK B7Media/B7Enterprises are World Wide IP holders; they're the ones (with some help from Freemantle?) that have been touting around the various versions (audio, animated, Sky TV etc) since before the rebooted audios were first released in five minute chunks on the SyFy website.

That's what I suspect :)

04-11-2013, 08:54 PM
And pray that the Doctor's sonic screwdriver gets blown up.
HURAY! the sooner the better!

04-11-2013, 08:57 PM
They'll show all the episodes if they go through the trouble of producing them. Now whether they will order more or not is a different story, but they will definitely show it.

Not always!

Recent example. The comedy "Don't trust the Bitch In Appt 23" - S2 off-air after about six episodes. Rest of the other episodes already in the can.

04-11-2013, 08:57 PM
HURAY! the sooner the better!

He'll only build another one. Only this time with a Tardis recall function - for all the times he loses it/has it stolen. :P

04-11-2013, 09:00 PM
He'll only build another one. Only this time with a Tardis recall function - for all the times he loses it/has it stolen. :P

But at least we'd have the satisfaction on see his face as it went bang

04-11-2013, 09:03 PM
This a link to the cover of the novelistaion Tomorph -
But it's the audiobook version I'm looking for :)

I think it's this 2009 RNIB-release
The Ultimate Evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

and from the neighbours:
soundtracks (

and RNIB
RNIB shop (

04-11-2013, 09:03 PM
But at least we'd have the satisfaction on see his face as it went bang

It already went bang in The 11th Hour. I agree though, it should go - other Docs managed without it.

04-11-2013, 09:03 PM
Got distracted by the negativity of TTROT..[Edit]..Sorry TTROY

...but here's Warriors of Passion episode the ninth...



04-11-2013, 09:18 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

04-11-2013, 09:21 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

I don't think you did. This is a nice thread with nice people generally. Let's all work to keep it that way, there's too much sneering and arguing on other well known sites.

04-11-2013, 09:22 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

You didn't, if you hadn't made your initial comments I would have. It was the tone of the post rather than the points made that were the issue.

04-11-2013, 09:23 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

You didn't cause any argument, and you were right.

04-11-2013, 09:31 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

Don't worry about it. If you hadn't I would have (and I rarely post, and normally just browse). There is no need for rudeness.

04-11-2013, 09:32 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

Totally agree with your initial statement.

04-11-2013, 09:42 PM
They'll show all the episodes if they go through the trouble of producing them. Now whether they will order more or not is a different story, but they will definitely show it.

And another example ...

'Cult' pulled from CW schedule | Inside TV | (

(Which isn't 'rubbing it in', btw, just thought it was a nice coincidence for a recent bit of news)

04-11-2013, 09:43 PM
I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

It was the tone of the post rather than the points made that were the issue.

a lot of people have expressed skepticism about this, but have done so in a less.... 'forceful' way; diplomacy seems to be a lost art online

three possibilities
1, Foe is some evil mastermind who has been posting here for ages, EDITED as a way to soften us up for a hoax that will....disappoint a few people s/he has never met
2, Foe is being fooled by someone who it seems has gone to a lot of effort to fake some clips to.....disappoint/fool one person about something they know a lot about and the hoaxer would therefore need to know a lot about to pull this off. this means the would have some understanding of what this kind of thing means to fans, and probably be a fan themselves.
3, its true and the beeb is somehow actually managing to keep a secret (well almost)

option 1 is the only one I can thoroughly discount, as it is ludicrous.
2 and 3? who knows?, both seem fairly out there.

I want it to be 3, but dare not let my self believe it just yet

what I do know is that Foe is an excellent contributor to this community and deserves a slightly more measured tone in response to this than has been displayed by some

04-11-2013, 09:43 PM
Thanks guys.

Anyway back to the topic of the Sonic, I remember when they first destroyed it back in 82. I remember being very upset about it at the time and thinking that they must be redesigning it.

04-11-2013, 09:48 PM
Thanks guys.

Anyway back to the topic of the Sonic, I remember when they first destroyed it back in 82. I remember being very upset about it at the time and thinking that they must be redesigning it.

It's a cool gadget, but lately it's just become a crutch for lazy writers. :(

a lot of people have expressed skepticism about this, but have done so in a less.... 'forceful' way; diplomacy seems to be a lost art online

Yeah. It's easy to be insulting when hiding behind a keyboard.

04-11-2013, 09:57 PM
Thanks guys.

Anyway back to the topic of the Sonic, I remember when they first destroyed it back in 82. I remember being very upset about it at the time and thinking that they must be redesigning it.

