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07-27-2013, 12:06 PM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks bullet!!!

Exterminate Me
07-27-2013, 01:19 PM
The Dorian vs. Bernice Summerfield over in Bennyland was outstanding, but by the time I noticed that, I'd already filed away "his" series into deep storage, and I'm afraid of the bats that roost in that part of the house.

Do bats roost?

They roast very well...

07-27-2013, 02:15 PM
You can conceivably Kentucky fry anything.

I imagine a special day in the KFC calendar where you're allowed to bring in whatever the hell meat you can think of, Goat, lama, turtles, snuffleuffagusses.... and they Kentucky fry it for you... I'm describing the Staff Christmas party at head office ain't I?

07-27-2013, 05:56 PM
"Turn Left was the eleventh episode of the fourth series of Doctor Who. It was the first Doctor-lite episode to focus on the main companion without the Doctor and marks the first main reappearance of Rose Tyler."

It has Rose traveling in time, or do you think she is going back to change everything because it worked out in Journey's End??

And what has a comment, stating the actress Billie Piper, and the world's most over-rated DR Who companion Rose, being in the 50th, have to do with which episode she leaves 1/2 in?, how about you read the comments, understand what we are saying to each other and join in, with something that makes sense or at least makes it sound like you may have watched the classic series when it was first run, and not on DVD.

Had to be one..... good night guys

the ONLY one to travel thru time in "Turn Left" was DONNA...Rose was traveling thru the collapsing Dimensional Barriers NOT time, she'd been pushing her way thru for the entire season, why don't you watch the episode again and UNDERSTAND wat the frak is goin' on the Rose in Turn left is concurrent NOT future...Doctor Out.

07-27-2013, 07:15 PM
The new D*o*r*i*a*n g*r*e*y is out today. What's people's thoughts on the first series. Is it worth time?


07-27-2013, 07:39 PM
the ONLY one to travel thru time in "Turn Left" was DONNA...Rose was traveling thru the collapsing Dimensional Barriers NOT time, she'd been pushing her way thru for the entire season, why don't you watch the episode again and UNDERSTAND wat the frak is goin' on the Rose in Turn left is concurrent NOT future...Doctor Out.

Did they ever explain how Rose knew what was going to happen so she could guide Donna?

07-28-2013, 12:25 AM
Did they ever explain how Rose knew what was going to happen so she could guide Donna?

Off the top of my head, I don't think so.


We had another RPG evening today. And as folks will know these generally end up descending into absurdity.

Tonight's ... oddly not ....

Inspired by 'Olympus Has Fallen' and 'White House Down' I ran "1939:Buckingham Palace Is Bollixed" ... expecting shenanigans I was pleasantly surprised when my players ran it straight and managed to win the day without magi-nuking most of London.

07-28-2013, 01:51 AM
Post removed by request.

07-28-2013, 03:00 AM
Thanks Bulletzen! :)


Thanks Foefromthefuture! :)

07-28-2013, 05:40 AM
thank you foeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Exterminate Me
07-28-2013, 07:20 AM
Here's the first episode of the Man with the Picture's second season: "The Painting of Atterol Enihpled"



Thank you Magnus Greel (AKA Foe From The Future)!!!

07-28-2013, 08:45 AM
Did they ever explain how Rose knew what was going to happen so she could guide Donna?

Pete's world, while running at the same time, was a year or so (IIRC) ahead in terms of things happening. That is, when something happens here, there it happened twelve months ago. Not quite the same as travelling in time, but close.

07-28-2013, 09:10 AM
Thanks for the Gray Man Foe

Kate Orman
07-28-2013, 10:55 AM
Ohhhhhh, HIM. Actually, he's American, but he MARRIED an Aussie (Kate Orman, who's quite nice, or used to be, but they do both seem to have an inflated sense of worth as writers)... When he writes a successful book that's NOT about the Medic (ie: Cornell, Aaronovich, Shearman), then he can call himself an "author". Frankly, he's a "published fan writer". That's all. His opinion is no more "worthy" than any of ours, so sod him...

TV tie-ins fall into such an awkward niche between "real" fiction and fan fiction, don't they? Though I have published some wholly original short stories during the past decade, I still haven't completed the original SF novel I've been struggling with for years. I must have nearly a million paid words in print, but I still don't feel like a "real" writer.

Mind you, if I published some derivative Tolkien or "50 Shades" knock-off, even if it was technically "original", I don't know if I'd feel like a "real" writer either. I guess that stuff falls into the same grey area between "fan writing" and proper "authorship" too.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------

What's nice about this place is that I can give my opinion without an out of work Australian author taking three posts and 10 paragraphs to explain that my opinion is wrong.

In all seriousness, why not just pop him into your Ignore list? I can never understand why folks who are maddened by Jon's discussion style don't just stop reading his postings!

07-28-2013, 12:35 PM
In all seriousness, why not just pop him into your Ignore list? I can never understand why folks who are maddened by Jon's discussion style don't just stop reading his postings!

But Kate, you yourself have linked to that one XKCD strip. Besides, I read your blog. You often link to articles about views you disagree with. Just because you don't like someone doesn't make it that easy to ignore them.

Kate Orman
07-28-2013, 01:15 PM
But Kate, you yourself have linked to that one XKCD strip. Besides, I read your blog. You often link to articles about views you disagree with. Just because you don't like someone doesn't make it that easy to ignore them.

I'm a terrible example to use - my Ignore list is a mile long! :)

I don't stick people in the list because I disagree with them, or because I think they're stupid or bad. I put them in because they're irritating me personally, and I'm therefore likely to end up in a silly argument with them. No doubt plenty of people have me in their Ignore file for the same reason. :) It's not 100% effective, but it cuts down on annoyance and speeds up reading the forum. (I've also switched off everyone's avatars and signatures to make reading quicker, which means I never even see Jon's Usenet-style .sig files.)

(Which XKCD strip?)

07-28-2013, 01:38 PM
Caves has a popularity in 2009, listed at top of the 200 episodes listed.... but that also relies on the 'young' vote not the full fan-dom vote.

Well, I'm 42, and it's my favourite story...

And Petey was my first doctor proper (I started watching full on in '83), so I do have a soft spot for his Doc, but will agree he comes across as stand-offish/intolerant in real life. Met him that same year at Australian signing and he came across as very bored and un-engaged...

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

I hadn't seen this before today, the 9th installment of the Fate of the Medics will be performed by ......

Nicholas Briggs, John Schwab (McNeil)

Oh, FF Sakes, Seriously??... Jesus, that's lame... Why not Barrowman? Or Camille Coduri??? Or even Gatiss??

---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------

The fate of 8

Lovely feller - thanks as ever! :)

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

As long as they keep it about how the programme was made and doesn't turn into back-slapping. (LC Extras, I'm looking at you ...)

Confidential got like that around series 3 for me, but in recent years became quite fresh and interesting, so I hope it's more in that vein...

07-28-2013, 01:53 PM
I realize that I inquired about the possibility of anyone having the Second season/series of the Highlander big finish, but I think it got lost in the great discussions that followed. Again, I know this is the 'Doctor Who Audio Drama' thread, but I am hoping for some luck one way or another here. Thank you again.

07-28-2013, 02:04 PM
TV tie-ins fall into such an awkward niche between "real" fiction and fan fiction, don't they? Though I have published some wholly original short stories during the past decade, I still haven't completed the original SF novel I've been struggling with for years. I must have nearly a million paid words in print, but I still don't feel like a "real" writer.

Mind you, if I published some derivative Tolkien or "50 Shades" knock-off, even if it was technically "original", I don't know if I'd feel like a "real" writer either. I guess that stuff falls into the same grey area between "fan writing" and proper "authorship" too.

Well, I'm embarrassed now... :S

Kate, re-reading what I wrote it comes across as very rude in tone, which is really not fair to either of you, so I do apologise. I'm not a writer myself (despite dabblings here & there - but I'm crap at plots), so I shouldn't really throw stones, and have usually enjoyed the work you've both done in the DW-releated universe(s) work (I just re-listened to "Fearmonger" & found it stood up very well). Guess I was empathising with DSM's position more than anything - I've been 'told off' by a published (Australian) author who seemed to think his opinion was more worthy that anyone else who hadn't been, so I know how that feels, and it's a bit of a sore point. Good to hear from you, though, and sorry again for any offence. I'll try and put my brain into 'on' position before ranting in future...

07-28-2013, 02:52 PM
Thankz Foe!!!

07-28-2013, 04:25 PM
thanks Foe

07-28-2013, 05:17 PM
Does anyone have the 7th medic ebook?

Kate Orman
07-28-2013, 08:33 PM
Well, I'm embarrassed now... :S

Kate, re-reading what I wrote it comes across as very rude in tone, which is really not fair to either of you, so I do apologise. I'm not a writer myself (despite dabblings here & there - but I'm crap at plots), so I shouldn't really throw stones, and have usually enjoyed the work you've both done in the DW-releated universe(s) work (I just re-listened to "Fearmonger" & found it stood up very well). Guess I was empathising with DSM's position more than anything - I've been 'told off' by a published (Australian) author who seemed to think his opinion was more worthy that anyone else who hadn't been, so I know how that feels, and it's a bit of a sore point. Good to hear from you, though, and sorry again for any offence. I'll try and put my brain into 'on' position before ranting in future...

This is a very gracious response to my abrupt arrival via Google ego-scan. :) fwiw, I'm crap at plots as well, which is partly why this &*^*)^ novel is taking forever. *headdesk*

I think pro writers (by which I mean writers who've got paid for doing it) have gained insights into the process which not everyone will have - both the craft of creating a story, and the painful business of getting it in front of people. That's got to be true of anybody's job - a plumber knows more about pipes than I do, and I'd be inclined to listen to their advice on fixing my loo. OTOH, no plumber's professional opinion will convince me that a furry toilet seat is attractive. And if I phoned up three plumbers, I might get four opinions on what ought to be done about that clanging in the pipes. This analogy is getting stretched now. My point, somewhere in there, is that a pro writer's views about the business do carry weight, but you can't argue someone into liking a story they don't like (or vice versa), and nobody's opinion is definitive. That said, the pro might be able to give you some new ways of looking at the story which are interesting even if you still think it's a furry toilet seat.

(I hope this makes some sort of sense. It's 5.30 am and I have horrible insomnia yet again. :)

07-28-2013, 10:12 PM
If Fascist Italy taught us anything, there are machines, which involve specially made toothpicks to keep ones eyes open, that can force even the most obstinate and difficult individuals to love what you tell them to love.

07-28-2013, 11:58 PM
The fate of 8

dod8ea.rar (
DOD8EA.m4b (

Sendspace seems to be doing some maintenance right now so it's 4shared for these sorry about that. These will be up until Sunday.

Any chance someone could re-up this as I just missed it, thanks

07-29-2013, 06:54 AM
Any chance someone could re-up this as I just missed it, thanks

As did I, holiday out of town, I'm afraid. The empeephree version would suffice :)

07-29-2013, 10:14 AM
Just listened to Peer Perssure. It was rubbish! The dullest dialogue I've heard in a long time, and the incidental music did nothing to help. The guests were pretty unconvincing, but I concede that may be because of the script.
Only the staples made it in the least listenable: I'd listen to mister Baker read from a phone book, but I much prefer something for him to get his teeth into.
2/10, because I'm in a generous mood.

07-29-2013, 10:22 AM
Just listened to Peer Perssure. It was rubbish! ....
2/10, because I'm in a generous mood...

Ouch! Harsh!

Couldn't agree that it was 'terrible'; I liked the basic story idea, but it seemed spread too thin. Probably could have been better as a three parter, perhaps? Think I'd lean more to 4.5/10

07-29-2013, 11:58 AM
As did I, holiday out of town, I'm afraid. The empeephree version would suffice :)

Yes I missed it too was away on my birthday weekend

07-29-2013, 12:16 PM
Poor Rory he's seen all the new movies in the 40s from back when he was plastic.

