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12-16-2011, 12:58 AM
"Synopis Treatment for Doctor Who Series Seven. Aka, the Good Stuff pt III" + notes.


12-16-2011, 04:27 AM

12-16-2011, 06:32 AM
Just putting this out there, but I have some decent quality cover art for the Doctor Who and Torchwood soundtracks as well for the Torchwood radio plays. If anyone would like them, let me know on this thread and I'll upload them for you guys.

12-16-2011, 07:12 AM
Sure I would love to have some decent cover art.

12-16-2011, 07:24 AM
I would love them as well! Thank You in advance!

12-16-2011, 07:34 AM
Alrighty, folks. The covers are here ( As Madkalnod likes to say, "Get 'em while they're hot!". :)

12-16-2011, 07:51 AM
Wow, this place is really jumping lately! Thanks for all the great files and books that have been posted.

12-16-2011, 09:55 AM
I wonder what the new Christmas Special will be like this year. I hope it is better than the last one.

12-16-2011, 04:04 PM
I put in the right verification code but its telling me its not!

12-16-2011, 04:17 PM
I put in the right verification code but its telling me its not!

For what?

12-16-2011, 04:26 PM
I haven't seen the Telos DW books yet. Would anyone like me to upload them as I have all 15.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Oh most assuredly yes.

In teh meantime, one of my Sunday Night gaming group has access to some of the Cubicle 7 Doctor Who RPG material, and I think a bit of the older FASA stuff as well. Is there any interest in DW RPG books? If so I'll ask him this weekend.

12-16-2011, 05:14 PM
TELOS Novellas

TEL01 Time And Relative - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL02 Citadel Of Dreams - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL03 Nightdreamers - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL04 Ghost Ship - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL05 Foreign Devils - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL06 Rip Tide - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL07 Wonderland - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL08 Shell Shock - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL09 The Cabinet Of Light - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL10 Fallen Gods - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL11 Frayed - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL12 The Eye Of The Tyger - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL13 Companion Piece - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL14 Blood And Hope - Telos Novellas.epub
TEL15 The Dalek Factor - Telos Novellas.epub

FASA and C7 RPG (Probably not all of them, but the handful I have)


FASA Doctor Who RPG - Doctor Who The Dalek Problem A Symposium.pdf
FASA Doctor Who RPG - Game Operations Manual.pdf
FASA Doctor Who RPG - Player's Manual.pdf
FASA Doctor Who RPG - Sourcebook For Field Agents.pdf
FASA Doctor Who RPG - The Daleks.pdf




12-16-2011, 06:44 PM
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12-16-2011, 07:20 PM
Fantastic,only one short trips book missing now

12-16-2011, 08:31 PM
Fantastic,only one short trips book missing now

Remind me - which one?

12-16-2011, 08:41 PM
removed by OP

12-16-2011, 09:02 PM
This one?

Hmm? I thought I had that one already, but obviously not ... oh well, I'll join in the hordes looking for it.

12-17-2011, 12:30 AM
Me and Nobber missed the Fred debut. About time you told us it was up. Never thought to actually look for it.

Gimmie a day or two and I'll update that fred with smaller MP3 files. The complete CD WAV files are brilliant, but I can imagine they could be a pain for some folks.

12-17-2011, 03:03 AM
removed by OP

Who Lover
12-17-2011, 03:35 AM
Thanks. Would be nice if anyone could get "Christmas around the world - Short Trips" for a Christmas present.

12-17-2011, 02:36 PM
Apologies Burn, I thought I did mention it at the time- DOH!

12-17-2011, 03:34 PM
removed by OP

12-17-2011, 04:18 PM
Six-of-one, half a dozen of the other on the format front.

Speaking for myself when offered both I'll go for a 256k MP3 over a lossless WAV file. I'm too cloth-eared to really notice any difference in quality, and the file is quicker to download.

Others mileage may, of course, vary.

12-18-2011, 02:57 AM
removed by OP

12-18-2011, 03:36 AM
Don`t you ever rest Burneggroll, Fantastic stuff yet again. Thats another complete book collection.Thank you

12-18-2011, 07:04 AM
May I ask where the rest of the Short Trips collection is located? Is it scattered about or all in one post somewhere?

12-18-2011, 07:54 AM
They're all on page 41.

12-18-2011, 08:25 AM
removed by OP

12-18-2011, 09:00 AM
Your page numbers aren't the same as mine? What madness is this!

Well the Big Finish books were most recently posted in post# 1013,1016, and 1024. Most were also in 913. The BBC short trips are in 916. My bookmarks to the audios vanished when the site was upgraded but maybe I'll have time later to find them again.

- Well, Burnie saved me the trouble. If it wouldn't be sacrilegious, what with the upcoming holiday, maybe we could erect a gold statue in his honor?

12-18-2011, 10:08 AM
removed by OP

12-18-2011, 12:04 PM
I could not find Big Finish Short Trips vol 1 either. I did find vol 2. It's in post #40 mislabeled as BBC Short Trips vol 2. The BBC Short Trips are all in post 92.

12-18-2011, 12:46 PM
I'll up BF ST V1 and V2 this afternoon.

BF S'Trips Vol 1

BF S'Trips Vol 2

12-18-2011, 03:59 PM
Many thanks for the swift replies and some much nicer looking Short Trips than my previous versions!

12-18-2011, 06:31 PM

I dont think these have been posted before (some alternative links never hurt anyway)- Here's the complete collection of Doctor Who stories created by Dream Realm Enterprises.
Recurring Cast:
Ronn Smith as The Doctor
Rebecca McCarthy as Amara (Seasons 1 & 2)
Shannon Hilchie as Amara (Season 2)
Sara Garrard as Grae
Kyle Hebert as Braxa
Sally Wiget as Captain Gelia

Production Crew:
Executive Producer/Director: Jonithan Patrick Russell
Producer: Kyle Borcz
Co-Producer: Ronn Smith

Season 1
THE MINES OF MANDOR by Jonithan Patrick Russell & Jackson Rees
n the asteroid mining station Z-11, in the Mandor Planetary System, the arrival of a mysterious traveler known only as the Doctor coincides with the death of one of the miners, as well as the arrival of two dangerous mercenaries. Are these events related?
Z-11's Foreman Mixton seems to think so. And, what do the mineral Z-1138 and the galaxy's plague, Yonex Disease, have in common? It�s left to the Doctor to ponder just what possible interest all this could be to the Rutan Empire.

THE NET by Jonithan Patrick Russell
The TARDIS is caught in a mysterious web in space known only as "The Net." Can they escape? And, who or what are the mysterious beings who have somehow managed to penetrate the TARDIS, a supposedly impenetrable time capsule?

Season 2
WAR TORN by Kyle Borcz & Julio Angel Ortiz
On the war ravaged planet Aniron, two colonies of humanoids, the Draimans and the Trages, are dead-locked in a ferocious civil war. When the Doctor arrives to discover that both sides have been experimenting with time technology, he realizes that things could spiral out of control very quickly.

THE LOST by Jonithan Patrick Russell
When Amara mysteriously disappears from within the TARDIS, The Doctor and Grae decide to search for her in the underground ruins of a strange planet where they discover a lost colony of Amara's people, the planet known as Lexos. But is it really known by another, more ancient name? What will they find within the caverns of the strange underground settlement, their lost companion? And if so, will Amara ever be the same again?

HARBINGERS by Jonithan Patrick Russell & Jackson Rees
When the Doctor, Grae, and Amara answer a distress signal, they find themselves onboard a battle-scarred Kronek Warship, whose sole survivor claims to have been the victim of an attack by legendary monsters known only as Harbingers. But the Doctor soon discovers there is some truth to old legends.
Soon they are boarded by the Kronek's enemies, the Brellians, whose Commanding Officer, General Kane, is sceptical of the Kronek's story. Especially when his own crew begin to die off one-by-one in gruesome ways. Can the Doctor convince Kane the Harbingers really do exist before it's too late?! Or will Kane's stubbornness get them all killed?

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

MP3 Format/128kbps

12-18-2011, 06:34 PM
Here are six Handbooks, one for each of the first six Doctors released in the early 90`s

There was a seventh so hopefully somone can fill the gap?

12-18-2011, 06:44 PM
There was a seventh so hopefully someone can fill the gap?

I certainly hope so! I mentioned this once before, but got no response.

12-18-2011, 08:24 PM
I would also love to get the seventh Doctor Handbook!

12-18-2011, 09:57 PM
removed by OP

12-18-2011, 10:06 PM
Again thanks to lisaf2012 for sending this to me.
It's WAV format, but I'm sure that if you ask very nicely Nobber will sort out an MP3 version for you as well.

Will do, squire!

Now I think we're just missing the Lost Story:Children Of Seth and The Five Companions?

12-18-2011, 10:08 PM
Now I think we're just missing the Lost Story:Children Of Seth and The Five Companions?
Sounds about right. If I could get the latter, it'd be all I need to keep me going til "The Curse of Davros" next month. :)

Who Lover
12-18-2011, 10:19 PM
Super. Thanks.

12-18-2011, 10:22 PM
Now I think we're just missing the Lost Story:Children Of Seth and The Five Companions?

You never know what will turn up this week, after all it is Christmas.

I'll be getting the Blake's 7 audios from Big Finish, next year- the first 1 is due out in February, they'll be added to the Blake's 7 Fred =

also between myself, Nobber & Burn we will be adding more to the Tomorrow People Fred as well =

12-18-2011, 10:53 PM
also between myself & Burn will be adding more to the Tomorrow People Fred as well =

Humbugs! Gonna sulk now 'cos you not mentioned my MP3 uploading!!


Jesting, of course!

PM'd you MP3 links for the CC. Makes sense to keep the links together where possible.

12-18-2011, 10:57 PM
Humbugs! Gonna sulk now 'cos you not mentioned my MP3 uploading!!


Jesting, of course!

PM'd you MP3 links for the CC. Makes sense to keep the links together where possible.

duly amended mate, snigger

12-18-2011, 11:05 PM

Who Lover
12-19-2011, 01:52 AM
Happy Christmas everyone. (Do I get a special prize for being post #1000 - yok)

While this isn't Who related, I was amused by this and thought other geeks like me would enjoy this. Call it the Christmas story for the 21st Century media. Click and enjoy or go to "digital story of the nativity" on Youtube.


12-19-2011, 02:31 AM
Happy Christmas everyone. (Do I get a special prize for being post #1000 - yok)

You do. Has your collection of old Burger King wrappers not turned up yet?

While this isn't Who related, I was amused by this and thought other geeks like me would enjoy this. Call it the Christmas story for the 21st Century media. Click and enjoy or go to "digital story of the nativity" on Youtube.


12-19-2011, 03:42 AM
removed by OP

12-19-2011, 04:53 PM
I have the blind version of winner takes all if thats any use

12-19-2011, 05:02 PM
What is the difference between that version and the current version that is out?.....just curious

12-19-2011, 06:25 PM
What is the difference between that version and the current version that is out?.....just curious

Different readers (possibly abridged?)

12-19-2011, 06:47 PM
I think I may be interested in that version too....

Thank you for for the info!

12-19-2011, 08:22 PM
I prefer the unabridged full editions! Just as the writer wrote it! abridged makes me feel im missing something!

12-19-2011, 08:51 PM
The only abridged versions I enjoy are from the Star Wars books because of the sound makes me think of the movies....

For Doctor Who.....the more details the better.....

12-19-2011, 09:04 PM
The Winner takes all RNIB audiobook is read by David Thorpe, and just like the comercial release is Unabridged. Obviously releasing an edited version for the blind would`nt be P.C.after all they cannot read the textbook. The only difference is in the reader and the lack of sound effects in the blind version.
Anyway its uploading now(at a snails pace) so you can judge for yourselves

12-19-2011, 09:13 PM
That is very much appreciated!
Thank you!

12-19-2011, 09:52 PM
Here you go:-

Winner Takes All read by David Thorpe RNIB Version. Ipod Ready 256mbs


12-19-2011, 10:41 PM
removed by OP

12-20-2011, 12:35 AM
removed by OP

12-20-2011, 01:31 AM
I've got a few of the various 'Big Finish Magazine CD's from before they moved to purely podcasts and Vortex Magazine.

Anyone interested?

Who Lover
12-20-2011, 01:59 AM
Question: Can anyone actually tell me why Big Finish had the book licence for Short Trips taken away from them? My theroy is that they were too busy inventing their own companions, 4th Doctor and Oliver, etc... And some where really bad.

Nobber: I might be silly enough to take you up on your offer of Burger King wrappers. As we have the same francise called Hungry Jacks here, I might be silly enough to spin a yarn about going overseas for a burger. Yok.

Hungry Jack's - Makes It Better (

12-20-2011, 02:35 AM
I don't think BF had the licence taken from them, more that sales didn't justify doing any more.

There was a thread I read years ago on Gallifrey Base that suggested that BF go down the 'print on demand' route via sites like for stuff like that, but Richardson got all stroppy about it as it he couldn't get it into his head that this didn't mean that BF needed their own printing press.

(Which reminds me - not looked on GB for ages. I got sick to death of the "you can only post here if you are praising TV/Audio/Book/Variant" attitude on there at the time.)

---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 PM ----------

Nobber: I might be silly enough to take you up on your offer of Burger King wrappers. As we have the same francise called Hungry Jacks here, I might be silly enough to spin a yarn about going overseas for a burger. Yok.

Hungry Jack's - Makes It Better (

AHAA! From that URL I take it you're an Aussie? So quick question for you ...

Now that Good News Week/World is over for the year, Spicks And Specks has finished forever, and it's ages until TAYG is back - what's new in home-grown Aussie comedy these days?

Who Lover
12-20-2011, 03:15 AM
Good News World was very poor. Doubt if it will be back. Adam Hills (from S&Specks) will be doing more "In Gordon Street Tonight". And more from "The Church of the Latter Day Geeks". And Sunday, I got his latest DVD stand-up comedy - Inflatable. And Talking About Your Generation with Shaun Micallef seems to be doing a Christmas special - but no idea if this is a repeat. Repeat or not, still entertaining.

After watching a hour Project (formally The 7pm Project) and watching another Alfred Hitchcock presents....(season 6 out now), there isn't much time left for any shows. Although The Amazing Race, Survivor, Beauty and the Geek Australia and Mythbusters scores fairly well each week here. Channel Ten is promotiong "New Girl" which seems okay. Joy of Sets was mildly entertaining.

Nice to talk to something about Aussie culture. It took me ages to realize that Britians "Blue Peter" wasn't a sex show promoting DW. [And what is Ant & Dec, huh!!!]

Here's some Aussie culture for those outside Australia:

Adam Hills in Gordon St Tonight - ABC TV (

Video - Adam Hills in Gordon St Tonight - ABC TV ( of Latter Day Geeks&videoID=s3108474&videoDate=Episode 1, Wednesday February 9&autostart=true

Inflatable DVD download:

12-20-2011, 03:36 AM
GW-World got better as the series progressed, but they should never have touted it as a direct replacement for GN-Week. (But Claire Hooper looked so HAWWWT when doing the WikiLeaks sketches that I can forgive every appearance of Akmal)

I'll try the 'Gordon St' ones, thanks, if I can find them. The '7pm Project' I've seen regularly posted to site and YouTube but found on the few I watched that there were too just too many references I didn't get due to being from the UK.

There's a lot of good comedy come out of Australia that I think the world has missed by being flooded with US stuff. Discovered 'The Librarians' over the summer as well as several series of 'The Micallef P(r)ogram(me)' and thought they were brilliant. But Aus is, if you'll excuse the expression, terrible for releasing stuff out into the wild - took a fortnight for the last GN-World ep to escape onto the net which is a lifetime compared to the minutes it takes US releases to get loose.

(And it looks like Sleuth 101 isn't getting another series, either. Wasn't a particularly ground-breaking series, or even really that funny, but had Cal Wilson. So that made me happy!)

Anyway - sorry about that brief diversion into Antipodean TV. :)

PS - Thanks for the 'Inflatable' link!

PPS - EDIT TO ADD - Oh, that link won't work as it says "Download Error-The file that you're trying to download is larger than 400Mb." but I've found a copy on USENET, so no worries

Who Lover
12-20-2011, 04:00 AM
There is a Micallef 10 DVD pack available that's worth getting.

12-20-2011, 04:04 AM
Got it! :)

12-20-2011, 04:09 AM
Just a massive thank you for all the recent additions to this thread. Forever grateful

12-20-2011, 04:45 AM
New poster here, I also want to thank the contributors of this thread. I try to support Big Finish as much as I can but it's impossible for me to buy them all. Thanks to all the great people here who fill the gaps in my collection where my wallet can't.

12-20-2011, 08:15 AM
After months of failing to sort out the activation code I can finally contribute to this impressive thread. As a massive thankyou to everyone, here is 'YB OG SRATS TNELIS'

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

First post, and first upload, hope it works!

12-20-2011, 08:18 AM
Question: Can anyone actually tell me why Big Finish had the book licence for Short Trips taken away from them? My theroy is that they were too busy inventing their own companions, 4th Doctor and Oliver, etc... And some where really bad.

Big Finish - News (

Their license wasn't taken away from them, it simply wasn't renewed. They did the same thing to Virgin in '96 when they wanted to start releasing DW books under their own publishing company BBC Books. And again to Telos when the Telos novellas ended. As to why they chose not to renew the license, that's anybody guess.

tippy wooder
12-20-2011, 11:31 AM
I've got a few of the various 'Big Finish Magazine CD's from before they moved to purely podcasts and Vortex Magazine.

Anyone interested?

Hey Nobber

I am! Particularly if you have 8, 9, 10 and 11.

12-20-2011, 12:30 PM
Hey Nobber

I am! Particularly if you have 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Off the top of my head I can't remember which ones I have, but I'll start ripping them today, then.

EDIT TO ADD: Uploading as I type. BF Update 1, Magazines 1-3,6,9,12 and 13

12-20-2011, 12:38 PM
Starting Boxing Day, BBC Radio 4extra will broadcast The Pyramids of Mars read by Tom Baker - in six parts (Dec. 26 - Jan. 3). Broadcast time is 18.00 and 24.00 but each episode can be heard for one week after broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 extra website

12-20-2011, 01:28 PM
The Secret Weapon Of Doom

Cosmic Hobo Productions "The Secret Weapon of Doom" premiers on BBC Radio 4 Extra on January 1st -

12-20-2011, 01:32 PM
Thank you for posting Luther Arkwright, was looking for this for years.

