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11-11-2014, 07:53 AM
Thanks for the heads up on Blokkes 6+1 B*ox set,very much appreciated,

11-11-2014, 07:57 AM
I don't understand why some of you always seem to have problems with Myfreemp3. I use it all the time without any difficulty whatsoever.

And you are very welcome, Superclive.

11-11-2014, 08:11 AM
and BF have quietly released the "Missys of Terra" starring ol Sixie,Skinhead Queen of Krontep and the Pots O'Pep

11-11-2014, 08:36 AM
and BF have quietly released the "Missys of Terra" starring ol Sixie,Skinhead Queen of Krontep and the Pots O'Pep
I look forward to hearing it. :)

11-11-2014, 10:31 AM
and BF have quietly released the "Missys of Terra" starring ol Sixie,Skinhead Queen of Krontep and the Pots O'Pep
Is it a good or bad sign that I've been coming here long enough that that made complete sense?

11-11-2014, 10:40 AM
Thanks very much Timevortex for the battle CC.

11-11-2014, 10:46 AM
Is it a good or bad sign that I've been coming here long enough that that made complete sense?

I'm.. not.. sure. Nevertheless, ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US :p

11-11-2014, 11:59 AM
myfreemp3 is down guys, only temporary I hope.

11-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Don't worry about this month's Medic. I'm uploading it to Sendspace right now and should have it up in an hour.

11-11-2014, 12:20 PM

11-11-2014, 12:46 PM
I don't understand why some of you always seem to have problems with Myfreemp3. I use it all the time without any difficulty whatsoever.

I can never even load the .com and .cc domains; .eu, however, works fine. Go figure.

11-11-2014, 12:53 PM
Medic 6 Lords of Earth

Monthly Medic is up. I'll leave it up for the rest of the week.



<!-- -->

11-11-2014, 12:59 PM
Thanks dwst!

11-11-2014, 01:24 PM
Thanks dwst4

11-11-2014, 01:33 PM
Medic 6 Lords of Earth

Monthly Medic is up. I'll leave it up for the rest of the week.



Thanks mate!

11-11-2014, 02:09 PM
Always rocking the house, dwst4. Thanks loads for the loads.

11-11-2014, 02:20 PM
Thanks again, dwst4!

11-11-2014, 03:32 PM
Just adding my thanks too dwst4.

11-11-2014, 03:39 PM
Many thanks yet again dwst4!!.

11-11-2014, 03:51 PM
Medic 6 Lords of Earth

Monthly Medic is up. I'll leave it up for the rest of the week.


My Hero.

11-11-2014, 05:05 PM
Wasn't it the tinman who shot missy not the medic?

It wasn't just any cyberman; it was the resurrected cyber-converted Brigadier!
The poor Brig has had to suffer through several Medics continually lecturing him on how much of an unenlightened, closed-minded, gun happy soldier he is.

He's the fitting choice to cut through the Medic's indulgent angst over having to shoot the Master.
I can just imagine the Brig rolling his undead eyes at the unfolding drama between PC and JC, saying "Yada, yada, F-ck this sh-t", and just shooting the bastard. Finally.

Whatever else he did, SM gave the Brig that final opportunity.

Remember when the Brig wished that just once they'd meet a foe you could simply shoot with a gun? :-)

11-11-2014, 05:12 PM
It wasn't just any cyberman; it was the resurrected cyber-converted Brigadier!
The poor Brig has had to suffer through several Medics continually lecturing him on how much of an unenlightened, closed-minded, gun happy soldier he is.

He's the fitting choice to cut through the Medic's indulgent angst over having to shoot the Master.
I can just imagine the Brig rolling his undead eyes at the unfolding drama between PC and JC, saying "Yada, yada, F-ck this sh-t", and just shooting the bastard. Finally.

Whatever else he did, SM gave the Brig that final opportunity.

Remember when the Brig wished that just once they'd meet a foe you could simply shoot with a gun? :-)
That was one of the most hackneyed, eye roll inducing moments of the entire episode, even worse than Cyber-Danny's cringe worthy speech.

11-11-2014, 06:51 PM
Thanks dwst4 ^_^

11-11-2014, 07:17 PM
Thanks dwst4!

11-11-2014, 08:00 PM
Thank you dwst4! Going to have an early night and will listen to the new story while relaxing! Total superstar! :)

11-11-2014, 08:26 PM
Thank you, dwst4!

11-11-2014, 08:57 PM
That was one of the most hackneyed, eye roll inducing moments of the entire episode, even worse than Cyber-Danny's cringe worthy speech.

I think I rather enjoy being part of a community for whom...

.. the old return-from-the-dead-as-a-cyberman-and-shoot-your-recently-sex-changed-old-nemesis story is considered such a clich�. :-)

Yawn - Don't you just hate it when that happens.

11-11-2014, 09:38 PM
I enjoyed PC's medic immensely. I did feel he was given too many lines that I'd have attributed to a different medic but I'm fine with him being the 'rude' medic. We've had a silly medic, a fun medic, a war-torn medic, an arrogant medic, a bumbling medic, a romantic medic, a warrior medic, a devious medic, a grumpy medic, a charming medic, an eccentric medic, and a fighting medic. Why not rude? I think we should be concerned with what we get next. That's right, a ginger medic!

I don't think it's the rudeness I have a problem with. It just feels borderline malicious and downright unproductive sometimes. I do like watching the Doctor mouthing off, it can be a lot of fun. But I feel that taking the time to yell at people who turn out to be nothing more than set decorations is a waste of...time. Maybe that's why I'm ok with it on some occasions and not others. Sometimes they turn out to be important characters, or had just done something stupid. I guess that's part of the Doc's character though; he'd rather let out a good rant than take the civil option that would make things go smoothly.

So basically what I'm saying is that I've loved this series and haven't really had any problem with most of it (okay the moon birth was a bit out there, but no more ridiculous than the vampires and monsters in the pepperot chasing one with 1, or the fictional land one with 2, or the magical aliens with the bard and 10). People have been complaining about all sorts of stuff - as is their right - but some of the negative stuff that's been highlighted as crappy Moff direction hasn't been any worse than some of the bizarre, canon-crossing stuff we've experienced throughout the last 51 years as different writers/showrunners come along (past lives in Morbiiuuss anyone?)!

BTW, I thought the two-part finale finally brought a bit of danger back to the tin men (but I couldn't help but think of the colourful Marvel ferrous-man photoshops that came out on the net last season when I saw them flying along with the jets from their feet)!

I'm neither pro- nor anti-moff. I take each episode/season/medic as it comes and like the bits I like and dis-like the bits I don't like (and suck 'em up) and wait with anticipation for the next lot.

I know it doesn't sound like it from what I've been saying, but I'm neutral on the Moff too. I don't think he's the Worst Showrunner Ever, or that he needs to go ASAP. He could be an ass, but for the most part it doesn't really stop me from finding enjoyment in his work. Like you, I like the bits I like, it's just that when I suck up the bits I don't like, I like to chew on them for a while.

I think I rather enjoy being part of a community for whom...

.. the old return-from-the-dead-as-a-cyberman-and-shoot-your-recently-sex-changed-old-nemesis story is considered such a clich�. :-)

Yawn - Don't you just hate it when that happens.

Did Missy's cyberminion actually shoot her though? I thought it just teleported her elsewhere. It could even have been her Tardis in disguise.

11-11-2014, 11:43 PM
On the cover to the new one, it looks like Peri is going to blow a Dalek plunger.

11-12-2014, 12:32 AM
On the cover to the new one, it looks like Peri is going to blow a Dalek plunger.
Oh joy... we need more Who-related euphemisms, don't we? :P

11-12-2014, 01:59 AM
On the cover to the new one, it looks like Peri is going to blow a Dalek plunger.

Lucky Dalek.

11-12-2014, 02:38 AM
Once again, you da man DW.

Mucho thanks.

Exterminate Me
11-12-2014, 04:37 AM
On the cover to the new one, it looks like Peri is going to blow a Dalek plunger.

You're dead right.

Guess they're off to the Zero Room!

11-12-2014, 06:34 AM
She's not going anywhere.

Look how Peri is strapped to a wall by her neck.

That Dalek probably has a remote control to regulate her constriction.

11-12-2014, 06:54 AM
She's not going anywhere.

Look how Peri is strapped to a wall by her neck.

That Dalek probably has a remote control to regulate her constriction.

Even worse though, what's the roboman doing to old sixie? Disgusting!

11-12-2014, 07:36 AM
I just realized I forgot to mention that while I liked PCs medic, I thought the run of eps could have been better. There's usually one ep per season I just don't like. This one had two. Robin and the Earth covered in forest. Considering that there were fewer eps this year, that actually makes for a statistically higher rate of terrible eps per season. The finale was great but not fantastic. Not sure how I feel about the Brig's inclusion...

11-12-2014, 08:21 AM
Even worse though, what's the roboman doing to old sixie? Disgusting!

It looks like the Roboman is trying to steal his cravat.

The Dalek on the other hand seems to be trying to cut his hair.

Which means that they can super heat their plunger stems.

Which would be handy in a sword fight.

I wonder if there are Left handed and right handed pepper pots like there are right handed and left handed people?

Or are the undesirably handed Daleks just dumped in a food processor?

11-12-2014, 10:19 AM
Left-handed is not undesireable! Left-handers are superior in every way, or at least that's what I tell people. They're strangely unconvinced, though.

