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07-12-2013, 07:01 AM
can anybody recommend a good Medic Mate to listen to, I'm not a great lover of the format, but want to get into them more, so hoping for some really excellent stories to make me go wow. I have only listened to the wooden killers one with J & L.

I never want to be negative on here but don't make a dash for the 3rd medic mate " the srcoohies" LC have done some cracking cc but this one was the pits. I would recommend 1st medic and "msarters of lxuor" or 2nd medic "jiiigsore wore" that one really gets your mind working

07-12-2013, 07:26 AM

Download H6.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download H6m4b.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

07-12-2013, 08:05 AM
Thanks Looshkin, Added Last post to my listening list. and thanks Neonihilist, will listen to your list when I've heard all these others. Many thanks to all for the assistance.

07-12-2013, 09:29 AM
Thanks once again to the bullet man, right on target.

By the way is anyone out there ever going to post LC's newest DS. For some reason that's the only monthly franchise that seems to be ignored by the posters most every month. It's kinda of strange too cause it to is a well done series that obviously has a loyal and sizeable audience or we can be sure the LC boys would have discontinued it a long time ago.
Also does anyone know if LC will resume the space guys who go through a hole.
Thanks to whoever might make a post of the new DS.

Download H6.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download H6m4b.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

Thanks to the Bullet man once again, right on target.

By the way is anyone out there going to post LC's newest DS, for some strange reason this is the only monthly LC franchise that is virtually ignored by the posters each month. Don't know why, as it's consistently as well done as all their other products and certainly has a loyal and sizeable audience or we can be sure the LC boys would have discontinued it long ago.

Also does anyone know if LC will be continuing the space guys who go through a hole.

Like to thank in advance anyone good enough to post the new DS. Much appreciated.

07-12-2013, 10:11 AM
Season 3 came out in May and December of last year.

List of Stargate audiobooks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

I don't like them. The SG stories are all bottle stories with villains that don't matter.

Maybe they're not allowed to go past some line in the sand from inside the series, but there's plenty of sideways crap that they could follow through with, or explain better.

That reporter who got killed trying to out the SG program, or the founding of the Lucian Alliance, or what about that teen clone of Jack, thinking he can get away with goosing young girls as long as he is magnificent at sports?

I always found it weird that Janet was Cassandra's adopted Mother and they mentioned it maybe twice, ever. They have Teryl on staff and that has to be a giant can of worms they can open... As long as Cassandra doesn't get sick and only she can find a cure by going through the big sun wheel to save her. Fuck that.


Looking at the wiki, I don't think that I may have listened to season three since it seems to be a full season of nothing But Michael and Claudia... Released as two box sets.

Maybe I spoke too soon?

and maybe I should just read the fricking wiki properly

Series three moves to a full-cast radio play format for all six episodes.


In the final episode, were Carter and Teal'c doing it?

07-12-2013, 11:04 AM
Thanks Looshkin, Added Last post to my listening list.

You will not regret it... :)

07-12-2013, 11:34 AM
Some news on the next series of Gally and casting news that (IMHO) should have been a secret

And an interesting design of the protagonists on the cover. The first REAL connection between the '05 series and classic?

07-12-2013, 11:40 AM
I never want to be negative on here but don't make a dash for the 3rd medic mate " the srcoohies" LC have done some cracking cc but this one was the pits...

Yeah, I tried really hard to like this one because I rather like Katy (despite the abomination that is Iris Wildthyme). I could see where they were going with this one, but I just didn't work (IMHO).
This question has made me realise that there are quite a few of the early CCs that I can't remember! Not sure if that means that they were shite or I just never bothered to listen to them!

07-12-2013, 11:52 AM
---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

By the way is anyone out there going to post LC's newest DS, for some strange reason this is the only monthly LC franchise that is virtually ignored by the posters each month. Don't know why, as it's consistently as well done as all their other products and certainly has a loyal and sizeable audience or we can be sure the LC boys would have discontinued it long ago.

Well, I personally don't give them much thought because it's a TV series I never had a great deal of time for. However, I've since found out that James Goss is the producer of the range, and he is a quality writer, so maybe I should try them one day...

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

Looking at the wiki, I don't think that I may have listened to season three since it seems to be a full season of nothing But Michael and Claudia... Released as two box sets.

Maybe I spoke too soon?

and maybe I should just read the fricking wiki properly


Yeah, full cast with Claudia & Michael sounds better to me (especially Claudia!!), far more interested in that...

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ----------

Yeah, I tried really hard to like this one because I rather like Katy (despite the abomination that is Iris Wildthyme). I could see where they were going with this one, but I just didn't work (IMHO).
This question has made me realise that there are quite a few of the early CCs that I can't remember! Not sure if that means that they were shite or I just never bothered to listen to them!

Have to disagree here, as I really liked the Scroochies, despite (or because of) it's bizarre nature. I think everyone should hear it at least once, just to see what they think... Also love the Wildthyme series: often laugh out loud funny. That said I really dislike the character in Medic 'proper' stories.

I think the CCs have improved dramatically over the years, especially in toying with the format, etc. It's potential is starting to be realised, and I hope they can maintain that with new range that's replacing them...

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

And an interesting design of the protagonists on the cover. The first REAL connection between the '05 series and classic?

Indeed. Very interesting...

07-12-2013, 11:59 AM
Yeah, full cast with Claudia & Michael sounds better to me (especially Claudia!!), far more interested in that...

Claudia is superb on audio. Especially her first one (Shell Game). Michael's a bit wooden now and then in the early ones, but he does get better in the later releases.

07-12-2013, 12:09 PM
I was watching some early stargate last week.

Michael on Saving Hope is Jarring.

Almost as jarring as every time he makes out with Lois lane, I wonder why Clark Kent isnt belting him?

07-12-2013, 12:11 PM
Claudia is superb on audio. Especially her first one (Shell Game). Michael's a bit wooden now and then in the early ones, but he does get better in the later releases.

Season 3 is full cast (but only with Michael and Claudia from the team). For me, the best home team ones are the ones told by Claudia and the best Pegasus ones are the ones told by Paul McGillion.

I'd love to see the full team (either one) do a full cast audio, but suspect it would cost way too much :(

07-12-2013, 12:18 PM
For me, the best home team ones are the ones told by Claudia and the best Pegasus ones are the ones told by Paul McGillion...

Hmm? I think I'd go for 'Savarna' - it's been an age since I last heard it, but remember it being very moving and excellent performances from Rothery and Longworth.

Would have to agree with McGillon's, too. The best stories and he's the most natural on audio.

07-12-2013, 01:32 PM
Got 301 on play right now and it's not awful, but what struck me as unusual is that LC couldn't afford to buy the SG theme music after renting all the characters, so they had to write their own.


07-12-2013, 01:54 PM
Got 301 on play right now and it's not awful, but what struck me as unusual is that LC couldn't afford to buy the SG theme music after renting all the characters, so they had to write their own.


And it wouldn't be so bad but their own attempt is godawful :(

07-12-2013, 02:39 PM
Is it me, or is Ba'al the only Goul'd who you could actually go out for a friendly beer with?

Maybe not when this story is set, but by the end, in his own fucked up way, he thought that the SGC were his buddies.

Exterminate Me
07-12-2013, 03:02 PM
Is it me, or is Ba'al the only Goul'd who you could actually go out for a friendly beer with?

Maybe not when this story is set, but by the end, in his own fucked up way, he thought that the SGC were his buddies.

Your posts crack me up! Very entertaining.

Interesting that the SG movie was one of the first movies me and my future wife saw together - so it has a special place in my history.

---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------


Download H6.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download H6m4b.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

A big thank you to Bulletzen for this!

It's really great that you guys have good suggestions when someone has a question. It helps me too when I'm after something to listen out for. It's interesting why you liked, or didn't like something too.

07-12-2013, 03:30 PM
I'm terrible with music, but I finally remembered to me what the SG Audio theme sounds almost exactly the same as... It's the theme to The Guild.

The Guild (

07-12-2013, 03:46 PM
I'm terrible with music, but I finally remembered to me what the SG Audio theme sounds almost exactly the same as... It's the theme to The Guild.

The Guild (

LOL.....LOVE the Guild!!

07-12-2013, 04:44 PM
Claudia is superb on audio. Especially her first one (Shell Game). Michael's a bit wooden now and then in the early ones, but he does get better in the later releases.

I've been meaning to get into these, but I prefer to listen to these things in-order... Would you, or some other kind soul, be willing to post any of the following:

Series 3 Part Uno
Series 3 Part Dos

(Also, I just listened to Davros and Master. WHAT AMAZING AUDIOS. Onto Zagreus now... I've heard it's a massive disappointment)

07-12-2013, 05:16 PM
Some news on the next series of Gally and casting news that (IMHO) should have been a secret

And an interesting design of the protagonists on the cover. The first REAL connection between the '05 series and classic?

Whelp ladies and gentleman, timelords, mayors, ladies, barons, and serfs, that would be a cover of the war version of our beloved Pepperpots. I wonder if one of those new series' that may or may not be coming out in the next few years, may not actually address the war finally. I've thought about it and as much as I would love to see a theatrical version, I think it would work better on audio. And maybe with the fiftieth coming up maybe just maybe CBB has finally given them the okay to do it. I doubt it, but maybe just maybe we're finally getting something. Though I suppose my only proof would be: Two listed certain timeladies, and golden pepperpots.

There is however one thing standing in the way and that if, and I do mean if it's true JH is actually 9 and the one that fought in the war, would he be willing to do a series? Again I doubt it, but I can hope.

07-12-2013, 05:36 PM
Whelp ladies and gentleman, timelords, mayors, ladies, barons, and serfs, that would be a cover of the war version of our beloved Pepperpots. I wonder if one of those new series' that may or may not be coming out in the next few years, may not actually address the war finally. I've thought about it and as much as I would love to see a theatrical version, I think it would work better on audio. And maybe with the fiftieth coming up maybe just maybe CBB has finally given them the okay to do it. I doubt it, but maybe just maybe we're finally getting something. Though I suppose my only proof would be: Two listed certain timeladies, and golden pepperpots.

There is however one thing standing in the way and that if, and I do mean if it's true JH is actually 9 and the one that fought in the war, would he be willing to do a series? Again I doubt it, but I can hope.

If they have got the go-ahead (and if it is indeed the JH Medic that fought), then perhaps B!g F will actually kill 8 off once and for all...

Those peppapots are rather telling. I haven't caught up with Gally, I was going to wait until the whole batch was out. I guess this has slightly spoiled it, but oh well.

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Also, can anyone confirm this is definitely the first appearance of Nu-W peppapots associated with B!g F?

07-12-2013, 05:41 PM
IOnto Zagreus now... I've heard it's a massive disappointment)

It depends.

If you've NOT heard al the stories that run up to it, and have don't Scherzo to listen to next, then Yes - it'll quite likely be disappointing. The damn thing should carry a warning that it shouldn't be heard out-of-context.

However. If you've heard all of Charley's tale up to then, and have Scherzo ready to listen to, it's a bloody marvellous peace of audio theatre.

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

Also, can anyone confirm this is definitely the first appearance of Nu-W peppapots associated with B!g F?

