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03-07-2015, 12:23 AM
Just picked up Bloke's 6+1 resistance rebirth set. This was one of the items that is on sale this weekend and his half off. Couldn't resist. I know these are old stories that have been in circulation for years so I doubt I'll get any responses, but if anyone is interested in these stories please let me know and I will post them. It's a large file so I just want to see if it is worth my time to post.

03-07-2015, 09:14 AM
Just picked up Bloke's 6+1 resistance rebirth set. This was one of the items that is on sale this weekend and his half off. Couldn't resist. I know these are old stories that have been in circulation for years so I doubt I'll get any responses, but if anyone is interested in these stories please let me know and I will post them. It's a large file so I just want to see if it is worth my time to post.

Please post dwst4 would be very interested in hearing these

03-07-2015, 10:01 AM
World any kind soul have worlds of the medic please? Thanks

03-07-2015, 01:57 PM
Bloke's 6+1 Resistance Rebirth Set

For the few who are interested, this is the box set of the audio attempt to reboot Bloke's 6+1 for audio. The first two links are the stories. Some of these stories come with musical scores, interviews, and deleted scenes that have been added back into the stories. The third is a behind the scenes documentary and a PDF of the CD booklet that would be included in the CD case.

I'll leave this up for the weekend.


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03-07-2015, 05:46 PM
World any kind soul have worlds of the medic please? Thanks

03-07-2015, 07:06 PM
thanks DWST4 great post

03-07-2015, 08:54 PM
Just picked up Bloke's 6+1 resistance rebirth set. This was one of the items that is on sale this weekend and his half off. Couldn't resist. I know these are old stories that have been in circulation for years so I doubt I'll get any responses, but if anyone is interested in these stories please let me know and I will post them. It's a large file so I just want to see if it is worth my time to post.

I will pass.. like you I bought it too! too much of a bargin

03-07-2015, 08:59 PM
Hey guys,do anyone happen to have cubicle7 DWAITAS medics sourcebooks?

03-07-2015, 09:35 PM
Yeah I got that impression too. Alternate time lines, Dalek time controllers looking though the schism of time and altering stuff....all that..."timey-wimey" shit does my head in. It's convoluted and messy and takes us away the drama of the story. After a promising start the whole Dark Eyes story ultimately disappointment me with that nonsense. I can only hope that "Doom Coalition" is better than this. I thought Ebony Orbs 4 was better than the previous two entries. DE2 was all over the place, temporally speaking, which made for a confusing listen, and DE3 shifted the focus from Molly to Liv, and generally contained the weakest stories of the whole series.

03-07-2015, 10:42 PM
I will pass.. like you I bought it too! too much of a bargin

It really was a good bargain! For the amount of material that came with it, definitely a reasonable price.

03-07-2015, 11:32 PM
Hello wonderful people

Have I got a 12th medic do da for you all, crawlun tirror m3p anybody?!Fc5SlaYa!nGYO2Roi1W9t8T4sNALRM_hj_9dQv4xUp-3Su5slmsI

03-08-2015, 01:52 AM
I thought Ebony Orbs 4 was better than the previous two entries. DE2 was all over the place, temporally speaking, which made for a confusing listen, and DE3 shifted the focus from Molly to Liv, and generally contained the weakest stories of the whole series.

Much the same here, with the added thought that the Time-Boss seemed to be channelling Daveros a lot of the time towards the end leading to thinking "Oh, this would be much better with Daveros".

Highlight really has to be MaccyQueen's portrayal. Superb.

03-08-2015, 05:23 AM
Much the same here, with the added thought that the Time-Boss seemed to be channelling Daveros a lot of the time towards the end leading to thinking "Oh, this would be much better with Daveros".

Highlight really has to be MaccyQueen's portrayal. Superb.

Same here, Nobber. I know it's altogether pipe-dreamy hope, but man, I wish Moff had gone with McQueen as the Master for the series! Soooo much better! He really does seem to be the next logical progression for the Master! Even when LC is done with the audios, I will still accept him over *ack!* Missy..

---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

I thought Ebony Orbs 4 was better than the previous two entries. DE2 was all over the place, temporally speaking, which made for a confusing listen, and DE3 shifted the focus from Molly to Liv, and generally contained the weakest stories of the whole series.

I have to agree with you statement, webs01. While I liked the Master bits of DE3, the set as a whole felt imbalanced. This set, the final part of DE, was quite good! I was glad to see that NB stepped back allow Fatt Mitton to oversee much of the material. Definitely a solid conclusion, left me feeling satisfied. Does anyone know LC has in store next for 8th Medic?

03-08-2015, 11:40 AM
Does anyone know LC has in store next for 8th Medic?

Back to Mary again? (Which would be OK, especially if they dropped that awful remix of the theme for those)

Personally, I'd rather like a run of 'regular' stories for him. A bit 'lighter' (for want of a better word) and not quite so continuity heavy.

03-08-2015, 01:29 PM
Regarding the future of the 8th medic, I believe it's going to be another series of box sets called "The Doom Coalition".

03-08-2015, 01:36 PM
I seem to be odd-man-out.
Not only have I enjoyed the more time-jumpy chronology of the various dark orbs stories, I actually prefer the more complicated temporal interlacing of events.
The medic is a time-traveler after all... straight, linear, simple stories should be the realm of more earthbound adventurers.

The only thing that I didn't like about orbs 4 is
Molly's overall limited involvement. Not that I'm a huge fan of Molly to begin with, but It just seemed as if at the last minute the script had to be revised because the actress would be unable to fit it in her schedule.

Though it does seem that I'm in lock-step with those who find this audio M@$T3R to be very enjoyable!
JUST the right amount of scenery chewing.

03-08-2015, 01:44 PM
Ive yet to listen to Black Peepers 4.
But they really haven't impressed me so far.
Too many Daleks, too much gloom, too clever for it's own good and I find Molly a major irritant.

Frankly I've been bored with this range since they killed off Lucy 'bleedin' Miller

03-08-2015, 03:13 PM
I seem to be odd-man-out.
Not only have I enjoyed the more time-jumpy chronology of the various dark orbs stories, I actually prefer the more complicated temporal interlacing of events.
The medic is a time-traveler after all... straight, linear, simple stories should be the realm of more earthbound adventurers.

I think it's one of those things where if you listen in just release order it'd be nice to have something a little lighter just to bring you out of the run of quite heavy stories before heading off back into "nearly, but not quite ever, Time War stuff".

---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

Frankly I've been bored with this range since they killed off Lucy 'bleedin' Miller

If pushed, I say this range went on just a little too long. It would take a full re-listen (which I'm just in the mood for at the moment) but gut instinct is that the middle two sets feel like padding with the ... Eminence ... feeling shoe-horned at times.

03-08-2015, 03:18 PM
In regards to 8th Medic, would his scene in N!GHT OF THE MEDIC prove difficult to create new companions for him since he lists most of his companions in his final farewell apology (Cha@rley, C'r!zz, Luc!e, Tams!n, and M0lly) tho it's already made odd because he didn't mention LIV obviously (tho he also didn't name Gr@ce either -tho that may have been more for rights and legal guff than that she wasn't as important or memorable a companion... I mean T@ms!n was hardly a major companion, tho her death was kind of a by product of her involvement with him, so maybe guilt was more at play with her remembrance...) - tho he also didn't mention M@ry SH3ll3Y (because that's weird enough)...?

03-08-2015, 04:47 PM
It really was a good bargain! For the amount of material that came with it, definitely a reasonable price.

yeah I know!
I kicked myself first time round for not getting it at the preorder price...
I suppose all good things come to those that wait lol

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------

In regards to 8th Medic, would his scene in N!GHT OF THE MEDIC prove difficult to create new companions for him since he lists most of his companions in his final farewell apology (Cha@rley, C'r!zz, Luc!e, Tams!n, and M0lly) tho it's already made odd because he didn't mention LIV obviously (tho he also didn't name Gr@ce either -tho that may have been more for rights and legal guff than that she wasn't as important or memorable a companion... I mean T@ms!n was hardly a major companion, tho her death was kind of a by product of her involvement with him, so maybe guilt was more at play with her remembrance...) - tho he also didn't mention M@ry SH3ll3Y (because that's weird enough)...?

Don't forget the two he mentions to Mary that they are supposed to meet, but never do!

03-08-2015, 04:48 PM
In regards to 8th Medic, would his scene in N!GHT OF THE MEDIC prove difficult to create new companions for him since he lists ...

Nah, as it's not like he lists his book/comic companions. They can add more companions later and if any one tries to start a debate along the lines of "Why didn't he mention Gilbert The Giant Gerbil?" you take that as your leave to smack them round the head whilst pointing out that it's not a conspiracy/continuity issue it's more because the dashed scripted was written before the dashed new companions were but motes of imagination.

03-08-2015, 04:58 PM
Slightly off-topic (I'm good for it, tho', right? *grin*).. Dealing with a migraine-esque headache that is in it's 2nd day (UGH!). Been lying down with a heating pad on head while listening to the 2nd series of FP audios (OhMy, I still find Gabriel Woolf returning as Sutekh to be the icing on the cake, even after all this time..) and I got to thinking. I wish I knew someone that could do a custom Faction Paradox LEGO figure (prob. be hell of a lot cheaper than a custom action figure!). That would be cool beyond imagining for me!

