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12-07-2015, 03:22 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention but, on Monday my wife and I leave for two weeks in the Philippines. My first holiday in 21 years. There's no internet where I'm staying so I'll be absent on here. Just thought I'd let you guys and gals know. That way, if someone sent me a PM, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just not here.

Have fun and, please, save any audios I may miss. Thank you. Take care :)

Safe journey!

12-07-2015, 04:04 AM
I really like the current version, much better than that orange monstrosity that the eleventh medic had.

The current version is very NewClassical, I dont mind it at all. The pristine Start-From-Scratch-ness of the white model really appeals to me as a way to reboot it in a post-clara way imo.

12-07-2015, 04:21 AM
About 1/3 of the way into LC #24, enjoying it so far, I think I'm going to like the princess as a "regular." #22 was good, and #23 was odd, but sort of interesting. I'd say #21 is actually one of my favorites so far. I think the stories for Seven feel better than the others, but the performances from Six and Evey make up for any plot deficiencies and keep their tales enjoyable. After this, I've got #26 and #27, then I'm "caught up" to where I was and can just go forward starting with #35.

I think after I get to #50, I might pause the main series there and listen to the "Unchained" stories, or maybe not. I really love D. Warner. We'll see how it goes.

12-07-2015, 04:22 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention but, on Monday my wife and I leave for two weeks in the Philippines. My first holiday in 21 years. There's no internet where I'm staying so I'll be absent on here. Just thought I'd let you guys and gals know. That way, if someone sent me a PM, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just not here.

Have fun and, please, save any audios I may miss. Thank you. Take care :)

And to you, I will say this fond 1st Medic quote, taking some slight artistic licensing at the end of it..

One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye, [EM].

Have a safe trip and bring back good stories and big smiles! And remember: Pics, or it didn't happen! ;) *hugs*

12-07-2015, 04:41 AM
Anyone have Damien Monochrome 4 or Battle Game read by Dave's Trout-Son?

Also looking for audiobooks of Drack-u-lar. Obviously been read many times but any recommended readings? Not the Kris Lea version as that's abridged.

12-07-2015, 05:05 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention but, on Monday my wife and I leave for two weeks in the Philippines. My first holiday in 21 years. There's no internet where I'm staying so I'll be absent on here. Just thought I'd let you guys and gals know. That way, if someone sent me a PM, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just not here.

Have fun and, please, save any audios I may miss. Thank you. Take care :)

Run, you clever boy, and have a fantastic time. :)

12-07-2015, 07:01 AM
Any one thinking about Adric while this all went down?

12-07-2015, 07:20 AM
Right? talk about a death that WOULDN'T disrupt the web of time ^. If the doc ever regretted not saving anyone - it would be math boy. And as long as the explosion happens...what does the universe care whether or not Adric dies in it?

I went all googoo over the white classic tardis!! ...but I'm kinda pissed that moffat gave it to clara. I hope "Me" just drops her off back at death's door at the first available opportunity. Me's too cool for Clara. IMHO.

12-07-2015, 12:30 PM
When he was back at the old homestead, surveying his old bedroom, unknown woman 1 walks in (wonderful nuanced acting from this lady), she says (not realising he's the Medic), "I've just put all that back, it's for the BOYS, if ever they want to come back......" I know he's said before "I had a brother once..." Does this suggest in resurrected Gellifrie he still might, or am I reading too much into it?

I enjoyed the episode mainly for some of it's magic moments rather than for the full opus.

12-07-2015, 12:32 PM
When he was back at the old homestead, surveying his old bedroom, unknown woman 1 walks in (wonderful nuanced acting by this actor), she says (not realising he's the Medic), "I've just put all that back, it's for the BOYS, if ever they want to come back......" I know he's said before "I had a brother once..." Does this suggest in resurrected Gellifrie he still might, or am I reading to much into it?

I enjoyed the episode mainly for some of it's magic moments rather than for the full opus.

I wasn't sure if the implication was his brother or the fact that last time we were there, there was three doctors?

12-07-2015, 12:43 PM
I wasn't sure if the implication was his brother or the fact that last time we were there, there was three doctors?

That's a fair point, I hadn't considered that. There was lot's to like, the showroom new tard1s, mother superior, finally getting an idea of the scale of things in the dome, etc.

On a more flippant note regarding the previous episode, the Medic's fabrics wear well, if he really was in that thing for billions of years. That suit and shirt got soaked and dried in front of that fire on a weekly/monthly? basis!

12-07-2015, 01:31 PM
On a more flippant note regarding the previous episode, the Medic's fabrics wear well, if he really was in that thing for billions of years. That suit and shirt got soaked and dried in front of that fire on a weekly/monthly? basis!

Maybe when the rooms got reset, the fabric was reset too? Although if Medic clothes are that hard wearing it explains why the stuff that companions take from the wardrobe is always fresh even though it has been there for hundreds of years.

12-07-2015, 02:05 PM
I might be totally wrong here, but when he mentions his brother isn't he talking about The Master? I always thought that when the two were growing up they grew up as close as brothers, but not quite...

12-07-2015, 02:12 PM
Maybe when the rooms got reset, the fabric was reset too? Although if Medic clothes are that hard wearing it explains why the stuff that companions take from the wardrobe is always fresh even though it has been there for hundreds of years.

Yes very true, I wonder if the tard1s is 'self cleaning', although Wilf didn't seem to thing so, or was his comment a fun aside/reference to the Cush1ng tard1s?

---------- Post added at 07:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 AM ----------

I might be totally wrong here, but when he mentions his brother isn't he talking about The Master? I always thought that when the two were growing up they grew up as close as brothers, but not quite...

Yes, that did cross my mind too and she does only say 'the boys', it could mean friends.

12-07-2015, 03:01 PM
I might be totally wrong here, but when he mentions his brother isn't he talking about The Master? I always thought that when the two were growing up they grew up as close as brothers, but not quite...
Isn't he talking about B r a x i a t e l?

12-07-2015, 03:25 PM
That's a fair point, I hadn't considered that. There was lot's to like, the showroom new tard1s, mother superior, finally getting an idea of the scale of things in the dome, etc.

On a more flippant note regarding the previous episode, the Medic's fabrics wear well, if he really was in that thing for billions of years. That suit and shirt got soaked and dried in front of that fire on a weekly/monthly? basis!

The outfit is only worn "once", and only for less than an hour before it is "washed" and dried once.

He shows up, walks around a bit, jumps into the moat and hangs up the clothes.
That's it.

The one he puts on from the previous go is worn for the duration and then ashed.

Then, the next one puts on the previously "worn for an hour and washed" outfit.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

And as for the "Boys" comment, I get the feeling that the barn was a refuge of sorts for orphan/misfit boys (wasn't an orphanage link hinted at with the childhood D@nny P!nk in "L!$T3N"?).

It seems to be Medic's childhood "safe place", so perhaps the woman is a caregiver of scad00gan waifs.

"I had a brother once" has always seemed to be a reference to the M@ster, who while almost hinted at (in a classic 5th Medic story with Turl0ugh) as being Medic's brother, it is now most likely a "brother-from-another-mother" type of best friend remembrance.

12-07-2015, 03:37 PM
Isn't he talking about B r a x i a t e l?

Thanks, that's a new name to me so I'm going to start reading the NSA's featuring him. I checked him out on Wikipedia, it could be, it would certainly be timely considering LC is about to release Thaetor of Wor.

12-07-2015, 05:48 PM
Right? talk about a death that WOULDN'T disrupt the web of time ^. If the doc ever regretted not saving anyone - it would be math boy. And as long as the explosion happens...what does the universe care whether or not Adric dies in it?

I went all googoo over the white classic tardis!! ...but I'm kinda pissed that moffat gave it to clara. I hope "Me" just drops her off back at death's door at the first available opportunity. Me's too cool for Clara. IMHO.

Hopefully, this comment won't face any potential off-color verbal retaliation, but.. Yes, MathBoy's death definitely should have been on that list, more important than SouffleGirl. And, while we're at, don't you think if the Medic (okay,. the WoorMedic!) was going to go with a strong memory for the Moment to assume as human form, dont you think Susan would have ranked a heckuva lot closer to him than R0$e? Hell, even they could even have gotten that gal who played Susie in the 'A. in T&S' movie to have played her. For someone who claims he (M) is a fan of the show as a whole, I am finding that harder and harder to swallow!

---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------

Isn't he talking about B r a x i a t e l?

