Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 [154] 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162

07-18-2017, 10:42 AM
apparently the 10th medics daughter is getting her own box set, LC has not addressed the rumor but radio times has announced it

It's here too:

Think I'll skip that one... quality not quantity, Briggs!

07-18-2017, 10:55 AM
Maybe they've got some interesting ideas otherwise it might just end up another generic Benny/River box set. She's work better with Ten with her acting young and wreckless and him acting parental.

07-18-2017, 10:58 AM
It's here too:

Think I'll skip that one... quality not quantity, Briggs!

I dunno, there's been some surprisingly good audios over the years. Sometimes they can take dodgy ideas and make them work. I'm thinking of 6 and Mel. OTOH, not every story is a great one. Chase Masterson comes to mind. She was supposed to be an entertaining badass, but I just didn't care. So if this set appears, I'll probably give it a listen before writing it off.

07-18-2017, 02:38 PM
It is with hope that I am not breaking the mourning of those who we have lost (I am REALLY torn up about the loss of the Mr. Baxter. And I am also saddened by the loss of Martin Landau), but...

I come to you as a peacekeeper.
I hope NOT to tell anyone that they are wrong or right in their stance on 13 BUT to give grounds for MUTUAL AGREEMENT and so that we can move on as one.

I've posted this at one or two other sites and am hoping to build a consensus. A D�tente.

I AM here to say that I thought of a workaround set of reasoning for any, who, like me, are holding onto past canon (pre-Moff):

The REASON that the MEDIC had not, up until now, ever changed into - nor discussed the possibility of becoming - a woman, was that it WAS NOT possible (Or at the VERY least, it was highly-improbable) in the FIRST regeneration cycle (that whether you buy into the "Loom" process or not) sees the regen-cycle merged with their symbiotic nuclei at a cellular, genetic level.

TimeLORDS and TimeLADIES were just that. Different born sexes of Gallifreyans.

However, once a NEW, secondary regen-cycle is introduced, it is open-coded; "worn" more than embedded, and so, fluidity between sexes IS now possible.

That's why Mazter/Mizzy could do so, because we KNOW they are well-past their first cycle.

The General poses a slight problem, BUT I think that perhaps, there are levels of TimeLords:
Military personnel are bequeathed Regen-cycles but are not TimeLords of the 1st Class.
They are Secondary, and as such are not bonded at the nuclei-cellular level.
It is a "positional status" and not one of being high-born.
Thus, they are not locked into their original gender.

While personally, I'm not FOR the change, it is NOT because it is a woman, BUT because I would rather see a NEW character (or regen'd Romana or Susan or Jenny - Who is now getting her own Audio series from BF) get their own show.

It doesn't need to be either/or but BOTH can exist.

However, that isn't the reality of the situation. So I hope to have found a way for it to work.

So...How about the idea?
It might make some sleep better to have a "reason" that makes sense for the change (other than "we need to boost ratings and not be seen as archaic" or"'s about time it happened").


07-18-2017, 03:35 PM
Personally, I don't need any ""reason" that makes sense for the change" in order to accept a female Doctor and I feel a bit sorry for those that do. I don't understand why a female Doctor is such a shock to some. It's sad when people regard the casting as a box-ticking exercise, as if women are a tiresome minority seeking to steal equality from all the good men in the world!

07-18-2017, 03:56 PM
Personally, I don't need any ""reason" that makes sense for the change" in order to accept a female Doctor and I feel a bit sorry for those that do. I don't understand why a female Doctor is such a shock to some. It's sad when people regard the casting as a box-ticking exercise, as if women are a tiresome minority seeking to steal equality from all the good men in the world!

On the contrary; I do not think that women are some tiresome minority trying to steal equality.
I would PREFER that they were given heroes and roles that are created for them - NEW - they deserve it!

All the BatGirls and Spider-Women - while nifty, aren't even enough, as they are merely knock-offs of existing characters.
A female Doctor? Fine. Though, you have to admit the fact that there hadn't been one in the canon makes this one a bit of a stretch - story-wise.
I would have LOVED it if the 3rd Doctor was a woman!

And then have some alterations every couple of regens.

But the very fact that it hadn't been done in the first 12 regens, made it (from a STORY sense - we all know the REAL-world reasons why it didn't happen then) seem like this new one is "not" for story reasons - although since NuWho, the audience are more accepting of the situation, and as such, it can very well BE story-based.

I'm not trying to make some weird validation for a woman getting the role.
I'm glad!
BUT, from a PURELY canonical, 50-year history of the show reason, I thought it might be ok to offer an in-story explanation.

The fact that people are so unwilling to accept that not everyone who isn't "thrilled" for this news is some kind of He-Man Woman-Hating misogynist is frankly close-minded, in and of itself.

07-18-2017, 04:11 PM
I'm not 100% certain how I feel about a female Doctor. After all of these years it might seem a bit strange for a while but why not wait until we've actually seen her in action before making any judgements.

I've read up on her previous roles but have never actually seen her in anything before, so I'm coming in with no idea on her acting capabilities but the PTB obviously think she can handle the role.

Lastly, I wonder if we'll be getting a new Tardis interior. Don't we usually when there's a new Doc?

Exterminate Me
07-18-2017, 05:15 PM
I'm not 100% certain how I feel about a female Doctor. After all of these years it might seem a bit strange for a while but why not wait until we've actually seen her in action before making any judgements.

I've read up on her previous roles but have never actually seen her in anything before, so I'm coming in with no idea on her acting capabilities but the PTB obviously think she can handle the role.

Lastly, I wonder if we'll be getting a new Tardis interior. Don't we usually when there's a new Doc?

And do something about that awful midi sound in the title music while they're at it.

---------- Post added 07-19-2017 at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous post was 07-18-2017 at 11:23 PM ----------

I've just been talking with a friend. Wouldn't it be great to have River and Benny in a story with the new Medic on TV? Two archaeologists trying to up one another before the Medic. Just an idea. I'd love to see Benny with the Medic period, on TV.

07-18-2017, 07:45 PM
Wouldn't it be great to have River and Benny in a story with the new Medic on TV? Two archaeologists trying to up one another before the Medic. Just an idea. I'd love to see Benny with the Medic period, on TV.

I'm surprised LC haven't done a River/Benny story yet. Seems like story screaming out to be told.

Or have they? I must admit I gave up River - she was well overused.

07-18-2017, 08:54 PM
And do something about that awful midi sound in the title music while they're at it.[COLOR="Silver"]

I have to confess - the high-pitched midi sound grew on me.
I hated it when it first started (and once I recorded it and slowed it ever-so-slightly and it sounded EPIC), but the high-whine has grown on me.
Still, New Medic, so New Interior, Show Intro & Theme arrangement.

I've just been talking with a friend. Wouldn't it be great to have River and Benny in a story with the new Medic on TV? Two archaeologists trying to up one another before the Medic. Just an idea. I'd love to see Benny with the Medic period, on TV.

I'm surprised LC haven't done a River/Benny story yet. Seems like story screaming out to be told.

Or have they? I must admit I gave up River - she was well overused.

River and Benny WOULD be great together.
They'd HATE and LOVE each other so much.
It would be a hoot!

07-18-2017, 09:51 PM
I don't understand why some people see women as almost a different species to men. We're all just bags of water with idea above our station :D

07-19-2017, 01:10 AM
Ones things certain, all the right wing extremists in fandom have come out of the closet. Bizarre how they lack the imagination to see women as anything but narrow gender roles.

I think that's a little bit unfair. I agree there have been a lot of dick-head comments made but for many other people, it is a legitimate concern. Having the hero they've followed their whole lives suddenly turn into a woman will take some getting used to & it won't happen until they actually get to see her in action. I don't think that makes them sexist or right wing extremists. Just be patient with them.

Personally, I'm going to say this: like it or not, it's happening so find a way to deal with it! It's not like anyone here is going to stop watching. And, if nothing else, there's currently more public interest in the show than it's had for far too long a time.

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

Lastly, I wonder if we'll be getting a new Tardis interior. Don't we usually when there's a new Doc?

It could do with a woman's touch.
(It's just a joke - don't give me grief about gender roles!)