03-08-2015, 06:19 PM
Medic 8 had a limited time left, anyway, so he wasn't going to mention everyone. And if he did, that mini-episode would have doubled in size. :P

03-08-2015, 07:54 PM
In regards to 8th Medic, would his scene in N!GHT OF THE MEDIC prove difficult to create new companions for him since he lists most of his companions in his final farewell apology (Cha@rley, C'r!zz, Luc!e, Tams!n, and M0lly) tho it's already made odd because he didn't mention LIV obviously (tho he also didn't name Gr@ce either -tho that may have been more for rights and legal guff than that she wasn't as important or memorable a companion... I mean T@ms!n was hardly a major companion, tho her death was kind of a by product of her involvement with him, so maybe guilt was more at play with her remembrance...) - tho he also didn't mention M@ry SH3ll3Y (because that's weird enough)...?

Maybe he only mentioned the companions that died or he let down in some way?

03-08-2015, 08:02 PM
Maybe he only mentioned the companions that died or he let down in some way?

Surely he'd mention M0LLy then?

03-08-2015, 09:03 PM
Surely he'd mention M0LLy then?

he did

03-08-2015, 09:10 PM
he did

So he did, don't know what I'm on today

03-09-2015, 01:02 AM
Bloke's 6+1 Resistance Rebirth Set

For the few who are interested, this is the box set of the audio attempt to reboot Bloke's 6+1 for audio. The first two links are the stories. Some of these stories come with musical scores, interviews, and deleted scenes that have been added back into the stories. The third is a behind the scenes documentary and a PDF of the CD booklet that would be included in the CD case.

I'll leave this up for the weekend.


Can I have a re-up from someone please, I only managed to get the first part :(

03-09-2015, 03:56 AM
Unfortunately, it keeps asking for a decryption key (whatever that is).

Hello wonderful people

Have I got a 12th medic do da for you all, crawlun tirror m3p anybody?!Fc5SlaYa!nGYO2Roi1W9t8T4sNALRM_hj_9dQv4xUp-3Su5slmsI

03-09-2015, 04:05 AM
I'm on a HUGE kick listening to the "homeworld" series and was wondering if anyone had the BeeBeeVee "alt"-U version of the Tin D0G and R0M@N@ (the mizztrezz):

Adventure in a P0Ck3T Un!ver$e: The Ch0!ce
Adventure in a P0Ck3T Un!ver$e: The Se@rch

Thanks in advance!

03-09-2015, 05:37 AM
Unfortunately, it keeps asking for a decryption key (whatever that is).

The decryption key is the second exclamation mark and everything after the second exclamation mark.

This happens when you miss off the last couple alphanumerics on the link string by not copying the link completely.

03-09-2015, 08:58 AM

The decryption key is the second exclamation mark and everything after the second exclamation mark.

This happens when you miss off the last couple alphanumerics on the link string by not copying the link completely.

---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

Sorry, spoke too soon - as that didn't work either.

But thanks anyway.


03-09-2015, 10:43 AM
Well, I downloaded the link when I saw that you had problems, just pushed play now, and it works fine.

Just download the link again but make sure you don't miss off any characters.

I know it seems like a massive hassle, but it'll also only take four minutes.

03-09-2015, 01:07 PM
Thanks, it seems to be finally working.

03-09-2015, 01:32 PM
The last DE set, had to laugh at the line ... (more or less) ... from the Time Boss

"A new dalek paradigm is coming ..."

Cos, yeah, we know how well they went down!

03-09-2015, 10:49 PM

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 PM ----------

Can I have a re-up from someone please, I only managed to get the first part :(

I have the same problem, but I somehow forgot to get the first part.

03-10-2015, 12:26 AM
[QUOTE=dwst4;2904286]Bloke's 6+1 Resistance Rebirth Set

For the few who are interested, this is the box set of the audio attempt to reboot Bloke's 6+1 for audio. The first two links are the stories. Some of these stories come with musical scores, interviews, and deleted scenes that have been added back into the stories. The third is a behind the scenes documentary and a PDF of the CD booklet that would be included in the CD case.

I'll leave this up for the weekend.


Crud! I missed getting the last set....any chance of a re-up for those of us with slow connections?

03-10-2015, 06:12 AM
- Redacted -

03-10-2015, 09:41 AM
I'm on a HUGE kick listening to the "homeworld" series and was wondering if anyone had the BeeBeeVee "alt"-U version of the Tin D0G and R0M@N@ (the mizztrezz):

Adventure in a P0Ck3T Un!ver$e: The Ch0!ce
Adventure in a P0Ck3T Un!ver$e: The Se@rch

Thanks in advance!

You're welcome!

03-10-2015, 10:01 AM
[QUOTE=dwst4;2904286]Bloke's 6+1 Resistance Rebirth Set

For the few who are interested, this is the box set of the audio attempt to reboot Bloke's 6+1 for audio. The first two links are the stories. Some of these stories come with musical scores, interviews, and deleted scenes that have been added back into the stories. The third is a behind the scenes documentary and a PDF of the CD booklet that would be included in the CD case.

I'll leave this up for the weekend.


Crud! I missed getting the last set....any chance of a re-up for those of us with slow connections?

I missed this too, and politely second the request.

03-10-2015, 11:47 AM
Bloke's 6+1 Demonic Spokesperson

New Bloke's 6+1 is up. I'll leave this up for the rest of the week.


<!-- -->

03-10-2015, 11:54 AM
New 10+11 graphics..

03-10-2015, 01:25 PM
You are a Peach Guy!

03-10-2015, 02:47 PM

A new generation can still appreciate the classics.

03-10-2015, 02:49 PM

A new generation can still appreciate the classics.

My kids are enjoying the hell/being scared by #3 at the moment. I thought they'd laugh at the little midget killer doll the Meister sends after the Plastic Factory guy, but man they bolted from that room fast.

03-10-2015, 04:00 PM
Thanks for the great share.

03-10-2015, 07:51 PM
You're welcome!

Thanks again!

My kids are enjoying the hell/being scared by #3 at the moment. I thought they'd laugh at the little midget killer doll the Meister sends after the Plastic Factory guy, but man they bolted from that room fast.

Hey, that doll was creepy!

I've been getting the Mrs. into the Medic...

I first started with some random samplings of 4, and she likes the cheesy nature of it all (F@ng R0ck was a big hit).

then I went with 11 (and his adventures with Cl@r@) and am now back to 11s start with @my.
She's actually been getting hooked. Such as after a late viewing of "P@nd0r!c@ Opens" she insisted we continue to "B!g B@ng".

When 11 is done, I was thinking of next jumping back to the start of 10 - or 9 - (and then crank the way-back machine to the very beginning), but I just got my multi-disk set of "Adventure in Sp@ce & T!me" and will instead broach the beginnings in that way; The tv movie and then the "Non-terran minor" episodes (which come with the set).

What I'll do next depends on her reactions.

03-10-2015, 11:25 PM
The last DE set, had to laugh at the line ... (more or less) ... from the Time Boss

"A new dalek paradigm is coming ..."

Cos, yeah, we know how well they went down!
Yeah, I kinda grinned hearing that, too. Although, I'll be honest my fave line in DE4 has to be from the Master:

"You know, they always say on this planet 'history is written by the winners'. They're wrong. It's written by the people with time machines..."

I think that's got to be one of the best lines I've ever heard from the Master regardless of incarnation.

03-11-2015, 01:05 AM
Bloke's 6+1 Demonic Spokesperson

New Bloke's 6+1 is up. I'll leave this up for the rest of the week.


Many, Many Thanks!!!!!

---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------

A new generation can still appreciate the classics.

Love that Drawing!!!! Thanks for sharing it!

Exterminate Me
03-11-2015, 03:02 AM
I agree. Thanks for sharing that great picture!

Guygardener - you have the same problem I had. You need to delete some messages so that you can receive more messages!

03-11-2015, 11:12 AM
Ok, tall order guys! Recently I've been sorting through my files and discovered a load of Medic ? comics as JPEGs. Deciding to convert them I remembered why I had stopped, as the files would bloat to obscene sizes (sometimes nearly a GB!). Long story short, I found a way to convert them and keep them round about the same size, however I couldn't find the original JPEGs for my existing comics. So if any one is capable, (and i know what a tall order it is, in fact when I'm done I'll upload them all, as well as the ones I've already fixed) the list of comics I need to replace is:

Medic 8's collection comic strips (each volume was roughly 2GB)
Medic 11: Medic Mag special with the original Time Ship couple and sequel to The Inferno Creator
Medic 10: The Not Remembered
Any of the "Giant" Comics (the ones that make the vinyl figures).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Files already sorted I can upload upon request:
All television Com!c/countup
Audio Time from 1996
Medic 6 Medic Mag colour reprints
Medic 7 Medic Mag colour reprints + non reprints in original colour
90s Yearbooks
2009-2010 Medic 10 series
2011 Medic series

Thanks in advance, guys!

