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04-15-2013, 11:41 AM
Do people think that the final episode will be a cliff-hanger leading into the 50th Special....

Only if Clara turns out to be a Zygon clone.

04-15-2013, 11:43 AM
I've read the novelisation. I can tell you that either the book was done badly, or yes, POTD isn't exactly top notch.
I have read the book too and didn't like it much either, JP is not the best auther in my book. EOTD is just as bad.

04-15-2013, 11:46 AM
Only if Clara turns out to be a Zygon clone.
I'd just like to point out that Clara is HOT. Not for any particular reason, I just wanted to say it :)

04-15-2013, 11:48 AM

who's looking forward to next week's episode??
What does everyone think of the latest large conclusions?

I prefer not to watch trailers, I like being taken entirely surprise so who knows? I'm looking forward to next week's episode anyway. :)
Aaaaand I'm still a long way to being up to date on the LC stuff...

I just listened to 011 The Palocalypse Smelliment and 037 The ManSand, and they were a little bit entirely breathtaking. They certainly did their job of reaffirming my utter favouritism for Six!
And before that I listened to 010 ColdSeason For The Skilled and 004 Country Of The Unalive, and remembered just how much I enjoy Five's understated humour. And that wish at the end of 010, I'd have actually laughed out loud if I hadn't been on an overnight bus surrounded by sleeping people :)
Aaand before that I listened to 046 FwipFwop, was impressed at how well they managed to avoid a beautifully symmetrical tale falling into the trap of repetition. It also reminded me again how much I love SM's audio work. Such a magnificently expressive voice.

04-15-2013, 11:48 AM
I'd just like to point out that Clara is HOT. Not for any particular reason, I just wanted to say it :)

You reeaaaalllly feel you have to point that out?

04-15-2013, 11:52 AM
No spoilers from me about Saturdays underwater show but I've been really underwhelmed with this season, last week was awful and this weeks just fizzled out. Yes it was a bit alien but at least that movie finished "properly". Maybe it's the 45 min format, I'm not sure. But I'm not looking forward to the big 5-o as much as I thought I would be. It's sad because the medic is great and the helper is coming along fine, but the last few plots plots are lacklustre IMHO. Maybe moff's pool of ideas has run dry, who knows. But I think my favourite show needs a bit of a kick up the backside, if this was on sci-fy channel I'd be thinking this isn't going to get another season...

04-15-2013, 11:52 AM
You reeaaaalllly feel you have to point that out?

O Yes!! In fact I feel much better for doing it :)

04-15-2013, 11:56 AM

04-15-2013, 11:58 AM
I'm really looking forward to the week after, Trip To The Middle Of The SID-RAT, I can't wait to see what they have in store for us, hope it's not just long corridors and half glimpsed rooms.

I'm gonna take a punt that the 'trip' is purely a metaphorical one.

04-15-2013, 12:01 PM
I'd just like to point out that Clara is HOT. Not for any particular reason, I just wanted to say it :)

I much prefer Rory personally ;)

04-15-2013, 12:01 PM
I'd just like to point out that Clara is HOT. Not for any particular reason, I just wanted to say it :)

I have to agree!


Watched 'The Face Of Evil' last night - had forgotten just how lithe Leela was.

04-15-2013, 12:04 PM
I'm gonna take a punt that the 'trip' is purely a metaphorical one.
I hope your wrong, I wanna see engines, the library, lab's, hell I want to see it all.

04-15-2013, 12:05 PM
I've read the novelisation. I can tell you that either the book was done badly, or yes, POTD isn't exactly top notch.

The original MUST be better than that awful Charity version they did recently.

04-15-2013, 12:07 PM
I much prefer Rory personally ;)

My SWMBO would agree with you!

04-15-2013, 12:09 PM
I have to agree!


Watched 'The Face Of Evil' last night - had forgotten just how lithe Leela was.

Leela sure does look good in her shammy leather leotard ;) but I still have great affection for Peri in her bikini.

04-15-2013, 12:10 PM
So much in Katrinaau's post I'm not gonna quote it, but agree 100% about bringing back the ex-Docs. The only 2 who still remotely look the part imho are McCoy and McGann. Even something similar to, but more significant than, the end of 11th Hour would suit me.

I try not to think of the whole Pond saga too closely - I think if I do my head will implode. Hopefully River will not feature in the 50th. I'm not keen on the actress and I truly dislike the character.

04-15-2013, 12:11 PM
I hope your wrong, I wanna see engines, the library, lab's, hell I want to see it all.

I wanna see the mythical swimming pool.

04-15-2013, 12:12 PM
Leela sure does look good in her shammy leather leotard ;) but I still have great affection for Peri in her bikini.

So do I :)

(As does SWMBO. Which is nice)

04-15-2013, 12:13 PM
I wanna see the mythical swimming pool.

Which 4th Doc story was it in? I'm sure I remember them going passed an empty pool in one?

04-15-2013, 12:14 PM
I much prefer Rory personally ;)
My wife always said Rory needed 'looking after', I think that was just a euphemism on her part :)

04-15-2013, 12:15 PM
You reeaaaalllly feel you have to point that out?

Speaking of which, I'd like to point out it's high time we got a male companion who's at least half as hot as most of the women have been. Since there's a lot of making-up-for-lost-time to do on that front, personally I'd gladly settle for Travis Fimmel.

04-15-2013, 12:16 PM
Which 4th Doc story was it in? I'm sure I remember them going passed an empty pool in one?

I think it was in the Invasion-of-Time, and I seem to recall reading somewhere that all the interior for the T*A*R*D*I*S was filmed in an old hospital.

04-15-2013, 12:20 PM

04-15-2013, 12:21 PM
Speaking of which, I'd like to point out it's high time we got a male companion who's at least half as hot as most of the women have been. Since there's a lot of making-up-for-lost-time to do on that front, personally I'd gladly settle for Travis Fimmel.

I think many young ladys (and some gentlemen too) would agree with your choice.

04-15-2013, 12:23 PM
Inv Of Time! That was it. Ta!!

I agree that we definitely need a male companion again. Not related to the female one. Not in love with the Doctor. Just a regular male companion. A latter-day Ian, indeed.

(Talking of which, I wish BF would do more with Fitz.)

04-15-2013, 12:28 PM
I have read the book too and didn't like it much either, JP is not the best auther in my book. EOTD is just as bad.

I have an odd softspot for POTD as I read it as a 10 year old.... So it seemed rather good to me then.

Obviously with the years between then and now I have discovered the NA's & MA's, and started to collect the PDA's and EDA's this may have changed somewhat... but I still like it

04-15-2013, 12:29 PM
hehe my wish for who this season is some hot guys - i mean matt is ok...but...we need a new rory!!

04-15-2013, 12:30 PM
Inv Of Time! That was it. Ta!!

I agree that we definitely need a male companion again. Not related to the female one. Not in love with the Doctor. Just a regular male companion. A latter-day Ian, indeed.

(Talking of which, I wish BF would do more with Fitz.)

I would agree about Ian, but I never really liked Fitz.

04-15-2013, 12:31 PM
My wife always said Rory needed 'looking after', I think that was just a euphemism on her part :)

i think there are a few fans who would have happily...looked after....Rory lmao :) :) :)

04-15-2013, 12:33 PM
I have an odd softspot for POTD as I read it as a 10 year old.... So it seemed rather good to me then.

The Beeb Narrated version is pretty good. There's a couple of plot holes in the story, but it seems to be told well and cracks on at a decent pace.

04-15-2013, 12:36 PM
I would agree about Ian, but I never really liked Fitz.

I'm going purely on that one audio story, BTW. Can't remember the actors name (Matt De'Angelo?) but he and Paul seemed to work well together (Far better than the one he did with Lisa B as Benny. That was awful. No chemistry at all) and Paul seemed to really enjoy the change of dynamic it bought to the story.

04-15-2013, 12:46 PM
I'm going purely on that one audio story, BTW. Can't remember the actors name (Matt De'Angelo?) but he and Paul seemed to work well together (Far better than the one he did with Lisa B as Benny. That was awful. No chemistry at all) and Paul seemed to really enjoy the change of dynamic it bought to the story.

I agree totally with your thoughts on the characters, actors and storys etc, but for some reason I found Fitz to similar to Harry Sullivan (whom I liked).

04-15-2013, 12:51 PM
I agree totally with your thoughts on the characters, actors and storys etc, but for some reason I found Fitz to similar to Harry Sullivan (whom I liked).

Really? Honestly can't really see the similarity myself. I'll have to watch/listen to them again to see if I can see what you mean.

But that does raise another character type/trope the series could do with again.

04-15-2013, 01:14 PM
I always enjoyed the classic eps where we got to see the interior so it will be most interesting to see what they've come up with for the anniversary year - knowing that the old sole-con rooms are in storage maybe we'll see some of the earliest :)

That's an exciting idea, evilmonk! Wasn't the original console room from A Grubby Tween just recreated for An Adventure in Time and Space? Now that would be cool.

04-15-2013, 01:21 PM
well i honestly can't see them not taking full advantage of a set sitting there doing nothing and which will not come out of the episode's budget :)

04-15-2013, 01:31 PM
well i honestly can't see them not taking full advantage of a set sitting there doing nothing and which will not come out of the episode's budget :)

I know "Finance" types that would heartily disagree with you! :)

Buy, yeah, they really *HAVE* to use that set in the series proper. And the wooden console room, too. I always liked that one.