12-20-2011, 04:24 PM
New poster here, I also want to thank the contributors of this thread. I try to support Big Finish as much as I can but it's impossible for me to buy them all. Thanks to all the great people here who fill the gaps in my collection where my wallet can't.

Welcome rubaman, I'm sure you'll find plenty to enjoy - I have.

12-20-2011, 05:29 PM
Dear all,

I've just unexpectedly been made a grandfather, so I'll only be dipping in occasionally for a while. I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year.

Here's Companion Chronicles 605 The First Wave:

Download Doctor Who - The First Wave.rar from - send big files the easy way (

All the best,


12-20-2011, 05:50 PM
I've just unexpectedly been made a grandfather, so I'll only be dipping in occasionally for a while. I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year.

Congratulations to you, geezer & Merry Christmas! To everyone else, thanks for all the latest BF's, Audio Go's & the Sherlock Holmes as well! Quality!

12-20-2011, 06:15 PM
Thanks Gramps!!!!!!!!!!

12-20-2011, 06:21 PM
Dear all,

I've just unexpectedly been made a grandfather, so I'll only be dipping in occasionally for a while. I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year.

Yayyy! Congrats!

12-20-2011, 06:35 PM
Congratulations to you, geezer & Merry Christmas! To everyone else, thanks for all the latest BF's, Audio Go's & the Sherlock Holmes as well! Quality!

Congratulations, Merry Christmas & Thank You

12-20-2011, 08:20 PM
All the very best to you for your good news, Recons!

12-20-2011, 08:24 PM
the best of, thanks!

12-20-2011, 08:26 PM

12-20-2011, 09:09 PM
I HATE megaupload can someone post alternate links for silent stars please.(audiobook)

12-20-2011, 11:02 PM
Dear all,

I've just unexpectedly been made a grandfather, so I'll only be dipping in occasionally for a while. I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year.

Congratulations recons!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

12-21-2011, 12:36 AM
removed by OP

12-21-2011, 04:23 AM
just hypothetically... or perhaps pathetically... if i happened to be a member of their forums... i don't think i'd be using the same username elsewhere.

12-21-2011, 06:06 AM
As 'who lover' would agree, here at the bottom of the world, we are also at the bottom of the barrel in accessing Big Finish products, without eBay or fileshare, we would be sitting at the postbox, waiting for the postman to come with 'this month's' package of BF audios and books .... that we can [and do] download these from sites, means that we are able to listen and read them at the same time as other fans around the UK and world, and also sample product like 'Robin Hood' to see if we would like to buy them.
Not all fans want just the 'ethernet form', some like myself want the bookcase full, the option to reach out a hand, take down an old favourite, and sit back for a few hours....that doesn't mean I, [and others], don't buy the ones we like, as soon as we can, but with a range as extensive as BF - who has the time and income?....

Copyrite issues - even if I make my own covers, they have Big Finish logos on them, my own discs clearly state that they are Big Finish products and are on blank white discs that even the thickest buyer would recognise as 'home made' copies not fakes.... I collect for me, I don't sell or accept payment for 'their' product', I follow the 'Monkhouse Ruling' on whether a club member can share with other club members, products of a distributor, as long as no money changes hands except for the replacement cost of the media used.

So, I support and thank Burnie, and all the other members here, who put the product on line for all to share, hopefully soon, I will be uploading items from my collection that some here will want or enjoy.

Happy Christmas all.....4 days to the xmas special :)

[approx 6.00am, 26/12/2011 on torrents, in Australia....for those that can't wait the extra 12 hours]

12-21-2011, 09:18 AM
With most of these releases I have bought the physical CD anyway I just like the files on my comp as well.

12-21-2011, 09:25 AM
I have a Dalek story question that I need help with....

I am in the process of putting together the Dalek audio stories together to listen to and I am trying to figure out placement of the Dalek Empire and Dalek Empire Strikes Back stories fit into the Doctor Who universe....

Would someone be able to assist me?
When I go to the Doctor Who timeline sites, they do not list where they fall...

Thank you!


To pull out an old post, and give you a hand, in putting together your list - this may be a help to you, [if you haven't already found this one....]

Doctor Who Reference Guide (

12-21-2011, 09:45 AM
I fully intend to buy the Big Finish audios. It's just that there are so freakin' many! After collecting the DW books off of bolt last fall, I started to buy them this summer. I went overboard and long story short, I now own them all. And by own, I mean the credit card company loves me. So my plan is to finish getting the DW DVDS (I am fairy behind on those) and then shift that money into buying the audios. I'd much prefer to have the CDs on a dusty bookshelf but realistically, I'll have to settle for the downloads because they half priced. Which sucks. I'll be taking advantage of BFs offer on discounted audios which was previously mentioned here in the hopes that they continue to offer them.

12-21-2011, 10:42 AM


On the first day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me,
Davros in a wheel-chair

On the second day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me,
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the third day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me
Three Earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the fourth day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me,
Four happy Crinoids
Three earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And a death-ray in a big box

On the fifth day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me,
Five golden Daleks,
Four happy Crinoids
Three earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the sixth day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me,
Six Terileptils
Five golden Daleks,
Four happy Crinoids
Three earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the seventh day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek gave to me
Seven Tardis spinning
Six Terileptils
Five golden Daleks,
Four happy Crinoids
Three earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the eighth day of Christmas my emperor Dalek sent to me
Eight deadly ray-guns
Seven Tardis spinning
Six Terileptils
Five golden Daleks,
Four happy Crinoids
Three earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the ninth day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me
Nine friendly Cybermen
Eight deadly ray-guns
Seven Tardis spinning
Six Terileptils
Five golden Daleks,
Four happy Crinoids
Three earth invasions
Two frightened companions
And Davros in a wheel-chair

On the tenth day of Christmas, my emperor Dalek sent to me
Ten meddling Doctors

tippy wooder
12-21-2011, 10:58 AM
CDs given away with Doctor Who Magazine - BF Update 1, Magazines 1-3,6,9,12 and 13, plus 'The Ratings War' and 'Invaders From Mars' (66 MB) - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (60.9 MB) - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (60.6 MB) - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! ( (65.2 MB) - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites

Cheers Nobber - been looking for one or two of these for a while! I'm not 100% clear on what Big Finish Update 1 is... was this a CD or a download?? If it was a CD, is there any way you could provide a scan of the cover? Many thanks, again.

12-21-2011, 11:31 AM
fully understand your decision burneggroll... never understood why some folks have to make it their business to piss all over others anyway. if they're already in this forum... their hands are not clean to begin with. really appreciate the effort you put into it over many months... it was fun while it lasted.

12-21-2011, 11:34 AM
Cheers Nobber - been looking for one or two of these for a while! I'm not 100% clear on what Big Finish Update 1 is... was this a CD or a download?? If it was a CD, is there any way you could provide a scan of the cover? Many thanks, again.

It was a CD. No scan of the cover, I'm afraid, due to being scanner-less. I'll see if I can find an image on Google, through.

tippy wooder
12-21-2011, 11:40 AM
It was a CD. No scan of the cover, I'm afraid, due to being scanner-less. I'll see if I can find an image on Google, through.

Great, thanks. Hadn't even heard of it before - any idea when it came out?
Also, I was under the impression that the Magazine CDs finished with Issue 11 ..!

12-21-2011, 12:03 PM
Wall1885, or anyone else,
Any chance of reuploading BFCC606 anywhere else? I was in the middle of getting your wav version when it suddenly stopped, crashng my computer and messing up my computer's bootloader, which took many, many hours to fix! I wonder if it was actually taken down while I was downloading it?


12-21-2011, 12:15 PM
Great, thanks. Hadn't even heard of it before - any idea when it came out?
Also, I was under the impression that the Magazine CDs finished with Issue 11 ..!

The 'Update' CD was 2007, and #13 was in 2009.

12-21-2011, 12:42 PM
After months of failing to sort out the activation code I can finally contribute to this impressive thread. As a massive thankyou to everyone, here is 'YB OG SRATS TNELIS'

First post, and first upload, hope it works!

Has anyone managed to get this, if so could you post a different link please, Megaupload just wont work for me. I had to uninstall megakey because it was blocking my phone .

12-21-2011, 01:00 PM
Has anyone managed to get this, if so could you post a different link please, Megaupload just wont work for me. I had to uninstall megakey because it was blocking my phone .

Can't get that link to work either. Just sits there never starting the download.

12-21-2011, 01:05 PM
Ok I'm new at this. What is a better (free!!) alternative for me to upload to?

12-21-2011, 01:10 PM
I use Multiupload, or SendSpace.

12-21-2011, 01:21 PM
Does anybody know if a BBC radio drama called "The Slide" exists on audio. Written by Victor Pemberton, it was later adapted as the Patrick Troughton story "Fury from the Deep". again many thanks.

Have a look at;

The Slide (Classic Radio Sci-Fi) | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads (

12-21-2011, 01:55 PM
All my posts now have Big Finish story links redacted*, except for the ones they explicitly gave away for free.

Thanks for everything, Burn! I am forever in your debt!

12-21-2011, 03:56 PM
JUst a quick thank you to Burneggroll for all your fine work and megaupload is useless. Thats all.

12-21-2011, 04:11 PM
Ok I'm new at this. What is a better (free!!) alternative for me to upload to?

I use Rapidshare, its easy and keeps you files for 60 days as a free user. I know nothing about computers and if i can use it anyone can

12-21-2011, 04:12 PM
Remember that old sign that said;
"End of Internet. Go Back."
Yep, this is that place for me.

Think of it as a sand castle on a beach.

Almost as much fun kicking 'em down as putting 'em up.

You knew the Doctor, what was he like?
He said; "RUN".
Is that all?
He said it a lot.
~ A Good Man Goes to War
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up"></marquee>.
HTML Codes by
<marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:143;top:49;height:4 64;"scrollamount="5" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:35;top:19;height:15 5;"scrollamount="5" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:197;top:66;height:1 49;"scrollamount="6" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:283;top:91;height:2 69;"scrollamount="7" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:129;top:100;height: 329;"scrollamount="2" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:277;top:17;height:4 52;"scrollamount="7" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:153;top:57;height:1 8;"scrollamount="2" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:9;top:58;height:325 ;"scrollamount="5" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:163;top:54;height:7 8;"scrollamount="3" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:15;top:68;height:36 3;"scrollamount="4" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:63;top:14;height:31 7;"scrollamount="5" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:57;top:27;height:24 1;"scrollamount="7" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:151;top:18;height:3 9;"scrollamount="3" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:96;top:67;height:40 4;"scrollamount="7" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:290;top:31;height:3 42;"scrollamount="7" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:79;top:90;height:21 3;"direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:192;top:101;height: 124;"scrollamount="6" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:290;top:65;height:1 94;"scrollamount="3" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:39;top:74;height:34 2;"scrollamount="4" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:218;top:83;height:4 89;"scrollamount="2" direction="down"></marquee><marquee style="z-index:2;position:absolute;left:77;top:93;height:22 9;"scrollamount="4" direction="down"></marquee><p style="position:absolute;top:497;font-size:10px;">HTML Editor (</p>

<marquee behavior="alternate"></marquee>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="10"></marquee>
Don't you just love that BBC banner Free for use of public. Aw, thanks sweetie.

12-21-2011, 04:59 PM
Sad Day. No links.
Thanks for everyones hard work in sharing stuff some of which I didn't even know existed.
I buy some Big Finish stuff and some books DVD's etc. I could never afford to buy them all but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to hear them.
Also I find I'm being prevented from entering the shrine in the conventional way by someone (thing) called ijailbreak / teamPS. Just because they can. Anyone else have this problem and do they know how to stop it ?

12-21-2011, 11:28 PM
Judging by this thread Thread 104085 someone's been playing silly buggers. Think I'll change my password ... just in case ...

12-21-2011, 11:32 PM
I got my daily email to this thread and I couldn't get on. So I checked all my booksmarks which I just remade two days ago. All failed. I had to get here the hard way. WTF!?

12-22-2011, 12:00 AM
Same here keep getting a 404 error had to come in the long way.

12-22-2011, 12:25 AM
Has anyone managed to get this, if so could you post a different link please, Megaupload just wont work for me. I had to uninstall megakey because it was blocking my phone .

I got it, bloody wonderful

Judging by this thread site down? (Thread 104085) someone's been playing silly buggers. Think I'll change my password ... just in case ...

Me too me thinks.

12-22-2011, 01:03 AM
Why have so many of the links beer removed? Who is this OP person anyway?

12-22-2011, 01:15 AM
OP = Original Poster

12-22-2011, 01:24 AM
It seems a lot of the forums are having the same 404 problems with accessing pages -

As Burnie wrote, he has taken down some of his links [after being named by the tosser on BF Forum], wish him well for Christmas and wait til the crud blows over, and he will be back, links and all.... As most of us have accessed his links, we can always put them back up again, for the newer members who missed out, the first time round. :)

12-22-2011, 02:32 AM
Wow what a scary day not being able to get onto here. Glad to see it's back up and running. Whew.

Just curious, any one gotten a copy of the 8th Doctor's Witch in the Well?
I'm itching to get my Christmas money to get my paws officially on this one (and a couple others I've already listened to and just adore), but I have no complains against listening to it before buying. (Just makes me love it all the more when I get the CD.)

And websites I use to upload to are, mediafire (LOVE that place. Free account with up to 2-3 downloads at once), and (I adore the place. Don't even need an account to upload mp3s, but it only takes mp3 files. If course, the only trick to downloading is you need to have a download manager of some sort, like GetRight, to download mp3s from it, or else it'll only play the mp3 link).

Of course, that's just me. And I totally agree with renaming the files to keep them hidden from google and looking like they're non-DW.

Who Lover
12-22-2011, 06:45 AM
Apart from paying $300 for a Data Extract order (that avoids the fees), there are all the Sydney and Melbourne stores via mail-order. I can't afford BF, but really not when slapped with an extra $7 postage.
I would hope that those who can support BF in any way, do so by buying from their local Doctor Who shop. If I could walk into a store and see BF proudly displayed on the shelf, I'd snap it up. But no dice here. Pulp Fiction is the only store that's ever had them in the whole of Queensland and it is where I was first introduced to the series through the Dalek Empire CD's. And after getting 70 CD's via DE mail order 3 times a year, I'm happy to save space by transferring them to mp3.
But you are right. As most Doctor Who fans can reason with, it's the "completeness" of it that draws us "to-have-everything-we-could-possibly-want-but-not-always-have-the-time-to-listen-to". And with such a HUGE amount of releases from BF each year, it really is hard for anyone to keep up. Gee, I'm still getting the DW Files (in Australia - up to #59), and I don't want to fork out another $400 to complete the series, particuary as I don't even read them, but probably still will get it for the "completeness" of it. It's just the way fans are.

Mediafire is my choice to downlaod - have downloaded 20 things at once without waiting.

12-22-2011, 07:58 AM
Megaupload just wont work for me.

Here's a tip you can use to download files from megauplaod -FROM- a different server:

1. go to
2. under the words 'file description' on the left, you will see a button entitled "File fetching" press it.
3. you can now enter the megauplaod file url in the bar (where it says 'Enter file URL:')
4. press the "fetch" button on the right

give it a moment and that file will be transferred to 5 or 6 different alternate file servers. You will probably have better luck grabbing from these if you've been having issues with megaupload.


12-22-2011, 08:18 AM
Who Lover, why can't you just buy the stories right from Big Finish's site? They've been selling them online for download for years now. If you can download from the sites linked to here, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to download them directly from Big Finish. Not only are the downloads cheaper than the CD's, but there's no shipping.

12-22-2011, 12:42 PM
Since the last RNIB audiobook proved so popular with over 50 downloads i thought you may also like the following.:-

The Three Doctors
The Loch Ness Monster
The Face of evil ( Read by Louise Jameson)
State of Decay (Read by Tom Baker)
The Clockwise Man
Wooden Heart
The Last Dodo
Sting of the Zygons


12-22-2011, 01:10 PM
Mediafire is my choice to downlaod - have downloaded 20 things at once without waiting.

O__O DANG!! Now that's just impressive!!

12-22-2011, 01:22 PM
Can somebody put all these ebooks into 1 file and post links please as I have tried to download them but links disappear quickly.

Dead of Winter - James Goss
The Coming of the Terraphiles - Michael Moorcock
Hunter's Moon - Paul Finch
The Way Through the Woods - Una McCormack
Touched By an Angel - Jonathan Morris
Borrowed Time - Naomi A. Alderman
Paradox Lost - George Mann
The Silent Stars Go By - Dan Abnett

First Born - James Goss
Long Time Dead - Sarah Pinborough
The Men Who Sold The World - Guy Adams

12-22-2011, 03:32 PM
Can somebody put all these ebooks into 1 file and post links please as I have tried to download them but links disappear quickly.

Dead of Winter - James Goss
The Coming of the Terraphiles - Michael Moorcock
Hunter's Moon - Paul Finch
The Way Through the Woods - Una McCormack
Touched By an Angel - Jonathan Morris
Borrowed Time - Naomi A. Alderman
Paradox Lost - George Mann
The Silent Stars Go By - Dan Abnett

First Born - James Goss
Long Time Dead - Sarah Pinborough
The Men Who Sold The World - Guy Adams

Get 'em while they're hot...

Roctod Wwhhoo Nxexwx Sieres Aaddvveennttuurreess Nxoxvxexlxsx sFDP

12-22-2011, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the books

12-22-2011, 09:40 PM
Thanks for letting me know the shorthand around here. I was worried it was the work of a haker or cybermen or something.

Who Lover
12-22-2011, 11:17 PM
Who Lover, why can't you just buy the stories right from Big Finish's site? They've been selling them online for download for years now. If you can download from the sites linked to here, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to download them directly from Big Finish. Not only are the downloads cheaper than the CD's, but there's no shipping.

Simple really. I don't own a credit card. I do use a pre-paid credit twice a year for some sites like Rapid Share and Filesonic. But I don't believe in getting what I can't afford. So, if I was to do that (and it is a good idea...thanks), it would be through a $100 pre-paid credit card or something like that.

And yes, mediafire is sooo much better than megaupload. And you can store files for free (with some limits).

12-23-2011, 02:53 AM
Any update on the five companions or the children of seth ?

12-23-2011, 02:57 AM
Any update on the five companions or the children of seth ?

Given recent, er, 'clear-outs' I'd look elsewhere for the near future.

12-23-2011, 02:57 PM
removed by OP

12-23-2011, 10:55 PM
I think BF is on a rampage at the moment, a few days before I discovered other dowload sites that I visited had removed everysingle BF item posted, and just yesterday A whole Series I discovered was being deleted as I was downloading it. so I only ended up with part 1 of it's pilot ep.

