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12-05-2012, 12:15 AM
Hello all, I wondered if anyone out there had the 4th Medic reading A-Xmas-Carol, its meant to be good and I wouldn't half mind listening to it on the run up to Xmas.
Many thanks
Ps. If some kind soul could re-up the S=c=a=r=i=f=y=e=r=s adventure that went up recently, I couldn't get it for un-known reasons, but it seems that alot of others did, alot would appreciate it being put up again - maybe on a different site. Thanks in advance

12-05-2012, 01:52 AM

12-05-2012, 11:05 AM
S***с***а***r***i***f***y***е***r***s no 6, anyone?
I have all the rest, so help me please, to find T***h***e M***a***g***i***c C***i***r***c***l***e

12-06-2012, 12:26 AM
Well our UNIT script is coming along, I've read Scenes 1 & 2 of Act 1, and it's a good start. I've now been offered the role of a supporting alien character in addition to my UNIT Technician.
Now I'm becoming overly self conscious about how I sound, I really don't like my voice (at least now I don't). I liked how it sounded to me from my ears perspective, but now that I've heard how it sounds to everyone else.... But character voices are a different story, I frequently do voices just to be silly. But now I'm in the spotlight so to speak and I'm freezing up and psyching myself out. Especially since, for some bizarre reason, my friends think my character should be Scottish. That's making me more nervous about the project, that's not an accent I can pick up outside of TV, and most of what I hear on TV is American actors faking it, granted I've discovered British TV programs, but it's still hard to pick up an accent well if it's not one you hear in real life. Now if they said he should be Russian that be easier for me, I knew A LOT of Russian kids in high school. ...I'm also worried about the character in terms of cultural vernacular, I don't know typical slang for anyone who's not in the US (although lately that's starting to make less sense to me these days).

So that's my update to any interested parties.

12-06-2012, 11:24 AM
Hello all, I wondered if anyone out there had the 4th Medic reading A-Xmas-Carol, its meant to be good and I wouldn't half mind listening to it on the run up to Xmas.
Many thanks
Ps. If some kind soul could re-up the S=c=a=r=i=f=y=e=r=s adventure that went up recently, I couldn't get it for un-known reasons, but it seems that alot of others did, alot would appreciate it being put up again - maybe on a different site. Thanks in advance

I want to say I am not trying to suggest in this post you or anyone has to or should buy it. I would just like to point out to anyone that may wish to know this that it is only 74p to buy it as a download from audible via Amazon.

12-06-2012, 12:40 PM
Are those of you having trouble with 2shared clicking on the right link? You want to use the SECOND download button, not the first one. The first one is a an ad posing as a download link to trick people into downloading their virus.

And under no circumstances should you EVER download and/or execute any EXE file you find on the net, particularly on one of these kinds of sites, even if it claims to be a download manager. That's how you get a virus, as someone apparently just discovered!

12-06-2012, 01:28 PM
Yes, I certainly tried the proper link, and the attack I got (sooooo glad I tried it on a VM) was on actually going to the site via IE and not even getting chance to click any link.

12-06-2012, 04:47 PM
RE: 2Shared
Not an uncommon issue. I read a couple of forum discussions about the URL add-on ?cau2=403tNull. It is trying to tell the server to ignore non-specific errors and to connect without any redirects. The issue occurs most often in Firefox. 2Share recommends; 1). clear your cache. 2). clear your cookies. 3). use Google Chrome. A former big user of 2hared, suggests doing a system restore to a point when 2Share last worked. (nb: icefilms not longer posts 2Shared links)

Pretty much the consensus is that the problem is your end. But it was caused by 2Shared. The Irish techno-mage high council elders are blaming gremlins and calling for their banishment.

12-06-2012, 05:04 PM
Haha!! Sorry, but if you've got to do a system restore to use a share site then that, to me, smacks of something pretty screwed with the site and what ever garbage it's attempting to inject into your system.

Hay Ho!

12-06-2012, 05:54 PM
What if I re-uploaded S=c=a=r=i=f=y=e=r=s onto sendspace? Would that be better?

Well, that would make you an utter star! :)

12-06-2012, 07:33 PM

A heartfelt thanks, someone offering a remedy. My heart sings!!

12-06-2012, 09:22 PM
HOORAY!!!! You Sir are a legend! :)

12-07-2012, 01:51 AM
I want to say I am not trying to suggest in this post you or anyone has to or should buy it. I would just like to point out to anyone that may wish to know this that it is only 74p to buy it as a download from audible via Amazon.

Hell's teeth! The iTunes version is ... �8.95!!

12-07-2012, 02:47 AM
I have a new avatar, I spent my entire day making it... Apparently I'm kinda OCD when it comes to my art and DW. Let me know what you guys think.

12-07-2012, 03:19 AM
I have a new avatar, I spent my entire day making it... Apparently I'm kinda OCD when it comes to my art and DW. Let me know what you guys think.

I like it. Good job

12-07-2012, 09:09 AM
And under no circumstances should you EVER download and/or execute any EXE file you find on the net, particularly on one of these kinds of sites, even if it claims to be a download manager. That's how you get a virus, as someone apparently just discovered!
Always good advice. I've given it to my brother quite a bit. He obsessively updates flash player thinking it will make his farmville run better. He recently called me up because his computer was displaying a warning from the 'FBI' claiming they had evidence of all sorts of illegal stuff he'd done, activated his webcam, and commanded him to pay a 200 fine to get his computer back. The virus even helpfully tells you which stores to you can buy a prepaid card from. It took me an hour to get the computer to boot into safe mode so I could do a system restore. All because a third party site claimed to have a more recent version of flash player than the OFFICIAL site. So his stupid game wouldn't glitch.

12-07-2012, 12:50 PM
... displaying a warning from the 'FBI' claiming they had evidence of all sorts of illegal stuff he'd done, activated his webcam, and commanded him to pay a 200 fine to get his computer back...

Sounds like the same thing that hit me, except mine was localized and claimed it was the UK 'PCeU'

Sam Fett1989
12-07-2012, 04:13 PM
Would anybody possibly re-up T*O*R*C*H*W*O*O*D: E*X*O*D*U*S C*O*D*E please? The previous links are dead. I can offer a complete BF Audio Collection in return? Thanks :)

Exar Xan
12-07-2012, 06:06 PM
Going on a holiday starting tomorrow for a week, so am adding this post so I know from where to look for:

*T*h*e*S*h*a*d*o*w*H*e*a*r*t* & *R*e*t*u*r*n*o*f*t*h*e*R*o*c*k*e*t*M*e*n* for when they come out in mp3 form :)

12-07-2012, 08:07 PM
Going on a holiday starting tomorrow for a week, so am adding this post so I know from where to look for:

*T*h*e*S*h*a*d*o*w*H*e*a*r*t* & *R*e*t*u*r*n*o*f*t*h*e*R*o*c*k*e*t*M*e*n* for when they come out in mp3 form :)

Working *R*E*T*U*R*N*O*F*T*H*E*R*O*C*K*E*T*M*E*N* is on just type in the title and Bob`s your uncle!!...worked for me 4 days ago IN MP3

12-07-2012, 10:12 PM
I've made a new discovery with our UNIT Project, we need a musician for background music! My buddies working with me however a happy enough using the Numerous DW Soundtracks we have as their source. *sigh* We're so gonna get sued at some point.

12-07-2012, 10:45 PM
I've made a new discovery with our UNIT Project, we need a musician for background music! My buddies working with me however a happy enough using the Numerous DW Soundtracks we have as their source. *sigh* We're so gonna get sued at some point.

If any of you have Macs just fire up Garageband, or Google 'royalty free music' and you should find something usable.

Exar Xan
12-07-2012, 11:15 PM
Working *R*E*T*U*R*N*O*F*T*H*E*R*O*C*K*E*T*M*E*N* is on just type in the title and Bob`s your uncle!!...worked for me 4 days ago IN MP3

No results - with full name, partial or even just *R*o*c*k*e*t*m*e*n*

12-07-2012, 11:35 PM
No results - with full name, partial or even just *R*o*c*k*e*t*m*e*n*

It's two words "R.o.c.k.e.t..M.e.n"

12-08-2012, 12:36 AM
Nope nobber, zero seeders apperently at limetorrent.