I'd bet a large chunk of someone-elses' money that it's definitely the first time the '05-design has been seen on the cover.

07-12-2013, 05:46 PM
The first REAL connection between the '05 series and classic?
Hate to be "that guy", I would dispute that Five's appearance in that mini-episode "Time Crash" was already a pretty definitive connection. But I do see your point.

07-12-2013, 05:50 PM
Hate to be "that guy", I would dispute that Five's appearance in that mini-episode "Time Crash" was already a pretty definitive connection. But I do see your point.

Where's a decent "blows a raspberry" emoticaon when you need one! :)

07-12-2013, 06:04 PM
[Ducks into thread to see what's going on]. Hi guys!

Some news on the next series of Gally and casting news that (IMHO) should have been a secret

And an interesting design of the protagonists on the cover. The first REAL connection between the '05 series and classic?

Crikey. i thought they weren't allowed to use those ones. I mean, that design. This looks as if it really might be "filling the gaps in the backstory" time.

07-12-2013, 06:05 PM
Where's a decent "blows a raspberry" emoticaon when you need one! :)
At least I was civil about it, which is more than can be said for some fans. :)

07-12-2013, 07:16 PM
Talking of S'Gate - they're now on Sale price. Pretty reasonable prices, too, if you need to legitimize some of your catalogues.

07-12-2013, 07:53 PM
Ahhhh Hummmm...
Although I try and keep a regular eye on the forum, I think I may have missed the latest all teeth and curls episode.... can anyone point me to it, or is it too early?
Cheers medears:
Here's a bit of Python:
"Bally Jerry pranged his kite right in the how's your father, hairy blighter dicky birded, fell back on his swanny, and the cabbage crate ended up in the briney..."..." Sorry squadron leader, dont understand your banter..." [and that from memory!]
Cheers peeps.

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

And here is the full sketch:
Monty Python RAF Banter - YouTube (

Hope you enjoy it! Not "who" I know, but as there have been a few snake posts, thought you might enjoy it!

07-12-2013, 07:59 PM
Cheers peeps.

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

And here is the full sketch:
Monty Python RAF Banter - YouTube (

Hope you enjoy it! Not "who" I know, but as there have been a few snake posts, thought you might enjoy it!
Thanks for that. Kinda cheered me up a bit, because I've been a bit down today. An ex-girlfriend of mine who I'm still friends with texted me this morning with the grave news that her father died in a truck accident. I've been trying to be strong for her, but it's kinda tough.

07-12-2013, 08:09 PM
Ahhhh Hummmm...
Although I try and keep a regular eye on the forum, I think I may have missed the latest all teeth and curls episode.... can anyone point me to it, or is it too early?

Forget that. Wrong ep. Doh!

07-12-2013, 08:22 PM
That's for that. Kinda cheered me up a bit, because I've been a bit down today. An ex-girlfriend of mine who I'm still friends with texted me this morning with the grave news that her father died in a truck accident. I've been trying to be strong for her, but it's kinda tough.

Sorry to hear that fellow FFF chum. Hope, at least, its kinda [oops!] made you smile a bit.

07-12-2013, 08:36 PM
Sorry to hear that fellow FFF chum. Hope, at least, its kinda [oops!] made you smile a bit.
It certainly did. I even Tweeted it to her in the hopes it would perk her up. She's trying to play the new Animal Crossing to help herself cope.

07-12-2013, 10:41 PM
Yeah, I tried really hard to like this one because I rather like Katy (despite the abomination that is Iris Wildthyme).

Ahh, I'll have to diverge in opinion there. I think Iris is great, it's just the Iris stories that suck the coconut. If only someone else would/could write her some shining stories to shine in!

07-12-2013, 10:48 PM
I'm very sorry, GTG. There's nothing more devastating than a sudden death.

07-12-2013, 11:19 PM
It depends.

If you've NOT heard al the stories that run up to it, and have don't Scherzo to listen to next, then Yes - it'll quite likely be disappointing. The damn thing should carry a warning that it shouldn't be heard out-of-context.

However. If you've heard all of Charley's tale up to then, and have Scherzo ready to listen to, it's a bloody marvellous peace of audio theatre.

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

I'd bet a large chunk of someone-elses' money that it's definitely the first time the '05-design has been seen on the cover.

Always felt more like an Iris or Benny story to me.

07-12-2013, 11:44 PM
I'm very sorry, GTG. There's nothing more devastating than a sudden death.
Agreed. At least she's doing pretty well, considering. And she's got friends like me who are on hand in case she needs a shoulder to cry on.

07-13-2013, 12:05 AM
Always felt more like an Iris or Benny story to me.

Huh? Zagreus feels like an Iris/Benny story to you?? Wow. Never heard that interpretation!

But I really love Zagreus. If I know I've got the time properly available, I'll put on Neverwhere and not stop until the end of Scherzo - those three together are one hell of a ride.

07-13-2013, 12:48 AM
Sorry to hear that fellow FFF chum. Hope, at least, its kinda [oops!] made you smile a bit.

Is it just me or does everyone else think of the Mara when people write kinda (as in kind of)?

07-13-2013, 01:06 AM
Only every day of my life since I was 5 years old.

07-13-2013, 01:36 AM
Ahhhh Hummmm...
Although I try and keep a regular eye on the forum, I think I may have missed the latest all teeth and curls episode.... can anyone point me to it, or is it too early?

It's not out yet - don't worry: either I or one of the regulars will be posting it as soon as it's available!

07-13-2013, 02:03 AM
I come to you with the most recent third medic audiobook, involving reaping and time, read by the owner of slaves. Please tell me if there's any issues.
Also, sharing the recently released audio for the 11th novel Veil of Sadness!
In audiobook format only, unfortunately. RWQ


Exterminate Me
07-13-2013, 05:28 AM
I come to you with the most recent third medic audiobook, involving reaping and time, read by the owner of slaves. Please tell me if there's any issues.
Also, sharing the recently released audio for the 11th novel Veil of Sadness!
In audiobook format only, unfortunately. RWQ

TimeReap2 - Download - 4shared (>

Thank you for these.

And, all the best GTG.

---------- Post added at 12:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

Is it just me or does everyone else think of the Mara when people write kinda (as in kind of)?

Yep, same here.

07-13-2013, 05:58 AM
thanks bullet and cieru

07-13-2013, 06:14 AM
And, all the best GTG.
Thanks. I appreciate it.

07-13-2013, 06:36 AM
Agreed. At least she's doing pretty well, considering. And she's got friends like me who are on hand in case she needs a shoulder to cry on.

In which case, she's a very lucky woman in that respect at least. Friends like that can sometimes be hard to find. Condolences...

07-13-2013, 06:40 AM
I wanted to give a big TY to Bullet for being so fast and thorough and as per usual going way above and beyond the call of duty. Also super TY for Cieru. Been hoping for that one to pop up. :D

07-13-2013, 06:43 AM
In which case, she's a very lucky woman in that respect at least. Friends like that can sometimes be hard to find. Condolences...
Thanks man. She said similar things about being lucky back when we were together. I'm just grateful we remained friends after the breakup, because she's just a wonderful person.

07-13-2013, 07:15 AM
I come to you with the most recent third medic audiobook, involving reaping and time, read by the owner of slaves. Please tell me if there's any issues.
Also, sharing the recently released audio for the 11th novel Veil of Sadness!
In audiobook format only, unfortunately. RWQ

TimeReap2 - Download - 4shared (>

Thanks mate.

07-13-2013, 07:19 AM
I come to you with the most recent third medic audiobook, involving reaping and time, read by the owner of slaves. Please tell me if there's any issues.
Also, sharing the recently released audio for the 11th novel Veil of Sadness!
In audiobook format only, unfortunately. RWQ



07-13-2013, 08:41 AM
Sorry to hear the news GTG, I sadly know all to well what its like to lose someone to a sudden death.

07-13-2013, 08:53 AM
Thanks, DrWho001. I've been playing some Medic tales for her to bring her spirits back up. She particularly liked #039 of the monthlies.

07-13-2013, 09:08 AM
Thanks, DrWho001. I've been playing some Medic tales for her to bring her spirits back up. She particularly liked #039 of the monthlies.

Yeah, a bit of Gareth & Clay will always cheer me up, too - damned funny guys...

07-13-2013, 09:19 AM
Yeah, a bit of Gareth & Clay will always cheer me up, too - damned funny guys...
Yeah. I played #027 for her, and then she asked if they wrote any more, which prompted me to play #039.

07-13-2013, 09:29 AM
I come to you with the most recent third medic audiobook, involving reaping and time, read by the owner of slaves. Please tell me if there's any issues.
Also, sharing the recently released audio for the 11th novel Veil of Sadness!
In audiobook format only, unfortunately. RWQ

TimeReap2 - Download - 4shared (>

Thanks A Bunch!!!!

07-13-2013, 09:37 AM
Morning lovely DW people,
Have a look at this:

A rather splendid maze has appeared in the UK - Imgur (

More details:

07-13-2013, 10:12 AM
I come to you with the most recent third medic audiobook, involving reaping and time, read by the owner of slaves. Please tell me if there's any issues.
Also, sharing the recently released audio for the 11th novel Veil of Sadness!
In audiobook format only, unfortunately. RWQ

TimeReap2 - Download - 4shared (>

Thanks for this!


---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

@ GTG : I'm sorry for your loss. All the best.


07-13-2013, 11:31 AM
Hi all was just listening to the 5th medic audio the hornting of thmas browstor, it's 1 hour 38 long and at the end of part 4 it seemed as though there should be more. Can anyone shed any light if i'm missing a bit?

07-13-2013, 11:42 AM
In the words of the immortal Pythons "...and now for something completely different...!".

My favourite movie star has always been Marilyn Monroe, my favourite TV Show has always been 'The Medic' (that seems so silly not mentioning his name when the entire thread has his name in the title, but I understand the caution!), so when the two came together in A Christmas Carol I was in heaven. MM is even seen as a blur in the background. I have seen some artwork on the web based on this, and it inspired me to have a go myself, but in the form of a whole series of episodes (all art, no audio I'm afraid!!).

The episodes are all primarily based on MM movie titles, with a few that are related to MM rather than her appearing in them. And I've tried to include a few famous faces in starring roles as aliens, villians and companions along the way. All of it has been fun for me to pull together, I enjoy art, there's no other reason than that, some may like them, others may find them a waste of time - that's fine, it's not to be taken seriously!!

And so the adventure starts with Do*ct**0r W*h0 (and yes that is his name as in the TV Comic and early annuals - this is my reality!!) at a party in California in 1952.

"Marilyn, get your coat!"

Doctor Who and Marilyn Monroe by happyappy6 on deviantART (

07-13-2013, 11:44 AM
WooHoo! I finally put my avatar up...

07-13-2013, 02:14 PM
Hi all was just listening to the 5th medic audio the hornting of thmas browstor, it's 1 hour 38 long and at the end of part 4 it seemed as though there should be more. Can anyone shed any light if i'm missing a bit?

1:38 is right. The last line is "He's done it again!"

Can't remember - did this one also have an episode of 'The Three Companions' on? That would explain the shorter run time.

07-13-2013, 02:28 PM
1:38 is right. The last line is "He's done it again!"

