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06-02-2013, 12:05 PM
My choice would be Colin Salmon, who I think has been considered in the past. He has an impeccable english accent having been born in Luton, and is currently under-utilised in Arrow at the moment. Perhaps best known for being cubed in Resident Evil.


06-02-2013, 12:08 PM
Thought these two quotes needed to be juxtaposed....and you know... I could live with Calman as the Doctor

She WOULD be good, wouldn't she! ;)

I'm personally hoping for someone I know very little about, but that will take me pleasantly by surprise - a bit like Smith and, to a less extent, Tennant were at the time...

06-02-2013, 12:13 PM

06-02-2013, 12:26 PM
nobodies daughter was ever obsessed with McCoy.

might just have to contradict you there, if only because of his "super-sexy voice". and I can confirm, it was indeed obsession.

06-02-2013, 01:04 PM
How about Richard Coyle?

06-02-2013, 01:21 PM
How about Richard Coyle?

agreed! :D

06-02-2013, 01:22 PM
But he has too many legs.

06-02-2013, 01:38 PM
Needs to be a Doctor of an age where he can still run about and do energetic things, but I dont want someone Gambon's age. Who is a 9 month a year gig. And all actors have said it is tiring and demanding - the new actor needs to have stamina in abundance; Warner and Gambon are out. The only older actor I would even consider would be HUGH LAURIE "Hello. I'm the Doctor and this is m'colleague Clara"

I think now Lewis is ending that Laurence Fox (Hatthaway) would be interesting, but then I always thought the Holby/Eastenders actor Michael French would have made a good Doctor. Just looking at the list of odds on new Doctor the name Dan Stevens (formerly of Downtown Abbey) is mentioned. Think he would be great Doctor as well.

Doctor Who: Benedict Cumberbatch given extremely low odds of taking over from Matt Smith - Mirror Online (

Oddly enough Stevens was presenting a repeat of Have I got News for You last night and I did think he would make a good Doctor. He's a bit "Davison"-y. Although I've never seen him in anything else, so I could be wrong.

I am EXCEPTIONALLY glad Andrew Scott hasnt been mentioned as a potential Doctor. I love Sherlock but thought his interpretation of Moriarty was awful - unlike every other Sherlock fan it seems.

He was Moriarty? I though he was playing Graham Norton! :)
Don'y worry, I didn't like him either.

06-02-2013, 01:44 PM
Ooo!! Laurence Fox would be perfect! He's got that definite alien quality about him, and I think it's safe to say that he's not really had a proper Break Out part yet.

06-02-2013, 02:58 PM
How about Richard Coyle?

I can just see that

(new Doctor) I've got legs... the right amount, not too many.... Why have I got a welsh accent though? Cleft?

06-02-2013, 03:00 PM
I vote for Damien Molony from the last few series of Being Human, he carried himself with such a presence and depth when saying little. He'd be great as a moodier Doctor.

Did he play Hal? If so, I agree with you.

06-02-2013, 03:01 PM

06-02-2013, 03:04 PM
My choice, which will never ever happen, but a person can dream right? Ewan McGregor. :)

06-02-2013, 03:25 PM
Well (at the risk of starting an uproar *G*), I'm glad MS is leaving. We may agree he was a good actor but the scripts the stories were "good" at best and "horrible" at their worst. I found it disappoing actually. I think the best story was the 11th hour. That was pure genious. Fast paced, well rounded story, a definite identification with the role while establishing clear continuity. Again, pure genious. If we had had that quality of stories, MS could have been right up there with more cherished medics. Unfortunately, I'll be happy to have someone fill in his shoes and hopefully we'll have some decent material.
An older medic? Would be great. What gets me as an older fan is that these stories aren't always concerned with building the Who universe so much as giving "a good show". Who cares if the story is bad?! We have cute actors/actresses, we see jenna's legs just fine and that killer smile of hers makes it all worth it! I just don't go for that stuff. Remember Donna? Not a particularly attractive character BUT an awesome companion who got the chance to grow because of it. She wasn't there for her looks but for her great acting. Rose? If not for her cute little pouting and her i'm gonna all the invaders myself attitude, wouldn't have made it past bad wolf. My wishes? a good, solid actor who has companions who bring out the best in him. AND good stories that aren't just "stand alone" �pisodes with a really loose background story arc but something consistent. Younger fans may not know the medic as well as they do and before they start giving out opinions, maybe they should take the time why we're celebrating DW's 50th and not 8th anniversary :)

---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------

As all the other people, my dear. But if you can't take all this as a joke, it doesn't my fault. Perhaps that is the key to enjoy the show, idk. You know, it's a space alien who wears a bow tie and flies in a police box which is bigger on the inside through all the time and space. If you can't be childish sometime, when can you?

I hardly think Puthkins' reaction is exaggerated. I love that this forum is a place for all opinions, some popular, some not. Some of us, I'd like to think, have become or are becoming friends. This kind of verbal bashing from someone who has only ever posted a little over a dozen comments to a cherished member is simply distasteful. I would take offense to anyone telling me "Fuck You", even if they said it with a smile. Just my 2 cents...[COLOR="Silver"]

06-02-2013, 03:40 PM
Well (at the risk of starting an uproar *G*), I'm glad MS is leaving. We may agree he was a good actor but the scripts the stories were "good" at best and "horrible" at their worst. I found it disappoing actually. ...

Hang on a sec .... you're glad Matt's leaving because he had crummy stories? That doesn't make sense! :) By which I mean ... wouldn't you rather that Mofff be heading onwards and getting some better writers to write to Matt's strengths?

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

Released on soundcloud as a freebie from LC, the 5th Doc one parter Mishun Of The Virrans.

Exterminate Me
06-02-2013, 04:30 PM
Thank you so much bulletzen, you are an absolute star.
Can I just post a warning on here, one that I have seen so so many times before, and it is something that I am always in the process of "getting around to doing"
My external hard drive took a knock yesterday and is now making a funny whirring noise and is not connecting to my laptop. End result loss of precious home films, loss of wedding photos including various other pictures and loss of medic audios. It is with a special IT man at the moment who is going to disassemble the hard drive in his clean room and try to repair or recover the data. So I live in hope with the impending knowledge that with success at his end will bring great cost my end. which as I am a full time carer for my Father is going to be a tricky bugger to afford.
In short folks a 2T external back up hard drive that costs 60 quid or a massive loads of heart ache and hassle the choice is yours.
on a cheery note thanks so much again to everybody who participates on this site it really is a god send

I totally agree. I lost a 1tb External HDD last year (though, thankfully nothing too precious/ irreplaceable on there). I simply can't buy enough "spare" HDDs - please do yourself the favour, and REMEMBER to back up!

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

For those that didnt see it, the Newsnight feature on Doctor Who in the 1980s. UK only i'm afraid due to BBC website etc.

BBC News - The challenges Doctor Who faced in the 80s (

I'm in Australia and I can watch it, so it's not UK only. Thanks for the link.

06-02-2013, 04:43 PM
Hang on a sec .... you're glad Matt's leaving because he had crummy stories? That doesn't make sense! :) By which I mean ... wouldn't you rather that Mofff be heading onwards and getting some better writers to write to Matt's strengths?

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

Released on soundcloud as a freebie from LC, the 5th Doc one parter Mishun Of The Virrans.

I get your meaning Nobber but I'm rather a realist... some would maybe say pessimist. Moff is around and he chose really bad writers or maybe good writers that can't write Who. I think it takes someone who knows and loves the show to write for it. What I mean to say is that the 11th Medic experience was not so great *for me*, although I can appreciate Matt's talents for sure. Personally I'm glad for the change... and the more changes the better! ie. Muffet & his entire lot.

06-02-2013, 05:14 PM
Did he play Hal? If so, I agree with you.

yup thats the guy! star the petition now!

06-02-2013, 05:14 PM
I hardly think Puthkins' reaction is exaggerated. I love that this forum is a place for all opinions, some popular, some not. Some of us, I'd like to think, have become or are becoming friends. This kind of verbal bashing from someone who has only ever posted a little over a dozen comments to a cherished member is simply distasteful. I would take offense to anyone telling me "Fuck You", even if they said it with a smile. Just my 2 cents...[COLOR="Silver"]

I would like to thank you for that, a very lovely post.

I would not call myself cherished, slightly gobby and a bit irritating at times is more on the money, but the gesture was very sweet and I fully appreciate it.

I really do love it here, no idea why as I am not a big downloader and I am so far behind everyone else on the audios that I stumble through not knowing what is going on. But I like the vibe here, I like the people who post and I find it very relaxed and friendly. I think that is why I was shocked.

Thanks again.

06-02-2013, 06:20 PM
Just saw the postings about Matt Smith leaving and that some people are posting some truly nasty comments to him and about him on various sites..

Cue the "Fire the new guy and bring back Matt & Karen" nonsense that we STILL get about David and Billie. Most of this seems to come from the fans who only discovered the show from Eccleston on, btw.

The show changes, characters and actors move on. If you can't abide characters changing, go watch an ignorant soap opera where it's 5 years later and still the same afternoon. I'll be sad to see him go, because he's been marvelous, but I'm also excited to see what the next Doctor will be like.

My take, I've been in the fandom since Peter Davison's era - it's just how the show works. I'm hoping nobody here will be that nasty about the situation.

AMERICAN SOAP OPERAS are the same 5 years later... the UK's amazing how much they move grow and progress..

06-02-2013, 06:43 PM
Personally I wouldn't mind having someone like Hugh Laurie in the Role. If we go with established regen canon, then wasn't the twelfth doctor supposed to be darker? Then again in JH really is Nine, then Matt would of been 12 in which case he could consider him a darker doctor then most. And my personal opinion of seeing Hugh Laurie in multiple roles through out the years, can say that he'd fit the bill perfectly.

Charles Dalek
06-02-2013, 06:46 PM
Ben Wishaw, anyone?

06-02-2013, 06:47 PM
I would like to thank you for that, a very lovely post.

I would not call myself cherished, slightly gobby and a bit irritating at times is more on the money, but the gesture was very sweet and I fully appreciate it.

I really do love it here, no idea why as I am not a big downloader and I am so far behind everyone else on the audios that I stumble through not knowing what is going on. But I like the vibe here, I like the people who post and I find it very relaxed and friendly. I think that is why I was shocked.

Thanks again.

