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02-24-2013, 03:22 PM
Cheers Bern- I've already tried with no luck - I'll keep looking- you never know.. one day I might be luky - Thanks for your efforts though

02-24-2013, 03:31 PM
I don't know about you guys but I find buying direct from LC is more expensive than from, say, or amazon. Surely direct from the people that make it should be cheaper??? Because I get mine from these places and not from subscription I can't pick up the "subscription only" (Marketing ploy alert) stories so have to get them from here.
If you are watching LC why are you more expensive than other retailers???

Rant over!

Example. Just checked D*A*R*K*E*Y*E*S and amazon selling for half the price than direct from LC.

02-24-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi everyone I'm not gonna beat around the bush & I'll get straight to the point I have received warnings from all the different file hosts & a cease & desist request direct from the Large Conclusion chappies in relation to ALL my files relating to Large Conclusions Blake series As this has come from the appropriate copyright holders I have no problem complying with their request to remove all the links from any site. I have been given 48 hours. Please note that once I have removed them I will not be able to re up them at any future date. Sorry guys but I just cant ignore the request- thanks for your understandingThanks for being out there and sharing the notice.
Quick note, I too have had Large Conclusions warnings on the auntie beeb material so I've taken down all my files.Host notices are usually caused by cloned files. (When a clone gets reported, it's twins die.) Unique files don't have those issues. (Easier said than done)
I think the problem is partly that I've had the files up for too long, possibly a shorter turn around is in order.The problems are not date related. Distribution is the issue. I know of a Target pdf set that has been up for years.
So with all these cease and desist letters are they following threads from here and closing them? Might be time to move over.Direct contact from the publisher is unusual. Something is in the wind. I'm guessing it's related to a right's transfer negotiation.
Thanks muchly. Some of these codes realy baffle me, but i suppose its part of the fun trying to work them out Agreed. FFS posts are not the leak. Do not leach our links. No re-posting. Bring your friends here.

<hr size=6 color=green> changing my signature...
The Complete Guide to Every Single Doctor Who Anniversary Special Ever
The Complete Guide to Every Single Doctor Who Anniversary Special Ever (

02-24-2013, 04:43 PM
LC know their market, speccy-geeky near autistic completionist geeks that we are (or is that just me?)

they don't seek to expand their userbase, just milk those they have for as much as they can, hence all the spin-offs

if they were to get more people to want their products the price could fall.

in this 50th year, where are the scratchcard download codes given away with the kids version of the Medic's magazine? the first 50 stories for free to bring in more people?

No, we get yet more spin-offs

If this thread is being monitored, then LC take some advice:

change your business strategy!

Their business strategy is sound from their point of view, they have found a niche market and are milking it for all they can before they loose the licence to produce DR*Who.
Greed rules the world my friends.

02-24-2013, 04:46 PM
I don't know about you guys but I find buying direct from LC is more expensive than from, say, or amazon. Surely direct from the people that make it should be cheaper???

I think it's just the economy of scale. Amazon has so many overworked and underpaid temps to do the packing and shipping, and so much server capacity to handle downloads that it can be farmed out by small companies who'd find it much more expensive/laborious to accomplish the same thing. Whatever the case, I'm in the same boat as many others seem to be. Their prices restrict my ability to show a lot of support at the moment, but I'm doing what I can.

02-24-2013, 05:06 PM
I can't get around the ADE DRM. Why a public domain work has DRM, I don't know.

Send it my way and I'll see what I can do.

02-24-2013, 05:10 PM
And places like Amazon and Play also 'subsidize' a lot of their products by the 'partner' adverts they carry. They may make a minimal profit on a low cost item like a CD, but the advert (along with their distribution system) more than makes up for any 'loss'

(Please note that words used in italics and quotes are used in their loosest sense)

02-24-2013, 05:26 PM
I see what you're saying - and maybe I'm being naive here - but isn't it possible that someone from Large Conclusions just monitors this forum? It's not as if you need a special invitation or anything. If they managed to find us once, then why wouldn't they simply continue to follow the postings so they're aware of everything - where everything is uploaded, the file names being used...everything. Maybe there's no search engine that's being used at all - maybe they're just reading this at this very moment.No, you cannot get paid to read this forum. Imagine paying someone to figure out what's going on here. LOL.

History: In 2011, over zealous Large C employees acting without authorization (and without proper supervision) precipitated an issue that... well, it was resolved informally. Pretty much the deal is we try to be nice and respect each other's interests.

ie; Sharing to promote the character line is good. If your posted link gets used to sell counterfeits, that is very bad.

BTW - we also watch them, you can join in! RWQ

02-24-2013, 06:41 PM
Haven't visited that place since about the time of K2T. Posted something along the lines of liking the actors but not the story (or something like that) and got a really snarky PM from another member (can't remember her name, but apparently she was the web-masters girlfriend) telling me to shut-up and just be grateful.

If memory serves that was about my 10th and last post.

02-24-2013, 06:57 PM
I found the LC forum to be just about the most hostile and unfriendly place on the net, unless you've been a member since the begining they don't have any interest in you or anything you have to say, but I'm not bitter :).

02-24-2013, 07:34 PM
so are we all moving to another location? if so dont forget to let me know :colbert:

02-24-2013, 07:43 PM
so are we all moving to another location? if so dont forget to let me know :colbert:

Same as others here fellow dentist fans... as I got to 125 offival releases in the main range, then I had a major financial problem, so simply can't afford to keep up, so this place is indeed a lifeline! I'd like to thank all of those so kind people who post the regular stuff. I'd love to pay for more LC, but keeping a roof over my head, and paying off a somewhat huge overdraft takes priority sadly....

02-24-2013, 08:17 PM
I don't know about you guys but I find buying direct from LC is more expensive than from, say, or amazon. Surely direct from the people that make it should be cheaper??? Because I get mine from these places and not from subscription I can't pick up the "subscription only" (Marketing ploy alert) stories so have to get them from here.
If you are watching LC why are you more expensive than other retailers???

Rant over!

Example. Just checked D*A*R*K*E*Y*E*S and amazon selling for half the price than direct from LC.

I wish you meant the US Amazon. I find their shipping policies to be a little odd. I discovered while completing my book collection that if you find a seller that has the same book posted on both the US and UK sites (as confirmed by unique flaw in the description) you cannot just go to the UK site to take advantage of the exchange rate. I had found a seller who had a book and on the US site it was just over 5 dollars. Because of the exchange, on the UK site it should have been closer to 4.50. Except that the UK site adds an automatic 6.98 pound shipping to orders heading to the US. US shipping is a fixed 3.99 for books and 2.99 for CDs. Same product from same seller shipped to same address costs an addition seven dollars on different web site. Who collects that extra money?

That said, for BF stuff that isn't on sale it does appear as if the UK amazon is still a few dollars cheaper for US residents. Thanks for pointing that out. seems to be wonky at the moment but I'll check that later.

Another point about their subs only stories is the one that apparently will never be available for sale. If BF want us to get a subs it should be the cheapest option. Not a marketing ploy.

Haven't visited that place since about the time of K2T. Posted something along the lines of liking the actors but not the story (or something like that) and got a really snarky PM from another member (can't remember her name, but apparently she was the web-masters girlfriend) telling me to shut-up and just be grateful.

If memory serves that was about my 10th and last post.

I hate people like that. Elicits two general responses from me. Polite: I have freedom of speech. I'm going to use it. Anger: Why don't you make me. Either way, I wouldn't leave. I'm stubborn/stupid like that.

I have checked their forums out from time to time but they're just not interesting.

I do realize that BF will continue to make questionable spin off material but the point I'm making is to throw some money their way. Lots of people on this forum can't afford them at all. Fine. I was there. If someone else was in charge of my finances I might still be there. However, there will always be those users who could buy something, don't, take everything, and then complain. I just think it'd be beneficial if we could all purchase a favorite story or a subscription from time to time.

Incidentally, has anyone heard if they plan on releasing a boxset of the Fate of the Medic series after it concludes?

02-24-2013, 08:56 PM
Does anyone know how to convert .bin and .cue files to MP3 or MP4?

02-24-2013, 08:58 PM
Does anyone know how to convert .bin and .cue files to MP3 or MP4?

aren't they disc image files?
you need to burn them to a disc or open as a disc image perhaps?

long time ago now but the info is still mostly the same:
.BIN & .CUE simple tutorial. - Software | DSLReports Forums (,4395075)

02-24-2013, 09:30 PM
aren't they disc image files?
you need to burn them to a disc or open as a disc image perhaps?

long time ago now but the info is still mostly the same:
.BIN & .CUE simple tutorial. - Software | DSLReports Forums (,4395075)

They are three episodes of Altered vistas pepperpot chronicles I found, i have played them through the VLC Media player, but I didnt know they were ready to burn to a disc. Thanks for your help.

I'm uploading them and will put them up asap for anyone that wants them.

02-24-2013, 10:23 PM
... just think it'd be beneficial if we could all purchase a favorite story or a subscription from time to time...

Hear, Hear!

And if they'd put more NEW stuff on iTunes (AND TELL PEOPLE IT'S THERE!!!) I'd get what I could when I could.

---------- Post added at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

Incidentally, has anyone heard if they plan on releasing a boxset of the Fate of the Medic series after it concludes?

Not heard of one, but it'd be a nice set, wouldn't it?

02-24-2013, 10:51 PM
Hear, Hear!

And if they'd put more NEW stuff on iTunes (AND TELL PEOPLE IT'S THERE!!!) I'd get what I could when I could.

Having (eventually) found some of their stuff on itunes, and then seeing the different prices for different countries i wouldn't buy any of their stuff off there. Aus gets ripped off on prices of a lot of items on itunes, LC items are no different.
But yes, they are damned hard to find on there, therefore losing them potential sales. I guess they prefer those interested buy d/l's direct from them.

02-24-2013, 10:54 PM
But yes, they are damned hard to find on there, therefore losing them potential sales. I guess they prefer those interested buy d/l's direct from them.

at the percentages I've heard that itunes take I'd be wanting people to buy from my own site too!

02-24-2013, 11:17 PM
Not sure I really agree with you there. But only because there's only really been two 'bad' intros - Poor 6 being off his rocker, and poor 7 due to a bang on the head.

Which brings to me to one of my favourite theories of 8 to 9 ... stepping on lego. Damn painful and aggravating enough to probably invoke a regen. Yet far too embarrassing to show on screen.

The best part about this theory Nobber is that you can actually picture Eight playing with lego and then stepping on it. If I wasn't such a sucker for angsty Time War theories this would be my new headcanon.

02-24-2013, 11:40 PM
just a passing thought -since my little bit of grief it seems others are having similar strife connected to LC posts

My personal opinion is that it's a person & not a search bot- my reasoning for this is that the posts that got me into trouble on the other Fred were with the usual hidden links but I also never mentioned the name of what I was posting- so there was nothing for a bot to track down _ i just posted a pic & the hidden link- with no title on my last few posts- it could only have been someone NOT something that reported me- just my thoughts- no evidence to prove it

I'm still here looking in, but keeping my head down- the Mrs gives me all the grief in life that I need ;-)

She gives you all the Travis you need?

