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03-12-2013, 10:17 AM
<!-- 4.2.4 - Download - 4shared - Smith John ( -->
Rwq for a new scarf story. The 4th of the 2nd of the 4th

Though I may not keep it up too long in the light of recent events...
Thanks moodylampy.

03-12-2013, 10:30 AM
Just a question everyone - I seem to keep missing The Immortal Horsemen. Would anyone know of a link still active?

All of mine still are. RWQ.

HL1.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
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HL1.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

HL2.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
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HL2.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

03-12-2013, 10:43 AM
The muppets and happy tree friends? If you say meet the feebles too this
is going right to the top of the next listen pile!

Nowhere near as deprived (sadly)... But it does feature homicidal cute puppets and the music really reminded me of the HTF theme for some reason...

03-12-2013, 10:53 AM
I have scanned them from my book to a pdf.

Apologies that its not like an ebook type of scan. I just have a simple PSC device. Page 2 looks a bit weird on the right side of the page due to the fold in the book. The only way I was going to solve that was by pulling pages out.

Anyway RWQ.


03-12-2013, 10:53 AM
More unpopular opinions: I never had a problem with Adric. The Cartmel Masterplan was a better backstory than the one we got. Paradise Towers is good fun. Moffat is a hack, Cumberbatch is annoying, and so is Freeman. Though now I'm starting to drift away from Medic, so I'll shut up. :)

Agree about Paradise Towers, it's brilliant. That's ALL I agree with (except maybe the Cartmel thing), but it's something! :)

I must confess to often having an odd affinity for the 'underdogs' of DW: (Colin Baker's era, JNT, Timelash, The Time Monster, Gunfighters, et al) & PT is one of my favourite McCoy stories

03-12-2013, 10:55 AM
A huge thanks to moodylampy and Foefromthefuture for the latest tales with the chap who is all curls and big teeth. Phew! It's been a bumper month from LC!

03-12-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi everyone!

For those who have been asking for the new Scarf audios:

Here's the 3rd of the 2nd of the 4th - "Battle against the (Space) Manatees"

Do people still need the 4th one? (The one with J+L) I see it was upped a bit earlier on today; not sure if the link is still active.


Thanks foe

03-12-2013, 11:30 AM
A huge thanks to jijoya for The Immortal Horsemen and SG1. :)

03-12-2013, 11:53 AM
I have scanned them from my book to a pdf.

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!

03-12-2013, 12:10 PM
Hi everyone!

For those who have been asking for the new Scarf audios:

Here's the 3rd of the 2nd of the 4th - "Battle against the (Space) Manatees"

Do people still need the 4th one? (The one with J+L) I see it was upped a bit earlier on today; not sure if the link is still active.



Thanks Heaps Foe!!!

03-12-2013, 12:12 PM
All of mine still are.

Great stuff, thanks for these.

03-12-2013, 12:30 PM
Thanks moodylampy! Thanks Foefromthefuture! :)

2 x (4 + R1) + J&L = Very x (Grateful + Excited)! + : + )

In a Block Transfer mood for some reason...

03-12-2013, 12:41 PM
Two cents!

I prefer the RTD stuff to the Moffatt stuff, because Moffatt sucks at consistency.
exemplia gratia, River Song. "Meeting in the wrong order" is at first taken to mean meeting in the exact opposite order (which is fine if wildly unlikely to the extent that I'd suspect an external influence). But then it turns into meeting in random order, which would also be fine except it completely ruins the poignancy of his first, her last, meeting! Ooh, I raged.

And then there's the everything I could spiel about the Doctor, and sex, and Jenny and River and Susan and Rose.
Like everyone else, I've had to pick and choose my canon from some mutually exclusive sources. The story I've chosen draws heavily from the VNAs and the concept of being created on a genetic Loom.This idea pleases me inordinately, so I was a bit offended when the Doctor denied so vehemently the validity of Jenny. I've normally placed the tv series at a higher priority in the canon than any of the third-party efforts, but this one I've chosen to just conveniently ignore. Jenny is a valid Gallifreyan. However it does not follow that Jenny is a valid Time Lord. Nothing I've come across has convinced me that Gallifreyans are born/Loomed with the ability to regenerate; I've concluded that it's a purely Time Lord trait, conferred with the Rassilon Imprimatur (symbiotic nuclei enabling TARDIS bonding) when a student attains the rank of Junior Time Lord at the Time Lord Academy. <!--Hear the coldness in my voice as I say "she should have died".-->

River, on the other hand, as a child of the TARDIS, gets all of the things. Except for Gallifreyan physiology (because she was born to human parents). She should get the time-sensitivity and the ability to symbiotically link with a TARDIS and, I suppose, the ability to regenerate. She doesn't get a respiratory bypass system though, nor the extended lifespan of a Gallifreyan.

And then there's Susan, whom people cite as total proof that the Doctor had sex once. This tale is my favourite and most glorious example of the mishmash upon which I've drawn for my canon. It utilises concepts of Looming, the Pythia's Curse, and the Hand of Omega.
For me, the story runs thus:There were three Old-Gallifreyan engineers who together pretty much brought about the Time Lord "race": Omega, the stellar engineer; Rassilon, who developed the regeneration ability, the Rassilon Imprimatur, and Looming; and the Other, whose name and precise contribution are lost to Time.

When the Other died (or anyway went Away), he stuck his biodata in the Loom of Lungbarrow, programming it to one day recreate him. This it did, one Otherstide - the anniversary of the Other's disappearance - in the form of the Doctor. It created a couple of weirdnesses, such as the Doctor's tummy-button (which a freshly-created clone wouldn't have, such a feature being epigenetic) and certain memories of the Old Times that he technically shouldn't have if he's only the Doctor. It's supported by the unique occurrence of the Doctor being able to remember waiting within the Loom to be born. All others only become aware once they've actually been assembled by the device.

The Other also nicked the Hand of Omega, programming (or persuading) it to hide away until he was recreated. So one day, as the Doctor was going about his wilful and independent business, along came a big box-shaped thing flying through the air. It puppy-dogged him, wouldn't leave him alone. Stressed him out a bit, too, especially when he found out what it could do... and what it was. So when his big confrontation came, the day he got his "invitation" to Quences' deathday, and words were had, a fight started that the Hand ended, he was in a prime state of mind to fleeeee.

And the Hand came too; it persuaded the TARDIS to let him in. It powered his first flight in her. And it brought him back, to the Old Times. To a time after the departure of the Other, a time of major upheaval on Gallifrey: the Great Schism. The Pythia had fallen, her followers had run off to Karn, and Rassilon had taken her place. She had cursed that world to a barren future.

Such a thing hadn't happened immediately: no children died in utero (I'm ignoring the idea of a curse of sterility because it brings too much fantasy into my scifi). But the concern of overpopulation - what with the Gallifreyans' uberly-extended lifespan - and the burgeoning popularity of Rassilon's Loom process, had led to a social shift, probably helped along by the incredibly twisty politics of that place. It was decided that no more should child be born of woman. Instead, all new additions to the population were to be Loomed, and the Looming regulated. That's all reasonable, but then they in their wisdom added to this that all children who hadn't been Loomed should be removed. So they did the whole hack-and-slash and slaughtered all the children. This being what the Pythia had meant in her curse. She hadn't brought it about, only predicted it. <!--Taking credit for things is the way to get ahead in life...-->

At this time, a child had just been born, grand-daughter to a Gallifreyan lady (later known as Patience) <!--or maybe not. The storytelling was a bit ambiguous--> and her husband, a Time-pioneer (one of the first Time Lords) whose name is lost to Time. That Time Lord had died, or disappeared, prior to these events. Patience was panicking because there was fighting in the streets and the Capitol was burning and she didn't know whether her newborn grandchild was alive. And then came an old man, wearing her husband's ring. But he wasn't her husband, was he? Or was he? And he said he had rescued the infant, a girl.

The old man was the Doctor; he wore Patience's husband's ring because her husband was the Other. How did the Doctor get that ring? He probably found it inside the box containing the Hand of Omega. He didn't tell Patience anything, because he didn't know anything really at that point. He helped her to escape in a prototype TARDIS. He sent the child to Tersurus.

Then there's a bit of a gap, wherein she grows up knowing him as her grandfather (which he denies, but privately isn't so sure) and then another watershed event (belike something to do with the Doctor being detected by the modern Time Lords as being in the Old Times, or maybe not because surely they'd have prosecuted him for that at his first trial) and the Doctor flees to modern times with the child who, upon coming across Earth and its wonders, adopts the name Susan. They also bring along the Hand, which has been hovering around in the background all this time. The Doctor secrets it on Earth when they pause there for an extended sojourn.Another interesting consequence of this train of reasoning is more support for his anonymity. Even as the Other, no name. And when he was expelled from House Lungbarrow, his name was forbidden from being spoken in the House.
I've got an image file of a scan from a book with the original indictment against the Doctor; it includes his name in a sort of Greekish script. Very short though, nothing like the thirty-six-syllable masterpiece of unpronounceability that has been claimed. Perhaps it's a very economical script. :)So, the Doctor did have sex once upon a time (probably several times considering Patience had thirteen children), just not as the Doctor.The Looming goes some way to explain his apparent complete lack of interest in matters of the flesh. I've decided it's a feature of the Doctor, a facet of his multifarious personality that stayed very deep within his psyche. Because it wasn't just that he was uninterested: he seemed remarkably unaware of such things, or vaguely aware that they existed but not with any relevance to him. He wasn't so much resisting urges as immune to them. None of the Time Lords consider such things aberrant when the issue occasionally crops up, they just don't seem to consider it important. My guess is it's some sort of disincentive built in to the Loom process to prevent sexual reproduction.

And then came the movie and screwed that up, but we can explain this away with regeneration sickness. We can do the same for Nine, because by the standards of the others he was still really really new when he died. No more than a few years old. The Doctor's taken longer than that on an afternoon nap. Or we can call it a holdover from Eight and suggest that because it manifested at the beginning of that incarnation it ingrained itself somewhat, to the extent that Nine had a throwback moment. And then when Ten came along, the companion with whom the Doctor had bonded so strongly - Rose - was still there. She helped him through the regeneration alone. That imprints a chap, does it not?
And by this time it's a bit of a habit, hence Reinette, and River. So, does this mean he's shrugged off the conditioning? Will this snowball into James Bond? <!--Thank heavens for emergencies all the time, I guess, else he'd have peopled this isle with Doctors! Because all the ladies. All of zem.-->
On the idea that Eight introduced, that the Doctor is half-human on his mother's side is completely blown out of the water by this all. If he were Loomed, he has no parents. If he is the Other, well the Other had parents, but was born before the Gallifreyans had developed time travel; born at a time before protohumans developed opposable thumbs. I've concluded that that was a meaningless frippery... unless, of course, there's some sneaky truth in the story The Old Man And The Police Box, in which it is claimed that the Old Man was a human who went to Gallifrey and civilised its inhabitants. Makes you wonder to what race his father belonged, though, if he's only half human :)There's also the delightful idea that the Other was the Doctor, rather than just being vice-versa. That is, the idea that the Doctor later on went back to Old Gallifrey and was himself the third of the founders. And then created himself (like the Bad Wolf!) by seeding the Lungbarrow Loom. Woo paradox! If that were the case, I'd suspect it was Seven who did it. He seems like that kind of Doctor... although, that would also mean Seven being Patience's husband, and that seems unlikely. But not impossible.