I second Excar Xan's request, can someone upload (or refer to post of) working mp3 links for *T*h*e*S*h*a*d*o*w*H*e*a*r*t* & *R*e*t*u*r*n*o*f*t*h*e*R*o*c*k*e*t*M*e*n* please.

12-08-2012, 12:50 AM
Just because there's zero seeders now doesn't mean there won't always be no seeders. Try going via isohunt instead if you want to find other torrents.

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

Can someone reup this - (post) (
I've been looking everywhere, but they are removed

Oops. Sorry, Missed this. Sorry to say that I didn't keep them after I up'd them.

I'm sure there's still torrent versions lurking around somewhere, though.

12-08-2012, 01:51 AM
thanks did nessie eat s-c-a-r-y no7

12-08-2012, 09:09 AM

12-08-2012, 01:51 PM
About the whole 2shared mess, it use to work for me too. When it stopped behaving with my IE, I used Firefox. Then when I was reading on here about all of the problems, then the virus / exe wanting to dl itself, well, let's just say that from now on, 2shared is on my no-go sites list.

And I say, despite them saying the problem is with OUR pc, yet we got the problem from THEIR site.... isn't it a bit like asking someone who's won the lottery to pay money to get access to the money they won? O__o?? I the only one who's sitting here thinking about how messed up this sounds?

12-08-2012, 03:14 PM
Nope. There's quite a club of us. :)

12-08-2012, 08:05 PM
I have again updated my archive of the female archeologists novels.
It now includes no.22 s_3_c_r_3_t__h_1_s_t_0_r_1_3_s.
I also made lots of fixes for all the epub and mobi versions.

Reply with Quote

bs_4.rar download - 4shared (

12-09-2012, 12:22 AM
Third installment from the I.D.W ongoing series v3.

Reply with quote ;)

Doctor Who V3 03 (2c)(2012) (


12-09-2012, 01:34 AM
thanks did nessie eat s-c-a-r-y no7

.....that might explain the all bubbles coming up from the lake lately.......

12-09-2012, 01:59 AM
Anyone know where I could find the audios from this page?

BBV - CD and DVD Releases (

When Sylvester McCoy played "The Professor" alongside "Ace"

They look pretty interesting and have just shown up on Audible. I found some OLD, dead links but nothing working.

12-09-2012, 02:38 AM
... have just shown up on Audible...

Well that's a very pleasant surprise! Never thought they'd ever start distribution of those again. I deleted my copies (really crummy 96k rips) ages ago, but the 'solo' ones with Ace/Alice are amazing.

12-09-2012, 03:09 AM

12-09-2012, 06:16 AM
Hey I woul dreally appreciate it if anyone could give me any D*a*l*e*k * E*m*p*i*r*e story

I would also love ta hear T*e*r*r*o*r f*i*r*m*a I would be so gratefull for any

12-09-2012, 07:14 AM
Hey, I would really appreciate it if someone could post up a link for J*A*G*O*L*I*T*E*F*O*O*T* series 2? Even better if some could re-up them. Thanks!

12-09-2012, 07:23 AM

Ah, the completely unrelated, alternate universe, prequel to "The Angels Take Manhattan" read by Alex Kingston as Melody Malone.
Warning: Download only. Lo-res 64kbps. No CD release in March 2013.

Marvelous inside joke about productions done by "Starlight Movies"; people went to the theaters not to see their movies, nor to hear their stories, they went to see the stars.

This is River Song telling the story of what she was doing in Manhattan during the 1930's, masquerading as Melody Malone.

This is the book the Doctor reads from during the tv episode "Angels Take Manhattan." Only it's not, the book was published long before the tv edits. So there are differences. And the ending... only exists in tv show. It is/was not part of the book.

So if you didn't come for the story, but came to hear Alex Kingston... you are in the right place.
Audio file NOT included in this post.


Anyone know where I could find the audios from this page?
BBV - CD and DVD Releases (
When Sylvester McCoy played "The Professor" alongside "Ace"
They look pretty interesting and have just shown up on Audible. I found some OLD, dead links but nothing working.
Wow, new cover art. No comment on re-mastering - assume not. Audible release dates are unrelated to the recording dates. I wonder who they got the rights from? BBV has no longer has a 'net presence. The drwhoguide is still missing one audio story; "The Killing Floor" Written and read by Richard Franklin. I did not test the files listed at The drwhoguide DVD list is also incomplete (see:

12-09-2012, 11:55 AM
Hey, I would really appreciate it if someone could post up a link for J*A*G*O*L*I*T*E*F*O*O*T* series 2? Even better if some could re-up them. Thanks!

Not sure if this will work, but here goes


If somebody could explain how to get posts to appear with Reply with Quote, I'd appreciate it.

12-09-2012, 01:05 PM
If somebody could explain how to get posts to appear with Reply with Quote, I'd appreciate it.

Look back through Burneggroll's posts - he explains it rather well.

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

Wow, new cover art. No comment on re-mastering - assume not. Audible release dates are unrelated to the recording dates.

The big question is ... will BF be distributing CD copies and decent bit-rate downloads, too? Audible may be cheap, but the quality is generally pretty terrible.

12-09-2012, 01:10 PM
Hey I woul dreally appreciate it if anyone could give me any D*a*l*e*k * E*m*p*i*r*e story

I would also love ta hear T*e*r*r*o*r f*i*r*m*a I would be so gratefull for any

T*e*r*r*o*r*f*i*r*m*a as requested.




---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

T*e*r*r*o*r*f*i*r*m*a as requested.

[url= ( [/url)

Reply with Quote


12-09-2012, 02:23 PM
Hey I woul dreally appreciate it if anyone could give me any D*a*l*e*k * E*m*p*i*r*e story

I would also love ta hear T*e*r*r*o*r f*i*r*m*a I would be so gratefull for any


Reply with Quote

[url= ([/url)

[url= ([/url)


Will hopefully u/l the rest of the series over the rest of the week

12-09-2012, 03:44 PM

Reply with Quote


[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)


12-09-2012, 05:48 PM

Reply with Quote


---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------


Reply with Quote


[url= ( [/url)

[url= [url] ( [/url)


12-10-2012, 12:19 AM
( ( (

Christmas wallpapers / postcards - click image for source...

( ( (

Don�t forget that there are daily treats waiting for you on the Doctor Who Adventure Calendar. Open door 9 here! BBC One - Doctor Who, The Snowmen - Doctor Who Adventure Calendar, 2012 (

12-10-2012, 02:29 AM
Would someone be so kind as to upload S_c+a*r_i-f+y*e+r_s No.8 to somewhere that works......Pretty please.

The last two D-o_r-i_a-n G-r_a-y's would also be welcomed.

12-10-2012, 05:27 AM
Not sure if this will work, but here goes

Series2-1.rar (
Series2-2.rar (

Thanks, but the files were encrypted.

12-10-2012, 06:01 AM
T*e*r*r*o*r*f*i*r*m*a as requested.




---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------



Reply with Quote

---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------


Reply with Quote

[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url) ( [url)


Thank you thank you, Omg you are fan-fliping-tastic much appreciated!!!! I cud kiss you!!

---------- Post added at 11:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

I dont wanna sound ungrateful or anything but anyone who downloaded T*e*r*r*o*r F*i*r*m*a would re-upload it? I was late to it and it wouldn't be fair to ask the original uploader to re-up it so If anyone could swing it and share the wealth as it were it I'd be very grateful :D

12-10-2012, 10:54 AM
Thanks, but the files were encrypted.

I never encrypted the files, but I noticed more ppl downloaded these files. Has anyone else had any problems opening them?

@cardcaptordeadpool: T*e*r*r*o*r*f*i*r*m*a is still there. You having problems downloading it? I'll try and re-up it later if you have no joy with it.

12-10-2012, 11:50 AM
No many gleeful comebacks or bite of the serpent yet?