11-12-2014, 10:44 AM
Medic 6 Lords of Earth

Monthly Medic is up. I'll leave it up for the rest of the week.



Thanks once again!

11-12-2014, 01:51 PM
Was it just me or did the cybermen just get turned into a silver version of ironman?

11-12-2014, 02:15 PM
Was it just me or did the cybermen just get turned into a silver version of ironman?

As poor as the visual effects quality is in the show (even now that it has an absurdly high budget), I think the fact of them being able to fly is the single most interesting thing done to them in a far longer period of time than the new series alone. It's just too bad they didn't really do anything with the flying except to explode in the atmosphere. The plane attack was pretty great.

11-12-2014, 02:23 PM

11-12-2014, 02:29 PM
Was it just me or did the cybermen just get turned into a silver version of ironman?

The Doctor vs an army of Tony Starks? Now that would be a fun watch.

11-12-2014, 05:59 PM
Hey guys , just a question, would the new Wilde creation boxset be put on here when shared or else where? Thank you .

11-12-2014, 05:59 PM
The Doctor vs an army of Tony Starks? Now that would be a fun watch.
I second that! :D

11-12-2014, 09:03 PM
Was it just me or did the cybermen just get turned into a silver version of ironman?

Yeah and I'm not keen on the new Cybermen. They now look like Iron man, fly like Iron man and can run faster than the eye can see like the Flash. I prefered the old stompy and implacable to the new ones. The new super hero stuff isnt my bag.

They dont seem very bright though. Why were they punching the plane when they have arm guns?

11-12-2014, 10:12 PM
does anybody know where I could get the 12th medic audio lites owt from. It's a new one that has been released as part of the 50th anniversary set, and is about about an hour long, any help would be most welcome

11-12-2014, 11:43 PM
I don't think it's the rudeness I have a problem with. It just feels borderline malicious and downright unproductive sometimes. I do like watching the Doctor mouthing off, it can be a lot of fun. But I feel that taking the time to yell at people who turn out to be nothing more than set decorations is a waste of...time. Maybe that's why I'm ok with it on some occasions and not others. Sometimes they turn out to be important characters, or had just done something stupid. I guess that's part of the Doc's character though; he'd rather let out a good rant than take the civil option that would make things go smoothly.

I know it doesn't sound like it from what I've been saying, but I'm neutral on the Moff too. I don't think he's the Worst Showrunner Ever, or that he needs to go ASAP. He could be an ass, but for the most part it doesn't really stop me from finding enjoyment in his work. Like you, I like the bits I like, it's just that when I suck up the bits I don't like, I like to chew on them for a while.

Did Missy's cyberminion actually shoot her though? I thought it just teleported her elsewhere. It could even have been her Tardis in disguise.

I thought the cyber-gunman was the one who turned out to be the Brig.

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

...Most of you don't know me on this site. I sit back, shut up and enjoy the show... Until now. I've finally caught up with everyone else about the annoyance that the Moff has become.

---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ----------

...A rant is in formation.

11-13-2014, 01:34 AM
Painted Man Spills the Beans 3

The first two links are the stories. The third is behind the scenes. I'll leave this up for the weekend.


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11-13-2014, 03:02 AM
Painted Man Spills the Beans 3

Wonder why they've gone down the 'release the lot' route rather than the usual monthly? Not that I'm complaining. Very impressed with this series. (Apart from the Detective cross-over. The less said about that the better, IMHO.)

---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------

...A rant is in formation.

:D Well we like a well reasoned rant round these parts!

11-13-2014, 08:02 AM
Thank You!!!

Painted Man Spills the Beans 3

The first two links are the stories. The third is behind the scenes. I'll leave this up for the weekend.


<!-- -->
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<!-- -->

11-13-2014, 10:20 AM
does anybody know where I could get the 12th medic audio lites owt from. It's a new one that has been released as part of the 50th anniversary set, and is about about an hour long, any help would be most welcome

Your wish is my command....

11-13-2014, 11:40 AM
Sendspace is being touchy again....anyone got a different site that doesn't fail with 2mb left EVERY TIME?

11-13-2014, 12:23 PM
have you tried a premium link generator like Rapid8?

11-13-2014, 12:54 PM
have you tried a premium link generator like Rapid8?

I second that. Normally don't bother, but sspace has been incredibly slow this week. Which is odd as it's normally pretty reliable.

11-13-2014, 03:54 PM
Looks like LC has made Tim Treloar their official Third Medic according to Madame Wildthyme.

11-13-2014, 03:57 PM
Looks like LC has made Tim Treloar their official Third Medic according to Madame Wildthyme.

This is indeed true. I really have no interest in major parts being recast sadly.

11-13-2014, 04:13 PM
Looks like LC has made Tim Treloar their official Third Medic according to Madame Wildthyme.

Never heard of him.

Can't they just stick to the semi-narrated CC format?

11-13-2014, 04:20 PM
I thought he did quite a good job on the 50th anny special last year.
And many many thanks to timevortex for his upload on my request, you're a little star, or maybe that should be a big star

Wow Just looking at when the third medic stuff is due to be released - October next year, starting to make me feel slightly old looking that far ahead!!...In fact BF show medic stories to be released right up to December 2016, that date sounds like something out of a science fiction film, we should all have hover boards by then though

11-13-2014, 05:33 PM
I thought he did quite a good job on the 50th anny special last year.

Oh! Him!

And I honestly can't remember if he was any good or not. That's probably A Good Thing, I suppose. If he'd been utterly terrible I would have remembered.

11-13-2014, 08:45 PM
Looks like LC has made Tim Treloar their official Third Medic according to Madame Wildthyme.

That's probably going to cause quiet a lot of debate, though personally I'm in favour of recasting the medic.

11-13-2014, 11:41 PM
Attention Bloke's 6+1 fans. I just discovered that someone has posted a huge cache of old episodes over on Youtube. Here's the link for the first episode. Blake&#39;s 7 - 1x01 - The Way Back - YouTube (

11-14-2014, 01:46 AM
The new opening sequences from years ago with cgi ships were excellent... But it lead me to expect that the next DVD rerelease would be completely remastered with new modern, and maybe even transmodern or postmodern special effects.

(The new cgi is at least 5 years old. They can do better now.)

Logically, baring health issues and a low life expectancy, we should wait for the remastered edition to become available?

Exterminate Me
11-14-2014, 01:59 AM
The new opening sequences from years ago with cgi ships were excellent... But it lead me to expect that the next DVD rerelease would be complete remastered with new modern, and may even transmodern or postmodern special effects.

(The new cgi is at least 5 years old. They can do better now.)

Logically, baring health issues and a low life expectancy, we should wait for the remastered edition to become available?

They did a good job on the original Tar Strek series - the new effects fitted in nicely. Bloke's 6 + 1 would really benefit from that type of work done on it. It was disappointing when they used photos to represent the Liberalator.

BTW, it would be nice to add to people's reputation when they post stuff, don't forget to do that - it's a nice way to say thank you. :)

11-14-2014, 02:29 AM
They did a good job on the original Tar Strek series - the new effects fitted in nicely. Bloke's 6 + 1 would really benefit from that type of work done on it. It was disappointing when they used photos to represent the Liberalator.

Have a bit of a Love/Hate relationship with the idea of slapping CGI on old stuff. Yeah, it may well *LOOK* better, but a lot of the charm of a lot of older TV is the appreciation of how they made practicable effects with minimal budgets.

11-14-2014, 02:44 AM
Have a bit of a Love/Hate relationship with the idea of slapping CGI on old stuff. Yeah, it may well *LOOK* better, but a lot of the charm of a lot of older TV is the appreciation of how they made practicable effects with minimal budgets.
Yes, and then there the gold old 'how the hell did they do that?' instead of 'oh, that's some nice CG.' An attitude George Lucas has never embraced, sadly.

11-14-2014, 02:47 AM
Never heard of him.

11-14-2014, 05:45 AM
Never heard of him.

Can't they just stick to the semi-narrated CC format?

they are doing so with the guys that are playing the Doctors doing the "narration bits" and Medic 4 actually was a the one to suggest that this guy play medic 3....and i guess he already played medic three in the Luminescence at the Finite Place. As both Blue Peter and Coal Hill Master do an amazing medic 1; while Emmerdale Boy does an almost perfect medic 2 ...i'm not to hung up on the recasting

11-14-2014, 07:28 AM
It seems LC has quietly released their newest Early Adventure. Guess they're saving Black Pupils 3 for last, since there might be a big demand for it...

11-14-2014, 09:40 AM
Looks like LC has made Tim Treloar their official Third Medic according to Madame Wildthyme.

Unlike many of you, I think this is excellent news. Purr-Twee was one of my favourite Medic, and I've been longing for audio dramas with Tim Tre-Lore since his performance in the LC 50th Anniversary. I mean, they DID recast the first Medic in "the Five Medics" (He made a pretty good impression of the first medic, but didn't look like him at all), so why wouldn't they recast a voice actor?

But maybe it is just because my hearing is not this good, and so my standards are low...

11-14-2014, 10:57 AM
It a lot of ways, they're basically doing this series much like the other early stories they've done recently (or even the CC's). The narrator is relaying what the Medic said in an impersonation much like when the companion actors do. It's just not a companion actor doing the narrating and relaying this time. But effectively, it's the same thing. But I'm sure there will be much sturm and drang from some segments of fandom.