Can't remember - did this one also have an episode of 'The Three Companions' on? That would explain the shorter run time.

Nope, they came a fair while later. It's just a short 'un is all. I think around that time, they were making a real effort to stick to approximately 25 min eps...

07-13-2013, 03:36 PM
New medic monthly time! - Enticement

Download 175-P.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
MP3 files
Download 175-P1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download 175-P2.rar from - send big files the easy way (

Goes down in a few days. Sorry.

any chance of a re-up, i seem to have missed it

---------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

Aaaand here's this month's "Friend of the Medic": Massterbrain.

As with Bulletzen, links will be going down in a few days.



RAR password = "obey"-->

any chance of a re-up, i seem to have missed it

07-13-2013, 05:40 PM
also, does anybody happen to have the M*e*r*v*y*n**S*t*o*n*e audios? i've been meaning to check'em out

07-13-2013, 08:51 PM
also, does anybody happen to have the M*e*r*v*y*n**S*t*o*n*e audios? i've been meaning to check'em out

Post #14601. Still there.

07-13-2013, 09:13 PM
Seconded for HotBallofGas Portal Series 3 parts 1 and 2! (Or Devil from Blakes 6+1, though I fear no one owns it).

How is Mervyn Stone audio? I've always heard it was good, but I have like zero knowledge of the source, so I've been wondering whether it's worth getting into from an outsider's perspective.

07-13-2013, 09:33 PM
This month's Friend's Stories reup.


<!--!cQkDjDpL!LOVsSjGlgGORoVQbOYk0EjJ0PqM_iK1FvFsn2wW YAjA-->

07-13-2013, 09:43 PM
This month's Friend's Stories reup.


<!--!cQkDjDpL!LOVsSjGlgGORoVQbOYk0EjJ0PqM_iK1FvFsn2wW YAjA-->

thanks Tory

07-14-2013, 12:35 AM
@ GTG : I'm sorry for your loss. All the best.
It wasn't my loss. It was an ex-girlfriend of mine who suffered the loss. I appreciate the gesture all the same, though.

07-14-2013, 04:26 AM
New medic monthly time! - Enticement

Download 175-P.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
MP3 files
Download 175-P1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download 175-P2.rar from - send big files the easy way (

Goes down in a few days. Sorry.

Looks like I missed this one. Could someone please re-up this one for me.

07-14-2013, 08:05 AM
Hi all was just listening to the 5th medic audio the hornting of thmas browstor, it's 1 hour 38 long and at the end of part 4 it seemed as though there should be more. Can anyone shed any light if i'm missing a bit?

As others have said its definitely complete. Leads into the continuing Brewster storyline.

07-14-2013, 08:45 AM
Post removed by request.

Exterminate Me
07-14-2013, 08:51 AM
Yes, thanks Tory. Sorry 911, it was actually SS that took my upload down citing a violation of terms. Guess they're still watching me (what's that they say? - it's not paranoia if they're really after you.)

Sorry to hear that Foe :-(

07-14-2013, 09:46 AM
Yes, thanks Tory. Sorry 911, it was actually SS that took my upload down citing a violation of terms. Guess they're still watching me (what's that they say? - it's not paranoia if they're really after you.)

At least SS don't block your account the instant you violate their terms like MF do.

07-14-2013, 09:47 AM
I feel really cheeky even asking this, but does anyone have a single file (mp3 or audiobook) version of 165 and 166? In a desperate bid to be up to date by the 1963 trilogy this year (26 stories to go so should be easy now) I bought a job lot of the CDs on ebay and these two are scratched to hell and won't rip or play in my car. The OCD part of me will have to replace them as I don't do digital, until I am forced to over the next few years I imagine, but I would like to hear them all the same.

I might buy them from amazon or LC after payday, but if anyone does have them knocking about that would be great.

thanks very much.

07-14-2013, 09:58 AM
Good grief, it never occured to me until I listened to the interviews just now that it was THAT Jonathan Barnes who wrote the latest monthly - no wonder it was so enjoyably written. If you liked it, then his novels ARE indeed very good, give 'em a go if you can...

BTW: Not spoilers as such, but some thoughts on this story: Am I the only one who found certain aspects of the 'monsters' similar to certain Series 6 (Moffat) TV creations? And did anyone else find Will a bit too reminiscent of that annoying git from Barry Lett's radio stories - Jeremy, I think it was?? I think Will's obviously meant to improve, though, as the Medic's very definitely pushing him into realising potential...

Also, loved Sylv's line early on about coincidences in the universe being like confetti at a wedding. The obvious thought is that the continuatioon of this would be 'there's a lot of them', but I prefer to think it would be "they're everywhere, messy, often annoying, and difficult to clean up'...

Very good story - looking forward to part 2!

Exterminate Me
07-14-2013, 10:29 AM
I feel really cheeky even asking this, but does anyone have a single file (mp3 or audiobook) version of 165 and 166? In a desperate bid to be up to date by the 1963 trilogy this year (26 stories to go so should be easy now) I bought a job lot of the CDs on ebay and these two are scratched to hell and won't rip or play in my car. The OCD part of me will have to replace them as I don't do digital, until I am forced to over the next few years I imagine, but I would like to hear them all the same.

I might buy them from amazon or LC after payday, but if anyone does have them knocking about that would be great.

thanks very much.

Have sent you a PM.

07-14-2013, 11:13 AM
Very good story - looking forward to part 2!

Yeah, I think these three are going to end-up being something pretty good.

For the 'continuity' types ... from The Doctor's PoV, do you think this happens before or after UN-Dominion?

Exterminate Me
07-14-2013, 11:33 AM
Yeah, I think these three are going to end-up being something pretty good.

For the 'continuity' types ... from The Doctor's PoV, do you think this happens before or after UN-Dominion?

Sounds like I need to give it a listen pronto...

07-14-2013, 11:50 AM
Have sent you a PM.

Thank you! Much appreciated.

07-14-2013, 12:05 PM
Yeah, I think these three are going to end-up being something pretty good.

For the 'continuity' types ... from The Doctor's PoV, do you think this happens before or after UN-Dominion?

Well, I gather it was after, as Klein does enquire where Raine is. Very ambiguous reply, too - possibly something to be explored in future stories??

Mind you, maybe it was ambiguous because it comes before? Hmmm... Still think it's set after, though..

Matt Paradise
07-14-2013, 01:06 PM
I missed the new 7th Medic monthly too, if anyone would be able to help I'd be most grateful :)

07-14-2013, 01:35 PM
Well, I gather it was after, as Klein does enquire where Raine is. Very ambiguous reply, too - possibly something to be explored in future stories??

Mind you, maybe it was ambiguous because it comes before? Hmmm... Still think it's set after, though..

D'oh! I'd forgotten that Raine was in Dominion.

So, yeah, that'd point to it being Post Dominion. Ta!

07-14-2013, 04:35 PM
Been on holiday for a week, sitting in the sun, dipping my toes in the pool, watching the last season of Being Human and listening to our favourite medic. What have I missed? Counting & Measuring II any good? No more arguments while I was away I hope. Nice pics of medic 1 emerging I see, looks great.

07-14-2013, 04:35 PM
Update to my CC listening.
I Enjoyed Lost Past, I was really impressed with her response to finding out her mum was in danger, she writes her a letter saying she will visit her tomorrow. Really impressed with the post office delivering it the same day. (I know I'm just being picky) Good story though.
Piri and the picson poradax was really good, enjoyed seeing two different sides of the same story.

Just found out my version of Tame Misuem is all mixed up so will have to find another.

Still not a great fan of the story telling mode but warming up to them.

07-14-2013, 05:46 PM
oooo a happy thedoctor911

07-14-2013, 06:17 PM
Gents and gentesses, not words I know, but I'm sure some of you will like this. Sorry if it's already been posted - been a bit busy and haven't had time to check back over the thread, but just in case it hasn't, here are some croutons for your soup. RWQ


[Edit: my, that was cryptic.]

Just noticed, it's already up here too:

07-15-2013, 01:21 AM
So I just got back from Pacific Rim. Loved the movie, but I have to ask: How do you think the Medic would of reacted to the situation?

07-15-2013, 02:23 AM
Shrink ray.

Wildlife park.

Happily ever after.

07-15-2013, 02:24 AM
So I just got back from Pacific Rim. Loved the movie, but I have to ask: How do you think the Medic would of reacted to the situation?

With lots of very bad CSO fringing?

07-15-2013, 03:42 AM
So I just got back from Pacific Rim. Loved the movie, but I have to ask: How do you think the Medic would of reacted to the situation?

Well, if it was the 2nd & Jamie, It'd would HAVE to be: "Hey, look at the size o' THAT, Doctor", "My, yes, Jamie *ahem* - that certainly is a big one. And so is that one... and that... and th... *ahem* Jamie? When I say 'run'..." ;)

07-15-2013, 04:09 AM
So I just got back from Pacific Rim. Loved the movie, but I have to ask: How do you think the Medic would of reacted to the situation?
Loved the movie as well.

10 or 11 would've done the ole' "its just a misunderstood creature" cliche. "They don't mean us any harm. They're just misunderstood."
Yeah sure Doctor. Now excuse while I try and understand the creature...with my giant robot fist =)

07-15-2013, 04:15 AM
xD I honestly think any modern medic's reaction would be to go the alien's planet/universe thing and blow up there reactor factory thing after trying to reason with them, getting made, and finally stop being the oncoming storm, and become the raging storm.

07-15-2013, 05:21 AM
Here's the problem with Four, he's gets the shrink ray, looks the monster in the eye and then shoots himself with the shrink ray!

(It worked last time. :) )

07-15-2013, 05:26 AM
Hello all, thought it was about time to make another request for two NSA audiobooks I'm on the hunt for "Torrowed Bime" and "Laradox Post" .. anyone able to share either of said items would have my undying gratitude and all the virtual grog they can guzzle.. :)

Exterminate Me
07-15-2013, 08:27 AM
@guy gardener, have sent you a PM.

07-15-2013, 09:00 AM
Hello all, thought it was about time to make another request for two NSA audiobooks I'm on the hunt for "Torrowed Bime" and "Laradox Post" .. anyone able to share either of said items would have my undying gratitude and all the virtual grog they can guzzle.. :)

sent to pm

07-15-2013, 09:31 AM
Great to see (and hear) the Cybermen get the orchestral treatment in this clip from the Proms, where they pay tribute the Radiophonic Workshop...

Doctor Who Proms: Classic Series Medley (

07-15-2013, 10:02 AM
Well, if it was the 2nd & Jamie, It'd would HAVE to be: "Hey, look at the size o' THAT, Doctor", "My, yes, Jamie *ahem* - that certainly is a big one. And so is that one... and that... and th... *ahem* Jamie? When I say 'run'..." ;)

This is my favorite comment on this thread. EVER.

07-15-2013, 10:32 AM
sent to pm

Thank You Thank You! undying gratitude commences :)

07-15-2013, 11:50 AM
Great to see (and hear) the Cybermen get the orchestral treatment in this clip from the Proms, where they pay tribute the Radiophonic Workshop...

Doctor Who Proms: Classic Series Medley (

Anyone got any idea if or when they're gonna televise the Doctor Who Proms this year?

