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04-28-2013, 03:34 PM
More S*P*A*C*E 1999 comix After*shock



04-28-2013, 03:45 PM
Yes, please!



04-28-2013, 03:56 PM
Well as for me, I have really mixed feelings about yesterday's episode. Since I'm a classic who freak :) I really liked hearing Susan's voice from the very first episode ever! That kinda made the episode for me. Could even stand the 3rd Medic which isn't something I can do very often LOL
The Library is interesting. What language was it written in? Good question. How is it that Clara knew the Medic's name if she is "just clara" like the Medic said? Another good question. What are those liquid Gallifrey books? I have to listen again to hear what exactly was said. Can't imagine it was for nothing.
I like the idea of the Time War being addressed. It's one of my obsessions lately. I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!
But how the hell did "big button" get on Clara's hand? Did the Medic actually engrave it before he sent it back through the crack in time? Is this related somehow to the TARDIS blowing up? I don't think that was resolved.
Could have totally avoided the subplot and just have had Clara getting lost in the magical blue box. It's not as if other companions never got lost in the box before! If the Medic found Clara out and wanted her to forget about it, he could have wiped her memories just like he did Donna's. Although that was another really stupid way to have a companion exit.
Magic screwdriver, magic buttons, magic songs... unfortunately, it's becoming more fantasy than sci-fi.
Oh and the tiny narrow corridors did seem like generic space ship corridors. Not a police box feel at all. Still REALLY nostalgic of the classic look. At least the 9th medic had hexagonels which kinda looked like roundels.
I'm sure there's a really complicated story waiting to be revealed and that it'll probably be resolved with the Bonnie Tyler singing Total eclipse of the heart (of the TARDIS), but honestly, I'd just like to enjoy an episode without having to rack my brain for a month to try to figure out where all of this is going :)

04-28-2013, 03:58 PM
Man, that 'Who Gives A Shit' post was scathing. I actually took a break from the new series to focus on the old not long after Martha climbed onboard. Didn't really have time for both, and was starting to feel some misgivings about the new show. 10's performance was already feeling a bit like schtick to me, and I was a little concerned at the direction things seemed to be taking in terms of Lost-style convolutedness (which can be a lot of fun, if pretty much impossible to write your way out of). But I also remember how eager people were for Moffat to take the helm, and figured I'd have something to look forward to when I got back to the new series.

Anyway, it's interesting to have an outsider's view on this era of the show, though I naturally skip a few pages of posts after each new episode airs. :)

EDIT TO ADD: I suppose it goes without saying that any links to the fourth 'Medic Revisited' special would be appreciated. And if anyone's looking for the others and doesn't mind torrenting, they're all out there now:

Right here, for instance! (

04-28-2013, 04:04 PM
I got a question about the latest episode

After establishing in Cold War that the Doctor repaired the HADS, why didn't it work now? Being attacked by a laser chainsaw would count as hostile action in my book.

Originally I also wanted to ask about the book and why Clara could read it, but all my answers boil down to either shit writing, Clara being a time lord - which may or may not also qualify as shit writing as well - or Clara later on forming a special bond with the TARDIS who would allow her to read Gallifreyan and which would due to the time rift bleed back from this future to the present.
One more thing, Clara could hear voices in the library, coming from those bottle thingies. I couldn't make out sentences, but it was English, wasn't it?
And judging from the labels on those, the language used would have been Gallifreyan as well.

I should stop now before I bang my head against a wall and go "why, why why?" over and over again

04-28-2013, 04:05 PM
Let's not forget Gridlock. It's the impossibly far off future and people spend decades trying to drive to a place they could have walked in one tenth the time. Oh yeah, we brought back some villains from 2nd medic but they don't do anything interesting. For good measure we'll have a cat person married to a human who has had a litter of kittens/children but is so old fashioned he teasingly won't accept a homosexual couple. Doesn't compare to the pirate episode but geez.

I really liked tonights episode although it begs a few viewings. I was hoping that I had missed the explanation for the ending but I guess I didn't.

He literally pushed a giant reset button.

Would it have killed them to have Clara flit through the book for a few more seconds. She found out who he was on her second or so page. As pointed out, she recognizes whatever she saw. Not confused or afraid but smiling. She considered it natural.

Also, wouldn't it be weird if the beeb completely ripped off the basic explanation given in Peri and the Pis**con Par**adox. Namely, Clara could have had her timeline split and scattered through time. Memories erased/altered. That would simultaneously leave her special (as in the why this happened) while still leaving Clara herself ordinary.

On an unrelated note: Does anyone know what happened to the planned Resurrection of the Kaleds novelization? They were going to release it last May apparently and it never happened? I clearly remember it because it was never official novelized and it seemed odd that they would do an audio without a print version.

Interesting theory about Peri and Clara. Only problem is that Peri was messed around with by the TL. If this is something of the same, then who would have done it to her? More likely the City of Death theory where maybe when she was dalekized (?) it caused something weird to happen. Then again in CoD, the dupes are aware of each other and even communicate. Doesn't seem like the Claras actually exist simultaneously... Oh muffet what are you planning this time!

04-28-2013, 04:07 PM
But how the hell did "big button" get on Clara's hand? Did the Medic actually engrave it before he sent it back through the crack in time? Is this related somehow to the TARDIS blowing up? I don't think that was resolved.

At the very beginning, and then repeated at the end, Clara catches the Magno grab (big friendly button) and you see and hear it burn onto her. She then removes her hand and you see the words on the button and branded on her palm.

04-28-2013, 04:13 PM
I got a question about the latest episode

After establishing in Cold War that the Doctor repaired the HADS, why didn't it work now? Being attacked by a laser chainsaw would count as hostile action in my book.

The HADS works as and when the plot requires.

Or maybe he turned it off at the end of Cold War?

04-28-2013, 04:13 PM
The Library is interesting. What language was it written in? Good question. How is it that Clara knew the Medic's name if she is "just clara" like the Medic said? Another good question. What are those liquid Gallifrey books? I have to listen again to hear what exactly was said. Can't imagine it was for nothing.
I like the idea of the Time War being addressed. It's one of my obsessions lately. I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!

it would make sense if the book was written in gallifreyan, since the time lords and the daleks would know most of what had happened, and i can't see a dalek writing a history book. But I question if they didn't have better things to do than write books about a war they're currently fighting. and also why and how the book wound up in the doctor's tardis.
somehow I'm also questioning why he was mentioned in the place that he was. You'd expect him to be mentioned - if at all - at the end since that's where his biggest contribution to the war took place. but that again brings to question why someone would be writing a book about the end of the time war instead of doing pretty much anything else, like running and screaming.
but when clara read his name, she wasn't appalled, so i don't think "and so the doctor, whose real name is george, destroyed all time lords and daleks. what a dick" was what it said, it must have been something...normal or not really worth mentioning. maybe "and so the doctor, whose real name is george by the way, was dishonorably discharged."

you could argue that it was written by a third species, so in a language that wasn't gallifreyan, so the tardis translation circuits would translate for clara just as with any other normal language. BUT there was a passage about the doctor with his true name supposedly mentioned, and i don't think any other species would know his name - otherwise the whole "doctor WHO?" thing is redundant.

there's also my pet theory that during the time war the doctor wasn't on the side of the time lords or daleks, he went zagreus-style crazy and became the third party interested in destroying everyone else :)
but that's even more unlikely to have been written down.

04-28-2013, 04:16 PM
The HADS works as and when the plot requires.

Or maybe he turned it off at the end of Cold War?

I knpow that the HADS is powered by plot convenience, but why bring it up one episode so that newbiews would know it exists, then then contradict yourself in the next story? that's just rubbish from storytelling standards.

Chapter 1: There's a Plague
Chapter 2: We got an Antidote
Chapter 3: Man, I wish we had an antidote
Chapter 4: Oops, my bad, turned out we had it all along

04-28-2013, 04:18 PM
From looking at the book Clara now knows the Doctors real name ...


04-28-2013, 04:20 PM
Maybe he did turn the HADS off after having to go all the way to the other side of the world last time it was used. That could get annoying.

They also made a point of saying that he turned the shields off. Maybe they are connected to the HADS.

And lets not forget that he put the TARDIS in 'basic' mode so even a girl could fly it.

04-28-2013, 04:22 PM
I knpow that the HADS is powered by plot convenience, but why bring it up one episode so that newbiews would know it exists, then then contradict yourself in the next story? that's just rubbish from storytelling standards...

If you went through the entire run I'm sure it's not the first contradiction that's happened a week later! :)

Occams Razor - It was off as the Doc was flipping switches to let Clara do her thing at the console?

04-28-2013, 04:36 PM
At the very beginning, and then repeated at the end, Clara catches the Magno grab (big friendly button) and you see and hear it burn onto her. She then removes her hand and you see the words on the button and branded on her palm.

Yes I get that. But does that mean that the Medic carved must have carved it into the Magnothing before sending it back to send a message to himself. And I've always disliked these paradox solutions. Too easy IMHO.

04-28-2013, 04:36 PM

04-28-2013, 04:37 PM

04-28-2013, 04:40 PM

04-28-2013, 04:41 PM
it would make sense if the book was written in gallifreyan, since the time lords and the daleks would know most of what had happened, and i can't see a dalek writing a history book. But I question if they didn't have better things to do than write books about a war they're currently fighting. and also why and how the book wound up in the doctor's tardis.
somehow I'm also questioning why he was mentioned in the place that he was. You'd expect him to be mentioned - if at all - at the end since that's where his biggest contribution to the war took place. but that again brings to question why someone would be writing a book about the end of the time war instead of doing pretty much anything else, like running and screaming.
but when clara read his name, she wasn't appalled, so i don't think "and so the doctor, whose real name is george, destroyed all time lords and daleks. what a dick" was what it said, it must have been something...normal or not really worth mentioning. maybe "and so the doctor, whose real name is george by the way, was dishonorably discharged."

you could argue that it was written by a third species, so in a language that wasn't gallifreyan, so the tardis translation circuits would translate for clara just as with any other normal language. BUT there was a passage about the doctor with his true name supposedly mentioned, and i don't think any other species would know his name - otherwise the whole "doctor WHO?" thing is redundant.

there's also my pet theory that during the time war the doctor wasn't on the side of the time lords or daleks, he went zagreus-style crazy and became the third party interested in destroying everyone else :)
but that's even more unlikely to have been written down.

Actually I assumed the Medic himself wrote it since he's the only survivor (well aside from the Master and Davros, but I don't think they'd be bothered to write the story). I think it may have cathartic for him to write it.