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

Until a few days ago I didn't even know this was possible. A true eye opener when I did.

On the subject of Ian and Barbara, I like them but I simply haven't seen enough episodes or read enough books to really know what they are like. That's why they didn't feature in my top 3 ;) I'll get back to those eps one day.

Since I was born after the classic series ended I tend to just watch, listen or read whatever I can get my hands on, with the result that I've seen all of 4&Romana but not 4&Leela and only a few 4&Sarah Jane. I've seen all of 5 but nothing of 6 and hardly any 7. I've also seen most of 3&Jo, but not 3&Liz. I have recently seen all of 2 and I was really surprised by how fantastic he is! Tomb of the Cybermen is rapidly becoming one of my favourite episodes. I've only seen the odd ep with 1 here and there... It is prettyh only easy to watch all the Ian Barbara episodes [amazingly enough only 11 are missing from their run of those only 3 stories ]

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ----------

Welp, excellent counterpoints to the idea of a bot. And I had no idea that Google was doing that now-- I was just using TinEye and not really giving it a second thought. What can I say? I'm no Inspector Spacetime.

And I was making a jokey fuss over Ian and Barbara not only because I'm still making my way through the classic series and haven't even seen three medics yet (so hardly the person to be browbeating anyone about it), but because it reminds me of a line from the Wife In Space blog that occurred to me as I was beginning the series myself: "They should've called the show Ian (" That site's been a hoot to follow as I see all these for the first time myself, in case anyone's unfamiliar with it.

It has been said many times that the star of the show and titular character was the Doctor, but in those early years Ian and Steven were the leads -- both actors having more screen time than Hartnell. -- and in Purves case in The Time Meddler,Celestial Toymaker, The Massacre and Dalek Master Plan he was the central character in the plot [with the Doctor missing or absent]

02-24-2013, 11:54 PM
Having (eventually) found some of their stuff on itunes, and then seeing the different prices for different countries i wouldn't buy any of their stuff off there. Aus gets ripped off on prices of a lot of items on itunes, LC items are no different.
But yes, they are damned hard to find on there, therefore losing them potential sales. I guess they prefer those interested buy d/l's direct from them.

Oh, I appreciate all that, but it's just so much easier in my particular circumstances to drop a few quid via an iTunes gift card that it is by most other means.

at the percentages I've heard that itunes take I'd be wanting people to buy from my own site too!

SOME profit is better than NO profit! :)

02-25-2013, 04:33 AM
Hi everyone. Been away over the past few days. By the looks of things, it doesn't sound like we're moving, but if we are, please keep me in the loop.

As far as all the Large Conclusions discussion out there, I guess I have a bit of a different perspective. I love the vast majority of what they produce. I have since the late 1990s/early 2000s. And I know they produce a lot now - particularly with the spinoff box sets - but I would try to keep up with them even if they doubled their output. Now don't get me wrong: I'm lucky enough to have a very stable income right now, and I do buy a vast amount from them - but I understand that many people are not in that position (I certainly wasn't a few years back). But I guess I'm pretty grateful to them. To have a company still producing dramatic productions and spin-offs of my favourite ongoing story in the world...well, I think that's a pretty neat thing to have. And of course they treat it as a business. I buy directly from them because I want to support them as much as possible.

And you know, I buy so much from them, that if there's the occasional thing that I need to get off a site like this...well, I don't feel guilty about it.

I guess all I'm saying is...maybe L.C. does need to re-look at their business model. I don't know. But I'm still really glad they're out there.

Exterminate Me
02-25-2013, 07:37 AM
Hi guys,
Been away for a bit (my health isn't too great) and come back to find what's been going on. Not too good! If you do move somewhere can you lovely people let me know too?!
Thank you.

02-25-2013, 08:21 AM
Let us all know, basically - but hopefully it won't come to that...

Just finished listening to Home Planet 5 - sadly, the only thing I thought at the end was "Oh, for God's sake, not *again*!!" Anyone else who's heard it agree?

BTW: RIP Raymond Cusick - awful time to check out (not that any time is good)...

02-25-2013, 08:25 AM
They should just advertise, full stop. It was pure accident that I found out about BF and all the audios they produce.

Same here, all those years since the TV series ended and I then found out I could have been enjoying new audio adventures for YEARS!

02-25-2013, 09:10 AM
Having (eventually) found some of their stuff on itunes, and then seeing the different prices for different countries i wouldn't buy any of their stuff off there. Aus gets ripped off on prices of a lot of items on itunes, LC items are no different.
But yes, they are damned hard to find on there, therefore losing them potential sales. I guess they prefer those interested buy d/l's direct from them.

That's the interesting thing about BF and their download prices. Since they're not protected by drm you can make a friend in the 'right' country to do your buying for you.

02-25-2013, 09:51 AM
They should just advertise, full stop. It was pure accident that I found out about BF and all the audios they produce.

yeah, i know wat u mean...i only found 'bout BF 'cause of their promos for Dark Shadows Reborn at the end of all the discs in the Dark Shadows DVD collections. i didn't even know they existed 'til 2008...that's when i upgraded my Dark Shadows collections from VHS to DVD. of course i didn't become a Whovian 'til 2009, so this thread has been a, thank y'all. THANK YA, THANK YA, THANK YA!!!

---------- Post added at 02:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 AM ----------

The best part about this theory Nobber is that you can actually picture Eight playing with lego and then stepping on it. If I wasn't such a sucker for angsty Time War theories this would be my new headcanon.

technically 8's regen has already been written by DWM, it was just never published because they were very disinclined to acquiesce to Davies' conditions.

02-25-2013, 01:01 PM
Let us all know, basically - but hopefully it won't come to that...

Just finished listening to Home Planet 5 - sadly, the only thing I thought at the end was "Oh, for God's sake, not *again*!!" Anyone else who's heard it agree?

BTW: RIP Raymond Cusick - awful time to check out (not that any time is good)...

Nope, wasn't just you. I thought exactly the same thing.

02-25-2013, 02:27 PM
if we are all going to tardis off some where please let me know where the tardis lands thanks :)

March soon and a return of Doctor Who to TV cant wait and a new who mag out too drool, i read somewhere maybe here that they have re shot all of the Dr regenerations to bring them upto date with the golden glow style, so that means we will see the 8th Docs regen? during the end of the time war maybe? hmmm could be interesting that one.

02-25-2013, 04:28 PM
...i read somewhere maybe here that they have re shot all of the Dr regenerations to bring them upto date with the golden glow style,...

Is there a definite link for that?

But ... Please, God, NO!!!!

Clean-up the print, clean-up the audio, and the most heinous of CSO fringing, but no more damn revisionism on stuff that's been in the can for years.

02-25-2013, 04:49 PM
---------- Post added at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

... i read somewhere maybe here that they have re shot all of the Dr regenerations to bring them upto date with the golden glow style, so that means we will see the 8th Docs regen? during the end of the time war maybe? hmmm could be interesting that one.

Please let that not be true. Revisionism! There's a place for retconning but it's not in classic stuff like this.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

I managed to delete all my previous post about Raymond Cusick... I'll just say RIP, Raymond

02-25-2013, 07:20 PM
if we are all going to tardis off some where please let me know where the tardis lands thanks :)

March soon and a return of Doctor Who to TV cant wait and a new who mag out too drool, i read somewhere maybe here that they have re shot all of the Dr regenerations to bring them upto date with the golden glow style, so that means we will see the 8th Docs regen? during the end of the time war maybe? hmmm could be interesting that one.

NO!!!! Please don't have any more medics explode. i absolutely HATE that regen sequence. i think think 4th's is best. the way things are going, i think the TARDIS blew up because 11 regenerated. if 10 to 11 blew up the console room, i think the next one will probably kill the universe altogether. seems to reaaaaally timey-wimey way to change the TARDIS design. couldn't have have just said. WOW! New look for me, new look for you too sexy and just changed the desktop theme????

02-25-2013, 07:37 PM
if we are all going to tardis off some where please let me know where the tardis lands thanks :)

March soon and a return of Doctor Who to TV cant wait and a new who mag out too drool, i read somewhere maybe here that they have re shot all of the Dr regenerations to bring them upto date with the golden glow style, so that means we will see the 8th Docs regen? during the end of the time war maybe? hmmm could be interesting that one.
Is it wrong that I want to see 8th's regen so much that I'd allow this?

Is there a definite link for that?

But ... Please, God, NO!!!!

Clean-up the print, clean-up the audio, and the most heinous of CSO fringing, but no more damn revisionism on stuff that's been in the can for years.
You're not a fan of George Lucas are you?

i didn't become a Whovian 'til 2009, so this thread has been a godsend

technically 8's regen has already been written by DWM, it was just never published because they were very disinclined to acquiesce to Davies' conditions.
Due to the peculiar laws of canon (which are as slippery as history itself where time travel is involved) if it wasn't published/aired/pressed or whatever, it doesn't count. Look at Mel's first meeting with six. They did it in a book and now bf won't touch it. Technically.

Also I did the math a year ago. To get all the bf dw, benny, and assorted spin off would be about 8 grand. Not counting sales.

02-25-2013, 07:58 PM
You're not a fan of George Lucas are you?

Suffice to say ... HAN SHOT FIRST!!!


02-25-2013, 09:22 PM
Mel on TV was pretty bad. And her stories were particularly bad.

But Mel on Audio, much like Colin, is great!

I just like stare at Bonnie Langford, what can I say I love the ginger companions. Though her screaming was ear splitting, it's like she's a tea kettle x 1,000!

02-25-2013, 10:34 PM
found this article on DWO & thought I would pas it on

Doctor Who Online - News & Reviews (!

not the first 'missing episode' scam & wont be the last

I still dream that the BBC found more than the 2 missing episodes they announced last year but have kept them secret for the 50th Anniversary but somehow I know its a dream & 1 we all have.......

02-25-2013, 11:10 PM
Wow. HomePlanet V really was a road to nowhere, wasn't it? Or rather, verbose reheated stuff leading into a bolted-on cliffhanger that you've heard before, several times.

02-25-2013, 11:39 PM
Wow. HomePlanet V really was a road to nowhere, wasn't it? Or rather, verbose reheated stuff leading into a bolted-on cliffhanger that you've heard before, several times.


EDIT TO ADD - The reviews on GallyBase (normally a home of, erm, Overly Positive Reviews) are remarkably downbeat. Even the 'Doc Oho' blog (who gets BF stuff for free, I believe, to review) takes a dim view of it.

Doc' Blog for GV:1 -
2 -
3 -


02-26-2013, 12:46 AM
Anyone know where I can watch Destiny of the Daleks online? Normally, dailymotion has any classic episode I wish to view, but for some reason, Destiny of the Daleks is absent. I don't want to skip it, as I want a proper intro (and regen) of Romana. If I must, I will skip it, but I would certainly prefer not to.

