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11-25-2013, 06:19 AM
This is the thing, minds get erased, evidence doesn't. That's got to do with the fragile minds of the "beings" trying to survive inside time when it gets topsy turvy.

The screw driver software kept ticking over about that door, and then how to hide Gallifrey.

Tick, tick tick.

By the way, the first Doctor was a shitty pilot and there's no way he could have done what he did in the end without help.

Tennant remembered meeting Davison in the red nose day skit Time and Space a couple years back if that just adds more fuel to the fire.

11-25-2013, 06:27 AM
Now things get really confusing...

Hehehe my 9th is Richard E. Grant

also just finished watching An Adventure In Space And Time. You guys weren't kidding! What a delicate, well-presented tribute! <3

11-25-2013, 08:28 AM
I understand all of that. I'm just confused about the time streams line.

I'm not sure why Hurt!Doctor and Ten forgot about the events that took place.

Sorry, wasn't actually replying to your post - didn't make that clear...

11-25-2013, 08:51 AM
Do you know why we can't see regular Hurt stories from the TW? It's been mentioned often enough that we simple can't comprehend a war that would play out with that level of technology. Take the moment. The Tls have a weapon that has developed a conscience. It can see the future time lines and present it's user with a future capable of preventing it's own use. It can open time streams from a time locked area. It can allow travel into the same area. (Even by travel capsules badly in need of repair or an experienced pilot. On that note, in the 20th why did the fifth ever think the first could get the ship to the tower and then how on earth did Susan manage it?) Hardly seems reasonable to expect us to like stories where the medic is killing the enemy on a universal battlefield where planets are burning left and right. We expect him to save, not stand by helplessly.

Also, whichever day it happened the high council was planning on destroying everything and ascending into being of pure energy. That was why ten said he had to stop the war. It would have been nice if Hurt had said: "There are still a billion billion daleks in orbit and a plan to wipe out all reality simmering in the high council." Come to think of it, the medic could simply have said: "Oh, the Master is there now. He didn't want to be left behind so he's sorting it." Either way, ignoring the fact the high council wanted to wipe out every child in existence... It's just sloppy.

And we now have a Christmas teaser trailer.
Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013: The first TV teaser trailer - BBC One - YouTube (

11-25-2013, 09:49 AM
Sorry for the off topic request for help.

Does anyone know how to download footage from YouTube that appears to be protected in some way? I usually use FlashGot or VideoDownloader, but these don't seem to work. I've tried online downloaders, but to no avail. Unfortunately my PC simply isn't up to capturing the video.

If anyone can help, this is the footage in question:

Mystery of the Bo'Ness Express (



11-25-2013, 09:51 AM
So, the Afterparty was pretty shite (check out the wanky male presenter basically pushing Katy Manning off her seat - tosser!!), but there was at least one good part (besides seeing Jackie Lane for the first time in forever & the admittedly excellent montage at the end0 - the fact that Tom, Pete, Colin & Sylv took basically EVERY opportunity to mention the LC audios.

Well done, Docs! :D

11-25-2013, 10:18 AM
Sorry for the off topic request for help.

Does anyone know how to download footage from YouTube that appears to be protected in some way? I usually use FlashGot or VideoDownloader, but these don't seem to work. I've tried online downloaders, but to no avail. Unfortunately my PC simply isn't up to capturing the video.

If anyone can help, this is the footage in question:

Mystery of the Bo'Ness Express ( Hg3d8IKQ&ei=zw2TUqrlJYSthQfjtoGABA&usg=AFQjCNHDeQ0SfJ2DnYzY5iiRWZPIAQU7Tg&sig2=qnJaPkobuzlpynqAXb3oBg)



I've never had keepvid fail on me. it's an online downloader.

11-25-2013, 10:32 AM
I think you're BOTH right.

A nod for TB, and at some point in the far future for The Doc he 'retires' into older version of a previous self.

And it also makes some head-canon space for the A-Go adventures ... They're the Curator Doctor having adventures! :)

I see it as some sort of future incarnation.....He is the Doctor maybe incarnation 50? Smith said he wanted to be a curator one day, maybe he choose an old face. Remember if there can be a Valeyard, there can be a Curator., and since Hurt was know as The Warrior, i see this as pretty much the same time lord but maybe not The Doctor in name. [file this under Who stories that don't need to be the woman in TEOT

---------- Post added at 04:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 AM ----------

So, the Afterparty was pretty shite (check out the wanky male presenter basically pushing Katy Manning off her seat - tosser!!), but there was at least one good part (besides seeing Jackie Lane for the first time in forever & the admittedly excellent montage at the end0 - the fact that Tom, Pete, Colin & Sylv took basically EVERY opportunity to mention the LC audios.

Well done, Docs! :D

Why did they get that awful girl Zoe Ball again? you have one of the so-called companions there who is an actual BBC Presenters..and really should have been given the solo job doing it [ Andrew Hayden-Smith]

11-25-2013, 11:24 AM
I've never had keepvid fail on me. it's an online downloader.

Unfortunately, this didn't work.

There doesn't seem to be any reason why this video should be protected in this way - even Disney's videos aren't! Sigh.

11-25-2013, 11:59 AM
I'm with jsg - does anyone have a reasonable explanation as to why Hurt's doc wouldn't remember the events of DotD?

11-25-2013, 11:59 AM
weird and not a little irksome. Sorry, wish I could help but I haven't really gone into this area so I don't know enough.

11-25-2013, 12:11 PM
I'm with jsg - does anyone have a reasonable explanation as to why Hurt's doc wouldn't remember the events of DotD?

They said something about muddled timelines, etc. I'm prepared to just accept that in the way I accept we have no idea how the events of 5 or 3 Doctors are not remembered.

It's a bit late to nick pick over a narrative conceit that's part of the show :D

11-25-2013, 12:19 PM
They said something about muddled timelines, etc. I'm prepared to just accept that in the way I accept we have no idea how the events of 5 or 3 Doctors are not remembered.

It's a bit late to nick pick over a narrative conceit that's part of the show :D

Hear, hear!

11-25-2013, 12:20 PM
They said something about muddled timelines, etc. I'm prepared to just accept that in the way I accept we have no idea how the events of 5 or 3 Doctors are not remembered.

It's a bit late to nick pick over a narrative conceit that's part of the show :D

Exactly - all they said was some half-assed line about muddles timelines ... nothing even approaching an explanation. I expect that Moff doesn't even know the answer.

11-25-2013, 12:29 PM
The War Doctor andTen forget what happened to prevent paradoxes occurring. As Eleven says in "Hide", (the paradoxes) generally resolve themselves.

11-25-2013, 12:35 PM
Ha! Just noticed that The chairman of the governors of Coal Hill School is

11-25-2013, 12:58 PM
Ha! Just noticed that The chairman of the governors of Coal Hill School is

I'd have to check this, but I thought he was down as Headmaster and W Coburn was down as chairman....

11-25-2013, 01:10 PM
I'd have to check this, but I thought he was down as Headmaster and W Coburn was down as chairman....

Other way round; chairman of governors for Ian, Headmaster for Coburn.

11-25-2013, 01:15 PM
Other way round; chairman of governors for Ian, Headmaster for Coburn.
Hah! Yeah, you're right, my mistake... did you happen to notice the time on the clock?...original broadcast time for AUC if I'm not mistaken.

11-25-2013, 01:22 PM
I'd have to check this, but I thought he was down as Headmaster and W Coburn was down as chairman....


definitely Chesterton as chairman and Coburn as headmaster

11-25-2013, 01:22 PM
Those wishing to purchase the final CD in the Destiny of the Doctors series can now do so...Big Finish (

11-25-2013, 01:39 PM
Hah! Yeah, you're right, my mistake... did you happen to notice the time on the clock?...original broadcast time for AUC if I'm not mistaken.

Dunno about that, but the numbers MS scratches into the wall appear to be (and I may be wrong coz they're hard to read) 1716231163 - date and time of you-know-what... :)

11-25-2013, 01:58 PM
Dunno about that, but the numbers MS scratches into the wall appear to be (and I may be wrong coz they're hard to read) 1716231163 - date and time of you-know-what... :)
You seem to be correct; just freeze framed on the cell phone

11-25-2013, 03:50 PM
Random thoughts to the special and these discussions:

A) "Some day you might find yourself visiting some of the older faces/favorites": An easy way of getting around a regeneration limit by not creating a brand new template, just 'reloading' older version?

B) Hurt's Doctor not remembering could be a paradox repairing itself but if that were so, why the 'I guess were wearing a bit thin' moment upon his departure?

C) Casual mention at the beginning that the 'Time Lord High Council' was meeting at that exact moment as well as the convenient timing of Tennant's Doctor's time frame being suggested to right in the middle of 'Waters of Mars' and 'End of Time'.

D) I do admit though, watching the interplay between the three actors was brilliant; eyeglasses moment, 'it should have been locked', and of course the brainstorm in the hut. And then, while just for a single teensy-weensy timey-wimey moment, the little bit of 'gathering the family' as it were was a nice little nod to past, present, and future stories.

11-25-2013, 04:02 PM
My head hurts trying to figure that one out ... I hate time travel :D

I liked the fact that they tied in The End of Time by stating that the High Council had their own plans and were off doing something else (The End of Time) while we just saw the poor generals attempting to save the planet while the High Council were trying to save their own @$$'s.

11-25-2013, 04:25 PM
A) "Some day you might find yourself visiting some of the older faces/favorites": An easy way of getting around a regeneration limit by not creating a brand new template, just 'reloading' older version?

I view it more as saying that, in the future, the regeneration limit is not only non-existent but also that he has a greater control over the process (as Romana did in Destiny Of The Daleks), and that he can (if he so chooses) regenerate into a previous favourite form.

11-25-2013, 04:34 PM
I view it more as saying that, in the future, the regeneration limit is not only non-existent but also that he has a greater control over the process (as Romana did in Destiny Of The Daleks), and that he can (if he so chooses) regenerate into a previous favourite form.

Can we not just remove that whole Romana sequence from canon - worst joke in the shows history.

11-25-2013, 04:46 PM
...worst joke in the shows history.

I thought that was Adric.

tippy wooder
11-25-2013, 04:49 PM
So, the Afterparty was pretty shite

Anything featuring Zoe Ball - or, come to think of it, Jo Whiley - claiming to be massive Doctor Who fans is pretty shite. Opportunists whose careers have been jumps onto the next passing bandwagon / gravy train.

11-25-2013, 04:49 PM
Can we not just remove that whole Romana sequence from canon - worst joke in the shows history.

I don't think we matter how much we may personally want to!

11-25-2013, 04:54 PM
I thought that was Adric.

Amazingly, he rates higher in general than that scene does with me, lol.
In fact, when I think about it, I am SURE that scene existed due to TB's desire to get into LW's skirt..

11-25-2013, 04:57 PM
Anything featuring Zoe Ball - or, come to think of it, Jo Whiley - claiming to be massive Doctor Who fans is pretty shite. Opportunists whose careers have been jumps onto the next passing bandwagon / gravy train.

The afterparty was mostly excrutiating. Why spend time interviewing fans about to get married when you have so many companions present? (Sorry fans, but we speak amongst each other all the time.) I was really hoping we'd get a bit more of William Russell, but fat chance.

As for the 50th itself... I loved it. Damn - Tom. Tom was there and he was marvellous. The whole thing was pretty damn good, actually. Tears were shed.

11-25-2013, 05:34 PM
The afterparty was mostly excrutiating...

Yeah, but it was worth it to see Wand Direction crash'n'burn with their sat feed.

11-25-2013, 05:51 PM
Steven Moffat Adds Further Twists To The Regeneration Riddle | Anglophenia | BBC America (

11-25-2013, 06:02 PM
Steven Moffat Adds Further Twists To The Regeneration Riddle | Anglophenia | BBC America (

It must be nice to so casually come up with insane fan-quality theories and actually get to state them as the official head of the show.

11-25-2013, 06:24 PM
Perhaps when the next episode is released they'll apply the 'Bobby Ewing' option and say it was all just a dream...