LOL... well since I myself am slighty gobby and a bit irritating, I guess I've learned to cherish that in others as well LOL

06-02-2013, 06:55 PM
I hardly think Puthkins' reaction is exaggerated. I love that this forum is a place for all opinions, some popular, some not. Some of us, I'd like to think, have become or are becoming friends. This kind of verbal bashing from someone who has only ever posted a little over a dozen comments to a cherished member is simply distasteful. I would take offense to anyone telling me "Fuck You", even if they said it with a smile. Just my 2 cents...

Tbh, it doesn't matter how many posts you've made there's no need for it and I don't even know what caused it - the post it was in reply to seemed totally innocuous.

06-02-2013, 08:11 PM
Awesome cover!

It would be even better if it wasn't a cut-and-paste mix of two other fan covers that doesn't credit other's hard work...

06-02-2013, 08:58 PM
might just have to contradict you there, if only because of his "super-sexy voice". and I can confirm, it was indeed obsession.

ok there's odd, and then there is ......ODD.......

slightly gobby and a bit irritating at times

here, here!

AMERICAN SOAP OPERAS are the same 5 years later... the UK's amazing how much they move grow and progress..
Sarcasm? Irony?
or do you actually think that UK soaps change?

And I will say again there is only one possible choice for the next incarnation of the medic

Thomas Sangster

all else is simply unacceptable

06-02-2013, 09:05 PM
Thomas Sangster

Heads off too Google.

Nah. Can we have someone old enough shave?


Joking aside ... saw him in Game Of Thrones and ... nah, sorry.

Peter Dinklage ... now that'd be a very different Doctor!

06-02-2013, 09:32 PM
Peter Dinklage ... now that'd be a very different Doctor!

That I'd like to see! :)

Name I keep hearing is Jason Isaacs:

Jason Isaacs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

06-02-2013, 09:47 PM
Issacs would be great, but I bet they couldn't afford him.

06-02-2013, 09:53 PM
A few wild suggestions -- Rupert Grint, Eddie Redmayne, Ryan Cartwright, or Alexander Vlahos.

06-02-2013, 10:25 PM
ok there's odd, and then there is ......ODD.......

here, here!

Sarcasm? Irony?
or do you actually think that UK soaps change?

And I will say again there is only one possible choice for the next incarnation of the medic

Thomas Sangster

all else is simply unacceptable

UK soaps have a background cast which tends to be long term..[nothing much changes for these characters]. and then they have the primary casts which much can change within the course of a year JLC character went through massive upheavals during her time on Emmerdale... conversely Hines really didn't change.

06-02-2013, 10:53 PM
ok there's odd, and then there is ......ODD.......

hahaha I'll share that with her. I can't comment myself, some of the people I've crushed on idk maybe everyone's a bit odd!

06-02-2013, 11:03 PM

06-02-2013, 11:23 PM
Heads off too Google.

Nah. Can we have someone old enough shave?


Joking aside ... saw him in Game Of Thrones and ... nah, sorry.

Peter Dinklage ... now that'd be a very different Doctor!

That he looks so young is part of the point, its kinda disturbing. and he can act. oh boy can he act.

(and that you had to look to a search engine, and cited his GoT appearance rather than his Homo Sapiens Ecology/Clan of Sanguine double bill role shows your opinions on this are irrelevant and can be dismissed) [really regretting not saving those damn sarcasm mark thingies right now]

UK soaps have a background cast which tends to be long term..[nothing much changes for these characters]. and then they have the primary casts which much can change within the course of a year JLC character went through massive upheavals during her time on Emmerdale... conversely Hines really didn't change.

yes some characters seem to have overly eventful lives (murders, kidnappings, affairs, car crashes, stalkers, etc, etc, etc) and others are more mundane, but the shows themselves.......
five years on there will be broadly the same mix of oh so plausible plot lines and "issues".

but I will agree that they are nowhere near the alien-abduction/last-season-was-all-a-dream inanity that american soaps seem to be.

06-02-2013, 11:44 PM
Main thing I want from the next series?

Back to basics.

Action. Adventure. And really wild things. Tragedy, Comedy,historical, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical.

06-03-2013, 01:25 AM
While we're throwing out names...lets try a little different direction.

The Canadian actor Nathan Fillion!!!

But I'm Canadian so I'm a little biased!!!


06-03-2013, 01:27 AM
Fans of "Castle" may get a little miffed at that! :)

06-03-2013, 01:39 AM
I'd rather Nathan comes back as Captain Hammer. And by hammer, I mean... ;)

06-03-2013, 02:08 AM
Main thing I want from the next series?

Back to basics.

Action. Adventure. And really wild things. Tragedy, Comedy,historical, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical.

Hear, hear! I haven't even been watching the new series, and one thing that's given me pause is the teetering mountain of fannish continuity that's obviously been introduced in recent years. Some minimalism is usually pretty refreshing after that sort of constant "ante-upping."

06-03-2013, 02:12 AM
I'd rather Nathan comes back as Captain Hammer. And by hammer, I mean... ;)

I would love to see another Serenity movie but I don't think it will ever happen!

06-03-2013, 03:05 AM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

THANKS TO SOME KIND HELP I'VE NARROWED THE LARGE COVER SCANS I NEED TO **SIXTEEN - UPDATED** - IF ANYONE CAN HELP WITH THESE I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL - I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pati*ent Ze*ro
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
Mi*nd's E*ye
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
City of Spir*es
Wrec*k of the Tita*n
L*egend of the C*yber*men
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

If anyone has any good fan made covers/artwork for these ones that I feel the original was poor or missing, please PM me a link to download a zip with any of them (don't need the originals from LC, just alternates):

Vani*ty B*ox
Urg*en*t C*alls
Thr*ee's a Crow*d
No P*lace Like Ho*me
U*rban My*ths
Perf*ect Wo*rld (came with T*ime R*eef)

A big thanks to the people who've sent some great art, I appreciate it.

A REMIXED LC audio drama to download:

<a href="" title="BF The Shadow of the Scourge by drwhopics, on Flickr">

LC TSOTS remixed over two links
Download LC TSOTS 1 from - send big files the easy way (
Download LC TSOTS 2 from - send big files the easy way (

Could someone please PM me a link to a high qual rip (192 or higher up to 320 if possible) of the CD/download of Friends of the Medic - The 3 Comp*an*ions (not the combined one over several releases, but the released-together one) - thanks!

06-03-2013, 03:39 AM
Finally got round to watching the last Jonathan Creek earlier. You know, Alan Davies could probably take on the being The Doctor these days. His acting has certainly improved leaps and bounds, and he certainly looks the part.

06-03-2013, 04:01 AM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

THANKS TO SOME KIND HELP I'VE NARROWED THE LARGE COVER SCANS I NEED TO **SIXTEEN - UPDATED** - IF ANYONE CAN HELP WITH THESE I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL - I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

Some of these are available as 'clean' versions (i.e. without text/logos) at Flickr: BluishMoon's Photostream (

06-03-2013, 04:51 AM
Finally got round to watching the last Jonathan Creek earlier. You know, Alan Davies could probably take on the being The Doctor these days. His acting has certainly improved leaps and bounds, and he certainly looks the part.
ah, his looks, i can easily see him as Medic

06-03-2013, 05:21 AM
Finally got round to watching the last Jonathan Creek earlier. You know, Alan Davies could probably take on the being The Doctor these days. His acting has certainly improved leaps and bounds, and he certainly looks the part.

Alan Davies, Russell Tovey and David Morresey would be my short list or the guy who played Jeff on Coupling

actually Danny Miller would be an interesting choice...only to see JLS and him together

06-03-2013, 09:23 AM
I'm just trying to imagine Neil Gaimen as the Doctor.

Gets some Dalek loaded on scotch and then hits on his girlfriend.

06-03-2013, 09:57 AM
Ben Wishaw, anyone?

I'd say yes, but he's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too similar to MS for my liking.

There's a few comedian/actors who'd do a good job - I'd still plump for Eddie Izzard. And, out of left field, Kevin Eldon would be an interesting choice...

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

And I will say again there is only one possible choice for the next incarnation of the medic

Thomas Sangster

all else is simply unacceptable

This is, of course, incorrect... ;) And I'm afraid I must respectfully disagree about his acting ability - I just find him a little ...vanilla.

And as much as I love Fillion, I really can't see him as the medic. In the show, yes, in the

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ----------

Before he found worldwide fame in Walking The Dead, I always thought Andrew Lincoln would have been a great Doctor as well solely based on his performance as "Egg" in This Life. I remember thinking it as odd that Jack Davenport (his co-star in that series as "Miles") was being linked with the part, but Lincoln wasn't.

I honestly think Davenport would make a SUPERB Doctor, and I remember thinking that last time, too. He has great range, can do funny and serious, and has hidden depths as an actor. I'd gladly watch him in the role!

06-03-2013, 10:52 AM
hi does anyone have the new 3rd medic audio, the H*A*R*V*E*S*T O*F* T*I*M*E please. cheers ma dears x

06-03-2013, 12:06 PM
I would love to see another Serenity movie but I don't think it will ever happen!

I'd love it too, but with Joss' workload and both Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres busy with other projects it's highly unlikely.

06-03-2013, 12:40 PM
My (somewhat tardy) thanks to Bulletzen for the latest DotD, and as for Medic #12 I think I'd like to see Henry Cavill, although I think his star is rising a little too high for him to consider the role.

06-03-2013, 01:51 PM
Quick question for those that have been watching the "Revisted" series - Who the zarking fardwarks is it that's doing the voice-over? I recognise the voice, but I'm damned if I can put a name to it.

06-03-2013, 01:55 PM
A poor Superman movie could ruin this guy just like the last sap.

Hank, might be scrounging around for a guest role as a companion half way through next year.

06-03-2013, 01:57 PM
Another name to throw into the pot for 12th ... Mark Shepherd

06-03-2013, 02:10 PM
Another name to throw into the pot for 12th ... Mark Shepherd

I could see Mark Shepherd in the part.

Alternatively as the Doc does so much running - how about Usain Bolt? :D

06-03-2013, 02:33 PM
I could see Mark Shepherd in the part.

Alternatively as the Doc does so much running - how about Usain Bolt? :D

We want him to be around for the distance not the sprint, so how about Mo Farah?

06-03-2013, 02:40 PM
We want him to be around for the distance not the sprint, so how about Mo Farah?

Seeing how fast the Cybermen can move now, we might need a sprinter.

06-03-2013, 04:11 PM

06-03-2013, 04:43 PM
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone out there had a copy of the fourth medic reading that classic Christmas story by Mr. Dickens and could up-load it please, I would be very grateful. thanks in advance

06-03-2013, 05:16 PM
A poor Superman movie could ruin this guy just like the last sap.

Hank, might be scrounging around for a guest role as a companion half way through next year.