02-26-2013, 12:54 AM

EDIT TO ADD - The reviews on GallyBase (normally a home of, erm, Overly Positive Reviews) are remarkably downbeat. Even the 'Doc Oho' blog (who gets BF stuff for free, I believe, to review) takes a dim view of it.

Doc' Blog for GV:1 - Doc Oho Reviews...: Gallifrey V Emancipation written by James Peaty and directed by Gary Russell (
2 -
3 - Doc Oho Reviews...: Gallifrey V Arbitration written by David Llewellyn and directed by Gary Russell (


I agree with all of that. I slogged through it; kept wondering if it was going to raise its game but it never did. And the ending seems deliberately and cynically crafted to extend a story that should probably have been wrapped up this season. The regulars give committed performances, but the script is all so dreary and you spend half your listening time wondering why you should care. Very surprised by this - LC's spin-off series are where, these days, they tend to show innovation (such as The Adventures of the Two Victorian Gentlemen). But this just felt very, very tired.

---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------


EDIT TO ADD - The reviews on GallyBase (normally a home of, erm, Overly Positive Reviews) are remarkably downbeat. Even the 'Doc Oho' blog (who gets BF stuff for free, I believe, to review) takes a dim view of it.

Doc' Blog for GV:1 - Doc Oho Reviews...: Gallifrey V Emancipation written by James Peaty and directed by Gary Russell (
2 -
3 - Doc Oho Reviews...: Gallifrey V Arbitration written by David Llewellyn and directed by Gary Russell (


I agree with all of that. I slogged through it; kept wondering if it was going to raise its game but it never did. And the ending seems deliberately and cynically crafted to extend a story that should probably have been wrapped up this season. The regulars give committed performances, but the script is all so dreary and you spend half your listening time wondering why you should care. Very surprised by this - LC's spin-off series are where, these days, they tend to show innovation (such as The Adventures of the Two Victorian Gentlemen). But this just felt very, very tired.

02-26-2013, 01:02 AM
Ok, I can't contain my excitment any longer... why? Not because of the prospect of an eleven medics story, or another appearance of medic 8.
No, the reason is they have rebuilt the medic 1 T*A*R*D*I*S* C*o*n*s*o*l*e* R*o*o*m AND S*h*a*w*c*r*a*f*t* D*a*l*e*k*s* for what is going to be the highlight of the year for me.
An A*d*v*e*n*t*u*r*e* In T*i*m*e* and S*p*a*c*e* or The Greatest Story Ever Told 2 :). I havn't been this excited since being a small boy at Christmas. Every time I read something new about this project my daughter thinks I'm having a breakdown :)
The Casting is perfect in my opinion and M.G is probably the one man who could write this and do it justice.

02-26-2013, 01:29 AM
Anyone know where I can watch Destiny of the Daleks online? Normally, dailymotion has any classic episode I wish to view, but for some reason, Destiny of the Daleks is absent. I don't want to skip it, as I want a proper intro (and regen) of Romana. If I must, I will skip it, but I would certainly prefer not to.

That's weird, I've found episodes three and four to watch, but not one and two. I wonder why?

02-26-2013, 01:48 AM
That's weird, I've found episodes three and four to watch, but not one and two. I wonder why?

I would have sworn I saw the series on iTunes for just �5 not too long ago, but can't find them now.

Ok, I can't contain my excitment any longer... why? Not because of the prospect of an eleven medis story, or another appearance of medic 8.
No, the reason is they have rebuilt the medic 1 T*A*R*D*I*S* C*o*n*s*o*l*e* R*o*o*m AND S*h*a*w*c*r*a*f*t* D*a*l*e*k*s* for what is going to be the highlight of the year for me.
An A*d*v*e*n*t*u*r*e* In T*i*m*e* and S*p*a*c*e* or The Greatest Story Ever Told 2 :). I havn't been this excited since being a small boy at Christmas. Every time I read something new about this project my daughter thinks I'm having a breakdown :)
The Casting is perfect in my opinion and M.G is probably the one man who could write this and do it justice.

Saw some photos on Facebook and the recreated console room looks amazing, doesn't it?

The irony is ... it's probably a better made set than the original ever was!

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

I agree with all of that. I slogged through it; kept wondering if it was going to raise its game but it never did. And the ending seems deliberately and cynically crafted to extend a story that should probably have been wrapped up this season. The regulars give committed performances, but the script is all so dreary and you spend half your listening time wondering why you should care. Very surprised by this - LC's spin-off series are where, these days, they tend to show innovation (such as The Adventures of the Two Victorian Gentlemen). But this just felt very, very tired.

They should have just left the series at the sort-of cliffhanger ending of S3.

The current one smacks more of a very cynical ploy to ...

.. make people think (much like they did with Dark Eyes) that it's all leading up to something Time War connected.

Which it won't be.

The only way that S6 could make me happy in any way is for the Daleks to be the ones from the David Warner Third Doctor universe and it's him that saves the day and gets them all back to their own universe.

And I bet the S6 ends on yet another 'is it the time war' cliff-hanger.

Expect S7 to be announced 2014 for release in 2015 ...

02-26-2013, 01:52 AM
Yes it will be. O'boy... I'd give anything just to be able to walk round the set, maybe flip a few switches on the console, and then tug on the lapels of my coat.

02-26-2013, 02:05 AM
You're not a fan of George Lucas are you?

Curses, beaten to the obligatory Lucas joke!

And I'm awfully sorry to hear about Home Planet 5 (which I forked over for but haven't listened to yet). But the comments here called to mind the days of the comic book bust when companies were trying to do stuff like put four covers on the same book. "Collect 'em all!" I'm glad to support them as I can, I love that they're doing what they're doing, but quality control is important, too. Ta-da, we get a pointlessly drawn-out six part story for twice the price instead of a well-done four-par... wait a minute. That tradition has a very proud history in the show's early years! I take it all back.

02-26-2013, 02:21 AM
... we get a pointlessly drawn-out six part story for twice the price instead of a well-done four-par... wait a minute. ...

Yeah. that's about right.

And there's not even the CD full of back-slapping to go with it.

It's a shame, really. The first three seasons were superb 'The West Wing Meets A Civil War' bit of political drama that ended on a brilliant note with the "What this time ...?" cliffhanger.

S4 was a mess.

S5 is just tedious and drawn out.

02-26-2013, 03:32 AM
Curses, beaten to the obligatory Lucas joke!

And I'm awfully sorry to hear about Home Planet 5 (which I forked over for but haven't listened to yet). But the comments here called to mind the days of the comic book bust when companies were trying to do stuff like put four covers on the same book. "Collect 'em all!" I'm glad to support them as I can, I love that they're doing what they're doing, but quality control is important, too. Ta-da, we get a pointlessly drawn-out six part story for twice the price instead of a well-done four-par... wait a minute. That tradition has a very proud history in the show's early years! I take it all back.

Hey Skytwo, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Don’t take our word for it though – there’s still good stuff in there; the performances are as excellent as they always are. And you may well feel differently!

They should have just left the series at the sort-of cliffhanger ending of S3.

The current one smacks more of a very cynical ploy to ...

.. make people think (much like they did with Dark Eyes) that it's all leading up to something Time War connected.

Which it won't be.

The only way that S6 could make me happy in any way is for the Daleks to be the ones from the David Warner Third Doctor universe and it's him that saves the day and gets them all back to their own universe.

And I bet the S6 ends on yet another 'is it the time war' cliff-hanger.

Expect S7 to be announced 2014 for release in 2015 ...

I agree, but all things considered, I think I preferred season 4 to 5 – at least in their attempts to rejig the format and explore the parallel Homeworld idea they appeared to be having a bit of a laugh. I just didn’t understand the fundamental rasion-d’etre for this season – it trod water for three episodes, poorly imitating the highs of seasons 1 – 3 but on a world that you’re unable to make an emotional investment in because even our three lead characters can’t. And then, as you rightly observe, it leads into a denouement that is a situation we know they’re not allowed to explore. Arguably, if the storytelling is good, we won’t mind – but it isn’t, and we do.

I really like your idea for season 6 - I hope they surprise us and do something like that!

02-26-2013, 03:46 AM
Anyone know where I can watch Destiny of the Daleks online? Normally, dailymotion has any classic episode I wish to view, but for some reason, Destiny of the Daleks is absent. I don't want to skip it, as I want a proper intro (and regen) of Romana. If I must, I will skip it, but I would certainly prefer not to.Shucks, most of IceFilms ( collection is dead too.

See PM. I keep a streaming links catalog updated for every TV episode. Sad the DM links are disappearing, again. :(

The SV links were purged 2 years ago, they never went back for the leftovers they missed :) That's another shame, used be VHS & DVD versions uploaded on SV. Was a very dedicated crew of Whovians. Took almost a year and I'm afraid the VHS versions are not coming back.

If you need more eps, let me know

<hr size=6 color=green>

...when companies were trying to do stuff like put four covers on the same book. "Collect 'em all!" I remember TV Guide doing that. And some of the new "our favorite" comics are doing to now.

02-26-2013, 04:03 AM

02-26-2013, 04:12 AM
I still enjoy NewWho.

02-26-2013, 06:30 AM
GROAN - I have GOT to find out how to get a VPN set up - Net providers begin warning of illegal downloads - Yahoo! News (

02-26-2013, 06:48 AM
GROAN - I have GOT to find out how to get a VPN set up - Net providers begin warning of illegal downloads - Yahoo! News (

I've been using Private Internet Access VPN for several months now, and it's nice. Very stable and inexpensive ($40 per year). I chose it because it was consistently in the top rated VPN lists and they say they don't keep any logs.

02-26-2013, 06:51 AM

02-26-2013, 06:55 AM
and nothing quite like having to pay a fee to be allowed to fight it - but they don't have to pay a cent to accuse you

Glad i'm not in the US - i much prefer innocent until proved guilty.

what it should be is free to fight and you pay IF found guilty. And if found innocent, the other party has to pay.

When it costs them nothing to accuse, this could get out of hand very very quickly.

02-26-2013, 06:55 AM

I've been using Private Internet Access VPN for several months now, and it's nice. Very stable and inexpensive ($40 per year). I chose it because it was consistently in the top rated VPN lists and they say they don't keep any logs.

I'll look into that when the payday comes - got $20 in the bank just now which is why I'm here. I did use the green guy for quite a while (it was easier to see), but have been unsatisfied with the other options. Have stopped ALL downloads for now.

02-26-2013, 08:38 AM
All this talk of VPN's! You know, it's strange thinking back over the course of technology. When I was but a child in the 1970's, one of the family's friends had a satellite dish set up for TV (telly) on their farm. I don't mean one of the plate-sized things that provides content determined by a service, I mean a dish big enough to park a car on. You had to know where to point the dish, but you could pick up any feed from any Where. I saw my very first sight of Doctor Who on that dish one time when they were showing off what could be received on that dish in Nowhere Farmland USA. I was fascinated we were watching something from another country! I asked what it was we were seeing and my father saying we got that program on PBS. Only a couple years later, I stumbled upon it again on our local PBS (Androids of Tara) during my Sunday chores, and Doctor Who became a weekly tradition. And then later a lifelong passion. But at that time, we were getting the shows a year or 2 after initial broadcast in England.