12-23-2011, 11:03 PM
Has BF made any direct threats against this website? If another user were to post something, would it become an issue?

12-23-2011, 11:18 PM
Has BF made any direct threats against this website? If another user were to post something, would it become an issue?

AFAIK the 'name and shame' was purely against Burn. An indirect one, at that. I don't think he was contacted directly.

12-23-2011, 11:47 PM
A suggestion put forward by several of the 'download sites' is to change your member name, if you wish to continue up/downloading - it appears that 'downloading' may not be the issue [as this has been going in fandom, in one form or another- even before the internet- ever since fandom began as a buying force, and the companies, such as BF, started as fans creating product for others, even before they had official distributors authority... without the desire of the fans for the product, it would be time for them to close shop..].

On many forums at the moment, trolling has become rife, naming and shaming others, to prove that you are the bigger dog on the block.
By changing your name, the troll is left powerless [though, as a new user name, you may lose all previous credit or reputation].
BF is not going after individuals either by their URL or IP address', sites may be requested to cease, but all that does in reality, is have the download'ers close more and more sites to the general public, it may drive trading out of the public eye, but does not stop it - so for someone like BF, it becomes a kick in your own teeth, and alienates the very people, you are trying to make money from.

As Dr Who [and SciFi in general] fans, we have become used to waiting, all things 'blow over' :)

12-24-2011, 12:09 AM
Well if it's not BF itself that's causing this, then well that sucks. As a business they have all the right in the world to have a fit about downloads of material that's not exactly above board.
Wile just handing over their stuff to someone for free isn't ilegal, it's not exactly ethical (hangs head down in shame "pleaes don't tell my mother"). I can understand how they would feel about their hard work not getting a profit for all of what's distributed out there.

But you're right it would do more harm for them in the long run, the illegal downloads for BF's Doctor Who is the only reason I know they exist. I stumbbled on the quite by accident, and am very glad I did.

I've become an unpaid endoser of their DW Audios, telling anyone I know about them, friends, family, strangers, even my public library.

12-24-2011, 01:16 AM
Big Finish Forums (
Big Finish has given tacit approval for another site to use these links:

Davros - Based on a Big Finish Production - YouTube ( - Davros
Return Of The Krotons - Based on a Big Finish Production - YouTube ( - Return Of The Krotons
The Cannibalists - Based on a Big Finish Production - YouTube ( - The Cannibalists
Enemy Of The Daleks - Based on a Big Finish Production - YouTube ( - Enemy Of The Daleks
Daleks - The Destroyers - Based on a Big Finish Production - YouTube ( - The Destroyers
Daleks - The Destroyers : Theme Tune by Jamie Robertson - YouTube ( - The Destroyers Theme Tune
Dalek Empire IV: The Fearless - YouTube ( - DE-IV
Big Finish - Subscribers Get More ... Daleks - YouTube ( - Subscribers Get More
Big Finish - Blood Of The Daleks - YouTube ( - Blood Of The Daleks

Good news; these can stay. We enjoy them too! Also noted:

...on 2nd April 2010, Barnaby Edwards
Obviously YouTube is a great resource for promoting Big Finish. Trailers, playing excerpts from stories or podcasts or CD extras - that's all fine. That kind of thing really helps us.

However, if the entire story is there for free then it rather negates any benefit you gain from publicity. It's effectively the same as broadcasting it on radio, only without the transmission money.

By all means put up any of our free stories, like Nick's One Small Step or the first episode of The Phantom of the Opera or UNIT: The Coup, because we're putting them out for free too.

Please note that the views expressed by Barnaby are his own opinions and do not reflect official Big Finish policy. They may also be daft.That usage might not apply to this site, we'll see.

Doctor Who: One Small Step - Free Story
Free Story Podcast:

Big Finish line producer David Richardson introduces ONE SMALL STEP, a dramatic Doctor Who reading performed by Nicholas Briggs from his own short story. Featuring the Second Doctor, Zoe and Jamie, the original piece was first published in the Short Trips Collection 'Past Tense', edited by Ian Farrington, and still available from Big Finish.

David also gives fair warning that the next Podcast he and Nick are working on is a special preview of 2009 on audio, with juicy clips!
~ posted at: Big Finish - Podcast (
The Phantom of the Opera is not Doctor Who related.

The Phantom Of The Opera
Try Episode One For Free:

We at Big Finish are very proud of our full-cast audio adaptation of Gaston Leroux's classic tale 'The Phantom Of The Opera' and we'd like more people to discover its thrills and chills for themselves. The production stars Anna Massey, Alexander Siddig, James D'Arcy and Peter Guinness, and has been transmitted on BBC Radio 7 where it won instant acclaim and garnered five star reviews from many web sites and periodicals. However, some people have confused this adaptation of the novel with the musical of the same name. So, in the hope of dispelling this myth once and for all, we're offering the entire first episode for free!
~ posted at:!
Big Finish Free Audio Adventure - U.N.I.T. The Coup
A FREE Audio Drama from Big Finish Productions:

U.N.I.T - The Coup
Written By: Simon Guerrier
Sound Design and Music: David Darlington
Cover Design: Adrian Salmon
Director: Ian Farrington

Cast: Nicholas Courtney, Siri O'Neal, Scott Andrews, Matthew Brehner, Sara Carver, Michael Hobbs, Joseph Lidster, Mark Wright

London, the near future; UNIT is finished. The UK division of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce prepares to cede its authority to a new organisation... But who is attempting to sabotage the hand-over?
~ posted at: Big Finish - Podcast (

For easy access to old Big Finish podcasts:
The Podcast Archive List (
Big Finish Producitons - Podcast Archive (

12-24-2011, 01:33 AM
Bloody hell - those are some brilliant videos.

12-24-2011, 01:56 AM
I've become an unpaid endoser of their DW Audios, telling anyone I know about them, friends, family, strangers, even my public library.

In the end, that's the best seller of a product. Letting the people spread the word like wildfire and people flock to the company doing the selling. After all, if you hear from your best friend about a 75% off sale at a nearby shoestore, and knowing your best friend loves the store, the word will spread faster (and a heck of a lot cheaper) than if that shoe store went around advertising 'we're having a sale! come on in!'.
Seen it happen several times before and MAN does word spread fast when it's something good!

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

I've become an unpaid endoser of their DW Audios, telling anyone I know about them, friends, family, strangers, even my public library.

In the end, that's the best seller of a product. Letting the people spread the word like wildfire and people flock to the company doing the selling. After all, if you hear from your best friend about a 75% off sale at a nearby shoestore, and knowing your best friend loves the store, the word will spread faster (and a heck of a lot cheaper) than if that shoe store went around advertising 'we're having a sale! come on in!'.
Seen it happen several times before and MAN does word spread fast when it's something good!

12-24-2011, 02:00 AM
Christmas Gift from another member...
Thank you!
<table border=10 bgcolor=#B3C3E0><tbody><tr><td colspan=2>

Darksmith Legacy (2009)

Follow the tenth Doctor on his exciting journey to discover the origins of the Eternity Crystal and the powerful Darksmiths who created it.

Published only in paperback by BBC Children's Books (Penguin) Currently out-of-print. Available in the secondary market at prices starting from 7-cents (plus shipping) per book. The books had interactive elements. Readers had the option to go to the tie-in website (Doctor Who - The Darksmith Legacy ( to add points to a tally of points, so as to access additional content.

Recommended for ages 13 and up. An electronic version has never been issued. Re-edited fan scans converted to pdf. Sumbitted here for review only, re-use is prohibited. <table border=10 bgcolor=#C9CACD bordercolor=#FFB200><tbody><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>Click image(s) for tardid wikia synopsis.</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Dust of Ages by Justin Richards

A tall, skinny, spiky-haired stranger announces he's from the Bureau of Alien Technology

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Graves of Mordane by Colin Brake

The Doctor must travel to Mordane, the peaceful cemetery planet.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Colour of Darkness by Richard Dungworth

While seeking the Dark Cathedral, the Doctor arrives at a village that has no children.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Depths of Despair by Justin Richards

An underwater base on planet Flydon Maxima, where hope is lost for all life there.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Vampire of Paris by Stephen Cole

The Doctor decides it's safe to go back in time to find Varlos.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Game of Death by Trevor Baxendale

The Agent journeys towards the Silver Devastation.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Planet of Oblivion by Justin Richards

A Rain of Fire scorches the beautiful planet Ursulonamex.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Pictures of Emptiness by Jacqueline Rayner

The Doctor is on trial before the Shadow Proclamation.

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The Art of War by Mike Tucker

Is Gisella, the robotic 'daughter' of Varlos, working for the Darksmiths?

</td></tr><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>
The End of Time by Justin Richards

The Krashoks intend to detonate the Eternity Crystal.</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>

Need help to save the online component (see: Doctor Who - The Darksmith Legacy ( in a form that can be used with text-to-speech editors for the visually impaired.

Thank you and Merry Christmas.

12-24-2011, 03:57 AM
Copyright is a complex issue. Different languages, and words that have more than one meaning, make it murkier. I personally believe an intellectual property rights holder can always ask to have their material deleted.

Big Finish made a response to me with a rather terse request. Rather than ask for details, I removed all my posts to keep them happy. I like a happy Big Finish.

The point of this thread is to promote all Doctor Who themed audio dramas. Sometimes we create demand by making posts. Sometimes demand is increased by removing those posts.

It's a good thing. Be happy. The cycle will continue... toast to the benefit of all!
Merry Christmas!

Who Lover
12-24-2011, 07:29 AM
But could we not do what Radioguy does at tehparadox...[doctor who adventures forum]. By releasing the stories some months after they are released. So, by the time you read the preview and the review in DWM, those that want it NOW can go and buy and support Big Fnish and those that don't care, can wait.
Also, no extras. Let those who download here know that 'subscibers get more at BF'. [except "The Five Companions].

tehPARADOX Online Community - No stupid slogans here, find out for yourself! (

Anyway, we all have enough to read, watch, listen and play with. Have a great Christmas everyone and think of others who are not so fortunate at this time of year.

Here's my Christmas present for everyone - Youtube link to Doctor Who theme with an Australian flavour. [or go to 'Doctor Who Spicks and Specks' in your own country].

Spicks and Spicks | Manta | Doctor Who theme - Ep 27, 2010 - YouTube (

12-24-2011, 02:12 PM
Spicks and Spicks | Manta | Doctor Who theme - Ep 27, 2010 - YouTube (


And better than that blithering mess that is the current 8th Doctor theme (Silver Turk -> Amry Of Death).

12-24-2011, 06:07 PM
Have a Happy Holidays everyone. And may your New Year start great!

12-24-2011, 08:29 PM
better than that blithering mess that is the current 8th Doctor theme (Silver Turk -> Amry Of Death).
Really? I thought it was a pretty awesome rearrangement. I even rank it higher than Murray Gold's current arrangement for Eleven. XD

12-24-2011, 09:11 PM
Really? I thought it was a pretty awesome rearrangement. I even rank it higher than Murray Gold's current arrangement for Eleven. XD


I like the inclusion of the Debney version, but Robertson's (not Briggs as I'd thought at first) is just messy. It really feels to me like he took every single virtual instrument on his hard disk and threw it at a midi file, crossed his fingers, and hoped for the best. The electric guitars and the faux-choir really stand out as being utterly naff. (IMHO, of course!)

12-24-2011, 09:13 PM
I like the inclusion of the Debney version, but Robertson's (not Briggs as I'd thought at first) is just messy. It really feels to me like he took every single virtual instrument on his hard disk and threw it at a midi file, crossed his fingers, and hoped for the best. The electric guitars and the faux-choir really stand out as being utterly naff. (IMHO, of course!)
Fair enough. To each their own. :)

12-24-2011, 10:58 PM
Dear Santa, I want to wake up tomorrow to find the Five Companions and the Children of Seth in my virtual stocking or there will be trouble.

12-24-2011, 11:05 PM
Dear Santa, I want to wake up tomorrow to find the Five Companions and the Children of Seth in my virtual stocking or there will be trouble.
Ditto, but just "The Five Companions" for me. But if it doesn't come, I won't be too put out.

12-25-2011, 01:29 AM
May or may not be what you want?, personally I don't use this style of download, as they usually want you to join up, or fill in endless 'competitions', but it claims to be BF Doctor Who, The Five Companions, for free...

DownloadWeb - Select Download Location for ( ucyIgRnVsbCBEb3dubG9hZA==)

Merry Christmas all :)

12-25-2011, 01:41 AM
May or may not be what you want?, personally I don't use this style of download, as they usually want you to join up, or fill in endless 'competitions', but it claims to be BF Doctor Who, The Five Companions, for free...

DownloadWeb - Select Download Location for ( ucyIgRnVsbCBEb3dubG9hZA==)

Merry Christmas all :)


The 'Kaptcha' (sic) plug-in wants to access local data
It wants a Credit Card
The disposable email address I tried got swamped with spam even before I got to the 'Oh, could we have your CC details' screen.


12-25-2011, 01:51 AM
Just wanted to say Merry Xmas to you all.

And Nobber, I am drinking a beer called Rudolphs Nuts

12-25-2011, 03:09 AM
Better to drink than to eat! :)

And A Happy Who-y Christmas, One And All!

12-25-2011, 03:18 AM
Have a Happy Holidays! Looking forward to The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe!

12-25-2011, 03:20 AM
I'm gonna be different and wish everyone a Happy Hogswatch. If anyone knows where that's from, then you've earned my respect. XD

12-25-2011, 03:43 AM
I'll always wear Lilac in my lapel, when needs be.


12-25-2011, 12:20 PM
Happy Hogswatch to you too xD

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

I'm gonna be different and wish everyone a Happy Hogswatch. If anyone knows where that's from, then you've earned my respect. XD

Discworld Books by the great Terry Pratchett

12-25-2011, 01:14 PM
I'm gonna be different and wish everyone a Happy Hogswatch. If anyone knows where that's from, then you've earned my respect. XD

Just watch out for 'The Auditors'

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------


The 'Kaptcha' (sic) plug-in wants to access local data
It wants a Credit Card
The disposable email address I tried got swamped with spam even before I got to the 'Oh, could we have your CC details' screen.

As I suspected,... sorry for the blind alley.... there are very, very few sites about at the present time, that aren't set up as a 'sucker site', the worse of them allow the download before you find out that you need, an impossible to get, code to open the zip file, even to find out if the item is present.... I agree with 'Nobbler' AVOID
I will keep looking around to see if it has been listed by a different name


12-25-2011, 10:33 PM
Happy Holidays all..MJS x

12-26-2011, 12:06 AM
For those who don't have it:

[www.TorrentDay.custom] - Doctor_Who_2005.Chistmas_Special.The_Doctor_the_Wi dow_The_Wardrobe.HDTV_XviD.FoV

12-26-2011, 01:32 AM
For those who don't have it:

[www.TorrentDay.custom] - Doctor_Who_2005.Chistmas_Special.The_Doctor_the_Wi dow_The_Wardrobe.HDTV_XviD.FoV<table><tbody><tr><td></td><td>Doctor Who 7x00 The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe (2011)
The BBC's Blu-ray will present this hour-long episode in its broadcast aspect ratio of 1.78:1. Further technical and supplementary details are still unknown, though the disc will contain the following bonus features:
Three Doctor Who featurettes:
- Best of The Doctor
- Best of the Companions
- Best of Monsters

Available 14 February 2012 </td></tr></tbody></table>
In the meantime, you can watch one of these video broadcast captures;
DivX - (
VidBux - Upload Videos, Make Profit ( octor_the_widow_and_the_wardrobe.hdtv_xvid-fov.avi.html)
Daily DivX: Free High Quality Streaming Video (


<table bgcolor=#FE9C9C><tbody><tr><td>Doctor Who Confidential is no longer produced. Production ended with series 6. Details:

Save Doctor Who Confidential Petition
HOW TO SIGN: (Insert your Name and Email Address in the top left boxes and then press "Sign Petition") to help save the show and share it with your friends. You can follow on Twitter for up-to-date news @SaveDWC You can use the Twitter and Facebook buttons to Share the campaign with your friends.</td></tr></tbody></table>

12-26-2011, 01:51 AM
Blastit! Burn beat me too it whilst my copy was uploading! :)

Fellow Mac owners may like to try the excellent 'Get iPlayer Automator' (Get iPlayer Automator ( to grab the episode - along with the other episodes that have been shown recently and the Tom Baker 'Hornets Nest' radio episodes.

In the meantime, and as it's Christmas, here's a copy of the iPlayer rip ...

Doctor Who - The Doctor, the Widow and the (199.2 MB) - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (

12-27-2011, 11:32 AM
Thank you burneggroll for the post!

I hate the fact that that guy did that to's just not right.....I wonder if he is the same person who deleted the Doctor Who audio list on Wiki....

I always appreciate all that you and everyone else here posts!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

12-27-2011, 11:58 AM
It's all for the better. Say that 3 times.

.....deleted the Doctor Who audio list on Wiki....
I always appreciate all that you and everyone else here posts!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
You mean this one?
List of Doctor Who audio releases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
There's a Wikipedia issue that keeps it from showing in searches. Bookmark it, it's easy to lose track of.

<table border=10 bordercolor=red bgcolor=green align=center><tbody><tr><td>
Doctor Who: Best of the Christmas Specials (2011 BBC America)
Hosted by Chris Hardwick D-TARDIS.avi D-TARDIS.avi</td></tr></tbody></table>

...or did you mean one of these lists?
# List of Doctor Who audio plays by Big Finish
# Doctor Who audio productions
# List of Doctor Who audiobooks
# List of Doctor Who music releases

12-27-2011, 12:32 PM
No, there was a different list a couple months back that was in order by doctor and included all the audio releases

12-27-2011, 02:06 PM
No, there was a different list a couple months back that was in order by doctor and included all the audio releasesReplaced by this list:
List of Doctor Who audio releases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
It is sortable! Click the little double arrows in the header of the column you want sorted. I can't reproduce the tables here. Our BBhtml is not that sophisticated. Hang on I'll try to edit a screencap...

I put red circles around the sort buttons. You can sort by Doctor in the third column. Cool as a fez!
As noted, the Big Finish listings were moved to their own wikipage;
And it's sortable too!
Hope that helps.

12-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Oh cool!
I did not know that...
Thank you for that info!