04-15-2013, 03:00 PM
Wait, LC did an audio with Fitz? I need to hear this. I also know that while a Chris clone popped up in the story with the Holmes brother, and Compassion is all over the Faction audios, are there any aduios with Roz?

04-15-2013, 03:06 PM
Wait, LC did an audio with Fitz? I need to hear this. I also know that while a Chris clone popped up in the story with the Holmes brother, and Compassion is all over the Faction audios, are there any aduios with Roz?

Number 123 in their main range.

04-15-2013, 03:12 PM
Not getting into anything, but...

*where's that sarcasm font when i need it??

there is the "sarcastrophe" using ^
for example....
Companions have come and gone, and are of varying quality, but ^I really love Amy^.

I posted an idea somewhere (I forget where) a while back that involved a male companion...
new male comp. mysterious orphan raised in some space orphanage
gets very friendly with carla.
they leave for a bit, "spend time" together on planet somewhere
Rivr turns up, pregnant!
Companions turn up, carla is pregnant
panic and chaos as there are births left and right
Rivr has son
Calra has daughter
aww sweet!
river leaves son at space orphanage
carla calls daughter....Susan

04-15-2013, 05:57 PM
I'm starting to think he lives under a bridge and only comes out when a billygoat crosses it.

I think he went to Ian Levine's school of charm, or is one of his dark disciples of the hidden inner circle of anal elite fans!

04-15-2013, 06:08 PM
dont say sorry looshkin....I agree!!!! And if it Mr Levine, I would just like to say that I have not forgotten the utter contempt you gave myself and another teenage fan around 25 years ago, saying that how could we be fans as we were not even born when the series started? well I am 40 now Ian, and unlike the 15 year old me, I CAN answer back, so IF it is you, PM me and I will give you my answer 25 years late!

04-15-2013, 06:18 PM
the above two posts... dont shoot me... I know its dropped for now, but I was not here this morning, and I had to chip in with my comments! lol, pity this forum does not add them in a thread like others do! I dont want all you lovely people thinking that I am trying to relight the fire!

04-15-2013, 06:18 PM
Is a recently released original music soundtrack to the 5ths medics final story any good for you good folks?

Download Page - powered by sendspace | (

If it could be re-uploaded, I'd be a happy camper. Thanks! :)

04-15-2013, 06:23 PM
dont say sorry looshkin....I agree!!!! And if it Mr Levine, I would just like to say that I have not forgotten the utter contempt you gave myself and another teenage fan around 25 years ago, saying that how could we be fans as we were not even born when the series started? well I am 40 now Ian, and unlike the 15 year old me, I CAN answer back, so IF it is you, PM me and I will give you my answer 25 years late!

Jawa, dude.....
breathe deep, calming breaths
count to 10
and chill the f**k out!

time to let it go dude. not for him, but for you. Don't go to the dark side.

On other topics...a request that may be a bit of a challenge..


04-15-2013, 06:30 PM
Jawa, dude.....
breathe deep, calming breaths
count to 10
and chill the f**k out!

time to let it go dude. not for him, but for you. Don't go to the dark side.

On other topics...a request that may be a bit of a challenge..

does anyone have a copy of "those who have returned from the dead"...
no! too obscure lets try an anagram "vans enter" ohh no, better "Seven Rant"
oh hang on needs a "the" so...."Hear Tens vent"

its a CC special of first Medic with the told by the Science teacher, given away with the medic mag last year via a special code.

I am calm my friend, was not when I was reading through this mornings posts, but am now, hence my other post saying sorry below that one! however I was wondering this..... I am sure most people know that a while back someone pinched his "animated" prologue to the 12 episode pepperpot epic of the first medic.
Well i know for a few days back than around half of it was on utube, however I do actually have the whole episode....not that its much cop.....
but maybe I should share it with you peeps! anyone interested??

04-15-2013, 06:40 PM
hence my other post saying sorry below that one!
you achieved the calm while I was typing.

I do actually have the whole episode....not that its much cop.....
but maybe I should share it with you peeps! anyone interested??
Well, its either a EDITED or a way to spend some time with a whiskey and soda yelling "oh dear, oh dear, oh dear" at the screen

Either way I'm happy; EDITED

04-15-2013, 06:51 PM
Speaking of which, I'd like to point out it's high time we got a male companion who's at least half as hot as most of the women have been. Since there's a lot of making-up-for-lost-time to do on that front, personally I'd gladly settle for Travis Fimmel.

What about Jon Barryman...Ohh, hold on not sure that works.

04-15-2013, 07:15 PM
I'll get back on the Warriors of Passion soon, been busy upping some stuff for my Bruv who works abroad.

04-15-2013, 07:18 PM
On other topics...a request that may be a bit of a challenge..

does anyone have a copy of "those who have returned from the dead"...
no! too obscure lets try an anagram "vans enter" ohh no, better "Seven Rant"
oh hang on needs a "the" so...."Hear Tens vent"

its a CC special of first Medic with the told by the Science teacher, given away with the medic mag last year via a special code.

Yeah, I have it. Gimme a little time.

04-15-2013, 07:29 PM
you achieved the calm while I was typing.

Well, its either a vital addition to my collection or a way to spend some time with a whiskey and soda yelling "oh dear, oh dear, oh dear" at the screen

Either way I'm happy; so, yes please

here ya go....



04-15-2013, 07:32 PM
What about Jon Barryman...Ohh, hold on not sure that works.


04-15-2013, 07:54 PM
I think David Warner and Richard E Grant were both cast because they have both previously played the Medic in one way or another before (as well as being good actors). Moffat managed to get Douglas Wilmer into a Sherlock episode. I wonder if Terry Molloy will make an appearance in Who.

There's a reference to a classic Medic in every episode this year so far: a wooly multi-coloured scarf in the background in the first, a reference to his grand-daughter in last week's, and the HADS this week. Seems like the right year to do this!

And done far subtler and better than JNTs 20th Anniversary season!

04-15-2013, 07:55 PM
Hands of Glennister. I want him and Emily Fox for S&S

My current 'wish-list' for the next Doc are (in no particular order), Stephen Mangan, Ryan Cartwright, Paul Bettany, Mark Addy, Marcus Brigstocke, Michael Kitchen, Anthony Howell, Darren Boyd

David Morrissey for me!

04-15-2013, 07:59 PM
I have a feeling that Ian may not know things now as he has in the past burnt a lot of bridges with both the DVD people and the Doctor Who makers with his attitude*. Also the time frame part is normal as the 2 recently discovered episodes were only announced some months after being found (If I recall, they were announce at the start of December 2011 but had been located as early as May/June of that year)

Plus, as Foe said, this seems to be more surrounding this than the normal episode finds we have had in recent years, so this maybe why it is taking so long (if all is true)

* I should point out here that while he has done well for the show and missing episodes in the past, he does come across a little to full of himself online, and this has been backed up by several stories I have heard about him looking down at new series fans or those who may not have been born when the show started but watched it from a later point... Plus he did unleash that charity single and Take That on us.

People on another forum have speculated that what Foe has said is basically untrue and that actually cannot be true, but I have faith in what Foe is saying.

04-15-2013, 08:11 PM
@ Neonihilist: PM sent

04-15-2013, 08:16 PM
Missing Episodes Thoughts

First time poster here who has been reading with interest your conversation about the missing episodes Foe mentioned. I kept meaning to mention this all of last week, but I noticed that Ian Levine's twitter feed for April 1st stated the following So what happened to all the expected Doctor Who April Fools I expected to be reading "Seventy Eight missing episodes turn up in Africa" lol.

I didn't know what to make of this - especially since (a) Foe has said he has seen clips of episodes that dont exist and (b) Ian Levine seems to have made a habit of winding Who fans up with a "i know something you dont know" attitude for years.

I would love Foe to be on the money here, but I genuinely dont think if the BBC had found the episodes (50th anniversary or not) that (a) they would hold news of the find back and (b) would be able to even if they tried! Dont get me wrong Levine's post could be taken that he is having fun with us all and the imminent Moonbase DVD release is the first of many rediscovered Whos, but is it likely...really?

Regardless, if the episodes havent been found and Foe is wrong, I do not subscribe to him having misled us all on purpose. He is - like burneggroll before him - one of the best posters in this forum and if he is wrong I am sure it is just a mistake. I, on behalf of many posters or fans watching in the wings (as I was before today) would like to thank him for all his efforts on this forum and hope HOPE that he is right...I so want to see The Wheel In Space!!

Remember though that Levine took a lot of credit for finding missing episodes when he did nothing at all other than barge at the end and "help". Don't take anything he says as fact with stuff like this as he is a glory hunter

04-15-2013, 08:20 PM
here ya go....

Thank you so much for this!

It is so good to see the proud traditions of Captain Pugwash being upheld

@ Neonihilist: PM sent

back at ya!

04-15-2013, 08:27 PM

Wish I'de seen those earlier, they're sweet,

[Edit]...Now that's weird had most of them already... Don't remember doing that.

04-15-2013, 08:35 PM
[Edit]...Now that's weird had most of them already... Don't remember doing that.