11-25-2013, 06:47 PM
you knmow people are a little fixated on regeneration
theres a whole universe of alternative things out there
shape shifting
potions as in the elixer of life
who says he just takes something else instead of everything being regeneration
seriously just because he uses a natural ability doesnt mean theres not alternatives
heck mind transference even

11-25-2013, 06:54 PM
I always think that as the master has had god knows how many regens up to now, there is always going to be a way for the doc to have more.
So no need to worry.

11-25-2013, 07:32 PM
The great Intelligence futzed the Doctors time line not to kill him, but to reverse all his victories so that he would be known as a "loser" but that would mean that he would "survive" to know that he is a loser. Even after Clara fixed everything, tying off all the extraneous loose threads... There must have been some frayed edges Clara forgot to trim back?

When Zoe was calling the companions by their character names, I wanted to slap her, and whoever wrote the questions for the ultimate companions quiz deserves to lose a finger.

11-25-2013, 07:43 PM
for those that care about such things, 10 million + overnight rating in the UK.

11-25-2013, 07:44 PM
DotD was awesome! I think we may be overthinking things. The Bad Wolf (at least it wasn't stupid pouty Rose... although I felt like shooting myself when she just started rambling "No more... No more... Noooooo moooore! ARGH!) allowed 10 and 11 to break though the time lock. All 3 with their past selves got to Gallifrey to move it to another dimension. Only thing I don't get is if it got moved to another dimension, why "freeze" it? I think the TARDIS helped out the lesser abled pilot docs myself. In the D's Wife, she does say that she sent the D where he is most needed. Gallifrey is gone, the Daleks erradicate themselves. This actually helps understand why they're not all gone in the actual timeline. Some did not die in the crossfire. So really, everybody (including the Medic) THINKS everyone was erradicated but Gallifrey just got moved. It's very similar to the Medic dying actually. Everybody thought he was dead and it sure looked like it but it was a clever ruse. 11 is the only one to know the truth because it is actually happening in this contemporary timeline. He wasn't taken out of his own timestream. Same thing in the 5 medics. 5 remembers it quite well but the others don't.
Makes perfect sense to me. I honestly don't see too many loose ends here.
What I find fabulous is the 180 degree shift that happened. From a Medic who runs like hell to get away from his people: 1 ran, 2 tried to run, 3 got caught, 4 rejected the presidency, 5 as well, 6 got caught, 7 could care less, 8 and 8.5 were in the War... 9 - 11 were homeless... and now PC is looking for the home he left centuries ago... Takes the show on a whole new direction!!!
Amazing TB who is IMHO definitely the medic telling 11 he has much to do... well let's get on with it! Just a blast of an episode, the best one in years!

11-25-2013, 08:50 PM
I use firefox
and youtube video and audio downloader 0.3.1
and easy youtube video downloader 7.0
when i go to youtube theres a download video button on the bottom right just under the vddeo
i actually downloaded this video so it works

11-25-2013, 09:44 PM
Does anyone have the 50 th books in audio please. Thanks xxxxx

11-25-2013, 10:51 PM

CE was (sort of) in it after all!

11-25-2013, 11:07 PM
I wonder if they asked to use his likeness? Switching formats changes the rights... They might not have had the right to use CGI Chris without asking Chris if it's alright... The cgi at the end, not the... Unless they got the cartoon/cgi rights from some bullshit game they made in year one?

11-25-2013, 11:22 PM
I use firefox
and youtube video and audio downloader 0.3.1
and easy youtube video downloader 7.0
when i go to youtube theres a download video button on the bottom right just under the vddeo
i actually downloaded this video so it works

Didn't work for me. Got the adverts right enough, but no download links for the actual video. If you did manage to get it, would you mind uploading for me?



11-25-2013, 11:23 PM
CE was (sort of) in it after all!

I think they probably did want to show it properly but probably cut the sequence for time.

11-25-2013, 11:45 PM
Isn't the whole regn thing moot because The War Doctor was a reboot of the process? I mean 8 was dead, not mortally wounded and dying or having just flat-lined he was dead as a door nail. His goblet of fire isn't likely to take into account that he was on his 8th life and continue precisely where he left off, but given him a new life cycle one that will either give another 13 to go through or not stop all.

11-25-2013, 11:49 PM
I think they probably did want to show it properly but probably cut the sequence for time.
Either way, Moff ticked the box that he mentioned regarding 'Night of' we have the sequence for completionists.
Despite some of the complaints we've had of him in recent seasons, I think he did a fantastic job for the special and hope he continues in this vein for the next one and the season(s) to come.

11-26-2013, 12:24 AM
Isn't the whole regn thing moot because The War Doctor was a reboot of the process? I mean 8 was dead, not mortally wounded and dying or having just flat-lined he was dead as a door nail. His goblet of fire isn't likely to take into account that he was on his 8th life and continue precisely where he left off, but given him a new life cycle one that will either give another 13 to go through or not stop all.

IF that's Moffat's chosen way out (and it's currently as good a way as any) then it really should have been in the episode properly.

Actually. That whole bit SHOULD have been in the episode to give proper context to the Hurt incarnation.

11-26-2013, 12:32 AM

11-26-2013, 12:45 AM
"42" could also be 'Fury From The Deep' ....

11-26-2013, 02:00 AM
I wonder if they asked to use his likeness? Switching formats changes the rights... They might not have had the right to use CGI Chris without asking Chris if it's alright... The cgi at the end, not the... Unless they got the cartoon/cgi rights from some bullshit game they made in year one?

I wondered that too. But they used that tiny clip of him, so why would it make a difference? Surely they have those rights. It may just be an artistic decision - a glimpse is all you get. (In case Moff changes his mind later and wants to insert another mysterious incarnation).

As to that list above...

If EOTD really does make an appearance, I am going to be a very a happy man.

11-26-2013, 02:11 AM
Besides if CE really tried to get upset about it and push for rights issues, the fans would never forgive him.

11-26-2013, 02:18 AM
Sorry for the off topic request for help.

Does anyone know how to download footage from YouTube that appears to be protected in some way? I usually use FlashGot or VideoDownloader, but these don't seem to work. I've tried online downloaders, but to no avail. Unfortunately my PC simply isn't up to capturing the video.

If anyone can help, this is the footage in question:

Mystery of the Bo'Ness Express (



try freemake video downloader...that's wat i use.

11-26-2013, 03:02 AM
Just because I can :P

Those concerned about which doctor is which in the timeline, who says Hurt turns into Eccleston anyway?

Old Timey Whimey Moff might have kept the regeneration scene ambiguous for a reason.

11-26-2013, 03:27 AM
To give some context to the whole "who owns what" debate. If it is part of the shows recordings, either aired scenes or scenes that were cut for a variety of reasons - they are the property of the B. CE cannot lay claim to anything he did on the show during his tenure. So, altering a scene that was recorded already would not require his signing off.

This isn't saying it wouldn't be NICE of them to get his signoff, but it is totally a non-issue.

11-26-2013, 04:08 AM
Just because I can :P

Those concerned about which doctor is which in the timeline, who says Hurt turns into Eccleston anyway?

The scene where you see Eccleston's face briefly appear in John Hurt's regeneration, maybe?? :D

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

Okay, look, it likely means nothing but...for crying out loud...we have nothing to talk about now that the 50th special has been and gone and a cursory search of the internet will reveal the ENTIRE plot of the Xmas special!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>MP, TM, DMP, CT, POTD, EOTD, MT, AS... coming in the next 18 months</p>— Eddie (@Eddie_At_Skaro) November 24, 2013 (</blockquote>

Eddie's pretty reliable and in the know (if a bit of a tease!), and I'm CERTAIN there's plenty more to come, so I'm happy. Sooner or later, we WILL have more in the archive & on DVD.

Foe was right.

11-26-2013, 04:21 AM
Look. The big picture is being missed. The Sisterhood told 8th that Time lord SCIENCE had progressed on Carn. So regeneration is an artificial process. From mentions of the term limits, it would seem the High Council regulated it. No High Council, no one to enforce the limit, no end of Doctor problems and no need for ponderous in story excuses. The Sisterhood clearly set the process as artificial.

11-26-2013, 04:41 AM
Eddie's pretty reliable and in the know (if a bit of a tease!), and I'm CERTAIN there's plenty more to come, so I'm happy. Sooner or later, we WILL have more in the archive & on DVD.

Foe was right.

Seems likely he was. All the grapevines I know seem to corroborate this. First I've heard of EoTD being included in any such finds - that's probably my most-wanted missing story. After Web of Fear, which I can't believe I've now watched!

Exterminate Me
11-26-2013, 07:37 AM
"42" could also be 'Fury From The Deep' ....

Yes please!

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

Seems likely he was. All the grapevines I know seem to corroborate this. First I've heard of EoTD being included in any such finds - that's probably my most-wanted missing story. After Web of Fear, which I can't believe I've now watched!

Yes please too!

11-26-2013, 07:47 AM
Look. The big picture is being missed. The Sisterhood told 8th that Time lord SCIENCE had progressed on Carn. So regeneration is an artificial process. From mentions of the term limits, it would seem the High Council regulated it. No High Council, no one to enforce the limit, no end of Doctor problems and no need for ponderous in story excuses. The Sisterhood clearly set the process as artificial.

I've always thought of it as genetic/biologic manipulation with a designed deterioration as more regenerations were used, in order to keep a single time lord from becoming too powerful. Sort of a failsafe to guard against anyone that gets too big of an ego(And boy do time lords get egos!). With the proper knowhow, and someone to perform the alteration, and probably with the right facilities, it's plausible that the regeneration organ/gene/whatnot could be renewed and grant the Time Lord more regenerations, but without those it would be difficult to renew it with only the time lord patient and nobody else with the specific knowledge of what to do. It may be artificial, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's easily bypassed. Imagine if pacemakers failed - you're not the one who's going to replace it, but your doctor will. In this case, the Doctor might need intervention to renew it.

All in all though, it makes for an interesting storyline that I wish started the moment the Doctor witnessed 'his' own death. Would've made Series 6 a bit more interesting, at the very least.

11-26-2013, 09:04 AM
try freemake video downloader...that's wat i use.

First thing I tried as I have that installed. Nada. :-(((

---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 AM ----------

A news article:

25/11/13 - Another Who story has been found

The Mirror is reporting that the BBC is due to reveal that another classic Doctor Who story has been found in its entirety.

If the report is to be believed, all seven missing episodes from the 1954 William Hartnell story Marco Polo, have been unearthed - with the BBC due to make an official announcement in December.

According to a source close to the project: "This new discovery is all down to a dedicated fan who spent ages recording the episodes back in the sixties. The recording – which is a silent film – came out really clearly so it will be easy to watch… the fan did it in a very professional way.

"There are already audio recordings of the episodes so the Beeb have had to match everything up. There are some gaps in the audio so it has been a painstaking process. Where there are gaps in audio they are going to be re-recorded using contemporary actors who sound as close to the original actors as possible."

Sounds like a really garbled tale, doesn't it?

---------- Post added at 08:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 AM ----------

The title of the Christmas Special has been announced: The Time of the Doctor

Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them – the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

11-26-2013, 09:14 AM
The title of the Christmas Special has been announced...

please put such things in spoilers. I did not want to know about this! :(

11-26-2013, 09:23 AM
Look. The big picture is being missed. The Sisterhood told 8th that Time lord SCIENCE had progressed on Carn. So regeneration is an artificial process. From mentions of the term limits, it would seem the High Council regulated it. No High Council, no one to enforce the limit, no end of Doctor problems and no need for ponderous in story excuses. The Sisterhood clearly set the process as artificial.

While I won't disagree that regenerations aren't artificial per se, I have to point out that when melody got examined her DNA has human plus tl and regens were included. The sisterhoods ability to control regens could be likened to plastic surgery. But having nice breasts doesn't mean they're fake. Also if the limit were artificial why didn't the mister simply bypass it? Also, how could the moff state tens metacrisis regen counted ten days ago and we're only hearing it now?