While it's not perfect, it's about as good as we're going to get with the actors dead. I'd rather have this than no 3rd Medic stories! I'd love it if this became an annual tradition.

On another note, with the Captain going into space in the capsule with them, that makes him an official companion if you count the LC stories. (He already was one, if you count the Nest Cot 4D stories.)

11-14-2014, 11:03 AM

11-14-2014, 01:53 PM
The good Captain .... was thought to have joined the 3rd medic in the capsule when they visted Borad realm.

11-14-2014, 02:25 PM
If I gave the impression I was disappointed by their choice with my totally neutral news post, I apologize.

Truthfully, I am entirely neutral on it. The only real way we are going to get a Third Medic in the audio stories is to go this route, or have Madame Wildthyme do the voice which, while great, is not ideal for new listeners that want to pick up a story featuring a Medic they arn't familiar with and hearing Katie talk to herself.

That is, of course, not knocking Katie, some of her companion stories are my absolute favorite thanks to her reading of #3.

11-14-2014, 07:15 PM
Thing is that they are not after an actor who acts, they are after a mimic who acts, which is a slightly different skillset.


Does that mean that they were after the best actor or the best mimic and what the hell really is the difference?

It's like asking Brad Pitt if he can do an entire movie as Dustin Hoffman.

11-14-2014, 07:33 PM
It seems LC has quietly released their newest Early Adventure. Guess they're saving Black Pupils 3 for last, since there might be a big demand for it...
And here it is for those who desire it. RWQ <!-->

11-14-2014, 08:14 PM
Thanks again webs01..great post thanks for the share.

11-14-2014, 08:43 PM
Dang that was quick. Thanks Webs!!

11-14-2014, 09:54 PM
And here it is for those who desire it. RWQ

Ooooh, and right at the top of the page too!

Rough week, so thanks a lot for this. :)

11-14-2014, 10:45 PM
Does anyone have the 13-1 audio story of the red stuff from our bodies in a prison room ??

Matt Paradise
11-14-2014, 11:01 PM
Thanks so much for the EA! Loved the last two (or the first two, if you prefer!)

Exterminate Me
11-14-2014, 11:48 PM
Have a bit of a Love/Hate relationship with the idea of slapping CGI on old stuff. Yeah, it may well *LOOK* better, but a lot of the charm of a lot of older TV is the appreciation of how they made practicable effects with minimal budgets.

I'm okay with it, as long as we can have both versions in the same box-set, like with the Tar Strek Blu-ray box-set (a shame it isn't available on the DVD set).

That's what frustrates me about the Tar Straws Blu-ray set - I'd love to have decent prints of the original trilogy on Blu-ray, not the crud they released on some limited edition DVDs (which now I can't play - something wrong with the DVDs - I wonder if anyone else has the same problem as me?!).

11-15-2014, 12:45 AM
Thank you Webs, I echo the words of Claude, things are tough at the moment and these little Gems help take me away from it all for an hour or two

11-15-2014, 01:02 AM
Ain't no big thing. Just doing my fair share.

11-15-2014, 03:05 AM
Just as a general heads up/FYI. The first of the 3 new audio book versions of the 12th doc novels was released yesterday! I'll keep my eyes peeled and let y'all know if it pops up elsewhere.

Oh wait...Thats what time throw requested.
---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

Kimekaro - The Geoffrey Beevers reading of the 3rd medic audio book was inspired.

11-15-2014, 03:36 AM
Just as a general heads up/FYI. The first of the 3 new audio book versions of the 12th doc novels was released yesterday! I'll keep my eyes peeled and let y'all know if it pops up elsewhere..

This one ... post 26302 ?

11-15-2014, 04:22 AM
I looked all over, and it appears, somehow, some way, I've mislaid all my music from the series, NearScape. I know it's terribly off-topic, but I finally, after much prodding, have gotten my wife watching from the beginning, and I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed this show and the music. Does anyone have the soundtracks and would they please be willing to share?

11-15-2014, 05:07 AM
You might want to check in the soundtrack thread.

11-15-2014, 05:38 AM
Nobber thank you for the attempted assist. But that was the recent short story read by pink naD. What timethrow and I are taking about is a full length by Jimmy G, and read by the major in Flamelumber kids of erth. TY though.

11-15-2014, 08:20 AM
many thanks webs01

11-15-2014, 09:33 AM
Nad is another word for testicle.

11-15-2014, 10:09 AM
^ that's why I chose it. Lmao.

11-15-2014, 11:12 AM
Where did the info about re-issues of Blokes episodes with new SFX come from? Is there an article somewhere?

11-15-2014, 12:33 PM

Yeeeeeeeeeeears ago new special effects popped up in the opening credits and the dvd menu.

These might be an examples?

Either way there was a Cgi liberator and a cgi Scorpio in play, but they did not upgrade the spfx within the show themselves because it would have cost a packet even if the new team resused the same shots that their predecessors did in the 70s with the same Federation pursuit ships over and over again.

Although I don't remember anyone changing the special effects for the teleport.

There is no expected change.

If you look back, I did say that some of us might die of old age waiting for a remastered edition.

But really, the cgi models that looked so good 5 years ago, seem a little shit now.

11-15-2014, 06:10 PM
I see, thanks Guy.

Actually there was a fan a while ago who was trying to sell his CGI software by adding new SFX to episodes of the series, but the results were unconvincing.

I *might* have an episode somewhere that he did. Shall I try to find it?

11-15-2014, 08:34 PM
One thing that I have enjoyed about this season is the cinematographers' willingness to use the full TARDIS set.
I mean, what's the bloody point of the TARDIS' being bigger on the inside if you continually keep crowding everyone around the central dais of the control room?

(Is that a molecular hyperwave pincer or an ionic diffusion rasp on the workbench?)

11-15-2014, 09:08 PM
I agree with you on that Ironhead2. I actually liked that we were seeing all the different facets of the TARDIS interior. In fact, whenever I'm listening to an Eight audio, I imagine that he and his companions are all over that console room in different areas before they land somewhere and reconvene at the console itself.

11-15-2014, 10:20 PM
I see, thanks Guy.

Actually there was a fan a while ago who was trying to sell his CGI software by adding new SFX to episodes of the series, but the results were unconvincing.

I *might* have an episode somewhere that he did. Shall I try to find it?

I might have said yes if I was younger, but I don't think I can watch old Blkae's Seven again without spontaneously bleeding from the nose these days.

Special effects can suck it.

What they really needs to be done is to cut those 50 minute monsters down to 22 minutes each.

Maybe I have the patience of a mayfly, or maybe back then they were just biding time till the doomsday clock struck midnight.

But that's the problem with stuff you have seen at least a dozen times: "Cut to the fricking punch line and move on to the next one!".

Yes, this has happened before.

Not that I have seen it, but they cut the 40 minute legal drama Ally McBeal into a 20 minute sitcom by only showing her adventures at home, and removed everything from the courthouse. Just for the first season I understand but still it shows that how you cut the raw footage can lead to very different results.

11-15-2014, 11:42 PM
Been a long time since I've posted any kind of comment (much to the relief of everyone here, I'd imagine)... as I only get home on weekends now and then barely have time to check my hundreds of emails and scan this site for updates (while doing work around the house), making sure to watch MedicWHAT? on Saturday evenings, all before heading back to my job (2 states away)...

BUT, I love to come by here and catch up with your posts, see what's new, and agree and/or disagree with your assessments of 12's TV performances and the show as a whole.

However, my reason for writing now is to THANK you all for the wonderful sharity of audios!
I've been listening to SO MANY audios during my commutes (staying at my bro's place - which is closer than coming home, but still a drive) and am LOVING every second of it!

Went thru all of 8's stories, then did all of the SHROT TIRPS anthologies, which then led me into the "Destiny of the Medic" and other similar multi-medic tales, then I went into main-range (5,6,7 medics) and have truly grown to appreciate sixy in audio format.
Now, I've also tossed in 4th medic adventures and am bouncing around there as well - and LOVING it to no end.

Most recently, I've listened to the earliest audio dramas- Destination: N3RV@ (4th medic), P@r@dise of De@th (3rd medic), Gh0sts of N-Sp@ce (3rd medic), and even Sl!pb@ck (sixy)... ("Ghosts" being my fave of those. 3's stories came with some pretty raw language - when compared with the TV fare. I was surprised.) But most of all I fell in love with L!z Sl@den all over again. It's amazing how warm her voice is and how vulnerable, giddy, feisty, heartbroken etc... she can emote via just her voice. I miss her.

But I love my drives so much that it's my most important task of my weekends at home - tossing more audios onto a thumb drive for my car stereo (and reformatting m4b to mp3 - although more than once, midway thru a story, the file glitches out, and I'll have to wait for the following week to try and re-format).


---updated to add---

On the matter of recasting the voice actor for any "late" t!me l0rds, I am mixed...
I've heard both 2nd and 3rd medic's SONS do their voice parts for their fathers' roles and have LOVED it!
Hearing the caring tone of 2nd Medic is a heartwarming thing to me. I truly think he's my favorite medic (but childhood nostalgia pops 4 into the lead spot every time), and whether it is the spot-on reincarnation of his son - or the uncanny impression by "J@mie" - It always seems to be done with admiration at the center of it. As such, I approve.

Such is the case when 3's son does so or "Chesterfield" recreates 1st medic.
All good stuff. Done with love and as close to pitch perfect as possible.