I think a lot of the early p2p copies floating around use some of that artwork.

04-15-2013, 08:42 PM
I know that this is a bit out of the blue but I keep seeing reports of old medics appearing or not appearing in the 50th anniversary, indeed on some sites this is almost the sole topic of conversation.
As much as I would love to see all 11 in it, the one other thing that I would like to see make an appearance is the whomobile.
I wonder what happened to it, it was built not far from where I live, one of the guys who was on the original build used to live just down the road from me.

04-15-2013, 08:42 PM
Did someone say Captain Pugwash,



04-15-2013, 08:45 PM
I think a lot of the early p2p copies floating around use some of that artwork.

More likely I was just pi**ed.

04-15-2013, 08:45 PM
Did someone say Captain Pugwash,



Wow... Captain Pugwash, that's a real blast from the past. Thanks

04-15-2013, 08:46 PM

04-15-2013, 08:48 PM
I cannot think of a code to with this so, um yeah, just look :P

DepositFiles (

04-15-2013, 08:51 PM
I have to say I am a bit non-plussed at the sound of all the upcoming episodes (with the exception of the new Cyberman one). Hide by Neil Cross looks good, but the writer has had one go already at Who and whilst his Luther series is superb, the Rings of Ak was gash. Also Journey to the Centre has the potential to be as tedious as all the running around Karen and Arthur had in The Doctors Wife. Hopefully I am wrong.

Good peeps, its time for me to be a completely selfish swine and ask a favour from you all. Does anyone have a copy of C#r#y#p#t#o#b#i#o#s#i#s or H#e#r# F#i#n#a#l# F#l#i#g#h#t please? Both were subscriber specials and, to my amazement, I see are still not available as downloads from the LC site? If you can help, much appreciated as usual.

Give me some time and I can do those 2 for you

04-15-2013, 08:53 PM

04-15-2013, 09:03 PM
Good peeps, its time for me to be a completely selfish swine and ask a favour from you all. Does anyone have a copy of C#r#y#p#t#o#b#i#o#s#i#s or H#e#r# F#i#n#a#l# F#l#i#g#h#t please? Both were subscriber specials and, to my amazement, I see are still not available as downloads from the LC site? If you can help, much appreciated as usual.

You're hardly being selfish, that's what the thread's about.

If anyone's interested, I also have Cuddlesome - a story released with DWM393 (I think).

04-15-2013, 09:05 PM
the writer has had one go already at Who

Actually RoA is his second, next ep is his first. Apparently Moff et al were so impressed by Hyde that they commissioned another and got Rings.....
Don't know if that means RoA was rushed, or coming from a dry well, creatively speaking; or if it representative of what we should expect from "...and seek"
only time will tell!

And as for your req's....
why is it that whenever I try EDITED someone beats me to the punch!?

04-15-2013, 09:10 PM
[QUOTE=neonihilist;2326163]Thank you so much for this!

It is so good to see the proud traditions of Captain Pugwash being upheld

The thing is with it, as much as I hate to say it, I actually enjoyed it more than the recent "official" french ones lol! and yeah I see the what you mean by Pugwash comment. Glad to be of service my friend

04-15-2013, 09:20 PM
And as for your req's....
why is it that whenever I try to leap on a req, to get a file or two out there as a way to give back to this place for all its given me, someone beats me to the punch!?

It happens. I've lost count of how many times I've almost got a file uploaded only to be beaten by a couple of minutes. :)

04-15-2013, 09:31 PM
I cannot think of a code to with this so, um yeah, just look :P

DepositFiles (

The Medic and the Fish of 1000 pounds

04-15-2013, 09:32 PM
Hi guys, I seem to have missed monthly No 171 from LC S#E#E#D#S<O#F<W#A#R.
Can anyone point me in the right direction :)

04-15-2013, 09:35 PM
You're hardly being selfish, that's what the thread's about.

If anyone's interested, I also have [] - a story released with DWM393 (I think).

talking about these DWM audio releases, would anyone perhaps have the two after this - CD10 The Fogs Of Mite, and CD11 FeraksHow?

04-15-2013, 09:37 PM
It is so good to see the proud traditions of Captain Pugwash being upheld

The thing is with it, as much as I hate to say it, I actually enjoyed it more than the recent "official" french ones lol! and yeah I see the what you mean by Pugwash comment. Glad to be of service my friend

Captain Pugwash and the Magic Roundabout are two of the best examples of vintage animated tv.

04-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Hi guys, I seem to have missed monthly No 171 from LC S#E#E#D#S<O#F<W#A#R.
Can anyone point me in the right direction :)


talking about these DWM audio releases, would anyone perhaps have the two after this - CD10 The Fogs Of Mite, and CD11 FeraksHow?


04-15-2013, 09:41 PM
talking about these DWM audio releases, would anyone perhaps have the two after this - CD10 The Fogs Of Mite, and CD11 FeraksHow?

Sure do. Gimme an hour or so.

04-15-2013, 09:42 PM
Captain Pugwash and the Magic Roundabout are two of the best examples of vintage animated tv.

That is because we all remember them fondly from childhood and then, when we see them as adults, we get all the adult jokes :)

04-15-2013, 09:43 PM
Hi guys, I seem to have missed monthly No 171.
Can anyone point me in the right direction :)
RWQ< that's part 1
< that's part 2

won't be hot for long though.

04-15-2013, 09:44 PM
That is because we all remember them fondly from childhood and then, when we see them as adults, we get all the adult jokes :)
Yes the amount of double entendre in both of them is quite amazing.

04-15-2013, 09:51 PM
now without being all spoilery..... the Ian Levine connection in the latest episode is that he was instrumental in getting members of the group Ultravox to perform on the "Medic in Peril" Single

They broke up shortly thereafter.

04-15-2013, 09:51 PM
Crypto... and last air voyage

hope I do this right


04-15-2013, 09:55 PM
Crypto... and last air voyage

hope I do this right

RWQ<!---BF077-02 - Doctor Who - Cryptobiosis - Download - 4shared - neo nihilist (
<!---BF064-02 - Doctor Who - Her Final Flight - Download - 4shared - neo nihilist (>

If you've uploaded the files under those filenames, there's a chance they'll be spotted and taken down.

04-15-2013, 09:56 PM
now without being all spoilery..... the Ian Levine connection in the latest episode is that he was instrumental in getting members of the group Ultravox to perform on the "Medic in Peril" Single

They broke up shortly thereafter.

I recently heard it for the first time, I did'nt listen to all of it because it was so damned awful, and I didn't realise it was Ultravox.

04-15-2013, 09:56 PM
now without being all spoilery..... the Ian Levine connection in the latest episode is that he was instrumental in getting members of the group Ultravox to perform on the "Medic in Peril" Single

They broke up shortly thereafter.


04-15-2013, 09:57 PM
Some Large conclusion subs only stories as requested

DepositFiles (

DepositFiles (

04-15-2013, 09:58 PM
Yes the amount of double entendre in both of them is quite amazing.

I'm sure that programmes couldn't get away with it these days. Master Mate (normally mis-named!) and Tom the Cabin Boy with an all male crew. Though the names Master Bates, Seaman Staines, and the phrase Roger the cabin boy never actually appeared and the creator successfully sued newspapers :)

04-15-2013, 09:59 PM
If you've uploaded the files under those filenames, there's a chance they'll be spotted and taken down.

I have so much to learn!

04-15-2013, 10:02 PM
I have so much to learn!

Everyone was in the same boat when they started. There are plenty of people who will help.

04-15-2013, 10:03 PM
I'm sure that programmes couldn't get away with it these days. Master Mate (normally mis-named!) and Tom the Cabin Boy with an all male crew. Though the names Master Bates, Seaman Staines, and the phrase Roger the cabin boy never actually appeared and the creator successfully sued newspapers :)

Yes why is it that if you mention Capt' Pugwash one of these is allways mentioned? It's amazing how these errors have crept into the ethos of the show.

04-15-2013, 10:06 PM
I have so much to learn!

Part of the fun is to think up cryptic names i.e. Slow Tomb or Hidden Bio for that one

04-15-2013, 10:07 PM
Yes why is it that if you mention Capt' Pugwash one of these is allways mentioned. It's amazing how these errors have crept into the ethos of the show.

and then there are the supposed drug references of Magic roundabout


you can still get arrested for Muffin the Mule!

04-15-2013, 10:08 PM
I can't stop myself ...sorry.

Mag iK rund ab owt theem.



04-15-2013, 10:08 PM
Part of the fun is to think up cryptic names i.e. Slow Tomb or Hidden Bio for that one

It's not fun. It's a pain in the arse :(

04-15-2013, 10:09 PM
and then there are the supposed drug references of Magic roundabout


you can still get arrested for Muffin the Mule!

There's bad jokes and there's bad jokes. That was f***ing attrocious, but f***ing funny :D

04-15-2013, 10:10 PM
I can't stop myself ...sorry.

Mag iK rund ab owt theem.



Stop it!

04-15-2013, 10:10 PM
It's not fun. It's a pain in the arse :(

Well sometime lol

04-15-2013, 10:12 PM
@ Sashabot: CD10 The Fogs Of Mite, and CD11 FeraksHow?

PM Sent :)

04-15-2013, 10:13 PM
I can't stop myself ...sorry.

