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12-28-2013, 01:39 AM
Yes, but not elling people about it is borderline against the rules of the forum, as far as posting links go. I really wish someone had been courteous enough to just explain when I asked months and months ago. How do you expect the members of the forum who just pass through to know that?

All I can do then is say Sorry on behalf of the thread if you've been over looked. Nearly all the time I've seen the question asked I've seen folks reply - especially considering just how quickly this thread can move now and then. New Audio releases, discussion over new TV episodes, rumours of returned stuff, and even generally shooting the breeze.

12-28-2013, 01:46 AM
I think rwq is how the site itself abbreviates Reply With Quote in the source code... though it's more like qrwq

12-28-2013, 02:42 AM
[/COLOR]Oh, and

The regeneration limit, and the number of regenerations the Doctor have gone through are set in continuity now like it or not. The Doctor clearly states that the War Doctor, while not using the name Doctor, counted as a regeneration, and so did the 10ths regeneration , even though he kept the face. Therefore the actual count is off by 2. The 11th doctor is really the 13th. The regeneration cycle does seem artificially set though if the can just give him a new one. Perhaps genetically encoded, with a "key" that can unlock new cycles?

There's been plenty of evidence before to show that regeneration is a Time Lord bestowed gift rather than a natural ability. In The Five Doctors, they offered The Master a "new life cycle" (& as seen in Utopia, they apparently gave him one) & Rassilon was able to pass on the power of unlimited regenerations & eternal life.

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------

I don't "prefer" a Doctor over another. Really the fun of the show is embracing all of them. I think the tribute videos fans have produced for the 50th show the classic Doctors are just as relevant as the newer ones, maybe more so.

My favourite Doctor is the one I'm watching at the time!

12-28-2013, 02:56 AM
[QUOTE=SmugglerTrev;2554447] Rassilon was able to pass on the power of unlimited regenerations & eternal life.[COLOR="Silver"]

That particular offer was a curse, not a blessing, a way to weed out those that wanted power only for themselves, and the 'eternal life' given, turns out to be entombed in the sarcophagus of Rassilon for the rest of eternity...

A new life cycle as a reward, is given in various episodes, including the offers to the Master, for using all of your 'lives' in the service of others. Therefore only a few of those who leave Gallifrey would receive this, and those who remain as 'monks in the cloister', would not need them - but what of the 'renegades' living in the Gallifrey Wilderness, do they too deserve 'eternal' life, or new lifespans.... or is it only truly reserved for those, like the Doctor, who shorten their own lifespan, with service to the universe and therefore need it - a healing, not a gift??

12-28-2013, 02:58 AM
I laugh to think of the destruction The Master missed out on if he'd just done what the Time Lords asked him to do instead of trying to betray them - I mean #11 took out the Dalek Empire in one swoop of his hand.

Crazy old Master - always the Bride's maid, Never the Bride.

12-28-2013, 03:09 AM
I laugh to think of the destruction The Master missed out on if he'd just done what the Time Lords asked him to do instead of trying to betray them - I mean #11 took out the Dalek Empire in one swoop of his hand.

Crazy old Master - always the Bride's maid, Never the Bride.

Given some some good writing there could be a damn good future story line hidden in there. The Master has a proper reason to be so annoyed at The Doctor that HE got a new life cycle that the Master always felt he deserved and had always been denied.

12-28-2013, 03:28 AM
I feel we are not done with the Gallifrey thing yet. And we have several unresolved Time lords yet. Assuming we allow for Big Finish, Romana is on Gallifrey wherever that may be? BUT there are others. Where is Susan? WAS Susan really from Gallifrey. New Who has now clearly placed her there when the Doctor stole the TARDIS, but that does not been she was born there. And what of The Rani, and The Meddling Monk? Neither of those has the amount of honor of even The Master, and would not have just laid down their lives in the war. And, let's not forget the Doctor's daughter, who we know can regenerate. Sooooo...lots of Gallifreyan shenanigans to be got up to. And we know River will be appearing again in some capacity....

12-28-2013, 04:28 AM
Please let me know when we can dispense with

I think it would be especially poignant for the Doctor eventually to find out that his new regeneration cycle was not casually bestowed, not pulled off a shelf at the local Gallimart, but had to come from some sacrificial TL donor paying the ultimate price.

The need for a sacrificial donor would be at least consistent with some previous treatments (such as Trial of a TL), and would justify why TL's don't routinely increase their 12-regen limit.

By the way, is "new regeneration cycle" meant to imply a whole new 12-pack, or just a single?

12-28-2013, 04:43 AM
A regeneration cycle often refers to the whole "12-pack", as you say.

---------- Post added at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

What I thought was a nice touch was...

The Doctor happens to still have the Seal of Rassilon he took from the Master back in "The Five Doctors" -- which had been given to the Master by the High Council of Time Lords shortly after they had offered him a new regeneration cycle as a reward if he agreed to save the Doctor from the Death Zone.

12-28-2013, 04:43 AM
A regeneration cycle often refers to the whole "12-pack", as you say.

The bonus to the fans out of this event is that we will all be hilariously dead before we have to worry about the limit again!

12-28-2013, 05:11 AM
Yes, I believe he mentions to Clara 12 new lives...

12-28-2013, 05:41 AM
I've been a fan of this show for most of my life. I started back in the latter half of the 80's. Like Amanda, my Doctor is the 4th, having first watched it on PBS. I cannot recall my first episode, however, but the first novelization I bought was The Talons of Weng-Chiang, which I still have to this day, a little over 25 years later. I loved the show back then, back when admitting you loved a show like Doctor Who wasn't considered all that cool. I was in my teens during the wilderness years of the 90's, and not wanting to be considered uncool I let my interest wane, which wasn't all that hard considering nothing new hit the small screen with the exception of the 8th's introduction. I collected a few of the New Adventure novels which continued the 7th's stories, but I eventually gave it all up. I sold off my collection of 100 or so novels (with the exception of a few sentimental books such as the afore-mentioned Talons of Weng-Chiang, as well as its sequel, The Shadow of Weng-Chiang, and the 7th's final novel, Lungbarrow).
I've never even heard of Big Finish, and only just started collecting their audios these past few years.
And when the new series started up back in 2005, my interest had waned to the point that I wasn't all that excited in the least. I watched a few episodes, but it never really caught my eye again.
At least not until the third series, with a little episode called "Blink", and then in a big way with the return of the Master in the final three episodes. I decided to give the show a chance and went back and watched what I had missed. And I was hooked again.
I like it all, classic and new. Of course, I'm rather easily entertained, so even when I see the flaws of certain episodes, it doesn't detract from my enjoyment. I really enjoyed The Time of the Doctor, so I was rather surprised by all the negative comments over the past few pages of this thread. Not to say that I didn't agree with most of you once it was pointed out, because I admit the episode certainly had its weak points.
I guess I just subscribe to the old "even when it's bad it's good" clich�, that I have such love for this show that I easily forgive its mistakes.
Except for "The Twin Dilemma". I can't explain why, but I could never stand watching "The Twin Dilemma" at all.

12-28-2013, 05:54 AM
The bonus to the fans out of this event is that we will all be hilariously dead before we have to worry about the limit again!

... at which point someone will be wondering why Moffat didn't make it permanently indeterminate back in 2013:

Clara: How many regenerations did the TL's give you?
Doctor: Not sure. But there's one way to find out!

And speak for yourself. Some of us are still only on our first regenerations... :-)

Exterminate Me
12-28-2013, 06:56 AM
The bonus to the fans out of this event is that we will all be hilariously dead before we have to worry about the limit again!

I like how you put "hilariously dead"!

12-28-2013, 07:38 AM
Gatiss should never ever be show runner. With the exception of this year, his Who stories (much like his Sherlock stories) are never up to scratch.

Rubbish. The Unquiet Dead was brilliant & Night Terrors was very good. Even Victory is good for the first half. Nothing wrong with his Sherlock stories either.

---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 PM ----------

I loved the Xmas special, but it did not reward the casual viewer. I never thought I would say this, but Who is now as continuity heavy/audience alienating as it was in JNTs day. Great(ish) for fans but the audience are only watching because their kids like Dr Who - twitter was awash with comments such as "Dr Who has been sh#t since Tennant left", "I have genuinely no idea what this episode of about" and "One hour of nonsense until Capaldi shows up #endofwho #terrible"

Twitter & the internet in general is in no way a reliable meter for public opinion on ANYTHING, as the people who dislike something are for more likely to shout about it to all and sundry than those who were satisfied. My partner & I have spoken to quite a few casual viewers about the special, and the general consensus was that they liked it and could follow it fine, no different from any other time we've talked to them & others over the past few years. I'm not saying Who is perfect, or that the special couldn't've been better, and that some things would be confusing for people who only watch occassionally, but it's FAR from the only series on telly that is like that. Modern TV drama in general rewards loyal viewing - Who is no different. Would you expect someone to watch a random episode of, say, series 3 of "Homeland" and know everything that's happening? Frankly, I'm sick of the "it alienates the casual viewer" argument because in the main it SIMPLY... ISN'T... TRUE.

Rant over. Feel free to ignore me again... :)

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------

well IF Gary Russell [who has already been script editor under both RTD and Moffatt] was brought in you can rest assured that the Big Finish team will be close behind..
and apart from Murry Gold and Briggs who has been involved in every series from the relaunch? Moffatt?

A script editor is NOT a showrunner. Nothing like it. And Audio production is not TV production. Far from it. Just sayin'...

Second part: Gatiss.

12-28-2013, 07:41 AM
sure, we bitch about it, but most of us love it anyway. i've been remarkably scathing about the episode: didn't stop me watching it multiple times.

... and i don't much like The Twin Dilemma, but it's an awful lot better when you remove all the scenes without the Doctor!
not even kidding. i did just that, and now it's completely watchable :)

12-28-2013, 08:04 AM
sure, we bitch about it, but most of us love it anyway. i've been remarkably scathing about the episode: didn't stop me watching it multiple times.

... and i don't much like The Twin Dilemma, but it's an awful lot better when you remove all the scenes without the Doctor!
not even kidding. i did just that, and now it's completely watchable :)

Well, the less Syveste twins and the more Colin the better, I always say... :D

12-28-2013, 08:23 AM
The nan was apparently in Vengeance on Varos, a very, very long time ago.

There's a behind the scenes show floating around. :)

12-28-2013, 10:01 AM
hi, any one come across the second medic audio of kicking the bucket in murdochs red-top (throwing a 7 in the orb of light) D&Y%I*N�G "I+N& T^H$E S@U%N ? and now off to compose todays Times crossword.

12-28-2013, 10:50 AM
I don't want to die before Doctor Who ends.

12-28-2013, 11:19 AM
ok so here is my take on Time and..

oh dear
it was a bit of a mess really.

So many loose ends to tie up, and many of them done so with a single line of dialogue, (who blew up the blue box, the origins on the Silents (or is it Silence? never did get that straight in my head))

and what happened to "where no living creature can speak falsely OR FAIL TO ANSWER" (emphasis mine) to quote the the second big blue head the show has had. Seems like the Medic was able to simply not answer for quite some time.

The thing with the turkey seems like it was meant as a comedic highlight, but just fell flat; the "naked but with hologram clothes" bit - why? (was it simply a call back to MS's first ep?); the return of the "Cyleks", Eugh!; the actual regen. scene - a great way for MS to say farewell, but made no sense after he had exploded on top of the tower.

and if the homeworld and the TLs were "frozen in a single moment" like a painting as we saw in "day of...", where are the TLs breaking through from? surely they are in some form of stasis, held at the moment "all 13" took "the picture" (which for them I am guessing would be just after The Master rejoined then and 10 sent them packing from earth in "end of time"

but I did like the wooden Cyberman.

after "day of..." this was kind of a disappointment, but perhaps wanting two truly amazing special episodes in quick succession was always going to be too much to ask

And PC's last line..... what if he hasn't just no idea how to fly the box, but has no idea about ANYTHING? a new cycle = a complete new start?

but thats just my opinion

12-28-2013, 11:21 AM
I just wrote a big long reply about how i just want everyone to get along. Then i erased it. My sentiments often get misconstrued. I love all you people. I'm a life long fan, and this is my the only DW forum I even bother to read. Mainly because the audio adventures are my favorite of all the various formats for the property. I have grown to care for all the people who post on here and appreciate ALL their various opinions and insights. I mostly try to keep quiet, clicking like here and there, or dropping in with a "thanks" and quick note. I try not to post unless it's in the spirit of love, or i have some valuable/pertinent information to share. Mostly my off-hand comments are largely ignored. I am glad that there is DW, and that this forum is here. I ran here to hide once the big green imp shut down. I only ever want to offer my help and/or love to you all. Till "we are all hilariously dead" Happy Holidays. Let's look forward to 2014!

With that being said, here goes nothing

1st, I ADORE both Gatiss and Capaldi. Gatiss's "Lucifer Box" novels are a delight, as is almost everything he touches. Whether it be the outstanding "Professor Nebulous" audio series he starred in (Which i think most people here would be really into - Imagine a Quatermass show that was hilarious, with lotsa little dw nods and parodies), or his brilliantly splendid adaptation of HG Wells classic "First men in the Moon", Gatiss is simply genius. (Um, Adventures in Time and Space, anyone?, C'mon tell me you didn't like that!) I do think they give Mark G second rate directors on DW AND on Sherlock. His bad stories (this year's dissapointing ice warriors return) aren't that bad at all - they just aren't executed as well as the poorly written moff ones. I DID quite enjoy his Victorian adventure with Vastra, Jenny, and Strax, however.

I have watched Capaldi slide across the floor of the console room countless times now. He REALLY looks like the floor is tilting and he's working the controls as he slips past them while being slightly off balance. I'm not even going to bother explaining how or why that's sooooo bleedin cool!!! But I will say that I'm excited.

Plus, Chris Chibnall will be co-running the show with Moff. Chris gave us some of the better torchwood eps and S7's "Dinosaur's on a Spaceship". So here's to hoping he helps.

And Moff --- Denying the audience vital info, and then revealing it later, isn't drama or mystery - it's just sloppy story telling. PS - please get someone to explain technology to you.

Transmission ended. :D

12-28-2013, 11:25 AM
..... what if he hasn't just no idea how to fly the box, but has no idea about ANYTHING? a new cycle = a complete new start?

Actually, I think the questions we should be asking might be :
why doesn't Clara remember the Doctor regenerate?
why doesn't the Doctor remember how to fly the TARDIS?

There had been members of the Church of whosiwhatsit on board, after all.

12-28-2013, 11:42 AM
...and what happened to "where no living creature can speak falsely OR FAIL TO ANSWER"

you and me both. It's also rather a suspect reason for using a truth field. That particular question doesn't have a fallacious answer, just a bajillion erroneous ones.

12-28-2013, 11:46 AM
Plus, Chris Chibnall will be co-running the show with Moff. Chris gave us some of the better torchwood eps and S7's "Dinosaur's on a Spaceship". So here's to hoping he helps.

Lovely post jlatx (except for the dig at Moffat - I tuned out there...), but where in the name of OMEGA did you get that little nugget from? Surely shome mishtake, as Chibbers is busy running his own show right now (you've probably not heard of it, little indie show no-one watches called Broad...something-or-other. Temple? Synagogue?), so I find that VERY hard to believe.

Sources, please??