03-11-2015, 12:22 PM
Ok, tall order guys! Recently I've been sorting through my files and discovered a load of Medic ? comics as JPEGs. Deciding to convert them I remembered why I had stopped, as the files would bloat to obscene sizes (sometimes nearly a GB!). Long story short, I found a way to convert them and keep them round about the same size, however I couldn't find the original JPEGs for my existing comics. So if any one is capable, (and i know what a tall order it is, in fact when I'm done I'll upload them all, as well as the ones I've already fixed) the list of comics I need to replace is:

Medic 8's collection comic strips (each volume was roughly 2GB)
Medic 11: Medic Mag special with the original Time Ship couple and sequel to The Inferno Creator
Medic 10: The Not Remembered
Any of the "Giant" Comics (the ones that make the vinyl figures).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Files already sorted I can upload upon request:
All television Com!c/countup
Audio Time from 1996
Medic 6 Medic Mag colour reprints
Medic 7 Medic Mag colour reprints + non reprints in original colour
90s Yearbooks
2009-2010 Medic 10 series
2011 Medic series

Thanks in advance, guys!

You can find some of those at
My Comic Post � Search Results � doctor who (

03-11-2015, 01:39 PM
I agree. Thanks for sharing that great picture!

Guygardener - you have the same problem I had. You need to delete some messages so that you can receive more messages!

I have that problem with my work e-mail.


It's a love/hate relationship, really.

03-11-2015, 07:50 PM
It's been awhile since I posted one of these. Only recently decided to do some more.

The Ratings War retro cover by jimg1972 on DeviantArt (

03-11-2015, 08:01 PM
It's been awhile since I posted one of these. Only recently decided to do some more.

The Ratings War retro cover by jimg1972 on DeviantArt (

I wish I could like this about 30 times due to the presence of Beep :(

03-11-2015, 10:24 PM
Slightly OT (but it is HG2G, so hopefully that will make it forgiveable. *grin*).. Does anyone have the comic adaptions? I did some scout around online, but no luck. Thought it be nice to have with at work for "Towel Day" in May. Hopefully, one of you always-reliable folks can aid me in this quest..

03-11-2015, 11:11 PM
... the list of comics I need to replace is:

Medic 8's collection comic strips (each volume was roughly 2GB)
Medic 11: Medic Mag special with the original Time Ship couple and sequel to The Inferno Creator
Medic 10: The Not Remembered
Any of the "Giant" Comics (the ones that make the vinyl figures).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance, guys!
RWQ to be MedicEighted.

Pretty sure they're all in CBR and CBZ: if you want to extract the image files, just change the extension to RAR or ZIP (respectively) and unzip.
Otherwise all you need is a CBR/Z reader. On Windows I recommend Mangameeya.

03-12-2015, 09:40 AM
Can anyone please put up Black peepers 4.4? Either my file foo-barred cos cant burn to disc...
thanks people!

03-12-2015, 11:47 AM
Medic 5 Breakdown Disease

This month's Medic is up and will stay up for the weekend.


<!-- -->

03-12-2015, 12:46 PM
Well, that was fast! And included is the latest subber special not-long journey, too! Thanks!

Speaking of which, they seem to have filled in the two missing ones from their reorganization of them all into the past 5 years of quarterly release. The ones that go with the March and June releases of '13 (both read by the same guy who did the new one released with this month's, and recorded at the same time) are now listed, and presumably released.
So, two more stories to track down!

EDIT: It looks like they're in a full ST torrent on the ABB. And all 4 of the latest they've recorded (one of which comes out in June) seem to be brand new stories, not taken from the ST hardcover collections.

03-12-2015, 01:00 PM
DWST4, you are truly...FANTASTIC! Thanks for all your effort and uploads.

03-12-2015, 01:34 PM
Thanks very much DWST4, just read it was out and found you'd already uploaded it, much appreciated.

03-12-2015, 02:41 PM
Thanks dwst4!

03-12-2015, 04:02 PM
DWST4 for Prime Minster! Thanks mate!

03-12-2015, 04:26 PM
RIP Terry Pratchett.

BBC News - Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66 (

03-12-2015, 04:35 PM
RIP Terry Pratchett.

BBC News - Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66 (

Truly saddened to hear this - the man was a freakin' genius :(

03-12-2015, 04:52 PM
Medic 5 Breakdown Disease

This month's Medic is up and will stay up for the weekend.


<!-- -->

I want your babies... that is all!!!

---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------

RIP Terry Pratchett.

BBC News - Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66 (

I think my heart just broke. RIP

03-12-2015, 08:55 PM
RIP Terry Pratchett.

BBC News - Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66 (

Wow, like losing Leonard Nimoy wasn't bad enough! While I have not read *all* of the Discworld series, I was quite fond of the characters, esp. the the Night Watch. So much fun! I am glad for all that you shared with us, Terry - your words and wit with live on long after your passing! God bless, good sir, god bless!

03-12-2015, 09:24 PM
I am gutted - really gutted.
His books have been a part of my life for so long.

Like losing a good friend.

03-12-2015, 09:25 PM
I'm devastated. My Pratchett shelf sits proudly next to my DW shelf. I think it'll be getting an airing soon.

03-12-2015, 10:16 PM
I never really got into the Pratchett books myself however that doesn't mean I can't appreciate how great an author he was, very sad news

03-13-2015, 01:12 AM

03-13-2015, 01:28 AM
Bloke's 6+1 Resistance Rebirth Set

Here is the re-posting several people asked for. It will be up for the weekend. After that, it will come down and I will not re-post it. Those who downloaded it can re-post if needed.

<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->

03-13-2015, 01:41 AM
Slightly OT (but it is HG2G, so hopefully that will make it forgiveable. *grin*).. Does anyone have the comic adaptions? I did some scout around online, but no luck. Thought it be nice to have with at work for "Towel Day" in May. Hopefully, one of you always-reliable folks can aid me in this quest..

Hello...Was it me your looking for?

<!--!NFQ1Ub5b!mAPskhv9u8DP9J20zyMLHE4mNZ8cv9njb88B3gY 8Xlw-->

03-13-2015, 02:57 AM
Does it make any sense to get that bloke's 1/2 dozen audiobooks if you already have the ebook?Can anyone please put up trail seekers the flesh cutter homicides, with that story I will be completely up to date on Enormous Endings audio fiction.

03-13-2015, 03:43 AM
Does it make any sense to get that bloke's 1/2 dozen audiobooks if you already have the ebook?Can anyone please put up trail seekers the flesh cutter homicides, with that story I will be completely up to date on Enormous Endings audio fiction.
Answer to your first question = YES!

Answer to 2nd Question= YES!
I find your boast about completed LC audio fiction hard to believe!
Here you go anyway.


Although I could be wrong as I've never heard of Bloke's 6 or (a bakers dozen 6.5)
What about this range or the discontinued 2morrow people?

03-13-2015, 06:16 AM
Goodbye, Sir Terry. You were the very best... :(

03-13-2015, 08:14 AM
Thank you once again dwst4!

03-13-2015, 12:36 PM
DWST4 for Prime Minster! Thanks mate!

don't you think he looks tired?

03-13-2015, 12:58 PM
don't you think he looks tired?

I won't have a word said against him.

He is defended!

03-13-2015, 01:01 PM
I won't have a word said against him.

He is defended!

not a word.... 6 words.....

---------- Post added at 06:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 AM ----------

Goodbye, Sir Terry. You were the very best... :(

i hadn't seen the news yet and i couldn't imagine people pining for wogan......

03-13-2015, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the great share,most kind.

03-13-2015, 05:09 PM
Hello, guys! I got my guide The Medic's Planet Stories by J*O*H*N*P*E*E*L scanned and since it can't be found anywhere online, I thought some of you could be interested :)



03-13-2015, 05:39 PM
Any word on the new scarfed Medic adventure? Just wondering, as I've been looking forward to this one, as I loved the CCs with the Missile Men.

03-13-2015, 06:34 PM
Redskutter it was not a boast but a statement.But yes it just so happens I have all medic monthlies, medic unchained ,sierra joan smitty, United, blocking steps, Carlie Ballard, the Austrian city, burning kindling, the day after Persons, the gem and the metal, the dramas, the comedies, the sherwood outlaw, the wrong righters, the outlasters, the alpha component.In fact the only things I'm missing are unlit umbras: the joyful deceased and drapes shout out and Bleak's 1/2 dozen audiobooks of previously released ebooks.Thanks for the trail seeker if you can help with any of my missing ones I would be eternally grateful.

03-13-2015, 09:03 PM
Hello...Was it me your looking for?


It was you, indeed, that I was looking for! Thank you much, redskutter! :)

03-13-2015, 09:13 PM
Answer to your first question = YES!

Answer to 2nd Question= YES!
I find your boast about completed LC audio fiction hard to believe!
Here you go anyway.

Although I could be wrong as I've never heard of Bloke's 6 or (a bakers dozen 6.5)
What about this range xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or the discontinued 2morrow people?