12-28-2011, 08:23 AM
Hi I am new to this Board and I hunting the "Doctor Who Monthly Magazines" since soom weeks and have found this Site, there where no Mags I not already had, but I have found other great stuff here. Therefore I like to thank you.

I uploaded recently some Mags for a friend, so I thought maby some of you guys and gals needed some of then. So here the Links, but I can`t promise that they stay long up.

1. Doctor Who Magazine - Special Editions + Freeware easy to use Reader (CDisplay Comic Reader v1.8.5.2)
I even have managed to find the 3 very rare ones on the Internet:

2. Doctor Who Magazine - Specials / Storybooks / Yearbooks

3. Doctor Who Magazine - Anniversary / Annuals / Poster Magazines

4. Doctor Who Magazine - Season Specials

5. Doctor Who Magazine - Normal Issues from Issue 001 to 168

Because I have uploaded them for a friend, it does has no passwords. I have not uploaded Issues 169-437 yet.

I got all these right now, but I am looking for Doctor Who Magazine Issue 438 and above and Doctor Who Insider Issue 002 and above, maybe there is a kind soul wich could upload some of these.

12-28-2011, 01:27 PM
Thanks for this, fantastic

12-28-2011, 06:35 PM
<table align=center><tbody><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>The Doctor Who Technical Manual
First published in 1983 by Sphere Books, and written by Mark Harris.

The book brings to life the endless array of marvelous machines from the Doctor Who universe, with totally accurate plans and drawings revealing the inner workings of the Daleks, of K9, the Sonic Screwdriver, and dozens more, as well as the fullest possible plans for making your own TARDIS.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> PDF online at:
or online at:
or download at:

<table align=center border=10 bordercolor=white width=75%><tbody><tr><td align=center valign=center></td><td align=center bgcolor=blue>BBC COMPLAINTS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>Let the BBC know that you want more Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane, K9, Confidential, Declassified, Alien Files, ect...</td></tr></tbody></table>

<table align=center><tbody><tr><td align=center> (
Tardis Tennis Game


12-29-2011, 03:09 AM
Becoming more of a "Everything Doctor Who" thread :p Not that I mind.. many thanks for the links! :D

Who Lover
12-29-2011, 04:34 AM
Thanks for the DWM uploads. My Rapidshare expires in 2 days, and won't be renewing, so sorta know what you mean by not having them for long. Would like issues #270 to #330 - those are my 'wilderness' years when I thought DW was no more.

12-30-2011, 08:15 AM
Does anyone know what happened this time?

12-30-2011, 11:06 PM
What happened to the site this time?

12-30-2011, 11:30 PM
Thanks, Hew1tt, will be looking later this evening.

12-31-2011, 03:01 AM
Wow, This is great collection of magazines. Thanks so much, RayParker. Looking forward to the next batch.

12-31-2011, 06:52 AM
RE: What happened?
I don't know. EOM jitters (end-of-month)? This site is expensive to maintain ($2,000+ per month, is often cited). When donations fall short of paying the bills, they close site access until they can pay for the hosting, etc... Usually there's donation button redirect. Missed that this month.

Downtime thread, See: Thread 105320

Come Dine With Me
2011 Celebrity Christmas Special
aka: Christmas Pantomime Special
5 episodes

They're behind you! Five celebs from the world of panto compete to be grand dame of the kitchen

Episode 5/5 (Dec 30, 2011): Colin Baker
You shall go to the ball, Doctor. Colin hosted a Cinderella-themed night, starting with salmon mousse. He rustled up a meltingly good main, roast shoulder of pork ( After a spin on the Rudolph rodeo, Colin spread some festive cheer with his dessert of berry chocolatey Christmas pots.

Unfortunately we can't bring you all of Colin's recipe for copyright reasons, so watch the show again on 4oD (

Can somebody, please, get this up on an international host for the rest of us Whovians.

12-31-2011, 07:31 AM
It's a great pity the wayback machine didn't crawl any of these pages.. :( When I saw what happened a few days back I thought, ahh, it'll be fine I'll just use the archived version.. so much for that! (If you removed the links too I would've been disappointed anyway xD) I don't suppose there's any other archiving is there?

I was waiting til the christmas period to start grabbing the great collection you had put up too :(

---------- Post added at 06:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 AM ----------

Come Dine With Me
2011 Celebrity Christmas Special
aka: Christmas Pantomime Special
5 episodes

They're behind you! Five celebs from the world of panto compete to be grand dame of the kitchen

Episode 5/5 (Dec 30, 2011): Colin Baker
You shall go to the ball, Doctor. Colin hosted a Cinderella-themed night, starting with salmon mousse. He rustled up a meltingly good main, roast shoulder of pork ( After a spin on the Rudolph rodeo, Colin spread some festive cheer with his dessert of berry chocolatey Christmas pots.

Unfortunately we can't bring you all of Colin's recipe for copyright reasons, so watch the show again on 4oD ( Come Dine with Me - 4oD - Channel 4 (

Can somebody, please, get this up on an international host for the rest of us Whovians.

I can see links to the first 4 episodes, but none up for 5 yet I think.

---------- Post added at 06:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 AM ----------

<table align=center><tbody><tr><td align=center> (</td><td>The Doctor Who Technical Manual
First published in 1983 by Sphere Books, and written by Mark Harris.

The book brings to life the endless array of marvelous machines from the Doctor Who universe, with totally accurate plans and drawings revealing the inner workings of the Daleks, of K9, the Sonic Screwdriver, and dozens more, as well as the fullest possible plans for making your own TARDIS.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> PDF online at:
or online at:
or download at:

I just made myself a TARDIS ;)

12-31-2011, 08:11 AM
Thanks for looking. It is a time machine thing...
Colin Baker on Come Dine with Me... is also in the other 4 Celebrity Christmas Special episodes. This is the party he hosted. The first meal he has cooked in over 30 years.

TARDIS Builder's Manual by Glen Walker
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#DAA520">The Guilds
If you're interested in Doctor Who prop building and you haven't visited the Guilds, do so! They're a mine of valuable info.

TARDIS Builders (
Who Props (
Who 3D (
The Project Dalek Forum (
The Dalek Builder's Guild (

Originally there was just the TARDIS Manual (TARDIS Manual: (c) 1998-2003 Alastair Roberts ( These days many other fans have started similar projects, and now we have:

The TARDIS Technical Index (, by William Swift.
Wikipedia's impressive entry on the TARDIS (
PDF: Space-Time Navigation ( - a WHO RPG TARDIS Manual, by Nathaniel Torson.
Type 40 TARDIS: A Brief Overview (, by Matt. Also check out his review ( of the new series TARDIS.
The TARDIS Databanks: TARDIS (
The TARDIS Owner's Manual (, by Tony.

Other TARDIS Links

The TARDIS Rebuilders ( is moving with TardisBuilders (
TARDIS Library (, all about police boxes and TARDISes.
Tardis Rooms (, a graphical guide to the rooms of the TARDIS.
Raymond MacFyden ( has built a replica Type 45 (Pertwee) console
TARDIS 2002 (
The Winds of Time TARDIS ( page.
BBC's Brief Introduction to the TARDIS ( Kinda reminds me of my own TARDIS FAQ (
General Doctor Who roleplaying ( material, found on this page.
A great interactive page about the TARDIS (
Great TARDIS console replica (

System error message. Break time.

12-31-2011, 10:50 AM
Some impressive tardis links there! One or two I've come across before, but that tardis manual, wow.. spent a lot of time on that! :/ Also a couple broken links there.

12-31-2011, 10:55 AM
Some impressive tardis links there! One or two I've come across before, but that tardis manual, wow.. spent a lot of time on that! :/ Also a couple broken links there.

Telling folks which ones are broken could be very useful ....

12-31-2011, 07:53 PM
the link for the big finish drama The Suffering is dead:(

12-31-2011, 08:21 PM
the link for the big finish drama The Suffering is dead:(

Giving the post number would help.

But given recent events I'd be surprised if anyone rushes to re-post any-time in the near future.

12-31-2011, 08:35 PM
Hi I am new to this Board and I hunting the "Doctor Who Monthly Magazines" since soom weeks and have found this Site, there where no Mags I not already had, but I have found other great stuff here. Therefore I like to thank you.

I uploaded recently some Mags for a friend, so I thought maby some of you guys and gals needed some of then. So here the Links, but I can`t promise that they stay long up.

1. Doctor Who Magazine - Special Editions + Freeware easy to use Reader (CDisplay Comic Reader v1.8.5.2)
I even have managed to find the 3 very rare ones on the Internet:

2. Doctor Who Magazine - Specials / Storybooks / Yearbooks

3. Doctor Who Magazine - Anniversary / Annuals / Poster Magazines

4. Doctor Who Magazine - Season Specials

5. Doctor Who Magazine - Normal Issues from Issue 001 to 168

Because I have uploaded them for a friend, it does has no passwords. I have not uploaded Issues 169-437 yet.

I got all these right now, but I am looking for Doctor Who Magazine Issue 438 and above and Doctor Who Insider Issue 002 and above, maybe there is a kind soul wich could upload some of these.

Thanks for those, but items 1 to 4, and sub-items 1 and 2 of item 5 are too large for any but Premium Rapidshare users to download...

Sorry, my mistake... bit by bit, they all downloaded.

01-01-2012, 02:16 AM
Now both sides of the world, will have pasted Midnight - Happy New Year to all Shrine'rs

The wait for the January releases and the New Series 7 begins.......

01-01-2012, 02:20 AM
Now both sides of the world, will have pasted Midnight - Happy New Year to all Shrine'rs

The wait for the January releases and the New Series 7 begins.......
Still not midnight here, but thanks all the same. However, some of us are still awaiting the last couple of December releases: "The Five Companions" and "The Children of Seth". The former more than the latter, in my case.

01-02-2012, 12:28 AM
From BF on Facebook

There's a preview podcast of the first ten (or so) minutes of our first Tom Baker adventure, Destination: Nerva available on the BF website...

01-02-2012, 12:53 AM
Happy new year Everybody

i thought i might test the water with this.The Children of seth.

I hope keeping this hidden behind the spoiler will keep those tossers away

01-02-2012, 12:58 AM
What a lovely start to the year! :)

Or not ... keep getting a corrupted file. RS claims the file is 298.74mb, yet only a 285mb file downloads.

SCRATCH THAT - Third time lucky on download. How odd ...


Who Lover
01-02-2012, 01:12 AM
Nobber...mine is working. Remember that Rapid Share did the dirty by (seemingly) cancelling all RapidPro's at the end of the year. Try free user.

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 AM ----------

Very slow...will take an hour.
Filesonic and Mediafire are better download sites. Although the new Mediafire set-up can be frustrating at times.

01-02-2012, 01:16 AM
Happy new year Everybody

i thought i might test the water with this.The Children of seth.

I hope keeping this hidden behind the spoiler will keep those tossers away
Brilliant. All we need is "The Five Companions", and we're laughing til "The Curse of Davros" comes out. :)

01-02-2012, 01:17 AM
As I edited - came through properly on the third attempt. And only took 8mins to download.

Who Lover
01-02-2012, 01:34 AM
How to download any music album:

1) Go to Google and type in artists or bands name.
2) Type in the name of the album. (use wikipedia if you don't know).
3) Then type 'filestube'. Hit return.
From all the options available, choose something easy like Megaupload, or Filesonic, or Fileserve or Wupload or even Filestram. Most will allow you to do 1 free download [except Mediafire which is multiple without any cost]. Plixid will sometimes give you a audio sampler.
Try it with this. Type in 'James Morrison' and 'The awakening' followed by filestube. (If not a James Morrison fan, choose something you like).
In some cases, you have to type in a activation code or wait 1 minute before downloading, etc...
The first one I came to was a mediafire (through filestube), so click onto it, then click the zip title which led me to mediafire.
Free File Sharing Made Simple - MediaFire (

Anyway, with this DW drought on, I hope this helps in some way.

---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

...and if you get a removed message, try it with another. Found it better at Plixid through [formally Easyshare].

01-02-2012, 02:37 AM
Anyone suggest a good, quick, way of splitting an m4b into separate files by chapter?

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

Come Dine With Me 2011 Celebrity Christmas Special
aka: Christmas Pantomime Special
5 episodes

They're behind you! Five celebs from the world of panto compete to be grand dame of the kitchen

Episode 5/5 (Dec 30, 2011): Colin Baker
You shall go to the ball, Doctor. Colin hosted a Cinderella-themed night, starting with salmon mousse. He rustled up a meltingly good main, roast shoulder of pork ( After a spin on the Rudolph rodeo, Colin spread some festive cheer with his dessert of berry chocolatey Christmas pots.

Can somebody, please, get this up on an international host for the rest of us Whovians.

These are the official Channel4 YouTube Links. Honestly don't know if they'll work outside the UK, though.

Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Day 4 -
Day 5 - (Colin's Cooking Day) -

01-02-2012, 07:07 AM
These are the official Channel4 YouTube Links. Honestly don't know if they'll work outside the UK, though.Nope, region restricted.
International links;
S22E156It's high camp at Christmas this year on Come Dine with Me as five plucky celebrities take to the stage for a festive pantomime special. The opening night sees singer Linda Nolan hosting with a Jack and the Beanstalk-themed dinner and the cast for this evening's performance truly enter into the panto spirit. There's a disaster with the dessert, fun and games with the infamous magic beans, and even a star turn from a pantomime cow! But has Linda done enough to impress her guests and win �1000 for charity Big Brother contestant Nick Bateman hosts the second dinner party for Bianca Gascoigne, Linda Nolan, Danny Young and Colin Baker. Hoping to win the �1,000 cash prize, he plans a Christmas Carol-themed evening with all the trimmings, but his measly portions and festive conversation fails to impress.

S22E158Bianca Gascoigne hosts a Snow White-themed dinner party on the third night, complete with entertainment featuring seven dwarfs. Danny Young makes a social faux pas and receives a lesson in dinner-table etiquette, Colin Baker gives an enthusiastic dancing performance and the tension between Linda Nolan and Nick Bateman threatens to boil over. Danny Young hosts an Aladdin-themed evening, and it soon becomes clear that he has skipped his kitchen chores and ordered prepared food instead. Despite managing to mess up the simple assembly of the dishes and the subsequent war of words between the guests, the arrival of a belly dancer lightens everyone's mood. Doctor Who star Colin Baker hosts the final dinner party, throwing a Cinderella-themed evening. After 30 years of shying away from the kitchen, the actor tries to rustle up a three-course meal, and welcomes entertainment by Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer before the winner of the �1,000 prize for charity is announced. Last in the series. many thanks to anon

01-02-2012, 11:32 AM
Thanks so much for the Children of Seth, would anyone be kind enough to reload the other two Lost Stories with the 5th Doc, The Elite and Hexagora, as they have been removed by the OP. I somehow missed them first time around.
Happy New Year to everyone.

01-02-2012, 03:13 PM
Good call, davros - well done! Thanks.

01-02-2012, 06:41 PM
Hi I am new to this Board and I hunting the "Doctor Who Monthly Magazines" since soom weeks and have found this Site, there where no Mags I not already had, but I have found other great stuff here. Therefore I like to thank you.

I uploaded recently some Mags for a friend, so I thought maby some of you guys and gals needed some of then. So here the Links, but I can`t promise that they stay long up.

1. Doctor Who Magazine - Special Editions + Freeware easy to use Reader (CDisplay Comic Reader v1.8.5.2)
I even have managed to find the 3 very rare ones on the Internet:

2. Doctor Who Magazine - Specials / Storybooks / Yearbooks

3. Doctor Who Magazine - Anniversary / Annuals / Poster Magazines

4. Doctor Who Magazine - Season Specials

5. Doctor Who Magazine - Normal Issues from Issue 001 to 168

Because I have uploaded them for a friend, it does has no passwords. I have not uploaded Issues 169-437 yet.

I got all these right now, but I am looking for Doctor Who Magazine Issue 438 and above and Doctor Who Insider Issue 002 and above, maybe there is a kind soul wich could upload some of these.

Well, here are the next Links:
Doctor Who Magazine 1991-1995

burneggroll has posted u.o. great Stuff, so I made .cbr Files from these PDFs:
(Doctor Who technical Manual [1983] & Doctor Who Insiders Issue 1 [2011]; approx. 45 MB)

Is there reallly no one who can scan in the newer Magazines from 478 and above and the Insiders Issues 2 and above?

01-02-2012, 07:44 PM
RayParker, thanks for your Doctor Who Magazine uploads. I did not have any of the special editions so it was great to obtain them.

I have all the normal issues up to number 254 and have been looking for issue 255 onwards for a long time, but have so far been unable to find them. I really hope you are eventually able to post links for issues 255 to 437 as that would be really fantastic!

Thanks again…..

01-03-2012, 12:43 AM
All the best

The purpose of keeping everything behind a spoiler is so non members will have no idea what the post is about. please do not make any reference to this post without hiding what you are saying.We don`t want the cat out of the bag
The five companions

dont even say thanks, like other who fans. i already know you appreciate it

01-03-2012, 02:11 AM
I know you said not to thank you davros001, but I'm thanking you anyway. THANKS! XD

01-03-2012, 02:38 AM
Many thanks

01-03-2012, 03:34 AM
I may be misinterpreting, but I think the request for NOT saying anything on the board is so as to NOT draw too much attention to the post.

01-03-2012, 06:45 AM
Perhaps we need a refresher on this. To create spoiler tags:

(spoiler)Text you want(/spoiler) Only you don't use parentheses you use square brackets like these: []

Thanks everyone for taking the time to keep the forum on the dl.

01-03-2012, 10:14 AM
New plan! Click the Like button in the lower right corner of each post to say thank you. Or click the poster name and leave a personal comment on their profile page. Or send a PM (private message).*

You cannot stop a human from finding your post/link. The plan is stop killer robots from finding and mistakenly deleting them. Encrypt file names. Use at least 100 characters between Post Title and the File Link.**

your text
Uses over 100 characters in the source code, making it harder for the 'bots to find & kill.

Another good trick is to use Tables (in the editor > last row > 1st icon), it also confuses robot searches.

Do not 'hotlink' images. Save a copy, with scrambled filename, to your own file host ( is free). Killer bots cannot read images, yet. They can read the link.***

*you need to have made 5 posts to send a PM.
**FFshrine uses SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to make your post appear at the top of search results. Those results also display the first 100 characters of the post. A killer spider bot can find those links on Google, and will kill them.
***This site allows trackbacks, pingbacks, ect... Those allow any URL posted here to be traced back by the linked site.