04-28-2013, 04:50 PM
<a href="" title="BBV Republica by drwhopics, on Flickr">

Here is BBV's Rep*ubl*ica REMIXED:

More 'remixed' covers posted all the time at my flickr page:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

Download BBV REP from - send big files the easy way (

Can anyone help me with a 256 or 320 rip of 6 medic radio play Slip*back? Also after any bitrate rips of bla*kee sev**en (LC or radio play stuff) - please post or PM me if you can help thx.

LOVE THIS!!! Thank you!!

04-28-2013, 05:07 PM
Anyone got any ideas why salvagers would be listening to fire woman by the cult?!

04-28-2013, 05:16 PM
Anyone got any ideas why salvagers would be listening to fire woman by the cult?!

Because it's a cracking tune? :)

Exterminate Me
04-28-2013, 06:36 PM
Seems a lot of us aren't too taken with Who at the moment! I do worry that it's becoming all late-80s style, which by way of meaning is that it's servicing the fans and isn't as accessible to the general viewing public, which we need to keep the show alive. I agree with what some have said that Muffet can be too clever for his own good and is probably better as an individual script-writer rather than a show runner. Any Who is better than no Who (I remember so well the gap between Survival and the 1996 TV movie and then until the return with "Nu-Who"!).
I did enjoy the most recent episode, though I'm getting sick of "reset-buttons", paradoxes and their likes. And, yes, the bloody Sonic-screwdriver as a magic-wand can piss-off - I'm sick to death of that being waved at all and sundry (though it was, thankfully, absent from JTTCOTT, as far as I can recall - hell, it's 1:30 in the morning here, I can't remember!). Can't we just have a good old classic-type/ style episode?!!!
I'm a fan since as long as I can remember, earliest memory being Planet of the Spiders, on original transmission - I had a nightmare of a giant spider in my room!
Can Muffet please restore my faith in the show I love? Here's hoping for a great 50th show...

04-28-2013, 06:55 PM
Honestly as much as Moffat likes stuffing storylines into his seasons (ex: The death of the doctor, The Doctor's Name, Who is Clara), RTD did do something of the same. The only difference is with him he mostly just set up spinoffs (S1= Bad Wolf S2 = Torchwood/Sarah Jane Adventures S3 = The Master/ Harold Saxon S4 = Knock 4 times/ Rose: Defender of Earth (never realized).) It's just that we notice Moffats more because, well, he airs them like dirty laundry and we're all kind of sick of it. With RTD it was a slight hint here, and hint there. Moffat's equivalent is to use a mallet and beat each hint into an episode so hard it becomes more obvious than it would of been in the first place.

04-28-2013, 07:35 PM
Just found the doctor's name:
According to Theta Sigma - Time Lord of Gallifrey (
it is:
Chr�st�dav�reendiamondh�rtmall�updrac�firedel�nmia ncuimhne de L�ngb�rrow

04-28-2013, 07:40 PM
He didn't, you must have missed it.

There was an explanation for the button at the beginning of the episode. Salvage people used the magna grab button to rope the TARDIS in. Same button randomly appears thrown towards Clara and the Doctor. Opening credits. Salvage people enter TARDIS and the Doctor who took their magno grab button still has it on him. Episode goes by, not much happens, some nice nods to the past. Doctor from end of episode grabs the magna button and then uses the tear in time (again? time is very fragile these days) to throw the magna grab button (big friendly button) back to the Doctor from the beginning (repeating the scene where a random button arrived from pre credits). He then presses it again, which turns off the grabbing field and then flies the TARDIS away. Cutting to the scene with the three wooden extras who say that the salvage just vanished. It actually works and does make sense. It is just rubbish.
Yeah, I actually completely missed that we see it in the beginning. They speak so fast, I wish I could flip the subs on the first viewing. So it's technically a reset button but it was set up so I'll let it slide.

Now the only thing that really bothers me is
I'm going to let a student driver take the wheel and the first thing I'll do is turn the shields off!

04-28-2013, 07:56 PM
Now the only thing that really bothers me is
I'm going to let a student driver take the wheel and the first thing I'll do is turn the shields off!
In Eleven's defense, I don't think he fully realized a salvage ship was in the vicinity. Sounds like the proximity alarm is on the blink again. Where's Nyssa when you need her, eh? Btw, if anyone knows which LC audio I'm slyly referencing, you get an e-cookie.

04-28-2013, 08:09 PM

04-28-2013, 08:15 PM
Mutant Phase. Now where's my Goddamn cookie!?
Well done! *hands over a basketful* I was listening to it for the umpteenth time last night before sleeping. It's one of my fave Pepperpot audios.

04-28-2013, 09:04 PM
How's this for a 'thinking out of the box' idea as to Clara's identity ... she's a Tardis consciousness stuffed into a human body as seen in The Doctor's Wife. Something went wrong and she has no idea of the fact but she can do certain things instinctively without realising it ... don't laugh, it could explain a few things such as...

How she survived the fall in the Christmas Special
Why big blue doesn't like her (it sees Clara as a rival)
How she could read Galifreyan (if the book last night was written in Galifreyan)
Did the button burn the instructions into her hand, or did she burn the button?

I'm sure there are other things I've missed as well.

04-28-2013, 09:11 PM
One thing I just want to check. Why is everyone sure that The History of the Time War would be written in Galifreyan? It could have been a Dalek who wrote it. Or an outside observer. A Kate Adie kind of figure.

04-28-2013, 09:13 PM
Did the button burn the instructions into her hand, or did she burn the button?

Neither. The Doc burnt the message into the button, sent it back, she picked it up and it burnt her hand.

04-28-2013, 09:15 PM
Neither. The Doc burnt the message into the button, sent it back, she picked it up and it burnt her hand.

Fair enough, I missed that bit. :o

04-28-2013, 09:24 PM
Just found the doctor's name:
According to Theta Sigma - Time Lord of Gallifrey (
it is:
Chr�st�dav�reendiamondh�rtmall�updrac�firedel�nmia ncuimhne de L�ngb�rrow

Are we counting Fan Fiction now?

04-28-2013, 09:26 PM

04-28-2013, 09:30 PM
Just found the doctor's name:
According to Theta Sigma - Time Lord of Gallifrey (
it is:
Chr�st�dav�reendiamondh�rtmall�updrac�firedel�nmia ncuimhne de L�ngb�rrow

Try as I might, can't spin that into 36 syllables. So that can't be it. Nice try though.
THIS ( image contains something I've seen before claiming to be his name.

and as to who wrote the book:

04-28-2013, 09:35 PM
And ... back from the pub.

What I'm getting curious about is ... how is all this Doctor's Name hoohah going to tie in with the CC that BF are releasing in November about how it all started? Don't forget that all BFs stories have to go through Cardiff to ensure they don't directly contradict, or clash with, anything the show is about to do ...

Oh ... and highlight of tonight's ep ...

Think I just found my new PC desktop :p

04-28-2013, 09:36 PM
Love him or loathe him, Ian Levine has been at it again. I cant believe I am saying this, but I find myself in agreement with him

Since I seem to be one of the few who refuse to join facebook I can't read this, can you tell me what he's been saying now please?

04-28-2013, 09:40 PM
Since I seem to be one of the few who refuse to join facebook I can't read this, can you tell me what he's been saying now please?


I have to say I am getting both worried and disappointed.

I keep hearing horrible rumours about even more delays till series eight gets filmed

It's the 50th anniversary year and we are getting less new Doctor Who episodes than ever.

Filming wrapped on series seven the last day of November 2012, then four months of no new episodes being filmed, then the anniversary filming, which we all hoped would have used all the surviving old Doctors, but which doesn't, then four more months off while Matt goes to make some film in America, then filming the Christmas Special. That means two episodes filmed in the entire 2013.

Rumours abound of Matt Smith quitting, and we know he's off to make this film in America for three or four months.

Steven Moffat suggested there would be more than one anniversary special but there isn't (No, you can't count the Mark Gatiss docudrama).

Have the BBC even committed to series eight officially ???

Will we ever get fourteen episodes in one single calendar year again ??? Because this current series has been spread over two years.

People on Gallifrey Base who claim to be in the know are suggesting series eight might not even start filming till next year, and may not air till either September 2014 or GOD FORBID Spring 2015, which means an entire year off yet again.

That Private Eye article pointed out the worry that something is wrong in Cardiff. Now it's getting worse. People are saying the scripts for series eight are nowhere near ready. And yet we were all promised that Sherlock wouldn't affect Doctor Who at all (till Danny Cohen publicly pointed out the bleedin' obvious).

There are now more gap years than episodes shown. When this sort of thing happens, it's the slow road to strangulation and a withering death, much as I hate to even formulate the thoughts in my head.

The show is starting to feel unloved by the BBC. All we ever see are adverts for The Voice - NONE for Doctor Who - which, added to the horrendous lack of new episodes, is a cause for deep concern.

And being put opposite Britain's Got Talent, the overnights are slipping too. Not what I wanted to see in the fiftieth anniversary year. It the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY for God's sake. Where are Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann ??? It looks like we get John Hurt as a substitute for the fiftieth anniversary instead.

I want some good news. PLEASE.

Make us happy.
I'm NOT.
But I WANT to be.

This wonderful show has been a national treasure for fifty years. I feel helpless when I witness an erosion that I can do nothing to prevent.

WE NEED MUCH MORE NEW EPISODES and we need episodes without children or love stories or magical reset endings.

At the risk of upsetting friends who work on the show, folks, I AM BITTERLY UNHAPPY.

Caroline Skinner personally assured me that we would all be happy in the end - now she's gone.

My faith and trust is crumbling.

I need to point out that I utterly adore Steven Moffat's writing. I think he's a genius. I love every scene where River Song has ever appeared. Steven's episodes are amongst the best ever of Doctor Who at its finest. But that doesn't mean I want to see less and less episodes being made at the expense of the ones he does write. No Sir. But I love Steven and I love the show. So it puts me in a dilemma to have to speak out like this, in pain.


04-28-2013, 09:40 PM
edit: too late.
ah well, may as well not waste a post. Does anyone have JP's ABook of Crypt of the Robochaps?

04-28-2013, 09:40 PM

04-28-2013, 09:42 PM

04-28-2013, 09:42 PM
I don't have a proper facebook either, just a fake name account for things like this.

Here it is (and I am also worried because I agree with a huge amount of it...)

Ooops, too slow. Was reading as well

04-28-2013, 09:46 PM
Thanks guys. Well it makes me shudder at the thought but it seems Ian and myself are in almost total agreement.