Some people dont count the main computer as part of the crew- maybe that's what he meant, tee hee. Strictly speaking if you do count both of the computers as part of the number then the series was completely mis named as Bloke only had 7 crew members for 6 of the 52 TV episodes...but thats another thread altogether

(do you get the feeling I have nothing better to do tonight???)

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

Redskutter it was not a boast but a statement.But yes it just so happens I have all medic monthlies, medic unchained ,sierra joan smitty, United, blocking steps, Carlie Ballard, the Austrian city, burning kindling, the day after Persons, the gem and the metal, the dramas, the comedies, the sherwood outlaw, the wrong righters, the outlasters, the alpha component.In fact the only things I'm missing are unlit umbras: the joyful deceased and drapes shout out and Bleak's 1/2 dozen audiobooks of previously released ebooks.Thanks for the trail seeker if you can help with any of my missing ones I would be eternally grateful.

please dont take offense at reds comment (or take any notice) , I'm sure he meant no offense. To know him is to love him

03-14-2015, 12:10 AM
You might ask some people about their family and they show you pictures of their dog, but they're not exactly completely insane. On the other-hand, if you ask someone about their family and they show you pictures of their laptops and tablets, they are clearly banana pants batshit.

03-14-2015, 12:23 AM
Redskutter it was not a boast but a statement.But yes it just so happens I have all medic monthlies, medic unchained ,sierra joan smitty, United, blocking steps, Carlie Ballard, the Austrian city, burning kindling, the day after Persons, the gem and the metal, the dramas, the comedies, the sherwood outlaw, the wrong righters, the outlasters, the alpha component.In fact the only things I'm missing are unlit umbras: the joyful deceased and drapes shout out and Bleak's 1/2 dozen audiobooks of previously released ebooks.Thanks for the trail seeker if you can help with any of my missing ones I would be eternally grateful.

Hope you didn't take offense!
Here are the two unlit umbras you requested and if you could throw me 1.1, 1.2 & 2.1 of the dramas THINK I'll be complete apart from the DVD Film thang.


<!--!cFJ33ThB!4Ep-xQSY-eJh-yxThRJK9GYHVNAQnQN6qt31gBFC6KU -->
<!--!pBJQGTZb!cUILVaw_FyO5dy8WKUohVMlWba8OQ4Lri1QExQU 70kI -->

03-14-2015, 12:26 AM
A request.
I wonder if anyone has a pdf of the 7th medic handbook?

Thanks :)

03-14-2015, 12:41 AM
High Wall could you edit your last post as it's showing the actual link and not the shortened link. Pretty please.

03-14-2015, 12:51 AM
A request.
I wonder if anyone has a pdf of the 7th medic handbook?
(I have 1 to 6)
Thanks :)

(Give me a while and I'll upload them in case anyone else wants them)

Here's 7!

03-14-2015, 01:08 AM
Hooray! - Thanks :)

03-14-2015, 01:25 AM
I don't know if anyone has posted all 23 of the Bonus Quick Falls (Minute Meanderings).

I have them in audiobook format (m4b):


<!-One Small Step:>

<!-Museum Peace:>

<!-Lepidoptery For Beginners:>

<!-The Switching:>

<!-The Little Drummer Boy:>

<!-Twilight's End:>

<!-Lant Land:>



<!-Only Connect:>



<!-A Room With No View:>

<!-The Piltdown Men:>

<!-Late Night Shopping:>

<!-Waiting For Gadot:>

<!-The Doctor's First XI:>

<!-Sound The Siren And I'll Come To You Comrade:>


<!-A Home From Home:>

<!-The Young Lions:>

<!-Crystal Ball:>

<!-String Theory:>

I'm only leaving this up for the weekend...Monday night at the latest...


03-14-2015, 01:59 AM
Has anyone ever come up with a complete version of the E@rly YeAr$ book by J3r3my Benth@m?
I found a partial upload years ago (first half, approx 100 pages), but have never been able to find the rest.

03-14-2015, 02:03 AM
please dont take offense at reds comment (or take any notice) , I'm sure he meant no offense. To know him is to love him

"Love" is pushing it.

"Vaguely Respect In The Morning" is pretty darn close.

03-14-2015, 02:10 AM
Redskutter some help please I've tried everything after the second exclamation point but nothing works.I didn't need a decryption key for trail seeker.Yes I included the second ex mark.

03-14-2015, 02:58 AM
Redskutter some help please I've tried everything after the second exclamation point but nothing works.I didn't need a decryption key for trail seeker.Yes I included the second ex mark.

Just make sure you copy all the text between the ']' and the '['

03-14-2015, 03:22 AM
OK no RWQ just click or copy & paste into a new tab!!pBJQGTZb!cUILVaw_FyO5dy8WKUohVMlWba8OQ4Lri1QExQU 70kI!cFJ33ThB!4Ep-xQSY-eJh-yxThRJK9GYHVNAQnQN6qt31gBFC6KU

---------- Post added at 08:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

"Love" is pushing it.

"Vaguely Respect In The Morning" is pretty darn close.

Aww.....and I luv U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Beer goggles)

Any problems let me know.

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

Some people dont count the main computer as part of the crew- maybe that's what he meant, tee hee. Strictly speaking if you do count both of the computers as part of the number then the series was completely mis named as Bloke only had 7 crew members for 6 of the 52 TV episodes...but thats another thread altogether

(do you get the feeling I have nothing better to do tonight???)

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

please dont take offense at reds comment (or take any notice) , I'm sure he meant no offense. To know him is to love him

(OR TAKE ANY NOTICE)...I'll be having words with you! PM SENT!

03-14-2015, 03:58 AM
Redskutter thanks for trail seeker and unlit umbras.I'm too chicken to try to upload anything anywhere could I pm or email your requests to you of course you'd have to talk me through how to do so.I think you're refering to the Home of hopelessness, tome of enticement and realm of the deceased part 1?

03-14-2015, 06:24 AM
in all of that did the scarfed medic get posted?

03-14-2015, 07:19 AM
in all of that did the scarfed medic get posted?
Not that I can see... *sighs*

03-14-2015, 08:43 AM
I know this is a bit late now, but regarding Sir Terry...

I always felt he was to fantasy what Doug Adams was to Sci-fi.

Both broke my heart when they left me.

03-14-2015, 11:46 AM
High Wall could you edit your last post as it's showing the actual link and not the shortened link. Pretty please.

Sorted, apologies. Sometimes I have a distinct lack of attention to detail

03-14-2015, 12:09 PM
Exterminate me, empty your inbox. It's full again.

03-14-2015, 02:19 PM
in all of that did the scarfed medic get posted?

Not that I can see... *sighs*

Happy π day.


Exterminate Me
03-14-2015, 03:18 PM
Exterminate me, empty your inbox. It's full again.

Should be okay now.

Bloody hell - how did I get to 300 messages?!!!

Reminds me of one of my Email addresses - 3.500 messages and counting!

---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

Happy π day.


Thank you so much!

03-14-2015, 03:19 PM
Happy π day.


well that was

03-14-2015, 03:22 PM
Thanks to all !!!!!

03-14-2015, 03:35 PM
Happy π day.


You're the man!

03-14-2015, 05:10 PM
Cheers all

03-14-2015, 06:08 PM
Good one Ironhead2, thanks!

03-14-2015, 06:58 PM
Thanks for the share, Ironhead2. However, is it just me, or does the theme music cut off at the end of the second part of the story? Just wondering.

03-14-2015, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the share, Ironhead2. However, is it just me, or does the theme music cut off at the end of the second part of the story? Just wondering.

Not just you. Slightly abrupt cut-off at 1h10m32s mark. It's only the theme, so at least there's no story missing.

03-14-2015, 07:53 PM
Not just you. Slightly abrupt cut-off at 1h10m32s mark. It's only the theme, so at least there's no story missing.
True. Just thought I'd ask.

03-14-2015, 11:33 PM
Thanks from me too Ironhead2.

Exterminate Me
03-15-2015, 12:17 AM
Thanks from me too Ironhead2.

Hey, that rhymes!

You know, I was just going through my Blade Runner DVD set the other day and I couldn't help but read the enclosed Ridley Scott "letter" where he says that his goal was to "give you the film in whatever form you prefer, with the best picture and sound quality possible".

George Lucas could learn a lesson or two from that!

03-15-2015, 12:26 AM
Hey, that rhymes!

You know, I was just going through my Blade Runner DVD set the other day and I couldn't help but read the enclosed Ridley Scott "letter" where he says that his goal was to "give you the film in whatever form you prefer, with the best picture and sound quality possible".

George Lucas could learn a lesson or two from that!

Hopefully Disney will put out a similar set for the original films.

03-15-2015, 01:19 AM
Until then all we can do is wait for Adywan to get on with it!

Miss Joan Doe
03-15-2015, 08:32 AM
Happy π day.


Sorry I'm late to the party, but is anyone willing to share the two that came before this? 15JA401Fyyjmpot and 15FE402Obscurity of Silicates?