11-26-2013, 09:30 AM
Steve Roberts (BBC restoration team) on any more episodes:

"I had the opportunity to speak to both Phil Morris and Dick Fiddy yesterday at the ExCel event. Phil confirmed that no other DW episodes have been handed over other than the two stories available on iTunes. Dick confirmed that the BFI aren't, and haven't, been working on any material from Phil. So if there's ANY truth in the current Marco Polo rumour (which I highly doubt), it has nothing to do with either TIEA or the BFI. "

11-26-2013, 09:52 AM
Capaldi could be the Valyard eventually. Eventually, not immediately, and in name if not face.

If so then he could attack any moment in his own past and try to steal any of those Doctors remaining regenerations.

Did you ever wonder why the master survived battle with the Valeyard before the Doctor even knew his name?

If the Valeyard tried to steal his regeneration first, of course the Master didn't have any regenerations, but maybe for some reason the Valeyard forgot that gem... Although were the Timelords going to give him a new time lord body to replace his Trakanian body to go along with his new regeneration cycle?

But that makes the Master less of an asshole for what he did in the movie to the Doctor if this is close to the truth.

11-26-2013, 10:03 AM
*gurgle* at the idea of Capaldi as the Valeyard. Holy moly that'd be awesome.

11-26-2013, 10:11 AM
Steve Roberts (BBC restoration team) on any more episodes:

"I had the opportunity to speak to both Phil Morris and Dick Fiddy yesterday at the ExCel event. Phil confirmed that no other DW episodes have been handed over other than the two stories available on iTunes. Dick confirmed that the BFI aren't, and haven't, been working on any material from Phil. So if there's ANY truth in the current Marco Polo rumour (which I highly doubt), it has nothing to do with either TIEA or the BFI. "

You know how the Doctor lies? Yeah? Good. Now think of Steve Roberts (& Paul Vanezis, et al) as the Doctor in that respect. Actually, no, he's not - he's probably telling the truth, but leaving out the REAL truth, if you know what I mean. IE: "no other stories have been handed over" = he has them, but the Beeb doesn't; "The BFI aren't working on any material from Phil" = the RT, or an outside source, ARE.

Parsing - it's a wonderful thing. Misdirection - is getting old fast. These idiots need to stop playing games and just shut up.


BTW: Any managed to spot the hidden Capaldis in the Xmas Special images? "Fan the Flames"... ;P

11-26-2013, 10:21 AM
*gurgle* at the idea of Capaldi as the Valeyard. Holy moly that'd be awesome.

Since Capaldi isn't a ginger...One of the other Doctors, or Capaldi must have been wearing a red wig when they posed as Merlin helping Arthur get his shit together and fight Jean Marsh in the unreleased/unwritten Battlefield prequel.

11-26-2013, 11:12 AM
Since Capaldi isn't a ginger...One of the other Doctors, or Capaldi must have been wearing a red wig when they posed as Merlin helping Arthur get his shit together and fight Jean Marsh in the unreleased/unwritten Battlefield prequel.

There speaks a true fan :-)

Did Ace's portrait in Silver Nemesis ever get explained? I can't remember.

You know how the Doctor lies....

Nail on the head, Looshkin. Nobody seems to tell an outright lie, but simply misdirects all the time. The only reason I can think that someone might want to do this rather than simply stay silent or state the actual truth is that they actually enjoy the feeling of power it gives them over ordinary fans' feelings. It's peverse, in my view.

11-26-2013, 11:54 AM
Random thoughts to the special and these discussions:

A) "Some day you might find yourself visiting some of the older faces/favorites"

I took this as their way of maybe bringing back some of the previous medics for future episodes. Older faces and all.

11-26-2013, 12:14 PM
You know how the Doctor lies? Yeah? Good. Now think of Steve Roberts (& Paul Vanezis, et al) as the Doctor in that respect. Actually, no, he's not - he's probably telling the truth, but leaving out the REAL truth, if you know what I mean. IE: "no other stories have been handed over" = he has them, but the Beeb doesn't; "The BFI aren't working on any material from Phil" = the RT, or an outside source, ARE.

Parsing - it's a wonderful thing. Misdirection - is getting old fast. These idiots need to stop playing games and just shut up.


BTW: Any managed to spot the hidden Capaldis in the Xmas Special images? "Fan the Flames"... ;P

As he said - no more episodes have been 'handed over' - didn't say no more had been found.....

11-26-2013, 01:59 PM
Since Capaldi isn't a ginger...One of the other Doctors, or Capaldi must have been wearing a red wig when they posed as Merlin helping Arthur get his shit together and fight Jean Marsh in the unreleased/unwritten Battlefield prequel.

A man can have his vanity dyes can't he?

11-26-2013, 02:35 PM
A man can have his vanity dyes can't he?

Or a wig.

Wigs were cool, as 8 proved.

11-26-2013, 03:36 PM
Isn't the whole regn thing moot because The War Doctor was a reboot of the process? I mean 8 was dead, not mortally wounded and dying or having just flat-lined he was dead as a door nail. His goblet of fire isn't likely to take into account that he was on his 8th life and continue precisely where he left off, but given him a new life cycle one that will either give another 13 to go through or not stop all.

that's the way I was reading it.

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 AM ----------

Look. The big picture is being missed. The Sisterhood told 8th that Time lord SCIENCE had progressed on Carn. So regeneration is an artificial process. From mentions of the term limits, it would seem the High Council regulated it. No High Council, no one to enforce the limit, no end of Doctor problems and no need for ponderous in story excuses. The Sisterhood clearly set the process as artificial.

caught that line too! If I understand correctly not all of the population of Gallifrey were considered (Time Lords) the regular little people were Gallifrean but the Time Lords were a different class alltogether. So that gives credence to the regeneration process being initially artificial and something that was applied to one after becoming a Time Lord. Going thru the Consortium, looking into the time vortex (and not going wibbly like the Master did), etc...

That's just my humble opinion of course....

11-26-2013, 04:40 PM
As far as I was aware, the whole regeneration thing has always been a science-based thing. They discuss the heck out of it in the Homeplanet audios, the WatchMasters grant additional regens to The Mister, etc etc.

11-26-2013, 04:41 PM
Look. The big picture is being missed. The Sisterhood told 8th that Time lord SCIENCE had progressed on Carn. So regeneration is an artificial process. From mentions of the term limits, it would seem the High Council regulated it. No High Council, no one to enforce the limit, no end of Doctor problems and no need for ponderous in story excuses. The Sisterhood clearly set the process as artificial.
In Zagreus, we learn that dear old Rassilon hard-wired the regeneration limit in the TL DNA. It's not so much that there isn't anyone to enforce the limit. Quite the contrary, there's no way for anyone to remove the limit. Presumably, if Rassilon was still around, he would know how to do that. Actually DofD does leave a really big gap for future stories and/or retcons... What happened to Rassilon after TEoT? Any interraction between the Council and the War council? What would Rassilon's reaction be? Really pissed off or overjoyed (especially in the event that the medic actually finds Gallifrey)? Don't get me wrong, they'll definitely get rid of the regen limit, but seeing as it's such a big part of the story, I would imagine that it'll be dealth with a much more dramatic fashion and not just be brushed off in a few minutes mini episode.

11-26-2013, 04:44 PM
Hi guys. Is there a good place to fill in lots of gaps I have in these dramas?

I appear to have 1-109 (iPod format from Demonoid back in 2008) & 100-164 (mix of m4a & mp3 from somewhere else) but none of the spin off series and what not.

11-26-2013, 04:44 PM
Random Story Time;
So, last night my seven year old got ahold of my RTD-era Pepperpot toy and wanted to know what it was. I explained it was a Pepperpot and then attempted to explain what they are all about to him... which was sort of pointless, if you know seven year old boys, you know why this is.

Quickly realizing this, and knowing his mom was out at the moment, I put on the 9th Medic "Pepperpot" story for him.

What followed was an incredibly awarding experience in which my son grasped the essentials of what a PP is, and became instantly terrified of them. I was mildly alarmed by this, because it is difficult to hide the fact that I let him watch The Medic when he may have nightmares about it.. HOWEVER;

A little while later, he was running around with my Pepperpot toy going "EXTERPINATE, EXTERPINATE!!!". And this sort of made my day. Just passing the story along.

11-26-2013, 04:46 PM
You know how the Doctor lies? Yeah? Good. Now think of Steve Roberts (& Paul Vanezis, et al) as the Doctor in that respect. Actually, no, he's not - he's probably telling the truth, but leaving out the REAL truth, if you know what I mean. IE: "no other stories have been handed over" = he has them, but the Beeb doesn't; "The BFI aren't working on any material from Phil" = the RT, or an outside source, ARE.

Parsing - it's a wonderful thing. Misdirection - is getting old fast. These idiots need to stop playing games and just shut up.


BTW: Any managed to spot the hidden Capaldis in the Xmas Special images? "Fan the Flames"... ;P

The thing is people need to stop hassling them and maybe they wouldn't feel the need to say something. We've had fans ring up TV stations in Africa demanding answers, people meddling in TIE website, etc. It keeps getting out of hand thanks to some fans not grasping the complexities of these situations. We are owed absolutely nothing by these people, least of all answers.

11-26-2013, 04:54 PM
that's the way I was reading it.

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 AM ----------

caught that line too! If I understand correctly not all of the population of Gallifrey were considered (Time Lords) the regular little people were Gallifrean but the Time Lords were a different class alltogether. So that gives credence to the regeneration process being initially artificial and something that was applied to one after becoming a Time Lord. Going thru the Consortium, looking into the time vortex (and not going wibbly like the Master did), etc...

That's just my humble opinion of course....
I would agree. The problema with the Master is that he was in a Trakenite body which, by definition did not have TL DNA. That's why he had to possess Tremas & the poor fool in the TV Movie. He regen'd in the new series because presumably he received new TL body for the purposes of the TW.
What kinda messed up the whole regen idea is dear old River. Do regular people just become TLs because they're passively exposed to the Vortex at the moment of conception? Seems ridiculous to me. However, you could always say that due to exposure the human child became a mutant... Does that mean that humans could *somehow* evolve into TLs? Well, you could perhaps think that since Ace was destined to attend TL academy...
As for all Gallifreyans not being TLs I think that's a given. The exiles on Gallifrey certainly didn't seem TLish. I would surmise that TLs are those born of the higher houses.

11-26-2013, 05:31 PM
However, you could always say that due to exposure the human child became a mutant... Does that mean that humans could *somehow* evolve into TLs? Well, you could perhaps think that since Ace was destined to attend TL academy...

If you were the first african-american to attend an all-white academy, it wouldn't suddenly turn you white. She was going to go to the TL Academy to learn, not to become a TL.

11-26-2013, 05:35 PM
I just wondered if anyone had any of the Medic 50th anniversary programmes that were broadcast around the anniversary show? Specifically, I'm looking for:

Celebrity Antiques Road Trip
The Ultimate Guide
Doctor Who at the Proms Extra (Red Button)
The Graham Norton Show
The Culture Show
Blue Peter Special
Blue Peter Party
12 Again

11-26-2013, 05:46 PM
...What kinda messed up the whole regen idea is dear old River. Do regular people just become TLs because they're passively exposed to the Vortex at the moment of conception? Seems ridiculous to me. However, you could always say that due to exposure the human child became a mutant... Does that mean that humans could *somehow* evolve into TLs?
River was also altered/manipulated by Madame Kovarian while she was still a foetus developing in Amy's womb.

11-26-2013, 06:26 PM
I just wondered if anyone had any of the Medic 50th anniversary programmes that were broadcast around the anniversary show? Specifically, I'm looking for:

Celebrity Antiques Road Trip
The Ultimate Guide
Doctor Who at the Proms Extra (Red Button)
The Graham Norton Show
The Culture Show
Blue Peter Special
Blue Peter Party
12 Again

I don't recognise the last one, but I believe all the rest are still available via iPlayer.

11-26-2013, 06:37 PM
If you were the first african-american to attend an all-white academy, it wouldn't suddenly turn you white. She was going to go to the TL Academy to learn, not to become a TL.