07-15-2013, 11:55 AM
Anyone got any idea if or when they're gonna televise the Doctor Who Proms this year?

No date yet announced, but it tends to be around Xmas.

07-15-2013, 12:03 PM
No date yet announced, but it tends to be around Xmas.

They always used to run it during the proms on the red button on the beeb but nothing so far :(

07-15-2013, 12:05 PM
Well their website says "recorded for future broadcast"

07-15-2013, 12:44 PM
This is my favorite comment on this thread. EVER.

Aw, shucks - I'm blushin'... :D

07-15-2013, 01:34 PM
They always used to run it during the proms on the red button on the beeb but nothing so far :(

The Radio Three broadcast is available on iPlayer.

07-15-2013, 03:26 PM
Proms are both being put on TV in November for the anniversary. Heard that from a few people over the weekend (went to both days as I am a bit tragic!) and then it said it on the BBC website at some point too. Cannot remember where I saw that but it was in a few places.

07-15-2013, 05:14 PM
i went on the saturday night. it was amazing!!! loved seeing Peter Davison. and the audience, well.. so much love for the Doctor I was overwelmed!!!

07-15-2013, 05:50 PM
The Radio Three broadcast is available on iPlayer.

I'd like to see what happened as well tho.

07-15-2013, 06:20 PM
i went on the saturday night. it was amazing!!! loved seeing Peter Davison. and the audience, well.. so much love for the Doctor I was overwelmed!!!
Envy :)

07-15-2013, 07:30 PM
So I just got back from Pacific Rim. Loved the movie, but I have to ask: How do you think the Medic would of reacted to the situation?

10 (and probably 11 too) would've stood there going, "Oooooh, you are BEAUTIFUL!"

07-15-2013, 08:34 PM
I don't wanna detract from the discussion about the Proms, as it sounds like it was pretty awesome. But I'd just like to announce that the finale of the 2nd season of the scarfed Medic's adventures on audio has been released. As you were. XD

07-15-2013, 08:36 PM
so there is a version of the proms that is online and one that isnt? because i see a few broadcast copies floating about

07-15-2013, 09:04 PM
so there is a version of the proms that is online and one that isnt? because i see a few broadcast copies floating about

AFAIK The only broadcast one for this year was on Radio Three.

Or do you mean the Proms in general?

07-15-2013, 09:14 PM
so there is a version of the proms that is online and one that isnt? because i see a few broadcast copies floating about

The audio was broadcast on Saturday night (and is currently on iPlayer), but the video was recorded to be shown at a later date. There are a few clips on the beeb website.

07-15-2013, 09:17 PM
so there is a version of the proms that is online and one that isnt? because i see a few broadcast copies floating about
so far THIS year there has been

a medic prom on Sat, broadcast on Radio3 (still on iplayer for those who can get it)
a second medic prom on Sun, un-broadcast

however both have been filmed to be shown on TV in November

The copies you have seen floating around may be from previous years events

07-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->

07-15-2013, 09:56 PM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->

Thanks TorySage :)

Matt Paradise
07-15-2013, 10:38 PM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


Many thanks!

07-15-2013, 10:46 PM
Thanks, TroySage. Now I can do my planned "double feature" of this and "The Pepperpot Deal" while I'm at my volunteer work tomorrow. Bless you! :)

07-16-2013, 12:35 AM
Thanks TorySage!!!!!!

07-16-2013, 01:29 AM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->
Thanks TorySage! :)

07-16-2013, 03:06 AM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->

New Tom & a brilliant Jon Noble/Walter Bishop avatar?? You, sir or madam, rock-eth!! ;D

Thank you!!

07-16-2013, 03:32 AM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->

Very kind of you, but I have an older system (with older browsers) that can't install the latest version of Flash player required to download from this site - any chance you (or anyone) could mirror at Sendspace or similar? :) Pretty please?

07-16-2013, 03:33 AM
Thanks, TorySage!

07-16-2013, 04:57 AM
anyone got Hammah 2,3,&5?

Exterminate Me
07-16-2013, 05:43 AM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->

Thank you so much TorySage :-)

07-16-2013, 05:54 AM
anyone got Hammah 2,3,&5?

i sent 5 via pm

07-16-2013, 06:50 AM
Thank you TorySage! :)

07-16-2013, 07:48 AM
Thanks TorySage!

07-16-2013, 07:48 AM
Thanks TorySage but I am being asked for a decryption key? This is both on FF and Chrome.

07-16-2013, 08:26 AM


I downloaded that earlier today, I have no idea why i am talking without thinking.

What happens sometimes is that the "linkification" process that allows you to click on a link and a new tab pops up doesn't read the complete string of the link address.

Highlight the link completely, copy the bugger and then paste it into a chrome browser or the most up to date version of Firefox. Older firefoxes dislike mega.

But really, think about using Jdownloader or another download manager if you are bulk downloading a lot of links at one time.

07-16-2013, 09:09 AM


I downloaded that earlier today, I have no idea why i am talking without thinking.

What happens sometimes is that the "linkification" process that allows you to click on a link and a new tab pops up doesn't read the complete string of the link address.

Highlight the link completely, copy the bugger and then paste it into a chrome browser or the most up to date version of Firefox. Older firefoxes dislike mega.

But really, think about using Jdownloader or another download manager if you are bulk downloading a lot of links at one time.

Thanks copying the link and doing it in a new tab worked :)

Exterminate Me
07-16-2013, 02:46 PM
If anyone's after Louis Cypher it's up on the other place. Thanks to guygardener for all his hard work ;)

07-16-2013, 04:03 PM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.


<!--!gF1gwKgD!SeEyaRzci3_RqHfriNRPdEkqILU1Pl1q6tLdxIO gNNQ-->

I cant get this to work with firefox or IE. On firefox a box comes up asking me to confirm the download of a large file by clicking on a question mark icon that should appear next to the address bar. Problem is its just not there. IE is just a blank white page.

Can anyone mirror it on a regular site?

07-16-2013, 04:11 PM
Newer Who fan, introduced to the series with the Ninth Doctor, but went back and found I enjoyed all pre generations. Just discovered the audio drama releases by chance and was wondering how to inquire about titles. I am trying to figure out the 'naming' conventions to fill the remaining holes. Any help would be great, thank you.

07-16-2013, 04:34 PM
Does this mean that someone will finally force Murray Gold and the sound-mixers to learn that sometimes Less Is More?

BBC Boss Tony Hall takes aim at poor diction and loud incidental music.

Yahoo! (

07-16-2013, 04:54 PM
I cant get this to work with firefox or IE. On firefox a box comes up asking me to confirm the download of a large file by clicking on a question mark icon that should appear next to the address bar. Problem is its just not there. IE is just a blank white page.

Can anyone mirror it on a regular site?

IE is like wearing sweat pants pulled up to your nipples. So sad. The latest Firefox works, older Firefox versions not so much. Chrome works, and it takes about 3 minutes to install.

Jdownloader also works.

There are also issues with the linkification. Highlight the link completely, copy the link and then paste the link address into you navigation field of the same tab or a new tab.

07-16-2013, 05:31 PM
IE is like wearing sweat pants pulled up to your nipples...

*pulls his sweat pants down so they're below his nipples* :-[

07-16-2013, 05:32 PM
Does this mean that someone will finally force Murray Gold and the sound-mixers to learn that sometimes Less Is More?

BBC Boss Tony Hall takes aim at poor diction and loud incidental music.

Yahoo! (

I'm sorry, what was that??? There was a triumphant hero theme blasting as you said that. It's as though I couldn't be expected to understand what emotions to feel and had to be beaten over the head to convey that this was important.

07-16-2013, 05:36 PM
Here's this month's curly haired gentleman. Enjoy.

Thanks TorySage, much karma coming your way. I don't suppose you could give us the extras too? I Feel bad asking but I've enjoyed listening to Tom and Louise in the past.

07-16-2013, 05:44 PM
I'm sorry, what was that??? There was a triumphant hero theme blasting as you said that. It's as though I couldn't be expected to understand what emotions to feel and had to be beaten over the head to convey that this was important.

I don't know it it's stuck out more this year, or if I was just imagining it to be louder and more obvious, but the "Aha! The Doctor Has A Plan! We're About The Win!" theme felt damn irritating at times. It felt like it undercut Matt's performance by coming in a second-or-so too early and telegraphing that The Doc was about to realise he had A Plan.

I would definitely like to have another music arranger thrown into the mix as it does feel as though Gold can be limited in his palette at times. I know he did some really odd stuff at times, but I feel like a modern day Dudley Simpson would go down well.

07-16-2013, 06:36 PM
Newer Who fan, introduced to the series with the Ninth Doctor, but went back and found I enjoyed all pre generations. Just discovered the audio drama releases by chance and was wondering how to inquire about titles. I am trying to figure out the 'naming' conventions to fill the remaining holes. Any help would be great, thank you.
try a wikipedia search for "[TV show name] audio drama" or visit the website of the company that makes them.....

was trying to be helpful, but am only now realising that the "code of the thread" wont let me name either the medic himself or those we know as LC......

07-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Did I miss "count-a treasures" season II somewhere along the way?

07-16-2013, 06:53 PM
try a wikipedia search for "[TV show name] audio drama" or visit the website of the company that makes them.....

was trying to be helpful, but am only now realising that the "code of the thread" wont let me name either the medic himself or those we know as LC......

That was what I had discovered after trying to scan through the first 50 or so pages. I have bookmarked both Big Finish and the Wiki list I found. It's the figuring out the nom de guerres as posted here.

07-16-2013, 07:01 PM
IE is like wearing sweat pants pulled up to your nipples. So sad. The latest Firefox works, older Firefox versions not so much. Chrome works, and it takes about 3 minutes to install.

Jdownloader also works.

My Firefox is up to date. Reviews for JDownloader are all bad on CNet, its apparently full of malware. I dont really want to have to add a 3rd browser onto my machine just to download 1 file.

Thanks, anyway.

07-16-2013, 07:22 PM
It's the figuring out the nom de guerres as posted here.

Ahh! i see....I generally download everything and work it out later!
if you are trying to fill in your back catalog I would (of course) recommend that you go to Large Conclusions and get proper copies......
but I am told that there are to*rents around that have many of the earlier releases (like the first 150 or so) a search 'bucanneer cove' might help.

Also you might want to add the dedicated medic wiki to your bookmarks, I know I have found it very helpful

as to working out the 'code of the thread'.....thinking like a deranged crossword compiler helps!

07-16-2013, 07:36 PM
Has anyone re-upped the latest monthly release? Thanks!

07-16-2013, 07:41 PM
So I have a small question for you folks, but I'm going to re-listen to all the homeplanet and related audios. You know like AgreusZ, Apoc Element, Time Sirens, and of course the eighth medic stories, and I would like to do so in the order they take place for the homeplanet. The only problem I'm finding is in what order to do so.

So I guess my question of you chaps is in what order would you suggest for this chronologically.

07-16-2013, 08:03 PM
Has anyone re-upped the latest monthly release? Thanks!

sent one of them. not sure which one you want? i dont have the scarfed since i cant use mega

07-16-2013, 08:08 PM
Has anyone re-upped the latest monthly release? Thanks!