Mag iK rund ab owt theem.



Magic Roundabout YAAY!! redskutter you are the man :)

04-15-2013, 10:14 PM

04-15-2013, 10:16 PM
Stop it!

Wish I'de said that to TTROT...Sorry TTROY.

04-15-2013, 10:17 PM
There's bad jokes and there's bad jokes. That was f***ing attrocious, but f***ing funny :D

lol. wonderful post, especially as I always read your posts in vince's voice

04-15-2013, 10:17 PM
Don't bring it up again you idiot (SLAPS FOREHEAD).

04-15-2013, 10:18 PM
Magic Roundabout YAAY!! redskutter you are the man :)

Sorry every time people talk about the Magic Roundabout I have this flashback to Jasper Carrott and his sketch

"Piss off Dougal", said Florence, so he did all down her leg

"Boing said Zebedee, time for bed"

04-15-2013, 10:28 PM
Sorry every time people talk about the Magic Roundabout I have this flashback to Jasper Carrott and his sketch

"Piss off Dougal", said Florence, so he did all down her leg

"Boing said Zebedee, time for bed"

Same here. I love that sketch. :D

04-15-2013, 10:30 PM
Same here. I love that sketch. :D

jasper carrot magic roundabout.flv - YouTube (

Must find a better quality copy

04-15-2013, 10:32 PM

04-15-2013, 10:33 PM
I wonder if Florence is a Virgin?

04-15-2013, 10:35 PM

04-15-2013, 10:36 PM
I wonder if Florence is a Virgin?

I refuse to answer that as I'd probably be banned from here!

04-15-2013, 10:37 PM

04-15-2013, 10:39 PM
I wonder if Florence is a Virgin?
you'd have to ask Hex (LC122)

but guys it's been a blast but I have to up in the morning so

Time for Bed!

04-15-2013, 10:41 PM
you'd have to ask Hex (LC122)

but guys it's been a blast but I have to up in the morning so

Time for Bed!

Remember to dry your leg before bed!

04-15-2013, 10:43 PM
Not sure this uploaded correctly...but it's DW related from a time prior to the bbv's.... and it has to do with a fishy star sign.



Third attempt at this one.

If not let me know!

04-15-2013, 10:51 PM
you'd have to ask Hex (LC122)

but guys it's been a blast but I have to up in the morning so

Time for Bed!

Don't let the bedbug's bite.

04-15-2013, 10:58 PM
Think I maybe talking to myself again.

04-15-2013, 11:31 PM
I know this is supposed to be a fun thread but I want to go serious for a moment and completely off topic.

My thoughts are with anyone on here affected by the Boston explosions today.

04-15-2013, 11:35 PM
I know this is supposed to be a fun thread but I want to go serious for a moment and completely off topic.

My thoughts are with anyone on here affected by the Boston explosions today.

Hear, Hear.

04-16-2013, 12:31 AM
does anyone have Kolditz with Clien, thanks

04-16-2013, 12:57 AM
I wanted to personally thank Foe like many others for his last two DLs. Much appreciated bro. Was wondering if you or some other generous soul was going to upload the first of this month's LC postings. Which no one for some reason has not put up so far. This is of course the DOD talkathon ep. True it's only an audio book instead of a full caster, but every month's CC eps are put up and there audiobooks too. Besides that LC does the ABs so well like this month's for instance, damn, it almost sounds like a FCer.

Same is true for the continuing number of ABs of the shady vamp guys LC keeps putting out almost every month. How come nobody posting those guys?

Thought this might be of interest to the body politic too. There's a pretty good American version cousin of LC who every month is turning new audio dramas too. Like LC much of they're product is Scifi, Fantasy & Horror, but they do Adventure, Classics, Character oriented stuff and more. Some of their stuff are new dramas and some are based on other material. Production values are good, writing ranges from average to good, acting is good for their older actors for the most part, younger ones usually not so hot, but still listenable to and collectible too. They're professionals who charge and have a nice web site that allows you to hear a minute or so of each drama.

I'm giving out the full name of their website just once or some or all of you might not know who I'm talking about. It's Colonial Radio Theatre: On The Air ( Just wondered if anyone if any of you guys were familiar with their product and had any of it you'd like to share or might eventually have access to and share.

Demonoid put up a lot of their stuff a couple of times. It didn't last too because of the C&D threats. But here on the V with the RWQ tact, it might stand a far better chance of survival.

Again thanks to Foe for this month's latest and I have one name change suggestion to him and that is why not call yourself "Friend of the future" because dude you sure are to all of us.

04-16-2013, 01:21 AM
Deleted by author

04-16-2013, 02:58 AM
Post 8973 (page 352) Fate of the Medic 4. Thanks to poster Daniel9.

post 8793, I think

Exterminate Me
04-16-2013, 03:17 AM
It's nice that people are so helpful. Am totally loving all the OT stuff too.

04-16-2013, 03:41 AM
I'm giving out the full name of their website just once or some or all of you might not know who I'm talking about. It's Colonial Radio Theatr. Just wondered if anyone if any of you guys were familiar with their product and had any of it you'd like to share or might eventually have access to and share..

Never heard of them, but there's some interesting looking stuff there. Judging by some of the 'trailers' the acting/production quality isn't as good as BFs, but I've certainly heard worse.

04-16-2013, 03:44 AM
Deleted by author

04-16-2013, 07:49 AM
Hi all

I seemed to have missed the Medic's friends 708 - Tribute to Francis Urquhart (Frank Underwood if you're American). Starring the Scot and the Pretty tights lady companions of the second. Hope that's not too obscure.
If anyway could upload it for me, I'd be grateful. Many Thanks

04-16-2013, 07:58 AM
Thanks to katrinaau and sashabot for the heads on 8793 and to Daniel9 for the post in the first place. The DL hasn't completed yet, but just from the ID on sendspace, it looks like the right one.
Indeed it was.
The upshot of this is we are getting so good at codeing even some of us like me can't always ID what we are looking for. If that's the case, more power to us.

04-16-2013, 08:31 AM
Remember to dry your leg before bed!

does anyone have Kolditz with Clien, thanks

04-16-2013, 09:20 AM
Thanks Sashabot :)

04-16-2013, 09:56 AM
I'd just like to point out that Clara is HOT. Not for any particular reason, I just wanted to say it :)

Who needs a reason?? I just wish put the red "Oswin" dress on again - yowsah!!

04-16-2013, 09:58 AM
Who needs a reason?? I just wish put the red "Oswin" dress on again - yowsah!!

If it'll fit ya, go for it. :D

04-16-2013, 10:07 AM
I am all for that to a certain extent, but at least in RTD's days . . . the arc of the series was more subtle and, as a result, the finale was satisfying*.

Nope. Sorry. Have to disagree here. In no way shape or form did I find S4's "Towing the Earth by TARDIS, destroying Donna and giving Rose everything she wants" finale in the least satisfying. It was silly, overblown, and rushed, and was the first time I found myself groaning and shaking my head in disbelief on a first watching of a new ep. S3's "Doctor Gollum is now Doctor Jesus" ending was pretty poor, too, but at least had some satisfying bleakness. I look on those ending the same way many look on Moffat's stuff.

Let's face it, every era has it's high and low points, and being Doctor Who fans, we will never EVER all agree on anything... :)

Completely different topic, loved "Dardle Must Expire!" Terrific fun runaround with great performances all 'round.

04-16-2013, 10:10 AM
Inv Of Time! That was it. Ta!!

I agree that we definitely need a male companion again. Not related to the female one. Not in love with the Doctor. Just a regular male companion. A latter-day Ian, indeed.

(Talking of which, I wish BF would do more with Fitz.)

I'd love to see them adapt more NAs - Hate & Peace was terrific, I think they'd do a great job on some of the other better ones. More Bennie & 7 is only a good thing.

04-16-2013, 10:17 AM
It happens. I've lost count of how many times I've almost got a file uploaded only to be beaten by a couple of minutes. :)

It's coz everyone here is so generous - which is nice... :)

04-16-2013, 10:24 AM
If it'll fit ya, go for it. :D

Yep, you miss ONE word (She'd) and - BAM!! I really should check my comments more thoroughly... :P

(AND I'm watching Mongrels while typing - how very apt...)

04-16-2013, 10:26 AM
Who needs a reason?? I just wish put the red "Oswin" dress on again - yowsah!!

Mmm Clara ... Red dress! Gurgle gurgle

(Done in my best HJ Simpson voice) :)

04-16-2013, 10:38 AM
Yep, you miss ONE word (She'd) and - BAM!! I really should check my comments more thoroughly... :P

(AND I'm watching Mongrels while typing - how very apt...)

Yeah, thought I'd better jump on it before you realised. ;)

04-16-2013, 10:39 AM
Someone recently sent me a PM asking if I had the audio reading of a certain shootout at the OK Coral, I can't remember who and I seem to have deleted it.
Apologies to whoever it was, it's nothing personal.


<!-The Gunfighters (1):>
<!-The Gunfighters (2):>
<!-The gunfighters (3):>

04-16-2013, 11:13 AM
I'd love to see them adapt more NAs - Hate & Peace was terrific, I think they'd do a great job on some of the other better ones. More Bennie & 7 is only a good thing.