Aint that the truth! :(

06-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Is it not the fella out of Shameless (Dean Lennox Kelly) who played William Shakespeare in the Doc 10 episode "The Shakespeare Code"?

I am now doubting myself...and its now going to annoy me until I know for sure now...

Hmmm. No, I don't think it's him. I think he's got a more Manc accent when talking normally. This one's definitely got a bit of Scouse in there.

Part of me wonder if it's one of the McGann clan.

06-03-2013, 06:13 PM
interesting news about the Scrapyard/Knackers Yard... or it was time for a comebackyard on the LC website

M*ichael J*yston and L*nda B*ellingham are returning in their respective roles......hmmmm

does Briggsey know anything about the anniversary special.. this is an odd special release

06-03-2013, 06:21 PM

06-03-2013, 06:31 PM
Hmm. Interesting news. Not sure how I feel about that tbh...It also screams damning lack of originality from LC.

I think it was Doc Oho's blog that said - regards the Eldr#d Must Die tale - that LC have a habit of bringing back old monsters and characters solely to rehash the original story in a non-inventive way in order to (a) appeal to nostalgia and (b) get bigger sales.

I dont think Doc Oho's opinion will change on hearing about this special release...

They also have a habit of bringing back a character or monster that subtlely ties in with what is going on with the TV series.... as a way to goose sales

so this makes me wonder even more... nostalgia or tie in?

06-03-2013, 06:49 PM
Probably a bit of both.

Should be a good one, though. Jayston was superb in the Unbound he did.

06-03-2013, 07:03 PM
Hmm. Interesting news. Not sure how I feel about that tbh...It also screams damning lack of originality from LC.

I think it was Doc Oho's blog that said - regards the Eldr#d Must Die tale - that LC have a habit of bringing back old monsters and characters solely to rehash the original story in a non-inventive way in order to (a) appeal to nostalgia and (b) get bigger sales.

I dont think Doc Oho's opinion will change on hearing about this special release...

I LOVED E*L*D*R*A*D MUST D*I*E!!! The thing is i understand that people want massive new concepts and an award winning script for every story but sometimes its nice to have an old baddie back and a story that feels like the original. I loved it as i think i will love the return of the brick yard!!!

06-03-2013, 07:08 PM
yes he was ,, and Bellin gham as well? with the audio Colin? i am not saying it won't be good --- and frankly i like when they dip into the show's history and pull in the character's from that the track record is not good on creating new concepts and characters lately...

We were so spoiled when it started huh? Evelyn,Erimem, Hex and Charley then came K'Rizz,Flip,Brewster,Graceless,Vienna [
well I guess along the way we got Lucie and D.I.Menzes

06-03-2013, 07:19 PM
I am ready to be shot down in a barrage of flames as I throw another name in to the 4th medics hat...Russell Brand..I really think if he went into it not being so over the top and with a good old shave he could have potential

06-03-2013, 07:35 PM
I for one am thrilled at the news of the Scrapyard returning in the subscriber's special. Only yesterday I was thinking that LC has never done a story set during/related to the Trial season. Agreed, that would be pretty hard to do, but this is the next best thing. I'm very excited at this idea!

06-03-2013, 07:49 PM
OOOh, i am actually really excited about this. Great news!

06-03-2013, 08:31 PM
Hmmm. No, I don't think it's him. I think he's got a more Manc accent when talking normally. This one's definitely got a bit of Scouse in there.

Part of me wonder if it's one of the McGann clan.

I wondered that too - Mark or Joe, maybe. Whoever it is, it's as if the production team went for a Paul soundalike.

06-03-2013, 08:39 PM
Quick question for those that have been watching the "Revisted" series - Who the zarking fardwarks is it that's doing the voice-over? I recognise the voice, but I'm damned if I can put a name to it.

I thought it was Mark Shepherd doing the voice over?

Scrub that - I'm thinking of the BBC America/Doctor Who adverts as it is a different voice for the show.....

06-03-2013, 09:07 PM
the original promo poster was the perfect representation of the episode, so i just used it and tweaked it a little.

06-03-2013, 09:17 PM
yes he was ,, and Bellin gham as well? with the audio Colin? i am not saying it won't be good --- and frankly i like when they dip into the show's history and pull in the character's from that the track record is not good on creating new concepts and characters lately...

We were so spoiled when it started huh? Evelyn,Erimem, Hex and Charley then came K'Rizz,Flip,Brewster,Graceless,Vienna [
well I guess along the way we got Lucie and D.I.Menzes

K'rizz had a potentially great story that was cut short in a very rushed exit. (Which was the one they did with Wellington? That was an excellent story for him.)

Flip ... was a flop. Lucie-lite, obviously parachuted in when another companion couldn't make the recording dates.

Brewster ... not such a bad character, but ruined by an awful actor.

Menzees ... I never *got* Menzees. I didn't mind her turning up again, but I really couldn't understand why she became such a fan favourite so quickly.

Vienna ... WHY spin off a character before she's even had chance to get some support? She was meaningless in her DW story and her own was .... I honestly can't remember a thing about it.

Graceless ... IMHO the biggest misstep BF have ever made. If they'd toned down the deliberate "HAY!! WE"RE BEING ALL ADULT NOW!!!" stuff and made them a sort of S&S pair, they could have been superb. As it was ... well ... at least one had David Warner in, so that's always a plus.

06-03-2013, 11:13 PM
I am ready to be shot down in a barrage of flames as I throw another name in to the 4th medics hat...Russell Brand..I really think if he went into it not being so over the top and with a good old shave he could have potential

consider yourself shot down in a barrage of flames - he's gross and disgusting and would not draw in fans. Many would run the other way...

quite apart from all the companions having to be very wary of being alone with him...

in other words - OH HELL NO!!!!

06-03-2013, 11:42 PM
And Brand has An Ego. He's really the sort to start getting it into his head that he's bigger than the show itself.

Besides, there's no way that the BBC would employ him in such a significant role, and as such an ambassador for the BBC, after the 'Sachs-gate' affair.

06-03-2013, 11:48 PM
consider yourself shot down in a barrage of flames - he's gross and disgusting and would not draw in fans. Many would run the other way...

quite apart from all the companions having to be very wary of being alone with him...

in other words - OH HELL NO!!!!

absolutely! this is a terrible idea, in fact what we need is the exact opposite of brand. his antithesis, an anti-brand if you will.

someone who projects sweet innocence, trustworthiness and almost child-like simplicity......
in fact I know just the person.....

06-04-2013, 12:27 AM
a little off the subject but has anyone else out there been scar'd by this weeks G*A*M*E O*F* T*H*R*O*N*E*S!!! i'm so sad!! I need counseling and a hug!!!

ps R*i*c*h*a*r*d M*a*d*d*e*n for The Doctor!!!

06-04-2013, 12:32 AM
a little off the subject but has anyone else out there been scar'd by this weeks G*A*M*E O*F* T*H*R*O*N*E*S!!! i'm so sad!! I need counseling and a hug!!!

Spookily enough, I've just finished watching. I think I need a hug, too! This seasons been a bit of a "and all of a sudden .... nothing happens ...." for me, but that was just fracking intense!

---------- Post added at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

absolutely! this is a terrible idea, in fact what we need is the exact opposite of brand. his antithesis, an anti-brand if you will....

Yes. We get it.

06-04-2013, 12:42 AM
absolutely! this is a terrible idea, in fact what we need is the exact opposite of brand. his antithesis, an anti-brand if you will.

someone who projects sweet innocence, trustworthiness and almost child-like simplicity......
in fact I know just the person.....

I had to look up who the heck this was...and NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!! Would be like having a bloody toddler in the role!!!

They need to go older, not post-puberty!!! Can you imagine him in an all-out battle with the Daleks? He pulls his sonic out of his pocket and is confused why it isn't working - then realises he's pulled out a crayon??

Couldn't possibly take him seriously as the medic - and he would look absurd in the role - it would probably destroy any hope of a future career and make him a laughingstock.

If you like him so much, don't wish such a terrible fate on him....

06-04-2013, 01:02 AM
Let him stay of Game of Thrones, and build up a career and some years first.

06-04-2013, 01:05 AM
Let him stay of Game of Thrones, and build up a career and some years first.

Just remind him not to ....

Go to any weddings in the near future! :)

06-04-2013, 01:09 AM
Well he hasn't yet in the source material, but knowing GRRM, that may change any day now. xD

06-04-2013, 01:13 AM
Well he hasn't yet in the source material, but knowing GRRM, that may change any day now. xD

Tried the books (after I'd got over the confusion of which series was which, and which books were books of the TV series and not the originals) but just could not get into them at all. Quite happy (even with this slowish season) to keep up with in on TV.

06-04-2013, 01:27 AM
Tried the books (after I'd got over the confusion of which series was which, and which books were books of the TV series and not the originals) but just could not get into them at all. Quite happy (even with this slowish season) to keep up with in on TV.

Well if you wish it I could point you in the proper direction to some mobi files.

06-04-2013, 01:31 AM
Well if you wish it I could point you in the proper direction to some mobi files.

Got them (well, the epubs) hence why I know that I couldn't get into them! :)

06-04-2013, 02:44 AM
Vienna ... WHY spin off a character before she's even had chance to get some support? She was meaningless in her DW story and her own was .... I honestly can't remember a thing about it.

Graceless ... IMHO the biggest misstep BF have ever made. If they'd toned down the deliberate "HAY!! WE"RE BEING ALL ADULT NOW!!!" stuff and made them a sort of S&S pair, they could have been superb. As it was ... well ... at least one had David Warner in, so that's always a plus.

Okay. Here's the thing - and I know it's probably going to make me a laughingstock, but...

I like both Graceless and Vienna.

And I think I've figured out why. It's not the characters. In most cases I agree with what everybody says about the Tracer Twins, and Vienna really is still establishing her character. But I think the stories are all quite well written. Vienna's sole outing so far was quite clever, in my opinion, and I really have enjoyed the majority of the Graceless stories. I'm actually looking forward to Series 3 this month.

I know this probably places me in a massive minority, and believe me, I do NOT subscribe to the opinion that Large Conclusions can do no wrong. But my dislike is generally aimed at specific stories, rather than whole ranges. Just my opinion.

06-04-2013, 04:13 AM
Okay. Here's the thing - and I know it's probably going to make me a laughingstock, but...

I like both Graceless and Vienna....

I think I see where you're coming from with Graceless. I don't think my issues aren't really with the stories, per-se, more how they chose to tell them. It they'd just dialled back on, and not been so hamfisted with, the 'adult themes' I'd probably enjoyed it more. But, still, I hope the last set due out this month winds things up properly.

