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11-27-2011, 08:00 AM
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11-27-2011, 09:08 AM
Here's a bit of help concerning the cover art (ignore a few items I just haven't moved somewhere else yet!), which has quite a bit more and some bigger sizes:

11-27-2011, 06:31 PM
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11-27-2011, 10:10 PM
Surprised that the DWO site has only four entries in the Internet Archive Wayback When Machine when you consider how long it's been running.

11-28-2011, 12:21 AM
Really, really loving the site and threads !!, thank you to all contributors, so far I have snaffled 8 audios, I didn't have :). Thank you also to posters who have put threads up of 'face plates', for those who are looking for a site to download any of the BBC / BBV and BF face-plates, here is one of the best:

Could I ask a favour again?, I don't need Face-plates, [plenty of sites have face plates], I am looking for the Back covers [also known as Back-plates, back trays, back images].

I know that many people just use the 'front' as an IPod logo for the tracks, but I am one of the weidos who have everything on 'hard drive', external drive, CD, DVD and as an emergency back up, audio cassette.....for every audio and video I have.......

11-28-2011, 12:56 AM
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11-28-2011, 01:02 AM
I have no idea why BF, and AG, have release dates. Already posted some December releases, still waiting for some August issues, and at least 3 pre-pay-to-order stories were cancelled this year.

Which ones have been cancelled?

11-28-2011, 04:08 AM
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11-28-2011, 04:09 AM

I did say as a favour.....:), no I don't expect anyone, to sit at a computer for the next 2 years, scanning every Dr Who cover onto files, uploading them and not even getting a 'thanks' post
and yes, I know all about copyrite restrictions....what I had hoped for, as 'the favour', would be someone, who, in their travels on the net, looking for tid bits, may have found a site with the back covers, [there are hundreds of sites for the front plates], or if you knew of one, which had these jpegs, [as you listed one for 'The Witch from the Well'], if I had that address, I would download what I found, convert them into the right size and replace the covers I have previously made for the collection, and maybe, others would appreciate it as well... I can't be the only one on the lookout.

As people who know me from 'Bolt' will remember, I am a luddite, but if people want to drop me a line here or on my email address, with requests for strange, rare or obscure audios [including those no longer available around the net], I am more than happy to copy onto a disc, and send them to them, and if they want to encode and upload for everyone else... we will all be happy.
I have the Music for "Adventures in Time and Space' all four series, but my computer is currently frqd, and in bits, and no way of uploading [I don't know how - truth be told hence 'luddite'- ], but anyone who wants those - as I said drop me a line :)

11-28-2011, 06:22 AM
For all that love torrents.....

pages that can be downloaded for free, some titles which have not listed in this forum as yet.

Tim the Sock Puppet
11-28-2011, 08:50 AM
I'd like thank every single one of you who contributed to this thread. There are some interviews and audio series on here that I've never even heard of! This will definitely keep me busy until Series 7.

I hope it isn't too much to ask for a download link for the Big Finish audio, The Game. It features the 5th Doctor and it's listed as the 66th audio in the series (at least that's what Wikipedia says). I've searched through every page in this thread and most of the links that I've found aren't working anymore. I couldn't even find a torrent of it while I was searching through Google.

Also, apologies in advance if I ask for any more links in the future. I'm going through every audio in the Big Finish series by release date, and if I can't find a working link here or a torrent anywhere else on the internet, I have to resort to requesting it. I don't want to ask for all of them at once because by the time I get to the last link, it might not be working anymore.

11-28-2011, 10:09 AM
outdated info

Tim the Sock Puppet
11-28-2011, 12:49 PM
@ burneggroll

Thanks, but this is one of the links I was talking about. Either it's dead or it won't let me download it for some reason. I even registered, then downloaded to see if that would work, but it didn't...

11-28-2011, 01:14 PM
Tim the Sock Puppet,

Both these sites have 'the game' available for downloading;

11-28-2011, 01:25 PM
All of the Karen Gillian (Amy Pond) audios, she's not a voice actress nor a reader. Scott Handcock (author)'s "Purple"(?), unknown reason. Liz Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) passed away mid-contract. Unclear if Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield) has been blackballed for her on stage condemnation of Hirst Publishing.

I'm relying on memory. Tough to research the cancelled. They swept the bodies up very efficiently.


I don't think either Karen or Matt are particularly good audio-readers. Matt gets better when he's 'in character' but I've heard better narrators. Karen's even flat in her performances for the games. Which is a shame.

You never know, we may get to hear them do Audio properly in a couple of years if BF ever manage to get the Rights to the new series! :)

Tim the Sock Puppet
11-28-2011, 02:14 PM
@ Hew1tt

Sorry, I found it, but it has 0 seeders. The same goes for one I found that contained both The Game and a bunch of other 5th Doctor stories.

11-28-2011, 03:32 PM

Sorry that the other 2 don't have any seeds at the moment, but I checked this one, and it has seeds and is active - best to open the downloading file and deleting unwanted titles to save time and disc space, it is another free site,...

11-28-2011, 08:58 PM
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11-28-2011, 10:39 PM
@ 1nsanitykun; THANKS!
The more info you give with requests, the faster we can find it. All of those are posted. Some are "temporarily unavailable", which is a Megaupload issue.
Also "temporarily unavailable" is: Judge Dredd Crime Chronicles 04 - Double Zero

or new link

Thanks, still trying with 129 but NSA13 only load to 2.9mb and then just sits there...have tried it over night but still the same. Thanks for trying though.

11-29-2011, 12:13 AM
Thanks, still trying with 129 but NSA13 only load to 2.9mb and then just sits there...have tried it over night but still the same. Thanks for trying though.

Try to download it with something like JDownloader, it auto-retries and auto-resumes.

11-29-2011, 12:22 AM
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11-29-2011, 05:22 AM
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Tim the Sock Puppet
11-29-2011, 05:28 AM
Thank you very much, burneggroll! At the moment, the link won't direct me to the actual page, but I'm sure that's just Megaupload having some difficulties, so I'll keep checking on it from time to time until it works.

11-29-2011, 07:45 AM
I can confirm that Megaupload has been unavailable most of the day. Sigh.

11-29-2011, 09:06 AM
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11-29-2011, 10:20 AM
Highlander: The Series audiobooks? You, burneggroll, are a GOD! Thank you so much!

11-29-2011, 12:48 PM
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11-29-2011, 07:25 PM
I would really like those Time Hunter audiobooks please :)

Tim the Sock Puppet
11-29-2011, 09:29 PM
The mediafire link works for me. Many thanks to burneggroll and Hew1tt for helping me out on this. Listening to it as we speak. :)

11-29-2011, 09:32 PM

Thanks for the updated them both now...cheers for all your efforts.

11-30-2011, 09:09 AM
thank you for all the links here, especially for the big finish productions. I really appreciate these. :)

11-30-2011, 10:09 AM

You'll find that you get a better response when you ask for specific titles rather than an entire series.

11-30-2011, 12:04 PM
Does anyone have:
Time Hunter 01: The Cabinet of Light
Time Hunter 02: The Winning Side
Time Hunter 03: The Tunnel at the End of the Light
Time Hunter 04: The Clockwork Woman
Time Hunter 05: Kitsune
Time Hunter 06: The Severed Man
Time Hunter 07: Echoes
Time Hunter 08: Perculiar Lives
Time Hunter 09: Deus Le Volt
Time Hunter 10: The Albino's Dancer
Time Hunter 11: The Sideways Door
Time Hunter 12: Child of Time

11-30-2011, 02:08 PM
You really need to know what you're asking for. Number 8 and 9 have only just been released. 10 plus don't even exist.

fantom films :: audio books (

11-30-2011, 02:31 PM
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11-30-2011, 02:36 PM
Wow! Never heard of that company until this thread. Some good looking stuff on there. Would love to hear their version of 'Gaslight' with Emilia Fox (sscchhwwwinng!) and Terry Molloy.

11-30-2011, 02:46 PM
Thanks for posting "Sapphire & Steel"! I've been looking for "Cruel Immortality" for months now.

11-30-2011, 02:59 PM
A big thanks to all of you for your fantastic uploads ! It quite literally makes my christmas !

Burneggroll ,thanks for the effort for all the Bernice Summerfield audios ( ! But there's a problem with the 9.3 - Diogene's Damsels : I can find only the first 6 tracks in the archive...

11-30-2011, 03:35 PM
"Hexagora" is still eluding us all, it seems. I hope that this trouble getting audio dramas anywhere online doesn't become a regular feature from now on.

11-30-2011, 04:07 PM
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11-30-2011, 04:16 PM
The Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul

11-30-2011, 05:43 PM
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11-30-2011, 09:01 PM
All hail my fellow Whovians! A Happy Wednesday / Thursday to you guys!

First off I just want to say a HUGE thanks for all of your hard work, fantastic thread!

Secondly, since has decided to (at least for the moment) crash and burn (since this place isn't the only one reporting problems with the site and all I keep getting is "Server not found" despite using Google Chrome, IE, and Firefox), could you please reupload (somewhere other than megaupload) the following? I'm dying to hear them! Pretty please with sugar on top?

Any help you can give with this would be absolutely fantastic! Please and thank you very much in advance!


Doctor Who - 151 - The Doomsday Quatrain

Doctor Who: Tsar Wars
The Broken Crown
The Silver Turk

The 9th Doctor's stories
BF 154 - The Witch From The Well
Doctor Who - 48 - Borrowed Time (Read by Meera Syal)
Doctor Who - S2 - The Silent Stars Go By (Read by Michael Maloney)

Ninth Doctor novelization 2011 readings:
Doctor Who - 01 - The Clockwise Man (Read by Nicholas Briggs)
Doctor Who - 02 - The Monsters Inside (Read by Camille Coduri)
03 ?
Doctor Who - 04 - The Deviant Strain (Read by Stuart Milligan)

The Lake of Possibilities
Writer: Nick Walters
Reader: Colin Baker
Starring: Sixth Doctor
The Doctor learns the origins of the Valeyard.

The Blinovitch Link
Writer: Barry Letts
Reader: Elisabeth Sladen
Starring: Sarah Jane Smith
Sarah receives a telephone call from the future.

Help At A Stroke
Writer: Steven Wickham
Reader: Colin Baker
Starring: Sixth Doctor, Georges-Pierre
The Doctor drinks wine with a dour French artist, Georges-Pierre, in a caf� in Paris.

The Rain Machine
Writer: Nick Walters
Reader: Caroline John Liz Shaw
Liz Shaw investigates a scientist's rain machine, aided by the Brigadier.

Slings and Arrows
Write/Reader: Colin Baker
Starring: Sixth Doctor
Hamlet, as written by William Shakespeare with help from the Doctor.

Zoe Does It
Writer: Crispin Brigham
Reader: Wendy Padbury
Starring: Zoe Herriot
Zoe searches for part of a crashed spaceship after the TARDIS receives a distress call.

Tomorrow's Times
Writer/Reader: Colin Baker
A report on the first Doctor Who Ball, attended by the likes of Meg Loss and Sir Vival.

Writer: Gary Russell
Reader: Louise Jameson Leela
Leela struggles with life on Gallifrey after having left the Doctor.

JM&KH Productions

And all of the 8th Doctor's stories that had been up and available online to date.

11-30-2011, 09:27 PM
Hi me again.

Anyone got?

2001 Colditz
2003 Exile
2003 Sympathy for the Devil
2004 Medicinal Purposes
2004 Dalek Empire III
2005 UNIT: The Wasting
2005 The Adventures of Luther Arkwight

Please, I know that is lot to ask for, but any would be good.

11-30-2011, 09:33 PM
Anyone getting issues with Megaupload try changing your DNS to Google DNS (Using Google Public DNS ( and see if that helps.

---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

2005 The Adventures of Luther Arkwight

Was up'd a few pages back.

11-30-2011, 09:44 PM
Thanks Nobber, found it now.

Just need the others now.

11-30-2011, 09:48 PM
My pleasure.

"Doctor Who - 04 - The Deviant Strain (Read by Stuart Milligan)" was also posted a few pages back. Check Burneggroll's posts.

11-30-2011, 10:15 PM
Anyone got?

2004 Medicinal Purposes
2004 Dalek Empire III

Please, I know that is lot to ask for, but any would be good. Thanks to Nobber and Burneggroll for the help with the other ones.

11-30-2011, 10:28 PM
Try page two ...

11-30-2011, 10:38 PM
Nobber, thanks for the offer, but if it has something to do with the innards of my pc (which I seriously don't feel comfortable tinkering with), I'd rather not mess with something that ain't broken. ^_^U

11-30-2011, 10:44 PM
Cheers Nobber still Need Dalek Empire III The Exterminators

11-30-2011, 10:45 PM
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11-30-2011, 10:50 PM
Wish I could help with more links but you lot have everything I actually have. :(

11-30-2011, 11:12 PM
Nobber, thanks for the offer, but if it has something to do with the innards of my pc (which I seriously don't feel comfortable tinkering with), I'd rather not mess with something that ain't broken. ^_^U

You'll be fine! :) Just make a note of your current settings as you follow the instructions carefully.

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------

Cheers Nobber still Need Dalek Empire III The Exterminators

Page two, post 46. All the links are there.

11-30-2011, 11:23 PM
Nobber you are a star!

11-30-2011, 11:32 PM
Nobber you are a star!

Searching isn't that hard ...


12-01-2011, 12:02 AM
Going through all the wonderful posts on here though and being new to BF is though. Thanks so much, now listening to Exile...bloody brilliant!

---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

Does anyone have the Nebulous downloads?

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

Does anyone have the Nebulous downloads? Sorry I am full of requests tonight *embarrassed|*

12-01-2011, 12:07 AM
Going through all the wonderful posts on here though and being new to BF is though. Thanks so much, now listening to Exile...bloody brilliant![COLOR="Silver"]

I sincerely hope my collection of cover art will assist you as well. :)

12-01-2011, 12:18 AM
Does anyone have the Nebulous downloads?

{sigh} ... try looking a few pages back. Seriously, how hard is it to have a search through the thread first?

12-01-2011, 01:21 AM
{sigh} ... try looking a few pages back. Seriously, how hard is it to have a search through the thread first?

No need to be like that, mate. MJS, the post you're looking for is #717 on page 29 of this thread.

