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05-13-2013, 12:27 AM
I know it's not technically out til tomorrow (well tomorrow for me, at any rate) but is anyone going to provide the OST that Silva is releasing for "The Croutons"? I'd love to have it. Just wanted to put it out there in case I'm not the only one who wants it. :)

05-13-2013, 12:27 AM
Finally managed to get it uploaded after a week of trying.

Originally intended as a first Medic story and then made into an audio in it's own right. Some details here The Slide (Classic Radio Sci-Fi): Victor Pemberton: Books (


Fingers crossed that's the right link.

Have tried, it's something called 'Gay Niggers from Outer Space'

Only joking :D

05-13-2013, 12:33 AM
Hi everyone! was afk for a few days. Did I have a lot of catching up to do! About the latest episode. Despite matt's schizo performance which was convincing, since when do cybers ever get excited about anything? these cybers were everything a cyber is NOT, ie. emotional!!! The chess idea was a good idea and a nice wave to SMcC but i would think that a cyber would have had a cold, logical, methodical thing going, not a "OH WOW! Now I'll get all the timelord secrets, i'm so excited!" just another example of a writer who couldn't care less about WHO he was writing for. could have worked with another robot/android race. totally useless to bring the cybers back for this kind of episode unless of course you want to drag us poor people into it. nice design though :)

Could i request the audio for satan in the mist? seems it came out a couple months back. much obliged.

05-13-2013, 12:33 AM
anyone found "the known as of the medic" yet? xxx

05-13-2013, 12:35 AM
You do know I was agreeing with them, don't you?

I know we have discussed this before. And I am not meaning any disrespect, we are not an Australian site. If somebody cannot make the effort to avoid something for 24 hours, then they honestly cannot care that much about it being spoilt. Being a huge fan of Prisoner and now the reimagining, Wentworth, I visit Australian forums a lot and I would never expect them to speak in code just for me.

I would never spoil an unaired episode and I fully agree with them.

Spoiler tags on a mobile device are a pain in the arse on this site. I use them when needed, but once something has aired the embargo is lifted on reviews and spoilers are everywhere.

And I just broke my rule about not debating it.

I will shut up now.

Eh, has everyone seen Ian Levine getting himself in a state?

---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

I do feel a bit like I am running on a treadmill. But I will get there!

---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

Oh and despite my ranting, you will notice that I never post anything that reveals endings or huge reveals. I may be opinionated but I am not cruel.

That IS very disrespectful, the internet is an INTERNATIONAL thing, and this forum is called DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD not the DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA AND LATEST EPISODE DISCUSSION THREAD. Having said that I have no problem with people talking off topic about the TV series or other things slightly related sometimes (considering the TV show is why the audio dramas exist at all) as I go through trying to find, and often missing, audio links, but spoiler boxes for anything recent or spoilery are just good manners.

05-13-2013, 12:35 AM
Not to mention the cybermedic hitting on clara. since when do cybers ever get turrned on... then again if ever a cyber was to get turned on this one would do it and i really don't care if you call her clara or oswin or bobo the clown. :)

05-13-2013, 12:40 AM

05-13-2013, 12:45 AM
I know it's not technically out til tomorrow (well tomorrow for me, at any rate) but is anyone going to provide the OST that Silva is releasing for "The Croutons"? I'd love to have it. Just wanted to put it out there in case I'm not the only one who wants it. :)

I hope so as I have pre-ordered the Vinyl version of this but there was no mention of an MP3 part to it with the record. Also I have to wait till the 27th for mine :(

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

anyone found "the known as of the medic" yet? xxx

Bar the fake one which is a gay porn film, I haven't seen anything yet

tippy wooder
05-13-2013, 12:49 AM
That IS very disrespectful, the internet is an.................. etc etc etc

Actually, regardless of Levine's propensity for being an arse, THIS is disrespectful:

fingers crossed...

05-13-2013, 01:12 AM
You're just in time I was about to take them down.


<!--S2 (1): B7. S2 (1).zip (
S2 (2):
S2 (3): [url=]B7. S2 (3).zip (]B7. S2 (2).zip[/url)
S3 (1): B7. S3 (1).zip (
S3 (2): B7. S3 (2).zip (
S3 (3):>

Tomoph....Thank you!

05-13-2013, 01:41 AM
Benny and the Roman military unit



I'll leave them up for around 24 hours or so.

HUGE thank-you, Andy!!

05-13-2013, 01:57 AM
It was the CyBUS men that were more regimented, though, wasn't it?

I'm probably biased as I think the early (10th/Moonbase) Cyber's are scarier in that it's more obvious that there's still a living being under all that gear. There's a real feeling of 'body horror' with them.

Yes! Absolutelty! Totally agree here, my friend. It has been my opinion the Cybermen have become *less* creepy with every appearance for EXACTLY that reason. Glad I'm not alone.

05-13-2013, 02:25 AM
Does any have a downloadable version of "J•hn Sm!+h and the €•mm•n |\|\ en"?

05-13-2013, 03:06 AM
Despite matt's schizo performance which was convincing, since when do cybers ever get excited about anything? these cybers were everything a cyber is NOT, ie. emotional!!! The chess idea was a good idea and a nice wave to SMcC but i would think that a cyber would have had a cold, logical, methodical thing going, not a "OH WOW! Now I'll get all the timelord secrets, i'm so excited!" just another example of a writer who couldn't care less about WHO he was writing for. could have worked with another robot/android race. totally useless to bring the cybers back for this kind of episode unless of course you want to drag us poor people into it. nice design though :)I figure it was a Doctor-flavoured cyber rather than a normal cyber. I'm remembering Tempus and the Rain, where the Doctor's mind completely messed with the superbrain.

That IS very disrespectful, the internet is an INTERNATIONAL thing, and this forum is called DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD not the DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA AND LATEST EPISODE DISCUSSION THREAD. Having said that I have no problem with people talking off topic about the TV series or other things slightly related sometimes (considering the TV show is why the audio dramas exist at all) as I go through trying to find, and often missing, audio links, but spoiler boxes for anything recent or spoilery are just good manners.I'm just glad I decided to do the dl-and-watch-immediately dance rather than waiting for tv to catch up. Kiwiland is about a week behind the UK for DW.

05-13-2013, 04:19 AM
Not to mention the cybermedic hitting on clara. since when do cybers ever get turrned on... then again if ever a cyber was to get turned on this one would do it and i really don't care if you call her clara or oswin or bobo the clown. :)

I thought that was just a ploy to get Clara to trust him enough to hand over the bomb trigger willingly. Which is kind of cold-hearted, if you ask me.

05-13-2013, 05:05 AM
I'm just glad I decided to do the dl-and-watch-immediately dance rather than waiting for tv to catch up. Kiwiland is about a week behind the UK for DW.

Aussies were last year too (although they put it on iview as soon as it aired in the UK) but we kept at the ABC till they gave in - now it's aired the next day. It's always the channel we've gotten it on here so i think they realised they didn't have much choice lol

05-13-2013, 05:15 AM
Actually, regardless of Levine's propensity for being an arse, THIS is disrespectful:

Well spotted.
Your statement is factually correct.

05-13-2013, 07:53 AM
Morning, anyone found "the known as of the medic" yet? xxx

05-13-2013, 07:55 AM
As promised here is Da*vi*d Wa*rn*er reading Disease of the Cyber-Humans.



<!-PotC (1):>
<!-PotC (2):>

Huge thanks.

05-13-2013, 08:35 AM
OK, so the finale has leaked, but no torrents as yet

But let me ask this...
if it got leaked because 7b DVD's got shipped early, are there any torrents of the other eps ripped from DVD?

05-13-2013, 08:41 AM
lol bbc has already supposedly taken down p2p links of the finale

Rumours. If the BBC had the power to do that then torrent sites would not be around.

That IS very disrespectful, the internet is an INTERNATIONAL thing, and this forum is called DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA THREAD not the DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMA AND LATEST EPISODE DISCUSSION THREAD. Having said that I have no problem with people talking off topic about the TV series or other things slightly related sometimes (considering the TV show is why the audio dramas exist at all) as I go through trying to find, and often missing, audio links, but spoiler boxes for anything recent or spoilery are just good manners.

If you didn't read the points in my post, I have very little interest in reading yours. I have already said I will not spoil things or be cruel. But you skim that part because it didn't fit your posts agenda. I won't disrespect or ruin things for anyone. Even the people who have all week to look for links but choose to do it in the few hours after transmission. I will end up posting if I enjoyed it or not and if it was a let down or a classic. But I wouldn't release some huge spoiler. Already promised that.

Popped you on my ignore list so this argument doesn't go on and on, not being part of something that derails a great thread. I won't see any replies.

05-13-2013, 08:45 AM
OK, so the finale has leaked, but no torrents as yet

But let me ask this...
if it got leaked because 7b DVD's got shipped early, are there any torrents of the other eps ripped from DVD?

With this one, I think discretion is the better part of valor. They are going to be watching those torrents like a hawk. After it airs, then by all means, save it for posterity. But there is a vested interest by a major corporate entity in trying to squelch this thing. As far as they are concerned, this is a ratings issue which is in turn a money issue. So all of the fake torrents notwithstanding, trying to get an early copy from this shipping debacle is an unnecessary risk. I say just be happy with the inevitable spoilers that will be coming this week and see it when it airs.

05-13-2013, 09:01 AM
With this one, I think discretion is the better part of valor. They are going to be watching those torrents like a hawk. After it airs, then by all means, save it for posterity. But there is a vested interest by a major corporate entity in trying to squelch this thing. As far as they are concerned, this is a ratings issue which is in turn a money issue. So all of the fake torrents notwithstanding, trying to get an early copy from this shipping debacle is an unnecessary risk. I say just be happy with the inevitable spoilers that will be coming this week and see it when it airs.

Actually I was questioning either the truth of the whole story, or the likelihood of a to*rent of it existing

for a torrent to be out there it has to have BOTH been shipped early AND got into the hands of someone who both can and will rip the DVD and create the to*rent (both trickier than you would think for many casual computer users)

If this had happened then that person would also have access to the other eps of 7b, and would almost certainly do the same with them.
BUT there are no torrents of ANY of these showing up in the usual places (and admit it, most of us here have been looking). TV rips, but none from DVD.

It is possible that the shipping fail happened but no torrent rips have been made. The people who pre-ordered may well not be the ones who would/could rip and to*rent.

BUT the only pic "proving" the leak even happened is of a title screen on a TV. not that difficult to fake for a tech savvy person.

Subversive viral publicity by the beeb? bizarre internet prank?

OK, I could be wrong and it HAS happened, and there are people who have seen it

if so please no spoilers, (and post the tor*ent)

as for the beeb squashing or removing the torrent.........
they do not have the power, once its out there its out there
the US govt ordered those 3D-printer gun blueprints taken down, they are still out there. you think the Beeb is more powerful?

05-13-2013, 09:07 AM
Actually I was questioning either the truth of the whole story, or the likelihood of a to*rent of it existing

for a torrent to be out there it has to have BOTH been shipped early AND got into the hands of someone who both can and will rip the DVD and create the to*rent (both trickier than you would think for many casual computer users)

If this had happened then that person would also have access to the other eps of 7b, and would almost certainly do the same with them.
BUT there are no torrents of ANY of these showing up in the usual places (and admit it, most of us here have been looking). TV rips, but none from DVD.

It is possible that the shipping fail happened but no torrent rips have been made. The people who pre-ordered may well not be the ones who would/could rip and to*rent.

BUT the only pic "proving" the leak even happened is of a title screen on a TV. not that difficult to fake for a tech savvy person.

Subversive viral publicity by the beeb? bizarre internet prank?

OK, I could be wrong and it HAS happened, and there are people who have seen it

if so please no spoilers, (or post the tor*ent)

That isn't the only pic they made.

The person who posted the pics made a pretty convincing video of them with the box set, the disc and putting it in their blu ray player. That part seemed genuine. BBC America said that others will have been sent it too. But this one guy got his on Saturday from some quick post fluke. Most are due today as there is no US post on a Sunday.

So either it's exaggerated and just a few got it or we will find out today when majority of the BBC America per orders arrive. I imagine One of them will attempt a torrent. If that doesn't happen then I am guessing its a very small mistake or a one off that others jumped on the bandwagon with.

---------- Post added at 09:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------

UNTEMPERED*SCHISM ( Not a spoiler, just their proof.

05-13-2013, 09:12 AM
With this one, I think discretion is the better part of valor. They are going to be watching those torrents like a hawk. After it airs, then by all means, save it for posterity. But there is a vested interest by a major corporate entity in trying to squelch this thing. As far as they are concerned, this is a ratings issue which is in turn a money issue. So all of the fake torrents notwithstanding, trying to get an early copy from this shipping debacle is an unnecessary risk. I say just be happy with the inevitable spoilers that will be coming this week and see it when it airs.