03-15-2015, 08:37 AM
Hello, guys! I got my guide The Medic's Planet Stories by J*O*H*N*P*E*E*L scanned and since it can't be found anywhere online, I thought some of you could be interested :)

Thanks so much. I hadn't seen it online, either- my best mate has a hard copy, but only found it as a fluke. And she loves me, but not enough to let me keep it.

03-15-2015, 09:05 AM
Thanks Ironhead2

03-15-2015, 09:20 AM
Thanks guys for the comic stuff! When it's all sorted I'll post a link and leave it up

03-15-2015, 10:47 AM
A request.
I wonder if anyone has a pdf of the 7th medic handbook?

Thanks :)

I have 1 to 6 and they are here if anyone wants them

heya versatile, are these your files (that is, did you scan them)? only sixie's missing a couple of pages :(

03-15-2015, 11:34 AM
heya versatile, are these your files (that is, did you scan them)? only sixie's missing a couple of pages :(

I'm not sure who made the scan, but the only copy I've found online (from last July) is missing pages 36-37 as well.

03-15-2015, 01:24 PM
Ah, too bad. Beggars can't be et cetera.

03-15-2015, 04:45 PM
heya versatile, are these your files (that is, did you scan them)? only sixie's missing a couple of pages :(
Sorry, they're not. I think I probably got them from here a while ago :(

If anyone actually has a physical copy of the Sixth Doctor Handbook and could scan in pages 36 and 37 and the post them here I'd be happy to resize them and insert them into the pdf.

03-15-2015, 08:04 PM

hand books


monthly mag

03-15-2015, 08:16 PM
hand books

6th seems to be missing the same pages. Must be the same original scan floating around and around.

03-16-2015, 02:02 AM
i just thought of something -- if Clara last through the whole of the next series she will be getting into territory few companions reached in screen time/episodes and will be either #1 or #2 in the most seen companion in the new series. as she will pass Rose and recently passed Amy. [and she is coming close to Sarah/Jo/Jamie/Ian/Barbara territory

03-16-2015, 03:39 AM


03-16-2015, 09:57 AM
It's from Crims. Crims is the sort of comedy you get from feeling pity for idiots.

03-16-2015, 01:21 PM
It's from Crims. Crims is the sort of comedy you get from feeling pity for idiots.

Wasn't that bad. Seen much worse.

03-16-2015, 01:29 PM


Change the tie from a dickie bow to a more conventional one and you've got a rather nice version of 7's TVM costume. Sans eye patch of course, unless it's onrefnI 7. ;)

03-16-2015, 06:30 PM
Its a bit like 7 is doing his version of what 4 looked like in the 50th Anniversary story. I love it. He should have a little cameo in the next series!

03-16-2015, 07:15 PM
Change the tie from a dickie bow to a more conventional one and you've got a rather nice version of 7's TVM costume. Sans eye patch of course, unless it's onrefnI 7. ;)

it's the version of Medic 7 from the Courtship of Melody Pond

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

i was just listening to the trailers for the Medic 7 stories and Syl is sounding better than ever.. he was t he audio Doctor i liked the least and have been loving him more and more as time goes on

03-16-2015, 09:34 PM
Sorry I'm late to the party, but is anyone willing to share the two that came before this? 15JA401Fyyjmpot and 15FE402Obscurity of Silicates? Crazy coding you have there but I'm assuming these are what you are after. RWQ

03-17-2015, 12:48 AM
Is there a prefered order to the ocketR enM stories?

03-17-2015, 01:23 AM
Meteor? All I see is a Zygon spaceship.

03-17-2015, 01:41 AM
Is there a preferred order to the ocketR enM stories?

Release order.

03-17-2015, 02:23 AM
Does anyone have oveL & arW? Somewhere along the line I lost portions of the second CD.

---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

Is there a prefered order to the ocketR enM stories?

Cough, drunk archaeology, cough, cough.

Miss Joan Doe
03-17-2015, 08:46 AM
Crazy coding you have there but I'm assuming these are what you are after. RWQ
Very kind but no, I was after the scarfed one's stuff, not the mainstream...
PS the first url is blocked by my isp on orders from the government.

03-17-2015, 08:55 AM
Which government?

Works fine for me. :)

Miss Joan Doe
03-17-2015, 09:03 AM
Her Britannic Majesty's.... via a High Court Order.

03-17-2015, 09:27 AM
Although I look to do the weekend cryptic crossword from time to time, I must say that some of the cryptic titles on here can often baffle me. I find myself opening LC's main site to look at the releases to try and de-crypt many of them.

By all means don't stop! Just give us mortals a few more clues

03-17-2015, 11:03 AM
PS the first url is blocked by my isp on orders from the government.

Weird, not blocked on mine.

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

Just give us mortals a few more clues

I think you'll find that Chakoteya's first request is a substitution cypher, each letter one letter in advance of the real one and the second is a euphemism. The 401 and 402 refer to season and episode number. 15JA and 15FE refer to January 2015 and February 2015, the dates of the releases. I think.

Yes I do have too much time on my hands and I have just watched the Bletchley Park code-breakers in The Imitation Game. :)

03-17-2015, 02:34 PM
PS the first url is blocked by my isp on orders from the government.

I know Virgin have blocked that site along with many other good sites.

03-17-2015, 05:20 PM
Although I look to do the weekend cryptic crossword from time to time, I must say that some of the cryptic titles on here can often baffle me. I find myself opening LC's main site to look at the releases to try and de-crypt many of them.

By all means don't stop! Just give us mortals a few more clues

I have no idea what's going on, most of the time....

03-17-2015, 05:20 PM
Is there a prefered order to the ocketR enM stories?
Why not ask John Dorney on Twitter? He's the one who created them, after all.

03-17-2015, 07:48 PM
Very kind but no, I was after the scarfed one's stuff, not the mainstream...
PS the first url is blocked by my isp on orders from the government.Oh, well can't help you there.Sorry.

Someone has been at the first site. There used to be a lot more LC content on there than there is now, stuff from all the ranges. Most of that is gone now.

03-18-2015, 09:18 AM
Anyone interested in the script of an admittedly slightly mediocre special from the 1990s that never went ahead?



Miss Joan Doe
03-18-2015, 10:14 AM
Weird, not blocked on mine.[COLOR="Silver"]

I think you'll find that Chakoteya's first request is a substitution cypher, each letter one letter in advance of the real one and the second is a euphemism. The 401 and 402 refer to season and episode number. 15JA and 15FE refer to January 2015 and February 2015, the dates of the releases. I think.

Yes I do have too much time on my hands and I have just watched the Bletchley Park code-breakers in The Imitation Game. :)

Maybe we need an ISO equivalent for munging the titles? Just so those of us who get occasional brain-fade stand a chance instead of trying to decipher everyone's preferred ways of doing it.

03-18-2015, 12:44 PM
The first two complete Twelfth Medic Monthly Medic Publication comic stories


<!--!0ZJ23Z7Q!4kpXEJ0geuR2aG7sRMW04yfoJ_t3MzMiAZ38ugS 3naA-->

03-18-2015, 06:44 PM
Thanks to all the uploaders. have been away for a bit.

03-19-2015, 12:28 AM
Trying to find the Chronology Searcher series (the one that spun off from Cupboard of Luminescence) in pdf. Some of the audio versions are up but I really wanted the books. They appear to have been posted on here before though...

Also does anyone has any of the Team Twomedics (Larry Kilometers' spinoff) novels??

Exterminate Me
03-19-2015, 12:49 AM
Trying to find the Chronology Searcher series (the one that spun off from Cupboard of Luminescence) in pdf. Some of the audio versions are up but I really wanted the books. They appear to have been posted on here before though...

Also does anyone has any of the Team Twomedics (Larry Kilometers' spinoff) novels??

I have absolutely no idea what you are asking for. Maybe I'm just not awake fully yet!

03-19-2015, 01:13 AM
Is it just my DL that is messed up or did anyone else have a problem with the recent scarfed one missle-guys story?
After he and the savage are captured, it seems like a huge section is missing, because next she is incogneto with no explanation for how she escaped.

Could be I missed something since I was driving, but I turned it off so I wouldn't spoil it for myself upon a later listen (with hopefully the correctly assembled piece).

03-19-2015, 02:25 AM
Is it just my DL that is messed up or did anyone else have a problem with the recent scarfed one missle-guys story?
After he and the savage are captured, it seems like a huge section is missing, because next she is incogneto with no explanation for how she escaped.

Could be I missed something since I was driving, but I turned it off so I wouldn't spoil it for myself upon a later listen (with hopefully the correctly assembled piece).

I think it's a narrative quirk that gets addressed later.

03-19-2015, 08:39 AM
Don't worry, its supposed to be like that. I did think it's a quite clumsily done though.

03-19-2015, 10:27 AM
I think it's a narrative quirk that gets addressed later.

Don't worry, its supposed to be like that. I did think it's a quite clumsily done though.

I thought, at first, that was EXACTLY what was going on, but it was so choppy that I second-guessed it and thought it was a copy with either; improperly ordered chapters or a missing one altogether, and immediately turned it off so I wouldn't spoil it.