Heh someone asked SM [edit: the behatted one] if he'd read the NAs. He said nope, had no knowledge of them at all; to which they prompted him that he'd done Hate & Peace... and he replied "did I?"
Which then led on to the question of whether he'd be doing any more of the same. He responded with such straight-faced bewilderment that I have no idea if he was taking the mickey or not. To be fair, I've proven hopeless at judging these things.
Either it was fiendishly clever evasion tactics, or the answer is "maybe".

04-16-2013, 12:05 PM
Heh someone asked SM if he'd read the NAs. He said nope, had no knowledge of them at all; to which they prompted him that he'd done Hate & Peace... and he replied "did I?"
Which then led on to the question of whether he'd be doing any more of the same. He responded with such straight-faced bewilderment that I have no idea if he was taking the mickey or not. To be fair, I've proven hopeless at judging these things.
Either it was fiendishly clever evasion tactics, or the answer is "maybe".

Utterly confused for a few moments reading that, as I'd taken "SM" as "The Moff" not "McCoy" ! :)

04-16-2013, 12:06 PM
I'd love to see them adapt more NAs - Hate & Peace was terrific, I think they'd do a great job on some of the other better ones. More Bennie & 7 is only a good thing.

Nah, you've got to have Ace along, too.

04-16-2013, 12:20 PM
Nah, you've got to have Ace along, too.

Haven't really seen much of McCoy's run. Did he ever have another companion apart from Ace?

04-16-2013, 12:20 PM
Utterly confused for a few moments reading that, as I'd taken "SM" as "The Moff" not "McCoy" ! :)

thank you for clearing that up. I couldn't make that work at all. DoH!

04-16-2013, 12:22 PM
Haven't really seen much of McCoy's run. Did he ever have another companion apart from Ace?

Yeah, he started with Mel. The handover to Ace was in Dragonfire.

04-16-2013, 12:24 PM
Yeah, he started with Mel. The handover to Ace was in Dragonfire.

Thnx. Must get round to watching the classics some time. So many eps ... so little time :)

04-16-2013, 12:45 PM
Utterly confused for a few moments reading that, as I'd taken "SM" as "The Moff" not "McCoy" ! :)

hhhh sorry. the thought occurred and then was gone. henceforth he shall be known as the behatted one!

04-16-2013, 01:59 PM
Hi all,

Going through my laptop, I discovered that there is one story I downloaded a while ago but apparently never got around to extracting, and it turns out it's password-protected, and at this point it would be near impossible to back and figure out what the password might be.

The story is the seventh in the third season of LC's series of "planned but never made" stories - "The Tremass of Loxur"

Does anyone have any suggestions if there are any commonly-used passwords? (I don't think it's "smeltar", which is on another one I've got.)

Thanks for the help.

04-16-2013, 01:59 PM
Thnx. Must get round to watching the classics some time. So many eps ... so little time :)
i've known the show for over 5 years now,started watching classics since 2010, only managed to get to genesis of so far :D
and then i found this thread last year, made catching up much harder to do (not that i am complaining though :))

04-16-2013, 02:10 PM
I agree totally with your thoughts on the characters, actors and storys etc, but for some reason I found Fitz to similar to Harry Sullivan (whom I liked).


04-16-2013, 02:37 PM

How so?

04-16-2013, 02:38 PM
Hi all,

Going through my laptop, I discovered that there is one story I downloaded a while ago but apparently never got around to extracting, and it turns out it's password-protected, and at this point it would be near impossible to back and figure out what the password might be.

The story is the seventh in the third season of LC's series of "planned but never made" stories - "The Tremass of Loxur"

Does anyone have any suggestions if there are any commonly-used passwords? (I don't think it's "smeltar", which is on another one I've got.)

Thanks for the help.

Try medic or Medic

04-16-2013, 02:43 PM
Hi all,

Going through my laptop, I discovered that there is one story I downloaded a while ago but apparently never got around to extracting, and it turns out it's password-protected, and at this point it would be near impossible to back and figure out what the password might be.

The story is the seventh in the third season of LC's series of "planned but never made" stories - "The Tremass of Loxur"

Does anyone have any suggestions if there are any commonly-used passwords? (I don't think it's "smeltar", which is on another one I've got.)

Thanks for the help.

Not sure if the file's properties show when it was downloaded. If it does, check the posts around that date - if not you'll probably be better asking for a re-up and trying again.

04-16-2013, 03:02 PM

Poor Harry! as Sarah would say. I don't think he's an imbecile, just wasn't TARDIS trained to quote prof marius :)
To be fair, he did have to go up against the pepperpots and cybers. no small task. i think he did well. now if you want to talk bout imbecile and utterly useless companions, i think you'd have to put... oh what's his name... Adam Mitchell! now there's somebody you could have killed off! besides, back to Harry, he really made Sarah look good... while he was running around clueless, she was starting a rebellion on Skaro... Good girl Sarah!

04-16-2013, 03:06 PM
Nope. Sorry. Have to disagree here. In no way shape or form did I find S4's "Towing the Earth by TARDIS, destroying Donna and giving Rose everything she wants" finale in the least satisfying. It was silly, overblown, and rushed, and was the first time I found myself groaning and shaking my head in disbelief on a first watching of a new ep. S3's "Doctor Gollum is now Doctor Jesus" ending was pretty poor, too, but at least had some satisfying bleakness. I look on those ending the same way many look on Moffat's stuff.

Let's face it, every era has it's high and low points, and being Doctor Who fans, we will never EVER all agree on anything... :)

Completely different topic, loved "Dardle Must Expire!" Terrific fun runaround with great performances all 'round.

Totally agree! the first part left me breathless, like most first-parters of the series but the conclusion was just awful. you finally got Donna being who she was always meant to be only to erase her off the show (in more ways that one).. and that bio-meta-ridiculousness going away to litterally a world just made for him and Violet was just sappy. NOT satisfying. At all. I would love for Donna to come back somehow. the dynamic with DT was great although I know it'll never happen and i'm not convinced her character would work so well with matt.

04-16-2013, 03:08 PM
yes adam!! What, really, was the point of that character?? Bloody awful.

04-16-2013, 03:20 PM
Totally agree! the first part left me breathless, like most first-parters of the series but the conclusion was just awful. you finally got Donna being who she was always meant to be only to erase her off the show (in more ways that one).. and that bio-meta-ridiculousness going away to litterally a world just made for him and Violet was just sappy. NOT satisfying. At all. I would love for Donna to come back somehow. the dynamic with DT was great although I know it'll never happen and i'm not convinced her character would work so well with matt.

Yeah. I thought Donna was the best companion so far. I think it was just the fact that she was so down to earth and took no shit from anyone - including the Doc.

If they don't bring her back for the 50th, I'd like to see Wilf and Brian (Rory's dad) team up.

04-16-2013, 03:26 PM

I hope you are quoting the medic from Te*rr*or of the Zy*go*ns. You must be, Harry is great and I won't have a bad word said about him :)

Or was it The Ar*k in Sp*ac*e?

04-16-2013, 03:41 PM
Yeah. I thought Donna was the best companion so far. I think it was just the fact that she was so down to earth and took no shit from anyone - including the Doc.

If they don't bring her back for the 50th, I'd like to see Wilf and Brian (Rory's dad) team up.

I agree. Donna was an awesome character because she was actually allowed to GROW as a character from a loudmouthed annoying little girl in the wedding to someone who simply shined... her CT's performance in Ood world was stunning to say the least, as it was to a lesser degree in turn left. In the same way, I really liked Martha. Not the best companion of all times, but very good nonetheless because she also developped in an great way. FA's performance in human nature was incredible. as was DT's also. definitely at their best there. i just don't like 1dimensional characters. rose in "rose" and in the rest was basically the same right to the end, only she weaponed up LOL. her new role as "defender of the earth" never convinced me at all. and although i enjoyed capt jack, he was just too predictable. he was much better in TW.

Never even heard of a possibility of seeing Donna in the 50th but now that you mentionned it, it'll have me pacing up and down the halls hoping for a miracle !

04-16-2013, 03:44 PM
I hope you are quoting the medic from Te*rr*or of the Zy*go*ns. You must be, Harry is great and I won't have a bad word said about him :)

Or was it The Ar*k in Sp*ac*e?

LOL. I hope so too... but we do know how the 4th thought of his companions: "the need looking after, they get into trouble..." as he mentionned to the White Guardian. The only one he didn't complain about if i recall is Sarah... but who wouldn't love Sarah. He was particularly harsh with Nyssa, Tegan and Adric in Logopolis... I personally think that the 4th must have been alone for centuries (and liked it!) between The Hand of Fear and the Face of Evil.

04-16-2013, 03:49 PM
I agree. Donna was an awesome character because she was actually allowed to GROW as a character from a loudmouthed annoying little girl in the wedding to someone who simply shined... her CT's performance in Ood world was stunning to say the least, as it was to a lesser degree in turn left. In the same way, I really liked Martha. Not the best companion of all times, but very good nonetheless because she also developped in an great way. FA's performance in human nature was incredible. as was DT's also. definitely at their best there. i just don't like 1dimensional characters. rose in "rose" and in the rest was basically the same right to the end, only she weaponed up LOL. her new role as "defender of the earth" never convinced me at all. and although i enjoyed capt jack, he was just too predictable. he was much better in TW.