Fast froward to the mid 1990's and I've got my own VCR and PBS has brought back Doctor Who to it's line-up. I recorded everything! If I missed an episode, I need only wait a year and a bit, and I'd have another chance (it was repeated that consistently).

Fast forward again to 2006 and now one could use a Personal Computer (and some "iffy" software), and now you could see Doctor Who within a day or 2 of initial broadcast.

Jump again to 2009, and now internet and DVR speeds have increased such that you could get to see Doctor Who only a couple hours after initial broadcast.

And now we have VPN's that allow simultaneous viewing. Truly astounding! But that's only an old geezer's take on things.

My advice to those looking for old episodes: Do yourself the favor of taking the time of being patient and grabbing one of the many t-o-r-r-ents of the complete series and either burning them to DVD (I recommend VSO ConvertX), or getting an external HD. It'll take a month or 2, but it will be SO worth it you in the long-run.

Sorry for the long rant, but port will do that to you ;)

02-26-2013, 12:17 PM
Hi guys,
Been away for a bit (my health isn't too great) and come back to find what's been going on. Not too good! If you do move somewhere can you lovely people let me know too?!
Thank you.
Have sent you a PM.

Exterminate Me
02-26-2013, 01:30 PM
Thank you kind Sir. You're a legend!

02-26-2013, 02:00 PM
Thank you kind Sir. You're a legend!
No problem.

Just a reminder again if people want the address of this back up forum please pm and I will pm you back with the address.

Please note: Make sure you can accept a PM in reply before you send me one. As obviously I can't reply to those of you who don't accept them.

02-26-2013, 02:50 PM
I've heard of that, but I think it's mainly targeted at people who use p2p.

I've been following this pretty closely for some time now. My impression-- though I'm hardly going to push my luck-- is that it's not only exclusively p2p, but aimed at very high-profile stuff. The latest blockbusters and top-selling albums. Kind of like the stuff that they were suing college students for years ago. ISPs are apparently acting on the request of copyright holders, and therefore have to request that specific items be monitored. I don't know that that's entirely true, secretive (and lacking in oversight) as the whole program has been, but the more I hear, the less 'aggressive' it all sounds.

That said, I've been looking over VPNs just on principle, given the eagerness of pretty much every online presence to see that individual privacy is undermined, and I appreciate the tip. I guess there's no way of really knowing if they keep logs or not, but if anyone would like to share suggestions or useful articles, I'd be grateful.

02-26-2013, 03:02 PM
No problem.

Just a reminder again if people want the address of this back up forum please pm and I will pm you back with the address.

Please note: Make sure you can accept a PM in reply before you send me one. As obviously I can't reply to those of you who don't accept them.

Very kind of you. Is there a minimum post count before someone can accept PMs?

02-26-2013, 03:44 PM
Crap, I haven't been on in ages! Can someone let me know where we're moving?

02-26-2013, 04:11 PM
Very kind of you. Is there a minimum post count before someone can accept PMs?

It's either 5 or 10.

02-26-2013, 05:13 PM
Just out of interest, assuming there is some sort of monitoring, what's the point of transferring to a new forum?

02-26-2013, 05:23 PM
Just out of interest, assuming there is some sort of monitoring, what's the point of transferring to a new forum?

Yep. What he said

02-26-2013, 07:08 PM
If there's a move happening can someone give me the details? I want to join in on the fun!

02-26-2013, 08:19 PM
If there's a move happening can someone give me the details? I want to join in on the fun!

Yes, please PM me or something, I have enjoyed what you guys are talking about, and the woderful stuff you have made available!

02-26-2013, 08:49 PM
From what I got about the six strikes system it only really applied to specific carriers (i.e. Verizon), while many of the smaller guys were left out. In other words, if you're in the states buying from a small time company is actually a plus right now.

Charles Dalek
02-26-2013, 09:04 PM
Absolutely ! Just cant wait for it to start, thought the Christmas episode was one of the best so far, Moffatts much better when he writes with humour and doesnt overcomplicate.
It was also a lovely nod to those glorious 60/70s Hammer films..

02-26-2013, 09:20 PM
If there's a move happening can someone give me the details? I want to join in on the fun!

you need to PM DrWho001 and ask for details

02-26-2013, 09:58 PM
I've been following this pretty closely for some time now. My impression-- though I'm hardly going to push my luck-- is that it's not only exclusively p2p, but aimed at very high-profile stuff. The latest blockbusters and top-selling albums. Kind of like the stuff that they were suing college students for years ago. ISPs are apparently acting on the request of copyright holders, and therefore have to request that specific items be monitored. I don't know that that's entirely true, secretive (and lacking in oversight) as the whole program has been, but the more I hear, the less 'aggressive' it all sounds.

Hope you're right about that. My interests are marginal in nature - the offbeat, the out-of-print, the rare and difficult to acquire (mostly). That, and I'm skint. And even when skint, I pay for what I desire! (Even here, I've always treated this thread as a sort of sampler for any provider's output anyway. I invariably buy the CD if I really love a play.) But I'm really not interested in eating Hollywood. I hope this is just another huge overreaction.

02-26-2013, 10:22 PM
has anyone got

the G*U*N*F*I*G*H*T*E*R*S

audiobooks please. thanks

02-27-2013, 02:18 AM
It's either 5 or 10.

Ahhhh... thank you.

02-27-2013, 04:26 AM
Home - Stagevu: Your View (
The first big successor to Stage6. Was the NUTS for divx/avi videos. Has fallen into disrepair. Little to nothing has been fixed in years. Good source for things uploaded 2 or more years ago.

02-27-2013, 04:29 AM

02-27-2013, 05:29 AM
The first 2 BBCA "The Doctors Revisited" documentaries have FINALLY hit the Toe Rents for all those folks outside the U.S. RWQ


02-27-2013, 06:26 AM
5 or 10 posts before I can be PM'd? Right then...

---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 AM ----------

---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

Er...can anyone explain why, if I try to create two different posts, they both getting put in the same one? I typed, hit quick reply. Typed again, hit quick reply again, and it was all mushed together in one. Confused. :( I also checked the FAQ but couldn't find whether the minimum number of posts is 5 or 10.


02-27-2013, 06:42 AM
you've posted twice with no one posting in between :)

02-27-2013, 06:51 AM
Ah, thanks! (haven't come across that in other forums before)

02-27-2013, 06:59 AM
If no one has replied since your last post, vB automatically appends to your last post.
Minimum # of posts to use Private Messaging varies, unclear why - it's an Admin thing.
Try posting in these other threads, too.
Thread 79328
Thread 109345
Thread 56585
Thread 72196
there's more at FFShrine!

02-27-2013, 07:00 AM
Brilliant, thanks! Will do.

02-27-2013, 07:03 AM
Anyone know where I can watch Destiny of the Daleks online? Normally, dailymotion has any classic episode I wish to view, but for some reason, Destiny of the Daleks is absent. I don't want to skip it, as I want a proper intro (and regen) of Romana. If I must, I will skip it, but I would certainly prefer not to.
Up again:
17x01 Destiny of the Daleks: Part 1 ~ Download 104 Destiny the Daleks avi (
17x02 Destiny of the Daleks: Part 2 ~ Download 104 Destiny the Daleks avi (
17x03 Destiny of the Daleks: Part 3 ~ Download 104 Destiny the Daleks avi (
17x04 Destiny of the Daleks: Part 4 ~ Download 104 Destiny the Daleks avi (

02-27-2013, 07:18 AM
If PMs are being sent, could someone kindly send one my way?

02-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Sorry to bang on about this again but what is the point with all these pms about a new board? If there is someone on here who reports the links then you'll just be inviting them to the new place because all I can see is people with really low post counts, who haven't shared anything, asking for invites. No offence to any of them, of course, but it doesn't seem like the most secure system.

02-27-2013, 10:16 AM
What this Guy said

any attempt at a move somewhere else will just end with taking any possible mole along.

(and yes I know i have a very low post count, I'm new here and do tend to be "that guy" EDITED. I would but normally others have done so before I can get to it.)

02-27-2013, 10:39 AM
What this Guy said

any attempt at a move somewhere else will just end with taking any possible mole along.

(and yes I know i have a very low post count, I'm new here and do tend to be "that guy" who grabs things to dl but little sharing. I would but normally others have done so before I can get to it.)

Its a plan at least :)

02-27-2013, 10:56 AM
Sorry to bang on about this again but what is the point with all these pms about a new board? If there is someone on here who reports the links then you'll just be inviting them to the new place because all I can see is people with really low post counts, who haven't shared anything, asking for invites. No offence to any of them, of course, but it doesn't seem like the most secure system.

It's an evolutionary process. Eventually, it stands or falls. The survivors become stronger in their stealth. Witness the hacktivist group ANONYMOUS ( You may think you have joined, but have you?

I join some, but not all, that's part of my security. Not every group embodies the same ideals, for the same reasons, that I do. That, and having been burned by fake anti-war groups set up by the FBi in the 1960's... That's another story. The point is know what you are doing, why you doing, and who with. If you are starting a group, consult an attorney. Hell, get an attorney to join.
<hr size=6 color=green>
BTW - welcome newbies, n00bs, and neophytes! You are why we are here.
<hr size=6 color=green>
Check out Season26B ( for some excellent video fan fiction (also posting on SV and Vhd.
<hr size=6 color=green>
Somewhere I saw a request for the BBCAmerica "The Doctors Revisited" ( series. Huh, I guess it wasn't here.

02-27-2013, 11:03 AM
Here is the pepperpot chronicles R*o*g*u*e* P*l*a*n*e*t* from A*l*t*e*r*e*d V*i*s*t*a*s for anyone that wants it.

AV13 - The Dalek Chronicles - Rogue Planet (Plus Extras).rar (!

Can somebody let me know if this downloads ok.

02-27-2013, 11:14 AM
The first 2 BBCA "The Doctors Revisited" documentaries have FINALLY hit the Toe Rents for all those folks outside the U.S. RWQ


What an absolute treat, thankyou so much for sharing these, it's really helping to build the excitement in the 50th anniversary year

02-27-2013, 12:02 PM
Yep. What he said
On the new forum you have to be a member of it to view the forums where any possible links could be put in. Granted that doesn't guarantee someone is not going to sign up to spy.

I am trying to see if someone who knows about the software can organise a reply to see hidden content plugin or to see if someone can adjust the header and footer code to make it work on the latest forum software over there as it was written for 2 versions ago. That way they have to submit the reply to see the content.

The issue here with RWQ as I have said before is you don't have to click reply with quote to see it. If you get the daily email like I do they are all revealed in there.

I am not guaranteeing this new forum will stop links being taken down. Only an idiot would suggest that.

Again in closing I just want to say that I am not trying to take people away from here, not that I am suggesting anyone is saying that. Just trying to make sure we have somewhere to go if we need to. So this great group can stay together.

02-27-2013, 12:07 PM
On the new forum you have to be a member of it to view the forums where any possible links could be put in. Granted that doesn't guarantee someone is not going to sign up to spy.