I'll give it a listen again this morning on my drive in.

03-19-2015, 10:58 AM
Anyone know a good place to find series 1-3 and the series 4 specials in mp4, in a reasonable file size (200-400 MB)? Strange question, I know, I've been updating my library and thought it was about time I added in some of the modern stuff I'd never been able to find via P2P.

Miss Joan Doe
03-19-2015, 11:58 AM
The BBC appears to have 'sold' those series off to commercial channels for reruns, so iPlayer isn't going to happen any time soon. And I don't know any way of converting DVD to mp4.....
Unless you do?

03-19-2015, 12:51 PM
The BBC appears to have 'sold' those series off to commercial channels for reruns, so iPlayer isn't going to happen any time soon. And I don't know any way of converting DVD to mp4.....
Unless you do?

DVDFab does the job for me.

03-19-2015, 01:11 PM
Apparently LC Has the rights to the audio adaptation of the IDW Revengers Monsieur Steed and Madame Peele. Actually owning this comic series, and probably being the only person that bought it at my local shop at all, I can say that if you haven't read it; don't! It's a good story that will probably be great on audio.

03-19-2015, 01:44 PM
Don't worry, its supposed to be like that. I did think it's a quite clumsily done though.

I had a bit of a double-take listening to it, too. Feels like there was an extra episodes worth of story that got hamfistedly done via flashback.

Besides that, that was quite a fun story.

Miss Joan Doe
03-19-2015, 04:16 PM
DVDFab does the job for me.

Two hundred dollars? Mmm, not today, thank you.

03-19-2015, 05:03 PM
Anyone know a good place to find series 1-3 and the series 4 specials in mp4, in a reasonable file size (200-400 MB)? Strange question, I know, I've been updating my library and thought it was about time I added in some of the modern stuff I'd never been able to find via P2P.

I know it goes against the grain ... but ... iTunes? �20 for a series.

03-19-2015, 05:03 PM
A bit random posting this, but I've just now noticed that LC is slowly eking out 1417x1417 covers for the monthlies post #100. That makes me happy, as there's some covers I'd love to have in that kinda hi-res style... :D

03-19-2015, 10:57 PM
The BBC appears to have 'sold' those series off to commercial channels for reruns, so iPlayer isn't going to happen any time soon. And I don't know any way of converting DVD to mp4.....
Unless you do?

I've never tried it, but I think Format Factory can do that ... and it's free :)
Format Factory Home Page - Free media file format converter (

03-19-2015, 11:41 PM
I have absolutely no idea what you are asking for. Maybe I'm just not awake fully yet!

Two semi-obscure spinoff series.

One spun off from Medic #8's story arc and involved voodoo and skulls. I've tracked down only a small handful of PDFs for this one.

The other has its narrative roots in the late forties and spun off from novellas from a publishing company named for a planet of tombed cyborgs. This one was posted on this forum before but I can't track down any pdfs on the internet except the original novella that kicked off the series.

03-20-2015, 01:28 AM
Ah, the fractious pair o' Docs and Thyme-munter series. Sorry, I can't help with the ebooks, but I'm fairly sure someone else around here can.

03-20-2015, 03:27 AM
I know it goes against the grain ... but ... iTunes? �20 for a series.

I had them all on Itunes, even all of the classic series that was up there. Only problem was the security on it prevented me from sorting it how I liked and wouldn't let me play in some resolutions, so I've deleted them all and I'm in progress of replacing them with more flexible versions.

03-20-2015, 02:36 PM
I had them all on Itunes, even all of the classic series that was up there. Only problem was the security on it prevented me from sorting it how I liked and wouldn't let me play in some resolutions, so I've deleted them all and I'm in progress of replacing them with more flexible versions.

Can't say I've ever had an issue renaming/tagging videos I've got from iTunes.

That said, the first thing I normally do run them through a DRM ripper for watching via other machines or the DVD player.

03-20-2015, 07:43 PM
I'm surprised no one's mentioned that Bleak's 1/2 dozen mephisto unveilings is out.Could someone post it soon, please?

03-20-2015, 08:54 PM
I had them all on Itunes, even all of the classic series that was up there. Only problem was the security on it prevented me from sorting it how I liked and wouldn't let me play in some resolutions, so I've deleted them all and I'm in progress of replacing them with more flexible versions.

Can't say I've ever had an issue renaming/tagging videos I've got from iTunes.

That said, the first thing I normally do run them through a DRM ripper for watching via other machines or the DVD player.

The only TV programmes I've downloaded from iTunes were Enemy of the World and Web of Fear and it let me change whatever titles/seasons/any-other-details that I wanted on those.

03-20-2015, 11:39 PM
Does anyone have the full cast Dim Castings stories they're willing to share?


Nevermind - found them.

03-21-2015, 12:58 AM
Working on it.


03-21-2015, 03:00 AM
The only TV programmes I've downloaded from iTunes were Enemy of the World and Web of Fear and it let me change whatever titles/seasons/any-other-details that I wanted on those.

Of course, only I can't store them on an external hard drive or play them off of anything that doesn't have Itunes, and I don't have a DMR ripper.

03-21-2015, 01:59 PM
Does anyone have the full cast Dim Castings stories they're willing to share?

I bought the first series of Dim Castings. If anyone wants them, let me know.

03-21-2015, 03:01 PM
Of course, only I can't store them on an external hard drive or play them off of anything that doesn't have Itunes, and I don't have a DMR ripper.

For back-up you can copy them to anther drive, and then re-import back to iTunes if needs be.

As for DRM. For OSX I highly recommend ...

Tune4mac iTunes Video Converter Platinum

... and I'm sure that there's similar that Windows users can suggest. Especially great as you can 'rent' movies and not have them time-out.

Exterminate Me
03-21-2015, 04:43 PM
Totally off topic. Anyone with a Playstation 3 like playing multiplayer games occasionally, I'm BorisPie on PSN.

03-21-2015, 05:59 PM
Yes please dwst4 I'd like to hear the Dim Castings series

03-21-2015, 08:07 PM

recent monthly

03-21-2015, 09:11 PM
OT a bit here (really thinking about changing my username to "Off-Topic Timmy"! *groan*).. But, anyone else on here a fan of 'Orphan Black'? My wife and I just binged watched the 1st two Series this past week. Sooo good! I wish American TV offered programming that good! Just curious to hear what some of you think of the series..

03-21-2015, 09:15 PM
OT a bit here (really thinking about changing my username to "Off-Topic Timmy"! *groan*).. But, anyone else on here a fan of 'Orphan Black'? My wife and I just binged watched the 1st two Series this past week. Sooo good! I wish American TV offered programming that good! Just curious to hear what some of you think of the series..
I loved it. Watched Series on and Two back to back. Best original series to come along in years. And the girl playing the clones is so good, so versatile, and so hot as well.

03-21-2015, 09:25 PM
OT a bit here (really thinking about changing my username to "Off-Topic Timmy"! *groan*).. But, anyone else on here a fan of 'Orphan Black'? My wife and I just binged watched the 1st two Series this past week. Sooo good! I wish American TV offered programming that good! Just curious to hear what some of you think of the series..

It's my fave after Which Medic and Peaky Blinders actually.

03-21-2015, 09:42 PM
OT a bit here (really thinking about changing my username to "Off-Topic Timmy"! *groan*).. But, anyone else on here a fan of 'Orphan Black'? My wife and I just binged watched the 1st two Series this past week. Sooo good! I wish American TV offered programming that good! Just curious to hear what some of you think of the series..

Binged watched it several months ago. Great show. The gal who plays the clones deserves an Emmy. She's amazing. IDW is putting out a series of prequel comics that give the back story to each clone. Sarah was last month. This month it's Helena.

03-21-2015, 10:09 PM
Does any one have dim casting a legend reborn ( it's a sort of 'making of' released when series one was.) will share series 2 as a thank you. cheers ma dears x

03-21-2015, 10:59 PM
Am looking for the recent Blokes 6+1 Audbk,
Just in case i missed the post
Thankyou muchly

03-22-2015, 03:57 AM
Orphan Black is made in Canada with mostly Canadian actors by BBC America.

I'm not shortchanging America, but Canadian Science Fiction has really, really delivered over the years.

Oh they had a special, but it was kind dry

Orphan Black: The Cloneversation

It was a talk show hosted by Will Wheaton, that aired a week before season 2 started, stealing completely the format from The Talking Dead.

03-22-2015, 02:08 PM
Dim Casting Full Cast First Series for anyone who wants it. I will take it down tomorrow.


<!-- -->

03-22-2015, 11:58 PM
OT a bit here (really thinking about changing my username to "Off-Topic Timmy"! *groan*).. But, anyone else on here a fan of 'Orphan Black'? My wife and I just binged watched the 1st two Series this past week. Sooo good! I wish American TV offered programming that good! Just curious to hear what some of you think of the series..

Binged watched it several months ago. Great show. The gal who plays the clones deserves an Emmy. She's amazing. IDW is putting out a series of prequel comics that give the back story to each clone. Sarah was last month. This month it's Helena.