YES! Exactly this!!

05-13-2013, 09:15 AM
That isn't the only pic they made.

The person who posted the pics made a pretty convincing video of them with the box set,
I stand corrected

I had not seen the blog or the vid, and concede it is pretty convincing

So, I now await the inevitable tor*ent

05-13-2013, 09:29 AM
I stand corrected

I had not seen the blog or the vid, and concede it is pretty convincing

So, I now await the inevitable tor*ent

Like you say, only if it went to somebody who knows how or is willing to. If its a big enough mistake then it could happen. Only a few and it won't. They will either be scared, not know how, smug and just spoil it with snippets or come over all moral like this guy.

05-13-2013, 10:07 AM
He needs to get laid...Badly...

Have you seen him? Not. Going. To. Happen...

(mind you, I guess he could afford to buy himself some lovin'...)

---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

oh give the poor guy a break - if he's going to get laid, at least it should be good....

Because if he didn't like it, he'd rant about it on Twitter endlessly for days afterwards... :P

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

FYI: Purse of Celadon is now down - hope everyone who wanted it got a copy.

My next up: "Gay Niggers From Outer Space II: Get Off My Muthaf***in' Planet, Bitch!!" :D

05-13-2013, 10:29 AM
Just for the record, all those wanting a early viewing of the series finale, I wouldn�t post a link to it even if I had found one (which I haven�t because I�m not looking).
I have no desire to see it before broadcast. Have a little loyalty.

05-13-2013, 10:32 AM
Have you seen him? Not. Going. To. Happen...

(mind you, I guess he could afford to buy himself some lovin'...)

---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

Because if he didn't like it, he'd rant about it on Twitter endlessly for days afterwards... :P

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

FYI: Purse of Celadon is now down - hope everyone who wanted it got a copy.

My next up: "Gay Niggers From Outer Space II: Get Off My Muthaf***in' Planet, Bitch!!" :D

Is this the special edition? I've already got the normal one.

I've just been reading some half-wits rant about how Moff is disrespecting Who's Uk fans by releasing the DVD in the US before the UK. Hopefully he'll take himself out of the gene-pool soon :|

05-13-2013, 10:49 AM
Just for the record, all those wanting a early viewing of the series finale, I wouldn’t post a link to it even if I had found one (which I haven’t because I’m not looking).
I have no desire to see it before broadcast. Have a little loyalty.

I am really not having a go at you, I like your posts, but come on. The things we share on this thread. Where is the loyalty there? No matter how you look at it, it is no different in any way.

05-13-2013, 11:19 AM
I am really not having a go at you, I like your posts, but come on. The things we share on this thread. Where is the loyalty there? No matter how you look at it, it is no different in any way.

Yes I do agree with you, the prime reason we all come here is to share what we have, sharing is what we do best, and long may we stay together.

I wrote the above post in a fit of pique, but I am going to leave it up because it also shows that even though what we do shows no loyalty to Large Conclusions, BeeBeeCee books and any number of other publishers we can remain loyal to the show that we all love.

I am sorry if my post upset anyone, I really am not that bothered If anyone posts a link here, it’s our choice what we do and when we do it, and I don’t want to be seen as taking the moral high ground as that would be amazingly hypocritical.

Loyalty really is a double edged sword.

05-13-2013, 11:27 AM
Yep, fair enough.

I am the total opposite, I feel more loyalty to LC than I do to BeeBeeCee and Moff.

It didn't upset me, don't worry, I just couldn't work out if you were entirely serious. Thanks for explaining.

05-13-2013, 11:47 AM
Yep, fair enough.

I am the total opposite, I feel more loyalty to LC than I do to BeeBeeCee and Moff.

It didn't upset me, don't worry, I just couldn't work out if you were entirely serious. Thanks for explaining.

No don’t take me seriously on this one, my resentment is with the beeb for allowing such a monumental cock-up and exposing us all to spoilers, not with anyone here.

05-13-2013, 11:53 AM
I am really not having a go at you, I like your posts, but come on. The things we share on this thread. Where is the loyalty there? No matter how you look at it, it is no different in any way.

I don't consider sharing files in this manner to be indicative of any lack of loyalty. My funds situation is such that I simply cannot afford to just buy every LC release, so I compromise by listening to pirated copies to see if I like an audio, then purchasing legitimately if I find I do.
Sharing is a means to disloyalty, but is not disloyalty in itself.

tippy wooder
05-13-2013, 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by tippy wooder
Actually, regardless of Levine's propensity for being an arse, THIS is disrespectful:
Well spotted.
Your statement is factually correct.

I actually laughed out loud. Very dry!

05-13-2013, 12:11 PM
I don't consider sharing files in this manner to be indicative of any lack of loyalty. My funds situation is such that I simply cannot afford to just buy every LC release, so I compromise by listening to pirated copies to see if I like an audio, then purchasing legitimately if I find I do.
Sharing is a means to disloyalty, but is not disloyalty in itself.

My point was just as conversation with Tomoph, who was originally saying that there was a difference between sharing the TV show and sharing the audio. The main point being that if one is (dis)loyalty then so is the other one. It was not a moral debate.

However you justify it, we have no right at all to listen to the audios we do not pay for. They are outside the Beeb and on a separate licence. Whether you liked the audio or not, they still had to pay for the actors, the writers, the studio time and everything they have to pay for to provide audio that you like or don't like. It is a nice way for people who share to ease their conscience, but it is not exactly a watertight argument.

I am just as guilty as everyone else, and there is zero judgement from me.

05-13-2013, 12:31 PM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP WITH COVERS?? I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
Th*e Conde*mned
Br*ide of Pela*don
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pati*ent Ze*ro
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
Mi*nd's E*ye
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
Judge*ment of Iss*kar
Com*pany of Frien*ds
Plag*ue of the D*aleks
City of Spir*es
Wrec*k of the Tita*n
L*egend of the C*yber*men
A De*ath in the Fami*ly
The G*irl Who NE*ver Was
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

If anyone has any good fan made covers/artwork for these ones that I feel the original was poor or missing, please PM me a link to download a zip with any of them (don't need the originals from LC, just alternates):
Liv*ing Leg*end
Vani*ty B*ox
Urg*en*t C*alls
Thr*ee's a Crow*d
No P*lace Like Ho*me
U*rban My*ths
Perf*ect Wo*rld (came with T*ime R*eef)
Renaiss*ance of the D**aleks

Another remix DW audio drama to download:

<a href="" title="BF Phantasmagoria by drwhopics, on Flickr">

LC Phant*asmag*oria REMIXED:
Download LC PH from - send big files the easy way (

I'm still after a 256 or 320 CD mp3 rip of LC La**st of the Tita**ns;
4 medic - Wra**th of the Icen**i and The Ose**iden Adv*ent*ure - happy with 128kb or above (more the better).

05-13-2013, 12:36 PM
My point was just as conversation with Tomoph, who was originally saying that there was a difference between sharing the TV show and sharing the audio. The main point being that if one is (dis)loyalty then so is the other one. It was not a moral debate.

However you justify it, we have no right at all to listen to the audios we do not pay for. They are outside the Beeb and on a separate licence. Whether you liked the audio or not, they still had to pay for the actors, the writers, the studio time and everything they have to pay for to provide audio that you like or don't like. It is a nice way for people who share to ease their conscience, but it is not exactly a watertight argument.

I am just as guilty as everyone else, and there is zero judgement from me.

However we dress it up, what we do is illegal and very probably every executive of every media company in the world be it TV, film or audio would gladly see us all clapped in irons and fed stale bread and water for the rest of our natural lives.

05-13-2013, 12:47 PM
Personally, I don't see the difference whether we watch it when it's broadcast or watch the leaked copy. It gets broadcast anyway - so the only consequence I can see is that it skews the Beebs viewing figures for a Saturday evening. I don't frequent many other sites other than this, so spoilers aren't much of a problem for me (hopefully).

If the season had been better, then I would have no problem going out and trying to download it early. The way I see it, I've already paid for this with my license fee so why should I wait if it's already out there early; after all it's not our cock up, is it?

05-13-2013, 12:51 PM
However we dress it up, what we do is illegal and very probably every executive of every media company in the world be it TV, film or audio would gladly see us all clapped in irons and fed stale bread and water for the rest of our natural lives.

Oh totally, I agree. I still love this place though!

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

If the season had been better, then I would have no problem going out and trying to download it early.

Unfortunately I very much agree with this.

And now Moff has revealed he is working on series 8 and that it is taking up most of his time, I am a little gutted. Another year of him at least.

05-13-2013, 12:57 PM
My point was just as conversation with Tomoph, who was originally saying that there was a difference between sharing the TV show and sharing the audio. The main point being that if one is (dis)loyalty then so is the other one. It was not a moral debate.

However you justify it, we have no right at all to listen to the audios we do not pay for. They are outside the Beeb and on a separate licence. Whether you liked the audio or not, they still had to pay for the actors, the writers, the studio time and everything they have to pay for to provide audio that you like or don't like. It is a nice way for people who share to ease their conscience, but it is not exactly a watertight argument.

I am just as guilty as everyone else, and there is zero judgement from me.

No legal right, true. But I'm working on that (over here, anyway).
As for moral right, there I suppose we differ ideologically. My belief is that as long as you pay for work you intend to keep, piracy is not unjustifiable. I have had this discussion with many of my stuff-producing friends; this is a conclusion we have reached.
And as for the Beeb, I have no rights at all to that really, not being a citizen of the sceptred isle.

05-13-2013, 12:59 PM
Benny and the Roman military unit



I'll leave them up for around 24 hours or so.

Thank-you kindly.

05-13-2013, 01:02 PM
AndyB wrote: "If the season had been better, then I would have no problem going out and trying to download it early. The way I see it, I've already paid for this with my license fee so why should I wait if it's already out there early; after all it's not our cock up, is it? "

So well put, could not do better! Totally agree with this 100%

Hate to say this, I fell asleep during two of the episodes from this season, including the opener! Think Aunty did a bad job splitting the series into two, and it lost momentum because of this. Either a Gatiss episode, or last week's one, with a bit of tinkering in the script department would have made much more of an impact.

05-13-2013, 01:02 PM
I don't consider sharing files in this manner to be indicative of any lack of loyalty. My funds situation is such that I simply cannot afford to just buy every LC release, so I compromise by listening to pirated copies to see if I like an audio, then purchasing legitimately if I find I do.
Sharing is a means to disloyalty, but is not disloyalty in itself.

You're a better person than I.

As for the season finale, I'd watch it if it appeared but come on, it's 5 days away! I think I can wait!

05-13-2013, 01:11 PM
No legal right, true. But I'm working on that (over here, anyway).
As for moral right, there I suppose we differ ideologically. My belief is that as long as you pay for work you intend to keep, piracy is not unjustifiable. I have had this discussion with many of my stuff-producing friends; this is a conclusion we have reached.
And as for the Beeb, I have no rights at all to that really, not being a citizen of the sceptred isle.

I have to admit that I've downloaded whole series that have aired in the US, but not in the UK. More often than not, I'll still buy the series on DVD when it's released here - I'm just impatient. Again, I feel I've already paid for these series - most will eventually be shown on Sky and I've paid my subscription.

Totally different to the whole LC thing. We haven't paid a thing and have no rights whatsoever (apart from the stories they've aired on BBC radio, maybe)

---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

AndyB wrote: "If the season had been better, then I would have no problem going out and trying to download it early. The way I see it, I've already paid for this with my license fee so why should I wait if it's already out there early; after all it's not our cock up, is it? "

So well put, could not do better! Totally agree with this 100%

Hate to say this, I fell asleep during two of the episodes from this season, including the opener! Think Aunty did a bad job splitting the series into two, and it lost momentum because of this. Either a Gatiss episode, or last week's one, with a bit of tinkering in the script department would have made much more of an impact.

Every other series, I've always watched each ep a couple of times through Iplayer, but I've not bothered re-watching a single ep of this season. It really hasn't grabbed me this time around :(

05-13-2013, 01:17 PM
With this one, I think discretion is the better part of valor. They are going to be watching those torrents like a hawk. After it airs, then by all means, save it for posterity. But there is a vested interest by a major corporate entity in trying to squelch this thing. As far as they are concerned, this is a ratings issue which is in turn a money issue. So all of the fake torrents notwithstanding, trying to get an early copy from this shipping debacle is an unnecessary risk. I say just be happy with the inevitable spoilers that will be coming this week and see it when it airs.

I think this one of those times to be really patient and don't take risks as it's media story at the moment. :D

05-13-2013, 01:32 PM
Every other series, I've always watched each ep a couple of times through Iplayer, but I've not bothered re-watching a single ep of this season. It really hasn't grabbed me this time around :(
This series has not been the best of the crop, but some are worthy of a repeat viewing in my opinion.