I am trying to see if someone who knows about the software can organise a reply to see hidden content plugin or to see if someone can adjust the header and footer code to make it work on the latest forum software over there as it was written for 2 versions ago. That way they have to submit the reply to see the content.

The issue here with RWQ as I have said before is you don't have to click reply with quote to see it. If you get the daily email like I do they are all revealed in there.

I am not guaranteeing this new forum will stop links being taken down. Only an idiot would suggest that.

Again in closing I just want to say that I am not trying to take people away from here, not that I am suggesting anyone is saying that. Just trying to make sure we have somewhere to go if we need to. So this great group can stay together.

ah... i think you've got me wrong here. I'm REALLY pleased you're doing this :) really!

i'm just keeping my fingers crossed is all

02-27-2013, 01:01 PM
Hi. I've been a member here for more than a year. The reason I haven't posted any goodies is that the only stuff of mine is the readily-available BBC CDs of the lost stories from the 1960s with linking narration by people such as Frazer Hines and Peter Purves. This forum is a wonderful place and there has been some great stuff on here. I'd love to be able to continue to follow what's going on if the forum moves elsewhere, so if that happens please could someone in the know PM the details to me too? Thanks so much.

02-27-2013, 01:02 PM
Can somebody let me know if this downloads ok.

Aye. Seems OK.

02-27-2013, 01:07 PM
Without wanting to sound even greedier, does anyone have a copy of the "medic monster tome", a softback, large-format publication from the mid-70s? It had a cardboard cover and the inside pages were black and white with photos of and text about the many creatures the medic came up against. I had this tome in the 70s and I can't find a scan of one on the net except one which is part of a torrent, and I don't want to get into torrents! Can anyone help please? PDF, epub.... Whatever format would be really appreciated. Thanks.

02-27-2013, 01:50 PM
... I just want to say that I am not trying to take people away from here, not that I am suggesting anyone is saying that. Just trying to make sure we have somewhere to go if we need to. So this great group can stay together.

I don't think you need to worry about any accusations like that, I think we are all pleased that you are doing something positive in giving us a place to evacuate too should the need arise.

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

Aye. Seems OK.

Thanks Nobber, it is my first share and I wasn't sure I'd done it right:).

---------- Post added at 12:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

Can anyone recommened a free online storage site that take larger files, mediafire only allow files up to 200mg unless I take out a pay account.

02-27-2013, 02:31 PM
Thanks Nobber, it is my first share and I wasn't sure I'd done it right:).

No worries.

Not sure about using BIN/CUE, though. I think most people would probably prefer xvid/avi or mp4 formats.

Can anyone recommened a free online storage site that take larger files, mediafire only allow files up to 200mg unless I take out a pay account.

IIRC 4shared allows larger files.

02-27-2013, 03:09 PM
Not sure about using BIN/CUE, though. I think most people would probably prefer xvid/avi or mp4 formats.

I don't like the .bin/.cue files either, I have been looking for a way to convert them to avi or mp4 but no luck yet, the easyest way to view them is burn them to a disc or download the VLC media player, if you use the VLC player though you may have to fiddle with the audio settings. Sorry, I know its not good but its worth all the hastle to enjoy these great anim's.

Exar Xan
02-27-2013, 04:47 PM
Seems where back to requesting and moving on...I kindly request the 11th Medics story *S*n*a*k*e*B*i*t*e* :)

02-27-2013, 04:53 PM
Hi. I've been a member here for more than a year. The reason I haven't posted any goodies is that the only stuff of mine is the readily-available BBC CDs of the lost stories from the 1960s with linking narration by people such as Frazer Hines and Peter Purves. This forum is a wonderful place and there has been some great stuff on here. I'd love to be able to continue to follow what's going on if the forum moves elsewhere, so if that happens please could someone in the know PM the details to me too? Thanks so much.

My story is very similar, I don't tend to have stuff new or rare. I am going to get a 6 month subscription anyway and adore J+L, looking forward to that when it comes out!

02-27-2013, 05:42 PM
Seems where back to requesting and moving on...I kindly request the 11th Medics story *S*n*a*k*e*B*i*t*e* :)
I shall see what I can do, I have tried this before and it stays up there for about as long as a chocolate kettle

02-27-2013, 06:21 PM
.BIN and .CUE? No clue, anyone?

02-27-2013, 06:31 PM
.BIN and .CUE? No clue, anyone?

Read back a little. Best way to handle is to burn to CD/DVD or use a virtual drive like daemon tools.

02-27-2013, 06:32 PM
has anyone got

the G*U*N*F*I*G*H*T*E*R*S

audiobooks please. thanks

Exar Xan
02-27-2013, 07:01 PM
I shall see what I can do, I have tried this before and it stays up there for about as long as a chocolate kettle

Thanks, looking forward to the upload and I will watch this space like a hawk :)

02-27-2013, 10:55 PM
Did issue 2 of Captives of Time, with the Hobo get posted? I've checked back a little way but couldn't see it. Thanks.

02-28-2013, 12:50 AM
Does anyone have D*A*R*K**E*Y*E*S*?

02-28-2013, 01:53 AM
(and yes I know i have a very low post count, I'm new here and do tend to be "that guy" who grabs things to dl but little sharing. I would but normally others have done so before I can get to it.)


02-28-2013, 02:34 AM
Know this was a little while ago but I enjoy
1st and Stephen and Oliver Harper
2nd and Jamie
3rd and U.N.I.T
4th and Leela
5th and Nyssa
6th and Evelyn
7th and Ace
8th and Fitz

02-28-2013, 05:07 AM
New PoT #2 torrent, in case you haven't noticed:

02-28-2013, 07:48 AM
has anyone got

the G*U*N*F*I*G*H*T*E*R*S

audiobooks please. thanks

A mere 3 pounds 99 on AudioGo's website at the mo'... (only about $6-7)

02-28-2013, 08:55 AM
Does anyone have D*A*R*K**E*Y*E*S*?

There's this copy:-

02-28-2013, 11:36 AM
ah... i think you've got me wrong here. I'm REALLY pleased you're doing this :) really!

i'm just keeping my fingers crossed is all

My apologies I didn't mean to come across as if I was having a go or thought you were. :)

02-28-2013, 01:23 PM
Know this was a little while ago but I enjoy
1st and Stephen and Oliver Harper
2nd and Jamie
3rd and U.N.I.T
4th and Leela
5th and Nyssa
6th and Evelyn
7th and Ace
8th and Fitz

Since I am still new to the 8th Doctor, I am not sure I recognize Fitz. Was he from the novels?

02-28-2013, 02:44 PM
Since I am still new to the 8th Doctor, I am not sure I recognize Fitz. Was he from the novels?

Some of the novels, and one BF story from "The Company Of Friends". Not read the books he's in, but I enjoyed the brief audio outing. Shame he's never returned.

02-28-2013, 07:52 PM
just found out that the August DVD release of the Ice Warriors is to have the missing to episodes animated- this is one of may fave stories so I'm well chuffed- what with Tenth Planet episode 4 being animated as well I'm starting to think the BBC are starting to realise they can still earn money from the fans- hopefully more missingepisode stories will get the animated treatment ....... Moonbase would definitely be on my wish list as well as both the Yeti & Dalek stories... in fact just about all of them would be welcome additions on my shelf

02-28-2013, 08:18 PM
At the moment they have stated that it's only financially viable to animate two episodes per story. That would still provide a short list of stories of possibles for 2014 based on sales of the existing animated stories. Obviously as time goes by, that number could be upped to three but that wouldn't add too many titles to the list. Four would be better. That would keep us going for a good while. So buy the animated DVDs. Give them as gifts if you can. Get people hooked.

In the meantime, does anybody remember that fan effort to animate episodes. I seem to recall someone putting up a website for interested parties to share animations and sets.

02-28-2013, 08:46 PM
just found out that the August DVD release of the Ice Warriors is to have the missing to episodes animated...

This is great news. The Ice Warriors is a underestimated classic, despite the fact that the grand moff doen't like them the warriors will always be a top classic monster, I only hope their return in the new series does them justice. On the subject of animation... I quiet liked the recent RoT offering, I know it's come under fire from a lot of people but I thought It was rather good :)

02-28-2013, 09:53 PM
This is great news. The Ice Warriors is a underestimated classic, despite the fact that the grand moff doen't like them the warriors will always be a top classic monster, I only hope their return in the new series does them justice. On the subject of animation... I quiet liked the recent RoT offering, I know it's come under fire from a lot of people but I thought It was rather good :)

I thought the Reign animation was quite horrible but the test scenes for Ice Warriors do look better!

03-01-2013, 12:34 AM
I'm looking to add the following to my collection- can anyone help???

Highlander:An evening at Joe's edited by Gillian Horvath
Highlander: The Complete Watcher's Guide by Maureen Russell
The Best of Highlander by Maureen Russell

Highlander: Scotland the Brave novel by Jennifer Roberson.
Highlander: Shadow of Obsession novel by Rebecca Neason.
Highlander: White Silence novel by Ginjer Buchanan.

I'm more interested in the 3 novels but any in the list would be gratefully accepted in any format- Thanks

03-01-2013, 01:01 AM
Sorry Wall, I don't have any of those but I will keep an eye out.

In a similar vein, does anyone have

11th Doctor NSA:
Dead of Winter
The Way Through The Woods
Hunters Moon and
The Coming of the Terraphiles

please? Any format gratefully received.
Thank you.

03-01-2013, 01:34 AM
For those following it, "The Minister Of Chance" Episode 4 has just been released.

The Minister Of Chance (

03-01-2013, 01:49 AM
They have just released some images of the new ice warrors, they are amazing and have kept to the classic design.

Doctor Who TV - News, features and spoilers on BBC's Doctor Who (

03-01-2013, 02:26 AM
For those following it, "The Minister Of Chance" Episode 4 has just been released.

The Minister Of Chance (

Thanks for the link - I was pretty impressed with the first 3 episodes.

03-01-2013, 02:33 AM
Thanks for the link - I was pretty impressed with the first 3 episodes.

It has been pretty good so far, hasn't it?

But I'll still have to give E3 another listen before E4 as I can't remember what was happening!

03-01-2013, 02:42 AM
Hope you're right about that. My interests are marginal in nature - the offbeat, the out-of-print, the rare and difficult to acquire (mostly). That, and I'm skint. And even when skint, I pay for what I desire! (Even here, I've always treated this thread as a sort of sampler for any provider's output anyway. I invariably buy the CD if I really love a play.) But I'm really not interested in eating Hollywood. I hope this is just another huge overreaction.