07-29-2013, 12:27 PM
Does anyone have the 7th medic ebook?

Here it is, but only in epub format, though. Hope you're fine with it.



And may I ask for a re-up of the Eighth installment of "Fate of the Medic", please? I have missed it too...

07-29-2013, 01:21 PM
Here it is, but only in epub format, though. Hope you're fine with it.



And may I ask for a re-up of the Eighth installment of "Fate of the Medic", please? I have missed it too...

Why did they decide to change the Guardians of time to the Grace?

Is this a copyright thing?

And did they have to change "Amy's" name to "Abby" because of Amy Pond?


<!-- Download DOD8EA.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download The Painting of Atterol Enihpled.mp3 from - send big files the easy way ( -->

07-29-2013, 02:34 PM
Could someone reup the mp3 of fate of medic 8 - it came and went so fast!


Exterminate Me
07-29-2013, 02:54 PM
Could someone reup the mp3 of fate of medic 8 - it came and went so fast!


Check guygardener's RWQ above ^

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

Here it is, but only in epub format, though. Hope you're fine with it.



And may I ask for a re-up of the Eighth installment of "Fate of the Medic", please? I have missed it too...

Thank you for that!

07-29-2013, 03:16 PM
Hi does any one have the latest medic revisited 7th please x

07-29-2013, 03:43 PM
Why did they decide to change the Guardians of time to the Grace?

Is this a copyright thing?

And did they have to change "Amy's" name to "Abby" because of Amy Pond?

Not sure about The Grace bit, but apparently the Amy/Abby bit was a dictate from Cardiff who seemed to think that fans would be confused by two characters having the same name.

07-29-2013, 06:38 PM
Check guygardener's RWQ above

Guy (thanks guy!) was good enough to re-up, but only the audiobook one :/ That's probably why trabisty is asking for the mp3 (as am I!)

07-29-2013, 11:26 PM
I was working against a vicious deadline called bedtime.

The polysyllabic mash they hung on "Abby" sounds like the mess of vowels the other they gave Clara.


<!-- -->

07-29-2013, 11:50 PM
Just listened to Peer Perssure. It was rubbish! The dullest dialogue I've heard in a long time, and the incidental music did nothing to help. The guests were pretty unconvincing, but I concede that may be because of the script.
Only the staples made it in the least listenable: I'd listen to mister Baker read from a phone book, but I much prefer something for him to get his teeth into.
2/10, because I'm in a generous mood.

I'd speak ill of PP, but with my luck the author's mother would come on and criticize me.

07-29-2013, 11:59 PM
Here's the first episode of the Man with the Picture's second season: "The Painting of Atterol Enihpled"



Thank you Foe!

07-30-2013, 02:33 AM
Oh Shoot.

About 6 to 7 months ago I got a lollapalooza of a virus that even infected my external hard drive, making a number of my audios impossible to open and therefore useless.

Fortunately, I had a back up EHD and CDs and was even able to transfer most of my gone bad EHD to my alternate EHD and with some help from other sources, I thought I had recovered it all. Say Hallelujah.

But you never know, just found out today that my collection of LC's Sapphirexxxxxx & Steelxxxxxxx is mostly missing. Out of the 15 episodes LC published, I now only have three.

So was wondering if any of you angels out there would be so good to help me out. I'll just list the Vol. numbers and epi. numbers.

They are:
Vol. 1 Epi. 1
Vol. 1 Epi. 2
Vol. 1 Epi. 3
Vol. 1 Epi. 4
Vol. 1 Epi. 5
Vol. 2 Epi. 2
Vol. 2 Epi. 3
Vol. 2 Epi. 4
Vol. 2 Epi. 5
Vol. 2 Epi. 6
Vol. 3 Epi. 1
Vol. 3 Epi. 3

Appreciate whatever you guys are able to help me out with. Thanks ever so.

07-30-2013, 03:42 AM
Are they ever going to make a season 4 of that?

But if the Americans are willing to reboot The Tomorrow People (Again.) there's still hope.

Of course a continuation would be better, focussing (first) on different (young and sexy?) elements?

Although Sapphire and Steele are compounds, so what the frak is all this business about Elements?

However if the Element thing was true then Sapphire and steel could be dozens of elements Captain Planeting it.

07-30-2013, 03:49 AM
Oh Shoot.

About 6 to 7 months ago I got a lollapalooza of a virus that even infected my external hard drive, making a number of my audios impossible to open and therefore useless.

Fortunately, I had a back up EHD and CDs and was even able to transfer most of my gone bad EHD to my alternate EHD and with some help from other sources, I thought I had recovered it all. Say Hallelujah.

But you never know, just found out today that my collection of LC's Sapphirexxxxxx & Steelxxxxxxx is mostly missing. Out of the 15 episodes LC published, I now only have three.

So was wondering if any of you angels out there would be so good to help me out. I'll just list the Vol. numbers and epi. numbers.

They are:
Vol. 1 Epi. 1
Vol. 1 Epi. 2
Vol. 1 Epi. 3
Vol. 1 Epi. 4
Vol. 1 Epi. 5
Vol. 2 Epi. 2
Vol. 2 Epi. 3
Vol. 2 Epi. 4
Vol. 2 Epi. 5
Vol. 2 Epi. 6
Vol. 3 Epi. 1
Vol. 3 Epi. 3

Appreciate whatever you guys are able to help me out with. Thanks ever so.

Torrent of S & S if that's any good to you:



07-30-2013, 04:02 AM
Thanks guygardener! :)

07-30-2013, 06:11 AM
Ouch! Harsh!

Couldn't agree that it was 'terrible'; I liked the basic story idea, but it seemed spread too thin. Probably could have been better as a three parter, perhaps? Think I'd lean more to 4.5/10

Yeah, true. The story itself was good. But the way it was realised left much to be desired.

07-30-2013, 06:32 AM
I'm still trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page, like:

<a href="" title="BF Patient Zero by drwhopics, on Flickr">
kindly scanned and sent to me by tjg

Despite lots of help from kind people, I'm still missing thirteen large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
City of Spir*es
L*egend of the C*yber*men
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

07-30-2013, 06:52 AM
My Australian friends: this ( article may be of some interest to you.

07-30-2013, 07:52 AM
It doesn't really say much.

"You can break "this" law, and we won't hunt you."

07-30-2013, 08:28 AM
Torrent of S & S if that's any good to you:



Thanks for the suggestion ch0ronzon, I reluctantly did download the suggested torrent on that page of S&S, but while it DLed as one of my programs, it failed to actually replace my current utorrent 3.3 which has been working fine. And utorrent 3.3 wouldn't DLed it either.

It would certainly be far more helpful if some generous soul would be good enough to just upload the epis. here and then we could all benefit from this fine series all the more fine with David Warner as a co star.

But thanks anyhow ch0ronzon.

07-30-2013, 10:43 AM
It doesn't really say much.

"You can break "this" law, and we won't hunt you."

In my understanding, it's a fairly big thing for a government to say that.

07-30-2013, 10:50 AM
You are aware that up load speeds are generally ASTRONOMICALLY slower than download speeds? It will take me 42 and 1/2 minutes just to up load the first SAP episode, and there's another bloke here, he knows who he is, uploads at a tenth the speed I do but he still continues to full politely worded requests.

That's what I call pluck.


2.25 gig.

Should be done by morning.

---------- Post added at 04:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 AM ----------

In my understanding, it's a fairly big thing for a government to say that.

Yes it is fairly big for them to admit it publicly if their blood alcohol is below the legal limit to drive with, but it's standard operating practices or we'd all be someones wife in the big house... Because it takes a LOT of money and time to over turn and remove laws from the legal code... In most Common Wealth Countries, who just copied and Pasted the law from Mother England, it's still (I shit you not) legal to drown your wife in the river for "burning the dinner", even though that hasn't been a usable legal defence since the 16th century.

Exterminate Me
07-30-2013, 02:54 PM
You are aware that up load speeds are generally ASTRONOMICALLY slower than download speeds? It will take me 42 and 1/2 minutes just to up load the first SAP episode, and there's another bloke here, he knows who he is, uploads at a tenth the speed I do but he still continues to full politely worded requests.

That's what I call pluck.


2.25 gig.

Should be done by morning.

---------- Post added at 04:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 AM ----------

Yes it is fairly big for them to admit it publicly if their blood alcohol is below the legal limit to drive with, but it's standard operating practices or we'd all be someones wife in the big house... Because it takes a LOT of money and time to over turn and remove laws from the legal code... In most Common Wealth Countries, who just copied and Pasted the law from Mother England, it's still (I shit you not) legal to drown your wife in the river for "burning the dinner", even though that hasn't been a usable legal defence since the 16th century.

My upload speeds are slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww.

Bloody companies in Australia think they can charge what the hell they like (paying double the price for a song on iTunes) - it sucks. No wonder people pirate!!!

07-30-2013, 03:19 PM
Are they ever going to make a season 4 of that?...

No plans too - I don't think S&S were selling well enough unfortunately.

07-30-2013, 04:22 PM
Not sure about The Grace bit, but apparently the Amy/Abby bit was a dictate from Cardiff who seemed to think that fans would be confused by two characters having the same name.
Vicki - Victoria.....

In most Common Wealth Countries, who just copied and Pasted the law from Mother England, it's still (I shit you not) legal to drown your wife in the river for "burning the dinner", even though that hasn't been a usable legal defence since the 16th century.

No, just no...
any such provision does not need to be "removed" as it will have been superseded by any subsequent provisions concerning acts causing death. Murder, manslaughter etc, etc. This is how a system based in common law works (as opposed to the "Napoleonic Code" concept used in much of Europe).

07-30-2013, 05:05 PM
Vicki - Victoria.....

Yeah, but that was back in the days when Auntie Beeb granted a modicum of intelligence to her viewers.

07-30-2013, 06:54 PM
No, just no...
any such provision does not need to be "removed" as it will have been superseded by any subsequent provisions concerning acts causing death. Murder, manslaughter etc, etc. This is how a system based in common law works (as opposed to the "Napoleonic Code" concept used in much of Europe).

I don't know about the commonwealth countries, but in the UK, a lot of these odd little laws were actually still around until recently when a lot of them were repealed quietly (until around 5 years ago, it was still legal to own a slave). It seems every time we get a new Home Secretary more of these oddities come to light and are removed.

07-30-2013, 08:35 PM
Yeah, but that was back in the days when Auntie Beeb granted a modicum of intelligence to her viewers.

Blimey... how long ago was THAT? BBC= Banal Bloody Crap thesedays, with a few exceptions of course...

07-30-2013, 10:23 PM
Yeah, but that was back in the days when Auntie Beeb granted a modicum of intelligence to her viewers.
Ahh The dim and distant past!

I don't know about the commonwealth countries, but in the UK, a lot of these odd little laws were actually still around until recently when a lot of them were repealed quietly (until around 5 years ago, it was still legal to own a slave). It seems every time we get a new Home Secretary more of these oddities come to light and are removed.

The principal where a subsequent law over-rules a previous one (Leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant (, is well established. it didn't apply in the slavery example as no law recognised "slave" as a state of being (such as "freeman" or other such titles from history)
But as you are obviously as much an aficionado of QI as much as I, I point you to : Series I episode Inequality ( (jump to about 36:50)
QI is where i get most of my info!

07-30-2013, 10:59 PM
Ahh The dim and distant past!

They should never have shuffled Blue Peter off to the CBBC channel.

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

Blimey... how long ago was THAT? BBC= Banal Bloody Crap thesedays, with a few exceptions of course...

It's still generally better than ITV, Ch4, Ch5, Sky et al.

07-31-2013, 12:31 AM
Yeah, but that was back in the days when Auntie Beeb granted a modicum of intelligence to her viewers.

BBC4 - it's bloody brilliant - apart from the odd few shows I rarely watch any other channel

07-31-2013, 01:03 AM
Just been giving the teaser-trailer for The Avengurs:Lost Stories a listen

and it's sounding pretty good. I've never got into the TV series, so can't get too riled about someone else being Steed, so without any real 'expectation bias' both actors sound like they'll do OK. I'm already a fan of Howell's work with LC so far, so I reckon he'll take the lead perfectly well.