12-10-2012, 03:04 PM
Maybe with @andyb2011 seemingly able to fulfill every heart's desire, I'll be lucky, too:

It appears as if T*h*e*S*e*r*p*e*n*t*s*C*r*e*s*t was never fully present here (, nor did I manage to find it in any torrs):
I still look out for no. 4*-*T*h*e*H*e*x*f*o*r*d*I*n*v*a*s*i*o*n and no. 5*-*S*u*r*v*i*v*o*r*s*I*n*S*p*a*c*e.
The same goes for the 11th medic's incarnation in D*e*a*d*O*f*W*i*n*t*e*r.
Any help would be appreciated!

12-10-2012, 03:18 PM
Maybe with @andyb2011 seemingly able to fulfill every heart's desire, I'll be lucky, too:

It appears as if T*h*e*S*e*r*p*e*n*t*s*C*r*e*s*t was never fully present here (, nor did I manage to find it in any torrs):
I still look out for no. 4*-*T*h*e*H*e*x*f*o*r*d*I*n*v*a*s*i*o*n and no. 5*-*S*u*r*v*i*v*o*r*s*I*n*S*p*a*c*e.
The same goes for the 11th medic's incarnation in D*e*a*d*O*f*W*i*n*t*e*r.
Any help would be appreciated!

I do have the entire S*e*r*p*e*n*t*C*r*e*s*t, but can't help with D*e*a*d*o*f*W*i*n*t*e*r. Will up it later tonight.

12-10-2012, 07:03 PM
Anyone have M*A*N*Y H*A*P*P*Y R*E*T*U*R*N*S?

Has anyone uploaded this yet?

12-10-2012, 07:48 PM

12-10-2012, 08:01 PM
S*e*r*p*e*n*t*C*r*e*s*t Parts 1-5


[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)
[url= [/url]

Reply with Quote

12-10-2012, 11:12 PM
Does anyone have:

P*L*A*G*U*E* O*F *T*H*E *D*A*L*E*K*S*
E*n*e*m*y* o*f* t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
*B*r*o*t*h*e*r*h*o*o*d* o*f* t*h*e* D*a*l*e*k*s*
*R*e*n*a*i*s*s*a*n*c*e* o*f* t*h*e* D*a*l*e*k*s*
*B*l*o*o*d* o*f* t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s*
*R*e*t*u*r*n* o*f* t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s*


Reply with Quote

B*l*o*o*d*o*f ...... to follow

- Plague
[url= ( [/url) - Enemy
- Brotherhood
[url= ( [/url) - Renaissance
[url= [/url] - Return

12-10-2012, 11:41 PM
If someone could re-upload the other Scarifyers audios that'd be brilliant. I have re-download 'em because they were wiped from my old computer, unfortunately.

12-10-2012, 11:49 PM

[url= [/url]

Reply with Quote

12-11-2012, 12:30 AM
I never encrypted the files, but I noticed more ppl downloaded these files. Has anyone else had any problems opening them?

Just unpacked with whovian as password worked just fine.

12-11-2012, 12:49 AM
S_c+a*r_i-f+y*e+r_s No.8 post #5118

---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 PM ----------

Thanks Bulletzen thought i'd tried that one and got some kind of weird exe file. Must have missed it.

Cheers again.

12-11-2012, 01:40 AM
Thanks Bulletzen thought i'd tried that one and got some kind of weird exe file. Must have missed it.

Cheers again.

Just tried it, and it looks OK to me. You did click the 'click hear to start download ...' link? The resulting file is a .rar

Sendspace are pretty good normally. Few popups and, in my experience anyway, no attempts to lure you to download questionable executables.

12-11-2012, 01:54 AM
UNIT update: We now have 4 scenes written for act 1! A new character has been introduced, his dialogue makes me wish I could still do my Patrick Stewart impression, that's the kind of voice I hear reading the script. We'll be doing some test recordings tonight to try and find good voices for the main characters. The guys still want me to do a Scottish accent, for ANY character it seems. *sigh*

...For those of you who have enjoyed my holiday avatar take a look at my new one.

12-11-2012, 02:07 AM
If it's your script, and you're directing, do it the way YOU want to.

12-11-2012, 02:09 AM
In keeping with the kelaD vein anyone have sorvaD ,I ? or any other sorvaD items....

12-11-2012, 02:14 AM
It's their script I'm the "DW Technical Advisor" and editor. As well as cast member, I can put my foot down on the subject, but like small excitable children they keep pushing the issue.

12-11-2012, 02:24 AM
Just take control.

12-11-2012, 05:41 AM
I never encrypted the files, but I noticed more ppl downloaded these files. Has anyone else had any problems opening them?

@cardcaptordeadpool: T*e*r*r*o*r*f*i*r*m*a is still there. You having problems downloading it? I'll try and re-up it later if you have no joy with it.

Hey andy man ya im still having a problem gettin it, im sorry man

12-11-2012, 08:11 AM
Hey andy man ya im still having a problem gettin it, im sorry man

No problem. T*e*r*r*o*r*f*i*r*m*a re-upped.

Reply with quote, pw:whovian

[url= [/url]

12-11-2012, 08:42 AM
Thanks andyb2011!

12-11-2012, 10:37 AM
Thanks andyb2011!

No problem. Glad to be able to give something back.

On another note, I have just started using Mediafire and have found out that they limit the number of downloads of password protected files. If I make files private in Mediafire would people still be able to d/l them.?

Any help/advice would be appreciated.

12-11-2012, 04:10 PM
Just tried it, and it looks OK to me. You did click the 'click hear to start download ...' link? The resulting file is a .rar

Sendspace are pretty good normally. Few popups and, in my experience anyway, no attempts to lure you to download questionable executables.

Yeah thanks for checking Nobber. It worked fine the second time I tried it but the first time I kept getting a .rar.exe file that didn't do anything. All's good now.

Still after the last two D-o-r-i-a-n G-r-a-y's if they're out there.

12-11-2012, 05:13 PM
On another note, I have just started using Mediafire and have found out that they limit the number of downloads of password protected files....

Never used MF as a host, but I suppose you could p/w a compressed file, and then compress it again without a p/w? Just as long as people know what to expect.

12-11-2012, 09:15 PM

12-11-2012, 11:11 PM
In keeping with the kelaD vein anyone have sorvaD ,I ? or any other sorvaD items....

I*D*a*v*r*o*s. Will up a few more stories when I get chance.


[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)

Reply with Quote, pw:whovian
To get around the whole limited downloads, I've put a passworded archive inside another archive. Please let me know if there are any problems.

12-12-2012, 12:42 AM
A few more D*a*v*r*o*s stories

Reply with quote, pw: whovian.
An archive inside an archive again.
- Davros
[url= ( [/url) – The Juggernauts
– The Curse of Davros
[url= ( [/url) – The Davros Mission

12-12-2012, 09:19 AM
Tim Huntre 6
06time.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download - bacon pancake (

Tame Humper 8
08time.part1.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download - bacon pancake (
08time.part2.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download - bacon pancake (
08time.part3.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download - bacon pancake (

Tome Haunter 9
09time.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download - bacon pancake (

12-12-2012, 09:16 PM
No problem. Glad to be able to give something back.

On another note, I have just started using Mediafire and have found out that they limit the number of downloads of password protected files. If I make files private in Mediafire would people still be able to d/l them.?

Any help/advice would be appreciated.

You could just try with It's not a big, well-known website, offer direct link to download files, and have darn nice speeds. No countdowns, no entering anything. Just a thought!

12-12-2012, 09:50 PM
Just read on the Large Conclusions site that the new monthly Medic story as well as the sub special have both been released. I look forward to hearing them. :)

12-12-2012, 11:04 PM
The first part of the Main is in the podcast that's out today. Sounds good. 5+N make a good team ... and also remind you how crowded the whole thing can feel with Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough.

12-12-2012, 11:13 PM
The first part of the Main is in the podcast that's out today. Sounds good. 5+N make a good team ... and also remind you how crowded the whole thing can feel with Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough.
I agree, Nobbler. Several of my favorite Five audios are with just him and Nyssa. However, I do like that in the more recent ones with Five, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough that they've given each member of the team something to do in the plot in order to contribute things more evenly.

12-12-2012, 11:53 PM
UNIT meeting fell through, and someone I know has actually dated a Scotsman before and she told me my Scottish accent was really good. I'm still doubtful, but feel a little more confident. I just wish I had a better understanding of the vurnacular so so we could have convincing dialouge.

