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02-28-2019, 09:54 PM
I'm Going away for awhile....


Ok, I'm Back... Did you miss me?

The break's obviously done you good. Cheers.

Matt Paradise
02-28-2019, 11:06 PM
FYI got a bunch of take downs so we're being observed.

03-01-2019, 06:01 PM
FYI got a bunch of take downs so we're being observed.

Of course we are - we're gorgeous!

03-01-2019, 09:41 PM
I'm Gorgeous and so is my wife, er hang on, wrong film.....

03-03-2019, 06:30 PM
wrong thing. how the hell do I remove this from my post.

03-08-2019, 10:22 PM
It was fun while it lasted...

03-09-2019, 12:16 PM
What do you mean?

03-13-2019, 10:06 AM
I would be eternally grateful if anyone has the new Revengers to share,
Many thanks earthlings!

03-14-2019, 09:30 AM
So what does everybody think of the new funny paper tapes? I'm finding them a total laugh riot!

03-16-2019, 06:10 PM
Does anyone know where to get Torchwood and Doctor Who big finish audio dramas in a lossless format such as .FLAC? All the ones I have seen online are in .MP3 most of the time or .M4B which are lossy. I have never once seen one in lossless and would be great if anyone on here has any or know's where to get them in .FLAC or some other lossless format, like a collection of them? Thanks.

EDIT: CD is lossless so that's an option.

Miss Joan Doe
03-17-2019, 08:27 AM
No. The producers don't make them in that format, so someone would have to convert then upload for others to illegally download them.

03-17-2019, 05:40 PM
No. The producers don't make them in that format, so someone would have to convert then upload for others to illegally download them.

I suppose if they are not available to buy and download in .FLAC, you would have no choice but to rip them from a CD to a lossless format as CD's hold lossless audio. I have, upon further research, seem on other websites, people saying they "were" available to buy in .FLAC at somepoint so to clear up this offically, I have emailed their support.

03-17-2019, 11:40 PM
I think some of them were available in flac as part of the humble bundle deals a while back..

03-18-2019, 05:18 AM
Lossy? Only if original is recorded this low.

It might be argued that the CD itself, if used in a manner beyond its original scope, could in effect become a platform for lossy-ness. Delivering music at 16-bit resolution at a frequency of 44.1 kHz -- according to the so-called "redbook" compact disc standards -- a compact disc of a recording could be considered "lossless" if indeed the original recordings on it were in fact recorded at those same rates (ie. 16/44.1). However, if you have a modern recording that was made at anything above 16/44 -- and many are these days, recorded in 24-bits at frequencies ranging from 48 to 96 kHz for popular and rock recordings up to 192 and more for classical and jazz, well, then the CD version would thus in effect be lossy.

03-18-2019, 06:10 PM
I think some of them were available in flac as part of the humble bundle deals a while back..

Yeah, I think they were here:

Sadly, I missed them and they are no longer available for purchase. Support at Big Finish said they were created from .WAVs into .MP3 and .M4B files so they are from a lossless source it seems.

Miss Joan Doe
03-19-2019, 09:01 AM
While it stands to reason that they'd record in the highest possible quality, the modern demand for downloading means very few people would want to spend hours waiting for .WAV or .FLAC files to arrive - not when a movie can take mere minutes. Hey ho.

03-19-2019, 09:37 PM
While it stands to reason that they'd record in the highest possible quality, the modern demand for downloading means very few people would want to spend hours waiting for .WAV or .FLAC files to arrive - not when a movie can take mere minutes. Hey ho.

Why would they have to wait hours for a .WAV or .FLAC file to arrive? I think because audio dramas are "Audio Only", it would be faster as opposed to a movie which would take longer as it's video and audio depending on the source. You buy the audio drama, you get it, simple. The only time you have to wait is if it's a pre-order or something.