Request seconded, I hate business trips. I missed this up and the Medics pals this month. Would some kind soul please re-up? Also, thanks to TorySage for Tom!

07-16-2013, 08:21 PM
---------- Post added at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

Does this mean that someone will finally force Murray Gold and the sound-mixers to learn that sometimes Less Is More?

BBC Boss Tony Hall takes aim at poor diction and loud incidental music.

Yahoo! (

I like the way he says, "I don’t want to sound like a grumpy old man," BUT HE'S RIGHT!

07-16-2013, 08:22 PM
No sooner the word than the deed! Daniel9 you are a star, many thanks.

07-16-2013, 09:19 PM
Thank you all.

I find I never have to request the new stuff, cause there's always someone putting it up.

Oh, and I like cheese slices.

Matt Paradise
07-16-2013, 09:22 PM
Has the latest monthly been re-upped, or is it just being PM'd?

07-16-2013, 09:49 PM
Latest Curly Haired Chap for anyone who doesn't get on with mega.



07-16-2013, 10:31 PM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for nonmega linksss!!!

07-16-2013, 10:44 PM
I don't understand why people are so down on Mega - it much faster than sendspace or some of the other hosts that seem to be popular here...

07-16-2013, 11:01 PM
mega is restrictive and isnt browser friendly along with the above mentioned problems. if they were resolved everyone would be happy.

07-16-2013, 11:02 PM
I don't understand why people are so down on Mega - it much faster than sendspace or some of the other hosts that seem to be popular here...
...Only if you can get it to work.

07-16-2013, 11:36 PM
Does this mean that someone will finally force Murray Gold and the sound-mixers to learn that sometimes Less Is More?

BBC Boss Tony Hall takes aim at poor diction and loud incidental music.

Yahoo! (

Glad I'm not the only one. Sometimes close captioning is needed in order to understand what's being said on DW because of the sound mix that favors sounds and music over dialogue.

While we're on the topic of music after hearing the Classic DW Music Medley from the Proms and listening to some of the BF scores (namely Jane Elphinstone's score for Davros), am I the only one who wants a return to the synth and incidental score? I mean I like orchestra but I feel like it along with the choir is being overused. I mean BF uses orchestra in their scores but its not beating me over the head with whatever hero, fairytale, sentimental bullsh*t that Gold is constantly writing. I think it would be good to mix things up and have different composers for each episodes.

07-17-2013, 12:12 AM
...Only if you can get it to work.

Gasfitters were afraid of light bulbs once upon a time too.

If mega is hard for you to use, imagine how hard it is for johnny law to monitor?

They want to put you in jail for 5 years for every illegally downloaded song they find on your hard drive, and fine you US$ 250,000 for every illegally downloaded movie they find on your hard drive.

Don't make Johnny law's day any easier.

Use chrome, highlight the complete link manually, copy and paste.

It's that easy.

Jdownloader is even easier.

07-17-2013, 12:35 AM
Glad I'm not the only one. Sometimes close captioning is needed in order to understand what's being said on DW because of the sound mix that favors sounds and music over dialogue.

While we're on the topic of music after hearing the Classic DW Music Medley from the Proms and listening to some of the BF scores (namely Jane Elphinstone's score for Davros), am I the only one who wants a return to the synth and incidental score? I mean I like orchestra but I feel like it along with the choir is being overused. I mean BF uses orchestra in their scores but its not beating me over the head with whatever hero, fairytale, sentimental bullsh*t that Gold is constantly writing. I think it would be good to mix things up and have different composers for each episodes.

I think, since Who came back in 2005, the production team(s) have missed a real trick with both sound effects and music. The BBC Radiophonic Workshop effects from the classic run were so much a part of the show's atmosphere and gave it a unique, standout quality. Obviously they couldn't be re-employed to do similar for the show's modern run as they didn't exist anymore (thanks, John Birt) but it's a shame more care wasn't taken to preserve and continue that legacy. It could still be done.

The music was a big issue for me when the show first returned - not that it was bad music per se (listened to in isolation, much of it is perfectly pleasant), just that it so often overwhelmed a scene or was somehow emotionally intrusive, signposting subtextual elements rather than supporting and enhancing them. It tended to call attention to itself rather than help whatever drama was unfolding and sometimes just became a wash of extra sentimental noise you had to tune out. Murray Gold's learned a lot since then, and improved (although the sound mix is sometimes still terribly out of balance to my ears, no matter how I retune my TV's sound system) and seems to have learned the value of subtlety. His boring Cybermen theme made an unwelcome return in the recent Nightmare in Silver though - I recall thinking how much scarier and weirder those scenes (and others in Rise of the Cybermen) would be if that music was replaced by Brian Hodgson's 'Invasion' FX or Malcolm Clarke's Earthshock march.

All that said, I'd love for there to be more than one composer and I'd love for the show to get a little more experimental in the scoring again. It could only help to invigorate one element of the show that I feel is a bit moribund.

07-17-2013, 12:55 AM
Post removed by request.

07-17-2013, 01:03 AM
I feel is a bit moribund.

Agreed. Even if they kept Gold, he could at least try and change his methodology and stop reaching for the "faux choir" midi-patch in LogicPro.

Thankfully it seems that BF have learnt this lesson and regularly rotate their music composers. But, bless his little cotton socks, it's soooooo obvious that James Robbertssn wants to be the next Gold! I do like his stuff (his work for Blue Forgotton Planet is excellent) but he he can get stuck in using the same tropes all the time. Personally my favourites tend to be those done be ERS - they tend to be very understated.

---------- Post added at 01:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 AM ----------

About to sit down to dinner with Rob Shearman! He's in Toronto to see one of his publishers, and is always so great about getting in touch when he's here.

Say "HI!!!!" from us.

Tell him Scherzo is the best thing BF have ever done and a) we don't care that Briggs is jealous of it and hates it and b) we want him writing more for The Doc. (And more Penguins.)

---------- Post added at 01:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 AM ----------

So I have a small question for you folks, but I'm going to re-listen to all the homeplanet and related audios. You know like AgreusZ, Apoc Element, Time Sirens, and of course the eighth medic stories, and I would like to do so in the order they take place for the homeplanet. The only problem I'm finding is in what order to do so.

So I guess my question of you chaps is in what order would you suggest for this chronologically.

Taking a very broad-brush, I think it's safe to go with Release order.

07-17-2013, 01:27 AM
Mega originally didn't work with IE. But I got the scarfed one's latest just find, so I guess it works now,

Exterminate Me
07-17-2013, 01:31 AM
Does this mean that someone will finally force Murray Gold and the sound-mixers to learn that sometimes Less Is More?

BBC Boss Tony Hall takes aim at poor diction and loud incidental music.

Yahoo! (

Something I've been complaining about for years. I wear hearing aids, so I have trouble already, without it being compounded by overly loud music and sound effects.

Glad someone high up has taken notice - now they need to follow through...

And, yes Nobber - a Dudley Simpson would do nicely!

*So were there any extras on the latest Teeth & Curls release?

07-17-2013, 01:58 AM
Gasfitters were afraid of light bulbs once upon a time too.

If mega is hard for you to use, imagine how hard it is for johnny law to monitor?

They want to put you in jail for 5 years for every illegally downloaded song they find on your hard drive, and fine you US$ 250,000 for every illegally downloaded movie they find on your hard drive.

Don't make Johnny law's day any easier.

Use chrome, highlight the complete link manually, copy and paste.

It's that easy.

Jdownloader is even easier.
Every tech I know strongly advises against using Chrome, it has lousy tech support. And Johnny Law doesn't care about most illegal downloads. Besides I do all my downloading at my public library, the only government agency that can track and record the info is the NSA and they don't share what they get. I've tried JDownloader on my PC before and it didn't do anything. And just because something is difficult to use has nothing to its be difficult to track or not.

07-17-2013, 02:27 AM
About to sit down to dinner with Rob Shearman! He's in Toronto to see one of his publishers, and is always so great about getting in touch when he's here.

Superb! Mr. Shearman is a gentleman and a scholar! Have the best of times.

07-17-2013, 02:33 AM
last time i had jdownloader, it crashed my computer, made everything sluggish and was problematic.

07-17-2013, 02:42 AM
What about mipony? It does what jdownloader does, but without using JAVA.

Java is the resource hog.

A couple computers ago, I had like no RAM, and mipony wasn't awful.

Here's a page I found with google explaining the pros and cons of ten alternatives to jdownloader.

I use jdownloader2, which is a beta, which doesn't use as much Java, or Java at all possibly. I'm not sure. But I didn't have to download/install Java last time I reinstalled windows.

07-17-2013, 03:24 AM
About to sit down to dinner with Rob Shearman! He's in Toronto to see one of his publishers, and is always so great about getting in touch when he's here.

Oooooh, you lucky duck, you! Now there's one guy I want to write for Who again - even if it's for LC. Talented plus - and knows the series back to front...

I once asked him on Twitter if his first story collection "Tiny Deaths" was ever going to be re-printed - it's the only one I don't own, and currently trades hands for upwards of $100 - but never got a reply. Seems like a nice guy, though, just busy...

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

Agreed. Even if they kept Gold, he could at least try and change his methodology and stop reaching for the "faux choir" midi-patch in LogicPro.

Thankfully it seems that BF have learnt this lesson and regularly rotate their music composers. But, bless his little cotton socks, it's soooooo obvious that James Robbertssn wants to be the next Gold! I do like his stuff (his work for Blue Forgotton Planet is excellent) but he he can get stuck in using the same tropes all the time. Personally my favourites tend to be those done be ERS - they tend to be very understated.

I don't usually know who does the music for which one, but I always like it when they try to evoke the music of the era of whichever Medic is involved, but add a little something of their own so it's not a straight clone (the 4th Medic stories are usually a good example of this). That said, I bloody HATE the cod-60s spy crap they're using on Count-Your Mess-Sures, it's so inappropriate, corny and forced - and three guesses who wrote it...

07-17-2013, 03:33 AM
About to sit down to dinner with Rob Shearman! He's in Toronto to see one of his publishers, and is always so great about getting in touch when he's here.

Tell him he has a fan club here. He wrote my favourite episode of New Who and he's the best writer BF ever had.

And yeah, more penguins!

07-17-2013, 06:12 AM
Every tech I know strongly advises against using Chrome, it has lousy tech support. And Johnny Law doesn't care about most illegal downloads. Besides I do all my downloading at my public library, the only government agency that can track and record the info is the NSA and they don't share what they get. I've tried JDownloader on my PC before and it didn't do anything. And just because something is difficult to use has nothing to its be difficult to track or not.

I'm not advocating chrome for day to day use, it sucks, I use firefox version 3, and have my updates turned the frick off, which is at least 4 years old. What you need to play with mega is HTML5, which older firefoxes don't have, which is what sooner or later everything and everywhere will be using, and you will have no choice but to submit to HTML5 somehow just before they roll out HTML6.

The true threat, if again I feel like exaggerating, I was talking about earlier was not "the man" tracking downloaders to their basements, it's about getting the links taken down with DCMA notices, which is a horrible inconvenience, which also makes hours of uploading suddenly frakking pointless. Sometimes the filelockers close down accounts (Mediafire!) and sometimes they hand over personal data if they have it or are forced to comply, because there are a couple people here at the shrine who have been contacted by Big Finish and have been "asked" to stop uploading.

