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10-02-2012, 10:25 PM
Anybody been able to find a downloadable copy of "DW in the U.S." that aired on BBCA? It had interviews from both the Moffat crew as well as Tennant, Barrowman, etc...? Sadly, I wasn't even aware of it until I spotted Tennant talking and I only got to see the tail end of it. So far that's the BBCA special that has failed to show up on the Net.Drop me a note with the title, air date, website, or whatever else you have.

Wait, maybe I do know what that was. If it's what I think it is, a copy used to be on UseNet. Which I don't know how to use.

In 2011, BBCA aired six 45-minute Doctor Who review/specials.
They have been removed from the list at:
They are not listed at IMDb. Streaming videos were deleted, now re-appearing on the Internet.

<table align=center bordercolor=skyblue border="5" cellpadding="3"><tbody><tr><td align="center">Doctor Who BBC America Specials (2011)
6 shows X 45 minutes
US only </td></tr><tr><td>AS2. "Doctor Who Rewind"
aka: Trust Your Doctor (43:45)
A clip show review of Series 5</td></tr><tr><td>AS3. "Doctor Who in America"
Compilation of two Doctor Who Confidential (UK) episodes;
not found, see:
DWC75 - "Coming to America" (Behind the Scenes of: DW601 "The Impossible Astronaut")
DWC76 - "Breaking the Silence" (Behind the Scenes of: DW602 "Day of the Moon")</td></tr><tr><td>AS4. "Doctor Who: Best of the Doctor"
(Q&A at Comic Con 2011)
</td></tr><tr><td>AS5. "Doctor Who: Best of the Monsters"
(Q&A at Comic Con 2011)
</td></tr><tr><td>AS6. "Doctor Who: Best of the Companions"
(Q&A at Comic Con 2011)
</td></tr><tr><td>AS7. "Doctor Who: Best of the Christmas Specials"
(Holiday Q&A mashup)
A short clip from the show: (4:39) Official Upload
A fan cap of Doctor Who SDCC 2011 Panel (48:19)

10-02-2012, 10:54 PM
Thanks alieonicfreak can always count on you!

10-02-2012, 11:02 PM
I have:

if anyone is interested

ooh, I have neither the first two nor the last two, any of these would be wildly welcome
(probably preference to the last two because they seem to have been jumped on quite viciously in the past)

10-03-2012, 12:13 AM
Would anyone happen have the A(xxngXXXel of SXXcxuxtaXXri 1XX2xx2? I've been looking for that particular story for a very long time now it would really make my day to finally have it!

10-03-2012, 12:34 AM
Thanks CardCaptorDeadpool, NileQT1987, alieonicfreak and all for signposts and directions!

ur welcome, enjoy bud

10-03-2012, 12:35 AM
Would anyone happen have the A(xxngXXXel of SXXcxuxtaXXri 1XX2xx2? I've been looking for that particular story for a very long time now it would really make my day to finally have it!

Give me a minute to load it.

here you go

10-03-2012, 12:46 AM
Give me a minute to load it.

here you go

Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire (

OMG thank you!

10-03-2012, 12:51 AM
OMG thank you!

You are more than welcome.

10-03-2012, 03:25 AM
I did it with cyrylic letter symbols

ffwho, thank you!

I have:

if anyone is interested

ooh, I have neither the first two nor the last two, any of these would be wildly welcome
(probably preference to the last two because they seem to have been jumped on quite viciously in the past)

Yes please post i've got 23 (dawns resolution) and 19 but none of the rest :)

10-03-2012, 08:31 AM
This is the BBCA special I was referring to. It just aired on September 29, 2012, so it's definitely not the ones you're referring to (the other BBCA specials have been on torrent sites quite a bit).

Doctor Who In the U.S. | Guide | Doctor Who | BBC America (

BBCA has had these specials in 2010, 2011 and 2012. I have all of them but this latest one, by the way (though the 2010 one was a pretty crummy rip).

10-03-2012, 09:05 AM
Oh no, I've missed out on some recent ups, all of which seem to have been removed now from the fileshare hosts :(

Can anybody help me locate or re-up the following?

the 8urn1n6 Pr1nc3
The R0$3mar1n3r5
The Jup173r c0nJunc710n

Thank you in advance, if you can help :)

10-03-2012, 09:17 AM
ooh, I have neither the first two nor the last two, any of these would be wildly welcome
(probably preference to the last two because they seem to have been jumped on quite viciously in the past)

Yes please post i've got 23 (dawns resolution) and 19 but none of the rest :)

Here you are:
BF ST Subscribers-only (
no pw needed

Now I'm looking for:

any ideas?
I can't buy it from bf because there is no download option, and they won't ship it outside UK

10-03-2012, 12:04 PM
Here you are:
mille grazie!

10-03-2012, 02:51 PM
Does anyone have an M4B version (or an AlbumWrapped version mp3) of the following:

163 - BxxLxxAxxCxxKxx&xxWxxHxxIxxTxxE

164 - I can't seem to open any of the files I've downloaded for this story - thanks to everyone who has posted it so far...

LOST STORY TxxHxxExxMxxAxxSxxTxxExxRxxSxxOxxFxxLxxUxxXxxOxxR



BF100 - 1xx0xx0
BF115 - FxxOxxRxxTxxYxx-xxFxxIxxVxxE

10-03-2012, 04:46 PM
looking for 1dr #27

10-03-2012, 04:56 PM
just out of wondering does anyone have the 1st Medic #9 Story Planet of the Big People that was released last month and the 3rd Medic newly colour adventure with all of that "death" just wondering wanted to preview the colour and animation of both of those

10-03-2012, 06:31 PM
does anyone have t*h*e D*a*l*e*k p*r*o*j*e*c*t comic in pdf or epub please ???

10-03-2012, 07:19 PM
edit: I am so bad with synonyms, I didn't recognize the first two were just posted.
i'm still looking for 165 divine beings and horrible creatures, but thanks a lot for the previous uploads

10-03-2012, 07:51 PM
This is the BBCA special I was referring to. It just aired on September 29, 2012, so it's definitely not the ones you're referring to (the other BBCA specials have been on torrent sites quite a bit).

Doctor Who In the U.S. | Guide | Doctor Who | BBC America (

BBCA has had these specials in 2010, 2011 and 2012. I have all of them but this latest one, by the way (though the 2010 one was a pretty crummy rip).

Yep, that's new. Includes 'contributions' by 'Matt Smith and David Tennant, as well as interviews with John Barrowman (Captain Jack), Arthur Darvill (Rory), Noel Clarke (Mickey) and Peter Purves.
Should be coming up on public trackers now...

The first BBC America Special (2010)
probably not better than what you already have, but for those that don't...

"The Ultimate Guide" (2010)
(Review of Series 1-5)

WTF? uTorrent has a built-in media player!!!
What is that t-shirt DT is wearing?

I do not have permission to share this. It has appeared on a paysite;!overview/364602/Doctor-Who-Best-of-Specials-Doctor-Who-in-America with a free 2-minute preview. The 720p is under 1GB.

BBCAmerica has some preview clips posted:
TV trailer: (0:30) official upload
EW web exclusive: (2:07) official upload

10-03-2012, 08:11 PM
hi all this is my first post and i would like to thank you all for your hard work and time. could i ask could some nice person re up the medic storys for september as i miss them before they got removed from the sites i would request CC s#e#v#e#n# #t#h#r#e#e#/ Ls t#h#r#e#e# #e#i#g#h#t/ M o#n#e s#i#x## f#i#v#e#/ if poss dont know much about how to put things on here any help would be good

10-03-2012, 08:36 PM
Yep, that's new. Includes 'contributions' by 'Matt Smith and David Tennant, as well as interviews with John Barrowman (Captain Jack), Arthur Darvill (Rory), Noel Clarke (Mickey) and Peter Purves.
Should be coming up on public trackers now...

The first BBC America Special (2010)
probably not better than what you already have, but for those that don't...

"The Ultimate Guide" (2010)
(Review of Series 1-5)
DWC SE #S5 (2010) The Ultimate Guide - Stagevu: Your View (
Watch Videos Online | DWC SE #S5 The Ultimate Guide | (

WTF? uTorrent has a built-in media player!!!
What is that t-shirt DT is wearing?

Burneggroll how to you DL that please?

10-03-2012, 08:50 PM
Best Doctor Who Stories for Halloween

059 The D�mons
081 Planet of Evil
082 Pyramids of Mars
084 The Brain of Morbius
086 The Masque of Mandragora
091 The Talons of Weng-Chiang
092 Horror of Fang Rock
094 Image of the Fendahl
100 The Stones of Blood
112 State of Decay
120 Black Orchid
153 Ghost Light
154 The Curse of Fenric
155 Survival

159 "The Unquiet Dead"
164 "The Empty Child"
"The Doctor Dances"
169 "Tooth and Claw"
174 "The Impossible Planet"
"The Satan Pit"
175 "Love & Monsters"
180 "The Shakespeare Code"
186 "Blink"
195 "Silence in the Library"
"Forest of the Dead"
196 "Midnight"
201 "The Waters of Mars"
206 "The Time of Angels"
"Flesh and Stone"
207 "The Vampires of Venice"
215 "The Curse of the Black Spot"
217 "The Rebel Flesh"
"The Almost People"
219 "Night Terrors"
221 "The God Complex"

10-03-2012, 09:10 PM
Anyone able to help with the CC's?

6.07 Plus 6.08 and 6.10

Edted as I found the others

10-03-2012, 11:39 PM
Anyone able to help with the CC's? 6.01 upto and including 6.05 Plus 6.08here's a link to 6.02

i would request C_C_7_3/ L_s_3_8/ M_1_6_5 here's the first,
and here are the other two.

i'm still looking for 165 divine beings and horrible creatureshere's a link.

I can't seem to open any of the files I've downloaded for this story LOST STORY well-lit bosseshave you tried this one? works for me.

Best Doctor Who Stories for Halloweenand I would say Revival #176? "Fear Her" as well :)

10-03-2012, 11:57 PM
Thanks sashbot but I have found that one.

10-04-2012, 12:01 AM
oh my god, that post was about this release?
god damnit it, i read that post and didn't get it -.-
thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction

10-04-2012, 12:38 AM
Putting this here now I have sorted the others. Anyone able to help with the CC's?

6.07 Plus 6.08 and 6.10

Edted as I found the others

10-04-2012, 12:49 AM
Thanks SASHABOT for the Help!!!

have you tried this one? works for me.
- got the two coloured episode (163)

here's the first,
and here are the other two.

I tried to get the above episode about the IMMOLATED ROYAL SON, but I can't open it -- I've tried but I get an "unspecified error" with the first file and the second can't be opened as an archive...

I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if the file is somehow corrupted...


10-04-2012, 12:57 AM
dunno if i asked b4 but i'm lookn for the 2nd to 4th part of the I*D*a*v*r*o*s series, would greatly appreciate it.

10-04-2012, 01:32 AM
dunno if i asked b4 but i'm lookn for the 2nd to 4th part of the I*D*a*v*r*o*s series, would greatly appreciate it.

I have those...but will not be able to load till tomorrow. if others help out in the meantime, no worries, if not I will post after i get off work.

Actually strike that I will do a few now.

Here you go

10-04-2012, 01:37 AM
::sigh of relief:: I just noticed that my beloved PBay is back. I was getting scary Green Imp thoughts and withdrawals.

I'm uploading the BBCA specials now for those that don't torrent (currently putting them in .rars). Any interest for these? The 2010 one is coming first. The others are far better quality and more widely available for torrentistas.

10-04-2012, 01:48 AM
I tried to get the above episode about the IMMOLATED ROYAL SON, but I can't open it -- I've tried but I get an "unspecified error" with the first file and the second can't be opened as an archive...
ummm.. did you stick them both in the same folder? They need to be together because they're one archive file, split into halves.
Other than that I have no suggestions, I'll check the files when I get home though.

10-04-2012, 01:50 AM
::sigh of relief:: I just noticed that my beloved PBay is back. I was getting scary Green Imp thoughts and withdrawals.

I'm uploading the BBCA specials now for those that don't torrent (currently putting them in .rars). Any interest for these? The 2010 one is coming first. The others are far better quality and more widely available for torrentistas.

I will take a torrentista file.

10-04-2012, 02:05 AM
Here are the last few: The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient bittorrent site (

2010 - The Ultimate Guide
2011 - Trust Your Doctor, Best of the Companions, Best of the Doctor, Best of the Monsters, Best of the Christmas Specials
2012 - The Destinations of Doctor Who, The Science of Doctor Who, The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who, The Women of Doctor Who, Doctor Who in the U.S.



Best of:


10-04-2012, 02:19 AM
I have those...but will not be able to load till tomorrow. if others help out in the meantime, no worries, if not I will post after i get off work.

Actually strike that I will do a few now.

Here you go

Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire (

Talk about ask and you shall recieve, you beautiful angel, I've been dying to hear these! Thanks a bunch man :D

10-04-2012, 02:24 AM
Drop me a note with the title, air date, website, or whatever else you have.

Wait, maybe I do know what that was. If it's what I think it is, a copy used to be on UseNet. Which I don't know how to use.

In 2011, BBCA aired six 45-minute Doctor Who review/specials.
They have been removed from the list at: Doctor Who Confidential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
They are not listed at IMDb. Streaming videos were deleted, now re-appearing on the Internet.

<table align=center bordercolor=skyblue border="5" cellpadding="3"><tbody><tr><td align="center">Doctor Who BBC America Specials (2011)
6 shows X 45 minutes
US only </td></tr><tr><td>AS2. "Doctor Who Rewind"
aka: Trust Your Doctor
Doctor Who Rewind Special-Trust Your Doctor - YouTube ( (43:45)
A clip show review of Series 5</td></tr><tr><td>AS3. "Doctor Who in America"
Compilation of two Doctor Who Confidential (UK) episodes;
not found, see:
DWC75 - "Coming to America" (Behind the Scenes of: DW601 "The Impossible Astronaut")
Doctor Who Confidential 2010 Ep 1 on Veehd (
DWC76 - "Breaking the Silence" (Behind the Scenes of: DW602 "Day of the Moon")
Download Doctor Who Confidential avi (</td></tr><tr><td>AS4. "Doctor Who: Best of the Doctor"
(Q&A at Comic Con 2011)
</td></tr><tr><td>AS5. "Doctor Who: Best of the Monsters"
(Q&A at Comic Con 2011)
</td></tr><tr><td>AS6. "Doctor Who: Best of the Companions"
(Q&A at Comic Con 2011)
</td></tr><tr><td>AS7. "Doctor Who: Best of the Christmas Specials"
(Holiday Q&A mashup)
A short clip from the show: DOCTOR WHO: Xmas Fan Video Supercut - YouTube ( (4:39) Official Upload
A fan cap of Doctor Who SDCC 2011 Panel
Doctor Who SDCC 2011 Entire Panel - YouTube ( (48:19)

Thank you, thank you....THANK YOU!!!!
I have not seen the new Dr.....but now I am fired up to watch it all.....again for the first time

10-04-2012, 03:07 AM
ummm.. did you stick them both in the same folder? They need to be together because they're one archive file, split into halves.
Other than that I have no suggestions, I'll check the files when I get home though.