One could argue that if you go to TL academy it's because you are going to be a TL... Much as in the same way that if you go to Police academy it's to become a police officer. whether you're White, african, native american, human or gallifreyan doesn't really change that fact. you would just be a white, african or native-american police officer. What I understand from that is that being a TL is not race-specific although it is more frequent for gallifreyans, which makes sense since they developped the technology.

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

River was also altered/manipulated by Madame Kovarian while she was still a foetus developing in Amy's womb.

Not sure Kovarian could do much as far as making River a TL with regen abilities. I always thought that her influence over River was restricted to "programming her" from the womb (agree with you there), even on a genetic level, to kill the medic, which included some intuitive knowledge of her own future (ie. she looked for and found her parents as a means to get to the medic, even before she knew they were her parents).

11-26-2013, 06:40 PM
I don't recognise the last one, but I believe all the rest are still available via iPlayer.

"12 Again" is a kids programme on CBBC, where "old people" (in their 20s and 30s) reminisce about what they were like when they were 12 years old. The Doctor Who Special ( is still on iPlayer...

11-26-2013, 07:02 PM
Steve Roberts (BBC restoration team) on any more episodes:

"I had the opportunity to speak to both Phil Morris and Dick Fiddy yesterday at the ExCel event. Phil confirmed that no other DW episodes have been handed over other than the two stories available on iTunes. Dick confirmed that the BFI aren't, and haven't, been working on any material from Phil. So if there's ANY truth in the current Marco Polo rumour (which I highly doubt), it has nothing to do with either TIEA or the BFI. "

"You see, Phil kicked the canisters across the floor to us. And we didn't work on them. This was too much fun to be considered work."

The RT are either staggeringly out of the loop, or willfully deceptive. This ridiculously parsed legalese makes just about anything they say absolutely irrelevant. Since one British newspaper has called Marco Polo a lost story from 1954, it would be very easy for them to say the current rumo(u)r has no truth to it, since it was shot in 1964. It's just the way they go out of their way to piss on the parade that really bothers me. But maybe I will give them the benefit of the doubt and go with the idea that these professionals are so stultifyingly out of the loop that I personally know more about MP than they do. Strangers things have happened.


Your Pal,

All the best,



11-26-2013, 07:38 PM
One could argue that if you go to TL academy it's because you are going to be a TL... Much as in the same way that if you go to Police academy it's to become a police officer. whether you're White, african, native american, human or gallifreyan doesn't really change that fact. you would just be a white, african or native-american police officer. What I understand from that is that being a TL is not race-specific although it is more frequent for gallifreyans, which makes sense since they developped the technology..

In the Homeplanet audio series, the Academy is open to all races that are approaching Time-travel level technology in order to further all civilizations that are capable of understanding the technology itselfs efforts to travel the timelines in a competent and responsible manner. The big stickler is that the Timelord society mostly does not want to share its knowledge because they are the Haves and the other species are the Have-nots.

General Disclaimer:
Just having a friendly debate about this, not trying to butt-heads!

11-26-2013, 08:22 PM
I hated that concept.

And really, they open their doors to the Universe and 5 new kids show up?

Should'a been trillions.

Gallifrey is not about creating a community of equals.

Just like the Daleks, they stamp down any one who is being difficult to guarantee their way of life.

Constant vigilance.

11-26-2013, 09:42 PM
I hated that concept.

And really, they open their doors to the Universe and 5 new kids show up?

Should'a been trillions.

Gallifrey is not about creating a community of equals.

Just like the Daleks, they stamp down any one who is being difficult to guarantee their way of life.

Constant vigilance.

I'll help you out buddy

11-26-2013, 09:49 PM
I'll help you out buddy ...

From DT in disguise.



11-26-2013, 10:36 PM
I hated that concept.

And really, they open their doors to the Universe and 5 new kids show up?

Should'a been trillions.

Gallifrey is not about creating a community of equals.

Just like the Daleks, they stamp down any one who is being difficult to guarantee their way of life.

Constant vigilance.

In defense of the Gallifrey audios, they are complete crap.

11-26-2013, 11:10 PM
In the Homeplanet audio series, the Academy is open to all races that are approaching Time-travel level technology in order to further all civilizations that are capable of understanding the technology itselfs efforts to travel the timelines in a competent and responsible manner. The big stickler is that the Timelord society mostly does not want to share its knowledge because they are the Haves and the other species are the Have-nots.

General Disclaimer:
Just having a friendly debate about this, not trying to butt-heads!

Oh please Kimekaro, of course this is a friendly debate :)
I love discussing these kinds of things about my fav series of all times. Although I don't consider myself very knowledgeable, I have seen every TV episode ever made and listened to all of LC audios. Somehow don't remember this about the homeworld series though.
sometimes i think we, the fans, think these things through more than the writers do LOL...
we seem more concerned about continuity than most of them, trying to see how it may fit in with everything else, especially the classic era... i loved the PD sign in the 5ish... no classics no 50th! Hehehe... i would have advocated for no classic continuity, no reboot! :)
in any case, i am not in the least a person who gets ofended easily. and I'm very happy we CAN talk about this... Seen some months around here that... well... ER... let's not even think about those days anymore :)

11-26-2013, 11:16 PM
In Zagreus, we learn that dear old Rassilon hard-wired the regeneration limit in the TL DNA. It's not so much that there isn't anyone to enforce the limit. Quite the contrary, there's no way for anyone to remove the limit. Presumably, if Rassilon was still around, he would know how to do that. Actually DofD does leave a really big gap for future stories and/or retcons... What happened to Rassilon after TEoT? Any interraction between the Council and the War council? What would Rassilon's reaction be? Really pissed off or overjoyed (especially in the event that the medic actually finds Gallifrey)? Don't get me wrong, they'll definitely get rid of the regen limit, but seeing as it's such a big part of the story, I would imagine that it'll be dealth with a much more dramatic fashion and not just be brushed off in a few minutes mini episode.

we'll find out at christmas. according to Moff & Smithy 11 is really 13 (they're counting End of Journeys regen), which makes CaPAL 14...the limit will soon be dealt with, without the Lord President.

11-27-2013, 12:07 AM
*gurgle* at the idea of Capaldi as the Valeyard. Holy moly that'd be awesome.

The would explain the really angry eyes we see in DotD.

11-27-2013, 12:18 AM
It's a pretty good behind-the-scenes reason for why we got an extra medic (Hurt) too, instead of McG for that role in DotD. Moff needed an extra incarnation to happen, narratively speaking, so he could then deal with it in MS' regeneration. Clearly, he's not taking the flippant answer that he can regen over 500 times that the medic shoots at Clyde in the SJA ep Death of the Medic. Ahem.

11-27-2013, 12:25 AM
Clearly, he's not taking the flippant answer that he can regen over 500 times that the medic shoots at Clyde in the SJA ep Death of the Medic.


11-27-2013, 12:34 AM
OK. Well was in ospital over the transmission. So here are a few thoughts. Apologies if I seem not as sweet as usual, pain meds do wierd things.

First, I have not actually seen the anniversary special. I taped it. But, after a casual reading here and the soundtrack thread, and the pm's from friends, and e-mails from family asking my opinion, I pretty much have no desire to. Very little has been spoilered here after a fashion. Some, but some members just go ahead and vomit it all out anyway. Thanks. I avoided every spoiler tag in both threads and still know everything. **splendid** To be fair, if I hadn't logged on here, friends and family have been just as bad. So, stomach pain, horrible pain, unexplained bleeding, mri's, catscans, blood tests, needles poking prodding, no food, get home.....special ruined. Yay. Everybody is just the best. And now, thinking I was seeing custom cover art, I know more than enough about the X-Mas special. Joy.

Secondly. I know McGann's mini-sode sets most of his stuff in audios and novels as canon, but that all mostly contradicts itself and anything seen on the new series. What is seen in the new series takes precedent over **anything** else, filmed or not. The new show runners know all about the problems and have intentionally decided to either ignore it or contradict it. The Doctor is at best in his 12th regeneration. At any point have the 10th or 11th expressed any alarm at being near the end of the line? No. It is not an issue. Only die hard classic fans give a shit. The new series will solve the issue, easily and definitively. Just like this. There is no issue. Ignore it, move on nothing to see here. :D They are under no obligation to fan service anyone about a stupid plot point that was contrived to add drama into an already bloated and disjointed story. They needed to explain a new Master. They had not cast a new Master. So, they came up with this nifty little limit thing, since Tom was still only the 4th. No one figured the show would ever get to the 13th, really. Even the Valeyard crap, was still only half way there. The easiest way to deal with it is to just ignore it completely. Most of the general public (at whom the show is aimed0 will not know or care. Fans here in the states especially would not care.

11-27-2013, 12:43 AM
Unfortunately, this didn't work.

There doesn't seem to be any reason why this video should be protected in this way - even Disney's videos aren't! Sigh.

Not sure if you've managed to get this, but the downloader I use say that the video is in RTMP protocol - whatever that is. Sorry can't be any more help.

11-27-2013, 12:56 AM
OK. Well was in ospital over the transmission. So here are a few thoughts. Apologies if I seem not as sweet as usual, pain meds do wierd things.

First, I have not actually seen the anniversary special. I taped it. But, after a casual reading here and the soundtrack thread, and the pm's from friends, and e-mails from family asking my opinion, I pretty much have no desire to. Very little has been spoilered here after a fashion. Some, but some members just go ahead and vomit it all out anyway. Thanks. I avoided every spoiler tag in both threads and still know everything. **splendid** To be fair, if I hadn't logged on here, friends and family have been just as bad. So, stomach pain, horrible pain, unexplained bleeding, mri's, catscans, blood tests, needles poking prodding, no food, get home.....special ruined. Yay. Everybody is just the best. And now, thinking I was seeing custom cover art, I know more than enough about the X-Mas special. Joy.

Secondly. I know McGann's mini-sode sets most of his stuff in audios and novels as canon, but that all mostly contradicts itself and anything seen on the new series. What is seen in the new series takes precedent over **anything** else, filmed or not. The new show runners know all about the problems and have intentionally decided to either ignore it or contradict it. The Doctor is at best in his 12th regeneration. At any point have the 10th or 11th expressed any alarm at being near the end of the line? No. It is not an issue. Only die hard classic fans give a shit. The new series will solve the issue, easily and definitively. Just like this. There is no issue. Ignore it, move on nothing to see here. :D They are under no obligation to fan service anyone about a stupid plot point that was contrived to add drama into an already bloated and disjointed story. They needed to explain a new Master. They had not cast a new Master. So, they came up with this nifty little limit thing, since Tom was still only the 4th. No one figured the show would ever get to the 13th, really. Even the Valeyard crap, was still only half way there. The easiest way to deal with it is to just ignore it completely. Most of the general public (at whom the show is aimed0 will not know or care. Fans here in the states especially would not care.

I'm so sorry it got spoilered for you :( It really is worth the watch though. If nothing else, watch PD's special contribution - the 're-boot' - it is brilliant.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Look after yourself, take it easy, get better :)

11-27-2013, 01:02 AM
OK. Well was in ospital over the transmission. So here are a few thoughts. Apologies if I seem not as sweet as usual, pain meds do wierd things.

First, I have not actually seen the anniversary special. I taped it. But, after a casual reading here and the soundtrack thread, and the pm's from friends, and e-mails from family asking my opinion, I pretty much have no desire to. Very little has been spoilered here after a fashion. Some, but some members just go ahead and vomit it all out anyway. Thanks. I avoided every spoiler tag in both threads and still know everything. **splendid** To be fair, if I hadn't logged on here, friends and family have been just as bad. So, stomach pain, horrible pain, unexplained bleeding, mri's, catscans, blood tests, needles poking prodding, no food, get home.....special ruined. Yay. Everybody is just the best. And now, thinking I was seeing custom cover art, I know more than enough about the X-Mas special. Joy.