04-28-2013, 09:51 PM
...and as to who wrote the book:

The Vogan's must be making a small fortune on the IP for the Timelords to use their symbol.

04-28-2013, 09:54 PM
Edit : like sasha I was also too late and have decided to not waste a post either!

Does anyone have any links to 10th Medic audio book The R#SI#G Night or 11th Medic J#de Pyr#mid and H##nds of Art#mis please?

Yes I have all these, just give me an hour to up them.

04-28-2013, 09:59 PM
Wow -treble posting at the same time. Goddamn that Levine fellow knows how to get publicity...

Maybe, but he doesn't know how to use the English language.
Good grief that man needs some basic grammar lessons...

04-28-2013, 09:59 PM

04-28-2013, 10:14 PM

04-28-2013, 10:19 PM
Love him or loathe him, Ian Levine has been at it again. I cant believe I am saying this, but I find myself in agreement with him

Have to agree with all of that as well

04-28-2013, 10:19 PM
edit: too late.
ah well, may as well not waste a post. Does anyone have JP's ABook of Crypt of the Robochaps?

I get the title and format, but JP?

04-28-2013, 10:36 PM
I get the title and format, but JP?

... maybe it isn't an AB. idk, an OST?

04-28-2013, 10:41 PM
Some guy on twitter has mocked up what a twitterfeed would have been like in 1973 regards the impending 10th anniversary. Very funny.

:large <--- Click on link. You dont need twitter

Reminds me of some of the current day complaining (some of which has been done by me!)

Very very funny :D

Here's a link to his webpage, some great stuff on here. Doctor Who Artwork, Facts, Reviews and Guides | 3D Dalek and TARDIS Renders and Fun for all the Family (

04-28-2013, 10:48 PM

Of course it is, sorry. Yes I have that too but I'm not sure what bit rate it is. It's been split into episodes and reformated at 320 kbps but I dont think thats its original rate.

Just give me time to upload it and I'll PM the link to you.

04-28-2013, 11:31 PM

A bit OT. But does anyone have copies of LC's D*a*r*k* *S*h*a*d*o*w*s*. Both the Audiobooks from 10 onwards and Full cast dramas from Season 2

Thanks if you can help

04-28-2013, 11:32 PM
Edit : like sasha I was also too late and have decided to not waste a post either!

Does anyone have any links to 10th Medic audio book The R#SI#G Night or 11th Medic J#de Pyr#mid and H##nds of Art#mis please?

PM'ed you.

PM'ed you too sashabot.

04-29-2013, 12:06 AM
as for who wrote the book

The obvious choice is of course the medic


We know the tl's survived in the timelock - perhaps when they temporarily escaped one of the medic's two supporters (hands over faces) managed to pass it on to him - we know the female had contact with D's grandfather.
There are two symbols on that book - perhaps she wrote it for him?

04-29-2013, 12:11 AM
Here's a link to his webpage, some great stuff on here. ...

That's such an amazing site with all the little details. Shame he seems to have tailed off updating it, though.

04-29-2013, 12:13 AM
How about the Tardis wrote the book about the time war.

04-29-2013, 12:20 AM
Hello lovely folks, I've been away for quite awhile cos of silly life stuff (not that I was ever that a prolific contributor to this thread) and was wondering two things:

Has the etiquette for uploading changed in the last year? Last time I got given out to for not sufficiently hiding my links / renaming the files / praying to Omega etc. Now I see it's all about the PM'ing - has there been trouble with the law? And what's the preferred uploading service to use these days?

Also, anyone got any links to any of the main range from 166 to 171 inclusive?

I gots most of the rest of the main range plus some random CC's & the lost eps collections if anyone needs 'em.

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 12:34 AM
It's just the odd requests that get PM'd. Otherwise links are RWQ.

04-29-2013, 12:52 AM
Ah, right, sorry but um, what's an RWQ? (I really can't keep up with the internet these days)

04-29-2013, 01:08 AM
Ah, right, sorry but um, what's an RWQ? (I really can't keep up with the internet these days)

Reply with quote - do that and the links will magically appear - copy then cancel ;)

04-29-2013, 01:10 AM
Ah, right, sorry but um, what's an RWQ? (I really can't keep up with the internet these days)

PM Sent

04-29-2013, 01:11 AM
Try as I might, can't spin that into 36 syllables. So that can't be it. Nice try though.
THIS ( image contains something I've seen before claiming to be his name.

and as to who wrote the book:

I think his name is really, truly, unbelievably JOHN SMITH. That's why there are so many John Smith's out there... He wants to hide in the crowd. OK Tell me that's worse than any other cooked up story so far? :)

04-29-2013, 01:18 AM
So, another audio-ized adventure completed, one of my personal favourites of the first medic, The serial itself used to be known as "The Pistolwhippers," But with some of the edits I've made, I decided to change the name to fit the story a little bit better. There were a few other names I considered using, I'll post them in the spoilers bit along with the link.

Download from - send big files the easy way (
Other considered names were: "Doc's Holiday," "The O.K. Corral," and "Johnny Ringo."

04-29-2013, 01:58 AM
PM Sent

Cheers for the info!

04-29-2013, 02:18 AM
Love him or loathe him, Ian Levine has been at it again. I cant believe I am saying this, but I find myself in agreement with him

I've been a fan since I was 3, but really, Levine, it's just a ****ing TV show. All this hyperbolic consternation is not only predictable, but pointless. It's spitting into the wind.

While I'm not thrilled with the production cycle, it's hardly worth demagoguery.

04-29-2013, 02:32 AM

Is it just me or is the line "there's a tear in the fabric of time" being reused with constant regularity now? It's the new "Reversed the polarity of the neutron flow".


(Sorry, just had to. :-D)

(even better, "Tears in the fabric of the neutron flow are cool.")

Why is his name a secret? what is he hiding? what made him keep this hidden?

It's "Chuck". Iris said so. She called him that in one adventure, so it MUST be true!

About the episode:

Favorite part: The very stupid man ignoring the fact that if "everything he ever wanted" is behind the door, maybe it's too good to be true, and should be left alone...

Favorite image: That beautiful shot of Sexy's engine mid explosion.

Favorite little detail: Liquid books in the library!

With regard to the book...

I thought it was interesting that history of a centrally Gallifreyan war seemed to be written in English - or was the TARDIS translating it for her? If so, why?? (After all, she can't seem to read the other Gallifreyan lying around the place...)

Interesting point! Since Sexy translates everything but his native language, I can only assume that the book, plus the history of his people, must have been chronicled by a different race. I'd presume one that was devastated by (like the Gelth) or took part in willingly or not. The Poison Sky/Sontaran Stratagem seemed to imply there were other races involved.

The "name" of the Doctor in that book could have been one of his already revealed (and not too important) ones like Merlin. Clara would know who that is.

Also, how did that book get on that pedestal? Maybe Sexy put it there, knowing Clara would read it, to remind him of what was soon to come. Or, just to [REDACTED] with him since she knew it would be undone.

04-29-2013, 02:44 AM
I've been a fan since I was 3, but really, Levine, it's just a ****ing TV show. All this hyperbolic consternation is not only predictable, but pointless. It's spitting into the wind.

While I'm not thrilled with the production cycle, it's hardly worth demagoguery.

I think a large part of the trouble is the people who take personal offense if they don't like an episode. I don't expect to like every episode, just as i don't like every episode of classic, or of any other show, ever.

I'm rapt that it's back, and i love the chance to share it with my kids. Personally, i've liked the majority of the episodes so far this year, and the one i didn't really like, i've watched at least a dozen times anyway.

This medic had me at the end of his first ep (basically, run) and nothing I have seen has changed my opinion of what a great medic he is. 9 was serious, 10 was tragic and 11 is a bit of a clown - different actors, different personalities, they all work.

Looking forward to a lot more years of sharing this fantastic show with my kids ;)

04-29-2013, 03:22 AM


(Sorry, just had to. :-D)

(even better, "Tears in the fabric of the neutron flow are cool.")

I can fix that!!! Just reverse the polarity of the of the neutron flow in the tear in the fabric!!!
Or maybe reverse the tear in the fabric of the neutron flow?
Or maybe reverse the fabric of the neutron flow where there's a tear?
Either way, that'll work!!

04-29-2013, 03:25 AM

I'm sure there is a joke here about watching too much of Jo Grant and going blind here

04-29-2013, 04:22 AM
Has anyone acquired the Scarfed One's anni novel yet? What about the one related to our favorite archeologist of the female variety? If so, I humbly request them :)

04-29-2013, 04:27 AM
I'm sure there is a joke here about watching too much of Jo Grant and going blind here

It's a term I picked up from another forum. It means more along the lines of twisting random bits of the story in ways the creators never meant in order to keep the story from falling down the plot holes.

The more ridiculous and strained it is, the better!

04-29-2013, 06:36 AM
In Eleven's defense, I don't think he fully realized a salvage ship was in the vicinity. Sounds like the proximity alarm is on the blink again. Where's Nyssa when you need her, eh? Btw, if anyone knows which LC audio I'm slyly referencing, you get an e-cookie.

The salvage guys did say 'there's nothing this far out'. I guess it's the equivalent of taking your kid to a deserted parking lot and getting rammed by a surprise semi.

04-29-2013, 06:40 AM
Oh yeah, I finally found time to watch Reign of Terror. The animation really is just terrible. Some of those pointless, rapid cuts were just nauseating. I went on Amazon to read a few review and got the general consensus that they like it. Does anybody know where we can go to complain about that?

04-29-2013, 07:04 AM
PM'ed you.

PM'ed you too sashabot.

Any chance I could get a PM too? Preeeeetty please? ^_^

04-29-2013, 07:46 AM
Hey gang,
I have not checked in for a while so I am a bit behind the times. Can anyone tell me if the soundtrack to The K:'R-'O."T,'O*.N+S has been posted and if so then what is the post number? I know I should go through the pages I have missed but there are quite a few and, know how it is.

04-29-2013, 08:48 AM
Maybe he did turn the HADS off after having to go all the way to the other side of the world last time it was used. That could get annoying.

They also made a point of saying that he turned the shields off. Maybe they are connected to the HADS.

And lets not forget that he put the TARDIS in 'basic' mode so even a girl could fly it.

I'm pretty sure he'd just turned it off again, after how far away it went last week. He'd did say he'd only turned it on coz he was 'tinkering' or some such...