06-04-2013, 04:53 AM
I for one am thrilled at the news of the Scrapyard returning in the subscriber's special. Only yesterday I was thinking that LC has never done a story set during/related to the Trial season. Agreed, that would be pretty hard to do, but this is the next best thing. I'm very excited at this idea!

although The W*rmery is set right after the Trial

06-04-2013, 05:36 AM
I for one am thrilled at the news of the Scrapyard returning in the subscriber's special. Only yesterday I was thinking that LC has never done a story set during/related to the Trial season. Agreed, that would be pretty hard to do, but this is the next best thing. I'm very excited at this idea!
There was Utopia fifth one of the not-found stories done by LC, that was originally planned for the Trial Season

06-04-2013, 07:23 AM
Okay. Here's the thing - and I know it's probably going to make me a laughingstock, but...

I like both Graceless and Vienna.

I enjoyed Graceless too! Haven't got around to V yet...

06-04-2013, 08:49 AM
Let him stay of Game of Thrones, and build up a career and some years first.

Check out his career and you'll see that it's quite impressive so far considering his age - but he only looks about 12.

I like Graceless, but couldn't get away with Vienna. Maybe with a couple more stories under her belt....

As for GoT actors who would make good Docs - Charles Dance. I would've said Sean Bean but we'd be looking for a new Doc within 3 eps - the guy's got the survival instincts of a chronically depressed lemming :)

06-04-2013, 09:34 AM
Dear Mr Foe,

Please can we have some more Pill-Grimm, please. The first batch was bloody good and I'm itching to hear more (or it could be an ear infection...).

Thank you, kind sir.

06-04-2013, 09:36 AM
Just watched "Sightseers", a (very) british black comedy, starring Alice Lowe, and I spent the whole movie thinking Alice Lowe uncannily looked like a young Liz Sladen:

... Am I the only one ?

06-04-2013, 09:40 AM
Yes. We get it.
Good, Now I just have to convince the BBC and the man himself

I had to look up who the heck this was...and NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!! Would be like having a bloody toddler in the role!!!

They need to go older, not post-puberty!!! Can you imagine him in an all-out battle with the Daleks? He pulls his sonic out of his pocket and is confused why it isn't working - then realises he's pulled out a crayon??
or a barbie doll? or yoyo?

Couldn't possibly take him seriously as the medic - and he would look absurd in the role - it would probably destroy any hope of a future career and make him a laughingstock.

If you like him so much, don't wish such a terrible fate on him....
But I know he can act. I know he can produce a very dark performance that is all the more shocking given his appearance.
go older in attitude, in theme, in having the weight of the universe on his shoulders, but wrap it up in a disconcertingly youthful appearance

Let him stay of Game of Thrones, and build up a career and some years first.

Check out his career and you'll see that it's quite impressive so far considering his age

andy has answered this one for me hells. more than a decade of excellent work including portrayals of Hitler and Paul McCartney. and his recent "Accused" was stunning
I know we have many from around the globe here, so some may be less aware of the Brit tradition of the "Acting Knight":
Sir Ian McKellan, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Derek Jacobi etc. etc.
DT is clearly on his way there already (a decade to wait at most) and I would predict that Thomas Sangster is on that path too. Who is not a career killer in the way it might once have been, in MS's case it could well be the launchpad for a stunning career.

But alright......
I have said my piece and you all know where I stand.
I stand on the side of sanity while you mock. clearly I will make no progress with such a bunch of mockers, so I shall temper my campaign here.

he would be brilliant though

06-04-2013, 10:14 AM
Just watched "Sightseers", a (very) british black comedy, starring Alice Lowe, and I spent the whole movie thinking Alice Lowe uncannily looked like a young Liz Sladen:

... Am I the only one ?

Not identical, but yes. There's a strong similarity.

06-04-2013, 10:27 AM
andy has answered this one for me hells. more than a decade of excellent work including portrayals of Hitler and Paul McCartney. and his recent "Accused" was stunning
I know we have many from around the globe here, so some may be less aware of the Brit tradition of the "Acting Knight":
Sir Ian McKellan, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Derek Jacobi etc. etc.
DT is clearly on his way there already (a decade to wait at most) and I would predict that Thomas Sangster is on that path too. Who is not a career killer in the way it might once have been, in MS's case it could well be the launchpad for a stunning career.

But alright......
I have said my piece and you all know where I stand.
I stand on the side of sanity while you mock. clearly I will make no progress with such a bunch of mockers, so I shall temper my campaign here.

he would be brilliant though

I have to admit I had no idea who you were on about and had to Google him and was impressed when I saw his acting credits. The only show I have actually seen him in is GoT and he hasn't been around long enough to judge yet. He may be a brilliant actor - but he just looks too young - give him another decade or so and he might look the part.

I don't see anybody mocking you - a bit of light chiding maybe, but you have brought it on yourself. Like the way the font size seems to get gradually bigger every time you mention his name though :)

@Foe: I'm with Looshkin. Finished listening to the first series of Pill-Grimm and loved it. Any chance of the rest? Pretty, pretty please. :)

06-04-2013, 10:52 AM
a little off the subject but has anyone else out there been scar'd by this weeks G*A*M*E O*F* T*H*R*O*N*E*S!!! i'm so sad!! I need counseling and a hug!!!

ps R*i*c*h*a*r*d M*a*d*d*e*n for The Doctor!!!

Spookily enough, I've just finished watching. I think I need a hug, too! This seasons been a bit of a "and all of a sudden .... nothing happens ...." for me, but that was just fracking intense!

---------- Post added at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

Yes. We get it.

i want in on the hugs also . last night's ep was very traumatizing

06-04-2013, 10:53 AM

06-04-2013, 11:03 AM
Pill - grimm s2 eps 1 and 2

hope I'm not treading on your toes Foe! apologies if so...


<!-- pil2pt1.rar ( -->

Thanks Moody

06-04-2013, 11:17 AM

06-04-2013, 11:23 AM
I did a bit of digging around for the Grimm Pill, and happened upon a post by one Bulletzen. Could it the same Bulletzen that graces this thread? Quite possibly!
If any of you have Bolt accounts, a quick search of there should reward you with links to all four bottles of Pills.

06-04-2013, 02:41 PM
yep, they're available there but here's s3 of pill- grimm


<!-- eps 1 and 2 pil3pt1.rar (

eps 3 and 4 pil3pt2.rar ( -->

06-04-2013, 03:44 PM
I just can't get over how soothing and beautiful Nicola Bryants real voice is.

Hells, even her impersonation of Colin is twice as sexy as "Peri".

06-04-2013, 03:45 PM
and s4 of the wandering pill- grimm

<!-- eps 1 and 2 pil4pt1.rar (

eps 3 and 4 pil4pt2.rar ( -->

06-04-2013, 04:05 PM
Thanks for that Moody. Something to listen to at the weekend, methinks. ;)

06-04-2013, 06:25 PM
I just can't get over how soothing and beautiful Nicola Bryants real voice is.

Hells, even her impersonation of Colin is twice as sexy as "Peri".

Ditto that. I just listened to the latest fate of the Medic (thanks Bulletzen!) and I'm wowed by her silky tones.

Oh yeah, and GoT. latest ep - gaaaaah! I'm suffering post-traumatic stress!

06-04-2013, 06:45 PM
I did a bit of digging around for the Grimm Pill, and happened upon a post by one Bulletzen. Could it the same Bulletzen that graces this thread? Quite possibly!
If any of you have Bolt accounts, a quick search of there should reward you with links to all four bottles of Pills.
Yep! That was me.

06-04-2013, 09:37 PM
If the last GoT episode shocked you the next will leave you screaming...

06-04-2013, 10:43 PM
Thanks for the pill.

06-04-2013, 10:45 PM
If the last GoT episode shocked you the next will leave you screaming...
oh nooooo we are definitely gonna need some group hugs in this post then. anyone want to schedule a hugfest for sunday night?

06-05-2013, 12:16 AM
and s4 of the wandering pill- grimm

<!-- eps 1 and 2 pil4pt1.rar (

eps 3 and 4 pil4pt2.rar ( -->

Thanks Moody, Awsome!!!

06-05-2013, 01:25 AM
GoT this week gut-punched me. Still not happy!

06-05-2013, 01:29 AM
Dear Mr Foe,

Please can we have some more Pill-Grimm, please. The first batch was bloody good and I'm itching to hear more (or it could be an ear infection...).

Thank you, kind sir.

Sorry - didn't see this post until now, and it seems Moody has posted the remainder. Glad everyone is enjoying it!

06-05-2013, 04:39 AM
Yep! That was me.
Aha, I had a feeling it was you. :)
A big thanks to both you and Moody for the Pills!

06-05-2013, 04:59 AM
I enjoyed Graceless too! Haven't got around to V yet...

One thing I also have to say about Graceless is that it has some of the best music in any LC range. That theme song is so haunting...

Exterminate Me
06-05-2013, 05:31 AM
While we're throwing out names...lets try a little different direction.

The Canadian actor Nathan Fillion!!!

But I'm Canadian so I'm a little biased!!!


He's great in anything. Love the man!!!

06-05-2013, 05:38 AM
Aha, I had a feeling it was you. :)
A big thanks to both you and Moody for the Pills!

Again, I'm really sorry I wasn't online to post the remaining Pill-grimm seasons - didn't log on today until everything had been posted! But a really big thanks to Moody and Bulletzen for getting these up there - I love this series, and I'm so glad that others on this board are discovering it too...

Exterminate Me
06-05-2013, 05:52 AM
Just watched "Sightseers", a (very) british black comedy, starring Alice Lowe, and I spent the whole movie thinking Alice Lowe uncannily looked like a young Liz Sladen:

... Am I the only one ?

Totally agree. Quite spooky!

---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

Thanks Moody, Bulletzen and Foe. You're all top peeps!

06-05-2013, 08:09 AM
OK, after much consideration, I reckon the next Doctor should be...

,,,a Dalek

That'll make for some interesting storylines. How will it hand out jelly babies?

06-05-2013, 09:19 AM
OK, after much consideration, I reckon the next Doctor should be...

,,,a Dalek

That'll make for some interesting storylines. How will it hand out jelly babies?
the problem is, are the casing included when regeneration occured?
this will be refreshing.. :D

06-05-2013, 10:01 AM
and here's Pill- grimm s2 eps 3 and 4

<!-- pil2pt2.rar ( -->

Moody, you're a star - thank you!

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

Sorry - didn't see this post until now, and it seems Moody has posted the remainder. Glad everyone is enjoying it!