Miss Joan Doe
07-19-2017, 08:08 AM
I don't understand why some people see women as almost a different species to men. We're all just bags of water with idea above our station :D

That's ugly bags of mostly water, thank you. :) :) :) ;)

07-19-2017, 09:16 AM
That's ugly bags of mostly water, thank you. :) :) :) ;)

Darn, I was going to post something like that until I scrolled down and found out I was too late. XD

07-19-2017, 08:25 PM

07-20-2017, 01:45 AM
If you're interest in role playing games, you might like this new Humble Bundle:

07-20-2017, 09:57 AM
That's ugly bags of mostly water, thank you. :) :) :) ;)


---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 AM ----------

I think that's a little bit unfair. I agree there have been a lot of dick-head comments made but for many other people, it is a legitimate concern. Having the hero they've followed their whole lives suddenly turn into a woman will take some getting used to & it won't happen until they actually get to see her in action. I don't think that makes them sexist or right wing extremists. Just be patient with them.

That's a fair point but I was just shocked at the frequency of "FEMINAZIS RUIN EVERYTHING" comments. Of course there's going to new "New Doctor Anxiety" from people regardless of whether it's a female or not.

Exterminate Me
07-20-2017, 06:16 PM
Forgive me for posting this.....but I'm desperate. Any help would be appreciated. Please share the link with others
I wouldn't post this if I wasn't in dire need. Again apologies

Don't apologise. You should have mentioned something sooner. What a crap situation to find yourself in. I've shared this on my FB page so far.

07-20-2017, 06:52 PM
Forgive me for posting this.....but I'm desperate. Any help would be appreciated. Please share the link with others
I wouldn't post this if I wasn't in dire need. Again apologies

I wish I could do more, but I've tweeted it out.
With luck, more eyes will see it.

But, I understand all too well.
I started a new job that pays WOEFULLY less than what I was making and I'm currently trying to find a way to pay my mortgage for the next few months (I'm already starting to fall behind).
My wife doesn't/can't work anymore and there are always bills that I have to juggle (We don't have fancy TV plans or anything. Everything gets cut closer to the bone more and more).

I wish that I WAS in a position to help.
(And I take it that your landlord wouldn't be willing to accept the notice that you are to be newly employed soon?)

07-20-2017, 09:13 PM
Forgive me for posting this.....but I'm desperate. Any help would be appreciated. Please share the link with others
I wouldn't post this if I wasn't in dire need. Again apologies

Good luck, webs.

07-20-2017, 10:39 PM

07-21-2017, 09:29 AM
Sorry to hear about your woes webs and I hope it picks up for you soon. Hopefully this will help...

Latest B7 sighted in the bay...

07-21-2017, 09:32 AM
Sorry to hear about your woes webs and I hope it picks up for you soon. Hopefully this will help...

Latest B7 sighted in the bay...

for some reason i cant access the i missing some latest change?

07-21-2017, 02:04 PM
for some reason i cant access the i missing some latest change?

The website changes address slightly sometimes.
The current version ends with .la
If that doesn't work try googling it

07-21-2017, 02:32 PM
The website changes address slightly sometimes.
The current version ends with .la
If that doesn't work try googling it

many thanks

07-21-2017, 03:10 PM
RIP Deborah Watling. Sad day.

07-21-2017, 03:29 PM
Aw no not another.

She was so lovely. I had a photo taken with her once and she seemed so surprised and pleased that somebody wanted her in a photo.

Rest in Peace.. :(

Exterminate Me
07-21-2017, 04:11 PM
RIP Deborah Watling. Sad day.

Lung cancer I believe. No wonder she sounded so rough in the audios.

On another note. My ISP comes up with this: We've blocked a website that may contain Malicious Content. The site you've been blocked from visiting may contain viruses, trojans or spyware that can be harmful to your devices.

when I try to access ABB. Anyone know a way around that? There's an option - Report this website as safe, which I click on and does nothing. The C**ts. Can anybody help?

07-21-2017, 04:14 PM
Lung cancer I believe. No wonder she sounded so rough in the audios.

On another note. My ISP comes up with this: We've blocked a website that may contain Malicious Content. The site you've been blocked from visiting may contain viruses, trojans or spyware that can be harmful to your devices.

when I try to access ABB. Anyone know a way around that? There's an option - Report this website as safe, which I click on and does nothing. The C**ts. Can anybody help?

ive gotten the exact same thing .........ABB is out of reach at the mo :(

RIP deborah watling :( :(

07-21-2017, 04:20 PM
Lung cancer I believe. No wonder she sounded so rough in the audios.

On another note. My ISP comes up with this: We've blocked a website that may contain Malicious Content. The site you've been blocked from visiting may contain viruses, trojans or spyware that can be harmful to your devices.

when I try to access ABB. Anyone know a way around that? There's an option - Report this website as safe, which I click on and does nothing. The C**ts. Can anybody help?

Using a VPN is the easiest way and considering the content of ABB is advisable anyway

07-21-2017, 04:21 PM
RIP Debbie Watling. I just got in to ABB without a hitch using h t t p : / / a u d i o b o o k b a y . l a / m e m b e r / u s e r s /

Exterminate Me
07-21-2017, 04:35 PM
Using a VPN is the easiest way and considering the content of ABB is advisable anyway

No luck with that anyway. Don't worry, I do check.

07-21-2017, 07:58 PM
I met Debbie many times over the years. She really was one of a kind. She will be missed

07-21-2017, 08:28 PM
Rest In Peace, Deborah Watling.
While I never had the pleasure to meet her, I did enjoy what episodes (and telesnap reconstructions) of hers that survived (in addition to D0wnT1m3 and other specials).

It always seemed to be a bit unfair, to me, that her tenure on the BlueBox was such a short one, but I was VERY happy that she got to continue on at BF.

Exterminate Me
07-22-2017, 07:38 AM
Rest In Peace, Deborah Watling.
While I never had the pleasure to meet her, I did enjoy what episodes (and telesnap reconstructions) of hers that survived (in addition to D0wnT1m3 and other specials).

It always seemed to be a bit unfair, to me, that her tenure on the BlueBox was such a short one, but I was VERY happy that she got to continue on at BF.


07-22-2017, 08:53 AM
+1 here too

07-22-2017, 09:02 AM
What's really sad is we only have a small smattering of episodes to gauge her character by. Like Ben, Polly, and Dodo, Victoria was a companion who's time in the box was lost due to the Beeb's shortsightedness.

Exterminate Me
07-22-2017, 09:11 AM
What's really sad is we only have a small smattering of episodes to gauge her character by. Like Ben, Polly, and Dodo, Victoria was a companion who's time in the box was lost due to the Beeb's shortsightedness.

Though, thankfully, we've had Enemy and Web to see more.

I'm always saddened that we don't have her last story as that sounds like it's a ripper of a story from what I've seen, read and listened of it.

07-23-2017, 05:00 PM
I definitely think we'll see more missing episodes resurface over time. Especially if certain rumours are to be believed. Sad about losing our Victoria, a friend of mine was pretty torn up about it. Funny how Who family deaths come in groups, I hope this is the end of those for now, mind.

07-24-2017, 02:40 PM
Any chance someone could help me with the the burning trees 16 and 17. I've been missing my audio since all the trouble here. Hope someone will be kind. Cheers.

And as an aside if anyone is willing to get me into the other place that would be good - but I'm not expecting it or taking it for granted - I know people have to be wary

07-24-2017, 03:40 PM
Been AWOL for the last week or so due to going out of town to see my gf, but I was saddened to read about the losses of Trevor Baxter and Deborah Watling. However, I'm cautiously optimistic about the newly announced 13th Doctor. I've been a bit more outspoken in recent years about there being a female Doctor despite the backlash that would ensue. But now that it's happened, I have to hope it's something that takes the show in a fresh new direction in spite of the backlash.

07-24-2017, 09:47 PM
Any chance someone could help me with the the burning trees 16


---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

and 17.


Just hit me with the thumbs up. I need the cred :)

07-24-2017, 09:49 PM
Just hit me with the thumbs up. I need the cred :)

Cred to you, Sensorite!
I stuck my thumb up your cred. (er... you know what I mean.)

Honestly, I don't know if I have those or not (my TW files are a sketchy assemblage) but I got 'em just in case.

Now, I see they are numbered 3.4 and 3.5... I have NO idea about 4.1 & 4.2.
I'm a sad, sad man...

07-25-2017, 10:08 AM

---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------


Just hit me with the thumbs up. I need the cred :)

thumbs up from me too kind sir........:) :)

07-25-2017, 01:14 PM
If people are sticking thumbs up all over the place you might need to visit the Zero Room......just don't throw hands at him!

07-25-2017, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the help x burning trees are now sorted

07-25-2017, 06:41 PM
I'm always saddened that we don't have her last story as that sounds like it's a ripper of a story from what I've seen, read and listened of it.

I've always felt that watching Fury would probably spoil it. The Troughton era used far too much foam, always with poor results & story where the monster actually is foam could only look silly. Of course, if it ever turns up, I will kill people to get hold of my copy!