12-01-2011, 01:29 AM
No need to be like that, mate. MJS, the post you're looking for is #717 on page 29 of this thread.

Fair enough that some search terms can throw up a lot of results, but 'Nebulous' isn't exactly a word that's used too often, is it?

However, my apologies for the terseness of the previous reply.

It's been a long day and I'm sober. So not in a very good mood ...



And to make some amends, here's two great little sites that I found after giving the Space 1999 audio another run through yesterday.


Loads of the Power Records recordings. Some really good stuff there (I quite like their Star Trek ones) that are perfect 'quick listens'.

Who Lover
12-01-2011, 06:17 AM
Hi all. Great thread. Thanks for all the work you'se guys do to upload them. It's not easy and very time-consuming.
Here in Australia, in Brisbane, it is almost impossible to get the BF audios. So, even though they (UK) have discounts, it means nothing when you order through Minotaur, etc. The Data Extract is okay, but is only postage-free for orders over $300.
So, I'm really glad to see this site. I hope to upload something soon.

---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

Link should still work. For those who like Tom Baker & Sherlock Holmes.

...and someone was after this...

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

Hang I have to code these links....ah help....

---------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

I assume you want the "show" or "spoiler" box so the link isn't active elsewhere (like what Bolt used to be). Can anyone assist me in this. I have looked in the FAQ's already.

12-01-2011, 07:26 AM
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12-01-2011, 08:42 AM
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12-01-2011, 09:25 AM
[QUOTE=Who Lover;1858944]
"Here in Australia, in Brisbane, it is almost impossible to get the BF audios. So, even though they (UK) have discounts, it means nothing when you order through Minotaur"

Welcome across from the 'other side', your statement above, is almost word for word with an email I sent to Burnie a couple of days back...
Hopefully you too will spread the word amongst the Dr Who fans and have them come here :)

12-01-2011, 12:38 PM
Thanks, WhoLover, for the Cosmic Fugue link. It's been something folks have been after for a while. Cheers!

Have a beer.

12-01-2011, 02:07 PM
my apologies for the terseness of the previous...

Fair-play, mate - nice one! Cheers :)

12-01-2011, 05:49 PM
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12-01-2011, 09:38 PM
{sigh} ... try looking a few pages back. Seriously, how hard is it to have a search through the thread first?

No need to be like that, mate. MJS, the post you're looking for is #717 on page 29 of this thread.

Sorry Guys I did try looking but my eyes were going funny as I went from page 32.

Thanks for the help though 'tis much appreciated

*hands Nobber a virtual lager by way of apology*

12-01-2011, 10:15 PM
*shudders at lager ... reaches behind bar for decent ale instead*



12-01-2011, 11:13 PM
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12-02-2011, 12:25 AM
*shudders at lager ... reaches behind bar for decent ale instead*



How about some speckled goat then?

---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

Anyone got Txhex Brxokenx Crxownxxxx?

Actually scratch that...found it.

12-02-2011, 01:04 AM
How about some speckled goat then?

Aye! That'll do nicely. Especially with that bag of Mrs Migguns Deep Fried Pork Bits.

12-02-2011, 02:19 AM
Big thanks for the latest BF LS, Burneggroll!

Who Lover
12-02-2011, 05:25 AM
Thanks for Hexagora. Have enjoyed all the Lost Stories. Thanks to burneggroll. I realize that us geeks can seem impatient at times and fell that the world is going to end if someone uploads a BF audio 2 weeks late. Having done some, I realize how time consuming it all can be. So thanks again.
So, anyone else from Bolt. G'day to Davros001.

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

Does anyone know where I can find the following (in my travels on the internet). There is no hurry for these, just wanting to complete what I start.
Doctor Who Insider (USA) issues 1 - 5 as PDF (I have brought issue 6 & 7 which is now available monthly in Australia). Torchwood - latest 3 books as pdf (if available). Original non-Doyle Sherlock Holmes (either as PDF or fiction on net or as latest books to buy).
No hurry, thanks if you can help.

12-02-2011, 06:12 AM
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Who Lover
12-02-2011, 06:32 AM
Yeah sorry about that. More info then...

First Born James Goss 21 July 2011 ISBN 978-1-84990-283-0
Long Time Dead Sarah Pinborough 4 August 2011 ISBN 978-1-84990-284-7
The Men Who Sold The World Guy Adams 18 August 2011 ISBN 978-1-84990-285-4

I don't know how to scan magazines. Not really up there with current technology and I know the little I could do (put page in and press scan) wouldn't be much good. Really have no idea. Audios is my thing.
Anyone want the following:

The Crimes of Thomas Brewster; The Feast of Axos; Torchwood - The Lost Files.

For those that like suspense, I found a old radio show called Nightwatch that has two classic Suspense episodes back to back. Hosted by 'the man in black'. 1st ep below. Let me know if you want to hear them and I'll start a new thread.

12-02-2011, 07:49 AM
@Who Lover

Scan each page of the magazine. Double check that the file names are in sequential order. Use Winzip or Winrar to zip files. This creates either a .zip (winzip) or .rar (winrar) file. Now change the file extention by opening any folder and selecting: Tools>Folder Options>View tab>uncheck hide file extensions box. This will let you change the .zip to cbz or the .rar to .cbr and create an archive file readable by programs like CDisplayex. Most comic books are put out like this.

12-02-2011, 09:10 PM
FAO of Bernie
Romana 2 (Lalla Ward) had her own sonic screwdriver which she made (Horns Of Nimon.... I think)
Did William Hartnell have a sonic device??? Jog my memory if he did

sorry mate, I'm in that sort of mood, LOL

12-02-2011, 10:24 PM
No bill Hartnell didn't. First appeared in fury of the deep I think with the excellent pat troughton. No idea how he got it though

12-02-2011, 11:59 PM
The 'First Doctor' had a sonic screwdriver, it is first mentioned in 'The Mutants' aka 'The Daleks', I think you are confusing an item which is in the TARDIS tool kit, with a prop, seen on screen being used as a 'multi-purpose' tool, after the Doctor has added some of his own modifications.
Romana, is also, not a 'companion', she is assigned as a fellow Timelord, to assist the Doctor in the search for The Key to Time, by the White Guardian [whether the Council of Timelords knew about it or not...].
Throughout the BBC 'video' stories, many sonic and laser tools are used by many friends and foes, notably the sonic weapons of the Silurians and Sea Devils. Captan Jack has a sonic gun, the Master, a Tissue Eliminator [for the NEW series he had a 'screwdriver'], - Sarah Jane's tool, was a product of alien tech, not given to her by the Doctor

Sorry guys, Burnie's trivial questions and answers still stand..... Doctor 6 [Colin Baker] uses a Sonic Probe, not a screwdriver, so he stands as the only one without one.... :)

12-03-2011, 12:11 AM
Oh I love to be proved wrong when it gives me an excuse to watch one of the early shows! Do you know which episode? Not that I care, I'm going to watch from the start anyway.

I've always hated the companion / assistant name. When was the last time you described one of your friends as a companion. But maybe it's just me.

12-03-2011, 12:26 AM
Sorry guys, Burnie's trivial questions and answers still stand..... Doctor 6 [Colin Baker] uses a Sonic Probe, not a screwdriver, so he stands as the only one without one.... :)

Oh. I thought it was Fifth that didn't have/use the screwdriver? JNT barring it as too many writers were using it as a 'get out of jail free' device? (Something that the modern writers should take note of ...)

12-03-2011, 12:26 AM
Patrick Troughton in Fury from the Deep is the origin of the sonic screwdriver (it shows up again in The Dominators, which is its first surviving footage appearance). William Hartnell had no such thing.

Also, Sarah Jane's sonic lipstick was tucked away in K-9 Mark IV. And the Simm!Master used a laser screwdriver, not a sonic one.

Peter Davison started out with the sonic screwdriver, but it blew up early on.

12-03-2011, 12:35 AM
I remember watching the visitation when it got zapped. Sad day, still he got an upgrade later which is more than I can say happened when I broke my mobile

12-03-2011, 12:43 AM
Yep, you're right about Fifth. I'd forgotten that he initially had one.

Now I think about it - has Six even used a sonic-screwdriver in the audios? Off the top of my head I can't think of a time he has.

12-03-2011, 02:48 AM
Yep, you're right about Fifth. I'd forgotten that he initially had one.

Now I think about it - has Six even used a sonic-screwdriver in the audios? Off the top of my head I can't think of a time he has.

I'm fairly sure that he's never done us but I remember him saying that he should build himself a new one in more than one audio. Even the Seventh Doctor only has one in a few of his chronologically later audios i.e. the ones nearing the time of the 1996 TV Movie.

12-03-2011, 03:12 AM
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12-03-2011, 03:23 AM
I'm fairly sure that he's never done us but I remember him saying that he should build himself a new one in more than one audio. Even the Seventh Doctor only has one in a few of his chronologically later audios i.e. the ones nearing the time of the 1996 TV Movie.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

And does remind me that it's been far too long since I last gave Six a place on the 'Recently Listened' spot on my iTunes. I think I'll give the 6+Mel stories a spin over the weekend.

12-03-2011, 08:30 AM
Romana may have been assigned to the Doctor, but she clearly chose to continue to travel with him after the Key to Time saga ended. So she is a companion, we're just arguing at what date it becomes official. I believe the Missing Doctor Adventure "Venusian Lullaby" was the book which shows the First Doctor with a sonic screwdriver but Hartnell never had a prop by that name. The Sixth Doctor once used a sonic lance he produced from his coat but it was never called a screwdriver. It should be noted that the Fourth Doctor put the emitter back on his sonic screwdriver in 'Robot' and used it as a sonic lance. Romana was first shown using her sonic screwdriver in City of Death but it wasn't highlighted until the Horns of Nimon. She leaves it on the spaceship console and we never see it again. Sarah Jane clearly states that the Doctor gave her the alien detection watch and sonic lipstick when he left her K-9 Mark IV.

All of that is beside the point when you consider that the sonic screwdriver is really just a probe/computer with a sonic emitter that allows it to do stuff. The Masters's laser screwdriver just has a laser added to it. Jack's sonic blaster isn't a probe, it's a weapon. Not really the same class of device.

12-03-2011, 09:22 AM
removed by OP

12-03-2011, 11:32 AM
see what you've started now Bernie??? LOL
Maybe we should post a monthly trivia quiz on here, keeping it fun, not too serious. Oh! and definitely controversial
mmmmmmmm might see what I can come up with over the next day or two
Have a good weekend everyone

12-03-2011, 02:07 PM
Just listened to the three 2000AD Strontium Dog stories and I'd forgotten just how good Simon Pegg is on audio. Very relaxed. Very natural. He and Toby Longworth work very well together.

Shame he's now Hollywood material and unlikely to any more pure audio work in the near future.

12-03-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the Torchwood books, i`ve been trying like hell to download the audiobook versions from various torrent sites without any luck. Atleast now i can read them. Cheers

12-03-2011, 09:43 PM
Wow, this thread is bloody brilliant! Thanks to everyone for sharing! I've looked back through the thread and didn't notice a link for "The Five Companions". Does anyone know where one might find this particular audio? Cheers!

12-03-2011, 10:46 PM
Wow, this thread is bloody brilliant! Thanks to everyone for sharing! I've looked back through the thread and didn't notice a link for "The Five Companions". Does anyone know where one might find this particular audio? Cheers!

As far as I understand it, "The Five Companions" is a bonus story that's only available to subscribers that receive "Army of Death", this year's December release as part of their subscription. It's much like "The Four Doctors" was with last year's December story. So, I'm betting that burneggroll will provide it along with this month's normal releases in due time. I want it as well, but I'm being patient about it. :)

12-03-2011, 11:14 PM
As far as I understand it, "The Five Companions" is a bonus story that's only available to subscribers that receive "Army of Death", this year's December release as part of their subscription. It's much like "The Four Doctors" was with last year's December story. So, I'm betting that burneggroll will provide it along with this month's normal releases in due time. I want it as well, but I'm being patient about it. :)

Ah, thanks GTG. I didn't realise it wasn't out yet!

12-03-2011, 11:21 PM
Ah, thanks GTG. I didn't realise it wasn't out yet!

No problem. Always willing to lend a hand to my fellow Whovians. I've mostly been catching up on a few audios I had been meaning to listen to for some time as a way of filling the void. The "Stockbridge Trilogy" (Castle of Fear, The Eternal Summer, and Plague of the Daleks) with Five and Nyssa, for example.

Who Lover
12-04-2011, 09:54 PM
Thanks sooo much for the Torchwood audio books. Megaupload isn't accepting the files yet, but I assume it will eventually. Thanks again.

12-05-2011, 12:14 AM
Talking of Torchwood; are the Radio Four 'Torchwood:Lost Stories' going to be released on CD at all?

Who Lover
12-05-2011, 12:49 AM

Torchwood: The Lost Files (Box Set) CD

Due for release on 8 Sep 2011

The Devil and Miss Carew

Martin Jarvis and Juliet Mills join the regular cast for this latest Torchwood adventure by Rupert Laight.

When Rhys’s elderly Uncle Bryn has a heart attack while listening to the shipping forecast, it seems like another routine death at Ivyday Nursing Home. But when Rhys and Gwen go to collect the old man’s effects, Gwen’s suspicions are roused by another elderly resident. The conversation is cut short, though, by a fire alarm, one of many consequences of the mysterious power cuts that are sweeping the nation. Gwen has a hunch that something is wrong and her search leads her to Miss Carew, a suspiciously fit and strong octogenarian who, despite having supposedly terminal heart disease, has left Ivyday and gone back to work at the Computer firm she used to run. Miss Carew has been offered a deal by Fitzroy, a wandering alien with an aversion to electricity who is looking for a home. It’s a deal that Miss Carew can’t refuse. But the consequences for planet Earth are unthinkable.