But ...

and ...

look ... I know we're not the biggest NB fans round here and we do tend to give him some stick (but without malice, I'm sure) but ...

but ...

is it's just me, or is the way he says 'We love stories' just a little bit ... creepy?

07-31-2013, 05:17 AM
Please, please, please! The fate of 8

Any chance someone could re-up this as I just missed it, thanks

07-31-2013, 06:14 AM
Mine is sill active, but I'm subtle.

07-31-2013, 08:07 AM
I remember forking out for that extra disc because it wasn't available in the UK! They wouldn't ship it so I had to get a friend in the US to buy it for me and then repack it and send it on. Quite a palaver. I haven't got the blu-ray set but AFAIK those commentaries from Johnny Byrne and Chris Penfold aren't on there...?

I'm hardcore - I'll always wait for the complete series box set!

From what I understand, unfortunately those commentaries weren't carried over to the blu-rays.

07-31-2013, 11:40 AM
BBC4 - it's bloody brilliant - apart from the odd few shows I rarely watch any other channel

This is very true. Though I was a bit miffed at them (or, at least, whoever populates the Freeview EPG) when they accidentally revealed who won this weeks "Only Connect"

07-31-2013, 12:49 PM
This is very true. Though I was a bit miffed at them (or, at least, whoever populates the Freeview EPG) when they accidentally revealed who won this weeks "Only Connect"
that was damn silly of them!

hmm...whats next?
picture of a man kneading dough
picture of the character "Josh Howard" from the original "ocean's 11"
picture of a woman taking bread from the oven

07-31-2013, 02:42 PM
It's not on the main site yet, but just posted on their FB page ...

Adric (as played properly by Mathew Waterhouse this time!) to return in 2014!!!

07-31-2013, 05:32 PM
It's not on the main site yet, but just posted on their FB page ...

Adric (as played properly by Mathew Waterhouse this time!) to return in 2014!!!

*shudders* so c-c-cold...

07-31-2013, 06:02 PM
It's not on the main site yet, but just posted on their FB page ...

Adric (as played properly by Mathew Waterhouse this time!) to return in 2014!!!


07-31-2013, 06:24 PM

07-31-2013, 06:48 PM
It's not on the main site yet, but just posted on their FB page ...

Adric (as played properly by Mathew Waterhouse this time!) to return in 2014!!!

Maybe they'll rescue him from the scrappy heap ( like they did with Six and Mel. Or maybe I'm just too much of an optimist for my own good. I guess we'll all see in 2014...

07-31-2013, 07:11 PM
Maybe they'll rescue him from the scrappy heap ( like they did with Six and Mel. Or maybe I'm just too much of an optimist for my own good. I guess we'll all see in 2014...

....surely there are limits to even LC's magic touch

07-31-2013, 07:26 PM
....surely there are limits to even LC's magic touch
Hence why I said that maybe I was being too much of an optimist for my own good, and that I guess we'll all see in 2014. I'm personally excited, even though I'm well aware of Adric's "reputation" in some fan circles. Plus, I think we need a bit of a breather from the "older Nyssa" story arc, as much as I've been loving it.

07-31-2013, 07:37 PM
Hence why I said that maybe I was being too much of an optimist for my own good, and that I guess we'll all see in 2014. I'm personally excited, even though I'm well aware of Adric's "reputation" in some fan circles. Plus, I think we need a bit of a breather from the "older Nyssa" story arc, as much as I've been loving it.

you are assuming he will be with Five?
when its Four who is running short of possible friends to work with.

07-31-2013, 07:45 PM
you are assuming he will be with Five?
when its Four who is running short of possible friends to work with.

It's Five with T+N

(snigger ... Shame it's not T'n'A ... snigger)

I can't say that I'm "excited" as such, but definitely looking forward to these. BF have a good record of 'improving' characters over the years, and it is a period of 4 and 5's histories they've not been able to explore properly.

07-31-2013, 07:53 PM
I am very excited! Came on here as soon as I saw the news, very very exciting!

Total idiot, but I really enjoyed his episodes!

07-31-2013, 07:57 PM
is it's just me, or is the way he says 'We love stories' just a little bit ... creepy?

I get the feeling he was naked when he recorded that.

07-31-2013, 08:07 PM
It's Five with T+N

(snigger ... Shame it's not T'n'A ... snigger)

I can't say that I'm "excited" as such, but definitely looking forward to these. BF have a good record of 'improving' characters over the years, and it is a period of 4 and 5's histories they've not been able to explore properly.

It's possible that the reason 5 didn't go back to save Adrik is because 4 already ran across adult Adrik and knew how he escaped... Which means that 5 was working with a net that whole episode and was only pretending to look surprised and desperate.

---------- Post added at 02:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

I get the feeling he was naked when he recorded that.

You can only know for sure if you're naked when you listen to it.

07-31-2013, 08:19 PM
You can only know for sure if you're naked when you listen to it.

*taps nose*

07-31-2013, 08:23 PM
I get the feeling he was naked when he recorded that.

Oh ... my ... sweet ... lord ... what awful images have just come to mind ...

07-31-2013, 08:31 PM
Oh ... my ... sweet ... lord ... what awful images have just come to mind ...
Here. *hands over some industrial strength brain bleach* That will help. Trust me.

07-31-2013, 08:39 PM
Here. *hands over some industrial strength brain bleach* That will help. Trust me.

"industrial strength brain bleach" ? Ah! Tesco Vodka!

07-31-2013, 08:53 PM
"industrial strength brain bleach" ? Ah! Tesco Vodka!

God, tesco vodka, best paint stripper money can buy. Wouldn't drink the stuff though, couldn't afford the medical bills and time off work

07-31-2013, 09:00 PM
God, tesco vodka, best paint stripper money can buy. Wouldn't drink the stuff though, couldn't afford the medical bills and time off work

Better get a case in then for when marsh boy is back next year! lol

07-31-2013, 09:18 PM
God, tesco vodka, best paint stripper money can buy. Wouldn't drink the stuff though, couldn't afford the medical bills and time off work

Ah, when you've necked as many varieties, qualities and quantities of alcohol as I've had you build a certain level of resistance.

Who Lover
07-31-2013, 10:40 PM
Can we blow him up again.....
-- meany :-)

07-31-2013, 11:01 PM
On the 23rd I watched the 7th Doctor's first story. And I wondered to myself when people list sonic devises from Doctor Who, why don't they ever include Mel?

07-31-2013, 11:09 PM
One comment - Earthshock, Episode 5 [claymation], on the BBC/DVD release..... 4 must have been fast. :)
[should be still on youtube, if you don't have the disc....EX CEL LENT..!]

07-31-2013, 11:21 PM
I don't know about the commonwealth countries, but in the UK, a lot of these odd little laws were actually still around until recently when a lot of them were repealed quietly (until around 5 years ago, it was still legal to own a slave). It seems every time we get a new Home Secretary more of these oddities come to light and are removed.

OOh shite didn't realise that. Mahritsa will have to go then.

---------- Post added at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ----------

"industrial strength brain bleach" ? Ah! Tesco Vodka!


07-31-2013, 11:42 PM

Ah! A drunk after my own liver!

08-01-2013, 03:14 AM
"industrial strength brain bleach" ? Ah! Tesco Vodka!
Not exactly what I meant. But whatever helps dull the pain, man. XD

08-01-2013, 03:23 AM
It's not on the main site yet, but just posted on their FB page ...

Adric (as played properly by Mathew Waterhouse this time!) to return in 2014!!!

Hopefully they'll pull a Mel (now there's a disturbing image...), and all will be well. As long as the scripts are good, no problem - and at least we don't have to look at his gormless face... ;)

Also, less than overwhelmed by the news of the return of Flippp and Phil Martin - although it's always good to hear Sil, and nice to see Andrew Smith keeping his hand in - with any luck he'll come up with something as enjoyable as "The Furst Sonntarranns"...

08-01-2013, 03:38 AM
... Flippp ...

I'm OK with giving her a second chance.

Mainly as I'm sure she was an "emergency" companion when they just couldn't find the time to get his regulars in studio. Especially when you look at the Wyrnn one when she flies a micro-lite with no prior experience - now I could imagine him letting Mel or Peri fly off like that (and they'd probably have had character reasons to know how to fly!) but not someone he'd barely met! And she was barely really in 4th Wall.

So I'm interested to see how she comes across with properly dedicated scripts.

From her first lot I can't see her being a favourite, but certainly one that could be tolerable every so often.

08-01-2013, 04:23 AM
Went to a scifi event at NASA this morning and Number Seven was there, pretty great to meet him in person! He literally almost shakes with energy and really shows affection for his fans.

On a sad note, he was wheelchair bound due to a leg injury, however that didnt stop him from making an assassination attempt on Robert Picardo with one of his crutches for stealing his name for so many years!

On the topic of the Mathwizards return; I am pretty mixed on it. I sort of think that his entire story has been told to completion with very little room for expansion. I mean, what we really need is an entire series of Frobisher in my opinion.

08-01-2013, 04:43 AM
what we really need is an entire series of Frobisher in my opinion.
I'm sure if they could persuade Rob Shearman to at least write the initial story for said trilogy, I'd be totally up for that. Maybe even have Beep the Meep be a villain in one of them!

08-01-2013, 07:20 AM
I'm OK with giving her a second chance.

Mainly as I'm sure she was an "emergency" companion when they just couldn't find the time to get his regulars in studio. Especially when you look at the Wyrnn one when she flies a micro-lite with no prior experience - now I could imagine him letting Mel or Peri fly off like that (and they'd probably have had character reasons to know how to fly!) but not someone he'd barely met! And she was barely really in 4th Wall.

So I'm interested to see how she comes across with properly dedicated scripts.

From her first lot I can't see her being a favourite, but certainly one that could be tolerable every so often.

All good points, and also happy to give her a second chance - just so long as she comes across less like a badly-spliced mix of Rose & Lucie, and gains her own proper character...

And, kimekaro, I'm totally with you - more Frobisher (& Shearman) would be blinding. I just recently relistened to Holey Terrrrorrr - absolute masterpiece!

Exterminate Me
08-01-2013, 08:17 AM
Welcome to the sometimes alcohol thread...

08-01-2013, 08:59 AM
Not my link, but the 7th installment of the 50th comic is out in the wild.


08-01-2013, 09:20 AM
Nice to see the shrine up on the 1st of a month and us not be on the backup. :)

I am trying to think where there are slots for Adric.

Can't recall (been a while since I watched it) if there is a link between Castrovalva and Four to Doomsday and Four to Doomsday and Kinda.

Think in The Visitation Tegan is talking about just being taken over by the Mara and in Black Orchid they refer to what they just did to London. Earthshock gives the impression its immediately after Black Orchid.

08-01-2013, 09:58 AM
Nice to see the shrine up on the 1st of a month and us not be on the backup. :)

I am trying to think where there are slots for Adric.

Can't recall (been a while since I watched it) if there is a link between Castrovalva and Four to Doomsday and Four to Doomsday and Kinda.

Think in The Visitation Tegan is talking about just being taken over by the Mara and in Black Orchid they refer to what they just did to London. Earthshock gives the impression its immediately after Black Orchid.

It's probably best not to try and think about it too hard when you consider how many adventures 5+Peri had between 'Planet Of Fire' and 'Androzannnnni' ....

08-01-2013, 11:26 AM
It's probably best not to try and think about it too hard when you consider how many adventures 5+Peri had between 'Planet Of Fire' and 'Androzannnnni' ....

Very true.

Then there is Old Sixie and companions between Peri and Mel, when he dropped Mel off after Trial sometime to be able to meet her for her 1st time but his second.