Muppet seems to be totally preoccupied with his Sheer-luck series, I do think that if this wasn’t the anniversary year he would have pulled the 7th series altogether just to concentrate on it. DW has certainly suffered as a result of not having the full attention of its show runner.

Criticism is mounting at an alarming rate, to the point where SM has abandoned Twitter, maybe someone at the Beeb should take notice and make him decide where he most wants to be, and my guess is DW would not be his final choice.

05-13-2013, 01:43 PM
Well it seems Muppet is going nowhere fast. At last night's BAFTAS he confirmed that Series Eight had been comissioned and that "it was taking up all his time at the moment".

Please give us a change in direction if this is the case. No more Beaver Sung FFS!

05-13-2013, 01:47 PM

05-13-2013, 02:29 PM
Any volunteers?

well we could always hope for something like and absorbalof to turn him into a garden tile.....

05-13-2013, 02:33 PM

05-13-2013, 02:50 PM
I completely agree. He would chose Sherlock however Cumberbund & the Freemason are becoming Hollywood darlings; Moffat may want to stick with Sherlock, but those two fine actors will want to move on. I think Who is like his back up - when Sherlock isn't made he will focus on Who. It's simply good business - he created Sherlock and therefore gets a bigger slice of the financial rewards pie. At Who he is one in a long line of producers; he is doing Who more for his love of the show than money...

Not to sure about the love over money bit :).

---------- Post added at 02:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

Oooooooohhh. Either we have some big surprises and revelations coming up or Stephen Moffat has dug a HUGE hole for himself. 1.10 in the video. He looks very smug as well which either supreme arrogance or the sign of a man who knows what he's doing who cant wait for the fans to be eating humble pie (as someone who has slagged him recently, I personally would LOVE to be eating third and fourth helpings of humble pie come November). I also like his acknowledgement of Verity Lambert in this clip.

The man has some genuine likeable qualities, his enthusiasm for instance is unbound, as is his profound love of misleading us at every given opportunity.

His remark about only knowing about what’s been filmed outside was particularly interesting, and he certainly has the smug look of a man who knows that come November we will all be consuming vast quantities of humble pie, I’ll be having mine with custard.

But whatever he gives us won't make up for the last series, come on Steven, get your act together and give us something spectacular in series 8, we deserve it.

05-13-2013, 02:59 PM
well, i looovveeee him more when people ranting about him.. :D
so please go on ;)

i don't know why but the more people hate something, the more i love that thing (if i have interest in that thing)

05-13-2013, 03:06 PM
well, i looovveeee him more when people ranting about him.. :D
so please go on ;)

i don't know why but the more people hate something, the more i love that thing (if i have interest in that thing)

You are genuinely happy that we are only getting 8 episodes and 2 specials in 'the best year to be a fan of Doctor Who' and at a time when we were going to get more than ever? I really don't understand how that is good.

05-13-2013, 03:25 PM
well, i looovveeee him more when people ranting about him.. :D
so please go on ;)

i don't know why but the more people hate something, the more i love that thing (if i have interest in that thing)

?! What? is this some kind of fetish you have?

05-13-2013, 03:28 PM
You are genuinely happy that we are only getting 8 episodes and 2 specials in 'the best year to be a fan of Doctor Who' and at a time when we were going to get more than ever? I really don't understand how that is good.

I could have lived with that if they'd all been top notch. As it stands, most barely made it past meh - not actually bad, just so-so. Quite ironic really - his love of the show has really dragged it down this series :(

05-13-2013, 03:40 PM
You are genuinely happy that we are only getting 8 episodes and 2 specials in 'the best year to be a fan of Doctor Who' and at a time when we were going to get more than ever? I really don't understand how that is good.

Two specials? I take it you are counting the Docudrama written by Mark Gateaux, not really a special as such, but I am looking forward to it immensely.

05-13-2013, 03:45 PM
I could have lived with that if they'd all been top notch. As it stands, most barely made it past meh - not actually bad, just so-so. Quite ironic really - his love of the show has really dragged it down this series :(

Yeah, I was pissed off but I could have got past it. Now I just got bored of them and have turned to LC even more.

Two specials? I take it you are counting the Docudrama written by Mark Gateaux, not really a special as such, but I am looking forward to it immensely.

I originally put 1, but changed it before some smart arse mentioned Xmas as being this year.

Probably more excited about the docudrama than the episode. The one they did a few years ago for Corrie was great.

05-13-2013, 04:14 PM
Yeah, I was pissed off but I could have got past it. Now I just got bored of them and have turned to LC even more.

I originally put 1, but changed it before some smart arse mentioned Xmas as being this year.

Probably more excited about the docudrama than the episode. The one they did a few years ago for Corrie was great.

Well it wouln't have been me because I had forgotten all about the Christmas special :)

05-13-2013, 04:22 PM
Well i watched Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead last night and i enjoyed it alot, its interesting how she mentions his name to him so he trusts her 100% no questions, so was all this Clara an Docs name thing planned that far back? was it makes you wonder now it does me. I also think River Song is quite important in a way we don't quite know yet too, as it all started when she first met him in the Library didn't it hmmm and she is safe in the computer now with CAL and friends.

Also could the crack in time be more important than we all think, it was in the journey to the centre of the tardis episode for some reason as exactly how it was all other times we seen it, so it had to be the same crack, and i think the tardis blowing up things being reset was never fully explained was it i cant remember, are things going to be revealed soon that will make us all go ahh wow oh yeah, could the crack in time have anything to do with Clara?

05-13-2013, 04:46 PM
You are genuinely happy that we are only getting 8 episodes and 2 specials in 'the best year to be a fan of Doctor Who' and at a time when we were going to get more than ever? I really don't understand how that is good.
why not? at 40, we got nothing at all except that scream and those 3 CDs, at 30, we got that weird crossover
also, i still have a lot of catching up to do, so i have no problem with any number of episodes they put out on any particular year.oh, also, are my happinness really bother you that much?;)

hmm, come to think about it, at the end of 2013, there will be exactly 800 episodes of Medic (according to wiki at least), that is a nice number, right? (well, i like odd numbers more though)

@Tomoph (i don't know how to multiquote)
well, i don't know but when you love something nobody love, it will make you feel a bit special, right?;)

05-13-2013, 04:50 PM
also, i still have a lot of catching up to do, so i have no problem with any number of episodes they put out on any particular year.oh, also, are my happinness really bother you that much?;)

I have never heard of you, never seen any of your previous posts and without any offence don't know enough about you to care if you were happy or unhappy.

I asked a question, that is all. You can be as happy as you like.

I just find it all a bit strange that they were about to enter production for longer than ever before, and DWM said it would be the best year ever to be a fan, and wer got a half arsed series and a special.

05-13-2013, 05:02 PM
I just find it all a bit strange that they were about to enter production for longer than ever before, and DWM said it would be the best year ever to be a fan, and wer got a half arsed series and a special.
half-arsed series is your opinion, though, i am loving every bit of it, but A special is a fact. still i am happy as a clam.. :)

05-13-2013, 05:12 PM
half-arsed series is your opinion, though, i am loving every bit of it, but A special is a fact. still i am happy as a clam.. :)

Erm, good? I really have no problem with that.

'a special is a fact'? Erm, ok?

05-13-2013, 05:17 PM
well, i don't know but when you love something nobody love, it will make you feel a bit special, right?;)

yes I suppose it could :).

05-13-2013, 05:26 PM
half-arsed series is your opinion, though, i am loving every bit of it, but A special is a fact. still i am happy as a clam.. :)

I'm going for 'half-baked'; the season (from what we've seen so far) that "woulda, coulda, shoulda" and one that's definitely wasted Matt's talents.

On the up-side, it has given us JLC and her stockings. Which is nice.

BTW - I don't think anyone was debating that there was/wasn't going to be a special.

05-13-2013, 05:47 PM
I think we all know that what SHOULD have happened was to get this half series this spring and the get a FULL SERIES of specials in the autumn featuring past medics, friends, foes.
a spectacular season opener, followed by an episode each for those actors still around, (with a couple of two parters) and then a two part finale. (1+8+2+2=13)

Would have allowed space for each of them rather than having eight actors falling over each other.
room for an epic series spanning plot arc, spanning all of spime-and-tace and culminating in a revelation of the medics origins and the ushering in of the next in line....
he then launches off in the xmas special

first ep would be broadcast on Aug 31, Finale on the anniversary.

but sadly we are getting half a series, one special and xmas

I am dissapoint

05-13-2013, 06:14 PM
I'm going for 'half-baked'; the season (from what we've seen so far) that "woulda, coulda, shoulda" and one that's definitely wasted Matt's talents.

On the up-side, it has given us JLC and her stockings. Which is nice.

BTW - I don't think anyone was debating that there was/wasn't going to be a special.

Someone recently said this was the Marmite series, I think that’s a very good description of it from all the varied responses we’ve had.
I wouldn’t say I’ve hated it, but I have been very disappointed with it at times. There have been highlights though and for me they where Pepper pot institute, Cool Conflict and Bad Dream in AU though out of 13 episodes that’s pretty abysmal.

The Christmas episode was stunning, a true DW story in every sense of the word and destined to be regarded as a classic of the modern series. It just goes to show how good a story Muppet can write.

05-13-2013, 06:31 PM
Totally unrelated but my second favourite show is coming back!!! Welcome back J*A*C*K B*A*U*E*R!!!!

05-13-2013, 07:04 PM
Totally unrelated but my second favourite show is coming back!!! Welcome back J*A*C*K B*A*U*E*R!!!!

Only for 12 eps tho :( How can they call it 24 now?

05-13-2013, 07:09 PM
Bad Dream in AU
not to be all periodic table in your face but shouldn't that be "bad dream in Ag"

Only for 12 eps tho :( How can they call it 24 now?

no, you see the other 12 episodes are next year, that way you are never more than a couple of months from some 24
and the chief writer can work on other projects
and it's better to schedule filming
and it will make it the best series ever
and it will "take over TV"....

05-13-2013, 07:11 PM
Only for 12 eps tho :( How can they call it 24 now?

Diet 24

05-13-2013, 07:17 PM
Either way, good to have him back. Just hope the series is as good as the last ;)

05-13-2013, 07:25 PM
not to be all periodic table in your face but shouldn't that be "bad dream in Ag"

Well done, you spotted my deliberate mistake. :D :D :D

Au is gold, well I thought it was funny... kind of :)

05-13-2013, 07:36 PM
Well done, you spotted my deliberate mistake. :D :D :D

Au is gold, well I thought it was funny... kind of :)

well I suppose it depends who is doing the dreaming, the Ag-men would have bad dreams of Au, you are right

05-13-2013, 07:43 PM
Well i watched Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead last night and i enjoyed it alot, its interesting how she mentions his name to him so he trusts her 100% no questions, so was all this Clara an Docs name thing planned that far back? was it makes you wonder now it does me. I also think River Song is quite important in a way we don't quite know yet too, as it all started when she first met him in the Library didn't it hmmm and she is safe in the computer now with CAL and friends.

Also could the crack in time be more important than we all think, it was in the journey to the centre of the tardis episode for some reason as exactly how it was all other times we seen it, so it had to be the same crack, and i think the tardis blowing up things being reset was never fully explained was it i cant remember, are things going to be revealed soon that will make us all go ahh wow oh yeah, could the crack in time have anything to do with Clara?

I would think that Muppet will want to tie a few knots in the next episode or maybe save some for the big 50th. Going all the way back to SitL sounds interesting too. I enjoyed that 2-parter myself and found that the monster was terrifying! Definitely one of the better ones in the nu-who world. Crack in the wall. CHECK! What the heck made the TARDIS blow up? CHECK! I'd like to find out more as well. I'm just really concerned that with the next ep being less than an hour long (unless it deliberately leaves us hanging until november), we'll have more of the same stupid finales where some miracle companion saves the day. i just hope that there is no singing involved... what the hell is up with that anyway???

05-13-2013, 07:45 PM
well I suppose it depends who is doing the dreaming, the Ag-men would have bad dreams of Au, you are right

Exactly, we are on the same wavelength :).

05-13-2013, 08:05 PM
Exactly, we are on the same wavelength :).
but who is broadcasting???
are you the C-planner or am I?
(or are we both subject to the will of another? redskutter? andyb2011? nobber? who?)

05-13-2013, 08:14 PM
Does anyone have any DWMs from issue 436 onward? I have all the previous issues, as well as just about any DW periodical you could think of.

05-13-2013, 10:05 PM

05-13-2013, 10:14 PM
Errr....has anyone checked the Dr Who wikipedia page today? Its been hacked in a bizarre way (avoid spoiler wise needless to say).

Which wiki? The main one?

I can't see anything off.

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------

Oh, ok.

I was looking on Wikipedia.

