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09-20-2014, 08:28 AM
Thanks Skutter!!!!

Do you happen to have the rest?

If the rumours of JC/CO's leaving at Christmas turn out to be true. (It was in the Mirror so it must be!)

Can I have Lauren Grace/Kitty as her replacement?

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Thought Auntie was going broadcast this but they didn't/haven't.

Something that should have been done by Captain ALDI but wasn't. From the reviews I was expecting something completely shite, upon listening and despite not being anywhere near as good as the first 2 this third installment made me chuckle a few time's.

Haven't seen it posted here so...

De Ravenge O' de 1st Khing O' Murs. (!pcJUWAJC!bnV2tTiIBZnjJug1_NFS2IurqdrPP_qtllloC6N LRxM)

09-20-2014, 09:22 AM
Oh, and I'm personally against the idea of different ranges taking places in Bottle Universes as Marence Liles suggests, especially as every range is referenced some way in every medium, it makes more sense just to brush some things under the carpet and say "it was just the Time War messing about with history" or something about Paction Faradox or the Wime Tyrmm.

You could argue that he's been supported in terms of 'canon' as LC twice reference various multi/bottle-verses. Once in Zaggyrayous (the 8th Doc recounting various book things) and the story 100 Days Of Doc has 6+E briefly side-step in the Unbound universe(s).

But, yes, sometimes it's just an awful lot easier just to either blame it all on The Time War, or to say "Oh, I don't know and honestly I don't really care." whilst reaching for a fresh can of beer.

09-20-2014, 10:30 AM

09-20-2014, 10:55 AM
I think it's probably best to just enjoy the stories and not worry too much about what is canon and what isn't.

I mean, honestly, does it affect your enjoyment of the Not-Light Peepers at all to know whether or not Sam or Stacy are officially canon? If it does, then you're definitely worrying way too much about these things!

When you read their stories, then they are. When they're not in them, who cares? After all, in the end none of these stories happened. Or, in your head. all of them did. And that's all that really matters.

Even if today the Moff says that certain (or all) stories happened, it doesn't matter if a future producer disagrees.

09-20-2014, 03:49 PM
I've a serious, but probably stupid, question regarding listening order of audios.

As I've mentioned before, with exception of a couple of multi-doc stories (such as "Illumination at the Conclusion") I have only really listened to 8th Medic audios (beginning with main monthly range story "Strom Wrning" with the 1st appearance of "the Edwardian Adventuress" and continuing through the continuity of those (have them queued up to "Grrl That Nevrr Was").

I'll probably then jump onto a couple of 7+AC3 audios which were listed here recently.

BUT... I then want to begin in earnest to try to listen to all the audios in some sort of "proper" order.

Is there a list or something that anyone has along this idea?

I COULD just go to a wiki page for the audios (LC and whatever came before it - I forget the name of the line) and listen in production order (jumping around from medic to medic) but if there is a "better" plan for a cohesive experience of a fluid progression of time that would be an interesting method to try.

I've already encountered a weird hiccup in the (re)introduction of companions that I've never heard of previously (Sams0n and his sister) who supposedly travelled with the medic, (but for all I can tell may be retconned into his history via the one Peppot/Dave Ross story).

I'm going to have a LOT of driving time soon, as I got a new job* with a heck of a commute** so I'll be able to crank through audios like a madman.

LMK your thoughts.

*long story
**even LONGER commute
for anyone who cares here:

* I got a job offer from my OLD employer (who had downsized me 5 years ago - although they still used my skills as a freelancer since then) in a "new" position (some of my old artistic responsibilities and a whole new set of skills to be utilized as a 3D artist as well)

** IF I commute will be 3 hours [if I drive] or 4 hours [if I use mass transit] EACH way to/from PA into NY.
I used to do this (albeit only for a few months) after i (stupidly) moved from NY to PA (due to the pre-bubble-bursting, economy-collapsing housing price escalation) before I then tenured as a full-time telecommuter... but now due to the circumstances with the gig, I'll need to be in-office at least for a while. Thus... LOTS of Medic audio time!

09-20-2014, 04:31 PM
I've a serious, but probably stupid, question regarding listening order of audios.

I'd just follow release order. You get decent runs of same-companion, and where it does change medic/companion it's nice to get a bit of a change of pace.

09-20-2014, 04:35 PM
I've a serious, but probably stupid, question regarding listening order of audios.

As I've mentioned before, with exception of a couple of multi-doc stories (such as "Illumination at the Conclusion") I have only really listened to 8th Medic audios (beginning with main monthly range story "Strom Wrning" with the 1st appearance of "the Edwardian Adventuress" and continuing through the continuity of those (have them queued up to "Grrl That Nevrr Was").

I'll probably then jump onto a couple of 7+AC3 audios which were listed here recently.

BUT... I then want to begin in earnest to try to listen to all the audios in some sort of "proper" order.

Is there a list or something that anyone has along this idea?

I COULD just go to a wiki page for the audios (LC and whatever came before it - I forget the name of the line) and listen in production order (jumping around from medic to medic) but if there is a "better" plan for a cohesive experience of a fluid progression of time that would be an interesting method to try.

I've already encountered a weird hiccup in the (re)introduction of companions that I've never heard of previously (Sams0n and his sister) who supposedly travelled with the medic, (but for all I can tell may be retconned into his history via the one Peppot/Dave Ross story).

I'm going to have a LOT of driving time soon, as I got a new job* with a heck of a commute** so I'll be able to crank through audios like a madman.

LMK your thoughts.

*long story
**even LONGER commute
for anyone who cares here:

* I got a job offer from my OLD employer (who had downsized me 5 years ago - although they still used my skills as a freelancer since then) in a "new" position (some of my old artistic responsibilities and a whole new set of skills to be utilized as a 3D artist as well)

** IF I commute will be 3 hours [if I drive] or 4 hours [if I use mass transit] EACH way to/from PA into NY.
I used to do this (albeit only for a few months) after i (stupidly) moved from NY to PA (due to the pre-bubble-bursting, economy-collapsing housing price escalation) before I then tenured as a full-time telecommuter... but now due to the circumstances with the gig, I'll need to be in-office at least for a while. Thus... LOTS of Medic audio time!

You're fine -
They're retconned into the story, you're not missing anything. I quite like how it makes Storm Warning's seemingly innocent pre-title sequence seem a little more sinister.

---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 AM ----------

I think it's probably best to just enjoy the stories and not worry too much about what is canon and what isn't.

I mean, honestly, does it affect your enjoyment of the Not-Light Peepers at all to know whether or not Sam or Stacy are officially canon? If it does, then you're definitely worrying way too much about these things!

When you read their stories, then they are. When they're not in them, who cares? After all, in the end none of these stories happened. Or, in your head. all of them did. And that's all that really matters.

Even if today the Moff says that certain (or all) stories happened, it doesn't matter if a future producer disagrees.

Absolutely correct, I just really like lists and making up little theories - for me at least, it's half the fun of being a fan!

09-20-2014, 06:46 PM
Medic 7 Monthlies are up.

Been away and missed the latest LC Medic monthlies any chance anyone could help me out with links ? Many thanks

re-up of dwst4's monthlies 19O, 19I
<!-- -->

09-20-2014, 08:20 PM
Director/Editor needs shooting!!!

09-20-2014, 08:52 PM
Hey guys,

Just realized that I'm missing Gajo & Fiteloot Series 5, and Jenbamin & Xabter.

Is anyone willing to give me a link to these.

Many thanks

09-20-2014, 09:43 PM
Director/Editor needs shooting!!!

Really? I thought it was very good.
A lot of fun and some good effects and monsters with the medic in charge again.
The sidekicks were not as annoying as usual either.

09-20-2014, 10:45 PM
I did like it even if I found it a bit derivative.
It was just the scene's with the medic and shapeshifter which where obviously cut but the reference's where left in at the end and now I want to see that scene.

---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

Thanks Skutter!!!!

Do you happen to have the rest?
Yep! Here you go.
<!--!ZBRX2YBI!ggiqjQHVJUmegRqtJ5quiOBH3pupKu8ku1KadOO jRhg -->

09-21-2014, 01:56 AM
I did like it even if I found it a bit derivative

Delayed watching this evening as SWMBO is working Lates and ...

... the second he picked up the phone and the scene changed we both said "The Doctor caused the memory wipe so he could do The Thing"

But it's late, we are both shattered, but still wondering WHY the story works. Did The Doc know that Teller had a Penn that needed releasing? Was it just about dominatrix Hawley needed an odd sense of redemption in some way?

Or as Mrs N has just put it so succinctly ...

The Doctor does a straight homage to Oceans 11 could have been BRILLIANT without having to resort to the time-loop guff.

09-21-2014, 02:55 AM
Just watched the new ep...

Loved it as a BW (as it gave a noir feel to the "heist") and Love it now (though the color version with full FX is sweet)!
Oh yes, it is pretty easy to guess...
...that it the Medic is the Arch-!-tekt and thus it has some kind of t!me-travel aspect, so he obviously set it up himself.
...but it's DAMN fun even after I watched it once already (correctly guessed pretty much everything [well... except the actual REASON for it all]) and then watched it again now.

Thus my meter of all eps so far is as such (out of possible 10):

ep 1 - Chasm Inhale: 7 (good set up story. Interesting new baddie. Delightful first outing of 12. COULD have been better, but 1st eps are tricky.)
ep 2 - Into the Peppot: 8 (very nice look into the medic, but not sure if I like that it seems the "good peppot" story is tried once per Medic these days; 10 and 11 both had it, even though the idea went as far back as Medic2 with Alpha, Beta, Omega... so maybe it's just been done a bit much by now)
ep 3 - Robo Hood: 4 (no. sorry. far too many points off for unnecessary silliness and derivative aspects; spoon, incessant bickering, gold arrow shot?!?, etc...)
ep 4 - In your ear: 8.5 (would have been 9 if they had left it more vague about the end-mystery... is there or isn't there...?)
ep 5 - Chrono-Robbers: 9 (just a few little things that could have been better or added, but it was a tightly run episode without much time for the things that I might have liked to see: a little more fleshing out of the other 2 "heisters", just a little more than a second of 12 running [as it seems 12 hasn't the stamina for prolonged jogs... although... Hartnell was also only good for the occasional hurried run before needing a breather {and running is really just a way to pad and fill the eps, so less running means less padding and more thinking, hopefully}]) *yes, this thought went three parentheticals deep. lol

I think I may have given this episode an extra .5 a point just because Cl@r@ looked AMAZING in it.
I simply could not look away.

She reminds me of a mixture of Z03 and SJS.
That innocent beauty mixed with intelligence. A fierce inner strength, yet that vulnerability that both of the previous actresses could obtain simultaneously.
Certainly she'll have to depart some day but I do hope it isn't any time soon.

09-21-2014, 04:46 AM
I'd just follow release order. You get decent runs of same-companion, and where it does change medic/companion it's nice to get a bit of a change of pace.

I'll agree with Nobber here. There isn't all that much continuity that won't be handled by listening to the releases in the order of their Medic/Assistant releases. If you'd prefer, you could also listen to them that way as well. (All of the 5/Nysssa stories in a row until the end, or all of the 6/Evelin stories in a row.) but only if you really want to get the effect of listening to one storyline. There isn't even too much that continues from story to story, outside of the 8/Chuck stories, other than some character development for at least 100+ releases.

The CC's can be listened to more or less in any order, with a few exceptions. You'll want to listen to some of the ongoing stories (Sara, Oliver, Leeela, and Zeo (the latter two at the end, with their last stories)), in order. And there are a handful of crossovers with the main range that you'll probably want to listen to with their corresponding trilogies when you get to that point in the main range, though those don't show up until late in the run. They include the KeyTwoTime tie-in (3.8, crossing with 117-119), 6/Jamie story (4.11, crossing with 133-135), and the Black Tardy crew (7.03, crossing with 163-164).

Otherwise, if you go in order, and maybe sprinkle in some of the other series for variety, you should be fine, without any major revelations spoiled.

09-21-2014, 12:04 PM
The Doctor does a straight homage to Oceans 11 could have been BRILLIANT without having to resort to the time-loop guff.

Y'know, there was a story where that happened...
Mission: Impractical XD

09-21-2014, 12:10 PM
Y'know, there was a story where that happened...
Mission: Impractical XD

Ooo! Ta! Will have to give that one a read.