All I've read is that he may be writing an episode:

"Chris Chibnall, who has written five previous episodes of Doctor Who, indicated in April 2013 that he had been approached by Moffat to contribute to Series 8.[11] The subsequent success of his drama series Broadchurch, has led to Chibnall stating that, while still willing to write for Doctor Who, his schedule may mean it not being possible for this upcoming series"

Wires crossed, maybe? :)

12-28-2013, 11:57 AM
so all I want to know is.... if its a whole new regeneration cycle- does that make Peter Capaldi the First Doctor????? ;-)

12-28-2013, 12:03 PM
And Moff --- Denying the audience vital info, and then revealing it later, isn't drama or mystery - it's just sloppy story telling. PS - please get someone to explain technology to you.

i have a technology the daleks can explain first hand to moff, its called "exterminate"

12-28-2013, 12:09 PM
I'm not gonna think to deeply about things but I do appreciate Moff's efforts to tie up many loose ends- even if he's rushed it a bit.

I do like the fact that he gave us the McGann to Hurt, Hurt to Eccleston (sort of) Regeneration

I like the fact that he's given us a whole new regen cycle (and it fits in with Classic Who lore)- plus he has silenced (no pun) some of the more mental 'Who' fans out there that were getting so stressed about how many Doctors we've had so far

I like the twist that originally the Doctor was running away from Gallifrey & now he's looking to find it

personally I dont think the Christmas Special was the best ever but after the Anniversary Special it would have been a miracle if we'd had 2 stories on the trot that blew us away

12-28-2013, 12:24 PM
immortal painting man the london creature pt1

Download immortal painting man the london creature pt1.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

12-28-2013, 12:43 PM
Ok, lemme ask this. TARDIS flight was really rough on passengers with the 9th. Why? In Rose it worked fine. It seems as the series progressed, that flight mellowed some. Some. With the 10th, 'twas a lot smoother. After the TARDIS "regenerated" for the 11th the flight became downright smooth. For McCoy in the TV movie it was fine enough for collections of things, McGann had no such issue nor did the War Doctor. But the TARDIS is living, and linked to the Doc. Perhaps the beginning regeneration confusion for the Doctor really affects the TARDIS too, and the more traumatic the regeneration, the more unstable the ship is.

And, I think a reset of sorts on the Doctor's abilities is entirely possible, and interesting. We shall have to see. This would not be the first incarnation with amnesia afterwards. He was aware enough to comment on the new kidneys after all.

Some other general questions...

How does a wood cyberman work? Is there still organic stuff inside. Would it not need some sort of electronic interface? Surely at least the interior of the gun must be steel or the first shot would incinerate the gun? And the trigger mechanism/generator must still have had electronics. What about the optics/voice box. Cool image, poorly thought out execution.

How did the nun get **into** the TARDIS? How many people have a damn key these days?

If the War Doctor and the semi-regeneration of the 10th count as bodies, why didn't the 10th ever mention he could only do it one last time? It would have made his sacrifice for Wilf even more profound and explain his determination to run. Why not surprise when meeting the 11th? So you're it? Same with War Doctor. Not just so you're me. You're the end of me? Why no surprise from the 11th when a future version of himself shows up wearing an old face. If he's it, and he knows it, surely a "how are you me?" was warranted? What about the 6th Doctor, when he and Peri were locked in the powerless TARDIS? "Fine for you, you'll eventually die of old age while I will be doomed to regenerate over and over for all eternity"? Or at least for 6 more lives. Just get up and electrocute yourself a few times, there you go.

The Time Lords surely already knew they would give him a new set since he was there helping save them with all his other selves...

If 11th was actually 13th, as he claimed, why did New Doc say all 13 were there? Unless he was referencing 10th's non-regeneration regeneration.

In Impossible Astronaut, when he is shot, the 11th begins to regenerate. Why? I realize he was a machine at that point but why the charade? Just say, ah, that's the end? Surely River knows something is hinky? She claims his regeneration cycle has been blocked somehow. And does not seem at all confused as to why the regeneration started in the first place. And at that point she did not know the deal? Or did she?

So the 11th never does find baby River and even if he did, he could not return her to Amy. Why can't Amy and Rory hop on a bus to Reno and call for a pick up? Amy has the phone. Can they not leave New York??

How did the church get onto the TARDIS to blow it up, and **how** did they blow it up?

WHEN did the Doctor find out the Silence were priests. Or the ones from series 5 were renegades trying to stop him reaching Trenzalore?

How did he lie to the wooden cyberman about the sonic, when clearly he told cyberfool he could not lie. Seems he lied about not being able to lie and then lied again...

When did the TARDIS itself start just manufacturing new sonics for him? And the same internal scheme yet always new exterior? WHY? He built the original ones. He tried to steal Romana's superior ones. In one of the webisodes he meets himself taking River to the theater, presumably the night he gives her the sonic before she goes to the Library. Her sonic in no way resembles the 11th's. (mainly because when that episode was written the 11th's new sonic had not been designed. When they did design it, they still had not decided on when he gave it to her. And the webisode IS vague. But still...) And, it's internal program is different, with extra storage capacity. Did the Doc actually build a new one or did the TARDIS make one that would be able to specifically "save" River? If she IS in new episodes, will she and new Doc ever flirt or kiss? She said the last time WAS the last time? She lying then too? Why?

When did the Doctor become so VERY sexual? Geeze Louise.

So once again, the Doctor clearly counts his place in the regeneration cycle. And so does Clara who started at the beginning, which is clearly shown to be Hartnell's Doctor. Even though she could not see the War Doctor, he counts as a body. So in Brain of Morbius, WHO THE HELL WERE ALL THOSE DOCTORS IN THE MIND BATTLE? And speaking of the War Doctor, what DID he call himself. Surely War Doctor is close enough to Doctor to count as A Doctor? And anyway, the GI was screwed even without Clara. He missed out on the War Doctor too, so could not have eradicated the Doctor anyway. Well he could have killed all of the "Doctors", but not all the bodies....stupid much? They obviously knew where the story was ending when they wrote that, didn't they? They sure didn't think it through, all in the name of keeping the mystery going.

Oh so many more....

---------- Post added at 04:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 AM ----------

Lovely post jlatx (except for the dig at Moffat - I tuned out there...), but where in the name of OMEGA did you get that little nugget from? Surely shome mishtake, as Chibbers is busy running his own show right now (you've probably not heard of it, little indie show no-one watches called Broad...something-or-other. Temple? Synagogue?), so I find that VERY hard to believe.

Sources, please??

All I've read is that he may be writing an episode:

"Chris Chibnall, who has written five previous episodes of Doctor Who, indicated in April 2013 that he had been approached by Moffat to contribute to Series 8.[11] The subsequent success of his drama series Broadchurch, has led to Chibnall stating that, while still willing to write for Doctor Who, his schedule may mean it not being possible for this upcoming series"

Wires crossed, maybe? :)

Word here is Broadchurch is cancelled after series 2, but that's the internet for ya....

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ----------

Oh, and he often exclaims the phone outside the TARDIS is not a phone as it is not connected to anything (are you my mummy...), so why is he now using the exterior phone AS a phone? Why patch comms through that leaving him none inside the ship. WHY?

12-28-2013, 01:02 PM
you and me both. It's also rather a suspect reason for using a truth field. That particular question doesn't have a fallacious answer, just a bajillion erroneous ones.

The truth field didn't seem to be working properly at the end, anyway. The Doctor was sitting right next to the crack when he said (something along the lines of), "Don't worry, I've got a plan!" "I don't have a plan - they just love it when I say that!"

---------- Post added at 06:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ----------

[QUOTE=SmugglerTrev;2554447] Rassilon was able to pass on the power of unlimited regenerations & eternal life.[COLOR="Silver"]

That particular offer was a curse, not a blessing, a way to weed out those that wanted power only for themselves, and the 'eternal life' given, turns out to be entombed in the sarcophagus of Rassilon for the rest of eternity...

A new life cycle as a reward, is given in various episodes, including the offers to the Master, for using all of your 'lives' in the service of others. Therefore only a few of those who leave Gallifrey would receive this, and those who remain as 'monks in the cloister', would not need them - but what of the 'renegades' living in the Gallifrey Wilderness, do they too deserve 'eternal' life, or new lifespans.... or is it only truly reserved for those, like the Doctor, who shorten their own lifespan, with service to the universe and therefore need it - a healing, not a gift??

I doubt the deserving have much to do with it - there's nothing true & just about The Time Lords! They probably just give them out to those in favour or those who are more useful alive (like The Master during The Time War). I think the most likely reason they kept The Doctor alive is because they still need him to return to their own universe!

12-28-2013, 01:07 PM
Are you suggesting that the High Council would be a bunch of self serving, self interested egotists with a hidden agenda???? surely not ... no politician would be like that.... :)

12-28-2013, 01:38 PM
Oh, and if the 11th was at the end of his natural cycles, why didn't he begin to shrink down into a Yoda/Muppet like thing? :awsm:

---------- Post added at 05:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 AM ----------

If the Silence are priests, but still have that forget me quality, why aren't the nuns and security, support staff etc wearing those patches so they could be seen and remembered?

A priest hearing confession is for the benefit of the confessor. The act of confession is to relieve oneself of a burden and seek absolution and forgiveness. If you confess to the Silence Priest, you then forget you did so, you are still burdened by whatever it is you confessed and do not remember the absolution and forgiveness. What's the damn point of that? Stupid, stupid writing....

12-28-2013, 03:09 PM
Oh, and if the 11th was at the end of his natural cycles, why didn't he begin to shrink down into a Yoda/Muppet like thing?

He was getting shorter insofar as Matt Smith could fake being shorter, budget may not have been there to turn him into a muppet :p

---------- Post added at 08:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 AM ----------

His bad stories (this year's dissapointing ice warriors return)

Eh, I actually liked the Ice Warrior story up until they had him running around naked and being all sentimental.

12-28-2013, 03:49 PM
Oh, and if the 11th was at the end of his natural cycles, why didn't he begin to shrink down into a Yoda/Muppet like thing? :awsm:

The way I understand it, that thing is what the doctor would have become if he hadn't regenerated so many times.

tippy wooder
12-28-2013, 03:57 PM
so all I want to know is.... if its a whole new regeneration cycle- does that make Peter Capaldi the First Doctor????? ;-)


12-28-2013, 04:34 PM

First Doctor v.2

Just think, in thirty years people will be remembering with fondness, Fourth Doctor - Ryan Renolds.

12-28-2013, 04:47 PM
How did the nun get **into** the TARDIS? How many people have a damn key these days?

-the Doctor gave her a key, remember, before later taking a spare from beneath his wig.

If 11th was actually 13th, as he claimed, why did New Doc say all 13 were there? Unless he was referencing 10th's non-regeneration regeneration.

-why count the 10th twice? 10th may have regenerated twice, but he still had the same face, the same personality. Capaldi is still the 13th face. The 13th Doctor.

Too many questions and no reasonably sane answers!
I wish I had the answers to all those too, Amanda.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

sorry, I still haven't figured out how to quote previous posts.

12-28-2013, 04:48 PM
Surely at least the interior of the gun must be steel or the first shot would incinerate the gun? And the trigger mechanism/generator must still have had electronics. Cool image, poorly thought out execution.
the behind the scenes says "fireproof wood"..... ( I know, I know...)

How did the nun get **into** the TARDIS? How many people have a damn key these days?
the Medic gave her a key before he went down to the planet for the first time, remember the excessively silly "wig" moment when he got out his spare

The Time Lords surely already knew they would give him a new set since he was there helping save them with all his other selves...
or could only count and knew nothing of 10's shenanigans messing up the count

Why can't Amy and Rory hop on a bus to Reno and call for a pick up? Amy has the phone. Can they not leave New York??
you and me both

How did he lie to the wooden cyberman about the sonic, when clearly he told cyberfool he could not lie. Seems he lied about not being able to lie and then lied again...
he didn't. He says that he sent a signal, and what the signal was - all true. He just neglected to say anything about not working on wood. so Cyberwoody reverses the gun to reverse the reversal, but as it hasn't been reversed......
Doesn't excuse the "They just love it when I say that" line though

When did the TARDIS itself start just manufacturing new sonics for him?
Eleventh hour

When did the Doctor become so VERY sexual? Geeze Louise.


They sure didn't think it through,
Muffat in a nutshell

12-28-2013, 04:51 PM
so all I want to know is.... if its a whole new regeneration cycle- does that make Peter Capaldi the First Doctor????? ;-)

Wouldn't MS be the new First Doctor then – and PC the new 2 after his first regeneration of the new cycle?

12-28-2013, 04:51 PM
I mean, a town named Christmas? how did that come about? did someone leave a book lying around, like in that old 30's gangsters-themed Star Trek episode?

And with the wooden Cybermen, I found that the Tin Woodsman of Oz kept sprining to mind.

12-28-2013, 04:52 PM
But (and I do have a big butt after two Christmas dinners) if the turn over of actors keeps going at the rate it has done since 2006, we could well be looking at the First Medic v.3 by 2030.

12-28-2013, 06:12 PM
On the subject of the Wooden Cyberman; Maybe they just replaced the hitech metal components with other materials. So a wooden "chassis", ceramic components for the organic containment system, glass and ceramic optical computer (so no or very little metal). Few cast iron or bronze bits and bobs your uncle.
Plus it doesn't really need to have a long operating life. Sort of like a suicide mission cyberman.

12-28-2013, 06:15 PM
If the Silence are priests, but still have that forget me quality, why aren't the nuns and security, support staff etc wearing those patches so they could be seen and remembered?

And why didn't Clara try to kill them "on sight?" Surely she'd seen the moon landing footage...

12-28-2013, 06:28 PM
chiming in for a moment with my 2 cents... :D
I personally was rather let down with the episode...all that hype and then 'what'?! I felt it was disjointed, scrambling desperately to tie up loose ends most had forgotten about, (the TARDIS exploding) etc... although I was rather chuffed to see Amy's crack in the wall back. I thought Matt did an EXCELLENT job but the story itself was rubbish.

On the other hand my brother adored it! He loved that 11 stated he would defend the town of Christmas and then he did it! He spent the rest of that life defending the town and keeping his word. My brother loved that!

I'm an American, I don't understand the all the oh, American's didn't REALLY get into the show til Matt. Sorry, MY Doctor was the 4th Doctor! Introduced to me on late night telly by my Aunt in Phoenix during a summers vacation. Came home and scoured the local TV channels all three of them looking for Doctor Who, whereupon I found that if the weather was just right and I turned the antenna just so I could get a local PBS station and watch the great TB on Saturday evenings...then PD then, nothing.... Til, miracle of miracles FOX announced a NEW Doctor Who and I fell in love all over again! then, nothing... years, and years of nothing... then, while working a graveyard shift job, some coworkers started talking about this show they'd pirated off the interwebs about this mad man with big ears and a blue box! I chimed in and one of them started burning the episodes on to a disc and bringing them to me...excitement!!! The Doctor was BACK! I was never so happy as when first SciFi then BBC America started actually airing the episodes! tho by then I had discovered myself how to ferret out links and downloads, sorta... So, long story short, i'm an American and Matt Smith leaving is not the end of my world, haven't you figured out yet that our news channels lie to make big ratings! All the wailing and bemoaning is just the young'uns that haven't SEEN a different Doctor yet. Same thing happened when Tennant regenerated, people going on that Matt was SO young! and they would NEVER watch him!

& on another thread, Amanda has always been VERY gracious and helpful to me, she was one of the first people on the forum I reached out to in desperation when I first joined and was having troubles and I will always appreciate her help. I didn't know what RWQ meant either but I poked at it for a few days and figured out what it meant. I think its a genius way to keep links from being taken down almost as soon as they go up.