I have no opinion if it were an impression delivered from someone NOT affiliated with the original... it SEEMS wrong to me, but that's probably understandable.

11-16-2014, 09:47 AM
Peter Purves - only flawless 1st Doc. (Even though Will Russell ain't bad) Frazier Hines - beyond flawless 2nd Doc. Literally Uncanny. Recasting 3rd medic = bad idea. Although strangely I'm alright with the recasting of Barbara.

11-16-2014, 10:19 AM
Sounds like a lot of people aren't too happy with recasting 3, but are okay with Barb and Ben being recast.
How would people feel if they recast SarahJ or Harry? How about Susn or Jami? Or even Doddoo?

11-16-2014, 10:32 AM
Sounds like a lot of people aren't too happy with recasting 3, but are okay with Barb and Ben being recast.
How would people feel if they recast SarahJ or Harry? How about Susn or Jami? Or even Doddoo?

Dodo is best left forgotten. She was nothing more than a poor man's Susan...only more annoying.

11-16-2014, 11:33 AM
I'd just like to put my take on the recasting of the third medic. JP was "my" medic and if recasting means I will get more stories featuring him then how can I not approve.

The recasting of people who are no longer with us is a long tradition in the acting profession. Look at the number of different actors have played the Kings and Queen's from history or even Prime Ministers.

I think a suitable time has past for the recasting to be undertaken with out disrespect for the original artist.


Big Mocha
11-16-2014, 12:18 PM
Hmmm.... I don't have a problem with the principle of re-casting. As others have said Hazer Frines does a superb job, that keeps you focused on the story, and not permanently thinking it's someone doing an impression. And that's the key - I'll listen to what they're doing with the third medic and see how it works. If he sounds nothing like the original and it takes me out of the story, then it'll be problematic.

I guess, because they're releasing this as a box-set, if the reaction is awful they've always got the option of trying something different (El Capitano Yaytes or Caty M). Would love to hear Shaunny Weepert have a crack though (loving his work in Gotham)...

11-16-2014, 02:23 PM
Hmmm.... I don't have a problem with the principle of re-casting. As others have said Hazer Frines does a superb job, that keeps you focused on the story, and not permanently thinking it's someone doing an impression. And that's the key - I'll listen to what they're doing with the third medic and see how it works. If he sounds nothing like the original and it takes me out of the story, then it'll be problematic.

Much the same here.

At heart, though, I'm probably still a 'no-recasting' man. Yes, it's honestly a difficult position to defend, and very little logic behind it, but whilst they've still got cast members that can still do CC style stories I'd just feel happier with that rather than replacements. *shrug*

That said, though, Troughton Jr did a superb job as 2nd in the AudioGo story with 4th.

11-16-2014, 03:24 PM
I see ordible have released The 3rd medic adventure about the miniscope read by By Joe

Does any kind person have?

11-16-2014, 03:44 PM
Hmmm.... I don't have a problem with the principle of re-casting. As others have said Hazer Frines does a superb job, that keeps you focused on the story, and not permanently thinking it's someone doing an impression. And that's the key - I'll listen to what they're doing with the third medic and see how it works. If he sounds nothing like the original and it takes me out of the story, then it'll be problematic.

I guess, because they're releasing this as a box-set, if the reaction is awful they've always got the option of trying something different (El Capitano Yaytes or Caty M). Would love to hear Shaunny Weepert have a crack though (loving his work in Gotham)...

i think elsewhere they said were ready to do some with Sean but his schedule got really busy because of the Gotham series and it would have taken ages for something to be released

Big Mocha
11-16-2014, 05:47 PM
i think elsewhere they said were ready to do some with Sean but his schedule got really busy because of the Gotham series and it would have taken ages for something to be released

Ah -shame. Think he's almost the perfect age now.

11-16-2014, 06:33 PM
i think elsewhere they said were ready to do some with Sean but his schedule got really busy because of the Gotham series and it would have taken ages for something to be released

Yup, mentioned it in an October podcast.

---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 AM ----------

Much the same here.

At heart, though, I'm probably still a 'no-recasting' man. Yes, it's honestly a difficult position to defend, and very little logic behind it, but whilst they've still got cast members that can still do CC style stories I'd just feel happier with that rather than replacements. *shrug*

That said, though, Troughton Jr did a superb job as 2nd in the AudioGo story with 4th.

He did a really great job while reading the story of his dads life as well.

---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

Much the same here.

At heart, though, I'm probably still a 'no-recasting' man. Yes, it's honestly a difficult position to defend, and very little logic behind it, but whilst they've still got cast members that can still do CC style stories I'd just feel happier with that rather than replacements. *shrug*

That said, though, Troughton Jr did a superb job as 2nd in the AudioGo story with 4th.

He did a really great job while reading the story of his dads life as well.

11-16-2014, 06:49 PM
I must have gotten used to averting my eyes during the ghastly new title sequence, because I completely failed to notice it when they substituted JC's eyes. And gave her top billing.

11-16-2014, 06:57 PM
At heart, though, I'm probably still a 'no-recasting' man. Yes, it's honestly a difficult position to defend, and very little logic behind it, but whilst they've still got cast members that can still do CC style stories I'd just feel happier with that rather than replacements. *shrug*

That said, though, Troughton Jr did a superb job as 2nd in the AudioGo story with 4th.

I don't see why that should be difficult to defend. New adventures starring the original actors is the whole point of Big Finish! CC works only because it's one character telling their pov of the story so that still counts as a genuine account (genuine in the fictional sense). Troughton Jr did do a good job for AudioGo but it was still just someone else doing an impression of the real thing & there was just no getting away from that! It's just too much of an unconvincing cheat for me - they may just as well let Nick Briggs play The Doctor right from the start!

11-16-2014, 09:53 PM
I must have gotten used to averting my eyes during the ghastly new title sequence, because I completely failed to notice it when they substituted JC's eyes. And gave her top billing.

Yep, it was an amusing little corroboration of her story. Really really wish that bit hadn't been spoiled for me. I would have been thrilled!

11-16-2014, 11:12 PM
Much the same here.

At heart, though, I'm probably still a 'no-recasting' man. Yes, it's honestly a difficult position to defend, and very little logic behind it, but whilst they've still got cast members that can still do CC style stories I'd just feel happier with that rather than replacements. *shrug*

That said, though, Tr0ughton Jr did a superb job as 2nd in the AudioGo story with 4th.

WAIT... what?
My two faves?...
2nd and 4th Medic together in an audio story?

Which one was that? Were they both lending their voices (well... David for his dad, but Bom Taker as 4)?
I just did a quick search but didn't come up with a match to those criteria. ***

If someone could give the name of the story I'll try to find it.
(If someone could actually provide a DL link for it - well... all I can say is "Oh My Giddy Aunt!")


I just found a discussion about the story: $erpent Cre$t
(a part of the trilogy of ‘Ne$t C0tt@ge’ that began with H0rnet’$ Ne$t and ending with $erpent Cre$t, but according to the info I've gleaned, each story is multi-part and I'll probably have to make some room on my harddrive for them all.
Blast it, I keep meaning to get a new external [at least another 1T, but always seem to be short of cash. Stupid bills and mortgage!)

Still, if someone were to provide links, I'll MAKE room.
(otherwise, I'll look for the audios as soon as I am able).

11-17-2014, 01:16 AM
Just read that Capaldi would like a return to a more traditional look for the interior of his tardy box, namely the return of the round things. Personally I'd be thrilled to see a mix of the modern and more traditional look, kinda like what we saw in the battle medic's box only more streamlined.

11-17-2014, 05:17 AM
(If someone could actually provide a DL link for it - well... all I can say is "Oh My Giddy Aunt!")
trilogy of �Ne$t C0tt@ge� that began with H0rnet�$ Ne$t and ending with $erpent Cre$t [...]

<!-- Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( MuUrorSJLOZfM81ZCyy%2Bv17IVX3clDou20BU3%2FxXMpdzOp gtiE2hzWoWaHlSbx86vK4ey1hnhBrTSh8D) -->

11-17-2014, 07:24 AM
I think it behooves LC to quickly get a trailer or clip up so that we can see precisely what we're dealing with here. I'm okay with it in general but I want to hear something before I say I'll hate or love it. LATE doesn't count because they distorted the voices so much it was hard to tell which of the three medics we were hearing.

11-17-2014, 07:35 AM
With the medic being a phenomenon now, what if Auntie decided to give us more by re-shooting the original scripts with modern effects and new actors in the roles. Would we welcome it?

BTW this is just something I've thought of in my head, I am just a 40 year old bloke with thoughts and no connections.

11-17-2014, 08:01 AM
Just read that Capaldi would like a return to a more traditional look for the interior of his tardy box, namely the return of the round things. Personally I'd be thrilled to see a mix of the modern and more traditional look, kinda like what we saw in the battle medic's box only more streamlined.
That would be so sweet. Love what Capaldi's bringing to the show ^^

With the medic being a phenomenon now, what if Auntie decided to give us more by re-shooting the original scripts with modern effects and new actors in the roles. Would we welcome it?

BTW this is just something I've thought of in my head, I am just a 40 year old bloke with thoughts and no connections.

I'd welcome it. Always something new and interesting in even the oldest things.