12-12-2012, 11:59 PM
I agree, Nobbler. Several of my favorite Five audios are with just him and Nyssa. However, I do like that in the more recent ones with Five, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough that they've given each member of the team something to do in the plot in order to contribute things more evenly.

It's with that combination that a proper Boxset (as opposed to three separate loosely connected months) would work really well. A decent "series length" single story for them all to shine.

12-13-2012, 01:14 AM
Bulletzen 100% superstar

12-13-2012, 01:17 AM
And a damn, great, huge, cuddly Happy Christmas to you, too!!

12-13-2012, 01:35 AM
What an excellent way to spend a Birthday!!! The wife and kid are out shopping and I have a new Medic Story to listen too!!!

Merry Christmas to you, Bulletzen!!!

Sam Fett1989
12-13-2012, 02:04 AM
Thanks so much for these! Merry Christmas to you too! :D

12-13-2012, 02:37 AM
Thanks Ever so much you very decent chap,
Have a Very Merry Christmas,

12-13-2012, 03:21 AM
"And incidentally, a happy Christmas to all of you at home!" - The Feast of Steven

You're a star, Bulletzen. ;)

12-13-2012, 05:12 AM
A 1001 thanks Bulletzen

12-13-2012, 05:29 AM
Thanks Bulletzen!

Just a quick question, do you have to have heard the previous S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D box sets to listen to L*O*V*E&W*A*R?

12-13-2012, 05:33 AM
A 1001 thanks Bulletzen

12-13-2012, 05:34 AM
Just a quick question, do you have to have heard the previous S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D box sets to listen to L*O*V*E&W*A*R?
As far as I know, I don't think you do, since that story is when the adventurer archaeologist first meets the seventh Medic. I listened to it with her story from #123 of the main range, as well as #013 & #042 being my only exposure to the character, and I managed to follow it fairly well. Hell, I've never even read the original novel before!

12-13-2012, 06:54 AM
And a damn, great, huge, cuddly Happy Christmas to you, too!!

I wholeheartly concur! what a sperratus.... Thank you so much Bulletzen!

12-13-2012, 07:48 AM
As far as I know, I don't think you do, since that story is when the adventurer archaeologist first meets the seventh Medic. I listened to it with her story from #123 of the main range, as well as #013 & #042 being my only exposure to the character, and I managed to follow it fairly well. Hell, I've never even read the original novel before!

Okay, thanks!

12-13-2012, 08:24 AM
Going to watch the Hobbit on Friday, so i've decided to watch The lord of The Rings Extended Editions on Blu-Ray just before hand. Gandalf said to Frodo -
"Keep it hidden, Keep it safe!...

Download from - send big files the easy way (

Download from - send big files the easy way (

Merry Christmas folks!

What a wonderful present to come home to - and just when I needed them, too!

Thanks a billion, Bulletzen!

12-13-2012, 08:42 AM
cheers Bulletzen you are a star!

12-13-2012, 09:51 AM
Thanks Bulletzen!

Just a quick question, do you have to have heard the previous S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D box sets to listen to L*O*V*E&W*A*R?

L*O*V*E*&*W*A*R is a totally stand-alone story, so no. In fact, it was listening to that story what prompted me into listening to the rest of the S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D series. Highly recommend it if you can find them.

12-13-2012, 11:33 AM
Thank you Bulletzen!

12-13-2012, 12:05 PM
Thanks Bulletzen Ill try and get these later. Sendspace constantly telling me no free slots are available.

12-13-2012, 12:43 PM
Big festive "thank you" to Bulletzen! :)

12-13-2012, 03:57 PM
Thanks Bulletzen Ill try and get these later. Sendspace constantly telling me no free slots are available.
Out of interest anyone else having this trouble? Been trying all day and it keeps saying the same.

12-13-2012, 04:32 PM
Both worked fine for me.....
I did them both this morning with no issues....

12-13-2012, 05:16 PM
Both worked fine for me.....
I did them both this morning with no issues....

Same here. No problems at all. all i can say is keep trying...

12-13-2012, 05:22 PM
Has anyone got these latest 2 as individual mp3 files??

12-13-2012, 07:29 PM
Thanks very much, Bulletzen!!!!

12-13-2012, 09:01 PM
Hi all. Does anybody know if there is a link to the last Companion Chronicle in the Leela trilogy on this thread?

12-13-2012, 10:33 PM
Hi all. Does anybody know if there is a link to the last Companion Chronicle in the Leela trilogy on this thread?

Not that works.


12-13-2012, 11:35 PM
Out of interest anyone else having this trouble? Been trying all day and it keeps saying the same.

try clearing your cookies and cache

12-13-2012, 11:37 PM
Has anyone got these latest 2 as individual mp3 files??

Its fairly easy to convert m4a/m4b files into mp3 and takes just a few minutes. Just use this program: Free M4a to MP3 Converter - CNET (

12-13-2012, 11:45 PM
...I have to wait an hour. I know I've got a lousy connection, but a whole hour?
...And 20 mins. into the Download I keep getting a error. :(

12-14-2012, 12:50 AM
Surprised that sendspace is giving people issues. Try going via rapid8 - works for me all the time. (*)

(*) Not that that really helps as we all know that some share methods seem to work for some all the time and never for others.

12-14-2012, 12:52 AM
Here, enjoy.



12-14-2012, 12:58 AM
Its fairly easy to convert m4a/m4b files into mp3 and takes just a few minutes. Just use this program: Free M4a to MP3 Converter - CNET (

What I'm after is the proper multiple mp3 versions released by BF. Converting an m4a/b file to mp3 just gives you one file. Thanks anyway.

12-14-2012, 01:15 AM
What I'm after is the proper multiple mp3 versions released by BF. Converting an m4a/b file to mp3 just gives you one file. Thanks anyway.

Does that s/w split down to chapter level? That way you'll get 4 mp3s for the story, one trailer and two/three extras.

12-14-2012, 01:31 AM

08time.part1.rar (
08time.part2.rar (
08time.part3.rar (

Also, does anyone have the first half of the Stagrate S3 boxset? Or DG 4 "Heart" and 5 "King"?

12-14-2012, 02:18 AM
What I'm after is the proper multiple mp3 versions released by BF. Converting an m4a/b file to mp3 just gives you one file. Thanks anyway.

Ah, no worries. As we are kind of limited by what we can get from these uploads I've just gotten into the habit of splitting the files manually.

12-14-2012, 04:07 AM
Ah, no worries. As we are kind of limited by what we can get from these uploads I've just gotten into the habit of splitting the files manually.

Funny ol' world, isn't it? 99% of the time I join 'em together to have one track per story! :)

12-14-2012, 04:21 AM
And one more.

11time.rar (

12-14-2012, 06:19 AM
L*O*V*E*&*W*A*R is a totally stand-alone story, so no. In fact, it was listening to that story what prompted me into listening to the rest of the S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D series. Highly recommend it if you can find them.

Yeah, the S*U*M*M*E*R*F*I*E*L*D series is really good. I've heard the first boxset, and I have the other 2. Does anyone know were I can get "Many Sad Leaving"?

12-14-2012, 08:04 AM
Thanks Bulletzen I can't wait to hear these!!![COLOR="Silver"]

12-14-2012, 07:44 PM
What I'm after is the proper multiple mp3 versions released by BF. Converting an m4a/b file to mp3 just gives you one file. Thanks anyway.

I'm using xrecode II ( to convert m4b to individual mp3s for every chapter. Works perfectly. Even creates correct ID3 tags.

12-14-2012, 09:08 PM
For anyone who missed S*e*r*p*e*n*t*C*r*e*s*t the first time around.

No password. It seems that MF won't even let you hide a passworded archive inside another archive.


[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)
[url= [/url]

Reply with Quote

12-14-2012, 11:11 PM
For anyone who missed S*e*r*p*e*n*t*C*r*e*s*t the first time around.

No password. It seems that MF won't even let you hide a passworded archive inside another archive.

How about renaming the file type to avi or some such and then the downloader would change it back to rar?