12-28-2013, 06:39 PM
Interesting Looshkin, I knew Chris was busy with BroadC, but I didn't think about it interfering. Maybe I did get my wires crossed. I definitely read somewhere (I believe it was in DWM) that the BBC had hired someone (thought it was Chris C) to co-run the show with him. BBC was definitely not happy about one season stretched over two years. For them, that meant a loss of revenue - since there were less DVD boxes for them to release. So they had hired a 2nd showrunner to ensure a total of at least 13 eps per year, no matter how busy Moff was. And i love Moff as an ep writer, as an idea man, and for lots of other reasons. But (and this is merely a humble opinion of mine), just because you're the best sailor on board, doesn't mean you should be the Captain.

PS - Thanks Loosh, nice to know someone at least reads my posts.

12-28-2013, 09:52 PM
Are you suggesting that the High Council would be a bunch of self serving, self interested egotists with a hidden agenda???? surely not ... no politician would be like that.... :)

I just think it's always worth remembering that there's no love lost between The Doctor & The Time Lords, no matter what the Doctor's formerly known as nine & ten would have us believe...

12-28-2013, 09:58 PM
Gary Rusell pretty much has been part of the TV production team throughout the majority of RTD and Moff's run

But that's not really the same as running a TV show when you've had zero experience beyond script editing. People don't get the job because there is some Doctor Who hierarchy in fandom you get to climb up, they get it because they've made award winning shows like Press Gang or Queer as Folk. They get it from the extensive experience in the TV industry and all the scripts that they've written.

12-28-2013, 10:04 PM

12-28-2013, 11:04 PM
Like the lady in white who Moffat swears is him mum but everyone else insists has to be Susan?

12-28-2013, 11:22 PM
But that's not really the same as running a TV show when you've had zero experience beyond script editing. People don't get the job because there is some Doctor Who hierarchy in fandom you get to climb up, they get it because they've made award winning shows like Press Gang or Queer as Folk. They get it from the extensive experience in the TV industry and all the scripts that they've written.

really? ask Barry Letts. Phillip hinchcliffe. Graham Williams. and even Verity Lambert ... they stepped up the next rung ... and Gary Russell was The Script editor... the show runner is a different job and so is the line producer... understand that while each show runner in the new who they have had a producer and exec producer...

12-28-2013, 11:55 PM
It doesn't matter how attractive Jessica Raine is, I still can't force myself to watch Call the Midwife.

12-29-2013, 12:26 AM
Like the lady in white who Moffat swears is him mum but everyone else insists has to be Susan?

Actually it's RTD that says that "I think it's the Doctors Mother, but the audience may believe what they like" - Which I always thought was an utter cop-out on his behalf. If he knew who she was (Mother, Grand-daughter, Hairdresser, who cares) then he should have put that on screen.

12-29-2013, 01:02 AM
I know we are all just desperately hoping he finds the crack, gallifrey pops out and HEY PRESTO Lala Ward is President.

12-29-2013, 01:11 AM
Romana could easily be President and yet not be Lala Ward, sadly...I always wondered if the woman in white wasn't Romana? There is no reason to assume that Susan ever returned to Gallifrey. IF she was really from there even.

12-29-2013, 01:26 AM
Fracture of Clara met her on Gallifrey almost.

Besides, Juliet Landau is Romana III now. :)

12-29-2013, 01:28 AM
Fracture of Clara met her on Gallifrey almost.

Besides, Juliet Landau is Romana III now. :)

Yeah I would be fine with Romana III popping out :p

12-29-2013, 01:55 AM
The second I figured out who her parents where I totally thought "Where the Hell is Space 1999: The Next Generation?"

12-29-2013, 02:19 AM
I know we are all just desperately hoping he finds the crack, gallifrey pops out and HEY PRESTO Lala Ward is President.
Romana II is President.
And Narvin is the head of CIA. ;;

12-29-2013, 02:50 AM
really? ask Barry Letts. Phillip hinchcliffe. Graham Williams. and even Verity Lambert ... they stepped up the next rung ... and Gary Russell was The Script editor... the show runner is a different job and so is the line producer... understand that while each show runner in the new who they have had a producer and exec producer...

Yes, really. Television production no longer runs on the 60s/70s model, so that's not really a valid point.

As for Gary - he only script edited Waters of Mars & End of Time, and a handful of Torchwood/SJA. Also, hasn't worked for the Beeb since 2012. Basically, it ain't gonna happen...

---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 PM ----------

BBC was definitely not happy about one season stretched over two years. For them, that meant a loss of revenue - since there were less DVD boxes for them to release.

Pretty sure at least some of the reason for the splits was financial reasons enforced by the BBC, but I may be wrong.

This is, after all, the same corporation who apparently forced the New Paradigm Daleks on Cardiff because they wanted something new to merchandise...

12-29-2013, 03:05 AM
Pretty sure at least some of the reason for the splits was financial reasons enforced by the BBC, but I may be wrong.
This is, after all, the same corporation who apparently forced the New Paradigm Daleks on Cardiff because they wanted something new to merchandise...

Yeah the season was pushed due to budgetary issues. They never clearly came out and said what the concerns WERE, but I tend to think it might have had something to do with the Olympics personally.

12-29-2013, 04:07 AM
I heard that everything across the board got cut 20 percent, even the magically profitable Doctor Who, becuase it wouldn't have been fair on all the other shows at the Beeb if they got a free pass.

12-29-2013, 04:14 AM
Okay since the Guy on the painting has a release schedule of one episode this week and another next week... How would you feel if LC released the Medic product - with 2 episodes weekly ... one with a rotating 4-5-6-7-8 schedule and the other with Early Years; and special releases.?

12-29-2013, 04:44 AM
Digital release is not the same as matching digital with physical.

They'd lose money on packaging, 4 jewel cases + four covers that have to be shot differently but gain money on postage if they tack on 20 percent for handling per unit.

12-29-2013, 04:45 AM
that'd be pretty amazing, but so would my winning a million in the lottery. amazing for exactly the same reasons i suspect.

12-29-2013, 06:32 AM
Yes, really. Television production no longer runs on the 60s/70s model, so that's not really a valid point.

As for Gary - he only script edited Waters of Mars & End of Time, and a handful of Torchwood/SJA. Also, hasn't worked for the Beeb since 2012. Basically, it ain't gonna happen...

The other thing to consider is that the show runner doesn't neccessarily have to be a writer. Running the show and writing the scripts are two completely different jobs and, as both Rusty and Moffo found out, trying to do both at the same time is very difficult. I think Rusty was better at balancing the two, whereas Moff is clearly struggling. I think he'd be better off doing one or the other.

The ringmaster at the circus seldom does any trapeze work...

Exterminate Me
12-29-2013, 07:39 AM
Interesting Looshkin, I knew Chris was busy with BroadC, but I didn't think about it interfering. Maybe I did get my wires crossed. I definitely read somewhere (I believe it was in DWM) that the BBC had hired someone (thought it was Chris C) to co-run the show with him. BBC was definitely not happy about one season stretched over two years. For them, that meant a loss of revenue - since there were less DVD boxes for them to release. So they had hired a 2nd showrunner to ensure a total of at least 13 eps per year, no matter how busy Moff was. And i love Moff as an ep writer, as an idea man, and for lots of other reasons. But (and this is merely a humble opinion of mine), just because you're the best sailor on board, doesn't mean you should be the Captain.

PS - Thanks Loosh, nice to know someone at least reads my posts.

Hey, I read everybody's posts. Agree about your sailor and Captain bit!

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

Yeah I would be fine with Romana III popping out :p

Which bit/s?

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

Actually it's RTD that says that "I think it's the Doctors Mother, but the audience may believe what they like" - Which I always thought was an utter cop-out on his behalf. If he knew who she was (Mother, Grand-daughter, Hairdresser, who cares) then he should have put that on screen.

Agree with you there Nobber!

12-29-2013, 10:12 AM
The Awe Deels of Cher Lok Homes covers extracted directly from the audio files....512x512 pixels.

12-29-2013, 12:07 PM
Actually it's RTD that says that "I think it's the Doctors Mother, but the audience may believe what they like" - Which I always thought was an utter cop-out on his behalf. If he knew who she was (Mother, Grand-daughter, Hairdresser, who cares) then he should have put that on screen.
Nah, Nobber. You make a good point, but RTD was probably smarter than Moffat.
Moffat would be a lot more popular if everyone was still shoehorning River Song into whoever they imagined her to be. Rather than a human made Time Lord by the Vortex conceived onboard the Tardis by the Doctor's future Mother In Law Amy Pond who had this strange forced preganancy. And oh, the Doctor had once been forcefully kissed by her in a rather incestual manner in hindsight who had been brainwashed as a child to kill the Doctor, but who the Doctor later loved unconditionally and married in Time Lord fashion, in a Universe which never existed. She later died in a most tragic manner, but the Doctor loved her unconditionally. You can kinda see that it's not going to be popular amongst every fan.

You've got the NuWho fans at war with the Classic Fans. Then the Nuwho fans are at war with themselves with the Rose Faction vs the River Song Faction vs the Martha Faction vs every Faction ever.

But RTD? That canny bird knows how to please ALL the fans.

The woman in white could have been the Doctor's Mother, Rose Tyler, Penelope Gate, Romana ???, Miranda Dawkins, Sarah Jane Smith, Charlotte Pollard or any person we could have imagined her to be. No one can attack him for excluding anybody's favourite character. He's a crowd pleaser.

12-29-2013, 12:21 PM
But RTD? That canny bird knows how to please ALL the fans.

Sure, he pleases all the fans by essentially changing Rose Tyler's character between the first and second series, giving us the Ten-Rose romance which is IMHO, the worst thing in fifty years of the program, saddles the strong, sophisticated, intelligent and beautiful Martha Jones introduced in "Smith and Jones" with an unrequited crush that makes most fans abhor her within a couple of episodes because she's Not-Rose, follows Torchwood: Children of Earth (the best thing he's ever written) with the crapfest that was Miracle Day because he had no sodding clue why Children of Earth worked so well (and he admits that), and then makes Ten's regeneration a maudlin festival of self-pity and bitterness that goes completely against the grain of what regeneration is. The best episodes of Doctor Who that were actually written by Davies were The End of the World and Midnight. The success of everything else he owes to other writers, most especially Moffat.

But yeah, apart from all that, he's perfect.

12-29-2013, 12:39 PM
i could see a digital release 1 per wekk and then a collected CD at the end. How would that sound?

---------- Post added at 06:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 AM ----------

The other thing to consider is that the show runner doesn't neccessarily have to be a writer. Running the show and writing the scripts are two completely different jobs and, as both Rusty and Moffo found out, trying to do both at the same time is very difficult. I think Rusty was better at balancing the two, whereas Moff is clearly struggling. I think he'd be better off doing one or the other.

The ringmaster at the circus seldom does any trapeze work...

Well it seems very clear that RTD had a better time of it with Phil and Julie backing him up; there seemed to be a trio handling things.... it seems Moff is the king in his land. RTD for all his foibles, shared his power. The RTD era was as much the Colinson era as anything else

12-29-2013, 02:04 PM
RTD for all his foibles, shared his power.

Not entirely sure I'd agree with that characterisation, it's pretty obvious from The Writers Tale etc that everyone bowed down to King Russ and that, in the end, was his main fault - nobody stood up to some of his lesser decisions.

12-29-2013, 02:37 PM
The Awe Deels of Cher Lok Homes covers extracted directly from the audio files....512x512 pixels.

Thanks Timevortex Much appreciated!!!!!

12-29-2013, 03:37 PM
really? ask Barry Letts. Phillip hinchcliffe. Graham Williams. and even Verity Lambert ... they stepped up the next rung ... and Gary Russell was The Script editor... the show runner is a different job and so is the line producer... understand that while each show runner in the new who they have had a producer and exec producer...

They stepped up a rung in the TV industry which wasn't what I was saying. I meant the some imaginary pecking order of fans who write. If it's someone like Briggs over a non fan with experience in TV, the non fan should get it every single time.

The idea that the show exists outside of the BBC and can only be run by a succession of fans is not how it works. RTD was only allowed to make it because the BBC wanted him writing for them because of his previous TV shows. It wasn't because he was a Doctor Who fan above all else. Similarly, Moff was the obvious choice of successor because he's written his own TV series many times and also has a strong understanding of TV production.

What TV shows have Briggs or GR written?

12-29-2013, 04:07 PM
What TV shows have Briggs or GR written?

Briggs has done quite a few soap-opera scripts. One for Ch5 and, IIRC, a few EastEnders.

I suppose it really depends on what we think a 'Show Runner' could/should be.

Personally, I think it should be a triumvirate of head-writer (eg: Briggs), head-producer (eg: Verity Lambert) and head-director (eg: Graham Williams); a perfect balance of those. A good writer that works to a production budget that's directed for best dramatic value for money. Like the perfect programme-management balance of quality:cost:time

12-29-2013, 05:48 PM
Briggs has done quite a few soap-opera scripts. One for Ch5 and, IIRC, a few EastEnders.

I suppose it really depends on what we think a 'Show Runner' could/should be.

Personally, I think it should be a triumvirate of head-writer (eg: Briggs), head-producer (eg: Verity Lambert) and head-director (eg: Graham Williams); a perfect balance of those. A good writer that works to a production budget that's directed for best dramatic value for money. Like the perfect programme-management balance of quality:cost:time

Briggs has also done a fair number of plays if I recall correctly.

That said, while I don't think he would be a bad choice, he would need a maximum Pepperpot.

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

saddles the strong, sophisticated, intelligent and beautiful Martha Jones introduced in "Smith and Jones" with an unrequited crush that makes most fans abhor her within a couple of episodes because she's Not-Rose

I have and always will stand by my view that Martha Jones is a much stronger Torchwood character than Doctor Who for this exact reason. It was a good opportunity wasted by someone who liked to think that the ratings could only come from the audience if it was a mix of scifi and romantic comedy.

12-29-2013, 09:12 PM
I have and always will stand by my view that Martha Jones is a much stronger Torchwood character than Doctor Who for this exact reason. It was a good opportunity wasted by someone who liked to think that the ratings could only come from the audience if it was a mix of scifi and romantic comedy.

Then why was the next companion he wrote completely uninterested in him romantically?

One of the frustrating things about fandom is when we try to ascribe certain motivations of the people behind the show because it fits the narrative we want to believe about them -- even if the facts actually make those motivations unlikely.

How about he just wanted to try to write different kinds of companion characters with different story arc and different motivations? Is that really so hard to believe?

12-29-2013, 09:18 PM
Donna was so fantastically uninterested in him that River just appeared out of no where creatively.

She wasn't asked for.

The writer just came back with that woman as something extra off the cuff.

12-29-2013, 09:59 PM
Martha was brilliant in her first 2 episodes and in her in the final episode of that season but even RTD accepted he'd written her into a corner so she had to go. I do love her "this is me.... getting out" speech. I don't love her "I'm bringing you home" speech the next season.

12-29-2013, 10:11 PM
Only now we have to deal with the sad fact that she's trapped in the 80s pretending to be a hip and trendy magazine editor.

She's just "pretending" to use all that cocaine.