OK my head hurts now :D

08-01-2013, 12:18 PM
It's all timey wimey..... remember :)

08-01-2013, 12:24 PM
I'm not sure of protocol but if someone could PM me about getting the 8th part of "Fate of the Medic", I'd really appreciate it. Preferably the M*P*3 version, not the audiobook version.

08-01-2013, 01:05 PM
I suppose they could expand on his puppy-love The Last Princess.
Or it could be a trilogy set in his head as the ship is exploding. The first line "Now I'll never know if I was right.", the last?

"I was wrong afterall.".

08-01-2013, 01:40 PM
Hi there
that's what you get for a month off internet, missed medic releases
I checked the previous pages and found everything except Masterbrain and July's 7th Medic - at least not links that worked for me and yes, I did try the chrome and highlight thing and it still didn't work, mega just hung up my browser until I couldn't do anything but to close it.
So, could anyone please give me a nudge in the rigth direction for these two?
many thanks in advance

08-01-2013, 04:10 PM
Well talking about Adric I am reading currently Divine Loyalties which takes place right after Visitationnnn so there seems to be slots they could do an audio of that book would love to hear more Celestial Toymakers stories myself.

08-01-2013, 04:29 PM
I suppose they could expand on his puppy-love The Last Princess.
Or it could be a trilogy set in his head as the ship is exploding. The first line "Now I'll never know if I was right.", the last?

"I was wrong afterall.".

So that's a trilogy of him saying


with, for Reasons, "We're All Going On A Summer Holiday" going through his head?

Well, it'd be better than G-less, anyway ...

08-01-2013, 05:18 PM
So that's a trilogy of him saying


with, for Reasons, "We're All Going On A Summer Holiday" going through his head?

Well, it'd be better than G-less, anyway ...

If it was a CC and he sang it all while sipping his favorite Beverage, I'd buy it.

08-01-2013, 05:33 PM
Some interesting news from BF; permanent price drop for the first 50 (but they've been cheap for a while) and grab their CDs whilst they're hot.

I get why they're clearing the warehouse of stuff, but I wonder if they'll ever go down the "print on demand" route for those that still want CDs and those lines that don't sell that much?

08-01-2013, 06:18 PM
Official: BBC To Reveal New Doctor Who In Live Broadcast This Sunday - UPDATED - Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors (

08-01-2013, 06:43 PM
The christmas special is still nearly 5 months away. I don't really know if I WANT to know this early who the 12th will be.
Then again, I don't really know if I'll be able to go 5 months knowing that I could know and not find out.

08-01-2013, 06:47 PM
Some interesting news from BF; permanent price drop for the first 50 (but they've been cheap for a while) and grab their CDs whilst they're hot.

I get why they're clearing the warehouse of stuff, but I wonder if they'll ever go down the "print on demand" route for those that still want CDs and those lines that don't sell that much?

Whenever I order an older CD in the main range it typically takes them about three months to get it to me. This makes me wonder what sort of fantastic vault locking mechanism they stored the old discs in since they apparently keep (or had kept) them on-hand.

08-01-2013, 09:14 PM
Some interesting news from BF; permanent price drop for the first 50 (but they've been cheap for a while) and grab their CDs whilst they're hot.

I get why they're clearing the warehouse of stuff, but I wonder if they'll ever go down the "print on demand" route for those that still want CDs and those lines that don't sell that much?
I'm sure it also gets new customers used to the downloads so at some point in the future they can ease more of us into it. I wouldn't be surprised to see more of the older lines following this trend.

08-01-2013, 10:25 PM
With the main range crossing the 200 releases mark under the current contract, and a vast number of other titles available i would not be surprised if they sold through some stock and stopped reprinting. I don't know if print on demand would be a option for them. Nobber certainly raises an interesting point as for them the costs of manufacturing,handling and postage for CD's must be a huge negative when compared to downloads.

08-01-2013, 10:40 PM
With the main range crossing the 200 releases mark under the current contract, and a vast number of other titles available i would not be surprised if they sold through some stock and stopped reprinting. I don't know if print on demand would be a option for them. Nobber certainly raises an interesting point as for them the costs of manufacturing,handling and postage for CD's must be a huge negative when compared to downloads.

Print On Demand for older releases could easily be done via a third party such as LuLu and probably be done at a comparable cost to the end customer.

But as they slowly move to more and more download only stuff, they've really GOT to invest in a better download system and start looking towards lossless formats, too.

EDIT - They also need to start properly advertising their iTunes releases, too. It's a disgrace that getting any information out of them about iTunes is so hard. I've still yet to get a proper list from them about what they've got on there. Discussions about their profits aside, it's TERRIBLE customer service not to bother to replying to a simple request.

08-01-2013, 10:47 PM
Whenever I order an older CD in the main range it typically takes them about three months to get it to me. This makes me wonder what sort of fantastic vault locking mechanism they stored the old discs in since they apparently keep (or had kept) them on-hand.

The LC Towers vault is still keyed to Gary R's butt-print. He's a lovely man, but just not as available as he used to be.

08-01-2013, 11:39 PM

08-02-2013, 12:07 AM
The LC Towers vault is still keyed to Gary R's butt-print. He's a lovely man, but just not as available as he used to be.

I believe it. Perhaps they will come up with a new one when they get to my Frobisher Trilogy.

08-02-2013, 12:15 AM
Well, it's official - we'll find out on Sunday 4th 7pm GMT who the 12th is.

BBC - Blogs - Doctor Who - The Next Doctor will be revealed on Sunday, 04 August! (

And now let the speculation being on what the crappy looking title card means.

08-02-2013, 12:25 AM
Am I alone in sort of wishing they pulled a "fuck it all", made Hurt #8 and made Mcgann #12?

08-02-2013, 01:43 AM
Am I alone in sort of wishing they pulled a "fuck it all", made Hurt #8 and made Mcgann #12?

interesting, but we all saw McCoy regenerate into McGann who has been cemented into the Whoniverse as 8, no matter what all those igits think who say Mcgann doesn't count, even tho he's been referenced as 8 more than once in Nu-Who.

08-02-2013, 02:09 AM
Well, it's official - we'll find out on Sunday 4th 7pm GMT who the 12th is.

I think I'd rather it be a surprise, if there's any way that can even be accomplished in the Internet Age. Or maybe it's just that I'd rather be spared several months of heated back-and-forth about the choice before even seeing an episode.

And here's something I'm just going to run up the flagpole to see who salutes-- I've now listened to the first series of Lago & Jitefoot stories, and I'm finding them to be the most expertly plotted, well-acted, and entertaining releases, pound for pound, that I've heard from LC to date. That said, I've pretty much been following an "in order" system, so I've mostly heard things that go up to where I am in the classic series-- 16th season-- along with the first seven or eight 8th Medic stories they produced. But I'd be curious to hear opinions on how others think J&L stacks up in the hierarchy, and what other offerings people consider to be top-drawer.

tippy wooder
08-02-2013, 02:42 AM
Could I request the classic novel audio the g*re*ate*st sho*w i*n t*h*e g*al*a*xy please thanks in advance x

Good shout - I second it! Am also still looking for the recent classic novel reads of TOOMB OF THE CYDERMEN and THE RESS-CUE .... Anyone? :-)

08-02-2013, 03:01 AM
Well, it's official - we'll find out on Sunday 4th 7pm GMT who the 12th is.

BBC - Blogs - Doctor Who - The Next Doctor will be revealed on Sunday, 04 August! (

And now let the speculation being on what the crappy looking title card means.

That'd be the 'entertainment' show they'd previously mentioned, then...

This begs the question, how much credence does this lend to Peter Capaldi suddenly coming out of nowhere to become the favourite for the role just days before the announcement? Remember how MS's name popped out of nowhere as favourite, just before he was announced? Guess we'll see soon enough. Personally, I could definitely live with Capaldi as the Medic, a good actor with a great range, loves the show, and is a decent age.

skytwo: to me, J&L is pretty much the jewel in LC's spin-off crown - even when the stories are below-par (rarely), the sheer joy of listening to the leads (especially Christopher Benjamin) more than makes up for it... For other top-drawer stuff, anything by Robert Shearman is unbeatable (although 'Scherzo' is controversial), and I personally adored the last series of 8/Lucie stories. Also the David Warner/David Collings Unbound tales, and the 4th Medic Lost Stories box are excellent. (And, although many here would disagree, if you like a good laugh, the Iris series are great fun...)

08-02-2013, 03:09 AM
I think I'd rather it be a surprise, if there's any way that can even be accomplished in the Internet Age. Or maybe it's just that I'd rather be spared several months of heated back-and-forth about the choice before even seeing an episode.

And here's something I'm just going to run up the flagpole to see who salutes-- I've now listened to the first series of Lago & Jitefoot stories, and I'm finding them to be the most expertly plotted, well-acted, and entertaining releases, pound for pound, that I've heard from LC to date. That said, I've pretty much been following an "in order" system, so I've mostly heard things that go up to where I am in the classic series-- 16th season-- along with the first seven or eight 8th Medic stories they produced. But I'd be curious to hear opinions on how others think J&L stacks up in the hierarchy, and what other offerings people consider to be top-drawer.

Ha! To avoid speculation on the (de-)merits of the next incumbent, you'll have to crawl under a rock for a few months! :)

I quite like the J&Ls. The only issues I've really got are:-

L.Bowerperson just cannot act 'common' without sounding like a posh bird trying to sound 'common'. She's perfectly fine with her own voice as Bernice, but she just cannot do an accent.

A.Malinsonn as bit-part/foly voice work just ... can't act. Stick the to the photoshop.

But, yeah, on the whole they've been far better than I expected. The chemistry and enthusiasm of the two leads shine through and as long as they don't 'over saturate' releases I think there's plenty of life in those two old dogs whilst they learn new tricks.

---------- Post added at 03:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

Capaldi ...

He's a perfectly fine actor (and has been in the franchise twice already, as I was reminded this morning) but I really can't see him as The Doctor.

.. For other top-drawer stuff, anything by Robert Shearman is unbeatable (although 'Scherzo' is controversial), and I personally adored the last series of 8/Lucie stories. Also the David Warner/David Collings Unbound tales, and the 4th Medic Lost Stories box are excellent. (And, although many here would disagree, if you like a good laugh, the Iris series are great fun...)

Agreed on all points.

08-02-2013, 03:41 AM
would anyone possibly have a pdf or other e-book format copies of the LC script books? they were like 4 or so of them put out in 2004/2005 thanks

08-02-2013, 04:25 AM
For other top-drawer stuff, anything by Robert Shearman is unbeatable (although 'Scherzo' is controversial)

To be fair to RS, he was given the charge not only to write a two hander, but do it with his toes. He was so good at writing with his hands that they thought handicapping him would inspire him. Those were strange times. What a useful 100th post I've made.

08-02-2013, 04:38 AM
Losing Mcgann on audio for a Mcgann doctor on TV would be a lost I think.
I would rater get 2 hour story of the 8th doctor than 40 minute story on TV.

08-02-2013, 06:36 AM
***currently on knees, eyes tightly shut and fingers crossed, muttering in a low chant, "Thomas Sangster, Thomas Sangster.........."****

Capaldi I think could do a good job, he is an excellent actor, and if the sudden appearance of his name is an indicatioon the great, but i fear (and i mean bone chilling terror) that he is too big a name for this to be the case and that his sudden appearance as a contender may be a deliberate distraction to take attention away from the real choice.

I have this stone in my gut, heavy and burning, its going to be that Rory Kinnear guy......(sorry I feel ill now)

08-02-2013, 06:42 AM
Does anyone have teh Radio Drama to Star Wars, Empire and Jedi?

08-02-2013, 07:06 AM
Does anyone have teh Radio Drama to Star Wars, Empire and Jedi?

Maybe he is lost and looking for the crossover adventures, Dr Who in the Star Wars universe?

Crossover Adventure Productions (

When did this 'discussion' thread become an 'open, request anything' forum......???