12-14-2012, 11:17 PM
Thanks Bulletzen. Merry Christmas :)

12-14-2012, 11:51 PM
In the time honored tradition of pushing my luck, does anyone have:

T*h*e* S*i*l*v*e*r* T*u*r*k
P*a*t*i*e*n*t *Z*e*r*o
K*i*n*g*d*o*m* o*f *S*i*l*v*e*r
T*h*e* R*e*a*p*i*n*g
T*h*e* G*a*t*h*e*r*i*n*g
T*h*e* G*i*r*l* W*h*o* N*e*v*e*r* W*a*s
H*e*r*o*e*s* o*f* S*o*n*t*a*r

Well, if you don't ask, you don't get.

� Silver Turk
[url= ( [/url) � Patient Zero
� Kingdom of Silver
[url= ( [/url) � The Reaping
� The Gathering
[url= ( [/url) � The Girl Who Never Was
[url= [/url] � Heroes of Sontar
Reply with quote

12-15-2012, 12:11 AM
How about renaming the file type to avi or some such and then the downloader would change it back to rar?

They probably check at a binary level rather than just based on extension, but worth a try.

There's always good ol' UUENCODE - though they may wonder why you're uploading a massive text file!

12-15-2012, 12:19 AM
How about renaming the file type to avi or some such and then the downloader would change it back to rar?

I was worried about people finding out what the file really was more than anything. But I've removed all tags and just upped the files under the release number. If they get found - they get found. There are always other sites to upload to. I'm relatively new to the scene and not sure what to expect.

12-15-2012, 03:39 AM
What I'm after is the proper multiple mp3 versions released by BF. Converting an m4a/b file to mp3 just gives you one file. Thanks anyway.The official download file format can be different from each of the various official retailers. To keep the chapters, convert just one file at a time. Don't shove the whole folder into the convertor all at once. (Or buy a professional audio whatchcallit).

<hr color=green size=6>

How about renaming the file type to avi or some such and then the downloader would change it back to rar?Holla! Yeah, I used get videos with .XLS file extensions. And Demonoid used have Download as Text. The recipient just needs to know what to change the file extension to. Clever, looks like garbage and requires no tools to correct. I like simple codework.

12-15-2012, 03:41 AM
I would so loooove to d/l the day of the happy dove and the millenia + 1 nights but i can't seem to with SS. anyone out there have it on other more mainstream sites?
much obliged and great job as always to all!

12-15-2012, 04:25 AM
Can anyone point me to, or upload, a working mp3 download link for 6 medic T*h*e A*c*h*e*r*o*n* P*u*l*s*e?


12-15-2012, 10:55 AM
looking for Shelf Life charity anthology in PDF format.

12-15-2012, 12:15 PM
I would so loooove to d/l the day of the happy dove and the millenia + 1 nights but i can't seem to with SS. anyone out there have it on other more mainstream sites?
much obliged and great job as always to all!

Both releases, converted to mp3.
– 1001 Nights

---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

Can anyone point me to, or upload, a working mp3 download link for 6 medic T*h*e A*c*h*e*r*o*n* P*u*l*s*e?



Reply with Quote

12-15-2012, 01:26 PM
andyb2011 you are an absolute legend!:zillawalk:

Ok, I know that my luck has been pushed and that I'm heading well into cheeky git territory.

12-15-2012, 01:36 PM
Maguffin, you are so far into cheeky git territory you'll need a map to find your way out - but let me see what I can dig out :D

12-15-2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks a million! And just in time for the weekend too !!

12-15-2012, 04:58 PM
For Maguffin. Can't help with everything, but here's what I've got.

– The Four Doctors
[url= ( [/url) – The Five Companions
– Thin Ice
[url= ( [/url) – Real Time
– Curse of the Daleks
[url= ( [/url) – The Seven Keys to Doomsday
[url= [/url] – The Ultimate Adventure

Reply with Quote

I have the U*n*b*o*u*n*d stories and will up them when I get chance.

12-15-2012, 10:32 PM
Anyone have Thyme Finder 7, 10, and 12?

12-16-2012, 12:02 AM
I just want to say thank you, Andy. I really appreciate all these uploads. Haven't listened to them yet, but I should have time over Christmas. I'm stockpiling!

12-17-2012, 05:20 AM
andyb2011 you are an absolute legend!:zillawalk:

Ok, I know that my luck has been pushed and that I'm heading well into cheeky git territory but..

Has anyone got these to complete my wants list:

d*r* *w*h*o* *u*n*b*o*u*n*d* particularly M*a*s*t*e*r*s o*f *W*a*r*
I heart Davros :)

T*h*e *F*i*v*e *C*o*m*p*a*n*i*o*n*s (subscription exclusive)
T*h*e *F*o*u*r* D*o*c*t*o*r*s (subscription exclusive)
D*o*c*t*o*r *W*h*o*: *R*e*a*l* *T*i*m*e
*T*h*i*n *I*c*e
T*h*e* U*t*i*m*a*t*e* A*d*v*e*n*t*u*r*e
T*h*e* S*e*v*e*n *K*e*y*s *t*o* D*o*o*m*s*d*a*y
G*e*n*e*s*i*s* *o*f *t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
*E*v*i*l *o*f *t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s *M*a*s*t*e*r *P*l*a*n
T*h*e *W*h*e*e*l*n *S*p*a*c*e
T*h*e C*h*a*s*e

i do believe that i have all of those

12-17-2012, 08:21 AM

12-17-2012, 10:23 PM
Has the latest CC 'a kid' been on here yet?

12-17-2012, 10:48 PM
Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday, and a productive new year.

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------

PS: I hope everyone has been enjoying my DW Christmas art, I had fun making it. Sadly though I now want Dalek shaped cookies and the ability to make my two favorite pics into T-Shirts. Neither is like to happen for me though. *Sigh*

12-18-2012, 02:01 AM
Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday, and a productive new year.

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------

PS: I hope everyone has been enjoying my DW Christmas art, I had fun making it. Sadly though I now want Dalek shaped cookies and the ability to make my two favorite pics into T-Shirts. Neither is like to happen for me though. *Sigh*


Can't help you with making cookies, but Iron-on Heat Transfers (usually include Iron-on Transfer paper for printing with an ink-jet printer) such as Avery Personal Creations InkJet Iron-Ons, may work for you to create Iron-ons for T-Shirts using your own Graphic Software, or the software included in some transfer packages. I've used them many times and they create custom T-Shirts quite well (I have even used them to create an Iron-on for 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' which I used on a white cloth jacket for my nephew). Just a thought. You can find the transfer kits on Amazon or Staples for a reasonable price.

12-18-2012, 02:01 AM
I was wondering if anyone had the following 11th medic audios. I had a full set and these were missing

tsoL xodaraP
legnA nA yB dehcuoT
emiT deworroB
simetrA fo sdnuoH ehT

Thank you

12-18-2012, 02:11 AM
Will you share? I'm missing these from that list:

G*e*n*e*s*i*s* *o*f *t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
*E*v*i*l *o*f *t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s *M*a*s*t*e*r *P*l*a*n
T*h*e *W*h*e*e*l*n *S*p*a*c*e
T*h*e C*h*a*s*ed*r* *w*h*o* *u*n*b*o*u*n*d*


i will upload when i get the time...i'll post when i've completed the task.