12-29-2013, 10:35 PM
As there are more than a few Herlock Sholmes fans on here, there may be some interest in the New York Times article (27 Dec 2013) on the copyright ruling:

Sherlock Holmes Is in the Public Domain, American Judge Rules
In the more than 125 years since he first appeared, Sherlock Holmes has popped up everywhere from fanfiction
set in outer space to screen adaptations like CBS’s “Elementary,” set in contemporary Manhattan. But
now, following a legal ruling, the deerstalker-wearing detective is headed to another destination: the public
A federal judge has issued a declarative judgment stating that Holmes, Watson, 221B Baker Street, the
dastardly Professor Moriarty and other elements included in the 50 Holmes works Arthur Conan Doyle
published before January 1, 1923, are no longer covered by United States copyright law, and can be freely used
by new creators without paying any licensing fee to the Conan Doyle estate.
The ruling came in response to a civil complaint filed in February by Leslie S. Klinger, the editor of the
three-volume, nearly 3,000-page “Complete Annotated Sherlock Holmes” and a number of other Holmesrelated
books. The complaint stemmed from “In the Company of Sherlock Holmes,” a collection of new
Holmes stories written by different authors and edited by Mr. Klinger and Laurie R. King, herself the author of
a mystery series featuring Mary Russell, Holmes’s wife.
Mr. Klinger and Ms. King had paid a $5,000 licensing fee for a previous Holmes-inspired collection. But in
the complaint, Mr. Klinger said that the publisher of “In the Company of Sherlock Holmes,” Pegasus Books,
had declined to go forward after receiving a letter from the Conan Doyle Estate Ltd., a business entity
organized in Britain, suggesting the estate would prevent the new book from being sold by Amazon, Barnes &
Noble and “similar retailers” unless it received another fee.
Chief Judge Rub�n Castillo of the United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern
Division, rejected the estate’s claim that the characters and the basic Holmes storyline themselves remain under
copyright, since they were not truly completed until Conan Doyle stopped writing. The judge did caution,
however, that elements introduced in the 10 stories published after 1923 — such as the fact that Watson played
rugby for Blackheath — remain protected.
In a telephone interview, Mr. Klinger said he planned to go forward with “In the Company of Sherlock
Holmes,” which he said carefully avoided any post-1923 elements. He also praised the ruling for opened the
way to other creators, many of whom had previously paid licensing fees to the estate but rallied to Mr.
Klinger’s cause under the Twitter hashtag #FreeSherlock.
“Sherlock Holmes belongs to the world, and this ruling clearly establishes that,” he said. “People want to
celebrate Holmes and Watson, and now they can do that without fear.”
Benjamin Allison, a lawyer for the Conan Doyle estate, said it was exploring an appeal, but asserted that the
ruling did not imperil any existing licensing agreements, or the estate’s separate claims under trademark law.
Mr. Allison also reiterated the estate’s claim that the “highly delineated” Holmes and Watson characters
depend on elements introduced in the post-1923 stories, which remain protected.
“Those stories are set at a variety of points in Sherlock’s fictional life, not just the end of his life,” he said.
“They develop the two men’s characters in ways that almost any use of the characters depends on.”

12-29-2013, 10:55 PM
Not entirely sure I'd agree with that characterisation, it's pretty obvious from The Writers Tale etc that everyone bowed down to King Russ and that, in the end, was his main fault - nobody stood up to some of his lesser decisions.

No it is pretty clear that when he went to far they called him on it; in the confidentials a couple of times Colinson says well to original plan was... and i had to tell Russell umm no... and there were a few time when you see Julie interviews she was the one that asked about plot holes and such, it doesn't seem Moffatt has a person that questions him. Where RTD had a give and take with his team.

12-29-2013, 11:25 PM
... it doesn't seem Moffatt has a person that questions him. Where RTD had a give and take with his team.
SM changes the other exec producers to quick to give them a chance, RTD had Julie till the end...

12-29-2013, 11:53 PM
I think you need a non fan to take over, HOWEVER than non fan would need some kind of "Historical Continuity Advisor", ie a fan/expert on the history of the show that could make sure it all fits in with what has been established before.

12-30-2013, 12:41 AM
Then why was the next companion he wrote completely uninterested in him romantically?

One of the frustrating things about fandom is when we try to ascribe certain motivations of the people behind the show because it fits the narrative we want to believe about them -- even if the facts actually make those motivations unlikely.

How about he just wanted to try to write different kinds of companion characters with different story arc and different motivations? Is that really so hard to believe?
Why would Donna have been a love interest when Rose spent the entire season desperately trying to get back to the love of her life? Fans would have been outraged if he was two-timing on her when she was popping up every couple episodes!

12-30-2013, 01:00 AM
I think you need a non fan to take over, HOWEVER than non fan would need some kind of "Historical Continuity Advisor", ie a fan/expert on the history of the show that could make sure it all fits in with what has been established before.

This also depends on how we're using the word 'fan' in this context - Whoever runs (as in lead writer/producer) the show must surely actually LIKE the show and understand it?

12-30-2013, 01:14 AM
oh yes I agree, but the Moff kinda reminds me of George Lucas, as in the more popular/powerful he got, the less he listened to others, and as result his films became more style over substance, more visual but less actual story telling.... just like Moff and new who, in my opinion anyway!

We need a person who understands stories and how to entertain the masses, without thinking that EVERYONE who watches has an intimate knowledge of the past god knows how many years plot points.
Pepper throughout little knowing winks and easter eggs for the faithful by all means, but it needs to have a mass market appeal to survive.

RTD seemed to understand this in his reign, but I think Moff believes his own hype, and unless he alters his style next season, I really think people will start to leave the show behind, like they did in JNT's later seasons.

12-30-2013, 01:33 AM
...without thinking that EVERYONE who watches has an intimate knowledge of the past god knows how many years plot points.
Pepper throughout little knowing winks and easter eggs for the faithful by all means, but it needs to have a mass market appeal to survive....

Oh, yes. Most definitely.

12-30-2013, 01:47 AM
And finally for tonight, am I the only one waiting for the resolution to the last episode of the last series???
End on a big cliff hanger, trapped in the Docs time stream, big cliff hanger introducing Hurt as the Doctor....

Next ep, the 50th, starts with the Doc and Clara off on a jolly jaunt over old London town!

So we have this big build up introducing an unknown Doctor, leading into the 50th, and yet no continuity between the episodes!

Its almost like Moff thinks, "Ah well they all know Hurt is the Doctor now, cant be bothered to finish the story now I have played my shocking twist... I will just tell the story I want to tell now about my Eccleston replacement!" - not that Eccleston would have made much sense in that context, as its kinda clear that he has just regenerated in his first episode broadcast anyway!
Hardly the damaged War Doctor of the story we had!

So IF Eccleston HAD made the 50th, and Hurt was not used, Matt would not have been the final incarnation of the regeneration cycle, with also ties in with the 50th, as all 13 incarnations aided Gallifrey... should there not have been 14 then, as there are two that look like David?

Some say Moff had it all planned out, I say he makes it up as he goes along!

12-30-2013, 02:13 AM
it doesn't seem Moffatt has a person that questions him.

Prove this, please. REAL proof, not opinion or hearsay. I'm bloody SICK of people spouting shit like this when they don't know it's true.

Moffat is not the Troll King, he is not God of Doctor Who, and I seriously doubt he thinks he is*. He does not have Absolute Power - that's an ABSURD idea - he's just been made the public face of production, relauctantly, because that's the precedent RTD set. He is a writer (not a showman, not an actor, not a politician) that the BBC hired to do a job, which he's doing to their satisfaction, or he'd've been removed. A lot of fans may not like what he does, but I'll be a lot wont like the next guy either. Human nature.

By all means, criticise, it's a (mostly) free world - but if you're gonna say things like that, make sure you can back them up.

*And befoe anyone brings up the "You are erased from DW" thing - this is also not fully proven to be true, and even if it is - how many of us have said incredibly stupid things in the heat of the moment (often on a public forum ;) )??

---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------

I think you need a non fan to take over, HOWEVER than non fan would need some kind of "Historical Continuity Advisor", ie a fan/expert on the history of the show that could make sure it all fits in with what has been established before.

Last time that happened, we got Ian Levene - and we all know how THAT turned out, don't we... :)

---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

And finally for tonight, am I the only one waiting for the resolution to the last episode of the last series???

Never mind that, I still want to know who gave Clara the TARDIS' phone number? It can't be herself, cause she saw the woman, and it's not River, or she would've recognized her in Name...

12-30-2013, 02:26 AM
And finally for tonight, am I the only one waiting for the resolution to the last episode of the last series???
End on a big cliff hanger, trapped in the Docs time stream, big cliff hanger introducing Hurt as the Doctor....
I didn't get the impression they were trapped. Clara probably wouldn't have found her way out without 11 though.

Never mind that, I still want to know who gave Clara the TARDIS' phone number? It can't be herself, cause she saw the woman, and it's not River, or she would've recognized her in Name...

I'm waiting for this too. I don't mind some overlap. I didn't need all the loose ends tied up.

12-30-2013, 03:28 AM
And finally for tonight, am I the only one waiting for the resolution to the last episode of the last series???
End on a big cliff hanger, trapped in the Docs time stream, big cliff hanger introducing Hurt as the Doctor....

From what I gather from it, when he turns around with Clara in his arms, he blinks back into reality - they get on the Tardis and leave. Yes, I agree they just sort of left it hanging and could have cleaned it up with a minisode but..

12-30-2013, 04:07 AM
okay, so I've been trying to find a good quote, a clear description of the regeneration process from the series itself. But I can't seem to find one.
does anyone know or remember any episode of the classic series that fully explained that Time Lords had 13 lives, and when they are dying their bodies change completely?
when was it first even mentioned?

12-30-2013, 04:14 AM
okay, so I've been trying to find a good quote, a clear description of the regeneration process from the series itself. But I can't seem to find one.
does anyone know or remember any episode of the classic series that fully explained that Time Lords had 13 lives, and when they are dying their bodies change completely?
when was it first even mentioned?

Just look at pre/post regen episodes. It isn't something they ever dwelt on for years in the classic series, so there isn't really a need to look too hard. I believe Pertwee attempted to explain it to the Brigg back in his first story.

12-30-2013, 04:36 AM
Here's the script...

The Doctor Who Transcripts - Spearhead from Space (

Took a skim, too lazy to find the actual quote. ;)

Could the Nestene Intelligence pull apart a Cyberman or Dalek from the inside?

12-30-2013, 04:44 AM

I'm actually skimming through that site myself.

Found a mention in Deadly Assassin of the Master reaching the end of his lives.

12-30-2013, 06:12 AM
Reply to a moron

12-30-2013, 06:43 AM
Ignore button reciprocated.

Life's too short to deal with people like you who can't be bothered to have a reasoned debate, and rant and rave like a five year old with no social skills. And even if you're not reading this, doesn't make it less true. Grow up. But if you insist I decend to your level...

What a rude little prick you are.

I'll go back to trying to be civil now. Hope everyone else is well! :)

Exterminate Me
12-30-2013, 07:00 AM
I guess we're all just so passionate about the show we love :)

12-30-2013, 07:19 AM
Well, I still like you loose skin.

That said, this is the nicest and most welcoming of all the forums I frequent. Yes, we all love our show desperately, but we are able to poke fun at it and even recognize when it fails itself without much animosity toward each other, which is VERY hard in a fanbase like the Doctor has.

12-30-2013, 07:23 AM
I'm watching The Spa New Year Special.

LC's Hex is wandering around in nothing but tiny sliver Rocky Horror briefs.

They made a Dr Who Joke.

They make a Hammer Horror comment, there's an unnamed Doctor appearing from the shadows, and they ask "Doctor who?" and the nonce replies "No he didn't look like any of the Doctor Whos, he looked like Patrick Cushion" "You mean Peter Cushion." "Peter Cushing!"

Of course what probably went straight past these people is that Peter Cushing did play Who!


Exterminate Me
12-30-2013, 07:33 AM
Oh, I enjoyed Still Open All Hours, as well as the accompanying documentary.

My Dad would have enjoyed it. We used to watch together when I was younger.

12-30-2013, 08:29 AM
It was far better than I expected, actually, EM, even if Granville wasn't really Granville anymore. I think it'll probably go to series.

I just wish they could've cloned Dave Allen... :D

12-30-2013, 09:08 AM
That's like saying that little Robin might never Grow up to be Batman.

12-30-2013, 10:06 AM
... and could have cleaned it up with a minisode...

Please not -more- minisodes to tell parts of the stories. They even get lost because not all will end on the dvd's. Why not tell a good story and use the minisode-part as a pre-titles sequence.

I disliked how our 8th was left out the 50th in just a minisode. It was not even used for CIN like previous they used Time Crash. A regeneration in a minisode... Why???

12-30-2013, 10:24 AM
True. But better than nothing, surely...

12-30-2013, 10:33 AM
True, but it is his home planet, and he does have at least a few good friends/family members on Gallifrey. It's probably them he was thinking of when he got all sentimental, not the Time Lords in general.

Yeah, fair-play. That is entirely possible.

12-30-2013, 11:00 AM
Ignore button reciprocated.

Life's too short to deal with people like you who can't be bothered to have a reasoned debate, and rant and rave like a five year old with no social skills. And even if you're not reading this, doesn't make it less true. Grow up. But if you insist I decend to your level...

What a rude little prick you are.

I'll go back to trying to be civil now. Hope everyone else is well! :)

Well i'm not impressed with either of you. Looshkin , sometimes your comments do come across as quite blunt and rude, i Think you need to re read your posts before you send, say them in your head before you press the send button. You did start the argument be being quite rude but the other guy was rude back. Just saying so that peace can ascend. Put a full stop and if someone upsets you, scream in to a pillow instead of posting a reply. Silence is golden sometimes. I've learnt this.

12-30-2013, 11:10 AM
i don't think it's appropriate to get involved in a disagreement they have both found a way to solve goldie...

and i only hit the ignore button on one of them - the rude little fanboy comment did it for me...

12-30-2013, 11:12 AM
i don't think it's appropriate to get involved in a disagreement they have both found a way to solve goldie...

and i only hit the ignore button on one of them - the rude little fanboy comment did it for me...

thats fine.

12-30-2013, 11:56 AM

12-30-2013, 12:00 PM
Removed By ADMIN

12-30-2013, 12:02 PM

Glad to be of service, jawa buddy :D

(Not that I've any idea what they're saying, and nor do I particularly care. The ignore list is a wonderful tool - anyone can feel free to use it on my posts too if they don't like 'em, that's what it's for...)

12-30-2013, 12:08 PM
Because in the past, maybe before your time, there have been a few incidents of people blowing up and having a go at me for no real reason other than they wanted an argument.
The biggest of which and the most horrid was around march/april when I supported another member on here saying that I too had heard that web of fear/marco polo and enemy of the world had be found......

The abuse we got was horrid... the people involved got banned from the site, and I guess most of us have seen web and enemy now, so was it all worth it???

Stlll waiting for Marco though lol

12-30-2013, 12:09 PM
I miss Foe... :(

12-30-2013, 12:10 PM
I stop posting during an argument (one I wasn't involved with but was taking over the pages) and then 2 months later come back and nothing has changed.

Can't both of you just take it to a PM and stop inflicting it on the rest of us? I really don't care who is right and who started what. I doubt anyone else cares either. This is a great community, ruined by pointless drama and posts that appear within seconds of LC releasing anything, requesting the latest release.

Read the last few pages to catch up. Still like it here. But (and more light hearted than above) I am confused how people enjoyed Still Open All Hours? Surely a comedy has to raise a smile or at least be amusing? Was 30 minutes of cameo actors all popping their heads in and doing pretty much nothing. Some dated jokes thrown in and a repeated impression of Ronnie Barker. Awful awful TV with nothing to offer except nostalgia. I was so shocked by how bad it was.

12-30-2013, 12:10 PM
Glad to be of service, jawa buddy :D

(Not that I've any idea what they're saying, and nor do I particularly care. The ignore list is a wonderful tool - anyone can feel free to use it on my posts too if they don't like 'em, that's what it's for...)

Now I feel this really IS a sharing place now lol

12-30-2013, 12:12 PM
Because in the past, maybe before your time, there have been a few incidents of people blowing up and having a go at me for no real reason other than they wanted an argument.
The biggest of which and the most horrid was around march/april when I supported another member on here saying that I too had heard that web of fear/marco polo and enemy of the world had be found......