I mainly grab Medic/Capt jack's show related - (I DO buy the DVDs when they come out, but can't afford Big Conc, BBCA or DVR.) Other than that, I go for documentaries on Egyptology or WWII, audio books and OLD music. I stay well away from new movies/music. I get most of my music from Goodwill, Freecycle, garage sales and the like (I refuse to feed the RIAA mafia)

03-01-2013, 03:46 AM
Would any of you nice folks have The Archeologist adventure L^E^G^1^0^N, many thanks

03-01-2013, 08:56 AM
Hello all trying to put up the 11th medics doo da sakne btie again, hope it lasts a while rqw

<!--!4YBzmAxS!OA4uh2BlyvLSPZ_2XXOc2XFbDgtQ5VAc5tP4Uhp 44eE-->

03-01-2013, 09:32 AM
Some of the novels, and one BF story from "The Company Of Friends". Not read the books he's in, but I enjoyed the brief audio outing. Shame he's never returned.

Thanks Nobber. I was wondering if there was a different audio range I didn't know about.

03-01-2013, 10:56 AM
In a similar vein, does anyone have [] please? Any format gratefully received.
Thank you.

03-01-2013, 11:13 AM
They have just released some images of the new ice warrors, they are amazing and have kept to the classic design.

Doctor Who TV - News, features and spoilers on BBC's Doctor Who (

I always knew that with creature effects technology we have nowadays, the Ice Warriors would look awesome. So glad I was correct in my assessment. :)

03-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Thanks Sasha, that's fantastic. Much appreciated.

03-01-2013, 11:43 AM
Thank you!

03-01-2013, 11:52 AM
Yep, those Ice Warriors are pleasingly faithful looking. Me happy. (Zygons next, please!)

But, gee - guess who's doing the voices... AGAIN. Why can't the actors in the suits do it themselves - you know, like they used to?? Especially since you can (presumably) see their mouths move.

Again, not Briggs hate per se, but I just don't understand why they have to get him to do the voices for EVERYTHING...

03-01-2013, 12:38 PM
Does anyone have S-l-e-e-p-e-r-s-i-n-t-h-e-D-u-s-t? I must have missed it if it has been up before.

03-01-2013, 01:47 PM
Does anyone have S in the D? I must have missed it if it has been up before.


03-01-2013, 05:08 PM

Thanks for your fast reply to my request, problem is it is downloading as a .cbz!? and comical keeps trying to open it. Seeing how this is a audio im confused :).
Is anybody else having the same problem? or am I doing something wrong?

03-01-2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks for your fast reply to my request, problem is it is downloading as a .cbz!? and comical keeps trying to open it. Seeing how this is a audio im confused :).
Is anybody else having the same problem? or am I doing something wrong?

I didn't recognise the name. but when it came up as a CBZ I just assumed it was a comic - not something I'm fussed about, so just cancelled the download.

All you need to do is just rename the file from .cbz to .zip and you'll be fine.

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 PM ----------

Again, not Briggs hate per se, but I just don't understand why they have to get him to do the voices for EVERYTHING...

Is he? Oh dear. I suppose every silver lining has to have a cloud.

03-01-2013, 06:38 PM
I didn't recognise the name. but when it came up as a CBZ I just assumed it was a comic - not something I'm fussed about, so just cancelled the download.
All you need to do is just rename the file from .cbz to .zip and you'll be fine.

it's the audiobook compressed into cbz, sorry i forgot to change compression format. yep, renaming from .cbz to .zip will sort it.

03-01-2013, 06:59 PM
Is he? Oh dear. I suppose every silver lining has to have a cloud.

well phrased!

it does seem as though he has somehow obtained the monopoly on alien voices.
is he the only person in Britain who has the right audio equipment?

03-01-2013, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.

03-01-2013, 07:36 PM
Quick heads up for people who follow the worded pictures, the sixth and latest of the regular run is up at the usual place. RWQ

03-01-2013, 07:54 PM
Does anybody have the 8th medic T-o-t-h-e-d-e-a-t-h-? Thanks a lot! :)

03-01-2013, 08:42 PM
Does anybody have the 8th medic T-o-t-h-e-d-e-a-t-h-? Thanks a lot! :)

Here you go.

8.034.mp3 (

03-01-2013, 08:57 PM
Here you go.

8.034.mp3 (

Bugger! In the middle of uploading and pipped at the post :)

03-01-2013, 09:40 PM
Again, not Briggs hate per se, but I just don't understand why they have to get him to do the voices for EVERYTHING...

If anything ever happened to Nic Briggs, the DW universe would be a lot safer place!

03-01-2013, 09:55 PM
Has anyone got the third anniversary audio yet?

03-01-2013, 10:10 PM
Has anyone got the third anniversary audio yet?

Maybe you should get it first and share it?

03-01-2013, 11:02 PM
It's the grumpy patronising ones turn in the new Fate of the Mysterious Medic...

Download DOD-VOTS.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (

03-01-2013, 11:05 PM
Are these stories supposed to be connected? The first one set before Ian and Barbara was interesting, and meeting who two met was challenging but I'm really not seeing a lot of destiny here.

03-01-2013, 11:07 PM
Thanks Bulletzen, you're a star as usual.

03-01-2013, 11:36 PM
Are these stories supposed to be connected? The first one set before Ian and Barbara was interesting, and meeting who two met was challenging but I'm really not seeing a lot of destiny here.
It's early doors yet. We're only 3 Doctors in. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard this story as it's set in the area of Scotland that I grew up in so it was awesome hearing Mike Yates pronounce all my old local towns. That will be Andrew Smiths Scottish influence showing through in the writing. Anyway I've added M4b files.

03-01-2013, 11:36 PM
Bugger! In the middle of uploading and pipped at the post :)

Sorry, just thought I'd start giving some stuff back :), hope you dont mind.

03-01-2013, 11:43 PM
Sorry, just thought I'd start giving some stuff back :), hope you dont mind.

Course I don't mind. Wish more would do the same.

03-01-2013, 11:48 PM
The mighty Bulletzen strikes again! thanks a billion

03-01-2013, 11:53 PM
Thanks Bulletzin, would it be possible to find a like to planethome V at the moment? Torrent or otherwise, doesn't really matter..

03-01-2013, 11:55 PM
Thanks Bulletzen, I love the way you manage to get these out there before LC even say it's been released. still coming soon apparently.

03-01-2013, 11:58 PM
It's the grumpy patronising ones turn in the new Fate of the Mysterious Medic...

Thanks. These are very enjoyable but not much destiny yet, or are we missing some subtle sub story?

03-02-2013, 12:00 AM
Thankyou thankyou!!! :)

03-02-2013, 12:05 AM
Tomoph: Sent you a PM, but my PC threw a mental when I tried to send it so not sure if it went. Let me know if you need any more help.

03-02-2013, 12:06 AM
Are these stories supposed to be connected? The first one set before Ian and Barbara was interesting, and meeting who two met was challenging but I'm really not seeing a lot of destiny here.

Also there are messages from future doctor...bear with it, it will make sense when you get to the 11th

03-02-2013, 12:07 AM
Thanks Bulletzin, would it be possible to find a like to planethome V at the moment? Torrent or otherwise, doesn't really matter..
I don't listen to that series I'm afraid so I haven't any links to it. Sorry. I'm sure there must be a link to what you're after in this thread though.

03-02-2013, 12:11 AM
does anyone have Doctor Who ST02 The Seven Keys to Doomsday.m4b
I'm looking for it and just can't get a good torrent link.
Please could someone post this for me please.
It stars Trevor Martin as The Doctor.
If anyone has it I'd be most grateful if they could post it up here.
and send me a message also with the link to download it.

03-02-2013, 12:12 AM
Tomoph: Sent you a PM, but my PC threw a mental when I tried to send it so not sure if it went. Let me know if you need any more help.

Yes I got your pm, thanks for the help, i really needed it.

03-02-2013, 12:16 AM
I don't listen to that series I'm afraid so I haven't any links to it. Sorry. I'm sure there must be a link to what you're after in this thread though.

There were, but they were nuked when we had the scare a few days back. Thanks anyways mate.

03-02-2013, 12:21 AM
does anyone have Doctor Who ST02 The Seven Keys to Doomsday.m4b

If it's the stageplay you're after, then yes, I have it but only as mp3.

03-02-2013, 12:22 AM
ok, hope this works

Sorry guys, i'm not posting a link to anything, just sorting out how to RWQ.

<!--your link goes here/-->[/QUOTE]

03-02-2013, 12:25 AM
ok, hope this works

<!--your link goes here/-->[/QUOTE]

1 quote too many, but yeah that works ;)

03-02-2013, 12:52 AM
Cheers :)

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

This request may be a bit obscure but here goes... does anyone have the LC JNT memoirs released back in 2001 i think, there are two volumes. I know I said I wasn't a big fan of his a few pages back but I'd quite like to hear what the man had to say.

03-02-2013, 01:33 AM
has anyone got

the G*U*N*F*I*G*H*T*E*R*S

audiobooks please. thanks

Gimme a little while - I'm attempting upload now :)

03-02-2013, 01:37 AM
Here you go.

8.034.mp3 (
Just wondering, but would you happen to have R*e*l*a*t*i*v*e*D*i*m*e*n*s*i*o*n*s*? I need to re-acquire that one.

03-02-2013, 01:42 AM

03-02-2013, 01:43 AM
Cheers :)

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

This request may be a bit obscure but here goes... does anyone have the LC JNT memoirs released back in 2001 i think, there are two volumes. I know I said I wasn't a big fan of his a few pages back but I'd quite like to hear what the man had to say.
If you are happy with audiobook format the here you go. :)

Download The Jonathan Nathan Turner Memoirs vol 1.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download The Jonathan Nathan Turner Memoirs vol 2.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

03-02-2013, 01:55 AM
Just wondering, but would you happen to have R*e*l*a*t*i*v*e*D*i*m*e*n*s*i*o*n*s*? I need to re-acquire that one.
Yes I have that too, just give me time to upload it.

Thanks vversatile and Bulletzen.

03-02-2013, 01:57 AM
Yes I have that too, just give me time to upload it.
Coolest. Thanks very much. :)

03-02-2013, 03:24 AM
Thanks as always Bulletzen! :-)

03-02-2013, 08:38 AM
[QUOTE=Bulletzen;2288937]It's the grumpy patronising ones turn in the new Fate of the Mysterious Medic...

Thanks again Bulletzen!

03-02-2013, 08:46 AM
Mucho thanks Mr B. for your new Dr. W. goodie. I know your not involved with LC's Homieplanet 5, but could you post B7's LC 3 from last month. There are many fans who would be so grateful.

03-02-2013, 08:55 AM
Ok, first time uploading - so I hope this works...

Saddle up, pardners - as requested some time back, The First Medic meets the Gnu Fyters. Yeeeeeeehaaaaaa!!!! ;P

Please let me know if it works for you...

RWQ (I hope)

Download Gnu from - send big files the easy way (>

03-02-2013, 09:38 AM
thank you very much.
Just that I know Trevor as a personal friend. I do speak too him about TV and film and he enjoys my natters.
At least now I can tell him how much I enjoyed this stage play.
He told me he'd been in Doctor Who, but he never told me HE was a Doctor until I looked him up on-line.
Thank you once again it's very much appreciated.
As he's quite old now and me being disabled we do like the odd chitter chatter.
I'll pass on my regards from all of you.
Thanks once again

03-02-2013, 09:46 AM
on the lookout for 2's anonymous municipality epub

03-02-2013, 10:25 AM
Which ones may I ask.