I wish! But, I wouldn't bet on it, because it wasn't a character Moff had any influence in creating! :S

12-07-2015, 06:09 PM
Hopefully, this comment won't face any potential off-color verbal retaliation, but.. Yes, MathBoy's death definitely should have been on that list, more important than SouffleGirl. And, while we're at, don't you think if the Medic (okay,. the WoorMedic!) was going to go with a strong memory for the Moment to assume as human form, dont you think Susan would have ranked a heckuva lot closer to him than R0$e? Hell, even they could even have gotten that gal who played Susie in the 'A. in T&S' movie to have played her. For someone who claims he (M) is a fan of the show as a whole, I am finding that harder and harder to swallow!

Uhm, the War Medic didn't "go with a memory" for the Moment -- he couldn't have picked Rosie even if he did, because he hadn't met her yet! -- the Moment picked "her" image itself, and didn't chose Rosie, but the Naughty Lupine. Given that entity's power over, well, everything, it's certainly appropriate for the Device to latch on to her image. Furthermore, from the perspective of marketing, production, and everything that goes into the business of television, getting Billy back for the special rather than an actor to represent a classic character, makes much more sense, and would draw in more ratings. It was a smart business decision from the Beeb. While you and I might have liked to have seen a classic companion, it was a much more logical decision for them to go with Billy.

That being said, if Liz S hadn't passed on, I'm positive that they would have worked Sarah in somehow, as more of a nod to the classic show.

But you can't blame the Muff for going with the actress who was the main attraction for UK viewers when the show premiered, and who played the most beloved companion of the new show (I don't feel that way, but the majority of Nu-fans do).

As for Adraic, as someone who grew up watching all his episodes on PBS, I don't think there's much love for the character himself, he was an obnoxious, annoying git. Essentially the proto-Weasley Crusher. The best thing he ever did was die, because it had a great impact on Five's character for the rest of his tenure.

12-07-2015, 08:10 PM
As for Adraic, as someone who grew up watching all his episodes on PBS, I don't think there's much love for the character himself, he was an obnoxious, annoying git. Essentially the proto-Weasley Crusher. The best thing he ever did was die, because it had a great impact on Five's character for the rest of his tenure.
As I recall it was traumatic insofar as nobody expected it to happen more than it being a big thing because people liked the character.
Still though, @dr1c's death was one of the major influences on the 5to6 regen.

12-07-2015, 08:52 PM
Steven Moffat says "I'm talking retrospectively now, when I look back at Doctor Who now. I laugh at it, fondly. As a television professional, I think how did these guys get a paycheck every week? Dear god, it's bad! Nothing I've seen of the black and white stuff - with the exception of the pilot, the first episode - should have got out of the building. They should have been clubbing those guys to death! You've got an old guy in the lead who can't remember his lines; you've got Patrick Troughton, who was a good actor, but his companions - how did they get their Equity card? Explain that! They're unimaginably bad. Once you get to the colour stuff some of it's watchable, but it's laughable. Mostly now, looking back, I'm startled by it."

12-07-2015, 10:22 PM
There was a human living out in the wastelands of Lands of Glifrey.

She married a former timelord come savage.

WTF did Leela do to the genepool that these hayseeds are not allowed back in the city?

Of course this would imply that the invasion of time happened before the medic was born if the savage was his mother all along, which is not how time works on Galifrey.
You're right about that. It was explained somewhere that a timelord always returns to Gallifrey at the proper point and time in his or her own timeline. Travelling forward or backwards in Gallifrey's history is supposed to be impossible.

Truthfully, the only high point in this final episode for me was finally seeing the classic console room again. I've been waiting 10 years for that ultimate fan wank moment. And, is it just me, or does anyone else think that Capaldoc just seemed to fit in with that design seamlessly. He really needs a console room that incorporates more of that old school design. It just suits him.

---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ----------

But you can't blame the Muff for going with the actress who was the main attraction for UK viewers when the show premiered, and who played the most beloved companion of the new show (I don't feel that way, but the majority of Nu-fans do). I loved Rose when she was first on the series, but quickly soured on the character when RTD refused to let the character be and made pretty much the rest of his tenure as show runner all about Rose. So her appearance in the 50th pretty much left me cold.

---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

As I recall it was traumatic insofar as nobody expected it to happen more than it being a big thing because people liked the character.
Still though, @dr1c's death was one of the major influences on the 5to6 regen.

True but at least when Adric died he stayed dead. That isn't true with companions in the new series. Moff and company have made a mockery of death by always coming up with clever (in their opinion) cheats. Look at all the times Rory died and came back. Hell, even River apparently didn't stay dead, so I kind of expected Moff to pull a fast one when Clara's turn came on the gallows.

12-07-2015, 10:31 PM
Steven Moffat says "I'm talking retrospectively now, when I look back at Doctor Who now. I laugh at it, fondly. As a television professional, I think how did these guys get a paycheck every week? Dear god, it's bad! Nothing I've seen of the black and white stuff - with the exception of the pilot, the first episode - should have got out of the building. They should have been clubbing those guys to death! You've got an old guy in the lead who can't remember his lines; you've got Patrick Troughton, who was a good actor, but his companions - how did they get their Equity card? Explain that! They're unimaginably bad. Once you get to the colour stuff some of it's watchable, but it's laughable. Mostly now, looking back, I'm startled by it."

screw you moff! show some respect to your betters! *gives ya the double finger*

12-07-2015, 10:39 PM
Steven Moffat says "I'm talking retrospectively now, when I look back at Doctor Who now. I laugh at it, fondly. As a television professional, I think how did these guys get a paycheck every week? Dear god, it's bad! Nothing I've seen of the black and white stuff - with the exception of the pilot, the first episode - should have got out of the building. They should have been clubbing those guys to death! You've got an old guy in the lead who can't remember his lines; you've got Patrick Troughton, who was a good actor, but his companions - how did they get their Equity card? Explain that! They're unimaginably bad. Once you get to the colour stuff some of it's watchable, but it's laughable. Mostly now, looking back, I'm startled by it."

To be entirely fair, as I understand it, Steven Moffat said that once, while having a drunken (and unfortunately for him, recorded) conversation with friends in a pub, and has since said on many occasions that he was being stupid, drunk and showing off to get laughs from his friends. He has many times praised the classic series and what the creative teams managed to achieve under impossible conditions. He's a fan. He loves the show, which often includes taking the piss out of it with his mates, however, because he became show runner one such conversation has re-emerged to haunt him.

12-07-2015, 11:31 PM
Yeah...but having read that conversation more than once - It sounds less like taking the piss and more like drunken sincerity, that he slowly warms up to admitting to, once he's had enough alcohol in him. I feel his writing often seems to reflect his own shame at being a fan of classic medic. If only he was ashamed of thinking he's clever, or of being a sexist superficial tool. Besides, cleverness can not hold a candle to intelligence or wisdom. And i couldnt agree more -he has made a mockery of death.These are JUST my overly-opinionated feelings, nothing more.

And apparently, Clara was really a dedicated teacher??!!?

12-07-2015, 11:43 PM
Intelligence and wisdom are quiet. Entertainment comes form a wheelbarrow full of clever.

12-07-2015, 11:52 PM
Yeah...but having read that conversation more than once - It sounds less like taking the piss and more like drunken sincerity, that he slowly warms up to admitting to, once he's had enough alcohol in him. I feel his writing often seems to reflect his own shame at being a fan of classic medic. If only he was ashamed of thinking he's clever, or of being a sexist superficial tool. Besides, cleverness can not hold a candle to intelligence or wisdom. And i couldnt agree more -he has made a mockery of death.These are JUST my overly-opinionated feelings, nothing more.

And apparently, Clara was really a dedicated teacher??!!?

It seems unfair to judge him based on that one conversation and not the many, many interviews in which his love of the classic series is obvious. I suspect Steven Moffat could out-fanboy most of us on this thread. Re making a mockery of death, I'd argue that in The Time of the Doctor, Moffat wrote a beautiful meditation on death, something far more wise and thoughful than killing a companion would be. As for sexist - 1) that last episode was unambiguously one of the most feminist episodes of anything ever, and 2) why not have a read of this well-argued, knowledgeable and authoritative article on the subject - .

12-08-2015, 12:11 AM
As I recall it was traumatic insofar as nobody expected it to happen more than it being a big thing because people liked the character.
Still though, @dr1c's death was one of the major influences on the 5to6 regen.

All that is true, which again goes to show that it's his death that made him important. I think people calling for his return kind of forget that point, and forget what a wanker he truly was. Of all of the original companions, he's one of the ones I would like the least to return.

I loved Rose when she was first on the series, but quickly soured on the character when RTD refused to let the character be and made pretty much the rest of his tenure as show runner all about Rose. So her appearance in the 50th pretty much left me cold.