On a completely side note,did anyone else make faces when Idris ribbed him for always pushing a pull-door?
Considering the cabinet that would hold the telephone (upon which one finds the quoted sign) does have a pull-door, and the police box itself opens inwards... *sigh* I'm sounding like an anorak...

03-12-2013, 12:52 PM
Two cents! ...

Blimey, but that's a well researched and well written two cents!

03-12-2013, 01:00 PM
Moody, Foe; love, respect, all that milarky! Thanks.

03-12-2013, 01:07 PM
All of mine still are. RWQ.

HL1.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL1.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL1.3 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL1.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

HL2.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.3 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

Huge thanks jijoya! I really appreciate it!

03-12-2013, 01:37 PM
Thank you everyone for the uploads! You're precious.

03-12-2013, 02:33 PM
Blimey, but that's a well researched and well written two cents!

Cheers. Much of it is conjecture based on hints and intimations, but I tend to keep particular records of what Doctor-lore I come across in my readings (I'm going through the whole lot chronologically relative the Doctor's subjective timeline).

03-12-2013, 03:32 PM
I don't even remember that. The only good bit I remember is the whole "Do I have the right" moment. That was great, two minutes from what, six episodes?

More unpopular opinions: I never had a problem with Adric. The Cartmel Masterplan was a better backstory than the one we got. Paradise Towers is good fun. Moffat is a hack, Cumberbatch is annoying, and so is Freeman. Though now I'm starting to drift away from Medic, so I'll shut up. :)

LOL... these are really refreshing comments. You score points for promoting freedom of speech and uncommon opinions! I also thought that the Cartmel Masterplan was something we were cheated out of. and McCoy would have been great for it. Still wonder if Nu-Who will ever take any of those ideas into consideration...

03-12-2013, 03:47 PM
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu jijoya

03-12-2013, 03:50 PM
Two cents!

I prefer the RTD stuff to the Moffatt stuff, because Moffatt sucks at consistency.
exemplia gratia, River Song. "Meeting in the wrong order" is at first taken to mean meeting in the exact opposite order (which is fine if wildly unlikely to the extent that I'd suspect an external influence). But then it turns into meeting in random order, which would also be fine except it completely ruins the poignancy of his first, her last, meeting! Ooh, I raged.

And then there's the everything I could spiel about the Doctor, and sex, and Jenny and River and Susan and Rose.
Like everyone else, I've had to pick and choose my canon from some mutually exclusive sources. The story I've chosen draws heavily from the VNAs and the concept of being created on a genetic Loom.This idea pleases me inordinately, so I was a bit offended when the Doctor denied so vehemently the validity of Jenny. I've normally placed the tv series at a higher priority in the canon than any of the third-party efforts, but this one I've chosen to just conveniently ignore. Jenny is a valid Gallifreyan. However it does not follow that Jenny is a valid Time Lord. Nothing I've come across has convinced me that Gallifreyans are born/Loomed with the ability to regenerate; I've concluded that it's a purely Time Lord trait, conferred with the Rassilon Imprimatur (symbiotic nuclei enabling TARDIS bonding) when a student attains the rank of Junior Time Lord at the Time Lord Academy. <!--Hear the coldness in my voice as I say "she should have died".-->

River, on the other hand, as a child of the TARDIS, gets all of the things. Except for Gallifreyan physiology (because she was born to human parents). She should get the time-sensitivity and the ability to symbiotically link with a TARDIS and, I suppose, the ability to regenerate. She doesn't get a respiratory bypass system though, nor the extended lifespan of a Gallifreyan.

And then there's Susan, whom people cite as total proof that the Doctor had sex once. This tale is my favourite and most glorious example of the mishmash upon which I've drawn for my canon. It utilises concepts of Looming, the Pythia's Curse, and the Hand of Omega.
For me, the story runs thus:There were three Old-Gallifreyan engineers who together pretty much brought about the Time Lord "race": Omega, the stellar engineer; Rassilon, who developed the regeneration ability, the Rassilon Imprimatur, and Looming; and the Other, whose name and precise contribution are lost to Time.

When the Other died (or anyway went Away), he stuck his biodata in the Loom of Lungbarrow, programming it to one day recreate him. This it did, one Otherstide - the anniversary of the Other's disappearance - in the form of the Doctor. It created a couple of weirdnesses, such as the Doctor's tummy-button (which a freshly-created clone wouldn't have, such a feature being epigenetic) and certain memories of the Old Times that he technically shouldn't have if he's only the Doctor. It's supported by the unique occurrence of the Doctor being able to remember waiting within the Loom to be born. All others only become aware once they've actually been assembled by the device.

The Other also nicked the Hand of Omega, programming (or persuading) it to hide away until he was recreated. So one day, as the Doctor was going about his wilful and independent business, along came a big box-shaped thing flying through the air. It puppy-dogged him, wouldn't leave him alone. Stressed him out a bit, too, especially when he found out what it could do... and what it was. So when his big confrontation came, the day he got his "invitation" to Quences' deathday, and words were had, a fight started that the Hand ended, he was in a prime state of mind to fleeeee.

And the Hand came too; it persuaded the TARDIS to let him in. It powered his first flight in her. And it brought him back, to the Old Times. To a time after the departure of the Other, a time of major upheaval on Gallifrey: the Great Schism. The Pythia had fallen, her followers had run off to Karn, and Rassilon had taken her place. She had cursed that world to a barren future.

Such a thing hadn't happened immediately: no children died in utero (I'm ignoring the idea of a curse of sterility because it brings too much fantasy into my scifi). But the concern of overpopulation - what with the Gallifreyans' uberly-extended lifespan - and the burgeoning popularity of Rassilon's Loom process, had led to a social shift, probably helped along by the incredibly twisty politics of that place. It was decided that no more should child be born of woman. Instead, all new additions to the population were to be Loomed, and the Looming regulated. That's all reasonable, but then they in their wisdom added to this that all children who hadn't been Loomed should be removed. So they did the whole hack-and-slash and slaughtered all the children. This being what the Pythia had meant in her curse. She hadn't brought it about, only predicted it. <!--Taking credit for things is the way to get ahead in life...-->

At this time, a child had just been born, grand-daughter to a Gallifreyan lady (later known as Patience) <!--or maybe not. The storytelling was a bit ambiguous--> and her husband, a Time-pioneer (one of the first Time Lords) whose name is lost to Time. That Time Lord had died, or disappeared, prior to these events. Patience was panicking because there was fighting in the streets and the Capitol was burning and she didn't know whether her newborn grandchild was alive. And then came an old man, wearing her husband's ring. But he wasn't her husband, was he? Or was he? And he said he had rescued the infant, a girl.

The old man was the Doctor; he wore Patience's husband's ring because her husband was the Other. How did the Doctor get that ring? He probably found it inside the box containing the Hand of Omega. He didn't tell Patience anything, because he didn't know anything really at that point. He helped her to escape in a prototype TARDIS. He sent the child to Tersurus.

Then there's a bit of a gap, wherein she grows up knowing him as her grandfather (which he denies, but privately isn't so sure) and then another watershed event (belike something to do with the Doctor being detected by the modern Time Lords as being in the Old Times, or maybe not because surely they'd have prosecuted him for that at his first trial) and the Doctor flees to modern times with the child who, upon coming across Earth and its wonders, adopts the name Susan. They also bring along the Hand, which has been hovering around in the background all this time. The Doctor secrets it on Earth when they pause there for an extended sojourn.Another interesting consequence of this train of reasoning is more support for his anonymity. Even as the Other, no name. And when he was expelled from House Lungbarrow, his name was forbidden from being spoken in the House.
I've got an image file of a scan from a book with the original indictment against the Doctor; it includes his name in a sort of Greekish script. Very short though, nothing like the thirty-six-syllable masterpiece of unpronounceability that has been claimed. Perhaps it's a very economical script. :)So, the Doctor did have sex once upon a time (probably several times considering Patience had thirteen children), just not as the Doctor.The Looming goes some way to explain his apparent complete lack of interest in matters of the flesh. I've decided it's a feature of the Doctor, a facet of his multifarious personality that stayed very deep within his psyche. Because it wasn't just that he was uninterested: he seemed remarkably unaware of such things, or vaguely aware that they existed but not with any relevance to him. He wasn't so much resisting urges as immune to them. None of the Time Lords consider such things aberrant when the issue occasionally crops up, they just don't seem to consider it important. My guess is it's some sort of disincentive built in to the Loom process to prevent sexual reproduction.

And then came the movie and screwed that up, but we can explain this away with regeneration sickness. We can do the same for Nine, because by the standards of the others he was still really really new when he died. No more than a few years old. The Doctor's taken longer than that on an afternoon nap. Or we can call it a holdover from Eight and suggest that because it manifested at the beginning of that incarnation it ingrained itself somewhat, to the extent that Nine had a throwback moment. And then when Ten came along, the companion with whom the Doctor had bonded so strongly - Rose - was still there. She helped him through the regeneration alone. That imprints a chap, does it not?
And by this time it's a bit of a habit, hence Reinette, and River. So, does this mean he's shrugged off the conditioning? Will this snowball into James Bond? <!--Thank heavens for emergencies all the time, I guess, else he'd have peopled this isle with Doctors! Because all the ladies. All of zem.-->
On the idea that Eight introduced, that the Doctor is half-human on his mother's side is completely blown out of the water by this all. If he were Loomed, he has no parents. If he is the Other, well the Other had parents, but was born before the Gallifreyans had developed time travel; born at a time before protohumans developed opposable thumbs. I've concluded that that was a meaningless frippery... unless, of course, there's some sneaky truth in the story The Old Man And The Police Box, in which it is claimed that the Old Man was a human who went to Gallifrey and civilised its inhabitants. Makes you wonder to what race his father belonged, though, if he's only half human :)There's also the delightful idea that the Other was the Doctor, rather than just being vice-versa. That is, the idea that the Doctor later on went back to Old Gallifrey and was himself the third of the founders. And then created himself (like the Bad Wolf!) by seeding the Lungbarrow Loom. Woo paradox! If that were the case, I'd suspect it was Seven who did it. He seems like that kind of Doctor... although, that would also mean Seven being Patience's husband, and that seems unlikely. But not impossible.

On a completely side note,did anyone else make faces when Idris ribbed him for always pushing a pull-door?
Considering the cabinet that would hold the telephone (upon which one finds the quoted sign) does have a pull-door, and the police box itself opens inwards... *sigh* I'm sounding like an anorak...