Certainly am! And it's one of those rare radio programmes I can really see working well on TV - love to see the Beeb giving it a visual re-working...

---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

Again, I'm really sorry I wasn't online to post the remaining Pill-grimm seasons - didn't log on today until everything had been posted! But a really big thanks to Moody and Bulletzen for getting these up there - I love this series, and I'm so glad that others on this board are discovering it too...

We all know you'd've done it if you seen my post earlier, so don't worry. We got 'em, we're happy - and thanks to you for the recommendation in the first place!

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

OK, after much consideration, I reckon the next Doctor should be...

,,,a Dalek

That'll make for some interesting storylines. How will it hand out jelly babies?

Well, Daleks do kinda regenerate. And maybe it could shoot them out of it's gunstick while yelling "Mas-ti-cate! MAS-TI-CATE!!!" (For those of you with poor eyesight and dirty minds, that's MastiCATE, not... well, you know... thingy...Zero Room stuff...) ;)

06-05-2013, 11:44 AM
Sorry - didn't see this post until now, and it seems Moody has posted the remainder. Glad everyone is enjoying it!

You snooze, you lose. You should know this by now :)

Excellent series so far - thanks for pointing me in it's direction. Have to agree with Looshkin - it would make a pretty good TV show.

06-05-2013, 12:19 PM
Oh, dear god...

The silly season has well & truly begun...

The Stupidest Doctor Who Rumour Ever? | Doctor Who TV (

06-05-2013, 12:23 PM
Oh, dear god...

The silly season has well & truly begun...

The Stupidest Doctor Who Rumour Ever? | Doctor Who TV (

The sooner the beeb announces 12 the better! Given the racism accusations a couple of weeks ago, I can honestly see them overreacting and either making 12 a woman, or coloured.

06-05-2013, 01:53 PM
Oh, dear god...

The silly season has well & truly begun...

Good grief.

Seriously - how on earth did *ANY* editor think that was worthy of print? Seriously. No matter what level 'reporting' a paper tries to do, just what the heck goes through a persons mind to consider that headline worthy?

06-05-2013, 02:03 PM
Did I miss Pill S1? I can't seem to find it in the thread. If anyone has it and is willing to share, that would be awesome! Thanks!

06-05-2013, 02:36 PM
HELLLO!!! If anyone could help me fill some gaping holes in LC D*A*R*K S*H*A*D*O*W*S i would give them a massive...kiss!!!

i'm after numbers: 15,17,18,19,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,32, 33

thank you to everyone on here for making my days bearable with your amazing shares!!! I'm a happy girl!!

06-05-2013, 03:38 PM
Did I miss Pill S1? I can't seem to find it in the thread. If anyone has it and is willing to share, that would be awesome! Thanks!

Was posted by Foefromthefuture a week or so ago. Not sure of the post # tho.

06-05-2013, 04:19 PM
Was posted by Foefromthefuture a week or so ago. Not sure of the post # tho.

Thanks! And thanks to Foe and everyone else who uploaded this and everything else!

06-05-2013, 04:36 PM
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone out there had a copy of the fourth medic reading that classic Christmas story by Mr. Dickens and could up-load it please, I would be very grateful. thanks in advance

I'd be very grateful as well, if one of you fine people could re-post this!

06-05-2013, 05:09 PM
Does anyone know where I can purchase Engdame (Vol 1 of 8's comic run)? It looks like it is out of stock in most places I've been looking at online. I want to purchase 8's comics, of which Vols 2-4 are on Amazon (US), but Vol 1 is not. In the alternative, does anyone have a link to it?

06-05-2013, 06:00 PM
The sooner the beeb announces 12 the better! Given the racism accusations a couple of weeks ago, I can honestly see them overreacting and either making 12 a woman, or coloured.

I have a feeling that the role has already been cast...... there was a rumor a while back that you seen the Medic that follows 11 in the anniversary special, and as they are IN the medics timeline, well at the the end of the last episode anyway, what are the odds of clara remembering in the episode "someone" else she saw.... with the medic saying something like "but thats not possible, you can only see what has gone before upto me, the here and now!...unless....", "unless what?" she says... and he says "The end is near...of me...this regeneration" or some such twaddle

06-05-2013, 06:53 PM
I have a feeling that the role has already been cast...... there was a rumor a while back that you seen the Medic that follows 11 in the anniversary special, and as they are IN the medics timeline, well at the the end of the last episode anyway, what are the odds of clara remembering in the episode "someone" else she saw.... with the medic saying something like "but thats not possible, you can only see what has gone before upto me, the here and now!...unless....", "unless what?" she says... and he says "The end is near...of me...this regeneration" or some such twaddle

The End is near but the moment has been projected for....

06-05-2013, 07:34 PM
My choice would be Colin Salmon, who I think has been considered in the past. He has an impeccable english accent having been born in Luton, and is currently under-utilised in Arrow at the moment. Perhaps best known for being cubed in Resident Evil.


No to a bald Doctor!

06-05-2013, 08:07 PM
Does anyone know where I can purchase Engdame (Vol 1 of 8's comic run)? It looks like it is out of stock in most places I've been looking at online. I want to purchase 8's comics, of which Vols 2-4 are on Amazon (US), but Vol 1 is not. In the alternative, does anyone have a link to it?


<!-- Download finalfixture.cbr from - send big files the easy way ( --!>

06-05-2013, 09:52 PM
Would someone mind sending me a message as to what this pill--Grimm series is?

Thanks in advance!

06-05-2013, 10:14 PM
No to a bald Doctor!
Nine was damn near bald, and he was... fantastic! XD

06-05-2013, 10:44 PM
I have a feeling that the role has already been cast...... there was a rumor a while back that you seen the Medic that follows 11 in the anniversary special, and as they are IN the medics timeline, well at the the end of the last episode anyway, what are the odds of clara remembering in the episode "someone" else she saw.... with the medic saying something like "but thats not possible, you can only see what has gone before upto me, the here and now!...unless....", "unless what?" she says... and he says "The end is near...of me...this regeneration" or some such twaddle

Definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if Moff has pulled a timey-wimey one and we get a glimpse of 12 (or whatever the numbering turns out to be after Hurty is reintegrated into things) in the anniversary special. And then the Xmas spesh will be all, "Here's one I made earlier." Er, that is, how we got there, how the story came to be that way. All a bit memento-like and all a bit preemptive and undeniably clever, but I hope it doesn't take away from the departure of 11.

Even if not, if 11's departure has been announced in the real world, you can be sure the next actor to play the part has been cast.

06-05-2013, 11:51 PM
would anyone happen to have an ebook of S*H*E*L*F**L*I*F*E?

06-06-2013, 12:10 AM
Oh, dear god...

The silly season has well & truly begun...

The Stupidest Doctor Who Rumour Ever? | Doctor Who TV (

With today's news of her attempted suicide (sad news really), looks like the Star is again making anything up that they can... Just seems mistimed with them though with the current events.

---------- Post added at 12:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------




Err... Those links seem to be wrong as I assume you weren't trying to link us to your D-Drive?

06-06-2013, 02:03 AM
With today's news of her attempted suicide (sad news really), looks like the Star is again making anything up that they can... Just seems mistimed with them though with the current events.

Yeah, it does sort of take the edge of mocking the paper, doesn't it? :( Hope the poor lass is OK.

06-06-2013, 05:35 AM
Was the Medic Mates from last month posted? I seem to have missed it.


06-06-2013, 08:23 AM
With today's news of her attempted suicide (sad news really), looks like the Star is again making anything up that they can... Just seems mistimed with them though with the current events.

By that logic I guess we can rule out Stephen Fry too...

06-06-2013, 08:40 AM
No to a bald Doctor!

What's wrong with a bald doc?

By that logic I guess we can rule out Stephen Fry too...

Now there's somebody I'd like to see play the doc.

Definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if Moff has pulled a timey-wimey one and we get a glimpse of 12 (or whatever the numbering turns out to be after Hurty is reintegrated into things) in the anniversary special. And then the Xmas spesh will be all, "Here's one I made earlier." Er, that is, how we got there, how the story came to be that way. All a bit memento-like and all a bit preemptive and undeniably clever, but I hope it doesn't take away from the departure of 11.

Even if not, if 11's departure has been announced in the real world, you can be sure the next actor to play the part has been cast.

Tbh, you're probably right. I just hope they announce it sooner than later cos I hate all these bullshit announcements about this actor and that actor being 'officially' gonna be the next doc. Hopefully 11's exit won't be as cloying and soppy as 10's exit.

06-06-2013, 09:48 AM
I just hope they announce it sooner than later

I actually hope not....
how good would it be if on xmas day we still didn't know?
we sit down and watch are thrilled and chilled by Matt
know what is coming, but not who (Who)
lamenting Matt's going and then......

and actual surprise, a shock, a moment of What....? who....? but....?

followed by months of waiting till the next series.

[just re read that.....I am a masochist aren't I]

And on the daughter of famous person thing....
Two stories putting her on the front page at the same time that her grandmother/guardian is testifying in a court case against the concert promoters who hired the 'doctor' who gave her father the.....yadda yadda
I think perhaps this is a case of a publicity agent and a 'journalist' and a pub

06-06-2013, 09:52 AM
I agree with neonihilist those thing should be kept secret.
Or they should introduce a fake Doctor.

06-06-2013, 11:01 AM
I agree with neonihilist those thing should be kept secret.
Or they should introduce a fake Doctor.

I'd love them to do that. Announce so-and-so will be the next doctor and then pull the rug out from under us and draft in someone totally unexpected in the part. The only problem is that asshole reporters will probably leak the real doc's identity and spoil it for us.

Exterminate Me
06-06-2013, 11:23 AM
Would someone mind sending me a message as to what this pill--Grimm series is?

Thanks in advance!

I'd love to know too. I haven't had a chance to listen yet.

06-06-2013, 11:28 AM
Now there's somebody I'd like to see play the doc.

TBH I'd much rather see his script produced - the one he wrote series 2 or 3...

---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

I'd love them to do that. Announce so-and-so will be the next doctor and then pull the rug out from under us and draft in someone totally unexpected in the part. The only problem is that asshole reporters will probably leak the real doc's identity and spoil it for us.

Snap. There's NO WAY they'd be able to keep something that big secret in the current climate. Especially if, as has been mooted, there's a serial leaker in the fold...

As for introducing a fake Doc - I thought they had? You know, John Hurt... ;)

06-06-2013, 11:47 AM
As for introducing a fake Doc - I thought they had? You know, John Hurt... ;)

It'd be cool if this was some kind of double-bluff and JH actually did turn out to be the next doc.