Never even heard of a possibility of seeing Donna in the 50th but now that you mentionned it, it'll have me pacing up and down the halls hoping for a miracle !

Well they proved it could be done in Last of the Timelords. I've not heard anything either ... can't stand CT, but thought she was fantastic in DW.

As for Martha ... couldn't stand her in her series, but thought she was much better when they brought her back in The Sontaran Stratagem and her small stint in TW. I think it was just her constantly mooning over the Doc really put my teeth on edge.

04-16-2013, 03:55 PM
... I personally think that the 4th must have been alone for centuries (and liked it!) between The Hand of Fear and the Face of Evil.

Yes I think so too, the whole persona of the 4th medic works better when imagined as a lone traveller.

04-16-2013, 04:04 PM
I hope you are quoting the medic from Te*rr*or of the Zy*go*ns. You must be, Harry is great and I won't have a bad word said about him :)

Or was it The Ar*k in Sp*ac*e?

Neither - Revenge Of The C-Men ... just after Harry tried to un-strap the bomb from an unconscious Doctor. Unconscious from a rock fall. A rock fall that Harry created.

04-16-2013, 04:07 PM
He was particularly harsh with Nyssa, Tegan and Adric in Logopolis....

In fairness, he had just seen that his time was nearly up. That's gonna get you cranky!

04-16-2013, 04:09 PM
Neither - Revenge Of The C-Men ... just after Harry tried to in-strap the bomb from an unconscious Doctor. Unconscious from a rock fall. A rock fall that Harry created.

I knew somebody would tell me I was wrong :)

04-16-2013, 04:59 PM

04-16-2013, 07:00 PM
Not an audio, I know... but does anyone have a copy of the M*I*N*I*S*T*E*R OF C*H*A*N*C*E Movie Sizzle Reel?

It's been taken down from YouTube and doesn't appear to be available anywhere else... Any help would be appreciated :)


04-16-2013, 07:41 PM
Neither - Revenge Of The C-Men ... just after Harry tried to un-strap the bomb from an unconscious Doctor. Unconscious from a rock fall. A rock fall that Harry created.

Though of course Ian Marter was in Doctor Who before Harry Sullivan

04-16-2013, 08:43 PM
Though of course Ian Marter was in Doctor Who before Harry Sullivan

Yes he played John Andrews in Ca*rn*iv*al of Mo*ns*te*rs back in 1973 nearly a year before he was cast as Harry.

04-16-2013, 08:45 PM
Yes he played John Andrews in Ca*rn*iv*al of Mo*ns*te*rs back in 1973 a whole year before he was cast as Harry.

Gold Star for Tomoph :)

04-16-2013, 08:48 PM
Plus, Jon Pertwee got to knock him around a bit. Poor Ian, his characters always got abused by the Doctor.

04-16-2013, 08:53 PM
Plus, Jon Pertwee got to knock him around a bit. Poor Ian, his characters always got abused by the Doctor.

yeah but with that chin and accent there was no choice LOL

04-16-2013, 08:55 PM
Plus, Jon Pertwee got to knock him around a bit. Poor Ian, his characters always got abused by the Doctor.

well as Hal, he was a professional medic, and there is only room for one!

04-16-2013, 09:05 PM
yeah but with that chin and accent there was no choice LOL

No no, I won't have it, no negativity about Harry, he far outshines most of the male companions before and since he travelled with the Medic.

04-16-2013, 09:06 PM
Yes he played John Andrews in Ca*rn*iv*al of Mo*ns*te*rs back in 1973 nearly a year before he was cast as Harry.

I'd completely forgotten that.

Now there was a great story utterly undermined by the effects that they could do at the time. Just think how they could bring that to life today?

04-16-2013, 09:11 PM
No no, I won't have it, no negativity about Harry, he far outshines most of the male companions before and since he travelled with the Medic.

It's such a shame that Ian's no longer with us. You just know that he'd have jumped at the chance to work with BF.

04-16-2013, 09:15 PM
It's such a shame that Ian's no longer with us. You just know that he'd have jumped at the chance to work with BF.

He was one of the better male companions. A positive giant compared to Adric (spits in the corner) but suffered from the writing and stereotypical characterisation. Ian Mater was someone who contributed hugely to Doctor Who so never a bad word against him.

Just looked it up - I hadn't realised he was only 42 when he died - tragically young

04-16-2013, 09:26 PM
Adric (spits in the corner)
whining, whinging, snivelling self centered, self important, "Ohh, I've got a star" piece of..........

how the aussie never clubbed him to death i'll never know

04-16-2013, 09:27 PM
Hi all,

Going through my laptop, I discovered that there is one story I downloaded a while ago but apparently never got around to extracting, and it turns out it's password-protected, and at this point it would be near impossible to back and figure out what the password might be.

The story is the seventh in the third season of LC's series of "planned but never made" stories - "The Tremass of Loxur"

Does anyone have any suggestions if there are any commonly-used passwords? (I don't think it's "smeltar", which is on another one I've got.)

Thanks for the help.

RWQ for the password of my copy. <my one's password is alieonicfreak

04-16-2013, 09:48 PM
It's such a shame that Ian's no longer with us. You just know that he'd have jumped at the chance to work with BF.

On some alternative Earth Ian is still playing Harry in the BF audios and made cameo appearances in the new series.

04-16-2013, 10:07 PM
On some alternative Earth Ian is still playing Harry in the BF audios and made cameo appearances in the new series.

For some reason this reminded me of a drunk conversation I had with some mates of mine (who are DW fans) talking about DW and alternative Earth's, which went along the lines of this

'So there is an idea of an infinite amount of parallel realities where every possible event is played out, which means somewhere out there is an Earth where I followed my crazy childhood dream of going into acting (I had wanted to when I was about 7). Now this means that somewhere out there in a parallel Earth there is a version of me that is an actor, and this version is the new 11th Medic and not Smith. So out there is a version of me that has snogged K-aren G-illan & A-lex K-ingston and is the Medic.... What a bastard!.

04-16-2013, 10:17 PM
For some reason this reminded me of a drunk conversation I had with some mates of mine (who are DW fans) talking about DW and alternative Earth's, which went along the lines of this

'So there is an idea of an infinite amount of parallel realities where every possible event is played out, which means somewhere out there is an Earth where I followed my crazy childhood dream of going into acting (I had wanted to when I was about 7). Now this means that somewhere out there in a parallel Earth there is a version of me that is an actor, and this version is the new 11th Medic and not Smith. So out there is a version of me that has snogged K-aren G-illan & A-lex K-ingston and is the Medic.... What a bastard!.

dear lord! What on earth were you guys drinking?

04-16-2013, 10:36 PM
dear lord! What on earth were you guys drinking?

I lost track.... It was one of those parties where everyone was drinking everything......

04-16-2013, 11:16 PM
Talking of Drunk... Last night I seem to have posted something about Florence being a virgin ...Don't remember doing that at all.

04-16-2013, 11:27 PM
Some Large conclusion subs only stories as requested

DepositFiles (

DepositFiles (

Hadn't noticed how seedy/disturbing Colin looks in the Crypto.... cover before

04-16-2013, 11:33 PM
Talking of Drunk... Last night I seem to have posted something about Florence being a virgin ...Don't remember doing that at all.

Ahh the classic post/texting while drunk moment

04-16-2013, 11:36 PM
Talking of Drunk... Last night I seem to have posted something about Florence being a virgin ...Don't remember doing that at all.

If it's any help; I've had days like that when I've been sober.

04-16-2013, 11:38 PM
Hadn't noticed how seedy/disturbing Colin looks in the Crypto.... cover before

Makes a pleasant change from the regular stock photos they use.

With all the footage and pictures of the various Doc's over the years you think they'd be able to use more images for their photoshoping, wouldn't you?

04-16-2013, 11:51 PM
Somebody posted requesting some C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* but I can't seem to find the original post. Here's one about a headless horseman in "Myth of a Weary Cavity".


Got some more somewhere but they may be on CD, need to check if I can find them.

04-16-2013, 11:55 PM
cheers neonihilist

04-17-2013, 12:06 AM
Mental note for tomorrow.... Finnish Warriors of Passion uploads, ask if anyone want's some of the other Djoon audios, try and find the other C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* audios. ....AND JUST GENERALLY UPLOAD SOME OTHER RANDOM STUFF.

04-17-2013, 12:11 AM
Mental note for tomorrow.... Finnish Warriors of Passion uploads, ask if anyone want's some of the other Djoon audios, try and find the other C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* audios. ....AND JUST GENERALLY UPLOAD SOME OTHER RANDOM STUFF.

Yes please Redskutter to C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* much appreciated

04-17-2013, 12:22 AM
One more uploading at the moment, can't find the CD's....but we'll see.

Thought I had another C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* on this HD but appears to be a B*B*C* version of Bay Radbury's - Sumting Wiked Dis Way Cums. Still good tho so I might up it anyway.

04-17-2013, 12:30 AM
Just went back to the very first post on this thread and I have to say. Amanda's avatar was beautifull.

04-17-2013, 12:48 AM
After a quick search realised you could pick these up quite quickly on the net but anyway here is.....

C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* Searcher for the spirit of a person Volume 1.