05-13-2013, 10:20 PM
Errr....has anyone checked the Dr Who wikipedia page today? Its been hacked in a bizarre way (avoid spoiler wise needless to say).

Errrm. Yeah. Well. Pfft. None of that exactly comes as a shock, even if it's true. Definitely sounds like the same kind of prick who posts false torrents - probably hasn't even been within 100 miles of a copy of the DVD.

05-13-2013, 10:21 PM
Errr....has anyone checked the Dr Who wikipedia page today? Its been hacked in a bizarre way (avoid spoiler wise needless to say).

Well that's ............ odd. But nothing new to see, though I was ready to stop reading if any major spoilers were given.

Has anyone checked out the links?

05-13-2013, 10:35 PM

05-13-2013, 10:36 PM
but who is broadcasting???
are you the C-planner or am I?
(or are we both subject to the will of another? redskutter? andyb2011? nobber? who?)

My errant knob twists to all sort of frequencies. Hence the reason it picked up on.

I would think that Muppet will want to tie a few knots in the next episode or maybe save some for the big 50th. Going all the way back to SitL sounds interesting too. I enjoyed that 2-parter myself and found that the monster was terrifying! Definitely one of the better ones in the nu-who world. Crack in the wall. CHECK! What the heck made the TARDIS blow up? CHECK! I'd like to find out more as well. I'm just really concerned that with the next ep being less than an hour long (unless it deliberately leaves us hanging until november), we'll have more of the same stupid finales where some miracle companion saves the day. i just hope that there is no singing involved... what the hell is up with that anyway???

Muppet album - The Frog Prince.


[Edit}...Not sure how I made it to the front of that list?!

[Edit.Edit]....No I am the C-planner!

05-13-2013, 10:38 PM
I would think that Muppet will want to tie a few knots in the next episode or maybe save some for the big 50th. Going all the way back to SitL sounds interesting too. I enjoyed that 2-parter myself and found that the monster was terrifying! Definitely one of the better ones in the nu-who world. Crack in the wall. CHECK! What the heck made the TARDIS blow up? CHECK! I'd like to find out more as well. I'm just really concerned that with the next ep being less than an hour long (unless it deliberately leaves us hanging until november), we'll have more of the same stupid finales where some miracle companion saves the day. i just hope that there is no singing involved... what the hell is up with that anyway???

Your optimism would be hearts-warming if I weren't the Tin Man.
But, for my single self, I reckon he's just hoping we've forgotten all about those glaring omissions.

05-13-2013, 10:45 PM
I've been trying to find B*E*R*N*I*C*E*S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D*L*E*G*I*O*N for some time now, but have not had any luck so far...

Does anyone know where I can find a copy of this please?

05-13-2013, 10:48 PM
I've been trying to find B*E*R*N*I*C*E*S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D*L*E*G*I*O*N for some time now, but have not had any luck so far...

Does anyone know where I can find a copy of this please?

I posted it yesterday if you read back..

05-13-2013, 10:51 PM
Well that's ............ odd. But nothing new to see, though I was ready to stop reading if any major spoilers were given.

Has anyone checked out the links?
Sorry what wiki are you talking about?

My errant knob twists to all sort of frequencies.

[Edit.Edit]....No I am the C-planner!

you mean I am now subject to the twisting of you errant knob??


05-13-2013, 10:51 PM
Post #12239 sorry andy

05-13-2013, 10:52 PM
Post #12239 sorry andy

No need to apologise, master. :)

All hail the cyberplanner.

05-13-2013, 10:56 PM
Sorry what wiki are you talking about?

you mean I am now subject to the twisting of you errant knob??


And I don't even have control of it.

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

No need to apologise, master. :)

All hail the cyberplanner.

You have no idea what the errant knob has planned which is why I was apologising.

05-13-2013, 11:00 PM
Sorry what wiki are you talking about?

Post #12331. DW Wikipedia page, but it seems to have been sorted now.

05-13-2013, 11:04 PM
Errr....has anyone checked the Dr Who wikipedia page today? Its been hacked in a bizarre way (avoid spoiler wise needless to say).
I can't see anything out of the ordinary about it, now I'm curios as to what I'm missing from the gossip mill. :(

05-13-2013, 11:07 PM
Your optimism would be hearts-warming if I weren't the Tin Man.
But, for my single self, I reckon he's just hoping we've forgotten all about those glaring omissions.

As a great medic once said: "I try to believe 2 impossible things before breakfast."

05-13-2013, 11:07 PM
I can't see anything out of the ordinary about it, now I'm curios as to what I'm missing from the gossip mill. :(

It's been taken down and is back to normal now.

05-13-2013, 11:10 PM
Post #12331. But it seems to have been sorted now.

but the main wikipedia page has only had two revisions today a minor change in the episode count and back (at least according to the history page)
or am I looking in totally the wrong place?
though if sorted now, I guess this post is pointless

05-13-2013, 11:11 PM
Who the hell is downloading some of the shite that I post?

Whoever you are, you do realise you only encouraging me to keep on doing it!

Haven't felt the need to use a sarcasm quote for a while so here's one؟

05-13-2013, 11:14 PM
Who the hell is downloading some of the shite that I post?

Whoever you are, you do realise you only encouraging me to keep on doing it!

Haven't felt the need to use a sarcasm quote for a while so here's one؟

Yeah, like you need encouragement ;)

05-13-2013, 11:15 PM
Yeah, like you need encouragement ;)


05-13-2013, 11:16 PM
Who the hell is downloading some of the shite that I post?

Whoever you are, you do realise you only encouraging me to keep on doing it!

Haven't felt the need to use a sarcasm quote for a while so here's one؟

Controls our minds
acts shocked when we do as he says

05-13-2013, 11:18 PM
It's been taken down and is back to normal now.

Well that sucks the fun out of my day. I wanted to know false rumors dang it!

05-13-2013, 11:18 PM
Controls our minds
acts shocked when we do as he says


05-13-2013, 11:25 PM
I posted it yesterday if you read back..

Thank you :-D

05-13-2013, 11:26 PM
Well that sucks the fun out of my day. I wanted to know false rumors dang it!

05-14-2013, 12:01 AM
Well that sucks the fun out of my day. I wanted to know false rumors dang it!

We need to start a viral that at the end of this week Matt regenerates into a CGI remake of Honor Blackman.

05-14-2013, 12:03 AM

05-14-2013, 12:17 AM
and absolutely and utterly not clicking on that spoiler tag

I can wait 5 days

05-14-2013, 12:20 AM
There is one particular guy on twitter who is revelling in annoying Who fans by revealing spoilers. he is also one of the people behind the wikipedia hack.

Now, IF you want spoiled, IF you want to know what happens in the final episode and ONLY IF you can cope and wont start on the link to his pictures on twitter (in spoilers). There is a Doctor Who related poster he keeps retweeting which will give you what you want to know.

I wanted to see it, some of you might as well - for those that dont, please dont look and for those that do look, please be considerate to others and keep all follow up comments to ZERO. There is no point putting this in Spoilers if your new post will be "So if Andy McNabb is the Doctor's real name, is Bravo Two Zero the call sign for the TARDIS".

Seriously last chance to avoid the link...

Wow. Sounds like rubbish to me, but just to be safe I skimmed rather than read indepth. after all the best way to lie is with a small kernal of truth.

05-14-2013, 12:27 AM
Wow. Sounds like rubbish to me, but just to be safe I skimmed rather than read indepth. after all the best way to lie is with a small kernal of truth.

Did the same. Looks more like they've seen the trailer and are just making shit up from that, easy enough to do.

05-14-2013, 01:14 AM
Who the hell is downloading some of the shite that I post?

Whoever you are, you do realise you only encouraging me to keep on doing it!

Haven't felt the need to use a sarcasm quote for a while so here's one؟
me, for once. so bring it on...

05-14-2013, 01:22 AM
The Radio Times reviewer - who has not pulled any punches this year in saying the show has been shit - has been particularly glowing about the finale. So it looks like the show will at least finish on a high.

Dont worry - no spoilers.

Doctor Who The Name of the Doctor preview: ''Fans will think the anniversary has come early'' | Radio Times (

Just read this spoiler-free review. Here's hoping Kat! Thanks for the link. After listening to the recent LC main range, can't help but think maybe the medic should go pick up Tegan. She makes one hell of a warrior queen. Much more convincing than Peri at any rate. Other than distract her enemies with her... umm... assets, can't see Peri doing much. Tegan on the other hand, I can easily picture talking down just about anybody. The one thing I would have liked to see would have been her giving Adric a good smacking... oh and kicked the crap out of Turlough, especially after their meeting with the eternals :)

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

We need to start a viral that at the end of this week Matt regenerates into a CGI remake of Honor Blackman.

How about we really mess up with peoples heads and say he regenerates into his wife RIVER! After all they do have the same crib, they swapped regeneration energy twice... If an eery looking watcher and a messed up Valeyard could be the medic, why not his wife?

05-14-2013, 01:51 AM
Just read this spoiler-free review. Here's hoping Kat! Thanks for the link. After listening to the recent LC main range, can't help but think maybe the medic should go pick up Tegan. She makes one hell of a warrior queen. Much more convincing than Peri at any rate. Other than distract her enemies with her... umm... assets, can't see Peri doing much. Tegan on the other hand, I can easily picture talking down just about anybody. The one thing I would have liked to see would have been her giving Adric a good smacking... oh and kicked the crap out of Turlough, especially after their meeting with the eternals :)

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

How about we really mess up with peoples heads and say he regenerates into his wife RIVER! After all they do have the same crib, they swapped regeneration energy twice... If an eery looking watcher and a messed up Valeyard could be the medic, why not his wife?

Because then when someone says "go fuck yourself" he can answer "already did?"

05-14-2013, 02:36 AM
Because then when someone says "go fuck yourself" he can answer "already did?"


05-14-2013, 03:00 AM
I've been a-huntin' around all the usual dark places of the 'net I'd expect to see an 'early release' out in the wild, and not a sausage.

05-14-2013, 03:31 AM
Medic 10 - "Deceased Oxygen"



05-14-2013, 04:03 AM

05-14-2013, 06:49 AM
if someone is posting Spoilers on twitter it makes them a dick

I don't want spoilers, I want the show itself
so twitter moron either post a link or STFU

05-14-2013, 08:43 AM
I've been a-huntin' around all the usual dark places of the 'net I'd expect to see an 'early release' out in the wild, and not a sausage.

All I've come across so far has been the infamous GNFOS and a 'mislabeled' copy of Love & Monsters.

So what do we reckon? Are all the people who got it early being really obedient and not uploading it, or is this 'early release' just b*llsh*t??

05-14-2013, 08:46 AM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP WITH COVERS?? I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
Th*e Conde*mned
Br*ide of Pela*don
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pati*ent Ze*ro
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
Mi*nd's E*ye
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
Judge*ment of Iss*kar
Com*pany of Frien*ds
Plag*ue of the D*aleks
City of Spir*es
Wrec*k of the Tita*n
L*egend of the C*yber*men
A De*ath in the Fami*ly
The G*irl Who NE*ver Was
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

If anyone has any good fan made covers/artwork for these ones that I feel the original was poor or missing, please PM me a link to download a zip with any of them (don't need the originals from LC, just alternates):
Liv*ing Leg*end
Vani*ty B*ox
Urg*en*t C*alls
Thr*ee's a Crow*d
No P*lace Like Ho*me
U*rban My*ths
Perf*ect Wo*rld (came with T*ime R*eef)
Renaiss*ance of the D**aleks

Another remix DW audio drama to download:

<a href="" title="BF The Eye of the Scorpion by drwhopics, on Flickr">

LC The E**ye of the Sc*orp*ion REMIXED:
Download LC TEOTS from - send big files the easy way (

I'm still after 4 medic - Wra**th of the Icen**i and The Ose**iden Adv*ent*ure - happy with 128kb or above (more the better).
And a 256 or 320 CD mp3 rip of LC La**st of the Tita**ns, thanks!

05-14-2013, 08:56 AM
So what do we reckon? Are all the people who got it early being really obedient and not uploading it, or is this 'early release' just b*llsh*t??

Well, the guy who posted the pictures that set all of this off also made a very convincing video, which if it were fake would make him both a grand master troll as well as a colossal waster of time with a absurdist view of the world bordering on fetishistic.

05-14-2013, 09:15 AM
All I've come across so far has been the infamous GNFOS and a 'mislabeled' copy of Love & Monsters.

So what do we reckon? Are all the people who got it early being really obedient and not uploading it, or is this 'early release' just b*llsh*t??

i think the vast majority of people who preordered it would have made the decision not to upload it. They are probably the more fanatical (and therefore don't want to spoil it for everyone else), and of course, some would love the power they think it gives them.
I think it will end up being uploaded later in the week - but probably by someone who has borrowed it off one of the lucky few - good luck finding it amongst all the fakes out there.