I can't say I ever *loved* her, but I truly *liked* her with Nine. Their dynamic was good, and her performance was solid. My favorite moments with her are actually from episode two, there's some brilliant stuff there, in both writing and performance. But once Nine left, her character changed drastically and became extremely unpalatable. Except for a (surprising) majority of people who "fell in love with the romance" (ick). Meh. But even given all that, I fully understand Billy's appearance in the anniversary. I can divorce my feelings about the character and actress from what I know is good for the show, and having her there was good for the show.

True but at least when Adric died he stayed dead. That isn't true with companions in the new series. Moff and company have made a mockery of death by always coming up with clever (in their opinion) cheats. Look at all the times Rory died and came back. Hell, even River apparently didn't stay dead, so I kind of expected Moff to pull a fast one when Clara's turn came on the gallows.

This is my biggest problem with the how the Muff approaches things since taking over the show. Death doesn't mean anything anymore. From the man who wrote the line, "Just this once... e v e r y b o d y l i v e s !," and someone who is *so aware* that death is the Medic's constant companion, he undercuts the weight of the story at every turn, and every poignant moment turns into a giant "gotcha" that the audience has well caught on to by now. Yet he's stuck in a rut, and can't, or won't bother trying to, get out of it.

Series Five was the last truly good run on the show, and ever since then, it's been a downward slide in the writing. Partially because the success in the States meant that BBC insisted they write with America in mind (ie, dumb it down), and that has robbed the show of some of its intelligence and its essential "differentness" that drew American viewers to it in the first place, and partially because the Muff is very tired.

12-08-2015, 01:00 AM
screw you moff! show some respect to your betters! *gives ya the double finger*

Here is the internet in microcosm. Read a quote, not in context, get irate. And the cycle, depressingly, continues.

12-08-2015, 01:41 AM
Here is the internet in microcosm. Read a quote, not in context, get irate. And the cycle, depressingly, continues.


12-08-2015, 04:25 AM
Booting up a TARDIS in "White Roundel" theme apparently makes it easier to steal.
After Hartnell and the Monk, you'd think the TL's would have patched the security flaw in this theme by now.

12-08-2015, 06:33 AM
Here is the internet in microcosm. Read a quote, not in context, get irate. And the cycle, depressingly, continues.

lol im just getting tired of the way moff is running dr who and then that quote popping up and not knowing at the time he said it while drunk aka out of context. i wouldnt say the cycle continues as there is nowhere for the cycle to go it just ends.

12-08-2015, 06:38 AM
Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release


12-08-2015, 07:00 AM
I was mainly just offering up material for discussion. But i do think this reveals something about the true nature of his run. (Blame the person - not the drug.) As does his "relationship" with his wife. Seems like a cuckold to me. He obviosly does like strong women and TRIES to write them strong, and i appreciate that. But half the time it just comes across as condescending and demeaning to me. Like they are aliens that he'll never truly understand.

Anyways, I'm much more interested in Clara's short-lived and awful career as an inept, untrained, unqualified, and unbelievable teacher. She just walks out of class in zygons, never to be heard from again? And how the hell are you qualified to be an english teacher if youve not only never heard the word "retcon", but can't even deduce its meaning from the obvious context clues at hand?

12-08-2015, 07:02 AM
Thank you, Fuse!

12-08-2015, 07:13 AM
it is best not to take his quote out of context and understand what he was responding to :

and you'll find that David Bishop has unkind words to say about how good some eras were.

12-08-2015, 07:35 AM
Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release


Thank you, Fuse! :)

Miss Joan Doe
12-08-2015, 08:51 AM
Steven Moffat says "I'm talking retrospectively now, when I look back at Doctor Who now. I laugh at it, fondly. As a television professional, I think how did these guys get a paycheck every week? Dear god, it's bad! Nothing I've seen of the black and white stuff - with the exception of the pilot, the first episode - should have got out of the building. They should have been clubbing those guys to death! You've got an old guy in the lead who can't remember his lines; you've got Patrick Troughton, who was a good actor, but his companions - how did they get their Equity card? Explain that! They're unimaginably bad. Once you get to the colour stuff some of it's watchable, but it's laughable. Mostly now, looking back, I'm startled by it."

Regardless of drunk, joking or whatever, a showrunner should at least be aware that a cracking story trumps dodgy acting and cheap scenery every time. Perhaps as a 'TV Pro' he should have a go at producing a low budget stage show every week of the year - which is what Hoo was back in the day effectively. Then he might have a greater appreciation of what made 50s 60s 70s TV a classic era for storytelling in many genres both sides of the pond.

12-08-2015, 09:25 AM
Thanks Fuse!!

12-08-2015, 09:28 AM
Again look at the date and the era and what they were talking about in context -- 1995 and the NAS and as professional TV what was passable then couldn't possibly be okay by standard of 1995. RTD has said the same thing that the show couldn't have been brought back with the mindset of how they ran the old show. Too expect any TV professional to think that is pure folly.
The point was is in the context of the discussion; is that there is a vast difference between well loved television and well produced television. (regardless of the circumstances such as money and time).

12-08-2015, 10:01 AM
Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release


Cheers Shorty!!!

12-08-2015, 10:08 AM
lol im just getting tired of the way moff is running dr who and then that quote popping up and not knowing at the time he said it while drunk aka out of context. i wouldnt say the cycle continues as there is nowhere for the cycle to go it just ends.
That's not a justification. This is exactly how people like Donald Trump make their fortune in politics.

Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release

Thank you so much!

12-08-2015, 11:13 AM
Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release


12-08-2015, 01:14 PM
[QUOTE=ShortenedFuse;3143082]Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release
Many thanks

Big Mocha
12-08-2015, 01:21 PM
You've got to be able to laugh at yourself, haven't you? And we as fans should surely be able to laugh at the object of our affections too....
Moff's love for DW is as soaring and obvious as any of us, so why not take the piss simultaenously? Ask me about the LashingsofTime and I'll make Moff look positively tame....

Rassilon Imprimatur
12-08-2015, 02:07 PM
Hope I'm not treading on any toes with this

Latest FlashlightTimber release


Tread on all the toes you like homeboy. Thank you.

12-08-2015, 02:17 PM
Thanks ShortenedFuse! Brilliant!

12-08-2015, 02:18 PM
Thanks ShortenedFuse!

12-08-2015, 02:37 PM
Thanks ShortenedFuse


And I'm really glad my "friends" don't record my attempts to be funny/scandalous when I'm drunk and regurgitate them years later.

Hell, it's bad enough seeing things I posted on the internet sober five years ago.

12-08-2015, 07:17 PM
Can somebody PM me a link to whatever the backup ? alternate for this place is ?

Cos whenever I come back after a few days of not posting it seems like there's all kinds of crap going down with those who wield the wield the hammer of ban etc

12-08-2015, 08:00 PM
Thank you ShortenedFuse!! YET AGAIN!!!

And thank you all for commenting on Steven's drunken BS. Some fine points made here on both sides of that argument, and it was nice to hear other's opinions concerning it. And thank you Waterboat for posting the link to the full conversation.

Now in all seriousness... Am I the only who thinks Clara was a rather atrocious and completely unbelievable teacher?

12-08-2015, 09:18 PM
On the subject of that quote everyone's talking about. Moff is right in one respect, many of the stories from the classic era would never make it on air today....not if they were produced with the same quality of special effects, badly constructed or minimalistic sets, and poorly done creature effects as they were forced to make due with back then. Many of the stories had high reaching visual ideals that suffered because what was on the written page just couldn't be fully realized with the effects of the day. Or to be more precise, the show didn't have the budget needed to fully realize such effects. I love the classic era, but even to me some of those creatures and special effects are pretty cringe worthy or just outright laughable.

12-08-2015, 09:39 PM
Thanks ShortenedFuse!!!

12-08-2015, 10:36 PM
thanks shortenedfuse.

lol i wonder how many will compare moff's wd with this month's variety?

12-08-2015, 11:01 PM
And here's the 2nd part (2 of 4) of the 4th Medic Commentaries - Mask of Mandragon - The Temporal Invaders.

<!--4th Medic Audio Commentary Set 2 of 4:!AUVgEQwL!rA_iQzh4Ylnm0yoeTfi9Xb77aTULZ2qddZ8rVnTXWLc-->

12-08-2015, 11:24 PM
Thanks so much manofsteel & shortenedfuse!