Noted: None of the links I posted exclusively here was removed by an outsider, killer spider bots did not find them. I removed the links and posts at request of the purported rights holder. As is their right to ask. They need only assert that they are the rights holder and they believe the post is potentially infringing. Respect that, if a rights holder asks you to remove a post/link you should remove it without argument. Later on, if you believe the post is no longer potentially infringing... you can... check your with local legal experts.

I am not a lawyer. I do not know how your local regulations relate to the Internet, nor copyright. For a deeper discussion of international Internet copyright laws see:
Tabberone's ™ Trademark & Copyright � Site Index

01-03-2012, 10:43 AM
Gee, do we get a lollipop, if we start at post#1 and put a 'like' on every thread, link, post that has helped us, given us 'toys' or we just agree with..... not wanting to sound like a grinch, but isn't a touch late to add the button? We are up to #1204....

[edit], now that 's a cool feature, when you hit the 'like button', it changes, but leaves behind the choice to 'un-like' it ???

On another note... who enjoyed the latest episode?

01-03-2012, 10:56 AM
But what isn't a cool feature is that it shows the number of likes by everyone at the top right.

Surely it would be better to show your personal likes so you can quickly go to those posts? Just a thought. :p

01-03-2012, 11:00 AM
The problem with 'code'ing a link is that the link can then be seen if you're not registered/logged-in. Surely it's better to leave it uncoded?

And 'spoiler' text is still viewable to Outsiders, so is that really worth it?

01-03-2012, 12:10 PM
Happy New Year everybody!

Does anyone have a recording, video or audio, of The Trial of Davros? Please contact me privately if necessary.



---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

Happy New Year everybody!

Does anyone have a recording, video or audio, of The Trial of Davros? Please contact me privately if necessary.



01-03-2012, 12:18 PM
I don't typically look for fan productions but that's an interesting one! Michael Wisher, Terry Molloy & John Leeson starring.. That makes me interested too =]

01-03-2012, 01:06 PM
Could you please repost the seth link?....i missed it.....

Please PM if necessary.....

Also, could someone please post a list of upcoming audio books or point me to the right direction?

Thank you all!
And I hope everyone had a nice New Year!

01-03-2012, 01:17 PM
Happy New Year everybody!

Does anyone have a recording, video or audio, of The Trial of Davros? Please contact me privately if necessary.



Hmm. I could have sworn there was footage of the original staging on YouTube, but seems no-longer to be there.

01-03-2012, 01:45 PM
I would be interested in that as well...

01-03-2012, 02:49 PM
TFC was OK, but I'm started to get bored of Jamie Roberston's scoring style. Nothing wrong with each bit, but when you hear the same themes/tropes each story it gets tiring. About time, IMHO, they got someone else in now and then.

01-03-2012, 03:05 PM
Happy New Year everybody! Does anyone have a recording, video or audio, of The Trial of Davros? Please contact me privately if necessary. Thanks Recons
Are you talking about the Hyde Fundraisers?
The Trial of Davros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
An amateur live stage production that used filmed sequences created for the production.
Assorted clips: HydeFundraisers&#39;s Channel - YouTube (

I don't know of any official recording of the complete play. It's worth checking to see if an audience recording has surfaced...

01-03-2012, 03:19 PM
For a moment there, Burn, I thought you'd found the videos I was looking for earlier. There definitely used to be at least twenty+ minutes of it on-line. I remember watching it when BF released The Stage Plays. It wasn't particularly well filmed, from the balcony if memory serves, but it came across pretty well.

01-03-2012, 03:38 PM
How long was the actual play?

01-03-2012, 04:54 PM
About an hour and a half, I think.

01-03-2012, 05:08 PM
thank you!

01-03-2012, 07:13 PM
Thanks enormously, RayParker, for that chunk of mags! I can't say I'd say no if you were to post the rest.

In thanks, I provide some goodies that I'm pretty sure haven't turned up yet. Get 'em while they're hot:

Doctor Who Comics: Marvel Premiere #57-60
Contains the stories:
The Iron Legion (4th Doctor solo)
K-9�s Finest Hour (4th Doctor & K-9)
City of the Cursed (4th Doctor solo, FKA City of the Damned)

Doctor Who Comics: Marvel Doctor Who #1-23
Contains the stories:
The Star Beast (4th Doctor, Sharon Davies & K-9)
The Return of the Daleks (No Doctor)
Throwback: The Soul of a Cyberman (Cyberleader Kroton)
The Dogs of Doom (4th Doctor, Sharon & K-9)
The Final Quest (Sontarans)
The Stolen TARDIS (Time Lords)
Time-Witch (4th Doctor, Sharon & K-9)
Warlord of the Ogrons (No Doctor)
Dragon�s Claw (4th Doctor, Sharon & K-9)
Deathworld (Ice Warriors & Cybermen)
Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer (Abslom Daak)
The Collector (4th Doctor, Sharon & K-9)
The Dreamers of Death (4th Doctor, Sharon & K-9)
The Life-Bringer (4th Doctor & K-9)
Star Tigers (Abslom Daak)
War of the Words (4th Doctor & K-9)
Spider-God (4th Doctor solo)
The Deal (4th Doctor solo)
The End of the Line (4th Doctor solo)
The Freefall Wariors (4th Doctor, Dr. Ivan Asimoff, & the Freefall Warriors)
Junkyard Demon (4th Doctor Solo)
Yonder� The Yeti (No Doctor)
The Neutron Knights (4th Doctor solo)
A Ship Called Sudden Death (The Freefall Warriors)
The Fabulous Idiot (Dr. Ivan Asimoff)
Black Legacy (Cybermen)
The Tides of Time (5th Doctor, Sir Justin & Shayde)
Business as Usual (Autons)
Ship of Fools (Cyberleader Kroton)
Devil of the Deep (Sea-Devils)
Crisis on Kaldor (Kaldor City Robots)
Timeslip (4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st Doctors & K-9)
Twilight of the Silurians (No Doctor)
Stars Fell on Stockbridge (5th Doctor & Maxwell Edison)
The Touchdown on Deneb-7 (4th Doctor & K-9)
The Outsider (Sontarans)
The Stockbridge Horror (5th Doctor & Shayde)
The Greatest Gamble (The Celestial Toymaker)
Skywatch 7 (U.N.I.T. & Zygons)
The Fires Down Below (U.N.I.T., Dominators & Quarks)
Lunar Lagoon (5th Doctor & Gus Goodman)
Voyage to the Edge of the Universe (Daemons)

Doctor Who Comics: Marvel Graphic Novels
Doctor Who: Voyager GN contains the stories:
The Shape-Shifter (6th Doctor & Frobisher)
Voyager (6th Doctor & Frobisher)
Polly the Glot (6th Doctor, Frobisher & Dr. Asimoff)
Once Upon A Time Lord (6th Doctor & Frobisher)

Abslom Daak: Dalek-Killer! Contains the stories:
Abslom Daak� Dalek-Killer (Abslom Daak)
Star Tigers (Abslom Daak)
Between the Wars: A Slow Night in Paradise (Abslom Daak)
Nemesis of the Daleks (7th Doctor & Abslom Daak)

Comeuppance Comics � Miranda #1-3 (2003, spin-off from EDA 41 Father Time)

Also, here's the latest version of my Complete Chronology, updated to include the 2011 Christmas Special, The Cybermen, Iris Wildthyme, and Blake's 7/Kaldor City:

01-03-2012, 07:30 PM
Last link (5c's) has gone. damn, missed it. Guess I'll have to be quicker.

01-03-2012, 07:32 PM
Thank you MadKalnod for all these great posts and your chronology!

01-03-2012, 09:16 PM
Last link (5c's) has gone. damn, missed it. Guess I'll have to be quicker.

You'd have to be faster than lightening to catch that one! Unfortunately, I wasn't :(

01-03-2012, 09:20 PM
Anyone know where I can obtain

raW fO sretsaM


01-03-2012, 09:51 PM
While I'm at it, is anyone missing any of the following?

Target Books - Doctor Who Episode Novelizations PDFs
#1 Doctor Who and The Abominable Snowmen – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#2 Doctor Who and The Android Invasion – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#3 Doctor Who and The Androids of Tara – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana I, & K-9)
#4 Doctor Who and The Ark in Space – by Ian Marter (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#5 Doctor Who and The Armageddon Factor – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#6 Doctor Who and The Auton Invasion – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Liz, & U.N.I.T.)
#7 Doctor Who and The Brain of Morbius – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#8 Doctor Who and The Carnival of Monsters – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#9 Doctor Who and The Cave Monsters – by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#10 Doctor Who and The Claws of Axos – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#11 Doctor Who and The Creature from the Pit – by David Fisher (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#12 Doctor Who and The Crusaders – by David Whitaker (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#13 Doctor Who and The Curse of Peladon – by Brian Hayles (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#14 Doctor Who and The Cybermen – by Gerry Davis (2nd Doctor, Ben Polly, & Jamie)
#15 Doctor Who and The Daemons – by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#16 Doctor Who and The Daleks – by David Whitaker (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#17 Doctor Who and The Dalek Invasion of Earth – by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#18 Doctor Who and The Day of the Daleks – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#19 Doctor Who and The Deadly Assassin – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor solo)
#20 Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#21 Doctor Who and The Destiny of the Daleks – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor 7 Romana II)
#22 Doctor Who and The Dinosaur Invasion – by Malcolme Hulke (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#23 Doctor Who and The Doomsday Weapon – by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#24 Doctor Who and The Enemy of the World – by Ian Marter (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#25 Doctor Who and The Face of Evil – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#26 Doctor Who: Full Circle – by Andrew Smith (4th Doctor, Romana II, K-9, Adric)
#27 Doctor Who and The Genesis of the Daleks – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#28 Doctor Who and The Giant Robot – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Harry & U.N.I.T.)
#29 Doctor Who and The Green Death – by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#30 Doctor Who and The Hand of Fear – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#31 Doctor Who and The Horns of Nimon – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#32 Doctor Who and the Horror of Fang Rock – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#33 Doctor Who and The Ice Warriors – by Brian Hayles (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#34 Doctor Who and The Image of the Fendahl – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#35 Doctor Who and The Invasion of Time – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Leela & K-9)
#36 Doctor Who and The Invisible Enemy – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Leela & K-9)
#37 Doctor Who and The Keeper of Traken – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Adric & Nyssa)
#38 Doctor Who and The Keys of Marinus – by Philip Hinchcliffe (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#39 Doctor Who and The Leisure Hive – by David Fisher (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#40 Doctor Who and The Loch Ness Monster – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Harry & U.N.I.T.)
#41 Doctor Who: Logopolis – by Christopher H. Bidmead (4th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#42 Doctor Who and The Masque of Mandragora – by Philip Hinchcliffe (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#43 Doctor Who and The Monster of Peladon – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#44 Doctor Who and The Mutants – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#45 Doctor Who and The Nightmare of Eden – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#46 Doctor Who and The Planet of the Daleks – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#47 Doctor Who and The Planet of Evil – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#48 Doctor Who and The Planet of the Spiders – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#49 Doctor Who and The Power of Kroll – by Terranec Dicks (4th Doctor & Romana I)
#50 Doctor Who and The Pyramids of Mars – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#51 Doctor Who and The Revenge of the Cybermen – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah jane & Harry)
#52 Doctor Who and The Ribos Operation – by Ian Marter (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#53 Doctor Who and the Robots of Death – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#54 Doctor Who and The Sea Devils – by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#55 Doctor Who and The Seeds of Doom – by Philip Hinchcliffe (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#56 Doctor Who and The Sontaran Experiment – by Ian Marter (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#57 Doctor Who and The Space War – by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#58 Doctor Who and The State of Decay – by Terrance dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & Adric)
#59 Doctor Who and The Stones of Blood – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#60 Doctor Who and The Sunmakers – by Terrance Dicks (4the Doctor, Leela & K-9)
#61 Doctor Who and The Talons of Weng-Chiang – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#62 Doctor Who and The Tenth Planet – by Gerry Davis (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#63 Doctor Who and The Terror of the Autons – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#64 Doctor Who and The Three Doctors – by Terrance Dicks (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Doctors, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#65 Doctor Who and The Time Warrior – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#66 Doctor Who and The Tomb of the Cybermen – by Gerry Davis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#67 Doctor Who and The Underworld – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Leela & K-9))
#68 Doctor Who and The Unearthly Child – by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#69 Doctor Who and The Visitation – by Eric Saward (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#70 Doctor Who and The War Games – by Malcolm Hulke (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#71 Doctor Who and The Warriors’ Gate – by Stephen Gallagher (4th Doctor, Romana II, K-9, & Adric)
#72 Doctor Who and The Web of Fear – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie, Victoria, & The Brigadier)
#73 Doctor Who and The Zarbi – by Bill Strutton (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#74 Doctor Who: Time-Flight – by Peter Grimwade (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#75 Doctor Who: Meglos – by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#76 Doctor Who: Castrovalva – by Christopher H. Bidmead (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#77 Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#78 Doctor Who: Earthshock – by Ian Marter (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#79 Doctor Who: Terminus – by Stephen Gallagher (5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan & Turlough)
#80 Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#81 Doctor Who: The Five Doctors – by Terrance Dicks (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Doctors, Susan, The Brigadier, Sarah Jane, Tegan & Turlough)
#82 Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead – by Peter Grimwade (5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan & Turlough)
#83 Doctor Who: Snakedance – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#84 Doctor Who: Kinda – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#85 Doctor Who: Enlightenment – by Barbara Clegg (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#86 Doctor Who: The Dominators – by Ian Marter (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#87 Doctor Who: Warriors of the Deep – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#88 Doctor Who: The Aztecs – by John Lucarotti (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#89 Doctor Who: Inferno – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#90 Doctor Who: The Highlanders – by Gerry Davis (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#91 Doctor Who: Frontios – by Christopher H. Bidmead (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#92 Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor & Peri)
#93 Doctor Who: Planet of Fire – by Peter Grimwade (5th Doctor, Turlough, Kamelion & Peri)
#94 Doctor Who: Marco Polo – by John Lucarotti (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#95 Doctor Who: The Awakening – by Eric Pringle (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#96 Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#97 Doctor Who: The Myth Makers – by Donald Cotton (1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven & Katarina)
#98 Doctor Who: The Invasion – by Ian Marter (2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe & U.N.I.T.)
#99 Doctor Who: The Krotons – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#100 Doctor Who: The Two Doctors – by Robert Holmes (2nd & 6th Doctors, Jamie & Peri)
#101 Doctor Who: The Gunfighters – by Donald Cotton (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#102 Doctor Who: The Time Monster – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#103 Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma – by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#104 Doctor Who: Galaxy Four – by William Emms (1st Doctor, Vicki & Steven)
#105 Doctor Who: Timelash – by Glen McCoy (6th Doctor & Peri)
#106 Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos – by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)
#107 Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani – by Pip & Jane Baker (6th Doctor & Peri)
#108 Doctor Who: The King’s Demons – by Terence Dudley (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & Kamelion)
#109 Doctor Who: The Savages – by Ian Stuart Black (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#110 Doctor Who: Fury from the Deep – by Victor Pemberton (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#111 Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker – by Gerry Davis & Alison Bingeman (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#112 Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#113 Doctor Who: Black Orchid – by Terence Dudley (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#114 Doctor Who: The Ark – by Paul Erickson (1st Doctor, Steben & Dodo)
#115 Doctor Who: The Mind Robber – by Peter Ling (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#116 Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#117 Doctor Who: The Space Museum – by Glyn Jones (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#118 Doctor Who: The Sensorites – by Nigel Robinson (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#119 Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror – by Ian Marter (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#120 Doctor Who: The Romans – by Donald Cotton (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#121 Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Death – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#122 Doctor Who: The Massacre – by John Lucarotti (1st Doctor & Steven)
#123 Doctor Who: The Macra Terror – by Ian Stuart Black (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#124 Doctor Who: The Rescue – by Ian Marter (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#125 Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids – by Pip & Jane Baker (6th Doctor & Mel)
#126 Doctor Who: The Time Meddler – by Nigel Robinson (1st Doctor, Vicki, & Steven)
#127 Doctor Who: The Mysterious Planet – by Terrance Dicks (6th Doctor & Peri)
#128 Doctor Who: Time and The Rani – by Pip & Jane Baker (7th Doctor & Mel)
#129 Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace – by Nigel Robinson (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#130 Doctor Who: The Wheel In Space – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#131 Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe – by Pip & Jane Baker (6th Doctor & Mel)
#132 Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction – by Nigel Robinson (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#133 Doctor Who: The Smugglers – by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#134 Doctor Who: Paradise Towers – by Stephen Wyatt (7th Doctor & Mel)
#135 Doctor Who: Delta and The Bannermen – by Malcolm Kohll (7th Doctor & Mel)
#136 Doctor Who: The War Machines – by Ian Stuart Black (1st Doctor, Dodo, Ben & Polly)
#137 Doctor Who: Dragon Fire – by Ian Briggs (7th Doctor, Mel & Ace)
#138 Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen – by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#139 Doctor Who: Mindwarp – by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)
#140 Doctor Who: The Chase – by John Peel (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki & Steven)
#141 Doctor Who: The Daleks’ Master Plan Book One: Mission to the Unknown – by John Peel (1st Doctor, Steven, Katarina, & Sara)
#142 Doctor Who: The Daleks’ Master Plan Book Two: The Mutation of Time – by John Peel (1st Doctor, Steven, & Sara)
#143 Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis – by Kevin Clarke (7th Doctor & Ace)
#144 Doctor Who: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy – by Stephen Wyatt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#145 Doctor Who: Planet of Giants – by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#146 Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol – by Graeme Curry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#147 Doctor Who: The Space Pirates – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#148 Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks – by Ben Aaronovitch (7th Doctor & Ace)
#149 Doctor Who: Ghost Light – by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#150 Doctor Who: Survival – by Rona Munro (7th Doctor & Ace)
#151 Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric – by Ian Briggs (7th Doctor & Ace)
#152 Doctor Who: Battlefield – by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#153 Doctor Who: The Pescatons – by Victor Pemberton (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#154 Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks – by John Peel (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#155 Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks – by John Peel (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#156 Doctor Who: The Paradise of Death – by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
Doctor Who: Slipback – by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)

Target Books - Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes novelizations PDFs (Based on unfilmed scripts)[/B]
#1 The Nightmare Fair – by Graham Williams (6th Doctor & Peri)
#2 The Ultimate Evil – by Wally K. Daly (6th Doctor & Peri)
#3 Mission to Magnus – by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)

[B]Target Books - The Companions of Doctor Who novels PDFs
#1 Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma – by Tony Atwood
#2 Harry Sullivan’s War – by Ian Marter
#3 K-9 and Company – by Terence Dudley