06-06-2013, 11:51 AM
Snap. There's NO WAY they'd be able to keep something that big secret in the current climate. Especially if, as has been mooted, there's a serial leaker in the fold...

But hey, it IS possible not to be spoiled, thus discovering the new Doctor directly on-screen. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:
1. Go to your nearest supermarket and grab enough food for the 202 remaining days before the Christmas episode
2. Go to your house, shut down your blinds and triple lock the door.
3. Unplug all phones, Internet connection and TV and keep social interaction at its lowest (Warning: if your friends come at your house, don't open the door and play dead, they most likely will try and spoil the fun)
4. Try not to be driven insane by loneliness and boredom, and don't forget to count down the days until Christmas episode
5. If you're still alive by the 25th of December, congratulations! You can now quietly enjoy your episode!
6. You can now open your windows and ventilate your house to get rid of the stench of your dead guinea pig (cause you forgot to buy its food, in step 1)

06-06-2013, 11:59 AM
But hey, it IS possible not to be spoiled, thus discovering the new Doctor directly on-screen. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:
1. Go to your nearest supermarket and grab enough food for the 202 remaining days before the Christmas episode
2. Go to your house, shut down your blinds and triple lock the door.
3. Unplug all phones, Internet connection and TV and keep social interaction at its lowest (Warning: if your friends come at your house, don't open the door and play dead, they most likely will try and spoil the fun)
4. Try not to be driven insane by loneliness and boredom, and don't forget to count down the days until Christmas episode
5. If you're still alive by the 25th of December, congratulations! You can now quietly enjoy your episode!
6. You can now open your windows and ventilate your house to get rid of the stench of your dead guinea pig (cause you forgot to buy its food, in step 1)

Good plan, but the beeb will promptly show you the new doc in the trailer shown seconds before the crimbo special airs. ;)

06-06-2013, 12:16 PM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

THANKS TO SOME KIND HELP I'VE NARROWED THE LARGE COVER SCANS I NEED TO **SIXTEEN - UPDATED** - IF ANYONE CAN HELP WITH THESE I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL - I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

The Five Compa**nions
Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pati*ent Ze*ro
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
City of Spir*es
Wrec*k of the Tita*n
L*egend of the C*yber*men
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

If anyone has any good fan made covers/artwork for these ones that I feel the original was poor or missing, please PM me a link to download a zip with any of them (don't need the originals from LC, just alternates):

Vani*ty B*ox
Urg*en*t C*alls
Thr*ee's a Crow*d
No P*lace Like Ho*me
U*rban My*ths
A Perf*ect Wo*rld

A big thanks to the people who've sent some great art, I appreciate it.

A REMIXED LC audio drama to download:

<a href="" title="BF Jubilee by drwhopics, on Flickr">

LC JUB remixed:
Download LC JUB from - send big files the easy way (

Could someone please PM me a link to a high qual rip (192 or higher up to 320 if possible) of the CD/download of Friends of the Medic - The 3 Comp*an*ions (not the combined one over several releases, but the released-together one) - thanks!

06-06-2013, 01:33 PM
Does any kind soul have it yet,if so pleeeeeeeese share!!
A Thousand Thankyous!

06-06-2013, 01:35 PM
Good plan, but the beeb will promptly show you the new doc in the trailer shown seconds before the crimbo special airs. ;)

"Good lord, man, have you never heard of downloads?" /Churchill ;-)

06-06-2013, 03:15 PM
Would someone mind sending me a message as to what this pill--Grimm series is?

Thanks in advance!

It's kinda hard to describe without giving the plot away. It's about a traveller cursed with immortality by the king of the Gray Folk (Fairies) and battling the forces of evil (not always by choice), and looking for a way to lift his curse. I've only listened to the first series so far so things may change over the course of the story

06-06-2013, 04:19 PM
What's wrong with a bald doc?

Now there's somebody I'd like to see play the doc.

Tbh, you're probably right. I just hope they announce it sooner than later cos I hate all these bullshit announcements about this actor and that actor being 'officially' gonna be the next doc. Hopefully 11's exit won't be as cloying and soppy as 10's exit.

Didn't they announce 11 on a special DW Confidential last time? Wonder what they're going to do now that's gone the way of the Dodo.

06-06-2013, 05:01 PM
Didn't they announce 11 on a special DW Confidential last time? Wonder what they're going to do now that's gone the way of the Dodo.

They did - Jan 3rd 2009. Tennant had said he was quitting at the end of October so there was a 2 month gap between them. I think it may have been a month gap between Ecclestone and Tennant As Ecclestone news broke after the first episode and they had filmed the climax a few weeks after I think

06-06-2013, 06:51 PM
They did - Jan 3rd 2009. Tennant had said he was quitting at the end of October so there was a 2 month gap between them. I think it may have been a month gap between Ecclestone and Tennant As Ecclestone news broke after the first episode and they had filmed the climax a few weeks after I think

Yeah, I recall the Eccles leaving news breaking early. They kept a much tighter control over news from the set from that point on and tightly managed Tennant quitting and the announcement of MS. I imagine that's what's going on now - they're waiting for the most opportune moment to break the news of the next guy who even now is waiting patiently in the wings, probably under instructions not to tell his/her own family! I hope they don't make us wait the whole Summer. Maybe there WILL be some special programming in anticipation of the anniversary - I'm thinking repeats and cheap docus rather than any unexpected bonus episodes or whatever - and they'll make an announcement then.

06-06-2013, 08:36 PM
Yeah, I recall the Eccles leaving news breaking early. They kept a much tighter control over news from the set from that point on and tightly managed Tennant quitting and the announcement of MS. I imagine that's what's going on now - they're waiting for the most opportune moment to break the news of the next guy who even now is waiting patiently in the wings, probably under instructions not to tell his/her own family! I hope they don't make us wait the whole Summer. Maybe there WILL be some special programming in anticipation of the anniversary - I'm thinking repeats and cheap docus rather than any unexpected bonus episodes or whatever - and they'll make an announcement then.

The only thing to be said about the new Doctor is there is a chance they have changed their minds. MJS tipped me off after the announcement that it wasn't who had been rumoured and that someone else is in the picture, and this seems to have been confirmed via another source (they have said that who had been thought as being cast was not doing it due to personal issues)

Mutterings are that we'll hear something in about 6 weeks time (though one person read tomorrow - highly doubt) - So whether this is to finally cast a new person, or the rumour that the previous person is untrue and only put out by Cardiff to stall everything while the actor they had chosen finishes off his commitments will be seen

06-06-2013, 09:19 PM
Slight odd tweet from Paul McGann ...

"I come in peace..."

PLEASE let that be something subtle about the 50th or Xmas. PLEASE!!!

(Well, I can dream, can't I?)

06-06-2013, 09:54 PM
Slight odd tweet from Paul McGann ...

"I come in peace..."

PLEASE let that be something subtle about the 50th or Xmas. PLEASE!!!

(Well, I can dream, can't I?)

just think it was the newsfeed people that did that (as I had that come up on my Facebook to) - he actual Twitter seems to be about his son Jake and 12th Doctor ideas

06-06-2013, 09:54 PM
Slight odd tweet from Paul McGann ...

"I come in peace..."

PLEASE let that be something subtle about the 50th or Xmas. PLEASE!!!

(Well, I can dream, can't I?)

I'm dreaming the same dream. I'd be incredibly happy even if he just made a three minute cameo.

06-06-2013, 11:41 PM
This would of been an odd addition for the doc.

Doctor Who Concept Art Teases An Animated Series We?ll Never See | Giant Freakin Robot (

06-07-2013, 01:07 AM
Each time I see that, I think the sketched version of the cyberman is wearing an odd tricorn hat.

06-07-2013, 01:29 AM
Deleting old posts.

06-07-2013, 01:41 AM
Does anyone have...

Tales from the TARDIS, volumes one and two
Glorious Goodwood
Cosmic Fugue, volumes one and two
Buried Treasures

06-07-2013, 04:28 AM
Each time I see that, I think the sketched version of the cyberman is wearing an odd tricorn hat.

I'd love to see a story with the Cybermen getting their pirates on. I can hear them saying things like Yaarr and Walk the plank in that odd musical tone they have in stories like Spare Parts.

06-07-2013, 06:20 AM
I'd love to see a story with the Cybermen getting their pirates on. I can hear them saying things like Yaarr and Walk the plank in that odd musical tone they have in stories like Spare Parts.

You would of been a fan of the dude who wanted to make the eighth doctor tv show. He wanted to reboot the cybermen and renamed them Cybs. Which would basically be a more pirate-y version of themselves.

06-07-2013, 06:51 AM
I'd love to see a story with the Cybermen getting their pirates on. I can hear them saying things like Yaarr and Walk the plank in that odd musical tone they have in stories like Spare Parts.

you will be upgraded...we now have an escalator instead of a plank.
Cyberparrot - could it fly?????

Not sure what they'd do about the wooden leg and the hook-hand....

06-07-2013, 06:57 AM
You would of been a fan of the dude who wanted to make the eighth doctor tv show. He wanted to reboot the cybermen and renamed them Cybs. Which would basically be a more pirate-y version of themselves.

I never heard about that. You have any more information?

06-07-2013, 07:13 AM
I never heard about that. You have any more information?

Nothing that you can't find on the wiki. But here's the links for that:List of unmade Doctor Who serials and films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( _Doctor)

But as far as I know that's it.

06-07-2013, 09:56 AM
Does anyone have an ebook of Harvest of Time?

06-07-2013, 10:10 AM
mwahaha it's sasha's turn to drunk-internet! I just watched Withnail & I; so so beautiful, especially when McGann isn't smiling.
Gloriously charactered characters. Just like me and my ninja, but there isn't the bare toleration and down-shoved resentment and enormous self-disgust.
Wish the ninja lived closer, we could do this every day except we can't because stupid real life gets in the way. Being serious, peh! Let us throwitallaway, be outrageous!

06-07-2013, 10:20 AM
Nothing that you can't find on the wiki. But here's the links for that:List of unmade Doctor Who serials and films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( _Doctor)

But as far as I know that's it.

There's a couple of books that came out in the 90s/early 00s that had oodles of stuff to make you squirm at what could've been. One was called "The Nth Doctor", and the other was the TV movie BTS book "Regeneration". I've read, but don't actually own, them both, and they're both well worth a flip if you can track them down, if only to realise how lucky we were to avoid a lot of the things inside...

06-07-2013, 10:25 AM
Thanks for the heads up on the LC CC,would`ve been like searching for a needle in a haystack!..Cheers.
Long live Tim Beaker and Paulo Makgarn both great Medics.