That was the Terileptil in The Visitation

Then there was the Image of the Fendal where he is locked in a room with an old fashioned lock/bolt that the sonic screwdriver wouldn't touch

04-11-2013, 09:58 PM
It's a cool gadget, but lately it's just become a crutch for lazy writers. :(

I seem to recall that was the reason JNT ordered its removel.

04-11-2013, 10:00 PM
I seem to recall that was the reason JNT ordered its removel.

Yep it just is a 'Get out of Jail Free" card. Make for very lazy and boring plot lines. One of JNT's good decisions :)

04-11-2013, 10:05 PM
The Sonic should be treated like MacGyver's swiss army knife. It was ONE tool in his arsenal and often used to create a more Rube Goldberg like contraption that would actually save the day.

04-11-2013, 10:07 PM
Yep it just is a 'Get out of Jail Free" card. Make for very lazy and boring plot lines. One of JNT's good decisions :)

But let's face it while they're selling toy/replica Sonic Screwdrivers, it'll probably be around for the foreseeable future. Call me cynical.

04-11-2013, 10:09 PM
But let's face it while they're selling toy/replica Sonic Screwdrivers, it'll probably be around for the foreseeable future. Call me cynical.

LOL that was going to be my next point as there is a lot of money being made from merchandising the thing

04-11-2013, 10:11 PM
Whilst we let this slowly fizzle out...

Warriors of Passion episode 10.


Hope that's the right link?

04-11-2013, 10:18 PM
All worked fine

04-11-2013, 10:25 PM
But let's face it while they're selling toy/replica Sonic Screwdrivers, it'll probably be around for the foreseeable future. Call me cynical.

The toy industry certainly has some influence over the production office, the paradigm pepperpots in my opinion where a product of the 5" toy range.

04-11-2013, 10:26 PM
One last thought before calling it a night on the whole sonic thing. Maybe he needs to upgrade to a sonic laser...

Sonic screwdriver? I have a sonic laser | Ars Technica (

04-11-2013, 10:29 PM
When having a DW themed birthday party it's very hard to find food that relevantly go with the theme.
I've got on my list:
Fish Fingers (no custard as it's too pricey)
Jammie Dodgers
Jelly Babies (if I can find/afford them)
Orange Sherbert (a vague reference to the Wheel in Space since I'm not refering to the actual candy)
Orange Soda (as a reference to SJA)
and hopefully if I can find blue food coloring a TARDIS Cake.

04-11-2013, 10:44 PM
(no custard as it's too pricey)

Where the heck are you buying your custard!!???

(Or just get eggs and make your own.)

04-11-2013, 10:55 PM
Where the heck are you buying your custard!!???

(Or just get eggs and make your own.)

I thought "nowhere" was the obvious answer. I have very limited funds for one thing and I can oly fin custard in the specialty foods section of my local grocers, which means it'll cost a lot more than i can afford. As for making my own I'm certain it'd turn into everyone's las meal.

04-11-2013, 11:02 PM

04-11-2013, 11:06 PM
and show of support? you need validation? if you dont have any concrete evidence --and you have shown none or told us nothing but supposition and rumor... there is no support to ggive... except the belief in something that isn't based on any --ANY verifiable evidence at all..

come back when you can give evidence... but dont play with people's emotions and hopes by posting UNSUBSTANTIATED rumors

Show us the proof
Tell us who told you...

what are they goign to do? hoard them if you tell us and never release them?

why so secret? the only reason would be is that like Tenth Planet 4 this is following the same damn pattern.

Put up or shut up as the saying goes...

Oh regular ray of sunshine aren't you?

I deal in spoilers every single day and if I were to cite my sources they would cease to be sources pretty damn quickly.

Believe or don't believe but please take the post with the intention it was possible information.

04-11-2013, 11:07 PM
I thought "nowhere" was the obvious answer. I have very limited funds for one thing and I can oly fin custard in the specialty foods section of my local grocers, which means it'll cost a lot more than i can afford. As for making my own I'm certain it'd turn into everyone's las meal.

Blimey. In the nicest possible way, you must live in an odd area where custard is classed as a 'speciality' ! :)

04-11-2013, 11:21 PM
Blimey. In the nicest possible way, you must live in an odd area where custard is classed as a 'speciality' ! :)
In my opinion I do live in an odd area. I guess custard isn't much of a sell-able product in my area. ...unless it's in a pie from the bakery section. I'm just glad I can find Jammie Dodgers and Jelly Babies, and those are strictly import products.