05-14-2013, 09:40 AM
i think the vast majority of people who preordered it would have made the decision not to upload it. They are probably the more fanatical (and therefore don't want to spoil it for everyone else), and of course, some would love the power they think it gives them.
I think it will end up being uploaded later in the week - but probably by someone who has borrowed it off one of the lucky few - good luck finding it amongst all the fakes out there.

I've not gone out and specifically looked for that episode. The fakes I've found have been the results of general searches that I run on various torrent sites a couple of times a week for any interesting DW related stuff.
I have a fairly low opinion of obsessive fans (of anything), so I'm more inclined to think it's 'power' rather than altruism that's the motive. :)

05-14-2013, 09:56 AM
There is one particular guy on twitter who is revelling in annoying Who fans by revealing spoilers. he is also one of the people behind the wikipedia hack.

Now, IF you want spoiled, IF you want to know what happens in the final episode and ONLY IF you can cope and wont start on the link to his pictures on twitter (in spoilers). There is a Doctor Who related poster he keeps retweeting which will give you what you want to know. ...

No. Thank you but no. I won’t be looking as I refuse to spoil it for myself, I can wait until Saturday evening and enjoy it knowing that whatever we get it will be a total suprise.

05-14-2013, 11:20 AM
From an official site ... I wonder if anyone recognises a certain coat in the background ... :)

Jenna-Louise Coleman teases Clara's role in The Name of the Doctor | Articles | Doctor Who (

05-14-2013, 11:38 AM
From an official site ... I wonder if anyone recognises a certain coat in the background ... :)

Jenna-Louise Coleman teases Clara's role in The Name of the Doctor | Articles | Doctor Who (

Not just the coat - the hair as well ;)

05-14-2013, 12:19 PM
Not just the coat - the hair as well ;)
Its a wig!

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Actually, given that pic
here's a good question.....

Is that ACTUALLY CB? did he film stuff for the finale?
has he ever admitted to this publicly?
What about the others?

And what does this mean for the anniversary?

05-14-2013, 12:30 PM
Actually, given that pic
here's a good question.....Is that ACTUALLY CB? did he film stuff for the finale?
has he ever admitted to this publicly?
What about the others?
And what does this mean for the anniversary?

i can answer one question: "has he ever admitted to this publicly?" no. he maintains he hasn't been approached for the tv show at all.

05-14-2013, 12:31 PM

05-14-2013, 12:31 PM
Is that ACTUALLY CB? did he film stuff for the finale?

I sincerely doubt it! Lovely Colin needs something slightly wider than a 16:9 aspect ratio these days...

tippy wooder
05-14-2013, 12:36 PM
The previous Doctors appearing in very short scenes with Clara will be "glimpsed" (very briefly in the background or in passing) rather than "seen".

05-14-2013, 12:42 PM
alright alright alright, perhaps it was wishful thinking on my part, but it has made me think

(and this is pure speculation, I have had no "sneak previews" and have been avoiding all spoilers from the error release, (cant count this pic, it's in radio times)
So if she has met ALL the medics, and the rumours about Hurt's role in the anniversary are true.....

Will we and/or the medic learn of this "extra" life?

05-14-2013, 12:43 PM
Its a wig!

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Actually, given that pic
here's a good question.....

Is that ACTUALLY CB? did he film stuff for the finale?
has he ever admitted to this publicly?
What about the others?

And what does this mean for the anniversary?

i'm guessing they 'trial and tribble-ationed' it

05-14-2013, 12:46 PM

05-14-2013, 12:57 PM
BBC America have released promo pics from the final episode including one which has absolutely amazed me!! I won't post a link but its available via BlogtorWho site.


05-14-2013, 01:16 PM

05-14-2013, 01:23 PM
Eh? Is that codeword for

I think Moody is referring to a certain Bottle City.

05-14-2013, 01:26 PM
I sincerely doubt it! Lovely Colin needs something slightly wider than a 16:9 aspect ratio these days...

He was a p*ss poor Doctor but a really nice bloke.

05-14-2013, 01:37 PM
He was a p*ss poor Doctor but a really nice bloke.

Ooo! That's not really fair. He really wasn't given the best stuff to work with on the TV, but LC's show that he's a far better Doc than his short TV tenure would allow.

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

i'm guessing they 'trial and tribble-ationed' it

That's my guess, too. Bet there's a scene where she's wandering round the corridors and there's "ghosts" (for want of a better word) of previous Doc's wandering around. Would be nice to get an audio clip from BF to accompany any shot of PMcG.

05-14-2013, 01:39 PM
Kandor is the Bottle City From Krypton shrunk by Brianiac.

Kaldor is the series of audio adventures that crosses over elements of Robots of Death and Blake's Seven.

Kaldor City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

05-14-2013, 01:46 PM
I think Moody is referring to a certain Bottle City.

Isn't that Kandor not Kaldor?

He was a p*ss poor Doctor but a really nice bloke.

Ooo! That's not really fair. He really wasn't given the best stuff to work with on the TV, but LC's show that he's a far better Doc than his short TV tenure would allow.

I'm with nobber on this
I actually really like his performances on TV, (maybe some of the stories are a bit iffy, but HE is excellent). and the audios show what could have been, how such an abrasive medic could work.

05-14-2013, 01:49 PM
He was a p*ss poor Doctor but a really nice bloke.

this statement is unfair. He is my Fav LC doctor. He has really grown in to role ( no pun intended!!!) and on top of that he really cares about the show. AS mentioned in a documentary about LC if it wasn't for him there would be no LC as he was the first medic to sign up and get the others on board. I have alot of respect for him and his medic!!!

05-14-2013, 01:58 PM
speaking of CB and LC... I just (just) finished listening to Jubilee.

---- holy shit. ----
Like O. M. G. holy shit.
what a story. Amazing, horrifying, wonderful.
I might have to relisten to it a couple of times before I can get my head around what I just heard.
But I'm not sure I want to.
But I dooooo.
I'm so conflicted!
anyone who says Colin's a piss-poor Doctor can't have taken that story into account. He's flaming BRILLIANT in it.

05-14-2013, 02:45 PM
Isn't that Kandor not Kaldor?

D'oh! I wasn't really clear enough, was I? I was thinking that Moody had his references back-to-front?

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

speaking of CB and LC... I just (just) finished listening to Jubilee..

F'kin' brilliant, isn't it? 5/5

05-14-2013, 02:56 PM
D'oh! I wasn't really clear enough, was I? I was thinking that Moody had his references back-to-front?
I think I was the one not being clear, I too reasoned it was Moody who had the confusion

F'kin' brilliant, isn't it? 5/5
For Jubilee that is too low a score, it is both mad and chilling and CB is stunning in it.

05-14-2013, 03:11 PM
D'oh! i was confused! bottle city please.
that'll be because I'm a batfan and am only peripherally familiar with stuporman...

---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

i blame the turtles

Exterminate Me
05-14-2013, 03:13 PM
Who the hell is downloading some of the shite that I post?

Whoever you are, you do realise you only encouraging me to keep on doing it!

Haven't felt the need to use a sarcasm quote for a while so here's one؟

I do so love the shite you post though. I love the Muppets (no not THAT Muppet!) and the Wombles - love it!!!

05-14-2013, 03:23 PM
Looking at the trailer again ... I'll spoiler for those that haven't seen the trailer ...

I think the bits where we see her in 60s gear, the 70s gear as Bessie goes by, and the 80s shot are probably during the line "crossing my own timeline and the TARDIS doesn't like it" and it's possibly a montage-type-thing?

05-14-2013, 03:33 PM
He was a p*ss poor Doctor but a really nice bloke.

Couldn't disagree more. As the LCs prove, given the chance he would have made a fantastic TV Doctor. I'm glad he's got the chance to rectify the situation and put in the brilliant performances that he has time after time.

Exterminate Me
05-14-2013, 03:35 PM
I do so love coming on here - it's VERY entertaining!

05-14-2013, 04:00 PM
page 500 is coming! page 500 is coming!! page 500 is coming!!! page 500 is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-14-2013, 04:06 PM
From an official site ... I wonder if anyone recognises a certain coat in the background ... :)

Jenna-Louise Coleman teases Clara's role in The Name of the Doctor | Articles | Doctor Who (

I'm not kidding when I saw this picture I did a little bit of a sex wee!!!! Soooooo excited!!!!

05-14-2013, 04:06 PM
Couldn't disagree more. As the LCs prove, given the chance he would have made a fantastic TV Doctor. I'm glad he's got the chance to rectify the situation and put in the brilliant performances that he has time after time.

I said WAS, meaning his TV incarnation. I've quite enjoyed some of his LCs.

05-14-2013, 04:15 PM
I said WAS, meaning his TV incarnation. I've quite enjoyed some of his LCs.

Fair enough! :)

---------- Post added at 04:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

page 500 is coming! page 500 is coming!! page 500 is coming!!! page 500 is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speak for yourself. I'm on page 249 ...

05-14-2013, 04:16 PM
does anyone have a copy of T*H*E* F**I*V*E* C*O*M*P*A*N*I*O*N*S please. thanks you xxx

05-14-2013, 04:40 PM
I'm not kidding when I saw this picture I did a little bit of a sex wee!!!! Soooooo excited!!!!

That is WAY more information than I needed :)

05-14-2013, 05:04 PM
OK, for the sake of my sanity I'm leaving the Internet untill after the series finale, so I'll see you Sunday. Goodbye, god bless and I hope we all get what we want in the coming episode :).

Before I go though I'djust like to say Goldie2012 "sex wee" eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!


05-14-2013, 05:42 PM
For some excellent alternate covers try here and look at hisi79's work

05-14-2013, 05:52 PM
does anyone have a copy of T*H*E* F**I*V*E* C*O*M*P*A*N*I*O*N*S please. thanks you xxx

Uploading as I type.

05-14-2013, 06:04 PM
I sincerely doubt it! Lovely Colin needs something slightly wider than a 16:9 aspect ratio these days...
HAHAHAHAHA... That's awful. XD

05-14-2013, 06:59 PM
I am loving the rumour that

McGann doesn't feature in the pre credit Clara meets all the Doctors sequence.

That instead

he has filmed a series of minisodes. Although I hate the part that the last one sees him regenerate into Hurt.

05-14-2013, 07:27 PM
Possibly ridiculous fan theory here but:

Since the fiftieth has zygons and also has this 'new' medic played by John Hurt, what if it's not really the medic, but a Zygon taking the form of a human and then using technology (similar to the chamelion arc) to trick the medics into helping with his/it's nefarious plans?

Crazy theory over, what do you guys think?

05-14-2013, 08:21 PM
Fair enough! :)

NO! Not fair enough!
While the stories and scripts he had to work with had a large degree of pants, and the vast amount of executive meddling that he had to overcome severely disrupted things, CB's performances on the TV were, and are, brilliant.

Quixotic, aggressive, abrasive; an amazing interpretation.
Finally after years of the wet one apologising his way across the universe and giving a lift to all and sundry on the slightest whim we were presented with a medic who realised the immense privilege that bluebox travel is and asked that those who had that opportunity be worthy of it.
(not that he ever got to choose one on TV.)

CB brought a sense of arrogance to the role, yes arrogance. The medic is the most brilliant person in the room, and having to put up with all those other mundane minds must be torture. To let that out, yet still remain the hero, still be the one who holds to what is right......

No. Not "fair enough", I will defend CB's tenure on TV to the death

His work in the audios where the material he has to work with is of a different order needs no defence.

05-14-2013, 09:03 PM
NO! Not fair enough!
While the stories and scripts he had to work with had a large degree of pants, and the vast amount of executive meddling that he had to overcome severely disrupted things, CB's performances on the TV were, and are, brilliant.

Quixotic, aggressive, abrasive; an amazing interpretation.
Finally after years of the wet one apologising his way across the universe and giving a lift to all and sundry on the slightest whim we were presented with a medic who realised the immense privilege that bluebox travel is and asked that those who had that opportunity be worthy of it.
(not that he ever got to choose one on TV.)

CB brought a sense of arrogance to the role, yes arrogance. The medic is the most brilliant person in the room, and having to put up with all those other mundane minds must be torture. To let that out, yet still remain the hero, still be the one who holds to what is right......

No. Not "fair enough", I will defend CB's tenure on TV to the death

His work in the audios where the material he has to work with is of a different order needs no defence.

Here, here!!! Beautifully put xxx

05-14-2013, 09:15 PM
All this talk about watching early or waiting for transmission reminds me of the 8th Medic Film , which was released on VIDEO!!! a few days /weeks early (I can't fully remember the exact difference) and I watched it. Worst choice ever.

05-14-2013, 09:30 PM

05-14-2013, 09:34 PM
NO! Not fair enough!
While the stories and scripts he had to work with had a large degree of pants, and the vast amount of executive meddling that he had to overcome severely disrupted things, CB's performances on the TV were, and are, brilliant.