The abuse we got was horrid... the people involved got banned from the site, and I guess most of us have seen web and enemy now, so was it all worth it???

Stlll waiting for Marco though lol

Wait Marco Polo was found? Where was this? and how come knows knows about it?

12-30-2013, 12:14 PM
i think we'll get Marco, not so sure about web 3 - i don't think phil had it, and unless they've managed to find a copy elsewhere it's a lost cause unfortunately - at least for the dvd to be released early next year anyway.

puthkins - it's fine - a few people on ignore lists and problem solved :)

12-30-2013, 12:18 PM
I've been doing some work on the Crustacean Fright audioization this late night, currently 10 minutes into part 3, and wow am I noticing the differing audio qualities of the separate parts. And narration bridges that are completely useless, "Paul-E, Jame-E, and ME-dock help the other miners." I never would have guessed with the dialogue directly preceding the narration, "Come on, help us!" Hooray for easy bits to cut! This story as a whole has been difficult to cut down due to the background music in some scenes(though thankfully this is one of the lighter stories for BGM). If I was better at de-noising without ruining the quality of the audio, I'd be a lot happier with the first two parts. Putting an ETA @ 2-4 hours from now before it's done, and a little longer for compiling, packaging, and uploading.

12-30-2013, 01:40 PM
Aaaand done. The Medic and company head to a colony planet, but what lurks behind the scenes in this happy place?
<!-- -->

12-30-2013, 02:42 PM
okay now going back and reading some of his responses to others i see it wasn't just me.. mister loose skin gets snippy with anyone who dares critque the great and powerful moff i wasn't the first one he got snippy with or demanded proof \for an opinion. I stand by my fanboy comment. I apologize to those in the crossfire but don't automatically go to this guy's side it seems he has a history of jumping on people or belittling them if they dare comment about Moffatt or his intentions.

[i'm picturing a little fanboy stamping his little feet damning proof... "how dare you talk about Moff that way!!! how dare You!"

12-30-2013, 02:49 PM

Could you just leave it now rather than continue down this road? It's unpleasant to read and it's not really doing you any favours, you're making yourself look like the "petulant little fanboy" cliche that you are so keen to berate. This should be a nice forum to visit so can this please end?

12-30-2013, 02:54 PM
yes i believe it should and that is why i said my piece, when i make a comment about "it seems like that was what happening" and then i am told not to start shit and jump on, well maybe just maybe the petulant little fanboy [and just calling me one because i labeled someone else one doesn't make me one] that is so keen to protect Moffatt's purity needs to be told that this is a nice forum where opinions can be expressed.
Yes i agree it is unpleasant and the forum does itself no favors by looking the other way because he is in the "top clique".
Oh well back to lurking i guess opinion are meant not to be shared here unless you have a signed document approved by loose skin,,

12-30-2013, 03:09 PM
yes i believe it should and that is why i said my piece,

Saying your piece isn't making it stop though, is it? It's keeping it going. And I didn't call you one, for heaven's sake, I said you're making yourself look bad by this continued ranting. And at this point, I'm sorry to say, it is ranting and not just sharing an opinion. And your reasons at the bottom are starting to look a lot like deliberate goading and trolling. Stop now, walk away from this and get back to talking in good terms about the show we all love.

12-30-2013, 03:13 PM
Saying your piece isn't making it stop though, is it? It's keeping it going. And I didn't call you one, for heaven's sake, I said you're making yourself look bad by this continued ranting. And at this point, I'm sorry to say, it is ranting and not just sharing an opinion. And your reasons at the bottom are starting to look a lot like deliberate goading and trolling. Stop now, walk away from this and get back to talking in good terms about the show we all love.

oh by all means.... i just know better to now not to comment on anything moffatt related unless i have signed formes in triplicate signed by the Vogon poetry master.

12-30-2013, 03:23 PM
32 posts, no friends, 15 hours carrying on about the same shite... this is a DISCUSSION THREAD, discuss or find another thread.

Every time some-one starts this crap..., yes, the ones who like to discuss and share ideas as well as items, come out and ask in varying shades of politeness, for the thread to get back to discussion.... that doesn't make them a clique, your enemies or your willing listeners.... it makes them people who wish to discuss!!

First rule of discussion is: to have different ideas or points of view, and find a common ground or just agree to disagree.
Second rule is: Don't take things personally

If people here wish to lurk, good, want to call their friends a tosser, good, if they want to second guess a writer, a producer, a show runner... that's what a discussion thread is for

12-30-2013, 03:28 PM
Thank you --- maybe you should tell that to that guy... because all i said was : it just seemed that..." and he jumped on my an wanted proof of what i said....

"if they want to second guess a writer, a producer, a show runner... that's what a discussion thread is for" -- and i did just that ..thank you for backing me up.

[and the number of posts is because every time anyone says anything and they aren't a part of a core group they seem to get questioned...there is even a secret place for this clique. --yes having a secret place that only a few know about makes you a clique]

12-30-2013, 03:36 PM
Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got, and best Non-DW related Xmas pressie.

Best DW - A new copy 'The Beginnings' box-set. I'd somehow managed to scratch one of the discs and the box was starting to look a little tired around the edges.

Best Non-DW - The in-laws have booked us in for a thatching course over the summer.

12-30-2013, 03:43 PM
Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got, and best Non-DW related Xmas pressie.

I don't get DW related xmas presents, I have so much stuff that it would be impossible for anyone to get me something other than a gag gift - though this year I did get a Tom Baker scarf style dressing gown which is cool.

12-30-2013, 03:49 PM
Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got, and best Non-DW related Xmas pressie.

All the DW stuff goes to my daughter now. I'm just waiting for her to leave home to somewhere smaller ;-)

best Non-DW? tough call between new SPD pedals and the Stolychnaya infused with after eights...

12-30-2013, 03:51 PM
Best DW related is a copy of 'Doctor Who - The Vault by Marcus Hearn' A massive tomb but looks very interesting. It's going to take me ages to read it.

Best non-DW related is a complete black and white film developing kit. ( I have a collection of old SLR cameras and I am looking forward to getting them working again.)

12-30-2013, 03:52 PM
[and the number of posts is because every time anyone says anything and they aren't a part of a core group they seem to get questioned...there is even a secret place for this clique. --yes having a secret place that only a few know about makes you a clique]

The 'core group' here are the people that can debate things without esculating any offence caused, jumping in with both feet as you did gave the other participant no leelay to retract any offense (intentionial or unintentional) caused.

The 'clique' as you say is a group of people with a particular like-minded set of opinions, as in any social setting, one needs to be aware of the ways of approaching such matters with caution or get rejected. It's not a conspiracy, it's social cohesion at work.

The 'secret place' is a reflection of the threat to sharing material on an open forum, people were openly invited to join that place (or places as it was) at the time it became necessary to do so.

12-30-2013, 03:59 PM
Best non-DW related is a complete black and white film developing kit. ( I have a collection of old SLR cameras and I am looking forward to getting them working again.)

OOoo! Very nice!

---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

Stolychnaya infused with after eights...

Tell me more ...

12-30-2013, 04:29 PM
Tell me more ...

that'd be easier if I hadn't drunk half the bottle ;-)

12-30-2013, 04:36 PM
All the DW stuff goes to my daughter now. I'm just waiting for her to leave home to somewhere smaller ;-)

best Non-DW? tough call between new SPD pedals and the Stolychnaya infused with after eights...

My lovely daughter left home and we downsized to a two bed house, eight years later she came back home with two bonny grand children in tow.

Never had SPD pedals when I cycled in the 1970's, it was most uncomfortable if you needed to walk any distance in cycling shoes.

12-30-2013, 04:38 PM
"Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?"

To comment on a question posed a page or so earlier, a sudden thought occurred to me that perhaps the new Doc wasn't implying that he had forgotten how to fly the TARDIS.
Just that he wasn't currently in the right state of mind (and body) to focus on the task.

12-30-2013, 04:41 PM
"Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?"

To comment on a question posed a page or so earlier, a sudden thought occurred to me that perhaps the new Doc wasn't implying that he had forgotten how to fly the TARDIS.
Just that he wasn't currently in the right state of mind (and body) to focus on the task.

That actually sound quite likely, I'll go with that for now.

12-30-2013, 04:43 PM
"Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?"

To comment on a question posed a page or so earlier, a sudden thought occurred to me that perhaps the new Doc wasn't implying that he had forgotten how to fly the TARDIS.
Just that he wasn't currently in the right state of mind (and body) to focus on the task.

Or it's a set-up for a line like "You don't? It's a good job I do. I'm ... The Doctor!" *cue*theme*music*

12-30-2013, 04:47 PM
Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got.

British Icon Dalek (Union Jack Dalek). Got it this year, it is beautiful

12-30-2013, 04:49 PM
Best DW-related xmas present: My seven year old picked out a present for me for the first time (by himself) this year, he ended up getting me a Davros shirt. Might not seem like much, but as I have said, his DW experience is pretty limited, plus the sentimentality of him getting it himself.

Sadly/Hilariously, he got it in the size he would wear, so he really got himself a shirt. THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS!!

Best non-DW present: Someone at my work got me a little rechargeable usb phone battery. What a godsend that thing is.

---------- Post added at 09:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 AM ----------

Or it's a set-up for a line like "You don't? It's a good job I do. I'm ... The Doctor!" *cue*theme*music*

I think you mean;

"You don't? It's a good job I do. I'm.. /flipscarf.. The Doctor!" *cue*theme*music*.

12-30-2013, 05:02 PM
Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got.

Nothing compares to our pal Steven's gifting us with a taste of P McG's doc on-screen. Still enjoying the wow from that one.
(Yes, I count it, even if it got opened before Dec 25).

12-30-2013, 06:02 PM
Like I said, I thought and hoped it had changed.

See you in another 2 months. So many good posters are going to end up doing the same.

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got, and best Non-DW related Xmas pressie.

Best DW - A new copy 'The Beginnings' box-set. I'd somehow managed to scratch one of the discs and the box was starting to look a little tired around the edges.

Best Non-DW - The in-laws have booked us in for a thatching course over the summer.

Best DW was probably my LatE vinyl or the DotD Boxset. Very happy with them.

Best non DW was definitely my new record player to play it on! Wanted a nice old fashioned looking one for ages. Not 60s or wooden, but 80s hifi style. Had it in my head for ages.

12-30-2013, 06:26 PM
How often do they x-ray the Mona Lisa?

I've seen something online called "An Evening with Stephen Moffat" this morning.

There's a small chance he might be fully clothed for the complete duration.

Wouldn't it be incredible if the insurance companies figure out that the Mona Lisa has been recently replaced by a forgery simply because "This is a fake" is not written in felt tip (sharpie) marker under the paint and 500 years of dust.

12-30-2013, 06:32 PM
Just had a sober look at next months schedule from LC, some cracking stuff coming up. I think I will have my ears polished as a new year treat, just to get ready.
By the way, does anyone want the coffee ones from my tin of Roses?

12-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Gawhd no. Had one of those when I was 3 and it turned me off coffee forever.

12-30-2013, 07:16 PM
Does anyone have the latest Berny novel "F*i*l*t*h*y L*u*c*r*e"? Thanks in advance!

12-30-2013, 07:37 PM
I miss Foe... :(

Yes me too, I wonder where he is, I hope all is well.

I thought that perhaps he would have dropped in on us after the announcement of missing episodes being found, but not a peep out of him. I suspect that all the bad comments made about him from a certain ex member and the ensuing arguments drove him away. :(

Come back foe, we all miss you pal.

12-30-2013, 08:18 PM
Best DW related is a copy of 'Doctor Who - The Vault by Marcus Hearn' A massive tomb but looks very interesting. It's going to take me ages to read it.

You mean 'tome' ... I hope! :-)

I got this too, and it's a cracking read. I much preferred it to the look of any of the other retrospective books out there at the mo, although my daughter got the History of DW in a Hundred Objects book and said it was quite good.

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

That actually sound quite likely, I'll go with that for now.

I would have thought that too, were it not for the fact that we didn't see the regeneration. Both the Doctor and Clara forgetting sound much more fitting to what we saw on screen to me.

12-30-2013, 08:28 PM
my daughter got the History of DW in a Hundred Objects book and said it was quite good.

That is an excellent book and the Life And Times book by the same writers is equally lovely.

12-30-2013, 08:34 PM
New to these boards (haven't been on these forums in ages, and gave myself a moniker based on the belief that they were all vid-game related. lol)

Anyway, I'll jump in with the Q&A to help introduce myself a bit.

BEST DW themed gift:
4th Doctor 12foot long scarf (wanted one since I was a kid)
(If I had the funds available now, I'd get MYSELF the 11 Doctors action figure set.)

BEST NON DW themed gift:
Well, honestly, it's been a lean year. As such, we all made a pact not to exchange gifts, but my sister insisted on getting me the scarf.
(And my wife's sisters insisted on sending a few small items as well. So, I guess then the best Non DW gift [aside from the knit hat one sent me] would be that I have a loving family [who won't take "no" for an answer. lol ] ).

As to the point of this thread, I found it whilst looking for audio plays and audiobooks of THE DOCTOR, but the first few pages have old, nullified links.
While I like a nice, long read, more than the next man, I'm still a bit hard-pressed to wade through 836 pages to see when (if any) new, updated links (or torrent info) were mentioned/indexed. lol

Any help there?

Thanks in advance!
(and if I don't reply to anyone before then; HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!)

12-30-2013, 08:38 PM
The standard torrent is still around and can catch you up pretty well. tABb is good for newer releases.

12-30-2013, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE=goldie2012;2554762]immortal painting man the london creature pt1

Download immortal painting man the london creature pt1.m4b from - send big files the easy way ([/QUOTE

Manners gentlemen, manners, remember what Mommy taught us about those particular things?

Goldie, one of our favorite angels has been once again been kind enough to grace us with Part 1 of the paintey guy's newest adventure and four pages later I have yet to see one, yes even one thank you, one measly thank you for the dear lady.

Part 2 won't be out till Jan 4, is that what everyone's waiting for? If so that's not very nice and generally unlike the members of this site who are usually overwhelming grateful for all LC contributions. Nor does it provide much encouragement for someone to provide the next installment. Hopefully, the dear lady will forgive us for this indiscretion and come through for us as she so generously has so many times before.

Is everyone so wrapped up in their Whoian dialectics and polemics ( it is so critical to the world order after all) that they've forgotten how to show simple gratitude for some else's purely altruistic generosity? Even though Christmas is over.

I certainly hope not. I haven't. So here now a big thank you to the golden lady and a kiss on her Tardis for her delightful post Xmas gift.

And it's not too late for the rest of us to wish her the same - gentlemen.

12-30-2013, 08:56 PM
The standard torrent is still around and can catch you up pretty well. tABb is good for newer releases.

Not sure where to find the "standard torrent". I'm sure i can find one somewhere (a different site) but I was initially looking here.
And I'm assuming tABb means "the Audio Books board"?
I'll try to search for that as well.


(Oh, and I'm unfamiliar with GOLDIE, but it sounds like she did something wonderful. So, thanks Goldie. Maybe I'll check it out.)

12-30-2013, 09:02 PM
Not sure where to find the "standard torrent". I'm sure i can find one somewhere (a different site) but I was initially looking here.
And I'm assuming tABb means "the Audio Books board"?
I'll try to search for that as well.


It's ...


12-30-2013, 09:20 PM
It's ...


Thanks Nobber!
I just came across that link while searching the forums for "the Audio Book board". lol
All roads lead to Rome, as it were.