04-11-2013, 11:27 PM
Definitely a DIY job, then! :)

04-11-2013, 11:31 PM
Definitely a DIY job, then! :)
But I don't want to give my guests food poisoning. lol

04-11-2013, 11:31 PM

04-11-2013, 11:34 PM
It's not hard to make custard, even if you don't cook much. I can make it, and if I can so can anyone! If you feel adventurous, here's the recipe I use, you don't need custard powder or any other special ingredient: Basic Vanilla Custard Recipe - - 344870 (

My method is to whisk the eggs, scald the milk in the microwave by heating for 1 minute on high, then dump everything into the pan at once and cook over medium while whisking until it's thickened. It may not be the entirely correct way to do it, but it still tastes good! (Dunno if I would dip fish fingers in it though! I'll leave that to our favorite medic. :D )

Coconut wrapped in breadcrumbs isn't that what they used?

04-11-2013, 11:36 PM
But I don't want to give my guests food poisoning. lol

Nah. You'll be fine.

Just do a few 'test-runs' before you serve.

Besides, you may even discover that the famous combination is probably disgusting :)

04-11-2013, 11:37 PM

04-11-2013, 11:38 PM
A couple of years ago someone was kind enough to upload an audiobook reading of the novelisation of the never-made story from Season 23 *T*h*�***U*1*t*i*m*@*t*�***�*v*i*1* by *W*@*1*1*�***K***D*@*1*�*
I don't suppose anyone has it and would be kind enough to upload it again
In the back of my mind I knew I had seen it somewhere... and I found it :-)
*T*h*�***U*1*t*i*m*@*t*�***�*v*i*1* by *W*@*1*1*�***K***D*@*1*�* (!OM9zgICJ!Qf4JeHK_pxYrdZvcrxn-Pjumz7Z54NLAR5bE3vXaOTk)

04-11-2013, 11:39 PM
When having a DW themed birthday party it's very hard to find food that relevantly go with the theme.
I've got on my list:
Fish Fingers (no custard as it's too pricey)
Jammie Dodgers
Jelly Babies (if I can find/afford them)
Orange Sherbert (a vague reference to the Wheel in Space since I'm not refering to the actual candy)
Orange Soda (as a reference to SJA)
and hopefully if I can find blue food coloring a TARDIS Cake.

Hmm... bowtie pasta perhaps?

04-11-2013, 11:41 PM
Coconut wrapped in breadcrumbs isn't that what they used?

I heard that, too, but I can't remember where. Commentary track, perhaps?

What I'd do would be ...

Get some 'Bounty Bars'

Get some white chocolate, melt it, and mix in orange food dye.

Leave to cool, but not until it's completely solid, just enough so that the next step doesn't melt the choc already there.

Dip the 'Bounty Bar' in the now orange choc, place on a cooling tray and use a fork to make the choc look like bread-crumbs

Leave to cool until the orange choc solidifies.

Use to dip into the custard.

04-11-2013, 11:45 PM
Hmm... bowtie pasta perhaps?

Excellent idea! And it's VERY easy to make your own pasta so that you could make the bow-ties near life-sized. But I think I'd go for about three inches across.

04-11-2013, 11:46 PM
I'm sorry for causing an argument that should have been avoided, I just thought that the comments made by TTROY were very antagonistic.

Just been reading tonights "action", you have NO reason to say sorry. I posted several days ago, that my contacts who work at the beeb and 2entertain knew nothing about this. I didnt attack foe, because he like the rest of us, WANTS this to be true...

Foe is a star on this forum, maybe it is true, and the people I know just are not in the loop, maybe he has been duped.... I know I have as a 40 year old fan!
over the years I have chased many a lead and came to nothing.

I remember getting my hands on evil of the pepperpots 2 a week before it was announced it was returned all those years ago, thanks to my contacts, right up to the present day, with the choccie bar 4 and wet foe (no relation to the other foe!) episodes... I have them but cant cant post them due to the embedded digital water mark in them that would get my contacts hung! (not that you would want the choccie bar one as its on dvd now!) however....

to be so agressive to foe is down right disgusting, there have always been rumors, myths and tales of missing episodes... we all want them, they MAY turn up, they may not.

I for one thank foe for his ongoing contribution to this site, part of me longs for him to be proven correct, but if he is not.... well we have not lost anything that we already had, have we?
and foe will always have friends here and people with which he can talk to and enjoy his musings on our favorite show!

04-11-2013, 11:52 PM
When having a DW themed birthday party it's very hard to find food that relevantly go with the theme.....

Carrot Juice!

You can't go forgetting Carrot Juice!

04-12-2013, 12:02 AM
Carrot Juice!

You can't go forgetting Carrot Juice!

you sick, sick man!
I suggest a vervoid salad served with a shock(rib)eye'd steak! but thats just

04-12-2013, 12:02 AM
double post... damn this PC to hell!

04-12-2013, 12:04 AM
I heard that, too, but I can't remember where. Commentary track, perhaps?

What I'd do would be ...

Get some 'Bounty Bars'

Get some white chocolate, melt it, and mix in orange food dye.