Captain Jack Harkness John Barrowman
Gwen Cooper Eve Myles
Ianto Jones Gareth David-Lloyd
Rhys Williams Kai Owen
Fitzroy Martin Jarvis
Miss Carew Juliet Mills
Sian Hayley J Williams
Uncle Bryn James Walsh
Old Lady Shelley Rees


In Ryan Scott’s episode, Torchwood are chasing aliens down the M4, when Jack accidentally blows a hole in the Severn Bridge, and the SUV hits the water. Whilst submerged John, Gwen and Ianto hear a strange noise, which, back at the Hub they realise is a cry for help. They track the cry to its source which turns out to be the deepest part of the Ocean – the Mariana Trench. Ianto rings old Torchwood flame, Carlie Roberts, who’s an expert in marine geology, and Jack pulls strings with the US government to get them all on board the USS Calvin, an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, which is heading for the Trench. From there they board the Octopus Rock, the only submarine built to withstand the pressure at that depth, and follow the signal. But when the Submarine crashes, the team are left at the mercy of a hungry alien.

Captain Jack Harkness John Barrowman
Gwen Cooper Eve Myles
Ianto Jones Gareth David-Lloyd
Carlie Roberts Erin Bennett
Sam Doyle Angelo Tiffe
Captain Cudlow John Francis Harries
Henry Goddard John Lee

The House of the Dead

The brewery have called ‘time’ and it’s the last night at The House of the Dead – the most haunted pub in Wales. Barry the barman has invited renowned psychic, Mrs Wintergreen, to hold a special seance to mark the occasion, and there’s a big crowd hoping for the chance of seeing their deceased loved ones for one last time. But when Jack arrives on the scene, he’s determined to stop them. Ianto is puzzled by Jack’s behaviour, and Gwen is suspicious. Why is Jack acting so strangely? Then the ghosts start arriving – and all hell breaks loose.

By James Goss.

Captain Jack Harkness John Barrowman
Gwen Cooper Eve Myles
Ianto Jones Gareth David-Lloyd
Mrs Wintergreen Rosalind Ayres
Barry Bradley Freegard
Mr Jones/Tony John Francis Harries
Helen Lucy Davis
Ness Moira Quirk
Late Arrival Shelley Rees

12-05-2011, 01:03 AM
You star! For some reason I'd just gotten it into my head that the only copies in the wild were radio rips or Podcast. Cheers!

EDIT - Oh. Those ARE the web-rips. Bum. Got those already, but thanks, and virtual pints of your beverage of choice, for the share anyway.

12-05-2011, 01:32 AM
removed by OP

12-05-2011, 01:36 AM
"Lost Files" yes, not 'Lost Stories". D'oh!

I've got the Podcast releases so not that fussed about CD rips, but it just sprang to mind earlier.

12-05-2011, 05:31 AM
removed by OP

12-05-2011, 09:35 AM
Thanks a lot!

12-05-2011, 08:39 PM
Thanks a lot!


I do appear to be gathering a lot of e-books lately, but I hate reading them off a laptop screen. Perfect excuse to get myself a Kindle for Christmas, I think! :)

12-05-2011, 09:00 PM
removed by OP

12-05-2011, 09:48 PM
The Kindle Fire does look nice, but realistically I'm going to hang-fire for a while - essentially until they get to a price where I can take one to the pub and not have to worry about leaving it on a table and having it swiped.

12-05-2011, 09:50 PM
Some interesting stuff turning up here. Must remember to check in more regularly!

Whilst we're looking at a few "literary" offerings, there were a couple of fan-produced anthologies that I'd love to see:

"The 13 Crimes of Doctor Who" : stories of mystery and crime set within the Doctor Who universe)

"Tales of the Solar System" : from the scorched surface of Mercury to the forgotten worlds of Vulcan and Cassius, Tales of the Solar System brings together professional and fan Doctor Who writers in a selection of stories sending the Doctor and his friends to the many worlds of Earth's solar system.

12-06-2011, 04:26 AM
outdated info

12-06-2011, 06:59 AM
Does Anyone Know if There Are Any Big Finish Audio Drama's Productions of "Sanctuary"? I really want to know because I would really like to know :)

12-06-2011, 11:54 AM
Does Anyone Know if There Are Any Big Finish Audio Drama's Productions of "Sanctuary"? I really want to know because I would really like to know :)

Nope, they don't. Sorry.

12-06-2011, 06:22 PM
Does anyone know if there's an 'IMDB'-alike for audiobook readers? I ask as purely by accident I found that Claudia Black has read some of George RR Martin's short stories. They're not mentioned on her Wiki page or IMDB. Hence the wondering.

12-06-2011, 08:54 PM
removed by OP

12-06-2011, 09:12 PM

I have a few requests just in case anyone out there can help:

SNIPPED -Music titles



There's a torrent on Demonoid that may help with this one.

12-07-2011, 12:56 AM
"There's a torrent on Demonoid that may help with this one."

Nice torrent. Problem is it's only got the audios. I think recons was after the soundtracks - and they're not listed...

12-07-2011, 03:07 AM
"There's a torrent on Demonoid that may help with this one."

Nice torrent. Problem is it's only got the audios. I think recons was after the soundtracks - and they're not listed...

They are :) Right at the start of the torrent in a some AV Music directories ...

AVs/Music/Season 1/01 Season 1 Music Suite 1.mp3 40.82 MB
AVs/Music/Season 1/02 Season 1 Music Suite 2.mp3 44.57 MB
AVs/Music/Season 1/03 Season 1 Out-Takes.mp3 14.98 MB
AVs/Music/Season 1/04 Trailer (Carny).mp3 5.27 MB
AVs/Music/Season 1/05 Trailer (Sword of Orion).mp3 3.76 MB
AVs/Music/Season 1/06 Trailer (Burnout).mp3 4.03 MB
AVs/Music/Season 2/01 Season 2 Music Suite 1.mp3 100.45 MB
AVs/Music/Season 2/02 Season 2 Music Suite 2.mp3 101.48 MB
AVs/Music/Season 2/03 Trailer (Secret of Nematoda).mp3 2.33 MB
AVs/Music/Season 2/04 Trailer (Second Solution).mp3 6.12 MB
AVs/Music/Season 2/05 Trailer (More than a Messiah).mp3 4.37 MB
AVs/Music/Season 3/01 Second Solution Music.mp3 55.38 MB
AVs/Music/Season 3/02 Jim Mortimore Interview Part 1.mp3 11.58 MB
AVs/Music/Season 3/03 Secret of Nematoda Music.mp3 2.02 MB
AVs/Music/Season 3/04 Enclave Irrelative Music.mp3 16.23 MB
AVs/Music/Season 3/05 Jim Mortimore Interview Part 2.mp3 8.62 MB
AVs/Music/Season 3/06 Sword of Orion Music.mp3 44.39 MB
AVs/Music/Season 4/01 Glasst's Universe - Part 1.mp3 56.08 MB
AVs/Music/Season 4/02 Glasst's Universe - Part 2.mp3 57.46 MB
AVs/Music/Season 4/03 Trailer (Cuddlesome).mp3 3.47 MB

12-07-2011, 03:24 AM
Thanks Everyone For The Info That I have Requested Yesturday, As Well As The Links Provided :)

12-07-2011, 03:44 AM
<table align=center><tbody><tr><td align=center>
Audiobooks by Reader (</td></tr></tbody></table>Noted that these are Book Indexes, I found no comprehensive index(es) of individual short stories.

That's handy, thanks!

Mate of mine has been thinking of a project to do whilst he reacquaints himself with programming web based databases, so I think I may run the idea of the 'IMDB Of Audio Readers and Performers' (must think of catchier name!) past him.

Who Lover
12-07-2011, 07:44 AM
Hey, thanks for the Bernice Summerfield e-books. Does it include the story when she gives birth? Fairly new to her books and how they fit into the audios.
Thanks again.

12-07-2011, 09:32 AM
Hey, thanks for the Bernice Summerfield e-books. Does it include the story when she gives birth? Fairly new to her books and how they fit into the audios.
Thanks again.

I assume you're referring to the 23 NA books that were posted way back. If so, then no they don't. I haven't read the books but I have purchased them and the hardest to find at a reasonable price is The Glass Prison. Manic searching suggests it's because she gives birth that so many readers snatched it up.

Who Lover
12-08-2011, 05:56 AM
Thanks for the info. Found a plot summery at the old DW ref guide, so that will have to do for now. Big thanks for the Iris book too.

12-08-2011, 10:13 AM
I have a Kindle 3 and I wholeheartedly recommend it. Great little device. I just wish I'd slow down more often and actually use it. Which is why I have so many books that I haven't read yet. I wouldn't mind getting a Kindle Fire for it's ability to play apps and surf the web while I'm planted in front of the tv but I'll wait until they include a card slot. 8GB is plenty of room for books but not so much for video/audio/apps.

12-08-2011, 07:50 PM
very true, 8GB is loads of books but hopeless for lots of movies and music. I use an iPod touch 64GB for these and manage a couple of series of DW plus a couple of movies and a few thousand songs. Brilliant for when I'm travelling - screen is small but so clear. But the kindle is by far the best thing for books, not sure about the fire, I'd love one but I'm holding off until everything else breaks and they release one with more memory.

12-08-2011, 10:54 PM
Is it too early to request the final 2 parts of the Serpent Crest series: The Hexford Invasion and Survivors in Space? Thank you :)

12-08-2011, 11:25 PM
I assume you're referring to the 23 NA books that were posted way back. If so, then no they don't. I haven't read the books but I have purchased them and the hardest to find at a reasonable price is The Glass Prison. Manic searching suggests it's because she gives birth that so many readers snatched it up.

Does anyone have copies of those Bernice Summerfield NA books that they could post, i`ve tried to find them without any luck and would love to read them

12-08-2011, 11:35 PM
Does anyone have copies of those Bernice Summerfield NA books that they could post, i`ve tried to find them without any luck and would love to read them

I've got all of the following in New Adventures in PDF format:

Doctor Who: The New Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Timewyrm: Genesis – by John Peel (7th Doctor & Ace)
#2 Timewyrm: Exodus – by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor & Ace)
#4 Timewyrm: Revelations – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor & Ace)
#5 Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible – by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 Cat’s Cradle: Warhead – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)
#7 Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark – by Andrew Hunt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#8 Nightshade – by Mark Gatiss (7th Doctor & Ace)
#9 Love and War – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#10 Transit – by Ben Aaronovitch (7th Doctor & Benny)
#11 The Highest Science – by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor & Benny)
#12 The Pit – by Neil Penswick (7th Doctor & Benny)
#13 Deceit – by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#14 Lucifer Rising – by Jim Mortimore and Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#15 White Darkness – by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#16 Shadowmind – by Christopher Bulis (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#17 Birthright – by Nigel Robinson (Ace & Benny)
#18 Iceberg – by David Banks (7th Doctor solo)
#19 Blood Heat – by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#20 The Dimension Riders – by Daniel Blythe (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#21 The Left-Handed Hummingbird – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#22 Conundrum – by Steve Lyons (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#23 No Future – Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#24 Tragedy Day – by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#25 Legacy – by Gary Russell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#26 Theatre of War – by Justin Richards (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#27 All-Consuming Fire – by Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#28 Blood Harvest – by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#29 Strange England – by Simon Messingham (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#30 First Frontier – by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#31 St. Anthony’s Fire – by Mark Gatiss (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#32 Falls the Shadow – by Daniel O’Mahony (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#33 Parasite – by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#34 Warlock – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#35 Set Piece – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny)
#36 Infinite Requiem – by Daniel Blythe (7th Doctor & Benny)
#37 Sanctuary – by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Benny)
#38 Human Nature – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor & Benny)
#39 Original Sin – by Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#40 Sky Pirates! – by Dave Stone (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#41 Zamper – by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#42 Toy Soldiers – by Paul Leonard (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#43 Head Games – by Steve Lyons (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#44 The Also People – by Ben Aaaronovitch (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#45 Shakedown – by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#46 Just War – by Lance Parkin (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#47 Warchild – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#48 Sleepy – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#49 Death and Diplomacy – by Dave Stone (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#50 Happy Endings – by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#51 GodEngine – by Craig Hinton (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#52 Christmas on a Rational Planet – by Lawrence Miles (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#53 Return of the Living Dad – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#54 The Death of Art – by Simon Bucher-Jones (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#55 Damaged Goods – by Russell T. Davies (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#56 So Vile a Sin – by Ben Aaronovitch and Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#57 Bad Therapy – by Matthew Jones (7th Doctor & Chris)
#58 Eternity Weeps – by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor & Chris)
#59 The Room with No Doors – by Kate Orman (7th Doctor & Chris)
#60 Lungbarrow – by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Chris)
#61 The Dying Days (8th Doctor, Benny & U.N.I.T.)
#62 Oh No It Isn’t! – by Paul Cornell (Benny)
#63 Dragon’s Wrath – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#64 Beyond the Sun – by Matthew Jones (Benny)
#65 Ship of Fools – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#66 Down – by Lawrence Miles (Benny)
#67 Deadfall – by Gary Russell (Benny)
#68 Ghost Devices – by Simon Bucher-Jones (Benny)
#69 Mean Streets – by Terrance Dicks (Benny)
#70 Tempest – by Christopher Bulis (Benny)
#71 Walking to Babylon – by Kate Orman (Benny)
#72 Oblivion – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#73 The Medusa Effect – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#74 Dry Pilgrimage – by Paul Leonard & Nick Walters (Benny)
#75 The Sword of Forever – by Jim Mortimore (Benny)
#76 Another Girl, Another Planet – by Len Beech & Martin Day (Benny)
#77 Beige Planet Mars – by Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham (Benny)
#78 Where Angels Fear – by Rebecca Levene and Simon Winstone (Benny)
#79 The Mary-Sue Extrusion – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#80 Dead Romance – by Lawrence Miles (Chris)
#81 Tears of the Oracle – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#82 Return to the Fractured Planet – by Dave Stone (Benny)
#83 The Joy Device – by Justin Richards (Benny)
#84 Twilight of the Gods – by Mark Clapham and Jon DeBurgh Miller (Benny)

I don't remember whether or not Burneggroll posted these earlier. If not, did you want just the Doctor-less Benny novels (#62 to #84), All Benny appearances (#9 onwards) or just the whole blasted set?

12-09-2011, 12:05 AM
Is it too early to request the final 2 parts of the Serpent Crest series: The Hexford Invasion and Survivors in Space? Thank you :)

Are they even released yet?

12-09-2011, 12:47 AM
Madkalnod, I`ve got the Doctor Who New Adventures, but none of the books that Virgin printed after that, So no.62 - 84 would be my choice. But having said that maybe others would like the whole set if they have`nt got them. Perhaps if you posted the set it would be easier for yor you and then we could just save the ones we need from a zip file?
Thanks in advance for this, i really am grateful.