Secondly. I know McGann's mini-sode sets most of his stuff in audios and novels as canon, but that all mostly contradicts itself and anything seen on the new series. What is seen in the new series takes precedent over **anything** else, filmed or not. The new show runners know all about the problems and have intentionally decided to either ignore it or contradict it. The Doctor is at best in his 12th regeneration. At any point have the 10th or 11th expressed any alarm at being near the end of the line? No. It is not an issue. Only die hard classic fans give a shit. The new series will solve the issue, easily and definitively. Just like this. There is no issue. Ignore it, move on nothing to see here. :D They are under no obligation to fan service anyone about a stupid plot point that was contrived to add drama into an already bloated and disjointed story. They needed to explain a new Master. They had not cast a new Master. So, they came up with this nifty little limit thing, since Tom was still only the 4th. No one figured the show would ever get to the 13th, really. Even the Valeyard crap, was still only half way there. The easiest way to deal with it is to just ignore it completely. Most of the general public (at whom the show is aimed0 will not know or care. Fans here in the states especially would not care.

...Actually fans in the states would make more of a thing about it, American audiences are bigger sticklers when it comes to continuity. Any American who saw the TV movie knows about the 13 rule. The 8th Audios are all that's been now made cannon, not his books. But I'm with you on the contradictions thing, and technically speaking 8 only mentioned his companions by name, he didn't reference any adventures with them (and this says nothing about the other classic Medics audios). So you could make the audios as they stand null and void and create stories that fit the tv Whonivers with those companions. I think the only reason they did it was to give the character of 8 a feeling of history since he's technically a one hit wonder (OK. OK. his movie was a flop).

11-27-2013, 01:09 AM
In defense of the Gallifrey audios, they are complete crap.

In defence of the defence ... they're only crap once they go into 'multiple divergent universe' guff. In a mediocre SciFi "House Of Cards" way prior to that they weren't too bad.

11-27-2013, 01:13 AM


...Actually fans in the states would make more of a thing about it, American audiences are bigger sticklers when it comes to continuity. Any American who saw the TV movie knows about the 13 rule. The 8th Audios are all that's been now made cannon, not his books. But I'm with you on the contradictions thing, and technically speaking 8 only mentioned his companions by name, he didn't reference any adventures with them (and this says nothing about the other classic Medics audios). So you could make the audios as they stand null and void and create stories that fit the tv Whonivers with those companions. I think the only reason they did it was to give the character of 8 a feeling of history since he's technically a one hit wonder (OK. OK. his movie was a flop).

Apparently, it wasn't a flop in the UK - it had outstanding ratings. It seems generally perceived to be one because Fox didn't pick up the rights to do more. But he rebooted an entire book line that ran for years, is fleshed out in so many books and audios (as we well know). I think the general feeling among fans is great Doctor, shame about the movie surrounding him. if any of the Doctors (notwithstanding the magnificent Mr Hurt's contribution too now) deserves more screen time, it's Eightie.

Oh, the contradictions? Who cares? Pun (un)intended (you decide)! As long as it works in one's own headcanon...

And hope you get well soon, Amanda.

11-27-2013, 01:23 AM
Sorry to hear about your health issues Amanda. Hope you feel better soon.

11-27-2013, 01:23 AM

Apparently, it wasn't a flop in the UK - it had outstanding ratings. It seems generally perceived to be one because Fox didn't pick up the rights to do more. But he rebooted an entire book line that ran for years, is fleshed out in so many books and audios (as we well know). I think the general feeling among fans is great Doctor, shame about the movie surrounding him. if any of the Doctors (notwithstanding the magnificent Mr Hurt's contribution too now) deserves more screen time, it's Eightie.

Oh, the contradictions? Who cares? Pun (un)intended (you decide)! As long as it works in one's own headcanon...

And hope you get well soon, Amanda.

The Flop of the TV Movie in the US was due to Rosanne airing it's last episode the same time slot on ABC. We American's didn't know good tv back then.

11-27-2013, 01:30 AM
...Actually fans in the states would make more of a thing about it, American audiences are bigger sticklers when it comes to continuity. Any American who saw the TV movie knows about the 13 rule. The 8th Audios are all that's been now made cannon, not his books. But I'm with you on the contradictions thing, and technically speaking 8 only mentioned his companions by name, he didn't reference any adventures with them (and this says nothing about the other classic Medics audios). So you could make the audios as they stand null and void and create stories that fit the tv Whonivers with those companions. I think the only reason they did it was to give the character of 8 a feeling of history since he's technically a one hit wonder (OK. OK. his movie was a flop).

as an american myself i can corroborate that we really are sticklers for continuity. but as for 8 who, as i recall, has erased and re-written more time thru his run (books, comics, audios) than any of the other doctors continuity is hard to establish...there really are no contradictions, it's just Doc retconning and re-writing time. that's just my opinion.

11-27-2013, 01:36 AM
BTW is the 5-ish Medics Booted available for viewing anywhere?

11-27-2013, 02:24 AM
BTW is the 5-ish Medics Booted available for viewing anywhere?

BBC One - Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (

And I *think* the BBC have lifted any region restrictions.

---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ----------

The Flop of the TV Movie in the US was due to Rosanne airing it's last episode the same time slot on ABC. We American's didn't know good tv back then.

In many ways it's probably not such a bad thing that the Fox movie flopped. At the time, and now, could we really accept the idea that The Doctor would really go on to be half-human who was in a vengeance story line after his father?

Honestly? Probably not.

McGann would have brilliant, of that I'd have no doubt.

But the story? That would have been sh*te.

11-27-2013, 03:27 AM
In defence of the defence ... they're only crap once they go into 'multiple divergent universe' guff. In a mediocre SciFi "House Of Cards" way prior to that they weren't too bad.

Absolutely true - although I must admit I didn't totally hate the last lot - Juliet L was very good at least...

The problem was, to me, that Gary R & co thought they were making a sci-fi version of "The West Wing", which, listening to the BTS disc on the final season, they apparently think is about a bunch of people constantly walking down corridors and talking politics a lot & quickly. What they're missing is this was NOT why the WW was great - it had three other things that Homeworld basically seemed to forget about: brilliant writing, characters you care about and - most importantly to me by far - a HUGE and wicked sense of humour. Take those away, and you really have "Today in Parliament" in space. Homeworld took itself FAR too seriously, and seemed to deteriorate into story after story involving Roman-er being shouty and acting like a completely selfish B***h...

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

McGann would have brilliant, of that I'd have no doubt.

But the story? That would have been sh*te.

Oh, God, Yes. The Doctor's father. The "Cybs". Ughhh. I think we were lucky there. That's why McG should get a go now...

11-27-2013, 05:58 AM
And is it just me or...

...does Tom still look like his 5 Docs waxwork in that shot?? :D

I thought exactly the same thing ... another in-joke for the fans, I suspect

11-27-2013, 10:03 AM
Not sure if you've managed to get this, but the downloader I use say that the video is in RTMP protocol - whatever that is. Sorry can't be any more help.

I still haven't, no.

Thanks for checking this out.


11-27-2013, 10:05 AM
Stay away from the UK newspaper the Sun today � they've leaked pretty much the whole plot of the Christmas/Regeneration episode.

Staying away from the sun is something that most Who-ers already do, but staying away from the Sun newspaper, something that everyone should do, is an additional requirement for those who like their Who unspoiled.

11-27-2013, 10:39 AM
Quick question... can anyone advise on a (free) programme that removes the protection from downloaded EYE-PLAYER programmes so that they can be kept?

11-27-2013, 11:10 AM
Quick question... can anyone advise on a (free) programme that removes the protection from downloaded EYE-PLAYER programmes so that they can be kept?

On OSX I use 'Get iPlayer Automator' - I believe they also do a Windows version. Just google 'iplayer ripper"

11-27-2013, 11:24 AM
I still haven't, no.

Thanks for checking this out.


Try Orbit Downloader. The Grabber function might be able to handle it.

11-27-2013, 11:30 AM
On OSX I use 'Get iPlayer Automator' - I believe they also do a Windows version. Just google 'iplayer ripper"

Me too. However a google search for "Get iPlayer Automator" is more direct...

11-27-2013, 12:51 PM
Has this month's missing tale been posted here yet? The one about the Martians?

11-27-2013, 02:03 PM
Has this month's missing tale been posted here yet? The one about the Martians?

Give me 10 minutes or so and I'll dig it out

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

Part 1-4 - Lords1.rar (
Parts 5-6 plus extras - Lords2.rar (

11-27-2013, 02:13 PM
Give me 10 minutes or so and I'll dig it out

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

Part 1-4 - Lords1.rar (
Parts 5-6 plus extras - Lords2.rar (

Thanks. Much appreciated.

11-27-2013, 04:23 PM
The Flop of the TV Movie in the US was due to Rosanne airing it's last episode the same time slot on ABC. We American's didn't know good tv back then.

I did, I did! :D
I watched/taped (betamax!) the movie when it aired! :D

---------- Post added at 09:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

sorry you're poorly Amanda! get well soon!!!

and I totally understand your unhappiness with the spoiler hard as one tries it's impossible to NOT be spoiled in todays world of instant gratification and social media. I did my damndest NOT to be spoiled for the Thor 2 plotline but after it premiered in Australia & Europe BAMM! knew the entire fricken plotline even avoiding Tumblr and Twitter. :(

11-27-2013, 05:21 PM
even avoiding Tumblr and Twitter. :(

If spoilers are a problem, maybe avoiding the internet all together is the way to go.

11-27-2013, 05:37 PM
Tumblr & Twitter basically "IS" my internet :D

11-27-2013, 07:46 PM
Tumblr & Twitter basically "IS" my internet :D
Twitter, YouTube, and TV Tropes for me. Never saw the appeal of Tumblr.

11-27-2013, 08:02 PM
Twitter, YouTube, and TV Tropes for me. Never saw the appeal of Tumblr.

I use Twitter, YouTube, this place and GB. I'd probably avoid all of them if I wanted to remain unspoiled about upcoming plot lines. In fact, I'd live the life of a technological hermit until I'd seen it.

11-27-2013, 08:11 PM
BBC One - Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (

And I *think* the BBC have lifted any region restrictions.

---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ----------

In many ways it's probably not such a bad thing that the Fox movie flopped. At the time, and now, could we really accept the idea that The Doctor would really go on to be half-human who was in a vengeance story line after his father?

Honestly? Probably not.

McGann would have brilliant, of that I'd have no doubt.

But the story? That would have been sh*te.

LOVE IT! ANy one got it on MediaFire?

11-27-2013, 08:15 PM
Twitter, YouTube, and TV Tropes for me. Never saw the appeal of Tumblr.

:D I can guarantee that if you don't want to be spoiled on something stay well AWAY from Tumblr! :D

spoiler heaven that place is! :D

11-27-2013, 08:30 PM
Well now, it appears that the cinema screenings of the "Day of the Doctor" made �3 million in the USA, �1.7 million in the UK, �827K in New Zealand and Austrialia.... So, will we see the benefit of this in an increased budget or longer seasons?
In my mind, as a very long term fan, all the BBC see with "Who" are pound signs...
Call me cynicial, but hey, it made oodles of dosh for good old Aunty...

11-27-2013, 08:40 PM
:D I can guarantee that if you don't want to be spoiled on something stay well AWAY from Tumblr! :D

spoiler heaven that place is! :D
So I hear. It's why I cba to make one.

11-27-2013, 09:03 PM
In my mind, as a very long term fan, all the BBC see with "Who" are pound signs...
Call me cynicial, but hey, it made oodles of dosh for good old Aunty...

This is a bad thing? The BBC knows that DW well made and correctly marketed can make them a stack of cash. Result is it's not going anywhere any time soon. As a long term fan you should appreciate this :)

11-27-2013, 09:10 PM
Yeah, but they're wondering if it's badly made for almost nothing, if it can make them a bigger stack of cash.

That's all a business degree is.

11-27-2013, 10:00 PM
Just watched "the 5-ish Medics Turn-off-and-on-again", and laughed out loud for 30 minutes ! That was a brilliant nod to all the hardcore fans (for God's sake, even Benny was in here !), and a very, very, very funny thing to watch !