The problem being, as always, the canonicity of 3rd party sources. 8th being half-human has always bothered me. Even the idea of the chameleon arch bothers me. if it was that easy for the doctor to "hide" then i think that he would have tried that a long time ago. just a stupid plot to reintroduce the master without having to touch the famour Time Locked War, although obviously the TL's themselves found a way around it to retcon the crap out of the medic's nemesis making him not an evil renegade but a poor victim of Rassilon's manipulations. I like the idea of the Medic being the Other and it would put an incredible retcon/back story to the whole Who universe. As far as Jenny is concerned please don't bring her back! Didn't like the story or the idea of cloning the Medic. The fact the story wasn't built upon since it aired speaks volumes. What's with Jenny anyway? Controlled regeneration? A one-time deal? And, although I consider myself a River-friendly-fan, how is it that she could "give away" her regenerations? Every time someone wanted to steal the Medic's lives, there had to be some very complicated process involved like in Mawdryn for example... Doctor WHO? When will the question really be asked and who will actually ask it? Maybe the Medic still doesn't know himself!

03-12-2013, 03:52 PM
I admire your recall, sashabot, or should we call you Andrew? ;-)

Oh and on Idris and the Door (not a forthcoming episode title), it was brilliant! Such a very Medic-ish observation, looking at the world in a maddeningly different but oh-so-wonderful way to the rest of us! :)

03-12-2013, 04:25 PM
The problem being, as always, the canonicity of 3rd party sources. 8th being half-human has always bothered me. Even the idea of the chameleon arch bothers me. if it was that easy for the doctor to "hide" then i think that he would have tried that a long time ago. just a stupid plot to reintroduce the master without having to touch the famour Time Locked War, although obviously the TL's themselves found a way around it to retcon the crap out of the medic's nemesis making him not an evil renegade but a poor victim of Rassilon's manipulations. I like the idea of the Medic being the Other and it would put an incredible retcon/back story to the whole Who universe. As far as Jenny is concerned please don't bring her back! Didn't like the story or the idea of cloning the Medic. The fact the story wasn't built upon since it aired speaks volumes. What's with Jenny anyway? Controlled regeneration? A one-time deal? And, although I consider myself a River-friendly-fan, how is it that she could "give away" her regenerations? Every time someone wanted to steal the Medic's lives, there had to be some very complicated process involved like in Mawdryn for example... Doctor WHO? When will the question really be asked and who will actually ask it? Maybe the Medic still doesn't know himself!

The Chameleon Arch I reckon is another of Rassilon's stupendously-powerful inventions, that the Doctor came across, and light-fingered, when he was President and that the Master heard of, hunted down, probably killed someone for.

I wouldn't bring Jenny back. I've stuck some added comments in my RWQ on that post, one of which being Jenny should have died.

I don't see a problem with River "giving away" her regenerations. I've read that the regeneration power is tied to inherent artron energy within the person, so all she'd need to do is confer all of hers to the Doctor. And if the TARDIS showed her how to fly, I bet it told her other tricks too - like how to regenerate someone else with your own power.

And as for the Time-Locked War, well I've come across plenty of instances of time locks, time loops, time this-that-and-the-other-things being broken or bypassed. It's just a matter of... time. The issue being, of course, that letting the Time Lords out means letting out all the other monsters too.

03-12-2013, 04:27 PM
Got the third fourth medic story to download, which is a miracle given past attempts to use 4shared, but the fourth one refuses to cooperate. Any chance of an upload to a different host?

As far as the current show goes, it's very inconsistent to me. I like a lot of series 5, dislike most of series 6, and series 7 has so far been up and down. Actually, most of my least favorite episodes in the Moffat era are those written by Moffat himself, like A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler, or The Wedding of River Song. Also, I really only ever liked Amy as a companion when she was written by someone else as well, as Moffat written Amy was often incredibly selfish and naive, while with other writers, she was kinder and a much more fun character.

03-12-2013, 04:30 PM
I admire your recall, sashabot, or should we call you Andrew? ;-)

Oh and on Idris and the Door (not a forthcoming episode title), it was brilliant! Such a very Medic-ish observation, looking at the world in a maddeningly different but oh-so-wonderful way to the rest of us! :)

Andrew? I don't get the reference.

Yes, I loved the idea that he'd been opening the doors wrong all this time, much like the "wheezing, groaning sound" of the TARDIS' materialisation/dematerialisation being due to his leaving the handbrake on (despite the fact that pretty much all TARDISes have made that noise in the tv series). Such a pity it was an observation based in a version of the universe other than the one with which I'm familiar :/

03-12-2013, 04:34 PM
Andrew? I don't get the reference.

I believe the reference is to Andrew Pixley, a brilliantly knowledgeable scholar of TV past and present. Quite the complement!

Exterminate Me
03-12-2013, 04:37 PM
Wow sashabot and all you others, I've really enjoyed reading what everyone has to say!

03-12-2013, 05:14 PM
I believe the reference is to Andrew Pixley, a brilliantly knowledgeable scholar of TV past and present. Quite the complement!

I see. Brilliant! Colour me flattered. :)

03-12-2013, 05:15 PM
Wow sashabot and all you others, I've really enjoyed reading what everyone has to say!

hehe it's one of my favourite topics, but although most of my friends are fans of the show, none of them is interested in the universe. Just the show itself, the actors and recent episodes. It's great having a forum in which to discuss such things :)

03-12-2013, 05:35 PM
The Chameleon Arch I reckon is another of Rassilon's stupendously-powerful inventions, that the Doctor came across, and light-fingered, when he was President and that the Master heard of, hunted down, probably killed someone for.

I wouldn't bring Jenny back. I've stuck some added comments in my RWQ on that post, one of which being Jenny should have died.

I don't see a problem with River "giving away" her regenerations. I've read that the regeneration power is tied to inherent artron energy within the person, so all she'd need to do is confer all of hers to the Doctor. And if the TARDIS showed her how to fly, I bet it told her other tricks too - like how to regenerate someone else with your own power.

And as for the Time-Locked War, well I've come across plenty of instances of time locks, time loops, time this-that-and-the-other-things being broken or bypassed. It's just a matter of... time. The issue being, of course, that letting the Time Lords out means letting out all the other monsters too.

I've heard some people claim River "transferred" her regenerations to Eleven, giving him more than 12 regenerations (13 forms) to play around with.

However, that doesn't make any sense in reference to the episode! If that were true, whenever a Time Lord/Lady, would be sick, they'd just cure them by transferring regenerations. Then transferring them back. The fact that Eleven didn't transfer any back either means he was incredibly mean-spirited and selfish or that they were burnt to save him (which seems more likely anyway).

The way around the 13 Doctors limit will come later. We've already seen ways of doing it. People can be given regenerations (The Five Doctors), regenerations can be rejuvinated and recovered (Underworld), the weird Eye of Harmony/Sash of Rassilon/Key of Rassilon Combo Pack, and of course there's that silly immortality ring (The Five Doctors). Plenty of places that someone like Moffat, who does know the show, can get around canon with =P. I'll be amused to see which he does.

(Also, fun fact! The Master's regenerations do actually add up. He was given one during The Five Doctors by the Time Lords. Then he became Snake Form because Movie, then stole a body, then Fob Watched (which can change your appearance), then regenerated! If they bring him back they'll need an explanation, but even that's easy - The Time Lords gave him some regenerations in exchange for help in the Silly Pointless RTD Plot Device To Make The Doctor Mope And Sad For No Reason [Time War]. Easy-peasy).

03-12-2013, 05:53 PM
I remember reading all that stuff about the Looms and the Other in one of the final NAs, "BreathingAppartusWarren". Great book, but I never quite bought it as the definitive work on Time Lord or Gallifreyan biology and history. I know that JNT nixed the original televisual version of the story on the grounds that it gave away too much, although the central conceit of the medic returning "home" is just brilliant. But if felt like fanfic that went too deep, joined too many dots - while I like the idea of the Other and the Medic actually being far older than we're led to believe, I like retaining the mystery. "BreathingAppartusWarren" explained too much, for my tastes.

Nonetheless Sashabot, that is some essay - a genuine thesis! Great piece of writing, and food for thought.

Incidentally, I actually posted up the last two NAs recently in PDF format, including ""BreathingAppartusWarren" if anyone's interested (post 6317, page 253 of this thread).

03-12-2013, 06:09 PM
Did someone already post the third story (2.03) in the current fourth doctor adventure? I searched all the pages but could not find any links. Or, are links no longer posted?

03-12-2013, 06:30 PM
Thanks to Moody and Foe

Magnificent guys!

at the risk of starting an argument (not that it will stop me)
I would favour a YOUNGER 12th medic
no hear me out...
In general the successive forms have been getting younger (ok not quite, but if you accept that The Watcher messed up the order as a way to stop the Junkyard appearing it kinda works)
It also would explain why the changeovers are getting more....explosive

I'm not advocating it becoming a little kids show and would want the character to be disturbingly knowing and wolrdlywise for his apparent age. It would require an excellent young actor
If he hadn't already appeared I would suggest Thomas Sangster, now in his 20s but looks 13

either that or Damian Lewis, who I have been advocating since before CE got the part
and then came the ginger jokes from RTD and his obsession with rhyming slang

that's right, with the exception of The Office. sorry, but the american version is WAY better.

and now how many series in?
only kept afloat by importing Brit talent who understand the base construct this has become serious beef lasagna

that's Flogging a Dead Horse, for those not up on recent Brit news

03-12-2013, 06:38 PM
I don't see a problem with River "giving away" her regenerations. I've read that the regeneration power is tied to inherent artron energy within the person, so all she'd need to do is confer all of hers to the Doctor. And if the TARDIS showed her how to fly, I bet it told her other tricks too - like how to regenerate someone else with your own power.

Plus she's only in the first hour or so of the regeneration, so she's got some extra regeneration energy "knocking about", which probably helps.
Although one thing that I always find (slightly) annoying is when people assume that she gave the Doctor another 8-9 regenerations. The whole point (as far as I'm concerned) of that scene is that because the poison will kill the Doctor regardless of how many regenerations he has left (as stated by both River and the Tardis visual interface thingy), River has to give up ALL her regenerations just to save him. All of them. That's like a human voluntarily giving up 30-40 years of their life.
And she does it because she loves him.

Andrew? I don't get the reference.

As in Andrew Cartmel.

03-12-2013, 06:40 PM
As in Andrew Cartmel.

Could be! I still think Pixley though :)

03-12-2013, 07:19 PM
I remember reading all that stuff about the Looms and the Other in one of the final NAs, []. Great book, but I never quite bought it as the definitive work on Time Lord or Gallifreyan biology and history. I know that JNT nixed the original televisual version of the story on the grounds that it gave away too much, although the central conceit of the medic returning "home" is just brilliant. But if felt like fanfic that went too deep, joined too many dots - while I like the idea of the Other and the Medic actually being far older than we're led to believe, I like retaining the mystery. [] explained too much, for my tastes.
Nonetheless Sashabot, that is some essay - a genuine thesis! Great piece of writing, and food for thought.