12-09-2011, 01:10 AM
At the risk of going way off topic - any one recommend a good .mobi (as in Kindle format) organiser/reader for MacOSX? Amazon's 'Kindle' is OK as a laptop reader, but I can't seem to find a way to organise books other than by Title/Author. No way of putting them into folders of collections/genres etc, and no way of altering details either.

Essentially, I suppose, is there an Itunes-a-like for .mobi?

Add Epub files to that, too. Just tried the Barnes And Noble 'Nook Reader' for Mac and I'm blowed if I'm going to have to phaff creating an account with them.

EDUT TO ADD - Looks like the latest version of the kindle desktop software has 'collections', but you can only use them properly if you're Registered with Amazon.

The B&N Nook software is far too 'net dependent for my liking. Too much net traffic generated just for reading a page of text.

So, forget the organising side, and what are good, lightweight, READERS ONLY for OS-X?

12-09-2011, 04:33 AM
Are they even released yet?

Official release is today however MP3 purchases were made available several days ago

Who Lover
12-09-2011, 04:42 AM
The NA's are different from the BF novels. These below were released during the BF range in the last decade and are extremely rare. They even did a junior Bernice Adventures (the last 4). The Glass Prison is when she has her baby (Peter) during the early S2 days of the BF period. The NA's are a bit more common (to past Bolt members anyway).
More info at The Tardis Library.

N01 The Dead Man Diaries Short Stories
N02 The Doomsday Manuscript Novel
N03 The Gods of The Underworld Novel
N04 The Squire's Crystal Novel
N05 The Infernal Nexus Novel
N06 The Glass Prison Novel
N07 A Life of Surprises Short Stories
N08 Life During Wartime Short Stories
N09 The Big Hunt Novel
N10 A Life Worth Living Short Stories
N11 A Life in Pieces 3 Novellas
N12 Tree of Life Novel
N13 Parallel Lives 3 Novellas
N14 Something Changed Short Stories
N16 Collected Works Short Stories
N17 Old Friends [Cheating the Reaper / The Soul's Prism] 3 Novellas
N19 Nobody's Children 3 Novellas
N18 The Two Jasons Novel
N22 Secret Histories Short Stories
N23 Present Danger Short Stories
N15 Genius Loci Novel
N17 Old Friends [The Ship of Painted Shadows] 3 Novellas
N20 Missing Adventures Short Stories
N21 The Vampire Curse 3 Novellas

12-09-2011, 05:10 AM
The first three are available very cheaply from BF, though.

12-09-2011, 05:23 AM
Official release is today however MP3 purchases were made available several days ago

Were they? Excellent news. Time to start keeping a weather eye out for them.

12-09-2011, 06:24 AM
removed by OP

12-09-2011, 08:52 AM
For anyone in the US interested in having hard copies of the Big Finish Benny Books, most can be found here:

Who North America, Your Doctor Who Source: US-Based Suppliers of Doctor Who and British Sci Fi Merch: BIG FINISH BOOKS (

Several, such as the The Glass Prison, are harder to find at reasonable prices but they are out there.

12-09-2011, 10:13 AM
Thanks a lot!

12-09-2011, 01:26 PM
Wow, thats fantastic. Thank you, Thanky You, Thank you. You`ve made this old sod Very Very Happy.

12-09-2011, 01:32 PM
outdated info

12-09-2011, 01:56 PM
BBC Radio 4 extra (freely available all over the world from the BBC web site -the "radio" link is in the upper right of page) will have Hornet's Nest, one episode per day starting from Monday 12th December. The actual broadcast is 18.00 and midnight UK time but each episode can be heard for the seven days after broadcast from the programme section of Radio 4 Extra

12-09-2011, 04:02 PM
For Fellow Mac owners I highly recommend 'Get iPlayer Automator' for snaffling BBC TV and Radio programmes.

Get iPlayer Automator (

I'm sure there's something similar for Windows, too.

12-09-2011, 04:10 PM
I don't want to be a leecher anymore, so here we go, my first contribution to this fantastic thread : the (almost) complete collection of "Missing Adventures" Virgin books, all in PDF (I don't know who scanned these, but thanks !)

#1 - Goth Opera (Paul Cornell)
#2 - Evolution (John Peel)
#3 - Venusian Lullaby (Paul Leonard)
#4 - The Crystal Bucephalus (Craig Hinton)
#5 - State of Change (Christopher Bulis)
#6 - The Romance of Crime (Gareth Roberts)
#7 - The Ghosts of N-Space (Barry Letts)
#8 - Time of Your Life (Steve Lyons)
#9 - Dancing the Code (Paul Leonard)
#10 - The Menagerie (Martin Day)
#11 - System Shock (Justin Richards)
#12 - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Christopher Bulis)
#13 - Invasion of the Cat-People (Gary Russell)
#14 - Managra (Stephen Marley)
#15 - Millennial Rites (Craig Hinton)
#16 - The Empire of Glass (Andy Lane)
#17 - Lords of the Storm (David A. McIntee)
#18 - Downtime (Marc Platt)
#19 - The Man in the Velvet Mask (Daniel O'Mahony)
#20 - The English Way of Death (Gareth Roberts)
#21 - The Eye of the Giant (Christopher Bulis)
#22 - The Sands of Time (Justin Richards)
#23 - Killing Ground (Steve Lyons)
#24 - The Scales of Injustice (Gary Russell)
#25 - The Shadow of Weng-Chiang (David A. McIntee)
#26 - Twilight of the Gods (Christopher Bulis)
#28 - The Plotters (Gareth Roberts)
#29 - Cold Fusion (Lance Parkin)
#31 - A Device of Death (Christopher Bulis)
#32 - The Dark Path (David A. McIntee )
#33 - The Well-Mannered War (Gareth Roberts )
#34 - Who Killed Kennedy (David Bishop (as David Bishop and James Stevens))

Virgin Missing :

Only 2 books are missing from this list :

#27 - Speed of Flight (Paul Leonard)
#30 - Burning Heart (Dave Stone)

If anyone can get them...

12-09-2011, 05:45 PM
removed by OP

12-09-2011, 06:17 PM
Only 2 books are missing from this list :

#27 - Speed of Flight (Paul Leonard)
#30 - Burning Heart (Dave Stone)

If anyone can get them...

Here you go ... in .epub and .mobi format.

12-09-2011, 06:30 PM
Speed Of Flight and Burning Heart. Pdf


Thanks for the help Nobber

12-09-2011, 06:40 PM
Sorry Cant fathom out the spoiler thing.

Replacing the '(' and ')' with their square bracket equivalents, you just start the text with


and end with



And whilst we're still talking about books - any recommendations for the Mac for programs that convert book formats? .txt, .lit, etc etc?

EDIT - Found 'Calibre' ( - Not the prettiest of UIs, but does the job for now.

12-09-2011, 09:03 PM
Madkalnod, I`ve got the Doctor Who New Adventures, but none of the books that Virgin printed after that, So no.62 - 84 would be my choice. But having said that maybe others would like the whole set if they have`nt got them. Perhaps if you posted the set it would be easier for yor you and then we could just save the ones we need from a zip file?
Thanks in advance for this, i really am grateful.

Get it while it's hot:

Virgin New Adventures Novels in PDF Format

Included in the above zip are all of the New Adventures from #1 to #84 with the exception of #3 Timewyrm: Apocalypse - by Nigel Robinson, which I don't have in PDF format (Not that you're missing much, IMHO). I have also included Campaign by Jim Mortimore, a cancelled BBC Books Past Doctor Adventure starring the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, and... oh, it's complicated.

12-09-2011, 10:25 PM
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12-09-2011, 11:26 PM
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12-09-2011, 11:32 PM
Enormous thanks unto ye, Burneggroll!

12-10-2011, 12:45 AM
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Who Lover
12-10-2011, 03:54 AM
Thanks for all the new uploads. This will keep me busy for a long while.

12-10-2011, 06:08 AM
Now that the New Adventures are about, I was wondering if there was any interest in the preludes that appeared in Doctor Who Magazine for Nightshade through Human Nature?

12-10-2011, 08:14 AM
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12-10-2011, 09:48 AM
Thanks for these!

12-10-2011, 11:07 AM
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12-10-2011, 11:19 AM
That's a lot of reviews!

12-10-2011, 11:27 AM
Recently I was reminded of the non-commercial DW audio dramas done by Audio-Visuals,
but had no luck to find any of those anywhere on the web, except for two: AV011 and AV017.
I take the liberty of posting them here hoping there are others out there who maybe can provide the others.
(As far as I know, the were 27 altogether, so my contribution is really minute, but one can always hope, can't one?).

As usual: thanks to the original uploader!



12-10-2011, 11:43 AM
Recently I was reminded of the non-commercial DW audio dramas done by Audio-Visuals,
but had no luck to find any of those anywhere on the web, except for two: AV011 and AV017.
I take the liberty of posting them here hoping there are others out there who maybe can provide the others.

There's a massive torrent that has all the AVs.

12-10-2011, 11:50 AM
removed by OP

12-10-2011, 03:05 PM
Now that the New Adventures are about, I was wondering if there was any interest in the preludes that appeared in Doctor Who Magazine for Nightshade through Human Nature?

The preludes are pretty darn short. You can read them here.

Doctor Who Books - Checklist (

Or were you offering to post them in pdf format? Because that would be cool too.

12-10-2011, 07:11 PM
I wonder if we can get all the benny big finish books together.

---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

I think i saw a request for these in an early post.
Big Finish Short Trips Books. All except 26 and 27.How the Doctor changed my life and Christmas around the world

12-10-2011, 10:07 PM
As we approach 1000 posts, I've been watching the statistics;
# Replies: 903
# Views: 119,939
Roughly, that's for every 132 views, somebody makes one post. So, I say post your stuff! Those silent lurkers will love you.

I don't think that there's much I have that you haven't already provided. Still, if we're adding prose Doctor Who to the mix, here's a list of everything I'm aware of that hasn't been posted in PDF format yet. Does anybody know where to find:

Target Books - Doctor Who Episode Novelizations
#156 The Paradise of Death – by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
Slipback – by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)

Target Books - Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes novelizations
#1 The Nightmare Fair – by Graham Williams (6th Doctor & Peri)
#2 The Ultimate Evil – by Wally K. Daly (6th Doctor & Peri)
#3 Mission to Magnus – by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)

Virgin Publishing Doctor Who: Decalog Anthologies
Decalog (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 2: Lost Property (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 3: Consequences (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 4: Re: Generations (Non-Doctor Who short stories featuring Roz’s ancestors across history)
Decalog 5: Wonders (Non-Doctor Who short stories, includes one story with Benny)