About the whole 50th Anniversary, if there is one thing that needs to be noticed, it is how LC is now pretty strongly connected to TV canon. And THAT was the real treat for me. ;)

Charles Dalek
11-27-2013, 10:01 PM
Can I recommend Doctor Puppet on Youtube for anyone who has missed it :)

11-27-2013, 10:52 PM
This is a bad thing? The BBC knows that DW well made and correctly marketed can make them a stack of cash. Result is it's not going anywhere any time soon. As a long term fan you should appreciate this :)

Dont get me wrong.... BUT if some of the cash can be diverted into the series, or to pay for the hopefully recovered stories to be remastered, then yes, all good!

11-28-2013, 03:18 AM
Dont get me wrong.... BUT if some of the cash can be diverted into the series, or to pay for the hopefully recovered stories to be remastered, then yes, all good!

If nothing else, combined with strong ratings, it demonstrates that DW's popularity is FAR from 'dying on it's arse' (yes, I know it was a hyped special occasion, but still)...

11-28-2013, 04:02 AM
Do we know if 5, 6 and 7 were those shrouded Zygons yet?

11-28-2013, 04:54 AM
there isn't any indication either way. I'd like to think they were.

11-28-2013, 07:34 AM
Not sure if you've managed to get this, but the downloader I use say that the video is in RTMP protocol - whatever that is. Sorry can't be any more help.

When all else fails, I use Applian's Replay Video Capture - it's a very nice screen capture program for $40.

11-28-2013, 09:36 AM
Possible (non-plot) spoiler for Xmas, so I'll put it in a box...

So Eddie From Skaro on Twitter has posted a 'compare & contrast' on the 'faces in the fire' on the two different versions of the Xmas Special promo image and, well, see for yourself...

Could we be in for a bit more Eight action as a Xmas prezzie?? I really hope so!!

11-28-2013, 09:38 AM
Cool Who Infographic:

11-28-2013, 10:07 AM
With the commercial success of the anniversary special at the cinema surely the BBC will seriously consider a Doctor who film. We are only 2 years away from the 50th anniversary of the first film, long overdue another one.

11-28-2013, 10:16 AM
When all else fails, I use Applian's Replay Video Capture - it's a very nice screen capture program for $40.

Unfortunately, my PC can't handle capturing video :-( Thanks anyway.


11-28-2013, 11:55 AM
Cool Who Infographic:

it's a pity people always forget that the TARDIS hasn't been a police-box shape continuously since the beginning. I rather liked the pipe organ!

11-28-2013, 12:30 PM
With the commercial success of the anniversary special at the cinema surely the BBC will seriously consider a Doctor who film. We are only 2 years away from the 50th anniversary of the first film, long overdue another one.

And two years for 10 years since the revival.

(Though to look at DOTDoc you could argue we've had that celebration two years too early ...)

Exterminate Me
11-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Please take care Amanda. All the best to you. Love from us all here.

11-28-2013, 05:48 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!

11-28-2013, 07:57 PM
Anyone got the latest issue of IDW's "Dead Bloke's appendage"?

11-28-2013, 08:17 PM
The thing about the comics is that all new comics are mass pirated, and they're quite easy to find in a lot of obvious places.

Doctor Who 015(2013)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD).cbr (22.93MB)

Download Doctor Who 015(2013)(Digital)(TLK-EMPIRE-HD).cbr from - send big files the easy way (

11-28-2013, 08:20 PM
Beautiful. Thank you!

11-28-2013, 11:43 PM
Do we know if 5, 6 and 7 were those shrouded Zygons yet?
On the second watching I noticed that at one point when they first walk past the 'statues' you can see a silhouette of a Zygon through the shroud. Not sure about the other ones though!
It would be nice if they did it, but would they bother going to the effort for real!

11-29-2013, 01:54 AM
On the second watching I noticed that at one point when they first walk past the 'statues' you can see a silhouette of a Zygon through the shroud. Not sure about the other ones though!
It would be nice if they did it, but would they bother going to the effort for real!

The dialogue on the scene isn't quite the same, either.

I'd *LOVE* it to be that Peter, Colin and Slyve really were under the cloths in the transmitted versions of DOTDoc, though.

I can honestly appreciate why any current producer, not just SM of whom I have issues, would be wary of having all these obviously much older and much changed *ACTORS* as part of the story, but to let this wonderful, superb, joke at the expense of the actors that still manages to homage the show? That. That I would back fully.

11-29-2013, 03:36 AM
Now here was a use of the sonic screwdriver that we can be proud of!

It is ironic that after we have decried Moffat's overuse of the sonic screwdriver all season, he
(i) gives us a scene in which the War Doctor admonishes 10 and 11 for their inappropriately waving around this scientific apparatus!
(ii)And then brilliantly redeems his prior sonic-excesses by spotlighting the device not as some magic wand plot-fixer, but as a story tool to show just how clever a multi-Doctor story can be about exploiting the intersecting perspectives from Doctors who are centuries apart within the same timeline. What the Doctors try to accomplish with their multiple instances of the sonic, i.e. giving it centuries to run its impossible program, ultimately sets the stage for the impossible things they similarly manage with their TARDIS.


11-29-2013, 03:53 AM
And then Clara just walks in before they have a chance to use it on the door...

11-29-2013, 06:21 AM
The theatre erupted in laughter when that happened :D

11-29-2013, 06:44 AM
btw did anyone else pick up on 'badwolf' calling them 'clever boys' - so did she/the moment have a part in creating the situation with clara?

11-29-2013, 09:58 AM
btw did anyone else pick up on 'badwolf' calling them 'clever boys' - so did she/the moment have a part in creating the situation with clara?

yes, that thought crossed my mind, too...

11-29-2013, 10:16 AM
Now that you mention it, Moffat probably just has a tiny reserve of clever phrases.

It's only a matter of time till he reuses the phrase "Lesbian Spank Inferno" on an episode of NuWho.

11-29-2013, 10:20 AM
From the LC Website:

"Due to unforeseen problems during the production process, Big Finish is sorry to announce that Berny Sumerfeld box set Missing Persons will be delayed until next month. It's currently at the pressing plant, and should be out in early December. Apologies to fans eagerly anticipating this release."

Probably taking so long coz the people printing the box cover have spent so long pissing themselves laughing at how stupid Peter looks... :D

11-29-2013, 12:12 PM
Probably taking so long coz the people printing the box cover have spent so long pissing themselves laughing at how stupid Peter looks... :D

:D Yeah, never been one of their pixel-monkey's better efforts!

I'm biased, though. Always preferred the comic book look ones they had prior to the Boxset series.

11-29-2013, 06:37 PM
DE-COR-ATE - Imgur (

11-29-2013, 07:07 PM
I'm honestly irked that we still haven't seen the cover art for this year's Subscriber Special "Court of the Evil Medic" yet. Hell, the cover for last year's "Evening of the Galebird" was revealed in the middle of the year! You'd think for a story that's supposed to be available to monthly subbers after getting the December monthly that the cover art would've been unveiled by now... :(

11-29-2013, 08:28 PM
I'd completely forgotten what the Sub Special was this year.

11-29-2013, 09:40 PM
And here it is…

… the third and final package of tar-get novelisations in carefully formatted epub and mobi versions.

Target novelisations 1-156 + Slip back (

11-29-2013, 10:21 PM
l0calhst thank you so much for all your hard work on these!

11-29-2013, 10:54 PM
And here it is…

… the third and final package of tar-get novelisations in carefully formatted epub and mobi versions.

I'm counting these as part of the 50th celebration. Thanks for all your work.

11-30-2013, 12:54 AM
Can't believe I didn't realise what RWQ meant. Feeling slightly dopey.

11-30-2013, 01:20 AM

11-30-2013, 04:59 AM
And here it is…

… the third and final package of tar-get novelisations in carefully formatted epub and mobi versions.

Target novelisations 100-156 (

The first two archives are unchanged and still available:
Target novelisations 1-49 + Slip back (
Target novelisations 50-99 (


What the others have said - over & over. I've told you many times how much I appreciate these, but I'm still saying it again. So great! Cheers, my friend! :)

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

:D Yeah, never been one of their pixel-monkey's better efforts!

Also, am I alone in seeing the irony in a set call "Missing Persons" being delayed??.. :D

11-30-2013, 06:27 AM
Thankyou l0calh0st very appreciative of you efforts

11-30-2013, 10:15 AM
l0calh0st, you are simply the best!

11-30-2013, 10:16 AM
Thank you l0calh0st I missed the earlier posts so I was glad you have left them intact. I am d/ling them as I type.

11-30-2013, 11:05 PM
Still talkin' about the special, are we? Guess I'll have to wait a few more days to check back in. Or I could just watch the damn thing already....

11-30-2013, 11:13 PM
Still talkin' about the special, are we? Guess I'll have to wait a few more days to check back in. Or I could just watch the damn thing already....
If I were you, I would've opted for the latter...

11-30-2013, 11:58 PM
On the second watching I noticed that at one point when they first walk past the 'statues' you can see a silhouette of a Zygon through the shroud. Not sure about the other ones though!
It would be nice if they did it, but would they bother going to the effort for real!

I would so love this to be true, but I think not - but it's still great to see everyone(Moffy, RTD, Sean Pertwee, DT etc) get involved & have a bit of fun with it all

12-01-2013, 12:26 AM
To be fair, Colin does have the silhouette of a Zygon.

12-01-2013, 12:43 AM
Still talkin' about the special, are we? Guess I'll have to wait a few more days to check back in. Or I could just watch the damn thing already....

Good Grief! It's been a week!

How can you NOT have seen it??

12-01-2013, 12:51 AM
To be fair, Colin does have the silhouette of a Zygon.
Having met the man, I can agree with that assessment.

Good Grief! It's been a week!

How can you NOT have seen it??
Magnificent willpower, probably. :)

12-01-2013, 12:57 AM
Good Grief! It's been a week!

How can you NOT have seen it??

I have not seen it. I am still taking some strong narco meds, and wanted to be lucid. But, now, knowing the plot's ins and outs, and trivia etc, I am not even tempted by it now, I'll probably just erase it.

I do not do the IE much. Only here and e-mail. Family keep sending e-mail. I check into shrine as almost all my friends are folks from here. I do the rounds to see how you all are. At first most of you were using spoiler tags, but not at all now....

12-01-2013, 02:03 AM
Simulcast globally on free tv, and screened in 11 thousand theatres globally on still the same day.

"Spoilers" is a week.

We all get one week to get our shit together.

Yes you were sick, but most of us do like to watch the same things multiple times in different altered states.

So you could have owned it.

When I first started on the internet, spoilers was 2 years because the Australians had to wait that long for the new Star Trek to air on their local programming.

I still think that wedging John Hurt into continuity is a bit of a Jammy dodger, but the episode is not awful.

12-01-2013, 03:36 AM
Well, I have no cell phone, tablet nor laptop. I do not twitter nor tumbl. I have no facebook page and I rarely youtube. Sooooo I should have been fine by not actively seeking out details. But, point taken. I should have stayed away from my friends, and the thread I started. I shall rectify that now. It's been ....interesting, I shall not return. If you want me, pm me. Or don't.

12-01-2013, 03:43 AM
I'll probably just erase it.

Really? REALLY? I mean, I can see your point and all, but REALLY???? I could NEVER not watch a new episode, no matter what! Coz reading spoilers/plot synopses is no substitute for watching the ACTUAL episode - and is frankly nothing like it. Until you actually WATCH the thing, you DON'T know everything, you HAVEN'T got the full story, and you never will...

Honestly, even if I was one of those unlucky people who'd read the 'complete plot' spoilers floating around the net for the Xmas Special, I'd still be watching ASAP and excited to do so. I love DW, and it's the WATCHING that MATTERS to me, spoiled or not. I'd never let pre-knowledge drag me down THAT far...\

Just sayin... :)

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------

Well, I have no cell phone, tablet nor laptop. I do not twitter nor tumbl. I have no facebook page and I rarely youtube. Sooooo I should have been fine by not actively seeking out details. But, point taken. I should have stayed away from my friends, and the thread I started. I shall rectify that now. It's been ....interesting, I shall not return. If you want me, pm me. Or don't.