07-25-2017, 07:42 PM
I've always felt that watching Fury would probably spoil it. The Troughton era used far too much foam, always with poor results & story where the monster actually is foam could only look silly. Of course, if it ever turns up, I will kill people to get hold of my copy!

Uhuh...and the enemy of the world was paradise towers terrible...until we saw it lol

07-25-2017, 07:52 PM
Oooeeer!! I've never had so many thumbs up at the same time. cough. :)

07-25-2017, 08:28 PM
Uhuh...and the enemy of the world was paradise towers terrible...until we saw it lol

Ha! True.

---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

Oooeeer!! I've never had so many thumbs up at the same time. cough. :)

It must be your new persona.

07-25-2017, 08:44 PM
---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

It must be your new persona.

I should have degenerated a long time ago then ;)

Or is that re-regenerate or de-regenerate? Think I'll stick with degenerate!

Exterminate Me
07-26-2017, 08:48 AM
I've always felt that watching Fury would probably spoil it. The Troughton era used far too much foam, always with poor results & story where the monster actually is foam could only look silly. Of course, if it ever turns up, I will kill people to get hold of my copy!

The creature looked pretty good to me. They used a costume in amongst the foam, so the creature's size changed according to how much foam clung to it. I'm kinda waiting for foam in NuWho to tell you the truth.

07-26-2017, 09:23 AM
The creature looked pretty good to me. They used a costume in amongst the foam, so the creature's size changed according to how much foam clung to it. I'm kinda waiting for foam in NuWho to tell you the truth.

Yes, I'll have to concede. I spoke without having seen any of it but the creature does look much better than I imagined (very Quatermassy). Way too much bubble bath but I suppose that couldn't be helped.

07-26-2017, 02:42 PM
I "watched" the telesnap version of FURY (it also included what scant video footage that had survived) and I quite enjoyed it.
Aside from the creepiness of O@k & Qu!ll, the actual monster is a seaweed creature drenched in foam.
I must admit to having a soft spot for muck-monsters, and so it gets a pass from me.

Now, BUBBLEWRAP monsters on the other hand...
(OK, I confess I was genuinely delighted by the use of bubblewrap as a monster in MedicWhat ARK. I thought it charming. Sad, and poor production values- yes, but a charming attempt to use what they had at hand.)

07-26-2017, 04:33 PM
In its day I remember as a kid it scared me.

My first memory of infections. Of course then I saw Gween Death

Nowadays its the cost of bubblewrap that scares me!!

07-26-2017, 05:19 PM
foam, bubblewrap... how times have changed... now we are supposed to be scared of bloody stone statues that don't move lol!

Exterminate Me
07-26-2017, 05:41 PM
Gotta love the ingenuity of those designers in the past, though, sometimes the unknown can be more scary, and atmosphere can do wonders too. Planet of Evil used to scare me.

07-26-2017, 09:13 PM
Gotta love the ingenuity of those designers in the past.

I agree, considering the budget they had to work to, it's amazing what they came up with.

07-26-2017, 10:48 PM
Yeah, I've done a complete u-turn on Fury From The Deep since this conversation began. That's peer group pressure for you!

07-27-2017, 08:49 AM
Classic Docs, Nu Baddies appeared over in the bay...

07-27-2017, 09:08 AM
Classic Docs, Nu Baddies appeared over in the bay...

sadly i cant access the bay here in the UK :( could some kind soul help out?

07-27-2017, 09:18 AM
sadly i cant access the bay here in the UK :( could some kind soul help out?

I'm in the Uk and I can access it ok. Something has changed tho, and I have to use to log in.

07-27-2017, 09:25 AM
I'm in the Uk and I can access it ok. Something has changed tho, and I have to use to log in.

for some reason when i try i get ............v Look out! Virus Safe has blocked this site, and sadly i cant get past that point

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

for some reason when i try i get ............v Look out! Virus Safe has blocked this site, and sadly i cant get past that point

maybe its a virgin broadband thing :(

07-27-2017, 09:50 AM
for some reason when i try i get ............v Look out! Virus Safe has blocked this site, and sadly i cant get past that point

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

maybe its a virgin broadband thing :(

I use a VPN and I get something like that when I use certain countries but not on others...... Hmmm

---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

Anyhoo... When dark meets light, or good meets bad. etc. etc.


Hopefully. :/

07-27-2017, 10:33 AM
I use a VPN and I get something like that when I use certain countries but not on others...... Hmmm

---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

Anyhoo... When dark meets light, or good meets bad. etc. etc.

Hopefully. :/

That is really cool, thanks!

07-27-2017, 10:35 AM

That's ok!. I don't usually use winzip so I hope I did it right?

Old head trying to use new tech can be tough... :)

07-27-2017, 12:01 PM
foam, bubblewrap... how times have changed... now we are supposed to be scared of bloody stone statues that don't move lol!

Ah, but are you sure they don't move. I live near a cemetery with lots of statues in the grounds and I'm sure they move when I'm not looking...

07-27-2017, 12:18 PM
Ah, but are you sure they don't move. I live near a cemetery with lots of statues in the grounds and I'm sure they move when I'm not looking...

Funny you should say that.. the stone angel on my dad's grave disappeared ages ago and still hasn't come back...

07-27-2017, 01:23 PM
I use a VPN and I get something like that when I use certain countries but not on others...... Hmmm

---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

Anyhoo... When dark meets light, or good meets bad. etc. etc.


Hopefully. :/

---------- Post added at 06:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 AM ----------

thank you good sir............your a diamond :)

07-27-2017, 01:53 PM
Yeah, I've done a complete u-turn on Fury From The Deep since this conversation began. That's peer group pressure for you!

OK, Now give us your Milk Money!

... When dark meets light, or good meets bad. etc. etc.
Hopefully. :/

Ahhhh... Sensorite's Hopeful, Charitable and Generous Goodness has made me see the error of my ways.
Keep your Milk Money, SmugglerTrev.

Thank you Sensorite!

07-27-2017, 02:09 PM
Thank you very much Sensorite!!!!

Exterminate Me
07-27-2017, 03:08 PM
That's ok!. I don't usually use winzip so I hope I did it right?

Old head trying to use new tech can be tough... :)

Thank you Sensorite/D84. You saved me some hassle. Can't give more rep to you yet, but I'll remember to.

07-27-2017, 03:37 PM
Thank you Sensorite/D84. You saved me some hassle. Can't give more rep to you yet, but I'll remember to.


07-27-2017, 05:44 PM
Very efficient, you Super-Vocs!

07-27-2017, 06:14 PM
Thanks DSensorite!

07-27-2017, 09:53 PM
Very efficient, you Super-Vocs!

Nah! I'm just a dumb.. Not even a voc class... ;)

07-27-2017, 10:48 PM
Keep your Milk Money, SmugglerTrev.

I'm going to spend it all on sweets!

07-27-2017, 11:48 PM
I'm going to spend it all on sweets!

Jelly babies by any chance???

07-28-2017, 04:05 AM
An in-depth interview with the wonderful David Warner.

07-28-2017, 06:22 AM
Nah! I'm just a dumb.. Not even a voc class... ;)

you made my weekend mate :)

07-28-2017, 08:28 AM
you made my weekend mate :)

You're welcome, but just be careful with it, as usually anything i make, tends to fall down after a few days :)

Not sure if anyone wants this but its the latest printed editorial 515


07-28-2017, 10:27 AM
You're welcome, but just be careful with it, as usually anything i make, tends to fall down after a few days :)

Not sure if anyone wants this but its the latest printed editorial 515


Thank You!!!

I heard a cry!!!

07-28-2017, 12:43 PM
Would anyone have t*h*e l*o*s*t p*l*a*n*e*t and t*h*e l*o*s*t f*l*a*m*e from number 12?

I had located the other 2 but could not find those.

Thank you in advance!!!

Exterminate Me
07-28-2017, 03:36 PM
I heard a cry!!!

That was me...

07-28-2017, 03:38 PM
Would anyone have t*h*e l*o*s*t p*l*a*n*e*t


Hope this is what you are looking for.

07-28-2017, 03:45 PM
Thank you very much Sensorite!
I was gathering some of the audios to listen to when I noticed I had some missing.
I really appreciate it!

07-28-2017, 04:06 PM
That was me...

I heard a Cry!!

07-28-2017, 04:33 PM
Soooo. As I have now lost my Robot-D84 persona. should I change my avatar to represent my new/old name? Or should I just leave it as is??