I downloaded a newer version of an unzip program and it all worked fine tonight.
It's all good now - all my files are working, except 100, 115...

Thanks again!!!


10-04-2012, 05:06 AM
It's getting near Halloween, it's dark, it's cold. It's time for

tblns1.rar download - 2shared (
tblns2.rar download - 2shared (
tblns3.rar download - 2shared (
tblns4.rar download - 2shared (
tblns5.rar download - 2shared (

A certain alien wanted a re-upted of Tom Baker reads Gremlins:

Grem_lins_TB.rar download - 2shared (

DW Vs TNG 1 to 5

DW_TNG1_5.rar download - 2shared (


10-04-2012, 05:25 AM
Just finished converting and editing a certain Large Conclusions digital manuscript that has been on hold for about a week. Will up in just a moment...

I now present (for those who are interested) the 25th manuscript of our favorite prof. of ancient civilizations, (the LxExGxIxOxN tie-in manusctipt) the Narrow-Handed Felines of B*u*b*a*s*t*i*s.

PxBxS Txhxe Sxlxexnxdxexrx-xFxixnxgxexrxexd Cxaxtxs oxf Bxuxbxaxsxtxixs (

Enjoy! :)

10-04-2012, 05:52 AM
It's getting near Halloween, it's dark, it's cold. It's time for

tblns1.rar download - 2shared (
tblns2.rar download - 2shared (
tblns3.rar download - 2shared (
tblns4.rar download - 2shared (
tblns5.rar download - 2shared (

A certain alien wanted a re-upted of Tom Baker reads Gremlins:

Grem_lins_TB.rar download - 2shared (

DW Vs TNG 1 to 5

DW_TNG1_5.rar download - 2shared (


Thanks so much ;)
By the way I have the fourth medic reading:

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide
Journey to the Center of the Earth

I also have the audio ripped off of the lxaxtxex nxixgxhxt sxtxoxrxixexs into mp3s for listening on my iPod.

If anyone is interested.

10-04-2012, 06:57 AM
I'm looking for T*h*e*A*r*t**O*f*D*e*a*t*h* and *T*h*e*J*a*d*e* P*y*r*a*m*i*d. I've only been finding broken links. :(

10-04-2012, 07:59 AM
Burneggroll how to you DL that please?
uh, RE: StageVu, uh, click the DOWNLOAD button when it appears on the player image.
RE: Veoh, the DOWNLOAD button is below, and to the left, of the player image.

10-04-2012, 08:59 AM
That guy who plays Doc No. 7+1, he has such a pretty voice. </creepy>
Wow, superb! Do you, by any chance, have any other BFTB? (Audio Companions; 8th Medic Authors; JN-T Memoirs; Nic Courtney Memoirs)?

10-04-2012, 09:58 AM
does anyone have t*h*e D*a*l*e*k p*r*o*j*e*c*t comic in pdf or epub please ???

10-04-2012, 09:59 AM
It's getting near Halloween, it's dark, it's cold. It's time for

tblns1.rar download - 2shared (
tblns2.rar download - 2shared (
tblns3.rar download - 2shared (
tblns4.rar download - 2shared (
tblns5.rar download - 2shared (


Grem_lins_TB.rar download - 2shared (

DW Vs TNG 1 to 5

DW_TNG1_5.rar download - 2shared (


Daft you might want to put your spoiler inside a few more spoilers because I just searched for what you posted on google and it came up on the first page..... That's not so good....

10-04-2012, 12:48 PM
The Baker audios would be great addition, alieonicfreak :)

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide
Journey to the Center of the Earth

I've wrapped a couple more spoilers around the mentioned.

Something in the HTML old raw coder doesn't like the syntax, but I understand the concern :)

Wow, superb! Do you, by any chance, have any other BFTB? (Audio Companions; 8th Medic Authors; JN-T Memoirs; Nic Courtney Memoirs)?

I've got the rest, I'll upload the next time I'm at an icafe :)


10-04-2012, 04:38 PM
Not an audio, but...,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-52,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
print screens just for now, i will upload *.doc & epub tomorrow - (

10-04-2012, 04:39 PM
I'm having a bit of trouble with the links from here (

I can extract the first part, but not the second, although they're both in the same folder and everything

10-04-2012, 04:47 PM
very cool
i just saw the episode

10-04-2012, 06:24 PM
Just finished converting and editing a certain Large Conclusions digital manuscript that has been on hold for about a week. Will up in just a moment...

I now present (for those who are interested) the 25th manuscript of our favorite prof. of ancient civilizations, (the LxExGxIxOxN tie-in manusctipt) the Narrow-Handed Felines of B*u*b*a*s*t*i*s.


But did you scan it yourself from the hardcover book?
If so, I was probably a waste of time, as this one is officially available as ebook for a very reasonable price:

It's the same for the previous release.
To support bf releasing their books electronically, I would really suggest to buy these versions instead of downloading them.


10-04-2012, 07:40 PM
But did you scan it yourself from the hardcover book?
Nope. It's ebook only (and btw it's cheaper on iTunes), but I copied it because there is no possibility to download it on my eBook since I'm using Nook instead of Kindle. And I want *.epub file.
And I'm translating it into Russian so I need a text file anyway (but I can't copy text from Аmаzоn сlоud)...

Still I buy many audios from BF (especially in last 2 months) I just can't afford to buy all of them.

10-04-2012, 07:41 PM
Nooo! I have been requesting this for ages, and then missed it while I have been busy with work. Can anyone please reupload this??


(Edit - The 5 friends of the medic is what I am after)

sorry about that, how about flames of people who talk to the dead? I haven't read any complaints about that one.
the laymons of bed splodge (

alas, every link I found to it has become defunct, so here's a re-up!
comrades fewer than six (

EDIT TO ADD: bah, once again I forget to include the password. it is transformer

10-04-2012, 07:45 PM
uh, RE: StageVu, uh, click the DOWNLOAD button when it appears on the player image.
RE: Veoh, the DOWNLOAD button is below, and to the left, of the player image.

Cheers my dear.

---------- Post added at 07:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

Here are the last few: The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient bittorrent site (

2010 - The Ultimate Guide
2011 - Trust Your Doctor, Best of the Companions, Best of the Doctor, Best of the Monsters, Best of the Christmas Specials
2012 - The Destinations of Doctor Who, The Science of Doctor Who, The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who, The Women of Doctor Who, Doctor Who in the U.S.



Best of:


Thanks so muchr.

---------- Post added at 07:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

Talk about ask and you shall recieve, you beautiful angel, I've been dying to hear these! Thanks a bunch man :D

My pleasure

10-04-2012, 08:01 PM

But did you scan it yourself from the hardcover book?
If so, I was probably a waste of time, as this one is officially available as ebook for a very reasonable price:

It's the same for the previous release.
To support bf releasing their books electronically, I would really suggest to buy these versions instead of downloading them.


Nope. It's ebook only (and btw it's cheaper on iTunes), but I copied it because there is no possibility to download it on my eBook since I'm using Nook instead of Kindle. And I want *.epub file.
And I'm translating it into Russian so I need a text file anyway (but I can't copy text from Аmаzоn сlоud)...

It's a convert from the original mobi...which is apparently the only electronic version out atm. The epub file hasn't been released yet (or they are having trouble releasing it, those who bought the bundle haven't been able to get it and I'm thinking that that's the version that came with the bundle...) but I usually prefer pdfs so I converted it. I'll be getting the hardback, come February when I go to Gallifrey.

10-04-2012, 10:13 PM
Daft you might want to put your spoiler inside a few more spoilers because I just searched for what you posted on google and it came up on the first page..... That's not so good....
Good catch! Thanks for the heads-up. Yeah, many of the recent spoiler posts are showing up on page one Google results. Google search is now reading through the Spoiler tags. Aggh. Time to think of new 'camo'.

nope, it's also searching more than 100 characters down...
Progress sucks. Unless you can keep up. Then it's grand!

10-04-2012, 11:07 PM
I'm having a bit of trouble with the links from here
I can extract the first part, but not the second, although they're both in the same folder and everything
Nah, you're sweet. They are effectively one file. Everything in both of them is extracted when you extract the first part.

10-04-2012, 11:43 PM

Doesanyone have links for the audio soundtracks of First Medic Billy Hatrail serials:
The Cr*sad*
The 10th Pl*n*t

Many thanks

10-04-2012, 11:57 PM
(redacted)..... I'll be getting the hardback, come February when I go to Gallifrey.
I'm missing something from my itinerary. I don't think that bus stops here any more. How will you get there? Can you share the time/space coordinates? Can you bring me back a Time Lord/Lady?

10-05-2012, 12:07 AM
Thanks so much ;)
By the way I have the fourth medic reading:

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide
Journey to the Center of the Earth

I also have the audio ripped off of the lxaxtxex nxixgxhxt sxtxoxrxixexs into mp3s for listening on my iPod.

If anyone is interested.

VERY Interested! Thanks in advance!

10-05-2012, 01:31 AM
I'm missing something from my itinerary. I don't think that bus stops here any more. How will you get there? Can you share the time/space coordinates? Can you bring me back a Time Lord/Lady?

I'll probably be traveling by vortex manipulator...TARDISs are too bulky. But believe it or not there will be a spacio-temporal hyperlink at the LAX Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles in the middle of February next year that'll lead straight to Gallifrey. There will be plenty of Time Lords/Ladies there but I doubt any of them will want to leave the planet let alone with myself. :(

10-05-2012, 01:48 AM
I've been looking for a while nd I was wondering would anyone have any of the 9 minuis 1 Medic's monthly treks? I'm very curious in particular of T*e*r*r*o*r F*i*r*m*a

10-05-2012, 06:30 AM
Here are the last few: The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient bittorrent site (

2010 - The Ultimate Guide
2011 - Trust Your Doctor, Best of the Companions, Best of the Doctor, Best of the Monsters, Best of the Christmas Specials
2012 - The Destinations of Doctor Who, The Science of Doctor Who, The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who, The Women of Doctor Who, Doctor Who in the U.S.



Best of:


Finally finished uploading. Sorry it took so long. The U.S. one is not included. Nobody has uploaded it yet.

*Edit* And now they have: merica.WEB-DL.

10-05-2012, 06:35 AM
@ NileQT1987: see PM.

<table align=right bordercolor=white><tr><td> (</td></tr></table>What is a Podiobook?

Podiobook is the name applied to a serialised audiobook that can be delivered via RSS in exactly the same manner as a Podcast. Hence the combination of the two words (PODcast and audIOBOOK) that create PODIOBOOK. A podcast is very much like a TV series in that it consists of several episodes that are delivered on a schedule. A podiobook is merely an audiobook that is split into several episodes which can be delivered on a schedule also.

They also have a link list for many 'unofficial DW' free audiobook sites!

"Interference" by Eric Luke was recommended to me.
Ethan, a digital sound engineer in Los Angeles, becomes aware that his life is unraveling when the audiobook he's listening to reveals his deepest, darkest secrets, escalating until the narrator addresses him directly, threatening to destroy him from within.

PS: The boys from the Dwarf are back!
On Dave 5 - Red Dwarf season 10 begins tonight!

10-05-2012, 12:55 PM
For those that never saw my little cache...

10-05-2012, 03:35 PM
For those with problems with the Immolated Heir - it doesn't extract because parts 001 and 002 have different names, rename the second file to 165immolatedheir.7z.002 and the files will then extract.

10-05-2012, 05:16 PM
does anyone have *t*h*e*1*D*R* half dozen medic

10-05-2012, 06:27 PM
Does anyone have a link for the audiobook of the Target Novel P*A*R*A*D*I*S*E***T*O*W*E*R*S ?


10-05-2012, 09:03 PM
Haven't been here in a month or so. All tristan farnon and his other incarnations have audio dramas and they are all numbered by our good friends who produce them. By just putting the numbers, eg, the wikipedia series sorted numbers and letters?

10-05-2012, 10:46 PM
@bunbury1: boy is my face red.

---------- Post added at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

Does anyone have a link for the audiobook of the Target Novel P*A*R*A*D*I*S*E***T*O*W*E*R*S ?


here it is

10-06-2012, 03:36 AM
Any help with these would be much appreciated

Anyone have A Dxxexaxxtxh Ixxn the Fxxaxmxxixlxi 1x4xx0, Fxxoxrxtxy-Fxxixvxe 1xx1x5, 1x0x6xx. the xdxaxrxk Hxuxsxxbxaxnxd, 6xx7x Drxxexaxmxtxxixmxe, and 9xx2x Nxocxxtxuxrxnxxex?
I'm trying my hardest to get every audio that has the seventh physicians other main friend.

Also looking for rxoxbxxoxpxhxoxbxixa 1x4xx9, 8x5x Rxexxd, 7x0x. Uxnxrxexgxexnxexrxaxtxe! 9x5. Exxoxtxrxxoxnx, and x9x7 the wxixsxxhxixnxg xbxexxaxsxt

totally sorry for the long list

10-06-2012, 04:32 PM
I must have missed the Heavenly Towers reference - thanks - my face is red too!!!

10-07-2012, 12:35 AM
Anyone able to help with the CC's?

6.07 Plus 6.08 and 6.10

Asking again.

10-07-2012, 04:28 AM
Anyone able to help with the CC's?

6.07 Plus 6.08 and 6.10

Asking again.

MJS, I'll upload them next time I'm near an icafe :)

8th_authors.rar download - 2shared (

8th_comp_anions.rar download - 2shared (

brig.part1.rar download - 2shared (
brig.part2.rar download - 2shared (

JNT1.part1.rar download - 2shared (
JNT1.part2.rar download - 2shared (

jnt2.part1.rar download - 2shared (
jnt2.part2.rar download - 2shared (

10-07-2012, 10:17 AM
No amount of clicking on the download button on 2shared gets me any closer to actually downloading the file. Any ideas why this is?