04-29-2013, 08:50 AM
The Planet Mondas spoilers forum (which I note you now need to log in as a member to view following "that" 50th Anniversary rumour doing the rounds) had had a posting by a supposedly reliable source which explains what exactly will happen in the final episode of the series. I wont ruin it for people who dont want to be spoiled, but the Clara thing would appear to be explained in a way that the series has seen before and has actually been mentioned on this forum.

However - and this is just my personal speculation not a spoiler - I will be amazed if there is not a "reset button" resolution imminent at the end of the series.

Nothing new there then (*cough*Last of the Lime Tords*cough*)... :P

04-29-2013, 08:50 AM
<a href="" title="BBV The Left Hand of Darkness by drwhopics, on Flickr">

BBV The Le*ft Han**d of Da*rkne**ss REMIXED:

Download BBV TLHOD from - send big files the easy way (

If anyone can please help me with a 256 or 320 CD rip of 6 medic radio play Slip*back. Also after any bitrate rips of:

bla*kee 6+1 - The Sevenfold Crown, The Syndton Experiment, B**6+1 the early years, and any LC b6+1 adventures - please post or PM me if you can help thx.

04-29-2013, 08:58 AM
Love him or loathe him, Ian Levine has been at it again. I cant believe I am saying this, but I find myself in agreement with him

Reeeeeeally hate to say it (for several reasons), but he does raise some good points... :(

04-29-2013, 09:21 AM

04-29-2013, 10:15 AM
Also, anyone got any links to any of the main range from 166 to 171 inclusive?

RWQ< ----that's 167a
< ----that's 167b
< ----that's 171a
< ----that's 171b
for 167 and 171

04-29-2013, 10:16 AM
<a href="" title="BBV The Left Hand of Darkness by drwhopics, on Flickr">

BBV The Le*ft Han**d of Da*rkne**ss REMIXED:

Download BBV TLHOD from - send big files the easy way (

If anyone can please help me with a 256 or 320 CD rip of 6 medic radio play Slip*back. Also after any bitrate rips of:

bla*kee 6+1 - The Sevenfold Crown, The Syndton Experiment, B**6+1 the early years, and any LC b6+1 adventures - please post or PM me if you can help thx.

I think I've still got loads of B6+1 stuff on one of my hard drives. Wait til I finish work and can have a look and will let you know later.

04-29-2013, 10:19 AM
If anyone can please help me with a 256 or 320 CD rip of 6 medic radio play Slip*back.

@320 fresh rip :)



I also have synd3t0n, blokes sept p01nt 0f n0 r3turn/3y3 0f th3 m@ch1n3 and s1 of LC that i can rip if no one beats me to it - but i have to do it around putting kids to bed so may not be up til tomorrow

04-29-2013, 11:04 AM
@320 fresh rip :)

Aaaaaaaargh!! You beat me to it, I've turned my bookshelves over looking for this cos i knew I had it somewhere, and you beat me to it. Nearly a whole bloody day wasted :)

04-29-2013, 11:17 AM
Some guy on twitter has mocked up what a twitterfeed would have been like in 1973 regards the impending 10th anniversary. Very funny.

:large <--- Click on link. You dont need twitter

Reminds me of some of the current day complaining (some of which has been done by me!)

Hahaha. That is spot on! Whatever Cardiff do there will be people who think they know better

04-29-2013, 11:22 AM
Hahaha. That is spot on! Whatever Cardiff do there will be people who think they know better

you know what's equally funny?
those trends..:D

04-29-2013, 11:27 AM

04-29-2013, 11:33 AM
Aaaaaaaargh!! You beat me to it, I've turned my bookshelves over looking for this cos i knew I had it somewhere, and you beat me to it. Nearly a whole bloody day wasted :)


My cd's are (almost) organised - All in the one bookcase at least ;) well most of them are...i think...

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 12:02 PM
I'd really just like to say thanks to everyone on this forum. People, on the whole, are respectful of others and very helpful. I love the discussions and people's sense of humour. I love the various things people find elsewhere (such as that hilarious fake Twitter feed) and all the quirky OT stuff.
If people were to check my profile you'll see that I've, literally, thousands (if I remember last time I checked) Likes of your posts - it's because I've liked something you've posted, or agree with what you've said, or it's because you've shared something, or it's because you've made a post after being absent. Whatever - I thank you.
Keep up the great work all. Love you guys (and girls) and inbetweeners!!!

04-29-2013, 12:07 PM
I'd really just like to say thanks to everyone on this forum. People, on the whole, are respectful of others and very helpful. I love the discussions and people's sense of humour. I love the various things people find elsewhere (such as that hilarious fake Twitter feed) and all the quirky OT stuff.
If people were to check my profile you'll see that I've, literally, thousands (if I remember last time I checked) Likes of your posts - it's because I've liked something you've posted, or agree with what you've said, or it's because you've shared something, or it's because you've made a post after being absent. Whatever - I thank you.
Keep up the great work all. Love you guys (and girls) and inbetweeners!!!

I was starting to wonder if you were going for some kind of record for 'most Likes given out in a month' at one point :D

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 12:31 PM
I was starting to wonder if you were going for some kind of record for 'most Likes given out in a month' at one point :D
Just my appreciation. But, is there a prize if I beat the record?!

04-29-2013, 12:36 PM
Just my appreciation. But, is there a prize if I beat the record?!

Yeah, you get a bottle of beer from Redskutter (so it'll be an empty bottle ;))

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 12:37 PM
Aw shucks.
Well, I'm off for the night (well, it's night here in Oz!). Peace.
Take care, and have a drink for me!

04-29-2013, 01:23 PM
Aw shucks.
Well, I'm off for the night (well, it's night here in Oz!). Peace.
Take care, and have a drink for me!
ah,hello neighbour! i mean, nighty night neighbour! :)

04-29-2013, 01:24 PM
Aw shucks.
Well, I'm off for the night (well, it's night here in Oz!). Peace.
Take care, and have a drink for me!

Redskutter (& Nobber) probably already did... :D

Beddies 4 me too! Night all...

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 01:29 PM
Redskutter (& Nobber) probably already did... :D
I think you're right - good on 'em :-)

04-29-2013, 02:11 PM
RWQ for 167 and 171

Aw, thanks a million for that, you're an absolute legend, really appreciate it!

I'll also add my name to the chorus of people who were gonna upload Slip*back until evilmonk beat us to it.....

04-29-2013, 02:22 PM
Glad to see so many people willing and able to upload stuff here atm. Things looked like they'd started to drop off a couple of months ago, now it seems to be a race to get files uploaded first. Great stuff :D

04-29-2013, 02:37 PM

04-29-2013, 02:58 PM
Can anyone help me with the Victorian chaps' fifth set of stories? Actually, just the second story in that batch would suffice (I'm finally catching up and have discovered a faulty file). It's the one called The Case of the Greedy Spiritual Guide. Thanks!

04-29-2013, 03:04 PM
Sent PM

04-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Thank you!

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 04:49 PM
BTW, does anyone have The Womb of the Metal People, narrated by Fruzer Hinnes and The Droids of Tara audiobook by Daviid Fisher (his new novelisation based on his script), please?
Thank you.

04-29-2013, 05:02 PM
Been away for a while. It's amazing how many pages I've had to read through!
As for the Medics name. I think it is I.M. Foreman:)

04-29-2013, 05:42 PM
Sorry Trabisty, looks like most of my b6+1 stuff got wiped last time I sorted through my external hdd. Wouldn't care cos I know I had all the early years stuff too :(

04-29-2013, 06:02 PM
for those interested here's b6+1 not late part 1 and 2 :)



part 2>

Exterminate Me
04-29-2013, 06:22 PM
Sorry Trabisty, looks like most of my b6+1 stuff got wiped last time I sorted through my external hdd. Wouldn't care cos I know I had all the early years stuff too :(
Bloody External HDDs!!! I can well sympathise with you - I share your pain :-(

04-29-2013, 06:31 PM
Bloody External HDDs!!! I can well sympathise with you - I share your pain :-(

Wasn't the HDD. I think I deleted it myself accidentally. I had so much crap on it stuff got wiped left and right :o

04-29-2013, 06:32 PM
So Trabisty, Is there anyway I could ask (or beg) in what order you think the BBV's + Death comes to time happen in the LC/Show continuity? Pretty please. n.n

04-29-2013, 06:58 PM
and here's b6+1 not late part3 and 4 for your delectation

part 4>

04-29-2013, 07:38 PM
It was unrelated to this site but I've gotten a pretty serious notice of dl'd from my internet provider. Could someone please PM me details about anonymous internet (blanking for the moment on the term) usage.

04-29-2013, 07:58 PM
and b6+1 not late part 5


04-29-2013, 09:19 PM
It was unrelated to this site but I've gotten a pretty serious notice of dl'd from my internet provider. Could someone please PM me details about anonymous internet (blanking for the moment on the term) usage.


04-29-2013, 09:21 PM

04-29-2013, 09:40 PM
Been reading some articles about Steven Moffat's behaviour in the last few months. I am sure it is old news to quite a few of you, but - if not - I suggest you google Steven Moffat and the words "You are erased from Doctor Who".

Some commentator has suggested on the back of these rumours the Who episode "The God Complex" could have been written about the Moff.

Its comical!!!

You missed the word ALLEGED ... and don't these "you're erased ..." rumours just come from Private Eye? A magazine that dislikes DW purely on principle?

(Which is annoying. I quite like Ian Hislop on HIGNFY, but it's so obvious that he really has no truck with 'the common people')

04-29-2013, 09:53 PM
With regard to the book...
I thought it was interesting that history of a centrally Gallifreyan war seemed to be written in English - or was the TARDIS translating it for her? If so, why?? (After all, she can't seem to read the other Gallifreyan lying around the place...)

no, it can't be translating, the TARDIS doesn't translate Gallifreyan.

"That's because it's Gallifreyan, it doesn't translate." - River Song/Melody Pond, 6x07: A Good Man Goes to War

04-29-2013, 10:06 PM
no, it can't be translating, the TARDIS doesn't translate Gallifreyan.

"That's because it's Gallifreyan, it doesn't translate." - River Song/Melody Pond, 6x07: A Good Man Goes to War

I thought about that, then considered they may have conveniently "forgotten" this completely sensible fact.

04-29-2013, 10:40 PM
I thought about that, then considered they may have conveniently "forgotten" this completely sensible fact.

Not forgotten - they were obviously retconned. ;)

04-29-2013, 10:51 PM
no, it can't be translating, the TARDIS doesn't translate Gallifreyan.

"That's because it's Gallifreyan, it doesn't translate." - River Song/Melody Pond, 6x07: A Good Man Goes to War

If it had been in gallifreyan instead of english fans wouldn't be talking about for any reason what so ever. That's why it was written in english.