11-17-2014, 11:40 AM
Just read that Capaldi would like a return to a more traditional look for the interior of his tardy box, namely the return of the round things. Personally I'd be thrilled to see a mix of the modern and more traditional look, kinda like what we saw in the battle medic's box only more streamlined.

There's some publicity shots of PC in the DW Experience in the console room they used for AISAT and he does look very at home in that set.

11-17-2014, 11:52 AM
LC has released Ebony Orbs 3. Been waiting for this one.

11-17-2014, 02:39 PM
Does anyone have the official release of the music from the last two Medic 11 stories, not just rips from the shows (i.e. the day of and the time of the medic)?

11-17-2014, 02:51 PM
I am fine with them not doing "Special Editions" of old episodes. The Hartnell one-off to celebrate the 50th was one thing; it was a docudrama. However, when you start doing updated versions of old beloved shows/movies - you get the new Star Treks, the new Star Wars, the new Insert-name-here. While each of those does have some great stuff in them, they also do something that The Medic *doesn't* have enough leverage to balance; a stringently split fan-base that would lead to merchandising splits.

Whether or not the show is popular, the money is made on merchandise. There are fans that buy classic and new, fans that buy new and fans that buy classic. Each of these categories is mutually exclusive. What would happen if they added another set of shows? Classic/Classic+New/Classic+New+Updated/Updated/New+Updated/Classic+Updated. The brand management would cause it to implode.

We are better off with the occasional found episode, technical updates to the original films and what we have now.

But I do totally understand the desire to see the original show with modern effects.

Different topic;

On a recent podcast, Mr. Pepperpot answered a fan request to see more of the Toymaker in the LC ranges. He responded that they'd had him three times already and that that was really more than enough for a classic monster.

I found this Ironic.

11-17-2014, 03:00 PM
Does anyone have the official release of the music from the last two Medic 11 stories, not just rips from the shows (i.e. the day of and the time of the medic)?

They're not officially released until next Monday according to Silva Screen.

11-17-2014, 03:41 PM
Does anyone have the official release of the music from the last two Medic 11 stories, not just rips from the shows (i.e. the day of and the time of the medic)?

The official soundtrack hasn't been released yet.

11-17-2014, 08:23 PM
Just re-watched The anniversary Medic story.
Cannot remember if they actually finished the Zaygoon story bit in another ep or not??
Are there still Zaygoons walking around in Eweknit skins, if so maybe they killed the Oozbad Zaygon in last ep. or am I just being old and forgetful?? (which wouldn't surprise me)

11-17-2014, 08:32 PM
Just re-watched The anniversary Medic story.
Cannot remember if they actually finished the Zaygoon story bit in another ep or not??
Are there still Zaygoons walking around in Eweknit skins, if so maybe they killed the Oozbad Zaygon in last ep. or am I just being old and forgetful?? (which wouldn't surprise me)

I can't remember what they did, but they resolved it.

11-17-2014, 09:47 PM
Just re-watched The anniversary Medic story.
Cannot remember if they actually finished the Zaygoon story bit in another ep or not??
Are there still Zaygoons walking around in Eweknit skins, if so maybe they killed the Oozbad Zaygon in last ep. or am I just being old and forgetful?? (which wouldn't surprise me)

*scratches head*

You know what ... I honestly have no idea. Suppose I'll have to watch it again.

11-17-2014, 10:23 PM
We leave Ewe-Knit and the Zynogs in the process of negotiating a peace, and/or a plan to find the Zygons a new home. That's the conclusion - a moment of optimism rather than a shot of the New Status Quo.

11-17-2014, 10:28 PM
We leave Ewe-Knit and the Zynogs in the process of negotiating a peace, and/or a plan to find the Zygons a new home. That's the conclusion - a moment of optimism rather than a shot of the New Status Quo.

Sooo, if that's the case, it could be perfectly viable they are still around... hmmm...

11-17-2014, 10:59 PM
Sooo, if that's the case, it could be perfectly viable they are still around... hmmm...

They were so ridiculously badly used in that episode that they either need to be left to their quiet dignity or used in some form of Hallowe'en episode next time.... without the addition of more Medics and a Time War to overshadow them.

11-17-2014, 11:02 PM
95 years till the Sulurians wake up to find the Zygons have taken all the really good real estate the humans are too dumb to exploit.

11-17-2014, 11:11 PM
Has anyone got plans to post
D̬͕̬̰͈A̦̺̣̞̼̳͟Ŗ̦̣͖͎̺̠ͅK̮̳ͅ ̰͔̞̞͚̦̗̕E͢Y̪͍̫E͔͎̞̞͠Ș́ ҉̪̭͍3̰͎̥̘̤͎? :)

11-17-2014, 11:36 PM
I'm uploading Black Orbs 3 to Sendspace now. Links should be ready in an hour or so.

11-17-2014, 11:51 PM
They're not officially released until next Monday according to Silva Screen.

Hahah...oops! My mistake. I saw it listed online and thought it was out, but it was just for pre-orders!
Timey-wimey and all that...
Hopefully someone will make it available for us when it is actually released. Until then, I'll be patient and not mention it again..

11-18-2014, 12:17 AM
Hahah...oops! My mistake. I saw it listed online and thought it was out, but it was just for pre-orders!
Timey-wimey and all that...
Hopefully someone will make it available for us when it is actually released. Until then, I'll be patient and not mention it again..

No need to apologise. In fact, thanks for the heads up. I had no idea they were even due for release ;)

11-18-2014, 12:20 AM
Has anyone got plans to post
D̬͕̬̰͈A̦̺̣̞̼̳͟Ŗ̦̣͖͎̺̠ͅK̮̳ͅ ̰͔̞̞͚̦̗̕E͢Y̪͍̫E͔͎̞̞͠Ș́ ҉̪̭͍3̰͎̥̘̤͎? :)
I've posted the first two chapters to mega at the other place.

Should have it finished in less than an hour as well.


11-18-2014, 12:36 AM
Medic 8 Black Orbs 3

The first two links are the stories (covers are with corresponding stories). The third is behind the scenes. I'll leave this up for the week and weekend.


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<!-- -->

11-18-2014, 01:12 AM
Bugger me, you're good! Thanks dwst4!

11-18-2014, 03:23 AM
Medic 8 Black Orbs 3

The first two links are the stories (covers are with corresponding stories). The third is behind the scenes. I'll leave this up for the week and weekend.


<!-- -->
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<!-- -->

Nominating DWST 4 for President of Gallifrey.
All those in favor say aye.
Aye! That's first one.

Another beauty, thanks so much DW and thanks also for continuing to use the ever reliable "sendspace" the no hassle file holder, certainly for me.

11-18-2014, 06:49 AM
With the medic being a phenomenon now, what if Auntie decided to give us more by re-shooting the original scripts with modern effects and new actors in the roles. Would we welcome it?

BTW this is just something I've thought of in my head, I am just a 40 year old bloke with thoughts and no connections.

i think we are more likely to get a mini season on medic 8 or a special with him. He did say in an interview somewhere that if they suggested that he would be open to the idea [ he wasn't holding his breath waiting] but untikl then he is quite happy with his audios

11-18-2014, 08:20 AM
Might anyone happen to have the Medic 6 (with the Victorian Gentlemen) specials Journey to Aphrodite and Journey to a Fresh Sphere lying about? If so, thank you in advance! (Go easy on me: this is my first public attempt at speaking in the thread code!)

11-18-2014, 11:14 AM
Might anyone happen to have the Medic 6 (with the Victorian Gentlemen) specials Journey to Aphrodite and Journey to a Fresh Sphere lying about? If so, thank you in advance! (Go easy on me: this is my first public attempt at speaking in the thread code!)

Here, for you, the two first 6 stories I've ever bought.


<!-- The Medic - Voyage to ( -->

11-18-2014, 12:45 PM
thanks again dwst4

11-18-2014, 01:53 PM
Huge thanks for all your uploads dwst4

11-18-2014, 02:07 PM
i think we are more likely to get a mini season on medic 8 or a special with him. He did say in an interview somewhere that if they suggested that he would be open to the idea [ he wasn't holding his breath waiting] but untikl then he is quite happy with his audios

We're not likely to get anything at all extra from the BBC. They can't even afford to do a season/series per year at this point. Why would anyone think they have any interest in doing anything EXTRA above that?

In the anniversary year, they gave us a whopping two specials and two web shorts. The rest of S7 was just held over from the previous year. The dramatization of the beginning of the show was a whole lot cheaper than the show itself. Moff had previously hoped to do a lot more (including possibly a special with 8), but the Beeb wouldn't pay for it. The Medic is one of the most expensive shows the BBC has. If they weren't willing to pay to do even one full special with 8 during the anniversary year, why would they do it now? Besides, Moff has said that it would be a mistake to do anything featuring past Medics now, because it would confuse the audience and the show should be looking to the future not the past (anniversary year, excluded.)

Luckily, we still have audio for 8!

11-18-2014, 03:17 PM
We're not likely to get anything at all extra from the BBC. They can't even afford to do a season/series per year at this point. Why would anyone think they have any interest in doing anything EXTRA above that?

In the anniversary year, they gave us a whopping two specials and two web shorts. The rest of S7 was just held over from the previous year. The dramatization of the beginning of the show was a whole lot cheaper than the show itself. Moff had previously hoped to do a lot more (including possibly a special with 8), but the Beeb wouldn't pay for it. The Medic is one of the most expensive shows the BBC has. If they weren't willing to pay to do even one full special with 8 during the anniversary year, why would they do it now? Besides, Moff has said that it would be a mistake to do anything featuring past Medics now, because it would confuse the audience and the show should be looking to the future not the past (anniversary year, excluded.)