10-07-2012, 11:19 AM
i know this is a medic what thread but does anyone have the large conclusions series two of s*h*e*r*l*o*c*K !"!" h*o*l*m*e*s a*u*d*i*o*s please, am willing to trade for anything i have!!!


10-07-2012, 08:43 PM
Thanks very much daftideasinc :D

10-07-2012, 10:59 PM
No amount of clicking on the download button on 2shared gets me any closer to actually downloading the file. Any ideas why this is?

Same for me. And I really wanna hear The B-r-i-g-s M-e-m-o-i-r-s

10-07-2012, 11:13 PM
Weird they worked fine for me.

10-08-2012, 02:56 AM
Quote Originally Posted by del37 View Post
No amount of clicking on the download button on 2shared gets me any closer to actually downloading the file. Any ideas why this is?
Same for me. And I really wanna hear The B-r-i-g-s M-e-m-o-i-r-s

I suggest using Firefox. I've never personally had a problem using it. It might be a compatibility issue with Explorer?


10-08-2012, 03:28 AM
No amount of clicking on the download button on 2shared gets me any closer to actually downloading the file. Any ideas why this is? Sounds like a page load issue. It should fix itself when the server isn't so busy. Wait for the page to completely load before clicking any buttons. There is more than one "download" button. I like the Big Blue ( one. On my setup, that opens a Download Message Box that asks what do with the file.

Make sure 2shared (and it's downloads) are not blocked by your alphabet soup protection (ISP, AV, Firewall, ect...)

Works from here.

10-08-2012, 04:02 AM
Can someone please please post or PM links for


TheXLostXStories: TheXMastersXOfXLuxor


Would be sooooooooo grateful

10-08-2012, 07:43 AM
Sounds like a page load issue. It should fix itself when the server isn't so busy. Wait for the page to completely load before clicking any buttons. There is more than one "download" button. I like the Big Blue ( one. On my setup, that opens a Download Message Box that asks what do with the file.

Make sure 2shared (and it's downloads) are not blocked by your alphabet soup protection (ISP, AV, Firewall, ect...)

Works from here.

I find it annoying that they make me wait hours inbetween each download because I'm a free user.

10-08-2012, 09:02 AM
No amount of clicking on the download button on 2shared gets me any closer to actually downloading the file. Any ideas why this is?

I didn't have a problem or have to wait. I do use jdownloader though. I just copied and pasted the links into it and it did the rest no problem.

---------- Post added at 03:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 AM ----------

Not an audio, but...,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-52,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
print screens just for now, i will upload *.doc & epub tomorrow - (

Do you know your missing page 2 and page 32 marvlarz hopefully you can find those before you post the other formats. By the way if you have adobe acrobat pro you can import those images into a single pdf file, then use the built in OCR scan to convert it to RTF or plaintext and then you can easily convert it to your preferred language. Let me know though if you decide to do something fantastic like build a computer with txaxrxdxixs technology aka a telepathic chip and software to translate what we see on our screens. Because id buy one from you. Can't tell you how many times ive gotten lost in foreign warez websites lol.

10-08-2012, 09:04 AM
I'm using Firefox. All that happens when I click the blue download button is that the page reloads with a different ad in the top half - varying between download, play now or big buttons saying download, play or a different ilivid one or a "your system doesn't support this video file". This goes on ad infinitum. I don't know why because I have used this site before and have downloaded from it.

10-08-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi, I'm a new here. Though I've been lurking around for the past few days.

I'm currently looking for some audiobooks if yall have them.

E*A*R*T*H*S*H*O*C*K ( I found a torrent for it but there's no seeders) and *T*H*E*V*I*S*I*T*A*T*I*O*N*

And I know this is an audio thread, but I don't know where else to ask. I just love DW anthologies! I already own most of the official ones, but I'm also interested in the fan publications. However most of these are out of print and extremely hard to come by. If anyone knows where I might find any one of these fanthologies, I'd be very grateful.

PS. I'd be happy to trade, if I can.

10-08-2012, 09:02 PM
Anyone fancy reuploading the 5 friends of the medic? I missed it when it was posted last week.


10-08-2012, 09:43 PM
Would someone mind reuploading T*H*E**A*Z*T*E*C*S* (episode audiobook) - somehow my file got deleted.

Thanks in advance

Note: I've tried downloading Alieonicfreak's version but it stops around 92 percent.

10-09-2012, 04:24 AM
Anyone have problems extracting the archaeological professor's "Roman Army" stories a few pages back? I thought mine might be a corrupt d/l but they links have been taken down now so I'll never know - so if anyone has them, and could post links I'd be most obliged...

Ignore me, I just spotted a password. Odd that my extraction program never asked for it though

10-09-2012, 10:08 AM
RE: download limits.
Many sites give you a little bump when you register as a free user and log in. ie; movreel removes the wait time between downloads.

RE: popups
I recommend AdBlock Plus (ABP) Adblock Plus &mdash; for annoyance-free web surfing ( It's free and almost easy. No more annoying ads. I believe it makes my net surfer faster, no waiting for ads to load.

RE: extracting
Easiest for me to use is 7zip 7-Zip ( Put all the files in a new folder, highlight one file, select Extract Here. There are different choices for extracting, each with different results (that the common user will never need or notice). WinRAR WinRAR download and support: Start ( is another good choice.

For the tough to extract I use Power Archiver PowerArchiver 2012 – ZIP for Windows | Fastest ZIP, RAR, ISO, 7-zip compression utility, multicore optimized. Supports over 30 different formats. Beautiful interface! Features include Backup, Burner, S/FTP, 7 different tools, shell integration, ( There are some compression archives that require the same tool that packed them to unpack them. Power Archiver can usually get around that.

10-09-2012, 10:54 AM
post 4414 I have the same problem and have tried 3 different computers in the house, i have no idea i'm afraid but maybe it could be the settings on the browser you need to change. I have tried opera, gogle chrome, firefox and explorer

10-09-2012, 11:26 AM
Our first october release enjoy. :)

Temporal Link (

10-09-2012, 01:06 PM
post 4414 I have the same problem and have tried 3 different computers in the house, i have no idea i'm afraid but maybe it could be the settings on the browser you need to change. I have tried opera, gogle chrome, firefox and explorer

I've tried altering lots of settings but I'm no closer to getting it to work. The mysterious thing is I have used this site before and have not changed any settings in the meantime. I'm just going to have to avoid 2Shared.

10-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Thanks alieonicfreak

10-09-2012, 11:21 PM
huge thanks alieonicfreak

10-10-2012, 01:06 AM
Can some kind soul out there please post downloadable copies of episodes 2 and 3 Counterxxxxx Measuresxxxxxx. The links for those 2 episodes are dead, the rest were A-ok.
Thanks to whoever.

10-10-2012, 01:30 AM
Can some kind soul out there please post downloadable copies of episodes 2 and 3 Counterxxxxx Measuresxxxxxx. The links for those 2 episodes are dead, the rest were A-ok.
Thanks to whoever.

In what page would those links be? lol I might as well download those since I havent heard that one yet.

10-10-2012, 07:50 AM
In what page would those links be? lol I might as well download those since I havent heard that one yet.

Hi Polly,

Links are P.137-L.3420 for ep. 1 and P.138-L. 3440 for the rest. Hope the ones I got are still active for you too. Suggest you send an e-mail to the uploader requesting the reposting of ep. 2 and 3.
I will too as soon as I can decipher how to do that. I'm not very cyber wise and am new to this site.

10-10-2012, 10:46 AM
Hi Polly,

Links are P.137-L.3420 for ep. 1 and P.138-L. 3440 for the rest. Hope the ones I got are still active for you too. Suggest you send an e-mail to the uploader requesting the reposting of ep. 2 and 3.
I will too as soon as I can decipher how to do that. I'm not very cyber wise and am new to this site.

All five of the links worked for me

10-10-2012, 01:41 PM
I'd love these but all i get is links to download managers. Can you use mediafire or something else?

10-10-2012, 03:33 PM
Hi Polly,

Links are P.137-L.3420 for ep. 1 and P.138-L. 3440 for the rest. Hope the ones I got are still active for you too. Suggest you send an e-mail to the uploader requesting the reposting of ep. 2 and 3.
I will too as soon as I can decipher how to do that. I'm not very cyber wise and am new to this site.

It's normally better to give the POST NUMBER rather than the Page - not everyone views the pages with the same number of Posts-Per-Page.

10-10-2012, 03:44 PM
Hello all, could anyone be kind enough to re-upload B**S - L**E**G**I**O**N? The previous links have been removed by mediafire. I have a huge collection of all things "Medic What" related that I can share in return for all the great work you guys do here.

10-10-2012, 06:43 PM
All five of the links worked for me

Congrads on downloading all 5 links. I wish I could say the same. I tryed again. Same result for Eps. 2, 3, "Invalid or deleted file." I have no idea why this should be so, but that's all I get.

So was wondering if you'd be good enough to upload eps. 2 and 3 for me and anyone else who might be in need of them and unsuccessful with their downloads.

Appreciate your assistance.

10-10-2012, 06:58 PM
I'm not sure if this will work, but with some download sites you can't just click on the posted link. This has popped up just recently with the MU mess and the panic a lot of other sites have over it. Instead of clicking on the link for those files, Right Click on the link, Copy Link Location, and then Copy and Paste to the address bar up top. I've seen this the most with Mediafire files, but several of the smaller file lockers do it as well. With any luck this might work.

10-10-2012, 07:24 PM
I'm not sure if this will work, but with some download sites you can't just click on the posted link. This has popped up just recently with the MU mess and the panic a lot of other sites have over it. Instead of clicking on the link for those files, Right Click on the link, Copy Link Location, and then Copy and Paste to the address bar up top. I've seen this the most with Mediafire files, but several of the smaller file lockers do it as well. With any luck this might work.

Thanks for the tip, but right clicking doesn't let me do anything. Appreciate the thought.

10-11-2012, 12:16 AM
Just wondering, but does anyone have #073 of the monthly range? It features the sixth Medic and his no-nonsense schoolteacher friend. I'd gladly give something in return if I have it. Just PM me. Thanks!

10-11-2012, 02:00 AM
Does anyone have G* a* l * l* i * f * r * e * y season 4? Thank you!

10-11-2012, 03:25 AM
Does anyone have *G$a@l@l&i$f*r$e&y season 4? Thank you!

please edit your post to disguise the name of the item you are requesting so it doesn't appear in any search engines

edit: thank you for doing so :)

Exterminate Me
10-11-2012, 04:45 AM
Yes please.

10-11-2012, 07:20 AM
Hi all i was looking for a cc or-dio book, it is perrey and the piss-con parra-docks, would be grateful if it's not on twoshared if possible, can't get that bugger to work for the life of me

10-11-2012, 10:00 AM
Multiupload like Megaupload sites are being BLOCKED in the US, and who knows where else.

Here is the solution to those being blocked by censorship. Figure out what the link is that is being shared. In this case I dumped the copied clip into a plain text document to extract: ""

Then go to anonymouse and paste the info above into their field after "http://"

And there you will be taken to the share.

10-11-2012, 10:56 AM
Multiupload like Megaupload sites are being BLOCKED in the US, and who knows where else.

Here is the solution to those being blocked by censorship. Figure out what the link is that is being shared. In this case I dumped the copied clip into a plain text document to extract: ""

Then go to anonymouse and paste the info above into their field after "http://" (

And there you will be taken to the share.

Thanks for the help. Unfortunately when I came to the M site, it said the link was deleted for violating terms of service. What I don't understand is why I was able to DL 3 episodes in the first place and not do the same for eps. 2 and 3. Isn't there another site to make then downloadable here in the states?

10-11-2012, 02:40 PM
That link isn't blocked in the U.S. (So.Cal girl, here), so I'm not really getting why you picked that particular site. ???

10-11-2012, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the tip, but right clicking doesn't let me do anything. Appreciate the thought. Uh? What are you using for a browser? You might have better results with a new browser (Firefox (, Chrome (, ect (

The link work around in #4451 ( is useful no matter why, or who is doing the blocking. THANKS.

The sample file was probably picked because it is relatively small. Noted: using anonymous ISPs is slower.

Deleting one piece of multi-part upload prevents free usage and the remaining pieces still serve as free advertising.

10-11-2012, 09:01 PM
Do you know your missing page 2 and page 32 marvlarz hopefully you can find those before you post the other formats. By the way if you have adobe acrobat pro you can import those images into a single pdf file, then use the built in OCR scan to convert it to RTF or plaintext and then you can easily convert it to your preferred language. Let me know though if you decide to do something fantastic like build a computer with txaxrxdxixs technology aka a telepathic chip and software to translate what we see on our screens. Because id buy one from you. Can't tell you how many times ive gotten lost in foreign warez websites lol.

Pages aren't missing I've just messed up pagination.
Yup, I've converted it into *.doc already. But had an intense week, and absolutely no time to do a proper read-through for English version, maybe on Sunday...
Heh, I wan't that too! I learn 5 languages and it's not enough for me %)

10-12-2012, 02:23 AM
Found this if anyone needs it. :) Also if you do a search on that site there's several other medic audios as well as ebooks.

Temporal Link (

10-12-2012, 02:29 AM
Found this if anyone needs it. :)

Temporal Link (

Thanks for the neat site - I found some other stuff I was looking for!!!

10-12-2012, 03:15 AM
Is there a working link to 'wan sicks foor' dieties and creatures?

MJS' link doesn't work:

Exterminate Me
10-12-2012, 04:13 AM
Hi all. Been a D*W fan all my life. I have a few requests please: main medic 1*5@6; New medic 4 #e^c$n*a!ss#i@a$n!e%R male; Medic 4 L*S bonus extras disc; Talon's chaps S4 bonus extras disc & Medic's mates 6.06 - 6.12. Thanking you all in advance.

10-12-2012, 04:45 AM
Is there a working link to 'wan sicks foor' dieties and creatures?

MJS' link doesn't work:

please hide that link in your post! We put them in spoiler tags to protect our posters. that link, even if it doesn't work, is visible to search engines and could result in that poster's mf account being compromised or cancelled. Courtesy please!