03-02-2013, 11:17 AM
Maybe you should get it first and share it?

Steady on - they were only asking!

03-02-2013, 11:18 AM
Thanks Bulletzen. always appreciated

03-02-2013, 11:21 AM
Steady on - they were only asking!

Check their posting history, they are always "only asking". Emphasis on the only. If places like this are to work it needs to more of a collaborative effort, rather than rely on the efforts of a very few.

03-02-2013, 11:29 AM
thanks a bunch bullet!!

cant wait to see how this series connects together by the end

03-02-2013, 11:38 AM
Mucho thanks Mr B. for your new Dr. W. goodie. I know your not involved with LC's Homieplanet 5, but could you post B7's LC 3 from last month. There are many fans who would be so grateful.
Here you go. :)

Download 3-01.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download 3-02.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download 3-03.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

03-02-2013, 11:56 AM
Hate to ask, feel a bit greedy, but does any still have season 13 of Burn-ice Wintermeadow, "Highway Journey"? I've just re-checked my copies and there seems to be big chunks missing from the first two stories.

If anyone can help, that'd be terrific...

03-02-2013, 11:58 AM
Hate to ask, feel a bit greedy, but does any still have season 13 of Burn-ice Wintermeadow, "Highway Journey"? I've just re-checked my copies and there seems to be big chunks missing from the first two stories.

If anyone can help, that'd be terrific...

Gimme a couple of hours.

03-02-2013, 12:15 PM
Hi does anyone have the new audio book of t&o&m&b Of the c&y&b&e&r&m&e&n please? Thanks

03-02-2013, 12:50 PM
where's The Seven Keys to Doomsday

03-02-2013, 12:52 PM
Looks like MF have changed things again. You can't share ANY password protected archives at all now :(

03-02-2013, 12:54 PM
It is still going to be posted though

03-02-2013, 12:56 PM
It is still going to be posted though

I PM'd you to make sure I had what you wanted and you never got back to me, so the file never got uploaded. Will get round to it at some point today.

03-02-2013, 12:58 PM
Thank you so much can you put a alert in my Notifications please.

03-02-2013, 01:00 PM
I'm not posting links openly any more. I'll PM you the link.

Please don't PM me asking for stories. If I see a request and I have the story, then time permitting, I'll PM a link.

03-02-2013, 01:22 PM

Exar Xan
03-02-2013, 01:44 PM
Hmm, seems I am missing more audios then expect. So I humble request these, preferably in either the original seperate track or merged per episode, now here:


03-02-2013, 02:10 PM
Thanks Bulletzen, you are a star!

03-02-2013, 02:16 PM
Hi does anyone have the new audio book of t&o&m&b Of the c&y&b&e&r&m&e&n please? Thanks

03-02-2013, 02:23 PM
Null and void

03-02-2013, 02:28 PM
Thank You Very Much

03-02-2013, 02:48 PM
Just wondering, but would you happen to have R*e*l*a*t*i*v*e*D*i*m*e*n*s*i*o*n*s*? I need to re-acquire that one.

I haven't forgot about this, I tried uploading last night but MF kept reseting the upload so I gave up, I am trying to reupload now.

03-02-2013, 02:50 PM
Glad I'm not the only one having bother with MF :)

03-02-2013, 02:53 PM
Glad I'm not the only one having bother with MF :)

It lost some of my uploads too!

03-02-2013, 03:28 PM
Glad I'm not the only one having bother with MF :)

Whats going on?

MF is sooooooooooooooooooooooo slow at the moment.

03-02-2013, 03:36 PM
It's the grumpy patronising ones turn in the new Fate of the Mysterious Medic...

Download DOD-VOTS.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (
Download DOD-VOTS.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

Thank you so much for this, and forgive me for repeating myself but would any of you nice folks have The Archeologist adventure L^E^G^1^0^N?

03-02-2013, 04:51 PM
Just wondering, but would you happen to have R*e*l*a*t*i*v*e*D*i*m*e*n*s*i*o*n*s*? I need to re-acquire that one.


03-02-2013, 05:06 PM
Thank you so much for this, and forgive me for repeating myself but would any of you nice folks have The Archeologist adventure L^E^G^1^0^N?

MF is being a PITA. Will up it ASAP. :)

03-02-2013, 05:48 PM
Here's a contribution, get it while it's hot. Home Planet Five, for those who've been asking.

Sorry, bad data! For the same content in a working format, see post #7296

03-02-2013, 05:55 PM
You guys are great. I have a pretty big back catalogue which I'd be happy to divulge, but mostly I format them into episodes and reduce the bitrate to 64 so I can fit more onto a CD/harddrive. The quality is still very good, but not quite as crisp as on CD, which is why I haven't shared any so far. But I'm happy to do so if I can help!

I don't buy all the releases (can't afford anything like the output they're up to now) but I get the ones I can.

What do people think of the Minister of Chance audios in general? I know the first couple got a very good buzz, how have they developed?

03-02-2013, 06:00 PM
For some reason, I enjoy diverting conversations.

After the discussion regarding favorite TARDIS teams, I am curious about favorite serials/stories/episodes

1 - The Unearthly Child (haven't watched much of 1, need to watch more)
2 - Tomb of the Cybermen (Honorary Mention: The Mind Robber, really wish there were more full Two serials since Two is so awesome)
3 - Honestly, anything with the Master
4 - Talons of Weng Chiang (Jago and Litefoot are awesome) (Honorary Mentions: City of Death, Shada (the book was great), Face of Evil)
5 - Caves of Androzani (Honorary Mentions: Mawdryn Undead, Planet of Fire - will probably change when I listen to more Five audios)
6 - The Two Doctors (Jamie, Peri, Two and Six, no more explanation needed for me) (Honorary Mentions: Patient Zero, Mindwarp - will probably change when I listen to more Six audios (just finished Charley, listening to Evelyn ones now))
7 - Battlefield (Honorary Mentions: Rememberance of the Daleks, Greatest Show in the Galaxy - would mostly change when I listen to more 7 audios)
8 - To the Death (Honorary Mentions: Chimes of Midnight, Terror Firma, Neverland, Zagreus, The Zygon Who Fell to Earth)
9 - Dalek (Honorary Mention: The Parting of Ways, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
10 - Midnight (Honorary Mentions: Blink, The Sound of Drums, Turn Left)
11 - The Eleventh Hour (Honorary Mentions: Vincent and the Doctor, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)

03-02-2013, 07:06 PM
1 - The Aztecs. Mindblowingly good script, let down a little by the production values of the time. Still extremely good, and very well performed.
2 - The War Games. Long, but consistently entertaining, with fantastic performances by the leads, as well as adding immensely to the canon.
3 - Inferno is great. I'm tempted to say Day of the Daleks, but only with the DVD special edition (otherwise the production values let it down a bit too much)
4 - Talons, absolutely, no question. Genesis, City of Death and Ribos are great, but Talons has the best characters of any DW story in the last 49 years.
5 - Androzani, again no question. I enjoy Earthshock and Kinda/Snakedance too, but they're not in the same league.
6 - The Two Doctors. Not as much competition unfortunately, with the declining standards behind the scenes, but at least it has Pat and Frazer.
7 - The Curse of Fenric. Love the epic scale of it all.
8 - I really enjoyed listening to The Canniba1ists, more than any others from that series, although they were all pretty good.
9 - The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Moffat at his best, he's yet to top it.
10 - Human Nature/The Family of Blood. A beautiful insight into who the Doctor is and who he can never be (aided by a stunning performance by DT). It gets me every time.
11 - The Doctor's Wife. Very hopeful for the next Gaiman.

---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

Oh, and you'll enjoy the Eve1yn ones. Large C can come up with great and innovative new characters, but sometimes don't utilise them well. Eve1yn is one they get right from the start.

03-02-2013, 08:35 PM
01 - Dalek Invasion of Earth, (The first Farewell) sniff
02 - not many to choose from but, The Mind Robber. Totally bonkers
03 - Death to the Daleks. my first introduction to who, via video cassette and still a fav,
04 - oooh! so many but Robots of Death, closely followed by Talons and The Ark in Space
05 - Mawdryn Undead. two brigadiers!!
06 - toughie. Two doctors, best pick out of a bad bunch, glad the audios have mellowed him.
07 - toss up between Curse of Fenric and Remembrance of the Daleks
08 - on to audio. Chimes of Midnight
09 - The unquiet dead
10 - Silence in the library, closely followed by Girl in the Fireplace
11 - Vincent and the Doctor.

03-02-2013, 08:36 PM
bearing in mind I've watched / listened to pretty much nothing before the Sixth Doctor, only read.

1 - Time and Relative

(honourable mentions: Venusian Lullaby, Marco Polo)

2 - The Indestructible Man

(honourable mentions: The Dark Path, The Murder Game)

3 - Dancing The Code

(honourable mention: The Mind of Evil)

4 - a four-way tie: The Deadly Assassin, System Shock/Millennium Shock, The Invasion of Time

(honourable mentions: Genesis of the Daleks, The Robots of Death)

5 - Warmonger

6 - a tie between State of Change and The Wormery,
with Davros and A Most Excellent Match tied for close second

(honourable mentions: Shell Shock, The Ultimate Foe , Millennial Rites, The Quantum Archangel, Question Marks, The Maltese Penguin)

7 - [B]Live 34, Matrix, Human Nature, Lungbarrow, A Death in the Family

(honourable mentions: Blood Harvest, The Also People, Heritage, Remembrance of the Daleks )

8 - [B]Zagreus,
with verry close behind The Eight Doctors, Neverland, Scherzo, and Caerdroia

(honourable mention: Living Legend)

9 - Rose, but it keeps switching places with The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

10 - Human Nature/The Family of Blood

(honourable mention: The Unicorn and the Wasp)

11 - The Lodger,
with The Doctor's Wife a close second.

03-02-2013, 08:37 PM
Thanks for providing the Christmas tale with the 8th Medic, his grandkids, and the Northern chick, Tomoph. :)

03-02-2013, 08:59 PM
i'm missing 4 of the scarfed one's escapades from LC...T*R*A*I*L**O*F**T*H*E*W*H*I*T*E**W*O*R*M, T*h*e**W*R*A*T*H**O*F**T*H*E**I*C*E*N*I, T*H*E**R*E*N*A*I*S*S*A*N*C*E**M*A*N, & D*E*S*T*I*N*A*T*I*O*N*:**N*E*R*V*A...if anyone could up these i would greatly appreciate it.