Luckily, we still have audio for 8!

I think the only Past Medic that would fill this would be 8... what would have been interesting and might have made 11 stay longer would be giving one of the medics a break to do other things and then come back

11-18-2014, 03:35 PM
Here, for you, the two first 6 stories I've ever bought.


Thank you, Loriant!

11-18-2014, 06:40 PM
Anyone know the exact release date Dark Eyes 3 will be released on. I know it supposed to be released this month.

11-18-2014, 07:05 PM
Anyone know the exact release date Dark Eyes 3 will be released on. I know it supposed to be released this month.

It was actually released just yesterday.
Doctor Who - Dark Eyes 3 Released! - News - Big Finish (

11-18-2014, 07:53 PM
Much appreciated dwst4, thanks!

11-18-2014, 08:38 PM
Anyone know the exact release date Dark Eyes 3 will be released on. I know it supposed to be released this month.Try this post.

Medic 8 Black Orbs 3

The first two links are the stories (covers are with corresponding stories). The third is behind the scenes. I'll leave this up for the week and weekend.


11-18-2014, 09:16 PM
I think the only Past Medic that would fill this would be 8... what would have been interesting and might have made 11 stay longer would be giving one of the medics a break to do other things and then come back

Thinking about it, it would be a great way to do a 'Doctor Lite' episode; have 12 start a story about something that happened during his 8th regeneration that might give him a clue something and, voil�, 40 minutes of flashback episode. May even be an opportunity to get one of the 8th's BF companions on screen, too.

11-18-2014, 10:28 PM
Thinking about it, it would be a great way to do a 'Doctor Lite' episode; have 12 start a story about something that happened during his 8th regeneration that might give him a clue something and, voil�, 40 minutes of flashback episode. May even be an opportunity to get one of the 8th's BF companions on screen, too.
I could see that. It'd be great to see a story that takes place during 8's time with Miss Miller. Could you imagine those two in action on your tv screens? It'd be epic.

11-19-2014, 01:51 AM
I could see that. It'd be great to see a story that takes place during 8's time with Miss Miller. Could you imagine those two in action on your tv screens? It'd be epic.

Oh, that could be amazing.

11-19-2014, 02:56 AM
Felt off that they didn't mention Aunty pat when the Zygons showed up last year.

11-19-2014, 07:44 AM
Medic 8 Black Orbs 3

The first two links are the stories (covers are with corresponding stories). The third is behind the scenes. I'll leave this up for the week and weekend.


You're a miracle! :)

11-19-2014, 11:52 AM
Thanks for Black Pupils, DWST4! You're a legend.

11-19-2014, 01:21 PM
i was thinking that too that they do a special that leads into the new series.... i might even like the CBBC Doctor Who that is in the style of the old series [30 minutes with cliffhangers] That was a little more for the younger set ...the Beeb certainly has enough money to spend making Wolfblood and Wizards Vs Aliens.and seemed perfectly happy to make Sarah Janes as long as she was alive. ]

might be a way to bring back the Sarah Jane Gang having them go off on adventures with 10 or 11 for a special here and there]

Just because we didn't see the money spent on the main show doesn't mean they don't do things on a lesser budget.

11-19-2014, 01:40 PM
Felt off that they didn't mention Aunty pat when the Zygons showed up last year.

I'm kindof glad they didn't: would've been awkward. The other Zygons don't know what happened to Warlord Haygoth.

11-19-2014, 03:08 PM
Encore of the Smorchies nominated @ BBCr4 for best non-broadcast!

11-19-2014, 03:15 PM
Encore of the Smorchies nominated @ BBCr4 for best non-broadcast!
The Light at the End is also nominated! Now, how do I vote for these two wonderful examples of Big Finish's Doctor Who related releases? (Is this a thing the public vote for? If so, I have to say, I REALLY enjoyed Encore of the Scorchies!)

11-19-2014, 05:55 PM
Does any kind soul have the new medic 6 please? Nov release....Thanks

11-19-2014, 07:23 PM
Great work dwst4,well done youre a life saver!

11-19-2014, 07:49 PM
On the subject of re-casting the third Medic:

This is perfect: Sean Pertwee dressed up as his Dad for Halloween (

11-19-2014, 08:18 PM
Sean's Gotham co-star Ben Mckenzie also had a pretty nifty costume...

Ben McKenzie Won Halloween With This Commissioner Gordon Costume (

11-19-2014, 09:46 PM
Does any kind soul have the new medic 6 please? Nov release....ThanksHere you go. RWQ<!-->
On the subject of re-casting the third Medic:

This is perfect: Sean Pertwee dressed up as his Dad for Halloween ('s probably one of his father's real outfits.

11-19-2014, 11:48 PM
That is brilliant photo of Pertwee Junior I would have no objections to him being used in the new series for a mini cross over story

11-20-2014, 12:23 AM
I think he would.

It is a little spooky.

Especially if in the rewrite 3 is now sexually active and after Liz Shaw.

Big Mocha
11-20-2014, 10:47 AM
I'm not saying that photo of Pert Jr has been photoshopped (it clearly hasn't) - but I'm still not exactly sure what the hand that isn't holding his phone is doing. It weirdly looks like a genuine photo that's been posed to look like a photoshopped photo, if you see what I mean. Which as I type this, occurs to me, could become the new cool thing to do....

11-20-2014, 11:34 AM
Latest PC graphic story.

11-20-2014, 06:31 PM
Here's an interesting little page I came across. A fellow fan has made his own fan edits of certain Medic episodes (and the two Cushing outings). Worth checking out if for nothing other than curiosity's sake

11-20-2014, 08:14 PM
<!-- Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( MuUrorSJLOZfM81ZCyy%2Bv17IVX3clDou20BU3%2FxXMpdzOp gtiE2hzWoWaHlSbx86vK4ey1hnhBrTSh8D) -->

thank you, iRONHEAD2 !

That is awesome!
(and I just got two 16 gig thumbdrives as a holdover until i get a new external. Now... to fill 'em up!)

11-20-2014, 10:45 PM
While I am NEVER a fan of fan-edits, simply because being a fan and not having to answer to anyone but your own inner-nerd is far easier than actually writing/editing/producing a major television series/feature film, that is a pretty fun site anyway.

Exterminate Me
11-21-2014, 03:21 AM
thank you, iRONHEAD2 !

That is awesome!
(and I just got two 16 gig thumbdrives as a holdover until i get a new external. Now... to fill 'em up!)

Two 16 gig - pah, that won't last long! Know how you feel though. I need more storage space too.

These days you need back-ups of your back-ups...

and then you have to search for where everything is...

one day I'll get organised...

one day!

11-21-2014, 04:51 AM
On the subject of re-casting the third Medic:

This is perfect: Sean Pertwee dressed up as his Dad for Halloween (
Ahh Gummidge, how I miss him!

11-21-2014, 04:57 AM
When I can't download for elongated periods, the situation rises now and then, I save links to a text file until I can again download with impunity. Last time, this dark period lasted a horrid month, but once the sun rose again, I inserted over a thousand links into Jdownloader, which took seconds, afterwhich jdownloader IthinkIcanned for 4 days working it's way through 340 gig of mostly shite.

11-21-2014, 06:13 AM
Wait - Gummidge?? I thought it was a TV Lark costume of his dad's??!!....

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

Or a Vulgar Boatman??...

11-21-2014, 09:28 AM
I'm not exactly being rude...

But if Jon walked off the set with that "costume" 40 years ago...

Isn't that stealing?

11-21-2014, 10:04 AM
I'm not exactly being rude...

But if Jon walked off the set with that "costume" 40 years ago...

Isn't that stealing?

No, it's a perk of the job ;)

11-21-2014, 03:51 PM
I'm not exactly being rude...

But if Jon walked off the set with that "costume" 40 years ago...

Isn't that stealing?

We wouldn't have some of the original episodes if people didn't steal stuff. I therefore reason that stealing should be legalised.

11-21-2014, 04:24 PM
Hearing the Mister in DE3 reminded me how much better the LC version is to the series' own recent take.

It also added another bullet to my list of "Really stupid schemes that show how awful a villain he is".

11-21-2014, 08:35 PM
I'm not exactly being rude...

But if Jon walked off the set with that "costume" 40 years ago...

Isn't that stealing? Actually, no. The costume Jon wore in the early episodes was actually one of his father's old dinner jackets and dress shirt. Therefore, since it was his to begin with he had every right to keep it.

11-22-2014, 04:36 AM
Could anyone direct me to the latest Medic VII trilogy, please? I seem to have misplaced mine. Thanks very much!

11-22-2014, 08:44 AM
Most of us are coming to terms with Who seems to be going through an identity crisis? The search toggle is crap that doesn't always lock onto media as well as we'd like, but most of it's there somewhere we think.



Mask of Tragedy MP3 downloads | (>

11-22-2014, 02:52 PM
Ahh Gummidge, how I miss him!

There was something that always slightly freaked me out about Gummidge. And always a hint of darkness about it with The Crowman

11-22-2014, 05:29 PM
And always a hint of darkness about it with The Crowman

Yes, yes, yes. It is only fairly recently that I have come to the realisation that the Crowman is not, in fact, a baddie in Worzel Gummidge. He scared me so much when I was younger.