08-02-2013, 07:12 AM
When did this 'discussion' thread become an 'open, request anything' forum......???
when all the cool (and generous) guys started hanging out here

08-02-2013, 07:20 AM
Maybe he is lost and looking for the crossover adventures, Dr Who in the Star Wars universe?

Crossover Adventure Productions (

When did this 'discussion' thread become an 'open, request anything' forum......???

Amanda said try asking over here

08-02-2013, 07:40 AM
Does anyone have teh Radio Drama to Star Wars, Empire and Jedi?

My local library has it on CD. You might try yours.

08-02-2013, 07:43 AM
Ok, we are nice people here.... try this site, may fill all your requirements.

Yes it is a torrent site, but it is reliable

08-02-2013, 07:59 AM
My local library has it on CD. You might try yours.

My library use to have it

08-02-2013, 08:17 AM
***currently on knees, eyes tightly shut and fingers crossed, muttering in a low chant, "Thomas Sangster, Thomas Sangster.........."****

I do love him despite him looking 12 still! Absurdly mature in contrast to his appearance and he is definitely a seriously talented adult actor--it was an act-off between him, David and Harry in HN/TFoB. Maybe in a decade...

I'm personally hoping for Aneurin Barnard, Harry Lloyd or Mat Baynton... With Anthony Stewart Head and Peter Capaldi on the older end.

Aneurin has definitely auditioned and has worked with/knows tons of Moffat-era cast (incl. Karen, Arthur and Catrin--he was even in a BF audio!). And I'm bloody obsessed with him at the moment (thank you, Richard III).

Mat Baynton is probably busy with his Horrible Histories (R.I.P.) troupe over on Yonderland, but damn, he'd be lovely as the Doctor, IMO. Ditto on the obsession. And I would absolutely love to see him in something serious (his Dick Turpin certainly proved he can do sexy and edgy). And his comedy is more his dramatic eye expressions (he'd be in good company with the best of the Doctors there) than Matt's goofy arm flailing virgin humor.

And I've been hanging on hopes for Harry Lloyd for years now.

Aneurin and Harry might be young, but they're both more serious and edgier actors than Matt (sorry). More charisma, too.

08-02-2013, 08:42 AM
***currently on knees, eyes tightly shut and fingers crossed, muttering in a low chant, "Thomas Sangster, Thomas Sangster.........."****

Capaldi I think could do a good job, he is an excellent actor, and if the sudden appearance of his name is an indicatioon the great, but i fear (and i mean bone chilling terror) that he is too big a name for this to be the case and that his sudden appearance as a contender may be a deliberate distraction to take attention away from the real choice.

I have this stone in my gut, heavy and burning, its going to be that Rory Kinnear guy......(sorry I feel ill now)

currently on knees, eyes tightly shut and fingers crossed, muttering in a low chant, "Thomas Sangster, Thomas Sangster.........."

Really? Look I'm sure he's a good actor and all but he's waaay too young to play The Doctor.

They need to cast an older actor this time. Look David was fine, Matt was great, both extremely talented guys but can we change things up please?
I also fear that writing-wise that although the next Doctor will be a new person he'll be the same. Moffat seems to write the Doctor in one way: his way. Quirky, fast talker, and spouter of catchphrases that BBC can sell on t-shirts and make moronic contests on the Facebook page.

08-02-2013, 10:03 AM
Absurdly mature in contrast to his appearance
which is why i continue to hope, and will do so until disappointed on Sunday

than Matt's goofy arm flailing virgin humor.
complains of arm waving....has that gif in signature.........

you make some interesting suggestions, I'm not sure Baynton could carry the drama aspects, but willing to be proved wrong, Barnard and Lloyd, Hmmm.....

but your mentioning of Richard3 did make me think of someone else, Ben Wishaw who played Richard2 in the "Hollow Crown" bit the Beeb did not long ago, now THAT could be good!

Really? Look I'm sure he's a good actor and all but he's waaay too young to play The Doctor.
I am immune to criticism on my advocacy for this remarkable actor to take the part, I KNOW that the jarring disconnect of looking so young but acting so old would bring a new dynamic to the Medic and reinvigorate the seires

Moffat seems to write the Doctor in one way: his way. Quirky, fast talker, and spouter of catchphrases that BBC can sell on t-shirts and make moronic contests on the Facebook page.
here at least we can agree

08-02-2013, 10:13 AM
My library use to have it

Odd... my library shows no planetary activity of any sort in that sector.

EDIT: You see, he's got a Star Wars thing going, and one of the plot developments in those new movies was a planet that doesn't show up in a library and all... Funny stuff, ya

08-02-2013, 10:16 AM
Could I request the classic novel audio the g*re*ate*st sho*w i*n t*h*e g*al*a*xy please thanks in advance x

Any luck with this release? X

08-02-2013, 10:18 AM
I KNOW that the jarring disconnect of looking so young but acting so old would bring a new dynamic to the Medic and reinvigorate the seires
But they've already done that with Matt and kinda with David. To quote George Harrison, "Its been done."

08-02-2013, 11:30 AM
Sorry for the interruption, but maybe someone has T**H**E***W**A**Y***T**H**R**O**U**G**H***T**H**E* **W**O**O**D**S or H**U**N**T**E**R**'**S***M**O**O**N by chance? I've been seaching for and I didn't find anything. :/ Thanks beforehand.

08-02-2013, 01:05 PM
Sorry for the interruption, but maybe someone has T**H**E***W**A**Y***T**H**R**O**U**G**H***T**H**E* **W**O**O**D**S or H**U**N**T**E**R**'**S***M**O**O**N by chance? I've been seaching for and I didn't find anything. :/ Thanks beforehand.

Ooh, I love Hunter Smoon. That's that Japanese cartoon with the gals with the big eyes, right?

08-02-2013, 01:08 PM
I want the new Doctor to be played by Kate Winslet

*ducks and hides*

08-02-2013, 01:33 PM
To be honest, I wouldn't mind an older Doctor this time around - I don't think it will happen, but I wouldn't mind it. Perhaps one that remembers his Venusian tricks.

08-02-2013, 01:38 PM
Ooh, I love Hunter Smoon. That's that Japanese cartoon with the gals with the big eyes, right?

No, that's Sailor Moon.

08-02-2013, 01:44 PM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sailor moon!!!!

08-02-2013, 03:42 PM
Why did they decide to change the Guardians of time to the Grace?

Is this a copyright thing?

And did they have to change "Amy's" name to "Abby" because of Amy Pond?


<!-- Download DOD8EA.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
Download The Painting of Atterol Enihpled.mp3 from - send big files the easy way ( -->

Thanks Guygardener for the re-up :)

08-02-2013, 07:53 PM
I would be happy for a doctor in HIS 30's. however i do get a horrible feeling it's going to be someone so young that he won't have hit puberty yet. Although if we were going to go young I actually wouldn't mind Daniel Radcliffe, after seeing him in woman in black last year I did think he would be capable of playing an older character quite well. Anyway doesn't matter who it is, i'm going to try my best not to find out until November, time to go and hibernate on the moon then

08-02-2013, 08:17 PM
I would be happy for a doctor in HIS 30's. however i do get a horrible feeling it's going to be someone so young that he won't have hit puberty yet. Although if we were going to go young I actually wouldn't mind Daniel Radcliffe, after seeing him in woman in black last year I did think he would be capable of playing an older character quite well. Anyway doesn't matter who it is, i'm going to try my best not to find out until November, time to go and hibernate on the moon then

Good luck with not finding out :D

It won't matter who gets the part, at least half the fans will be unhappy with the choice.

08-02-2013, 08:29 PM
Odd... my library shows no planetary activity of any sort in that sector.

EDIT: You see, he's got a Star Wars thing going, and one of the plot developments in those new movies was a planet that doesn't show up in a library and all... Funny stuff, ya

Referenced the prequels your joke did. How embarrassing.

08-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Referenced the prequels your joke did. How embarrassing.

Yeah. Not my proudest moment by a long shot.

08-02-2013, 09:03 PM
Sorry for the interruption, but maybe someone has T**H**E***W**A**Y***T**H**R**O**U**G**H***T**H**E* **W**O**O**D**S or H**U**N**T**E**R**'**S***M**O**O**N by chance? I've been seaching for and I didn't find anything. :/ Thanks beforehand.
I gots pdfs, you wants pdfs?

08-02-2013, 10:20 PM
Maybe he is lost and looking for the crossover adventures, Dr Who in the Star Wars universe?

Crossover Adventure Productions (

When did this 'discussion' thread become an 'open, request anything' forum......???

Were you not here when there were all those M-puppet uploads?

08-02-2013, 11:56 PM
Yes, I was, I was thinking it may be time for people to start looking at other sites, where they could obtain audios without having to keep requesting items the day they come out, or even to find what they are after and upload them here [ff.shrine],
another site linked with the crossovers is: BOTCHERBY'S | The Doctor Who Fan Audios Database ( where a lot of fan creations are to be found.

There are a large number of torrents, often forgotten or ignored, which can fulfill people's wants and needs, that don't rely on payment for file sharing.

That said, Hi jlm1883 :)

08-03-2013, 09:31 AM
Yes, I was, I was thinking it may be time for people to start looking at other sites, where they could obtain audios without having to keep requesting items the day they come out, or even to find what they are after and upload them here [ff.shrine],
another site linked with the crossovers is: BOTCHERBY'S | The Doctor Who Fan Audios Database ( where a lot of fan creations are to be found.

There are a large number of torrents, often forgotten or ignored, which can fulfill people's wants and needs, that don't rely on payment for file sharing.

That said, Hi jlm1883 :)

All well and good, but a lot of people come here for the banter - and not everyone is happy using torrents. As we've proven frequently; most requests here do get fulfilled, regardless of how obscure or OT they are so I'm sure people feel there's no real need to go elsewhere.

Agreed people asking for audios the instant they're released is a pita; but what can you do? We've asked everyone not to do it (more than once) but I'm sure it will continue. Some people are just really impatient I guess :(

08-03-2013, 09:44 AM
Agreed people asking for audios the instant they're released is a pita; but what can you do? We've asked everyone not to do it (more than once) but I'm sure it will continue. Some people are just really impatient I guess :(

I agree with this. It's probably working against them too.

08-03-2013, 10:31 AM
As time is running out to register our guess for the new medic i think it will be : Mark Gatiss.

08-03-2013, 10:57 AM
I've given up speculating over who it might be. All I know is that the dynamic of the show will change again and we will all probably still be watching it. Actors may change but the doctor endures. That's why I'm still watching after seeing Jon Pertwee change after a run in with spiders (nightmares for weeks after that). I still imagine somewhere out there all the medics are flying about somehow not bumping into one another most of the time and doing things we will never know about. So Sunday marks the start of a new chapter, all I know is that some will be pleased with the choice of actor and some won't but I will still be tuning in every Saturday, just as I always have since I was 4 to see where this roller coaster of a show takes me next.

08-03-2013, 11:40 AM
I've given up speculating over who it might be. All I know is that the dynamic of the show will change again and we will all probably still be watching it. Actors may change but the doctor endures. That's why I'm still watching after seeing Jon Pertwee change after a run in with spiders (nightmares for weeks after that). I still imagine somewhere out there all the medics are flying about somehow not bumping into one another most of the time and doing things we will never know about. So Sunday marks the start of a new chapter, all I know is that some will be pleased with the choice of actor and some won't but I will still be tuning in every Saturday, just as I always have since I was 4 to see where this roller coaster of a show takes me next.

Beautifully put, sir, beautifully put... :)

08-03-2013, 12:43 PM
Were you not here when there were all those M-puppet uploads?

Oh dear, somebody mentioned M-Puppets.

This one is about a frog with delusions of grandeur.



08-03-2013, 03:46 PM
Can anyone help with the audiobook for McCoys second story? I've been told by a number of people that its very good.

Exterminate Me
08-03-2013, 05:00 PM
Oh dear, somebody mentioned M-Puppets.

This one is about a frog with delusions of grandeur.



Thank you skutter! How I've missed these!!! :-)

---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 PM ----------

Yeah. Not my proudest moment by a long shot.