Links often die because a lawyer in a white hat makes a phonecall and stamps some paper work to protect their clients intellectual property. Sure a lot of sites cancel links due to inactivity but this thread is a fricking graveyard with the endless dead links leading to no where. It's really sad when you think about how all this great stuff has been lost, and nothing new lasts longer than a week.

There used to be vast libraries of media in plain site on permanent display which you could find after a couple seconds googling, but since the fall of megaupload and fileserve it's a wasteland, a tapdancing wasteland.

It's hard out here for a pimp trying to get his money for the rent.

Exterminate Me
07-17-2013, 06:25 AM
About to sit down to dinner with Rob Shearman! He's in Toronto to see one of his publishers, and is always so great about getting in touch when he's here.

Lucky you. So happy for you. Hope you had a great time.

---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 PM ----------

Oooooh, you lucky duck, you! Now there's one guy I want to write for Who again - even if it's for LC. Talented plus - and knows the series back to front...

I once asked him on Twitter if his first story collection "Tiny Deaths" was ever going to be re-printed - it's the only one I don't own, and currently trades hands for upwards of $100 - but never got a reply. Seems like a nice guy, though, just busy...

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

I don't usually know who does the music for which one, but I always like it when they try to evoke the music of the era of whichever Medic is involved, but add a little something of their own so it's not a straight clone (the 4th Medic stories are usually a good example of this). That said, I bloody HATE the cod-60s spy crap they're using on Count-Your Mess-Sures, it's so inappropriate, corny and forced - and three guesses who wrote it...

I actually don't mind the music on Mounter Ceasures - to me it seems just right, but that's just me. I do agree that I like it when they can evoke a particular Medics era though.

07-17-2013, 08:03 AM
About to sit down to dinner with Rob Shearman! He's in Toronto to see one of his publishers, and is always so great about getting in touch when he's here.

I don't always pay attention to who wrote what (esp with LC, just too many) so I just checked Mr Shearman on wiki.....

there is not a single medic story listed there that I don't actively LOVE!!

Sacred Horror - my first intro to the penguin, bizarre creepy funny and mad beyond belief! so good
Ringings of 12am - another creep-fest with an amazing idea at its core
The Music reference title I cant think of a code for - one of the few in the DU arc that works, gave me such hope for it. the whole shift in perspective, seeing the characters as experimental subjects was brilliant
Celebration - just go and listen to it ffs, its amazing!!!

Probs too late by now, but if you can Foe, tell him "Thank-you" from me for some wonderful mindbending stories.

Exterminate Me
07-17-2013, 08:18 AM
I don't always pay attention to who wrote what (esp with LC, just too many) so I just checked Mr Shearman on wiki.....

there is not a single medic story listed there that I don't actively LOVE!!

Sacred Horror - my first intro to the penguin, bizarre creepy funny and mad beyond belief! so good
Ringings of 12am - another creep-fest with an amazing idea at its core
The Music reference title I cant think of a code for - one of the few in the DU arc that works, gave me such hope for it. the whole shift in perspective, seeing the characters as experimental subjects was brilliant
Celebration - just go and listen to it ffs, its amazing!!!

Probs too late by now, but if you can Foe, tell him "Thank-you" from me for some wonderful mindbending stories.

Yep, the man can write!

07-17-2013, 09:25 AM
Ooooooooh - me want... Doctor Who: Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Giftset: Movies & TV (

07-17-2013, 09:45 AM
Ooooooooh - me want... Doctor Who: Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Giftset: Movies & TV (

Cool, but not sure how worth it it is though. Series 1-4 and The Next Doc were shot in SD, not HD, so need to be upsized to that much different to watching a DVD on an HD TV or upscaled through a blu ray player?

Half of us have already got the specials and 5-7 on blu ray, so only real difference is the remote, which is available seperately.

07-17-2013, 09:49 AM
That said, I bloody HATE the cod-60s spy crap they're using on Count-Your Mess-Sures, it's so inappropriate, corny and forced - and three guesses who wrote it...

The incidental music isn't too bad, but I'll certainly agree that the theme is just terrible. There's something about it that seems to suck the life out of the play before it even starts.

07-17-2013, 10:12 AM
The Music reference title I cant think of a code for

Frightened Chang Lee actor. I could write crossword puzzles.

07-17-2013, 10:15 AM
The true threat, if again I feel like exaggerating, I was talking about earlier was not "the man" tracking downloaders to their basements, it's about getting the links taken down with DCMA notices, which is a horrible inconvenience, which also makes hours of uploading suddenly frakking pointless. Sometimes the filelockers close down accounts (Mediafire!) and sometimes they hand over personal data if they have it or are forced to comply, because there are a couple people here at the shrine who have been contacted by Big Finish and have been "asked" to stop uploading.

Links often die because a lawyer in a white hat makes a phonecall and stamps some paper work to protect their clients intellectual property. Sure a lot of sites cancel links due to inactivity but this thread is a fricking graveyard with the endless dead links leading to no where. It's really sad when you think about how all this great stuff has been lost, and nothing new lasts longer than a week.

Most of the links are dead because everytime there's a scare, people delete the files just in case.

I doubt much stuff has been lost, people will have still downloaded it, and all it usually takes is a request for a re-up for it to be made available again. A lot of people don't leave files up for so long now because of the regularity they seem to get caught - so far I've had a C&D from BF, a mediafire account closed and multiple files removed from SS (and not all of them I'd shared links to) and that's just in the last 6 months, so now I tend to leave them up for 24 hours or just PM links.

07-17-2013, 11:01 AM
I am surrounded by 100's of terrabytes of bad tv I downloaded, filed perfectly and stacked onto book shelves, which I doubt is all still available online (well usenet supposedly is untouchable.) unless I start uploading now... And then what? I spend a week uploading Tales of the Gold Monkey only to leave them up for a proportional amount of... It's the money thing. It's only worthwhile to upload huge swaths of data to the file lockers who still pay out, and if they pay out, you are not taking them down until you are forced to take them down because that's flushing 40 to a hundred dollars a month down the toilet, which is taking the wife out to a half assed restaurant.

Did BF contact your real life civilian identity or the proxy identity you operate under from a free email address?

07-17-2013, 11:11 AM
When the DCMA shite started, there was a case of a writer, who was persecuted, and prosecuted, for having the audasity to send his publisher copyrited material [created by him] to be proofread.
DCMA lawyers claimed, HE breeched THEIR right to control the internet..... now we have the endless bollocks of Storage Sites forcing users to comply, whilst demanding more and more money to upload and download from secure sites....

07-17-2013, 11:15 AM
Ah sorry, your talking about in general. I was talking about uploading here. I agree that there is probably a lot of things that have vanished or are bloody difficult to get hold of.

And I agree spending a week uploading only to have them taken down within hours would severely piss me off and really put me off doing things like that - that's why I only upload audios, and only here.

BF nailed one of my proxy identities, but it worried me enough to stop uploading for a while, and even now I don't do it very often.

07-17-2013, 11:23 AM
I'm sure you light a candle for that proxy every year. :(

I spent hours looking for B7 battle boat the other day.


I did lock down the post in this thread to your long since abandoned mediafire link.

But that's all sorted now :)

07-17-2013, 11:39 AM
I'm sure you light a candle for that proxy every year. :(

I spent hours looking for B7 battle boat the other day.


I did lock down the post in this thread to your long since abandoned mediafire link.

But that's all sorted now :)

Glad you sorted it, but I'm sure if you asked somebody would have re-upped it for you. It sounds like there are quite a few ppl around here with large collections nowadays. It would be handy if we could remove out-of-date links, but this would just be too big a job unless you record which posts actually have links (and I don't).

07-17-2013, 01:06 PM
Glad you sorted it, but I'm sure if you asked somebody would have re-upped it for you. It sounds like there are quite a few ppl around here with large collections nowadays.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. If people have benefitted from the few who upload could they repay the favour by re-upping links further down the line?

07-17-2013, 01:11 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again. If people have benefitted from the few who upload could they repay the favour by re-upping links further down the line?

And more people are doing that now :)

07-17-2013, 01:15 PM
And more people are doing that now :)

Which can only be a good thing for the long term future of the site :)

07-17-2013, 01:22 PM
Which can only be a good thing for the long term future of the site :)

Agreed. And pretty much any requests eventually end up fulfilled. Maybe not immediately, but they do eventually.

07-17-2013, 01:24 PM
Cool, but not sure how worth it it is though. Series 1-4 and The Next Doc were shot in SD, not HD, so need to be upsized to that much different to watching a DVD on an HD TV or upscaled through a blu ray player?

If it's done well, then yes, it definitely is. Firefly was a good, early case in point - looks great, and better that the DVD copy. They do say they've been remastered to upscaled versions, so if that's true, and they look good, I'm very interested, but may wait for seperate releases. Just thought it was interesting, s'all... :)

07-17-2013, 01:48 PM
Hi all,just wondering if anyone at all has the recent audiobook of Summer F=a=l=l=s from the BEllles of Saint John writen by the medics Ginger friend and could share if poss. Many Thanks

tippy wooder
07-17-2013, 05:36 PM
I appear to have missed DOD6 - Trubble in Para-dice - could anyone upload? Thank you. :-)

07-17-2013, 05:45 PM
Hi all,just wondering if anyone at all has the recent audiobook of Summer F=a=l=l=s from the BEllles of Saint John writen by the medics Ginger friend and could share if poss. Many Thanks

hmmm. Is that even out yet?

07-17-2013, 07:31 PM
hmmm. Is that even out yet?

Fair enough. Release date Aug. 1st. Should have looked first!!

07-17-2013, 08:30 PM
I appear to have missed DOD6 - Trubble in Para-dice - could anyone upload? Thank you. :-)

sent to pm

07-17-2013, 09:54 PM
I'm not advocating chrome for day to day use, it sucks, I use firefox version 3, and have my updates turned the frick off, which is at least 4 years old. What you need to play with mega is HTML5, which older firefoxes don't have, which is what sooner or later everything and everywhere will be using, and you will have no choice but to submit to HTML5 somehow just before they roll out HTML6.

The true threat, if again I feel like exaggerating, I was talking about earlier was not "the man" tracking downloaders to their basements, it's about getting the links taken down with DCMA notices, which is a horrible inconvenience, which also makes hours of uploading suddenly frakking pointless. Sometimes the filelockers close down accounts (Mediafire!) and sometimes they hand over personal data if they have it or are forced to comply, because there are a couple people here at the shrine who have been contacted by Big Finish and have been "asked" to stop uploading.

Links often die because a lawyer in a white hat makes a phonecall and stamps some paper work to protect their clients intellectual property. Sure a lot of sites cancel links due to inactivity but this thread is a fricking graveyard with the endless dead links leading to no where. It's really sad when you think about how all this great stuff has been lost, and nothing new lasts longer than a week.

There used to be vast libraries of media in plain site on permanent display which you could find after a couple seconds googling, but since the fall of megaupload and fileserve it's a wasteland, a tapdancing wasteland.