Virgin Publishing - Doctor Who: The New Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Timewyrm: Genesis – by John Peel (7th Doctor & Ace)
#2 Timewyrm: Exodus – by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor & Ace)
#4 Timewyrm: Revelations – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor & Ace)
#5 Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible – by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 Cat’s Cradle: Warhead – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)
#7 Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark – by Andrew Hunt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#8 Nightshade – by Mark Gatiss (7th Doctor & Ace) + DWM Prelude
#9 Love and War – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#10 Transit – by Ben Aaronovitch (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#11 The Highest Science – by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#12 The Pit – by Neil Penswick (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#13 Deceit – by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#14 Lucifer Rising – by Jim Mortimore and Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#15 White Darkness – by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#16 Shadowmind – by Christopher Bulis (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#17 Birthright – by Nigel Robinson (Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#18 Iceberg – by David Banks (7th Doctor solo) + DWM Prelude
#19 Blood Heat – by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#20 The Dimension Riders – by Daniel Blythe (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#21 The Left-Handed Hummingbird – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#22 Conundrum – by Steve Lyons (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#23 No Future – Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#24 Tragedy Day – by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#25 Legacy – by Gary Russell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#26 Theatre of War – by Justin Richards (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#27 All-Consuming Fire – by Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#28 Blood Harvest – by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#29 Strange England – by Simon Messingham (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#30 First Frontier – by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#31 St. Anthony’s Fire – by Mark Gatiss (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#32 Falls the Shadow – by Daniel O’Mahony (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#33 Parasite – by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#34 Warlock – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#35 Set Piece – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#36 Infinite Requiem – by Daniel Blythe (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#37 Sanctuary – by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#38 Human Nature – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#39 Original Sin – by Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#40 Sky Pirates! – by Dave Stone (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#41 Zamper – by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#42 Toy Soldiers – by Paul Leonard (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#43 Head Games – by Steve Lyons (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#44 The Also People – by Ben Aaaronovitch (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#45 Shakedown – by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#46 Just War – by Lance Parkin (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#47 Warchild – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#48 Sleepy – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#49 Death and Diplomacy – by Dave Stone (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#50 Happy Endings – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#51 GodEngine – by Craig Hinton (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#52 Christmas on a Rational Planet – by Lawrence Miles (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#53 Return of the Living Dad – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#54 The Death of Art – by Simon Bucher-Jones (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#55 Damaged Goods – by Russell T. Davies (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#56 So Vile a Sin – by Ben Aaronovitch and Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#57 Bad Therapy – by Matthew Jones (7th Doctor & Chris)
#58 Eternity Weeps – by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor & Chris)
#59 The Room with No Doors – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor & Chris)
#60 Lungbarrow – by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Chris)
#61 The Dying Days (8th Doctor, Benny & U.N.I.T.)
#62 Oh No It Isn’t! – by Paul Cornell (Benny)
#63 Dragon’s Wrath – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#64 Beyond the Sun – by Matthew Jones (Benny)
#65 Ship of Fools – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#66 Down – by Lawrence Miles (Benny)
#67 Deadfall – by Gary Russell (Benny)
#68 Ghost Devices – by Simon Bucher-Jones (Benny)
#69 Mean Streets – by Terrance Dicks (Benny)
#70 Tempest – by Christopher Bulis (Benny)
#71 Walking to Babylon – by Kate Orman (Benny)
#72 Oblivion – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#73 The Medusa Effect – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#74 Dry Pilgrimage – by Paul Leonard & Nick Walters (Benny)
#75 The Sword of Forever – by Jim Mortimore (Benny)
#76 Another Girl, Another Planet – by Len Beech & Martin Day (Benny)
#77 Beige Planet Mars – by Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham (Benny)
#78 Where Angels Fear – by Rebecca Levene and Simon Winstone (Benny)
#79 The Mary-Sue Extrusion – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#80 Dead Romance – by Lawrence Miles (Chris)
#81 Tears of the Oracle – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#82 Return to the Fractured Planet – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#83 The Joy Device – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#84 Twilight of the Gods – by Mark Clapham and Jon DeBurgh Miller (Benny)

Virgin Publishing - Doctor Who: The Missing Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Goth Opera – by Paul Cornell (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#2 Evolution – by John Peel (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#3 Venusian Lullaby – by Paul Leonard (1st Doctor, Ian & Barbara)
#4 The Crystal Bucephalus – by Craig Hinton (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & Kamelion)
#5 State of Change – by Christopher Bulis (6th Doctor & Peri)
#6 The Romance of Crime – by Gareth Roberts (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#7 The Ghosts of N-Space – by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & The Brigadier)
#8 Time of Your Life – by Steve Lyons (6th Doctor & Grant)
#9 Dancing the Code – by Paul Leonard (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#10 The Menagerie – by Martin Day (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#11 System Shock – by Justin Richards (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#12 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – by Christopher Bulis (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#13 Invasion of the Cat-People – by Gary Russell (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#14 Managra – by Stephen Marley (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#15 Millennial Rites – by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Mel)
#16 The Empire of Glass – by Andy lane (1st Doctor, Vicki & Steven)
#17 Lords of the Storm – by David A. McIntee (5th Doctor & Turlough)
#18 Downtime – by Marc Platt (The Brigadier, Victoria, & Sarah Jane)
#19 The Man in the Velvet Mask – by Daniel O’Mahony (1st Doctor & Dodo)
#20 The English Way of Death – by Gareth Roberts (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#21 The Eye of the Giant – by Christopher Bulis (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#22 The Sands of Time – by Justin Richards (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#23 Killing Ground – by Steve Lyons (6th Doctor & Grant)
#24 The Scales of Injustice – by Gary Russell (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#25 The Shadow of Weng-Chiang – by David A. McIntee (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#26 Twilight of the Gods – by Christopher Bulis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#27 Speed of Flight – by Paul Leonard (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#28 The Plotters – by Gareth Roberts (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#29 Cold Fusion – by Lance Parkin (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan/7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#30 Burning Heart – by Dave Stone (6th Doctor & Peri)
#31 A Device of Death – by Christopher Bulis (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#32 The Dark Path – by David A. McIntee (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#33 The Well-Mannered War – by Gareth Roberts (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
Who Killed Kennedy – by James Stevens & David Bishop (3rd Doctor & U.N.I.T. with Dodo)

Virgin Publishing Doctor Who: Decalog Anthologies PDFs
Decalog (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 2: Lost Property (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 3: Consequences (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Eight Doctors – by Terrance Dicks (8th Doctor & Sam)
#2 Vampire Science – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor & Sam)
#3 The Bodysnatchers – by Mark Morris (8th Doctor & Sam)
#4 Genocide – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor & Sam)
#5 War of the Daleks – by John Peel (8th Doctor & Sam)
#6 Alien Bodies – by Lawrence Miles (8th Doctor & Sam)
#7 Kursaal – by Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor & Sam)
#8 Option Lock – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor & Sam)
#9 Longest Day – by Michael Collier (8th Doctor & Sam)
#10 Legacy of the Daleks – by John Peel (8th Doctor & Sam)
#11 Dreamstone Moon – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor & Sam)
#12 Seeing I – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor & Sam)
#13 Placebo Effect – by Gary Russell (8th Doctor & Sam)
#14 Vanderdeken’s Children – by Christopher Bulis (8th Doctor & Sam)
#15 The Scarlet Empress – by Paul Magrs (8th doctor, Sam & Iris Wildthyme)
#16 The Janus Conjunction – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor & Sam)
#17 Beltempest – by Jim Mortimore (8th Doctor & Sam)
#18 The Face-Eater – by Simon Messingham (8th Doctor & Sam)
#19 The Taint – by Michael Collier (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#20 Demontage – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#21 Revolution Man – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#22 Dominion – by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#23 Unnatural History – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#24 Autumn Mist – by David A. McIntee (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#25 Interference Book One: Shock Tactic – by Lawrence Miles (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane/8th Doctor, Sam, Fitz & Compassion)
#26 Interference Book One: Hour of the Geek – by Lawrence Miles (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane/8th Doctor, Sam, Fitz & Compassion)
#27 The Blue Angel – by Paul Magrs & Jeremy Hoad (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion with Iris Wildthyme)
#28 The Taking of Planet 5 – by Simon Bucher-Jones and Mark Clapham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#29 Frontier Worlds – by Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#30 Parallel 59 – by Stephen Cole and Natalie Dallaire (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#31 The Shadows of Avalon – by Paul Cornell (8th Doctor, Fitz, Compassion, & The Brigadier)
#32 The Fall of Yquatine – by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#33 Coldheart – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#34 The Space Age – by Steve Lyons (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#35 The Banquo Legacy – by Andy Lane & Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#36 The Ancestor Cell – by Stephen Cole and Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#37 The Burning – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor solo)
#38 Casualties of War – by Steve Emmerson (8th Doctor solo)
#39 The Turing Test – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor solo)
#40 Endgame – by Terrance Dicks (8th Doctor solo)
#41 Father Time – by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor solo)
#42 Escape Velocity – by Colin Brake (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#43 Earthworld – by Jacqueline Rayner (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#44 Vanishing Point – by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#45 Eater of Wasps – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#46 The Year of Intelligent Tigers – by Kate Orman (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#47 The Slow Empire – by Dave Stone (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#48 Dark Progeny – by Steve Emmerson (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#49 The City of the Dead – by Lloyd Rose (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#50 Grimm Reality – by Simon Bucher-Jones & Kelly Hale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#51 The Adventuress of Henrietta Street – by Lawrence Miles (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#52 Mad Dogs and Englishmen – by Paul Magrs (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji with Iris Wildthyme)
#53 Hope – by Mark Clapham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#54 Anachrophobia – by Jonathan Morris (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#55 Trading Futures – by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#56 The Book of the Still – by Paul Ebbs (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#57 The Crooked World – by Steve Lyons (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#58 History 101 – by Mags L. Halliday (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#59 Camera Obscura – by Lloyd Rose (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#60 Time Zero – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#61 The Infinity Race – by Simon Messingham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#62 The Domino Effect – by David Bishop (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#63 Reckless Engineering – by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Fitz, & Anji)
#64 The Last Resort – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#65 Timeless – by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#66 Emotional Chemistry – by Simon A. Forward (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#67 Sometime Never – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#68 Halflife – by Mark Michalowski (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#69 The Tomorrow Windows – by Jonathan Morris (8th Doctor, Fitz and Trix)
#70 The Sleep of Reason – by Martin Day (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#71 The Deadstone Memorial – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#72 To the Slaughter – by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#73 The Gallifrey Chronicles – by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Past Doctors Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Devil Goblins from Neptune – by Keith Topping & Martin Day (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#2 The Murder Game – by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Ben & Plly)
#3 The Ultimate Treasure – by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor & Peri)
#4 Business Unusual – by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#5 Illegal Alien – by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 The Roundheads – by Mark Gatiss (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#7 The Face of The Enemy – by David A. McIntee (The Master, U.N.I.T., Ian & Barbara)
#8 Eye of Heaven – by Jim Mortimore (4th Doctor & Leela)
#9 The Witch Hunters – by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#10 The Hollow Men – by Keith Topping & Martin day (7th Doctor & Ace)
#11 Catastrophea – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#12 Mission: Impractical – by David A. McIntee (6th Doctor & Frobisher)
#13 Zeta Major – by Simon Messingham (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#14 Dreams of Empire – by Justin Richards (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#15 Last Man Running – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#16 Matrix – by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#17 The Infinity Doctors – by Lance Parkin (Unidentified Doctor solo)
#18 Salvation – by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#19 The Wages of Sin – by David A. McIntee (3rd Doctor, Jo & Liz)
#20 Deep Blue – by Mark Morris (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#21 Players – by Terrance Dicks (6th Doctor & Peri)
#22 Millennium Shock – by Justin Richards (4th Doctor & Harry)
#23 Storm Harvest – by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#24 The Final Sanction – by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#25 City at World’s End – by Christopher Bulis (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#26 Divided Loyalties – by Gary Russell (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#27 Corpse Marker – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#28 Last of the Gaderene – by Mark Gatiss (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#29 Tomb of Valdemar – by Simon Messingham (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#30 Verdigris – by Paul Magrs (3rd Doctor, Jo, U.N.I.T. & Iris Wildthyme0
#31 Grave Matter – by Justin Richards (6th Doctor & Peri)
#32 Heart of TARDIS – by Dave Stone (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria/4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#33 Prime Time – by Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#34 Imperial Moon – by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor, Turlough & Kamelion)
#35 Festival of Death – by Jonathan Morris (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#36 Independence Day – by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor & Ace)
#37 The King of Terror – by Keith Topping (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#38 The Quantum Archangel – by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Mel)
#39 Bunker Soldiers – by Martin Day (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#40 Rags – by Mick Lewis (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#41 The Shadow in the Glass – by Stephen Cole & Justin Richards (6th Doctor & The Brigadier)
#42 Asylum – by Peter Darvill-Evans (4th Doctor & Nyssa)
#43 Superior Beings – by Nick Walters (5th Doctor & Peri)
#44 Byzantium! – by Keith Topping (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#45 Bullet Time – David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#46 Psi-ence Fiction – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#47 Dying in the Sun – by Jon de Burgh Miller (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#48 Instruments of Darkness – by Gary Russell (6th Doctor, Mel & Evelyn)
#49 Relative Dementias – by Mark Michalowski (7th Doctor & Ace)
#50 Drift – by Simon A. Forward (4th Doctor & Leela)
#51 Palace of the Red Sun – by Christopher Bulis (6th Doctor & Peri)
#52 Amorality Tale – by David Bishop (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#53 Warmonger – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor & Peri)
#54 Ten Little Aliens – by Stephen Cole (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#55 Combat Rock – by Mick Lewis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#56 The Suns of Caresh – by Paul Saint (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#57 Heritage – by Dave Cole (7th Doctor & Ace)
#58 Fear of the Dark – by Trevor Baxendale (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#59 Blue Box – by Kate Orman (6th Doctor & Peri)
#60 Loving the Alien – by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#61 The Colony of Lies – by Colin Brake (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe/7th Doctor & Ace)
#62 Wolfsbane – by Jacqueline Rayner (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry/8th Doctor solo)
#63 Deadly Reunion – by Barry Letts & Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#64 The Scream of the Shalka – by Paul Cornell (Alternate Richard E. Grant 9th Doctor, Alison Cheney, & Master Android)
#65 Empire of Death – by David Bishop (5th Doctor & Nyssa)
#66 The Eleventh Tiger – by David A. McIntee (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#66 SynthespiansTM – by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Peri)
#67 The Algebra of Ice – by Lloyd Rose (7th Doctor, Ace & The Brigadier)
#68 The Indestructible Man – by Simon Messingham (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#69 Match of the Day – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#70 Island of Death – by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#71 Spiral Scratch – by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#72 Fear Itself – by Nick Wallace (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#73 World Game – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor solo)
#74 The Time Travellers – by Simon Guerrier (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#75 Atom Bomb Blues – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Short Trips Anthologies PDFs
Short Trips (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
More Short Trips (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips and Side Steps (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Clockwise Man – by Justin Richards (9th Doctor & Rose)
#2 The Monsters Inside – by Stephen Cole (9th Doctor & Rose)
#3 Winner Takes All – by Jacqueline Rayner (9th Doctor & Rose)
#4 The Deviant Strain – by Justin Richards (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#5 Only Human – by Gareth Roberts (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#6 The Stealers of Dreams – by Steve Lyons (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#7 The Stone Rose – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Rose)
#8 The Feast of the Drowned – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#9 The Resurrection Casket – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Rose)
#10 The Nightmare of Black Island – Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Rose)
#11 The Art of Destruction – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#12 The Price of Paradise – by Colin Brake (10th Doctor & Rose)
#13 Sting of the Zygons – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Martha)
#14 The Last Dodo – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Martha)
#15 Wooden Heart – by Martin Day (10th Doctor & Martha)
#16 Forever Autumn – by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Martha)
#17 Sick Building – by Paul Magrs (10th Doctor & Martha)
#18 Wetworld – by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Martha)
#19 Wishing Well – by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Martha)
#20 The Pirate Loop – by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor & Martha)
#21 Peacemaker – by James Swallow (10th Doctor & Martha)
#22 Martha in the Mirror – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Martha)
#23 Snowglobe 7 – by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Martha)
#24 The Many Hands – by Dale Smith (10th Doctor & Martha)
#25 The Doctor Trap – by Simon Messingham (10th Doctor & Donna)
#26 Shining Darkness – by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Donna)
#27 Ghosts of India – by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Donna)
#28 The Story of Martha – by Dan Abnett (10th Doctor & Martha)
#29 Beautiful Chaos – by Gary Russell (10th Doctor, Donna & Wilf)
#30 The Eyeless – by Lance Parkin (10th Doctor solo)
#31 Judgement of the Judoon – by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
#32 The Slitheen Excursion – by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor solo)
#33 Prisoner of the Daleks – by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor solo)
#36 The Krillitane Storm – by Christopher Cooper (10th Doctor solo)
#37 Apollo 23 – by Justin Richards (11th Doctor & Amy)
#38 Night of the Humans – by David Llewellyn (11th Doctor & Amy)
#39 The Forgotten Army – by Brian Minchin (11th Doctor & Amy)
#40 Nuclear Time – by Oli Smith (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#41 The King’s Dragon – by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42 The Glamour Chase – by Gary Russell (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42A The Coming of the Terraphiles – by Michael Moorcock (11th Doctor & Amy)
#43 Hunter’s Moon – by Paul Finch (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#44 The Way Through The Woods – by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#45 Dead of Winter – by James Goss (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#46 Touched by an Angel – by Jonathan Morris (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#47 Borrowed Time – by Naomi A. Alderman (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48 Paradox Lost – by George Mann (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48A The Silent Stars Go By – by Dan Abnett (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Quick Reads Novellas PDFs
#1 I Am a Dalek – by Gareth Roberts (10th Doctor & Rose)
#2 Made of Steel – by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#3 Revenge of the Judoon – by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#4 The Sontaran Games – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor solo)
#5 Code of the Krillitanes – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)

BBC Books - Torchwood Adventures Novels PDFs
#16 First Born – by James Goss (Gwen & Rhys)
#17 Long Time Dead – by Sarah Pinborough (Suzie & PC Andy)
#18 The Men Who Sold the World – by Guy Adams (Rex)