I definitely understand your point of view there. Joining all the dots isn't what it's about, plus it cracks the delicious shell of mystery around our protagonist. We prefer not to have these details nailed down by others, so they can fly free in our imaginations.
And yet, I love it. Perversely and irrationally. I love that I can read it, think about it, and take or leave it. I can use it as building material for my shrine to the Doctor, or leave it on the midden heap. Gathering these threads and weaving my own beautiful garment to hang about him. As much as I rail against the crystallisation of his past, I revel in the acquisition of information.
I do want to build a history, just for my pleasure. I'd assemble it into a complete narrative, were I not too bloody conceited to risk it being labelled fanfic.

I accept the story you mention pretty much in its entirety, just because it doesn't contradict in a detractive manner anything I've already got in my canon.

03-12-2013, 07:31 PM
I definitely understand your point of view there. Joining all the dots isn't what it's about, plus it cracks the delicious shell of mystery around our protagonist. We prefer not to have these details nailed down by others, so they can fly free in our imaginations.
And yet, I love it. Perversely and irrationally. I love that I can read it, think about it, and take or leave it. I can use it as building material for my shrine to the Doctor, or leave it on the midden heap. Gathering these threads and weaving my own beautiful garment to hang about him. As much as I rail against the crystallisation of his past, I revel in the acquisition of information.
I do want to build a history, just for my pleasure. I'd assemble it into a complete narrative, were I not too bloody conceited to risk it being labelled fanfic.

I accept the story you mention pretty much in its entirety, just because it doesn't contradict in a detractive manner anything I've already got in my canon.

Haha! That is a post spake in the true spirit of our Medic - both the show and the character. It's a story and a format that's so wide and deep and expansive that it is flexible enough to contain all points of view, all possibilities, all flights of gossamer fancy and facts both certain and obscure. And long may it remain so.

03-12-2013, 07:44 PM
Was out for sometime and just realized that only from the beginning of March I have to read more then 30 pages. Like a small book :)
First of all, great great thanks for all uploaders!!!

Now, some ideas.
1. I saw several messages from the peoples who lost/through away/sold their 2K a.d. collection. I'm not the fan but torrents are there, if anybody want to restore the collection.

2. Concerning uploads. I saw a discussion about moving to another place. Surely, if somebody actually monitors the forum it might help. But as far as I can see the latest posts, except MF, are still valid. Nevertheless I would like to recommend to all uploaders to have a look on and You will have 10 GB in the first case and, AFAIR 3 with up to 10 extension in the second. Plus emails. Plus hosting that do not care too much about rights.
No problem with downloading at least in Europe and USA (Remember: files are stored temporarily, I think 30 days since the last download.). Very fast and reliable downloading. Please, do not consider this text as advertizement, I'm just trying to help.

03-12-2013, 08:09 PM
I was hoping someone could help me. I'm missing an episode from my Great Victorian sleuth collection from Large Conclusions. The one I had is corrupt or something and won't play on anything. It's the first episode in the series- 1.1 T*H*E* L*A*S*T* A*C*T.
It would be much appreciated.

03-12-2013, 08:24 PM
Did someone already post the third story (2.03) in the current fourth doctor adventure? I searched all the pages but could not find any links. Or, are links no longer posted?

#7971 is still up.

03-12-2013, 08:48 PM

I have scanned them from my book to a pdf.

Apologies that its not like an ebook type of scan. I just have a simple PSC device. Page 2 looks a bit weird on the right side of the page due to the fold in the book. The only way I was going to solve that was by pulling pages out.

Thanks for the scans.
I added them to the epub and mobi version and also fixed hundreds of minor formatting errors there. It would still need some proof reading.



03-12-2013, 09:38 PM
So... This is me being that guy...
My curiosity has the better of me now.
Does anyone have the first dozen of the next day folk please?

Sorry moody forgot I had even uploaded this, (must have been really drunk).

If you are still looking for the Following day chaps earlier episodes. Here is 1.1.



03-12-2013, 09:44 PM
just to let people they should check out the audio book bay they do quite a lot of medic related stuff

03-12-2013, 09:44 PM

Thanks for the scans.
I added them to the epub and mobi version and also fixed hundreds of minor formatting errors there. It would still need some proof reading.



Thanks for this l0calhost

03-12-2013, 09:45 PM
I was hoping someone could help me. I'm missing an episode from my Great Victorian sleuth collection from Large Conclusions. The one I had is corrupt or something and won't play on anything. It's the first episode in the series- 1.1 T*H*E* L*A*S*T* A*C*T.
It would be much appreciated.

Please, Bulletzen, RWQ.
Pwd: last.
Hope it will work for you. Unfortunately, I have no idea about quality.
And thanks for all your submissions!!

tla.rar ??????? ? [email protected] (

03-12-2013, 09:46 PM
Sorry moody forgot I had even uploaded this, (must have been really drunk).

If you are still looking for the Following day chaps earlier episodes. Here is 1.1.

Many thanks mate. I'll give it a listen on the way home tonight. Then I'll maybe come begging you lot for more!

03-12-2013, 10:24 PM
Please, Bulletzen, RWQ.
Pwd: last.
Hope it will work for you. Unfortunately, I have no idea about quality.
And thanks for all your submissions!!

tla.rar ??????? ? [email protected] (

This is 128kb/s and sounds fine. Now this may seem counter intuitive but to download you have to hit the BIG RED BUTTON on the middle right.

03-12-2013, 10:33 PM
To Jijoya,
over the last week you have been my saviour, ive been trying to locate some missing JD audio's for some time.

To Foe,
Thanks for all your input.

To all the rest (you know WHO you are),
just one big sloppy kiss. XXXXX

..............but I have to ask have I missed the main range 171 or has not seen the light of day?

03-12-2013, 10:48 PM

Thanks for the scans.
I added them to the epub and mobi version and also fixed hundreds of minor formatting errors there. It would still need some proof reading.

I've only flicked through but, bar further proof reading, that's some very good work!
Many thanks

03-12-2013, 11:09 PM
..............but I have to ask have I missed the main range 171 or has not seen the light of day?

Bulletzen posed it in #7422. Files are still online.

03-12-2013, 11:19 PM
I was hoping someone could help me. I'm missing an episode from my Great Victorian sleuth collection from Large Conclusions. The one I had is corrupt or something and won't play on anything. It's the first episode in the series- 1.1 T*H*E* L*A*S*T* A*C*T.
It would be much appreciated.

Out of curiosity, does this mean you have the rest?

03-12-2013, 11:23 PM
Many thanks for the heads up Jijoya.

Oh and cheers for the S*G*-*1's and A's also.

03-12-2013, 11:48 PM
The Following day chaps and chapets episode 1.2



03-13-2013, 12:01 AM
Thank you sooo much dim00n! :D

Out of curiosity, does this mean you have the rest?
I do. I'll re-upload later in the week if anyone want it.

03-13-2013, 12:16 AM
Thank you very much, foe (doubly so for the last disc of the senores victorianos) and moody!

03-13-2013, 12:17 AM
Umm.... I do.

That was a reply to Bulletzen's last post.

03-13-2013, 12:49 AM
Keep on forgetting about rapid8...dumb idiot.

03-13-2013, 12:53 AM
I know this is the audio thread but is anyone planning to buy the DVD of the a*ztecs?

I really want the newly found episode of G*alaxy 3+1, but I don't want to buy a story I already have again...

03-13-2013, 12:59 AM
The Following day chaps and chapets episode

I've just finished the first one.
Hmmm. I don't remember the series or the remake; the first audio ep struck me as very 70s so I guess it was an accurate thing?
It was also very silly. I'm really not sure.
However, as you've kindly provided the next it would be rude not to try it.
My question is does it get better...?

03-13-2013, 01:03 AM
My question is does it get better...?

Oh, definitely!

Whilst there's still a few 'sub-par' performances from some of the leads (who were never really that good on TV either) the whole thing really gets into its stride from Season 2

03-13-2013, 01:13 AM
As of today with the exception of Dim Silhouettes and the Sherwood Outlaw, I am completely up to date on Enormous Endings sounds.I also have the battle mallet torrents but haven't run them through my client yet, otherwise I have everything including the long lived Scottish Swordsman,Space Doorway,Future Persons,Gemstone and Metal,Oscar Wilde's Portrait guy,Blackie's Baker Half Dozen,the Physician whom we all love,Eyeball SavageMinute,Burning Tree,United Task Force,the physician's friends,the unfound tales,Unbound,Sierra June Smitty,Jacko and Bright tootsie,Kedal Regime,Mecha Men,Cauldron City and the BBVs.Sadly I can't upload them because one I'm chicken and don't want to risk it and two I don't know how to.I just wanted to let you all know and thank you for all the time and trouble you go through to let all us other fans enjoy these wonderful works.Keep up the great work guys.

03-13-2013, 01:17 AM
Still after the last couple of LC 4th medic releases somewhere that isn't 4shared.

03-13-2013, 01:21 AM
I've just finished the first one.
Hmmm. I don't remember the series or the remake; the first audio ep struck me as very 70s so I guess it was an accurate thing?
It was also very silly. I'm really not sure.
However, as you've kindly provided the next it would be rude not to try it.
My question is does it get better...?

That's a question of taste. I have to say I haven't listened right through to the end of the series, (as of yet), but there are a few good episodes in there, yes I do agree it can be a bit childish...... but hey here's episode 3 anyway....



03-13-2013, 01:34 AM
Redskutter... Thank you :-)

I shall persevere if you keep feeding my habit

03-13-2013, 01:40 AM
With regards to River increasing the Medic's number of regenerations, I have a vague memory from a story that Time Lords were selling regenerations on a black market so that rich Time Lords could live beyond the standard 13? incarnations. Am I going mad or does anyone else recall this?

03-13-2013, 01:45 AM
With regards to River increasing the Medic's number of regenerations, I have a vague memory from a story that Time Lords were selling regenerations on a black market so that rich Time Lords could live beyond the standard 13? incarnations. Am I going mad or does anyone else recall this?

Wasn't that a Home Planet storyline?

03-13-2013, 01:49 AM
Wasn't that a Home Planet storyline?

Yeah, one of the 'alternative' Gs they discovered in the previous series.

03-13-2013, 02:01 AM
choronzan to the audiobook bay and they have both stories available to download

03-13-2013, 03:49 AM
Rather large request if possible to fulfill does anyone have links or indeed copies for the archaeology professors adventures s1-10

03-13-2013, 04:15 AM
Rather large request if possible to fulfill does anyone have links or indeed copies for the archaeology professors adventures s1-10

See Post #5404

03-13-2013, 04:34 AM
With regards to River increasing the Medic's number of regenerations, I have a vague memory from a story that Time Lords were selling regenerations on a black market so that rich Time Lords could live beyond the standard 13? incarnations. Am I going mad or does anyone else recall this?

I am really curious as to what constitutes a rich Time Lord.

03-13-2013, 04:42 AM
Many thanks Zark7 your a star

03-13-2013, 06:30 AM
Would anyone have a pdf copy of Life during wartime ?