10-12-2012, 02:55 PM
Hi folks i have found a link for so many medic orr-dio books, however I have no idea how to add it as a spolier so that it can not be seen by the outside world. I was going to put the link up and then break it into 4 sections but don't want to start upsetting people on here by doing something stupid. The site is best used with u tor rent, so you can pick and chose what episodes you want rather having to get 70gb's worth. As soon as i know how to hide the link in a spoiler I will pop it up.

10-12-2012, 03:10 PM
check FAQ at top of page

10-12-2012, 06:24 PM
Hi guys here's the link for all you the medic stuff you can get

sorry don't know hw to do the spoiler, go to the au-di-o bo-ok b-ay. the type in do-ct-or wh-o and that should take you there, there's loads on there, like i said earlier, best to use u-to-rent as it will break down individual files

10-12-2012, 06:30 PM
Most of the links on the bay of audio books went down with the green imp, I'm sorry to say.

10-12-2012, 07:21 PM
1 6 4 torrent that works:

Download BF 164 - Gods and Monsters Torrent - Torrent MX (

10-12-2012, 07:55 PM
4464 well it's doing me fine at the moment, there's 7 i have been after for ages and they are doing the business for me as i write this

10-12-2012, 10:57 PM
Is there a working link to 'wan sicks foor' dieties and creatures?

MJS' link doesn't work:

Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire (

I removed it as I had a little notice from the holders of the copyright.

10-13-2012, 03:04 AM
Re:MJS's Request - Sorry for the delay :)

cc0607.part1.rar download - 2shared (
cc0607.part2.rar download - 2shared (

cc0608.rar download - 2shared (

cc0610.rar download - 2shared (


10-13-2012, 05:10 AM

Sydney Newman's other Sci-Fi series:

PFIS1.1.part1.rar download - 2shared (
PFIS1.1.part2.rar download - 2shared (

PFIS1.2.part1.rar download - 2shared (
PFIS1.2.part2.rar download - 2shared (

PFIS13rar.part1.rar download - 2shared (
PFIS13rar.part2.rar download - 2shared (

I'll serialize the rest later... :)


10-13-2012, 08:28 AM
Does anyone have...

kooB tnaillirB ehT?

10-13-2012, 01:11 PM
P.S Brian Williams

Doctor Who News: P.S. (

10-13-2012, 04:25 PM
Anyone have the Benny story with the name of the last recruitable character in Mass Effect 2? It came out fairly recently...

10-13-2012, 10:14 PM
Thank you so much Daft!

10-13-2012, 10:48 PM
P.S Brian Williams

Doctor Who News: P.S. (

That's a real tear jerking scene. I can see why they left it out. It gives away too much to soon in the series. It would have been a nice rounding up to the story added to the last episode though.

10-14-2012, 05:54 AM
Speaking of this little epilogue... There was also a web comic sequence for T�ten wir Adolf produced by AT&T for BBCA, but it seems to have been taken down on YT. Did anyone ever rip it?

10-14-2012, 07:44 AM
Speaking of that little scene
It was a very nice scene and it would have been nice to see but the entire time I was watching it I was thinking "Didn't we already do this in Blink?"

10-14-2012, 08:16 AM
Speaking of that little scene
It was a very nice scene and it would have been nice to see but the entire time I was watching it I was thinking "Didn't we already do this in Blink?"

i think the difference was that we had welcomed Brian into the Who family very quickly and, having just saw him entrust Rory and Amy to the Doctor. We had invested in his character, and i know my reaction at the end of the angels was 'what happens to brian now? will he ever find out what happened or will his son and daughter-in-law just never come home and he never knows why?'
There had to be some closure for the character and for the fans.

10-14-2012, 08:48 AM
Almost every medic story here up to end of last year
click on Tor-rent Fr-ee Dow-nloads once you get to the site and then you can get them via u tor-rent Also people who have said this site no longer works since the green imp site went away are wrong as i have managed quite a few medic stories already with no issue. Here's the link then, sorry if i have done this wrong but i did ask for help.

10-14-2012, 09:04 AM
try this englandero - (spoiler) replace round brackets with square (/spoiler)

10-14-2012, 10:49 AM
4480 Not sure if I have done this right still, if not can someone else just take the link and stick it in a spoiler for me, cheers computer illiterate englandero

10-14-2012, 10:55 AM
i think the difference was that we had welcomed Brian into the Who family very quickly and, having just saw him entrust Rory and Amy to the Doctor. We had invested in his character, and i know my reaction at the end of the angels was 'what happens to brian now? will he ever find out what happened or will his son and daughter-in-law just never come home and he never knows why?'
There had to be some closure for the character and for the fans.

Agreed on all points save one: Couldn't they have come up with another idea rather than reusing an old one?

10-14-2012, 02:28 PM
Speaking of that little scene
It was a very nice scene and it would have been nice to see but the entire time I was watching it I was thinking "Didn't we already do this in Blink?"

Which could explain why it wasn't actually filmed?

10-14-2012, 03:02 PM
If you're looking for the best quality .avis of NuWho and that certain documentary spin-off...


10-14-2012, 07:04 PM
Does anyone have...

kooB tnaillirB ehT?

Yeah got them both for you

10-14-2012, 07:48 PM
englandero, I didn't say they were all down, But that's where I got most of my who along with the green imp. And when one went down the other stopped working at the same time. It's entirely possible that they changed services (torrent sites). I haven't checked recently mostly because every time I do, the who ones are down. I do have an account on the site, tried both direct download, and torrent and neither worked. That was all I was saying. If things have changed, then they changed.

Just checked the site, and you are correct the torrents are working again, but a month and a half ago they were not.

10-14-2012, 08:38 PM
Does anyone have links to DWM #438-440? Can't seem to find them anywhere.

10-14-2012, 11:05 PM
sorry hellsbells2 didn't mean to get wrong end of your stick there, just hoped i've helped some folks

10-15-2012, 02:34 AM
Don't know if this is the best place to ask... but any links to Eht Gib Conclusions come(with us Peter!!!!Pan)ion

10-15-2012, 05:29 AM
Almost every medic story here up to end of last year
click on Tor-rent Fr-ee Dow-nloads once you get to the site and then you can get them via u tor-rent Also people who have said this site no longer works since the green imp site went away are wrong as i have managed quite a few medic stories already with no issue. Here's the link then, sorry if i have done this wrong but i did ask for help.
Free Doctor Who iPod Audiobooks - Doctor Who Audiobook Download, Audio Book Torrent For Free, 60296 (
Free Doctor Who iPod Audiobooks - Doctor Who Audiobook Download, Audio Book Torrent For Free, 60296 (

Okay, this is so good I might actually have to learn how to use torrents.

So, um, how do you use torrents?

I've tended to be turned off by the whole seeding thing. Like, do I really have to host a bunch of Katy Parry albums in order to be able to download good stuff? I'm sure I'm missing something, but it always seemed a bit of an unnecessary game.

10-15-2012, 05:38 AM
Okay, this is so good I might actually have to learn how to use torrents.

So, um, how do you use torrents?

I've tended to be turned off by the whole seeding thing. Like, do I really have to host a bunch of Katy Parry albums in order to be able to download good stuff? I'm sure I'm missing something, but it always seemed a bit of an unnecessary game.

Its always a good idea to seed if you can. Most people have to know how to configure their router to really properly seed. In this case these are free. You only really have to seed if your a member of a private site that requires it. Some site even make you pay for torrent bandwidth so consider yourself lucky. Grab yourself the utorrent app and once downloaded open your download torrents and have fun.

10-15-2012, 06:09 AM
I'm an idiot as suspected... downloaded uTorrent and this file, and nothing's happening. The torrent file is tiny. I don't get it...

10-15-2012, 06:33 AM
I'm an idiot as suspected... downloaded uTorrent and this file, and nothing's happening. The torrent file is tiny. I don't get it...

The torrent is a text based code file that tells utorrent or any other torrent download program who all has the files and where to download them from. You should be able to drag and drop the torrent file on utorrents main window or go to the file menu and choose open torrent then you can navigate to your torrent file and open it. Once open you should see the name of the file or folder as well as your peers(people who have the whole file or parts of it) and your seeders (those who you are downloading from). Its always good to have some patients sometimes it takes awhile to get up to speed downloading. Ive even had torrents that appeared to be dead but ive left them running anyway for a few days and sure enough whoever is seeding comes on in the middle of the night or while im at work and it gets downloaded.

10-15-2012, 07:34 AM
i've found the easiest way is right click on the small download torrent file, right click, go to open with, then choose the u-tor-rent program to open it. if it is not showing as an option, then choose default program, locate the u-tor-rent program that way. Then when it opens you can pick and choose what you want so you are not downloading about 70gb at once, thats going to take you an awful long time and the world is supposed to end in December so get your favorites in first

10-15-2012, 06:20 PM
If you can find magnet links, just go with those. Quick and easy. Most torrent sites use them now, though you may have to look around the page a bit (for some reason they like to hide).

10-15-2012, 07:26 PM
i've found the easiest way is right click on the small download torrent file, right click, go to open with, then choose the u-tor-rent program to open it. if it is not showing as an option, then choose default program, locate the u-tor-rent program that way. Then when it opens you can pick and choose what you want so you are not downloading about 70gb at once, thats going to take you an awful long time and the world is supposed to end in December so get your favorites in first

It doesn't take that long if you have a decent connection. I downloaded 50gb this weekend and it didn't take very long at all.

10-16-2012, 12:43 AM
A member of my global web of shadowy informants and unindicted co-conspirators recently sent me a metric pantload of Doctor Who novels in PDF format, many new to this thread, and others that were here before but now with cover images and in manageable filesizes. Since Megaupload took a lot of the old links down, here's all the prose fiction from my TARDIS library available once more. Get it while it's hot:

Doctor Who - Target Novelizations
Contains the following, sorted by Doctor and re-numbered to match broadcast order:

Target Books - Doctor Who Episode Novelizations PDFs
#1 Doctor Who and The Abominable Snowmen � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#2 Doctor Who and The Android Invasion � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#3 Doctor Who and The Androids of Tara � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana I, & K-9)
#4 Doctor Who and The Ark in Space � by Ian Marter (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#5 Doctor Who and The Armageddon Factor � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#6 Doctor Who and The Auton Invasion � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Liz, & U.N.I.T.)
#7 Doctor Who and The Brain of Morbius � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#8 Doctor Who and The Carnival of Monsters � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#9 Doctor Who and The Cave Monsters � by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#10 Doctor Who and The Claws of Axos � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#11 Doctor Who and The Creature from the Pit � by David Fisher (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#12 Doctor Who and The Crusaders � by David Whitaker (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#13 Doctor Who and The Curse of Peladon � by Brian Hayles (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#14 Doctor Who and The Cybermen � by Gerry Davis (2nd Doctor, Ben Polly, & Jamie)
#15 Doctor Who and The Daemons � by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#16 Doctor Who and The Daleks � by David Whitaker (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#17 Doctor Who and The Dalek Invasion of Earth � by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#18 Doctor Who and The Day of the Daleks � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#19 Doctor Who and The Deadly Assassin � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor solo)
#20 Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#21 Doctor Who and The Destiny of the Daleks � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor 7 Romana II)
#22 Doctor Who and The Dinosaur Invasion � by Malcolme Hulke (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#23 Doctor Who and The Doomsday Weapon � by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#24 Doctor Who and The Enemy of the World � by Ian Marter (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#25 Doctor Who and The Face of Evil � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#26 Doctor Who: Full Circle � by Andrew Smith (4th Doctor, Romana II, K-9, Adric)
#27 Doctor Who and The Genesis of the Daleks � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#28 Doctor Who and The Giant Robot � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Harry & U.N.I.T.)
#29 Doctor Who and The Green Death � by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#30 Doctor Who and The Hand of Fear � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#31 Doctor Who and The Horns of Nimon � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#32 Doctor Who and the Horror of Fang Rock � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#33 Doctor Who and The Ice Warriors � by Brian Hayles (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#34 Doctor Who and The Image of the Fendahl � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#35 Doctor Who and The Invasion of Time � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Leela & K-9)
#36 Doctor Who and The Invisible Enemy � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Leela & K-9)
#37 Doctor Who and The Keeper of Traken � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Adric & Nyssa)
#38 Doctor Who and The Keys of Marinus � by Philip Hinchcliffe (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#39 Doctor Who and The Leisure Hive � by David Fisher (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#40 Doctor Who and The Loch Ness Monster � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Harry & U.N.I.T.)
#41 Doctor Who: Logopolis � by Christopher H. Bidmead (4th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#42 Doctor Who and The Masque of Mandragora � by Philip Hinchcliffe (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#43 Doctor Who and The Monster of Peladon � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#44 Doctor Who and The Mutants � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#45 Doctor Who and The Nightmare of Eden � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#46 Doctor Who and The Planet of the Daleks � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#47 Doctor Who and The Planet of Evil � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#48 Doctor Who and The Planet of the Spiders � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#49 Doctor Who and The Power of Kroll � by Terranec Dicks (4th Doctor & Romana I)
#50 Doctor Who and The Pyramids of Mars � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#51 Doctor Who and The Revenge of the Cybermen � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Sarah jane & Harry)
#52 Doctor Who and The Ribos Operation � by Ian Marter (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#53 Doctor Who and the Robots of Death � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#54 Doctor Who and The Sea Devils � by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#55 Doctor Who and The Seeds of Doom � by Philip Hinchcliffe (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#56 Doctor Who and The Sontaran Experiment � by Ian Marter (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#57 Doctor Who and The Space War � by Malcolm Hulke (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#58 Doctor Who and The State of Decay � by Terrance dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & Adric)
#59 Doctor Who and The Stones of Blood � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#60 Doctor Who and The Sunmakers � by Terrance Dicks (4the Doctor, Leela & K-9)
#61 Doctor Who and The Talons of Weng-Chiang � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor & Leela)
#62 Doctor Who and The Tenth Planet � by Gerry Davis (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#63 Doctor Who and The Terror of the Autons � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#64 Doctor Who and The Three Doctors � by Terrance Dicks (1st, 2nd, & 3rd Doctors, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#65 Doctor Who and The Time Warrior � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#66 Doctor Who and The Tomb of the Cybermen � by Gerry Davis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#67 Doctor Who and The Underworld � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Leela & K-9))
#68 Doctor Who and The Unearthly Child � by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#69 Doctor Who and The Visitation � by Eric Saward (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#70 Doctor Who and The War Games � by Malcolm Hulke (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#71 Doctor Who and The Warriors� Gate � by Stephen Gallagher (4th Doctor, Romana II, K-9, & Adric)
#72 Doctor Who and The Web of Fear � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie, Victoria, & The Brigadier)
#73 Doctor Who and The Zarbi � by Bill Strutton (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#74 Doctor Who: Time-Flight � by Peter Grimwade (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#75 Doctor Who: Meglos � by Terrance Dicks (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#76 Doctor Who: Castrovalva � by Christopher H. Bidmead (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#77 Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#78 Doctor Who: Earthshock � by Ian Marter (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#79 Doctor Who: Terminus � by Stephen Gallagher (5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan & Turlough)
#80 Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#81 Doctor Who: The Five Doctors � by Terrance Dicks (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Doctors, Susan, The Brigadier, Sarah Jane, Tegan & Turlough)
#82 Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead � by Peter Grimwade (5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan & Turlough)
#83 Doctor Who: Snakedance � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#84 Doctor Who: Kinda � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#85 Doctor Who: Enlightenment � by Barbara Clegg (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#86 Doctor Who: The Dominators � by Ian Marter (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#87 Doctor Who: Warriors of the Deep � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#88 Doctor Who: The Aztecs � by John Lucarotti (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#89 Doctor Who: Inferno � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#90 Doctor Who: The Highlanders � by Gerry Davis (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#91 Doctor Who: Frontios � by Christopher H. Bidmead (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#92 Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor & Peri)
#93 Doctor Who: Planet of Fire � by Peter Grimwade (5th Doctor, Turlough, Kamelion & Peri)
#94 Doctor Who: Marco Polo � by John Lucarotti (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#95 Doctor Who: The Awakening � by Eric Pringle (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
#96 Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#97 Doctor Who: The Myth Makers � by Donald Cotton (1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven & Katarina)
#98 Doctor Who: The Invasion � by Ian Marter (2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe & U.N.I.T.)
#99 Doctor Who: The Krotons � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#100 Doctor Who: The Two Doctors � by Robert Holmes (2nd & 6th Doctors, Jamie & Peri)
#101 Doctor Who: The Gunfighters � by Donald Cotton (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#102 Doctor Who: The Time Monster � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#103 Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma � by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#104 Doctor Who: Galaxy Four � by William Emms (1st Doctor, Vicki & Steven)
#105 Doctor Who: Timelash � by Glen McCoy (6th Doctor & Peri)
#106 Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos � by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)
#107 Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani � by Pip & Jane Baker (6th Doctor & Peri)
#108 Doctor Who: The King�s Demons � by Terence Dudley (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & Kamelion)
#109 Doctor Who: The Savages � by Ian Stuart Black (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#110 Doctor Who: Fury from the Deep � by Victor Pemberton (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#111 Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker � by Gerry Davis & Alison Bingeman (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#112 Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#113 Doctor Who: Black Orchid � by Terence Dudley (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#114 Doctor Who: The Ark � by Paul Erickson (1st Doctor, Steben & Dodo)
#115 Doctor Who: The Mind Robber � by Peter Ling (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#116 Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#117 Doctor Who: The Space Museum � by Glyn Jones (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#118 Doctor Who: The Sensorites � by Nigel Robinson (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#119 Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror � by Ian Marter (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#120 Doctor Who: The Romans � by Donald Cotton (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#121 Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Death � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#122 Doctor Who: The Massacre � by John Lucarotti (1st Doctor & Steven)
#123 Doctor Who: The Macra Terror � by Ian Stuart Black (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#124 Doctor Who: The Rescue � by Ian Marter (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#125 Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids � by Pip & Jane Baker (6th Doctor & Mel)
#126 Doctor Who: The Time Meddler � by Nigel Robinson (1st Doctor, Vicki, & Steven)
#127 Doctor Who: The Mysterious Planet � by Terrance Dicks (6th Doctor & Peri)
#128 Doctor Who: Time and The Rani � by Pip & Jane Baker (7th Doctor & Mel)
#129 Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace � by Nigel Robinson (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#130 Doctor Who: The Wheel In Space � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#131 Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe � by Pip & Jane Baker (6th Doctor & Mel)
#132 Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction � by Nigel Robinson (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#133 Doctor Who: The Smugglers � by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#134 Doctor Who: Paradise Towers � by Stephen Wyatt (7th Doctor & Mel)
#135 Doctor Who: Delta and The Bannermen � by Malcolm Kohll (7th Doctor & Mel)
#136 Doctor Who: The War Machines � by Ian Stuart Black (1st Doctor, Dodo, Ben & Polly)
#137 Doctor Who: Dragon Fire � by Ian Briggs (7th Doctor, Mel & Ace)
#138 Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen � by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#139 Doctor Who: Mindwarp � by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)
#140 Doctor Who: The Chase � by John Peel (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki & Steven)
#141 Doctor Who: The Daleks� Master Plan Book One: Mission to the Unknown � by John Peel (1st Doctor, Steven, Katarina, & Sara)
#142 Doctor Who: The Daleks� Master Plan Book Two: The Mutation of Time � by John Peel (1st Doctor, Steven, & Sara)
#143 Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis � by Kevin Clarke (7th Doctor & Ace)
#144 Doctor Who: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy � by Stephen Wyatt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#145 Doctor Who: Planet of Giants � by Terrance Dicks (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#146 Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol � by Graeme Curry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#147 Doctor Who: The Space Pirates � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#148 Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks � by Ben Aaronovitch (7th Doctor & Ace)
#149 Doctor Who: Ghost Light � by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#150 Doctor Who: Survival � by Rona Munro (7th Doctor & Ace)
#151 Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric � by Ian Briggs (7th Doctor & Ace)
#152 Doctor Who: Battlefield � by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#153 Doctor Who: The Pescatons � by Victor Pemberton (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#154 Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks � by John Peel (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#155 Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks � by John Peel (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#156 Doctor Who: The Paradise of Death � by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
Doctor Who: Slipback � by Eric Saward (6th Doctor & Peri)

Target Books - Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes novelizations PDFs (Based on unfilmed scripts)
#1 The Nightmare Fair � by Graham Williams (6th Doctor & Peri)
#2 The Ultimate Evil � by Wally K. Daly (6th Doctor & Peri)
#3 Mission to Magnus � by Philip Martin (6th Doctor & Peri)

Target Books - The Companions of Doctor Who novels PDFs
#1 Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma � by Tony Atwood
#2 Harry Sullivan�s War � by Ian Marter
#3 K-9 and Company � by Terence Dudley

Fan-Published novels PDFs
Doctor Who and The Pirate Planet � by David Bishop (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
Doctor Who and The City of Death � by David Lawrence (4th Doctor & Romana II)
Doctor Who and Shada � by Paul Scoones (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks � by Paul Scoones (5th Doctor, Tegan & Turlough)
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks � by John Preddle (6th Doctor & Peri)

Virgin Publishing - Doctor Who: The New Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Timewyrm: Genesis � by John Peel (7th Doctor & Ace)
#2 Timewyrm: Exodus � by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor & Ace)
#4 Timewyrm: Revelations � by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor & Ace)
#5 Cat�s Cradle: Time�s Crucible � by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 Cat�s Cradle: Warhead � by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)
#7 Cat�s Cradle: Witch Mark � by Andrew Hunt (7th Doctor & Ace)
#8 Nightshade � by Mark Gatiss (7th Doctor & Ace) + DWM Prelude
#9 Love and War � by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#10 Transit � by Ben Aaronovitch (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#11 The Highest Science � by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#12 The Pit � by Neil Penswick (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#13 Deceit � by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#14 Lucifer Rising � by Jim Mortimore and Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#15 White Darkness � by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#16 Shadowmind � by Christopher Bulis (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#17 Birthright � by Nigel Robinson (Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#18 Iceberg � by David Banks (7th Doctor solo) + DWM Prelude
#19 Blood Heat � by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#20 The Dimension Riders � by Daniel Blythe (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#21 The Left-Handed Hummingbird � by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#22 Conundrum � by Steve Lyons (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#23 No Future � Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#24 Tragedy Day � by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#25 Legacy � by Gary Russell (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#26 Theatre of War � by Justin Richards (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#27 All-Consuming Fire � by Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#28 Blood Harvest � by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#29 Strange England � by Simon Messingham (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#30 First Frontier � by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#31 St. Anthony�s Fire � by Mark Gatiss (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#32 Falls the Shadow � by Daniel O�Mahony (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#33 Parasite � by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#34 Warlock � by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#35 Set Piece � by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Ace & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#36 Infinite Requiem � by Daniel Blythe (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#37 Sanctuary � by David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#38 Human Nature � by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor & Benny) + DWM Prelude
#39 Original Sin � by Andy Lane (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#40 Sky Pirates! � by Dave Stone (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#41 Zamper � by Gareth Roberts (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#42 Toy Soldiers � by Paul Leonard (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#43 Head Games � by Steve Lyons (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#44 The Also People � by Ben Aaaronovitch (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#45 Shakedown � by Terrance Dicks (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#46 Just War � by Lance Parkin (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#47 Warchild � by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#48 Sleepy � by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#49 Death and Diplomacy � by Dave Stone (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#50 Happy Endings � by Paul Cornell (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#51 GodEngine � by Craig Hinton (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#52 Christmas on a Rational Planet � by Lawrence Miles (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#53 Return of the Living Dad � by Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Benny, Chris & Roz)
#54 The Death of Art � by Simon Bucher-Jones (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#55 Damaged Goods � by Russell T. Davies (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#56 So Vile a Sin � by Ben Aaronovitch and Kate Orman (7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#57 Bad Therapy � by Matthew Jones (7th Doctor & Chris)
#58 Eternity Weeps � by Jim Mortimore (7th Doctor & Chris)
#59 The Room with No Doors � by Kate Orman (7th Doctor & Chris)
#60 Lungbarrow � by Marc Platt (7th Doctor & Chris)
#61 The Dying Days (8th Doctor, Benny & U.N.I.T.)