Quixotic, aggressive, abrasive; an amazing interpretation.
Finally after years of the wet one apologising his way across the universe and giving a lift to all and sundry on the slightest whim we were presented with a medic who realised the immense privilege that bluebox travel is and asked that those who had that opportunity be worthy of it.
(not that he ever got to choose one on TV.)

CB brought a sense of arrogance to the role, yes arrogance. The medic is the most brilliant person in the room, and having to put up with all those other mundane minds must be torture. To let that out, yet still remain the hero, still be the one who holds to what is right......

No. Not "fair enough", I will defend CB's tenure on TV to the death

His work in the audios where the material he has to work with is of a different order needs no defence.

To the death it is then!

Shall we meet at dawn with pistols?

05-14-2013, 09:36 PM
I was on another forum that I sometimes frequent, and was chatting to some canadian guy who said he had the last episode that he had got from a relative in the states from the released DVD... you all know the one I am talking about.
I was sceptical, however he sent me a link to get it....
I waited whilst it downloaded, virus scanned it, unpacked its rars... thought well this is a different file size to the GNFOS one that doing the rounds.....
I clicked on the my breath....the bbc america logo came up....I thought "shit its real!"... then the episode started....
and you know what????

the bastard sent me "fear her"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true story!


just gonna wait til saturday now..... cant go through THAT again!

05-14-2013, 09:44 PM
NO! Not fair enough!
While the stories and scripts he had to work with had a large degree of pants, and the vast amount of executive meddling that he had to overcome severely disrupted things, CB's performances on the TV were, and are, brilliant.

Quixotic, aggressive, abrasive; an amazing interpretation.
Finally after years of the wet one apologising his way across the universe and giving a lift to all and sundry on the slightest whim we were presented with a medic who realised the immense privilege that bluebox travel is and asked that those who had that opportunity be worthy of it.
(not that he ever got to choose one on TV.)

CB brought a sense of arrogance to the role, yes arrogance. The medic is the most brilliant person in the room, and having to put up with all those other mundane minds must be torture. To let that out, yet still remain the hero, still be the one who holds to what is right......

No. Not "fair enough", I will defend CB's tenure on TV to the death

His work in the audios where the material he has to work with is of a different order needs no defence.

This. A thousand times, this.

05-14-2013, 09:45 PM
What? What?! WHAT??!!! I haven't heard this rumour at all. Are you sure you're not winding the Whovians up?? I think you might be...

You can think what you want... Been here a while and might be a little mouthy, but I have never wound people up. Hell I even used bloody spoiler tags to keep the moaners happy!

I am not winding anyone up. the people who have posted it might be winding people up or might have fallen for a fake rumour. But the rumour keeps appearing on GB and has been deleted a few times now. Saw it earlier today on digital spy as well. Might be bollocks, but it fits in with the synopsis for Saturday.

05-14-2013, 09:52 PM
To the death it is then!

Shall we meet at dawn with pistols?

how about sonic lances instead?

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

Here, here!!! Beautifully put xxx

This. A thousand times, this.

Thank you guys,
Glad to know I'm not the only one who get this

05-14-2013, 09:53 PM
I was on another forum that I sometimes frequent, and was chatting to some canadian guy who said he had the last episode that he had got from a relative in the states from the released DVD... you all know the one I am talking about.
I was sceptical, however he sent me a link to get it....
I waited whilst it downloaded, virus scanned it, unpacked its rars... thought well this is a different file size to the GNFOS one that doing the rounds.....
I clicked on the my breath....the bbc america logo came up....I thought "shit its real!"... then the episode started....
and you know what????

the bastard sent me "fear her"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true story!


just gonna wait til saturday now..... cant go through THAT again!

Sorry, but roflmfao :D

05-14-2013, 09:56 PM

05-14-2013, 10:01 PM
I do so love coming on here - it's VERY entertaining!

Please stop doing that my keyboards getting very sticky!

05-14-2013, 10:02 PM
If this is true I would be very very happy indeed. Do you have any links to the story? Can't find any via google...

Yeah, I don't think your winding us this up but I'd be interested as to where you picked up this little nugget.

Oh crap! Skutter's here ... RUUUUN :p

05-14-2013, 10:06 PM
Possibly ridiculous fan theory here but:

Since the fiftieth has zygons and also has this 'new' medic played by John Hurt, what if it's not really the medic, but a Zygon taking the form of a human and then using technology (similar to the chamelion arc) to trick the medics into helping with his/it's nefarious plans?

Crazy theory over, what do you guys think?

i like this theory better than him being Nine.

05-14-2013, 10:06 PM
What? What?! WHAT??!!! I haven't heard this rumour at all. Are you sure you're not winding the Whovians up?? I think you might be...

Puthkins is not winding anyone up, I have seen the relevant quotes and the fact they have been removed.

05-14-2013, 10:06 PM
I was on another forum that I sometimes frequent, and was chatting to some canadian guy who said he had the last episode that he had got from a relative in the states from the released DVD... you all know the one I am talking about.
I was sceptical, however he sent me a link to get it....
I waited whilst it downloaded, virus scanned it, unpacked its rars... thought well this is a different file size to the GNFOS one that doing the rounds.....
I clicked on the my breath....the bbc america logo came up....I thought "shit its real!"... then the episode started....
and you know what????

the bastard sent me "fear her"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true story!


just gonna wait til saturday now..... cant go through THAT again!
that it was THAT episode....insult to injury

05-14-2013, 10:07 PM
I'm not kidding when I saw this picture I did a little bit of a sex wee!!!! Soooooo excited!!!!

Indeed, Jenna does look sexy as fuc...... Oh I see what you mean ;0)

05-14-2013, 10:07 PM
Yeah, I don't think your winding us this up but I'd be interested as to where you picked up this little nugget.

Oh crap! Skutter's here ... RUUUUN :p
I myself saw it on GB from a usually spot on spoiler hound. But it was removed.

05-14-2013, 10:32 PM
If this is true I would be very very happy indeed. Do you have any links to the story? Can't find any via google...

No story as such, just rumours. The part that even made me believe it was the people who posted it. They have never let me down before and are pretty in the know.

I am just refusing to get too excited, 8 is my Doctor and it would be the greatest thing to happen since he went to LC for me personally.

05-14-2013, 10:44 PM
I am just refusing to get too excited, 8 is my Doctor and it would be the greatest thing to happen since he went to LC for me personally.

And the great thing is that with the level of secrecy Moff insists on, the 8th Medic could easily have filmed loads of new stuff and we wouldn't know for certain till it was screened. I know I am likely to be urinating into a sturdy breeze here, but I am still hopeful that the 9th Medic did come back and do a days filming/regeneration from 8th type of thing. Unlikely I know but oh well.

On a separate note, have any current subscribers downloaded any of the scripts from the main BF range? And if so would some kind soul be willing and able to upload one or two please? No specifics, literally any of them would be great. Thanks.

05-14-2013, 11:27 PM
On a separate note, have any current subscribers downloaded any of the scripts from the main BF range? And if so would some kind soul be willing and able to upload one or two please? No specifics, literally any of them would be great. Thanks.

well well well, apparently I do. This is a surprise to me. so thanks for making me go and look
I have no idea where I got them from, probably off someone here
The ones i have found so far seem to be fifth medic stories
Fill yer boots...RWQ


05-14-2013, 11:37 PM
I've just noticed something.

If you turn the shuffle option off on you mp3 player, audio drama's make much more sense.

05-14-2013, 11:41 PM
I've just noticed something.

If you turn the shuffle option off on you mp3 player, audio drama's make much more sense.

I did this once with the Mighty Boosh Radio stuff..... Took an hour before I realised that I had my iTunes on shuffle when it finally played the intro theme again. Until that point it was making an odd kind of sense :\

05-14-2013, 11:41 PM
I've just noticed something.

If you turn the shuffle option off on you mp3 player, audio drama's make much more sense.
Sorry but this just made me laugh so loudly. ^5's

05-14-2013, 11:44 PM
I've just noticed something.

If you turn the shuffle option off on you mp3 player, audio drama's make much more sense.

not if it was "death c0m3s 2 t1me"..... nothing could make that have more sense :)

05-15-2013, 12:05 AM
I did this once with the Mighty Boosh Radio stuff..... Took an hour before I realised that I had my iTunes on shuffle when it finally played the intro theme again. Until that point it was making an odd kind of sense :\

Took me a similar time and it wasn't even The Boosh?!?

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

And I say good night with K*A*L*D*O*R* *C*I*T*Y for those that need it.



05-15-2013, 12:42 AM
Hello all, I've just recently begun vociferously devouring the NSA audiobooks, kind people here have helped me out with some and directed me to a toe-rent with nearly all of them, thank you all very much :)
.. I'm still hunting for a few though, particularly Torrowed Bime, Laradox Post and Honly Uman (i was going to come up with exciting cryptic titles but then trying to think of synonyms for laradox post began to grind me down..) If anybody has these and is willing to share I'd be delighted, it's possible they're somewhere back up the other end of the thread, I've looked but between cryptic titles, dead links and nearly 500 pages of hilarious geekery they would be easy to miss..

just totally unnecessarily editing this to say that i'm reposting it a few pages along, because reposting it seems a bit lame, er, carry on folks

05-15-2013, 12:55 AM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP WITH SOME SCANNED/LARGE COVERS?? I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1500 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
Th*e Conde*mned
Br*ide of Pela*don
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pati*ent Ze*ro
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
Mi*nd's E*ye
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
Judge*ment of Iss*kar
Com*pany of Frien*ds
Plag*ue of the D*aleks
City of Spir*es
Wrec*k of the Tita*n
L*egend of the C*yber*men
A De*ath in the Fami*ly
The G*irl Who NE*ver Was
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

If anyone has any good fan made covers/artwork for these ones that I feel the original was poor or missing, please PM me a link to download a zip with any of them (don't need the originals from LC, just alternates):

Vani*ty B*ox
Urg*en*t C*alls
Thr*ee's a Crow*d
No P*lace Like Ho*me
U*rban My*ths
Perf*ect Wo*rld (came with T*ime R*eef)

TGM with REMIXED THEME DW audio drama to download:

<a href="" title="BF The Genocide Machine by drwhopics, on Flickr">

LC The Gen*ocide Mac*hin*e REMIXED:
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05-15-2013, 03:07 AM
On a separate note, have any current subscribers downloaded any of the scripts from the main BF range? And if so would some kind soul be willing and able to upload one or two please? No specifics, literally any of them would be great. Thanks.

Don't the scripts have watermarks on them?

---------- Post added at 03:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 AM ----------

Took me a similar time and it wasn't even The Boosh?!?

The first time I heard "Flip/Flop" I had my iPod on shuffle ... and then when I listened to it properly it still took me two proper listens goes to realise that it was meant to go round in circles!

05-15-2013, 03:33 AM
Don't the scripts have watermarks on them?

---------- Post added at 03:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 AM ----------

The first time I heard "Flip/Flop" I had my iPod on shuffle ... and then when I listened to it properly it still took me two proper listens goes to realise that it was meant to go round in circles!

That one confused the hell out of me too.

Exterminate Me
05-15-2013, 03:39 AM
how about sonic lances instead?

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

Thank you guys,
Glad to know I'm not the only one who get this

I love CB too. He got a rough deal at the time. Would loved to have seen more after Trial. Glad he's got to have done the LC stuff.

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------

I was on another forum that I sometimes frequent, and was chatting to some canadian guy who said he had the last episode that he had got from a relative in the states from the released DVD... you all know the one I am talking about.
I was sceptical, however he sent me a link to get it....
I waited whilst it downloaded, virus scanned it, unpacked its rars... thought well this is a different file size to the GNFOS one that doing the rounds.....
I clicked on the my breath....the bbc america logo came up....I thought "shit its real!"... then the episode started....
and you know what????

the bastard sent me "fear her"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true story!


just gonna wait til saturday now..... cant go through THAT again!


---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------

Please stop doing that my keyboards getting very sticky!

You skutter sir, are VERY entertaining!!!

05-15-2013, 03:47 AM
That one confused the hell out of me too.

It's a shame that LC don't do "experimental" releases like that and 'Kreatures Of Booty' (and isn't 'The Game' non-linear, too? Can't remember?) these days. I wouldn't want one more than once a year, and appreciate that they'll not be everyone's tin of cheep beer, but audio's a great medium to play with the format every now and then.

05-15-2013, 03:49 AM
I love CB too. He got a rough deal at the time. Would loved to have seen more after Trial. Glad he's got to have done the LC stuff.

What I love most is that his medic voice has hardly changed a bit, not nearly as gravelly as PD's. Out of 4-7(PM's voice is still pretty recent compared to when his run was), I think his is the closest to the TV series, so when I hear the audios, I can picture him exactly as he was. And of course, the fact that he's got good material to work with now, but still, that voice.