04-17-2013, 12:56 AM
I'd love to see them adapt more NAs - Hate & Peace was terrific, I think they'd do a great job on some of the other better ones. More Bennie & 7 is only a good thing.

they should adapt ALL the DW books (with the exceptions of the NSA's, which they would get sued for, and the Target Novelizations, which would be pointless.)

04-17-2013, 01:13 AM
they should adapt ALL the DW books (with the exceptions of the NSA's, which they would get sued for, and the Target Novelizations, which would be pointless.)

I'd rather they did new stories tbh. I've read all the NAs and MAs, been there, done that. Let's have stuff we've not read or heard before.

04-17-2013, 01:28 AM
I'd rather they did new stories tbh. I've read all the NAs and MAs, been there, done that. Let's have stuff we've not read or heard before.

Hear, Hear!

04-17-2013, 03:44 AM
Watching "Earthshock" for the first time in a donkey's age and two things springs to mind.

Thing the first: I'd forgotten that Ms Fielding is more qualified in the bikini filling department than I'd remembered.

Thing the second: Clare Clifford has a remarkable similarity to my first, proper, girlfriend I had about two years after this first aired. I wonder if I was influenced by it?

04-17-2013, 04:09 AM
Did you see the dvd extra which explains how Adric survived, or do you have trawl youtube?

04-17-2013, 04:14 AM
Did you see the dvd extra which explains how Adric survived, or do you have trawl youtube?


I thought the only 'he survived' story was the one that BF did (what the heck was that called? Boy time forgot?) that just cr*pped all over the character even more? When I first heard that I couldn't help but think that even though the character wasn't particularly well liked, and history hasn't been kind to him, he still deserve that pile of garbage poured on him from that story.

(Hang on - wasn't there some plasticine 'stop motion' easter-egg thing on one DVD? Can't remember! It's late!)

04-17-2013, 04:16 AM
Watching "Earthshock" for the first time in a donkey's age and two things springs to mind.

Thing the first: I'd forgotten that Ms Fielding is more qualified in the bikini filling department than I'd remembered.

Thing the second: Clare Clifford has a remarkable similarity to my first, proper, girlfriend I had about two years after this first aired. I wonder if I was influenced by it?

I always thought Janet was quite attractive. But the most memorable line of all was Adric's last and best: "Now I'll never know if i got it right."
WELL, let me just clear that up for you kiddo: you DIDN'T get it right! as far as i'm concerned you should have just been another morsel for the swamp-zombies or vampire food or at the very least you could have stayed in your own blasted universe and not cross over to ours... come to think of it, Romana probably wouldn't have liked you to stay with her either!

04-17-2013, 06:05 AM
If Romana had regeneraed again rather than staying behind, who would you have preferred they used as Romana 3? Sarah Sutton or Janet Fielding?

04-17-2013, 06:09 AM

04-17-2013, 06:25 AM
If Romana had regeneraed again rather than staying behind, who would you have preferred they used as Romana 3? Sarah Sutton or Janet Fielding?
I agree with Esgal. However, I think Claudia Black would make an interesting Romana.

04-17-2013, 06:41 AM
Somebody posted requesting some C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* but I can't seem to find the original post. Here's one about a headless horseman in "Myth of a Weary Cavity".


Got some more somewhere but they may be on CD, need to check if I can find them.

Hi Red,

The original post you were looking for was #9870, at the time on p. 395, but that might appear different on other PCs. It was my post of course and wanted to thank you from the bottom for Vol.1 of the poltergeist finder. Never heard any of these. There are 4 more volumes in this series and it would be dynamite if you be so kind to post some more of them if available or best of all, all of them if available.

And if I'm not being too pushy may I make some more requests, but since these may not be as well known to you, I think it's best if I PM them to you so I don't have to speak in code.

By the way, I was unable to DL from Post 9938, all I got was an invalid. I tried it twice so I don't if it's me or the site.

But again, thanks so much for your thoughtful and generous sharing.

04-17-2013, 07:03 AM
I agree with Esgal. However, I think Claudia Black would make an interesting Romana.

Claudia Black would be interesting in any role she played....hmmm...female medic??? ;)

04-17-2013, 07:20 AM
any of you have something special planned for page 400?

04-17-2013, 07:31 AM

I thought the only 'he survived' story was the one that BF did (what the heck was that called? Boy time forgot?) that just cr*pped all over the character even more? When I first heard that I couldn't help but think that even though the character wasn't particularly well liked, and history hasn't been kind to him, he still deserve that pile of garbage poured on him from that story.

(Hang on - wasn't there some plasticine 'stop motion' easter-egg thing on one DVD? Can't remember! It's late!)

Indeed there was! Can't seem to find it on youtube...

04-17-2013, 07:32 AM
any of you have something special planned for page 400?
Not that I know of. However, I've been awaiting a re-upload of the soundtrack for the 5th Medic's swan song for awhile now. I know, I've mentioned it numerous times, but it seems like I'm being ignored... :(

04-17-2013, 07:51 AM
Not that I know of. However, I've been awaiting a re-upload of the soundtrack for the 5th Medic's swan song for awhile now. I know, I've mentioned it numerous times, but it seems like I'm being ignored... :(

Please don't feel that
If I had it it would be yours right now, but I fear that no one here has it

04-17-2013, 07:59 AM
Please don't feel that
If I had it it would be yours right now, but I fear that no one here has it
It was was posted earlier in the thread by someone, but I didn't get to the link in time. Hence why I'm waiting on a re-upload.

04-17-2013, 08:01 AM
It was was posted earlier in the thread by someone, but I didn't get to the link in time. Hence why I'm waiting on a re-upload.

Ahh...! this I did not realise.
have you tried PMing the EDITED

04-17-2013, 08:12 AM
Ahh...! this I did not realise.
have you tried PMing the original uploader?
I honestly didn't think about that. I've been so busy today, what with work and such. Thanks for reminding me.

04-17-2013, 08:20 AM
I honestly didn't think about that. I've been so busy today, what with work and such. Thanks for reminding me.

not sure if sarcasm....
If not I apologise, I am terribly bad at spotting such things

But in other news.....
'Broadchurch' Writer Chris Chibnall To Return To 'Doctor Who' (
oh dear, oh dear, oh dear

04-17-2013, 08:37 AM
not sure if sarcasm....
If not I apologise, I am terribly bad at spotting such things

But in other news.....
'Broadchurch' Writer Chris Chibnall To Return To 'Doctor Who' (
oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
I was being sincere. If I came across as sarcastic, I apologize. I'm a bit tired. Also, Chibnall's not that bad of a writer. I think he gets a lot of flak in some fan circles due to his work on "Torchwood". Not to mention some of the comments he made when he was younger regarding some stories of the Classic Medics, which according to what I read, drew a bit of ire. But your mileage may vary.

04-17-2013, 08:43 AM
Try medic or Medic

Not sure if the file's properties show when it was downloaded. If it does, check the posts around that date - if not you'll probably be better asking for a re-up and trying again.

RWQ for the password of my copy.
Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. They were very helpful. Thanks in particular to sashabot, who had the password I needed.

04-17-2013, 08:51 AM
I was being sincere.

then, my bad. text can be so difficult to interpret

Chibnall's not that bad of a writer.

to which I offer this rebuttal:

04-17-2013, 08:54 AM
I was being sincere. If I came across as sarcastic, I apologize. I'm a bit tired. Also, Chibnall's not that bad of a writer. I think he gets a lot of flak in some fan circles due to his work on "Torchwood". Not to mention some of the comments he made when he was younger regarding some stories of the Classic Medics, which according to what I read, drew a bit of ire. But your mileage may vary.

In fact, Chibnall has written some of my favourite TW eps. Namely Countrycide, Fragments, Exit Wounds and Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. Of course he also wrote the god-awful Cyberwoman but on the whole I think the positives outway the negatives, but each to his own. ;)

to which I offer this rebuttal:

Again, I quite liked that ep.

Exterminate Me
04-17-2013, 09:24 AM
I keep making errors!

Exterminate Me
04-17-2013, 09:26 AM
Nearly 400 pages on this thread! redskutter, I think you have an alcohol problem lol. Also a big thank you for everyone on this thread - you guys are great!

04-17-2013, 09:30 AM
Nearly 400 pages on this thread! redskutter, I think you have an alcohol problem lol. Also a big thank you for everyone on this thread - you guys are great!

No its not a problem, it's dedication.

04-17-2013, 09:36 AM
Somebody posted requesting some C*O*L*O*N*I*A*L* *R*A*D*I*O* *T*H*E*A*T*R*E* but I can't seem to find the original post. Here's one about a headless horseman in "Myth of a Weary Cavity".


Got some more somewhere but they may be on CD, need to check if I can find them.

Has been reported that this ones not working, could anyone confirm?

04-17-2013, 09:38 AM
No its not a problem, it's dedication.

He drinks, he falls down, no problem :)

04-17-2013, 09:55 AM
Has been reported that this ones not working, could anyone confirm?

All was fine for me

04-17-2013, 10:12 AM
to which I offer this rebuttal:
This ep was really promising in the beginning, but the last 10 minutes ruined it all: no answers, a totally pointless enemy, a "Deus ex machina" solution...

That's why I hate Chibnall stories...