BBC Books Doctor Who: Past Doctors Adventures Novels
#1 The Devil Goblins from Neptune – by Keith Topping & Martin Day (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#2 The Murder Game – by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Ben & Plly)
#3 The Ultimate Treasure – by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor & Peri)
#4 Business Unusual – by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#5 Illegal Alien – by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 The Roundheads – by Mark Gatiss (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#7 The Face of The Enemy – by David A. McIntee (The Master, U.N.I.T., Ian & Barbara)
#8 Eye of Heaven – by Jim Mortimore (4th Doctor & Leela)
#9 The Witch Hunters – by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#10 The Hollow Men – by Keith Topping & Martin day (7th Doctor & Ace)
#11 Catastrophea – by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#12 Mission: Impractical – by David A. McIntee (6th Doctor & Frobisher)
#13 Zeta Major – by Simon Messingham (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#14 Dreams of Empire – by Justin Richards (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#15 Last Man Running – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#16 Matrix – by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#17 The Infinity Doctors – by Lance Parkin (Unidentified Doctor solo)
#18 Salvation – by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#19 The Wages of Sin – by David A. McIntee (3rd Doctor, Jo & Liz)
#20 Deep Blue – by Mark Morris (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#21 Players – by Terrance Dicks (6th Doctor & Peri)
#22 Millennium Shock – by Justin Richards (4th Doctor & Harry)
#23 Storm Harvest – by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#24 The Final Sanction – by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#25 City at World’s End – by Christopher Bulis (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#26 Divided Loyalties – by Gary Russell (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan/1st Doctor solo)
#27 Corpse Marker – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#28 Last of the Gaderene – by Mark Gatiss (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#29 Tomb of Valdemar – by Simon Messingham (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#30 Verdigris – by Paul Magrs (3rd Doctor, Jo, U.N.I.T. & Iris Wildthyme0
#31 Grave Matter – by Justin Richards (6th Doctor & Peri)
#32 Heart of TARDIS – by Dave Stone (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria/4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#33 Prime Time – by Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#34 Imperial Moon – by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor, Turlough & Kamelion)
#35 Festival of Death – by Jonathan Morris (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#36 Independence Day – by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor & Ace)
#37 The King of Terror – by Keith Topping (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#38 The Quantum Archangel – by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Mel)
#39 Bunker Soldiers – by Martin Day (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#40 Rags – by Mick Lewis (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#41 The Shadow in the Glass – by Stephen Cole & Justin Richards (6th Doctor & The Brigadier)
#42 Asylum – by Peter Darvill-Evans (4th Doctor & Nyssa)
#43 Superior Beings – by Nick Walters (5th Doctor & Peri)
#44 Byzantium! – by Keith Topping (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#45 Bullet Time – David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#46 Psi-ence Fiction – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#47 Dying in the Sun – by Jon de Burgh Miller (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#48 Instruments of Darkness – by Gary Russell (6th Doctor, Mel & Evelyn)
#49 Relative Dementias – by Mark Michalowski (7th Doctor & Ace)
#50 Drift – by Simon A. Forward (4th Doctor & Leela)
#51 Palace of the Red Sun – by Christopher Bulis (6th Doctor & Peri)
#52 Amorality Tale – by David Bishop (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#53 Warmonger – by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor & Peri)
#54 Ten Little Aliens – by Stephen Cole (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#55 Combat Rock – by Mick Lewis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#56 The Suns of Caresh – by Paul Saint (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#57 Heritage – by Dave Cole (7th Doctor & Ace)
#58 Fear of the Dark – by Trevor Baxendale (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#59 Blue Box – by Kate Orman (6th Doctor & Peri)
#60 Loving the Alien – by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#61 The Colony of Lies – by Colin Brake (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe/7th Doctor & Ace)
#62 Wolfsbane – by Jacqueline Rayner (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry/8th Doctor solo)
#63 Deadly Reunion – by Barry Letts & Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#64 The Scream of the Shalka – by Paul Cornell (Alternate 9th Doctor)
#65 Empire of Death – by David Bishop (5th Doctor & Nyssa)
#66 The Eleventh Tiger – by David A. McIntee (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#66 SynthespiansTM – by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Peri)
#67 The Algebra of Ice – by Lloyd Rose (7th Doctor, Ace & The Brigadier)
#68 The Indestructible Man – by Simon Messingham (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#69 Match of the Day – by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#70 Island of Death – by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#71 Spiral Scratch – by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#72 Fear Itself – by Nick Wallace (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#73 World Game – by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor solo)
#74 The Time Travellers – by Simon Guerrier (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#75 Atom Bomb Blues – by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures Novels
#0 Doctor Who: The Novel of the Film – by Gary Russell (8th Doctor & Grace)
#1 The Eight Doctors – by Terrance Dicks (8th Doctor & Sam)
#2 Vampire Science – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor & Sam)
#3 The Bodysnatchers – by Mark Morris (8th Doctor & Sam)
#4 Genocide – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor & Sam)
#5 War of the Daleks – by John Peel (8th Doctor & Sam)
#6 Alien Bodies – by Lawrence Miles (8th Doctor & Sam)
#7 Kursaal – by Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor & Sam)
#8 Option Lock – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor & Sam)
#9 Longest Day – by Michael Collier (8th Doctor & Sam)
#10 Legacy of the Daleks – by John Peel (8th Doctor & Sam)
#11 Dreamstone Moon – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor & Sam)
#12 Seeing I – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor & Sam)
#13 Placebo Effect – by Gary Russell (8th Doctor & Sam)
#14 Vanderdeken’s Children – by Christopher Bulis (8th Doctor & Sam)
#15 The Scarlet Empress – by Paul Magrs (8th doctor, Sam & Iris Wildthyme)
#16 The Janus Conjunction – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor & Sam)
#17 Beltempest – by Jim Mortimore (8th Doctor & Sam)
#18 The Face-Eater – by Simon Messingham (8th Doctor & Sam)
#19 The Taint – by Michael Collier (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#20 Demontage – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#21 Revolution Man – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#22 Dominion – by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#23 Unnatural History – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#24 Autumn Mist – by David A. McIntee (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#25 Interference Book One: Shock Tactic – by Lawrence Miles (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane/8th Doctor, Sam, Fitz & Compassion)
#26 Interference Book One: Hour of the Geek – by Lawrence Miles (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane/8th Doctor, Sam, Fitz & Compassion)
#27 The Blue Angel – by Paul Magrs & Jeremy Hoad (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion with Iris Wildthyme)
#28 The Taking of Planet 5 – by Simon Bucher-Jones and Mark Clapham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#29 Frontier Worlds – by Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#30 Parallel 59 – by Stephen Cole and Natalie Dallaire (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#31 The Shadows of Avalon – by Paul Cornell (8th Doctor, Fitz, Compassion, & The Brigadier)
#32 The Fall of Yquatine – by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#33 Coldheart – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#34 The Space Age – by Steve Lyons (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#35 The Banquo Legacy – by Andy Lane & Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#36 The Ancestor Cell – by Stephen Cole and Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#37 The Burning – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor solo)
#38 Casualties of War – by Steve Emmerson (8th Doctor solo)
#39 The Turing Test – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor solo)
#40 Endgame – by Terrance Dicks (8th Doctor solo)
#41 Father Time – by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor solo)
#42 Escape Velocity – by Colin Brake (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#43 Earthworld – by Jacqueline Rayner (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#44 Vanishing Point – by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#45 Eater of Wasps – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#46 The Year of Intelligent Tigers – by Kate Orman (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#47 The Slow Empire – by Dave Stone (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#48 Dark Progeny – by Steve Emmerson (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#49 The City of the Dead – by Lloyd Rose (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#50 Grimm Reality – by Simon Bucher-Jones & Kelly Hale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#51 The Adventuress of Henrietta Street – by Lawrence Miles (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#52 Mad Dogs and Englishmen – by Paul Magrs (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji with Iris Wildthyme)
#53 Hope – by Mark Clapham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#54 Anachrophobia – by Jonathan Morris (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#55 Trading Futures – by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#56 The Book of the Still – by Paul Ebbs (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#57 The Crooked World – by Steve Lyons (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#58 History 101 – by Mags L. Halliday (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#59 Camera Obscura – by Lloyd Rose (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#60 Time Zero – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#61 The Infinity Race – by Simon Messingham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#62 The Domino Effect – by David Bishop (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#63 Reckless Engineering – by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Fitz, & Anji)
#64 The Last Resort – by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#65 Timeless – by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#66 Emotional Chemistry – by Simon A. Forward (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#67 Sometime Never – by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#68 Halflife – by Mark Michalowski (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#69 The Tomorrow Windows – by Jonathan Morris (8th Doctor, Fitz and Trix)
#70 The Sleep of Reason – by Martin Day (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#71 The Deadstone Memorial – by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#72 To the Slaughter – by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#73 The Gallifrey Chronicles – by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Short Trips Anthologies
Short Trips (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
More Short Trips (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips and Side Steps (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels
#1 The Clockwise Man – by Justin Richards (9th Doctor & Rose)
#2 The Monsters Inside – by Stephen Cole (9th Doctor & Rose)
#3 Winner Takes All – by Jacqueline Rayner (9th Doctor & Rose)
#4 The Deviant Strain – by Justin Richards (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#5 Only Human – by Gareth Roberts (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#6 The Stealers of Dreams – by Steve Lyons (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#7 The Stone Rose – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Rose)
#8 The Feast of the Drowned – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#9 The Resurrection Casket – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Rose)
#10 The Nightmare of Black Island – Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Rose)
#11 The Art of Destruction – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#12 The Price of Paradise – by Colin Brake (10th Doctor & Rose)
#13 Sting of the Zygons – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Martha)
#14 The Last Dodo – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Martha)
#15 Wooden Heart – by Martin Day (10th Doctor & Martha)
#16 Forever Autumn – by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Martha)
#17 Sick Building – by Paul Magrs (10th Doctor & Martha)
#18 Wetworld – by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Martha)
#19 Wishing Well – by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Martha)
#20 The Pirate Loop – by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor & Martha)
#21 Peacemaker – by James Swallow (10th Doctor & Martha)
#22 Martha in the Mirror – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Martha)
#23 Snowglobe 7 – by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Martha)
#24 The Many Hands – by Dale Smith (10th Doctor & Martha)
#25 The Doctor Trap – by Simon Messingham (10th Doctor & Donna)
#26 Shining Darkness – by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Donna)
#27 Ghosts of India – by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Donna)
#28 The Story of Martha – by Dan Abnett (10th Doctor & Martha)
#29 Beautiful Chaos – by Gary Russell (10th Doctor, Donna & Wilf)
#30 The Eyeless – by Lance Parkin (10th Doctor solo)
#31 Judgement of the Judoon – by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
#32 The Slitheen Excursion – by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor solo)
#33 Prisoner of the Daleks – by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor solo)
#34 The Taking of Chelsea 426 – by David Llewellyn (10th Doctor solo)
#35 Autonomy – by Daniel Blythe (10th Doctor solo)
#36 The Krillitane Storm – by Christopher Cooper (10th Doctor solo)
#37 Apollo 23 – by Justin Richards (11th Doctor & Amy)
#38 Night of the Humans – by David Llewellyn (11th Doctor & Amy)
#39 The Forgotten Army – by Brian Minchin (11th Doctor & Amy)
#40 Nuclear Time – by Oli Smith (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#41 The King’s Dragon – by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42 The Glamour Chase – by Gary Russell (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42A The Coming of the Terraphiles – by Michael Moorcock (11th Doctor & Amy)
#43 Hunter’s Moon – by Paul Finch (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#44 The Way Through The Woods – by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#45 Dead of Winter – by James Goss (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#46 Borrowed Time – by Naomi A. Alderman (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#47 Touched by an Angel – by Jonathan Morris (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48 Paradox Lost – by George Mann (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48A The Silent Stars Go By – by Dan Abnett (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Quick Reads Novellas
#1 I Am a Dalek – by Gareth Roberts (10th Doctor & Rose)
#2 Made of Steel – by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#3 Revenge of the Judoon – by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#4 The Sontaran Games – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor solo)
#5 Code of the Krillitanes – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)

BBC Books - Torchwood Adventures Novels
#1 Another Life – by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#2 Border Princes – by Dan Abnett (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#3 Slow Decay – by Andrew Lane (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#4 Something in the Water – by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#5 Trace Memory – by David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#6 The Twilight Streets – by Gary Russell (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#7 Pack Animals – by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#8 SkyPoint – by Phil Ford (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#9 Almost Perfect – by James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#10 Into the Silence – by Sarah Pinborough (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#11 Bay of the Dead – by Mark Morris (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#12 The House That Jack Built – by Guy Adams (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#13 Risk Assessment – James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#14 The Undertaker’s Gift – by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#15 Consequences – by Joseph Lidster, James Moran, Andrew Cartmel, & David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)

Big Finish - Doctor Who: Short Trips anthologies (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 26: How the Doctor Changed my Life
Short Trips 27: Christmas Around the World

Telos Publishing - Doctor Who Novellas
#1 Time and Relative – by Kim Newman (1st Doctor & Susan)
#2 Citadel of Dreams – by Dave Stone (7th Doctor & Ace)
#3 Nightdreamers – by Tom Harden (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#4 Ghost Ship – by Keith Topping (4th Doctor solo)
#5 Foreign Devils – by Andrew Cartmel (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#6 Rip Tide – by Louise Cooper (8th Doctor solo)
#7 Wonderland – by Mark Chadbourn (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#8 Shell Shock – by Simon A. Forward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#9 The Cabinet of Light – by Daniel O’Mahony (Unidentified, possibly alternate 9th Doctor)
#10 Fallen Gods – by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor solo)
#11 Frayed – by Tara Samms (1st Doctor & Susan)
#12 Eye of the Tyger – by Paul McAuley (8th Doctor Solo)
#13 Companion Piece – by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Cat)
#14 Blood and Hope – by Iain McLaughlin (5th Doctor, Peri & Erimem)
#15 The Dalek Factor – by Simon Clark (Unidentified, possibly 9th Doctor)

Penguin Books - Doctor Who Novels for young readers
The Darksmith Legacy 1: The Dust of Ages – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 2: The Graves of Mordane – by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 3: The Colour of Darkness – by Richard Dungworth (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 4: The Depths of Despair – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 5: The Vampire of Paris – by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 6: The Game of Death – by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 7: The Planet of Oblivion – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 8: The Pictures of Emptiness – by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 9: The Art of War – by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 10: The End of Time – by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Gisella)
2-in-1 #1 Death Riders/Heart of Stone – by Justin Richards & Trevor Baxendale (11th Doctor & Amy)
2-in-1 #2 System Wipe/The Good, The Bad & The Alien – by Oli Smith & Colin Brake (11th Doctor & Amy)
2-in-1 #3 Alien Adventures – by Richard Dinnick & Mike Tucker (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
2-in-1 #4 Sightseeing in Space – by David Bailey & Steve Lyons (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
2-in-1 #5 Monstrous Missions – by Gary Russell & Jonathan Green (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
2-in-1 #6 Step Back in Time – by Richard Dungworth & Jacqueline Rayner (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

Big Finish - Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies
#3 The Gods of the Underworld – by Stephen Cole
#5 The Infernal Nexus – by Dave Stone
#7 A Life of Surprises – edited by Paul Cornell
#8 Life During Wartime – edited by Paul Cornell
#9 The Big Hunt – by Lance Parkin
#10 A Life Worth Living – edited by Simon Guerrier
#11 A Life in Pieces – by Dave Stone, Paul Sutton, & Joseph Lidster
#12 The Tree of Life – by Mark Michalowski
#13 Parallel Lives – by Rebecca Levene, Paul Sutton & Dave Stone
#14 Something Changed – edited by Simon Guerrier
#15 Genius Loci – by Ben Aaronovitch
#16 Collected Works – edited by Nick Wallace
#17 Old Friends – by Marc Platt, Jonathan Clements & Pete Kempshall
#18 The Two Jasons – by Dave Stone
#19 Nobody’s Children – by Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman & Phillip Purser-Hallard
#20 Missing Adventures – edited by Rebecca Levene
#21 The Vampire Curse – by Mags L. Halliday, Kelly Hale & Philip Purser-Hallard
#22 Secret Histories – edited by Mark Clapham
#23 Present Danger – edited by Eddie Robson

Big Finish - New Worlds novels (Spin-offs from Big Finish audio characters)
#1 Wildthyme on Top – by Paul Magrs (Iris Wildthyme
#2 The Coming of the Queen – by Iain McLaughlin & Claire Bartlett (Erimem)
#3 Project: Valhalla – by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright (Nimrod)

Mad Norwegian Press - Faction Paradox Novels (Spin-offs of 8th Doctor novels)
#1 The Book of the War – edited by Lawrence Miles
#2 This Town Will Never Let Us Go – by Lawrence Miles
#3 Of the City of the Saved… – by Philip Purser-Hallard
#4 Warlords of Utopia – by Lance Parkin
#5 Warring States – by Mags L. Halliday
#6 Erasing Sherlock – by Kelly Hale
#7 Newton’s Sleep – by Daniel O’Mahony (Published by Random Static)

Obverse Books spin-off anthologies
#2 Iris Wildthyme: The Panda Book of Horror – edited by Stuart Douglas & Paul Magrs
#3 Miss Wildthyme & Friends Investigate – by Jim Smith, Cody Quijano-Schell, Nick Wallace & Stuart Douglas
#4 Iris: Abroad – edited by Paul Magrs & Stuart Douglas
#5 Faction Paradox: A Romance in Twelve Parts – edited by Stuart Douglas & Lawrence Miles
#6 Wildthyme in Purple – edited by Stuart Douglas & Cody Quijano-Schell
Enter Wildthyme – by Pual Magrs (Published by Snowbooks)

Telos Publishing - Time Hunter Novellas (Spin-off from The Cabinet of Light)
#1 The Winning Side – by Lance Parkin
#2 The Tunnel at the End of the Light – by Stephen Petrucha
#3 The Clockwork Woman – by Claire Bott
#4 Kitsune – by John Paul Catton
#5 The Severed Man - by George Mann
#6 Echoes – by Iain McLaughlin & Claire Bartlett
#7 Peculiar Lives – by Philip Purser-Hallard
#8 Deus Le Volt – by Jon de Burgh Miller
#9 The Albino’s Dancer – by Dale Smith
#10 The Sideways Door – by R.J. Carter & Troy Riser
#11 Child of Time – by George Mann & David J. Howe

Fan-Published anthologies
Perfect Timing – edited by Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle
Perfect Timing 2 – edited by Helen Fayle & Julian Eales
Tales of the Solar System – edited by D. Paul Griggs
The 13 Crimes of Doctor Who – edited by Sarah Hadley
The Cat Who Walked Through Time – edited by Thomas & Alryssa Kelly
Missing Pieces – edited by Mark Phippen & Shaun Lyon
LifeDeath – edited by Hereth Cowe Spigai & Oatrick Neighly
Walking in Eternity – edited by Julian Eales
Shelf Life – edited by Julian Eales, David A. McIntee & Adrian Middleton

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

I wonder if we can get all the benny big finish books together.
I think i saw a request for these in an early post.
Big Finish Short Trips Books. All except 26 and 27.How the Doctor changed my life and Christmas around the world

Thanks Enormously, Davros!