But funny!

---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-03-2013 at 11:58 PM ----------

I've given up speculating over who it might be. All I know is that the dynamic of the show will change again and we will all probably still be watching it. Actors may change but the doctor endures. That's why I'm still watching after seeing Jon Pertwee change after a run in with spiders (nightmares for weeks after that). I still imagine somewhere out there all the medics are flying about somehow not bumping into one another most of the time and doing things we will never know about. So Sunday marks the start of a new chapter, all I know is that some will be pleased with the choice of actor and some won't but I will still be tuning in every Saturday, just as I always have since I was 4 to see where this roller coaster of a show takes me next.

That sounds like my own experience! I agree.

08-03-2013, 06:14 PM
[Very busy, but pops head into thread]

Did they announce it yet? No? Tomorrow? Oh, ok!

08-03-2013, 11:08 PM
Dunno if any of you remember 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Daleks' I posted a while ago ... well here's another one from the same guy. Enjoy!
Dr Who: Daleks vs Mechons - the Third Peter Cushing film trailer... - YouTube (

08-03-2013, 11:34 PM
Anybody know if the reveal is going to be streamed as well?

Also, M-Puppets: Pure magic.

08-04-2013, 12:19 AM
So, have we any insight into which missing episodes the Asian actress playing the 12th Doctor will be bringing with her tomorrow?

08-04-2013, 12:21 AM
Anybody know if the reveal is going to be streamed as well?

It's meant to be simulcast (what a horrible word) to the US and Australia, apparently.

08-04-2013, 01:17 AM
It's meant to be simulcast (what a horrible word)

It does sound like 1980's future word. Maybe I can watch it on my cellular phone.

08-04-2013, 01:18 AM
So, have we any insight into which missing episodes the Asian actress playing the 12th Doctor will be bringing with her tomorrow?

I believe it's all of them. I've also heard that she will come out live on TV and reveal a debilitating condition thus ticking every single box simultaneously.

08-04-2013, 01:26 AM
It does sound like 1980's future word. ...

For some reason that made me think of Jenny Agutter in THAT scene in Logan's Run.

08-04-2013, 01:29 AM
It's meant to be simulcast (what a horrible word) to the US and Australia, apparently.

Yeah.. the issue is no TV more than anything else for tomorrow. (Got called into work so will be either flying or at a desk)

08-04-2013, 03:42 AM
And the Master turns up, sees that the Doctor is a woman, "Oh... Never mind, I enjoyed the latent homoeroticism... I don't really care for actual eroticism."

I watched Mark of the Rani the other day and if the Master didn't treat every one like an idiot I would say that he was interpenetratedly sexist.... So I'm thinking that the Master and Tegan would have been a good match, then I thought what about Nyssa, she's considerably more attractive, but then I really remembered that she was much younger than she seemed, and then I really, really remembered that the Master was freejacking her fathers body... Which had me consider if Tegan and the Master had had a baby, would that issue be Nyssa's sister, and would Nyssa have to call Tegan mum?

08-04-2013, 08:02 AM
I've given up speculating over who it might be. All I know is that the dynamic of the show will change again and we will all probably still be watching it. Actors may change but the doctor endures. That's why I'm still watching after seeing Jon Pertwee change after a run in with spiders (nightmares for weeks after that). I still imagine somewhere out there all the medics are flying about somehow not bumping into one another most of the time and doing things we will never know about. So Sunday marks the start of a new chapter, all I know is that some will be pleased with the choice of actor and some won't but I will still be tuning in every Saturday, just as I always have since I was 4 to see where this roller coaster of a show takes me next.

Couldn't agree more.
I love Colin, others hate him. Matt's not my favourite, but I enjoy his performance for what it is. Same goes for the stories and writers. Some people hate RTD and his inclusion of what they call SOAP moments, but I love the emotion that he brought to the show. I really liked SM's 9th & 10th Medic stories, and really looked forward to what he'd do as show runner, but haven't been blown away by it. Am looking forward to the new dynamic that 12 will bring, regardless of who he/she is.
Long live the greatest show on TV! I can't imagine what my life would have been like without it (and I survived the missing years post 7 - allbeit with regular repeats on AUS TV and video).

08-04-2013, 08:29 AM

The Feathered Serpent is a British children's television series. Set in Aztec Mexico and starring former Doctor Who Patrick Troughton as the scheming High Priest Nasca, two series were made for ITV by Thames Television and transmitted in 1976 and 1978.



Can someone confirm the uploads are OK. I've had trouble in the past with 4S

S2 Next Week


Exterminate Me
08-04-2013, 09:24 AM
For some reason that made me think of Jenny Agutter in THAT scene in Logan's Run.

Mmmmmm, I'm off to the Zero Room.......

---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------

Wow, I've been after this. Thank you - you legend!!!


serpent1.1 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.2 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.3 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.4 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.5 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (>

Can someone confirm the uploads are OK. I've had trouble in the past with 4S

S2 Next Week


Wow, I've been after this. Thank you so much - you Legend!!!

Exterminate Me
08-04-2013, 11:19 PM
The shrine is up again?!!

Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor. That's fantastic - a good choice!

Now that's two actors who've been used from Fires of Pompeii by Moffat (well, one technically being an actress).

08-04-2013, 11:22 PM
Sooo, the 12th Doctor is Peter Capaldi - what do we think? Good choice for me, no more romance with the companions, and a very fine actor. Needs some good storylines to support him, but fingers crossed.

08-04-2013, 11:23 PM
The guests in that special were all over the place.

The kid from outnumbered?


Screw Zoe Ball, since he was already there, they should have asked Pete Davison to run with it, since it was 5 minutes of teleprompter reading, and 10 minutes of interviews with barely tangentially associated celebrities... Something any monkey could do.

tippy wooder
08-04-2013, 11:26 PM
Screw Zoe Ball.

Absolutely appalling choice. Could only have been worse if they'd asked Jo Whiley or Lauren Laverne to be involved.

they should have asked Pete Davison to run with it

Nice idea...

AUDIO : Does anyone have links to the Tar-git audiobooks for THE RESS-CUE, TOOMB OF THE CIDER-MEN and THE GRAPEST SHOE IN THE GLAXY ..?

08-04-2013, 11:33 PM
Screw Zoe Ball ...

Well, if you insist.

We'll be in the Zero Room.

And possibly The Library.

But definitely up in the Tertiary Console Room.

08-04-2013, 11:37 PM
True, but Zoe Ball won't be in the next episodes (I assume!!), the programme itself wasn't the main point to me, I agree it could have been a lot better, but I think the choice of the next Dr is a good one.

08-04-2013, 11:46 PM
Like I did with MS, I will reserve judgement of the new medic until I have seen what he does with the role...however I have this nagging feeling that he may not be the right choice....
To me, he does not look like the medic!
However as I said, I will reserve judgment till I see him in costume and doing his thing!

08-04-2013, 11:49 PM
Like I did with MS, I will reserve judgement of the new medic until I have seen what he does with the role...however I have this nagging feeling that he may not be the right choice....
To me, he does not look like the medic!
However as I said, I will reserve judgment till I see him in costume and doing his thing!

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I wonder when we're going to see the first picture of him with the Tardis?

And what's his "look" going to be?

08-04-2013, 11:51 PM
Everyone has seen The Thick of It?

But I guess that's like saying that they cast Alec Guiness as Obiwan Kenobi because of his work as Hitler in the last Seven days of Hitler.

08-04-2013, 11:52 PM
How good is his 'mid-atlantic accent'?, or is he going to play it with his natural Scots?, he still has the look, tall thin, long nose... I want to see the costume.

08-04-2013, 11:53 PM
Wondering if someone would be able to suggest the proper way to inquire about titles, as there are some aliases being used. Missing a few titles and looking for an assist.

08-04-2013, 11:53 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean.

I wonder when we're going to see the first picture of him with the Tardis?

And what's his "look" going to be?

I kinda hope that they go with the classic edwardian/victorian look with him, as they have just brought it back with MS, as opposed to the council estate/ww II demob suit and indiana jones rip offs of the modern medics! lol

08-05-2013, 12:06 AM
I kinda hope that they go with the classic edwardian/victorian look with him, as they have just brought it back with MS, as opposed to the council estate/ww II demob suit and indiana jones rip offs of the modern medics! lol

Yeah, I can see him rocking a frock-coat. Perhaps something like the 'mix-n-match' cricket look that PD *wanted* as opposed to the over-styled one he got. Suffice to say I think it's safe to say that he's probably got the 'clout' to get the look he wants.

08-05-2013, 12:13 AM
Yeah, I can see him rocking a frock-coat. Perhaps something like the 'mix-n-match' cricket look that PD *wanted* as opposed to the over-styled one he got. Suffice to say I think it's safe to say that he's probably got the 'clout' to get the look he wants.

Yes I was think along the lines of sir derek J's brief stint as the master, before he regenerated into that loony tune from life on mars.... throw in a frock coat, classic style, not over produced like PD and CBs....
Would go a long way to easy my doubts lol

08-05-2013, 12:27 AM
Peter Capaldi is the perfect choice, I couldn't be more pleased. Thanks to SM for an enlightened choice, the man's a genius.

08-05-2013, 03:10 AM
Is anyone able to help with the latest Medic Destiny? Its the one I want to hear most.

As for the news on Capaldi, I was really hoping it wouldn't be him. I'm not sure why but I didn't like him much in Fires of Pompeii or Children of Earth. I'm glad we finally have an older Doctor and after seeing his interview on Doctor Who live I think I may warm to him. As long as he isn't another Tennant, Smith clone. I love both of them but its time for a more serious Doctor, all Doctors have eccentricities but please not as much as Tennant and Smith.

08-05-2013, 03:43 AM
I like the fact that he is an older man.

08-05-2013, 03:47 AM
I was working against a vicious deadline called bedtime.

The polysyllabic mash they hung on "Abby" sounds like the mess of vowels the other they gave Clara.


<!-- -->

It's still active, and been there all along.

I'll deactivate it in a couple days like I'm supposed to to avoid the terror and judgement of Johnny law.

Whenever some one writes "RWQ" please assume that it's in your best interest even if you don't understand what the hell is going on.

08-05-2013, 03:52 AM
My two cents: While in my hearts of hearts I would've prefered an unknown/up-and-comer, I think Capaldi is an excellent choice. He is a fine, talented and experienced actor, capable of a wide range of performances. He's a big fan of the show, he's significantly older without being too old, and he's well known enough to attract interest, but not too well known to detract from the character.

I've enjoyed his performances in everything I've seen him in, and have faith that he and Moffat will work together to give us a Doctor who is hopefully quite different to his immediate predecessors, yet still essentialyl 'Doctor-ish'. (I also hope & think he'll be Scottish, as I can't recall anything where he's not used his natural accent...) And given his age and experience, he might hopefully be a little less anxious to move on, and give us a a good 4-5 years in the role. All power to him, and can't wait to see where he goes with it. Welcome number 12!!... :)

BTW, does anyone else think it's hilarious that his last major role was as a "W.H.O. Doctor" based in Cardiff in World War Z?? Ooooh, spooky...

08-05-2013, 04:54 AM
I have to admit that I don't know Peter Capaldi from Adam. But what's really blown my mind is that on the day of the announcement, there's only been one additional page added to this thread! Talk about a mind-blower!*

(And although I haven't seen any of his work, it is a relief to see an older Doctor again. And I agree with Arakssor-- a bit less 'quirk' will be something of a relief. And I say that having only seen two of the 10th Medic's seasons!)

*Though I gather from Exterminate Me that the site was down for a while.

BTW, does anyone else think it's hilarious that his last major role was as a "W.H.O. Doctor" based in Cardiff in World War Z?? Ooooh, spooky...

The Guardian pointed this out in their liveblog of the announcement. The guy's got himself a trivia question right out of the gate!

08-05-2013, 05:23 AM
The guests during the program reminded me of the really appalling treatment the bigB gave the show post-RTD's relaunch.