05-15-2013, 04:10 AM

There was a period, about two years ago IIRC, when PD's voice was terrible. He'd been doing 'Legally Blonde' and it had really taken it out of his vocal chords. Thankfully his acting level managed to gloss over any really rough moments!

But for me the prize for "Least Changed Voice" has to go to Sophie - especially over the last year or so when her acting has really improved - she's barely changed a jot over the years.

05-15-2013, 04:17 AM
What I love most is that his medic voice has hardly changed a bit, not nearly as gravelly as PD's. Out of 4-7(PM's voice is still pretty recent compared to when his run was), I think his is the closest to the TV series, so when I hear the audios, I can picture him exactly as he was. And of course, the fact that he's got good material to work with now, but still, that voice.

I don't picture him -exactly- as he was; I prefer the non-canonical "blue" outfit when I imagine him running around, unless specifically contraindicated (like in "The Sandman").

05-15-2013, 05:03 AM
I don't picture him -exactly- as he was; I prefer the non-canonical "blue" outfit when I imagine him running around, unless specifically contraindicated (like in "The Sandman").

Same here. In my minds-eye he's in the the blue coat (and darker variations there-of) when he's off with Evelyn, Charley and. er, wots her name, Flip (?) unless, as you say the script says otherwise.

And there's no Question Marks on the attire At All.

05-15-2013, 06:10 AM
In my minds-eye

I hate to ask, but you weren't bitten by Mary Whitehouse, were you? Because if you were... it may already be too late.

For my money, Sylvester sounds exactly the same as ever. Listening to him and to Sophie, you'd think it was still 1988.

05-15-2013, 06:17 AM
...And there's no Question Marks on the attire At All.Actually it's the question marks that I find most offensive about the outfit. They seem simultaneously condescending (see it's coz he's a mystery, get it, hurr durr), tasteless (I feel the need to, like, express myself), and out of character. No way would even the least subtle Doctor - which, by the way, I wouldn't label Six - use a symbol so very OBVIOUS.

05-15-2013, 06:36 AM
It's a shame that LC don't do "experimental" releases like that and 'Kreatures Of Booty' (and isn't 'The Game' non-linear, too? Can't remember?) these days. I wouldn't want one more than once a year, and appreciate that they'll not be everyone's tin of cheep beer, but audio's a great medium to play with the format every now and then.

IIRC The Game was different as it was a two hour - SIX parter, about 20 mins each. but the story was fairly usual; though the resolution did have a certain conceptual circularity to it but not "on screen"

I agree about the occasional experimental release. Not just on format or linear chronology, I'd even go as far as content.
3ive L4, would be a good example of format experiment that worked well, and as an content experiment (and I know I am going to get some hate for saying it but I like it) I think The Dne Ooctor was brilliant. a pantomime that is somehow still totally medic!

05-15-2013, 06:37 AM
Actually it's the question marks that I find most offensive about the outfit. They seem simultaneously condescending (see it's coz he's a mystery, get it, hurr durr), tasteless (I feel the need to, like, express myself), and out of character. No way would even the least subtle Doctor - which, by the way, I wouldn't label Six - use a symbol so very OBVIOUS.

I've never liked the question mark. But it's not as if CB was the first to have those on his outfit. TB and PD did also. At least SMcC took it down a notch with his umbrella.

05-15-2013, 07:37 AM
Hi, could someone please tell me which post number The Armageddon Looking Glass is on, if it has been posted? Thank you.

05-15-2013, 07:41 AM
I don't know why they never just said that what appears to be a question mark is actually a Gallifreyan symbol the Doctor identifies himself by. That seemed to be suggested by his calling card in Remember Aunts of the Doll Legs.

05-15-2013, 07:50 AM
I don't picture him -exactly- as he was; I prefer the non-canonical "blue" outfit when I imagine him running around, unless specifically contraindicated (like in "The Sandman").

Yeah i only picture him with the multi coat with PERPPUGirliam... . most times with anyone else now i see blue

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------

I hate to ask, but you weren't bitten by Mary Whitehouse, were you? Because if you were... it may already be too late.

For my money, Sylvester sounds exactly the same as ever. Listening to him and to Sophie, you'd think it was still 1988.

amazingly enough i feel the same way Tom sound the same but his pacing is different, Peter has vocally changed the most.. but then that was to be expected the others were older already... Radaghast and Withnail[or the other] seems to have been trapped in a chronic hysterisous

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

IIRC The Game was different as it was a two hour - SIX parter, about 20 mins each. but the story was fairly usual; though the resolution did have a certain conceptual circularity to it but not "on screen"

I agree about the occasional experimental release. Not just on format or linear chronology, I'd even go as far as content.
3ive L4, would be a good example of format experiment that worked well, and as an content experiment (and I know I am going to get some hate for saying it but I like it) I think The Dne Ooctor was brilliant. a pantomime that is somehow still totally medic!

what i found different about The Game was the fact that it was done like a bad musical or greek play withg the characters you hear telling us what is happening out of our line of sight.....

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

I've never liked the question mark. But it's not as if CB was the first to have those on his outfit. TB and PD did also. At least SMcC took it down a notch with his umbrella.

took it down????? he ramped it up with the 100 question mark on the pullover

05-15-2013, 08:42 AM
The first medic's body is wearing a bit thin, he's lived a while, even longer than he's actually lived, if you consider what happened to him while fighting the pepperpots and the life-sucking old people. It's time for a bit of a change. Concluding the third season, "The Contraband Caper" and "The Other, Silver, Earth." I've uploaded alternate cover art to the flickr in my signature. Releases from the second medic onward will have the new design, rather than the LC-based one, partially due to me getting a bit ahead of myself and accidentally saving over the previous versions of the second medic template I had set up. Of course, if requested, I can cook up some new LC-based cover art for the newer audios, but it'll take a bit longer, now that I've gone and lost my base template. Additionally, From here on out I'll be exporting in a slightly larger bitrate.


05-15-2013, 09:20 AM
I don't know why they never just said that what appears to be a question mark is actually a Gallifreyan symbol the Doctor identifies himself by. That seemed to be suggested by his calling card in Remember Aunts of the Doll Legs.IIRC, the novel described it as the Prydonian seal. to which I respond 'psh, whatever'

Radaghast and Withnail[or the other] seems to have been trapped in...Really they should use the term "chronic hysteresis" much more frequently, it sounds so much cooler than "time loop" :D

05-15-2013, 10:05 AM
NO! Not fair enough!
While the stories and scripts he had to work with had a large degree of pants, and the vast amount of executive meddling that he had to overcome severely disrupted things, CB's performances on the TV were, and are, brilliant.

Quixotic, aggressive, abrasive; an amazing interpretation.
Finally after years of the wet one apologising his way across the universe and giving a lift to all and sundry on the slightest whim we were presented with a medic who realised the immense privilege that bluebox travel is and asked that those who had that opportunity be worthy of it.
(not that he ever got to choose one on TV.)

CB brought a sense of arrogance to the role, yes arrogance. The medic is the most brilliant person in the room, and having to put up with all those other mundane minds must be torture. To let that out, yet still remain the hero, still be the one who holds to what is right......

No. Not "fair enough", I will defend CB's tenure on TV to the death

His work in the audios where the material he has to work with is of a different order needs no defence.

Hear, hear - well spoken, Bruce! Colin is, was, and will ALWAYS be, a SUPERB Doctor.

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

I was on another forum that I sometimes frequent, and was chatting to some canadian guy who said he had the last episode that he had got from a relative in the states from the released DVD... you all know the one I am talking about.
I was sceptical, however he sent me a link to get it....
I waited whilst it downloaded, virus scanned it, unpacked its rars... thought well this is a different file size to the GNFOS one that doing the rounds.....
I clicked on the my breath....the bbc america logo came up....I thought "shit its real!"... then the episode started....
and you know what????

the bastard sent me "fear her"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true story!


just gonna wait til saturday now..... cant go through THAT again!

...aaaaaaaaaand that's what you get for being impatient!! (Joke!!) ;)

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

I've just noticed something.

If you turn the shuffle option off on you mp3 player, audio drama's make much more sense.

That's kind of how I first heard Juby-Lee: the guy who burned it for me got the episodes mixed up, and that's the order I listened in. The wonderful thing was it STILL MADE SENSE and was STILL BRILLIANT!! THAT'S how good that story is...

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------


There was a period, about two years ago IIRC, when PD's voice was terrible. He'd been doing 'Legally Blonde' and it had really taken it out of his vocal chords. Thankfully his acting level managed to gloss over any really rough moments!

But for me the prize for "Least Changed Voice" has to go to Sophie - especially over the last year or so when her acting has really improved - she's barely changed a jot over the years.

Whereas to me it sounds like Bonnie's been hitting the ciggies pretty heavily...

05-15-2013, 01:10 PM
I don't know why they never just said that what appears to be a question mark is actually a Gallifreyan symbol the Doctor identifies himself by. That seemed to be suggested by his calling card in Remember Aunts of the Doll Legs.

And so it came to pass that on a backwater planet of hairless apes struggling to develop a written language, an early scribe searching for a form of punctuation to designate uncertainty met an enigmatic figure in a blue box, sporting an enigmatic symbol.

Exterminate Me
05-15-2013, 01:53 PM
The first medic's body is wearing a bit thin, he's lived a while, even longer than he's actually lived, if you consider what happened to him while fighting the pepperpots and the life-sucking old people. It's time for a bit of a change. Concluding the third season, "The Contraband Caper" and "The Other, Silver, Earth." I've uploaded alternate cover art to the flickr in my signature. Releases from the second medic onward will have the new design, rather than the LC-based one, partially due to me getting a bit ahead of myself and accidentally saving over the previous versions of the second medic template I had set up. Of course, if requested, I can cook up some new LC-based cover art for the newer audios, but it'll take a bit longer, now that I've gone and lost my base template. Additionally, From here on out I'll be exporting in a slightly larger bitrate.


You do a good job with these.

05-15-2013, 02:16 PM
well well well, apparently I do. This is a surprise to me. so thanks for making me go and look
I have no idea where I got them from, probably off someone here
The ones i have found so far seem to be fifth medic stories
Fill yer boots...RWQ


Fantastic, thanks for these.

05-15-2013, 03:19 PM
hmmmm i wonder if we will see a LC trilogy. of nthe 5th medic 1st trio .... I seems that they are getting along pretty well. Although i am hoping for a Waterboat, Fred , L-8tion, 4th medic series set in the Space of E

05-15-2013, 03:57 PM

05-15-2013, 04:43 PM
Because of TB's relationship with Lalla (she hates him - calls him the real monster of Who) and Matthew* (poor little soul says TB was a bully and wasnt very friendly) I think the likelihood of an E-Space trilogy is slight (though I agree it would be great to hear). At the minute TB has only one viable companion from the TV to work with (the savage) following the tragic deaths of ES and MT. I think it likely TB may find himself getting a new companion for the gap between Deadly Assassin and Face Of Evil...Someone like Charlotte from the Village from the fantastic F@e Fr@m Th@ Futur@ would be awesome

* I think Matthew has turned down all overtures from LC. They wanted him for the Fifth Medic Story where A@d@r@i@c returns (which name escapes me - spiders, Manuel from Fawlty and a really tedious story line) but he point blank refused saying his time with Who was over...I personally am grateful for that. I couldnt cope with any more of his angry acting...

Well i know all that however based on the panel at the BFI it seems that the personalities have mellowed and he might reconsider... the OZstewardess and the 4th medic had said absolutely not at a certain point too.

05-15-2013, 05:06 PM
I may have missed these being posted already, but does anyone have the latest 3 BBC Medic novels and the latest LC Archaeologist novel?

05-15-2013, 05:26 PM
There's nothing to stop TB and LW recording on different days or different places. It's something BF are rather good at - I think it's EDA S3 where PMcG and Sheryden had conflicting schedules so they only had maybe one or two recordings actually together.

05-15-2013, 06:05 PM
took it down????? he ramped it up with the 100 question mark on the pullover

EEEEK! Of course you are right. I think I mentally blocked that one out. Quite humiliating for someone to point that obvious mistake on my part since I've been a who fan for 30 years and syl is definitely one of my favorite medics... Still you are absolutely right :)

05-15-2013, 07:13 PM
Because of TB's relationship with Lalla (she hates him - calls him the real monster of Who) and Matthew* (poor little soul says TB was a bully and wasnt very friendly) I think the likelihood of an E-Space trilogy is slight (though I agree it would be great to hear). At the minute TB has only one viable companion from the TV to work with (the savage) following the tragic deaths of ES and MT. I think it likely TB may find himself getting a new companion for the gap between Deadly Assassin and Face Of Evil...Someone like Charlotte from the Village from the fantastic F@e Fr@m Th@ Futur@ would be awesome

* I think Matthew has turned down all overtures from LC. They wanted him for the Fifth Medic Story where A@d@r@i@c returns (which name escapes me - spiders, Manuel from Fawlty and a really tedious story line) but he point blank refused saying his time with Who was over...I personally am grateful for that. I couldnt cope with any more of his angry acting...