Leave to cool, but not until it's completely solid, just enough so that the next step doesn't melt the choc already there.

Dip the 'Bounty Bar' in the now orange choc, place on a cooling tray and use a fork to make the choc look like bread-crumbs

Leave to cool until the orange choc solidifies.

Use to dip into the custard.

It was on the conf.

But I love your idea.

04-12-2013, 12:04 AM
you sick, sick man!
I suggest a vervoid salad served with a shock(rib)eye'd steak! but thats just


Hmmmm ..... Steak!

Now there's a story with plenty of foody idea.

04-12-2013, 12:06 AM
Carrot Juice!

You can't go forgetting Carrot Juice!

Your evil...

04-12-2013, 12:11 AM

Hmmmm ..... Steak!

Now there's a story with plenty of foody idea.

I agree, but I suggest he lays off of the rat as a starter! we dont all have the tastes of an androgum!

04-12-2013, 12:13 AM
or try a primordial soup with krotons! lol

04-12-2013, 12:15 AM
I agree, but I suggest he lays off of the rat as a starter! we dont all have the tastes of an androgum!

Spatch-cock a small chicken and claim it's a rat!

(Or get a small rabbit)

04-12-2013, 12:16 AM
or try a primordial soup with krotons! lol


And burgers that could be ...


wait for it ...



04-12-2013, 12:22 AM
now this is getting silly...however this popped into my warped head.....

bake a load of spuds, jacket potatos for the food snobs out there, cut them in half, put them on a plate, maybe decorate (or dress them for the snobs), but give them eyes and a mouth....e voila! instant sontaron strike force!

just dont use instant mash... it wont have the same effect!

04-12-2013, 12:23 AM
now this is getting silly...however this popped into my warped head.....

bake a load of spuds, jacket potatos for the food snobs out there, cut them in half, put them on a plate, maybe decorate (or dress them for the snobs), but give them eyes and a mouth....e voila! instant sontaron strike force!

just dont use instant mash... it wont have the same effect!

I just wet myself laughing. :loldata: :D

04-12-2013, 12:27 AM
well I suggest you go clean yourself up and then rejoin us for this medic/gastronomic natter we seem to have fallen into! lol

04-12-2013, 12:28 AM
How about Banana Daiquiris?

Banana Daiquiri recipe (

04-12-2013, 12:29 AM
well I suggest you go clean yourself up and then rejoin us for this medic/gastronomic natter we seem to have fallen into! lol

Done and done... :D

04-12-2013, 12:30 AM
now this is getting silly...however this popped into my warped head.....

bake a load of spuds, jacket potatos for the food snobs out there, cut them in half, put them on a plate, maybe decorate (or dress them for the snobs), but give them eyes and a mouth....e voila! instant sontaron strike force!

just dont use instant mash... it wont have the same effect!

Excellent! And with a bit of experimentation with food-dye you could probably get the colouring right, too.

And how could we have forgotten "All-Sorts" to make a Candyman?

"Seeds Of Doom" could be an excuse to have a Green Salad?

04-12-2013, 12:33 AM
Excellent! And with a bit of experimentation with food-dye you could probably get the colouring right, too.

And how could we have forgotten "All-Sorts" to make a Candyman?

"Seeds Of Doom" could be an excuse to have a Green Salad?

If custard is expensive though surely Liquorice Allsorts are going to be extortionate?

04-12-2013, 12:33 AM
How about Banana Daiquiris?

Banana Daiquiri recipe (

as we are on this 2 medics androgum thing, should that not be banana dastari's ? lol

04-12-2013, 12:34 AM
Meglos...Cactus juice..or just the plants? Do we know the local of the poster?

04-12-2013, 12:35 AM
as we are on this 2 medics androgum thing, should that not be banana dastari's ? lol

Of course. :D

04-12-2013, 12:40 AM
at this rate, we will have a whole cook book of medic related meals soon!

04-12-2013, 12:41 AM
Meglos...Cactus juice..or just the plants? Do we know the local of the poster?

An odd part of the US, I believe.

I'm not sure if cactus is OK to eat, but you substitute various melons and kiwi-fruit.

If memory serves, isn't the first food mentioned on the series Bacon And Eggs? Mustn't forget those.

04-12-2013, 12:44 AM
at this rate, we will have a whole cook book of medic related meals soon!

You bring up the actual cookbook and I will leave!

04-12-2013, 12:44 AM
An odd part of the US, I believe.

I'm not sure if cactus is OK to eat, but you substitute various melons and kiwi-fruit.

If memory serves, isn't the first food mentioned on the series Bacon And Eggs? Mustn't forget those.

yes but it looked like a white mars bar.... now theres an idea.... a bacon and egg tasting mars bar! I would HAVE to try that, even if only once! do you think we could get them to make one?