03-13-2013, 08:19 AM
Arrrgh!! I need help!

Finally got round to Pepperpot Kingdom IV: the Unafraid, but ep 3 is all screwy - made no sense. reading an online synopsis EDITED mp3s IN THE WRONG ORDER! Starts with the climax and end with the beginning, very confusing

Pepperpot Kingdom IV: The Unafraid - part 3

03-13-2013, 09:32 AM
As of today with the exception of Dim Silhouettes and the Sherwood Outlaw, I am completely up to date on Enormous Endings sounds.I also have the battle mallet torrents but haven't run them through my client yet, otherwise I have everything including the long lived Scottish Swordsman,Space Doorway,Future Persons,Gemstone and Metal,Oscar Wilde's Portrait guy,Blackie's Baker Half Dozen,the Physician whom we all love,Eyeball SavageMinute,Burning Tree,United Task Force,the physician's friends,the unfound tales,Unbound,Sierra June Smitty,Jacko and Bright tootsie,Kedal Regime,Mecha Men,Cauldron City and the BBVs.Sadly I can't upload them because one I'm chicken and don't want to risk it and two I don't know how to.I just wanted to let you all know and thank you for all the time and trouble you go through to let all us other fans enjoy these wonderful works.Keep up the great work guys.

Some of your codes made me HOWL with laughter - Eyeball SavageMinute, Sierra June Smitty & Jacko and Brighttootsie in paticular!! Brilliant!! Thanks for the giggle at the end of a hard work day... :)

But where was Bunny Wintergarden in that list? It ain't complete without our favourite female archaeologist (well, mine anyway)...

03-13-2013, 09:46 AM
That's a question of taste. I have to say I haven't listened right through to the end of the series, (as of yet), but there are a few good episodes in there, yes I do agree it can be a bit childish...... but hey here's episode 3 anyway....



If we're talking Yesterday Beings, I could take or leave most of 'em, but I LOVED Gareth Roberts' story (the first one??) because it was a spot on piss-take of the original tv series...

03-13-2013, 12:17 PM
Don't want to bother, but have I missed the 4th story of the 2nd Season of the 4th Medic, the one with J&L ?

03-13-2013, 12:24 PM
Don't want to bother, but have I missed the 4th story of the 2nd Season of the 4th Medic, the one with J&L ?

moodylampy posted it - RWQ.

<!-- 4.2.4 - Download - 4shared - Smith John ( -->

03-13-2013, 12:31 PM
but sharing the last scarfed one's story is what got my C&D. The last time I checked there were 200+ downloads on it so now I'm trying to keep tighter control of things.

interestingly that's a similar to figure to what i'm seeing on the latest one.
are there really that many lurkers here?
hands up everybody!!

or do i expect a c&d in the mail soon?

03-13-2013, 12:39 PM
Pepperpot 4 pt3

I'm HOPING we didn't both get the same duff file from the same source (I haven't got ground to listening to this yet. This was from a torrent).
Fingers crossed :)

03-13-2013, 12:42 PM
moodylampy posted it - RWQ.
I totally missed it indeed... Thanks a lot Moody, and to you to, jijoya !

03-13-2013, 02:01 PM
Looshkin, yes I also have Prof. Betty Springmeadow.

03-13-2013, 02:29 PM
I know this is the audio thread but is anyone planning to buy the DVD of the a*ztecs?

I really want the newly found episode of G*alaxy 3+1, but I don't want to buy a story I already have again...
Disc One contains a remastering of the feature story, with previously released bonus material. Disc Two is a shortened reconstruction of G4 (new runtime 64 minutes) that includes the newly recovered episode 3 (24 minutes), plus lots of 'new' bonuses.
SE review: Galaxy 4 Features Doctor Who: The Aztecs Special Edition DVD | Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews (
Features description: Doctor Who Online - News & Reviews - Review: The Aztecs: Special Edition - DVD (

03-13-2013, 02:46 PM
I am really curious as to what constitutes a rich Time Lord.

mostly empty space and star dust - like the rest of us ;-)

03-13-2013, 03:35 PM
Would anyone have a pdf copy of Life during wartime ?

I might do - let me check the archives...

[Edit] - Apologies - no. Any NA or Virgin PDA, T-Novellas, DWMs but I'm missing the Adventures of the Archaeologist and the EDAs. (I was certain I had them ALL... I will check in further archives but my place is in disarray at the moment thanks to ongoing long-term projects, so bear with me...)

03-13-2013, 03:41 PM
Would anyone have links for the pepperpot kingdom series 1-4 and the metal men also

03-13-2013, 03:43 PM

3 and 4 of the Scarfed One are still alive and kicking - two days after!

Thanks a lot (I suspected i was too late)

03-13-2013, 03:52 PM

3 and 4 of the Scarfed One are still alive and kicking - two days after!

Thanks a lot (I suspected i was too late)

Am I missing something here? I do not see any links or requests for PMs. Is it my browser or something else? I know that this is a huge thread, but didn't links used to be hidden (x3)? Any insight is appreciated.

03-13-2013, 03:53 PM
...are there really that many lurkers here?
hands up everybody!!

If you type "amarD oiduA ohW rotcoD" into Google, on the first page you will find a link to this page,
it's only then a simple matter of registering an account. So I would bet that there are a considerable amount of members who stay in the dark.

Interestingly the "other" place doesn't come up on the search.

03-13-2013, 03:55 PM
Would anyone have a pdf copy of Life during wartime ?

nope but I've got a mobi copy of it if that's any use?

03-13-2013, 04:03 PM
If you type "amarD oiduA ohW rotcoD" into Google, on the first page you will find a link to this page,
it's only then a simple matter of registering an account. So I would bet that there are a considerable amount of members who stay in the dark.

Interestingly the "other" place doesn't come up on the search.

I already have an account with this site, and do try to stay up to date with this thread. But realize that with over 8,000 postings a few details have escaped my notice.

03-13-2013, 04:27 PM
Yeah that would be cheers moodylampy

03-13-2013, 04:35 PM
PM for the wartime life!

03-13-2013, 04:35 PM

3 and 4 of the Scarfed One are still alive and kicking - two days after!

Thanks a lot (I suspected i was too late)

Hopefully they'll still be up on Thursday night when I can get back home.

03-13-2013, 04:53 PM
Two cents!

Well sashabot, that's a well informed 2 cents and no mistake, it made very interesting and enjoyable reading. It's just a shame the Beeb won't confirm what medium is cannon and what isn't. From my point of view TV, LC audios and the Beeb books should all be considered part of the official history.

03-13-2013, 04:55 PM
interestingly that's a similar to figure to what i'm seeing on the latest one.
are there really that many lurkers here?
hands up everybody!!

or do i expect a c&d in the mail soon?

The problem is; once you post your link here you don't know if it's being posted elsewhere. I think personally I would take down the links now just to be on the safe side. If anyone else asks for them, they have been downloaded plenty of times so I'm sure somebody else would upload them here.

03-13-2013, 05:04 PM
Anyone got the 4ths fourth?

Seems the link previously posted is out.

Thanks! :)

03-13-2013, 05:12 PM
The problem is; once you post your link here you don't know if it's being posted elsewhere. I think personally I would take down the links now just to be on the safe side. If anyone else asks for them, they have been downloaded plenty of times so I'm sure somebody else would upload them here.

My advice also. Once your link is up, people start posting it elsewhere and your exposure increases exponentially. It's better to take the links down and deal in pms with people you know and trust.

03-13-2013, 05:12 PM
Many thanks moodylampy

Would you know what would open the file that its contained in ?

03-13-2013, 05:18 PM
My advice also. Once your link is up, people start posting it elsewhere and your exposure increases exponentially. It's better to take the links down and deal in pms with people you know and trust.

Or leave the links up for a certain number of downloads or a length of time. I'm sure enough people out there have managed to download the new releases - let somebody else upload them.

03-13-2013, 05:29 PM
Or leave the links up for a certain number of downloads or a length of time. I'm sure enough people out there have managed to download the new releases - let somebody else upload them.


03-13-2013, 05:33 PM
The problem is; once you post your link here you don't know if it's being posted elsewhere. I think personally I would take down the links now just to be on the safe side. If anyone else asks for them, they have been downloaded plenty of times so I'm sure somebody else would upload them here.

I have posted links on other forums before and then found them else where, but so far it's not happened here. Thats not to say it doesn't happen, I'm sure it does, thats why I take my link down after 48 hrs just in case.

03-13-2013, 05:35 PM
Well sashabot, that's a well informed 2 cents and no mistake, it made very interesting and enjoyable reading. It's just a shame the Beeb won't confirm what medium is cannon and what isn't. From my point of view TV, LC audios and the Beeb books should all be considered part of the official history.

Ah, but if the BBC confirmed canon as being TV, LC audio, and Beeb books, my two cents would be officially noncanon!

There's a curious freedom in the no-comment stance. It allows me to pick and choose from all the licensed material and some of the highly suspect stuff too; a freedom which I unabashedly abuse. Then again, I've still cut out some of the events among all three of those media, so I suppose it wouldn't make me more wrong.

It's brilliant how I can rewrite history from my keyboard without breaking the Web Of Time!

03-13-2013, 05:46 PM
Ah, but if the BBC confirmed canon as being TV, LC audio, and Beeb books, my two cents would be officially noncanon!

There's a curious freedom in the no-comment stance. It allows me to pick and choose from all the licensed material and some of the highly suspect stuff too; a freedom which I unabashedly abuse. Then again, I've still cut out some of the events among all three of those media, so I suppose it wouldn't make me more wrong.

It's brilliant how I can rewrite history from my keyboard without breaking the Web Of Time!

Hmm I had'nt thought of it that way, I have to admit I haven't read many of the beeb books yet, just the new adventures and a couple of others, so I thought much of your history came from them, i.e the genetic loom which I seem to recall was mentioned in one of the books I read. I think it may have been the i*n*f*i*n*i*t*y d*o*c*t*o*r*s but i'm not sure. I really should do more reading.

03-13-2013, 06:09 PM
I somehow managed to miss the entire Fourth Symphony of the Two Victorian Gentlemen. I know that's quite a request, but it would be much appreciated!

03-13-2013, 06:36 PM
My advice also. Once your link is up, people start posting it elsewhere and your exposure increases exponentially. It's better to take the links down and deal in pms with people you know and trust.

Well, I do not share any links with anyone.... I feel that the info posted on this page is for those who have bothered to register. Besides, IF I knew anyone who wanted info from this site, I'd tell em to do an internet search. This lifeline is far too precious to be broadcast to just anyone! After all, it was a complete accident that I stumbled upon this this page after searching for a certain composer from the 1960s who wrote music for certain puppet programmes! And, a big, nay huge thank you to those who have posted the new stuff!
May we continue....

03-13-2013, 06:41 PM
Hmm I had'nt thought of it that way, I have to admit I haven't read many of the beeb books yet, just the new adventures and a couple of others, so I thought much of your history came from them, i.e the genetic loom which I seem to recall was mentioned in one of the books I read. I think it may have been the i*n*f*i*n*i*t*y d*o*c*t*o*r*s but i'm not sure. I really should do more reading.