BTW, nice avatar.
The 6th DOCTOR's raiment always wibble-wobbled in my mind as to whether it wasn't too overboard or not (always leaned to "yup/ too much"), but seeing it on "11"... y'know... I still don't know. He might have been able to pull it off. Well, maybe at least once.

12-30-2013, 09:33 PM
[QUOTE=goldie2012;2554762]immortal painting man the london creature pt1

Download immortal painting man the london creature pt1.m4b from - send big files the easy way ([/QUOTE

Manners gentlemen, manners, remember what Mommy taught us about those particular things?

Goldie, one of our favorite angels has been once again been kind enough to grace us with Part 1 of the paintey guy's newest adventure and four pages later I have yet to see one, yes even one thank you, one measly thank you for the dear lady.

Part 2 won't be out till Jan 4, is that what everyone's waiting for? If so that's not very nice and generally unlike the members of this site who are usually overwhelming grateful for all LC contributions. Nor does it provide much encouragement for someone to provide the next installment. Hopefully, the dear lady will forgive us for this indiscretion and come through for us as she so generously has so many times before.

Is everyone so wrapped up in their Whoian dialectics and polemics ( it is so critical to the world order after all) that they've forgotten how to show simple gratitude for some else's purely altruistic generosity? Even though Christmas is over.

I certainly hope not. I haven't. So here now a big thank you to the golden lady and a kiss on her Tardis for her delightful post Xmas gift.

And it's not too late for the rest of us to wish her the same - gentlemen.

Well I didn't actually nab the said file, because I have ordered the set that comes out in January.
Goldie knows that if I had, I would have of course thanked her, as I have done in the past, as she has to me with things I have shared.
I agree that a thank you is in order if you have grabbed the file...maybe nobody has?? (yeah right, like I BELIEVE that lol!)

You have raised a valid point Buzzco, we normally do thank people on here....pages of it at times, seems odd that this one slipped by!
Maybe it was simply the time of year?

12-30-2013, 09:33 PM
You mean 'tome' ... I hope! :-)

Well I think I'm going to buried in it for quite some time next year...

12-30-2013, 09:40 PM
Thanks Nobber!
I just came across that link while searching the forums for "the Audio Book board". lol
All roads lead to Rome, as it were.

Sorry for being a little cryptic with it, it is one of my favorite resources so I tend to try to just nod in the general direction. Hope that resource helps tho!

12-30-2013, 09:43 PM
Sorry for being a little cryptic with it, it is one of my favorite resources so I tend to try to just nod in the general direction. Hope that resource helps tho!

but..but...BUT we like cryptic here! :)

12-30-2013, 09:46 PM
but..but...BUT we like cryptic here! :)
Yeah, I definetly blame you guys for getting me into it!

12-30-2013, 10:04 PM
Goldie, one of our favorite angels has been once again been kind enough to grace us with Part 1 of the paintey guy's newest adventure and four pages later I have yet to see one, yes even one thank you, one measly thank you for the dear lady.

I'm sure that Goldie does not share for the thanks and believes, like me, that altruism is it's own reward.

12-30-2013, 10:17 PM

...maybe nobody has?? (yeah right, like I BELIEVE that lol!)

Maybe it was simply the time of year?

Well 18 people have liked the post. So it might be the time of year or the fact that the board was quite busy and things moved on quite quickly.

Another thing it reminded me that the first five short episodes were given away with the LC podcast and I hadn't got around to listening to them.

So thank you goldie and the others who share here.

( I accidentally pressed the caps lock on the last line, if I hadn't spotted that it would have seemed extremely rude yet again.)

12-30-2013, 10:33 PM
Well I missed it, when she posted it however so many days ago, but then I am awfully rude too.

12-30-2013, 10:39 PM
And the award for best "That's-What-You-Got-Me-For-Christmas?!"-face goes to...

12-30-2013, 11:23 PM
that'd be easier if I hadn't drunk half the bottle ;-)

Only half - redskutter would be disappointed in you! :D

12-30-2013, 11:23 PM
Daleks are powered (sometimes) by the touch/handprint of a time traveller soaked in "time-energy".

Weeping Angels are soaked in time energy spitting it out of their hands at their adversaries.

Methinks what Rose triggered in Season one was an Angel Counter Measure... Although you can think that Dalek's don't blink, and that's fine, but those eyestalks are not their eyes, there are these green wads of snot under all that armour viewing their exterior remotely... "That which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel."

So Daleks can win a war against the Angels but to do so, they have to fight blind.

Which is the complete opposite of how Humans fight/survive Angels.

It's not "Don't blink" it's "Don't peep".

12-30-2013, 11:24 PM
That is an excellent book and the Life And Times book by the same writers is equally lovely.

It is indeed. Terrific read and gorgeously put together.

12-30-2013, 11:24 PM
[QUOTE=goldie2012;2554762]immortal painting man the london creature pt1

Download immortal painting man the london creature pt1.m4b from - send big files the easy way ([/QUOTE

Manners gentlemen, manners, remember what Mommy taught us about those particular things?

Goldie, one of our favorite angels has been once again been kind enough to grace us with Part 1 of the paintey guy's newest adventure and four pages later I have yet to see one, yes even one thank you, one measly thank you for the dear lady.

Part 2 won't be out till Jan 4, is that what everyone's waiting for? If so that's not very nice and generally unlike the members of this site who are usually overwhelming grateful for all LC contributions. Nor does it provide much encouragement for someone to provide the next installment. Hopefully, the dear lady will forgive us for this indiscretion and come through for us as she so generously has so many times before.

Is everyone so wrapped up in their Whoian dialectics and polemics ( it is so critical to the world order after all) that they've forgotten how to show simple gratitude for some else's purely altruistic generosity? Even though Christmas is over.

I certainly hope not. I haven't. So here now a big thank you to the golden lady and a kiss on her Tardis for her delightful post Xmas gift.

And it's not too late for the rest of us to wish her the same - gentlemen.

VERY, VERY , VERY Sweet of you. Thank you for being so kind. I would always share if I can but it's people like you that make it worth. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE , LOVE YOU XXXX

12-30-2013, 11:25 PM
Well 18 people have liked the post.

And that's as good as a thank you, surely??

12-30-2013, 11:29 PM
And that's as good as a thank you, surely??

Don't rise to the bait. Don't know if people have noticed but this user is a bit of a s**t stirrer. Let's make sure 2014 is a positive and productive new year. Loves xxx

12-30-2013, 11:36 PM
Well I think I'm going to buried in it for quite some time next year...

:D :D :D

Score one to Dormy!

---------- Post added at 09:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

BTW, nice avatar.
The 6th DOCTOR's raiment always wibble-wobbled in my mind as to whether it wasn't too overboard or not (always leaned to "yup/ too much"), but seeing it on "11"... y'know... I still don't know. He might have been able to pull it off. Well, maybe at least once.

I still want to know where he got it from - it somehow strangely works, doesn't it?

Oh, and welcome, BTW! :)

12-30-2013, 11:46 PM
Thanks Goldie for the Painted Dude!!!!!!

Thanks Nelsrelo for the Crustacean!!!!

12-30-2013, 11:50 PM
those that know me, know I like to get in there early
I'm out tomorrow so I decided to do it now

All the best to all of you- have a good one !

12-30-2013, 11:52 PM
Don't know if people have noticed but this user is a bit of a s**t stirrer. Let's make sure 2014 is a positive and productive new year

Your first statement kind of contradicts the sentiment expressed in the second.

12-31-2013, 12:01 AM
I still want to know where he got it from - it somehow strangely works, doesn't it?

Oh, and welcome, BTW! :)

Did I not say? Sorry. Thought I had ...

Doctor Who Shoops - Imgur (

12-31-2013, 12:12 AM
Your first statement kind of contradicts the sentiment expressed in the second.

You cut off' the don't rise to the bait' bit. Sort of changes the meaning. Right, I'm done. With some exceptions this forum has gone to the dogs abit. People sticking up for members who just criticise and are rude then blame others when they get negative replies. The friends I have on here , any shares I get ill Pm then to you. Farewell Shrine. It's been fun. Happy new year everyone xxxx

12-31-2013, 12:23 AM
I want Jake in Progress on DVD for next Christmas.

I look now and then but it's never any where illegally.

Christmas after that I want Goldie to stay.

12-31-2013, 12:31 AM
You cut off' the don't rise to the bait' bit. Sort of changes the meaning. Right, I'm done. With some exceptions this forum has gone to the dogs abit. People sticking up for members who just criticise and are rude then blame others when they get negative replies. The friends I have on here , any shares I get ill Pm then to you. Farewell Shrine. It's been fun. Happy new year everyone xxxx

I'm not sure how the first bit in any way alters the meaning of the second. I'm merely saying that calling someone a s##t stirrer isn't conducive to the hopes you have for the future. That's a fair statement surely? As for the rest of your post - Isn't that just a teensy bit of an over-reaction?

12-31-2013, 12:55 AM
John Hurt was against sex.

But the War Doctor unlike the rest, had probably spent most of his regeneration surrounded by Timelords and Timeladies... Which should have quintuplified his chances of making a love connection.

12-31-2013, 01:15 AM
oh cut to the song. It's getting boring

and changing the subject altogether

i trust you are all watching the 12 days of xmas specials over on the LC site? Some great bargains coming up :)

---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

Don't rise to the bait. Don't know if people have noticed but this user is a bit of a s**t stirrer. Let's make sure 2014 is a positive and productive new year. Loves xxx

sorry, but what bait? Isn't likes a way of saying you know, you like the post? No baiting at all. It's not necessary to post 3 pages of thank yous for anything when a 'like' does the exact same thing.

12-31-2013, 02:15 AM
There is only so many times you can flounce off and expect people to care, Goldie...

The internet is full of real life people behind the avatars, I suggest to those other people who wish to 'fire & forget' negative sentiments off, the criticism you receive in reply can be very personal indeed. We all have our own personal challenges and trigger points, be mindful of when they are being challenged, and step away from the keyboard.

12-31-2013, 02:43 AM
Talking of Doctor Who Scarves ... I tried to learn to knit once so that I could make my own.

The result?

Several (ah-hem ... lots ...) of balls of wool donated to a charity shop!

12-31-2013, 02:45 AM
Done with Destiny of 6, and on to Destiny of 7.
The repeated theme of receiving messages from the future Medic make me suspect it must also have happened in Destiny 1 and I missed it...?
It was admittedly a drowsy bus ride when I was listening to D1 and I might have dozed off in places.

12-31-2013, 02:50 AM
Done with Destiny of 6, and on to Destiny of 7.
The repeated theme of receiving messages from the future Medic make me suspect it must also have happened in Destiny 1 and I missed it...?
It was admittedly a drowsy bus ride when I was listening to D1 and I might have dozed off in places.

Now *IF* I recall correctly ....

He sent one back via a radio programme? I think! I've not heard it again since it was released.

12-31-2013, 02:52 AM
[QUOTE=Nobber;2556890]Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got, and best Non-DW related Xmas pressie.

The roomie got me the TARDIS throw. When the great-nephew saw it he got all excited "It's the Doctor''s house!" and immediately wrapped himself up in it. Giggly 5 year olds are so much fun!

12-31-2013, 03:03 AM
The roomie got me the TARDIS throw..

Ha! I wanted one of those, but SWMBO vetoed the idea. :)

12-31-2013, 03:13 AM
After all that I've forgotten who I'm supposed to be thanking....There was definitely a Goldie and a Lazarus and some others but I can't be arsed to go back through 15+ pages to find out who I got what off, so just consider yourselves all thanked and HAPPY NEW YEAR. XXX

12-31-2013, 04:00 AM
This is entirely un-Who related;
So I have been looking for a job for a little while, my current position is being outsourced as of the last day of 2013. For the last week I have had the flu, and finally got medication for it, which includes narcotics, so I am totally out in space.

So today, I got a call from the NFL for a system admin position, and I totally went loopy on the questions and pretty well screwed that interview up ;_;

Sometimes you wish the Tardis was real, and you had a whistle.

12-31-2013, 04:07 AM
Hi all, I don't post much or share much but here's a cool version of the theme many of you won't have heard
a B-Side from early eighties New Zealand band Blam Blam Blam, being as I am a fan of the band it's probably my favourite version besides the original, eighties space rock ftw! BBBDW - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared - chch jimmy ( ..provided I typed the crazy bracketed shiz correctly this bit is all in spoilers, how very very exciting

12-31-2013, 04:13 AM
Now *IF* I recall correctly ....

He sent one back via a radio programme? I think! I've not heard it again since it was released.

You do!

12-31-2013, 04:21 AM
This is entirely un-Who related;
So I have been looking for a job for a little while, my current position is being outsourced as of the last day of 2013. For the last week I have had the flu, and finally got medication for it, which includes narcotics, so I am totally out in space.

So today, I got a call from the NFL for a system admin position, and I totally went loopy on the questions and pretty well screwed that interview up ;_;

Sometimes you wish the Tardis was real, and you had a whistle.

Well that's a bugger.

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 AM ----------

Hi all, I don't post much or share much but here's a cool version of the theme many of you won't have heard

That's not bad at all! Gotta love that Prog Rock Fretltess Bass going.

12-31-2013, 06:32 AM
Ok .... question time ...

Best DW related Xmas pressie you got, and best Non-DW related Xmas pressie.

DW related - I got a DW 50th Anniversary phone cover for my iPhone 5. It's pretty cool and has all the doctors on the back of it (except the War Doctor and Capaldi). It is a pity that I live in a country where few people know about the show though, but I still like it very much.

Non-DW related - a Fran�ois Truffaut book about all the films he ever made.

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

[QUOTE=goldie2012;2554762]immortal painting man the london creature pt1

Download immortal painting man the london creature pt1.m4b from - send big files the easy way ([/QUOTE

Manners gentlemen, manners, remember what Mommy taught us about those particular things?

Goldie, one of our favorite angels has been once again been kind enough to grace us with Part 1 of the paintey guy's newest adventure and four pages later I have yet to see one, yes even one thank you, one measly thank you for the dear lady.

Part 2 won't be out till Jan 4, is that what everyone's waiting for? If so that's not very nice and generally unlike the members of this site who are usually overwhelming grateful for all LC contributions. Nor does it provide much encouragement for someone to provide the next installment. Hopefully, the dear lady will forgive us for this indiscretion and come through for us as she so generously has so many times before.

Is everyone so wrapped up in their Whoian dialectics and polemics ( it is so critical to the world order after all) that they've forgotten how to show simple gratitude for some else's purely altruistic generosity? Even though Christmas is over.

I certainly hope not. I haven't. So here now a big thank you to the golden lady and a kiss on her Tardis for her delightful post Xmas gift.

And it's not too late for the rest of us to wish her the same - gentlemen.

Thank you Goldie. I really appreciate all your generosity. Wish you and all the members of this board a safe and prosperous New Year.

12-31-2013, 07:14 AM
Yes me too, I wonder where he is, I hope all is well.

I thought that perhaps he would have dropped in on us after the announcement of missing episodes being found, but not a peep out of him. I suspect that all the bad comments made about him from a certain ex member and the ensuing arguments drove him away. :(

Come back foe, we all miss you pal.

Perhaps he went back to the future? In which case, if we wait long enough, maybe we'll catch up with him. :)

12-31-2013, 08:19 AM
32 posts, no friends, 15 hours carrying on about the same shite... this is a DISCUSSION THREAD, discuss or find another thread.

Every time some-one starts this crap..., yes, the ones who like to discuss and share ideas as well as items, come out and ask in varying shades of politeness, for the thread to get back to discussion.... that doesn't make them a clique, your enemies or your willing listeners.... it makes them people who wish to discuss!!