04-12-2013, 12:45 AM
An odd part of the US, I believe.

I'm not sure if cactus is OK to eat, but you substitute various melons and kiwi-fruit.

If memory serves, isn't the first food mentioned on the series Bacon And Eggs? Mustn't forget those.

Good call

"Beans...bad bad beans"

04-12-2013, 12:46 AM
yes but it looked like a white mars bar.... now theres an idea.... a bacon and egg tasting mars bar! I would HAVE to try that, even if only once! do you think we could get them to make one?

Only with the Hartnell food machine.

04-12-2013, 12:46 AM
there will be NO downie cookbook references here, other than the one I just made! lol

04-12-2013, 12:47 AM
Enjoyed this tonight but must go and work...looking forward to the other food ideas.


04-12-2013, 12:49 AM
well if you want to eat bbc food from 1963, be my guest... it was nice knowing you and I will miss you! lol

04-12-2013, 12:53 AM
yes but it looked like a white mars bar.... now theres an idea.... a bacon and egg tasting mars bar! I would HAVE to try that, even if only once! do you think we could get them to make one?

Yeah, I was thinking about that. So here we go ...

Fry some bacon (with fat on)
Chop into small bits
Get some stale bread and crumb it - probably about a 50/50 mix to bacon - may have to experiment
Mix with bacon
Mix with eggs to a reasonably firm mix
Make a 'slab' about the size of a slice of bread and about 2cm thick
Fry on both sides until cooked through.
Cut to size and serve

04-12-2013, 12:54 AM
Enjoyed this tonight but must go and work...looking forward to the other food ideas.


yes its been quite a chuckle! talk soon my friend

04-12-2013, 12:55 AM
Yeah, I was thinking about that. So here we go ...

Fry some bacon (with fat on)
Chop into small bits
Get some stale bread and crumb it - probably about a 50/50 mix to bacon - may have to experiment
Mix with bacon
Mix with eggs to a reasonably firm mix
Make a 'slab' about the size of a slice of bread and about 2cm thick
Fry on both sides until cooked through.
Cut to size and serve

you have FAR TOO MUCH time on your hands to come up with that... however I will be back in a few mins after I have made one!!!! lol

04-12-2013, 12:58 AM
I do like my food!

And I love playing with food. Had I had the facilities I'd be Heston Bloomingsillynaming food as much as I could.

04-12-2013, 01:02 AM
I do like my food!

And I love playing with food. Had I had the facilities I'd be Heston Bloomingsillynaming food as much as I could.

can you imagine if you did, what you could create.... I see a medic themed eatery in the pipeline lol

04-12-2013, 01:06 AM
Ha! I suspect the licence costs would bankrupt one in a month! :)

04-12-2013, 01:08 AM
Thanks for that

04-12-2013, 01:09 AM
Ha! I suspect the licence costs would bankrupt one in a month! :)

yeah thats you must be a brit like me then! expect them to introduce an air tax soon, or a farting tax lol! and on that happy note I am off to bed! talk to you soon my friend. stay safe and well!

04-12-2013, 01:13 AM
How about a Dalek Pork Pie/Pastie? The skirt could be a standard pork-pie, with stacked sliced spud in the shoulders/neck and veg in the dome?

04-12-2013, 01:15 AM

04-12-2013, 01:18 AM

04-12-2013, 01:24 AM
Or Garlic Bread in the shape of a Dalek - Dalek Bread!

04-12-2013, 01:44 AM
The BBC has never reacted to the announcement of a missing episode in this manner in the past and there is no reason why they would do it now..... the last 2 episodes were twitter announced... pretty much the BBC has a way of dealing with this sort of thing and subterfuge and secrecy is not one of them.

Yes but what if they are keeping any discovery back so that they can use a new and unseen clip or two in the 50th anniversary show. Doctor Who has used clips in the past but they are all pretty well known what stories they are from. Anyway, it would be a very good way of having Mr Hartnell and Mr Troughton actually appear in the show, and imagine the surprise viewers would get. It would top Earthshock and be the biggest surprise fans would ever get.

Well... I did say "what if"!

04-12-2013, 01:53 AM
There's also another reason that could "hold back" releasing any information officially on any new episodes that have been found.

Contract Clearance.

I've no doubt that they have to do due-diligence to ensure that everyone involved is OK for them to be distributed on DVD and to then work out how any residuals are paid.

(And don't forget that even now there's still some BF's that aren't available for download as someone involved in the production hasn't agreed for it to be distributed in that manner.)

04-12-2013, 02:06 AM
There's also another reason that could "hold back" releasing any information officially on any new episodes that have been found.