12-09-2015, 04:11 AM
In some respects the production team of certain eras soars with certain serials but many times failed to learn their lesson from the previous year.
For example DinoInvasion and the results should have resulted in a better Robot [see the tank; and the doll of Sarah]
The Hinchcliffe era excels so much because the story was not let down by a cringe-worthy moment or two -- [okay maybe that damned rat]

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 PM ----------

and then there is this. [no sign of felt tip]

12-09-2015, 06:38 AM
It's pretty obvious none of the classic eras would be acceptable today. They all reflect the time in which they were made. That's why the show still works, it's simple formula can be stretched to fit any format of television.
For example, if TV moves completely to on demand, Medic What's formula would remain intact, only it'd likely be even more story arc based, possibly continual like in the early 60s.
Some of the stuff form even the beginning of the revival is dated. In season 27, look at the CGI, the video quality (everything has a weird sheen to it I can't really describe?) and especially the music. You can really tell when Darling Silver (props to who can figure out how I chose to disguise the name :P) was using stock effects or sample instruments. And in the second story some of the monster costumes are as bad as a certain chicken looking thing from the 80s who hung about in a crypt in Amsterdam.
As technology, culture, and standards of story telling progress, so does the show. The only problem with that is it eventually becomes dated.
We had 60s sleek rockets, 70s spy films and bulkier spaceships, 80s neon and electronic music, a 90s terrible American reboot (those seemed to be the range that decade) and for a while in other media it was trying to be dark and gritty. Every era comes with a strong flavour of it's time, and honestly you can't watch it without that in mind.

Sorry, I've come into this half way after being away from here for ages, so I hope I've not stepped on any toes or taken away someone point. I don't always see eye to eye with Moff, but I've seen that transcription before, and considering when it was written and what the general population's consensus of the show was, I'd probably be saying something similar.
The closest I've come to feeling that in any way a show runner has done the show an injustice was what the last one said to a certain axe wielder from the 80s when they met up for a Auntie thing. I won't write it down unless anyone wants me to, mostly because I can't be arsed finding "An Author's Story" amongst my mess of books if everyone already knows what it was.

12-09-2015, 07:47 AM
yay thanks for more comms. hm *looks at fang file*

12-09-2015, 11:55 AM
I've not contributed to much in ages, but does anyone have the new 12 audiobook? Help appreciated! :)

12-09-2015, 12:07 PM
Medic Book Drama of Battle

I'll leave these up through the weekend.



Medic Book Encompassing Flames



12-09-2015, 12:14 PM
Thank you dwst4!! - is there anything you are looking for (either in the past, present or future)?

12-09-2015, 12:18 PM
As always, thanks very much dwst4! :)

12-09-2015, 12:21 PM
Medic Book Drama of Battle

I'll leave this up through the weekend. I have the second one and will try to get it posted before I go to work. If not, I'll post it later tonight.



Thankyou so much :) Seconding what chronos77 said. ^^

12-09-2015, 01:09 PM
Thanks very much manofsteel, shortenedfuse, and dwst4!!

12-09-2015, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the shares dwst4 & shortenedfuse,
and a Merry Christmas to one & all!

12-09-2015, 02:45 PM
thank you very much dwst4!

12-09-2015, 03:28 PM
Thanks once again, dwst4!

12-09-2015, 03:39 PM
thanks dwst4

12-09-2015, 05:36 PM
Thank you, dwst4! Been waiting for these with bated breath! Especially the latter one. :D

Green Raven
12-09-2015, 05:41 PM
Thanks Dwst4!!

12-09-2015, 05:57 PM
9th Medic Giant comics to continue (news in RWQ)

12-09-2015, 08:21 PM
Thank you, dwst4

12-09-2015, 09:28 PM
Thanks so much dwst4

12-09-2015, 09:41 PM
Medic Book Drama of Battle

I'll leave these up through the weekend.



Medic Book Encompassing Flames


Thank you very much!

12-09-2015, 09:53 PM
9th Medic Giant comics to continue (news in RWQ)


12-10-2015, 01:35 AM
Does anyone have the BBC 10th Medic Audio "The 4Eva Trap"? Mine's corrupted. Please and thank you!

12-10-2015, 02:23 AM
The 4Eva Trap

It's here as one file

or redo the seach for individual tracks.

12-10-2015, 02:33 AM
The 4Eva Trap

It's here as one file

or redo the seach for individual tracks.

Sorry, the download link says "File not available". Do you have any other alternatives?

UPDATE: Some kind soul already sent me another link. Thanks to all!

12-10-2015, 03:13 AM
LC sale! Use code DWFBFAN

12-10-2015, 07:46 AM
This is, ahem, fantastic news. I'll take more Nine in any way I can get him.

12-10-2015, 08:11 AM
Thanks DWST4, didn't realise what you'd uploaded but downloaded it anyway, really glad I did!

12-10-2015, 08:31 AM
You can really tell when Darling Silver (props to who can figure out how I chose to disguise the name :P)

Two rivers in Australia, I believe. :)

12-10-2015, 12:11 PM
Sorry, the download link says "File not available". Do you have any other alternatives?

UPDATE: Some kind soul already sent me another link. Thanks to all!

Sorry it didn't work for you, the site can be a bit 'tetchy' at times but it is also a treasure trove, worth persevering with.

---------- Post added at 05:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 AM ----------


I'm hoping for a War Medic announcement too!

8th Medic Giant Comic 2 RWQ


12-10-2015, 01:28 PM
I think that laughingly dismissing the old medic series because of it's budget is like laughingly dismissing the original SW trilogy, or any World War movie, or all of the movies Vincent Price was in -- or really anything made before **basically** 2010.

And I Include the majority of the RTD era Medic, because that had effects that made the original Power Rangers look like a masterwork.

12-10-2015, 03:10 PM
Cheers dwst4!

12-10-2015, 04:19 PM
If it wasn't for the older medic shows, you wouldn't have the shows you have now.
Imagine if they had the technology of today.....

I still appreciate what they did and the time and energy to create this world and it's characters....

In all those old movies, they created something new for our imagination
Moffat should be proud of what they accomplished with what little they had to work with because if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't be where he is

12-10-2015, 04:53 PM
Moffat should be proud of what they accomplished with what little they had to work with because if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't be where he is

I'm sure he is. TBH his criticisms, made while drunk, are positively mild compared with the stuff me and my mates have yelled at the screen. Go over to Gally Base, read what fans say. Fans are brutal. But they still love it.

12-10-2015, 05:00 PM
Hi, can I kindly request medic 5 'the child's plaything' which was a subscribers audio from the full history book collection xxx

12-10-2015, 05:27 PM
And here's the 3rd part (3 of 4) of the 4th Medic Commentaries - The Rybos Plan - Metropolis of Perish.

<!--4th Medic Audio Commentary Set 3 of 4:!JV9D0R7I!rL7ii_p6c2Tn9knJi656ypbJUtxOqiALNXTttJ2iIeI-->

12-10-2015, 05:43 PM
Latest D*W*M Jan 2016 PDF



12-10-2015, 06:26 PM
I remember the 5th Medic actor being quite entertaining about the quality of some of the monsters during his tenure (in terms of both concept and execution). That didn't make him anti-Medic or unappreciative of the show.

12-10-2015, 07:26 PM
Would anyone have the DWA comics for 10, 11 & 12?
I do not have them or have ever read them before

I appreciate your help!
Thank you!

12-10-2015, 08:21 PM
I remember the 5th Medic actor being quite entertaining about the quality of some of the monsters during his tenure (in terms of both concept and execution). That didn't make him anti-Medic or unappreciative of the show.

That's a good point, listen to the 5th medic commentaries, they are stone cold sober!

12-10-2015, 10:28 PM
Thanks Dwst4. Much appreciated as always.

12-10-2015, 10:35 PM
Don't suppose anyone has to share, the audio reading of The T's of WC, read by HGJ himself?

12-10-2015, 10:58 PM
Don't suppose anyone has to share, the audio reading of The T's of WC, read by HGJ himself?

Check your pm.

12-10-2015, 11:00 PM
Check your pm.

Thank you for that, really appreciate it.

12-11-2015, 04:11 AM
And here's the 4th part (4 of 4) of the 4th Medic Commentaries - The Alien from the Deep Hole - Logic City.

<!--4th Medic Audio Commentary Set 4 of 4:!EYtnAC7S!83NxDKSFyrGvYV0REiFPUYCpWe30NbIOr6EauW3vWmk-->

12-11-2015, 07:04 AM
Here are links to the preludes to the most recent Novel adaptations. Back when these novels came out - DWM would print preludes, that weren't included in the novels, as a cross-marketing stategy.




12-11-2015, 07:36 AM
thanks dwst4

12-11-2015, 07:42 AM
am i the only one having probs opening part 3 of the comms? i keep get unexpected end of archive error. other parts work ok tho

12-11-2015, 07:44 AM
Here are the first 2 Glam books read by David W., and Benny!! All credit to original encoders & uploaders.