---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 PM ----------

I was wondering if anyone had the following 11th medic audios. I had a full set and these were missing

tsoL xodaraP
legnA nA yB dehcuoT
emiT deworroB
simetrA fo sdnuoH ehT

Thank you

i think i have all of these...i'll check

12-18-2012, 05:45 AM
Will you share? I'm missing these from that list:

G*e*n*e*s*i*s* *o*f *t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
*E*v*i*l *o*f *t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s
t*h*e *D*a*l*e*k*s *M*a*s*t*e*r *P*l*a*n
T*h*e *W*h*e*e*l*n *S*p*a*c*e
T*h*e C*h*a*s*ed*r* *w*h*o* *u*n*b*o*u*n*d*


Here you go

The Lost Episodes:

The Chase - 16 01st Doctor - The Chase - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

The Daleks' Master Plan - 21 01st Doctor - The Daleks&#39; Master Plan - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

The Evil of the Daleks - 36 02nd Doctor - The Evil of the Daleks - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

The Wheel in Space - 43 02nd Doctor - The Wheel in Space - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Genesis of the Daleks - 78 04th Doctor - Genesis of the Daleks - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (


Auld Morality - UN1-01 Auld Mortality - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Full Fathom Five - UN1-03 Full Fathom Five - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Sympathy For The Devil - UN1-02 Sympathy for the Devil - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

He Jests At Scars... - UN1-04 He Jests at Scars... - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Deadline - UN1-05 Deadline - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Exile - UN1-06 Exile - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

A Storm of Angels - UN2-01 A Storm of Angels - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Masters of War - UN2-02 Masters of War - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

12-18-2012, 05:46 AM
I was wondering if anyone had the following 11th medic audios. I had a full set and these were missing

tsoL xodaraP
legnA nA yB dehcuoT
emiT deworroB
simetrA fo sdnuoH ehT

Thank you

Here you go

Sorry, this is all I have:

Touched By An Angel -

The Hounds of Artemis (Version 1) -

The Hounds of Artemis (Version 2) -

12-18-2012, 09:52 AM
Anybody have M*a*n*y*H*a*p*p*y*R*e*t*u*r*n*s and is willing to upload it?


12-18-2012, 11:12 AM
Does anyone have the cc t#h#e c#h#i#l#d at all thanks

12-18-2012, 02:21 PM
Here you go

The Lost Episodes:

The Chase - 16 01st Doctor - The Chase - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

The Daleks' Master Plan - 21 01st Doctor - The Daleks' Master Plan - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

The Evil of the Daleks - 36 02nd Doctor - The Evil of the Daleks - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

The Wheel in Space - 43 02nd Doctor - The Wheel in Space - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Genesis of the Daleks - 78 04th Doctor - Genesis of the Daleks - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (


Auld Morality - UN1-01 Auld Mortality - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Full Fathom Five - UN1-03 Full Fathom Five - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Sympathy For The Devil - UN1-02 Sympathy for the Devil - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

He Jests At Scars... - UN1-04 He Jests at Scars... - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Deadline - UN1-05 Deadline - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Exile - UN1-06 Exile - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

A Storm of Angels - UN2-01 A Storm of Angels - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Masters of War - UN2-02 Masters of War - MP3 Download, Play, Listen Songs - 4shared (

Don't suppose someone could up The D*a*l*e*k*s*M*a*s*t*e*r*p*l*a*n to somewhere other than 4Shared. I hate that site.


12-18-2012, 03:01 PM
... than 4Shared. I hate that site ...

How come? Seems to be one of the sites that gives least trouble like group X can d/l and group Y get nadda. I know you've got to register, but you can do that with disposable addys. Even accepts 10 minute emails. (And I think it works OK with rapid8, too)

12-18-2012, 03:22 PM
Four shared makes me wait hours between each download. :(

12-18-2012, 03:23 PM
How come? Seems to be one of the sites that gives least trouble like group X can d/l and group Y get nadda. I know you've got to register, but you can do that with disposable addys. Even accepts 10 minute emails. (And I think it works OK with rapid8, too)

Yeah, it's just the fact that you've got to register.

12-18-2012, 04:40 PM
Yeah, it's just the fact that you've got to register.

Don't fuss yourself too much about that. Just register using a disposable address and you're good to go.

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

Four shared makes me wait hours between each download. :(

Never heard of it doing that before. Odd.

12-18-2012, 05:10 PM
thank you kindly for all the new eps

12-18-2012, 07:36 PM
Just read on the Large Conclusions site that the new Journey with the 6th Medic with those 2 Victorian gentleman is available. Just sayin'. XD

12-18-2012, 07:53 PM
thank you, just need the savage's new cc now... yay!

12-18-2012, 08:15 PM

12-18-2012, 08:25 PM
Thank you very much Bulletzen

12-18-2012, 09:15 PM
Bulletzen... I.. there are no bounds to your awesomeness!

12-18-2012, 09:28 PM
Bulletzen... I.. there are no bounds to your awesomeness!

Here here... jolly good chap. Top whole and spiffing and all that!

12-18-2012, 09:36 PM
Here here... jolly good chap. Top whole and spiffing and all that!

I'm liking the Jago impersonation ufokev lol very good

12-18-2012, 09:58 PM
Many thanks! Unfortunately Dr Who unbound 1,2,3, and 4 have been deleted and Genesis of the Daleks is saying invalid link. :(

tbh, I'm surprised they haven't all been deleted. Uploading them with their proper titles is like pointing a neon sign at them.

12-18-2012, 10:35 PM
Here you go

Sorry, this is all I have:

Touched By An Angel - - free file sharing and storage (

The Hounds of Artemis (Version 1) - - free file sharing and storage (

The Hounds of Artemis (Version 2) - - free file sharing and storage (

Thank you so much, you're a star TheDoctor911! But the page says that the links are not valid.

12-18-2012, 11:02 PM
Here you go

Sorry, this is all I have:

Touched By An Angel - - free file sharing and storage (

The Hounds of Artemis (Version 1) - - free file sharing and storage (

The Hounds of Artemis (Version 2) - - free file sharing and storage (

what the difference between version 1 & 2 of 'The Hounds of Artemis'?

12-18-2012, 11:39 PM
what the difference between version 1 & 2 of 'The Hounds of Artemis'?

IIRC there was a "lite" version released free with a newspaper.

12-19-2012, 12:27 AM
For anyone who wants them - D*r*W*h*o*U*n*b*o*u*n*d. Can't vouch for these - found them in a torrent someone uploaded a link to a while back (can't remember who and cba to read back, but whoever it was ... thanks) and haven't had chance to listen to them all.

- Auld Mortality
[url= ( [/url) - Sympathy for the Devil
- Full Fathom Five
[url= ( [/url) - He Jests at Scars
- Deadline
[url= ( [/url) - Exile
- A Storm of Angels
[url= ( [/url) - Masters of War

Reply with Quote

12-19-2012, 12:41 AM
Thanks for the tips about T-Shirt making I didn't even think about that!. Though currently it won't be happening anytime soon, but when I can afford to do it I will be the envy of all my friends!


Can't help you with making cookies, but Iron-on Heat Transfers (usually include Iron-on Transfer paper for printing with an ink-jet printer) such as Avery Personal Creations InkJet Iron-Ons, may work for you to create Iron-ons for T-Shirts using your own Graphic Software, or the software included in some transfer packages. I've used them many times and they create custom T-Shirts quite well (I have even used them to create an Iron-on for 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' which I used on a white cloth jacket for my nephew). Just a thought. You can find the transfer kits on Amazon or Staples for a reasonable price.

12-19-2012, 03:56 AM
Thanks again Bulletzen. It's like Christmas! :)

12-19-2012, 04:06 AM
Anybody got Cobra Chomp with the 11th Medic? It came out earlier this month.

12-19-2012, 05:33 AM
Thanks for the VTTNW Bulletzen, much appreciated.

12-19-2012, 06:11 AM
Hello. New to the site, but I wanted to ask, since I went back through about forty or so of the pages and tried to find the answer for myself before asking
does anyone have the 8th Dr. story S*t*o*r*m W*a*r*n*i*n*g*? If not, anything will do, as I finally watched the movie and would like more another story involving that Doctor.
If I forgot to observe protocol in some fashion, I apologize, as I must have missed it after registering. Thanks for the assistance!

12-19-2012, 06:57 AM
Four shared makes me wait hours between each download. :(

i've never had any trouble, i download 4 to 5 files at once, just have to wait 60 to 120 sec. before before download link appears.

12-19-2012, 07:58 AM
Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday, and a productive new year.
PS: I hope everyone has been enjoying my DW Christmas art, I had fun making it. Sadly though I now want Dalek shaped cookies and the ability to make my two favorite pics into T-Shirts. Neither is like to happen for me though. *Sigh*Try cyber-cookies!
11 Incredible Edible Daleks
11 Incredible Edible Daleks - Mental Floss (

12-19-2012, 11:37 AM
that is awesome!
too bad i can't bake

12-19-2012, 11:42 AM
GuyGardener, if you have an account there, the wait time is only 20 seconds per download. No waiting any longer than that between downloads and, for me, I've been able to do up to 3 downloads at the same time with it. (Then again, with my isp connection, if I try downloading 4 or more at the same time, it'll break the downloads. SO annoying. ARG!)