09-21-2014, 04:44 PM
Am missing one of the hunchcliffe stories, satanic ships- does any kind soul have this? Thanks

09-21-2014, 06:17 PM
Am missing one of the hunchcliffe stories, satanic ships- does any kind soul have this? Thanks

post 25298

---------- Post added at 12:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

Hey guys,

Just realized that I'm missing Gajo & Fiteloot Series 5, and Jenbamin & Xabter.

Is anyone willing to give me a link to these.

Many thanks

Until you said something, I was unaware that I was missing them too.
RWQ JL 5 + B&B
<!-- ]Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( VwAxmg) -->

09-21-2014, 06:38 PM
Many thanks Ironhead

09-21-2014, 07:50 PM

09-21-2014, 08:28 PM
The companions job is to ask stupid questions so that the Medic can explain to the audience what is happening.

Not only does she not do that, but it is now the medic now asking stupid questions so that Jenna can explain what is happening.

This is woman's lib overcompensating?


She's not even 5 foot two.

Let's politely say that Jenna is fun sized?

09-22-2014, 01:35 AM
Am I the only one who loved her dynamic with Matt, but - strangely and for reasons I cant put a finger on - think it is so much better with Capaldi??

There's definitely a vibe of 4+SJS between them. Give them the right stories and this pair could capture that magic again.

Also - as already mentioned - she had a GREAT OUTFIT in Time Heist. Danny Pink is a lucky fella...


But let's just hope they don't take the SJS thing too far and put her in yellow dungarees ...

09-22-2014, 05:19 AM
Pretty good episode. I enjoy that every episode is not (so far) all tied into some major catastrophic event buildup thing.

09-22-2014, 09:25 AM
But let's just hope they don't take the SJS thing too far and put her in yellow dungarees ...

Dunno, she could probably make wearing a bin bag look sexy ;)

09-22-2014, 11:22 AM
Dunno, she could probably make wearing a bin bag look sexy ;)


09-22-2014, 12:16 PM
Today for Crafts Time:
Build your own fun-sized Impossible Girl

Doctor Who Custom Cubeecraft Templates by CyberDrone on deviantART (

09-22-2014, 01:36 PM
Today for Crafts Time:
Build your own fun-sized Impossible Girl

Doctor Who Custom Cubeecraft Templates by CyberDrone on deviantART (

Actual size.

09-22-2014, 06:16 PM
sexy Clara?? Look for her in a drama called Room at the Top. Worth a watch.

09-22-2014, 07:03 PM
But let's just hope they don't take the SJS thing too far and put her in yellow dungarees ...

I just get sucked into those big eyes...

09-22-2014, 10:21 PM
I seem to remember somebody saying LC were going to announce a new series last week. Did anything ever crop up, or did I miss it?

Exterminate Me
09-23-2014, 04:50 AM
The companions job is to ask stupid questions so that the Medic can explain to the audience what is happening.

Not only does she not do that, but it is now the medic now asking stupid questions so that Jenna can explain what is happening.

This is woman's lib overcompensating?


She's not even 5 foot two.

Let's politely say that Jenna is fun sized?

Hey, my wife is 5' 2"!

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

You wanna hear something funny?

...what's that?


Oh well, too bad.

This morning I was on Skype with a friend. We were talking about audios and ones I wanted to listen to. I then proceeded to mention one, a CC with 3rd Medic companion.

I said "The Hotties", that one's quite good, apparently.

Oh well, this forum has corrupted me. She knew which one I meant, funnily enough.

Dardle Must Perish!...

Funny how they stick in your head!

09-23-2014, 08:55 AM
I said "The Hotties", that one's quite good, apparently.

ARG!!! I'm now going to have that zarking song stuck in my head all day!

09-23-2014, 10:28 AM
ARG!!! I'm now going to have that zarking song stuck in my head all day!

All together now....Jo is making a thing....

09-23-2014, 10:48 AM
All together now....Jo is making a thing....

You swine ...

09-23-2014, 01:32 PM
And Jenna is still a 10th of an inch shorter than your missus Exterminate Me.

I have been drawn to many short women in my day, but the television seemed to project an illusion that she is perhaps not as einy wieny as she really is... Wait?

Mat Smith is 3/4's of an inch shy of 6 foot.

Did it seem like there was 8 inches between them?

Again an honest height difference.

Nothing wrong with that.

It's just that I suspect that she has been acting while balancing on small towers of stacked phone directories.

Which clearly seems dishonest

09-23-2014, 02:15 PM
For some reason I'm looking forward to this weekend's offering!

09-23-2014, 02:44 PM
Did it seem like there was 8 inches between them?

It's just that I suspect that she has been acting while balancing on small towers of stacked phone directories.

Which clearly seems dishonest

Shall we play a game of Spot The Phonebook?

09-23-2014, 02:54 PM
Was watching the studio version of "An Alien Kid" the other night and noticed something. Watch the first take in the console room and you'll notice that when Hartnell pulls Ford aside (right after Ian gets shocked) he cops a feel. It's only for a second but it's full hand on boob contact.

09-23-2014, 03:01 PM
Talking of the CC episode, the "Hotties", is anyone able to put this up? As the "Hotties" appear in the next series of two Victorian adventurers, would love to hear it as a heads up. cheers folks.

09-23-2014, 03:26 PM
Talking of the CC episode, the "Hotties", is anyone able to put this up? As the "Hotties" appear in the next series of two Victorian adventurers, would love to hear it as a heads up. cheers folks. I'm assuming this is what you were looking for. RWQ <!-->

09-23-2014, 03:39 PM
...It's only for a second ...

In 'Edge Of Blowing Up' you can see WR trying really hard NOT to grab CAF's bum by accident as he puts her down on the bed.

09-23-2014, 09:10 PM
I seem to remember somebody saying LC were going to announce a new series last week. Did anything ever crop up, or did I miss it?

nope, don't think you/we missed it, it all seems to have gone very quiet.

09-23-2014, 09:12 PM
I'm assuming this is what you were looking for. RWQ <!-->

Many many thanks! :)

09-23-2014, 11:06 PM
It's only for a second but it's full hand on boob contact.

In 'Edge Of Blowing Up' you can see WR trying really hard NOT to grab CAF's bum by accident as he puts her down on the bed.

All entirely accidental and innocent, gents.

09-24-2014, 01:42 PM
All entirely accidental and innocent, gents.

Being an old-time B@tFan (especially of the old tv show) I looked to see what blooper reel this snippet came from, only to find that it was part of a B@tm@n pr0n parody!
So much for entirely accidental and innocent . lol

Howeverm while every other Medic's bum-grabbing scenes may be accidental, I feel pretty safe guessing that after watching/listening/reading accounts of the frat-house antics around the set of Medic2 and Kilt-boy that most of those were intentional "accidents" to see just what they could get past the film crew/director/CCB.
Stories told by Z03 say that the two irrepressible pranksters used to pull her skirts down as the director cued her on set or untied her various garments while she was resting between takes so the clothing would fall away as she walked into shot.

She took it well, but it may have been just a part of the times, ie; "what can you do?" - or she was a very good sport (since they also did it to each other as well, it may have been that she was just part of the team).

Still, Medic2's adventures have a lot of grabbing (Victoria and Zo3 especially).

09-24-2014, 06:22 PM
Awhile back someone asked about the full version of a piece of music from Hooror of Glum Rook. I think this was what they were looking for (if anyone still cares.) RWQ <!-->

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

Many many thanks! :) You're welcome.

09-25-2014, 01:42 AM
Awhile back someone asked about the full version of a piece of music from Hooror of Glum Rook. I think this was what they were looking for (if anyone still cares.) RWQ <!-->

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

You're welcome.

Noticed the massive collection of LC scripts whilst I was there, so I grabbed those as well. Hope you don't mind.

09-25-2014, 04:03 AM
In case anyone wants...

Medic X comic 3rd issue (cbr file)

Important note:
UNCHECK the box at the bottom that has you DL with their DL manager
and THEN click the big GREEN bar up top and NOT the small grey box that reads "downlo@d" (which is to DL their service software)

09-25-2014, 04:33 AM
Really enjoying the creepiness of the TV this week right up to the point where ...

... it all got all self-referential with Clara turning up on homeworld and doing the whole self-fulfilling prophecy stuff.

With all the Clara going away rumors going around, I thought that "inside de pepperpot" would have been a great exit strategy for her. She could have been oswin oswald after all and this pepperpot could technically have been retconned to be the one 11 and the separated-nearly-divorced-couple met up with... that was just wishful thinking on my part I guess. As for the monster under the bed... well I don't know... wasn't it enough that she bothered every freaking incarnation of the doctor that she had to haunt him as a child as well??!! the only good thing about the time war is that JH didn't have to deal with her until the timelines got screwed up... and all that due to another bothersome nigh-omnipotent companion, CUE bad-Wolf-girl. *sheesh*
is it so much to ask for that we get normal companions that are just human or at least that aren't all deus ex machina dreamed up to wrap up really tedious plots... ok I'm done ranting now too :)

now here's a question for you all: what do you call a cross between bad-Wolf-girl and impossible-girl?

Don't get me wrong, I love Clara. And I love the new medic. He's got a 7 vibe going there that just says DON'T MESS WITH ME! and the style of 3 which is surprising like since i wasn't a big JP fan back in the day. I just lost interest in Jenna's character after after "Day". I think that "Time" could have been a better story with Matt being alone, having dumped Clara right at the beginning like 4 dumped por old SJS. at the beginning of the first take on 12 or 13 or new 1 (or whatever), the unlikely trio would have been more than enough to keep the fans on board. i love those 3!!! Could have been better for Cap as well with him having the stage all to himself so to speak... the only thing left for Clara is for her to be revealed as the anonymous lady from tennant's swan song... i think that's why 10 was so freaked out: "YOU'RE THE B*T*H WHO GRABBED MY ANKLE!" Oh and I hate that something that was so time-locked at the onset of the revival is so easy to break into now...

09-25-2014, 04:43 AM
Being an old-time B@tFan (especially of the old tv show) I looked to see what blooper reel this snippet came from, only to find that it was part of a B@tm@n pr0n parody!

It is lifted from the following:

To the self-avowed B@tFan (and any others who haven't come out), here's 90 minutes you'll never get back.

<!-- Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( -->

09-25-2014, 08:02 AM
It is lifted from the following:

To the self-avowed B@tFan (and any others who haven't come out), here's 90 minutes you'll never get back.

<!-- Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( -->

But... I love this docu-movie! It's like a Bat version of the 5-ish Medics (there are a lot of similarities). 90 minutes well spent I'd say!

09-25-2014, 11:58 AM
...Oh and I hate that something that was so time-locked at the onset of the revival is so easy to break into now...

Agreed. So heartily. I raged with a capital RUH.

09-25-2014, 12:56 PM
Agreed. So heartily. I raged with a capital RUH.

I never really quite liked RTD's "Time War" idea and the whole 'locking stuff away'. I get that he initially wanted to 'free' The Doctor from a lot of historical ties, but I always thought that the best way to (for instance) get rid of The Clocklords was to just to simply not mention them. Same with the pepperpots and c-men etc.

09-25-2014, 01:04 PM
The Homeworld series has made inroads to the time war.

Cited Genesis of the pepperpots as the first shot in the War.

The Time Lords started it! :(

Do you think they have the balls to say Temporal Cold War in the next series if the war is still well off?

09-25-2014, 01:59 PM
This is why all the clocks started at the end of the time war.

The called it the time peace.

I'll get me coat...

09-25-2014, 02:43 PM
The Time Lords started it! :(

Ah, but did they? Didn't the Timelords send the Doctor to Skaro in Genesis because the Daleks had conquered the universe in the far future?

Also, you could argue that the Doctor really started it all just by going to Skaro in the first place. Iirc, the Daleks didn't even know that there was other life in the universe until the he turned up.

09-25-2014, 03:26 PM
Ah, but did they? Didn't the Timelords send the Doctor to Skaro in Genesis because the Daleks had conquered the universe in the far future?

Also, you could argue that the Doctor really started it all just by going to Skaro in the first place. Iirc, the Daleks didn't even know that there was other life in the universe until the he turned up.

Which is ultimately down to Ian and Barbara. Had they not been so nosey about Susan in the first place The Doctor and Susan would probably still be stuck at the junkyard ....