12-11-2015, 07:58 AM
Thank you, dwst4!

12-11-2015, 08:29 AM
And Finally, here is the 3rd and Concluding part of the Glam trilogy read by D. Straxy!! Again, this is just a re-share, for those who may not have already gotten it elsewhere.



Big Mocha
12-11-2015, 09:33 AM
am i the only one having probs opening part 3 of the comms? i keep get unexpected end of archive error. other parts work ok tho

No, me too.

Many thanks to manofsteel25 though - these are hugely, hugely enjoyable.

12-11-2015, 12:55 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



12-11-2015, 01:36 PM
Red Planet Tales...

Getting a 'File Not Found'


Scratch that. Seems OK now.

12-11-2015, 01:42 PM
[QUOTE=dwst4;3146457]Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.

Thank you DWST4 - I am one of four, whoo-hoo!

12-11-2015, 01:45 PM
What an abundance of downloads the past couple of days...thanks to all!!

12-11-2015, 02:15 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



Many Thanks

12-11-2015, 02:25 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.Blimey, you're quick! I haven't even finished the download from LC yet. Don't worry, I suspect there are more than four.

Not Medic-related, but I for one have been looking forward to this since the CD version was announced. Sadly, like many things, we Aussies didn't get it when originally broadcast. And with such a stellar leading cast (pardon the pun) and respectable source material, this is one very exciting release.

12-11-2015, 03:09 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



Thank you!

12-11-2015, 03:10 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



Thank you for this. They had me at Derek J.

12-11-2015, 04:11 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.

Thanks dwst4.

I hope it's not just the four who can get it or I'll be disappointed. :-)

12-11-2015, 04:34 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



Thank you.

12-11-2015, 06:08 PM
LC has just shed some light on the cast details and story synopses for their 2nd War Medic box set. I'm damn near hyperventilating from the serious geek out of reading that David Warner is in the cast for this one. John Hurt and David Warner together in the same project... I think my geek meter practically flew off the scale in excitement!

Green Raven
12-11-2015, 07:39 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



Top Man , thanks again!

12-11-2015, 07:40 PM
Sorry guys- I'll re-compress and re-up Part 3 of the 4th medic tonight. Finishing the 2nd medic and working on the 3rd medic now.

12-11-2015, 08:40 PM
My views on the Medic and the Detective;
My kids have recently become Scooby-Doo Addicts. There is one episode in particular where The Gang goes to an amusement park where Velma can live out her lifelong dream of solving a crime with Shurlokk. Basically the character is always one step behind Velma since she is a main character and he is a (robot) guest.

I sort of feel the same about the Medic adventure. I just don't think you can have two perfect characters with overwhelming personalities in the same story without one coming off the worse for it. Also, Pretty sure that the Detective and his assistant would be jibbering lunatics by the end of the adventure were it a traditional H0lmes story.

Having said all that, I really liked all the interaction with Benny and @ce

12-11-2015, 09:07 PM
Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.

Cheers dwst4

Big Mocha
12-11-2015, 09:30 PM
Sorry guys- I'll re-compress and re-up Part 3 of the 4th medic tonight. Finishing the 2nd medic and working on the 3rd medic now.

Much appreciated - really enjoying these, thanks again manofsteel25

12-11-2015, 10:03 PM
Medic Book Drama of Battle

Medic Book Encompassing Flames

Oooh! Thanks.
Only just realised these are audio dramas not audio books :D

(I can be a bit dim sometimes)

12-11-2015, 10:40 PM
Thank you for this. They had me at Derek J.

He was good in this. I heard this version online when the Beeb Radio 4 was doing a series two years ago. This version was more riveting than the seventies TV miniseries that came out. While the seventies miniseries wasn't bad, it just felt flat. Even Ray B. wasn't impressed by it.

If anyone is interested in classic Sci-Fi literature on radio, I also have Asimov's Foundation trilogy that the Beeb produced a few decades ago. It's public domain in the US so I was able to get it from the Internet Archive. Its sound quality may very but it's still a good listen. I think that's because the novels are so dialogue heavy they work as radio productions.

12-11-2015, 10:42 PM
Thanks dwst4!

12-11-2015, 11:28 PM
If anyone is interested in classic Sci-Fi literature on radio, I also have Asimov's Foundation trilogy that the Beeb produced a few decades ago. It's public domain in the US so I was able to get it from the Internet Archive. Its sound quality may very but it's still a good listen. I think that's because the novels are so dialogue heavy they work as radio productions.

I'd be interested in Asimov's Foundation series please if possible.

12-12-2015, 12:46 AM
That makes about 8 of us!!
Merry Christmas

12-12-2015, 03:22 AM
3rd part of the 4th Medic Commentaries is re-upped and new link in original post.

Who Lover
12-12-2015, 03:30 AM
Wanting to know two things.
1) A lot of DW fans are also Sherlock Holmes fans.
So, is anyone interested in a huge collection (over 150) of non-Doyle Sherlock Holmes Stories. These are all Kindle type ebooks - not audio.
2) Can't find any good Sherlock shares at Shrine (just a lot of tv, music, soundtrack stuff), so can I share my collection here if there seems to be no dedicated thread for this?

12-12-2015, 05:46 AM
I would love to have the Sherlock Holmes Stories

12-12-2015, 06:55 AM
He was good in this. I heard this version online when the Beeb Radio 4 was doing a series two years ago. This version was more riveting than the seventies TV miniseries that came out. While the seventies miniseries wasn't bad, it just felt flat. Even Ray B. wasn't impressed by it.That's good to hear, and thanks for not giving spoilers. I never saw the miniseries, and I never finished the book of stories. Certainly looking forward to this weekend's listening.

If anyone is interested in classic Sci-Fi literature on radio, I also have Asimov's Foundation trilogy that the Beeb produced a few decades ago. It's public domain in the US so I was able to get it from the Internet Archive. Its sound quality may very but it's still a good listen. I think that's because the novels are so dialogue heavy they work as radio productions.Colour me intrigued. I rather enjoyed that book series. If you would like to share, or if you could point us in the right direction for locating them outside the US, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be grateful.

12-12-2015, 07:31 AM
So Derek j is doing LC

who wants to place a bet that he does one of the War Doctor boxes before they are done ?

12-12-2015, 07:49 AM
So Derek j is doing LC

who wants to place a bet that he does one of the War Doctor boxes before they are done ?
Dude, where have you been? He did an LC audio ages ago. Granted, it was Unbound #5, but still. But I'd gladly bet on that. :)

12-12-2015, 08:08 AM
If they don't take the opportunity to put him opposite Hurt, I'll be very, very surprised.

Miss Joan Doe
12-12-2015, 09:28 AM
Wanting to know two things.
1) A lot of DW fans are also Sherlock Holmes fans.
So, is anyone interested in a huge collection (over 150) of non-Doyle Sherlock Holmes Stories. These are all Kindle type ebooks - not audio.
2) Can't find any good Sherlock shares at Shrine (just a lot of tv, music, soundtrack stuff), so can I share my collection here if there seems to be no dedicated thread for this?

I'm always interested in e-books. storing up stuff for when my hands give up with the typing. :)

12-12-2015, 10:10 AM

Does anyone have the Medic 4 Weekly Periodical #491 & #492 and the Musical Spec?


12-12-2015, 10:23 AM
That worked!

12-12-2015, 10:57 AM
So Derek j is doing LC

who wants to place a bet that he does one of the War Doctor boxes before they are done ?

If he was to play the m@st3r, he'd have to do it without meeting up with the war medic because DT10 didn't recognise him in ut0p!@.

12-12-2015, 10:58 AM
My views on the Medic and the Detective....

Was really quite taken with this one. One of those ones where you get to the end and think "Blimey, that two hours went quickly."

12-12-2015, 11:13 AM
3rd part of the 4th Medic Commentaries is re-upped and new link in original post.

Hero! Thanks manofsteel!

Green Raven
12-12-2015, 11:19 AM
Wanting to know two things.
1) A lot of DW fans are also Sherlock Holmes fans.
So, is anyone interested in a huge collection (over 150) of non-Doyle Sherlock Holmes Stories. These are all Kindle type ebooks - not audio.
2) Can't find any good Sherlock shares at Shrine (just a lot of tv, music, soundtrack stuff), so can I share my collection here if there seems to be no dedicated thread for this?

Yes please!

12-12-2015, 11:30 AM
Foundation Trilogy Radio play by Asimov

I'll leave this up through the weekend.



12-12-2015, 01:35 PM
Latest D*W*M Jan 2016 PDF



Thank-You narnia25 & a "upload" link as well! Much appreciated!!