03-02-2013, 09:08 PM
Looks like MF have changed things again. You can't share ANY password protected archives at all now :(

Here's an idea that may work. Zip up the files you wish in a password protected folder, then move that Zip File into a New Folder and zip that up without a password. Hopefully that may work in not being detected (Unless you mean under the T&C's you can't upload any password archives, even within another unpassworded archive)

03-02-2013, 09:15 PM
Here's an idea that may work. Zip up the files you wish in a password protected folder, then move that Zip File into a New Folder and zip that up without a password. Hopefully that may work in not being detected (Unless you mean under the T&C's you can't upload any password archives, even within another unpassworded archive)

Tried that. Doesn't work. :(

03-02-2013, 09:17 PM
Tried that. Doesn't work. :(

Dang :(

03-02-2013, 09:25 PM
Dang :(

Nice try though

03-02-2013, 09:32 PM
Thanks for providing the Christmas tale with the 8th Medic, his grandkids, and the Northern chick, Tomoph. :)

Pleased to help, and the northen chick rocks :)

03-02-2013, 10:57 PM
Have you tried encrypting the files before uploading to mf? This one doesn't work on Macs but perhaps it could be tested and then another program found?

Easily encrypt your USB/flash drive with SafeHouse Explorer� even if you don�t have administrator access! | Reviews, news, tips, and tricks | dotTech (

03-02-2013, 11:56 PM
1 - The Unearthly Child. Absolutely brilliant!
2 - The Tomb of the Cybermen with a REALLY close runner up: The Ice Warriors
3 - The Time Warrior. Hello Sarah Jane!
4 - So many but I'd have to say the Pyramids of Mars. Runners up: The Hand of Fear, The Invisible Enemy, Stones of Blood, Logopolis
5 - Mawdryn Undead. Runners up: The whole of season 21.
6 - Attack of the Cybermen
7 - Remembrance of the Daleks, Battlefield, Curse of Fenric. Just can't choose here!
8 - Sisters of the Flame/Vengeance of Morbius
9 - Dalek. This one really made the Daleks scary again.
10 - School Reunion. Runners up: Turn Left, The Fires of Pompei
11 - The Eleventh Hour. Runners up: Asylum of the Daleks, The Angels take Manhattan.

Now if we're in the WHO universe, I'd have to add:
for the 10th: The Wedding of Sarah Jane
for the 11th: Death of the Doctor

03-02-2013, 11:57 PM
stupid computer

03-03-2013, 12:04 AM
Has anybody got gnaihC-gneW fo snolaT ehT audiobook?

03-03-2013, 12:07 AM
stupid computer

Yes we all like to blame the computer :)

03-03-2013, 12:51 AM
Glad I'm not the only one having bother with MF :)

Yeah, I switched to sendspace coz MF kept rejecting my attempts to upload...

03-03-2013, 01:13 AM
Faves (I have many):

1st: Aztecs, Crusades, Unearthly Child
2nd: Moonbase, Tomb, Invasion, War Games (love 2nd medic stuff!)
3rd: Spearhead, Silurians, Inferno (s7 rocks!), Spiders
4th: Ark, Genesis, Zygons, Robots, Fendahl, Stones, Warrior's Gate
5th: Earthshock, Enlightenment, Caves
6th: Varos, Revelation
7th: Towers (yes, really!), Remembrance, Greatest Show, Fenric
8th: Chimes of Midnight, All of the Last Lucie Miller series!
9th: Dalek, Empty/Dances
10th: Impossible/Satan, Human/Family, Blink, Pompeii, Turn Left
11th: Eleventh Hour, Angels/Stone, Vincent, Wife, Girl Who Waited, Snowmen

03-03-2013, 01:18 AM
Has anybody got gnaihC-gneW fo snolaT ehT audiobook?

Uploading now - won't be long

03-03-2013, 01:23 AM
Uploading now - won't be long

trying to do this too... you know to give back a little, however its taking forever to upload!!!!!

03-03-2013, 01:42 AM
Thanks guys, looking forward to it.

03-03-2013, 01:51 AM

03-03-2013, 02:02 AM

Ok, something wrong here, it only gives me chapter 15. Thanks for the effort, though I wouldn't leave the open link on for long.

03-03-2013, 02:19 AM
Try this one, Tomoph - hope it works. Let me know...

Claws of Wang-Chung



03-03-2013, 02:22 AM
yup the pc is going a little crazy tonight. for some reason its only letting me do it chapter by chapter, which is not the normal case... pm me with your email, and i will send you the link for all 15 chapters.... if you have the patience that is!

looks like looshkin has beat me to it! good work!

03-03-2013, 02:32 AM
Try this one, Tomoph - hope it works. Let me know...

Claws of Wang-Chung


Thanks very much looshkin.

And thanks to you too jawamaster, "it's better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all" :).

03-03-2013, 02:37 AM
Thanks very much looshkin.

And thanks to you too jawamaster, "it's better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all" :).

yeah i keep telling the wife that, for some reason she does not believe it! lol glad you got your request filled, sorry my effort failed, but at least we all try here in this thread to help each other out!

03-03-2013, 04:34 AM
Here's a contribution, get it while it's hot. Home Planet Five, for those who've been asking.

Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way (

Didn't unzip properly for me. Just me?

03-03-2013, 04:47 AM
Thanks so much Mr.B. You are so appreciated by us all.

If it's at all ok I'd like to make another couple of requests, LC's, S. SG-1, S. 3, Vols. 1 & 2 in glorious full cast and any of the Volumes from last 6 months of LC's DS. If I've made this request before, please excuse as I've been asking around and no one seems to have them, perhaps it's because this a UK site mainly devoted to UK material and those franchises are both American. However if they weren't selling here in UK, you know for sure that the UK's LC would not be continually publishing them.

Thanks again Mr. B. Looking forward to your continuing posts and of course uploads.



03-03-2013, 06:36 AM
searching for S on tpb will bring that up in the audio section. DS i'd like those too, no idea where people post them

03-03-2013, 06:42 AM

03-03-2013, 08:42 AM
Favorite Episodes:
1. The Daleks.
2. The War Games
3. Inferno
4. The Invasion of Time
5. Black Orchid
6. the Mark of The Rani
7. Timewyrm Quadrilogy
8. Zagraeus
9. The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances
10. Human Nature/ The Family of Blood
11. Angels Take Manhattan

03-03-2013, 09:05 AM
Okay: Favourite Episodes. Here we go (had to include a few for each!)

1: The Dalek Masterplan
Honourable mentions: The Rocket Men, Inside the Spaceship, Marco Polo
2: The Evil of the Daleks
Honourable mentions: The War Games, The Power of the Daleks, The Jigsaw War,
3: The Time Monster,
Honourable mentions: The Time Warrior, Find and Replace, Planet of the Spiders, Binary
4: Genesis of the Daleks
Honourable mentions: Logopolis, The Foe from the Future, City of Death, The Talons of Weng-Chiang
5: The Kingmaker
Honourable mentions: Frontios, Spare Parts, Loups-Garoux, Cobwebs
6: The Marian Conspiracy
Honourable mentions: Jubilee, Davros, The Holy Terror, The Apocalypse Element, The Doomwood Curse, I.D. (Yes, I know an odd choice, but I've always loved it!)
7: Night Thoughts
Honourable mentions: Flip-flop, House of Blue Fire, The Harvest
8: Seasons of Fear
Honourable mentions: Neverland, The Chimes of Midnight, The Time of the Daleks, Sisters of the Flame/The Vengeance of Morbius
9: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Honourable mentions: The End of the World, Father's Day
10: Human Nature/The Family of Blood
Honourable mentions: Love and Monsters, Blink, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
11: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Honourable mentions: Let's Kill Hitler, The Eleventh Hour, The Doctor's Wife

Whew! That was harder than I thought it would be!

03-03-2013, 09:35 AM
Favourite eps:

1. Well so far I've only seen an Unearthly Child so we'll go with that.
2. The Moonbase. I read the novelisation last year and it gave me nightmares. Then I listened to the soundtrack and had another buch of nightmares. I am absolutely terrified of the old cybermen, and I know that Tomb of the Cybermen and the Invasion both have them in it, but somehow the Moonbase is just ten times creepier than the others.
3. Inferno.
4. City of Death. Seen it many times now and although story wise there might be better ones, it is just so silly that it gets me every time.
5.Caves of Androzani. This was the first Classic story where I actually cried a bit at the ending. I was 14 when I first saw it-having seen all of Five and listened to many audios it really felt like losing a Doctor (much like Ten's regen was for me), instead of just another regeneration story. I also love any audio's with Nyssa (Winter for the Adept creeps me out every time), particularly the more recent ones where she is much older. It puts a new spin on the dynamic between her and Five which I'm loving so far.
6. Haven't seen any eps yet so audio wise I really enjoyed A Thousand Tiny Wings or that early one with the kid in the cellar. I think it had Frobisher in as well.
7. That dalek audio with Ace and Hex. Brilliant.
8. Lucie Miller/To the Death. I can listen to this again and again. Lucie is one of my favourite companions, and the audio really shows the best of her (let's just forget the ending for the sake of convinience). But what I love most about this audio is how it completely changes Eight. Before I always found it hard to imagine that Eight could really be driven to blow up his planet (or pressed the button or whatever). Yes he's been dark before (zagreus, scherzo,..) but this was different to me. Here he was left wounded and angry, and the ending of to the Death always scares me because it doesn't feel like Eight, but yet it does. It is also one of the few stories which doesn't end well at. All.
9. Empty Child Doctor Dnaces. God it scared me when I first watched it. Now I love it for its many different layers of story telling.
10. Silence in the Library/FotD or Human Nature/FotB. I really can't choose between them.
11. The Doctor's Wife

On another note, can anyone explain why the beeb does not repeat classic who on telly? I mean why not make it a Sunday night or something so that those interested can tape it and the rest isn't bothered because they are asleep!

tippy wooder
03-03-2013, 09:39 AM
Didn't unzip properly for me. Just me?

Nope, not just you. Me, too.

03-03-2013, 09:55 AM
Thanks so much Mr.B. You are so appreciated by us all.

If it's at all ok I'd like to make another couple of requests, LC's, S. SG-1, S. 3, Vols. 1 & 2 in glorious full cast and any of the Volumes from last 6 months of LC's DS. If I've made this request before, please excuse as I've been asking around and no one seems to have them, perhaps it's because this a UK site mainly devoted to UK material and those franchises are both American. However if they weren't selling here in UK, you know for sure that the UK's LC would not be continually publishing them.

Thanks again Mr. B. Looking forward to your continuing posts and of course uploads.



Sorry, don't have anything in either ranges, but wish I could get hold of the SG-1 stories and wish they could get the whole team to do a full cast audio but would probably cost too much

03-03-2013, 10:14 AM
Favourite eps:
6. Haven't seen any eps yet so audio wise I really enjoyed A Thousand Tiny Wings or that early one with the kid in the cellar. I think it had Frobisher in as well.

? A Thousand Tiny Wings is Seven, isn't it?

03-03-2013, 10:38 AM
Would any of you nice folks have The Archeologist adventure L^E^G^1^0^N, many thanks
Here you go :)

Download BS - 13x01 -.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download BS - 13x02.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download BS - 13x03 -.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

03-03-2013, 12:38 PM
Tried that. Doesn't work. :(

This may sound like a long tedious way around it. If you have a recording device such as cool edit pro or audacity on your computer your could always route a 3.5mm jack from mic to headphones socket and record the item that way, then save as mp3 and bob's your uncle