SeymourCoffins EEEEEEEEEE!! Another 8th Doctor fan!

12-19-2012, 12:54 PM
Hello. New to the site, but I wanted to ask, since I went back through about forty or so of the pages and tried to find the answer for myself before asking
does anyone have the 8th Dr. story S*t*o*r*m W*a*r*n*i*n*g*? If not, anything will do, as I finally watched the movie and would like more another story involving that Doctor.
If I forgot to observe protocol in some fashion, I apologize, as I must have missed it after registering. Thanks for the assistance!

Reply with Quote
Not sure how you are with torrents, but search for Doctor Who Mega Collection on IsoHunt. I think there's the full collection of 8th Doctor Adventures along with all the monthly stories (along with everything else). You'll probably have to pick out the 8th Doc Stories from the monthly range tho.
I have them all but it's gonna be one hell of a job to upload them all - there's loads of them.

12-19-2012, 01:54 PM
On the subject of raging water, I found something quite nice recently. You know the S*e*r*p*e*n*t* C*r*e*s*t* stories that were posted a couple of weeks back? Turns out they're the third part of a trilogy. Here's the first part. Not my up, but I've DLed and will seed intermittently. Also, I've listened to the first track, but can't yet vouch for the others. Still, have at it and all. Highlight to read.
Any kind soul have the middle part, D*e*m*o*n* C*r*e*s*t*?

12-19-2012, 02:02 PM
Redhoof, do you only need part 3 of DC?

I've got the entire trilogy and if anyone wants me to post it here, just let me know.

12-19-2012, 02:35 PM
I need the whole of DC, but not HN or SC, thank you.

Oh, I'm going to try uploading over Christmas. So where the hell is the spoiler button? I swear I moused over every button in the toolbar, even in Advanced, and still didn't bloody see it.

12-19-2012, 02:54 PM
Will try and up DC later tonight.

No spoiler button. You have to put {spoiler}{/spoiler} around your post, but using [] instead of {}.

12-19-2012, 02:59 PM
Gosh, I remember having to do that sort of thing on a regular basis. I've been spoiled in recent years...

Anyway, no hurry. I've only listened to one of the ten tracks so far, and I'm saving the rest for next week. Even if you want to do it today, I'm in Australia, so I'm headed off to bed. Still, thanks in advance, whenever it happens.

12-19-2012, 05:06 PM
Snowmen prequel here...

Doctor Who News: Vastra Investigates (

12-19-2012, 06:39 PM
New Tardis interior
'Doctor Who' new Tardis interior revealed in first-look picture - Doctor Who News - Cult - Digital Spy (

12-19-2012, 07:51 PM
CC Chrons? A kid? Anyone?

Gah, I am rubbish at this speaking in code stuff!!


12-19-2012, 08:27 PM
CC Chrons? A kid? Anyone?

Gah, I am rubbish at this speaking in code stuff!!


I get ya bro! and I second the request!!!!!!

12-19-2012, 09:06 PM
CC Chrons? A kid? Anyone?

Gah, I am rubbish at this speaking in code stuff!!


We do have to attempt to hide the actual names. I agree that sometimes the cryptic messages are SO successful that it is sometimes impossible to decrypt!!

I will ATTEMPT to try to explain the codes that were used in another way:

CC Chrons another way of saying "The Physicians' Friends Historical Journals'

A kid Well, think of 'kid' as a slang word used to substitute for the correct English reference to a human "kid"

And, if I have confused you even further, join the club :) :) (not really, sorry if it's still confusing to you..... I WAS attempting to help)

12-19-2012, 09:07 PM


[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)
[url= [/url]

Reply with Quote

12-19-2012, 09:22 PM
We do have to attempt to hide the actual names. I agree that sometimes the cryptic messages are SO successful that it is sometimes impossible to decrypt!!

I will ATTEMPT to try to explain the codes that were used in another way:

CC Chrons another way of saying "The Physicians' Friends Historical Journals'

A kid Well, think of 'kid' as a slang word used to substitute for the correct English reference to a human "kid"

And, if I have confused you even further, join the club :) :) (not really, sorry if it's still confusing to you..... I WAS attempting to help)

Well, I am grateful you tried to help.

But you do realise that you just explained my own 'code'/abbreviation to me, don't you?

I was meaning, I am rubbish at it, hence the easy to crack code.


Anyway, does anyone have it?

12-19-2012, 11:00 PM
Thanks, Andy! Thanks to this thread recently, I now have more audio than I know what to do with. Not actually a terrible state of affairs.

12-20-2012, 12:53 AM
Listend to "Voyage to the New World", kinda disappointed with it.

12-20-2012, 01:30 AM
Wow about the new TARDIS console room. VERY classic Doctor's-ish. However, since I started out with 9, 10, 11, then went to 8... I got kinda partial to the much smoother console. :(

Still though, quite cool.

12-20-2012, 02:02 AM
Listend to "Voyage to the New World", kinda disappointed with it.

Same here. Think the team works well, but this felt like it was originally 6+one-companion that had another companion dropped in. And I can't put my finger on it, but got the feeling there was a plot-hole. But possibly a plot-hole that's too big to see.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 AM ----------

Wow about the new TARDIS console room. VERY classic Doctor's-ish. However, since I started out with 9, 10, 11, then went to 8... I got kinda partial to the much smoother console. :(

Still though, quite cool.

It's nice to see the back of the scrap-heap/steam-punk look that's been around since 8. Nothing wrong with that, per-se, but just looking a little old-hat now. I like the 'back to the classic' look.

I wonder if they've redone the whole console room area? They never really seemed to use all that extra space they put in, possibly due to having the different levels making it less 'natural' to move from area to area.

And I wonder if that's a new permanent look for this series, or just the special? (A cynical bit of me says it's a market ploy for more figures.)

12-20-2012, 08:24 AM
Was listening to the CC H*e*r*e*T*h*e*r*e*B*e*M*o*n*s*t*e*r*s* and when It came to the end there was no end. Last bit missing. Anyone have a full copy or link

12-20-2012, 10:41 AM
Did anyone else listen to the whole story for the BBC 11DA of the not-full home? Mine cuts out before the ending. Did I get a bad download, or did others have the same problem? Does anyone have the FULL story?


12-20-2012, 10:46 AM
I like the new console but I am still a big fan of roundels so not sure of the rest of the room. Will have to see what it looks like when we see more of it.

By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

I don't want to publicly spam the address (particularly if we have spies) but if anyone is interested in it PM me.

I must stress I am not trying to take anyone away from here or anything like that but if the forums are shut down it is possibly advisable to have somewhere else we can meet to discuss things.

12-20-2012, 12:16 PM
<table border=5 bgcolor=yellow><tr><td>
We are all rubbish at this "talking in code" nonsense. I hate it. Seems like I'm eavesdropping on Navajo Code Talkers ( But, there is a rhyme and a reason to it. I was going to expand on why and when it helps preserve links and the site. Nah, just hang around and watch which links get caught by SkyNet. The killer robots will never get the true code talkers.

Will try and up DC later tonight.
No spoiler button. You have to put {spoiler}{/spoiler} around your post, but using [] instead of {}.
Bottom right corner of every page that has a Message Box is a link to the guide for BB code (

To stop BB Code Parsing: use NoParse (
The description for Spoiler ( is also there. (spoileroo doesn't work)

hide my text
will display as...
hide my textOn the Message Box Editor Tool Bar you can find...
CODE # it does not work properly.
Instead use HTML <>. It works like CODE is supposed to.

show code - do not execute code
It works like this...

BBcode demo for NoParse...

hide my text
will display as...
hide my text

If HTML code is On, you can do weirder, cooler things...

HTML Comment tags hide text.

<!-- hides your post from the killer bots
better than Spoiler does /-->
It also keeps that message from displaying.
Users can see it by clicking Reply with Quote.

I like for learning about HTML.