09-25-2014, 04:03 PM
Damn the internet and New Dentist.... Thought I'd seen most things, but My Tube has plenty of mini goodies!
Take this I'd never even knew this one was out there!

09-25-2014, 05:52 PM
It is lifted from the following:

To the self-avowed B@tFan (and any others who haven't come out), here's 90 minutes you'll never get back.

<!-- Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( -->

hmmm... I've SEEN this, but strangely don't recall that scene, (although, having read both Adam's and D!ck's autobios upon which this was based, I don't doubt that it's there. Those guys were getting more action than the Beatles!)
Maybe what I saw was edited for american TV (and thus, no naughty antics allowed).
Now I'll have to give it a re-watch.


---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 AM ----------

The Homeworld series has made inroads to the time war.

Cited Genesis of the pepperpots as the first shot in the War.

The Time Lords started it! :(

Do you think they have the balls to say Temporal Cold War in the next series if the war is still well off?

Ah, but did they? Didn't the Timelords send the Doctor to Skaro in Genesis because the Daleks had conquered the universe in the far future?

Also, you could argue that the Doctor really started it all just by going to Skaro in the first place. Iirc, the Daleks didn't even know that there was other life in the universe until the he turned up.

Which is ultimately down to Ian and Barbara. Had they not been so nosey about Susan in the first place The Doctor and Susan would probably still be stuck at the junkyard ....

"If Woody had gone straight to the Police, none of this would ever have happened." ;-)

Bunco Busters - Video Dailymotion (

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

Actually, just had a thought... (yeah, just the one - ok, maybe two)...

I'd imagine that the only way that Cl@r@ was able to enter timelocked homeworld was that she was so intrinsically tied to the Medic in every timeframe (although, by that thought, so is THE MEDIC - and thus HE should be able to gain entry as well)... BUT...

Either as a means to usher out Cl@r@ (or just as an adventure), it was never addressed properly how Cl@r@'s entering the lifeline really helped negate the Gre@t !ntell!gence's influence (ie; killing the medic in every timeframe).
Sure, she goes IN and then runs around after him, but she said he almost never heard her (and they never showed her actually going up against the G.I. at any point), SO... perhaps Medic12 and Cl@r@ use the psychic navigation to go and SAVE/HELP HER saving/helping HIM.
Thus, the whole thing is bottled-up in one big timey-wimey knot and she's answered, the homeworld access is achieved (or finally locked) and whatever.

Hey, maybe she is REALLY going to hook up with 0rs0n p!nk or his dad (whatever) and their KID is DANNY, whom they then have to deposit in an orphanage because - well, stuff happens.

Huh? huh?

OK, I'll go...

09-25-2014, 06:29 PM
Agreed. So heartily. I raged with a capital RUH.

Come to think about it, even if homeworld was still around and not TL'd, Cl@r@ staill shouldn't be able to get there. Doesn't the transduction barrier prevent anyone from going to Homeworld's past and future anyway?

---------- Post added at 12:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

Which is ultimately down to Ian and Barbara. Had they not been so nosey about Susan in the first place The Doctor and Susan would probably still be stuck at the junkyard ....

Still Cl@r@'s fault for making medic 1 steal a policebox with a faulty navigation system. otherwise, the medic could have just gone his merry visiting places he wanted to and not be stuck with an old type 40.

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

Either as a means to usher out Cl@r@ (or just as an adventure), it was never addressed properly how Cl@r@'s entering the lifeline really helped negate the Gre@t !ntell!gence's influence (ie; killing the medic in every timeframe).
Sure, she goes IN and then runs around after him, but she said he almost never heard her (and they never showed her actually going up against the G.I. at any point), SO... perhaps Medic12 and Cl@r@ use the psychic navigation to go and SAVE/HELP HER saving/helping HIM.
Thus, the whole thing is bottled-up in one big timey-wimey knot and she's answered, the homeworld access is achieved (or finally locked) and whatever.

Still don't get how the GI could be a part of every flipping story. Not to mention that if you wanted this type of totally ludicrous storyline the Master would have been a better adversary. Bringing the GI into it just seems like a very feeble attempt at recycling old enemies and to be honest the GI was never really a big player imho. As far as dear Cl@r@ is concerned, I guess this makes her the definite hero of the entire universe since without her the medic would have died centuries ago. blah.

09-25-2014, 08:48 PM
Still don't get how the GI could be a part of every flipping story. Not to mention that if you wanted this type of totally ludicrous storyline the Master would have been a better adversary. Bringing the GI into it just seems like a very feeble attempt at recycling old enemies and to be honest the GI was never really a big player imho. As far as dear Cl@r@ is concerned, I guess this makes her the definite hero of the entire universe since without her the medic would have died centuries ago. blah.

Same here. The GI only ever really worked as a credible foe as he had The Yeti. And where were they this time round? As you say, The Muster would have made a far better antagonist. Well, maybe not the completely loopy Simms version.

09-25-2014, 09:21 PM
The Snowmen were Starter-Yeti.

If my teachers had followed me home, and broken into my house to find "evidence' that I was a loony, surely my parents insisting on sending them to jail would have been an obvious reaction.

09-25-2014, 10:56 PM
Noticed the massive collection of LC scripts whilst I was there, so I grabbed those as well. Hope you don't mind.
Nope. Not one bit.

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

Ah the uberfans. Whereas the casual fan would simply accept the premise of Cl@r@ being on Homeworld (despite history saying saying travelling into the past or future of Homeworld is impossible, or the fact that Homeworld has been shunted off into an alternate dimension) the uberfan has to nitpick, analyse, and rationalize every little detail to death. Ah, you gotta love fandom.

Exterminate Me
09-26-2014, 12:31 AM
---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

Ah the uberfans. Whereas the casual fan would simply accept the premise of Cl@r@ being on Homeworld (despite history saying saying travelling into the past or future of Homeworld is impossible, or the fact that Homeworld has been shunted off into an alternate dimension) the uberfan has to nitpick, analyse, and rationalize every little detail to death. Ah, you gotta love fandom.'s life and death....I can't LIVE without this all being rationalized!

Surely if Susan said SHE made up the word TRADIS then the whole of Homeworld's history is a lie, when...

Bugger it, it's only a bloody TV show.


09-26-2014, 12:44 AM
Twice today I've tried to use my log-on for work on the LC Website. This is a sad day.

09-26-2014, 02:15 AM
Surely if Susan said SHE made up the word TRADIS then the whole of Homeworld's history is a lie, when..


And, like mine after a night on KFC, it's a big but ....

But it could have been Clarence that asked Sue what T.A.R.D.I.S meant there-by putting her on the spot ....

---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 AM ----------

Bored. Been YTube surfing and decided that 'Rocky Horror' could do with a bit of modern day DW recasting.

Frank - Capaldi. Easy.
Brad - Matt
Janet - Freema
Riff-Rafff - DT
The Narrator - Colin Baker


09-26-2014, 03:08 AM
Bored. Been YTube surfing and decided that 'Rocky Horror' could do with a bit of modern day DW recasting.

Frank - Capaldi. Easy.
Brad - Matt
Janet - Freema
Riff-Rafff - DT
The Narrator - Colin Baker

Not a bad cast, but I'd replace Capaldi with McGann. I feel like he'd suit Frank better for some reason...

09-26-2014, 03:22 AM's life and death....I can't LIVE without this all being rationalized!

Surely if Susan said SHE made up the word TRADIS then the whole of Homeworld's history is a lie, when...

Bugger it, it's only a bloody TV show.


Agreed but I think that trying to figure it out is half the fun at least for me LOL... Anyway do we even know WHO's ankle Cl@r@ grabbed? somehow seems too obvious for the muff if it was the actual medic... And if it was, then you'd have to wonder how ma and pa who could have ever paid for the academy since they lived in a barn!!!

09-26-2014, 04:58 AM
Telepathic Translation.

Word substitution.

Big Mocha
09-26-2014, 10:14 AM
Bored. Been YTube surfing and decided that 'Rocky Horror' could do with a bit of modern day DW recasting.

Frank - Capaldi. Easy.
Brad - Matt
Janet - Freema
Riff-Rafff - DT
The Narrator - Colin Baker


Liking your choices - but the thought of a 'Rocky Horror' without Tom B seems wrong somehow.

09-26-2014, 10:31 AM
Liking your choices - but the thought of a 'Rocky Horror' without Tom B seems wrong somehow.

I see him as Dr Scott. Could you imagine those mellifluous tones saying "when Eddie said he didn't like his teddy ... "

Barrowboy as Rocky
Ecclescake as Eddie
Piper and Tate as Magenta and Columbia

09-26-2014, 11:24 AM
Just wondering if anyone has the latest offering from the Roon-Lawds, they're willing to u/l?

09-26-2014, 04:52 PM
Bored. Been YTube surfing and decided that 'Rocky Horror' could do with a bit of modern day DW recasting.

Frank - Capaldi. Easy.
Brad - Matt
Janet - Freema
Riff-Rafff - DT
The Narrator - Colin Baker


OK, TRHPS is one of the greatest films EVER, on so many levels. I like your casting though I would dissagree with Freema.
I would go with Kylie M as Janet, (can I have Kylie? she was in Voyage of the Doomned).

CB would be great as the Narrater, and possibly Silv M as Dr Scott.

But I cant think who could be cast as Magenta, it needs some one with incredable sex appeal.

... and what about Eddie, just a small part but very important to the story, who the hell from who could carry that part?

09-26-2014, 04:55 PM
OK, TRHPS is one of the greatest films EVER, on so many levels, I like your casting though I would dissagree with Freema.
I would go with Kylie M as Janet, (can I have Kylie? she was in Voyage of the Doomned), CB would be great as the Narrater, and possibly Silv M as Dr Scott, but I cant think who could be cast as Magenta, it needs some one with incredable sex appeal.

D'oh! I completely forgot Kylie. Yeah, definitely Janet material.

How about Michelle Ryan for Magenta?

09-26-2014, 05:00 PM
D'oh! I completely forgot Kylie. Yeah, definitely Janet material.

How about Michelle Ryan for Magenta?

Michelle R certainly has the sex appeal for the part of Magenta, do you think she could do the part justice?

09-26-2014, 05:04 PM
OK, TRHPS is one of the greatest films EVER, on so many levels. I like your casting though I would dissagree with Freema.
I would go with Kylie M as Janet, (can I have Kylie? she was in Voyage of the Doomned).

CB would be great as the Narrater, and possibly Silv M as Dr Scott.

But I cant think who could be cast as Magenta, it needs some one with incredable sex appeal.

... and what about Eddie, just a small part but very important to the story, who the hell from who could carry that part?

Eddie would have to be Captain Jock, who else could pull it off?

09-26-2014, 05:09 PM
Eddie would have to be Captain Jock, who else could pull it off?

I'll agree he's certainly talented enough to play the part, though I'm sort of struggling to imagen him in biker leathers, John B and grunge dont seem to go together somehow.

09-26-2014, 05:11 PM
Michelle R certainly has the sex appeal for the part of Magenta, do you think she could do the part justice?

I believe this may answer your question ... on_oct_8_F5yuNibe.sized.jpg

(As Sally Bowles in Cabaret)

---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

I'll agree he's certainly talented enough to play the part, though I'm sort of struggling to imagen him in biker leathers, John B and grunge dont seem to go together somehow.

Yeah. He's definitely more a Rocky.

09-26-2014, 05:17 PM
I believe this may answer your question ... on_oct_8_F5yuNibe.sized.jpg

(As Sally Bowles in Cabaret)

---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Yeah. He's definitely more a Rocky.

O boy, it just got hot in here, thats a definate then, Miss Ryan as Magenta.

I think also JB as Rocky, unfortunatly I can imagine him in little gold shorts.

09-26-2014, 05:25 PM
Come to think about it, even if homeworld was still around and not TL'd, Cl@r@ staill shouldn't be able to get there. Doesn't the transduction barrier prevent anyone from going to Homeworld's past and future anyway?

Early Transduction Barriers operating on Windows 7 systems are known to exhibit an unfortunate susceptibility to pretty girls in short skirts.
Certain technology historians argue that this apparent design flaw might in fact have been a back door feature deliberately inserted by Rassilon himself, the old lecher.