Virgin Publishing - Doctor Who: The Missing Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Goth Opera � by Paul Cornell (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#2 Evolution � by John Peel (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#3 Venusian Lullaby � by Paul Leonard (1st Doctor, Ian & Barbara)
#4 The Crystal Bucephalus � by Craig Hinton (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & Kamelion)
#5 State of Change � by Christopher Bulis (6th Doctor & Peri)
#6 The Romance of Crime � by Gareth Roberts (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#7 The Ghosts of N-Space � by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & The Brigadier)
#8 Time of Your Life � by Steve Lyons (6th Doctor & Grant)
#9 Dancing the Code � by Paul Leonard (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#10 The Menagerie � by Martin Day (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#11 System Shock � by Justin Richards (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#12 The Sorcerer�s Apprentice � by Christopher Bulis (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#13 Invasion of the Cat-People � by Gary Russell (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#14 Managra � by Stephen Marley (4th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#15 Millennial Rites � by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Mel)
#16 The Empire of Glass � by Andy lane (1st Doctor, Vicki & Steven)
#17 Lords of the Storm � by David A. McIntee (5th Doctor & Turlough)
#18 Downtime � by Marc Platt (The Brigadier, Victoria, & Sarah Jane)
#19 The Man in the Velvet Mask � by Daniel O�Mahony (1st Doctor & Dodo)
#20 The English Way of Death � by Gareth Roberts (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#21 The Eye of the Giant � by Christopher Bulis (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#22 The Sands of Time � by Justin Richards (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#23 Killing Ground � by Steve Lyons (6th Doctor & Grant)
#24 The Scales of Injustice � by Gary Russell (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#25 The Shadow of Weng-Chiang � by David A. McIntee (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#26 Twilight of the Gods � by Christopher Bulis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#27 Speed of Flight � by Paul Leonard (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#28 The Plotters � by Gareth Roberts (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#29 Cold Fusion � by Lance Parkin (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan/7th Doctor, Chris & Roz)
#30 Burning Heart � by Dave Stone (6th Doctor & Peri)
#31 A Device of Death � by Christopher Bulis (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry)
#32 The Dark Path � by David A. McIntee (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#33 The Well-Mannered War � by Gareth Roberts (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
Who Killed Kennedy � by James Stevens & David Bishop (3rd Doctor & U.N.I.T. with Dodo)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures Novels PDFs
#0 Doctor Who: The Novel of the Film � by Gary Russell (8th Doctor, Grace & Chang Lee)
#1 The Eight Doctors � by Terrance Dicks (8th Doctor & Sam)
#2 Vampire Science � by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor & Sam)
#3 The Bodysnatchers � by Mark Morris (8th Doctor & Sam)
#4 Genocide � by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor & Sam)
#5 War of the Daleks � by John Peel (8th Doctor & Sam)
#6 Alien Bodies � by Lawrence Miles (8th Doctor & Sam)
#7 Kursaal � by Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor & Sam)
#8 Option Lock � by Justin Richards (8th Doctor & Sam)
#9 Longest Day � by Michael Collier (8th Doctor & Sam)
#10 Legacy of the Daleks � by John Peel (8th Doctor & Sam)
#11 Dreamstone Moon � by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor & Sam)
#12 Seeing I � by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor & Sam)
#13 Placebo Effect � by Gary Russell (8th Doctor & Sam)
#14 Vanderdeken�s Children � by Christopher Bulis (8th Doctor & Sam)
#15 The Scarlet Empress � by Paul Magrs (8th doctor, Sam & Iris Wildthyme)
#16 The Janus Conjunction � by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor & Sam)
#17 Beltempest � by Jim Mortimore (8th Doctor & Sam)
#18 The Face-Eater � by Simon Messingham (8th Doctor & Sam)
#19 The Taint � by Michael Collier (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#20 Demontage � by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#21 Revolution Man � by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#22 Dominion � by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#23 Unnatural History � by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#24 Autumn Mist � by David A. McIntee (8th Doctor, Sam & Fitz)
#25 Interference Book One: Shock Tactic � by Lawrence Miles (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane/8th Doctor, Sam, Fitz & Compassion)
#26 Interference Book One: Hour of the Geek � by Lawrence Miles (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane/8th Doctor, Sam, Fitz & Compassion)
#27 The Blue Angel � by Paul Magrs & Jeremy Hoad (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion with Iris Wildthyme)
#28 The Taking of Planet 5 � by Simon Bucher-Jones and Mark Clapham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#29 Frontier Worlds � by Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#30 Parallel 59 � by Stephen Cole and Natalie Dallaire (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#31 The Shadows of Avalon � by Paul Cornell (8th Doctor, Fitz, Compassion, & The Brigadier)
#32 The Fall of Yquatine � by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#33 Coldheart � by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#34 The Space Age � by Steve Lyons (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#35 The Banquo Legacy � by Andy Lane & Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#36 The Ancestor Cell � by Stephen Cole and Peter Anghelides (8th Doctor, Fitz & Compassion)
#37 The Burning � by Justin Richards (8th Doctor solo)
#38 Casualties of War � by Steve Emmerson (8th Doctor solo)
#39 The Turing Test � by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor solo)
#40 Endgame � by Terrance Dicks (8th Doctor solo)
#41 Father Time � by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor & Miranda)
#42 Escape Velocity � by Colin Brake (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#43 Earthworld � by Jacqueline Rayner (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#44 Vanishing Point � by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#45 Eater of Wasps � by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#46 The Year of Intelligent Tigers � by Kate Orman (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#47 The Slow Empire � by Dave Stone (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#48 Dark Progeny � by Steve Emmerson (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#49 The City of the Dead � by Lloyd Rose (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#50 Grimm Reality � by Simon Bucher-Jones & Kelly Hale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#51 The Adventuress of Henrietta Street � by Lawrence Miles (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#52 Mad Dogs and Englishmen � by Paul Magrs (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji with Iris Wildthyme)
#53 Hope � by Mark Clapham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#54 Anachrophobia � by Jonathan Morris (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#55 Trading Futures � by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#56 The Book of the Still � by Paul Ebbs (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#57 The Crooked World � by Steve Lyons (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#58 History 101 � by Mags L. Halliday (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#59 Camera Obscura � by Lloyd Rose (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#60 Time Zero � by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#61 The Infinity Race � by Simon Messingham (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#62 The Domino Effect � by David Bishop (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#63 Reckless Engineering � by Nick Walters (8th Doctor, Fitz, & Anji)
#64 The Last Resort � by Paul Leonard (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#65 Timeless � by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#66 Emotional Chemistry � by Simon A. Forward (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#67 Sometime Never � by Justin Richards (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#68 Halflife � by Mark Michalowski (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#69 The Tomorrow Windows � by Jonathan Morris (8th Doctor, Fitz and Trix)
#70 The Sleep of Reason � by Martin Day (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#71 The Deadstone Memorial � by Trevor Baxendale (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#72 To the Slaughter � by Stephen Cole (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)
#73 The Gallifrey Chronicles � by Lance Parkin (8th Doctor, Fitz & Trix)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Past Doctors Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Devil Goblins from Neptune � by Keith Topping & Martin Day (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.)
#2 The Murder Game � by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Ben & Plly)
#3 The Ultimate Treasure � by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor & Peri)
#4 Business Unusual � by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#5 Illegal Alien � by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#6 The Roundheads � by Mark Gatiss (2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly & Jamie)
#7 The Face of The Enemy � by David A. McIntee (The Master, U.N.I.T., Ian & Barbara)
#8 Eye of Heaven � by Jim Mortimore (4th Doctor & Leela)
#9 The Witch Hunters � by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#10 The Hollow Men � by Keith Topping & Martin day (7th Doctor & Ace)
#11 Catastrophea � by Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#12 Mission: Impractical � by David A. McIntee (6th Doctor & Frobisher)
#13 Zeta Major � by Simon Messingham (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#14 Dreams of Empire � by Justin Richards (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#15 Last Man Running � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#16 Matrix � by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#17 The Infinity Doctors � by Lance Parkin (Unidentified Doctor solo)
#18 Salvation � by Steve Lyons (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#19 The Wages of Sin � by David A. McIntee (3rd Doctor, Jo & Liz)
#20 Deep Blue � by Mark Morris (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#21 Players � by Terrance Dicks (6th Doctor & Peri)
#22 Millennium Shock � by Justin Richards (4th Doctor & Harry)
#23 Storm Harvest � by Robert Perry & Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#24 The Final Sanction � by Steve Lyons (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#25 City at World�s End � by Christopher Bulis (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#26 Divided Loyalties � by Gary Russell (5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan)
#27 Corpse Marker � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#28 Last of the Gaderene � by Mark Gatiss (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#29 Tomb of Valdemar � by Simon Messingham (4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#30 Verdigris � by Paul Magrs (3rd Doctor, Jo, U.N.I.T. & Iris Wildthyme0
#31 Grave Matter � by Justin Richards (6th Doctor & Peri)
#32 Heart of TARDIS � by Dave Stone (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria/4th Doctor, Romana I & K-9)
#33 Prime Time � by Mike Tucker (7th Doctor & Ace)
#34 Imperial Moon � by Christopher Bulis (5th Doctor, Turlough & Kamelion)
#35 Festival of Death � by Jonathan Morris (4th Doctor, Romana II & K-9)
#36 Independence Day � by Peter Darvill-Evans (7th Doctor & Ace)
#37 The King of Terror � by Keith Topping (5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough & U.N.I.T.)
#38 The Quantum Archangel � by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Mel)
#39 Bunker Soldiers � by Martin Day (1st Doctor, Steven & Dodo)
#40 Rags � by Mick Lewis (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#41 The Shadow in the Glass � by Stephen Cole & Justin Richards (6th Doctor & The Brigadier)
#42 Asylum � by Peter Darvill-Evans (4th Doctor & Nyssa)
#43 Superior Beings � by Nick Walters (5th Doctor & Peri)
#44 Byzantium! � by Keith Topping (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#45 Bullet Time � David A. McIntee (7th Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#46 Psi-ence Fiction � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#47 Dying in the Sun � by Jon de Burgh Miller (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#48 Instruments of Darkness � by Gary Russell (6th Doctor, Mel & Evelyn)
#49 Relative Dementias � by Mark Michalowski (7th Doctor & Ace)
#50 Drift � by Simon A. Forward (4th Doctor & Leela)
#51 Palace of the Red Sun � by Christopher Bulis (6th Doctor & Peri)
#52 Amorality Tale � by David Bishop (3rd Doctor & Sarah Jane)
#53 Warmonger � by Terrance Dicks (5th Doctor & Peri)
#54 Ten Little Aliens � by Stephen Cole (1st Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#55 Combat Rock � by Mick Lewis (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Victoria)
#56 The Suns of Caresh � by Paul Saint (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#57 Heritage � by Dave Cole (7th Doctor & Ace)
#58 Fear of the Dark � by Trevor Baxendale (5th Doctor, Nyssa & Tegan)
#59 Blue Box � by Kate Orman (6th Doctor & Peri)
#60 Loving the Alien � by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Ace)
#61 The Colony of Lies � by Colin Brake (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe/7th Doctor & Ace)
#62 Wolfsbane � by Jacqueline Rayner (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane & Harry/8th Doctor solo)
#63 Deadly Reunion � by Barry Letts & Terrance Dicks (3rd Doctor, Jo & U.N.I.T.)
#64 The Scream of the Shalka � by Paul Cornell (Alternate Richard E. Grant 9th Doctor, Alison Cheney, & The Master�s Android)
#65 Empire of Death � by David Bishop (5th Doctor & Nyssa)
#66 The Eleventh Tiger � by David A. McIntee (1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara & Vicki)
#66 SynthespiansTM � by Craig Hinton (6th Doctor & Peri)
#67 The Algebra of Ice � by Lloyd Rose (7th Doctor, Ace & The Brigadier)
#68 The Indestructible Man � by Simon Messingham (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#69 Match of the Day � by Chris Boucher (4th Doctor & Leela)
#70 Island of Death � by Barry Letts (3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane & U.N.I.T.)
#71 Spiral Scratch � by Gary Russell (6th Doctor & Mel)
#72 Fear Itself � by Nick Wallace (8th Doctor, Fitz & Anji)
#73 World Game � by Terrance Dicks (2nd Doctor solo)
#74 The Time Travellers � by Simon Guerrier (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian & Barbara)
#75 Atom Bomb Blues � by Andrew Cartmel (7th Doctor & Ace)

Self-Published Past Doctor Adventures novels PDFs
Campaign - by Jim Mortimore (1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, and... oh, it's complicated) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel.
Equilibrium - by Simon A. Forward (3rd Doctor, Liz & U.N.I.T.) - Cancelled BBC Past Doctors novel

BBC Books - Doctor Who: The New Series Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 The Clockwise Man � by Justin Richards (9th Doctor & Rose)
#2 The Monsters Inside � by Stephen Cole (9th Doctor & Rose)
#3 Winner Takes All � by Jacqueline Rayner (9th Doctor & Rose)
#4 The Deviant Strain � by Justin Richards (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#5 Only Human � by Gareth Roberts (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#6 The Stealers of Dreams � by Steve Lyons (9th Doctor, Rose & Captain Jack)
#7 The Stone Rose � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Rose)
#8 The Feast of the Drowned � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#9 The Resurrection Casket � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Rose)
#10 The Nightmare of Black Island � Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Rose)
#11 The Art of Destruction � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Rose)
#12 The Price of Paradise � by Colin Brake (10th Doctor & Rose)
#13 Sting of the Zygons � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Martha)
#14 The Last Dodo � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Martha)
#15 Wooden Heart � by Martin Day (10th Doctor & Martha)
#16 Forever Autumn � by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Martha)
#17 Sick Building � by Paul Magrs (10th Doctor & Martha)
#18 Wetworld � by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Martha)
#19 Wishing Well � by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Martha)
#20 The Pirate Loop � by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor & Martha)
#21 Peacemaker � by James Swallow (10th Doctor & Martha)
#22 Martha in the Mirror � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Martha)
#23 Snowglobe 7 � by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Martha)
#24 The Many Hands � by Dale Smith (10th Doctor & Martha)
#25 The Doctor Trap � by Simon Messingham (10th Doctor & Donna)
#26 Shining Darkness � by Mark Michalowski (10th Doctor & Donna)
#27 Ghosts of India � by Mark Morris (10th Doctor & Donna)
#28 The Story of Martha � by Dan Abnett (10th Doctor & Martha)
#29 Beautiful Chaos � by Gary Russell (10th Doctor, Donna & Wilf)
#30 The Eyeless � by Lance Parkin (10th Doctor solo)
#31 Judgement of the Judoon � by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
#32 The Slitheen Excursion � by Simon Guerrier (10th Doctor solo)
#33 Prisoner of the Daleks � by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor solo)
#34 The Taking of Chelsea 426 � by David Llewellyn (10th Doctor solo)
#35 Autonomy � by Daniel Blythe (10th Doctor solo)
#36 The Krillitane Storm � by Christopher Cooper (10th Doctor solo)
#37 Apollo 23 � by Justin Richards (11th Doctor & Amy)
#38 Night of the Humans � by David Llewellyn (11th Doctor & Amy)
#39 The Forgotten Army � by Brian Minchin (11th Doctor & Amy)
#40 Nuclear Time � by Oli Smith (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#41 The King�s Dragon � by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42 The Glamour Chase � by Gary Russell (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#42A The Coming of the Terraphiles � by Michael Moorcock (11th Doctor & Amy)
#43 Hunter�s Moon � by Paul Finch (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#44 The Way Through The Woods � by Una McCormack (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#45 Dead of Winter � by James Goss (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#46 Touched by an Angel � by Jonathan Morris (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#47 Borrowed Time � by Naomi A. Alderman (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48 Paradox Lost � by George Mann (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)
#48A The Silent Stars Go By � by Dan Abnett (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Quick Reads Novellas PDFs
#1 I Am a Dalek � by Gareth Roberts (10th Doctor & Rose)
#2 Made of Steel � by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#3 Revenge of the Judoon � by Terrance Dicks (10th Doctor & Martha)
#4 The Sontaran Games � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor solo)
#5 Code of the Krillitanes � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
#6 Magic of the Angels � by Jacqueline Rayner (11th Doctor, Amy & Rory)

BBC Books - Torchwood Adventures Novels PDFs
#1 Another Life � by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#2 Border Princes � by Dan Abnett (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#3 Slow Decay � by Andrew Lane (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#4 Something in the Water � by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#5 Trace Memory � by David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#6 The Twilight Streets � by Gary Russell (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#7 Pack Animals � by Peter Anghelides (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#8 SkyPoint � by Phil Ford (Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh & Ianto)
#9 Almost Perfect � by James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#10 Into the Silence � by Sarah Pinborough (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#11 Bay of the Dead � by Mark Morris (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#12 The House That Jack Built � by Guy Adams (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#13 Risk Assessment � James Goss (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#14 The Undertaker�s Gift � by Trevor Baxendale (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#15 Consequences � by Joseph Lidster, James Moran, Andrew Cartmel, & David Llewellyn (Captain Jack, Gwen & Ianto)
#16 First Born � by James Goss (Gwen & Rhys)
#17 Long Time Dead � by Sarah Pinborough (Suzie & PC Andy)
#18 The Men Who Sold the World � by Guy Adams (Rex)

Penguin Books - The Sarah Jane Adventures Novelizations PDFs
#1 Invasion of the Bane � by Terrance Dicks
#2 Revenge of the Slitheen � by Rupert Laight
#3 Eye of the Gorgon � by Phil Ford
#4 Warriors of Kudlak � by Gary Russell
#5 Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? � by Rupert Laight
#6 The Lost Boy � by Gary Russell
#7 The Last Sontaran � by Gary Russell
#8 Day of the Clown � by Phil Ford
#15 The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith � by Gareth Roberts
#19 The Nightmare Man � by Joseph Lidster
#21 Death of the Doctor � by Gary Russell

Short story anthologies
Virgin Publishing Doctor Who: Decalog Anthologies PDFs
Decalog (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 2: Lost Property (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)
Decalog 3: Consequences (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)

BBC Books - Doctor Who: Short Trips Anthologies PDFs
Short Trips (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
More Short Trips (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips and Side Steps (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)

Big Finish - Doctor Who: Short Trips anthologies PDFs
Short Trips 1: Zodiac (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 2: Companions (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 3: A Universe of Terrors (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 4: The Muses (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 5: Steel Skies (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 6: Past Tense (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 7: Life Science (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 8: Repercussions (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 9: Monsters (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 10: 2040 (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 11: A Christmas Treasury (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 12: Seven Deadly Sins (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 13: A Day in the Life (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 14: Solar System (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 15: The History of Christmas (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 16: Farewells (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 17: The Centenarian (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 18: Time Signature (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 19: Dalek Empire (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 20: Destination Prague (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 21: Snapshots (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 22: The Ghosts of Christmas (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 23: Defining Patterns (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 24: The Quality of Leadership (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 25: Transmissions (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 28: Indefinable Magic (1st through 8th Doctor short stories)
Short Trips 29: RE: Collections ( Best of 1st through 8th Doctor short stories)