Note the kid who was asked if he would want to be a companion, and he laughed and said he would love to - if the Doctor ever had any kid companions.

PD sitting on the couch beside him.


Anyway, Capaldi - great choice. Scottish AND older. Now, he just needs an umbrella.

---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

I would've prefered an unknown/up-and-comer.

Yeah, this is my one *sort of* issue with the whole thing. But, hey, he has sort of a close-cropped 3rd/4th hairstyle, so maybe he will puff that baby out and pop a scarf on.

08-05-2013, 05:52 AM
Peter Capaldi? Peter Capaldi? where'd he come from? Didn't even know he was in the running...

All the same, I think he'll be pretty good

08-05-2013, 06:07 AM


serpent1.1 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.2 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.3 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.4 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (
serpent1.5 - Download - 4shared - Captain Jack (>

Can someone confirm the uploads are OK. I've had trouble in the past with 4S

S2 Next Week


Ooh, thanks for these - been considering getting for a while, so now I can 'try before I buy"!

08-05-2013, 06:51 AM
Peter Calpaldi is a good choice in my opinion. Great for the youngsters who started watching Nu-Who 8 years back and have grown with the series. Being an older actor will limit the running and jumping about and hopefully make the scripts a little more serious and cerebral. I have absolutely no problem with Clara doing the running and giving the odd skirt-swishing flash if needed.:D

Nice coincidence that Bill Hartnell was also 55 when we first saw that Police Box in Totters Lane.

08-05-2013, 07:06 AM
Finally, an older actor! I hope this signals an end to the Twilightesque shenanigans with any companion. Here's hoping they write better stories for him!

08-05-2013, 07:16 AM
Nice coincidence that Bill Hartnell was also 55 when we first saw that Police Box in Totters Lane.
Another nice coincidence is that he's the second person to play the Medic who previously played a completely different character in the show. The other was the Sixth Medic, Colin Baker. I'm frankly amazed how the internet will start to create fanon even before the new Medic has been seen in proper action. For example, on Tumblr, people are suggesting that Caecilius from "Fires of Pompeii" is really Twelve in disguise wanting to see Donna again. All that said, I'm optimistic for how this will play out. Here's hoping he stays for awhile. I also hope he has a fantastic outfit to wear. :)

08-05-2013, 08:19 AM
Now that's two actors who've been used from Fires of Pompeii by Moffat (well, one technically being an actress).
Surely we have no problem calling a female "actor", calling KG an actor on the other hand......

The guests in that special were all over the place.
And Rufus Hound will have to grow he beard back and hide for a few years to live down the embarrassment...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I wonder when we're going to see the first picture of him with the Tardis? And what's his "look" going to be?
This is the crux of it. the costume has such import on the character of each Medic

Wondering if someone would be able to suggest the proper way to inquire about titles, as there are some aliases being used. Missing a few titles and looking for an assist.
1)Find title you want
2)warp your mind into that of a mad crossword compiler, anagrammist and terrible punner
3) post request for result

Thanks to SM for an enlightened choice, the man's a genius.
I dont think I could go that far

I didn't get my choice, but I am reasonably confident that a good choice has been made. Capaldi is a very talented actor, and I think it signals a turn to a darker Medic.
On the whole, I think this could be VERY good indeed.

08-05-2013, 09:09 AM

08-05-2013, 09:19 AM
Capaldi Forever! Nice to have a life long fan playing the doctor again, I think that's one of the many reasons David Tennant was so good. I'm actually way more excited about this than i ever thought i would be. Especially after seeing how, for him, it was a once impossible dream fantasy turned into a reality. Plus, he's Peter Capaldi. The man's got mad acting chops and is just so darn loveable. This is truly going to be something special.

Now if we could just get more Paul McGann on screen, and find all that missing Troughton. Peter Daividson's point about Patrick Troughton has always been my 2nd reason for saying he's the best doctor. Imagine they've decided to replace the lead actor on your favorite show, and the new actor is somehow supposed to be playing the same character(?!), even though they are different in so many countless ways. Then imagine that the new actor is soo good at it, that you don't even mind at all. I know for some of the newer fans, that's exactly how it was when Eccleston transformed into Tennant. It worked almost immediately despite your countless reservations. The 1st reason Troughton is my fav, is that he's just so darn cute & loveable as the doctor. In fact, i would go so far as to say that's what makes a truly great doctor, is just how dang cute he can be sometimes. And i obviously don't mean physical beauty.

Exterminate Me
08-05-2013, 10:33 AM
Nice to see all the opinions. It seems, on the whole, we're mostly pleased. At least they've got the speculation over with - I don't think I could have taken any more months of speculation!

I would like to see him go on for several years - Matt Smith only did three seasons (no BBC, a split season doesn't count as two!) and the 50th really. It seems like only yesterday that DWM was announcing MS - it's making me feel quite old. Now if only we can get some decent stories happening, and COMPLETE seasons, that run for for three months, NOT one and a half months!

08-05-2013, 10:47 AM
BBC Drama Chief Ben Stevenson has said:

"We started thinking Peter Capaldi might be the right person to take on this iconic part a few months ago. But it was only when he did a secret audition at Steven's house under the cover of darkness that we knew we had our man. He's an extraordinarily talented actor who can seemingly turn his hand to anything. We can't wait to premiere his unique take on the Doctor on Christmas Day and we are sure he's going to become one of the all-time classic Doctors."

I have a sneaky feeling Matt will regenerate on November 23 and Capaldi will have the majority of Xmas episode to himself.

08-05-2013, 11:50 AM
I feel a bit sorry for Matt in that the end of his era risks being overshadowed by DT+BP and introduction of PC.

08-05-2013, 12:01 PM
I'll miss Matt as well, but I won't miss the almost constant buffoonery and I loved the analogy someone made last night when they compared him to a hyperactive puppy :D

I'm hoping for a more dark and brooding doc (more like Chris Ecclestone) and less of the happy-go-lucky (like Matt and David); and I really hope they get rid of that fecking screwdriver! All we can do now is wait til next year and his first proper episode - I doubt we'll see him until right at the end of the xmas special.

Finally Moff gets something right! All we need now is better writing and a full series and not one split in half.

08-05-2013, 01:08 PM
Peter Calpaldi is a good choice in my opinion. Great for the youngsters who started watching Nu-Who 8 years back and have grown with the series. Being an older actor will limit the running and jumping about and hopefully make the scripts a little more serious and cerebral. I have absolutely no problem with Clara doing the running and giving the odd skirt-swishing flash if needed.:D

Nice coincidence that Bill Hartnell was also 55 when we first saw that Police Box in Totters Lane.

Note that there is a HUGE difference between both filming and health in the comparison of the "Classic Series" and "Nu-Who". For example, the original Star Wars Trilogy versus the new one.

Not saying #12 will be doing backflips and jumping out of windows while shooting his new SonicS/Grapple across the city to escape on the bottom of a Dalek hoverdisc - BUT!

08-05-2013, 03:24 PM
I like Peter Capaldi a lot as an actor and I'm pleased with the choice - with certain small reservations. I agree with Looshkin- in my heart of hearts I would've liked an unknown, someone where the announcement was a complete surprise. But that's really minor griping - it's definitely an entirely different direction from the last couple of incarnations and much as I enjoyed them, this is to be applauded - proof still that there's always a new angle to be mined. Yes, as an actor, Capaldi is the oldest incumbent of the TARDIS since Hartnell. But society has changed a lot since then - I hope! I could hear the cry go up in Girlieland (several personally known to me, "Awww no! An older bloke!" They were mourning the loss of Tennantesque/Smithesque eye candy which, it has to be said, has been a draw for wider circles of fandom in recent years of the show. This, I say, is ageist! And who is to say they're not planning on a Harry Sullivan-type character to take the strain on that front? (More heroic than Rory, anyway.)

It does seem though, as someone else mentioned, that the anniversary and Matt's finale has been somewhat staged and Smith's leaving overshadowed by all the other brouhaha. Almost as if someone in charge is determined that the mistakes of the post 20th anniversary situation will not be repeated...

08-05-2013, 03:43 PM
Surprised to see that GallyBase hasn't utterly melted down.

08-05-2013, 06:01 PM
Johnny Ball presenting I would have loved! 'Think of a number? That's right, twelve!' Capaldi is a wonderful choice, so glad we've gone older.

The guests in that special were all over the place.

The kid from outnumbered?


Screw Zoe Ball, since he was already there, they should have asked Pete Davison to run with it, since it was 5 minutes of teleprompter reading, and 10 minutes of interviews with barely tangentially associated celebrities... Something any monkey could do.

08-05-2013, 07:43 PM
I gots pdfs, you wants pdfs?

I want pdfs

08-05-2013, 09:04 PM
Please follow the link to my first attempt to depict Mr Capaldi LC Cover style! No idea about the costume but who knows!! And Ms Ball took such critisism on this forum that she seemed like the obvious villain for his first encounter together with a cartoon monster! Enjoy...

happyappy6 on deviantART (

08-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Please follow the link to my first attempt to depict Mr Capaldi LC Cover style! No idea about the costume but who knows!! And Ms Ball took such critisism on this forum that she seemed like the obvious villain for his first encounter together with a cartoon monster! Enjoy...

happyappy6 on deviantART (

I laughed.

08-05-2013, 09:39 PM
I want pdfs


I approve of the gif btw :)

08-05-2013, 10:41 PM
For those of you who like revisiting stuff have a go at this

Doctor Who - The Doctors Revisited - The Seventh Doctor - Video Dailymotion (

08-05-2013, 11:28 PM

08-05-2013, 11:46 PM
Hear, Hear!

(Apart from the last bit. The pro/con's of both eras probably balance out for me.)

08-06-2013, 12:03 AM
I think the pro/cons are pretty balanced too... the difference being, with me, while I enjoyed Matt I could just watch Tennant speaking the lousiest of scripts. And I suspect I will feel the same about Mr Capaldi as I did Tennant.

08-06-2013, 12:15 AM
As for Peter Capaldi. Thank Christ for an older Doctor. I feared the kid from Outnumbered would end up with the TARDIS keys...or at worst a pool of semen the way the lead actor has gone younger and younger. Capaldi is a great actor, loves the show and with no career ambitions (he has an Oscar, BAFTAs etc - this job is one of love as opposed to career progression) I think he could be in the role for at least 4 years. I also think - ala 1974 - the producers might bring in a younger actor (i.e. Harry Sullivan) to do the heavy lifting as it where and appeal to the younger fanbase.

Have heard a lot of people on Twitter saying they wont watch as the new Doctor is old and ugly. My attitude is fuck 'em! If they were only watching the show because the main actor was good looking, then they were never fans to start with. As I said to a fellow Whovian, I would rather have a great actor as Who and the series being brilliant again** with just 10 people watching than the show going down the Twilight route and being style over substance with gazillions of viewers. I'd rather the show died than became a generic sci-fi show.

Gotta agree with most of that, but I just hope an older Doc doesn't harm the show - after all it all comes down to viewing figures and sales. If enough people turn off, then the show could suffer. As for a younger actor to appeal to a younger fanbase - we kind of already have that in JLC who certainly appeals to one demographic (ie, Male with a pulse).

The whole twitter thing reminds me of Torchwood when they killed Ianto off - people insisted they wouldn't watch the show anymore unless they brought him back which I always thought was a pure genius move on the part of those pricks :| If you're watching a show for the sake of a single character then how can you call yourself a fan of the show?

08-06-2013, 12:27 AM
Tennant is going to be pissed if this one is allowed to be spacescottish and he wasn't.

Clara "Why do you sound like that now?"

Doctor "What?"

Clara "Well, Scottish."

Doctor "I sound Scottish?"

Clara "You sound Scottish."