09-26-2014, 05:36 PM
Eddie would have to be Captain Jock, who else could pull it off? Wouldn't Barrelman be more suited for Frankenfurter? Cross dressing Dominatrix seems to suit him better. (Though, honestly I can't see anyone doing it justice. How can you top Tim Curry's performance?)

09-26-2014, 06:10 PM
Wouldn't Barrelman be more suited for Frankenfurter? Cross dressing Dominatrix seems to suit him better. (Though, honestly I can't see anyone doing it justice. How can you top Tim Curry's performance?)

Nah, he'd enjoy it far, far, far, too much.

Apparently Anthony "Giles from BTVS" Head has been known to out-Curry-Curry when he was in the stage version.

09-26-2014, 06:36 PM
Nah, he'd enjoy it far, far, far, too much.

Apparently Anthony "Giles from BTVS" Head has been known to out-Curry-Curry when he was in the stage version.

I think he'd also enjoy prancing about in those little gold shorts a little to much.

Out Curry-Curry, wow is that even possible? Curry just seems so perfect in the part.

09-26-2014, 06:54 PM
Out Curry-Curry, wow is that even possible? Curry just seems so perfect in the part.

Heard that he's very good at catching the eyes of people in the audience so makes it very, er, personal experience.

09-26-2014, 08:08 PM
All the unfortunate inside out Timelords from the sad days when the transenduction barriers were run on Windows Vista.

A moment of silence please.

09-26-2014, 10:30 PM
Hey, guys! I'm looking for any version of Machines of Battle featuring the Wounded Medic. I didn't even know this existed until today! Can anyone give me a hand? Thanks in advance. :)

09-26-2014, 10:59 PM
Hey, guys! I'm looking for any version of Machines of Battle featuring the Wounded Medic. I didn't even know this existed until today! Can anyone give me a hand? Thanks in advance. :)

See post 25489:

Mobilism ? Doctor Who: New Series Adventures by Various Authors (.ePUB) (

not my link and it's bundled with Capaldi's new stories...

09-26-2014, 11:54 PM
Many thanks, Ironhead2! Awesome!

09-27-2014, 04:34 PM
While we're on the subject of NSA, does anyone have books 29-33? I was just converting my collecting to PDFs when I realised I was missing those 5. Help much appreciated as always! :D

09-27-2014, 06:03 PM
Out of curiosity, what quality are the books you're converting to pdf? I've never been able to find good copies of the NSAs apart from the last four and all of the ones I did find were clearly converted from the various pdfs that are already flooding the system.

09-27-2014, 06:52 PM
Out of curiosity, what quality are the books you're converting to pdf? I've never been able to find good copies of the NSAs apart from the last four and all of the ones I did find were clearly converted from the various pdfs that are already flooding the system.

I Calibre, so the books come out with vary quality, but usually I get them to work pretty well. Pretty much all of the novels featuring 9, 11 & 12 came out perfectly, while the last few of 10s didn't so much. They're not too awful, they look a bit like the pdf version of BungLarrow from back in 2007, optimised for reading on a computer. I'm planning on uploading them once I get them all done.

09-27-2014, 07:58 PM
Does anybody have any PDF's, CBR's, in fact any format of the 'TV Comic' / 'TV Action' Doctor Who strips.

any help would would be really appreciated. :-)

09-27-2014, 08:42 PM
Does anybody have any PDF's, CBR's, in fact any format of the 'TV Comic' / 'TV Action' Doctor Who strips.

any help would would be really appreciated. :-) See posts #23966, #23971

09-27-2014, 09:41 PM
The plural for Adric is Adicies.

09-27-2014, 11:16 PM
See posts #23966, #23971

you are an amazing person, thank you so much. :)

09-27-2014, 11:28 PM
...I realised I was missing those 5. Help much appreciated as always! :D

RWQ :)

(hoping I got the right numbers. I renumber to fit with my idiosyncratic system so they might be out)

09-27-2014, 11:37 PM
While we're on the subject of NSA, does anyone have books 29-33? I was just converting my collecting to PDFs when I realised I was missing those 5. Help much appreciated as always! :D

<!-- -->


I cannot vouch for their quality, and their numbering is a little at odds with the way Wiki has them listed.

09-28-2014, 02:59 AM
New episode was serviceable. It was more of a story-progressing episode with a minor (but touted as major) menace tossed in.

Some good parts, a few laughs, but mostly CapalDoc acting a lot harsher than usual and typical sitcom confusion and running around.

I'd have to give it a 5 out of 10 (tho there was a LOT of Cl@r@ in skirts so maybe a 6 ... lol. Actually, since it did much of its job of story progressor, I'll really give it the 6. It could have done a better job of it, so that's as high as I can go).

09-28-2014, 03:14 AM
Remove the stupid monster and it would have been excellent.

09-28-2014, 06:03 AM
Eh. I am pretty split on it. The heavy emphasis on moving the characters storylines along sort of calls back to the previous New Medics stories (thus this episode will probably end up being high on 'their' lists). I didn't even mind the monster..... The ridiculous Leap though...

09-28-2014, 07:45 AM
They could have achieved the same...or perhaps an even better...effect with a slightly more subtle maneuver. I was surprised he didn't catch a lightsaber shot into the sky by R2! I mostly liked this episode - though I'll have to give it another viewing to truly decide.

09-28-2014, 08:32 AM
RWQ :)

(hoping I got the right numbers. I renumber to fit with my idiosyncratic system so they might be out)

Thanks a bunch, guys! You too, Ironhead.

09-28-2014, 12:22 PM
could you though, please remove my link from your quote. defeats the purpose of hiding it if it's in plain text :/

edit-cheers. what happens is you don't uncheck the "parse urls in text" checkbox in the settings section of the advanced posting page. It's an extremely easy thing to miss.

09-28-2014, 01:28 PM
could you though, please remove my link from your quote. defeats the purpose of hiding it if it's in plain text :/

Ahhhh, sorry. Not sure what went wrong there, normally they don't show up. Sorted now!

09-28-2014, 05:28 PM
I found the missing part to the Fourth Doctor strip Moon Exploration (TV COMIC). By chance, I've had a PM requesting the original file, so here's the complete strip for everyone to enjoy:

TV Comic - Moon Exploration (Part 3 NOT missing!) (

09-28-2014, 08:04 PM

09-28-2014, 08:11 PM
Castle of Large Carbon Based Life Forms.


Only for 24 hours guys.

Cheers Tomoph, I owe you one ;)

09-28-2014, 11:16 PM
Castle of Large Carbon Based Life Forms.

Thanks Tomoph.

Does anyone have 1.3?
I must have blinked when Hk. Mnt. Maccasre got posted.

09-29-2014, 12:18 AM
Sad news..... Maggie Stables aka Evelyn smythe..has passed away-----

fropm the LC site 29 September 2014
Categories: Podcast, General Big Finish News, Stop Press

It is with the greatest sorrow that we regret to report the death of actress Maggie Stables, who many Big Finish Doctor Who listeners knew as the Sixth Doctor's companion, Evelyn Smythe.

Maggie died peacefully in her sleep on the night of Friday the 26th of September after a long illness.

Big Finish Executive Producer Nick Briggs: 'I met Maggie many years ago when we worked together on a national theatre tour of Jane Eyre, in which Maggie superbly played the sinister role of Grace Poole. After that, Maggie was instrumental in getting me a job in the Theatre Royal Nottingham Thriller season, recommending me to the late producer, Colin McIntyre.

'I was keen to get her involved in the Big Finish audios, casting her as the gruff Ruthley in our very first Doctor Who release, The Sirens of Time. It wasn't long before my friend and producer Gary Russell spotted her and saw her as potential 'companion' material. Evelyn Smythe made Doctor Who history. The first, dare I say it, 'elderly' companion of the Doctor's. Maggie was superb in the role and she and her Doctor, Colin Baker, immediately hit it off. And even though Maggie appeared in two 'final' adventures for Evelyn, it was always our intention to continue working with her -- such is the advantage of time travel. I was very pleased to welcome her back for another trilogy in 2011.

'As a friend of Maggie's, I knew she had suffered and largely recovered from serious illness before that recording, but it was clear to me that she was still too poorly to continue with the rigours of studio work -- even though you would never have known from her great performance. Always the professional.

'Maggie was such a lovely, warm person who did a fantastic job of playing Evelyn. She was extremely popular with our listeners and always a delight to work with. I have many fond and sometimes raucous memories of working with her in Doctor Who and on stage. Unfortunately, my favourite Maggie anecdotes are far too naughty to repeat here. Suffice it to say, she had a very saucy laugh and a twinkle in her eye. Some of my warmest memories of her involve her sometimes shockingly blunt use of a put-down aimed at me... but it was always followed by that infectious laugh of hers.

'I shall always be grateful for the support and affection she gave to me and for all the laughs we shared along the way.'

Our thoughts are with Maggie's dear friends and family at this very sad time.

09-29-2014, 01:01 AM
Evelyn Smythe is my favourite audio companion. She had the best overall story arc of any audio companion and her first appearance was the best debut.

09-29-2014, 01:26 AM
Sad news about Maggie. I'd say she and CB were the best pairing LC have made.

I had been on a Hector retrospective, but I think it's time to hear Dr Smythe's adventures all over again.

09-29-2014, 01:45 AM
RIP Maggie Stables.

Ironically enough, a few weeks ago I started listening to all the Medic 6 and Smythe stories again.

09-29-2014, 02:42 AM
RIP. I love Evelyn, even named a character after her in a play my university drama society put on. Maggie was so great.

09-29-2014, 07:27 AM
Very sad new about Maggie Stables - she will be missed :(

For Ironhead and anyone else who missed it ... Roon-Lawds #3



09-29-2014, 08:40 AM
Very sad to read about Maggie's passing.

09-29-2014, 09:26 PM
Been away from the computer for a couple of days so here's my thoughts on Episode 6 of the medic I'd give the episode a 5.5. I liked the A plot focusing on the three leads - it worked well to further the relationship and create building blocks for future episodes, but the B plot involving the ridiculous, rubbish, robot was totally useless and brought the episode to a crashing halt in my opinion. Not quite sure how I feel about introducing schoolgirl Courtney as a possible future companion. I see shades of Ace in her, but also feel kinda like been there, done that.
Sorry to hear about Maggie Stables death. Always like Evelyn. She was a perfect fit with Six.

09-29-2014, 09:56 PM
It felt like kidnapping and child endangerment.

If some random you'd never met, took your 11 year old daughter for a joyride, they'd be in the lock up by dinner time, right?

09-29-2014, 11:04 PM
More sad news, I'm afraid: Lynda Bellingham has announced that she has terminal cancer & only weeks to live.

09-30-2014, 12:19 AM
Anyone else catch the line "I used to have a teacher like you." - "You still do, pay attention!" NOW if Clara's timestream ends up being so messed up that she grabs medic-boy's legs, is his teacher at the academy, is instrumental to him stealing the bluebox, ETC, ETC, ETC, I think I'll have to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital!!! I like that some companions have had different types of relationships with different medics (RE: SJS), but with every passing episode, more and more, I'm looking forward to the day when Clara's timehopping days come to an end. At least she's easy on the eyes! :)

09-30-2014, 01:53 AM
More sad news, I'm afraid: Lynda Bellingham has announced that she has terminal cancer & only weeks to live.

Just seen that. Sad news indeed.

---------- Post added at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 AM ----------

... I think I'll have to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital!!!...

Wouldn't it be better to throw Moff into the hospital instead?

At least she's easy on the eyes!

Sunday morning, somewhat hungover, all four of us (two men, two women) all said a variant of "Phroaw!" when she was hot'n'sweaty after the run.

All in our late 40s and none of us could remember any of our female teachers wearing skirts that short, though. But I do remember one of our teachers having the embarrassment of being sent home to change as she'd come to work wearing trousers rather than a skirt. That must have been about '76-ish, and the head-master noticed at Assembly and told her to leave there-and-then. Poor woman (who I guess would have been in her late 20s at the time?) must have been mortified.

09-30-2014, 02:34 AM
Like everyone else here, I am rocked by the loss of Maggie Staples. That is all I can even really say about it.

09-30-2014, 02:35 AM
It's not nice to look at people in stable relationships and prepare strategies to pare them apart.

09-30-2014, 03:12 AM
Just seen that. Sad news indeed.

---------- Post added at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 AM ----------

Wouldn't it be better to throw Moff into the hospital instead?