The great majority of my spiel there came almost unmolested from the Virgin ranges, not the Beeb lot. I love the Beeb lot, but it seems to have shied away from Doctor lore somewhat.

03-13-2013, 06:47 PM
Well, I do not share any links with anyone.... I feel that the info posted on this page is for those who have bothered to register. Besides, IF I knew anyone who wanted info from this site, I'd tell em to do an internet search. This lifeline is far too precious to be broadcast to just anyone! After all, it was a complete accident that I stumbled upon this this page after searching for a certain composer from the 1960s who wrote music for certain puppet programmes! And, a big, nay huge thank you to those who have posted the new stuff!
May we continue....

So you're basically saying that although you personally have benefitted enormously from the posters on this thread, you will not yourself help to maintain it? I wish you'd rethink, everyone can contribute in some small way.

03-13-2013, 06:59 PM
So you're basically saying that although you personally have benefitted enormously from the posters on this thread, you will not yourself help to maintain it? I wish you'd rethink, everyone can contribute in some small way.

I wish I could! But most of my collection for what it is worth will have been already posted....

03-13-2013, 07:01 PM
IF some one will PM me with idiot proof details of how to post, I'll have a go.

03-13-2013, 07:02 PM
Well, I do not share any links with anyone.... I feel that the info posted on this page is for those who have bothered to register. Besides, IF I knew anyone who wanted info from this site, I'd tell em to do an internet search. This lifeline is far too precious to be broadcast to just anyone! After all, it was a complete accident that I stumbled upon this this page after searching for a certain composer from the 1960s who wrote music for certain puppet programmes! And, a big, nay huge thank you to those who have posted the new stuff!
May we continue....

do you have the soundtrack for Fingerbobs?!?! :)

i know this sounds like a joke and is possibly about as far as OT as i can think right now. but genuinely?

03-13-2013, 07:05 PM
do you have the soundtrack for Fingerbobs?!?! :)

LOL! Sadly not.... a few other SUPERpuppet progs, yes! Blingray, Loudsummerstormbirds etc

03-13-2013, 07:05 PM
So you're basically saying that although you personally have benefitted enormously from the posters on this thread, you will not yourself help to maintain it? I wish you'd rethink, everyone can contribute in some small way.

I think he means that he dosen't share links from this site with anyone, at least I hope he does.

03-13-2013, 07:07 PM
I think he means that he dosen't share links from this site with anyone, at least I hope he does.

EXACTLY! Thank you!

03-13-2013, 07:23 PM
EXACTLY! Thank you!

Fair enough, I wish more people thought as you do. I do think the offsite sharing is one of the reasons for so many c&ds

03-13-2013, 07:24 PM
Dont mean to be a pest but would anyone have links for the pepperpot kingdom series 1-4 and the metal men also

03-13-2013, 07:41 PM
Dont mean to be a pest but would anyone have links for the pepperpot kingdom series 1-4 and the metal men also

Gimme a few hours while I upload pepperpot kingdom.

03-13-2013, 07:58 PM
I know this is supposed to be a audio drama thread but if anyone is interested I have PDF Scans of all the Medic comics from weekly #1 to magazine #437 plus specials and annuals, which I will upload if anyone wants them.

03-13-2013, 08:18 PM
Dont mean to be a pest but would anyone have links for the pepperpot kingdom series 1-4 and the metal men also

Here you go - Metalmen 1 here. RWQ


Download metalmenChapter from - send big files the easy way (

Download metalmenChapter from - send big files the easy way (>

03-13-2013, 08:25 PM
I know this is supposed to be a audio drama thread but if anyone is interested I have PDF Scans of all the Medic comics from weekly #1 to magazine #437 plus specials and annuals, which I will upload if anyone wants them.

Yes, I would very much like those :)

03-13-2013, 08:28 PM
Never Mind, beaten too it :)

03-13-2013, 08:48 PM
Does T*h*e J*u*s*t*i*c*e o*f J*a*l*x*a*r bring trailer and interviews? if it does, could anyone upload them?

03-13-2013, 08:49 PM
I know this is supposed to be a audio drama thread but if anyone is interested I have PDF Scans of all the Medic comics from weekly #1 to magazine #437 plus specials and annuals, which I will upload if anyone wants them.

I second that!

03-13-2013, 08:53 PM
I know a few people have mentioned the Homeplanet series and said that series 5 might not have been as good as those that have gone before it. I don't have any of the series, are they worth trying to hunt down in peoples opinions?

03-13-2013, 09:09 PM
I know a few people have mentioned the Homeplanet series and said that series 5 might not have been as good as those that have gone before it. I don't have any of the series, are they worth trying to hunt down in peoples opinions?

IMHO the first three series are pretty good.

03-13-2013, 09:10 PM
I know a few people have mentioned the Homeplanet series and said that series 5 might not have been as good as those that have gone before it. I don't have any of the series, are they worth trying to hunt down in peoples opinions?

IMHO the first three series are pretty good.

03-13-2013, 09:20 PM
Home planet. Yeah, what Nobber said.

03-13-2013, 09:21 PM
do you have the soundtrack for Fingerbobs?!?! :)

i know this sounds like a joke and is possibly about as far as OT as i can think right now. but genuinely?

Are you saying you where after the Fingerbobs soundtrack not only OT but Out There as well?



03-13-2013, 09:27 PM
it's a shame to hear of such a rapid c&d notice, especially since all of this months shows just went up on the binaries

03-13-2013, 09:38 PM
it's a shame to hear of such a rapid c&d notice, especially since all of this months shows just went up on the binaries

Have I missed something?

03-13-2013, 09:55 PM
should have mentioned that i was referring to the scared one's earlier outings of series 2

03-13-2013, 09:58 PM
should have mentioned that i was referring to the scared one's 4th outing of series 2

That wasn't a C&D notice. That was Moodylampy taking his links down to stop him getting a possible C&D notice. Unless I've missed something too.

03-13-2013, 10:01 PM
Have I missed something?

If you have i have!

I haven't received a notice, I'm just looking to avoid one

03-13-2013, 10:03 PM
Are you saying you where after the Fingerbobs soundtrack not only OT but Out There as well?

Really? REALLY? :-)

Yes really! That's bloody brilliant. Thanks!

03-13-2013, 10:05 PM
Have I missed something?

"just went up on the binaries" = posted on UseNet

03-13-2013, 10:07 PM
Oh yes... Home Planet.
First 3 series are great. They are the only reason I listened to the 5th however

03-13-2013, 10:08 PM
I have posted links on other forums before and then found them else where, but so far it's not happened here. Thats not to say it doesn't happen, I'm sure it does, thats why I take my link down after 48 hrs just in case.

Curious to know how you found out they'd been posted elsewhere. Pure luck or did you manage to track them?

03-13-2013, 10:12 PM
Really? REALLY? :-)

Yes really! That's bloody brilliant. Thanks!

Not a problem, only 128kbs though. Everything I own is 128k or lower due to rubbish old MP3 player that doesn't recognise files above that bitrate.

03-13-2013, 10:21 PM
"just went up on the binaries" = posted on UseNet

Hang on... If we beat Usenet doesn't that make us "the scene" for this stuff?

If I used acronyms I would be laughing out loud at this thought.
And singing along to 70s kids tv show themes as well

03-13-2013, 10:25 PM
LOL. 70's RULE.

03-13-2013, 10:34 PM
Curious to know how you found out they'd been posted elsewhere. Pure luck or did you manage to track them?

I used to upload quiet a bit of stuff on the green imp, much of which ended up on other torrent sites under another users name. Another user on the imp told me.

03-13-2013, 10:37 PM
Metalmen 2

03-13-2013, 10:44 PM
Just got back from work and having a scan through the days musings on my home from home here.... everything from fingerbobs to us being "the scene", taking in people reposting links and other such topics.... damn its been a busy day! lol

03-13-2013, 10:45 PM
and no, there is not much point to this post.... just my way of saying "hello all"

03-13-2013, 11:17 PM
Can't for life of me figure out how to upload an Avatar to my profile on this site, probably missing something obvious....Profile picture.

03-13-2013, 11:23 PM
The Following day chaps and chapets episode 1.4



03-13-2013, 11:23 PM
Don't want to bother, but have I missed the 4th story of the 2nd Season of the 4th Medic, the one with J&L ?

moodylampy posted it - RWQ.

<!-- 4.2.4 - Download - 4shared - Smith John ( -->

Is anyone able to reup this?, it's gone dead, thanks

03-13-2013, 11:25 PM
(EDIT) ignore me....

but any pointers as to how to upload an Avatar would be appreciated as I just can't seem to see it.....Idoit.

[EDIT Again] Read the FAQ got it now.

03-13-2013, 11:39 PM
Many Thanks Grubbuts

03-13-2013, 11:40 PM
Many Thanks Andy your a star

03-13-2013, 11:44 PM
Metalmen 2

Many thanks Hellbelly

03-13-2013, 11:46 PM
(EDIT) ignore me....

but any pointers as to how to upload an Avatar would be appreciated as I just can't seem to see it.....Idoit.

Look at the top of the page; you'll see "FORUM ACTIONS' - select 'GENERAL SETTINGS" then you'll see 'Edit Avatar' down the left hand side.

03-13-2013, 11:49 PM
Medic Weekly #1-10

For new link go to post #8180

More to follow.

03-13-2013, 11:59 PM
Thanks Nobber read the FAQ worked it out.

03-14-2013, 12:01 AM
Nice avatar redskutter ;)

03-14-2013, 12:03 AM
Cheers Andy don't normally bother, just quite like it here.

Gonna send an invite to an old American friend from another site if he's still around.

03-14-2013, 12:07 AM
The more the merrier ... usually.

03-14-2013, 12:25 AM
Don't worry he's cool, got half of what I own from him.

03-14-2013, 12:37 AM
Now a Red Dwarf full cast audio, original story would make me a very happy chappy......Ummmmm

03-14-2013, 12:50 AM
Now a Red Dwarf full cast audio, original story would make me a very happy chappy......Ummmmm

I think the original cast would be up for it.

03-14-2013, 12:53 AM
Another Nextday peeples that I think I forgot to post. 2.1



03-14-2013, 12:57 AM
I think the original cast would be up for it.

Yeah, they seem to have settled all their old gripes and judging by the last outing on Dave got it back on track again.

03-14-2013, 01:18 AM
Medic Weekly #1-10


More to follow.


thank ya much

03-14-2013, 01:27 AM
LOL I thought Fingerbobs was some kind of code I couldn't work out, until I looked it up. Trippy.

03-14-2013, 01:30 AM
Nextday peeples 2.2 ep. here.



03-14-2013, 01:31 AM
LOL I thought Fingerbobs was some kind of code I couldn't work out, until I looked it up. Trippy.


03-14-2013, 02:22 AM
LOL I thought Fingerbobs was some kind of code I couldn't work out, until I looked it up. Trippy.