Miss Joan Doe
03-20-2019, 08:25 AM
Because of the huge size of the files? We don't all have access to 100mps+ download speeds. I can't even stream iPlayer, I have to let it download the programme first which can take up to a couple of hours....

03-20-2019, 11:30 PM
Because of the huge size of the files? We don't all have access to 100mps+ download speeds. I can't even stream iPlayer, I have to let it download the programme first which can take up to a couple of hours....

I understand not everyone has access to blazing fast fibre speeds but by saying the modern demand for downloading means very few people would want to spend hours waiting for .WAV or .FLAC files to arrive when a movie can take mere minutes, that logic makes no sense. A movie would take a long time to download also if you don't have the fastest speeds.

03-21-2019, 06:59 AM
If there were strong demand for lossless format, then they'd be offering it. They're pretty good at providing what most people want when possible. Clearly, there isn't the demand, at least not among their actual paying customers. There really aren't many people for whom 256 kbps isn't good enough for audio drama. There also aren't many people who would want such huge files, both for the download time and the storage space needed for them. People are offering their guesses as to why BF isn't offering them in that format. It's kind of pointless debating this issue here, since we have no say in what they do.

03-23-2019, 09:09 AM
The BF 256 kbps is a lot better than the 64kbps Audible offerings anyway. 192 kbps or + is transparent, assuming it didn't get lossy → lossy encoded somewhere down the line.

03-24-2019, 02:05 AM
If there were strong demand for lossless format, then they'd be offering it. They're pretty good at providing what most people want when possible. Clearly, there isn't the demand, at least not among their actual paying customers. There really aren't many people for whom 256 kbps isn't good enough for audio drama. There also aren't many people who would want such huge files, both for the download time and the storage space needed for them. People are offering their guesses as to why BF isn't offering them in that format. It's kind of pointless debating this issue here, since we have no say in what they do.

They may not of offered it on their website and don't currently but they said that may change in the future but there was a selection of Big Finish Audio Dramas available not too long ago as part of a humble bundle deal in .FLAC as part of a bundle for a time so either they just decided to make it available in .FLAC or the company they were doing it with, wanted it to be available in FLAC. It's not worth continuing the debate as you said Besthead1 and there's always the CD releases which CAN hold lossless data and do most of the time so there's that option on the table.

04-05-2019, 12:33 PM
Finally listened to 8th of march....
a little disappointed. while the stories were good, I thought they would tie together somehow. instead, they were just separate stories.
I was hoping for the final story, all of the women would join together to fight some foe.

what are your thoughts?

Who Lover
04-06-2019, 08:44 AM
Bring out the dead...bong!!!...bring out the dead...bong!!!...bring out the dead...bong!!!...bring out the dead...bong!!!...

Miss Joan Doe
04-07-2019, 07:59 AM
Shhh, noisy child.

04-16-2019, 11:30 AM
is there a link with all audios from the 8th Doctor?

Miss Joan Doe
04-18-2019, 07:54 AM
Try here.

04-24-2019, 10:47 AM
Admittedly, this is a little off-topic but does anyone happen to know if related sheet music was ever released for Ron Grainer's 'Omega Man' soundtrack? I'm interested in trying to create a piano suite based on the soundtrack's musical themes. I could do it by 'ear' but it would likely take several months, whereas I could probably come up with something in several weeks instead if I had access to accurate sheet music.

04-30-2019, 04:11 PM
Hmmm... As I walk around the shrine, with the exception of the howling wind and the odd tumbleweed, the only thing that greets me is the cacophony of silence (an oxymoron to be sure, but hey, nobody is reading this anyway!). Will this be the lasting sepulchre to a once thriving place? This barren piece of the interweb that so, so many once called home? I turn my back and walk away with a sadness in my heart, knowing that what was once, will never be again!

04-30-2019, 07:51 PM
Looks at tricorder....It's dead, Jim.

05-01-2019, 12:44 PM
But where did everyone go?