Poor Moff! The worst part is I think he has (for the most part) absolutely brilliant ideas but why does he always have to bloody overcomplicate matters so much!!! I'm to the point where I wouldn't be at all surprised if the "mysterious woman" from The End of Time turned out to be Cl@r@ in one form or another... and even the Doctor's mother who went thru a chameleon arch... Anything is possible at this point! If you could have companions turn out to the medic's in-laws, I mean, there's really no more lines to be crossed anymore.

09-30-2014, 08:46 AM
Anyone else catch the line "I used to have a teacher like you." - "You still do, pay attention!" NOW if Clara's timestream ends up being so messed up that she grabs medic-boy's legs, is his teacher at the academy, is instrumental to him stealing the bluebox, ETC, ETC, ETC, I think I'll have to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital!!! I like that some companions have had different types of relationships with different medics (RE: SJS), but with every passing episode, more and more, I'm looking forward to the day when Clara's timehopping days come to an end. At least she's easy on the eyes! :)

Borusa doesn't have half the ass she has.

(Closer to three times really.)

09-30-2014, 09:11 AM

RIP Maggie Stables

09-30-2014, 09:52 AM
Poor Moff! The worst part is I think he has (for the most part) absolutely brilliant ideas but why does he always have to bloody overcomplicate matters so much!!! ....

Agreed. The fundamental ideas aren't too bad, but then (IMHO) he just gets carried away twisting and turning the threads, tangling most to the point of knotting, dropping or forgetting some, and to then find the jumper he's knitting has too many arm holes and he has to throw some more wool into to close the holes. And then that gets all tangled.

And then he remembers it wasn't a jumper he was trying to do in the first place, but a pair of socks.

The result being a one-legged-onsie that somehow manages to have a zip that opens to let you get into it, but no zip to let you get out.

Oddly, though, it feels like you're actually wearing a slightly itchy scarf.

(I may have broken that analogy some way along the way ...)

09-30-2014, 02:00 PM
The result being a one-legged-onsie that somehow manages to have a zip that opens to let you get into it, but no zip to let you get out.

I will pay you to design that.

09-30-2014, 03:18 PM
Even trying to imagine that onsie is making my head hurt.

09-30-2014, 05:51 PM
Anyone else seen the covers for the adaptions due next year? Also; release date pushed up to May!

09-30-2014, 06:38 PM
Borusa doesn't have half the ass she has.

(Closer to three times really.)

Being a TL he's had more tan one... could be that he had quite a nice ass a couple lives ago, how knows!

09-30-2014, 08:49 PM

09-30-2014, 09:02 PM
Anyone else seen the covers for the adaptions due next year? Also; release date pushed up to May!
I like 'em. Kinda wish we could get a cover art for "The Highest Science" soon, as it's due out in December. Then again, we didn't see the cover for "Trial of the Valeyard" til a week or so before it was made available to subscribers last year, so...

09-30-2014, 11:31 PM
Watched the ITV docu-drama Cilla this afternoon. By 'eck, but Serrydan Smith has some powerful lungs on her. I knew she sang, but never really heard her do it properly beyond a few variety show performances.

And not a bad docu-drama, too. Arguably it could have done with another episode as the last one felt a bit rushed.

09-30-2014, 11:59 PM
Watched the ITV docu-drama Cilla this afternoon. By 'eck, but Serrydan Smith has some powerful lungs on her. I knew she sang, but never really heard her do it properly beyond a few variety show performances.

First thing I saw her in was a production of "Into The Woods" in the 90s - she played Red Riding Hood and was stunning.

10-01-2014, 09:01 AM
i'll just leave this here......

10-01-2014, 10:11 AM
i'll just leave this here......

Publicity still or guest star? Seems to be the former, but we can hope.

10-01-2014, 10:58 AM
If we really wanted to hope, we should be hoping for Iris.

10-01-2014, 11:23 AM
Publicity still or guest star? Seems to be the former, but we can hope.

Neither judging by her twitter stream over the weekend. Just a set visit.

---------- Post added at 11:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

If we really wanted to hope, we should be hoping for Iris.

I'd certainly vote for that.

10-01-2014, 11:58 AM
Hey Clara, Jo Grant called. She wants her miniskirts back.

(It's only now occurring to me to wonder whether the dalek Jo posed with in that gentleman's magazine might have been Souffl� Girl?)

10-01-2014, 12:19 PM
Hey Clara, Jo Grant called. She wants her miniskirts back.

(It's only now occurring to me to wonder whether the dalek Jo posed with in that gentleman's magazine might have been Souffl� Girl?)

Just as long as she's NOT going to do a re-shoot (shudder)

10-01-2014, 02:40 PM
It is interest that there was a set visit. Although with the setting a Coal hill currently there is one companion that should at least make a cameo since he is on the board of Govenor's

10-01-2014, 03:34 PM
It is interest that there was a set visit. Although with the setting a Coal hill currently there is one companion that should at least make a cameo since he is on the board of Govenor's

Unfortunately, they kind of screwed that up in The End of Time (iirc). They said that Barbara and Ian hadn't aged a day since they returned to earth, but I agree it would be nice to see some of the classic companions come back once in a while.

10-01-2014, 03:51 PM

10-01-2014, 04:21 PM
Well, if they really wanted a way around that, there are always the actors from the Sp4c3 n t1m3 documentary, although personally I think Ian's actor looked the least like the original out of all of them.

At which point a lot of fans would go up in flames at the thought of using look-alikes. Remember the kind of people we're dealing with here (present company excepted, of course) ;)

10-01-2014, 04:29 PM
Unfortunately, they kind of screwed that up in The End of Time (iirc). They said that Barbara and Ian hadn't aged a day since they returned to earth, but I agree it would be nice to see some of the classic companions come back once in a while.

I'd be happy with at least a decent name-check now and then.

10-01-2014, 06:49 PM
Well, as the series is apparently set in the present day, Chesterfield should have begun to age once he left the team, and if Barb is his wife, then another actress could be recast as long as she is around the same age of Chestie. I would be a sort of full rounded thingy to have them both do a quick cameo for long term fans. After all, why is black fuel hump educational establishment such an important part of the new series?

10-01-2014, 07:01 PM
Well, as the series is apparently set in the present day, Chesterfield should have begun to age once he left the team, and if Barb is his wife, then another actress could be recast as long as she is around the same age of Chestie. I would be a sort of full rounded thingy to have them both do a quick cameo for long term fans. After all, why is black fuel hump educational establishment such an important part of the new series?

That's the thing, 10 said that Ian and Barbara hadn't aged a day since they left him. I'd love to see cameos from past characters but don't see it happening.

10-01-2014, 07:52 PM
That's the thing, 10 said that Ian and Barbara hadn't aged a day since they left him. I'd love to see cameos from past characters but don't see it happening.

Whuh? Wasn't that info supplied by SJS in the 'Death Of The ...' programme when she was catching up with Jo?

10-01-2014, 08:23 PM
Rumored not to have aged, not definitively said not to have aged. And since this was the same episode Eleven claimed he could regenerate 507 times (5+7=12, his real limit), you have to take that line with a pinch of pepperpot.

10-01-2014, 08:51 PM
Whuh? Wasn't that info supplied by SJS in the 'Death Of The ...' programme when she was catching up with Jo?

I thought it was when 10 was doing his 'farewell tour', but you're probably right. I easily get confused nowadays.

10-01-2014, 08:59 PM
There's SNL footage out there from several years back with Paris Hilton dressed up like Tom Baker for a Nerd phone-dating infomercial.

Prove that you are a human being and try not to google for this.

10-01-2014, 10:58 PM
Well, if they really wanted a way around that, there are always the actors from the Sp4c3 n t1m3 documentary, although personally I think Ian's actor looked the least like the original out of all of them.

the point would be to have William Russell not another actor.... otherwise name checks are just fine.

10-02-2014, 12:44 AM

10-02-2014, 01:09 AM
On the other hand, there's still plenty of Classic Companions, with actors that would be willing to take part, that could appear as their own age without causing too many "Er, but didn't they ...?" moments. He could catch-up with Stephen to make sure he's doing OK, for instance. And I've just thought ... wouldn't a meeting between the Loud Mouth Aussie and Capaldoc be something to behold?

10-02-2014, 02:55 AM
that is the point why recast ? you can draw from plenety of companions.... and it would be nice to see Capaldoc alongside a classic companion the way 10 and 11 did . SJS and JO ticks the boxes from the 3rd/4th eras let's see Chesterfeild; Miss Wright; the Ausielegs; a Return to Trion ? He said to Pond and Jo that he does go back and watch them..... wouldn't it be cool if the artron energy had something to do with Ian?

10-02-2014, 06:14 AM
On the other hand, there's still plenty of Classic Companions, with actors that would be willing to take part, that could appear as their own age without causing too many "Er, but didn't they ...?" moments. He could catch-up with Stephen to make sure he's doing OK, for instance. And I've just thought ... wouldn't a meeting between the Loud Mouth Aussie and Capaldoc be something to behold?

That would be fun. "Your zimmer frame appears to be larger on the..."

10-02-2014, 09:09 AM
There's SNL footage out there from several years back with Paris Hilton dressed up like Tom Baker for a Nerd phone-dating infomercial.

Prove that you are a human being and try not to google for this.

OK. Easy. Not Googled. Done. Paris Hilton is an ugly git, anyway.

Now, if you'd said Rashida Jones... ;)

10-02-2014, 01:29 PM
With the recent talk of recasting old classic companions got me to thinking about LC'S stance on not recasting old Medics, it's allways urked me that we have some very talented voice actors who are more than capable of delivering a very believable portrail, and yet they still insist they wont recast Medics 1-3, WHY?

It's doubtful they have a clause in the contract that prevents them because the BBC had David T play the 2nd Medic in their 4th Medic audio's, and used a voice actor for the 1st in the 50th. I just think LC are depriving us of some great story telling opertunaties.

I'd be interested to hear what you think, am I alone in my opinion?

10-02-2014, 01:29 PM
the point would be to have William Russell not another actor.... otherwise name checks are just fine.

Roberts Explains Why Ian Chesterton Didn?t Appear in The Caretaker | Doctor Who TV (

10-02-2014, 02:24 PM
Roberts Explains Why Ian Chesterton Didn?t Appear in The Caretaker | Doctor Who TV

... too much of distraction and something deserving of its own episode ...

Torn on this. Yes, we'd have wanted The Doc to spend some time with Ian, but they could have done it so that the story opened with Ian leaving the school after a visit just as The Doc arrives, and then coming back a few days later as the Doctor leaves. He hears some odd tales about what's supposed to have happened and whilst everyone else is in denial the episode closes on Ian with a knowing smile on his face.

10-02-2014, 05:04 PM
Just wanted to share this. Storm Warning clean cover by jimg1972 on deviantART (
Realized I've never done a McGann cover, and had this idea floating around in the back of my mind, so figured why not

---------- Post added at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

Watched the complete version of The Popsicle Warriors for the first time last night. Absolutely cringed at the god awful stiff animation used for the reconstructed episodes. Seems as though the animators didn't put much effort into creating realistic movement for the characters...or much bothered with little more than passing likenesses either. If the CCB insists on recreating the missing episodes the most they can do is throw some real money into producing the most realistic animation possible. Not this shoddy product that looks worse than anything ever produced by Hanna Barbera or Filmation.

---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 AM ----------

Covers for the novel adaptations revealed. Doctor Who: The Well-Mannered War & Damaged Goods. Covers & Dates - News - Big Finish (

10-02-2014, 10:51 PM
Just listed to a small portion of LC Classic Fraank-en-steen podcast. Damn, that sounds good. I want it. Now. LC can be such a tease.

10-02-2014, 11:12 PM

10-02-2014, 11:30 PM
Just listed to a small portion of LC Classic Fraank-en-steen podcast. Damn, that sounds good. I want it. Now. LC can be such a tease.
Most emphatically agreed. It definitely feels like one of the best adaptations of Frankenstein I've experienced, and I say this as someone who considers the early 90s film version directed and starring Kenneth Branagh to be a pretty underrated adaptation. Robert de Niro was also really good as the Creature in that same film.

Exterminate Me
10-02-2014, 11:47 PM
... too much of distraction and something deserving of its own episode ...