<marquee> HTML is how I get this text to move across the screen</marquee>
HTML is also how my post background appears yellow.</td></tr></table>

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

more play time
<table align=center width=500px background=><tr><td>

<marquee>Test background image </marquee>

<marquee direction="right" scrollamount=7>with moving text overlay</marquee>

<marquee scrollamount=15>If only I had something important to say. </marquee>

<marquee behavior="alternate">"MERRY CHRISTMAS!"</marquee>


---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------

Did anyone else listen to the whole story for the BBC 11DA of the not-full home? Mine cuts out before the ending. Did I get a bad download, or did others have the same problem? Does anyone have the FULL story?

Thanks!Sometimes I hate the Internet, or maybe it's the BBC that can't distribute simple information clearly. Officially, the audio reading should run 68 minutes.

12-20-2012, 12:19 PM
Same here. Think the team works well, but this felt like it was originally 6+one-companion that had another companion dropped in. And I can't put my finger on it, but got the feeling there was a plot-hole. But possibly a plot-hole that's too big to see.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 AM ----------

It's nice to see the back of the scrap-heap/steam-punk look that's been around since 8. Nothing wrong with that, per-se, but just looking a little old-hat now. I like the 'back to the classic' look.

I wonder if they've redone the whole console room area? They never really seemed to use all that extra space they put in, possibly due to having the different levels making it less 'natural' to move from area to area.

And I wonder if that's a new permanent look for this series, or just the special? (A cynical bit of me says it's a market ploy for more figures.)

From what I've read, it's a permanent new look, along with new theme music and opening credits. Total new look to go with the new companion.

12-20-2012, 02:41 PM
By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who got the living daylights scared out of her when that 'WE NEED MONEY TO KEEP THIS PLACE RUNNING!' message came up and we couldn't access any other part of this lovely forum.

12-20-2012, 03:28 PM
By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

Not a bad idea. Any chance you can pm me with details - always handy to have a fall back, just in case.

12-20-2012, 04:13 PM
Not a bad idea. Any chance you can pm me with details - always handy to have a fall back, just in case.


12-20-2012, 04:28 PM
Double ditto

12-20-2012, 05:20 PM
DrWho001, please include me as well.....
Thank you!

12-20-2012, 05:32 PM
And me, pretty please...
Thanks !

Sam Fett1989
12-20-2012, 06:57 PM
I would be too :)

12-20-2012, 06:58 PM
PLEASE, include me also!

12-20-2012, 07:15 PM
Include me as well.

12-20-2012, 07:25 PM
and i too would like to be included in this private party described above! many thanks

12-20-2012, 07:38 PM
Not a bad idea. Any chance you can pm me with details - always handy to have a fall back, just in case.

and ditto

12-20-2012, 08:10 PM

12-20-2012, 08:44 PM
And me too please ;-)

12-20-2012, 08:51 PM
yup, me too

12-20-2012, 09:09 PM
and me!

12-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Serves me right for only ever lurking... Bugger!

12-20-2012, 09:29 PM
By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

Sounds like a great idea. For a moment I thought this great forum was gone for good! Can you PM me the details.

12-20-2012, 09:53 PM
can't even figure out how to delete it or whether i can... tralala

12-20-2012, 10:02 PM
Ditto ditto!

12-20-2012, 10:08 PM
Me too too :P

12-20-2012, 10:10 PM
Me too thank you.

12-20-2012, 10:15 PM
Great idea. I'd be interested in the link if you would be so kind.

I like the new console but I am still a big fan of roundels so not sure of the rest of the room. Will have to see what it looks like when we see more of it.

By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

I don't want to publicly spam the address (particularly if we have spies) but if anyone is interested in it PM me.

I must stress I am not trying to take anyone away from here or anything like that but if the forums are shut down it is possibly advisable to have somewhere else we can meet to discuss things.

12-20-2012, 10:15 PM
I'd appreciate the backupsite too please

12-20-2012, 10:25 PM
As would I. Thank you!

12-20-2012, 10:29 PM
I would be happy to be added, thanks..

12-20-2012, 10:31 PM
me too please :)

and Merry Christmas too :)

12-20-2012, 10:32 PM
and another me too please - thanks

12-20-2012, 10:33 PM

12-20-2012, 10:34 PM
By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

I'd be interested too.

12-20-2012, 10:36 PM
Me as well!

12-20-2012, 10:49 PM
me too please...

12-20-2012, 10:57 PM
hey everyone, not trying to be all high and mighty here, but the message DID say to to PM DrWho001, so what say we all do as requested, rather than turn this thread into pages of "me too please".
we all think its a fantastic idea, and a few of us have done as asked and are now registered there.
Hope to see you all soon

12-20-2012, 11:12 PM
How do we send PM's on this forum. I can't seem to work it out.

12-20-2012, 11:15 PM
Arakssor, do you see the names of the posters to the left side of the page? Left click on the name. A mini menu will appear. From there, click on 'Private Message' and away you go!

12-20-2012, 11:24 PM
Just what i was going to say! Thanks dx121..... I love it when we all work together as a family :)

12-20-2012, 11:25 PM
Go to post 5310, Click on the user name (DrWho001), it should bring up Private Message. et voila!!

12-20-2012, 11:25 PM
I would like to ask for the link too, however when I left click on the name, The only options I see are " View Profile" "View Forum Posts" & " Add as Contact".
I have searched high and low and cant find a link to private message :(...

12-20-2012, 11:31 PM
Lol Pipped at the post.

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

That's true, just tried clicking on random names, some you cannot PM. Not sure why though, something to do with settings maybe.

12-20-2012, 11:31 PM
I would like to ask for the link too, however when I left click on the name, The only options I see are " View Profile" "View Forum Posts" & " Add as Contact".
I have searched high and low and cant find a link to private message :(...

funny you should say that, I have been clicking on people in this thread with only 1 or 2 posts and no option for a PM shows, however it does on people with 5 or more.
Can anyone answer if there is a minimum post amount, before you can PM?

12-20-2012, 11:32 PM
I had tried that all I got was View profile, view forum posts and add contact. On other forums you go into view profile and then there the option of sending a message but not here. Anyway it doesn't matter we better get back on topic.

12-20-2012, 11:33 PM
I like the new console but I am still a big fan of roundels so not sure of the rest of the room. Will have to see what it looks like when we see more of it.

By the way after seeing the message the other day about the possibility of the forum getting shut down, I made a backup/emergency forum elsewhere. I have set it so no one can see the forum unless they are a member.

I don't want to publicly spam the address (particularly if we have spies) but if anyone is interested in it PM me.

I must stress I am not trying to take anyone away from here or anything like that but if the forums are shut down it is possibly advisable to have somewhere else we can meet to discuss things.

I'd definitely like to get in on this :)

12-20-2012, 11:34 PM
If there is a minimum amount there's going to be a lot of junk postings arriving soon as people try to bump their post quota up. should be interesting lol.

12-20-2012, 11:35 PM
If there is a minimum amount there's going to be a lot of junk postings arriving soon as people try to bump there post quota up. should be interesting lol.

12-20-2012, 11:36 PM

12-20-2012, 11:36 PM
Only Joking...

12-20-2012, 11:38 PM
go to my profile, then settings and click the option to allow private messaging.... by default its set to off! hope this helps

settings is at the top of the screen, then select general settings in the box to the left hand side of the window, then turn on PMs

12-20-2012, 11:43 PM
PHEW!!!! Saved by the jawamaster. Thought we were going into junk overload for a second there.

12-20-2012, 11:46 PM
PHEW!!!! Saved by the jawamaster. Thought we were going into junk overload for a second there.

why thank you, takes a bow.... now being a jawa, wheres all that now unwanted junk? gotta make a living you know! lol :)

12-20-2012, 11:50 PM
I tried Jawa's suggestion and was still locked out.
So I made a few visits to some other boards and gave thanks to various people and bumped my post count over 10 and now PM's are automaticaly activated!

12-20-2012, 11:54 PM
maybe you should all point your sonics at the screen, and set it to "turn on the bloody PM" setting?

cousin fourth
12-21-2012, 12:27 AM
go to my profile, then settings and click the option to allow private messaging.... by default its set to off! hope this helps

settings is at the top of the screen, then select general settings in the box to the left hand side of the window, then turn on PMs

I tried that, this is the screen I got:
cousin fourth, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

What am I not doing?