---------- Post added at 06:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 AM ----------

Medic Book Drama of Battle

I'll leave these up through the weekend.



Medic Book Encompassing Flames



and, a HUGE Thank-You to you dwst4!!

12-12-2015, 03:18 PM
Wanting to know two things.
1) A lot of DW fans are also Sherlock Holmes fans.
So, is anyone interested in a huge collection (over 150) of non-Doyle Sherlock Holmes Stories. These are all Kindle type ebooks - not audio.
2) Can't find any good Sherlock shares at Shrine (just a lot of tv, music, soundtrack stuff), so can I share my collection here if there seems to be no dedicated thread for this?

I Would Love Your Sherlock Books Steven Moffat Got me into it!

12-12-2015, 05:44 PM
Founding Trio

I'll leave this up through the weekend.

Thank you, dwst4. The Founding Trio may be less popular than Medic audios, but your contributions to this community are always well appreciated, and I certainly look forward to listening to this.

The Red Planet Stories was very good, although not quite gripping enough to distract me from my work. Incidentally, I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?

12-12-2015, 05:47 PM
Founding Trio

I'll leave this up through the weekend.



Founding Trio?

---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

am i the only one having probs opening part 3 of the comms? i keep get unexpected end of archive error. other parts work ok tho

It works fine with The Unarchiver but not Archive Utility, interestingly.

Thanks for the Glam jlatx :)

12-12-2015, 05:50 PM
Founding Trio?[COLOR="Silver"]

Recheck the post. I just clarified it. To cryptic for my own good sometimes.

12-12-2015, 06:01 PM
I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?
I usually listen to them in my room when I have free time to, mostly when I'm also editing some videos for my YouTube channel.

I used to volunteer at a library for awhile and I'd go there and delete books for 2 hours every Tuesday afternoon. I used to listen to a regular monthly or a couple of CCs that I've never listened to before while I was working, and my supervisor didn't care so long as the volume on my mp3 player was reasonable enough that I'd still be able to hear her if she needed my attention for anything. I also became a avid listener of LC's Sherlock Holmes audios with Mr. Briggs as the Great Detective during that time. It was mostly to prep myself for this month's novel adaptation "Encompassing Flames", which I also really enjoyed.

However, I had to quit volunteering as of mid-October, because I now have an actual paying job at a grocery store. I haven't quite figured out how I could listen to the audios while at work unless I'm outside bringing in grocery carts or just in between customers when working really late shifts. I could also listen when on my break, but I only get about 15 minutes to rest, so it's not really much time. Not even a 30 minute lunch break on a longer shift is enough, so I guess buzzing through 'em while bringing in shopping carts is the only feasible option, since it's less likely for me to get in trouble.

12-12-2015, 06:47 PM

12-12-2015, 07:31 PM
Quote Originally Posted by ShortenedFuse View Post
Don't suppose anyone has to share, the audio reading of The T's of WC, read by HGJ himself?

Check your pm.

Might anyone obtain a link to that?
I've been getting into the 2-Gents tales as of late and this sounds like a "corker".
Thank you!

Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.


Thank you DWST4 for all your ups!

Thank you for this. They had me at Derek J.

Yes, I was thinking to pass on this until I saw your mention of Derek J!
There are some performers with whom I would be pleased to watch/listen to them perform the phone book; he is one.

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

Check your pm.

Red Planet Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend for the four people that might be interested in it.



...Incidentally, I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?

I mostly listen to the audios during my very long commute drive (i live 2 states away from my job, so Monday AM and Friday PM are about 3+ hours each).
If I visit family during weeknights (instead of staying at a hotel closer to my job) I'll also give a listen during the drive.

Otherwise, I'm a professional illustrator/3D artist/surface designer, and used to listen to the audios while I worked - but now prefer to save them for the drives, and crank energizing music at work, to power through insane deadlines.

Who Lover
12-12-2015, 08:31 PM
Endeavor Press is a great source of Sherlock Holmes novellas. Each month from their website, they release 2 new previously published books that is then available on Kindle. These include short and complete stories. Lovers of Sherlock are sure to enjoy this collection. RWQ.

---------- Post added at 05:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 AM ----------

The below link includes every Sherlock Holmes book so far in my collection - to numerous to list, but around 120, most brought direct from Kindle. They include the above collection and lots of new books as well including the new MX Publishing books of over 60 Sherlock Holmes tales told across 3 volumes and The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories. A lot of new books had come out after the court case proving that Sherlock doesn't need constant authorisation from the Conan Doyle Estate as it's now in the public domain. RWQ.

Who Lover
12-12-2015, 11:00 PM
Sorry about that, Chief! Books 1-9. Credit to original uploader. RWQ.

---------- Post added at 08:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 AM ----------

Finally, our favourite Uncle John giving us the Facts... RWQ

... and keep an eye out soon for the book series featuring a young Colonel...

12-12-2015, 11:05 PM
I mostly devote my full attention to them. But i grew up listening to old radio shows from the 30s and 40s. Which led to me listening tapes of beeb's lotr, "space battles", and hitchhikers before i was in highschool. So i guess I'm predisposed to the medium.

However, I did listen to a great deal of the main range while working a completely monotonous and mindless manual labor job. Which now that youve made me think about it, and since i was just talking about the new fad of adult coloring books... maybe i should try coloring during? As im often lookin for something for my eyes and hands to do during. Drawing, driving, and video games are all too distracting to me. But mindless house cleaning often happens during the first when i begin the audios.

12-12-2015, 11:40 PM
I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?

I listen when I'm on long-distance bus trips, when I'm working on an art piece, and when I've set aside time specifically to listen. This way my mind can be focussed solely on the story, and my hands are (usually) free for taking notes.

Matt Paradise
12-12-2015, 11:54 PM
I only really listen when I go to bed, so if I'm having a tiring week, it can take a while to get through a standard release!

Who Lover
12-13-2015, 12:04 AM
It's actually an interesting read. Featured in the ebook In The Company of Sherlock Holmes, they went against the greedy Conan Doyle Estate and won. The Estate was trying to point out that the characters connected to the books still under copyright were more 'rounded' than the earlier ones. But the court decided if the first 3 books are in the public domain, the final two books are as well as the characters remain the same throughout. More at RWQ.
And we can finally sing Happy Birthday to You without being sued. A good year for copyrights.

12-13-2015, 05:25 AM
I only really listen when I go to bed, so if I'm having a tiring week, it can take a while to get through a standard release!

I do the same thing! It can take me 5 or 6 nights to get through a release. :-)

Big Mocha
12-13-2015, 06:16 AM
I do a 40 minute walk to work every day (don't need to, but it's the only exercise I get) and LC is the perfect companion.

12-13-2015, 07:19 AM
Who Lover - thank you for the great detective books

12-13-2015, 10:13 AM
Incidentally, I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?
For releases I am absolutely desperate to hear such as the Drama of Battle (thanks DWST4!) in which I
believe that Brax's role was increased compared to the novel!
I will make room to listen to them for example listen while making notes which means I don't concentrate on notes at all, until 2 AM in the morning or on the train. I do like listening while drawing too.

12-13-2015, 10:56 AM
For releases I am absolutely desperate to hear such as the Drama of Battle (thanks DWST4!) in which I
believe that Brax's role was increased compared to the novel!

I read the original novel about a year ago when I was going through all the NAs and MAs. His role definitely feels increased. The story itself is okay. The interviews make it clear that the only reason this novel was adapted was because of the "first" meeting between two certain characters.

12-13-2015, 11:29 AM
Thanks Who Lover.
I inherited a bound copy of six monthly issues of The Strand Magazine from 1904 some time ago. It has some of the original serialised Holmes in it.
My wife said I was more excited with that than the house that came with it.

As for where and when I listen; as I have been officially retired for the last three years, I listen when and where I darn-well feel like. :)

12-13-2015, 05:00 PM
Would any kind soul happen to have the audio for the Burning Embers pre-M-Day novel about Suzie? Lengthy Span Deceased?

12-14-2015, 03:05 AM
Would any kind soul happen to have the audio for the Burning Embers pre-M-Day novel about Suzie? Lengthy Span Deceased?

Try here


12-14-2015, 04:01 AM
Incidentally, I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?

I mostly bike everywhere, so I listen nearly exclusively while doing that. I used to listen at work as well, but increasing responsibilities made it sort of impossible for me to listen and work without losing huge gaps of the stories.

12-14-2015, 05:58 AM
A question: at what time/hour do LC downloads become available to those who pre-ordered new releases? And does a notification email go out? Thank you!

12-14-2015, 07:15 AM
Try here


Thank you!