Torn on this. Yes, we'd have wanted The Doc to spend some time with Ian, but they could have done it so that the story opened with Ian leaving the school after a visit just as The Doc arrives, and then coming back a few days later as the Doctor leaves. He hears some odd tales about what's supposed to have happened and whilst everyone else is in denial the episode closes on Ian with a knowing smile on his face.

I like your idea Nobber.

I guess what's annoying is that the actor's not getting any younger - wait too long and he's dead. Just like the Brig in Medic What - fit him into an episode of SJA's, but not the show proper, and it's too late!

10-02-2014, 11:50 PM
Most emphatically agreed. It definitely feels like one of the best adaptations of Frankenstein I've experienced, and I say this as someone who considers the early 90s film version directed and starring Kenneth Branagh to be a pretty underrated adaptation. Robert de Niro was also really good as the Creature in that same film.

Robert de Niro was pretty decent, but Boris Karloff will always be the creature to me. Just as Bela Lugosi will always be Dracula for me. I usually watch their films around Halloween time. Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein get a back-to-back screenings in my home. The story just feels more complete rather than watching Frankenstein by itself.

10-02-2014, 11:53 PM
Robert de Niro was pretty decent, but Boris Karloff will always be the creature to me. Just as Bela Lugosi will always be Dracula for me. I usually watch their films around Halloween time. Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein get a back-to-back screenings in my home. The story just feels more complete rather than watching Frankenstein by itself.
I understand. Boris Karloff will always be the Creature to me as well, but there's something about Robert de Niro's performance that just grabs me as well.

10-03-2014, 12:17 AM
Here's the 3rd illustrated 13th Medic from a moon around Jupiter.

10-03-2014, 01:32 AM
What I want for Christmas!

Dirt Mags adaptation of Nelli Gay-mans & Terri Pratt-shed's Good O' mens for Rodeo four.

Sounds kinky.

10-03-2014, 01:41 AM
What I want for Christmas!

Dirt Mags adaptation of Nelli Gay-mans & Terri Pratt-shed's Good O' mens for Rodeo four.

Sounds kinky.

Whuh? I thought that had been and gone?

10-03-2014, 03:01 AM
Whuh? I thought that had been and gone?

Have I missed it, thought it was Christmas this year.

I think I've got this right, it all depends on what year we're in now?

Exterminate Me
10-03-2014, 05:09 AM
Have I missed it, thought it was Christmas this year.

I think I've got this right, it all depends on what year we're in now?

Have another drink mate - it'll make sense sometime!

10-03-2014, 09:11 AM
Have I missed it, thought it was Christmas this year.

I think I've got this right, it all depends on what year we're in now?

D'oh! Sorry. I was thinking of Never-where.

10-03-2014, 10:34 AM
Here's the 3rd illustrated 13th Medic from a moon around Jupiter.


---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

Here's the 3rd illustrated 13th Medic from a moon around Jupiter.


10-03-2014, 10:35 AM
He's counting War and 10.5 in that number.

10-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Oh, Borusa, no...

Please, let's not start that whole "which number medic is he" thing again...

10-03-2014, 12:06 PM

10-03-2014, 02:06 PM
Thanks Katrinaau much appreciated Shame no one else seems to have these!!!!

Good people it seems none of you have ANY of the 007 Reloaded Audiobooks The Book Bond: 007 RELOADED audiobooks available NOW ( (SOBS!!!) however, I thought I would at the very least share what I have.

Casino Royale as read by Dan Stevens : JB - #1 (
On Her Majesty's Secret Service as read by a little know Scottish dude : JB - #10 (

Likely no interest to any of you, but I thought it a little churlish to ask for the others from you without making the effort to share what I had. Up until Sunday.

10-03-2014, 02:37 PM
Good people it seems none of you have ANY of the 007 Reloaded Audiobooks The Book Bond: 007 RELOADED audiobooks available NOW ( (SOBS!!!) however, I thought I would at the very least share what I have.
Thanks. Was it just me, or did the Bond in Casino sound a lot like Dalton?

10-03-2014, 03:00 PM
Thanks. Was it just me, or did the Bond in Casino sound a lot like Dalton?

Stevens would make an excellent Bond. He was superb in 'Black Sails'

10-03-2014, 03:53 PM
Oh, Borusa, no...

Please, let's not start that whole "which number medic is he" thing again...

*Hides under table*

10-03-2014, 05:40 PM
Stevens would make an excellent Bond. He was superb in 'Black Sails'
Had to look him up to see who he was. The Downton guy. Always thought he had a bit of a Peter Davison vibe about him.

10-03-2014, 07:43 PM
Had to look him up to see who he was. The Downton guy. Always thought he had a bit of a Peter Davison vibe about him.

Just had a "Whhhuuuuhhhh???" moment .... a "Whhhuuuuhhhh???" moment bought on by me originally thinking of TOBY Stevens when I said "Stevens would make an excellent Bond. He was superb in 'Black Sails' " ... D'oh!!!!

10-03-2014, 11:55 PM
He's counting War and 10.5 in that number.

Yeah, just joking around. Wasn't trying to start anything....8)

10-04-2014, 12:47 PM
I have a certain order I listen to the ordios in and it just seems like a coincidence that this morning I heard the 6th medic arangments for wore. It felt really poignant to hear the story around evalyn and the medic. both performances were brilliant. I would say it's up there with one of the best, really did move me

10-04-2014, 01:14 PM
Yeah, that's a terrific story anyway, made sadder by recent events...

10-04-2014, 06:13 PM
Been cranking thru the audios this week (during my insane commute).
Plowed through the 8th Medic tales with Edwardi@n Adven+uress and then blew through 8th's first 14 audios with Luceee M!ll3r.

Now, due to how Edwardi@n lass wrapped up, I'll need to hop onto her "continuing" adventures with a certain previous incarnation.
That ought to be worth a listen.

Having a BALL with these though.

I didn't think I could enjoy anyone more than Ch@rl!e's raspy squeek, but Luceee is so much fun.

10-04-2014, 07:05 PM
Summer before last I gave Ms Pollerd's adventures another re-run throughout and found myself surprised.

I think I'd fallen into a bit of 'pack mentally'/'received wisdom' about how cloying she was with her professions of love. The re-run made me realise that it's not really there as much as you think, and it's sorted out by the end of Zaggy. Then with the arrival of lizard boy into the mix there's not really the story time for her doe-eyed-ness anymore.

What really struck me hard was the opening to 'Girl That Time ...' - The discussion that The Doc and she have at the start feels very back to front. She's arguing that The Doctor was the jealous one of Crizzz and didn't want to have him along spoiling the partnership. Listen to that opening scene again and swap their lines round. It makes far more sense in the longer story that way.

But she definitely left at the right time, I think. The character had had a damn good story, but there's a bit of 'going through the motions' going on towards the end where you could tell that PMcG was getting a bit bored of the same setup. (Not bored of working with Ms F, more a desire to move on.)

She and Colin work so well together that I can forgive - in the wider sense - the shenanigans required for 8th to then meet her afresh later. (That said, I'm still not a fan of some of the logical twists and turns required to get there. Contradictory, I know.)

As for her spin-off? I've always argued that at times it's just sometime better to NOT know what happens next. Nothing in that set proved me otherwise.

8+LM is a shot in the arm for McG. You can tell when an actor is really enjoying themselves and McG sounds a new man in these with so much more energy. It's a damn close fight, but I'd still have this pair as my #1 LC team.

8+MS feels a bit pedestrian after that.

DurkEyes started a bit slow for me, but after the sprint that was LM and the pause-for-breath of Mary, you can again really tell that McG is now relishing the slow story roll out again.

You know, it's a real testament to LC's writers and McG that he's managed to have a far more varied story canvas than his counterparts. And after the success of the EDA's as a format I'm still surprised that they didn't do it again for 5, 6 and 7. Especially as the 4DAs are proving it's still a viable idea.

10-04-2014, 07:49 PM
Summer before last I gave Ms Pollerd's adventures another re-run throughout and found myself surprised.

I think I'd fallen into a bit of 'pack mentally'/'received wisdom' about how cloying she was with her professions of love. The re-run made me realise that it's not really there as much as you think, and it's sorted out by the end of Zaggy. Then with the arrival of lizard boy into the mix there's not really the story time for her doe-eyed-ness anymore.

What really struck me hard was the opening to 'Girl That Time ...' - The discussion that The Doc and she have at the start feels very back to front. She's arguing that The Doctor was the jealous one of Crizzz and didn't want to have him along spoiling the partnership. Listen to that opening scene again and swap their lines round. It makes far more sense in the longer story that way.

The "I LOVE YOU, MEDIC!" aspect really wasn't that much. You can easily see the emotional attachment and affection growing, but then it peaks at ZAGGY and is crushed right afterwards.
Then Lizard-Lad enters and she turns into protective guardian of Medic (as she doesn't trust Lizzy yet) and then by his departure she's all "big sis".

So it's a bit understandable that when he departs - and 8 isn't phased - she gets defensive and accusatory, almost reversing their respective positions on the matter (as she is clearly hurt, but also deflecting self-blame).

But she definitely left at the right time, I think. The character had had a damn good story, but there's a bit of 'going through the motions' going on towards the end where you could tell that PMcG was getting a bit bored of the same setup. (Not bored of working with Ms F, more a desire to move on.)

She and Colin work so well together that I can forgive - in the wider sense - the shenanigans required for 8th to then meet her afresh later. (That said, I'm still not a fan of some of the logical twists and turns required to get there. Contradictory, I know.)

As for her spin-off? I've always argued that at times it's just sometime better to NOT know what happens next. Nothing in that set proved me otherwise.

I can only guess that she would have to factor in with 6's brain-muddle post regeneration, so that he forgets he ever met her.

Her spin off would almost HAVE to be a bit of a drain only because of her overly proud/strong/ self-professed "Edw@rd!@n Adven+uress-ness". There were some eps with 8 that I just wanted her to come down to earth a bit.
But I'm merely guessing about her solo stint and how it might play out without her having someone as relaxing and counterbalanced as 8 to play off of.

8+LM is a shot in the arm for McG. You can tell when an actor is really enjoying themselves and McG sounds a new man in these with so much more energy. It's a damn close fight, but I'd still have this pair as my #1 LC team.

8+MS feels a bit pedestrian after that.

DurkEyes started a bit slow for me, but after the sprint that was LM and the pause-for-breath of Mary, you can again really tell that McG is now relishing the slow story roll out again.

LM is most definitely a shot in the arm.
She's as quick and exciting as CP, but with so much more "sass" and independence.

I can only guess that the 8+MS stories delve a bit deeper into Gothic? If so... YAY. But I can see how two such characters would come across as rote.

I've only heard good things about D@rK 3y3s... I'll wait until 3 hits and then pour them all into my head as one big epic event.


10-04-2014, 08:20 PM
I can only guess that she would have to factor in with 6's brain-muddle post regeneration, so that he forgets he ever met her.

So, as I guessed, you've not quite got there? Glad I didn't go into too much detail! :)

I can only guess that the 8+MS stories delve a bit deeper into Gothic? If so... YAY. But I can see how two such characters would come across as rote.

As much as I'd love to say they got all Gothic ... not so much, I'm afraid. Be assured that there's nothing wrong with the stories, just that (IMHO, of course!) there's no real connection between them and any of the stories could have have CP as companion and been early stories for her.

I've only heard good things about D@rK 3y3s... I'll wait until 3 hits and then pour them all into my head as one big epic event.

Probably not such a bad idea. As I said, I thought they started slowly, but the longer story is definitely feeling like it's going to be greater than the sum of the stories.

10-04-2014, 09:25 PM

10-05-2014, 05:51 AM
So after that, this is what I think is coming...Not really a spoiler as its speculation, but just in case...

Based on the fact Clara isnt in the next episode (see BBC cast listing on their site) but Danny is, my theory of what is coming is...

"Mummy On The Orient Express" has Doc on his own. By end of episode, he realises he misses Clara. Doc goes back to Earth to apologise and finds Danny who tells her that she is dead (due to something Missy has done?). End of episode sees Clara meeting Seb or Missy; to show little kids that Clara isnt dead.

"Flatline" then features Clara in Nethersphere - possible Doc-lite episode - as she tries to get back. She returns at close of the episode and tells Doc what she has seen in Nethersphere - like a "Bad Wolf" moment from Turn Left.