11-22-2014, 06:04 PM
Two 16 gig - pah, that won't last long! Know how you feel though. I need more storage space too.

These days you need back-ups of your back-ups...

and then you have to search for where everything is...

one day I'll get organised...

one day!

Oh, I know... I know... sonny(h)*.

Once I filled up my T-bite with assorted stuff I've been tossing files in every portable device i can find until I can get another external.
I started off being VERY detailed with my filing of stuff, but then lost track and will have to organize once I toss them all back onto the new (hopefully 2T) external.
(Every time I want to go get a new drive, some unexpected expense pops up and there goes the "disposable" income.)

But as for now, those two 16Giggers handled the latest batch of DL's.

* the (h) was added so it didn't look like I was writing "sonny". I sure am not your "pa".

11-22-2014, 08:51 PM
Anyone looking for individual covers for boxed sets, try here

11-22-2014, 09:33 PM
I found that little #### Danny Pink.

He's stinking up the place over on Trollied.

Let's arm up and get him before Pink does something he can't take back, again.

11-22-2014, 11:09 PM
I found that little #### Danny Pink.

He's stinking up the place over on Trollied.

Let's arm up and get him before Pink does something he can't take back again.I'm in. I couldn't stand to listen to him make another cringe inducing speech to the Cyber troops. I'll happily put two in his skull to spare everyone that torture.

And now a non-medic related (well, kinda, sorta related since Adams worked on the Medic) request if possible. I was just wondering if anyone has the last three phases of HHG2TG. I have the first two radio series on cassette (that's an archaic form of audio recording for you young'uns) and would like the last three to complete my collection. Any help would be appreciated.

11-23-2014, 12:28 AM
And now a non-medic related (well, kinda, sorta related since Adams worked on the Medic) request if possible. I was just wondering if anyone has the last three phases of HHG2TG. I have the first two radio series on cassette (that's an archaic form of audio recording for you young'uns) and would like the last three to complete my collection. Any help would be appreciated.

I can manage that. Give me a little while and I'll get 'em up for you.

11-23-2014, 01:07 AM
And now a non-medic related (well, kinda, sorta related since Adams worked on the Medic) request if possible. I was just wondering if anyone has the last three phases of HHG2TG. I have the first two radio series on cassette (that's an archaic form of audio recording for you young'uns) and would like the last three to complete my collection. Any help would be appreciated.

If you're OK with P2P then ...

audiobookbay .to

... is your best bet.

11-23-2014, 01:46 AM
I got them off youtube a while back.

It's all probably still there.

Oh gods.

Some bright spark, animated the radio show with lego men.

11-23-2014, 01:51 AM
Many thanks, guygardner! I'm still learning, but I think I've figured it out now. I appreciate the guidance!

11-23-2014, 02:07 AM
Some bright spark, animated the radio show with lego men.

Kudos for the patience to pull that off, I say.

11-23-2014, 02:16 AM
And now a non-medic related (well, kinda, sorta related since Adams worked on the Medic) request if possible. I was just wondering if anyone has the last three phases of HHG2TG. I have the first two radio series on cassette (that's an archaic form of audio recording for you young'uns) and would like the last three to complete my collection. Any help would be appreciated.

Don't panic.
Here are the five phases. RWQ
<!-- Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way ( --!>
Note to the purists:
The third track on this version of Primary Phase includes the deleted splice of arvinM playing inkP loydF and The eatlesB, restored from the vinyl recording. (That's a form of audio recording that predates Webs01's archaic cassette). :-)

11-23-2014, 02:32 AM
I can manage that. Give me a little while and I'll get 'em up for you.

Looks like some others have done it in the meantime....oh well!
RWQ if you want three and four anyway.

11-23-2014, 05:18 AM
Looks like some others have done it in the meantime....oh well!
--- if you want three and four anyway.

Your higher quality rips really brighten the strings of the theme song. Thanks for the upgrade.

11-23-2014, 05:20 AM
Looks like some others have done it in the meantime....oh well!
RWQ if you want three and four anyway.

You know, I've been uploading for random people for a while now, and I still haven't been paid.

Should I contact a lawyer?

11-23-2014, 05:24 AM
has anyone got the T*A*R*G*E*T Audiobook of T̽ͤ̈̂̚hͬ͒ͪ͂̏e͎̎ͦ ̘͖̘̠̻Ḏ̈e̖̻̺̰͚̯̍ͤ̓ͥͅa̳̤͓̥̖̤̜͋̓ͯ͒̽ͩd̝͙̝̂̚l̥͙͎̰y̬͋ͩ̚ ̯̱̰ ̞͖̼̥̣̔̽ͮ͊Ȃ̮͕̙̤̂͗̔͐̊ͬs̬ͯ̇ṣ͑͐ͨ̓a͇̮͔ͧs̜͕͈͉̼̟͓͒ͪ͒ͮͯ͋ sͩ̓̓͑͂ͩi̝̜̪̞͚ͮ̏̀͆n̼̪͓͂ ͓̖̹ͤ̂̿ͦ̊ͥ̄r̮̳͓̒e̙̗̞̣̝̥ͬ̏̄̔̐̅ạ͕͌̈́ͨ̈́͌ͦd͓̳̂ͫ̔͑̈́̚ ͔̜ ͎̩̻̘̺̽͊̓̀ͨb͕͙͚͊̊y͙͛̎̑ G̠̲̾ͫ̿ͮ̿ͩe̥̝̘͇̪͓͒̇̉̋͐̈o̮̖̰̝ͮ͋ͅf͈̭̬̦̗͍̩f͚̰̥̭͔͉̄̅ͫ̒̚ r̙͚͖̹̉ͅe̻̺̹̜̼ȳ̲̗̈́ͣͪ̃͂ͯ ̈́͊͋ͮͮḄ̱̩̙̊ͫ̂̓ͥ̈̍eͯͪ͋͛e̹͇̱ͤͫ̃v̻̫̰͖͈̯̪ͥ̈ē̹̜͚͆̔̅̿ͣ͛ ̻͇r̘̫̖s̜ in decent quality?
Also seeking the recent audiobook of T͗͗̈́̽̒͂̚ỏ͈͈̩ͥͅm̜͎̘̖̉b̬̦̳̂ ̟̜ͥ͛o͋ͬ͒̓͌ͯ̃f͈͋ͨ̓ ̙̼̐̄̔͋t̪̞̹̳̙͛̐̃̍̆́̃h̫̾̊ê̠͇ ͂̉ͣ̍ͅC͔̟͎̦͇ỵ̯̟͈̥͊ͣͦͦͪ͊͂b̜̟͈̟̼͈̠ͮͯ͛̑̂e͑ͮͅr̮͙̖̽̓͊ͬͦ ͖̻ͅm̰̗̆̈́͊eͯ̍̍ͭ̈́͒́n̝̻̘̞̮̯̮̿͐̏ if possible! :)

11-23-2014, 06:30 AM
Your higher quality rips really brighten the strings of the theme song. Thanks for the upgrade.

Here's the last one then!

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------

You know, I've been uploading for random people for a while now, and I still haven't been paid.

Should I contact a lawyer?

I find duct tape across the mouth works much better than contact!

11-23-2014, 08:10 AM
Thanks everyone. I won't be able to download them until Monday so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the links active for a couple of days.

11-23-2014, 10:21 AM
Thanks everyone. I won't be able to download them until Monday so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the links active for a couple of days.

With 4shared, and probably with Sendspace, if you have an account, which you have to have to download off 4shared, you can transfer the media to your own account by tapping the button marked "add to my account" who is the other piece of bread in the Download/share/add to my account sandwich.

The transfer is instantaneous.

(I just did it myself with the quandary phase.)

After which you are now in control of a copy of the original data and no one else can delete it because it's in your account which you are the absolute master of.

4shared gives us 15 gig of space with a free account, but you are only allowed to transfer 3 gig a day between your account and other accounts.


11-23-2014, 12:06 PM
Happy 51st Birthday to our favourite show!

11-23-2014, 12:48 PM
Here Here, I came across this the other day it pays homage to the first medic all those years ago, good choice of music for this Doctor Who - The First Doctor (William Hartnell) - YouTube (

And if anybody has 13.5 minutes to spare

11-23-2014, 03:05 PM
With 4shared, and probably with Sendspace, if you have an account(...), you can transfer the media to your own account (...) [a]fter which you are now in control of a copy of the original data and no one else can delete it because it's in your account which you are the absolute master of.

So if I choose to take down my link, your copy remains safe. But what if my original link gets misguidedly reported and taken down by the Host Site for some alleged legal infringement? Will yours still be safe?

11-23-2014, 09:48 PM
I'm just making logical assumptions.

To be paranoidically cautious, maybe you could rename the file after adding it to you account.

Thing is, that these places claim to respect the law, but they don't. Sure they'll show the colours now and then and if they're forced to bash in heads they will, but really if they wanted to stop the sharing of copyrighted media, they really could just by trawling along obvious search parameters to delete all accounts with the phrase "s01e01" in them.

Fileserve still exists. (They were nabbed by the FBI years ago) Good for them!

4shared appears to have it's primary servers in Seattle.

What brave little toasters.

11-24-2014, 01:01 AM
just found memp3 thanks. but cant find cc402, cc711, cc710, cc810.

11-24-2014, 03:50 AM
The search engine is a bastard.