06-07-2013, 10:53 AM
Thanks, Hellsbells. Looshkin, I picked up some info on what wasn't made from the Completely Useless Encyclopedia. There really have been some strange ideas over the years. You really have to wonder what people were thinking. Or alternatively, what sort of drugs they were on. :)

06-07-2013, 11:45 AM
Does any one have the ba*ffl*e*gab h*am*m*er first episode. the b*o*x please

06-07-2013, 03:33 PM
Semi-serious poll on The Register regarding the next Doctor

So, who ought to be the next Doctor Who? It's up to YOU... ? The Register (

06-07-2013, 03:59 PM
Semi-serious poll on The Register regarding the next Doctor

So, who ought to be the next Doctor Who? It's up to YOU... ? The Register (

I think it's safe to say none of the above...

06-07-2013, 06:24 PM
Anybody else take a look at the LC site recently? The next special release looks interesting to say the least.

06-07-2013, 07:37 PM
What special release? I can't see anything new in that range.

06-07-2013, 07:58 PM
My bad it's under suscriber's bonuses. Here's the link: RWQ

<!-- [url=[/url] --!>

I guess in my excitement I made a little mistake. My bad. xD

06-07-2013, 10:43 PM
trabisty, I want to thank you for trying your hand at remixing some of the early LC stuff. However, permit me to make one small correction: *T*H*E*S*H*A*D*O*W*O*F*T*H*E*S*C*O*U*R*G*E* is not by Steve Lyons. It's written by Paul Cornell. Other than that, keep up the brilliant work!

06-07-2013, 11:51 PM
I've loaded some more of my custom covers at the attached link, some LC and Sho*t*Trip5, hope you like them:

happyappy6's deviantART gallery (

06-08-2013, 01:04 AM
The sooner the beeb announces 12 the better! Given the racism accusations a couple of weeks ago, I can honestly see them overreacting and either making 12 a woman, or coloured.

yes, a female black lesbian is of course the next doctor. either that, or Paul Daniels.

06-08-2013, 01:14 AM
yes, a female black lesbian is of course the next doctor. either that, or Paul Daniels.

I'd like Paul Daniels as the Doc, not a lot, but I'd like it ;)

06-08-2013, 01:40 AM
Hi folks,

May be repeating someone here but does anyone have a copy of the audio for D*e*v*i*l**i*n**t*h*e**S*m*o*k*e*? The link I found about three hundred pages back is broken.


06-08-2013, 02:55 AM
Looks like we may find out tomorrow, the 8th, who it's going to be ...

Gleeson was excellent in 'Dredd', so he's my choice of the three.

06-08-2013, 03:58 AM
Gleeson was excellent in 'Dredd', so he's my choice of the three.

not Ron, but his big brother.. yes! :D

06-08-2013, 04:03 AM
I take it starburst is a bit more trustworthy than the rest?

06-08-2013, 04:13 AM
Does any one have the ba*ffl*e*gab h*am*m*er first episode. the b*o*x please

If it's out - I should have it to download, as I've subscribed. I'll check soon... :)

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 PM ----------

yes, a female black lesbian is of course the next doctor. either that, or Paul Daniels.

Same thing, innit??

---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 PM ----------

Looks like we may find out tomorrow, the 8th, who it's going to be ...

Gleeson was excellent in 'Dredd', so he's my choice of the three.

And in Black Mirror - and he's ginge! He'd definitely mine, too. Cooper would be OK if they're going for the 'suave' angle, and as much as I LOVE Daniel Kaluuya, he's even younger than MS, and I really can't see him as the Medic (and, no, not because he's black - that wouldn't bother me if the actor's right). I think I could live with Gleeson - definitely...

06-08-2013, 08:06 AM
As requested earlier - Ham-mer Chill-Lers 1: Da Bocks



06-08-2013, 08:10 AM
Looks like we may find out tomorrow, the 8th, who it's going to be ...

Gleeson was excellent in 'Dredd', so he's my choice of the three.

Yeah, Gleeson gets my vote (of those 3) too. My free vote would be for Charlie Brooker.

06-08-2013, 09:17 AM
Looks like we may find out tomorrow, the 8th, who it's going to be ...

Gleeson was excellent in 'Dredd', so he's my choice of the three.

I'm going to plump for Daniel.

06-08-2013, 09:23 AM
Who did everyone vote for in the poll above? My pick, Damien Lewis, wasn't on the list. So I went for Warwick Davis. He was both a magician and an Ewok! If that CV doesn't qualify him for the job of Time Lord, I don't know what does. Val Kilmer for the role of first genuine American companion.

06-08-2013, 09:31 AM
Who did everyone vote for in the poll above? My pick, Damien Lewis, wasn't on the list. So I went for Warwick Davis. He was both a magician and an Ewok! If that CV doesn't qualify him for the job of Time Lord, I don't know what does. Val Kilmer for the role of first genuine American companion.

Not the most inspiring list, really, but I chose Eddie Izzard (surprise, surprise...) - I think he'd be exceptionally good, but it won't happen.

I think we all know who neonihilist would vote for on that list, though... :D

06-08-2013, 09:32 AM
Doctor Who: UKIP voters want a white, non-gay actor to play next Doctor ( ;)

I didn't think those Europhobic Fruit Loops even watched "Doctor Who"

06-08-2013, 10:02 AM
I take it starburst is a bit more trustworthy than the rest?

Well, only in so far as it's generally a well respected SciFi magazine and not a tabloid newspaper! :)

---------- Post added at 10:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------

As requested earlier - Ham-mer Chill-Lers 1: Da Bocks

Only 30mins? Is that right?

06-08-2013, 10:15 AM
Only 30mins? Is that right?

Yep. Half-hour stories...

06-08-2013, 10:24 AM
Yep. Half-hour stories...


06-08-2013, 11:03 AM
Doctor Who: UKIP voters want a white, non-gay actor to play next Doctor ( ;)

I didn't think those Europhobic Fruit Loops even watched "Doctor Who"

I like my Doctor to be an asexual alien. However, as long as the actor is into consentual adults, I don't care if it's men or women. And honestly, I suppose I prefer a white British man, like the others. I'm not opposed to the adventures of a black Time Lord, Time Lady, non-British Time Lord, or Time Goat, even. But with the Doctor himself, I'm a traditionalist.

New idea for BF: the adventures of a black lesbian Spanish Time Goat. Think Briggs will go for it?

06-08-2013, 11:12 AM
Thnak you looshkin. This looks v. interesting.

06-08-2013, 12:24 PM
Does anyone have...

Tales from the TARDIS, volumes one and two
Glorious Goodwood
Cosmic Fugue, volumes one and two
Buried Treasures

Here you go.

Hope that all works.

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

Anyone happen to have the first four stories of the sc*ar*yf*ie*rs?

06-08-2013, 12:25 PM
Does anyone have Lago and Fitejoot Toi's - The Person at the bottom of the Yard - (any quality will do ) as my copy is faulty.
As for Doctors, I too would prefer a white Doctor (the same as all the others) but I would really like a more mature actor, at least in his 40's, to play the part.

06-08-2013, 01:39 PM
Poor Jenna!!!

Doctor Who 3.75" Action Figure - Clara Oswald (

06-08-2013, 01:59 PM
Poor Jenna!!!

Doctor Who 3.75" Action Figure - Clara Oswald (

Wow, but that's cack! Looks more like a fan doing CosPlay as Clara!

06-08-2013, 02:19 PM
Wow, but that's cack! Looks more like a fan doing CosPlay as Clara!

Holy crap that's terrible, but oddly enough reminds me of Ace.

06-08-2013, 02:21 PM
thinking they were told - short female, long brown hair and here's what one of her costumes looks like. There is no way they looked at her face and came out with that! She looks much older and her face is, well, plump. Bloody awful :(

06-08-2013, 02:23 PM
Holy crap that's terrible, but oddly enough reminds me of Ace.

It took a while for me to work out who it reminded me of but it's a slimmed down Nigella Lawson!

06-08-2013, 03:48 PM
It took a while for me to work out who it reminded me of but it's a slimmed down Nigella Lawson!

lol well that almost guarantees i wouldn't buy it - i can't stand that woman

06-08-2013, 03:59 PM
Does anyone have...

Tales from the TARDIS, volumes one and two
Cosmic Fugue, volumes one and two


Exar Xan
06-08-2013, 04:08 PM
Still looking for these (either as individual story-parts together or as cut-up released mp3 files that I can join together - terribly sorry but I prefer them seperate for easier listening):



06-08-2013, 09:04 PM
Doctor Who: UKIP voters want a white, non-gay actor to play next Doctor ( ;)

I didn't think those Europhobic Fruit Loops even watched "Doctor Who"

Things like that make me wish there was a black Doctor just to spit in their eyes

06-08-2013, 09:36 PM
Sounds like the wait continues.... ?Doctor Who? season 8 spoilers: BBC confirms no Matt Smith replacement announcement (

06-08-2013, 10:22 PM
another tweaked promo poster for audio cover art. this one is rather poor, the file size of the pic i had to work with was kinda small and i didn't work out the way i wanted it to.

06-08-2013, 11:32 PM
another tweaked promo poster for audio cover art. this one is rather poor, the file size of the pic i had to work with was kinda small and i didn't work out the way i wanted it to.

Is this any better? .119.1081.13j1.14.0...0.0...1ac.1.16.img.5uD5sEzCy tY#facrc=_&imgrc=yO1wEDIX2k1RpM%3A%3BteI087E37ZvcvM%3Bhttp%25

Hope the link actually works.

06-09-2013, 01:28 AM
Here you go.

Hope that all works.[COLOR="Silver"]

It all works perfectly so far -- thanks a mil!

06-09-2013, 01:30 AM
Still looking for these (either as individual story-parts together or as cut-up released mp3 files that I can join together - terribly sorry but I prefer them seperate for easier listening):



I can help you out somewhat there. not teeth & curls 201 or 202, because my copy of each has just the one file; but all the rest :)


06-09-2013, 06:51 AM
Is 6 medic - fate of the medic out yet and did I miss the post, can someone help with a post #? Thanks

06-09-2013, 07:01 AM
Is 6 medic - fate of the medic out yet and did I miss the post, can someone help with a post #? Thanks

Page 517, post #12916.

Cheers. :)

06-09-2013, 09:28 AM
another tweaked promo poster for audio cover art. this one is rather poor, the file size of the pic i had to work with was kinda small and i didn't work out the way i wanted it to.