Just a theory. Thoughts? << Cue abuse LOL >>

10-05-2014, 01:21 PM
Thoughts on last nights episode ....

Would they please just STOP with making Capaldi into such an obnoxious twonk? It's making him incredibly hard to like as a character.

The story wasn't too bad until the reveal of the giant space chicken that somehow managed to lay an egg the same size as itself. The whole world ... well ... the whole bit of the world they could actually see from the moon ... decides like that? Yeah, like that would work. Has the writer ever met the human race? And, yeah, just turning off your personal lights wouldn't really work when you consider street lighting etc etc.

The story was riding a decent 3/5 until the chicken. Then it crashed down to a 2.

10-05-2014, 01:34 PM
"obnoxious twonk"! Yeah, I think that's why I wasn't in the mood to watch this week's show... My inner child likes to watch lovable, endearing heroes. Hard to feel young when the evening is rudely peppered with dank insults...

10-05-2014, 03:19 PM
Thoughts on last nights episode ....

Would they please just STOP with making Capaldi into such an obnoxious twonk? It's making him incredibly hard to like as a character.

The story wasn't too bad until the reveal of the giant space chicken that somehow managed to lay an egg the same size as itself. The whole world ... well ... the whole bit of the world they could actually see from the moon ... decides like that? Yeah, like that would work. Has the writer ever met the human race? And, yeah, just turning off your personal lights wouldn't really work when you consider street lighting etc etc.

The story was riding a decent 3/5 until the chicken. Then it crashed down to a 2.

Yeah... I was thinking to myself:

"What an @$$!" It made for a nice dramatic moment. Cl@r@ was brilliant, especially with the threat to slap him into a regeneration. I was truly moved but I think that the powers that be should make the medic likeable very soon or they'll lose viewers. reminds me too much of poor CB who was doomed because his part was so badly written. at least with Huge Conclusions he was given a fresh start and he's just wonderful. PC is a great actor and really comes across as VERY alien, something akin to the 4th medic. but TB was NEVER this arrogant. This episode really made me dislike the medic. Cl@r@ reminded him of how he should care about his "home away from home" as the 4th once told Aprick. He needs an attitude adjustment and fast. all fine and well that his medic should be darker, more detached, etc... but there needs to be something that makes us like him. you almost have to feel sorry for him (as much as you hate him) because he seems like such a psychopath. This is too drastic a change from 11. They could have written this type of medic for the war doctor but you would think that this guy would be happy to have a new lease on life. now without cl@r@, we'll have to see if this prompts some soul searching or if he'll get worse. At this point, I wouldn't even mind if his wife came back to slap him around or if the bluebox went on strike. it's a good thing the medic didn't ask Cl@r@ if he was a good man again, I think he would have gotten quite the answer!
Oh and obviously, the space chicken was an absolutely ridiculous idea. Totally ridiculous. Made the mad space robot from last week look like the most brilliant enemy... and that is a truly scary thought... next week with the mummy crawling out of a sarcaufagus seems like a rehash of Pyramids of Mars... and there's no way the new "creative team" will top that story... it'll always be one of my favorites...

Not to mention you'd have dealt with world hunger if you'd just have nuked the damned thing :)

10-05-2014, 03:47 PM
Food for thought there.

I'd not really considered comparing him to CBs early stories, but I see what you mean. I've been mentally comparing him more towards the arrogance and high-handedness of 3rd in his early stories, but with an added layer of meanness and a petty spiteful streak.

Above all, the character should still be likeable. 7th was an utter swine at times, but you still liked him. 12th is headed like the terrible drunk at the party that gets nasty after that one drink too many.

10-05-2014, 05:47 PM
This was the worst episode of the season - bar none.

The stupid space-chicken idea was something that ANY 3 year old would laugh at.
They may have well tried to make a case for the moon ACTUALLY being made of cheese instead.

Also, I'm not a big fan of the underage c0mp@n!0n idea (I cringed at it when 11 offered to take "tyke who waited"). It's just the wrong kind of idea in this day and age, especially when we keep drilling into kids heads NOT to go off with strangers, here is MEDIC WHAT making it seem magical.

Also, it's just plain creepy.
Think of it, has there been ANY of the Medics who - at face value - you'd NOT think was some creepy perv if they were alone in a small blue shed with a young girl (or boy)?

1 - Creepy old man
2 - With a RECORDER yet! Pied Piper indeed.
3 - Frilly ponce shirt and velvet jacket. nuff said (not mentioning the lisp because it's stereotypical)
4 - MADMAN in a BOX! Offering candy no less.
5 - MAYBE gets a pass. Maybe. But that whole "boyish" appearance... the quiet ones are usually the most dangerous. Likes the little boys, does he?
6 - The coat and the insanity would have him in psyche-ward post haste.
7 - The jumper gives off the pedo vibe. Combined with the weak chin and always overmoist lips... not good. (Not mentioning lisps again)
8 - Like 3... all frills and velvet with the honeyed voice added.
9 - hahahaha... The grin and the leather...
10 - MAYBE gets a pass. Maybe. But his disheveled look tips the scales into "molester who got dressed in a hurry whilst in a dark blue shed, alone with a child".
11 - A fine mix of the styles, attitudes and inherent problems of 2, 4, 8 and 10. Plus he was nuttier than most of them, and while that appealed to young kids, it would be exactly why he'd get locked up pretty darned fast.

12 - See: 1 & 4 (but without the added niceness that either of those others had).

And he made Cl@r@ cry! *

Oh wait!... I forgot...
WAR MEDIC, ironically, might ACTUALLY be the ONLY one with whom I wouldn't be instantly distrustful. Maybe it's the weary eyes and scruffy looks, but I would think him more of a concerned grandpa trying to look after some wayward tyke.

* Tho it's interesting that scene called up immediate remembrances of so many c0mp@n!0ns who simply had the scales fall away and wanted OUT (most recently - for me - Ch@rl!e from 8's audios).

10-05-2014, 09:07 PM
I love Peter Capaldi's Doc, but I also liked Colin Baker's. Being an 'older' fan I wonder is this an age thing or just the fact their Doctor's are sooo different to what we expect. I think they will lighten the character later but will the fans persevere. Brave direction to take.
As for the stories, each one seems to be 75% good, then last 15% naff!!

10-05-2014, 09:11 PM
Hey all! I'm off on a long road trip and thought I would try some big finish to keep me entertained, as I am a bit of a novice! I have a hard drive full but not sure where to what can anyone recommend?? I've only heard the companion chronicles so far. I need to take about 100 hours worth of material!! Recommendations appreciated!

10-05-2014, 09:56 PM
I enjoy the rudeness of Capaldi's Medic. It is refreshing to have a Medic acting like he did up until the DT era; like an alien.
He isn't there to be liked, he is just cruising history and checking it out. Sometimes he helps where he feels the need, sometimes he doesn't.

10-06-2014, 12:15 AM
[post deleted by author]

10-06-2014, 12:26 AM
I love Twelve.
He reminds me of the harsher, Malchiavellian, Seven who made Ace so gut-bustingly angry in Love & War.
He reminds me of the Six who mocked Peri when she would have left Hugo to die on Titan III.
He reminds me of the vicious and spiteful creature that One was at the beginning, with the dubious motives of Four at his least scrutable.

For me the episode was sub-par at best UNTIL that turning point, then it was glorious. I'm still buzzing with delight.

10-06-2014, 12:35 AM
Hey all! I'm off on a long road trip and thought I would try some big finish to keep me entertained, as I am a bit of a novice! I have a hard drive full but not sure where to what can anyone recommend?? I've only heard the companion chronicles so far. I need to take about 100 hours worth of material!! Recommendations appreciated!

Two easy answers;

Just start from the beginning and then just listen in release order.

Or ...

Pick your favourite Doc and then .. just listen in release order.

Honestly, either are the best way to start.

---------- Post added at 12:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

I enjoy the rudeness of Capaldi's Medic. It is refreshing to have a Medic acting like he did up until the DT era; like an alien.
He isn't there to be liked, he is just cruising history and checking it out. Sometimes he helps where he feels the need, sometimes he doesn't.

I love Twelve.
He reminds me of the harsher, Malchiavellian, Seven who made Ace so gut-bustingly angry in Love & War.
He reminds me of the Six who mocked Peri when she would have left Hugo to die on Titan III.
He reminds me of the vicious and spiteful creature that One was at the beginning, with the dubious motives of Four at his least scrutable.

For me the episode was sub-par at best UNTIL that turning point, then it was glorious. I'm still buzzing with delight.

To a degree I agree with both of you and see where you're coming from. But the current characterisation is honestly one I'm feeling less and less comfortable about watching. It's just too harsh and sharp. I really hope that now we're mid-season we'll see it toned down a bit. I like the alienness about him, but just not the shear rudeness.

10-06-2014, 02:37 AM
Hey all! I'm off on a long road trip and thought I would try some big finish to keep me entertained, as I am a bit of a novice! I have a hard drive full but not sure where to what can anyone recommend?? I've only heard the companion chronicles so far. I need to take about 100 hours worth of material!! Recommendations appreciated!
Take Nobber's advice but maybe spice it up with some J&L or just something completely different like...errrrrr...The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or..errrrr..Star Wars....Ohh just take a collection of what you like!

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

Take Nobber's advice but maybe spice it up with some J&L or just something completely different like...errrrrr...The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or..errrrr..Star Wars....Ohh just take a collection of what you like!

My FRIGGIN mouse has gone doolally. At least I think it's the mouse???

Now I'm starting to think it's maybe the browser or the Vodka?

10-06-2014, 07:46 AM
The reason 10 or 11 wouldn't be "this arrogant" is that they wouldn't have to be. All of 10 & 11's companions would have known there was never a choice. Which says a lot about Clara. But the doctor STILL trusted her to do the right thing.

10-06-2014, 09:23 AM
True that: she was supposed to be the "perfect" companion, after all.

10-06-2014, 04:08 PM
Hey all! I'm off on a long road trip and thought I would try some big finish to keep me entertained, as I am a bit of a novice! I have a hard drive full but not sure where to what can anyone recommend?? I've only heard the companion chronicles so far. I need to take about 100 hours worth of material!! Recommendations appreciated!

The begining is always a good place to start :)

I enjoy the rudeness of Capaldi's Medic. It is refreshing to have a Medic acting like he did up until the DT era; like an alien.
He isn't there to be liked, he is just cruising history and checking it out. Sometimes he helps where he feels the need, sometimes he doesn't.

Same here, I like the uncertainty of his whole persona.

10-06-2014, 05:03 PM
Hey all! I'm off on a long road trip and thought I would try some big finish to keep me entertained, as I am a bit of a novice! I have a hard drive full but not sure where to what can anyone recommend?? I've only heard the companion chronicles so far. I need to take about 100 hours worth of material!! Recommendations appreciated!

Or ...
Pick your favourite Doc and then .. just listen in release order.

Many of the BF productions have short 60 minute run times, perfect for my daily commute. With longer trips though, more than one or two in one day makes their plots run together, especially if the same Doc is involved. The anything-can-be-solved-in-60-minutes paradigm might get repetitive for as long of a trip as you describe.

These might be fightin' words on this forum, but have you considered Garphic Audios for such a long stretch? One of their multi-volume Moon epics lasted me for 60 hours straight this summer. Of course not all of their stuff is worthy of such a long treatment, but this one's execution managed to make it feel like an indulgent seven-course meal after a week of only eating fast food.

Och. Fast food. I'll get me coat.

10-06-2014, 06:12 PM
if you are watching this show for the accuracy in science.... then you are watching it for the wrong reasons.....almost every episode has dodgy science or TV physics

10-06-2014, 07:20 PM
if you are watching this show for the accuracy in science.... then you are watching it for the wrong reasons.....almost every episode has dodgy science or TV physics

I think there's a difference between magic Time Lord tech, magic moon-stretch fantasy physics and actual science. You can still put in a line of dialogue here and there to make a shuttle be able to fly a quarter of a million miles or amniotic fluid to remain liquid in a vacuum, or say why it wasn't ever discovered that the moon was made of green cheese - sorry - eggshell - earlier. It was a great story, with fab character development, marred by details that could've been explained away with lines of plausible pseudo-science. The issue isn't so much one of science vs fantasy as believability. A little plausibility, even by adding visual details like giving the shuttle extra engines to reach the moon, would have made an enjoyable story much, much better. I don't think I could ever call it a classic for that reason alone, even though i really enjoyed it. It suffered because the production team didn't go that extra mile to make the fantasy and pseudo-science hang together better - I had to overlook that stuff, but it would've been easy to fix.