07-28-2017, 05:23 PM
You're welcome, but just be careful with it, as usually anything i make, tends to fall down after a few days :)

Not sure if anyone wants this but its the latest printed editorial 515

I've been trying to give you some more "thumbs", but the shrine says I've been overly generous with thumbs the past 24hours, and i'll have to wait.

I promise you my OTHER thumb when I can.

Soooo. As I have now lost my Robot-D84 persona. should I change my avatar to represent my new/old name? Or should I just leave it as is??

You could make a new one with D84 AND a Sensorite.

But I like the current avatar. You know that D84 is a good chap... his "Sense Are Right"

I'll see myself out.

07-28-2017, 09:54 PM
I've been trying to give you some more "thumbs", but the shrine says I've been overly generous with thumbs the past 24hours, and i'll have to wait.

I promise you my OTHER thumb when I can.

You could make a new one with D84 AND a Sensorite.

But I like the current avatar. You know that D84 is a good chap... his "Sense Are Right"

I'll see myself out.

Doh!!! I'll hold the door ;) lol

Exterminate Me
07-29-2017, 09:15 AM
I heard a Cry!!

That was me!!!

---------- Post added at 04:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

Soooo. As I have now lost my Robot-D84 persona. should I change my avatar to represent my new/old name? Or should I just leave it as is??

If you could meld a Sensorite head on D84's body, or vice versa, that'd be good.

07-29-2017, 11:26 AM
Soooo. As I have now lost my Robot-D84 persona. should I change my avatar to represent my new/old name? Or should I just leave it as is??

Leave it. I just assume people's avatars are what they really look like, anyway.

07-29-2017, 02:01 PM
So. Medium sized. Dark glazed expression and made of metal and polymer. Yup looks exactly like me. ;)

If I ever see your big green helmet walking by I'll stop and say hello. Lol

07-29-2017, 02:07 PM
If you could meld a Sensorite head on D84's body, or vice versa, that'd be good.

07-29-2017, 04:28 PM
So. Medium sized. Dark glazed expression and made of metal and polymer. Yup looks exactly like me. ;)

If I ever see your big green helmet walking by I'll stop and say hello. Lol

I don't dress like that all the time - just when I use the internet.

07-29-2017, 06:04 PM
That's no fun. I dress exactly like that when I go to work. I've even got d84 on the front of my uniform. I can tell no one at work watches the medic though as they all ask me what it means.

"I'm the dumb robot that does all the work!" in answer.... :)

Exterminate Me
07-30-2017, 07:36 AM

Damn - I can't see that as all I get is "Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting"!

07-30-2017, 08:38 AM
Damn - I can't see that as all I get is "Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting"! this any better?
( ( by Time Vortex (, on Flickr

07-30-2017, 08:52 AM
I keep getting emails asking me to update my Photobucket account. I don't have one to update.

Could this be a scam spam?

07-30-2017, 09:05 AM
I keep getting emails asking me to update my Photobucket account. I don't have one to update.

Could this be a scam spam?

I just created a free photobucket account to try and share the D84/Sensorite photo with the group.
I hope it's nothing to do with that.
Has anyone else here used photobucket to share images on this forum?

07-30-2017, 09:59 AM this any better?
( ( by Time Vortex (, on Flickr stick to the original avatar, its a classic :)

Exterminate Me
07-30-2017, 02:38 PM this any better?
( ( by Time Vortex (, on Flickr

Good job. But, damn, isn't that freaky!!!

07-30-2017, 03:27 PM
Good job. But, damn, isn't that freaky!!!

Reminds me of something but I can't place my finger on it!

07-30-2017, 04:18 PM
Lol. I quite like it. Starting to look a little bit more like me now :)

---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 AM ----------

I hear that cry!!! "IT'S ALIVE"

07-30-2017, 07:10 PM
Ok peeps. I'm off on my family hols tomorrow :)
So I will say adieu for a few weeks. Keep the medic flag flying. Hopefully I won't miss too much.

Miss you all already :) ;) :)

07-30-2017, 08:14 PM
Uhuh...and the enemy of the world was paradise towers terrible...until we saw it lol

I didn't think it was. It was clear to me from the BBC soundtrack CD that it was actually very good.
Most of the people I knew who didn't like it were people who had never actually heard it

07-30-2017, 08:33 PM
Reminds me of something but I can't place my finger on it!

Before I go... I was thinking planet of the apes.... the original version

07-30-2017, 09:26 PM
Ok peeps. I'm off on my family hols tomorrow :)
So I will say adieu for a few weeks. Keep the medic flag flying. Hopefully I won't miss too much.

Miss you all already :) ;) :)

have a good one mate :)

07-30-2017, 10:00 PM this any better?
( ( by Time Vortex (, on Flickr

Dear Sweet Heaven.. I LOVE IT!

I just created a free photobucket account to try and share the D84/Sensorite photo with the group.
I hope it's nothing to do with that.
Has anyone else here used photobucket to share images on this forum?

I have an ancient photobucket account for when I hosted animated gifs on my old blog.
I noticed a few weeks ago that they now want you to update to a paid account because everyone uses them to host images (and those get hotlinked as well).

I've never received an email (but that MAY be because the account is so old that I may have used an older email adress that I never bothered to update with them).

So... long story short: don't worry about it.

Exterminate Me
07-31-2017, 12:50 AM
Ok peeps. I'm off on my family hols tomorrow :)
So I will say adieu for a few weeks. Keep the medic flag flying. Hopefully I won't miss too much.

Miss you all already :) ;) :)

Have a wonderful time :)

---------- Post added at 07:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 AM ----------

Before I go... I was thinking planet of the apes.... the original version

I quite agree with you.

07-31-2017, 12:55 AM
Before I go... I was thinking planet of the apes.... the original version

"I can't help thinking somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man. Has to be."

Now we know there is!

---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

Reminds me of something but I can't place my finger on it!

Just worked it's my mother-in-law!

07-31-2017, 10:07 AM
Just worked it's my mother-in-law!

Which probably means that it's also your wife in thirty years time :)

07-31-2017, 01:05 PM
Which probably means that it's also your wife in thirty years time :)

Ha, I was waiting for that as soon as I posted...8)

I think she actually takes after her Dad more, but not too much thankfully.

Exterminate Me
08-01-2017, 01:00 PM
Ha, I was waiting for that as soon as I posted...8)

I think she actually takes after her Dad more, but not too much thankfully.


08-01-2017, 02:00 PM
Just like a woman.

Lying about her age.

08-02-2017, 03:35 PM
Mild misogyny aside, I'm about to complain about something that doesn't matter!
BF really need to sort out their Seventh Doctor sound design folder! I'm getting sick of hearing a weird hodgepodge between his two console rooms, or worse, hearing the console room change completely betweens scenes.

08-02-2017, 07:00 PM
BF really need to sort out their Seventh Doctor sound design folder! I'm getting sick of hearing a weird hodgepodge between his two console rooms, or worse, hearing the console room change completely betweens scenes.
Huh. As keen as my hearing is, I never really noticed that before, if you wanna know the truth. I guess I just get too swept up in the story to really notice...

08-02-2017, 07:32 PM
It all started with that season 24 trilogy a couple of years back. It frustrates me no end, it feels lazy. Also it confuses my poor tiny brain, it doesn't know which console room to picture. In the River Song box set the 80s console room is used until the final scene, which uses the movie version and they even go so far as to add echo effects to the voices. Considering its been going on consistently for a while now I'm starting to wonder if I should pop them a note in a column or something. Spoils the illusion, especially when they're usually so consistent with the other Doctors. :P

Exterminate Me
08-03-2017, 08:36 AM
It all started with that season 24 trilogy a couple of years back. It frustrates me no end, it feels lazy. Also it confuses my poor tiny brain, it doesn't know which console room to picture. In the River Song box set the 80s console room is used until the final scene, which uses the movie version and they even go so far as to add echo effects to the voices. Considering its been going on consistently for a while now I'm starting to wonder if I should pop them a note in a column or something. Spoils the illusion, especially when they're usually so consistent with the other Doctors. :P

I agree. I tend to want to know what I'm picturing with sound hints too.

08-03-2017, 01:37 PM
Knowing the way these things work they will change the other medics as well because you mentioned it!!!

08-03-2017, 09:03 PM
It all started with that season 24 trilogy a couple of years back. It frustrates me no end, it feels lazy. Also it confuses my poor tiny brain, it doesn't know which console room to picture. In the River Song box set the 80s console room is used until the final scene, which uses the movie version and they even go so far as to add echo effects to the voices. Considering its been going on consistently for a while now I'm starting to wonder if I should pop them a note in a column or something. Spoils the illusion, especially when they're usually so consistent with the other Doctors. :P

I never got why BF started doing things that relied on visuals for us to work out how it all fitted together. They had that long running one with a black police box and a white one for a while but how were we supposed to know which one it was?