Contract Clearance.

I've no doubt that they have to do due-diligence to ensure that everyone involved is OK for them to be distributed on DVD and to then work out how any residuals are paid.

(And don't forget that even now there's still some BF's that aren't available for download as someone involved in the production hasn't agreed for it to be distributed in that manner.)

That's true as the story with the Mummies and old god with the 4th Medic was held back due to clearance issues with one of the actors if I recall

04-12-2013, 02:27 AM
That's true as the story with the Mummies and old god with the 4th Medic was held back due to clearance issues with one of the actors if I recall

Yeah? I didn't know that.

04-12-2013, 03:03 AM
When having a DW themed birthday party it's very hard to find food that relevantly go with the theme.
I've got on my list:
Fish Fingers (no custard as it's too pricey)
Jammie Dodgers
Jelly Babies (if I can find/afford them)
Orange Sherbert (a vague reference to the Wheel in Space since I'm not refering to the actual candy)
Orange Soda (as a reference to SJA)
and hopefully if I can find blue food coloring a TARDIS Cake.

If the only custard to be found in shops is in a pie, maybe you could buy a custard pie, and stick fish fingers in it. Alternate with blue candles, and you could have a birthday pie instead of cake!

04-12-2013, 03:22 AM
Yeah? I didn't know that.

This is why they don't announce the DVD's till (normally) 6 months before they are due out (though of late they have been more lax on this with the number of titles so low). POM was announced to come out in 2002/3, but one of the actors was informed about this and caused a bit of a stink so it ended up being held back till March 2004. If they have found the number of episodes, something tells me that not only are they sorting out any issues like that, but also working out things like DVD releases (for anything that has come out already and needs a revisit, or stories that could come out as complete)

04-12-2013, 03:33 AM
Yeah? I didn't know that.

Double Post - Ignore

04-12-2013, 04:26 AM
Nah. You'll be fine.

Just do a few 'test-runs' before you serve.

Besides, you may even discover that the famous combination is probably disgusting :)'

actually one of my sons requested fish fingers and custard for his birthday last year - the combination actually works and tastes great lol - mind you we made him have the first taste - note though - the fish fingers and the custard both need to be hot!!

I ended up having to make up more :lol:

04-12-2013, 04:56 AM
Speaking of Doctor Who party foods - I remembered seeing this website a while back - ?Doctor Who? Party Recipes | Photo Galleries | Doctor Who | BBC America ( We made some of them for the great-nephew's 4th b-day. We definitely liked the Sonic Screwdrivers (sans alcohol)

Here's another -

Tons more by googling Doctor Who Recipes. Best of luck

04-12-2013, 05:10 AM
Found a recipe for homemade fish fingers - BBC - Food - Recipes : Homemade fish fingers (

04-12-2013, 05:19 AM
Got distracted by the negativity of TTROT..[Edit]..Sorry TTROY

...but here's Warriors of Passion episode the ninth...




Exterminate Me
04-12-2013, 05:30 AM
Wow. We seem to have become a food thread!
Have to say in regard to missing episodes being recovered. Take into account many things.
1) If a large batch of episodes, it would take a long time to go through and verify that what the label on the tin says is what it is. Each roll of film would have to be checked from beginning to end.
2) From finding until reporting said found episodes isn't fast. The last two found episodes weren't announced until ages.
3) As has been mentioned before sources of information need to be protected (otherwise people won't share info - who wants to be branded a leak and perhaps lose their job?!)
4) I heard quite similar info to Foes' last year, and mine was from a reliable source and, I'm sure, a different source - making me have the conclusion that this may be more than just a rumour.
5) If they have recovered planet after 9 episode 4 and the DVD is still on schedule to be released remember, as has been pointed out, that the schedules are worked out well in advance, especially the commissions for animations of missing eps. We all know that the BBC likes to make money too, and what better way to release a story twice (they wouldn't do that, would they?!!!).
6) As has also been mentioned there are clearances to be made with many people too (royalties etc as well) as well as money to be payed to whoever found the episodes etc.

I could go on but there are rally so many reasons. And, has been mentioned, what better present to the fans than to announce, on the 50th anniversary, that missing episodes have been found.
It MAY all be nothing, but then again it MAY all be something. Only time will tell. I for one am excited. I do have hope.

04-12-2013, 05:35 AM
Oh - and here's the other "thank you"! For all of you who have been waiting for the continuing adventures of that man made out of rock.

Here it is: this month's main range: "Dardle has to Perish!"




Many thanks - the roomie was asking about it.

04-12-2013, 05:56 AM
it is amazing that the ONLY info on the whole Web is Foe's little low on factual info rumor. This is the other difference..... in the other cases even missing episodes people knew something or states the knew something they couldn't divulge..