04-29-2013, 10:59 PM
If it had been in gallifreyan instead of english fans wouldn't be talking about for any reason what so ever. That's why it was written in english.

Spoil sport. Way to bring a bit of logic to a good conspiracy theory :D

04-29-2013, 11:21 PM
If it had been in gallifreyan instead of english fans wouldn't be talking about for any reason what so ever. That's why it was written in english.

That implies a bit more conniving than I'd give them credit for. Really I doubt it was a conscious decision, at first anyway. Then later they may have gone "hang on, isn't Gallifreyan a language that doesn't translate?" to which the response was no doubt a resounding "meh".

04-29-2013, 11:33 PM
Has anyone posted the 4th Medic's new book (Puffffin Books? - i know too many fs)?

04-29-2013, 11:38 PM
Has anyone posted the 4th Medic's new book (Puffffin Books? - i know too many fs)?

previous page. katrinaau I believe.


04-29-2013, 11:39 PM
Double post? oh noes!

ah well, I hate posting without worthy content. so... I woke up this morning with a dream in my head in which the Medic, companion and Romana were telling a young TL off for nicking a TARDIS and joyriding off with it... I decided to write it out, then added to it... and my just-woken brain gave its tuppen'orth, 'til it devolved into a discussion over which Spiderman villain each TL villain would be. good times.

04-30-2013, 12:09 AM
That implies a bit more conniving than I'd give them credit for. Really I doubt it was a conscious decision, at first anyway. Then later they may have gone "hang on, isn't Gallifreyan a language that doesn't translate?" to which the response was no doubt a resounding "meh".

Or ... The TARDIS overheard River say that that and thought ... "What? I don't teach them how to read my own language? Well that's really rather embarrassing, and would explain why they all keep using the wrong lavatories over the years ... Let's just fix that ...."

04-30-2013, 12:34 AM
7 blokes cin-dye-ton exp



04-30-2013, 12:37 AM
Or ... The TARDIS overheard River say that that and thought ... "What? I don't teach them how to read my own language? Well that's really rather embarrassing, and would explain why they all keep using the wrong lavatories over the years ... Let's just fix that ...."

Maybe this is why the TARDIS didn't work to save Adric.... He couldn't find a toilet and did his business behind a box somewhere* and she never forgave him. First chance she got to make sure the little sod didn't come back, she took it.

*Adric was meant to have had rather bad personal hygiene issues according to some of the books

04-30-2013, 12:48 AM
It's me again, with yet another audioization. This one was a bit tricky, as it is one of the missing serials, and the quality isn't quite as good as the others, however with a bit of messing around I managed to get it listenable. I'm almost finished with the first medic, just three more serials to go. On that note, if you have any requests for audioized episodes, let me know and I'll make them a priority, though please, nothing from the fifth to the seventh medic yet. Anything between 1 and 4, and 8 and 11 are fine though. Anything from the 1st medic prior to what I've got posted here is already complete, so those will be rather quickly fulfilled.

Download from - send big files the easy way (

EDIT: A bit sloppy, forgot to embed the album art into the file, should be fixed now.

04-30-2013, 12:59 AM
previous page. katrinaau I believe.

Thanks sashabot - I don't know how I missed it...

And thanks especially to katrinaau for the share!!!

04-30-2013, 01:06 AM
It's me again, with yet another audioization. This one was a bit tricky, as it is one of the missing serials, and the quality isn't quite as good as the others, however with a bit of messing around I managed to get it listenable. I'm almost finished with the first medic, just three more serials to go. On that note, if you have any requests for audioized episodes, let me know and I'll make them a priority, though please, nothing from the fifth to the seventh medic yet. Anything between 1 and 4, and 8 and 11 are fine though. Anything from the 1st medic prior to what I've got posted here is already complete, so those will be rather quickly fulfilled.

Download from - send big files the easy way (

EDIT: A bit sloppy, forgot to embed the album art into the file, should be fixed now.

everthing u've got finished would be awesome

EDIT: tho i'd have to say the album art should really have the logo for the Doctor featured.

04-30-2013, 01:20 AM
*Adric was meant to have had rather bad personal hygiene issues according to some of the books

:) Something about Adric (not Waterhouse, before I get jumped on!) always made me think he'd have sweaty socks.

04-30-2013, 01:42 AM
:) Something about Adric (not Waterhouse, before I get jumped on!) always made me think he'd have sweaty socks.

The book Divided Loyalties had a point where Nyssa and Tegan had both told the Doctor to say something about it to him (passage from the book in spoilers for those who want to see)

Then there was Adric. King-size brat and arrogant adolescent, with his posturing and posing. Oh yes, mathematical genius he might be, but here�s another teenaged boy with too much brain and not enough exercise. So what does he do? He masters the art of the sarcastic, but unfunny, retort, is lazy and workshy and, above all, forgets to bathe regularly. Both she and Nyssa had suggested that the Doctor should have a man-to-man chat with him about how his body was changing as he went through his teenage years, and should offer to give him some deodorant, but the Doctor had suddenly mumbled something like 'been there, done that centuries ago, no thanks� and headed off somewhere else.

04-30-2013, 01:49 AM
The book Divided Loyalties had a point where Nyssa and Tegan had both told the Doctor to say something about it to him (passage from the book in spoilers for those who want to see) ....


Oh, but I did think that was going to go down a "and please talk about the sheets" route! :)

04-30-2013, 02:05 AM
everthing u've got finished would be awesome

EDIT: tho i'd have to say the album art should really have the logo for the Doctor featured.

I can't find an easily workable copy of the new wavy logos LC uses, or I'd throw them in, but I'm not a fan of the basic text style logos 1-3 had. For consistency's sake, I'm just working with the McGann/LC logo. I'll also post a template psd for each medic as I get to them, so if anyone wants to make any changes, they're welcome to.

That said, here's an archive of the first four(well, three) adventures:

Download The Start of an from - send big files the easy way (

And the first template:

Download 1st Medic from - send big files the easy way (

04-30-2013, 02:21 AM
I can't find an easily workable copy of the new wavy logos LC uses,

If you're doing these 'recuts', then why not 'recut' the cover design? Come up with your own take on a cover and your own take on the logo. You're obviously putting a lot of yourself into these, so go all the way :)

04-30-2013, 02:45 AM
So Trabisty, Is there anyway I could ask (or beg) in what order you think the BBV's + Dea*th co*mes to time happen in the LC/Show continuity? Pretty please. n.n

I already put DCCT in context how I see it, inside the multitude of spoilers in post #11208

AS for the BBV ones, since they were made before LC I tend to just place them in that order, but after the Lo*st Sto*ries as those were meant to be Season 27:

LC-LS - Ea*rth Aid
BBV - Republi*ca
Isla*nd Of Lo*st S*ouls
Pros*perity Islan*d
The Lef*t H*and Of Da*rkness
The O*ther S*ide
Guest*s For The N*ight
Only Hum*an
Bloo*d Spo*rts
LC - The F**earmonger
The G*enocide Mach**ine
Du*st Bre*eding
The Rapt**ure
then He**x joins etc etc

Just my ordering, in the order they came out. I also use the LC pages on wiki to see where they put the LC ones (but not the BBV ones). I know they're not the "real deal" from BBV, but they're close enough when remixed as it is obvious with all the references that they drop in that they were early attempts at unofficially doing what LC did, including similar people writing.

04-30-2013, 03:07 AM
I probably could work it out, but does anyone know which was the first DVD that Tom B did a commentary for?

04-30-2013, 04:13 AM
I can't find an easily workable copy of the new wavy logos LC uses, or I'd throw them in, but I'm not a fan of the basic text style logos 1-3 had. For consistency's sake, I'm just working with the McGann/LC logo. I'll also post a template psd for each medic as I get to them, so if anyone wants to make any changes, they're welcome to.

That said, here's an archive of the first four(well, three) adventures:

Download The Start of an from - send big files the easy way (

And the first template:

Download 1st Medic from - send big files the easy way (

thanx, great work :D

04-30-2013, 04:33 AM
Gads, I can't remember the episode just now, but there was an episode where the Doctor and ??? met a Gallfreyan who kept calling the Doctor "Theet"(short for "Theta" - I want to say it was the scarfed one, but it's been YEARS since I've seen it.

04-30-2013, 04:41 AM

04-30-2013, 04:46 AM
Gads, I can't remember the episode just now, but there was an episode where the Doctor and ??? met a Gallfreyan who kept calling the Doctor "Theet"(short for "Theta" - I want to say it was the scarfed one, but it's been YEARS since I've seen it.

Armaggedon Factor?

04-30-2013, 04:54 AM
<a href="" title="BBV Only Human by drwhopics, on Flickr">

BBV Onl**y Hu*ma**n REMIXED:

See my flickr page for more covers than posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

BBV Onl**y Hu*ma**n REMIXED:

Download BBV OH from - send big files the easy way (

I'm still after the following please:

bla*kee 6+1 - The Seven*fold Crown, and any LC b6+1 adventures - please post or PM me if you can help thx.

Exterminate Me
04-30-2013, 05:09 AM
I'd just like to say a big Thank You to del37 :-)

04-30-2013, 05:16 AM
So I hid away for a few hours working on this, still a draft(way too much blue), but here's an idea I've got for a cover design style. The Logo itself is Black and White(and gray), and a bit worn, reminiscent to the video quality of Hartnell's run. The bar at the bottom is itself pretty simple, just a cyan bar with some noise and a cloud filter, and a quarter of the seal of Rassilon on each side just for good measure. The left side would be where casting info goes, while the right side is where the title and writer information goes, while the producer logo goes on the upper left.

And of course, here are two more audios:

Download from - send big files the easy way (

Exterminate Me
04-30-2013, 05:18 AM
I always admire people's good work!

04-30-2013, 05:34 AM

is there any possibility of re-ups of all of the BBVs & also ups of all of the Time Hunter audios and ebooks?

thanx in advance for any help

04-30-2013, 05:39 AM
So I hid away for a few hours working on this, still a draft(way too much blue), but here's an idea I've got for a cover design style. The Logo itself is Black and White(and gray), and a bit worn, reminiscent to the video quality of Hartnell's run. The bar at the bottom is itself pretty simple, just a cyan bar with some noise and a cloud filter, and a quarter of the seal of Rassilon on each side just for good measure. The left side would be where casting info goes, while the right side is where the title and writer information goes, while the producer logo goes on the upper left.

well, i's an interesting take.