12-14-2015, 07:46 AM
A question: at what time/hour do LC downloads become available to those who pre-ordered new releases? And does a notification email go out? Thank you!

No notification email. They become available at the time LC releases them and announces the news. There isn't a set time of day as far as I'm aware.

12-14-2015, 07:52 AM
No notification email. They become available at the time LC releases them and announces the news. There isn't a set time of day as far as I'm aware.

Thank you! I thought perhaps there might be a particular hour of the morning when downloads become automatically accessible.

12-14-2015, 12:26 PM
Hi guys I hope am not being a pain but could some kind soul please reup the latest LC "Eating Flames" and "Pictures of Battle" was stuck at work and missed them.

Cheers guys

12-14-2015, 12:53 PM
I noticed something on their fb page earlier; mentioned that the release of the first Battle Medic set was imminent....

12-14-2015, 01:31 PM
I listen in my car.....I spend about an hour going to work and about an hour and a half going home....sometimes longer especially when the snow starts.....
I go between the medic and SW and I alternate here and there

These audios keep me going, just like when I listen to's funny but through the tough times and the good times, they are always there and they take you away and put a smile on your face

12-14-2015, 01:42 PM
Incidentally, I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?

Only when I drive. Actually, I need to get out more - I'm starting to fall behind!

12-14-2015, 01:43 PM
Same here jrtxs2001, I listen on my work commute...plenty of time to knock out a couple of audio plays each week, or 1-2 audiobooks.

12-14-2015, 01:48 PM
Personally I listen to them when painting or drawing, it keep me at work for hours.

12-14-2015, 02:26 PM
Merry Medic Christmas to All!!!!!


12-14-2015, 02:31 PM
I started listening to LC as I needed something to fill the time on a 2 hour commute each way to work and got addicted. Now I work from home and listen to the releases in the background while I work

12-14-2015, 04:54 PM
Incidentally, I'd be curious to know how everyone here listens to their audios. Will you work, drive, cook, etc. at the same time, or do you devote your full attention to them?

I, too, grew up with H2G2 on the radio, I think it was NPR (I'm in the US). Made the cassette tapes, drew accompanying art covers, etc. Good times! Then, with the LC audios, my interest went up to 11! I first started listening at home or on my portable CD player. Then, when the portable MP3 players started coming out, I eventually had one, enabling me to listen in my cubicle at my old job. Now that I am in North Carolina, I am going to start walking, enabling me to get through a whole story and the extras. Sounds like a great way to combat any attempts for my depression (which I am seem to have a hold on it for the moment) to get another foothold..

---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------

Endeavor Press is a great source of Sherlock Holmes novellas. Each month from their website, they release 2 new previously published books that is then available on Kindle. These include short and complete stories. Lovers of Sherlock are sure to enjoy this collection. RWQ.

The below link includes every Sherlock Holmes book so far in my collection - to numerous to list, but around 120, most brought direct from Kindle. They include the above collection and lots of new books as well including the new MX Publishing books of over 60 Sherlock Holmes tales told across 3 volumes and The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories. A lot of new books had come out after the court case proving that Sherlock doesn't need constant authorisation from the Conan Doyle Estate as it's now in the public domain.

Wholover, I wanted to thank for you sharing them. I am working on finishing of K1ng's "11/21/63", and then I think I will do a Holmes run. Much appreciated. *hugs*

Matt Paradise
12-14-2015, 07:52 PM
Hohn Jurt box set 1 is on its way for you all...

12-14-2015, 08:17 PM

12-14-2015, 08:22 PM
JHurt theme on YT:



12-14-2015, 08:22 PM
That is awesome!!!!!

12-14-2015, 08:26 PM
Never mind.

Matt Paradise
12-14-2015, 08:26 PM
Taking a little while, but I'll update with links whenever a disc has uploaded.

Edit - Tirso seems to have got in there first - are they MP3 or M4a?

12-14-2015, 08:32 PM
Taking a little while, but I'll update with links whenever a disc has uploaded.

Edit - Tirso seems to have got in there first - are they MP3 or M4a?

Mine is MP3. Sorry for swooping in, but your post didn't pop up until I'd finished the uploads. Two sources are better than one, right?

Matt Paradise
12-14-2015, 08:33 PM
No worries, I'll keep going and use them when you take yours down :)

12-14-2015, 08:37 PM
No worries, I'll keep going and use them when you take yours down :)

Maybe I'll do the first part of the week, then you can take over?

Matt Paradise
12-14-2015, 08:52 PM
Maybe I'll do the first part of the week, then you can take over?

Sure, sound good!

12-14-2015, 09:26 PM
Thank you Tirso!

12-14-2015, 09:40 PM
Thank you Tirso

12-14-2015, 10:07 PM
now that's teamwork :D thanks guys!

12-14-2015, 10:08 PM
Thank you, Tirso.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to listening to this. (So would that be Listening forward?)

12-14-2015, 10:21 PM
Thanks so much Tirso! Much appreciated.

12-14-2015, 10:36 PM
Thank you Tirso, when funds are flowing better I'll buy it, I wished for this when I bought Engines of War.

12-14-2015, 11:02 PM
yay thanks tirso

12-14-2015, 11:20 PM
Thanks guys - Tirso & Matt - this is greatly appreciated...

12-14-2015, 11:36 PM
My first effort doing this, with thanks to everyone whose generosity I've been the recipient of. Please forgive any problems, and grab it while you can.

The Battle Medic: None but The Hideous (edit: MP3, 4 files)


Thanks SO MUCH for this Tirso.
This is AWSOME & Much Appreciated!

12-14-2015, 11:54 PM
My first effort doing this, with thanks to everyone whose generosity I've been the recipient of. Please forgive any problems, and grab it while you can.

The Battle Medic: None but The Hideous (edit: MP3, 4 files)


---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------

Awesome x Thanks so much

12-15-2015, 12:58 AM
My first effort doing this, with thanks to everyone whose generosity I've been the recipient of. Please forgive any problems, and grab it while you can.

The Battle Medic: None but The Hideous (edit: MP3, 4 files)


---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

Thanks a lot! :)

12-15-2015, 02:16 AM
Temporarily skipping the 3rd Medic for a moment..

Here's the 2nd Medic Commentaries Pt 1 - The Lunar Base - The Circle in Stars.

Pt 2 - The Domineering Ones - The Conflict Games.

Includes the new Villain of the Planet and Net of Frightening 2015 Commentaries by Phantom but…. does NOT include the new Underliquid Menacing. R1 release got pushed back to March. So I'll add it then or if anyone in the UK wants to rip the R2 release and put it up in the meantime feel free.

3rd medic Part 1 coming soon!

<!--2nd Medic Audio Commentary Set 1 of 2:!hBkzzaJT!-6GsdDOislJeBBpSRnZYLlg__qP6qCSMEt5frURkI-E-->

<!--2nd Medic Audio Commentary Set 2 of 2:!BNVDAYZI!WoqVM8TqFqMhu7grJSW6AGyKCs62oRNZi7Gv2Vi84js-->

The Valeyard
12-15-2015, 03:05 AM
Thanks, Tirso!

12-15-2015, 05:39 AM
Big thanks to Tirso :)


I've only just noticed but parts 6 and 7 of Ttooobby Haaddokkke's interviews with show runner Ruussell the Tee Ddaavviees are up on the large conclusions site.

If you've not heard them I really recommend all 7 - they give a great insight into his time on the show. And he's quite candid at times.
I believe they are podcasts #50 #54 #59 #99 #124 #149 and #150

Big Mocha
12-15-2015, 10:18 AM
Thanks once again manofsteel25 - really, really appreciate the effort you're putting into doing these

I'm afraid the first part of the 2nd Medics has the same problem of not being able to open/extract, though. Or maybe it's just me?

12-15-2015, 10:38 AM
Argh. I guess my mac is being finicky. Re compressing and re-upping it now.

12-15-2015, 12:43 PM
Excellent Tirso, thank you!

12-15-2015, 01:47 PM
Thanks Tiro and manofsteel!

Big Mocha
12-15-2015, 02:15 PM
Argh. I guess my mac is being finicky. Re compressing and re-upping it now.

You're a star - thank you.

12-15-2015, 02:34 PM
My Tiny Doctors

12-15-2015, 03:08 PM
[QUOTE=kimekaro;3151697]My Tiny Doctors


12-15-2015, 03:18 PM
My Tiny Doctors

There is so much WIN going on that post, Human Compression can not even rationalize it! The "li'l fella" in me is wicked jealous right now! :P

12-15-2015, 03:49 PM
My Tiny Doctors...