First rule of discussion is: to have different ideas or points of view, and find a common ground or just agree to disagree.
Second rule is: Don't take things personally

If people here wish to lurk, good, want to call their friends a tosser, good, if they want to second guess a writer, a producer, a show runner... that's what a discussion thread is for
I will point out, as a person who started this rolling, that this is NOT a discussion thread. It is a download thread. According to site rules, if it is a discussion thread it must be moved out of the download forum and to the General Discussion forum. Of course, though, download links are not allowed in discussion threads. Any more than random discussion is supposed to be in download threads. IF you guys read the actual rules you'd know this. I only mention it because you keep yelling at folks that this is a discussion thread....errr....which it technically isn't supposed to be....

---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

The 'core group' here are the people that can debate things without esculating any offence caused, jumping in with both feet as you did gave the other participant no leelay to retract any offense (intentionial or unintentional) caused.

The 'clique' as you say is a group of people with a particular like-minded set of opinions, as in any social setting, one needs to be aware of the ways of approaching such matters with caution or get rejected. It's not a conspiracy, it's social cohesion at work.

The 'secret place' is a reflection of the threat to sharing material on an open forum, people were openly invited to join that place (or places as it was) at the time it became necessary to do so.

The links are required to be posted IN THIS THREAD for ALL members, not a "core" group.

12-31-2013, 08:31 AM
I will point out, as a person who started this rolling, that this is NOT a discussion thread. It is a download thread. According to site rules, if it is a discussion thread it must be moved out of the download forum and to the General Discussion forum. Of course, though, download links are not allowed in discussion threads. Any more than random discussion is supposed to be in download threads. IF you guys read the actual rules you'd know this. I only mention it because you keep yelling at folks that this is a discussion thread....errr....which it technically isn't supposed to be....

---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

The links are required to be posted IN THIS THREAD for ALL members, not a "core" group.'

the links ARE posted in this thread for all members not just a core group. Anyone who asks for assistance to find the links is given assistance, although, if the thread is moving quickly their initial request might be missed and they may need to ask again. The so-called 'core-group' simply refers to the people who post in here as opposed to those who only lurk. The method for posting the links has preserved the links far longer than had been previously happening and is actually making them available to more people, as they are not quickly taken down by outside influences.
It had reached the point where links were lucky to last an hour, now they might last a week, or longer, thus allowing more people to access the items posted. It's not perfect, but it's certainly better than it was, and the links have some protection.

12-31-2013, 08:48 AM
Which is not true as I have tried and tried to get links and been pretty much ignored. My name is on the first post so I am who gets pm's asking for links, which I obviously cannot give. It does not matter what your reasons for the turn around is, you are breaking site rules. That is all I am saying. You act as if this thread operates in a different zone than the rest and it does not. The same rules apply to this thread as the rest of the forum. THAT is the pont I am trying to make. THAT is the discussion I am having with admin about you guys.

---------- Post added at 12:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ----------

I get links get taken down fast. They do for other threads too. That does not change the basic rule of the site. Just be glad that those that be have not asked for a ban on the audios being shared, as happened with Big Finish and Varese Sarabande. THEN you really would have to get creative.

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

And frankly, there IS a set group of regular posters who are keen on telling other posters - noobs or not - what this thread is supposed to be. Problem is, this group generally is just making it up amongst themselves and not basing it on any site rules. You do realize that before I posted this thread, audio adventures did not even exist as such on the forum? I asked for permission to open this. I asked for permission to post audios. You seem to take it as a given and make up "what it's about" as you go along. And draw blood from each other over things like whether one showrunner is better than the other. You guys are worse than trekies about that. The thread was created exclusively for the posting of audo adventures. NOT music. There is a thread for that. NOT discussion as there is a thread for that. By site rules this is for download links of Doctor Who audio adventures only.

12-31-2013, 08:56 AM
I honestly haven't seen posts from you asking for links. If i did, and i had the item requested, and i had sufficient net (very limited quota atm) and i wasn't beaten to it by others, i would, and do, post links. Not often, as i am usually beaten to it, but I do. If you are asking via PM then perhaps you aren't asking people who have the items you are looking for.
I often see requests on here, and while sometimes they might take a while to be fulfilled (depending on who is online, who has what they are asking for etc), it is rare for someone to not be able to help. Sometimes, if the thread is moving quickly, people need to ask again, but that's unavoidable. Not every post is seen by everyone.

We really are just trying to keep the links live for as long as possible, and tried a lot of different things before we found a way that helped. Our method also (hopefully) helps to protect those who post the links as well as the site in general.

12-31-2013, 08:59 AM
It is also not a request thread. There is a request thread for that. No Matter, I copy and paste everyone of these posts to admin, and present my argument. They will do whatever they want. No big.

I have yet, even once, in over a year, got a single link from here. Just saying. I get pm's from members almost daily asking where to find the links here. I have no answers. Just saying. I am not the only one turned away and confused.

12-31-2013, 09:00 AM
I haven't received any PMs either. But then, I don't have very much. Still, here's what I do have. Even I don't know what everything is. Explore and enjoy! - online file sharing and storage (

12-31-2013, 09:08 AM
And I have to laugh when I see folks tell other folks what this thread is or is not. It's funny as hell. You get the irony of it, right? Of people telling me what the thread is for? It's funny, right?

---------- Post added at 01:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

I've said this before, but I'll tell you a secret. My take on Classic who vs New Who. Moffet vs RTD. I don't care. Here's the thing. There are new weekly episodes of Doctor Who, ON TV, right now. A surge in popularity world wide. Before 2005...nadda. Zippo. So, I for one, am just content to sit and watch, and see where it goes. I just want to enjoy the ride. I don't care if moffet sits naked on a cushion throne carried by 33 virgin man servants. As long as new stories get made, good on him. I don't wanna know about personal lives, egos, experience, personalities, set tribulations etc. I don't care. Gimme the story and about everything else, shut up. Just how I see it, of course.

12-31-2013, 09:12 AM
I've said this before, but I'll tell you a secret. My take on Classic who vs New Who. Moffet vs RTD. I don't care. Here's the thing. There are new weekly episodes of Doctor Who, ON TV, right now. A surge in popularity world wide. Before 2005...nadda. Zippo. So, I for one, am just content to sit and watch, and see where it goes. I just want to enjoy the ride. I don't care if moffet sits naked on a cushion throne carried by 33 virgin man servants. As long as new stories get made, good on him. I don't wanna know about personal lives, egos, experience, personalities, set tribulations etc. I don't care. Gimme the story and about everything else, shut up. Just how I see it, of course.
Pretty much echoes my sentiments on the matter. I'm just glad to be enjoying more of a wonderfully insane and ever-changing mythology. :)

12-31-2013, 09:27 AM
As far as I am concerned, this is how I see the X-Mas special. Smith was leaving. We needed a farewell story/reason to regenerate. We are also nearing the end of the wholly arbitrarily set regeneration limit. (written in a throwaway matter for an old episode decades before anyone had any dream of still going 50 years in, dig?). So what to do? Ignore the limit, piss it away like so much other "continuity", (and I use that term lightly), or face it head on? The fans have been yammering on about "what it all means" for years. So, they dealt with it head on. They gave us a Doctor who aged all the way through to a natural end. **wow**. The addressed the limit and reset it. That was the only function of the story. By the way, it is not the first artificially reset regeneration anyway. His regeneration has been forced by time lords (2nd Doc), more time Lords (3rd to 4th regeneration), by River)...etc. It is a crap shoot what causes it and how it happens. (WHY did the 6th regenerate again? A bump to the head was it?) As loopy as the show was, it did what it needed. It tied up a lot of stuff simmering on the back burner. It gave a nice shove-off to Smith. And, with an all new cycle, new face, fairly new companion and no damn back story arcs, the new Doc can be free again to just wander and have adventures. Even the sad Gallifrey face. He may still long for it, but he knows it is not burned, nor is it "frozen". They are actively looking for a way back, they actively sent for his help, and the actively helped him. all in all things look like they could get lighter, more fun and less serious. maybe.

12-31-2013, 09:37 AM
I have yet, even once, in over a year, got a single link from here. Just saying. I get pm's from members almost daily asking where to find the links here. I have no answers. Just saying. I am not the only one turned away and confused.

I would like to politely point out that every single time anyone asks where the link is (often phrased as 'what is rwq'), they are immediately told how to find the links. Nothing is hidden. We've merely put a perception filter on it. I've yet to ever see a release come and go without at least one link being posted here. Everything is available shortly after it is available. Most reasonable requests for older stuff do get filled. Large amounts of request get pointed to torrents or other appropriate sites where mass dl'd can occur far easier than we could ever safely maintain.

We have often speculated that some human from LC is watching this thread but that hardly seems possible when it's so easy to find everything that is posted here. We also like to think that the fact you have to wade through pages of discussion, off topic requests, thanks, consolation posts, and even arguing are what make this thread so secure. If we had a separate thread whose sole existence was the posting of links... How long would it last? It is very easy to find this thread. BF might not be bothered to slog through this to shut us down link by link simply because of the time involved. Create a separate page for dls only and it would be like setting up a string of dominoes.

12-31-2013, 09:51 AM
I would like to politely point out that every single time anyone asks where the link is (often phrased as 'what is rwq'), they are immediately told how to find the links. Nothing is hidden. We've merely put a perception filter on it. I've yet to ever see a release come and go without at least one link being posted here. Everything is available shortly after it is available. Most reasonable requests for older stuff do get filled. Large amounts of request get pointed to torrents or other appropriate sites where mass dl'd can occur far easier than we could ever safely maintain.

We have often speculated that some human from LC is watching this thread but that hardly seems possible when it's so easy to find everything that is posted here. We also like to think that the fact you have to wade through pages of discussion, off topic requests, thanks, consolation posts, and even arguing are what make this thread so secure. If we had a separate thread whose sole existence was the posting of links... How long would it last? It is very easy to find this thread. BF might not be bothered to slog through this to shut us down link by link simply because of the time involved. Create a separate page for dls only and it would be like setting up a string of dominoes.

What you would like to think does not matter. This thread was created, by me, specifically for download links. With permission from admin. It is in the download section, and so is not SUPPOSED to be used as a discussion thread. Also, linking to torrents or sites out of the forum for downloading is also not generally allowed by the site rules. I am telling you what the rules say. You respond by giving an opinion on what you think should be, which does not matter, because the rules state otherwise. All threads in the dl sections are supposed to be exclusively for dls only. THAT'S JUST THE DEAL.

We know well about spies. We know varese watches the forum. We know members of the FSM board watch the forum. Even so, we are required to follow the set rules, as are you.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 AM ----------

I would not have cared as much, but then I read like 3 pages of this silly ass fight and blood letting about whether or not we are allowed to criticise moffet, or speculate about things without facts. Then folks started exclaiming this was a discussion thread and to keep it as such. Which is a completely false statement.....

12-31-2013, 10:01 AM
I just want to say thank you to all who have posted in 2013, there have also been some amazing shares and a heartwarming reduction in my wants list (gotta get em all).

The energy in this thread is something to behold. Thanks one and all and a Happy New Year and a joyous 2014 to you every single one of you.

P.S. My all time favourite Dr Who related x-mas present was a copy of "Revenge of the Cybermen" when it came out on video all those many years ago. My brother bought it for me and hid it inside the box of a wine-making kit. Imagine my initial reaction (not that i don't like wine - but you know - its not Dr Who) and then how pleased I was when I opened it :) I'd watched it twice by the end of the day - now that was a special x-mas :)

12-31-2013, 10:28 AM
Is there any chance of anyone posting Fate of the Medic 9 and 10 please? I'd be really grateful if someone could. Thanks.

12-31-2013, 10:42 AM
What you would like to think does not matter. This thread was created, by me, specifically for download links. With permission from admin. It is in the download section, and so is not SUPPOSED to be used as a discussion thread. Also, linking to torrents or sites out of the forum for downloading is also not generally allowed by the site rules. I am telling you what the rules say. You respond by giving an opinion on what you think should be, which does not matter, because the rules state otherwise. All threads in the dl sections are supposed to be exclusively for dls only. THAT'S JUST THE DEAL.

We know well about spies. We know varese watches the forum. We know members of the FSM board watch the forum. Even so, we are required to follow the set rules, as are you.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 AM ----------

I would not have cared as much, but then I read like 3 pages of this silly ass fight and blood letting about whether or not we are allowed to criticise moffet, or speculate about things without facts. Then folks started exclaiming this was a discussion thread and to keep it as such. Which is a completely false statement.....
Please try to read my comments as neutrally as possible. I don't usually write to incite anger and this certainly is no exception.

The emphasis of my post should have been on the first half. Simply, that everything is available here. I thought that was the main point in your disagreement with the thread. Sorry for the confusion. You're right, my opinion is just that. However, and again I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just making an observation, the admins have only rarely appeared on this thread. That unfortunate banning some months ago. They seem to be aware that this thread doesn't conform to the rules. Never has, to be honest. They seem to be content to let us go about our business.

12-31-2013, 10:54 AM
[QUOTE=goldie2012;2554762]immortal painting man the london creature


12-31-2013, 10:55 AM
I expect this is what you want Ravinder80

Fate of the Medic 09_10:

DOTD 09 >><<

DOTD 10 >><<

Just to keep the seasonal spirit of goodwill going...

Happy New Year everyone.

12-31-2013, 10:59 AM

12-31-2013, 11:11 AM
Sorry I know this is a thread for downloads and not discussions but I just wanted to wish people a Happy New Year and I will see people on the other place.

12-31-2013, 11:15 AM
Sorry I know this is a thread for downloads and not discussions but I just wanted to wish people a Happy New Year and I will see people on the other place.

That you will my friend, that you will....
and happy new year to all my friends on here too!

12-31-2013, 11:16 AM
Sorry I know this is a thread for downloads and not discussions but I just wanted to wish people a Happy New Year and I will see people on the other place.

In the wrong context, that sounds almost like a death threat.

12-31-2013, 11:18 AM
In the wrong context, that sounds almost like a death threat.

well maybe its the death rattle of this place..... lol

Is that the cloister bell I hear????

12-31-2013, 11:27 AM
Please try to read my comments as neutrally as possible. I don't usually write to incite anger and this certainly is no exception.

The emphasis of my post should have been on the first half. Simply, that everything is available here. I thought that was the main point in your disagreement with the thread. Sorry for the confusion. You're right, my opinion is just that. However, and again I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just making an observation, the admins have only rarely appeared on this thread. That unfortunate banning some months ago. They seem to be aware that this thread doesn't conform to the rules. Never has, to be honest. They seem to be content to let us go about our business.

Admins will be admins, and do not usually interfere, no. Anyhoo, Ambien is upon me and I will not be able to form any reasonable thoughts, so I am done for now....

12-31-2013, 12:14 PM
Thanks Dormy for the Fate of the Medic items! It's very much appreciated.

12-31-2013, 12:23 PM
well maybe its the death rattle of this place..... lol
I hope not. :(

12-31-2013, 01:09 PM
Never seen Amanda post or ask for a link, ever. But hey, point made and it is her thread.

Shame, this was a nice active community with some good stuff and great people.

Bye all.

12-31-2013, 01:11 PM
Never seen Amanda post or ask for a link, ever. But hey, point made and it is her thread.

Shame, this was a nice active community with some good stuff and great people.

Bye all.

It does seem like it's time to move on...

12-31-2013, 01:23 PM
And this is for Amanda, because of all she's done for us.
Doctor Who Official on Tumblr - TARDIS Ring patheticperipatetic: I was bored... (

Sorry, not for sale. All I could afford was the gif. But, I was thinking of her contributions.