Exterminate Me
08-04-2017, 12:40 AM
I never got why BF started doing things that relied on visuals for us to work out how it all fitted together. They had that long running one with a black police box and a white one for a while but how were we supposed to know which one it was?

I think, if I remember correctly, that some covers featured the colour it was, and I know that at the end of a story the medic stated that it had turned a certain colour.

08-04-2017, 08:42 AM
That was rather the point. We thought we had three main range stories featuring the seventh medic without a companion. A vague remark would be made about his dark box. Then we find out we were bamboozled and it was part of the ongoing story line.

08-04-2017, 08:01 PM
That was rather the point. We thought we had three main range stories featuring the seventh medic without a companion. A vague remark would be made about his dark box. Then we find out we were bamboozled and it was part of the ongoing story line.
I actually love that because in a meta sort of way, the writers were being just as much of a chessmaster as Seven himself can be.

Exterminate Me
08-05-2017, 07:59 AM
A vague remark would be made about his dark box.

Surely that only applies to the latest medic?

I'll get my coat....

08-05-2017, 09:01 AM
Surely that only applies to the latest medic?

I'll get my coat....


Actually, that reminds me of my favourite joke at the moment.

Q.What's the difference between a chickpea and a lentil?
A. You wouldn't pay $100 to have a lentil on your face!

08-05-2017, 11:54 AM
A. You wouldn't pay $100 to have a lentil on your face!

lol..there is something i could say here but i'd better keep it pg rated...

Exterminate Me
08-05-2017, 04:18 PM
Gulp, what did I start?

I think I'd better hide.

08-06-2017, 03:33 AM
Anyone Heard If Hen Ray Gor Dern Jai Go will be continuing At LC?,it would be a crying shame if he didn`t.
Also anyone got Lightning Eagles 3?

Exterminate Me
08-07-2017, 08:28 AM
Anyone Heard If Hen Ray Gor Dern Jai Go will be continuing At LC?,it would be a crying shame if he didn`t.
Also anyone got Lightning Eagles 3?

He'd be a fit for the Fathernoster gang, wouldn't he?

08-07-2017, 02:24 PM
He'd be a fit for the Fathernoster gang, wouldn't he?

He would be a great fit indeed.I hope they do keep him as it would be such a shame to lose that amazing voice in the audios.

Exterminate Me
08-07-2017, 03:52 PM
He would be a great fit indeed.I hope they do keep him as it would be such a shame to lose that amazing voice in the audios.

Yes, I totally agree. They shouldn't try to get someone in to do the Professor though, that would be a mistake I feel. It was such a good double act.

Exterminate Me
08-08-2017, 04:20 AM
Mmm. It's quiet in here.

08-08-2017, 10:01 AM
Mmm. It's quiet in here.


08-08-2017, 02:04 PM
He'd be a fit for the Fathernoster gang, wouldn't he?


But perhaps give a little time to grieve for the Prof.
The question is: DO they address the Prof either dying or vanishing in some mysterious event or something?
They would almost HAVE to.

Oh, and stop yelling, Timevortex... some of us were trying to sleep.

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
08-08-2017, 03:44 PM
So... I'm looking for certain things, if anyone can point me:

• Wildthyme Reloaded (no seeds on audiobookbay)
• Behind the Scenes track for Jago & Litefoot Series 10, for Counter-Measures Series 3 and 4, and for the last few Bernice Summerfield series

08-08-2017, 04:29 PM
Perhaps they could do a series of Jago and then specific incarnations of the medic. I have always liked them with Tom and thought they were good with Colin.

Have they ever met 8? Also how about 10? Or even 11 as his intro into the BF world

Maybe with the guy who does the 3rd impression!!!!

Benny? Iris?

Corks there is so many opportunities !!!

08-08-2017, 05:33 PM
Perhaps they could do a series of Jago and then specific incarnations of the medic. I have always liked them with Tom and thought they were good with Colin.

Have they ever met 8? Also how about 10? Or even 11 as his intro into the BF world

Maybe with the guy who does the 3rd impression!!!!

Benny? Iris?

Corks there is so many opportunities !!!
I vaguely recall reading on the TARDIS wiki that a novel detailed an adventure they had with Eight.

I also once had the germ of an idea for a story where Eight (during his travels with Mary Shelley) met up with them and it involved alien grave-robbers, but it never really came to anything.

08-08-2017, 07:52 PM
That Sounds interesting!!

08-09-2017, 10:22 AM
I vaguely recall reading on the TARDIS wiki that a novel detailed an adventure they had with Eight.

I think that one was called The Bodysnatchers and starred the recently revived shapechanging jelly babies (aliens once seen with the Scottish monster).
It also included some variants of said aliens!
Heroic Efforts did an audio version of it a while back.

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------

Oh, and stop yelling, Timevortex... some of us were trying to sleep.


08-09-2017, 01:07 PM
Latest TW arrived in the bay...

Exterminate Me
08-09-2017, 04:12 PM

Cor, that woke me up!

08-09-2017, 04:25 PM
I think that one was called The Bodysnatchers and starred the recently revived shapechanging jelly babies (aliens once seen with the Scottish monster).
It also included some variants of said aliens!
Heroic Efforts did an audio version of it a while back.

Hmmm... Now THAT sounds interesting.
Or at least it *would*... if I could hear it.
*hint* *hint*

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------


Not a problem... or at least it won't be if...erm... *hint* *hint*.

08-10-2017, 07:53 AM
I think that one was called The Bodysnatchers and starred the recently revived shapechanging jelly babies (aliens once seen with the Scottish monster).
It also included some variants of said aliens!
Heroic Efforts did an audio version of it a while back.

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------


i loved those heroic effort fan audios, a real shame they never made any more of them, did anyone ever know why they suddenly stopped?

08-10-2017, 09:42 AM
Hmmm... Now THAT sounds interesting.
Or at least it *would*... if I could hear it.
*hint* *hint*

It's about 1gb to upload, so it will take a little while....but I'm on the job (minds out of the gutter please)!
Will keep you posted.

08-10-2017, 10:24 AM
Latest TW arrived in the bay...



Yawn!! Why do holidays always go so quickly? :(

---------- Post added at 03:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 AM ----------


Actually, that reminds me of my favourite joke at the moment.

Q.What's the difference between a chickpea and a lentil?
A. You wouldn't pay $100 to have a lentil on your face!

lol.. Is that how much a chickpea costs???

Exterminate Me
08-10-2017, 11:22 AM
it will take a little while....but I'm on the job (minds out of the gutter please)!

Oh, how well you know us!!!

08-10-2017, 12:37 PM
It's about 1gb to upload, so it will take a little while....but I'm on the job (minds out of the gutter please)!
Will keep you posted.

Here you go. RWQ
I used 7-zip to split the archive. You'll need all parts.
I'll keep it online for a few days.

08-10-2017, 02:05 PM

Yawn!! Why do holidays always go so quickly? :(

Thankfully, it didn't go by so quickly that I missed the fIrest for the Trees.
(ok... well, *I* thought it was witty. Moderately.... Somewhat..., ok, A bit.)

Thanks, Bald Robot!

---------- Post added at 07:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 AM ----------

Here you go. RWQ
I used 7-zip to split the archive. You'll need all parts.
I'll keep it online for a few days.

OH, wow. That was quick!
I'll try to DL soon.

08-10-2017, 08:02 PM
I'd have to double check the dates to see if it was possible, but I've wanted David Morrisey's The Next Doctor to run around with Jago (& Lightfoot... sniff... (I'm not crying, you're crying)), the Paternoster Gang and that era's Torchwood (was Jack up and around or buried, at the time?), with all sorts of steampunk goodness. Maybe with a dsiplaced/trapped Companion or two.

08-10-2017, 09:54 PM
So... I'm looking for certain things, if anyone can point me:

• Wldty Reed


Hopefully this is the one??

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

So... I'm looking for certain things, if anyone can point me:

extras for last few Beny Sofld series


and these too.

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

So... I'm looking for certain things, if anyone can point me:

• Behind the Scenes track for Conta-Meeshas Series 3.


Not got 4, sorry..

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

So... I'm looking for certain things, if anyone can point me:

• Behind the Scenes track for Judo & darksfeet Series 10


think this what you want..

08-11-2017, 02:56 PM
Does anyone have the following file as a CBR not a PDF...?