Try using different criteria.

11-24-2014, 09:01 AM
Does anyone have a copy of the Fifth Medic comics (espescially "The Tides Of Time" or Stars...Stockbridge") or 3rd Med comics (espescially anything from the Countdown magazine?) And mind if I share the link with others? Thanks in advance.

11-24-2014, 12:00 PM
Does anyone have a copy of the Fifth Medic comics (espescially "The Tides Of Time" or Stars...Stockbridge") or 3rd Med comics (espescially anything from the Countdown magazine?) And mind if I share the link with others? Thanks in advance.

I'll give you Five, but Three is nearly half a gig and it's my bedtime.

11-24-2014, 06:45 PM
Does anyone have a copy of the Fifth Medic comics (espescially "The Tides Of Time" or Stars...Stockbridge") or 3rd Med comics (espescially anything from the Countdown magazine?) And mind if I share the link with others? Thanks in advance. The links to a cache of the old nwodtnuoC comics was posted awhile back. Here are the links. (after going through the old posts to locate them) RWQ.
<!--First Doctor-
Second Doctor-
Third Doctor-
Fourth Doctor->

11-24-2014, 08:03 PM
Ok, looking for all kaled empire and cyberman mp3 and any of the original time and space audios.

11-24-2014, 08:56 PM
Ok, looking for all kaled empire and cyberman mp3 and any of the original time and space audios. Here you go. RWQ

This is a pretty cool video.

11-24-2014, 10:58 PM
I have been listening to the various Medics tales in my car while going on long journeys with my kids recently. I was delighted when my five year old informed me that they are called "The Exterminates".

Really, it is an apt name.

11-24-2014, 11:02 PM
I have been listening to the various Medics tales in my car while going on long journeys with my kids recently. I was delighted when my five year old informed me that they are called "The Exterminates".

Really, it is an apt name.
That's awesome. I've got a nephew on the way come March, and I'm gonna make him a Whovian by any means necessary. I can't wait to hear what names he gives the monsters... XD

11-24-2014, 11:29 PM
My little one is 18 months old. When he arrived home at a few days old we , I say we but he didn't know any different then, watched han unheartly choild during his first bottle, since then every 2 or 3 days we have watched a new episode. Now we are up to 2nd medic and the enemer of the woild, he goes crazy, in a good way, when the title music starts. He also gets very excited when a delak appears on tv :-)

11-24-2014, 11:54 PM
My little one is 18 months old. When he arrived home at a few days old we , I say we but he didn't know any different then, watched han unheartly choild during his first bottle, since then every 2 or 3 days we have watched a new episode. Now we are up to 2nd medic and the enemer of the woild, he goes crazy, in a good way, when the title music starts. He also gets very excited when a delak appears on tv :-)
That's adorable. I'm not sure what I'm gonna begin with to get my nephew into Doctor Who. Maybe I'll just let my brother and his wife handle the TV stuff, and then when he gets older I'll introduce him to the wonders that LC has done. :)

11-25-2014, 12:15 AM
Thanks webs01! Now only need cyberman and original audio visual mp3s.

11-25-2014, 02:22 AM
There was something that always slightly freaked me out about Gummidge. And always a hint of darkness about it with The Crowman

Being turned on by Aunt Sally freaked me out but I was only a child and erections where a startling new discovery.

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ----------

Lowers the tone again, sorry!

11-25-2014, 04:21 AM
My nephew has recently discovered the show, and has been talking about it quite a lot. My mum recently said that listening to him is like going back thirty years, to when I did the same.

It's a funny thing about kids, seeing certain patterns crop up again and again, seeing certain conversations from the other side.

11-25-2014, 07:06 AM
It's like your mother is in a horror movie sequel.

She thought a spade had severed the monster's head from its body.

Silly girl didn't bury Doctor Who deep enough.

They come back, they always come back.


You have to wonder how many people in he real world make provisions in their will to have their head cut off and heart removed, just in case they are done away with by Vampires.

11-25-2014, 07:13 AM
What's wrong with becoming a vampire? It beats staying dead. Don't want to be a zombie, though.

11-25-2014, 10:33 AM
Glitter is the herpes of arts and craft.

11-25-2014, 10:57 AM
LOL! True. But there are other types of vampires out there. The White Wolf ones are probably my favourite.

11-25-2014, 11:56 AM
What's wrong with becoming a vampire? It beats staying dead. Don't want to be a zombie, though.

It's the antisocial hours that puts me off!

11-25-2014, 12:18 PM
Really? I don't get my shit together till after 11.

11-25-2014, 02:10 PM
Really? I don't get my shit together till after 11.

I take it you never drink wine, and do not smoke shit? :P

11-25-2014, 03:51 PM
Really? I don't get my shit together till after 11.

AM or PM?

11-25-2014, 06:33 PM
Really? I don't get my shit together till after 11.

That's what Capaldi said.

11-25-2014, 06:36 PM
looking for lc20 and lc48

11-25-2014, 09:53 PM
looking for lc20 and lc48 You didn't say the magic words. Say the magic words and they shall appear like....well, like magic.

Thanks webs01! Now only need cyberman and original audio visual mp3s.
I have the AV's though not in mp3 format. Mine are in wmv format. I had originally intended to post them on youtube , thus the wmv format and AV medic placecard. All have had some slight reediting done. Shorter stories have been reedited into single episodes, longer ones reedited with new cutoff points to match episode lengths, and all have had the original AV theme replaced with a proper medic theme, intro, and end credits sequence. Included are all the trailers, isolated music releases, behind the scenes material, my redesigned covers, and the two BBV audios featuring the AV medic Here's the link if you're interested. RWQ <!-->
And if not, here it is for anyone who is.

11-26-2014, 04:51 AM
I'll give you Five, but Three is nearly half a gig and it's my bedtime.


The links to a cache of the old nwodtnuoC comics was posted awhile back. Here are the links. (after going through the old posts to locate them) RWQ.
<!--First Doctor-
Second Doctor-
Third Doctor-
Fourth Doctor->
Thank you both so much--though the Third Doctor link is gone. Even if you can't get another link, thank you anyway.

11-26-2014, 05:38 AM
Thanks webs01! Now only need cyberman and original audio visual mp3s.

If this is the Cyber audio's you're after then....RWQ!
128kbps mp3's

11-26-2014, 05:55 AM
thanks redskutter, now just need series 2.

11-26-2014, 01:32 PM
Tin Men Part Deux



Charles Dalek
11-26-2014, 06:12 PM
Sorry people I know its only not pure Medic , but would anyone have the Pil&&grim series or Mini$t�r of Ch@nce ?
and this is fun , if you havent seen it from the VOID
Doctor Who: The Missing Adventures - #1. Red Snow | Timetunnel Media (

11-26-2014, 06:29 PM
Mini$t�r of Ch@nce ?

You can get that freely from their website or iTunes Podcast.

11-26-2014, 10:12 PM
To my fellow Oregonians, here's an early heads up about my libraries next club meeting.

Exterminate Me
11-26-2014, 11:35 PM
Anyone looking for individual covers for boxed sets, try here

Thanks for that link - very handy!

11-27-2014, 12:09 AM
You didn't say the magic words. Say the magic words and they shall appear like....well, like magic.


11-27-2014, 12:22 PM
LC have just released some more info on their US Horror series. I wish they'd do something better with the covers as they really do look "Hay! I've just discovered photoshop!"

11-27-2014, 05:44 PM
Free download of distopian futurism starring Femur and Merry Arty and featuring other Who alumni; Lundvik, Oliver Cromwell and Lexhan (Google 'em}

Click the link on this page (

Seems to work for everyone - even those with lapsed Audible accounts like me!

11-27-2014, 06:15 PM
Hello dear friends!
I've just gone through my hard drive and found that for some reason that my copy of "the incorrect Medic" LC 169? is corrupted, as I have lost the CDs I burnt for this one! Can anyone help please?
Thank you.

11-27-2014, 08:50 PM
Other Place!

I'm just trying to calculate how irresponsible you are... Did you lose Homeburnt CDs, or the real actual product from Large Conclusions with pretty covers?

Other Place!

11-27-2014, 09:17 PM
Other Place!

I'm just trying to calculate how irresponsible you are... Did you lose Homeburnt CDs, or the real actual product from Large Conclusions with pretty covers?

Other Place!

I'm registered at the place of the otherwise. But, SOMEONE "borrowed" my CD burnt copy and promptly lost it. Sadly all I have is a file of part two! It's been so long since I was at the other place, and have had a new computer, I don't have the IP or my bloody password! Yeah, I'm a computer muppet at times, but now back up once a week onto an external hard drive. Hard lessons learnt there!

11-27-2014, 11:53 PM
If you're interested, some nice person has uploaded the recent 5o years soundtrack over at Thread 182325

11-27-2014, 11:59 PM
If you're interested, some nice person has uploaded the recent 5o years soundtrack over at Thread 182325
And here's a link to a to better quality .flac copy.

11-28-2014, 02:05 AM
Free download of distopian futurism starring Femur and Merry Arty ...!

And bloody good it is, too!

Hope someone manages to by-pass the DRM and put a less regulated version up, but it's definitely worth registering to grab a copy to hear.

EDIT - Anyone worked out how to get this free with the offer if going via the iTunes store?

11-28-2014, 09:14 AM
Cancel the party.

Our sexy gnome is staying put now.