Oh, for christ's sake - here comes another 'flounce of the month'. Boring.

Bye then. Whatever...

12-01-2013, 03:54 AM
I'm sorry but a week for spoilers for a show that was shown all around the world at the same time? Unreasonable.

Sulking about it is unreasonable too.

12-01-2013, 04:17 AM

12-01-2013, 04:17 AM
She wasn't sulking that amazing things in the special were spoiled, she was sulking that spoilers in the special revealed were not amazing.

I think?

12-01-2013, 04:24 AM
Ill confess I waited until yesterday to watch it
Because of the American thanksgiving I was waiting for someone so we could watch it together
I couldn't care less about spoilers as its it's own experience
I think the comment made ill just erase it was meant to be attention getting and provocative
A look at Me and how different I am . An attention seeking thing
I call a spade a spade
I don't understand some if the melodrama personalities and the woe is me
Either you're a fan or not
Want to watch and will
Liked it or didn't
But to debate whether to watch it and criticize others for not catering to some else's
Schedule is excessive
I didn't see it til yesterday a week later
Loved it
Wish it was longer
Love coming here and what people say here and think
Not the nonsense though about
Farewell ill never return stuff
That's weird

12-01-2013, 04:25 AM
I'm sorry but a week for spoilers for a show that was shown all around the world at the same time? Unreasonable.

Sulking about it is unreasonable too.

No. No you don't get to decide that. If anyone does, I do. The person who opened this thread and dumped in all of the original stories posted gets to decide what the rules are in her own thread. Instead, a self righteous group of fan pricks get to criticize me for not being up to speed with them. That's not sulking. That;s just amazement at lack of basic manners. Again, though, not surprised since internet morons think they can say whatever they want. So, have at it.

12-01-2013, 04:26 AM




12-01-2013, 04:39 AM
A thread isn't about one person on a soap box saying look at me my thoughts what I want and how it's going to be
Groups evolve and change things and opinions aren't static
Thank you for the thread I love it
But to say its your and yours alone and it's gonna be a certain way cause that's how you want it is juvenile and histrionic but I stand by weird
I agree with monk and looshkin
And again only saw it yesterday
It's funny I feel almost afraid for daring to disagree and hope not to get banned but u think they are right

12-01-2013, 04:42 AM
Why would you get banned? you have a right to your opinions. I did not say I DO have any control. I am saying IF anyone did, it would be me. Big difference. I take exception to saying I am Pathetic for not having see it yet.hat's all. I was fine until they decided I had had enough time. All I'm saying.

12-01-2013, 05:01 AM
This thread is not about one person standing on a soap box saying look at me, it's about all of us standing on the same soap box saying "look at me" over the top of each other.

It wouldn't be so bad if someone wasn't always playing grab ass so they don't fall off the soap box.

12-01-2013, 05:03 AM
No. No you don't get to decide that. If anyone does, I do. The person who opened this thread and dumped in all of the original stories posted gets to decide what the rules are in her own thread. Instead, a self righteous group of fan pricks get to criticize me for not being up to speed with them. That's not sulking. That;s just amazement at lack of basic manners. Again, though, not surprised since internet morons think they can say whatever they want. So, have at it.

As you said to another - i have a right to my opinion.

You might also note that i didn't spoil a damn thing about the episode.

Opening a thread gets it started, doesn't give you indefinite rights to tell everyone what they are allowed to do in it, and doesn't give you the right to call someone a moron because they don't agree with you. After all, you don't agree with me. By your reasoning, what does that make you?

I agree with not spoilering for a reasonable amount of time after something has aired. Coming in after a week and chucking a tanty because people (many of whom have no idea who you are) aren't still spoilering is unreasonable.


Now you need to calm down, and get the whole thing in perspective. If you didn't want spoilers, why come to a medic thread? There are plenty of others on here, and i note the other thread has had few spoilers.

At no point were you called pathetic by me, you were called unreasonable. This thread does not revolve around you.

12-01-2013, 05:09 AM
The Earth does not revolve around the moon(goddess)?

12-01-2013, 06:34 AM
Anyhoo, back to the AUDIOS (you know, the thing this thread is ostensibly about), I see from LC's website that the Eye-Ris/Joe Grunt CC is going ahead, and that the last release in the series will be the final story in the Zo-Ee run. I wonder if the 'Scrotchies 2' that Ms Manning mentioned will still show up somewhere?

I will miss the CCs, they turned into quite a clever little series all told. Hopefully the "Early" tales will do a decent job replacing these and my beloved "Lost" tales...

12-01-2013, 07:23 AM
I like the word conflate.

R0mana II and Ir!s together as an ongoing series?

Or have them two 'gals Fight, Thunderdome style to see who joins Jag0 and Litef00t.

Who Lover
12-01-2013, 09:50 AM
Has anyone seen Goldie lately...

12-01-2013, 10:02 AM
Has anyone seen Goldie lately...

Who? Never heard of them!!!

12-01-2013, 10:17 AM
So are we gonna talk about how clara closed the doors by snapping her fingers?

12-01-2013, 10:24 AM
The medic did that years ago.

I assumed it's something the Master jiggered because he didn't have a key while he "owned" the TARDIS and took over the planet.

But yes that does track back to Silence in the Library.

Or do you mean, that their mad hate is over with?

12-01-2013, 10:35 AM
So are we gonna talk about how clara closed the doors by snapping her fingers?

not to mention how she got the doors opened...presumably the medic didn't open them

Exterminate Me
12-01-2013, 10:43 AM
Who? Never heard of them!!!

Always nice to see you my dear!

12-01-2013, 10:58 AM
I will miss the CCs, they turned into quite a clever little series all told. Hopefully the "Early" tales will do a decent job replacing these and my beloved "Lost" tales...

Same here.

They've never been my favourite series, and they really went through a bit of definite slump for a while. yet they've always been great for a 'quick snack', as it were. This last year or so has seen a definite improvement and it feels like just as they're getting back into their stride again LC pulls the plug on them.

I'd rather been hoping that AGo would continue the format under the 'Destiny' banner, but, well, we all know what's happened to AGo.

12-01-2013, 11:24 AM
I hope LC decides what to with regard to 3rd Medic stories soon - it'd be a shame to not utilise Manning, Franklin & even Levene anymore. Maybe an "Exiled Aventures" range?

Exterminate Me
12-01-2013, 11:30 AM
I hope LC decides what to with regard to 3rd Medic stories soon - it'd be a shame to not utilise Manning, Franklin & even Levene anymore. Maybe an "Exiled Aventures" range?

Yeah, I agree.

12-01-2013, 11:40 AM
No.Ooo... narco med rage :) happens to me all the time. PS. Amanda is right.
--- Personally, I envy anyone that can watch the new Doctor and get the gist. I used to watch the Confidential first, then I knew what to watch for and what it means. Sometimes I read the transcript before watching. Lately, I still wind up saying WTF? Or "Timey, whimey. Wibbly, wobbly."

I like the spoiler tag. It tells that something is important. Please use it.

12-01-2013, 12:13 PM
I hope LC decides what to with regard to 3rd Medic stories soon - it'd be a shame to not utilise Manning, Franklin & even Levene anymore. Maybe an "Exiled Aventures" range?

I think they actually have plans for those 3 in a series of audios featuring UNIT something was mentioned that it would be almost full cast type audio and less of the CC -- The Final Missing story is a big push in that direction... it'll probably end up in a new spin off series of the 3rd series of the Early Years range

12-01-2013, 12:30 PM
Have LC released any substantial details for what this new Early series is actually going to be? Who's doing what, who's playing Who (ha ha!) etc etc?

Who Lover
12-01-2013, 12:43 PM

12-01-2013, 12:51 PM

Doctor Who - The Early Adventures - Coming Soon - Ranges - Big Finish (

That's just a list of titles, though. Are they going to continue the CC format, go back to regular spoken-word format, or something else?

12-01-2013, 01:17 PM
So are we gonna talk about how clara closed the doors by snapping her fingers?

urgh. The instant I saw that, I "knew" I wasn't going to enjoy the episode. But there were no more moments of such cavalier apoplexy-inducing disrespect, and I did end up enjoying myself - which was a relief, really.

12-01-2013, 03:05 PM
No. No you don't get to decide that. If anyone does, I do. The person who opened this thread and dumped in all of the original stories posted gets to decide what the rules are in her own thread. Instead, a self righteous group of fan pricks get to criticize me for not being up to speed with them. That's not sulking. That;s just amazement at lack of basic manners. Again, though, not surprised since internet morons think they can say whatever they want. So, have at it.

Calm down kiddies- we're all fans here together
claiming ownership on a thread that is basically for illegally sharing copywritten material is quite funny

I personally believe in free speech for all & feel everyone should have their say & express their opinions (even if others disagree)

Calling people 'pricks' and 'morons' - oh dear - I left school many years ago & never found name calling productive

Lets just all get on
Amanda started a great thread- but so many others have since adopted it, carried it on, made major contributions & made it the great resource it is- lets embrace each others support

I have nothing more to say, its just a shame that more & more bickering is occurring on this thread- its only the internet- it should enhance your life, not control or define it

12-01-2013, 03:06 PM
There's one bit of the CC news from LC that got me interested ....

Zoe's story will be completed

... as I'd obviously not been paying attention enough to realise ....

That her stories had been linked enough to be called 'completed' !

12-01-2013, 03:20 PM

12-01-2013, 07:15 PM
Wow! I would definitely go to that rave.

Zoe is being interrogated by her evil future government who can side step the timelords mental blocks after some programming of their own and most obviously drugs.

Lots of drugs.

The woman playing the interrogator is Wendy's real life daughter.

The saddest possible/potential result to her story is that the evil government decides that she is an untrustworthy traitor who they cannot allow the pretence of freedom, so they pop a trap door and drop the poor wee girl into the soylient green grinders below.

12-01-2013, 07:35 PM
Did I miss it, or has the last of the anniversary e-books been posted? Thanks!

And happy anniversary to all!

12-01-2013, 08:56 PM
Here you go :)


<!--Download Temporal_Nowt.epub from - send big files the easy way (>

12-01-2013, 10:50 PM
I will miss the CCs, they turned into quite a clever little series all told. Hopefully the "Early" tales will do a decent job replacing these and my beloved "Lost" tales...

I'll miss them too. I quite like the different way of storytelling.

The Early Adventures are just from the Black and White Era aren't they?
I wonder how (or if) they plan to tell stories from the 3rd Medic's era.

12-01-2013, 11:17 PM
not to mention how she got the doors opened...presumably the medic didn't open them

I guess the TARDIS likes her now. If it didn't, well, that would have been one way to get rid of Clara. :)

12-01-2013, 11:27 PM
Or she could have shaped her forcefield into a ramp to launch the annoying girl hundreds of feet into the air, with little hope of landing well?

12-02-2013, 12:54 AM

12-02-2013, 01:19 AM
Alternatively - some of us enjoyed it :)

12-02-2013, 01:47 AM
And some really enjoyed it

Ooh,we have the same number of pages as medic episodes

12-02-2013, 02:30 AM
I will miss the CCs, they turned into quite a clever little series all told. Hopefully the "Early" tales will do a decent job replacing these and my beloved "Lost" tales...

Perhaps we will see CC box sets, going the way that the EDA's and Bennies have gone.

12-02-2013, 02:30 AM
Another vote here for "really enjoyed it".

12-02-2013, 02:34 AM
At the dinner table, discussion landed upon the various regeneration options represented by the variety of cups the Sisters of Carn had prepared.
"They offered male and female, young and old", said one innocent family member, "but were they all British?"

I was dumbfounded.

12-02-2013, 02:40 AM
Perhaps we will see CC box sets, going the way that the EDA's and Bennies have gone.

Or even bring back the 'Short Trips' range. Just something nice and bite-sized.

12-02-2013, 02:44 AM
Earlier this year (I'm too lazy to look up the post), someone on the board postulated that only the 1st Medic's body actually aged -- later regenerations, being regenerations, I guess were presumed to be frozen in their aging process. Until now, there has been nothing to contradict that viewpoint, especially since we have seen 11 spend a long period of time between the Ponds and Clara without appearing to have aged visibly.