12-10-2011, 10:48 PM
Strictly speaking, there have only been four 2in1's released with the other two coming in February and Wildthyme in Purple has been delayed.

12-10-2011, 11:38 PM
Virgin Decalogs 1-3:

BBC Short Trips:

All of these are PDFs. The EDAs will come later on today.

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

Eighth Doctor Adventures:

The rar does NOT include the movie novelization. These were downloaded from a torrent and I have not gone through and weeded out any files. The folders typically contain multiple PDFs from different sources, a JPG cover, an HTML or TXT version, and a Palmreader .PDB. Or all of the above.

12-11-2011, 12:44 AM
I wonder if we should have a seperate thread for the novelisations and other printed matter. It all seems a long way from AUDIO DRAMAS. I am not remotely interested in the novels, particularly the Virgin ones which are really nothing more than glorified fan fiction. It is pretty tiresome trawling through so many posts trying to pick out the audio related ones. What does everyone think?

12-11-2011, 12:52 AM
Everyone on here seems to post some real rare & hard to get stuff. I was hoping you could all search through the sites/places where you go & see if you can find me these rare, mega hard to find TV movies and books.
Apart from science fiction I also have a passion for things connected to Leslie Charteris' Simon Templar aka The Saint
I'm looking for the made-for-TV film series that formed part of Mystery Wheel of Adventure (1989) - all starring Simon Dutton as The Saint
1. Fear in Fun Park (aka The Saint in Australia)
2. The Big Bang
3. The Blue Dulac
4. The Brazilian Connection
5. The Software Murders
6. Wrong Number

I'm also trying to track down these 2 Saint novels as well, both are by author Burl Barer
1. The Saint (1997) - novelisation of the film
2. Capture The Saint (1997)

I'm happy to get any of these in any possible format you can send my way.
Apologies for posting this in a Doctor Who thread but this place seems to get the most views & posts, so I'm hoping someone out there will be able to help

Thanks for reading


12-11-2011, 01:05 AM
I wonder if we should have a seperate thread for the novelisations and other printed matter. It all seems a long way from AUDIO DRAMAS. I am not remotely interested in the novels, particularly the Virgin ones which are really nothing more than glorified fan fiction. It is pretty tiresome trawling through so many posts trying to pick out the audio related ones. What does everyone think?

I think we could benefit form having 2 threads as I feel the same way as you as far as the books goes. I'm not overly bothered but if the posts about books stay as frequent as they currently are then perhaps another thread is a good idea.

Still no news on the final parts of Serpent Crest? Dying to get stuck into them!

12-11-2011, 01:44 AM
Or were you offering to post them in pdf format? Because that would be cool too.
Yes, I have them in pdf format as taken from the various issues of DWM they appeared in. Most of them are of good quality, though a few (particularly the prelude to Shadowmind from DWM #202) could use a better scan. I'll need to get them together when I have some free time, but it might be a few days.

By the way, has the Seventh Doctor Handbook ever turned up? I have the first six, but Seven is being elusive. Probably erasing his tracks from history the sneaky devil.

12-11-2011, 01:57 AM
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12-11-2011, 02:18 AM
@ 1nsanitykun; Wow, look at the e-books you can't buy in a store.
Nice shares. THANK YOU.

Of course! I have the 4th Doctor boxsets/seasons for the next year pre-ordered, as well as Benny's stuff! So no worries looking for those.

12-11-2011, 02:39 AM
Does anybody know were I can Find Warhammer audiobooks/audiodramas,either a link or show me were i can get them,mega thanks to all and to all a good nite.

12-11-2011, 03:12 AM
Of course! I have the 4th Doctor boxsets/seasons for the next year pre-ordered, as well as Benny's stuff! So no worries looking for those.

We Love You Already! xxxx

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

Does anybody know were I can Find Warhammer audiobooks/audiodramas,either a link or show me were i can get them,mega thanks to all and to all a good nite.

Try Demonoid - there's loads of Warhammer books, audios and RPG scans on there.

12-11-2011, 03:36 AM
Or I'll just get off my duff and do it now...

The Complete Virgin New Adventures Preludes:

Please let me know if I did this correctly. It's a first!

12-11-2011, 05:46 AM
here is freshly made pdf

12-11-2011, 07:09 AM
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12-11-2011, 09:07 AM
To be fair, Stargate, Robin Hood, Judge Dredd, etc audios aren't related to Doctor Who audios either. That said, I get a daily email informing me that there are new replies and I take a few minutes to scan what's being offered and I move on. I can't see how anyone could consider it more than a minor inconvenience. It's also been mentioned that the clutter in this thread helps to keep the links from disappearing. I say it's a fair trade off.

I like that all of my Doctor Who is in one thread. Besides, the books will be posted then they'll be done. They don't do too many new ones each year. Well, interesting ones anyway.

12-11-2011, 11:07 AM
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12-11-2011, 01:02 PM
Paradise Of Death Target pdf
156 The Paradise Of Death.pdf (

12-11-2011, 01:06 PM
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12-11-2011, 08:44 PM
Some good news on the Lost Episodes front.

BBC - Doctor Who - Missing Episodes Recovered! - News & Features (

12-11-2011, 08:58 PM
Thanks a lot burneggroll !

12-11-2011, 09:17 PM
Some good news on the Lost Episodes front.

BBC - Doctor Who - Missing Episodes Recovered! - News & Features (

This really is fantastic news- Nobber you have made my day by passing this on - My Mrs is looking at me in a strange way as I pump the air with my fist, shouting out loud 'YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!'

12-11-2011, 11:22 PM
Those pesky Australian censors, having the missing pieces yet again. So we can look forward to the censored bits back with the 'found' episodes and the surviving episodes plus ??? knowing the BBC Recon department , an animated episode or 2 included into a new release, by the end of next year - of course the BBC will release it as a Guardian Newspaper vanilla Episode, it will be on it own disc release, in a box set and............

12-12-2011, 07:51 AM
Just read on Big Finish's Twitter feed that "The Five Companions" is available for download, with "Army of Death" following a few hours later. Granted they Tweeted this about 13 hours ago, so we should be getting them on here sometime soon, God willing. :)

12-12-2011, 01:12 PM
And I believe the 'Lost Stories:Children Of Seth' is out, too. (Which I hope is a bit better than Hexagora. Good story, but could have been an episode shorter. Felt like it was dragging at times.)

12-12-2011, 01:24 PM
I have a Dalek story question that I need help with....

I am in the process of putting together the Dalek audio stories together to listen to and I am trying to figure out placement of the Dalek Empire and Dalek Empire Strikes Back stories fit into the Doctor Who universe....

Would someone be able to assist me?
When I go to the Doctor Who timeline sites, they do not list where they fall...

Thank you!

12-12-2011, 01:36 PM
I have a Dalek story question that I need help with....

I am in the process of putting together the Dalek audio stories together to listen to and I am trying to figure out placement of the Dalek Empire and Dalek Empire Strikes Back stories fit into the Doctor Who universe....

Would someone be able to assist me?
When I go to the Doctor Who timeline sites, they do not list where they fall...

Thank you!

The first, second and fourth series of Dalek Empire all take place in the 42nd Century whereas the third series takes place in the 67th Century. All of Dalek Empire occurs after the monthly releases The Genocide Machine, The Apocalypse Element, The Mutant Phase and The Time of the Daleks (in that order). There's a Seventh Doctor audio called Return of the Daleks which takes place between the first and second stories from the first series and an Eighth Doctor short story called Museum Peace which take places later in the 42nd Century. Hope that helps!

12-12-2011, 01:51 PM
I appreciate the help!
Thank you!

So where would you place it with the other Doctor Who books, after the 8th Doctor and before the 9th?

I know chronologically it's tough but story-wise for the doctor, that's where I want to try to fit it in if it's possible....

12-12-2011, 02:03 PM
Bar 7th's story 'Return Of The Daleks', I generally place Dalek Empire I-IV as happening under The 8th Doctors watch. Nothing really to base this on, but just that it feels right for it. Lots of big Dalek battles going on prior to them being (supposedly) wiped out during The Time War.

12-12-2011, 02:10 PM

To list the Doctors to the stories previously mentioned by GusF, The Genocide Machine - 7th Doctor, , The Apocalypse Element - the 6th Doctor, The Mutant Phase - the 5th Doctor, The Time of the Daleks - 8th Doctor, Return of the Daleks - 7th Doctor, Museum Peace - 8th Doctor, The Davros Mission [War of the Daleks] - The 6th Doctor..... we could go on and on with official Dalek episodes, without even trying to add in serials and other audios and books...1 big hint ; the Doctor does not have a time line in history, and to explain that one; think of the 2nd World War stories of all 11 TV doctors, and pick a year between 1939 and 1945 when 'he' was not involved.......sometimes, in different parts of England, as different incarnations, on the same day/time

12-12-2011, 02:19 PM
I understand that part of just like the Pompeii episodes....
I just want to find a good spot to squeeze them in to listen to them...within some sort of reason....
I know it's a lot and I am probably just being extra picky about it.....I just wanted to try to make a little sense of it....

12-12-2011, 09:09 PM
It is no small task you are trying to do :)
First you need to accept that the Daleks have a temporal paradox in their creation, plus 3 distinct timelines. For 1 timeline, you start with "Genesis of the Daleks" [4th Doctor] and end with "The Evil of the Daleks". For the 2nd, you start with "Genesis of Evil" [no doctor], and end with "The Time War" but for the 3rd Timeline, you need to take the inter-dimensional transference of the 'ultimate Daleks, from "Dalek Empire 3" , recognise them as the 'Daleks' from the 11th Doctor's show of "Victory of the Daleks", and link any stories that don't fit in the first 2 timelines would then fit into this third, including the 1st Doctor meeting them for the first time, 1000's of years after the Dalek/Thal war on Skaro in the 2nd televised story, written by Terry Nation :)
Part of the problem was that no 2 writers bothered to read their colleagues writings, and continued the stories without any true linking of stories, and that the Daleks were used like boogeymen, without reasons for their action.
While the 'comic adventures' of The Daleks, as produced by Stuart Palmer at Altered Vistas, being in avi format can be listened to as audio [or the soundtrack ripped], many of John Peel's books, which fill out a lot of at least one of the timelines, are slowly being created as audios.
Also, Big Finish's version of the story can be different from AV# 'Adventures in Time and Space' 's version and the BBC's recording of it as a TV episode.

So good luck :) A simple plan to start?, type in 'Dalek timeline' on google [or any search engine], plenty of dwas, will have at least one member, sitting drooling in the corner, who tried to link all the stories together and wrote them all down....... :)

12-12-2011, 09:16 PM
Mny thanks for making these audios available. I have been looking for a site like this fore ages. Will earn myself 1,000,000 cool dad points from my daughter for getting the
10th Doctor talking books, David Tennent is the greatest thing since sliced bread, as far has she is concerned. I'm also looking for the Torchwood talking books "Boarder Princes", and "Slow Decay", for my wife. Does anybody know if a BBC radio drama called "The Slide" exists on audio. Written by Victor Pemberton, it was later adapted as the Patrick Troughton story "Fury from the Deep". again many thanks.

12-12-2011, 09:26 PM
Hew1tt, do you know where I can find these?
While the 'comic adventures' of The Daleks, as produced by Stuart Palmer at Altered Vistas, being in avi format can be listened to as audio [or the soundtrack ripped], many of John Peel's books, which fill out a lot of at least one of the timelines, are slowly being created as audios.

I will try Dalek timeline this time.....I think I may have worded it differently before and got something that didn't make sense to me.....

I know I got myself into a big crazy thing but I started down the path and I am going to see how far I get.....

To make it somewhat easier (I hope), I was thinking not of strict timelines but more following the doctor's path as he encounters them but like I said before trying to fit the Dalek empire series into it and the other stories you mentioned.....

Thank you very much for guiding me because like you small task....

12-12-2011, 09:36 PM
Thank You so much for these Torchwood Miracle Day Prequels I have been looking for these for months and was losing hope of ever finding these and stumbled across this fantastic site! Again Thank You! now all I need is is to find them in audio books format!

12-12-2011, 09:48 PM

Type in Altered Vistas, on the search engine, and you can go directly to Stuart's site, he has a pull down tab of 'getting copies', to order as many of his productions as you want. To sample his work, go to post #500, there is a link to the remastered version of 'Genesis of Evil' [originally av001, now av020], you should both enjoy it and also see how twisted the time line can get :) I mentioned John Peels books, as the audios recently released of 'The Mutation of Time' and 'The Chase' [also available here on Shrine] were written [or more correctly edited] by him and have great differences between their stories and the televised productions - it would be a revolution in TV if we had a screen at the bottom with written text adding background and notes to what was being viewed... not going to happen ..