04-17-2013, 10:16 AM
This ep was really promising in the beginning, but the last 10 minutes ruined it all: no answers, a totally pointless enemy, a "Deus ex machina" solution...

That's why I hate Chibnall stories...

Unfortunately that has been the case for a lot of the Matt Smith stories

04-17-2013, 10:32 AM
Hi all,
have i missed illness of the borgesque chaps read by d.w*a*r*n*e*r

04-17-2013, 11:08 AM
Final Warriors of Passion's post all uploaded now.


SoL01-G - Download - 4shared (
SoL02-D - Download - 4shared (
SoL03-M - Download - 4shared (
SoL04-OP - Download - 4shared (
SoL05-PoD - Download - 4shared (
SoL06-HL - Download - 4shared (
SoL07-E.jpg - Download - 4shared (
Sol08-FE - Download - 4shared (
SoL09-BL - Download - 4shared (
SoL10-EQ - Download - 4shared (
SoL11-SitT - Download - 4shared (
SoL12-SOS - Download - 4shared (
SoL13-R - Download - 4shared (
SoL14-BT - Download - 4shared (

04-17-2013, 11:40 AM
I'm in a celebratey mood, enough to squander precious internets uploading stuff for people! Requests? (sorry I don't have Fivey's swansong)

why am I so pleased?well, in the last hour my country's mildly moronic governing body decided to do something mildly less moronic for once, and legalised same-sex marriage :)
there we go, rainbow colours nailed to the mast. I'm not particularly gay but I certainly don't disapprove of it, and have always considered discrimination against such to be a bit nonsensical at best.

fehhh, best timing ever... it's my bedtime, so I'll get on to uploading any requests in about 8 hours. hold tight!

04-17-2013, 11:54 AM
Claudia Black would be interesting in any role she played....hmmm...female medic??? ;)

Now there's an interesting thought! :)

04-17-2013, 12:02 PM
Of course he also wrote the god-awful Cyberwoman but on the whole I think the positives outway the negatives, but each to his own. ;)

I always suspected RTD butchered that script to "sex it up".

Now as much as I appreciated the view of Caroline Chikezie in that gear, the story would have been far better served had they gone down a proper "body shock" route and made her utterly horrendous.

04-17-2013, 12:09 PM

04-17-2013, 12:19 PM
Hello folks. I fear my request for audios has got somewhat lost due to my post mainly turning into rant about Nick Briggs (apologies Briggs fans!)

Does anybody have the original Radio 2 Jon pertwee tales (P#a#r#d#i#s#e of d#e#a#th & g#h#o#s#t#s of nnnnn-s#pa#ce) and the M#a#l#t#e#s#e P#e#n#g#u#i#n?

Thanks as ever to anyone who can help.

I do but I'm at work atm. If nobody else uploads them in the meantime, I'll do it later tonight.

04-17-2013, 12:27 PM
why am I so pleased?well, in the last hour my country's mildly moronic governing body decided to do something mildly less moronic for once, and legalised same-sex marriage :)
there we go, rainbow colours nailed to the mast. I'm not particularly gay but I certainly don't disapprove of it, and have always considered discrimination against such to be a bit nonsensical at best.

there are a lot of aussies right now wanting to swap our govt for yours - wtg New Zealand !!!! :) :)

04-17-2013, 12:57 PM
why am I so pleased?well, in the last hour my country's mildly moronic governing body decided to do something mildly less moronic for once, and legalised same-sex marriage :)
there we go, rainbow colours nailed to the mast. I'm not particularly gay but I certainly don't disapprove of it, and have always considered discrimination against such to be a bit nonsensical at best.
France is about to legalise it too, but opponents have grown increasingly vocal and have become very, very agressive towards supporters and/or gay people. So the sooner this law is voted, the sooner these ultraconservative morons will finally shut up.
Way to go, New Zealand, may you be an example for my country and for many others afther that !

04-17-2013, 01:14 PM
Fifth Medic's swan-song OST. Thanks to original uploader Bulletzen.


04-17-2013, 01:24 PM
I always thought Janet was quite attractive.

Especially in her later stories when she had shorter hair and the boob-tube era.

04-17-2013, 02:24 PM
I do but I'm at work atm. If nobody else uploads them in the meantime, I'll do it later tonight.

here is Jon


04-17-2013, 02:29 PM
Especially in her later stories when she had shorter hair and the boob-tube era.
ehmm,sorry..have to go to the bathroom, for,ehm..well

04-17-2013, 02:34 PM
ehmm,sorry..have to go to the bathroom, for,ehm..well
What kind of a geek are you? Everyone knows the appropriate phrase is "I'll be in my bunk."

Related: while I don't like Firefly, I'm somewhat surprised that BF didn't do a line of audios. Maybe the licence or the actors just cost too much.

04-17-2013, 02:35 PM
Hello folks. I fear my request for audios has got somewhat lost due to my post mainly turning into rant about Nick Briggs (apologies Briggs fans!)

Does anybody have the original Radio 2 Jon pertwee tales (P#a#r#d#i#s#e of d#e#a#th & g#h#o#s#t#s of nnnnn-s#pa#ce) and the M#a#l#t#e#s#e P#e#n#g#u#i#n?

Thanks as ever to anyone who can help.
Here is the Ma*lt*es*e Pe*ng*ui*n.

This is a good copy and not the one with the SJS track overlay that occurs in the last 10 minutes in most of the copys you get from the torrent sites.



Not that I know of. However, I've been awaiting a re-upload of the soundtrack for the 5th Medic's swan song for awhile now. I know, I've mentioned it numerous times, but it seems like I'm being ignored... :(

I had seen your request and meant to re up it for you, but I have had a few requests to fill before I could do it, I'm sure you were not being ignored :)

04-17-2013, 02:40 PM
What kind of a geek are you? Everyone knows the appropriate phrase is "I'll be in my bunk."

"I'm off to spend some time in the Zero Room"

04-17-2013, 02:41 PM
What kind of a geek are you? Everyone knows the appropriate phrase is "I'll be in my bunk."

Related: while I don't like Firefly, I'm somewhat surprised that BF didn't do a line of audios. Maybe the licence or the actors just cost too much.
ah,sorry,new to who (well,5 years is new) and english is not my first language,i'll use the phrase in the future

my post count is, yeaahh..

OT question, i was looking at lists of scifi comedy and found radio series it any good?

04-17-2013, 02:53 PM
What kind of a geek are you? Everyone knows the appropriate phrase is "I'll be in my bunk."

Related: while I don't like Firefly, I'm somewhat surprised that BF didn't do a line of audios. Maybe the licence or the actors just cost too much.

I quickly glossed over the start of that sentence but I suspect that the actors would cost too much and most of them seem to be busy with other projects, plus I get the feeling that Joss wouldn't trust anybody with his baby without direct supervision.

my post count is, yeaahh..

It's easy to get your post count up ... all you gotta do is just talk crap (how do you think mine is so high :D)

Not that I know of. However, I've been awaiting a re-upload of the soundtrack for the 5th Medic's swan song for awhile now. I know, I've mentioned it numerous times, but it seems like I'm being ignored... :(

I'm sure somebody did actually upload this a couple of days ago.

04-17-2013, 03:06 PM
I quickly glossed over the start of that sentence but I suspect that the actors would cost too much and most of them seem to be busy with other projects, plus I get the feeling that Joss wouldn't trust anybody with his baby without direct supervision.

It's easy to get your post count up ... all you gotta do is just talk crap (how do you think mine is so high :D)

I couldn't possibly comment :)

04-17-2013, 03:09 PM
Found the other C*o*l*o*n*i*a*l audio, twas hiding in the wrong folder. Bay Radbury - Red planet inhabitant archives.

Only 64kbps but perfectly listenable.

Can't find the CD which I think had some other stuff of thiers.



Don't suppose anyones got a copy of the B*B*C*'s "The Mausoleum Club - The Demon Cakestand Of Beastley Chase."?

04-17-2013, 03:13 PM
ah,sorry,new to who (well,5 years is new) and english is not my first language,i'll use the phrase in the future

my post count is, yeaahh..

OT question, i was looking at lists of scifi comedy and found radio series it any good?

I enjoyed them. Glad you mentioned them as I hadn't moved them to the new hard drive.

Exterminate Me
04-17-2013, 03:35 PM
Just want to say - you guys are great. You really make me laugh (and my health problems really get me down). Thank you. And redskutter, keep up the pissed posting, it's very entertaining!!!

04-17-2013, 03:56 PM
there are a lot of aussies right now wanting to swap our govt for yours - wtg New Zealand !!!! :) :)
good for you NZ!
my country is still dragging it's heels.
surely by now it's obvious the way the wind is blowing, most people's attitude seems to be "What? it isn't already?"

ehmm,sorry..have to go to the bathroom, for,ehm..well
at the risk of repeating myself


Here is the Ma*lt*es*e Pe*ng*ui*n.

This is a good copy and not the one with the SJS track overlay that occurs in the last 10 minutes in most of the copys you get from the torrent sites.
I love film noir, and I have never really been able to hear how this ends. Thank you

"I'm off to spend some time in the Zero Room"
Where there is effectively zero-g?.....?


04-17-2013, 04:06 PM
We All Love The Doctor!

And All Hail The Great Talking Bird!

(Well, it seemed appropriate for the 10k post!)

Oh, and ....