Medic What Spring Special (1996) (levraM)

And the latest Burning Trees is down by the bay...

Thanks in advance.

08-11-2017, 03:40 PM
I'd have to double check the dates to see if it was possible, but I've wanted David Morrisey's The Next Doctor to run around with Jago (& Lightfoot... sniff... (I'm not crying, you're crying)), the Paternoster Gang and that era's Torchwood (was Jack up and around or buried, at the time?), with all sorts of steampunk goodness. Maybe with a dsiplaced/trapped Companion or two.

Yes, please!

08-11-2017, 04:51 PM
Oh! And maybe Dorian Grey... I dunno about Sherlock and/or Conan Doyle. That can get dicey with the pseudo-reality.

If I had my druthers (am I allowed to have druthers on this board? If not, I'll have a dram...), I'd focus one one or two characters with the rest stumbling in and out of the continuing adventures as needed and as available. And the main focus at the start will be the recurring villain of the piece, with him or her being continually thwarted by either the good guys (or occasionally, other bad guys who are at cross-purposes with said villain) and eventually getting to the point where the lead villain HAS TO team with our heroes from time to time to take on a worse bad guy (Hey! I may be evil, but I live here. You can't blow up my planet!).

I'd like the recurring hero to be a time lost Jamie McCrimmon, headstrong and leaping before he looks. Because of his travels with the Doctor, he at this point should be a little blase about "science" and tries to get others to build somewhat impossible things from his poor understanding of how it works. A very jury-rigged, messy and flailing steampunk that ends up working, but just barely. Comedy and bruises ensue...

But I'm just riffing of the top of my head...

08-11-2017, 07:00 PM
And the latest Burning Trees is down by the bay...

Thanks in advance.

RWQ on post 38396. Sometimes I'm a little too obscure.

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
08-12-2017, 07:20 PM


Hopefully this is the one??

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------


and these too.

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------


Not got 4, sorry..

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------


think this what you want..

Whoa, thanks! I found the CM track in an old group so that's pretty much all I needed.

I'll be putting up a pack of "membership Brief Travels" soon as retribution

08-13-2017, 11:03 AM
Helloooo!!! Where is everybody???

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
08-13-2017, 01:11 PM
From 2009's "One Little Stride" to 2017 June's "Terror of Hello-Brazil", every bonus Brief Travels.

Hope I'm playing the synonym game right.

RWQ and decode with base64.

<aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhRnNnQkhUalkhSDA0Ykltbl9wRF k5ZDJsRE5vOW5xQ0d3LUtfR0JGUzViclVKZFdxZ3B3WQ==>

08-13-2017, 03:54 PM
Thanks Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17 I.

I had to de-code this even though I didn't need it. I had never heard of base64 encoding before.

08-13-2017, 04:59 PM
Helloooo!!! Where is everybody???
Been busy with my job, doing YouTube stuff, loving my girlfriend, and doting on my nephew. Not necessarily in that order. :D

08-13-2017, 08:09 PM
From 2009's "One Little Stride" to 2017 June's "Terror of Hello-Brazil", every bonus Brief Travels.

Hope I'm playing the synonym game right.

RWQ and decode with base64.

<aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhRnNnQkhUalkhSDA0Ykltbl9wRF k5ZDJsRE5vOW5xQ0d3LUtfR0JGUzViclVKZFdxZ3B3WQ==>

Dude, hate to tell you, but twice I'd tryed to access this site - whatever it's supposed to be - and all I got was this site could not be found.
Could you make a little clearer without going overboard exackly what you've posted, and how to reach it because I certainly can't.
Anybody else experiencing similiar problems?

08-13-2017, 08:49 PM
Dude, hate to tell you, but twice I'd tryed to access this site - whatever it's supposed to be - and all I got was this site could not be found.
Could you make a little clearer without going overboard exackly what you've posted, and how to reach it because I certainly can't.
Anybody else experiencing similiar problems?

Decoded it for you. I just googled base64 and used the website to decode it.


Must admit that was a new one on me too though.... :)

(Base64 is a generic term for a number of similar encoding schemes that encode binary data by treating it numerically and translating it into a base 64 representation. The Base64 term originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding.

Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. This is to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is used commonly in a number of applications including email via MIME, and storing complex data in XML.)

Gumpf! in other words :)

08-14-2017, 12:17 AM
EBG13 pna or unaql, gbb.

(In other words, ROT13 can be handy, too.)

08-14-2017, 02:44 AM
Decoded it for you. I just googled base64 and used the website to decode it.


Must admit that was a new one on me too though.... :)

(Base64 is a generic term for a number of similar encoding schemes that encode binary data by treating it numerically and translating it into a base 64 representation. The Base64 term originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding.

Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. This is to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is used commonly in a number of applications including email via MIME, and storing complex data in XML.)

Gumpf! in other words :)

Thanks so much for the info and translation Sen, AKA(we know who), but when I used your address it would not access the site. Got a message indicating a defect or not accessable. But thanks again anyway.

08-14-2017, 08:17 AM
Thanks so much for the info and translation Sen, AKA(we know who), but when I used your address it would not access the site. Got a message indicating a defect or not accessable. But thanks again anyway.

Go on this site

and paste this in.

aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhRnNnQkhUalkhSDA0Ykltbl9wRF k5ZDJsRE5vOW5xQ0d3LUtfR0JGUzViclVKZFdxZ3B3WQ

With thanks to Riddle Snowcraft Δ17

08-14-2017, 06:47 PM
Go on this site

and paste this in.

aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhRnNnQkhUalkhSDA0Ykltbl9wRF k5ZDJsRE5vOW5xQ0d3LUtfR0JGUzViclVKZFdxZ3B3WQ

With thanks to Riddle Snowcraft Δ17

Thanks a lot Del, but I still get the same result when I attempt to open the zip.
To wit, "Subscriber Exclusive rar. The archive is either an unknown format or damaged."

Suggest if the poster really wants to share it without the hassles, why not just use a traditional mega address without all the sci fi like base64 jazz. Love traditional mega by itself cause it's so fast.
But thanks anyway. Appreciate the effort.

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
08-15-2017, 12:14 AM
If you did manage to download the zip file, then the problem wasn't the link, was it?

It actually is a traditional MEGA link, it's just disguised for safety

08-15-2017, 07:22 AM
If you did manage to download the zip file, then the problem wasn't the link, was it?

It actually is a traditional MEGA link, it's just disguised for safety

Not to belabor this RS, but can you tell me why the zip said "unknown format or damaged". This is the same zip file I've used for years and never had a problem like this or any other.


08-15-2017, 08:32 AM
Not to belabor this RS, but can you tell me why the zip said "unknown format or damaged". This is the same zip file I've used for years and never had a problem like this or any other.

It is a .rar file and Winrar un-packed it without any bother. You do seem to be making a big deal out of this.

08-15-2017, 02:50 PM
Been busy with my job, doing YouTube stuff, loving my girlfriend, and doting on my nephew. Not necessarily in that order. :D

You mean this?
Been doting on YouTube, loving with my job, stuffing my nephew, busy on my girlfriend.

Sorry, couldn't resist! 8)

Exterminate Me
08-15-2017, 04:16 PM
You mean this?
Been doting on YouTube, loving with my job, stuffing my nephew, busy on my girlfriend.

Sorry, couldn't resist! 8)

Lol. Glad you put that up first. I was thinking it but had to restrain myself.

08-15-2017, 05:02 PM
You mean this?
Been doting on YouTube, loving with my job, stuffing my nephew, busy on my girlfriend.

Sorry, couldn't resist! 8)
Don't apologize. That was actually pretty funny. Well done. I'm surprised it took someone this long to reply...

Lol. Glad you put that up first. I was thinking it but had to restrain myself.
Funnily enough, you were the one I most expected to reply to it. :D

Nivek Hart
08-16-2017, 08:17 AM
I downloaded the cleverly coded file too and had the same problem, a friend suggested I try another unpacker and Winrar did the trick, don't delete your zip, it's not broken.

08-16-2017, 05:41 PM
We're back to sharing then? In that case I recently burned a bunch of Medic 11 audiobooks from 2010-11 I forgot I bought a few years ago onto my laptop if anyone is looking for those. Any others from that range are greatly appreciated. :)

08-16-2017, 07:40 PM
I downloaded the cleverly coded file too and had the same problem, a friend suggested I try another unpacker and Winrar did the trick, don't delete your zip, it's not broken.

Hi Nivek,

Thanks so much for your thoughtful post. However Winrar was the zip I used originally to open up the DL.
And no go it wouldn't open. All I got was the same message over and over. "Unknown format or damaged."