This better? image 1920 � 1055 ()

06-09-2013, 02:08 PM
See my flickr page for more revised covers not posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

THANKS TO SOME KIND HELP I'VE NARROWED THE LARGE COVER SCANS I NEED TO **SIXTEEN - UPDATED** - IF ANYONE CAN HELP WITH THESE I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL - I'm trying to edit all the early or odd LC covers to match the later ones and put them on my flickr page for everyone to share, and I'm missing a few large size ones, if anyone has some or can scan any cd covers they may have for these and PM me (maybe a zip in an upload link?) at least 600 pixel wide scans, or pref 1000-1400 pixel wide scans, these are the ones I still need:

The Five Compa**nions
Rainc*loud M*an
Retu*rn of the Kro*tons
Bl*ue Forgott*en Pla*net
The Doom*wood Cur*se
Pati*ent Ze*ro
Pap*er Cu*ts
Assa*ssin in the Li*melig*ht
C*haos Po*ol
Destro*yer of De*lights
City of Spir*es
Wrec*k of the Tita*n
L*egend of the C*yber*men
King*dom of Si*lver
Ti*me Re*ef

If anyone has any good fan made covers/artwork for these ones that I feel the original was poor or missing, please PM me a link to download a zip with any of them (don't need the originals from LC, just alternates):

Vani*ty B*ox
Urg*en*t C*alls
Thr*ee's a Crow*d
U*rban My*ths
A Perf*ect Wo*rld

A big thanks to the people who've sent some great art, I appreciate it.

A REMIXED LC audio drama to download:

<a href="" title="BF The Fires of Vulcan by drwhopics, on Flickr">

LC FOV remixed:
Download BF FOV from - send big files the easy way (

Could someone please PM me a link to a high qual rip (192 or higher up to 320 if possible) of the CD/download of Friends of the Medic - The 3 Comp*an*ions (not the combined one over several releases, but the released-together one) - thanks!

Also, the croutons soundtrack from SS anyone?

06-09-2013, 03:56 PM
Not the most inspiring list, really, but I chose Eddie Izzard (surprise, surprise...) - I think he'd be exceptionally good, but it won't happen.

I think we all know who neonihilist would vote for on that list, though... :D

Just shows that its a serious suggestion that ought to be taken seriously. ;)

But dear lord (of time) please not this Rory Kinnear guy.......

06-09-2013, 04:46 PM
Also, the croutons soundtrack from SS anyone?
Seconded from me! I want it, too!

Charles Dalek
06-09-2013, 06:54 PM
Greg Kinnear. I hope not :(

---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------

It would have to be a rapid extermination and a very quick regeneration :)

06-09-2013, 07:11 PM

I finally finished the epub conversion of all the NA and MA books.
Because I also found out how to create proper curly quotes (‘outer “inner” quote’) instead of plain ascii quotes ('outer "inner" quote') with a script called SmartyPants, I have also reworked all the previous releases. They really look much better that way. It also allowed to uses additional regexes to locate and fix many more formatting errors.
The D*E*C*A*L*O*G Archive does now also contain the three BBC S*h*o*r*t**T*r*i*p*s and the standalone MA story W*h*o**K*i*l*l*e*d**K*e*n*n*e*d*y.
Please note that NA 73 and 78 are available for purchase as original ebooks. It you really want to read them, you should consider buying them.

Many thanks to the original people who scanned and OCRed all the books to create the PDF files which I used as source.

NA 1-40 reworked (
NA 41-84 (
MA 1-33 (
3 Dec*a*log, 3 TC, 3 TM, 3 Short Trips, Kennedy (
LC Benny reworked (

06-09-2013, 08:53 PM
Does anyone have the World of the Pepperpots audiobook read by MG?

06-09-2013, 09:56 PM
Greg Kinnear. I hope not :(

---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------

It would have to be a rapid extermination and a very quick regeneration :)

It's Rory.... although he's denied it

06-09-2013, 10:16 PM
Anyone able to help with the fate of the medic 6, the one I have does not seem to want to play in anything other than VLC.

Thanks so much in advance.

06-09-2013, 10:46 PM
Anyone able to help with the fate of the medic 6, the one I have does not seem to want to play in anything other than VLC.

Thanks so much in advance.


If you have VLC just select "Media" from the menu bar, then "Convert/Save" and select the file you need to convert . You can select the file format (MP3, WAV, etc) and give the converted file a name, and VOILA, you have a file that will play in the other normal players.

06-09-2013, 11:00 PM
Trying that now, does it have to play to convert....and it sounds horrible as it is playing

06-09-2013, 11:38 PM
It's Rory.... although he's denied it

No, no no, no noooooo!!!!!!

for the love of all that is good and true, please let it not be so!!

On a separate, and fairly off topic, note may I just take a moment to mark the passing of Iain (M) Banks. (He published his SF work with the middle initial)
His 'Culture' novels provided a radical reinvention of the space opera form and provide a glimpse of both the up and downsides of a utopian society.
Inversions is an amazing work, and Excession is one of my favourite books.
Feesum Endjinn is bizarre and complex (and the whole regeneration thing......), and Against a Dark Background is darkly hilarious.

He died today of cancer of the gallbladder.

I shall miss the stories untold.

06-10-2013, 12:01 AM
Hello all. Does anyone have the new 3rd medic audiobook the h-a-r-v-e-s-t of t-i-m-e by any chance? That they would care to up-load, many thanks in advance. Also, apparently Large Conclusions have an announcement to make at 11 AM BST tommorow (Monday the 10th), wonder what its going to be.

06-10-2013, 12:30 AM
Also, apparently Large Conclusions have an announcement to make at 11 AM BST tommorow (Monday the 10th), wonder what its going to be.

Knowing them, it's probably yet another sale of stuff that they've had on sale before and that most collectors have probably already got.

Or a season of 9th audios.

Preferably the latter! :)

EDIT TO ADD - Thinking about it, it's probably getting about time they had another "we've still got the licence for xxx years" announcement.

06-10-2013, 02:53 AM
Has anyone got the following?

Curse of Paledone (read by John Pretwee)
Warriors of the Dept (read by Petre Davidson)
Planet of Delaks (read by John Pretwee)
Vengeance on Vros (read by Miss Piggy)
Novel of the Film (read by Paulo McGinn)
Kinda (read by Petre Davidson)
and Attack of the Cybermen (also read by Miss Piggy)
all from the Tales from the SIDRAT CDs from back in the day?

Also, for those who don't get the Miss Piggy/Colm Bakre joke -- watch this video ( :P

06-10-2013, 02:59 AM

I finally finished the epub conversion of all the NA and MA books.
Because I also found out how to create proper curly quotes (‘outer “inner” quote’) instead of plain ascii quotes ('outer "inner" quote') with a script called SmartyPants, I have also reworked all the previous releases. They really look much better that way. It also allowed to uses additional regexes to locate and fix many more formatting errors.
The D*E*C*A*L*O*G Archive does now also contain the three BBC S*h*o*r*t**T*r*i*p*s and the standalone MA story W*h*o**K*i*l*l*e*d**K*e*n*n*e*d*y.
Please note that NA 73 and 78 are available for purchase as original ebooks. It you really want to read them, you should consider buying them.

Many thanks to the original people who scanned and OCRed all the books to create the PDF files which I used as source.

NA 1-40 reworked (
NA 41-84 (
MA 1-33 (
3 Dec*a*log, 3 TC, 3 TM, 3 Short Trips, Kennedy (
LC Benny reworked (

You're a legend, l0calh0st - thanks so much for these!

---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

Does anyone have the World of the Pepperpots audiobook read by MG?

Page 517, post #12915 - should still be up.

---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

On a separate, and fairly off topic, note may I just take a moment to mark the passing of Iain (M) Banks.

Indeed, a massive, massive loss to literature and the world in general. A great author and man who will be sorely missed...

06-10-2013, 03:42 AM
am i the only one who thought the game of thrones finale was anticlimactic?

06-10-2013, 04:51 AM
On a separate, and fairly off topic, note may I just take a moment to mark the passing of Iain (M) Banks.

not a good way to start monday.. :(

06-10-2013, 06:20 AM
This better? image 1920 � 1055 ()

this was perfect, a great help

06-10-2013, 06:50 AM
Someone recently uploaded Glorious Goodwood, there are a couple of my custom covers to support this at the following link:

happyappy6's deviantART gallery (


06-10-2013, 07:12 AM
Has anyone got the following?

Curse of Paledone (read by John Pretwee)
Warriors of the Dept (read by Petre Davidson)
Planet of Delaks (read by John Pretwee)
Vengeance on Vros
Novel of the Film (read by Paulo McGinn)
Kinda (read by Petre Davidson)
and Attack of the Cybermen


06-10-2013, 07:25 AM
another tweaked promo poster for audio cover art. this one is rather poor, the file size of the pic i had to work with was kinda small and i didn't work out the way i wanted it to.

thank you ffwho and thanx for tryin andy, fixed it...the font is times new roman because i did it at work and the library's computer won't let me install any fonts, or anything else for that matter. i had to install photoshop on my flash drive.

06-10-2013, 08:49 AM
am i the only one who thought the game of thrones finale was anticlimactic?

Ain't seen it yet - it's not on in the UK until later tonight, so no spoilers please :)

06-10-2013, 09:54 AM
new it was coming but it's still heartbreaking. I always hoped he'd do a Who but heres what he said in 2011:"Wouldn't really be interested in Doc Who, and haven't been asked anyway. I've been spoiled by writing novels for adults; I have a nasty habit of killing off whoever I want including the central character (not buying the Doc is going to die plotline in this series particularly) plus I can't be doing with the rules involved (such as The Monstar Has To Go Back In The Box)."
Guess he had a point, but his brutal plot twists and beautiful pacing would help with the shows current malaise.
A truly brilliant writer and am gonna sorely miss my bi-annual visits to The Culture.

06-10-2013, 10:30 AM
Curious about this LC announcement.

Doubt it could be 9th onwards news, even if the BBC said yes, I cannot see CE saying yes.

Probably another new series that I have no hope of catching up on. I am way way behind. I am back ploughing through the main range at the moment but a good couple of years behind now.

If this is an announcement of more 8th medic then I will be delighted. Never slipped behind with them.

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

Or the Charley spin off they spoke about. That never happened.

06-10-2013, 11:04 AM

06-10-2013, 11:04 AM
I called it!

They've got the licence renewed until '16.

06-10-2013, 11:06 AM
Yep. Underwhelming expected announcement from LC.

06-10-2013, 11:08 AM
They know how to big up nothing. They really do themselves no favours.