Doctor "I sound Scottish! ...Amy, that bloody woman got into my brain, like worms or syphilis, she got into my brain and that mad cow made me Scottish! I spent 20 years with Jamie and he was a good boy who stayed out of my... Oooooo I want to bomb her. Drop a 40 pound bomb right out the front door onto New York and... Well, at least I'm not American. "

08-06-2013, 12:40 AM
I think the pro/cons are pretty balanced too... the difference being, with me, while I enjoyed Matt I could just watch Tennant speaking the lousiest of scripts. And I suspect I will feel the same about Mr Capaldi as I did Tennant.

For me; DT came down to "The Last Of Mawk-Lords" and MS has ended up being "The Last Of The Couldashouldabeen-Lords". I would love to have seen Matt under another Producer for a season with the 'goof' turned down a notch or two.

But, please god, I hope that The Moff doesn't do an RTD and do the 'farewell tour' before he regenerates. I know there's areas of fandom that *love* that bit, but it was like nails down a blackboard for me.

The Nobber household really wants Matt's regeneration to come out of nowhere; no big build up. No giving it away with Gold bringing in the music cue too early. Something like ... we're 20 minutes into the episode. Action, adventure and really wild things are happening.

The Doctor has to do something and it's away from Clara. Doing the something, he says the line "Oooo .. this is going to hurt ...." ... followed by a flash/bang/regen-stream and Capaldi then saying "Ow! That hur ... hang on ... I didn't expect it to hurt THAT much!" ... followed by 40 minutes more of the episode convincing Clara that he IS the Doctor.

08-06-2013, 12:53 AM
I'm just glad the new doc is older than me.....expected the next one to be oh....about 12.....

08-06-2013, 01:00 AM

08-06-2013, 01:12 AM
I hope the Doctor hurts and is in pain when he regenerates. I am sick of this calmly standing in the TARDIS and changing shit. Bring on the screams - ala Jacobi/Simm - to show regenerations hurt ffs!! Incidentally, am I the only person thinks the best regeneration the show ever did was that Master regeneration? Better CGI (I loved the rainbow sparks as opposed to plain gold streams) and the screams...Oh brilliant.

Hmm. I see where you're coming from, and to a degree I do agree with you. However ... Jacobi/Simm was combination regeneration/transubstantiation when he de-human'd back to Time Lord. And you could argue that 10s hurt as look at what the hell it did to the console room when that pent-up energy from holding it back so long was released! (Which is why I think he re-did the console room AGAIN later. He just couldn't rid the place of the smell of the previous one!)

However ... the rest of his re-gen's have been fairly low-key (even with 5 stepping into 4). Prior to 10 into 11 I'd argue that 7 to 8 looked the most 'painful'.

08-06-2013, 02:42 AM
Please follow the link to my first attempt to depict Mr Capaldi LC Cover style! No idea about the costume but who knows!! And Ms Ball took such critisism on this forum that she seemed like the obvious villain for his first encounter together with a cartoon monster! Enjoy...

happyappy6 on deviantART (

Nice. Although that cossie makes him look more like The Master to me (which he also would've been good as)!

---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------

The whole twitter thing reminds me of Torchwood when they killed Ianto off - people insisted they wouldn't watch the show anymore unless they brought him back which I always thought was a pure genius move on the part of those pricks :| If you're watching a show for the sake of a single character then how can you call yourself a fan of the show?

This is true, although I think the lack of Ianto kinda hurt Miracle Day (well, that and the bad story...)

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

Have heard a lot of people on Twitter saying they wont watch as the new Doctor is old and ugly. My attitude is fuck 'em! If they were only watching the show because the main actor was good looking, then they were never fans to start with.

If these are the sort we're gonna lose, I don't have a problem with that... :D

twelfthdoctor.avi - YouTube (

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

The Doctor has to do something and it's away from Clara. Doing the something, he says the line "Oooo .. this is going to hurt ...." ... followed by a flash/bang/regen-stream and Capaldi then saying "Ow! That hur ... hang on ... I didn't expect it to hurt THAT much!" ... followed by 40 minutes more of the episode convincing Clara that he IS the Doctor.

Agreed. That would be superb. But sadly, katrinaau's version will probably be closer to the mark...

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

I'm just glad the new doc is older than me.....expected the next one to be oh....about 12.....

What, you mean like... THOMAS SANGSTER??!! ;D

(Sorry, neonihilist, I couldn't help myself...)

---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

However ... the rest of his re-gen's have been fairly low-key (even with 5 stepping into 4). Prior to 10 into 11 I'd argue that 7 to 8 looked the most 'painful'.

Ooooh, wasn't it, though! Crack, snap, pop, grimace... Nasty (and yet, also a bit silly)!

08-06-2013, 02:45 AM
(and yet, also a bit silly)!

:) The word 'Gurning' springs to mind!

Thought when SWMBO first saw it she said her first thoughts was that he was trying to hold in a sneeze!

08-06-2013, 05:00 AM
I don't remember 7 to 8 at all. Was it in the movie? (sorry, the pilot)

08-06-2013, 05:12 AM
I don't remember 7 to 8 at all. Was it in the movie? (sorry, the pilot)

Yes, Seven was shot in the shoulder and then taken to a hospital where they attempted to revive him, misdiagnosed his condition, and killed him.

Also, not that I am any sort of judge, but I don't really think #12 is "Old and Ugly", I mean ... Older? Sure. Ugly is a bit harsh, I mean what if he pops out with white facepaint, eyeshadow in the shape of clocks and a Tardis tophat?


On a sidenote, I remember them saying TomB was going to be in that special. Did I miss him, or did they decide that since he gobbles every second of screentime when he is present that it would be too big a risk?

08-06-2013, 06:04 AM
Also, not that I am any sort of judge, but I don't really think #12 is "Old and Ugly", I mean ... Older? Sure. Ugly is a bit harsh, I mean what if he pops out with white facepaint, eyeshadow in the shape of clocks and a Tardis tophat?
I agree, he may not have the youthful good looks of the past couple of Doctors, and he's no silver fox either, but he's not exactly ugly!

Please follow the link to my first attempt to depict Mr Capaldi LC Cover style! No idea about the costume but who knows!! And Ms Ball took such critisism on this forum that she seemed like the obvious villain for his first encounter together with a cartoon monster! Enjoy...

happyappy6 on deviantART (

Love the picture you chose for the face shot under the title! My first impression of Peter Capaldi was that he looked rather like the Master, especially those photos of him with the goatee on Google. Your cover is strengthening that impression. :)
It kinda makes me wonder if they're planning to touch on the whole Valeyard thing some time down the line...

Ooooh, wasn't it, though! Crack, snap, pop, grimace... Nasty (and yet, also a bit silly)!

:) The word 'Gurning' springs to mind!

Thought when SWMBO first saw it she said her first thoughts was that he was trying to hold in a sneeze!

Did someone say something about gurning?

08-06-2013, 07:06 AM
:) The word 'Gurning' springs to mind!

Thought when SWMBO first saw it she said her first thoughts was that he was trying to hold in a sneeze!

Regeneration: The Harshest Sneeze Of All... :D

08-06-2013, 07:08 AM
I think the lack of Ianto kinda hurt Miracle Day (well, that and the bad story...)
BAD?!?!....reaches for thesaurus...Terrible, Awful, Appaling, Dreadful, Atrociuos......

If these are the sort we're gonna lose, I don't have a problem with that... :D

twelfthdoctor.avi - YouTube (

oh ffs!! No loss whatsoever!

But this does make me realise....EVERY fan-edit of the 12th, every comment on a forum, every vid, every single one....
will have the potential for Malcolm to rear his head and say what the Medic can't.

Doctor: Daleks are not nice, not nice at all!

Clara: Not nice? is that all? they don't sound so bad.

Doctor(Malcolm): @%^&� the &^%ing *&%^&, with their &^%@^ %$@#%^ up their ~)%%"@!!!

What, you mean like... THOMAS SANGSTER??!! ;D

(Sorry, neonihilist, I couldn't help myself...)
I shall rise above it, anyway, he will still look young NEXT TIME!!!!

08-06-2013, 08:32 AM

08-06-2013, 08:50 AM
Random I know, but WARRIORS GATE. I have absolutely no idea what is going on, but I love this story. Possibly style over substance, but still love it.

Just wanted to highlight this because it reminded me of the sort of stuff I post, but from someone who's more familiar with the series than I am. Here's me: "Hey, hey, hey.....Hey, you guys? Anyone? Okay. So I'm watching Stones of Blood. And the killer stones? Not that good. But to be fair? Atmosphere."

Not that that's what you're doing. Just noting yet again that it's nice to have a venue to say the stuff I do and not deal with a tsunami of condescending remarks. Very un-Internet, when you think about it. As for Warriors Gate... not there yet, so I'll just file it away under something to look forward to.

08-06-2013, 10:11 AM
I've just been reading back a few pages and I have a question... whats with all the Zoe Ball hate? I like her :D, she kinda does it for me ;)

08-06-2013, 10:14 AM
I've just been reading back a few pages and I have a question... whats with all the Zoe Ball hate? I like her :D, she kinda does it for me ;)

Don't think it's Zoe hate. I think people would have preferred somebody connected with the show to present it. Personally I would have liked to have seen Capaldi on the panel with Davidson et al without revealing he was the new doc until the very end.

Still, it could have been worse - we could have had Davina McCall :)

08-06-2013, 10:56 AM

Just a thought - the Dorian audios are as cheap as chips - maybe you could just (gasp, shock!!) BUY one every so often??

Not trying to be rude, it's just that they really are extremely cheap, and you'd be supporting LC doing more of 'em in future... :)

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

Personally I would have liked to have seen Capaldi on the panel with Davidson et al without revealing he was the new doc until the very end.

Oh, that would've been SO cool!!

08-06-2013, 11:06 AM
I'm just glad the new doc is older than me.....expected the next one to be oh....about 12.....

He is 12 :p

08-06-2013, 11:16 AM
He is 12 :p

Tish Boom...

08-06-2013, 01:42 PM
He is 12 :p

"what's the benefit of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes?"

08-06-2013, 03:26 PM
I've just been reading back a few pages and I have a question... whats with all the Zoe Ball hate? I like her :D, she kinda does it for me ;)

Certainly no hate. Just the wrong woman for the wrong thing.

They should have had an ex-companion doing that part.

08-06-2013, 04:03 PM
But this does make me realise....EVERY fan-edit of the 12th, every comment on a forum, every vid, every single one....
will have the potential for Malcolm to rear his head and say what the Medic can't.

Doctor: Daleks are not nice, not nice at all!

Clara: Not nice? is that all? they don't sound so bad.

Doctor(Malcolm): @%^&� the &^%ing *&%^&, with their &^%@^ %$@#%^ up their ~)%%"@!!!

It's started already. ( Damn, people are quick.

08-06-2013, 04:09 PM
It's started already. ( Damn, people are quick.

Saw this earlier ... I've gotta see The Thick Of It :D

08-06-2013, 05:21 PM
Want to laugh AND cry?

ANIME DOCTOR WHO! - Timey Wimey Awesome - Geek Week

(No, it's Not THE Anime 3rd Doc that's been around for an age)

Oh ... the crying bit is ... Read The Comments ... That'll make you loose all your faith in humanity. (Such as this gem "F*ck Doc Who. Stupidest wannabe scifi ever.")

08-06-2013, 05:54 PM
I don't know if this has been posted before (I've been away for a while) but it's well worth a look! A sketch by Peter Davison & friends:

Peter Davison's original video message to Gallifrey One 2011 on Vimeo (

---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

Also, Peter is the guest on the Marvel Podcast, this week.

08-06-2013, 07:00 PM
Saw this earlier ... I've gotta see The Thick Of It :D

oh do, so very do

malcolm is a work of genius

08-06-2013, 07:26 PM
<EB_theForestPath.7z (
<EB_naturalSatelliteOfDeerStalker.7z (

I approve of the gif btw :)

That gif doesn't need to be approved, it approves of itself in its own just because of its mere existence, mate. I think you should marry with that gif. If that were legal in some country, of course.

Infinite thanks tho! :D

(Seriously, I've moved loads of Internet to find those)