The Cosima clone might make an interesting DW companion, except that she'd also make a good new-Osgood.

03-23-2015, 01:06 AM
Does anyone happen to have The Medic's Story from the Old Escapades? I was sure I had it, but it seems to have gone missing. Thank you!

03-23-2015, 02:56 AM

The Cosima clone might make an interesting DW companion, except that she'd also make a good new-Osgood.

If I was going to cast her as anything medicrelated, it would be as Young Tegan.

The lying blonde cow, who's shoulder we can see there, is kicking ass in X-Company, which is a new show about Allied incursions into Nazi occupied France by a small multinational squad of badasses, to which some how, given the era, she is field leader.

03-23-2015, 04:39 AM
Has anyone heard any of these? Was it made just for them?

03-23-2015, 08:16 AM
Has anyone heard any of these? Was it made just for them?

I am sure these were commercially available. They used to sell them in Forbidden Planet. I can't imagine there's anything new on there that Davison hasn't said elsewhere.

Miss Joan Doe
03-23-2015, 09:20 AM
Does anyone happen to have The Medic's Story from the Old Escapades? I was sure I had it, but it seems to have gone missing. Thank you!

Is this that you're looking for?

<!-- -->[/QUOTE]

03-23-2015, 11:00 AM
Many thanks for this. If there's any more, I'll gladly take 'em.

03-24-2015, 02:46 AM
Is this that you're looking for?
Yes, indeed! Thank you very much! :)

03-24-2015, 09:28 PM
Just found out that my usual source of Blokes 7 has been blocked by my ISP (British, rhymes with Pie!)
But by searching google for the site myfree..... and adding the word proxy the wonders of the net revealed another source.....

03-24-2015, 10:32 PM
I loved it. Watched Series on and Two back to back. Best original series to come along in years. And the girl playing the clones is so good, so versatile, and so hot as well.

Ha! Wasn't expecting such a good response to my question! Seriously, tho, the wait for Series 3 on April 18th is KILLING me! Especially when I keep seeing the li'l OB "teasers" during 'Doctor Who' at lunchtime on BBC America! Grrr...! I will have to swing by my LCS this weekend, so I pick up the 1st two issues of the comic series. Oh, and, yeah, webs01, totally agree with you: the actress that plays all the clones *is* rather hot!

One more thing.. The males clones from Project Castor? CREEEEEEEEPY!!

03-24-2015, 11:38 PM
i just heard this and have no words for what i heard

blakes 7 the musical FREE Music - (

03-24-2015, 11:53 PM
i just heard this and have no words for what i heard

blakes 7 the musical FREE Music - (

I really wish life had an undo button so I could unhear this ... "I wanna know what Traaaaaaaaavis..."

03-25-2015, 12:04 AM
I really wish life had an undo button so I could unhear this ... "I wanna know what Traaaaaaaaavis..."

I think I'm glad that that site appears to be UK ISP blocked now ...

03-25-2015, 02:57 AM
Cause this is Vila ...vila night!!! his name is Vila Restal which sound more like a hotel......

Cally!!!! Calle you can Call-y cally anytime........

Someone left my Blake out in the rain........ and don't think that i can face another script by Terry Nation...cause he used the same old plot device again.........

and my fave BABY....I'm Your GAN.......don't you know That Baby I'm your Gan!!!!!

03-25-2015, 10:27 AM
Just found out that my usual source of Blokes 7 has been blocked by my ISP (British, rhymes with Pie!)
But by searching google for the site myfree..... and adding the word proxy the wonders of the net revealed another source.....
Haha, Australia just instituted ISP block bills... We're following all the other countries...

Exterminate Me
03-25-2015, 12:07 PM
Just found out that my usual source of Blokes 7 has been blocked by my ISP (British, rhymes with Pie!)
But by searching google for the site myfree..... and adding the word proxy the wonders of the net revealed another source.....

Good old internet.

Glad you've found a way around things.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ----------

Haha, Australia just instituted ISP block bills... We're following all the other countries...

The C$nts!

03-25-2015, 05:55 PM

03-25-2015, 07:31 PM
Just received a notification that someone has tried to log onto my account on here so if anyone receives or has received any kind of message from me today I didn't send it. Watch your backs. There are rats lurking in the shadows.

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

Traced the ip address. Seems to be Chinese in origin. Beijing to be exact.

03-25-2015, 11:23 PM
Just received a notification that someone has tried to log onto my account on here so if anyone receives or has received any kind of message from me today I didn't send it. Watch your backs. There are rats lurking in the shadows.

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

Traced the ip address. Seems to be Chinese in origin. Beijing to be exact.

Does that mean the special chow mein, peking duck and spring rolls with special friend rice WONT be coming to an inbox near me??? Damn it!

03-26-2015, 01:53 AM
Ten years ago today!

Happy Birthday New Who.

03-26-2015, 06:48 AM
yay! I am so glad for it. Some new colour to life. Doctor Who is a wonder.

03-26-2015, 11:00 AM
New Medic 11 Comic

Not my link. Found it on another site, just circulating it. Props to the original poster.


<!-- -->

03-26-2015, 02:16 PM
has it been 10 years??????? ... just think of this in a few year the new version will have run half the length of the old version....,

03-31-2015, 02:05 AM
Nobody did anything stupid to cope with the withdrawls?

03-31-2015, 02:17 AM
Nobody did anything stupid to cope with the withdrawls?

Got myself a kidney stone, does that count?

03-31-2015, 03:09 AM
well it seems that LC is going to be with us for a long time..... it seems the licence has been extended to possibly what might be the end of the 12 medic on TV [2020] [we might even be into 13 by then]

more 8th Medic.... Doom Patrol 4 boxes of 4 stories each...16 episode arc
more 4th medic this time season 18 medic stories set after Lazy Hive and also after Cactus Man
more 7th medic novel adaptations

ol sixie is getting something special with his last story and was in the Worlds thingy.....

is medic 5 being slighted or is it just me...?

03-31-2015, 05:51 AM
New ||th c0m!c.

03-31-2015, 12:05 PM
You know, the next time they need to lock down the Shrine again someone really ought to make sure no one is stuck in the Zero Room. Just saying.

03-31-2015, 01:31 PM
Nobody did anything stupid to cope with the withdrawls?

Nothing involving a turnip and a gallon of suncream, despite what the rumours say.

03-31-2015, 06:56 PM
Lady Whiteadder's turnip? Desecrating holy relics now?

03-31-2015, 08:32 PM
Lady Whiteadder's turnip? Desecrating holy relics now?

I can neither confirm nor deny any speculation upon what you may possibly think.

03-31-2015, 09:35 PM
You probably think this thread is about you. Don't you?

03-31-2015, 10:40 PM
Well, I see the room is open again. But what happened in here? Who made this mess? Come on fess up. Who did it?

03-31-2015, 10:46 PM
The third Twelfth Medic Monthly Medic Publication comic story



04-01-2015, 01:16 AM
Well, I see the room is open again. But what happened in here? Who made this mess? Come on fess up. Who did it?


04-01-2015, 01:25 AM
Well, I see the room is open again. But what happened in here? Who made this mess? Come on fess up. Who did it?

I think it was the dastardly dude from Beijing. He looked kind of like you, though.

04-01-2015, 01:38 AM
Should/Could I recomend Bill Pisskate's - Enhance your Exports Book (
Felt to me a bit like Adam Douglas (lite) Sci-Fi but better than that Owen Cougher's 6th installment effort!

04-01-2015, 02:03 AM
Anyone got the new L!bearting Chons. from Blokes 6+1 by any chance? Thanks in advance.

04-01-2015, 04:32 AM
Lady Whiteadder's turnip? Desecrating holy relics now?

well remeber Lady WhiteAdder is actually a Slitheen or the aunt of a 9th medic with a red nose.

04-01-2015, 08:15 PM
I think it was the dastardly dude from Beijing. He looked kind of like you, though.
Nobody in their right mind would want to steal my identity....not unless they like being underpaid and swimming in debt.

04-01-2015, 09:03 PM
Welcome back, all! You guys were missed, seriously! I wound up signing onto the LC forums (actually, some nice people there..), as I needed some Who fans who were just aboue NuWho. You guys rock for sure!


That said, I was wondering if anyone has ever listened to LC's adventures of that kooky gal in the temporally-enabled double-decker bus? I found 1.1 Kooky Gal At Large, but 1.2 was unable to be located, nor the others. If anyone has anyone to share, as well as input/thoughts as to whether I should even be considering these stories?

04-01-2015, 09:42 PM
Has the world given up?

No more childlike whimsy in the universe?

I didn't see anything (not that I was looking) for April 1st.

04-01-2015, 09:49 PM
Has the world given up?

No more childlike whimsy in the universe?

I didn't see anything (not that I was looking) for April 1st.