12-12-2011, 09:52 PM
Some good news on the Lost Episodes front.

BBC - Doctor Who - Missing Episodes Recovered! - News & Features (

The Doctor who new page has two snippets from these epsiodes.

Doctor Who News (

JUst wished the find had been "The Tenth Planet" & some other Patrick Troughton story like Fury, Power of the Daleks or web of fear.

But any find is a bonus as it means that people who were two young to see them originally (ie me) can see them for the first time.

12-13-2011, 12:18 AM
Fellow audio lovers may like to give this podcast episode a listen.

The Infinite Monkey Cage: Mon 12 Dec 11: Science of Sound

Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian and former acoustics student Tom Wrigglesworth, Professor of Acoustics Trevor Cox and Professor Chris Plack to discuss the science of sound. Recorded at the home of the BBC Philharmonic in Salford.

The Infinite Monkey Cage (

12-13-2011, 12:24 AM
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12-13-2011, 02:20 AM
The History of the Daleks - An extremely detailed account of the Dalek's history, taking into account all Doctor Who sources. ~ doc who5a (

Sometimes don't you just think that some people have WAY too much time on their hands?


When it boils down to it I never get too caught up in the over-arching continuity of The Doctor. If there's anything that really can't be reconciled with ease I just remember the bit that 8th says during Zagreus where he talks about seeing different universes and different versions of himself.

Then I grab a beer.

It makes life so much easier.

12-13-2011, 02:25 AM
Sometimes don't you just think that some people have WAY too much time on their hands?

Constantly. But I'm probably a huge hypocrite for admitting it... XD

12-13-2011, 02:42 AM
I suggest beer, my friend.

12-13-2011, 02:43 AM
I suggest beer, my friend.
Not much of a beer drinker, as I can't stand the bitterness. I do enjoy some of the Mike's Hard drinks once in awhile, though.

12-13-2011, 02:59 AM
I have a Dalek story question that I need help with....

I am in the process of putting together the Dalek audio stories together to listen to and I am trying to figure out placement of the Dalek Empire and Dalek Empire Strikes Back stories fit into the Doctor Who universe....

Would someone be able to assist me?

When I go to the Doctor Who timeline sites, they do not list where they fall...

Thank you!

Well, I have a page in my Chronology devoted to the order in which the Daleks experience it. It's a best guess, based primarily upon the book Ahistory by Lance Parkin, with some suggestions from the Doctor Who Reference Guide website.

MadKalnod's Doctor Who Stories Chronology - Revised and Updated

The current timeline from the Daleks' POV, as best as I can piece together, goes something like this:
I, Davros: Innocence (Big Finish Davros Audio #1)
I, Davros: Purity (Big Finish Davros Audio #2)
I, Davros: Corruption (Big Finish Davros Audio #3)
I, Davros: Guilt (Big Finish Davros Audion #4)
Davros [Flashback] (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #48)
Genesis of the Daleks ( BBC TV Episode #78)
The Daleks (BBC TV Episode #2)
The Power of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #30)
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (BBC TV Episode #10)
Dalek Empire 3: The Mutant Phase (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #15)
The Chase (BBC TV Episode #16)
Day of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #60)
Legacy of the Daleks (BBC Eighth Doctor Adventure Novel #10)
The Dogs of Doom (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #27-34)
Frontier in Space (BBC TV Episode #67)
Planet of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #68)
Abslom Daak� Dalek-Killer! (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #17-20)
The Star Tigers (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #27-30, 44-46)
Nemesis of the Daleks (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #152-155)
Emperor of the Daleks [Portion set in 2550 A.D.] (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #197-202)
Death and the Daleks (Big Finish Bernice SUmmerfield Audio #4.4)
Prisoner of the Daleks (BBC New Series Adventure Novel #33)
Metamorphosis (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine Yearbook 1993)
Death to the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #72)
The Evil of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #36)
Children of the Revolution (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #312-317)
The Dalek Factor (Telos Doctor Who Novella #15)
Mission to the Unknown (BBC TV Episode #19)
The Daleks� Master Plan (BBC TV Episode #21)
Dalek Empire 1: The Genocide Machine (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #7)
Dalek Empire 2: The Apocalypse Element (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #11)
Dalek Empire 4: The Time of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #32)
Dalek Empire: Invasion of the Daleks (Big Finish Dalek Empire #1.1)
Kalendorf (Short Story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Dalek Empire: The Human Factor (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #1.2)
Return of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #90.5)
Dalek Empire: �Death to the Daleks!� (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #1.3)
Alby (Short story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Suz (Short story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Dalek Empire: Project Infinity (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #1.4)
Dalek Empire II: Dalek War (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audios #2.1-2.4)
Dalek Empire III: The Exterminators (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #3.1)
Dalek Empire III: The Healers (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #3.2)
Dalek Empire III: The Survivors (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #3.3)
Dalek Empire III: The Demons (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #3.4)
Dalek Empire III: The Warriors (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #3.5)
Dalek Empire III: The Future (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audio #3.6)
Mutually Assured Survival (Short Story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Dalek Empire IV: The Fearless (Big Finish Dalek Empire Audios #4.1-4.4)
Museum Peace (Short Story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Destiny of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #104)
Resurrection of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #134)
Davros [Framing Story] (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #48)
Revelation of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #143)
The Davros Mission (Big Finish Audio exclusive to Davros DVD Boxed Set)
The Juggernauts (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #65)
Up Above the Gods (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #227)
Emperor of the Daleks [Portion set in 4625 A.D.] (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #197-202)
Remembrance of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #152)
War of the Daleks (BBC Eighth Doctor Aadventures Novel #5)
Terror Firma (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #72)
Fire and Brimstone (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #251-255)
(Unrecorded stories: The Daleks fight in the Last Great Time War)
Dalek (BBC TV Episode #165)
Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways (BBC TV Episode #170)
I Am a Dalek (BBC Quick Reads Novella #1)
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (BBC TV Episode #181)
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #186)
The Stolen Earth/Journey�s End (BBC TV Episode #202)
Victory of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #209)
The Only Good Dalek (BBC Original Graphic Novel)
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (BBC TV Episode #216)

Now, from the Doctor's POV, it looks like this:
The 1st Doctor
The Daleks (BBC TV Episode #2)
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (BBC TV Episode #10)
The Chase (BBC TV Episode #16)
Mission to the Unknown (BBC TV Episode #19)
The Daleks� Master Plan (BBC TV Episode #21)
The 2nd Doctor
The Power of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #30)
The Evil of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #36)
Fear of the Daleks (Big Finish Companion Chronicles Audio 2)
The 3rd Doctor
Day of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #60)
Frontier in Space (BBC TV Episode #67)
Planet of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #68)
Death to the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #72)
The 4th Doctor
Genesis of the Daleks ( BBC TV Episode #78)
Destiny of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #104)
The Dogs of Doom (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #27-34)
The 5th Doctor
Dalek Empire 3: The Mutant Phase (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #15)
Renaissance of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #93)
Plague of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #129)
Resurrection of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #134)
The 6th Doctor
Davros (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #48)
Revelation of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #143)
Emperor of the Daleks [Portion involving the 6th Doctor] (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #197-202)
Up Above the Gods (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #227)
Dalek Empire 2: The Apocalypse Element (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #11)
Brotherhood of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #114)
The Juggernauts (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #65)
The 7th Doctor
Remembrance of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #152)
Private Investigations (Short Story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Dalek Empire 1: The Genocide Machine (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #7)
Natalie's Diary (Short Story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
Enemy of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #121)
Nemesis of the Daleks (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #152-155)
Metamorphosis (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine Yearbook 1993)
Emperor of the Daleks [Portion involving the 7th Doctor] (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #197-202)
Return of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #90.5)
The 8th Doctor
Fire and Brimstone (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #251-255)
Children of the Revolution (Comic in Doctor Who Magazine #312-317)
War of the Daleks (BBC Eighth Doctor Aadventures Novel #5)
Legacy of the Daleks (BBC Eighth Doctor Adventure Novel #10)
Dalek Empire 4: The Time of the Daleks (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #32)
Terror Firma (Big Finish Doctor Who Audio #72)
Blood of the Daleks (Big Finish Eighth Doctor Adventures Audio #1)
Museum Peace (Short Story in Big Finish Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire)
The 9th Doctor
The Dalek Factor (Telos Doctor Who Novella #15)
Dalek (BBC TV Episode #165)
Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways (BBC TV Episode #170)
The 10th Doctor
I Am a Dalek (BBC Quick Reads Novella #1)
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (BBC TV Episode #181)
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #186)
The Stolen Earth/Journey�s End (BBC TV Episode #202)
Prisoner of the Daleks (BBC New Series Adventure Novel #33)
The 11th Doctor
Victory of the Daleks (BBC TV Episode #209)
City of the Daleks (BBCi Game)
The Only Good Dalek (BBC Original Graphic Novel)
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (BBC TV Episode #216)

Now, obviously, since the Doctor isn't in the Dalek Empire Audios, then they can't be fit in according to his POV. If you want to listen to them at a point when they make sense from following the Doctor's encounters with the Daleks, then I'd say after Time of the Daleks is as good a place as any.

Of course, this is all conjecture and best guesses. If anybody knows of any reasons to re-structure the above, let me know.

12-13-2011, 03:10 AM
Not much of a beer drinker, as I can't stand the bitterness. I do enjoy some of the Mike's Hard drinks once in awhile, though.

Never heard of those. Can't say I've ever seen them in the UK.

Just been wading through that website - I think bits of my mind just imploded. I blame the books for getting carried away with themselves and taking themselves far too seriously, and RTD for The Time War and his convention of coming up with impressive sounding things like The Nightmare Child but never explaining what they actually are ...

(I think The Nightmare Child was probably Charley Pollard - could easily imagine her being a bit of a stuck up little brat.)

12-13-2011, 06:00 AM
Never heard of those. Can't say I've ever seen them in the UK.
I'm talking about this stuff: Mike's Hard Lemonade Co. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

(I think The Nightmare Child was probably Charley Pollard - could easily imagine her being a bit of a stuck up little brat.)
I quite liked Charley. However, I do wish she was a bit more understanding of the Doctor's reaction to C'rizz's death at the end of "Absolution".

12-13-2011, 07:20 AM
I'm talking about this stuff: Mike's Hard Lemonade Co. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

Ah! We'd know that sort of thing generically as an 'AlcoPop' over here.

I quite liked Charley. However, I do wish she was a bit more understanding of the Doctor's reaction to C'rizz's death at the end of "Absolution".

I did go through a period of really disliking her, but a marathon re-listen changed me back. She wasn't quite as clingy and pathetic as I'd remembered with familiarity breeding some contempt.

The character was just around far too long, really, and I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about how she left after 6th. Always got the feeling that Briggs never quite did that exit story justice and the Vyrans (who were meant to be the big threat at one point - remember the 'Virus Strand' stories?) ended up feeling a bit toothless. Add in the stuff with the character (whose name escapes me at the moment) that's been in the Tardis for years but no-one saw her and the obligatory memory wipe it, well, just ended up being a bit of a mess for me. Some great performances, and India and Colin worked very well together (probably better than with Paul if I'm honest), but as an exit story .... hmmm ... could have been so much better.

Hah! I did get into a row with someone on a forum as they couldn't understand how I could praise India's performance and still (at the time) not like the character at all. They just couldn't understand that the two can be mutually exclusive.

Ho Hum.

12-13-2011, 07:49 AM
Ah! We'd know that sort of thing generically as an 'AlcoPop' over here.
AlcoPop? Interesting term. I consider it just a nice treat to have once in awhile. The last one I had was this past Thanksgiving at my brother's.

I did go through a period of really disliking her, but a marathon re-listen changed me back. She wasn't quite as clingy and pathetic as I'd remembered with familiarity breeding some contempt.

The character was just around far too long, really, and I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about how she left after 6th. Always got the feeling that Briggs never quite did that exit story justice and the Vyrans (who were meant to be the big threat at one point - remember the 'Virus Strand' stories?) ended up feeling a bit toothless. Add in the stuff with the character (whose name escapes me at the moment) that's been in the Tardis for years but no-one saw her and the obligatory memory wipe it, well, just ended up being a bit of a mess for me. Some great performances, and India and Colin worked very well together (probably better than with Paul if I'm honest), but as an exit story .... hmmm ... could have been so much better.

Hah! I did get into a row with someone on a forum as they couldn't understand how I could praise India's performance and still (at the time) not like the character at all. They just couldn't understand that the two can be mutually exclusive.

Ho Hum.
I understand. However, I think Briggs has said that they're planning a spin-off range for Charley, and that's why it was a bit open-ended. I can understand what you mean. I have some friends who praise David Tennant's performance as the Tenth Doctor, but didn't really care for the Tenth Doctor himself. I'm personally a big Ten fanboy, but I'm all for hearing differences of opinion, so long as their reasoning doesn't dissolve into personal attacks and whatnot.

12-13-2011, 11:37 AM
Thank you all for your help!
This is extremely helpful to me and I appreciate you taking the time to put it together!

Once complete, I plan on giving it a listen and read!

Thank you all again!

12-13-2011, 01:20 PM
I'm going to be offline for a while (PC trouble) & when I get back, I'll probably ask a lot of damn fool questions about stuff that's been posted several times & other stuff that probably hasn't even been released yet! I thank you all, in advance, for your patience & understanding! And if (God forbid) I don't make it back in time, Merry Christmas!

12-13-2011, 01:26 PM
AlcoPop? Interesting term. I consider it just a nice treat to have once in awhile. The last one I had was this past Thanksgiving at my brother's.

Over here the term's not used quite so glowingly, unfortunately. Generally associated with the 'Youth' market and bound-up with stories of excess and binge-drinking.

I understand. However, I think Briggs has said that they're planning a spin-off range for Charley, and that's why it was a bit open-ended. I can understand what you mean. I have some friends who praise David Tennant's performance as the Tenth Doctor, but didn't really care for the Tenth Doctor himself. I'm personally a big Ten fanboy, but I'm all for hearing differences of opinion, so long as their reasoning doesn't dissolve into personal attacks and whatnot.

Not sure how about feel about the potential of a spin-off, either. I, sort-of, get the feeling that it's an 'ego' project for Briggs, but one that he's not sure of himself as he's not sure what to do with her.