04-30-2013, 06:06 AM

04-30-2013, 07:42 AM

Very nice design, I like it. It looks very good, only the 'Full Cast Audio Drama' is now much bigger than the storytitle, almost as if it was the story title...

04-30-2013, 07:49 AM
I had couple people recommend Private Internet Access so I'm giving it a shot. Hope it works!

I probably should clarify my situation a little so hopefully no one else has the same problem. Basically, I've gotten a few random notices for movies or tv shows and I ignored them as instructed by the site I use. Well, evidently, I was supposed to be sent a couple notices as far back as January and never got an email or anything in the mail. They typically take a month to reach me after the alleged violation. My isp's website has the notices but won't let me view them for some reason. I should have been checking them anyway because I've gotten three this month. Ooops. This escalated my case. Basically my isp blocked major websites (facebook, amazon, etc,) until I called them and denied everything. They reminded me that they don't personally give a rat's butt what I do and they haven't divulged my info yet and won't without a court order and even then they'll fight it and they aren't accusing me of anything but... They released my access and now I'm using PIA on both my computers so hopefully I'm good now but I strongly recommend everyone check their message boxes every once in a while.

Also, PIA is extremely easy to use and for 40 a year (3.33 per month) it's worth the money. If it works which I'm assure it does. Safe downloading everybody!!

04-30-2013, 07:52 AM
was the new fate of the medic posted

04-30-2013, 08:29 AM

Anyone have the video? ;)

04-30-2013, 08:52 AM


Awesome covers. For some reason, when I saw this the first thing I thought was 'Why has Gandalf got the Tardis?'

04-30-2013, 10:18 AM
Awesome covers. For some reason, when I saw this the first thing I thought was 'Why has Gandalf got the Tardis?'

that's what i looks very LOTR to me, which is good

04-30-2013, 11:08 AM
So I hid away for a few hours working on this, still a draft(way too much blue), but here's an idea I've got for a cover design style. The Logo itself is Black and White(and gray), and a bit worn, reminiscent to the video quality of Hartnell's run. The bar at the bottom is itself pretty simple, just a cyan bar with some noise and a cloud filter, and a quarter of the seal of Rassilon on each side just for good measure. The left side would be where casting info goes, while the right side is where the title and writer information goes, while the producer logo goes on the upper left.

Not bad!

The "Full Cast" bit is a tad too large, IMHO.

04-30-2013, 11:16 AM
A couple of pages back I mentioned that sequence I wrote up. I've typed it out, sounds like something that might be worth a chortle.Kuril, a young Time Lord, has stolen a TT capsule. He is confronted by the Doctor, the Doctor's companion (Mary Sue), and Romana.

Doctor: Why did you do it?

Kuril: You don't know what it's like. I could never have got one of my own. My House scrimped and saved to get me through the academy. I had a skimmer, but I could never have had a... *cough* *mumble*

Mary Sue: A what?

Kuril: ...spaceboat...

Mary Sue: That's what you call TARDISes? Spaceboats?

Kuril: Yes! Alright? My House is so young, only a few thousand years old. It was only allowed to form when that other one died out of corruption, madness, and boredom. We have no credit. Being in a young House is...

Doctor: Awful?

Romana: Awful?

Doctor: Awful.

Romana (agreeing): Awful.

Kuril: Okay, it was awful. Anyway, you can't talk, Doctor, you stole your TARDIS.

Doctor: They let me keep it!

Mary Sue: You stole your TARDIS?

Doctor: More borrowed it.

Mary Sue: Was your House young and poor, too?

Romana: No, as a matter of fact his is one of the oldest and richest.

Doctor: But I still would've never gotten a "spaceboat".

Mary Sue: Why not?

Doctor: They'd never have let me.

Romana: They threw him out.

Doctor: They threw me out. Disowned me. Forbade my name from ever being spoken in their hallowed halls. Much good it did them, I'm the Kithriarch now.

Mary Sue: The what?

Romana: Head of the House. He makes the rules.

Doctor: I would've let you have your spaceboat. Probably.

Kuril: You still could!

Romana: No.

Doctor: No.

Mary Sue: Why not? Kuril?

Kuril: Because...

Doctor: Because he's irresponsible.

(Romana and Mary Sue exchange a look)

Doctor: Oi! I'm irresponsible too, yes, I'll admit that. But I'm responsibly irresponsible. But he's -

Mary Sue: Irresponsibly irresponsible?

Doctor: Irresponsibly- yes. Exactly. He's been meddling in cultures for personal gain, setting himself up as a god, messing around with timelines with no regard for the consequences.

Kuril: But you do all of those things! You've even beaten Omega's record for the number of cultures to which you're a god! You've nearly topped Rassilon himself! And you mess around in timelines all the time-

Doctor: But not with disregard for the consequences! And I have never - okay, once or twice, but it was in extenuating circumstances - I have almost never set myself up as a god, and even then it was the only viable option! I bear the weight of responsibility for all my decisions, and at times it is a heavy weight indeed.

Kuril: You're just jealous! You wish you could be as free as me, without entangling yourself in the lesser races. You don't have the guts to be free like me. You're scared.

Doctor: Enough! I admit, I do often wish I could be as free from entanglements and responsibility as you claim to be. But I never could be: it's the price of my position. I have the ability to manipulate the destiny of any race in the universe -

Romana: - except your own -

Doctor: - except my own... *shiftily* obviously... I have this power, and with it comes the responsibility for the consequences of using, or not using as the case may be, that power.

Mary Sue: "With great power comes great responsibility."

Doctor: Well, if the spandex suit fits...

Mary Sue: Alright Spiderman, so what are you going to do about Venom here?

Doctor: Venom? I was thinking of him more as J Jonah Jameson.

(Romana and Kuril exchange a look)

Mary Sue: But he wasn't really a villain, and even if he was, wouldn't the High Council more fit that bill?

Doctor: Not the High Council. Jameson didn't have any real power, he was just calling for Spiderman's demise.

Mary Sue: The Valeyard then.

Doctor: So who would Kuril be?

Mary Sue: I said, Venom. He's like you, but twisted and wrong.

Kuril: Hey!

Doctor: Sounds like the Master...

04-30-2013, 04:52 PM
My understanding is that it only applies to torrents, not filelocker sites (referring to 'six strikes' here), and generally only to pretty popular music/shows at that. And while an ISP can still tell from data flow when someone is torrenting, using a VPN will keep them from telling what is being shared. And for the time being, at least, telecom spokespeople are on the record acknowledging that a VPN is sufficient to get around restrictions. But I'm always glad to hear people's accounts of how things are playing out. Keep us posted!

Exterminate Me
04-30-2013, 05:36 PM
Anyone got The Tandriods fo Ara, the audiobook of Favid Disher that was released last year, read by Canine's voice? Please?
Thanking in advance.

Exterminate Me
04-30-2013, 05:39 PM
Wasn't the HDD. I think I deleted it myself accidentally. I had so much crap on it stuff got wiped left and right :o
You really must be more careful!

04-30-2013, 07:31 PM

And of course, here are two more audios:

These covers are totaly awsome and the audio editing is very professional, I wish I had your talent. One question though, why did you flip the T*A*R*D*I*S* image? Please please keep posting these :).

04-30-2013, 07:46 PM
There’s an interesting story in today’s Independent, Lara Pulver has gone on record as saying she would definitely be interested in playing a female Medic, and would be very willing to meet SM to discuss the role.

04-30-2013, 07:51 PM
I have no interest in seeing a female Doctor.

04-30-2013, 07:52 PM

04-30-2013, 09:03 PM
I have no interest in seeing a female Doctor.

I really don’t think a female Medic could work, some things should be left alone.
It’s nothing to do with sexism, I’d be equally outraged if they filmed a series of Mr Marple.

04-30-2013, 09:15 PM
For those that try and stay legit as much as they can ... LC are having a "10% off everything" day for 1st May.

04-30-2013, 09:17 PM
I really don’t think a female Medic could work, some things should be left alone.
It’s nothing to do with sexism, I’d be equally outraged if they filmed a series of Mr Marple.

Especially if he had a hand-bag...

04-30-2013, 09:27 PM
I'd watch a pilot of it (a serious one, not like Lumley's performance), but I'd only be okay with that if I knew there was a male backup for if it turned out to be crap.
It'd have to be a really exemplary performance to convince me, and it'd have to be an excellent episode, to ensure my judgement isn't skewed by extraneous off-putting elements.

I don't consider it sexist to acknowledge that males and females have distinct temperamental characteristics.
My expectation is that it would be jarring if the Doctor became feminine in manner. Wayy more jarring than I've found any of the regenerations thusfar.

04-30-2013, 09:35 PM
Especially if he had a hand-bag...

Dunno. Mr Marple with a handbag. Sounds like a part made for Eddie Izzard.

Female Doc. As Sashabot sort of said, would have to be a hell of a performance by a hell of an actress.

04-30-2013, 09:51 PM

04-30-2013, 09:54 PM
I never understand why this rumour comes up. Romana has been in the show and she's a Time Lady. She regenerated into a woman.

Forgot the recent allegations against JNT, his most haunting legacy to the show is this fecking rumour he started to gain publicity that the Doctor could be a woman. I just find it insanely tedious.

Except Romana was never lead character. I doubt it will happen, but stranger things have happened.

04-30-2013, 10:15 PM
I'd watch a pilot of it (a serious one, not like Lumley's performance), but I'd only be okay with that if I knew there was a male backup for if it turned out to be crap.
It'd have to be a really exemplary performance to convince me, and it'd have to be an excellent episode, to ensure my judgement isn't skewed by extraneous off-putting elements.

I don't consider it sexist to acknowledge that males and females have distinct temperamental characteristics.
My expectation is that it would be jarring if the Doctor became feminine in manner. Wayy more jarring than I've found any of the regenerations thusfar.

It would have to be one hell of a pre show drinking session before I could stomach it, I'm always more easily impressed when I'm hammered :).

04-30-2013, 10:21 PM
This is going to seem an odd request, but does anyone have the Tunes from the Large Conclusions Audio Adventures?

I'm particularly looking for V1 and 7th's Hit Tunes.

04-30-2013, 10:29 PM
I'd watch a pilot of it (a serious one, not like Lumley's performance), but I'd only be okay with that if I knew there was a male backup for if it turned out to be crap.
It'd have to be a really exemplary performance to convince me, and it'd have to be an excellent episode, to ensure my judgement isn't skewed by extraneous off-putting elements.