The actual facts and tangible info mere is rather barren except for a "trust me i'm a nigerian prince post" ...which probably has more basuis in truth than what has been divulged here...... at lest the receiving e-mail is correct on those type of "spam"

Tell us more Foe... at B|F we love stories!!!!

04-12-2013, 06:05 AM
Thanks for the update, Foefromthefuture, and of course for this month's releases! :) IMHO, you're worth your weight in recovered missing episodes. ;)

On the subject of recovered missing episodes, to quote the Eleventh Medic "Haven't you figured that out yet?" and, from last week's episode, "Well, it's what they believe."

Well, here's what I believe happened:

1) Foe believed that his contact was genuine and truthful;

2) Foe believed that missing episodes had been recovered;

3) Foe believed that he had seen footage from recovered missing episodes;

4) Foe's contact was in fact the Master disguised as a BBC employee;

5) Foe was under the Master's influence, which explained 1, 2 and 3 above;

6) recovered missing episodes (or at least their rumour) were essential to the Master's ludicrous plan to take over the BBC/world/universe, kill the Medic, find a new body and land a role in the Fiftieth Anniversary Special;

7) Foe fought off the Master's influence and beat him to an early regeneration with the very same drum of film that the Master used to lure Foe into his trap in the first place; and

8) the drum of film that may or may not have contained a missing episode was irrevocably damaged by repeated impacts with the Master's head.

Case closed. :P Well, unless, hang on... Foe, from the future? Good grief! Could Foefromthefuture be the Tersurusian word for Master? Was Foe the Master all along?


04-12-2013, 06:13 AM
Post removed by request.

04-12-2013, 06:30 AM
honestly ttroy - you are sounding more and more like a sulking child who is chucking a tanty because he wasn't picked first.

At some point in every discovery there is a time when only one person knows of it. That person picks their time and place to tell others. You appear to believe that you personally should be one of the first told, if not the actual discoverer.
It's possible that news of this discovery (if in fact there is one) leaking out on the net could compromise the actual acquisition of them. No announcement is going to be made (if there is one to be made) until the BBC has them in their hot little hands and has confirmed they are genuine. If as many eps have been found as claimed, i would assume this would be a long drawn out process, and then on top of that there would be the restoration and permissions process to go through too.
You have a right to be sceptical. We all do. You have managed to go well beyond that to ill-mannered sulky child tantrum.
Well done.

04-12-2013, 06:41 AM
thank you foeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for the anti-book burning society and the crystalline maniac.

Exterminate Me
04-12-2013, 06:44 AM
Thank you Foe. Just testing how to do spoilers!

04-12-2013, 06:45 AM
Post removed by request.

Exterminate Me
04-12-2013, 06:47 AM
BTW Foe. I PM'd you.

04-12-2013, 07:03 AM
Someone posted this on FB from todays Torygraph

Dr Who Dalek found in pond - Telegraph (

Must of been a bit of a shock when it started to come to the surface :)

Exterminate Me
04-12-2013, 07:07 AM
What a cool find. If he'd seen Pepperpot Invasion of Earth he would have had a shock!

04-12-2013, 08:03 AM
BTW Foe. I PM'd you.

Hi Exterminate Me - I've responded with a PM.

04-12-2013, 08:42 AM
Someone posted this on FB from todays Torygraph

Dr Who Dalek found in pond - Telegraph (

Must of been a bit of a shock when it started to come to the surface :)
That was from March 2009

I remember a lot of people were claiming it was a hoax but a google search does not find anything that points to that being confirmed.

With regards to Foe. I trust him, if I did not I would have not made him a Moderator on the backup place.

I don't believe he would try and dupe us. I also believe for him to post any of what he has, he would fully believe what he has been told and also shows a lot of faith in us as fans and friends.

If (and I think that is a big IF) what he has said turns out to be untrue then again I truly believe he will be as disappointed as us.

I am a big enough man that I will be able to admit I was wrong. If some want to call me gullible under those circumstances then go ahead, I couldn't give a shit. I don't class myself as a gullible person under normal circumstances and normally I take all possible Doctor Who finds with a pinch of salt.

I am willing to believe in what Foe is saying and if that makes me gullible in the opinion of someone behind a keyboards eyes then as I said that is fine.

04-12-2013, 08:55 AM
With regards to Foe. I trust him, if I did not I would have not made him a Moderator on the backup place.

I think many of us trust Foe, but I can kind of see where ttroy is coming from but I don't agree with the way he went about things, and the general tone of his posts. I believe Foe, and he trusts his sources which is fine by me and until this whole affair is sorted one way or the other I'll remain optimistic. Like DrWho001 said, 'if that makes me gullible in the opinion of someone behind a keyboards eyes then as I said that is fine.'