DT started well, but paled for me towards the end. A combination of things, really. I think DT found it wasn't as much fun playing The Doctor as he'd expected. Always get the feeling that he'd have been happier (and stayed longer) being a much lighter character like his beloved Fifth Doctor and not the doom-laden, love-lorn, mawkish berk he got towards the end under RTDs story and script control.

12-13-2011, 03:24 PM
Many thanks for making Torchwood available, my wife now has the complete set for Christmas..

---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Awesome work, will be very helpful when I start complying my collection.

12-13-2011, 11:05 PM
removed by OP

12-13-2011, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the latest ebooks.

(Shandy is normally 1/2 bitter 1/2 lemonade. 7UP should work, but I honestly wouldn't want to try it. Could be a waste of perfectly good bitter! : ) )

12-13-2011, 11:48 PM
Thanks for the new books Burneggroll, unfortunatly i cant seem to get them exept for Touched by an Angel. Any chance you could check for me. Cheers mate

12-14-2011, 12:01 AM
Work OK for me.

12-14-2011, 12:12 AM
The book links work well for me, too. I may give "Touched by an Angel" a read, since I love the Weeping Angels and I've also become a big fan of Jonathan Morris. :)

12-14-2011, 02:53 AM
Stange.....i just keep getting file not avalable message. the new links work fine though. Thank you

---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

I dont want to be a pain but could someone post a different link for bernice summerfield - infernal nexus please. Megaupload dosent seem to like me much today.

12-14-2011, 03:22 AM
removed by OP

12-14-2011, 06:53 AM
"...which Target novelization features the Doctor getting absolutely "rat-arsed"?"

Really??? Oh, I'll definitely have to give that a read!

You know - I've heard the play but I'm blowed if I can actually remember a thing about it. Oh well, giving that one another spin will pass the time until the Christmas Elves come to deposit lovely gifts of December Doctor-ness.

12-14-2011, 09:49 AM
removed by OP

12-14-2011, 12:39 PM
Thanks for The Army Of Death, looking forward to hearing this one

12-14-2011, 01:24 PM
Thanks for The Army Of Death, Burn, looking forward to hearing this one

And the same thanks from here! Cheers!

12-14-2011, 03:50 PM
Stop American Censorship (

Well that all sucks. Fingers crossed that the UK doesn't follow ... :(

On a lighter note, and connected to Who via his recent appearance in 'Army Of Death', I heartily recommend Mitch Benn's podcast and his recent re-release of his reading of that classic 'A Christmas Carol' - The Mitch Benn Podcast (

EDIT - Hmm - The podcast editions don't want to D/L. Gimme a bit and I'll upload the original 2008 release.

SECOND EDIT - And here they are ...

12-14-2011, 06:21 PM
Anybody got a link to Big Finish 154 The Witch in the Well ,i thought i saw it but cannot find it again. cheers.

12-14-2011, 06:23 PM
Cheers for The army of death cant wait to listen to it any sign of the five companions

12-14-2011, 06:53 PM
Cheers for The army of death cant wait to listen to it any sign of the five companions

Thanks from me as well for "Army of Death". I just finished it, and it was creepy. I also liked the little preview at the end for next month's "The Curse of Davros". :) Also, I'm kinda wondering about "The Five Companions" as well. Especially since it was available for download first.

12-14-2011, 07:49 PM
Anybody got a link to Big Finish 154 The Witch in the Well ,i thought i saw it but cannot find it again. cheers.

I'm sure the elves and faeries will pop-up with The Five Companions, The Children Of Seth and this months CC at some point in the near future. :)

(And, of course, the last two bits of Serpents Crest)

12-14-2011, 09:43 PM
removed by OP

12-14-2011, 09:54 PM
Should be fun!

12-14-2011, 10:06 PM
I can't wait to hear these!
Thank you for the update burneggroll!

12-15-2011, 06:07 AM
removed by OP

12-15-2011, 08:41 AM
Just updated my collection of Big Finish cover art to accomodate some new ones I recently acquired, including the one for "Army of Death". You can check this post ( for the link. Happy downloading! :)

12-15-2011, 09:22 AM
need a little help. tell me what these do, if anything...

First link takes me to Zoho's home page, advertising what they do etc. Second one takes me to a log-on page. Neither of them had any obvious way of accessing the pdf.

12-15-2011, 10:27 AM
removed by OP

12-15-2011, 12:54 PM
I've got a vague recollection of a possible series of audios that were advertised once in Dr Who Magazine called "Layton's Mission". I think there were a number of Dr Who connections (eg actors including Colin Baker and Anneke Wills).

Has anyone ever come across it?

12-15-2011, 01:34 PM
I've got a vague recollection of a possible series of audios that were advertised once in Dr Who Magazine called "Layton's Mission". I think there were a number of Dr Who connections (eg actors including Colin Baker and Anneke Wills).

Has anyone ever come across it?

You mean this one?

I had shared copies years ago but never got round to listening to them properly, and, sorry, deleted them during an electronic clear-out.

12-15-2011, 03:36 PM

12-15-2011, 04:09 PM
Thank you Wall1885 for the Tom Baker!
I can't wait to listen to the series!

12-15-2011, 04:35 PM
Now that my Tomorrow People & Blake's 7 'Freds' have come to a natural conclusion I thought I would give you these 2 gifts.

There's a Tomorrow People fred? How did I miss that? I was just thinking this morning that I should consider sharing my copies.

MANY thanks for the TB stories.

12-15-2011, 05:08 PM
There's a Tomorrow People fred? How did I miss that? I was just thinking this morning that I should consider sharing my copies.

MANY thanks for the TB stories.

Here ya go Nobber

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Thank you Wall1885 for the Tom Baker!
I can't wait to listen to the series!

Glad to be of service

12-15-2011, 06:23 PM

Here ya go Nobber[COLOR="Silver"]

Cheers! Time to the take the opportunity to upgrade some of mine which are awful 96k MONO (yes, you read that right MONO) copies.

12-15-2011, 07:06 PM
Cheers! Time to the take the opportunity to upgrade some of mine which are awful 96k MONO (yes, you read that right MONO) copies.

I suppose you've only just got rid of your black & white tv set as well. LOL

12-15-2011, 08:49 PM
I suppose you've only just got rid of your black & white tv set as well. LOL

And only just got rid of the steam powered one ...


Here's some mp3 versions of the latest Serpent Crest audios. 256k MP3 copies of the previously posted WAVs.

Part Four

Part Five

12-15-2011, 11:29 PM
Tnaks for these!

12-15-2011, 11:30 PM
cheers nobber

12-16-2011, 12:14 AM
Alco/pop; in the US, wine coolers are popular. Meanwhile, Iris Wildthyme drinks a shandy (beer & 7up?). ( ebooks: pdf
<table align=center border="5" bordercolor="#008000"><tbody><tr><td>

click image for drwhoguide synopsis
( ( ( ( (

2010/11 New Series Adventurespdf
Dead of Winter - James Goss.pdf (July 2010)
A lonely girl tells of pale English aristocrats and mysterious Russian nobles. She tells of intrigues and secrets, and strange faceless figures that rise from the sea. And she tells about the enigmatic Mrs Pond, who arrives with her husband and her physician.
The Coming of the Terraphiles - Michael Moorcock.pdf (October 2010)
The Doctor and Amy have joined the Terraphiles - a group obsessed with all aspects of Earth's history, and dedicated to re-enacting ancient sporting events. They are determined to win the Arrow.
Hunter's Moon - Paul Finch.pdf (April 2011)
On Leisure Platform 9 gamblers and villains mix with socialites and celebrities. It's a place where you won't want to win the wrong game.
The Way Through the Woods - Una McCormack.pdf (April 2011)
The modern motorway bends to avoid it, as did the old Roman road. In 1917 the Doctor and Amy are desperate to find out what's happened to Rory.
Touched By an Angel - Jonathan Morris.pdf (June 2011)
It's up to the Doctor, Amy and Rory to save the whole world. Because this time the Weeping Angels are using history itself as a weapon.

DoW (
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( (
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( (
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( (
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( (

click image for drwhoguide synopsis
( ( (
"The last three NSAs released this year. " pdf
Borrowed Time - Naomi A. Alderman.pdf (June 2011)
Detecting a problem, the Doctor, Amy and Rory go undercover at the bank. But they have to move fast to stop Symington and Blenkinsop before they cash in their investments.
Paradox Lost - George Mann.pdf (June 2011)
The Doctor and his friends must solve a mystery that has spanned over a thousand years. If they fail, the deadly alien Squall will devour the world.
The Silent Stars Go By - Dan Abnett.pdf (Sept 2011)
The Ice Warriors make their move. With a cold-hearted threat of invasion, the real battle for survival begins.

BT (
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( (
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( (</td></tr></tbody></table> (
<table align=center border="5" bordercolor="#008000"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor=#00FFFF> ()</td><td>
155. Army of Death by Jason Arnopp
released on 31st December 2011

An uprising of scorched, walking skeletons concludes a trilogy of new Eighth Doctor/Mary Shelley stories. The preceding tales are Marc Platt's The Silver Turk and Rick Briggs' The Witch In The Well.
mp3 (

Thank you

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------

Cheers wall1885 and Nobber.

Who Lover
12-16-2011, 12:26 AM
I found this in my travels. I thought it was funny. Big thanks to the original author and uploader. The alternative tougue-in-cheek Season 7. Thank you for the Serpents Crest and everything else. I haven't seen the Telos DW books yet. Would anyone like me to upload them as I have all 15.
Merry Christmas everyone.

"Synopis Treatment for Doctor Who Series Seven. Aka, the Good Stuff pt III" + notes.

Ep 1. The Trial Of River Song by Steven Moffat
In which we tie up the two loose ends of who killed the Doctor, and who it was that River song killed, via a series of out of sequence flashbacks.
New questions are posed like; "Who arrested River?", "Why did she not use the They Made me Do It Guv, Honest! Defence", "Why the 51st Century doesnt have a polygraph machine", "where the Captain of the Tesselecta got THAT incriminating video of the shooting from"and many, MANY more... (most noticeably, WHY in the name of sanity does she need to go to jail????)

Ep 2.The Dalek Invasion Of Time by Mark Gatiss
The Daleks are BACK!
No one has noticed that the moon has turned into a giant purple cube, and that the clocks now read "13"...
Who could be behind it???? And for the love of God WHY are the Daleks turning moons into purple cubes? (warning this last question MIGHT not get answered... or even asked...)

Ep 3. Rorys Dilemma by Barbara Cartland
Rory lite epsiode in which Amys importance is explored. We learn that she is important!

Ep 4. The Monster that Time forgot by Toby Whithouse
Old school "retro" feel to this episode, as the Doctor and friends face a monster that is trying to kill people because its a right bastard.
The Doctor knows how to defeat it, but has he the moral right to do so, when the monster is only sucking peoples eyeballs out through their arse, and cheese grating their skin because its a creature on instinct...

Ep 5. The Doctors Birthday by Steven Moffat
Who could it be who buys the Doctor a new bike for his birthday? And who is the mysterious man who River Song buys a new bike for...

Ep 6. Doctor Zygon? by "Gareths mate, Clayton"
When the TARDIS collides with a Zygon ship in orbit around Earth and sends it crashing backwards in time to end up a wreck in 1877 Arizona and playing havoc with the ships controls and "duplicator" systems, the question is asked, "why are there 25 men walking round 19th Century Santa Fe, who all look like... The Doctor"
Incredible cliffhanger, where the Doctor gets shot in the face by Billy The Kid! How WILL he survive...

Ep 7. Zygon Who? by "Gareths mate, Clayton"
The Doctor helps the Zygons repair their space ship, and the "Doppleganger circuit is replaced with a horse shoe" allowing the Zygons to change into other people than the Doctor... Will the Zygons escape as dozens of angry human beings descend on their crash site determined for revenge for the people they have murdered...
Incredible cliffhanger where Amy gets shot in the back and dies in Rorys arms... how WILL she survive THAT one???
(P.s... check out how WIDE Amys eyes go when she gets shot! A Season HIGHLIGHT!)

Ep 8. The Doctors Bike by Steven Moffat
An episode about the Doctors car, and nothing to do with the bike mentioned in any other episodes

Ep 9. A Good Man Goes to France by Steven Moffat
In a bid to learn more about the bike he has learned he may be getting for his birthday, and to learn more about the man who River may or may not be getting a new bike for... the Doctor travels to small French village of Cocque a la Tete, to watch the Tour de France, where he suddenly realises his outrageous arm gestures and whacky divving about cuts no ice with the locals, and he is arrested for taking the piss out of Jerry Lewis.

Ep 10. The Blue Room by Matt Graham, or was it Tom Macrae
The TARDIS crew awaken in a blue room, with only their emotions as tools they must try to unravel... the secret of the blue room

Ep 11. The Green Room by Tome Macrae, or was it Matt Graham
The TARDIS crew awaken in a green room, with only their emotions for tools they must try to unravel... the secret of the green room

Ep 12. The Day After by Gareth Roberts
The return of Craig Owens in a ripsnorting comedy goldmine!
Sophie has left Craig for being a bit thick, and a lot fat and annoying...
The Doctor finds him halfway down a bottle of Johhny Walker Red Label, and decides to try to help him... by joining in the boozing session.
Hilarity ensues as the Doctor tiptoes his way through only his third ever experience with a member of the human race, learning as goes, but still making soooo many fundamental mistakes to keep you laughing all the way...
You'll laugh till you cry at the pilecream/toothpaste mix up. And you'll howl with mirth as the Doctor stamps Craigs cat to death mistaking it for a Yetimatt...
But wait... whats that familiar potatoe shaped head silhouetted against the Bingo hall wall? And is that ANOTHER crashed spaceship in Craigs life?

13. The Bike That Time Forgot by Steven Moffat
Who buys the Doctor a bike?
Who does River buy a bike for?
Both those question will be ASKED...
By now the Doctor knows the bike he's going to get is blue. So why is River seen on the CCTV at Halfords buying a "Red" bike?
Dont worry though, this River is completely in another reality where they wear watches on their RIGHT wrists, and where anything can happen without consequence.

Warning... The ending may leave you wondering IF the Doctor ever got a bike, who River bought a bike for, and more importantly whether or not the bike plot has been, or ever will be, cleared up...