Big Finish - Doctor Who: Short Trips anthologies PDFs
Short Trips 1: Zodiac (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 2: Companions (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 3: A Universe of Terrors (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 4: The Muses (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 5: Steel Skies (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 6: Past Tense (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 7: Life Science (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 8: Repercussions (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 9: Monsters (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 10: 2040 (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 11: A Christmas Treasury (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 12: Seven Deadly Sins (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 13: A Day in the Life (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 14: Solar System (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 15: The History of Christmas (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 16: Farewells (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 17: The Centenarian (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 18: Time Signature (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 20: Destination Prague (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 21: Snapshots (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 22: The Ghosts of Christmas (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 23: Defining Patterns (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 24: The Quality of Leadership (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 25: Transmissions (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 28: Indefinable Magic (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)

Telos Publishing - Doctor Who Novellas PDFs
#1 Time and Relative – by Kim Newman (1st Doctor & Susan)
#2 Citadel of Dreams – by Dave Stone (7th Doctor & Ace)
#3 Nightdreamers – by Tom Harden (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#4 Ghost Ship – by Keith Topping (4th Doctor solo)
#5 Foreign Devils – by Andrew Cartmel (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#6 Rip Tide – by Louise Cooper (8th Doctor solo)
#7 Wonderland – by Mark Chadbourn (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#8 Shell Shock – by Simon A. Forward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#9 The Cabinet of Light – by Daniel O’Mahony (Unidentified, possibly alternate Richard E. Grant 9th Doctor)
#10 Fallen Gods – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor solo)
#11 Frayed – by Tara Samms (1st Doctor & Susan)
#12 Eye of the Tyger – by Paul McAuley (8th Doctor Solo)
#13 Companion Piece – by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Cat)
#14 Blood and Hope – by Iain McLaughlin (5th Doctor, Peri & Erimem)
#15 The Dalek Factor – by Simon Clark (Unidentified, possibly newly-regenerated 9th Doctor)

Penguin Books - Doctor Who Novels for young readers PDFs
The Darksmith Legacy 1: The Dust of Ages – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 2: The Graves of Mordane – by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 3: The Colour of Darkness – by Richard Dungworth (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 4: The Depths of Despair – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 5: The Vampire of Paris – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 6: The Game of Death – by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 7: The Planet of Oblivion – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 8: The Pictures of Emptiness – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 9: The Art of War – by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 10: The End of Time – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Gisella)

Big Finish - Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies PDFs
#1 Bernice Summerfield and The Dead Men Diaries – edited by Paul Cornell
#2 Bernice Summerfield and The Doomsday Manuscript – by Justin Richards
#3 Bernice Summerfield and The Gods of the Underworld – by Stephen Cole
#4 Bernice Summerfield and The Squire’s Crystal – by Jacqueline Rayner
#5 Bernice Summerfield and The Infernal Nexus – by Dave Stone
#6 Bernice Summerfield and The Glass Prison – by Jacqueline Rayner
#7 Bernice Summerfield: A Life of Surprises – edited by Paul Cornell

Obverse Books spin-off anthologies PDFs
#1 Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus – edited by Paul Magrs & Stuart Douglas

Fan-Published novels & anthologies PDFs
Doctor Who and The Pirate Planet – by David Bishop (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
Doctor Who and The City of Death – by David Lawrence (4th Doctor & Romana II)
Doctor Who and Shada – by Paul Scoones (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Dalkes – by Paul Scoones (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks – by John Preddle (6th Doctor & Peri)
Campaign - by Jim Mortimore (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, and... oh, it's complicated) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel.
Equilibrium - by Simon A. Forward (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel
Perfect Timing – edited by Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)

World Distributors Doctor Who Annuals CBRs
The Dalek Book (1964)
The Dalek World (1965)
Doctor Who Annual 1966
The Dalek Outer Space Book (1966)
Doctor Who Annual 1967
Doctor Who Annual 1968
Doctor Who Annual 1969
Doctor Who Annual 1970
Doctor Who Annual 1971
Doctor Who Annual 1973
Doctor Who Annual 1974
Doctor Who Annual 1975
Doctor Who Annual 1976
Dalek Annual 1976
Doctor Who Annual 1977
Dalek Annual 1977
Doctor Who Annual 1978
Dalek Annual 1978
Doctor Who Annual 1979
Dalek Annual 1979
Doctor Who Annual 1980
Doctor Who Annual 1981
Doctor Who Annual 1982
Doctor Who Annual 1983
K-9 & Company Annual 1983
Doctor Who Annual 1984
Doctor Who Annual 1985
Doctor Who Annual 1986

BBC Doctor Who New Series Annuals CBRs
Doctor Who Annual 2007
Doctor Who Annual 2008
Doctor Who Annual 2009
Doctor Who Annual 2010

Doctor Who Magazine
Doctor Who Magazine #1-168 (1979-1990)
Doctor Who Summer Special 1980
Doctor Who Summer Special 1981
Doctor Who Winter Special 1981
Doctor Who Summer Special 1982
Doctor Who Winter Special 1982
Doctor Who Summer Special 1983
Doctor Who Winter Special 1983
Doctor Who Summer Special 1984
Doctor Who Winter Special 1984
Doctor Who Summer Special 1985
Doctor Who Winter Special 1985
Doctor Who Summer Special 1986
Doctor Who Winter Special 1986
Doctor Who Autumn Special 1987
Doctor Who 25th Anniversary Special 1988
Doctor Who Magazine 10th Anniversary Special 1989
Doctor Who Summer Special 1991
Doctor Who Winter Special 1991
Doctor Who Holiday Special 1992
Doctor Who Winter Special 1992
Doctor Who Yearbook 1992
Doctor Who Summer Special 1993
Doctor Who Winter Special 1993
Doctor Who Yearbook 1993
Doctor Who Summer Special 1994
Doctor Who Winter Special 1994
Doctor Who Yearbook 1994
Doctor Who Spring Special 1995
Doctor Who Summer Special 1995
Doctor Who Yearbook 1995
Doctor Who Spring Special 1996
Doctor Who Yearbook 1999

Doctor Who Magazine Special Editions CBRs
#1 The Complete Fifth Doctor (2002)
#2 The Complete Third Doctor (2002)
#3 The Complete Sixth Doctor (2003)
#4 The complete Second Doctor (2003)
#5 The Complete Eighth Doctor (2003)
#6 We Love Doctor Who (2003)
#7 The Complete First Doctor (2004)
#8 The Complete Fourth Doctor, Volume 1 (2004)
#9 The Complete Fourth Doctor, Volume 2 (2004)
#10 The Complete Seventh Doctor (2005)
#11 The Companion: Series One (2005)
#12 In their Own Words, Volume One: 1963-1969 (2005)
#13 The Ninth Doctor Collected Comics (2006)
#14 The Companion: Series Two (2006)
#15 In their Own Words, Volume Two: 1970-1976 (2006)
#16 In their Own Words, Volume Three: 1977-1981 (2007)
#17 The Companion: Series Three (2007)
#18 In their Own Words, Volume Four: 1982-1986 (2007)
#19 The Tenth Doctor Collected Comics (2008)
#20 The Companion: Series Four (2008)
#21 In their Own Words, Volume Five: 1987-19969 (2008)
#22 200 Golden Moments (2009)
#23 Sarah Jane Smith (2009)
#24 In their Own Words, Volume Six: 1997-2009 (2010)
#25 The Companion: The Specials (2010)

Doctor Who Magazine Storybooks CBRs (Comic & Short fiction)
Doctor Who Storybook 2007 (10th Doctor & Rose)
Doctor Who Storybook 2008 (10th Doctor & Martha)
Doctor Who Storybook 2009 (10th Doctor & Donna)
Doctor Who Storybook 2010 (10th Doctor solo)

Doctor Who Comics – Marvel Reprints of DWM Strips CBRs
The Age of Chaos (6th Doctor, Frobisher & Peri)

Other Books, Magazines and Comics CBRs
The Dalek Chronicles (Collection of Doctor-less 1960s Century 21 Dalek strips)
Doctor Who Material from Polystyle TV Comic/Countdown/TV Action Annuals 1966-1979
Polystyle Doctor Who Holiday Special 1973
Polystyle Doctor Who Holiday Special 1974
Polystyle Doctor Who Winter Special 1977
K-9 and the Time Trap – by David Martin (1980, children’s book)
K-9 and the Beasts of Vega – by David Martin (1980, children’s book)
K-9 and the Zeta Rescue – by David Martin (1980, children’s book)
K-9 and the Missing Planet – by David Martin (1980, children’s book)
The Doctor Who Technical Manual (1983)
The Doctor Who Fun Book – by Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett (1987, humour)
It’s Bigger on the Inside – by Tim Quinn & Dicky Howett (1988 humour)
The Frame (Fanzine) Issues 1-24 + Douglas Camfield Tribute (1987-1993)
Doctor Who Poster Magazine, Issues 1-8 (1994-1996)

I'd be willing to trade for any of the following:

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels PDFs
#34 The Taking of Chelsea 426 – by David Llewellyn (10th Doctor solo)
#35 Autonomy – by Daniel Blythe (10th Doctor solo)

BBC Books - Torchwood Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Another Life – by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#2 Border Princes – by Dan Abnett (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#3 Slow Decay – by Andrew Lane (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#4 Something in the Water – by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#5 Trace Memory – by David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#6 The Twilight Streets – by Gary Russell (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#7 Pack Animals – by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#8 SkyPoint – by Phil Ford (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#9 Almost Perfect – by James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#10 Into the Silence – by Sarah Pinborough (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#11 Bay of the Dead – by Mark Morris (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#12 The House That Jack Built – by Guy Adams (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#13 Risk Assessment – James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#14 The Undertaker’s Gift – by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#15 Consequences – by Joseph Lidster, James Moran, Andrew Cartmel, & David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)

Penguin Books - Doctor Who Novels for young readers PDFs
2-in-1 #1 Death Riders/Heart of Stone – by Justin Richards & Trevor Baxendale (11th Doctor & Amy)
2-in-1 #2 System Wipe/The Good, The Bad & The Alien – by Oli Smith & Colin Brake (11th Doctor & Amy)
2-in-1 #3 Alien Adventures – by Richard Dinnick & Mike Tucker (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
2-in-1 #4 Sightseeing in Space – by David Bailey & Steve Lyons (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

Big Finish - Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies PDFs
#8 Life During Wartime – edited by Paul Cornell
#9 The Big Hunt – by Lance Parkin
#10 A Life Worth Living – edited by Simon Guerrier
#11 A Life in Pieces – by Dave Stone, Paul Sutton, & Joseph Lidster
#12 The Tree of Life – by Mark Michalowski
#13 Parallel Lives – by Rebecca Levene, Paul Sutton & Dave Stone
#14 Something Changed – edited by Simon Guerrier
#15 Genius Loci – by Ben Aaronovitch
#16 Collected Works – edited by Nick Wallace
#17 Old Friends – by Marc Platt, Jonathan Clements & Pete Kempshall
#18 The Two Jasons – by Dave Stone
#19 Nobody’s Children – by Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman & Phillip Purser-Hallard
#20 Missing Adventures – edited by Rebecca Levene
#21 The Vampire Curse – by Mags L. Halliday, Kelly Hale & Philip Purser-Hallard
#22 Secret Histories – edited by Mark Clapham
#23 Present Danger – edited by Eddie Robson

Big Finish - New Worlds novels PDFs (Spin-offs from Big Finish audio characters)
#1 Wildthyme on Top – by Paul Magrs (Iris Wildthyme)
#2 The Coming of the Queen – by Iain McLaughlin & Claire Bartlett (Erimem)
#3 Project: Valhalla – by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright (Nimrod)

Mad Norwegian Press - Faction Paradox Novels PDFs (Spin-offs of 8th Doctor novels)
#1 The Book of the War – edited by Lawrence Miles
#2 This Town Will Never Let Us Go – by Lawrence Miles
#3 Of the City of the Saved… – by Philip Purser-Hallard
#4 Warlords of Utopia – by Lance Parkin
#5 Warring States – by Mags L. Halliday
#6 Erasing Sherlock – by Kelly Hale
#7 Newton’s Sleep – by Daniel O’Mahony (Published by Random Static)

Obverse Books spin-off anthologies PDFs
#2 Iris Wildthyme: The Panda Book of Horror – edited by Stuart Douglas & Paul Magrs
#3 Miss Wildthyme & Friends Investigate – by Jim Smith, Cody Quijano-Schell, Nick Wallace & Stuart Douglas
#4 Iris: Abroad – edited by Paul Magrs & Stuart Douglas
#5 Faction Paradox: A Romance in Twelve Parts – edited by Stuart Douglas & Lawrence Miles
#6 Wildthyme in Purple – edited by Stuart Douglas & Cody Quijano-Schell
Enter Wildthyme – by Pual Magrs (Published by Snowbooks)

Telos Publishing - Time Hunter Novellas PDFs (Spin-off from TN 9: The Cabinet of Light)
#1 The Winning Side – by Lance Parkin
#2 The Tunnel at the End of the Light – by Stephen Petrucha
#3 The Clockwork Woman – by Claire Bott
#4 Kitsune – by John Paul Catton
#5 The Severed Man- by George Mann
#6 Echoes – by Iain McLaughlin & Claire Bartlett
#7 Peculiar Lives – by Philip Purser-Hallard
#8 Deus Le Volt – by Jon de Burgh Miller
#9 The Albino’s Dancer – by Dale Smith
#10 The Sideways Door – by R.J. Carter & Troy Riser
#11 Child of Time – by George Mann & David J. Howe

Fan-Published anthologies PDFs
Perfect Timing – edited by Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle
Perfect Timing 2 – edited by Helen Fayle & Julian Eales
Tales of the Solar System – edited by D. Paul Griggs
The 13 Crimes of Doctor Who – edited by Sarah Hadley
The Cat Who Walked Through Time – edited by Thomas & Alryssa Kelly
Missing Pieces – edited by Mark Phippen & Shaun Lyon
LifeDeath – edited by Hereth Cowe Spigai & Oatrick Neighly
Walking in Eternity – edited by Julian Eales
Shelf Life – edited by Julian Eales, David A. McIntee & Adrian Middleton

Doctor Who Magazine CBRs
Issues #169 - (current?)
Annual 2006

Doctor Who Magazine Special Editions CBRs
#26 The Companion: Series Five, Part 1
#27 The Companion: Series Five, Part 2
#28 The Sarah Jane Companion , Volume 2
#29 The Eleventh Doctor Companion, Volume 3

Torchwood Magazine CBRs
Issues 1 - 25
Yearbook 2008
Yearbook 2009

Doctor Who Graphic Novels PDFs or CBRs
Marvel UK - Evenings Empire (7th Doctor & Ace, Doctor Who Classic Comics 1993 Autumn Special)
Virgin - The Mark of Mandragora (7th Doctor & Ace, 1993)
Panini - The Complete Fourth Doctor, Volume 1: The Iron Legion
Panini - The Complete Fouth Doctor, Volume 2: Dragon's Claw
Panini - The Complete Fifth Doctor: The Tides of Time
Panini - The Complete Eighth Doctor, Volume 1: Endgame
Panini - The Complete Eighth Doctor, Volume 2: The Glorious Dead
Panini - The Complete Eighth Doctor, Volume 3: Oblivion
Panini - The Complete Eighth Doctor, Volume 4: The Flood
Panini - The Complete Sixth Doctor, Volume 1: Voyager
Panini - The Complete Sixth Doctor, Volume 2: The World Shapers
Panini - The Complete Tenth Doctor, Volume 1: The Betrothal of Sontar
Panini - The Complete Seventh Doctor, Volume 1: A Cold Day in Hell
Panini - The Complete Tenth Doctor, Volume 2: The Widow's Curse
Panini - The Complete Tenth Doctor, Volume 3: The Crimson Hand
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 1
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 2
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 3
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 4
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 5
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 6
IDW - Doctor Who Classic, Volume 7
IDW - Agent Provacatuer (10th Doctor & Martha)
IDW - Through Time and Space (10th Doctor, Martha & Donna)
IDW - The Forgotten (10th Doctor solo, with 1st to 9th Doctor flashbacks)
IDW - Fugitive (10th Doctor solo)
IDW - Tesseract (10th Doctor, Emily & Matthew)
IDW - The Final Sacrifice (10th Doctor, Emily & Matthew)
IDW - The Ripper's Curse (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
IDW - When Worlds Collide (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, & Kevin)
IDW - It Came from Outer Space (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, & Kevin)
BBC - The Only Good Dalek (11th Doctor & Amy)
Titan - Torchwood: Rift War

01-03-2012, 10:10 PM
Anyone know where I can obtain


There's a massive torrent on a certain impish site that has everything (or as near as) from Nov 2011 back.

01-03-2012, 10:34 PM
There's a massive torrent on a certain impish site that has everything (or as near as) from Nov 2011 back.

Never heard of that could you PM please?

01-03-2012, 10:38 PM
Never heard of that could you PM please?

Sorry. Thought it would be obvious that I was talking about !de!m!o!n!o!i!d!

01-03-2012, 10:42 PM
I found it to be obvious. Though if a person isn't even aware of that sites existance...

Sad we have to resort to using torrnet sites. In my personal experence they've been nothing but colasal time-wasters to use.

01-03-2012, 11:09 PM
Anyone know where I can obtain

raW fO sretsaM


Get it while it's hot:

Rotcod Wwhhoo Uxnxbxoxuxnxdx 8: Sretsam oof Wxaxrx

01-03-2012, 11:27 PM
Sorry. Thought it would be obvious that I was talking about !de!m!o!n!o!i!d!

I found it to be obvious. Though if a person isn't even aware of that sites existance...

Sad we have to resort to using torrnet sites. In my personal experence they've been nothing but colasal time-wasters to use.

Thanks Nobber, never heard of it though. hate to use torrentz though

Get it while it's hot:

Rotcod Wwhhoo Uxnxbxoxuxnxdx 8: Sretsam oof Wxaxrx

Thank you!