Glad I wasn't alone!

03-14-2013, 02:26 AM
Is anyone able to reup this?, it's gone dead, thanks

As requested: the 4th story of the 2nd Season of the 4th Medic - the one with J&L.

Has all interviews, preview, etc.




03-14-2013, 03:33 AM
Fresh thanks to Foe. And a question for anyone who wants to field it. I've been listening to the Eighth's audios in chronological order (kind of a nice change of pace from CC stories from the First through Third's tenure), and I just finished... uhm, "Hug the Absence of Light." The next would be "Time of the Pepperpots," which is listed as the final story in the Pepperpot Empire series. Which I haven't heard. Just wanted to know if I'd be ruining the story by listening to it, if I should put it on hold and get to the next Eighth story (REVENland), or what.

Some really good stories in there, I thought. 'Hug' and 'Seezens of Feer' were both excellent. Though I'm frankly not really sold on Eight or Charlee. Just strong writing and very atmospheric presentation.

03-14-2013, 03:42 AM
Fresh thanks to Foe. And a question for anyone who wants to field it. I've been listening to the Eighth's audios in chronological order (kind of a nice change of pace from CC stories from the First through Third's tenure), and I just finished... uhm, "Hug the Absence of Light." The next would be "Time of the Pepperpots," which is listed as the final story in the Pepperpot Empire series. Which I haven't heard. Just wanted to know if I'd be ruining the story by listening to it, if I should put it on hold and get to the next Eighth story (REVENland), or what.

Some really good stories in there, I thought. 'Hug' and 'Seezens of Feer' were both excellent. Though I'm frankly not really sold on Eight or Charlee. Just strong writing and very atmospheric presentation.

The Montly-range stories that are flagged as being 'D-Empire' stories are really side-by-side with the range of the same name. You can listen to the Monthly stories independent of each other and the Spin-Off.

03-14-2013, 03:44 AM
Fresh thanks to Foe. And a question for anyone who wants to field it. I've been listening to the Eighth's audios in chronological order (kind of a nice change of pace from CC stories from the First through Third's tenure), and I just finished... uhm, "Hug the Absence of Light." The next would be "Time of the Pepperpots," which is listed as the final story in the Pepperpot Empire series. Which I haven't heard. Just wanted to know if I'd be ruining the story by listening to it, if I should put it on hold and get to the next Eighth story (REVENland), or what.

You won't notice that the story in question is the finale to the Empire series unless you've been listening to it, I suspect. I sure didn't! Of course, I might suggest you skip over it for purely aesthetic reasons, but...nah, you're fine. Go ahead and get it over with!

03-14-2013, 03:50 AM
You won't notice that the story in question is the finale to the Empire series unless you've been listening to it, I suspect. I sure didn't! Of course, I might suggest you skip over it for purely aesthetic reasons, but...nah, you're fine. Go ahead and get it over with!

Bar one aspect of that story ...

the Shakespeare thread

I actually quite enjoyed that one! It's very well written so that the end matches the beginning perfectly, which is rare in a story structured like that.

03-14-2013, 03:58 AM
Was just doing some m4B conversions, and spotted I missed a couple of the Missing Tales, both from the third season.
Does anyone have ep. four: The Protectors of Prediction, and ep seven: The Rulers of Luck Sore? Would be very grateful :)

03-14-2013, 04:16 AM
Fresh thanks to Foe. And a question for anyone who wants to field it. I've been listening to the Eighth's audios in chronological order (kind of a nice change of pace from CC stories from the First through Third's tenure), and I just finished... uhm, "Hug the Absence of Light." The next would be "Time of the Pepperpots," which is listed as the final story in the Pepperpot Empire series. Which I haven't heard. Just wanted to know if I'd be ruining the story by listening to it, if I should put it on hold and get to the next Eighth story (REVENland), or what.

Some really good stories in there, I thought. 'Hug' and 'Seezens of Feer' were both excellent. Though I'm frankly not really sold on Eight or Charlee. Just strong writing and very atmospheric presentation.

From the perspective of continuity within the 8th Medic's timeline, it's not the most key story to avoid missing but it does build on the major arc.

03-14-2013, 04:39 AM
Excellent. Thoughtful, informed opinions served up before bedtime. That's the (other) reason I keep coming back. Once again, I appreciate the insights, folks! I guess I won't skip it. Though I did skip 'Waltz in Inferno.' Just because it had the dubious honor of being among the lowest-rated of the monthlies on the Time Scales site, with more than one reviewer mentioning the cringe-inducing accents.

03-14-2013, 05:03 AM
Was just doing some m4B conversions, and spotted I missed a couple of the Missing Tales, both from the third season.
Does anyone have ep. four: The Protectors of Prediction, and ep seven: The Rulers of Luck Sore? Would be very grateful :)

As "Predicted"... RWQ.


03-14-2013, 07:19 AM
As "Predicted"

Woo Hoo! Thanx Mate!

03-14-2013, 09:16 AM
Happy Birthday, Alex Kingston!
(born 11 March 1963)

11 March 1967 - John (Scot) Barrowman
20 March 1979 - Freema (Frema) Agyeman
22 March 1950 - Mary Tamm - died 26 July 2012
25 March 1920 - Patrick (George) Troughton - died 28 March 1987

03-14-2013, 10:32 AM
As requested: the 4th story of the 2nd Season of the 4th Medic - the one with J&L.

Has all interviews, preview, etc.




Thanks Very Much!!!

03-14-2013, 10:52 AM
Medic Weekly #1-43.

Complete set of the weekly comic run from 17.10.1979 to 07.08.1980.

More to follow.



03-14-2013, 12:13 PM
Thanks as always, My Lord Cardinal Foefromthefuture. ;-) Just noticed your 4shared name.

03-14-2013, 12:45 PM
Absolutely fantastic Tomoph

03-14-2013, 01:08 PM
On Regeneration.

1. "Classic" Era

I am now nearing the end of my twelfth regeneration.

Then that is the end for a Time Lord.

2. "New" Era

Thirteenth regeneration! That's new!

And the adventure continues, forever. :)

03-14-2013, 01:52 PM
The Montly-range stories that are flagged as being 'D-Empire' stories are really side-by-side with the range of the same name. You can listen to the Monthly stories independent of each other and the Spin-Off.

The were more prequels to the spin-off, apart from Time of the Pepperpots which seems to have nothing to do with it. The first two kind of explain how the Emperor got his insight into the human mind and how the Daleks ended up in the Sarithea galaxy (excuse the spelling).

03-14-2013, 02:24 PM
Medic Weekly #1-43.
Complete set of the weekly comic run from 17.10.1979 to 07.08.1980.

Oh, my word! /Second Medic

:) :) :)

03-14-2013, 02:57 PM
Thanks as always, My Lord Cardinal Foefromthefuture. ;-) Just noticed your 4shared name.

As always, you are all most welcome!

Exterminate Me
03-14-2013, 03:46 PM
Splendid chaps, all of you.

03-14-2013, 04:15 PM

03-14-2013, 05:11 PM
Do any of you lovely people have Bloke's 6+1 : The Apocalypse Blizzard?

(I think that's the worst name I've made up for this site yet)

PM sent

03-14-2013, 05:18 PM
Thank you very much :)

03-14-2013, 06:15 PM
Sorry to be a bother again but does anyone have links or copies of Homeplanet series 1-5 ?

03-14-2013, 07:16 PM
For those that expressed interest in the complete LC Victorian Sleuth adventures -

Series 1
Series 2

03-14-2013, 07:25 PM
For those that expressed interest in the complete LC Victorian Sleuth adventures -

Series 1
Series 2

Thanks Bulletzen.
Ah, what the hell. I'm so far behind, I may as well. Question is ... are they any good?

03-14-2013, 07:31 PM
Has someone got Sarah Jane novelisation Death of the Doctor please? Thanks :)

03-14-2013, 07:32 PM
Thanks Bulletzen.
Ah, what the hell. I'm so far behind, I may as well. Question is ... are they any good?

Oh definitely!

03-14-2013, 07:39 PM
PM sent

Could I have this 2 please ANDYB2011. Thanks x

03-14-2013, 07:49 PM
Thanks Bulletzen.
Ah, what the hell. I'm so far behind, I may as well. Question is ... are they any good?
Yes they are. The first couple are dramatic readings and the rest are full cast audio dramas. There are some well known Conan Doyle tales (Baskervilles, Speckled Band) and others that are new such as the Jack the Ripper tale, vampires and a spectre from the titanic. Even I get a little jaded by Nick Brigg's prolific output in the LC range but he does well in this series.
Worth a bash eh?

03-14-2013, 07:57 PM
I'm not sure who, but I do recall someone saying earlier that they need the Aztecs DVD. Disk 1 of the Special Edition was uploaded on 20 minutes ago.

03-14-2013, 08:10 PM
Yes they are. The first couple are dramatic readings and the rest are full cast audio dramas. There are some well known Conan Doyle tales (Baskervilles, Speckled Band) and others that are new such as the Jack the Ripper tale, vampires and a spectre from the titanic. Even I get a little jaded by Nick Brigg's prolific output in the LC range but he does well in this series.
Worth a bash eh?

Never really been interested in Mr Houses before, but will give them a go when I get chance. Thanks again.

03-14-2013, 08:11 PM
Could I have this 2 please ANDYB2011. Thanks x

No probs. PM sent.

03-14-2013, 08:41 PM
Never really been interested in Mr Houses before, but will give them a go when I get chance. Thanks again.

These are OK, but I am biased as I think the pinnacle of audio versions of these was Clive Merryson's version a few years back.

03-14-2013, 09:14 PM
Medic Monthly #44-84.

Complete set of the monthly comic run from September 1980 to January 1984.

More to follow.



I'd just like to add that these are not my own scans, thay are a collection from various sources which I have sorted through and kept only the best quality.

03-14-2013, 09:21 PM
Thanks again

03-14-2013, 09:55 PM
Has someone got Sarah Jane novelisation Death of the Doctor please? Thanks :)


03-14-2013, 10:17 PM
has anyone got blokes 6+1 Vol 3, and if possible all the early years and all the audio adventures 1-3 please and many thanks to anyone if they can help.

03-14-2013, 10:40 PM
nothing to see here - move along

03-14-2013, 10:59 PM
Has someone got Sarah Jane novelisation Death of the Doctor please? Thanks :)

SJA-DotD in pdf+epub (

03-14-2013, 11:04 PM
Sorry to be a bother again but does anyone have links or copies of Homeplanet series 1-5 ?

03-14-2013, 11:56 PM
Sorry to be a bother again but does anyone have links or copies of Homeplanet series 1-5 ?

i'll try to get'em upped 2nite after work or 2morrow.

03-15-2013, 12:02 AM
Thanks very much your a star

03-15-2013, 03:49 AM
[QUOTE=Bulletzen;2300301]For those that expressed interest in the complete LC Victorian Sleuth adventures -

Many thanks, Bulletzen!!