Independently-published anthologies PDFsand CBRs
Brief Encounters (Short stories from Doctor Who Magazine #156 onward)
Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus � edited by Paul Magrs & Stuart Douglas
Perfect Timing � edited by Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle (1st through 7th Doctor short stories)

Telos Publishing - Doctor Who Novellas PDFs
#1 Time and Relative � by Kim Newman (1st Doctor & Susan)
#2 Citadel of Dreams � by Dave Stone (7th Doctor & Ace)
#3 Nightdreamers � by Tom Harden (3rd Doctor & Jo)
#4 Ghost Ship � by Keith Topping (4th Doctor solo)
#5 Foreign Devils � by Andrew Cartmel (2nd Doctor, Jamie & Zoe)
#6 Rip Tide � by Louise Cooper (8th Doctor solo)
#7 Wonderland � by Mark Chadbourn (2nd Doctor, Ben & Polly)
#8 Shell Shock � by Simon A. Forward (6th Doctor & Peri)
#9 The Cabinet of Light � by Daniel O�Mahony (Unidentified, possibly alternate Richard E. Grant 9th Doctor)
#10 Fallen Gods � by Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman (8th Doctor solo)
#11 Frayed � by Tara Samms (1st Doctor & Susan)
#12 Eye of the Tyger � by Paul McAuley (8th Doctor Solo)
#13 Companion Piece � by Mike Tucker & Robert Perry (7th Doctor & Cat)
#14 Blood and Hope � by Iain McLaughlin (5th Doctor, Peri & Erimem)
#15 The Dalek Factor � by Simon Clark (Unidentified, possibly newly-regenerated 9th Doctor)

Penguin Books - Doctor Who Novels for young readers PDFs
The Darksmith Legacy 1: The Dust of Ages � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 2: The Graves of Mordane � by Colin Brake (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 3: The Colour of Darkness � by Richard Dungworth (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 4: The Depths of Despair � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor solo)
The Darksmith Legacy 5: The Vampire of Paris � by Stephen Cole (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 6: The Game of Death � by Trevor Baxendale (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 7: The Planet of Oblivion � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 8: The Pictures of Emptiness � by Jacqueline Rayner (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 9: The Art of War � by Mike Tucker (10th Doctor & Gisella)
The Darksmith Legacy 10: The End of Time � by Justin Richards (10th Doctor & Gisella)

Professor Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies PDFs
Virgin Publishing � Benny Summerfield: The New Adventures Novels PDFs
#62 Oh No It Isn�t! � by Paul Cornell (Benny)
#63 Dragon�s Wrath � by Justin Richards (Benny)
#64 Beyond the Sun � by Matthew Jones (Benny)
#65 Ship of Fools � by Dave Stone (Benny)
#66 Down � by Lawrence Miles (Benny)
#67 Deadfall � by Gary Russell (Benny)
#68 Ghost Devices � by Simon Bucher-Jones (Benny)
#69 Mean Streets � by Terrance Dicks (Benny)
#70 Tempest � by Christopher Bulis (Benny)
#71 Walking to Babylon � by Kate Orman (Benny)
#72 Oblivion � by Dave Stone (Benny)
#73 The Medusa Effect � by Justin Richards (Benny)
#74 Dry Pilgrimage � by Paul Leonard & Nick Walters (Benny)
#75 The Sword of Forever � by Jim Mortimore (Benny)
#76 Another Girl, Another Planet � by Len Beech & Martin Day (Benny)
#77 Beige Planet Mars � by Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham (Benny)
#78 Where Angels Fear � by Rebecca Levene and Simon Winstone (Benny)
#79 The Mary-Sue Extrusion � by Dave Stone (Benny)
#80 Dead Romance � by Lawrence Miles (Chris)
#81 Tears of the Oracle � by Justin Richards (Benny)
#82 Return to the Fractured Planet � by Dave Stone (Benny)
#83 The Joy Device � by Justin Richards (Benny)
#84 Twilight of the Gods � by Mark Clapham and Jon DeBurgh Miller (Benny)

Big Finish - Bernice Summerfield Novels & Anthologies PDFs
#1 Bernice Summerfield and The Dead Men Diaries � edited by Paul Cornell
#2 Bernice Summerfield and The Doomsday Manuscript � by Justin Richards
#3 Bernice Summerfield and The Gods of the Underworld � by Stephen Cole
#4 Bernice Summerfield and The Squire�s Crystal � by Jacqueline Rayner
#5 Bernice Summerfield and The Infernal Nexus � by Dave Stone
#6 Bernice Summerfield and The Glass Prison � by Jacqueline Rayner
#7 Bernice Summerfield: A Life of Surprises � edited by Paul Cornell
#16 Colleceted Works - edited by Nick Wallace
#19 Nobody�s Children - by Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman & Philip Purser-Hallard

Telos Publishing Time Hunter Novellas PDFs
#1 The Winning Side � by Lance Parkin
#2 The Tunnel at the End of the Light � by Stephen Petrucha
#3 The Clockwork Woman � by Claire Bott
#4 Kitsune � by John Paul Catton
#5 The Severed Man- by George Mann
#6 Echoes � by Iain McLaughlin & Claire Bartlett
#7 Peculiar Lives � by Philip Purser-Hallard
#8 Deus Le Volt � by Jon de Burgh Miller
#9 The Albino�s Dancer � by Dale Smith
#10 The Sideways Door � by R.J. Carter & Troy Riser
#11 Child of Time � by George Mann & David J. Howe

MadKalnod�s Complete Doctor Who Stories Chronology, Revised and Expanded as of 02/2012

Can you reup these please?

10-16-2012, 12:51 AM
Can you reup these please?

If you can use torrents most of these can be found at Just look up the name of the series' you want.

10-16-2012, 08:21 AM
Doctor Who - "The Ballad of Russell and Julie" Wrap Party Special - YouTube (

Exterminate Me
10-16-2012, 10:54 AM
Thank you guys for everything. Glad I stumbled upon here!

10-16-2012, 03:29 PM
This is certainly a nice little thread for discussing the audio adventures and sharing. Btw what do people think of the new T. Baker adventures that came out this year?

Also <--- obviously new.

Exterminate Me
10-16-2012, 03:54 PM
I've only listened to the first one so far and I was a bit disappointed, but good to here a "proper" sort of adventure, in the "old" style. Can't wait to hear the others.

10-16-2012, 03:59 PM
The first story was a bit weak. I have to agree with that. It had a very rushed ending, though it thankfully wasn't magic wandish like of the new series episodes have been. However I've listened to the second and third and those are much better. For one Tom's performance really improves as he gets more into the roll in the subsequent releases. The stories also feel like the writing is a bit better. Unfortunately I can't afford to buy them all that quickly =/ keeping up with the audio adventures can be wicked expensive with how fast they're all released (assuming you're going that route and not the download route).

Exterminate Me
10-16-2012, 05:03 PM
BTW, has anyone got Talon's chaps S4 bonus extras disc and 4th Medic's Lost stories bonus extras disc?.
I do have the other Tom's new releases, just haven't had the chance to listen to yet - they do release so much, so quickly.

10-16-2012, 05:45 PM
BBC i-player Radio has Fifth Medic audiodrama called C**O**B**W**E**B**S - broadcast on Sunday evening and available for the following seven days. Four episodes at weekly intervals

10-16-2012, 06:46 PM
Most recent Benny reup?

10-16-2012, 09:39 PM
hi everybody! just wondering does anybody have *R**E**A**L* *T**I**M**E. see i just finished watching it on youtube and i loved it, now i must have it! if anyone could help i will repay them with whatever they need as my BF collection is fairly complete. i will of course try to help other's as well it's just that these upload site can be fiddly and i'm not the most patient person. thank you!

10-16-2012, 09:57 PM
Give me some time and did you want the W*E*B*C*A*S*T* or just the A*U*D*I*O I have the W*E*B*C*A*S*T if thats fine

for those who may want some toymaker ( fun with the 8th medic

10-16-2012, 10:30 PM
Give me some time and did you want the W*E*B*C*A*S*T* or just the A*U*D*I*O I have the W*E*B*C*A*S*T if thats fine

for those who may want some toymaker ( fun with the 8th medic

*W**E**B**C**A**S**T is fine mate i can convert it to audio lickety-split and thank you!

10-16-2012, 10:36 PM
as i said i may be able to get you the first 2 eps today then the next 4 tomorrow oh and I could use the 8th medics first Dalek story T*I*M*E*O*F*T*H*E*D*A*L*E*K*S thanks for that one

10-16-2012, 10:38 PM
as i said i may be able to get you the first 2 eps today then the next 4 tomorrow

star man! but take ya time mate their is absolutely no rush :)

10-16-2012, 11:01 PM
*R**E**A**L* *T**I**M**E parts 1 and 2 are served aka eps 1 and 2 (

10-17-2012, 12:11 AM
*R**E**A**L* *T**I**M**E parts 1 and 2 are served aka eps 1 and 2 (

Cheers mate, you'll get yours tomorrow, might be a bit late am new to this lol

10-17-2012, 07:16 AM
as i said i may be able to get you the first 2 eps today then the next 4 tomorrow oh and I could use the 8th medics first Dalek story T*I*M*E*O*F*T*H*E*D*A*L*E*K*S thanks for that one

hour of the pepper-pots (

here you go mate enjoy!

10-17-2012, 02:53 PM
anyone got the latest compendium about mr miles's offshoot?

10-17-2012, 07:49 PM
Episode 4 of R*E*A*L*t*I*M*E part 3.rar ( episode 5 part 4.rar ( episode 6 Ep 3
i could also use T*E*R*R*O*R*F*I*R*M*A that would be great

10-17-2012, 08:44 PM
hour of the pepper-pots (

here you go mate enjoy!

Hahah thanks bud I've been dying to hear this one, Plus I cud listen to Paully boy all the time! Man has a sooting voice. He narrates my dreams! haha

10-17-2012, 08:48 PM
Episode 4 of R*E*A*L*t*I*M*E part 3.rar ( episode 5 part 4.rar ( episode 6 part 5.rar (
cheers mate but its missing eps 3 and 6.

10-17-2012, 08:54 PM
check it now just added them oh and i am working on episode 6 i see what happened thanks for letting me know

10-17-2012, 09:22 PM
check it now just added them oh and i am working on episode 6 i see what happened thanks for letting me know

sweet! scary earth is on it's way as well ;)

10-17-2012, 09:51 PM
off topic a bit I know, but I wondered if anyone had large conclusions 2nd series of the old scotsman who likes cutting heads off, all about those four mule women of the genesis?

10-17-2012, 10:48 PM
Does anyone have xxxxxstargate sg-1 series 3 part one box setxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxiris wildthyme 3.0 series 2 box setxxxxxxx, and xxxxxxxsherlock H. the adv.of the perfidious m.xxxxxxx. These are FC dramas many of us would love to wrap our ears around.
Also does anyone have xxxxxb7 the liberator C. v.1,2,xxxxxx.These i understand our enhanced AB.s similiarly to FC.s that many of us would also like to wrap our ears around.
Anybody got the goods and ready to share?
You'd be a hero.

10-17-2012, 11:30 PM
Episode 4 of R*E*A*L*t*I*M*E part 3.rar ( episode 5 part 4.rar ( episode 6 Part Five.rar ( Ep 3 part 2.rar (
i could also use T*E*R*R*O*R*F*I*R*M*A that would be great

mate am really sorry but there's summit wrong with we copy of scary earth. mediafire doesn't seem to want to accept it for some reason or my copy might be corrupted, so i sincerly apologize for that but i'll try another site or maybe some else might help good luck with that and thank you again for *R**E**A**L*T**I**M**E*

Exterminate Me
10-18-2012, 02:14 PM
Try the xxxxB7xxxx feed:

10-18-2012, 04:15 PM
mate am really sorry but there's summit wrong with we copy of scary earth. mediafire doesn't seem to want to accept it for some reason or my copy might be corrupted, so i sincerly apologize for that but i'll try another site or maybe some else might help good luck with that and thank you again for *R**E**A**L*T**I**M**E*
thanks for trying with that one I lost most of my collection when my music hard drive died so i am missing a large chunck of my collection too many to ask on here trust me i have tried, I do have all of the W*E*B*C*A*S*T though except for one which i am working on, if anyone needs D*E*A*T*H*C*O*M*E*S*T*O*T*I*M*E or S*H*A*D*A i have those i could use any from my biggest gap #52-82 the return of the Mechanoids would be good i have been watching the chase of VHS so it would be nice to listen to the other story with them and davros #65 would be good thanks

10-18-2012, 05:33 PM
does any1 have


10-18-2012, 05:36 PM
thanks for trying with that one I lost most of my collection when my music hard drive died so i am missing a large chunck of my collection too many to ask on here trust me i have tried, I do have all of the W*E*B*C*A*S*T though except for one which i am working on, if anyone needs D*E*A*T*H*C*O*M*E*S*T*O*T*I*M*E or S*H*A*D*A i have those i could use any from my biggest gap #52-82 the return of the Mechanoids would be good i have been watching the chase of VHS so it would be nice to listen to the other story with them and davros #65 would be good thanks

yo dude got scary earth sorted it's on its way! ps have been able to up ep six of *R**E**A**L*T**I**M**E*!

here it is! tell me when you've got it and i'll do another one

Scary Earth (

10-18-2012, 05:44 PM
i think i fixed it should be part five spelled out just in case oh and for your info fallfallfall its (spoiler) (/spoiler) exept it is the [] instead of () Part Five.rar (
and i will be able to up S*H*A*D*A tomorrow well fallfallfall

10-18-2012, 06:20 PM
cheers zorgon23 me collection tiz now that slightly more awesome!

10-18-2012, 07:12 PM
i'm glad and mine is slowly growing yet again
could use #65 T*H*E*J*U*G*G*E*R*N*A*U*T*S

10-18-2012, 07:19 PM
Can someone please upload all the **Y*E*A*R*S* T*A*P*E*S*** please????

10-18-2012, 11:00 PM
Did some one post either of Large Conclusions new books for the Indiana Jones of Doctor Who:

1. The "Climate" On "the planet that starts with V"
2. The "Thin" "Digited" "Feline" of "a place that starts with B"

Thanks - I can't seem to find where or if they were posted...