01-04-2012, 02:25 AM
While I'm at it, is anyone missing any of the following?
I'd be willing to trade for any of the following:

I believe most of that was posted already a number of pages back with the links still being available. But I'll check to see what's missing. *checks*

Doctor Who: Slipback – by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri) - Missing

Target Books - Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes novelizations PDFs (Based on unfilmed scripts) - Missing
#1 The Nightmare Fair – by Graham Williams (6th Doctor & Peri)
#2 The Ultimate Evil – by Wally K. Daly (6th Doctor & Peri)
#3 Mission to Magnus – by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)

Target Books - The Companions of Doctor Who novels PDFs - Missing
#1 Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma – by Tony Atwood
#2 Harry Sullivan’s War – by Ian Marter
#3 K-9 and Company – by Terence Dudley

BBC Books - 75 Doctor Who Past Doctors Adventures Novels PDFs - Missing

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels PDFs
42A - 48A are posted. 1 - 42 are Missing

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Quick Reads Novellas PDFs - Missing
#1 I Am a Dalek – by Gareth Roberts (10th Doctor & Rose)
#2 Made of Steel – by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#3 Revenge of the Judoon – by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#4 The Sontaran Games – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor solo)
#5 Code of the Krillitanes – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)

Telos Publishing - 15 Doctor Who Novellas PDFs
Posted in .epub - PDFs Missing

Big Finish - 7 Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies PDFs - Missing

Obverse Books spin-off anthologies PDFs
#1 Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus – edited by Paul Magrs & Stuart Douglas - Missing

Fan-Published novels & anthologies PDFs - Missing
Doctor Who and The Pirate Planet – by David Bishop (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
Doctor Who and The City of Death – by David Lawrence (4th Doctor & Romana II)
Doctor Who and Shada – by Paul Scoones (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Dalkes – by Paul Scoones (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks – by John Preddle (6th Doctor & Peri)
Campaign - by Jim Mortimore (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, and... oh, it's complicated) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel.
Equilibrium - by Simon A. Forward (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel
Perfect Timing – edited by Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)

Any chance you could up these? Would be much appreciated!

01-04-2012, 03:45 AM jpg

Here is the last of the audios of Space 1889 :) Part One Part Two

01-04-2012, 05:45 AM
Fantastic. Another great post. Thanks again RayParker. Are there any more to come?

01-04-2012, 09:44 AM
That`s the plan, my Magazine Collection is 24 GB Heavy, so I don`t knnow how long RS will let me do it, that`s the reason I said I don`t know how long they stay up.

The next Magazine are coming soon, but it takes time, because I have just a poor upload Speed of 120kbs.

01-04-2012, 09:55 AM
I found it to be obvious. Though if a person isn't even aware of that sites existance...

Sad we have to resort to using torrnet sites. In my personal experence they've been nothing but colasal time-wasters to use.

I neither like torrent, because the leak of Seeders when you need them and the Risky Part of Torrent. But with Torrent I have found some Rare Magazine, but I am an glad that I found over 95% on One-Click-Hosters.

01-04-2012, 11:02 AM
First you have to register (, then Check out this thread >>>

01-04-2012, 12:18 PM
Had better be good ... It's a terribly tedious registration procedure! :)

01-04-2012, 12:34 PM
By the way, forgot to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Even though this will be one of the most Who-free years on TV since it came back.

But it's looking like 2013 will make up for it with big anniversary celebrations.

01-04-2012, 01:18 PM
I'd be willing to trade for any of the following:
As per request...

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels PDFs
The Taking of Chelsea 426
by David Llewellyn (10th Doctor solo)
The Chelsea Flower Show - hardly the most exciting or dangerous event in the calendar, or so the Doctor thinks. But this is Chelsea 426, a city-sized future colony floating on the clouds of Saturn, and the flowers are much more than they seem.
by Daniel Blythe (10th Doctor solo)
Hyperville is 2013's top hi-tech 24 hour entertainment complex - a sprawling palace of fun under one massive roof. You can go shopping, or experience the excitement of Doomcastle, WinterZone, or Wild West World. But things are about to get a lot more exciting- and dangerous...



2 down, umpteen to go...

01-04-2012, 02:01 PM
These books are practically all available in various downloadable collections as .pdfs, so they definitely don't need to be scanned!

It's mostly the Benny Summerfield, Iris Wildthyme, Faction Paradox, etc... books that haven't been scanned (and so much thanks for those Ten books). Just the Decide Your Destiny and 2in1s are left for NuWho. The comics need a lot of work, as the Battles in Time and Doctor Who Adventures mini-mags are really behind.

The only already uploaded NuWho books that I can't find in .pdf form (I really don't like the other formats much--but I definitely prefer .cbr for magazines and comics) are Slow Decay, Consequences (TW), The Nightmare Man and The Death of the Doctor (SJA), which are all in .epub files.

I'm currently uploading all the books and comics I have to a storage spot (go back a few pages for the old comic links that I salvaged with Google cache back in the day--they still work).

Also, you might find a lot of things at that certain impish place with the "Doctor Who Mega Collection" collections.

01-04-2012, 02:10 PM
Does anyone know if

another link for TFC is going to be re-posted as i missed the first one and its now down =(

01-04-2012, 02:47 PM
These books are practically all available in various downloadable collections as .pdfs, so they definitely don't need to be scanned!

It's mostly the Benny Summerfield, Iris Wildthyme, etc... books that haven't been scanned (and so much thanks for those Ten books). Just the Decide Your Destiny and 2in1s are left for NuWho. The comics need a lot of work, as the Battles in Time and Doctor Who Adventures mini-mags are really behind.

The only already uploaded NuWho books that I can't find in .pdf form (I really don't like the other formats much--but I definitely prefer .cbr for magazines and comics) are Slow Decay, Consequences (TW), The Nightmare Man and The Death of the Doctor (SJA), which are all in .epub files.

I'm currently uploading all the books and comics I have to a storage spot (go back a few pages for the old comic links that I salvaged with Google cache back in the day--they still work).

Also, you might find a lot of things at that certain impish place with the "Doctor Who Mega Collection" collections.
If you have any of the other first fifteen Torchwood books as pdfs, I'd love you for posting them!

01-04-2012, 03:58 PM

If we were all to enter, it'd be quite likely one of us would surely get it, right? :) Make the shrine proud guys! xD

01-04-2012, 05:13 PM
As per request: DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD - Page 49 (
As per request: DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD - Page 50 (Thread 85235)
<table align=center cellspacing=6><tbody><tr><td>
BBC Books - Torchwood Novels (2007-2009) PDFs
BBC Torchwood novels - TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who Wiki (

#1 Another Life � by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#2 Border Princes � by Dan Abnett (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#3 Slow Decay � by Andrew Lane (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#4 Something in the Water � by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#5 Trace Memory � by David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#6 The Twilight Streets � by Gary Russell (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#7 Pack Animals � by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#8 SkyPoint � by Phil Ford (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#9 Almost Perfect � by James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#10 Into the Silence � by Sarah Pinborough (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#11 Bay of the Dead � by Mark Morris (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#12 The House That Jack Built � by Guy Adams (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#13 Risk Assessment � James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#14 The Undertaker�s Gift � by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#15 Consequences � by Joseph Lidster, James Moran, Andrew Cartmel, & David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)


01-04-2012, 06:10 PM
Had better be good ... It's a terribly tedious registration procedure! :)


01-04-2012, 06:55 PM
El Cinco Compa�eros (128kbps mp3 conversion & reup):

sorry... silly smeltar... pass = smeltatorium

i need sleep.

01-04-2012, 07:08 PM
El Cinco Compa�eros (128kbps mp3 conversion & reup):

Uh... Password? Just asking.

01-04-2012, 07:13 PM
Any chance you could up these? Would be much appreciated!

Get 'em while they're hot:

Target Books - Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes novelizations PDFs (Based on unfilmed scripts)
#1 The Nightmare Fair � by Graham Williams (6th Doctor & Peri)
#2 The Ultimate Evil � by Wally K. Daly (6th Doctor & Peri)
#3 Mission to Magnus � by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)
Doctor Who: Slipback � by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)

Target Books - The Companions of Doctor Who novels PDFs
#1 Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma � by Tony Atwood
#2 Harry Sullivan�s War � by Ian Marter
#3 K-9 and Company � by Terence Dudley

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Past Doctors Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Devil Goblins from Neptune � by Keith Topping & Martin Day (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#2 The Murder Game � by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Ben & Plly)
#3 The Ultimate Treasure � by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor & Peri)
#4 Business Unusual � by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#5 Illegal Alien � by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 The Roundheads � by Mark Gatiss (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#7 The Face of The Enemy � by David A. McIntee (The Master, U.N.I.T., Ian & Barbara)
#8 Eye of Heaven � by Jim Mortimore (4th Doctor & Leela)
#9 The Witch Hunters � by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#10 The Hollow Men � by Keith Topping & Martin day (7th Doctor & Ace)
#11 Catastrophea � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#12 Mission: Impractical � by David A. McIntee (6th Doctor & Frobisher)
#13 Zeta Major � by Simon Messingham (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#14 Dreams of Empire � by Justin Richards (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#15 Last Man Running � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#16 Matrix � by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#17 The Infinity Doctors � by Lance Parkin (Unidentified Doctor solo)
#18 Salvation � by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#19 The Wages of Sin � by David A. McIntee (3rd Doctor, Jo & Liz)
#20 Deep Blue � by Mark Morris (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#21 Players � by Terrance Dicks (6th Doctor & Peri)
#22 Millennium Shock � by Justin Richards (4th Doctor & Harry)
#23 Storm Harvest � by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#24 The Final Sanction � by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#25 City at World�s End � by Christopher Bulis (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#26 Divided Loyalties � by Gary Russell (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#27 Corpse Marker � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#28 Last of the Gaderene � by Mark Gatiss (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#29 Tomb of Valdemar � by Simon Messingham (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#30 Verdigris � by Paul Magrs (3rd Doctor, Jo, U.N.I.T. & Iris Wildthyme0
#31 Grave Matter � by Justin Richards (6th Doctor & Peri)
#32 Heart of TARDIS � by Dave Stone (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria/4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#33 Prime Time � by Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#34 Imperial Moon � by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor, Turlough & Kamelion)
#35 Festival of Death � by Jonathan Morris (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#36 Independence Day � by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor & Ace)
#37 The King of Terror � by Keith Topping (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#38 The Quantum Archangel � by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Mel)
#39 Bunker Soldiers � by Martin Day (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#40 Rags � by Mick Lewis (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#41 The Shadow in the Glass � by Stephen Cole & Justin Richards (6th Doctor & The Brigadier)
#42 Asylum � by Peter Darvill-Evans (4th Doctor & Nyssa)
#43 Superior Beings � by Nick Walters (5th Doctor & Peri)
#44 Byzantium! � by Keith Topping (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#45 Bullet Time � David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#46 Psi-ence Fiction � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#47 Dying in the Sun � by Jon de Burgh Miller (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#48 Instruments of Darkness � by Gary Russell (6th Doctor, Mel & Evelyn)
#49 Relative Dementias � by Mark Michalowski (7th Doctor & Ace)
#50 Drift � by Simon A. Forward (4th Doctor & Leela)
#51 Palace of the Red Sun � by Christopher Bulis (6th Doctor & Peri)
#52 Amorality Tale � by David Bishop (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#53 Warmonger � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor & Peri)
#54 Ten Little Aliens � by Stephen Cole (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#55 Combat Rock � by Mick Lewis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#56 The Suns of Caresh � by Paul Saint (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#57 Heritage � by Dave Cole (7th Doctor & Ace)
#58 Fear of the Dark � by Trevor Baxendale (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#59 Blue Box � by Kate Orman (6th Doctor & Peri)
#60 Loving the Alien � by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#61 The Colony of Lies � by Colin Brake (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe/7th Doctor & Ace)
#62 Wolfsbane � by Jacqueline Rayner (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry/8th Doctor solo)
#63 Deadly Reunion � by Barry Letts & Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#64 The Scream of the Shalka � by Paul Cornell (Alternate Richard E. Grant 9th Doctor, Alison & the Master�s Android)
#65 Empire of Death � by David Bishop (5th Doctor & Nyssa)
#66 The Eleventh Tiger � by David A. McIntee (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#66 SynthespiansTM � by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Peri)
#67 The Algebra of Ice � by Lloyd Rose (7th Doctor, Ace & The Brigadier)
#68 The Indestructible Man � by Simon Messingham (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#69 Match of the Day � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#70 Island of Death � by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#71 Spiral Scratch � by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#72 Fear Itself � by Nick Wallace (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#73 World Game � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor solo)
#74 The Time Travellers � by Simon Guerrier (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#75 Atom Bomb Blues � by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Clockwise Man � by Justin Richards (9th Doctor & Rose)
#2 The Monsters Inside � by Stephen Cole (9th Doctor & Rose)
#3 Winner Takes All � by Jacqueline Rayner (9th Doctor & Rose)
#4 The Deviant Strain � by Justin Richards (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#5 Only Human � by Gareth Roberts (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#6 The Stealers of Dreams � by Steve Lyons (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#7 The Stone Rose � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Rose)
#8 The Feast of the Drowned � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#9 The Resurrection Casket � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Rose)
#10 The Nightmare of Black Island � Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Rose)
#11 The Art of Destruction � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#12 The Price of Paradise � by Colin Brake (10th Doctor & Rose)
#13 Sting of the Zygons � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Martha)
#14 The Last Dodo � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Martha)
#15 Wooden Heart � by Martin Day (10th Doctor & Martha)
#16 Forever Autumn � by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Martha)
#17 Sick Building � by Paul Magrs (10th Doctor & Martha)
#18 Wetworld � by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Martha)
#19 Wishing Well � by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Martha)
#20 The Pirate Loop � by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor & Martha)
#21 Peacemaker � by James Swallow (10th Doctor & Martha)
#22 Martha in the Mirror � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Martha)
#23 Snowglobe 7 � by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Martha)
#24 The Many Hands � by Dale Smith (10th Doctor & Martha)
#25 The Doctor Trap � by Simon Messingham (10th Doctor & Donna)
#26 Shining Darkness � by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Donna)
#27 Ghosts of India � by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Donna)
#28 The Story of Martha � by Dan Abnett (10th Doctor & Martha)
#29 Beautiful Chaos � by Gary Russell (10th Doctor, Donna & Wilf)
#30 The Eyeless � by Lance Parkin (10th Doctor solo)
#31 Judgement of the Judoon � by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
#32 The Slitheen Excursion � by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor solo)
#33 Prisoner of the Daleks � by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor solo)
#36 The Krillitane Storm � by Christopher Cooper (10th Doctor solo)
#37 Apollo 23 � by Justin Richards (11th Doctor & Amy)
#38 Night of the Humans � by David Llewellyn (11th Doctor & Amy)
#39 The Forgotten Army � by Brian Minchin (11th Doctor & Amy)
#40 Nuclear Time � by Oli Smith (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#41 The King�s Dragon � by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42 The Glamour Chase � by Gary Russell (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42A The Coming of the Terraphiles � by Michael Moorcock (11th Doctor & Amy)
#43 Hunter�s Moon � by Paul Finch (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#44 The Way Through The Woods � by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#45 Dead of Winter � by James Goss (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#46 Touched by an Angel � by Jonathan Morris (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#47 Borrowed Time � by Naomi A. Alderman (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48 Paradox Lost � by George Mann (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48A The Silent Stars Go By � by Dan Abnett (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

I put #43-48A in the archive along with the rest even though there were working links for them elsewhere because somebody will probably appreciate one-stop-shopping.

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Quick Reads Novellas PDFs
#1 I Am a Dalek � by Gareth Roberts (10th Doctor & Rose)
#2 Made of Steel � by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#3 Revenge of the Judoon � by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#4 The Sontaran Games � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor solo)
#5 Code of the Krillitanes � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)

Telos Publishing - Doctor Who Novellas PDFs
#1 Time and Relative � by Kim Newman (1st Doctor & Susan)
#2 Citadel of Dreams � by Dave Stone (7th Doctor & Ace)
#3 Nightdreamers � by Tom Harden (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#4 Ghost Ship � by Keith Topping (4th Doctor solo)
#5 Foreign Devils � by Andrew Cartmel (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#6 Rip Tide � by Louise Cooper (8th Doctor solo)
#7 Wonderland � by Mark Chadbourn (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#8 Shell Shock � by Simon A. Forward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#9 The Cabinet of Light � by Daniel O�Mahony (Unidentified, possibly alternate Richard E. Grant 9th Doctor)
#10 Fallen Gods � by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor solo)
#11 Frayed � by Tara Samms (1st Doctor & Susan)
#12 Eye of the Tyger � by Paul McAuley (8th Doctor Solo)
#13 Companion Piece � by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Cat)
#14 Blood and Hope � by Iain McLaughlin (5th Doctor, Peri & Erimem)
#15 The Dalek Factor � by Simon Clark (Unidentified, possibly newly-regenerated 9th Doctor)

Big Finish - Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies PDFs
#1 Bernice Summerfield and The Dead Men Diaries � edited by Paul Cornell
#2 Bernice Summerfield and The Doomsday Manuscript � by Justin Richards
#3 Bernice Summerfield and The Gods of the Underworld � by Stephen Cole
#4 Bernice Summerfield and The Squire�s Crystal � by Jacqueline Rayner
#5 Bernice Summerfield and The Infernal Nexus � by Dave Stone
#6 Bernice Summerfield and The Glass Prison � by Jacqueline Rayner
#7 Bernice Summerfield: A Life of Surprises � edited by Paul Cornell
Note: Regrettably, The Dead Men Diaries and The Gods of the Underworld are ginormous files of 200+MB each, as all I had to work with was the raw scan JPGs, which I just plugged into PDFCreator as sequential images and it printed the PDF as if it were an art book. Right now, however, it's better than the nothing which seems to be our only other currently-existing option. If somebody has better OCR software than I do (well, any OCR software, really), I can upload the scans and you can do your jiggery-pokery to turn them into nice text-based PDFs under 2MB or so each.

Flotsam from the Time-Space Vortex - Independent/Fan-Published novels & anthologies PDFs
Doctor Who and The Pirate Planet � by David Bishop (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9) - Fan-written episode novelization in the Target style
Doctor Who and The City of Death � by David Lawrence (4th Doctor & Romana II) - Fan-written episode novelization in the Target style
Doctor Who and Shada � by Paul Scoones (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9) - Fan-written episode novelization in the Target style
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks � by Paul Scoones (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough) - Fan-written episode novelization in the Target style
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks � by John Preddle (6th Doctor & Peri) - Fan-written episode novelization in the Target style
Perfect Timing � edited by Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Campaign - by Jim Mortimore (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, and... oh, it's complicated) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel.
Equilibrium - by Simon A. Forward (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel
Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus � edited by Paul Magrs & Stuart Douglas

01-04-2012, 07:20 PM
Uh... Password? Just asking.

added to original post... sorry, sleepy.

01-04-2012, 07:25 PM
As per request:
As per request: Thread 85235

Thanks enormously, Burneggroll, but one tiny quibble: the link for the Border Princes PDF goes to Slow Decay in EPUB format.