But we have now been shown definitive visual evidence in both McGann and Hurt that regenerations do in fact age visibly. Now the thing is, if one figures that 11 went so long after the Ponds without looking to have visibly aged, just how mind-blowingly long of a period of time must actually have elapsed for Hurt to be seen to have aged from the NotD to DotD?

12-02-2013, 02:49 AM
Another vote here for "really enjoyed it".

On the whole, another here, too.

12-02-2013, 03:01 AM
Well do not worry Amanda because you really have not missed out on anything. The 50th anniversary "special" is anything but special. It is yet another serving of utter crap from the puerile mind of the increasingly juvenile Steven Moffatt. I am sure you will not be surprised to learn that the Doctor is, as always, treated like a stupid clown. Clara is also portrayed as a moron, particularly in one scene which you will easily spot if you can bear to sit though so much tripe. Such a shame to see a companion made to look utterly stupid just for a cheap laugh at a point in the story that should be suspenseful. In fact it seems as though Moffatt is simply trying to write comedy and get as many laughs as he can, no matter how infantile the subject matter he introduces. The return of the magnificent Zygon creatures is simply pathetic. They are no longer wonderfully and terrifyingly alien No longer is there an obvious hatred of all humanity. Gone is any menace. They are reduced in every possible way. I wish that Moffatt had kept his hands of them and left them untainted. The have been used simply for comic effect and I am really angry that Moffatt has been allowed to desecrate yet another great monster. Once again Moffat is standing on the shoulders of something great and shi**ing all over it.
And before people ask me why I watch it if I hate it so much...well I have not watched it for years. I only watched this one as it was supposed to be the 50th anniversary episode.
If you want my advice, give it a miss. It will only upset you.

So, did you enjoy it?

12-02-2013, 03:26 AM
So are we gonna talk about how clara closed the doors by snapping her fingers?

That was honestly the part I didn't like. Bad enough that the not-so-clever-girl got turned into a Savior-figure much like most of the latest companions. Now she gets to open and close the doors with a snap of her fingers or by litterally tooting her horn. Sheesh. I mean, we didn't even see River do that and the T. was pretty friendly with her. I just think it took away from the unique relationship the Medic has with Sexy. Here's hoping that doesn't ever come up again :)

12-02-2013, 04:05 AM
Clara was a grease monkey under the hood of the TARDIS back before the Doctor and she met.

Sticking your hands all over someone's privates usually indicates a winsome encounter at least.

Now consider how the TARDIS must feel that this woman FORGOT their dirty weekend while her metaphorical feet were in stirrups?

Can you (who is reading) imagine any universe where one of your past lovers would ever, EVER forget your verve and style?

12-02-2013, 04:33 AM
I just read it as proof of the TARDIS finally and truly accepting Clara now because she saved the Doctor's lives. Didn't worry me at all...

12-02-2013, 05:00 AM
Well do not worry Amanda because you really have not missed out on anything. The 50th anniversary "special" is anything but special. It is yet another serving of utter crap from the puerile mind of the increasingly juvenile Steven Moffatt. I am sure you will not be surprised to learn that the Doctor is, as always, treated like a stupid clown. Clara is also portrayed as a moron, particularly in one scene which you will easily spot if you can bear to sit though so much tripe. Such a shame to see a companion made to look utterly stupid just for a cheap laugh at a point in the story that should be suspenseful. In fact it seems as though Moffatt is simply trying to write comedy and get as many laughs as he can, no matter how infantile the subject matter he introduces. The return of the magnificent Zygon creatures is simply pathetic. They are no longer wonderfully and terrifyingly alien No longer is there an obvious hatred of all humanity. Gone is any menace. They are reduced in every possible way. I wish that Moffatt had kept his hands of them and left them untainted. The have been used simply for comic effect and I am really angry that Moffatt has been allowed to desecrate yet another great monster. Once again Moffat is standing on the shoulders of something great and shi**ing all over it.
And before people ask me why I watch it if I hate it so much...well I have not watched it for years. I only watched this one as it was supposed to be the 50th anniversary episode.
If you want my advice, give it a miss. It will only upset you.

Well of course the show meant nothing to you. You have nothing invested in the characters, infact, if it's been years, you probably don't know any of them. The medics take time to grow on you as you learn their quirks and personalities. coming in cold like you have spoiled it for you. Try watching some of the newer episodes with both medics and then watch it again. Give it a real chance.

12-02-2013, 07:47 AM
That's just a list of titles, though. Are they going to continue the CC format, go back to regular spoken-word format, or something else?

I was to understand that they would essentially be Lost Stories. Full cast, except for deceased characters whose parts are read in a book style format, with all original scripts.

12-02-2013, 08:11 AM
How many lost stories could there possibly be?

One page pitches sure, maybe a lot of them.

But unused scripts which were mostly already completely written?

12-02-2013, 08:50 AM
No, guy, he meant just the format of the Lost Stories - not actual Lost Stories. Those are done... :)

Exterminate Me
12-02-2013, 09:48 AM
I wonder how they'll be? It's always interesting to see how something pans out.

I've only just finishing listening to the first series of the Lost Stories. I like how some of them capture the era, but I can also see why some didn't make it to the screens. Looking forward to hearing the others anyway.

12-02-2013, 11:35 AM
I wonder how they'll be? It's always interesting to see how something pans out.

I've only just finishing listening to the first series of the Lost Stories. I like how some of them capture the era, but I can also see why some didn't make it to the screens. Looking forward to hearing the others anyway.

The Lost Stories as a bit of a mixed-bag, IMHO.

There's a handful that really could have done with some judicious editing to make them 4 parters and labelled 'inspired by the lost story ...' rather than sticking to the original 6 part format.

But, all things considered, definitely a 'thumbs up' for the range as a whole.

12-02-2013, 12:55 PM
Has anybody heard any news about the release of B*B*C*'s U*n*e*a*r*t*h*l*y *C*h*i*l*d read by W*i*l*l*i*a*m* R*u*s*s*e*l*l* now that *A*u*d*i*o*G*o* has gone into Admin ?

I am so disappointed. I was really looking forward to this release. I've searched the net and can not find any news!

12-02-2013, 01:10 PM
Has anybody heard any news about the release of B*B*C*'s U*n*e*a*r*t*h*l*y *C*h*i*l*d read by W*i*l*l*i*a*m* R*u*s*s*e*l*l* now that *A*u*d*i*o*G*o* has gone into Admin ?

I am so disappointed. I was really looking forward to this release. I've searched the net and can not find any news!

Apparently Audible have bought the rights to some of the Audiogo stuff, so fingers crossed that may be one of them. If not, I can see LC or the beeb releasing them themselves. It'll just be a question of wait and see I think.

12-02-2013, 02:52 PM
The Lost Stories as a bit of a mixed-bag, IMHO.

There's a handful that really could have done with some judicious editing to make them 4 parters and labelled 'inspired by the lost story ...' rather than sticking to the original 6 part format.

But, all things considered, definitely a 'thumbs up' for the range as a whole.

Same can be said for a fair number of the actual produced episodes though.

I largely enjoy the Lost dramas, but I also agree with the idea that some were expanded for the sake of making them as long as episodes produced during the era. They DID also combine a few LS ideas together in order to make a single storyline, so while we did lose a few of the early ideas, we likely got about as good as we are going to get from that particular line.

Now, these CC's are another story entirely....

12-02-2013, 03:22 PM
Earlier this year (I'm too lazy to look up the post), someone on the board postulated that only the 1st Medic's body actually aged -- later regenerations, being regenerations, I guess were presumed to be frozen in their aging process. Until now, there has been nothing to contradict that viewpoint, especially since we have seen 11 spend a long period of time between the Ponds and Clara without appearing to have aged visibly.

But we have now been shown definitive visual evidence in both McGann and Hurt that regenerations do in fact age visibly. Now the thing is, if one figures that 11 went so long after the Ponds without looking to have visibly aged, just how mind-blowingly long of a period of time must actually have elapsed for Hurt to be seen to have aged from the NotD to DotD?

well come on there is a clear difference between 4th Medic --Robotica to 4th Medic Meglosmania it is clear that the Doctor aged during his can look at the 7th medic as well...

12-02-2013, 03:41 PM
Earlier this year (I'm too lazy to look up the post), someone on the board postulated that only the 1st Medic's body actually aged -- later regenerations, being regenerations, I guess were presumed to be frozen in their aging process. Until now, there has been nothing to contradict that viewpoint, especially since we have seen 11 spend a long period of time between the Ponds and Clara without appearing to have aged visibly.

But we have now been shown definitive visual evidence in both McGann and Hurt that regenerations do in fact age visibly. Now the thing is, if one figures that 11 went so long after the Ponds without looking to have visibly aged, just how mind-blowingly long of a period of time must actually have elapsed for Hurt to be seen to have aged from the NotD to DotD?

I always thought he aged in each incarnation, just a hell of a lot more slowly than humans do. The McG regeneration is probably one of the longest-lived - I recall in the Beeb EDA book range, they make an explicit reference to his slow rate of aging and that became kinda headcanon for me. And 11 admits in DotD that he doesn't actually know how old he is... and we don't even know if he's attempting to measure his age in Earth or Gallifreyan years (or indeed, any other yardstick). I think the Hurt Doc is incredibly old!

12-02-2013, 04:59 PM
well come on there is a clear difference between 4th Medic --Robotica to 4th Medic Meglosmania it is clear that the Doctor aged during his can look at the 7th medic as well...
Physical aging of the actors is an unavoidable reality, and something the producers have a limited ability to mask (e.g. The Five Doctors). Perhaps we should be willing to forgive aging of the actors the same way we pretend not to notice strings on model rockets.

But in John Hurt's case, digging up a young image to show in the initial reflection is undeniably a deliberate intent to show aging.

12-02-2013, 05:19 PM
Perhaps we should be willing to forgive aging of the actors the same way we pretend not to notice strings on model rockets.

I confess that I look for strings with the greed of a large man at an all-you-can eat dinner.

12-02-2013, 05:34 PM
I confess that I look for strings with the greed of a large man at an all-you-can eat dinner.

the always wonderful Claws of the PF Changs ... that floating lady trick was quite interesting to watch

12-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Hello every one...
not had much to say of late, but am still reading all the posts.
Was a little underwhelmed by The 50th special myself, though there were elements that I really loved.
Sad to see the CC range ending, but am looking forward to the replacement range, because I actually really love the lost stories range.
Suppose I am more of a classic series fan than the new stuff.
Just not personally enthralled with Moff's take on the series, and am hoping that an older actor, MAY deliver the kind of medic that I want to see.
That's no slight on Matt, but I don't think he has been served by his era, and I don't feel he had a fair crack of the whip.
I don't think he has anything that people will regard as a "classic" in the next 50 years...but I expect someday he will come back (pun intended), to some kind of LC style, or whatever they regenerate into, audio tales in a few years, and maybe, just maybe, as with dear old sixie, he will get his moment in the sun to shine!

Who Lover
12-02-2013, 08:27 PM
Matt did take some time to grow on me too. He did reign in the flamboyance after a while and I loved the mad man in a box idea. Just a real lot of fun was Matt. The non-serious Doctor who could suddenly turn serious at the drop of a hat. But Peter C, this I'm not sure of. The 3 seconds in the 50th was very convincing. Perhaps its a wait and see again.

12-02-2013, 09:03 PM
I've heard a few people mention turbo mode in Opera but I'm buggered if I can find anything. What the hell is turbo mode and how do I use it?

Nevermind - they've changed it's name. Where's the facepalm when you need it.

12-02-2013, 09:14 PM
Apparently Audible have bought the rights to some of the Audiogo stuff, so fingers crossed that may be one of them. If not, I can see LC or the beeb releasing them themselves. It'll just be a question of wait and see I think.

i hope that they don't get the rights to the medic related stuff - that being the only way to get them will never do the stories credit (low quality audio and inability to get physical copies) and will alienate fans with the drm. I would prefer the beeb take over distribution themselves or hand it over to LC