03-15-2013, 04:23 AM
The great lost adventure w/ Lalla & John L.

Shada.part1.rar (95.8 MB)
Download Shada.part1.rar from - send big files the easy way (

Shada.part2.rar (95.8 MB)
Download Shada.part2.rar from - send big files the easy way (

Shada.part3.rar (95.8 MB)
Download Shada.part3.rar from - send big files the easy way (

Shada.part4.rar (23.7 MB)
Download Shada.part4.rar from - send big files the easy way (

03-15-2013, 04:40 AM
dark4eyes Is that the one with Medic VIII that got animated? Or an audiobook mainly narrated by Scarf? Or something different? I ask because it's been done in multiple formats.

03-15-2013, 04:41 AM
For those that expressed interest in the complete LC Victorian Sleuth adventures -

Aaaaand they're gone. pity.

03-15-2013, 04:52 AM
"dark4eyes Is that the one with Medic VIII that got animated? Or an audiobook mainly narrated by Scarf? Or something different? I ask because it's been done in multiple formats"

Sorry, I haven't listened to it yet I'm SO far behind right now>

I just made new links and posted it here and to my AB group. I'm thinking it's 4th medic though.

It's labeled as "The Lost Douglas Adams Episode - written by Gareth Roberts.

I don't know how to post pix here so I can't show you the cover.

03-15-2013, 05:26 AM
It's labeled as "The Lost Douglas Adams Episode - written by Gareth Roberts.

That'd be the audiobook of last year's... ermm... actual book. Is there a better term there? It's the reading of Gareth Roberts' novelisation of the unfinished serial, read by La.lla Ward and Lees0n. I presume. Presuming then, thanks! Looking forward to hearing this :)

03-15-2013, 06:02 AM
That'd be the audiobook of last year's... ermm... actual book. Is there a better term there? It's the reading of Gareth Roberts' novelisation of the unfinished serial, read by La.lla Ward and Lees0n. I presume. Presuming then, thanks! Looking forward to hearing this :)

I may well be labelled a heretic, but I think Lalla wasn't the best choice for reading this. Roberts manages to capture Adams' original style very well (far better than Colfer did for his HHGTTG book) but her reading style doesn't fit the rhythms of the writing and some of the more deliberately humorous parts do fall a bit flat as, in the nicest possible way, she's a bit too poe-faced, IMHO.

Tom would have done a far better presentation, but someone like Stephen Mangan would have knocked it out the ball-park.

03-15-2013, 06:04 AM
Aaaaand they're gone. pity.

No. Both links are still active. I've just checked.

03-15-2013, 06:07 AM
Ah. I read a couple of pages and realised I didn't like the style of the book. I'll be giving this one a miss, but I'm sure other people will enjoy it.

Exterminate Me
03-15-2013, 06:08 AM
Yep, both links are still active.

03-15-2013, 08:09 AM
Sorry to be a bother again but does anyone have links or copies of Homeplanet series 1-5 ?

PM Sent

03-15-2013, 08:48 AM
No. Both links are still active. I've just checked.

active, but i get file not found once the waiting's done? gah, alright I'll try again. don't mind me *sheepish grin*

03-15-2013, 10:18 AM
active, but i get file not found once the waiting's done? gah, alright I'll try again. don't mind me *sheepish grin*

If you can't get 'em, let me know and I'll up them for ya later.

03-15-2013, 11:13 AM
active, but i get file not found once the waiting's done? gah, alright I'll try again. don't mind me *sheepish grin*

I just copied and pasted the links and didn't even have to wait to get them - they started immediately - they are still working ;)

03-15-2013, 11:17 AM
I just copied and pasted the links and didn't even have to wait to get them - they started immediately - they are still working ;)

Same here. I had none of the usual crap I get with sendspace, and they downloaded quickly for a change.

Exterminate Me
03-15-2013, 11:58 AM
Yes, both quick.

03-15-2013, 01:17 PM
Just managed to catch up on post 7652 and just want to thank CelestialTeaBoy for his fantastic tip on getting high res cover images from the original site. Something that has eluded me for years. Brilliant!. Of course I will now have to go through and update all the covers now....

03-15-2013, 01:23 PM
Tomoph those DWMs (just the covers at the moment - i'll read them later) are a huge nostalgia trip for me.
thank you for all of them so far!

03-15-2013, 01:45 PM
Tomoph those DWMs (just the covers at the moment - i'll read them later) are a huge nostalgia trip for me.
thank you for all of them so far!

Just want to reiterate this message. The DWMs are fantastic Tomoph, thanks for this great share.

03-15-2013, 02:27 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm cleaning house the day after tomorrow, among other things to open up room for when people need something uploaded. RWQ for what I currently have on 4shared. Again, it disappears the day after tomorrow.

Stardoor s1,2:
1.1SG-1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
1.2SGA - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
1.3SG-1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
1.4SGA - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
1.5SG-1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
1.6SGA - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

2.1SG-1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
2.2SGA - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
2.3SG-1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
2.4SGA - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
2.5SG-1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
2.6SGA - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

4th Medic s2:
4thD2.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
4thD2.04 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

AD00 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD01 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD02 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD03 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD04 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD05 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD06 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD07 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD08 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD09 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD10 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD11 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD12 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD13 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD14 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD15 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD16 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD17 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
AD18 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
CrC01 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
CrC02 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
CrC03 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
CrC04 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

Modified Dustbins Masterplan
BBCA3-04 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

Female Archaeologist 9.2
BS9-02 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

Oscar Wilde's Pretty Guy who doesn't age but his portrat does
DG1-4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
DG1-5 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

Immortal Horesman
HL1.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL1.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL1.3 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL1.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

HL2.1 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.2 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.3 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
HL2.4 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

The Adventures of L. A.
LuthAwk - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

The Next Day Folk
TTP13 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
TTP14 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
TTP15 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (
TTP16 - Download - 4shared - ?????? ?????? (

03-15-2013, 02:35 PM

clean sweep? thank you for all the stuff so far

03-15-2013, 03:10 PM
SJA-DotD in pdf+epub (

THANKS :DDDDD I think I love you ^^

03-15-2013, 03:44 PM
Just want to thank Redskutter and jijoya for Nextday Peeps. As a kid it was great coming home from school in the week and watching it. Midweek fix of SciFi till the Doctor on a Sat :) Since BF lost the licence from Fremantle Media they have withdrawn all the CDs and downloads so it is nigh on impossible to buy the audio adventures. I bought the box set of all the original TV series when it was released on DVD but missed finding about the audio stories until it was too late.

03-15-2013, 04:57 PM
Not sure if this has been upped before - I may well have missed it

it may not even be popular... as it features my favourite inter-species couple and their potato headed servant

so RWQ for the audiobook of Satan in the steam

<!-- satansteam - Download - 4shared - Smith John ( -->

03-15-2013, 08:19 PM
Can anyone re-up the fourth Medics 2 adventures for this month as all the links are dead :)

03-15-2013, 09:35 PM
Does such thing like medic's bibliography, official or unofficial, exist anywhere? I mean not a site like tardis.wikia but a single document/page, kind of checklist?

03-15-2013, 09:41 PM
The next of the Nextday people 2.3.



03-15-2013, 09:54 PM
The next of the Nextday people 2.2.

Should be 2.3?
And a huge thanks!!

Did I miss 1.3? Can somebody point me out?

03-15-2013, 09:57 PM
Does such thing like medic's bibliography, official or unofficial, exist anywhere? I mean not a site like tardis.wikia but a single document/page, kind of checklist?
A nice place is The UK Sci-Fi TV Book Guide - Doctor Who ( he made a
Doctor Who Book Checklist (pdf-download) (

03-15-2013, 10:09 PM
Should be 2.3?
And a huge thanks!!

Did I miss 1.3? Can somebody point me out?

Thank you for pointing that out dim00n, that's what you get for watch TV while typeing.

03-15-2013, 10:14 PM
No you didn't miss it dim00n it's me doing too many thing at the same time. Nextday persons 1.3.



03-15-2013, 10:17 PM
The next of the Nextday people 2.3.

many thanks redskutter

03-15-2013, 10:43 PM

03-16-2013, 12:00 AM
My Rapidshare Pro account is about to finish in a few days (23rd) and I won't be renewing. All my stuff that I have there is available for you good folks to download if you can. I can't guarantee that the downloads will work. You may come up against the "user limit reached" message. If so all I can suggest is that you try again at a later time. A lot of files give the choice of mp3 or audiobook.

Unit Dominion
LC Monthly range
148 -
156 -
157 -
158 -
159 -
160 -
161 -
162 -
163 -
164 -
165 -
167 -

Lost Stories
2.5 -
3.3 -
3.4 -
3.5 -
3.6 -
3.7 -
3.8 -
The 4ths lost tales -

Tales from the medics friends
5.12 -
6.06 -
6.07 -
6.09 -
6.10 -
6.12 -
7.02 -
7.03 -
7.04 -
7.05 -

Like I said I can't guarantee that they will all work but I might be worth a shot before my Rapidshare account closes.

03-16-2013, 12:03 AM
My Rapidshare Pro account is about to finish in a few days (23rd) and I won't be renewing. All my stuff that I have there is available for you good folks to download if you can. I can't guarantee that the downloads will work. You may come up against the "user limit reached" message. If so all I can suggest is that you try again at a later time. A lot of files give the choice of mp3 or audiobook.

Like I said I can't guarantee that they will all work but I might be worth a shot before my Rapidshare account closes.

great stuff mate; i hope this isn't you retiring though! ;)

i came up against "uploader denied permission" but never mind. thanks for all you do

03-16-2013, 01:06 AM
Medic Who Magazine.

February to December 1984 (Issue 85 to 95).

For the magazine run I'm going to upload them by the year and one per day.



03-16-2013, 01:59 AM
I found a link to a site (found it a while ago but recently rediscovered it) that contains the NA, EDA, BSA novels. However, I'm not sure if I should post the link, since it's not mine. What's the standard on posting other's links (if it helps, it's actually a website that has individual links to each novel).

03-16-2013, 02:06 AM
I found a link to a site (found it a while ago but recently rediscovered it) that contains the NA, EDA, BSA novels. However, I'm not sure if I should post the link, since it's not mine. What's the standard on posting other's links (if it helps, it's actually a website that has individual links to each novel).

Maybe just link to the website as a whole? I don't think that would tread on anyones' toes.

03-16-2013, 02:09 AM
Maybe just link to the website as a whole? I don't think that would tread on anyones' toes.

I was considering doing that. I just wanted to make sure.

This is not my link. Thank you to whoever uploaded these!


I hope this worked. My first time using RWQ. If it doesn't, let me know. It seems to work for me!

<!-- [url=[/url] -->

03-16-2013, 02:37 AM
I was considering doing that. I just wanted to make sure.

This is not my link. Thank you to whoever uploaded these!


I hope this worked. My first time using RWQ. If it doesn't, let me know. It seems to work for me!

<!-- [url=[/url] -->

I've no idea how to navigate that site to find anything of use. Maybe a few pointers?