12-31-2013, 01:25 PM
It does seem like it's time to move on...

It had lost its charm already. A happy group who shared links with pretty much anyone who asked. Who also actually became a community and because of that shared even more. But that's apparently against the rules. Rules she never bothered mentioning before.

Never seen such power trip antagonistic posts as the ones from Amanda, a moderator on a power trip is never fun on a forum.

12-31-2013, 02:00 PM
Happy New Year from Australia :)

12-31-2013, 02:13 PM
What you would like to think does not matter. This thread was created, by me, specifically for download links. With permission from admin. It is in the download section, and so is not SUPPOSED to be used as a discussion thread.

Care to explain why you have in fact been frequently been using it as a discussion thread? #20953 and many other recent posts. If you are going to be condescending to others, at least be consistent.

12-31-2013, 02:13 PM
Soooo... we can't just TALK about Doctor Who anymore? I have issues with this, as this is my one place of refuge on the internet during a crap time in my life. Ah well, what I have realized in my sad many little years on this world is that when you get some sour grapes - they arn't content until they have spoiled the bowl.

I have shared a few times here, and I READILY admit I would not have had I not established relationships with the people on this thread. Being told that I can't continue those relationships - frankly - sucks.

Happy New Years Mates, you got me through a bad separation with my wife and I will always appreciate it.

12-31-2013, 02:31 PM
Soooo... we can't just TALK about Doctor Who anymore?

Shhh! You're talking again. :-)
Quick - post some copyrighted materials and they might not notice. As long as you only violate copyrights, you're in compliance with THE RULES.
Irony is forbidden.

Uh Oh. I think I'm talking too much. I think I hear someo

12-31-2013, 02:35 PM
Sneaking out another audioization here: Iguana Travels, part 1: The medic and his scottish nurse are separated from the rest of the gang, and without their passports. And what's all this talk about a police box on the runway? Some info about the cut, and spoilers in the spoiler, RWQ for the episode.
I took some liberties here, cutting the first episode down to about 8 minutes(so much fluff in there), the next two episodes had minimal cuts to them, as there was much less fluff, and I wanted the episode to be a two-parter, considering this is a 6-part companion farewell. The episode now begins quite a bit further in, P has already been caught by the bodysnatchers, and the Medic and J are caught up in airport security. Some scenes in the enemy base of operations have been removed or cut down, as usual. I felt this added more tension to the episode as a whole. Listeners unfamiliar with the original story should be immediately engaged.
<!-- -->

EDIT: Also, as much as I didn't want to get in to this, I was under the impression that chatting in a thread is perfectly within the rules, as long as it isn't something that fits more with a PM(i.e. something that only needs to be between two people), and flame wars. If I'm wrong in this please let me know, but I'm going off the FFShrine guidelines effective between 08-18-2006 until 09-19-2014, as I'll quote the important section below this paragraph. I searched around the forums, as well as 5 pages into the questions subforum, but couldn't find anything that covers chatting in threads beyond the guidelines announcement. While we do certainly get off-topic, I would also have to point out that chatting about what we're sharing is good for newbies coming into the threads who may or may not be familiar with what's being shared, and can get an idea of whether they want to use up their bandwidth on something they might not particularly like. And while I think that we should be able to chat in the thread based off the rules I've seen posted, I do think attacking Amanda over the issue doesn't help anything. I want to echo what Goldie said previously, in that we're all behaving a bit childish here. We should save the childishness for the 1000+ year old time travellers.
The aforementioned quote from the guidelines in the announcements. Bolding for emphasis is my own.

Chatting in Threads: first off, keep in mind that we let a bit more slide in general discussion than elsewhere. beyond that, don't post back and forth with someone if you're the only ones that'd be interested in your exchanges: use PM's.
That's all I've got for the matter.

12-31-2013, 03:00 PM
You can discuss Doctor Who in the discussion forum... just not here. Here is the Download forum... for downloads... understand.

Keep taunting, and pushing the boundaries, and see where it ends up.


And contrary to subsequent posts, this is not a threat, just an observation.

Issues like "this is our community, we decide the rules" have been aired in many threads before, and all end the same predictable way.

12-31-2013, 03:00 PM
Shhh! You're talking again. :-)
Quick - post some copyrighted materials and they might not notice. As long as you only violate copyrights, you're in compliance with THE RULES.
Irony is forbidden.

Uh Oh. I think I'm talking too much. I think I hear someo
are you alri

12-31-2013, 03:03 PM
Sneaking out another audioization here: Iguana Travels, part 1: The medic and his scottish nurse are separated from the rest of the gang, and without their passports. And what's all this talk about a police box on the runway? Some info about the cut, and spoilers in the spoiler, RWQ for the episode.
I took some liberties here, cutting the first episode down to about 8 minutes(so much fluff in there), the next two episodes had minimal cuts to them, as there was much less fluff, and I wanted the episode to be a two-parter, considering this is a 6-part companion farewell. The episode now begins quite a bit further in, P has already been caught by the bodysnatchers, and the Medic and J are caught up in airport security. Some scenes in the enemy base of operations have been removed or cut down, as usual. I felt this added more tension to the episode as a whole. Listeners unfamiliar with the original story should be immediately engaged.
<!-- -->

I was so young the first time I read this book, I called them the Ch@mele0ns with a soft CH, like how we say "Chair".

12-31-2013, 03:06 PM
You can discuss Doctor Who in the discussion forum... just not here. Here is the Download forum... for downloads... understand.

Keep taunting, and pushing the boundaries, and see where it ends up.

The point you are so blindly missing is that if we didn't talk and build the community we HAD here then nobody would have had the inclination to share.

As for where it ends up, a gloriously empty threat when most people already jumped ship.

12-31-2013, 03:07 PM
Keep taunting, and pushing the boundaries, and see where it ends up.

Where is ends up is no downloads at all because the good people who share will be sick of all the bs....this forum is being poisoned by pettiness.

12-31-2013, 03:19 PM
Sorry I know this is a thread for downloads and not discussions but I just wanted to wish people a Happy New Year and I will see people on the other place.

clique clique clique...

12-31-2013, 03:20 PM
The point you are so blindly missing is that if we didn't talk and build the community we HAD here then nobody would have had the inclination to share.

As for where it ends up, a gloriously empty threat when most people already jumped ship.

This is not a community, it's just a thread... a download thread in a download forum. Next to this forum is a discussion forum, and various other forums. The community, is "all" of the forums within ffshrine. Just because you don't venture out of this thread, doesn't make it a community.

12-31-2013, 03:26 PM
This is not a community, it's just a thread... a download thread in a download forum. Next to this forum is a discussion forum, and various other forums. The community, is "all" of the forums within ffshrine. Just bacause you don't venture out of this thread, doesn't make it a community.


When the same posters are here all the time, people are able to build their own community despite of any rules. Things can happen naturally even if there is a wider community out there. You only have to look through the thread to see how it has worked as hasn't stuck to the 'download only' rules for at least 18 months.

Whether you like it or not, a mini community certainly did exist in here.

12-31-2013, 03:30 PM
This is not a community, it's just a thread... a download thread in a download forum. Next to this forum is a discussion forum, and various other forums. The community, is "all" of the forums within ffshrine. Just bacause you don't venture out of this thread, doesn't make it a community.

Sir, with all due respect - a community isn't something you can just dismiss - perhaps you worded it wrong. It is a group of people with common interests. This type of group is not damaging to a community based forum, nor is it dangerous "in real life". Many forums attain great reputation and prestige for their communities. Likewise, many social groups expand and do great things "in real life" thanks to other communities accepting them for what they are - people that just want to do their thing, with other people who like doing similar things.

12-31-2013, 03:32 PM
clique clique clique...

Or just a group?

Don't worry, you will probably have the empty thread to yourself soon and can start your own little clique without any downloads or discussion.

12-31-2013, 03:39 PM
Happy New Year everyone! Hope we're still here next year!

12-31-2013, 03:43 PM
You can discuss Doctor Who in the discussion forum... just not here. Here is the Download forum... for downloads... understand.

Keep taunting, and pushing the boundaries, and see where it ends up.
And with that I'm out of here! Sorry but the various ego's of certain posters, petty name calling and threats like the above just makes this an increasingly hostile and unpleasant place to visit. Such a shame. Forums are funny things. When left to develop naturally communities spread out in a variety of different sections within the forum, and that's a great thing. Here we have a Doctor Who thread where people share comics, audio stories and the like and understandably like to discuss elements in the story.
Where's the harm? Seriously? Where's the harm in this?
As others will tell you, anyone who has EVER asked me for help in getting links has always received them. And it's not just me, I know many others in here are eager to help and share. However that's not enough for some I guess.
Anyway i'm off. Take it easy folks and have a good and safe new year when it comes.

12-31-2013, 03:52 PM
Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness in 2014.


---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

And with that I'm out of here! Sorry but the various ego's of certain posters, petty name calling and threats like the above just makes this an increasingly hostile and unpleasant place to visit. Such a shame. Forums are funny things. When left to develop naturally communities spread out in a variety of different sections within the forum, and that's a great thing. Here we have a Doctor Who thread where people share comics, audio stories and the like and understandably like to discuss elements in the story.
Where's the harm? Seriously? Where's the harm in this?
As others will tell you, anyone who has EVER asked me for help in getting links has always received them. And it's not just me, I know many others in here are eager to help and share. However that's not enough for some I guess.
Anyway i'm off. Take it easy folks and have a good and safe new year when it comes.

Sorry to see you go Bulletzen, I totally agree with you, this used to be a good place but the hostility from some posters is killing what was a place of refuge for so many good like minded fans, I used to post fairly regular and always willing to share, (and still am) but now I come and go and try to avoid the squables and name calling.

Take care my friend.

12-31-2013, 04:05 PM
clique clique clique

12-31-2013, 04:11 PM
I'm curious as to why using this thread to discuss things as well as download has become an issue now. We've been using it in pretty much the same way for over a year, and nothing. In fact iirc, you bishtyboshty have actually chipped in from time to time and now as soon as Amanda pops up after a lengthy absence complaining that we are not using the thread how she wants it all this starts.

Like many others I'm sick to the back teeth of the recent arguments and fighting, not to mention Goldie's constant theatrics and her need to have her ego massaged regularly. This is me going back to lurking here ... might see some of you at the other place. :(

12-31-2013, 04:12 PM
clique clique clique

I "attacked" because someone used the phrase "this is a discussion thread" to tell the above poster what sort of discussion he could or could not have during a nasty little fight over....something. As this sentiment is going to be used S an argument against another member I felt I would point out that the sentiment is wrong.

12-31-2013, 04:20 PM
Clique clique clique [yes it is what the cool kids say now]

12-31-2013, 04:28 PM
Puthkins [private messaged me]
Why are you being a cunt? There is no clique at all, just a group of people you have been vile to and exact them to share and welcome you. Surely you can see that is odd behaviour."

This is the nice private message that you get from the "community" .........

i wonder if you contacted Loosforskin and told him to step back as well... i think not

Clique clique clique [yes it is what the cool kids say now]

Don't worry, I had no doubt in my mind you would post it publicly. I have zero concern. And I am not a regular poster or part of any group. In fact, I am as bad as they come, I have never shared and only ever downloaded one thing. I have only ever used this thread as a discussion thread. So fret not, I am not part of the 'clique', I am not one of the popular posters. I am not part of any group. I didn't even come here for two months because it was quickly heading downhill with more arguments.

All that I have ever seen here is people that are being nice, people sharing and people discussing. Then you came along. So I make no apologies for ay attitude.

Your reply was equally charming, so lets not pretend you have any high ground.

12-31-2013, 04:30 PM
clique clique clique

12-31-2013, 04:30 PM
Sneaking out another audioization here: Iguana Travels, part 1: The medic and his scottish nurse are separated from the rest of the gang, and without their passports. And what's all this talk about a police box on the runway? Some info about the cut, and spoilers in the spoiler, RWQ for the episode.
I took some liberties here, cutting the first episode down to about 8 minutes(so much fluff in there), the next two episodes had minimal cuts to them, as there was much less fluff, and I wanted the episode to be a two-parter, considering this is a 6-part companion farewell. The episode now begins quite a bit further in, P has already been caught by the bodysnatchers, and the Medic and J are caught up in airport security. Some scenes in the enemy base of operations have been removed or cut down, as usual. I felt this added more tension to the episode as a whole. Listeners unfamiliar with the original story should be immediately engaged.
<!-- -->

EDIT: Also, as much as I didn't want to get in to this, I was under the impression that chatting in a thread is perfectly within the rules, as long as it isn't something that fits more with a PM(i.e. something that only needs to be between two people), and flame wars. If I'm wrong in this please let me know, but I'm going off the FFShrine guidelines effective between 08-18-2006 until 09-19-2014, as I'll quote the important section below this paragraph. I searched around the forums, as well as 5 pages into the questions subforum, but couldn't find anything that covers chatting in threads beyond the guidelines announcement. While we do certainly get off-topic, I would also have to point out that chatting about what we're sharing is good for newbies coming into the threads who may or may not be familiar with what's being shared, and can get an idea of whether they want to use up their bandwidth on something they might not particularly like. And while I think that we should be able to chat in the thread based off the rules I've seen posted, I do think attacking Amanda over the issue doesn't help anything. I want to echo what Goldie said previously, in that we're all behaving a bit childish here. We should save the childishness for the 1000+ year old time travellers.
The aforementioned quote from the guidelines in the announcements. Bolding for emphasis is my own.

That's all I've got for the matter.

You misunderstand this quote. It means you may discuss all you want in General Discussion. But that is a different area, this thread is in the download section.Ergo less talky. But again, I was more interested in the need to gang up on members who were disagreeing. Granted said member was also being a prick. I am not being antagonistic. A few years back there was an issue with the Film Score Hunt thread, Nothing would get posted for days, so in the dead evenings many of us would use it to chat. Say hi, exchange jokes. People who flitted in solely to look for new links to grab were flustered. So fights and bloodletting ensued. Those of us who felt we were a community, as you put it, were told to stop. People were banned. Discussion was supposed to stay at a minimum. I was asked to open a film score discussion thread in GD, which I did. No dl links allowed. Nobody uses it, and chat ensues, especially in the trel thread. Admin sorta lets it slide while there are no fights.

Yesterday I read three pages of fights, and really oddly, the argument that this was a discussion thread. All I am doing is pointing out it is not. That you cannot twist the rules to fit your community as much as you may want to. That your perception of the thread's place

12-31-2013, 04:36 PM
go back to your clique --- and take the rest of the trash with you ---you can bitch about all the people you like there and make them talk about what you bitches want people to talk about... this place will go on..just without people like you and your bitchy cliques.

You really need a thesaurus. Surely all we need is a cuddle?

12-31-2013, 04:37 PM
I sort of feel like I'm in a Monty Python sketch.

So, and I know this is a radical idea, how about we ALL just stop squabbling and get back to the status-quo?

12-31-2013, 04:38 PM
go back to your clique --- and take the rest of the trash with you ---you can bitch about all the people you like there and make them talk about what you bitches want people to talk about... this place will go on..just without people like you and your bitchy cliques.

and your coaching it making it pretty clear that you are goading me in to getting a warning or trying to get me to be banned,,,---

say what you want out in the open - i'll post all your private messages as a caveat... that yes this might well get me banned but then maybe it'll be worth it to shed the light on people like you.

THIS is not constructive. If you want them all to leave, the thread will be here, but what point? YOU sir are being the antagonist here. I do agree your right to express your opinion, even an unpopular one. But posting pm's in the open is a bitch move.