It's hard out here for a pimp trying to get his money for the rent.

To be honest your post the other day made you sound like either someone on Google's pay roll or a nutter in a tinfoil hat, now you make more sense. But the point still stands for me that I can't use Chrome when I download off the net and thus can use Mega. Though I did manage it once, and I loved the fast results of Mega, then it didn't let me download anything else no matter what I did. Thus I officially hate Mega.

tippy wooder
07-17-2013, 09:57 PM
One more request - I seem to have also missed the Au-dio Go Tar-git books readings of THE RES-CUE and TOOMB OF THE CIDER-MEN........ Does anyone have links for those? Many many thanks!

07-17-2013, 11:07 PM
To be honest your post the other day made you sound like either someone on Google's pay roll or a nutter in a tinfoil hat, now you make more sense. But the point still stands for me that I can't use Chrome when I download off the net and thus can use Mega. Though I did manage it once, and I loved the fast results of Mega, then it didn't let me download anything else no matter what I did. Thus I officially hate Mega.

You're going to let it beat you?

This is how Skynet wins.

Try this browser which also has what it takes.

Maxthon Cloud Browser | For all Devices | Free Download (

I've done the mega is easy speech a couple dozen times so far this week, a lot of people do have problems getting it to work, very, very groundhog day.

07-17-2013, 11:10 PM
I've done the mega is easy speech a couple dozen times so far this week, a lot of people do have problems getting it to work, very, very groundhog day.

To each their own, but I vastly prefer mega to SS, as it's usually at least 5 times faster for me. Works fine on Chrome.

07-17-2013, 11:13 PM
You're going to let it beat you?

This is how Skynet wins.

Try this browser which also has what it takes.

Maxthon Cloud Browser | For all Devices | Free Download (

I've done the mega is easy speech a couple dozen times so far this week, a lot of people do have problems getting it to work, very, very groundhog day.
The one and only time it did work for me, I ended up downloading audio files I already had instead of the ones I was trying to get in the first place.

07-17-2013, 11:29 PM
Is that reeeeeeally mega's fault?

Would you let a child put their bicycle in the garage to collect spiders if they fall off before learning how to stay up?

07-17-2013, 11:31 PM
Is that reeeeeeally mega's fault?

Would you let a child put their bicycle in the garage to collect spiders if they fall off before learning how to stay up?
No. It was just a funny side note. :P

07-18-2013, 12:34 AM
its comin'!!!! 600 is comin'!!!!!!

07-18-2013, 12:42 AM
its comin'!!!! 600 is comin'!!!!!!

Only if you use the default page count ...

07-18-2013, 05:28 AM
Regarding Mega, it used to be lightning quick up until a week or two ago. Lately it's unbelievably slow. Right now I'm downloading a 230mb file from Mega and I just started it a few minutes ago in JDownloader and it's estimating 4-5 hours!! Meanwhile I just downloaded a 62mb file from Zippyshare minutes ago and it took literally less than 30 seconds! Mega is awful and it's a shame. I don't know what happened. Also, it works on Chrome for me but not firefox for some reason.

---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------

Ooooooooh - me want... Doctor Who: Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Giftset: Movies & TV (

Seasons 1-4 were shot in SD only, not HD! This is being discussed in the blu-ray forum. This means that seasons 1-4 will only be upscaled from SD, not true HD. Why bother - any blu-ray player can already upscale the DVDs. The only point to this would be if you don't yet have any of the previous seasons and would like them all on blu-ray discs as a set, and for the benefit of the durability of the discs. "The Next Doctor" was the last SD episode to be filmed.

07-18-2013, 06:42 AM
Gosh, I seem to have started a little battle about where to upload files! Sorry guys, SS just stopped working for me the other day, and Mega is the second most reliable that doesn't slow down my connection as much, so I switched to that.

If SS starts working for me, I'll switch back, but it doesn't seem to be too too much of a detriment. Maybe if the other websites work better for others, they wouldn't mind mirroring for you?

07-18-2013, 07:47 AM
Seasons 1-4 were shot in SD only, not HD! This is being discussed in the blu-ray forum. This means that seasons 1-4 will only be upscaled from SD, not true HD. Why bother - any blu-ray player can already upscale the DVDs. The only point to this would be if you don't yet have any of the previous seasons and would like them all on blu-ray discs as a set, and for the benefit of the durability of the discs. "The Next Doctor" was the last SD episode to be filmed.
Or as a gift set. Last November I got the DVD version of this for a friend.

07-18-2013, 07:54 AM
I've done the mega is easy speech a couple dozen times so far this week, a lot of people do have problems getting it to work, very, very groundhog day.

And the common factor is..? Hmmm.

07-18-2013, 08:47 AM
Frightened Chang Lee actor. I could write crossword puzzles.

you have a twisted mind

(I love it!)

and as for where to upload, surely a variety is best for us here.

there will be someone who can and will get files from each and will re-up somewhere else for others who can't. Keep things moving, be less of a target.

while the idea of a permanent set of links to all those goodies seems like a good idea, it would -

a) turn this place from a thriving (and slightly mad) community into a library (Silence!)

b) make things vulnerable to a single takedown/server crash/error/business collapse

Diversity is strength, alloys are stronger, cliche of your choice....

long live the chaos!!

---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 AM ----------

oh, and as it has been mentioned in the thread before.....
I'd just like to say that it's nice that my country has finally joined 21stC
BBC News - Same-sex marriage becomes law in England and Wales (

07-18-2013, 08:58 AM
Gosh, I seem to have started a little battle about where to upload files! Sorry guys, SS just stopped working for me the other day, and Mega is the second most reliable that doesn't slow down my connection as much, so I switched to that.

If SS starts working for me, I'll switch back, but it doesn't seem to be too too much of a detriment. Maybe if the other websites work better for others, they wouldn't mind mirroring for you?

Don't apologise. Upload to the easiest site for you - remember you're doing everyone here a favour by uploading these files. Neonihilist is right when he says some people will be able to download these files and pass them on.

I just use IE and though I've never tried uploading to Mega, but I can download files fine and pretty quickly. SS takes forever to upload/download without the accelerator and my anti-virus refuses to let me use the accelerator for some reason. For me, personally, MF and 4shared download the quickest but MF is being a right arse to upload to atm - I don't know what they've done but they've really screwed something up!

Point being: We're getting something for nothing - it's not the uploader's fault if we're having problems downloading it :(

07-18-2013, 10:22 AM
Seasons 1-4 were shot in SD only, not HD! This is being discussed in the blu-ray forum. This means that seasons 1-4 will only be upscaled from SD, not true HD. Why bother - any blu-ray player can already upscale the DVDs. The only point to this would be if you don't yet have any of the previous seasons and would like them all on blu-ray discs as a set, and for the benefit of the durability of the discs. "The Next Doctor" was the last SD episode to be filmed.

Yeeeeeesssssssss, I AM aware of that, but I still think they have the potential to be a noticable improvement, if remastered correctly. As I said in my post after that, Whedon's Firefly is a good example. I compared the 'upscaled' remastered blu with my original dvd, and there was a definite improvement in clarity. As for 'true' HD, all BBC blus so far are 1080i, not 1080p, so...

If you disagree, fine, no problem, totally understand, but I personally think this could be interesting. There's also a mention in the press release of other new extras besides the Screwdriver, which may also be a selling point. Either way, I'll wait and see what reviews say. And it's a nice set!

Moving on...

Exterminate Me
07-18-2013, 10:39 AM
Yeeeeeesssssssss, not having had my head FULLY in the sand these last few years, I AM aware of that, but I still think they have the potential to be a noticable improvement, if remastered correctly. As I said in my post after that, Whedon's Firefly is a good example. I compared the 'upscaled' remastered blu with my original dvd, and there was a definite improvement in clarity. As for 'true' HD, all BBC blus so far are 1080i, not 1080p, so...

If you disagree, fine, no problem, totally understand, but I personally think this could be interesting. There's also a mention in the press release of other new extras besides the Screwdriver, which may also be a selling point. Either way, I'll wait and see what reviews say. And it's a nice set!
Moving on...

Yeah looshkin, I have to agree with you - it is a nice set. If people don't want it, don't buy it. It does look a pretty nice way to have all the series together as one, with the added durability of Blu-ray (ie scratch resistant surface, less discs due to more storage space).

As to where to upload, I usually find a way with every site, don't know why other people seem to have so much trouble, but as andy pointed out, once people have downloaded others share that with other sites, so all good there. Requests seem to be filled pretty fast (as long as people aren't asking for something that hasn't been released yet!).

Keep up the good work guys. You're fabulous.

Looking forward to page 600 (I'm on default page viewing)...

07-18-2013, 10:51 AM
I haven't been following the DVD & BR conversation, but am I right in thinking they're bringing out a complete NuWho boxed set on Blue Ray? And does anyone have a link to the details?


Exterminate Me
07-18-2013, 11:15 AM
I haven't been following the DVD & BR conversation, but am I right in thinking they're bringing out a complete NuWho boxed set on Blue Ray? And does anyone have a link to the details?

Here andy - Doctor Who: Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Giftset: Movies & TV (

07-18-2013, 11:56 AM
Here andy - Doctor Who: Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Giftset: Movies & TV (

Cheers m8. A little out of my price range atm. :(

07-18-2013, 12:08 PM
I haven't been following the DVD & BR conversation, but am I right in thinking they're bringing out a complete NuWho boxed set on Blue Ray? And does anyone have a link to the details?s

I've never been a Boxset buyer, but I'd hang-fire until they release the set that includes the 50th Special and Matt's regen. Having a set that just fell that little bit short of a major milestones like that would just annoy the heck out of me.

07-18-2013, 12:16 PM
Sorry, double post. Stupid computer...

---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

its comin'!!!! 600 is comin'!!!!!!

Sounds like the REAL sequel to 300 - "Now With Twice As Much Stylised Slaughter Of Half-Naked Musclemen"... :P

07-18-2013, 12:17 PM
I've never been a Boxset buyer, but I'd hang-fire until they release the set that includes the 50th Special and Matt's regen. Having a set that just fell that little bit short of a major milestones like that would just annoy the heck out of me.

I've bought loads of box sets over the years, but not many 'complete series'. Most of what I buy, I buy on a series-by-series basis.

A while back I was looking at buying X-Files complete and I was glad I didn't. A month later they brought out a complete series with both feature films and for half the cost of the original box set. How seriously annoyed would I be if I'd bought the original set back then? :)

07-18-2013, 12:18 PM
Cheers m8. A little out of my price range atm. :(

I'm hoping they do seperate releases of 1-4...

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------

I've bought loads of box sets over the years, but not many 'complete series'. Most of what I buy, I buy on a series-by-series basis.

A while back I was looking at buying X-Files complete and I was glad I didn't. A month later they brought out a complete series with both feature films and for half the cost of the original box set. How seriously annoyed would I be if I'd bought the original set back then? :)

And there's another series that's apparently being remastered for blu releases... :S

07-18-2013, 12:32 PM
And there's another series that's apparently being remastered for blu releases... :S

It can do with it. The first few series are looking decidedly rough nowadays :( But still highly enjoyable :)

Exterminate Me
07-18-2013, 01:06 PM
Well, they'll all out to make a buck.