10-19-2012, 06:34 AM
Number one no, number two yes. It should be right around September 27th give or take a day or so. I'm out the door or I'd help you look.

10-19-2012, 07:57 PM
If you can use torrents most of these can be found at Just look up the name of the series' you want.

What do you look for time hunter under please? cant find it thanks

10-19-2012, 07:59 PM
does any1 have S*H*A*D*A* Prologe and ep 1 ( ep 2 ( 3 ( ep 4 ( will get the last ones done on monday

10-19-2012, 09:02 PM
Sorry mate, I don't think that one's been around for awhile. I don't have it in my personal stash either, but I'll keep an eye out for it and as soon as I find it, you'll have.

As a side note, are you interested in just the books, audios, or both?

10-19-2012, 10:27 PM
Not one usually to make such requests but having trouble finding that one featuring the 7th healer encountering forces of dark and light. Any help?

10-19-2012, 10:44 PM
What do you look for time hunter under please? cant find it thanks

I've got Time Hunter 1 - 5 that I can upload if you want them?

10-20-2012, 08:28 AM
Please that would be cool

10-20-2012, 09:56 AM
Please that would be cool

seconded thanks

10-20-2012, 09:00 PM
Does anyone know if the d#a#l#e#k# p#r#o#j#e#c#t# comic is available?
Thank you

Sorry....replying from my cell phone

10-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Continuing my off topic attempt to figure out torrents, I've downloaded uTorrent twice but both times it closes as soon as I open it... I'm on a Mac. Can't find any troubleshooting faq that covers this... any ideas?

10-21-2012, 12:39 AM
T*i*m*e H*u*n*t*e*r 1 - 5

Cabinet of Light.part1.rar (
Cabinet of Light.part2.rar (

The Winning Side.part1.rar (
The Winning Side.part2.rar (

The Tunnel at the End of the Light.part1.rar (
The Tunnel at the End of the Light.part2.rar (

Clockwork Woman.part1.rar (
Clockwork Woman.part2.rar (

Kitsune.part1.rar (
Kitsune.part2.rar (

10-21-2012, 02:12 AM
I don't personally use a mac, but this may help you:http://

That's about the best I can do, sorry.

10-21-2012, 05:44 AM
Looking for BigFinish main DW range #162 - 164. Any one got em?

10-21-2012, 06:16 AM
Looking for enormous conclusions #162 - 164. Any one got em?

please edit your post to remove any direct reference to the producers of the items you are looking for - my edit of your post can be used as an example of how to do so

10-21-2012, 03:37 PM
getting Split Archive Blocked.

10-21-2012, 04:22 PM
getting Split Archive Blocked.

Looks like Mediafire have put some rules in place to stop people getting round the file size restriction for free accounts by splitting the archives! B*stards!

Has anyone found an easy way round this? If not I can redo it as smaller single .rar files.

10-21-2012, 09:48 PM
Looks like Mediafire have put some rules in place to stop people getting round the file size restriction for free accounts by splitting the archives! B*stards!

Has anyone found an easy way round this? If not I can redo it as smaller single .rar files.

copy and paste the link instead of just clicking on it - just checked that and had no problem...anytime a mf link doesn't work from here copy and paste - we've had that problem before...

10-21-2012, 10:32 PM
Does anyone have the charity P*E*R*F*E*C*T*T*I*M*I*N*G*1&2 and the BBC S*H*O*R*T*T*R*I*P*S?

10-22-2012, 04:52 AM
does any1 have W*E*B*C*A*S*T*S*H*A*D*A
You mean this one? BBC - Doctor Who - Classic Series - Webcasts - Shada (
notice other BBC webcasts are still available!
<hr>For those of you having trouble with imagination in typing;
reverse text= gnipyt ni noitanigami htiw elbuort gnivah uoy fo esoht roF
esrever = Rof esoht fo uoy gnivah elbuort htiw noitanigami ni gnipyt;
upsidedown = ƃuıdʎʇ uı uoıʇɐuıƃɐɯı ɥʇıʍ ǝןqnoɹʇ ƃuıʌɐɥ noʎ ɟo ǝsoɥʇ ɹoɟ
best to use a combination\
uʍopǝpısdn + esrever = ʇʎdıuƃ؛ ıu ıɯɐƃıuɐʇıou ʍıʇɥ ʇɹonqןǝ ɥɐʌıuƃ ʎon oɟ ʇɥosǝ ɟoɹ
Adding the Fun to Social Media | FlipMyText (

10-22-2012, 09:06 AM
Looks like someone reported me to Mediafire for sharing T*i*m*e H*u*n*t*e*r! They've removed most of the files and told me off! This why I stopped using filelocker services a few years ago and switched to torrents!

So if anyone still wants this stuff, I can upload it to a torrent site?

10-22-2012, 09:37 AM
You mean this one? BBC - Doctor Who - Classic Series - Webcasts - Shada (
notice other BBC webcasts are still available!
<hr>For those of you having trouble with imagination in typing;
reverse text= gnipyt ni noitanigami htiw elbuort gnivah uoy fo esoht roF
esrever = Rof esoht fo uoy gnivah elbuort htiw noitanigami ni gnipyt;
upsidedown = ƃuıdʎʇ uı uoıʇɐuıƃɐɯı ɥʇıʍ ǝןqnoɹʇ ƃuıʌɐɥ noʎ ɟo ǝsoɥʇ ɹoɟ
best to use a combination\
uʍopǝpısdn + esrever = ʇʎdıuƃ؛ ıu ıɯɐƃıuɐʇıou ʍıʇɥ ʇɹonqןǝ ɥɐʌıuƃ ʎon oɟ ʇɥosǝ ɟoɹ
Adding the Fun to Social Media | FlipMyText (

I think if you want to watch it online watch it while you can. I think Shada will disappear in the next couple of months. I believe the animated one is supposed to be on the DVD release with the incomplete one in January. I can't wait to buy it :)

---------- Post added at 09:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

Looks like someone reported me to Mediafire for sharing T*i*m*e H*u*n*t*e*r! They've removed most of the files and told me off! This why I stopped using filelocker services a few years ago and switched to torrents!

So if anyone still wants this stuff, I can upload it to a torrent site?

Yes please

10-22-2012, 09:47 AM
OK, here's the T*i*m*e H*u*n*t*e*r 1 - 5 torrent.

10-22-2012, 10:42 AM
OK, here's the T*i*m*e H*u*n*t*e*r 1 - 5 torrent.
Wow, if that's the same way you uploaded to MF, no one had to report you. When a DMCA is filed with a site, the title gets flagged, file gets reviewed, and similar content is removed. MU used to automate blocking future uploads. There are several ways around this; A). the easiest way is to own the copyright. B) make the file Private and do not share it. C). alter the file to make it unique.

RE: Shada, Real Time, Scream of the Shalka BBC - Doctor Who - Classic Series - Webcasts (
I thought they would delete them years ago. Nope, they just move them around the site. Hard to find sometimes. BTW - they are rather touchy if it gets loaded elsewhere. (you won't find it in my account on youtube) They're fine for you view it there, and only there.

come to think of it, the first of the webcasts is missing? Death Comes to Time (2001) Might be geo-locked, ie. UK only.

Another interesting webcast was The Doctor Who Years still online at: BBC - Doctor Who - Video Player - The Doctor Who Years (

10-22-2012, 09:31 PM
Death Comes To Time was released as an MP3 CD with the animation (OK, pictures with some movement) and therefore was taken down a while back. The main issue with the CD was it relied on Real to play, which as we all know has somewhat died a death now in this age of iTunes and VLC and all that.

Sutekh The Destroyer
10-22-2012, 10:59 PM
Hi. Any chance people could point me in the right direction for links to the following Brilliant British Cds?

Highrise Living for a Scotman / Baldheaded Aliens on a Spaceship / Devils in the Sea / Robots Like People while Toothy goes Fishing / Mistaken for a God / Introducing Jamie / Twisted Fire Starter

The versions on a certain site that's not a cardboard one are all about 64kbps and merged into single files. I was hoping for a higher bitrate and also at least chapter files (if not exact rips of each disc).

Thanks :)

10-22-2012, 11:29 PM
tried to get this.... it says no seeds :( thanks for your efforts anyway

---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 PM ----------

OK, here's the T*i*m*e H*u*n*t*e*r 1 - 5 torrent.

see above !!! doh!!!!

10-23-2012, 03:32 AM
tried to get this.... it says no seeds :( thanks for your efforts anyway

Patience. With any torrent you may have to wait a bit for a seeder to start-up.

10-23-2012, 08:16 AM
I've constantly seeded the TH torrent since I posted it so, if it's showing no seeders in your torrent client, that's just odd. If you mean that the KAT site shows 0 seeders (and 0 leechers), that's because their stats very rarely work these days.

10-23-2012, 10:56 AM Who Theme- Metal Version.mp3

10-23-2012, 11:24 AM
RE: Seed/Leech stats are fantasies. Pay no attention to any numbers below 5oo.

RE: Brilliant British Cds? It amazes me how many times I don't know what we are talking about.

Death Comes To Time was released as an MP3 CD with the animation (OK, pictures with some movement) and therefore was taken down a while back. The main issue with the CD was it relied on Real to play, which as we all know has somewhat died a death now in this age of iTunes and VLC and all that.Released on CD in October 2002. Released on MP3-CD in June 2004. Played fine on computer. Would not play in single format CD players of day. Probably will play in today's multi-format CD players. I no longer have hard copies. Huh, I don't even have the hardware.

There is a nice upload on DailyMotion. Curiosity test: Does Google Search look inside Quote Tags?

Gebberihs mipselling tset. Each time I fail, I get my people together, and I say: Quo Vadimus... No good. Google found the gibberish after only a day. (only result!)

10-23-2012, 12:33 PM Who Theme- Metal Version.mp3

that link needs the end url tag moved for it to work properly ;) Edited link in the quote

edit: initials burneggroll ;)

10-23-2012, 01:04 PM Who - UNIT - Dominion.m4b

U***N***I***T: D***O***M***I***N***I****O****N*****

10-23-2012, 02:05 PM
Theres a crowd, is the same as Roof of the World 5th Doctors Adventures

Sam Fett1989
10-23-2012, 02:58 PM Who - UNIT - Dominion.m4b

U***N***I***T: D***O***M***I***N***I****O****N*****

Thank you goldie20121 :D

10-23-2012, 03:16 PM
Amazing, thank you so much goldie2012

10-23-2012, 03:54 PM
Thank you goldie2012 much appreciated

10-23-2012, 05:04 PM
Goldie2012, you need anything in the future just pm me, and I'll do what I can for you mate. Thanks a lot.

10-23-2012, 08:17 PM
Cheers Goldie

10-23-2012, 09:02 PM
Thanks for that Goldie. I can't wait to listen.

10-23-2012, 09:24 PM
Thanks Goldie. made my day

10-23-2012, 10:40 PM
Fantastic Goldie, thank you.

10-24-2012, 02:15 AM
Thanks (again!) goldie2012! :)

10-24-2012, 07:59 AM
Another october release HQ mp3 enjoy. :)

Disk 1
Temporal Link (

Disk 2
Temporal Link (

Disk 3
Temporal Link (

Disk 4
Temporal Link (

Disk 5: Extras
Temporal Link (

10-24-2012, 08:35 AM
Big thanks, alieonic!

Exterminate Me
10-24-2012, 09:45 AM
Thanks alieonic and goldie2012.

10-24-2012, 07:53 PM
Many Thanks alieonicfreak and Goldie2012 - you've made work bearable once more.

10-24-2012, 10:09 PM
Another october release HQ mp3 enjoy. :)

Disk 1
Temporal Link (

Disk 2
Temporal Link (

Disk 3
Temporal Link (

Disk 4
Temporal Link (

Disk 5: Extras
Temporal Link (

Thank you

10-24-2012, 10:59 PM
Yet another Huge TY to Goldie & Alieonic! That was fast y'all. PS - "PBS - hate & piece" was released today.

10-25-2012, 03:24 AM
"All praise to the Great One!" /eight-leg which of course one means thanks again alieonicfreak! :)

10-25-2012, 04:46 AM

DWvsTNG6.rar download - 2shared (

Tom Baker as Sherlock Homes in the radio drama The Saviour of Cripplegate Square

Cripplegate_Square.rar download - 2shared (


10-25-2012, 12:47 PM


10-25-2012, 01:58 PM
Thank you Marvlarz

10-25-2012, 02:42 PM

please if any one has MEDIC WHAT T**H**E *A**C**H**E**R**O**N P**U**L**S**E i would be grateful!!!

medic what : hate and peace

10-25-2012, 03:45 PM
aww happy days! thank you Marvlarz and Goldie you sirs are gentlemen!

10-25-2012, 06:21 PM
Thank you for Hate and Peace Goldie

10-26-2012, 12:58 AM
Hi all. i'm pretty new to all this, so is there any pointers you can give me?

Cheers :)

10-26-2012, 01:02 AM
L*E*G*I*O*N please x.x
And/or The Norecha eslup.
And/or The Final Forum Activity.

10-26-2012, 04:36 AM
Guys, Colin's special releases are only ONE dollar/euro/pound!
I understand if you can't afford many of BF's releases, but surely you can afford these two.
Can we all agree NOT to download and post them?
That's not too much to ask, is it?
It could also benefit everyone. It's an experiment to see if people will actually pay for their releases if they price them this low. And to see if we'll still post their stuff, even when there really isn't any justification for doing so.
We've already failed on the second point. Can we at least try to succeeed on the first one?
If they make enough on these releases to still be profitable, then they'll release other stories much cheaper as well. And they've also said that they'll dconsider lowering the price of the whole line. But not if everyone pirates their super cheap stories, too.
I mean, it's a dollar/euro/pound. Don't you think BF deserves at least THAT much of our support, after all the great stories we've gotten from them?
Does anyone here actually think that an hour of Colin and J&L written by Jonathan Morris (plus 14 minutes of extras) isn't even worth that much?

10-26-2012, 04:55 AM
i thinbk someone is getting holier -than -thou on us......

[even though i have only been here a few months] purchase enough not to be lectured at thank you

edited because length of time here is a prerequisite apparently

10-26-2012, 05:02 AM
... not to be lectured at thank you

But you've not been here long enough to respond in that tone of voice, however.