Um... Steven Moffat has resigned as Showrunner, allowing for newly cloned John Nathan-Turner to take over the reins of 'Doctor Who'. Hrrmm.. April Fool's! :P

04-01-2015, 10:38 PM
Hello all, oooo would like some tayles of trnslore?!UIAxmRbT!FrpJsJNSrERwzek2uKbF1xKGN6fYUOdhJYpKh56 hKqk

04-01-2015, 11:56 PM
Hello all, oooo would like some tayles of trnslore?!UIAxmRbT!FrpJsJNSrERwzek2uKbF1xKGN6fYUOdhJYpKh56 hKqk

Very Cool. Thanks

04-02-2015, 12:09 AM
Utterly way off topic, but I'm gonna guess that most folks here would have fun picking movies apart and laughing when they mess up? Well, you're going to love the one that Cinema Sins put out on YouTube today ...

Anyone fancy having a crack at a DW based one? :D

04-02-2015, 01:47 AM
Just checked LC's site. They put up 1417x1417 covers for monthlies #112 & 113. I pray they put up a cover for #115. That's one I've wanted a hi-res cover of for ages.

04-02-2015, 03:42 AM
Has the world given up?

No more childlike whimsy in the universe?

I didn't see anything (not that I was looking) for April 1st.

April Fools jokes are the lowest form of humor.

Miss Joan Doe
04-02-2015, 07:33 AM
That said, I was wondering if anyone has ever listened to LC's adventures of that kooky gal in the temporally-enabled double-decker bus? I found 1.1 Kooky Gal At Large, but 1.2 was unable to be located, nor the others. If anyone has anyone to share, as well as input/thoughts as to whether I should even be considering these stories?

Give it half an hour to upload....


<!-- --!>

Not actually got around to listening myself yet.

Exterminate Me
04-02-2015, 06:54 PM
Utterly way off topic, but I'm gonna guess that most folks here would have fun picking movies apart and laughing when they mess up? Well, you're going to love the one that Cinema Sins put out on YouTube today ...

Anyone fancy having a crack at a DW based one? :D

Damn you Nobber - once I start watching one of these it turns into, another one, then one more, followed by another...

04-02-2015, 08:59 PM
Damn you Nobber - once I start watching one of these it turns into, another one, then one more, followed by another...

I watched the Lucy one three times. They are spot on as to why I didn't like that movie.

04-02-2015, 09:10 PM
I watched the Lucy one three times. They are spot on as to why I didn't like that movie. I hated LUCY. It was all over the place, like it couldn't decide what kind of film it wanted to be. Was it crime noir, Hong Kong action piece, or esoteric thought piece about human potential and man's place in the universe? I don't even think the producers knew.

04-02-2015, 10:45 PM
Any kind persons on here know where to get hold of the two Blokes6+1 B*ox set or Lucy*fir stories,Pleeease,
Thanks awefully!

04-03-2015, 12:10 AM
New story synopsis and titles released on the LC site for the fifth Scarfed one series
As revealed in this month's Doctor Who Magazine, the titles and some further details for series five of Fourth Doctor Adventures have been announced...

The Fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 return in 2016 for a full season of Doctor Who audio adventures from Big Finish. The eight releases will see the return of some old foes and friends, and include a stellar line-up of guest stars.

The Wave of Destruction by Justin Richards kicks off the run, as the travellers become involved with strange occurrences on a pirate radio station in the 1960s. Karl Theobald (Primeval, Twenty Twelve) plays disc jockey Mark Lanchaster.

In February’s The Labyrinth of Buda Castle by Eddie Robson, the Doctor and Romana decide to holiday in another exotic European city, but find that death is stalking the local population. Kate Bracken (Misfits, Being Human) guest stars as supernatural investigator Celia Soames.

March’s The Paradox Planet and April’s The Legacy of Death, both by Jonathan Morris, take us to the world of Aoris, where two different time zones have declared war on each other. And the Doctor and Romana are trapped on different sides… Simon Rouse (Doctor Who: Kinda) plays Drang, Tom Chadbon (Doctor Who: The City of Death, Del Grant in Blake’s 7) plays scientist Embery while Emma Campbell-Jones (Doctor Who: The Wedding of River Song and The Night of the Doctor) is his assistant Shola.

‘How brilliant to have Tom Chadbon back with his City of Death cast mates!’ says producer David Richardson. ‘And while it wasn’t a return for the detective Duggan, it was still a joy to watch them sitting together on the sofa, fondly reminiscing about their times filming in Paris back in 1979.’

The Gallery of Ghouls by Alan Barnes, released in May, finds the Doctor and Romana investigating a waxworks exhibition in Brighton in 1833. Celia Imrie (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Doctor Who: The Bells of St John) plays Madame Tissot, while Nickolas Grace (Robin of Sherwood, Brideshead Revisited) is the waxworks manager Goole.

The cockney Time Lord Drax, whose only TV appearance was The Armageddon Factor in 1979, makes his comeback in June’s The Trouble With Drax by John Dorney. Ray Brooks (Big Deal, Mr Benn, Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 AD) takes on the role originally portrayed by Barry Jackson, while the cast also includes John Challis (Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom, Only Fools and Horses, The Green Green Grass, and recently interviewed for the free Big Finish podcast Toby Hadoke's Who's Round #111) and Hugh Fraser (Agatha Christie’s Poirot).

‘We devised The Trouble With Drax for Barry,’ says producer David Richardson, ‘but sadly he passed away before the script was even completed. We searched hard for an actor to continue his legacy, and Ray Brooks was the ideal choice - so charming, so naughty… I think people will love the new incarnation of Drax when they hear him.’

The season ends on an epic story spread over two releases - The Pursuit of History in July, and Casualties of Time in August, both by Nicholas Briggs. David Warner makes his comeback as the mysterious Cuthbert, and his former assistant Mr Dorrick (Toby Hadoke) is back too. Both characters appeared in four releases during the second season of The Fourth Doctor Adventures.

‘I’d always intended to continue the story of Cuthbert and Dorrick and the mysterious Conglomerate,’ says Nick, ‘but when we lost dear Mary Tamm all plans for that storyline were put aside. However, with Lalla signing up to these stories I decided to return to some of my original ideas, melded them with some new thoughts, and the result is the huge season finale. It’s quite a ride!’

The guest cast also includes David Troughton (Doctor Who: Midnight and The Curse of Peladon) as the Black Guardian.

‘Could it be that the past is finally catching up with the Doctor and Romana?’ teases Nick...

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 PM ----------

Some other upcoming Medic titles have been released as well

More Novel Adaptations
Theatre of War by Justin Richards (7th) December 2015
(special 2-disc story adaptation of the novel of the same name, plus a bonus making-of disc)

All-Consuming Fire by Andy Lane - adapted by Guy Adams (7th) December 2015
(special 2-disc story adaptation of the novel of the same name, plus a bonus making-of disc)

Nightshade by Mark Gatiss - adapted by Kyle Szikora (7th) April 2016
(special 2-disc story adaptation of the novel of the same name, plus a bonus making-of disc)

Original Sin by Andy Lane - adapted by John Dorney (7th) December 2016
(special 2-disc story adaptation of the novel of the same name, plus a bonus making-of disc)

titles for the new Eighth series Doom Coalition
1 The Eleven by Matt Fitton
2 The Red Lady by John Dorney
3 The Galileo Trap by Mark Platt
4 The Satanic Mill by Edward Collier

04-03-2015, 12:37 AM
I hated LUCY. .....

Yeah, but on the other hand any movie that has Scarlet and her derri�re are better than movies that don't.

04-03-2015, 06:28 AM
Those Seven novels are all good ones, IIRC. I just hope they get a better actor for Cwej. He was in one story where he had a really irritatingly high voice. I know, Mike Tyson is a RL example of that. But still, I'd prefer a deeper voice.

Miss Joan Doe
04-03-2015, 07:42 AM
FYI, BBC Radio 4 Extra is broadcasting 7D 3 part story A Thousand Tiny Wings 6th - 8th April, available on iPlayer afterwards.

04-03-2015, 10:03 AM
I hated LUCY. It was all over the place, like it couldn't decide what kind of film it wanted to be. Was it crime noir, Hong Kong action piece, or esoteric thought piece about human potential and man's place in the universe? I don't even think the producers knew.

Agreed. This movie's "deep" message was supposed to be about how small humanity is compared to the grade scheme of the Universe and therefore we should savoir the life we have. Yet, all the diatribe is delivered by a person who is needlessly slaughtering people; a person who has become so powerful, she can incapacitate anyone non-fatally (I'm referring to the hallway scene where Lucy puts everyone but one person to sleep). Yea, that's right! Let's have this deep message and package it in this dumbed-down action schlock. What a condescending movie.

And whoever green-lit the premise of a person extending beyond the now debunked ten percent myth needs to be fired. Seriously, a five year old can google that info and tell you it's a myth. Argh.

Sorry, but that was not just one of the worst movies I've seen, but also one of the most insulting.

04-03-2015, 11:29 AM
Is anyone sure if there's DMR on epubs bought through Itunes? I was going through my shelf and noticed that I had a bunch of 2 in 1 books I didn't have digitally. I noticed that they aren't around anywhere let alone in pdf, so I was considering buying them and converting them myself. (Also, those of you waiting for me to upload those comics, I've just got Medic 8 to go before I can upload them.)