I don't consider it sexist to acknowledge that males and females have distinct temperamental characteristics.
My expectation is that it would be jarring if the Doctor became feminine in manner. Wayy more jarring than I've found any of the regenerations thusfar.

There's only one way I could easily accept it at the moment ....

We're in a season of the last of his regenerations. It's big, the actor has announced that they're leaving, and the BBC say "Look, we've run out of lives. so after 60 years of great TV. we're really wrapping the show up."

So the season ends with the most exciting and heart wrenching finale to date. There's a nice montage of his past lives, he dies.

Fade to black. NO MUSIC.


Fade up. NO MUSIC.

A silver generation haze begins.

Fade to black. NO MUSIC.


Fade up. NO MUSIC.

Blinding silver regeneration energies.

A figure sits up. Shocked. Stunned. And she says "Well. I wasn't expecting that!"

Fade to titles. Theme kicks in. "Doctor Who Will Return ...."

04-30-2013, 10:41 PM
This is going to seem an odd request, but does anyone have the Tunes from the Large Conclusions Audio Adventures?

I'm particularly looking for V1 and 7th's Hit Tunes.

Yes I think I have what you're looking for, I'm uploading them now.

04-30-2013, 10:52 PM
She has been angling to get a job from Moffat since that Scandal Sherlock episode.

Seriously love, you had your moment in the Sun, now carry on with your career and stop begging in the press for work with your former employers...

Maybe she can hold out for the resurrection of Hammer Studios-- that's gotta be the next big retro smash out of the UK, right?-- and the remake of Doctor Jekyll & Sister Hyde instead.

But I'd still take Martine Beswick any day.

For those that try and stay legit as much as they can ... LC are having a "10% off everything" day for 1st May.

Thanks for the tip. Nice of them to do a little something for the labouring class on May Day.

04-30-2013, 10:54 PM
This is going to seem an odd request, but does anyone have the Tunes from the Large Conclusions Audio Adventures?

I'm particularly looking for V1 and 7th's Hit Tunes.

Ok hope this is what you're looking for.



04-30-2013, 10:54 PM
I really don’t think a female Medic could work, some things should be left alone.
It’s nothing to do with sexism, I’d be equally outraged if they filmed a series of Mr Marple.

If there ever is a time for it, and I don't think there is, it's not while this producer is producing. His idea of a woman is either Liver Gong or Samey Dond. All attitude and innuendo, no depth or humanity.

04-30-2013, 11:00 PM
Ok hope this is what you're looking for.



This is it! Thanks! Do you have any of the other Tunes From series? <333

04-30-2013, 11:03 PM
This is it! Thanks! Do you have any of the other Tunes From series? <333

Just about every one, I'll upload them now for you.

04-30-2013, 11:24 PM
This is it! Thanks! Do you have any of the other Tunes From series? <333

Here you go.



04-30-2013, 11:29 PM
<a href="" title="BBV Only Human by drwhopics, on Flickr">

BBV Onl**y Hu*ma**n REMIXED:

See my flickr page for more covers than posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

BBV Onl**y Hu*ma**n REMIXED:

Download BBV OH from - send big files the easy way (

I'm still after the following please:

bla*kee 6+1 - The Seven*fold Crown, and any LC b6+1 adventures - please post or PM me if you can help thx.

fantastic, how many more of this series are left, i'm loving it!!!!!!!

05-01-2013, 01:01 AM
Here you go.



Ah, I sort of meant the Tunes From the Large Conclusions Auditory Adventures series, but this is super-neat too! Thanks!

05-01-2013, 01:10 AM
These covers are totaly awsome and the audio editing is very professional, I wish I had your talent. One question though, why did you flip the T*A*R*D*I*S* image? Please please keep posting these :).

Nah, anyone can do it, really. The hardest part about the LC style covers is just clone-tooling the strip so you can add your own text, and the editing, well, really it's just down to listening to the audio multiple times and stripping out bits that don't feel needed as you go along. Time consuming, for sure. I'm guessing you mean in the Medic goes to the mountains one? It does look a bit odd, since in the audio they're going the opposite direction, but I thought it looked better on the cover.

Now for quite a bit of audio at once, hope your HDs are ready:

Download The MacGuffins of from - send big files the easy way (
Extra image:

Download The Courtroom and from - send big files the easy way (
Extra images:

Also, a new draft of the custom cover art:

I've shrunk the full cast a bit, and changed the effects and font on it, and moved some of the text around slightly for a cleaner look. Wish I'd saved the backdrop I made to create the logo text, as I'd just had the thought of moving the "full cast" bit down to where the title is, having it read "A full cast audio drama," above the writer's name, with the title up at the top, in large text styled the same as the logo. When I've got a few more of these down, I'll start a photobucket or a deviantart or something along those lines, though for now I'll continue these releases in the LC styled covers since I can get them out more timely.

05-01-2013, 02:31 AM
Post removed by request.

05-01-2013, 02:52 AM
Dennis Spooner and John Lucarotti really did get the short end of the stick when it came to wiping stories. Lucarotti especially.

05-01-2013, 02:58 AM
<a href="" title="BBV Prosperity Island by drwhopics, on Flickr">

BBV Pros**perity Isl*and REMIXED (2 more BBV to go after this):

See my flickr page for more covers than posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

BBV Pros**perity Isl*and REMIXED:
Download BBV PI from - send big files the easy way (

I'm still after the following please:

bla*kee 6+1 - The Seven*fold Crown, and any LC b6+1 adventures - please post or PM me if you can help thx. Thanks to those who've already helped out.

05-01-2013, 03:13 AM
Dennis Spooner and John Lucarotti really did get the short end of the stick when it came to wiping stories. Lucarotti especially.

Shame that there's not a modern day equivalent of those two. Lucarotti, in particular, as his historicals were superb.

05-01-2013, 04:30 AM
Anyone seen Benny here yet?

Exterminate Me
05-01-2013, 04:34 AM
Anyone got The Tandriods fo Ara, the audiobook of Favid Disher that was released last year, read by Canine's voice? Please?
Thanking in advance.
Anyone, Please?

05-01-2013, 04:38 AM
So, am coming up negative on all my links to see The 4th Medic's Medics Revisiteed. Has Redskutter or anyone else with a higher belt-level in Google-Fu than I found this yet? I can't believe how difficult finding these are!

05-01-2013, 04:39 AM
Post removed by request.

05-01-2013, 08:38 AM
Here's a double(or triple, depending on how you're feeling) feature for you all, World of the very large people, and the two-parter, "There must be a pepperpot in every home!" We've entered the second season now, and the two-parter might be a bit iffy to some, specifically, at the time of editing, I'd made an edit to the sound of the pepper-lasers so it would sound less like shuffling. However the only decent quality sound I could find was taken out from the new series. II believe I also did this with "The running away and being followed," but I can't remember. I might re-edit this audio at a later point and change to a more era-suiting sound, probably the one used in "The pepperpot plot."

Download Giant body in the from - send big files the easy way (

05-01-2013, 09:51 AM
I really wish Moffat would take a chance and commission a "pure historical". Many of them were absolute highlights of the Hartnell and Troughton eras. When the "show" returned in 1999 in the form of Large Conclusion CDs, I wasn't sure if they would work with a modern audience. Stories like "The M**ari*an Con**spir**acy", "An*gel of Scu**tari", "S*on of the Dr**agon", "O**th*er L*ive*s" and "The C*oun**cil of Ni**cea" (not to mention MANY others!) proved me SO wrong. To be honest, I can't think of a single LC pure historical that is really in my bad books. It would be SUCH a refreshing change for the new series, but I doubt Moffat - or any subsequent producer - would take the chance. The temptation to add in a science-fiction element is always too great.

Interestingly, the first two stories that I mention above DO make use of time travel as a plot device. In "The M**ari*an Con**spir**acy" it connects Evelyn to the events in the past and gives the Medic a reason for traveling back to the period in question. In "An*gel of Scu**tari" the story is told out of chronological order, in a "timey-wimey" way. However, in both cases the time travel elements can be solely attributed to the intervention of the Medic himself, and there is no doubt in my mind that they should still be considered "pure historicals".

Another odd one out is "O**th*er L*ive*s", which I've always seen as the Eighth Medic's version of "Bl*ack Or**ch*id" - in that the (recent) historical setting (in both cases) acts more as a "tapestry" in which the story is woven into. Events of the period are not hugely important (as they are in other historicals); the story is not really about the events of that period; rather, a relatively unrelated story simply takes place in a historical period.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's so much one can do with "pure historicals". I wish Moffat would take a chance on them.

My friends and I were talking about this exact same thing just the other night, and we all agreed with pretty much everything you've said here.

And good to have you back, Foe!

05-01-2013, 09:56 AM
Anyone, Please?

Give me a bit, buddy - just got home...

Ok, here ya go - The Anne Droids off Tah-rah



05-01-2013, 10:03 AM
Ah, I sort of meant the Tunes From the Large Conclusions Auditory Adventures series, but this is super-neat too! Thanks!

Oic, Sorry I miss understood, yes I have all 8 volumes of music from the LC adventures. I can upload them later today.

05-01-2013, 10:55 AM

05-01-2013, 11:02 AM
Please can I request fate of the medic mist and reflections and the 4th medic episode of the medic revisited please

05-01-2013, 12:06 PM
And good to have you back, Foe!

Thanks! I'm often here reading, but because of my work, it can sometimes be very difficult for me to find the time to post.

Exterminate Me
05-01-2013, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=looshkin;2340027]Give me a bit, buddy - just got home...

Ok, here ya go - The Anne Droids off Tah-rah


Thank you so much looshkin, you're a champ!

05-01-2013, 05:47 PM
Hi folks! Hope you are all well. :)
Fate of the Medic 5 - Fumes & Looking Glasses

MP3 Audio
Download DOD5S&M.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (

05-01-2013, 05:59 PM
Hi folks! Hope you are all well. :)
Fate of the Medic 5 - Fumes & Looking Glasses

thank you!!!!

05-01-2013, 06:00 PM
Cheers Bulletzen. Commute home taken care of!

05-01-2013, 06:02 PM
Hi folks! Hope you are all well. :)
Fate of the Medic 5 - Fumes & Looking Glasses

Download DOD5S&M.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (
MP3 Audio


05-01-2013, 06:11 PM
Hi folks! Hope you are all well. :)
Fate of the Medic 5 - Fumes & Looking Glasses

MP3 Audio
Download DOD5S&M.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (
Download DOD5S&M.m4b from - send big files the easy way (

Thanks mate. n.n

05-01-2013, 06:25 PM
[QUOTE=Bulletzen;2340256]Hi folks! Hope you are all well. :)
Fate of the Medic 5 - Fumes & Looking Glasses

MP3 Audio
Download DOD5S&M.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (
Download DOD5S&M.m4b from - send big files the easy way (



05-01-2013, 06:29 PM
Thank you Bulletzen

05-01-2013, 06:34 PM
If there ever is a time for it, and I don't think there is, it's not while this producer is producing. His idea of a woman is either Liver Gong or Samey Dond. All attitude and innuendo, no depth or humanity.