Despite that at your suggestion I tried again. This time success and not successful. First I got back an VLC icon that indicated it was DW reading. Many of which I already have. Additionally after that I got another window with the same message again - "Unknown format..." why the zip won't open even though this time it obviously did.
Don't know why I'm having these strange problems when nobody else like you or dormy are, it might be because I'm stateside and I run into different experiences with the same sites that you overseas guys might not.
But thanks to the good support I got from you and before Sensorite and Del 35, it has been resolved.
Cheers Y'all.

08-17-2017, 12:55 AM
Bafflegab announced today that the "Baker's End" series will return - with Sixie this time around! His surname certainly worked out for him here.

08-17-2017, 02:52 PM
Four's Skin

Sorry! had to be done... :)



08-17-2017, 03:03 PM
Love it!

08-17-2017, 03:03 PM
Four's Skin

Sorry! had to be done... :)
Classy... :D Anything on Seven's Plasma Burner?

08-17-2017, 03:06 PM
Four's Skin

Sorry! had to be done... :)



ha ha!!!!!

very funny......ill never think of the 4th medic the same way again

08-17-2017, 03:59 PM
Four's Skin

Sorry! had to be done... :)



Nice D84 Just in time for the weekend!!!

08-17-2017, 05:58 PM
Three's Um!! part uno!!


Three's other part


And lastly Three's Behind.


08-17-2017, 08:11 PM
Thank you very much Sensorite!!!!!

Is Volume 2 available?
I don't think I have ever seen it before....
my apologies

08-17-2017, 09:32 PM
Does anyone have LC's Billie Rattlelance's Baconberg or any of the most recent Dim Castings? Today the sound tome harbor released 3da v3 and
new 4da epidermis of the curvy only in multi track rather than a single mp3 file. I have a new laptop that does compressed files but not 7z so if possible could we do .zip?

08-17-2017, 09:47 PM
7's Up



---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

Is Volume 2 available?

I'm off to bed now. bear with me and I'll sort it tomorrow. ;)

08-17-2017, 10:30 PM
Was this posted already?

I'm excited about it:

08-17-2017, 11:34 PM
Blimey, you're on the ball Sensorite84! Thanks awfully!

08-17-2017, 11:52 PM
Four's Skin

Sorry! had to be done... :)
Three's Um!!
Three's other part
And lastly Three's Behind.Nobody wants to see that. Seriously.

PS Thanks for the goodies.

08-18-2017, 05:14 AM
Four's Skin

Sorry! had to be done... :)


Geez, cut it out!

You're not a Rabbi are you?

08-18-2017, 08:16 AM
not 7z so if possible could we do .zip?

Sorry. The only compressor thing I have is 7zip. I've not got winzip. I'll look into getting it for next time if I can though.

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

Is Volume 2 available?


08-18-2017, 09:30 AM
Sorry. The only compressor thing I have is 7zip.

7zip can make .zip files.

08-18-2017, 10:04 AM
Most grateful d84!!

08-18-2017, 11:41 AM
Sorry. The only compressor thing I have is 7zip. I've not got winzip. I'll look into getting it for next time if I can though.[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

7zip on Windows lets you save as a .zip file (just right click on the files/folder and choose add to "".
That's the program I use.

08-18-2017, 12:35 PM
You live and learn. I just compress it using what it tells me. I'm not that good with computers. I'll have a look. :)

So it does. Don't I look the idiot!! :/

Just let me know if you want anything re-upped as a .zip and I'll sort it out.

All 3vol2 up now. last two as zip. :)

08-18-2017, 12:59 PM
Thank you very very much Sensorite! Deeply appreciate you taking the time to do that!

If anyone is interested, although I still have issues hiding links....if someone could help guide me
I just finished putting all the medic comics in chronological order
I can post them if someone is interested.

08-18-2017, 01:35 PM
Anyone here watch DeeCee's Leg ends of Day-after-today?
I just noticed that the console in the ship behind the seats has 6 sides....coincidence?

---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

If anyone is interested, although I still have issues hiding links....if someone could help guide me
I just finished putting all the medic comics in chronological order
I can post them if someone is interested.

That would be terrific.
Normally if you put the link between a 'less than symbol' and a 'greater than symbol' it gets hidden just fine.
Check out someone else's post to see an example

---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

If anyone is interested, although I still have issues hiding links....if someone could help guide me
I just finished putting all the medic comics in chronological order
I can post them if someone is interested.

That would be terrific.
Normally if you put the link between a 'less than symbol' and a 'greater than symbol' it gets hidden just fine.
Check out someone else's post to see an example

08-18-2017, 01:40 PM
Wow. It takes twice as long to up a .zip than a 7z.

Ok. Zipped Four's Skin.


followed by blood


And F(e)ar


And Horo



08-18-2017, 02:03 PM

Please let me know if this works
Thank you

08-18-2017, 02:09 PM
Please let me know if this works
Thank you

Yep. Perfect

08-18-2017, 02:10 PM
Thank you

Will be posting medic 2 & 3 in a little while


08-18-2017, 02:28 PM
Quick Question. Did the two victorian gentlemen have any extra chats for the first four seasons?

08-18-2017, 02:38 PM
Quick Question. Did the two victorian gentlemen have any extra chats for the first four seasons?

Yes... all the boxsets had an extras disk with them

08-18-2017, 02:39 PM
Yes... all the boxsets had an extras disk with them

Would there be a kind soul out there that might share them please? I'm missing the first four :(

08-18-2017, 03:24 PM
Here is 2



I have 1-3 for the extras but I won't be able to do it until Monday.
I have to run off to a couple meetings and then head home to deal with a contractor

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 AM ----------

Here is 3



08-18-2017, 05:21 PM
I have 1-3 for the extras but I won't be able to do it until Monday.
I have to run off to a couple meetings and then head home to deal with a contractor

No worries, I've waited this long I can wait a bit longer. thanks :)

---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 AM ----------

Mega keeps asking me to download a Mega desktop client whenever I try to get the third lot of comics. Should I do this????? I don't have a mega account or anything....

08-18-2017, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the latest 7...cheered me up no end,tummies been dicey,Too much information i know!!,

08-18-2017, 07:27 PM
Working a little from home until contractor comes

You shouldn't have to download the client. you should be able to just download it.
Wait and try again later.
If it doesn't work, let me know and I will use a different download site
sorry about that

08-18-2017, 09:52 PM
If it doesn't work, let me know and I will use a different download site
sorry about that

That's ok. It's maybe because is was over 2 gig. I've installed chrome and used that to download now, so thank you anyway.

08-18-2017, 09:59 PM
Thank you very much, Sensorite.

08-19-2017, 06:46 AM
thanks a lot for the recent shares guys...............very much appreciated :)

Exterminate Me
08-19-2017, 07:27 AM
Ok. Zipped Four's Skin.

followed by blood


Seriously, that's gotta hurt! Owwwww

08-19-2017, 03:12 PM
Seriously, that's gotta hurt! Owwwww

oh!! My!!

Hey EM hows the implant going?

08-20-2017, 09:21 PM
Here you go. RWQ
I used 7-zip to split the archive. You'll need all parts.
I'll keep it online for a few days.

Timevortex... I had problems DLing it (computer probs and zero time after work) at the time, and NOW that I have the situation fixed, alas...the file is... gone.

I'm so sorry to ask but... any chance for a re-up?

08-20-2017, 10:22 PM
This is a bit off-topic but if anyone knows any download links for 'Defenders', I'd love to hear about it. Cheers.

08-21-2017, 09:18 AM
This is a bit off-topic but if anyone knows any download links for 'Defenders', I'd love to hear about it. Cheers.

Why not get the free Netflix trial? Or better yet, get Netflix? It's really good and the new Star Trek will be on it soon!

08-21-2017, 10:34 AM
This is a bit off-topic but if anyone knows any download links for 'Defenders', I'd love to hear about it. Cheers.


08-21-2017, 12:08 PM
CBS All Access is still the only way for Americans to see the new series; there will be no Netflix airing of the show in the U.S. or in Canada.

The only reprieve we get is with the premiere episode, which will also air on the regular CBS network, while Canadians will get the opportunity to watch the series on the Space and Z cable networks, with CraveTV having the exclusive streaming rights.

Discovery is being used to try and launch the subscription service as a streaming platform along the likes of Netflix or Amazon, with original content, current and old episodes of all CBS shows and local affiliate content for $5.99 a month.

CBS is banking big time on the idea that the appeal of a new Star Trek series will convince people to sign up for their streaming service.