12-15-2015, 03:56 PM
Not pictured is his Fez, which just looks like a teacup on his bald LEGO head when I put it on, so I made another little hook and hung it in the console room. Still cool tho!

12-15-2015, 06:44 PM
1st part of 2nd medic re upped and new link in original post

12-15-2015, 07:40 PM
The only shop near me that stocks the set only got 12 in, and they sold out in an hour. Hopefully that's enough to get that particular company to make more. Same happened with the set thats works as an expansion for that game they did recently. :P

12-15-2015, 08:01 PM
Anybody willing to post another link for the Medic + Detective Flames? Missed it.

Green Raven
12-15-2015, 08:10 PM
Thanks to Tirso, Matt Paradise and Manofsteel.
May Santa bring you gifts upon gifts....

12-15-2015, 08:13 PM
The only shop near me that stocks the set only got 12 in, and they sold out in an hour. Hopefully that's enough to get that particular company to make more. Same happened with the set thats works as an expansion for that game they did recently. :P

Too bad you don't live in the Dallas, TX area. My local Toys R Us had about 20 of them when I picked mine up last night :p

12-15-2015, 09:08 PM
Hi people, can I ask if anyone has the audio of the 4th medic novelization, 'The Relaxation Swarm' and the 7th medic novelization, 'The Best Performance in the Universe'

Many thanks

---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------

Anybody willing to post another link for the Medic + Detective Flames? Missed it.

I can probably help you out, if you could just give me a bigger hint of what it is you're after haha. Brain's not in gear tonight..

12-15-2015, 09:15 PM
My first effort doing this, with thanks to everyone whose generosity I've been the recipient of. Please forgive any problems, and grab it while you can.

The Battle Medic: None but The Hideous (edit: MP3, 4 files)


Big Mocha
12-15-2015, 09:28 PM
1st part of 2nd medic re upped and new link in original post

Works a dream - thanks manofsteel25

12-15-2015, 11:51 PM
I can probably help you out, if you could just give me a bigger hint of what it is you're after haha. Brain's not in gear tonight..

He is referred to "The @11-C0nsum1ng Fyre". My brain is fuzzy, too, as I just finished watching a hour and a half documentary on Chernobyl (research for something I am working on).

12-16-2015, 12:20 AM
Oops wrong thread...

12-16-2015, 12:20 AM
He is referred to "The @11-C0nsum1ng Fyre". My brain is fuzzy, too, as I just finished watching a hour and a half documentary on Chernobyl (research for something I am working on).

Indeed, that is what I'm after. Thanks for translating! :)

12-16-2015, 12:23 AM
Indeed, that is what I'm after. Thanks for translating! :)



12-16-2015, 12:32 AM
Many thanks!

12-16-2015, 04:16 AM
Hi everyone... back after several months leave due to unforeseen personal circumstances... nice to see you all! i was overwhelmed by all the new audios that came out. fortunately was able to get most of it but i'm still missing 3 stories if anyone can help
l1a2s3t o4f t5h6e g7a8d9e0r1e2n3e
d1r2o3s4t5e6n7'8s c9u0r1s2e

thanks to all!

BTW I think clara/me should switch TARDIS with 12... He looked pretty damn good in a classic CR... had a WH moment there... older temperamental medic in a TARDIS that looked like a TARDIS... well that was just too cool!! Seems i'm not the only one who thought so... maybe if we scream loud enough we'll get it back??

12-16-2015, 10:30 AM

12-16-2015, 11:46 AM

12-16-2015, 11:47 AM
Thank you. Much better.

12-16-2015, 02:06 PM
Monthly Medic 7 Being the Medic and other Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend.

Note: Being the Medic MP3 tracks are in a separate folder due to the selective nature of the story, but Being the Medic is also on the main file as one piece. The separate tracks for Being the Medic are in the second link. And no, I will not put up separate MP3 tracks for all the stories. It takes too much time to upload and I have to go to work soon.



12-16-2015, 03:28 PM
I love choose-your-own-adventures.

I got an email from LC stating that they were having a $1 sale on *something* (I can't recall what and it has disappeared from existence on my email and isnt on their site) .... Did I dream up this entire thing??

12-16-2015, 03:49 PM
Monthly Medic 7 Being the Medic and other Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend.
Brilliant! Thank you Mr dwst4

12-16-2015, 04:10 PM
Monthly Medic 7 Being the Medic and other Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend.

Note: Being the Medic MP3 tracks are in a separate folder due to the selective nature of the story, but Being the Medic is also on the main file as one piece. The separate tracks for Being the Medic are in the second link. And no, I will not put up separate MP3 tracks for all the stories. It takes too much time to upload and I have to go to work soon.



Thank you!

Miss Joan Doe
12-16-2015, 05:20 PM
nothing left

12-16-2015, 05:23 PM
My links for the Battle Medic got taken down after only 2 days, though I've received no notification or whatever. Has this happened to anyone else using Sendspace? Experiences? How worried should I be?

12-16-2015, 05:32 PM
Thank you both, dwst4 and Chakoteya! :)

12-16-2015, 06:55 PM
Thanks dwst4!!!

12-16-2015, 07:10 PM
Hmm... just idly wondering... what do you think the chances are of LC adding 9-11 into the rotation for the Monthly Quick Falls? It'd be a good way for them to get stories in for 9 and 11, well, at least one a year.

Green Raven
12-16-2015, 07:25 PM
Thanks Dwst4 and Chakoteya, i raise a glass of Eggnog to you both .

12-16-2015, 07:47 PM
Hmm... just idly wondering... what do you think the chances are of LC adding 9-11 into the rotation for the Monthly Quick Falls? It'd be a good way for them to get stories in for 9 and 11, well, at least one a year.
I don't want to gauge the chances of anything, but I will say that it's a great idea. I do wish for full-cast audios with Nine sometime, though. The way LC has handled the Conflict Medic was sublime. Plus, I don't have as much time as I used to in order to read those comics with him that have been coming out.

12-16-2015, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the recent shares,most kind.
Oh & A Very Merry Christmas To All Fellow *T*ime *L*ords & Ladies!

12-16-2015, 08:44 PM
My links for the Battle Medic got taken down after only 2 days, though I've received no notification or whatever. Has this happened to anyone else using Sendspace? Experiences? How worried should I be?

Did you have a sendspace account, or did you post as a free user?

Free users don't have to give up an email address.

Someone might have reposted your links?

I remember once someone who was posting an Irish TV show called Love/Hate and he was the only person in the world who had capped it, who said that his filelocker got angry because 40,000 people downloaded the link in the first hour.

Our main contributors here, only leave their sendspace links up for two or three days, and voluntarily take them down because they (rightly) believe trouble is a coming if they keep waving their ass at authority. Is there a toggle button, or if you move the files to a different part/area of your sendspace account, doesn't that mean that the link is invalid but you haven't deleted the data you wanted to store?

How well did you code the name of the product? Our first enemy are google bots sent out by evil lawfirms who trawl the internet for words they believe that are owned by their clients.

Anyone can report you with the "this is abusive button" if they are a "social justice warrior" who believes in doing the "right thing" despite harshing everyone's mellow, but I think you only get a letter if the copyright holder themselves complain, unless of course if you are continuously being tagged by the abuse button.


I know nothing.

12-16-2015, 09:05 PM
Hi guys do anyone's have 12th medic "first event" generation audiobook and epub?

12-16-2015, 09:39 PM
Thanks @ dwst4 & Chakoteya!

12-16-2015, 09:43 PM


Thanks so much ShortenedFuse, do you have the other one from this box too in the same format as this with 256k seperate tracks like this? I much prefer them like this to the compiled 128kbs ones that were posted earlier.

12-16-2015, 09:53 PM
Thanks so much ShortenedFuse, do you have the other one from this box too in the same format as this with 256k seperate tracks like this? I much prefer them like this to the compiled 128kbs ones that were posted earlier.



12-16-2015, 10:31 PM
That was super fast! Thanks so much!

12-16-2015, 10:58 PM
Monthly Medic 7 Being the Medic and other Tales

I'll leave this up through the weekend.

Note: Being the Medic MP3 tracks are in a separate folder due to the selective nature of the story, but Being the Medic is also on the main file as one piece. The separate tracks for Being the Medic are in the second link. And no, I will not put up separate MP3 tracks for all the stories. It takes too much time to upload and I have to go to work soon.



You are the MAN, AGAIN! & so fast.

12-16-2015, 10:59 PM
What happened to Tirso's battle medic LC post?

12-16-2015, 11:15 PM
I love choose-your-own-adventures.

I loved those books when I was a kid. Great fun. The spin-off series Time Machine was great fun too.