10-06-2014, 07:43 PM
Many of the BF productions have short 60 minute run times, perfect for my daily commute. With longer trips though, more than one or two in one day makes their plots run together, especially if the same Doc is involved. The anything-can-be-solved-in-60-minutes paradigm might get repetitive for as long of a trip as you describe.

Eh? The main range are 2xCD, so that's 1h20m run time. Or were you just thinking of the CCs and 4/8DAs?

These might be fightin' words on this forum, but have you considered Garphic Audios for such a long stretch? One of their multi-volume Moon epics lasted me for 60 hours straight this summer. Of course not all of their stuff is worthy of such a long treatment, but this one's execution managed to make it feel like an indulgent seven-course meal after a week of only eating fast food.

Nowt wrong the the GAs. Well, the Marvel and DC stuff of theirs I've heard, anyway. Once you get into the story telling format it's surprisingly easily to get through a 6xCD release.

10-06-2014, 08:10 PM
I like The new medic. brings a new slant BUT, how can he spend so many years on Earth and not know how old a child looks.......

10-06-2014, 08:27 PM
I like The new medic. brings a new slant BUT, how can he spend so many years on Earth and not know how old a child looks.......

Especially when he grand-daughter spent several months pretending to be an Earth Teenager.

10-06-2014, 09:07 PM
I've read a number of reviews for the last episode, both fan and professional, and not a one seems to mention the rather blatant underlying abortion argument apparent in this story, or was I the only one who saw it?

On a personal note I liked the first 20 minutes or so, but once the whole pro-life vs pro-choice argument came up I completely lost interest. If I want to be preached at I'll go to church.

10-06-2014, 09:47 PM
I've read a number of reviews for the last episode, both fan and professional, and not a one seems to mention the rather blatant underlying abortion argument apparent in this story, or was I the only one who saw it?

On a personal note I liked the first 20 minutes or so, but once the whole pro-life vs pro-choice argument came up I completely lost interest. If I want to be preached at I'll go to church.

I have read a review blog with an aggressively argued comment section that discussed the abortion angle. I tend to think that (given the egg was one hour out of a 100 million year gestation away from hatching) if we were meant to read the episode as about abortion, then it was discussing abortions at 8 months, 30 days and 23 hours into the pregnancy, which no one is arguing for. I think the abortion argument can be read into the episode but is likely to be an unintended side effect rather than a conscious attempt at preaching. A traditional Doctor Who "don't kill the new life form you don't understand" argument ended up looking like it had an abortion angle because they wanted a story about the moon being an egg.

Interestingly, in the review blog, it tended to be US readers who saw the abortion angle rather than the UK ones, possibly because in the US abortion seems to be a far more contentious issue.

tippy wooder
10-06-2014, 11:53 PM
If I want to be preached at I'll go to church.

"But do I have the right?" etc...

10-06-2014, 11:59 PM
At parties I have made strenuous and entertaining arguments for post natal abortion to be dealt to anyone into perhaps even their early 20s if they've somehow pissed off or disappointed Mum and Dad.

10-07-2014, 12:39 AM
My FRIGGIN mouse has gone doolally. At least I think it's the mouse???

Now I'm starting to think it's maybe the browser or the Vodka?

Now listening to "Myth Adventures" by Robert Lynn Asprin ( All 18 audiobooks (61 hours) available on youtube ( and/or demonoid (

10-07-2014, 03:17 AM
Webs, let met put that argument to bed for you. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER - Killing something as it's being born isn't abortion, it's infanticide.

10-07-2014, 04:35 AM
Is there a way anyone could point me to the Highlander audios? I used to have them, but then someone smashed my old hard drive.

10-07-2014, 05:06 AM
Accident or bunnyboiling fatal attraction dealio?

10-07-2014, 07:16 AM
My friend got pissed off during an argument and chucked it into a field. I've since replaced the computer and a lot of other files that where on a couple externals, but the original was damaged beyond repair.

10-07-2014, 07:59 AM
So after that, this is what I think is coming...Not really a spoiler as its speculation, but just in case...

Based on the fact Clara isnt in the next episode (see BBC cast listing on their site) but Danny is, my theory of what is coming is...

"Mummy On The Orient Express" has Doc on his own. By end of episode, he realises he misses Clara. Doc goes back to Earth to apologise and finds Danny who tells her that she is dead (due to something Missy has done?). End of episode sees Clara meeting Seb or Missy; to show little kids that Clara isnt dead.

"Flatline" then features Clara in Nethersphere - possible Doc-lite episode - as she tries to get back. She returns at close of the episode and tells Doc what she has seen in Nethersphere - like a "Bad Wolf" moment from Turn Left.

Just a theory. Thoughts? << Cue abuse LOL >>

...according to the synopsis, she IS in the next episode. I think this weeks was the closest they'll get to "Medic-Lite" - there's only 12 eps this year, and he wasn't in most of the last part. If anyone dies this year, I don't think it'll be Carla, but her BFF... just my 2 cents!

10-07-2014, 08:08 AM
Is there a way anyone could point me to the Highlander audios? I used to have them, but then someone smashed my old hard drive.
Which Highlander audios?
The Highlander Series by Karen Marie Moning
Time-travel/paranormal romance series

Beyond the Highland Mist
To Tame a Highland Warrior
The Highlander's Touch
Kiss of the Highlander
The Dark Highlander
The Immortal Highlander
Spell of the Highlander
Into the Dreaming

Some are on youtube. The first 7 are on the green imp.

Now some of you have to think that is HOT!

10-07-2014, 08:10 AM
I was actually looking for the Highlander audio dramas, based around the movie/television series.

10-07-2014, 09:04 AM
Just wondering, but does anyone have the full cast adaptation of "Treasure Island" that LC did which has the 4th Medic playing Long John Silver? I've had a keen desire to listen to it. Thanks!

10-07-2014, 01:33 PM
I was actually looking for the Highlander audio dramas, based around the movie/television series.

<!-- -->
All I have is Series 1 from LC with A.P.

---------- Post added at 07:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 AM ----------

Many of the BF productions have short 60 minute run times...

Eh? The main range are 2xCD, so that's 1h20m run time. Or were you just thinking of the CCs and 4/8DAs?

Yes, I guess because of my recent listening history I was thinking mostly of those, (along with the Unbounds, the SarJanes, The JLs, the CountMeasures, the Churleys, the Viennese, the 200ADs, the Irises, the DestinyOfs, the Shurlocks, the Pithfinders, the Highdanders, and the 1-hr Benny that's waiting in my Next-Up queue). :-)

10-07-2014, 02:37 PM
...along with the Unbounds,...The JLs, the CountMeasures,...the Churleys... etc

:) You know, thinking about, I never really consider those type sets as being separate stories as I tend to start the set and listen in one go. So it's one story over 4CDs, not four stories over one set. If you see what I mean.

10-07-2014, 10:11 PM
Thoughts on last nights episode ....

Would they please just STOP with making Capaldi into such an obnoxious twonk? It's making him incredibly hard to like as a character.

The story wasn't too bad until the reveal of the giant space chicken that somehow managed to lay an egg the same size as itself. The whole world ... well ... the whole bit of the world they could actually see from the moon ... decides like that? Yeah, like that would work. Has the writer ever met the human race? And, yeah, just turning off your personal lights wouldn't really work when you consider street lighting etc etc.

The story was riding a decent 3/5 until the chicken. Then it crashed down to a 2.

Lol when we went to New Zealand a few years ago we saw a picture of this below, my wife hopes she never comes back a Kiwi

10-07-2014, 10:43 PM
My friend got pissed off during an argument and chucked it into a field. I've since replaced the computer and a lot of other files that where on a couple externals, but the original was damaged beyond repair.

Not sure I could call them a friend if they did that to me. Then again I not fully aware of the circumstances.

10-07-2014, 11:05 PM
Well there could have been a massive tarantula on the keyboard?

10-08-2014, 12:02 AM
Personally. I quite like Tarantula's and that would only really work with a laptop. Although just closing the lid quickly would just about do the same thing, they're very soft bodied.

And... in a field?

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------

I was actually looking for the Highlander audio dramas, based around the movie/television series.

Series 2 here.

<!--!0ARlSIwJ!dag9RLT3MbxJsT1fCmpdAb8zoR72t5U_EeTOs01 brh0 -->

10-08-2014, 12:42 AM
Not sure I could call them a friend if they did that to me. Then again I not fully aware of the circumstances.

Well, we're not really any more. He didn't like what I had to say about him, so he threw a fit and decided to break my things.

10-08-2014, 03:09 AM
Well, we're not really any more. He didn't like what I had to say about him, so he threw a fit and decided to break my things.

WOW! I thought I was laid back!

Exterminate Me
10-08-2014, 06:29 AM
You know, this new medic is quite like the 6th medic, even more so how they originally intended to go for him. I like "alieness" in the character, but as Nobber says - not the sheer rudeness.

Oh, BTW, does anyone think Clara is pregnant?

10-08-2014, 09:21 AM
You know, this new medic is quite like the 6th medic, even more so how they originally intended to go for him. I like "alieness" in the character, but as Nobber says - not the sheer rudeness.

Oh, BTW, does anyone think Clara is pregnant?

a) I hope people do not turn against him as they with poor old T.B. Time to bring a bit more likeability to the character now.

b) Definitely hormonal. (runs for cover)

10-08-2014, 09:24 AM
Ms. Control Freak? Not likely, visions of future grandsons notwithstanding. She'll do that on her own time, not by happy accident. She knows a baby would instantly end her galaxy-hopping adventures. If she even suspected that, she would have ordered the Medic to take them straight back from the Moon without stepping outside, Disruptive Influence's self-esteem issues be damned. There wasn't even a hint of pregnancy in her final 'resignation' rant, at any rate.

10-08-2014, 10:03 AM
President Courtney is going to marry one of Clara's children.

Did they really think out the age differences when laid that one on us?

10-08-2014, 12:48 PM
a) I hope people do not turn against him as they with poor old T.B. Time to bring a bit more likeability to the character now.

...T.B.? Surely C.B.? (If you're talking about 6. I never heard about the people turning on ol' Tom.)

10-08-2014, 02:09 PM
The addition of bookcases to the TARDIS is nice, but it makes me miss the 1996 TARDIS that much more.

10-08-2014, 03:55 PM
Does anyone have, and is willing to share, LC's version of the man in the mask who hangs around the singing theatre?


10-08-2014, 07:03 PM

Other Place.

check your pm.

10-08-2014, 08:12 PM
Thanks! You're a hero.

10-09-2014, 07:28 AM
...T.B.? Surely C.B.? (If you're talking about 6. I never heard about the people turning on ol' Tom.)

Yes CB, Slip of the keystroke.

There was a lot of bad feeling in the beginning because of his treatment of Mz P Brown. His strange behaviour and egotism irritated many viewers at the time.

The cuddly 6th we know and love is mainly due to the more sympathetic portrayal given by the LC audio stories.

10-09-2014, 09:48 AM
I admit, at first I did not like Six at all, thinking Twin Dilemma was rubbish (though I didn't watch the stories until much later).
I think that one story coloured my first impression, though, because my enduring love for Sixie was kindled the very next story, with the Short Trip "See No Evil".

10-09-2014, 09:52 AM
I grew to love his coat on he cover of the 1985 Medic Annual.

It was at least three years after that until I saw any of his programming.

10-09-2014, 11:04 AM
LC are pushing various Terrorhewks pics at the moment. Even though I'm sure it'll be a fun release, I still can't help but have a 'WTF?" reaction.

10-09-2014, 11:56 AM
"The Misadventures Young Zelda: A very naughty Schoolgirl."

10-09-2014, 12:29 PM
I grew to love his coat on he cover of the 1985 Medic Annual.

It was at least three years after that until I saw any of his programming.

My favourite is the 1986 Annual. So whimsical.
Ahh, his programming will be for some time hence a thing that makes me sad and angry. CB deserved so much better. It's one of those things though, like how CE only stayed on for one season so there's a criminal lack of 9 material. There are solutions to both of these problems, but none so satisfying as to remove the umbrage.