08-21-2017, 12:13 PM
CBS All Access is still the only way for Americans to see the new series; there will be no Netflix airing of the show in the U.S. or in Canada.

The only reprieve we get is with the premiere episode, which will also air on the regular CBS network, while Canadians will get the opportunity to watch the series on the Space and Z cable networks, with CraveTV having the exclusive streaming rights.

Discovery is being used to try and launch the subscription service as a streaming platform along the likes of Netflix or Amazon, with original content, current and old episodes of all CBS shows and local affiliate content for $5.99 a month.

CBS is banking big time on the idea that the appeal of a new Star Trek series will convince people to sign up for their streaming service.

It's weird that I can only see your full post when I rwq.

08-21-2017, 12:17 PM
Sorry - as I do not post too often, I am not familiar with the proper way of doing this although I can see it fine without the rwq.

08-21-2017, 12:28 PM
Sorry - as I do not post too often, I am not familiar with the proper way of doing this although I can see it fine without the rwq.

Not your fault, it's there now! That was odd. I must have hit reply just as you added the extra sentences.

08-21-2017, 04:47 PM
Here is 5 through war medic comics in order



08-21-2017, 06:14 PM
Here is 5 through war medic comics in order


Thank you very much for these. awesome collection. You must of put a lot of work into getting them in the correct order!

08-21-2017, 06:33 PM
That's why I dated them for when I completed them. So I could keep track. It was a little slow at work at the time so I took the time to do that.
I always wanted to put them in order. I like to read them chronologically as much as possible.
I am still missing some issues here and there especially for 10-12 because I can't locate DWAM and BIT magazine. Once I find those, I will be update to date

I will post the other medics as soon as I can. They are bigger folders so I may have to split them up.

08-21-2017, 07:27 PM
That's why I dated them for when I completed them. So I could keep track. It was a little slow at work at the time so I took the time to do that.
I always wanted to put them in order. I like to read them chronologically as much as possible.
I am still missing some issues here and there especially for 10-12 because I can't locate DWAM and BIT magazine. Once I find those, I will be update to date

I will post the other medics as soon as I can. They are bigger folders so I may have to split them up.

I have a few medic 10, 11 & 12 comics but not in any order. If you know what dates or issues or titles I can have a look for you.

Although I think they are mostly latest ones. But you never know...

08-21-2017, 09:00 PM
Referencing the Medic Special Printed Issue


For anyone interested.

08-22-2017, 12:46 PM
I appreciate that Sensorite.
Let me look through and I will pm you the ones I am looking for
Thank you for that!

08-22-2017, 03:12 PM


---------- Post added at 08:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 AM ----------

Why not get the free Netflix trial? Or better yet, get Netflix? It's really good and the new Star Trek will be on it soon!

That's not a bad idea.

08-23-2017, 01:05 PM
Wow!!! quiet Here!!!!

08-23-2017, 04:10 PM
More comics....RWQ

This time 4 and 9



If anyone can help me locate these titles, I would really appreciate it:
Thank you!

<Doctor Who Winter Special 1977>
<TV Comic Holiday Special 1978>
<TV Comic 1404-1430>
<The Long Con (Titan One-Shot) (12th doctor)>
<Battles In Time magazine (I need anything after issue 29) (10th-12th doctor)>
<Doctor Who Adventure Magazine (I need anything after issue 60) (10th-12th doctor)>

Charles Dalek
08-23-2017, 04:41 PM
Here is 5 through war medic comics in order



thank you!

08-23-2017, 08:02 PM
Sooo. Bradley Walsh as new companion then. Next year is going to be a massive shake up of the series. Chibbers is a very brave man

Should be very interesting. Can't wait:)

08-24-2017, 08:57 AM
Sooo. Bradley Walsh as new companion then....

I'll believe it when the BBC announce it.
Newspapers really didn't do a very good job of predicting who the next Doctor would be

08-24-2017, 10:06 AM
Wow!!! quiet Here!!!!

DOCTOR: Yes. The second law of thermodynamics is taking its toll on the old thing. Entropy increases.
ADRIC: Entropy increases?
DOCTOR: Yes, daily.

08-24-2017, 11:44 AM
Is there anybody left who wants the latest captive?

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

All done :)

08-24-2017, 12:07 PM
Is there anybody left who wants the latest captive? before I waste time putting it up?

I'd appreciate that please , first one wasn't bad and it's a good diversion from the standard stuff

08-24-2017, 12:48 PM
thanks d84!!!!

08-24-2017, 08:43 PM
Is there anybody left who wants the latest captive? before I waste time putting it up?

Number 1

Number 2

I sure do and I'm sure countless others do. After all it's based on a very popular TV franchise.
But, to tell you the truth, I think LC's first effort was better then any of the TV efforts which made little sense to me.
Including AMC's feeble failure to bring it back to TV.
In fact, I'd appreciate it even more if you would be so good to post No.3 & 4 of this latest edition too and make the post complete.
Thanks so much SS for your continued great generosity and being such a great cyber buddy to us all.

08-24-2017, 09:28 PM
I sure do and I'm sure countless others do. After all it's based on a very popular TV franchise.
But, to tell you the truth, I think LC's first effort was better then any of the TV efforts which made little sense to me.
Including AMC's feeble failure to bring it back to TV.
In fact, I'd appreciate it even more if you would be so good to post No.3 & 4 of this latest edition too and make the post complete.
Thanks so much SS for your continued great generosity and being such a great cyber buddy to us all.

Yep I'm putting them up for people as quick as I can. When I can, between kicking the kids off their skype chats to friends and on line gaming. Don't worry. :)

08-24-2017, 10:31 PM
Yep I'm putting them up for people as quick as I can. When I can, between kicking the kids off their skype chats to friends and on line gaming. Don't worry. :)

Thanks a lot Bro.
And when it's your posts, truth be told I "don't worry". Because you've always shown all of us over and over again that's your a man of your word.
Much appreciated D84.

08-24-2017, 11:01 PM
Going to bed now. will up the tunes later....

08-25-2017, 04:38 AM
If possible can you please leave these up for several days as I don't currently have internet access at home [I'm writing this in a local cafe] so can't download until the technician comes to repair the line some time between now and Monday afternoon.


Is there anybody left who wants the latest captive? before I waste time putting it up?

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Willl put the last one up tomorrow.

08-25-2017, 08:51 AM
If possible can you please leave these up for several days as I don't currently have internet access at home [I'm writing this in a local cafe] so can't download until the technician comes to repair the line some time between now and Monday afternoon.


I don't take them down. so if they disappear it wasn't me. If you can't get them just request a re-up and I'll do that for you.

Exterminate Me
08-25-2017, 05:24 PM
I don't take them down. so if they disappear it wasn't me. If you can't get them just request a re-up and I'll do that for you.

Thank you so much for your kindness. I'm not allowed to give you more rep yet.

08-25-2017, 10:37 PM
Music Score now been added.

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 PM ----------

Also. A shout out for assistance.

Has anyone got The Victorian Gents Extras for series 4 they can pass on please?

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
08-26-2017, 03:53 AM
Has anyone got The Victorian Gents Extras for series 4 they can pass on please?
Have it, buddy.

08-26-2017, 07:22 AM
Have it, buddy.

Many thanks. :)

08-26-2017, 12:02 PM
Is there anybody left who wants the latest ca
All done :)

Exterminate Me
08-27-2017, 05:38 PM
Is the ABB down now? I can't seem to connect to them.

08-27-2017, 05:54 PM
Is the ABB down now? I can't seem to connect to them.

working for me. obviously saw you coming and pretending to be out ��

08-27-2017, 10:53 PM
NO spoilers here, but having just finished the second volume of the captive, i must say - I think the captive is the best work the company has ever given us. It's astounding how mind bending and thought provoking this series has turned out to be. This is coming from someone who is not an apologist. I'm very nit-picky. Especially when it comes to one of my top 5 favorite things of all time. Sorry, but I love the captive (and Twin peaks) more than i love our medic. I was extremely dubious about the first volume, which I was shocked that I adored. This volume was every bit as good - and probably better. It raises bold and poignant philosophical questions, and leaves the listener to decide. It never gets preachy. I'll be thinking about this series for months (and perhaps years) to come. And i will undoubtedly listen to this stuff again with delight many more times. (I almost NEVER feel compelled to relisten.) In short - damn I love this series. Kudos to LC for exceeding any expectations and for giving us quite a treat. This is truly an offering one can sink the proverbial teeth into. HEADPHONES strongly recommended!!!

Be seeing you.