At the risk..... don't think the medic should be either black or a woman for the simple reason the medic never has been before. This late in the day, it would be seen a a gimmick and a massive risk which could kill the show stone dead. I know there are a lot of female actors and black actors that could play the medic very well indeed, but I think the public scrutiny, one single story not being the best ever doctor who has ever produced, for instance, would produce a massive backlash against the BBC that they were just trying to be politically correct.

Naturally, no reason taking in the fantasy aspect of the show, as CE said, that not only could the medic be a woman, but could be a woman with two heads, no heads, one leg.....

05-01-2013, 06:35 PM
Thanks Bulletzen, much appreciated.

05-01-2013, 07:21 PM
I'm not really bothered by the idea of the Doctor being black (or any race really); he's shown a remarkable degree of variation in external appearance already. I do agree that it would kind of be a gimmick, though.

But going female is just too fundamental a shift.

I do think that the majority of fans I run across in real life who love the (modern--they've never seen the classic) show tend to be women these days. And I suspect they'd like a female doctor less too.

Charles Dalek
05-01-2013, 07:23 PM
you are so the Man , Bulletzen!

Charles Dalek
05-01-2013, 07:25 PM
Did I miss Chatterball?

05-01-2013, 07:33 PM
Thank you Bulletzen, you amaze me at how quick you get these out, you are just awesome....

05-01-2013, 07:54 PM
I downloaded a file from here that a wonderful person has put a lot of work into, and I thank nellsrelo for it BUT,
they had chosen to call it "china", and to make sure I remembered what it was while I was shuffling files around from this and that computer or HDD I added to the name.

I added the words "who remix"

but at no point did i use a space or full stop or anything to separate the three words

my gf just asked what that zip file was took some explaining

05-01-2013, 08:04 PM
I downloaded a file from here that a wonderful person has put a lot of work into, and I thank nellsrelo for it BUT,
they had chosen to call it "china", and to make sure I remembered what it was while I was shuffling files around from this and that computer or HDD I added to the name.

I added the words "who remix"

but at no point did i use a space or full stop or anything to separate the three words

my gf just asked what that zip file was took some explaining

Hahaha.... Oh dear. I'm now thinking of that twitter fail for Susan Boyle and her PR asking to use the hashtag of Susan Album Party.....

05-01-2013, 08:17 PM
I downloaded a file from here that a wonderful person has put a lot of work into, and I thank nellsrelo for it BUT,
they had chosen to call it "china", and to make sure I remembered what it was while I was shuffling files around from this and that computer or HDD I added to the name.

I added the words "who remix"

but at no point did i use a space or full stop or anything to separate the three words

my gf just asked what that zip file was took some explaining

Your love of Far East erotica is not her concern.

05-01-2013, 08:17 PM
my gf just asked what that zip file was took some explaining

Mrs N. just looks at me sadly and/or generally mocks my taste.

05-01-2013, 08:50 PM
Again, have someone the 3 new bbc books already please?

05-01-2013, 09:19 PM
Trabisty, just wondering if you ever managed to get hold of the LC blokes 6+1 stories.

05-01-2013, 09:29 PM
Hi folks! Hope you are all well. :)
Fate of the Medic 5 - Fumes & Looking Glasses


05-01-2013, 09:53 PM

05-01-2013, 09:55 PM
Its not just Trabisty looking for this. I went to upload my stuff for him on Sunday and USB drive was corrupted - lost my B7 stuff. If anyone has LC's Freedom Stories Vol 2 and 3 and the S#v#nfold Cr#wn I would be grateful. Happy to upload any Who stuff at request in return for the favour.

Thanks all in advance.

Will upload vol 1-3 asap (MF is being weird, with a capital 'W'). Not looking for Who stuff myself, but the offer is appreciated.

05-01-2013, 10:01 PM

05-01-2013, 10:04 PM
There's no need to upload Vol 1 Andy. See Page 455, post 11351 - someone has already uploaded it. Thanks all the same.

Doesn't look like I can upload anything right now. Am getting all kind of error messages :(

05-01-2013, 10:06 PM

05-01-2013, 10:14 PM
No problem. Thanks for trying anyway. Appreciated as always.

Will keep trying, no poxy computer is gonna get the better of me ;)

05-01-2013, 10:45 PM
It's just the odd requests that get PM'd. Otherwise links are RWQ.

05-01-2013, 10:52 PM
Point being?

05-01-2013, 10:52 PM
Spoil sport. Way to bring a bit of logic to a good conspiracy theory :D

I'm sorry. :/

05-01-2013, 10:53 PM
OT Request:

would anyone happen to have LC's P*h*a*n*t*o*m**o*f**t*h*e**O*p*e*r*a?

05-01-2013, 10:59 PM
OT Request:

would anyone happen to have LC's P*h*a*n*t*o*m**o*f**t*h*e**O*p*e*r*a?

If you're OK with P2P, there's copies on

05-01-2013, 11:24 PM
Anyone know a good place to find The D-a-r-k S-h-a-d-o-w-s audio?? Or is anyone willing to help out? I haven't heard any of them and I'm intrigued to hear them.
Are they any good?

05-01-2013, 11:34 PM
Anyone know a good place to find The D-a-r-k S-h-a-d-o-w-s audio?? Or is anyone willing to help out? I haven't heard any of them and I'm intrigued to hear them.
Are they any good?

There's a dedicated thread, IIRC, but I don't think it's been that active.

05-01-2013, 11:43 PM
Did I completely miss Fate of the Medic 4?

05-01-2013, 11:50 PM
Anyone know a good place to find The D-a-r-k S-h-a-d-o-w-s audio?? Or is anyone willing to help out? I haven't heard any of them and I'm intrigued to hear them.
Are they any good?

i've had these upped for quite some time:

My Files (

i've acquired a few more since i upped these i just haven't done anything with them.

05-01-2013, 11:58 PM
i've had these upped for quite some time:

My Files (

i've acquired a few more since i upped these i just haven't done anything with them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that would appreciate the others.

05-02-2013, 12:11 AM
LC Bloke's 6+1.


I've had a serious hassle uploading these, so let me know if anyone has any problems.

I'll leave this up for around 24 hours, please do not post my link elsewhere :)

05-02-2013, 12:20 AM
I'm sure I'm not the only one that would appreciate the others.

i'll try to get them upped later

05-02-2013, 12:24 AM
i've had these upped for quite some time:

Thank you so much for these TheDoctor! I had a few of them, but not all.

If you have any others it would be hugely appreciated - I've recently bought a few (in the sale LC had last weekend), so I'll post those ASAP.

05-02-2013, 12:33 AM

05-02-2013, 12:33 AM
WOW, Thank you so so much TheDoctor911, that is one collection and would gratefully welcome anything else that you have. Thank you very much again!

05-02-2013, 12:43 AM
Cheers Andy. Your efforts as ever are much appreciated. Thank you so much.

Incidentally, I strongly recommend these LC Blokes 6+1 tale to anyone else out there. The 3rd volume in particular was brilliant.


However, Vol#3 really shows that Worboat would have been sooo much better as a two CD release. Great story, but felt rushed.

05-02-2013, 12:53 AM
WOW, Thank you so so much TheDoctor911, that is one collection and would gratefully welcome anything else that you have. Thank you very much again!

u'r quite welcome, i'll try to get the rest upped 2nite or internet connection at home has been AGONIZINGLY slow lately.

so, until then, here's a little extra:

My Files ( & My Files (

and for those die hard fans:

My Files ( & My Files (

i've had this stuff upped for quite some time as well.

05-02-2013, 01:14 AM
<a href="" title="BBV Blood Sports by drwhopics, on Flickr">

BBV Blo**od S*po**rts REMIXED:

See my flickr page for more covers than posted here:
Flickr: drwhopics' Photostream (

BBV Blo**od S*po**rts REMIXED:
Download BBV BS from - send big files the easy way (

Has anyone posted b6+1 - The Seven*fold Crown? Thanks to those great people who've already helped out with requests.

05-02-2013, 01:26 AM
Am I imagining this, or is their a Classic DVD that's got a commentary track with RTD & DT?

05-02-2013, 01:35 AM
Am I imagining this, or is their a Classic DVD that's got a commentary track with RTD & DT?

DT commentates on The Five Medics (It is an Easter Egg on one of the version s on the 2 Disc set. he Commentates with Phil C-o-l-l-i-n-s-o-n and Helen R-a-y-n-o-r)
no RTD ,although he is doing a commentary with Katy M-a-n-n-i-n-g on the forthcoming The G-r-e-e-n- D-e-a-t-h re-issue on the SJA Death of the Medic episode as a DVD extra.

Hope this is helpful

05-02-2013, 01:42 AM
DT commentates on The Five Medics (It is an Easter Egg on one of the version s on the 2 Disc set. he Commentates with Phil C-o-l-l-i-n-s-o-n and Helen R-a-y-n-o-r)
no RTD ,although he is doing a commentary with Katy M-a-n-n-i-n-g on the forthcoming The G-r-e-e-n- D-e-a-t-h re-issue on the SJA Death of the Medic episode as a DVD extra.

Hope this is helpful

Ta! I knew DT had done at least one, but I couldn't remember which it was for the life of me.

The new one with Ms Manning should be ... interesting! :)

05-02-2013, 02:12 AM
The new one with Ms Manning should be ... interesting! :)[/QUOTE]
All these Special Edition Re-releases have not had enough New and Special to warrant purchases but the RTD / KM forthcoming commentary on the forthcoming G-r-e-e-n D-e-a-t-h DVD is def. a must have purchase.

05-02-2013, 02:23 AM
All these Special Edition Re-releases have not had enough New and Special to warrant purchases but the RTD / KM forthcoming commentary on the forthcoming G-r-e-e-n D-e-a-t-h DVD is def. a must have purchase.

Thinking about it, they could have made a small fortune doing a "Super Special Super Dooopahh" release of 'An Unearthly Child / 10000BC' with various commentary tracks from all The Big Names since '05.

I doubt you'd get CE involved, but I suspect a track with DT and MS would be very interesting.