I do like complete box-sets though.

07-18-2013, 01:20 PM
Well, they'll all out to make a buck.

I do like complete box-sets though.

Me too. But a lot of the box sets I bought while the series was still ongoing and they tend not to do a complete series until the series has ended.

07-18-2013, 01:37 PM
They know who we are, but they refuse to accept the sort of problem we have... Fuck box-sets, I want shelf-sets.

07-18-2013, 01:41 PM
Yeah. The biggest rip-offs are when they split a series and release 2 sets for a single series then release a complete series (oddly enough just like the beeb do with DW and Merlin, among others). Then you get the idiots who will buy all three sets (apologies if anyone here falls into this category :D), thereby ensuring that they'll keep doing it.

07-18-2013, 01:56 PM
Yay, page 600! At least on my screen.


07-18-2013, 01:56 PM
Spock smashes scissors, Scissors decapitate lizard

Exterminate Me
07-18-2013, 01:59 PM
I tend to wait until they release the entire series, that way you get the complete extras. It also means a long wait until they finally release the set - does anybody know when Series 7 box-set will be out?

I bought Battlestar Galactica box-sets, but I don't think they had anything extra when they did the entire seasons box-set, so that's all right. I do get pissed off when they release something extra, that you'd only get by purchasing the box-set of all seasons - that's not fair if you've been faithfully buying and supporting them. I think they did it with all 10 seasons of Smallville.

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Yay, page 600! At least on my screen.



May we continue on for over 600 more...

07-18-2013, 02:01 PM
I tend to wait until they release the entire series, that way you get the complete extras. It also means a long wait until they finally release the set - does anybody know when Series 7 box-set will be out?

I bought Battlestar Galactica box-sets, but I don't think they had anything extra when they did the entire seasons box-set, so that's all right. I do get pissed off when they release something extra, that you'd only get by purchasing the box-set of all seasons - that's not fair if you've been faithfully buying and supporting them. I think they did it with all 10 seasons of Smallville.

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------


May we continue on for over 600 more...

It may not be fair, but that's how they get people to buy a series they've already bought once - offer extras, or a flash new box with go faster stripes. They know some people will always fall for it ;)

07-18-2013, 02:44 PM
And there's another series that's apparently being remastered for blu releases... :S

TBH the only Blu-Ray set I would ever consider getting (and it would require me getting a Blu-Ray player ....) would be a completely remastered set of B5 when I know for damn sure that they re-done the CGI and cleaned up some of the earlier episode transfers.

(But even then I'd probably put in on my wish-list and hope someone buys it for me. And the player)

07-18-2013, 03:00 PM
TBH the only Blu-Ray set I would ever consider getting (and it would require me getting a Blu-Ray player ....) would be a completely remastered set of B5 when I know for damn sure that they re-done the CGI and cleaned up some of the earlier episode transfers.

(But even then I'd probably put in on my wish-list and hope someone buys it for me. And the player)

Yeah, that's a series I'd like to see on Bluray, except I actually like the CGI especially considering how primitive the equipment was back then. My main problem with the DVDs is the poor quality of the actual encoding - hell I can do a better job with some of the cheap software I've bought.

07-18-2013, 03:21 PM


07-18-2013, 03:42 PM
What can I say - it was a long time ago, before I knew better.

I...I...I...(looks down embarrassed)

07-18-2013, 03:49 PM
Yeah, that's a series I'd like to see on Bluray, except I actually like the CGI especially considering how primitive the equipment was back then. My main problem with the DVDs is the poor quality of the actual encoding - hell I can do a better job with some of the cheap software I've bought.

Yeah, you do have a point there and the CGI stands up remarkably well today. I suppose by 're-done' I just mean fettled and tweaked to match any new re-code/print/whatever of the live stuff. I've read some stuff where JMS and co have minor 'why didn't we spot that before transmission' issues with some of the CG (wrong ship names, that sort of thing) so they could be 'corrected' as optional extras.

And, yeah, completely agree on some of the encoding. So bloody awful at times.

---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

What can I say - it was a long time ago, before I knew better.

I...I...I...(looks down embarrassed)

Sit on the naughty-step for an hour, buy us all drinks, and we may forgive you.

07-18-2013, 03:54 PM
Sit on the naughty-step for an hour, buy us all drinks, and we may forgive you.

Beers all round except for RedSkutter. There's no way I can afford his bar tab :D

07-18-2013, 03:59 PM
Beers all round except for RedSkutter. There's no way I can afford his bar tab :D

your penance is complete...... you are forgiven!

07-18-2013, 04:06 PM
Complete series 6 had come out on Nov 23rd (at least here in Canada), and my guess would've been that the complete series 7 would follow suit. But according to amazon, the release date is supposedly Sep 24th.

Exterminate Me
07-18-2013, 04:16 PM
Oh how I love this thread. You guys crack me up!

07-18-2013, 05:04 PM
I remember having a bit of a hard time finding Talons on R1 DVD when it went out of print.... thankfully, Medic NA had some still in stock, but they didn't have as many payment options as they do now. After finally getting it through a mate, they re-released it in less than a year -_- I will probably end up getting it after I finish getting the rest of the TB DVDs I'm missing (only 8 to go, including Sai-gones!)

I resent the lack of information when that happens. There are a few DVDs from other Medic eras that I might consider getting, but don't want to pay scalper prices for. For instance, the Pair of Medics will probably get a spec ed re-release. as it was fairly old... but the Saber-Men Incursion? (the first one to have missing parts filled in by animation) that's fairly recent, and I don't see them re-releasing unless the actual episodes are found. The Chronal Monsters? (Third era serial starring Hammah's own Ing-reed Pett) That only came out in '10!

I dislike paying scalpers, period. But I dislike it even more when they end up re-releasing things down the line.

07-18-2013, 07:44 PM
Beers all round except for RedSkutter. There's no way I can afford his bar tab :D

your penance is complete...... you are forgiven!

No he's not!!

07-18-2013, 07:47 PM
We hear nothing all week then as soon as someone mentions beer - poof - redskutter appears ;)

07-18-2013, 07:47 PM
It may not be fair, but that's how they get people to buy a series they've already bought once - offer extras, or a flash new box with go faster stripes. They know some people will always fall for it ;)

The worst I ever got screwed in this fashion was when buying Space:1999 way back when it was first released on DVD in the US by A&E. They released "sets" of 6 episodes per box! And each box was $40. There was a total of 48 episodes, and they were all released staggered like that over the course of a couple years. 8 boxes @ $40 = $320 for 2 seasons with very few extras.

Then, after the last set, they announced a "megaset" with all the episodes for around $125, including a bonus DVD full of extras that they said was only available if you bought the megaset. They said the bonus disc would not be sold individually. I ended up selling all my sets and made just enough back to buy the new megaset with the bonus disc. Then months later I discovered that they turned around and sold the bonus disc separately after saying they wouldn't offer it separately. Unbelievable. That's probably the worst I ever got screwed like that. And it was all for nothing in the end because now I have the blu-rays which look far better and I'll never touch the DVDs again.

07-18-2013, 07:49 PM
We hear nothing all week then as soon as someone mentions beer - poof - redskutter appears ;)

Who you calling a poof?

07-18-2013, 07:51 PM
Who you calling a poof?

I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I'm digging myself further in with each post :|

07-18-2013, 07:54 PM
I have an unusual request... I hope one of you has this!

Our dear miss Ayss penned a book describing the last two seasons of the classic run, called Ayss: the interior tale of the conclusion of an epoch.

Scalpers want an inordinate amount of money for a copy... would anyone happen to have a digital version?

07-18-2013, 08:11 PM
I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I'm digging myself further in with each post :|

Be glad I'm only on my second pint.

---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 PM ----------

Ohh and thanks to usual suspect for the recent uploads....would have thanked before but my net connection is at an all time low.

---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 PM ----------

Bloody connection dropped out twice as I was typing this sentence, very annoying when trying to download anything.

---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------

Edit now i'm double posting somehow and make that four times.

07-18-2013, 08:26 PM
The worst I ever got screwed in this fashion was when buying Space:1999 way back when it was first released on DVD in the US by A&E. They released "sets" of 6 episodes per box! And each box was $40. There was a total of 48 episodes, and they were all released staggered like that over the course of a couple years. 8 boxes @ $40 = $320 for 2 seasons with very few extras.

Then, after the last set, they announced a "megaset" with all the episodes for around $125, including a bonus DVD full of extras that they said was only available if you bought the megaset. They said the bonus disc would not be sold individually. I ended up selling all my sets and made just enough back to buy the new megaset with the bonus disc. Then months later I discovered that they turned around and sold the bonus disc separately after saying they wouldn't offer it separately. Unbelievable. That's probably the worst I ever got screwed like that. And it was all for nothing in the end because now I have the blu-rays which look far better and I'll never touch the DVDs again.

I remember forking out for that extra disc because it wasn't available in the UK! They wouldn't ship it so I had to get a friend in the US to buy it for me and then repack it and send it on. Quite a palaver. I haven't got the blu-ray set but AFAIK those commentaries from Johnny Byrne and Chris Penfold aren't on there...?

I'm hardcore - I'll always wait for the complete series box set!

07-18-2013, 09:18 PM
YAY! My ILL at the public library came through! Tonight I'm taking my family somewhere we've never been, SPACE:1999!!!!!!

07-18-2013, 09:22 PM
Yeah. The biggest rip-offs are when they split a series and release 2 sets for a single series then release a complete series (oddly enough just like the beeb do with DW and Merlin, among others). Then you get the idiots who will buy all three sets (apologies if anyone here falls into this category :D), thereby ensuring that they'll keep doing it.
Don't forget the Christmas eps.

The worst I ever got screwed in this fashion was when buying Space:1999 way back when it was first released on DVD in the US by A&E. They released "sets" of 6 episodes per box! And each box was $40. There was a total of 48 episodes, and they were all released staggered like that over the course of a couple years. 8 boxes @ $40 = $320 for 2 seasons with very few extras.

Then, after the last set, they announced a "megaset" with all the episodes for around $125, including a bonus DVD full of extras that they said was only available if you bought the megaset. They said the bonus disc would not be sold individually. I ended up selling all my sets and made just enough back to buy the new megaset with the bonus disc. Then months later I discovered that they turned around and sold the bonus disc separately after saying they wouldn't offer it separately. Unbelievable. That's probably the worst I ever got screwed like that. And it was all for nothing in the end because now I have the blu-rays which look far better and I'll never touch the DVDs again.

I didn't fall too far down this hole myself but my brother was royally screwed and a work friend even more so because he started with the VHS's and then got the DVDs: DragonballZ!!! They released VHSs three eps at a time, sometimes four and in the US you had to find a specialty retailer who charged 25 bucks for new releases and 15 for older. The price point stayed with the changeover to DVD. The video releases weren't unedited until quite far into series. They finished, then started re-releasing the unedited versions of the earliest stuff. Which they abandoned midway through to release mega boxsets, all unedited and redone, of all the episodes for 40 bucks apiece, usually with at least 35 eps each. Today, Amazon has each boxset for 15 each. Makes me want to scream at the money I pissed away on that. Could have gotten the entire series.