Exterminate Me
04-12-2013, 09:01 AM
I believe Foe too. I heard last year, around the same time, from another source, well before I heard what Foe had to say, which tends to make me believe what Foe has said.

04-12-2013, 10:08 AM
Thanks Foe for this months releases.

As for all these missing episodes. like all the talk in the past about them turning up, we will wait and see even though i don't believe it. but thanks :)

04-12-2013, 10:16 AM
I think many of us trust Foe, but I can kind of see where ttroy is coming from but I don't agree with the way he went about things, and the general tone of his posts. I believe Foe, and he trusts his sources which is fine by me and until this whole affair is sorted one way or the other I'll remain optimistic.
I agree.

04-12-2013, 10:36 AM
That was from March 2009

I remember a lot of people were claiming it was a hoax but a google search does not find anything that points to that being confirmed.

With regards to Foe. I trust him, if I did not I would have not made him a Moderator on the backup place.

Yep it was, just made me laugh this morning when someone posted it on Facebook and i thought people might like a chuckle in the morning
I don't believe he would try and dupe us. I also believe for him to post any of what he has, he would fully believe what he has been told and also shows a lot of faith in us as fans and friends.

If (and I think that is a big IF) what he has said turns out to be untrue then again I truly believe he will be as disappointed as us.

I am a big enough man that I will be able to admit I was wrong. If some want to call me gullible under those circumstances then go ahead, I couldn't give a shit. I don't class myself as a gullible person under normal circumstances and normally I take all possible Doctor Who finds with a pinch of salt.

I am willing to believe in what Foe is saying and if that makes me gullible in the opinion of someone behind a keyboards eyes then as I said that is fine.

Yep it was, saw someone post it on Facebook this morning and it brought a smile to my face and thought people could do with a laugh

04-12-2013, 10:42 AM
I think many of us trust Foe, but I can kind of see where ttroy is coming from but I don't agree with the way he went about things, and the general tone of his posts. I believe Foe, and he trusts his sources which is fine by me and until this whole affair is sorted one way or the other I'll remain optimistic. Like DrWho001 said, 'if that makes me gullible in the opinion of someone behind a keyboards eyes then as I said that is fine.'

i completely agree. I've kept well clear of this little mess on here as this is the reason i stay away from forums in general.
ttroy's tone may have been misinterpreted (easily done with the written word) but, unfortunately, it comes across as the vitriol and bile of a dedicated keyboard junkie. It's a shame to see on here.

and (now this will make you cross!) i am past caring if Foe is right or not...!
I'll watch them if they exist - happily - but i long ago resigned myself to the fact that some things are gone forever

04-12-2013, 10:48 AM
and (now this will make you cross!) i am past caring if Foe is right or not...!
I'll watch them if they exist - happily - but i long ago resigned myself to the fact that some things are gone forever

Doesn't make me cross in the slightest. I'm not sure if I believe the rumour or not, but I believe that Foe believes it and he has no reason to feed us bullshit.

There are people out there who may be trying to run a con but all we can do is take the rumour at face value - everything we have been told has been told in good faith. Like you, I'll watch them if they surface but if not, ce la vie. :)

04-12-2013, 11:17 AM
When rumours are heard they should be heard with rumour shaped ears and held in rumour shaped expectation.

04-12-2013, 11:24 AM
If anyone is interested I have the latest from the second incumbent "Internet Boy's Sepulchre"



04-12-2013, 12:00 PM
Apparently Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker & Paul McGann are all in Oz together right now. Coincidence, or is something else going on here...

I'm going to say they're probably in NZ now, with Peter Davison. And Nicholas Briggs. Considering I'm visiting them in the morning...

(and yes, I'm beside myself)

04-12-2013, 12:20 PM
I'm going to say they're probably in NZ now, with Peter Davison. And Nicholas Briggs. Considering I'm visiting them in the morning...

(and yes, I'm beside myself)

Ah. Sounds like they're gonna be plugging the BF 50th audio in that case. Anyway, have a good time tomorrow you lucky sod. :D

04-12-2013, 12:29 PM
Ah. Sounds like they're gonna be plugging the BF 50th audio in that case. Anyway, have a good time tomorrow you lucky sod. :D

Very lucky so and so.

04-12-2013, 12:29 PM
Whilst I am posting I take it we have no scarfed one release this month cause we had 2 last month? Also I see the original Borg Queen is in next months scarfed.

04-12-2013, 12:30 PM
I'm going to say they're probably in NZ now, with Peter Davison. And Nicholas Briggs. Considering I'm visiting them in the morning...

(and yes, I'm beside myself)
ah,so close yet so far...