Waterhorse has done one or two Dork Chateauxs audios I think. I was listening to the commentary for Loco Police a couple of nights ago, and Tom actually spoke somewhat affectionately about Matthew, saying that he probably scared the boy half to death by being such an ogre. I don't think it would be all that difficult to get them in the studio together - probably easier than getting him in with Peter, who seems to genuinely dislike him.

And LC is good at shoehorning their stories in. I suggest:

I told Romana not to eat those E-Space mushrooms. K-9, will she be on the toilet for awhile?

Affirmative, Master. Gallifreyan physiology incompatible with the digestion of this universe's fungal material.

There, you see? What say we take our new friend outside for an adventure?

05-15-2013, 07:28 PM
You know what I'd love to see LC do? When it's time for their annual 4 1-part stories anthology, have each of the 4 stories feature a different Medic and companion. Basically, a 1-part story for the 5th Medic, the next one for the 6th, etc. Plus, all 4 stories tie into one another in some way. I think it would be a tad ambitious, but also pretty cool.

05-15-2013, 07:32 PM
You know what I'd love to see LC do? When it's time for their annual 4 1-part stories anthology, have each of the 4 stories feature a different Medic and companion. Basically, a 1-part story for the 5th Medic, the next one for the 6th, etc. Plus, all 4 stories tie into one another in some way. I think it would be a tad ambitious, but also pretty cool.

I'm guessing that this will be the format for "The Lite At End" - similar to how they did The Four last year which worked surprisingly well.

05-15-2013, 07:38 PM
I'm guessing that this will be the format for "The Lite At End" - similar to how they did The Four last year which worked surprisingly well.
Actually, from what I understand it, it's just a big 2-part story with all the Medics (save for 9-11), some of their companions and the Master.

05-15-2013, 07:49 PM
Actually, from what I understand it, it's just a big 2-part story with all the Medics (save for 9-11), some of their companions and the Master.

Yeah, but what I mean is that each will have their own individual slot rather than then all going round mob-handed.

But I guess we're getting into semantical hair-splitting territory! :)

05-15-2013, 07:58 PM
what i found different about The Game was the fact that it was done like a bad musical or greek play withg the characters you hear telling us what is happening out of our line of sight.....
Ahh yes! the whole "commentator" thing. I thought it worked quite well given the story, and the guy they got for the part is a real sports commentator, (or so I'm told. Football has rather passed me by. thank god!)

Fantastic, thanks for these.

Nae probs!

In fact it has inspired me to open my self for ridicule

So here it is My Medic Fan script. {Yes its mostly fan-wank and a proper writer would have done a lot better with the basic idea (or more likely laughed in my face) and is probably best ignored completely}

Written on the basis of "wouldn't it be good if they could....", it probably now belong filed away in some forgotten drawer marked "what could have been"

honest opinions please

Imperfect Harmony.pdf (
I shall now go and hide

05-15-2013, 07:58 PM
Yeah, but what I mean is that each will have their own individual slot rather than then all going round mob-handed.

But I guess we're getting into semantical hair-splitting territory! :)
Hahaha. What I meant was something akin to their "The Devils of Crimson Cabin" and "Cataloged Epoch" compilations where each story is a 1-part tale, but the difference being that each tale has a different Medic and companion and that they each tie into one another in some timey-wimey way.

05-15-2013, 08:09 PM
Hahaha. What I meant was something akin to their "The Devils of Crimson Cabin" and "Cataloged Epoch" compilations where each story is a 1-part tale, but the difference being that each tale has a different Medic and companion and that they each tie into one another in some timey-wimey way.

Well, this is sorta 4-Docs! :) But, yeah, I see what you mean, and I think we're talking the same thing but from slightly different directions! :)

05-15-2013, 08:21 PM
Well, this is sorta 4-Docs! :) But, yeah, I see what you mean, and I think we're talking the same thing but from slightly different directions! :)
I'm glad you understand what I'm getting at. I think it'd be a refreshing change from seeing 4 1-part stories with the same Medic and companion. Plus, it would make for a nice leaping-on point for new listeners to get a feel for what each Medic is capable of and the kinda stories LC tells with them.

05-15-2013, 09:07 PM
@ColinBakerFans on Twitter is making some outlandish claims - all living doctors appearing in the final, but not necessarily as the Doctor. and Eccles-cake involvement...

They site amoungst their sources a former "famous" companion...

It's most likely a whole bunch of doo-doo...

Only time will tell.

05-15-2013, 09:42 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention. This Saturday is gonna have me in Doctor Who overload. There's the Series 7 finale, coupled with going to a local con where Colin Baker is attending. I hope I get his autograph, along with a photo of the 2 of us together! I'm getting giddy with anticipation!

05-15-2013, 09:47 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention. This Saturday is gonna have me in Doctor Who overload. There's the Series 7 finale, coupled with going to a local con where Colin Baker is attending. I hope I get his autograph, along with a photo of the 2 of us together! I'm getting giddy with anticipation!

Don't get into ant fights
BBC News - Star Wars and Doctor Who fans clash at Norwich convention (

05-15-2013, 10:00 PM
Don't get into ant fights
BBC News - Star Wars and Doctor Who fans clash at Norwich convention (
Eh, if I do, I'll sic Lou Ferrigno on them, since he's attending the con as well. Always good to have a Hulk on your side. XD

05-15-2013, 10:39 PM
The first medic's body is wearing a bit thin, he's lived a while, even longer than he's actually lived, if you consider what happened to him while fighting the pepperpots and the life-sucking old people. It's time for a bit of a change. Concluding the third season, "The Contraband Caper" and "The Other, Silver, Earth." I've uploaded alternate cover art to the flickr in my signature. Releases from the second medic onward will have the new design, rather than the LC-based one, partially due to me getting a bit ahead of myself and accidentally saving over the previous versions of the second medic template I had set up. Of course, if requested, I can cook up some new LC-based cover art for the newer audios, but it'll take a bit longer, now that I've gone and lost my base template. Additionally, From here on out I'll be exporting in a slightly larger bitrate.


Wow now those I likey a lot.

05-15-2013, 11:59 PM
Never mind about the three BBC Medic books. I found the third one in this thread and came across the other two in a torrent. Here's all three together in EPUB and PDF formats if anyone is interested. Still looking for the latest Archaeologist novel, though.



05-16-2013, 12:03 AM

Exterminate Me
05-16-2013, 12:54 AM
Ahh yes! the whole "commentator" thing. I thought it worked quite well given the story, and the guy they got for the part is a real sports commentator, (or so I'm told. Football has rather passed me by. thank god!)

Nae probs!

In fact it has inspired me to open my self for ridicule

So here it is My Medic Fan script. {Yes its mostly fan-wank and a proper writer would have done a lot better with the basic idea (or more likely laughed in my face) and is probably best ignored completely}

Written on the basis of "wouldn't it be good if they could....", it probably now belong filed away in some forgotten drawer marked "what could have been"

honest opinions please

Imperfect Harmony.pdf (
I shall now go and hide

I will check it out. It's good that you've made an attempt - it's only by practice that you get better! Good on you.

05-16-2013, 02:47 AM
Lalla's said very recently that she has no problem with working with Tom.
(Although she seemed less keen to renew her acquaintance with Matthew)

I suspect that LC are understandably scared that asking him might make him uncomfortable. Especially after how long it took him to agree to record with them in the first place.

There is a part of me, well all of me that wishes that Adric never comes back... I hate him a lot.

And then when I was about to find a safe way to link everyone to the article I wrote about Adric and my hate of him, I have now found out that I have been referenced on the Adric Wiki page (the official Wiki one, not the TARDIS Index File) - WHAT THE FUNK?!?!?

05-16-2013, 03:05 AM
There is a part of me, well all of me that wishes that Adric never comes back... I hate him a lot.

And then when I was about to find a safe way to link everyone to the article I wrote about Adric and my hate of him, I have now found out that I have been referenced on the Adric Wiki page (the official Wiki one, not the TARDIS Index File) - WHAT THE FUNK?!?!?
Congrats on the rather dubious honor. :)

05-16-2013, 03:08 AM
I guess I may be in a minority ... but ...

well ....

must admit I'd be interested to see if LC could do their 'magic' on Adric and turn him around like they did 6 and Mel ...


05-16-2013, 03:12 AM
Congrats on the rather dubious honor. :)

It's a total shock to me, I wrote the piece as a general comedic view on the guy after writing about the top 3 regenerations. I never thought someone would use it to reference the hatred of Adric in fandom, mostly as I always thought that at most 15 people had read the thing :O

05-16-2013, 05:18 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention. This Saturday is gonna have me in Doctor Who overload. There's the Series 7 finale, coupled with going to a local con where Colin Baker is attending. I hope I get his autograph, along with a photo of the 2 of us together! I'm getting giddy with anticipation!

Good show! He's a wonderful chap :)

... i can say that having met him once makes me the absolute authority, right? *snerk*

05-16-2013, 05:33 AM
Good show! He's a wonderful chap :)

... i can say that having met him once makes me the absolute authority, right? *snerk*
I suppose. By the way, I forgot to mention that I live in Michigan, which is also where Matt Smith is right now shooting a movie. Unfortunately, I don't feel brave enough to go to Detroit to try to meet him, which is just as well. I'd rather have my pic taken with him when he actually has hair. XD

05-16-2013, 06:41 AM
It's a total shock to me, I wrote the piece as a general comedic view on the guy after writing about the top 3 regenerations. I never thought someone would use it to reference the hatred of Adric in fandom, mostly as I always thought that at most 15 people had read the thing :O

Well at least 16 now...

btw love the end of the line "I don't see this as a spoiler..." so very true

05-16-2013, 07:03 AM
Good show! He's a wonderful chap :)

... i can say that having met him once makes me the absolute authority, right? *snerk*
I met Colin Baker once. He was in a show where he, McCoy, and Katy Manning just talked about Doctor Who, and a friend and I ran into him on the street as we were going to dinner. I pointed him out to my friend, who promptly went up and introduced himself to CB. Meanwhile, I was embarrassed (I always am nervous around famous people; I once forgot my name at a Terry Pratchett signing), so tried to hide behind my friend - unsuccessfully, since my friend is very thin and I am very fat. But CB was very nice - he talked to us for a minute or so, and later on he recognised us during the post-show autograph session.

05-16-2013, 07:04 AM
Thank You Haiko !!! just what I needed.

05-16-2013, 10:28 AM
Going back to a brief topic from a few weeks back - some of you may be interested by this - looks like Boucher's long promised Star Cops book is finally finished and getting a release...

Star Cops: Chris Boucher, David Darlington: Books (

05-16-2013, 10:52 AM
I guess I may be in a minority ... but ...

well ....

must admit I'd be interested to see if LC could do their 'magic' on Adric and turn him around like they did 6 and Mel ...


They did. Andrew Sachs played Adric in The Boy that Time Forgot. His character was a little crazy from surviving the iceage with no one to talk to but Jurassic man sized ants... Who had adopted him and... The big surprise for Nyssa upon their reunion was that he had been planning on shagging her once he'd exited his awkward stage. I was so young when I first watched this all on TV that I still always marvel at how young Nyssa is supposed to be, when I remember that the Doctor wouldn't let her have any Vodka in the Black Orchid but Tegan was allowed to get trollied... Where was I?


No, that's never going to happen, besides Matthew lives in America and has declined to be involved in anything that requires a 16 hour air flight.

How come Fazer still has the ability to sound like he did when he was 18, but we doubt that Matthew can?

I remember Nicola Bryant woffling about how she changes her characters vocal pitch depending on where in the timeline any particular Peri is from... There was a meaty and horrifying Companions Chronicle "Peri and the Piscone Paradox" where a young Peri clashed with an much older Peri which is a certain must have (and considering Colin is in there too, it's wonder it's a companion chronicle at all.).

05-16-2013, 12:02 PM

05-16-2013, 12:29 PM
Well at least 16 now...

btw love the end of the line "I don't see this as a spoiler..." so very true

Well we have to have something to look forward too :D

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

I was looking at just how many people may have read the article, or linked it, and it seems I may have pissed off the Adric Fan Community off... All 5 of them

earthshocked: A very evil website that I HATE (

05-16-2013, 12:53 PM
Oh dear lord.......

Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines (

05-16-2013, 01:11 PM
Oh dear lord.......

Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines (

omg!!! It's people like this who give us proper geeks a bad name :(