05-01-2019, 02:55 PM
Looks at tricorder....It's dead, Jim.

Not yet. It'll need a stake through the heart to kill it completely.

05-04-2019, 06:40 AM
The old guard has passed. This site and her history will shortly become the care of others. They will continue the journey we have begun, boldly sharing what no man, no one, ...has shared before.

05-04-2019, 10:27 AM
But where has everyone gone? If there is another place, I'd like to hang out with everyone again

05-09-2019, 03:52 PM
I don't think there's another place. I think people are just getting their fixes from the Bay nowadays.

Nothing new is getting uploaded here now, and nobody dares chat anymore ... every time the chat starts, someone seems to take offence at something and the shit-storm starts. Really is a shame what's happened here :(

05-09-2019, 04:26 PM
I thought we were all better than that.
I really liked coming here.
I couldn't talk all the time because I am working but seeing the perspective of everyone with the TV and Audios was always cool.
It's just sad because it's been the coolest thread for the longest time.

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
05-14-2019, 08:42 PM
Another thing that really hurt this thread was the knowledge that BF employees were stalking here and monitoring the links. Well, if they learned a thing or two from Steam they wouldn't have to worry about piracy.

But the content is still easy to find, if you know where to look...

<Specially if you base64 decode this twice: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMeU5HSVhsck9WUjNTMUZFSV RCdk1FNWpkM1JVVW1oc1JFOW1RbU5OTlcxSE5WRT0= >

05-15-2019, 09:00 AM
BF have known about this place for a loooong time. What's hurt this place more than anything was the ingratitude of some people who thought they had a god-given right to free stuff the instant it was released and the constant flare-ups that caused most of the regular contributors to figure 'what's the point' and walk away.

Miss Joan Doe
05-16-2019, 07:19 AM
I thought we were all better than that.
I really liked coming here.
I couldn't talk all the time because I am working but seeing the perspective of everyone with the TV and Audios was always cool.
It's just sad because it's been the coolest thread for the longest time.

So keep the conversation going. Why should it die just because it isn't used for illegal file-sharing any more?

Personally, I think the quality of stories is currently higher with the audios than the TV ones. Plus the pictures are better and the aliens more varied... like the Venusians in the Drax Olympics Short Trip (only GBP2.99 - less than coffee from a shop! and it lasts far longer!)

05-17-2019, 02:30 PM
So keep the conversation going. Why should it die just because it isn't used for illegal file-sharing any more?

Personally, I think the quality of stories is currently higher with the audios than the TV ones. Plus the pictures are better and the aliens more varied... like the Venusians in the Drax Olympics Short Trip (only GBP2.99 - less than coffee from a shop! and it lasts far longer!)

There's so much of it that you're bound to get way more classic stories on audio than you do on TV. I do like that the special effects budget (at least in my head) isn't as limited as the one for the TV shows. what do other people think?

05-17-2019, 08:58 PM
There's so much of it that you're bound to get way more classic stories on audio than you do on TV. I do like that the special effects budget (at least in my head) isn't as limited as the one for the TV shows. what do other people think?

Oh Del, Its almost like you are trying to start a conversation lol! However I do agree, the visuals in my head far exceed what is depicted on a screen, well unless you have a Marvel/Disney budget! But then that is the curse of television... it has always been the poor relation to Hollywood (yes I know not every movie is from Hollywood, but I am using it as a shorthand that everyone understands!)

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

I don't think there's another place. I think people are just getting their fixes from the Bay nowadays.

Nothing new is getting uploaded here now, and nobody dares chat anymore ... every time the chat starts, someone seems to take offence at something and the shit-storm starts. Really is a shame what's happened here :(

Yeah that's why I stopped sharing my ill gotten gains and buggered off from everyday chat!

Miss Joan Doe
05-19-2019, 07:45 AM
Another thing that really hurt this thread was the knowledge that BF employees were stalking here and monitoring the links. Well, if they learned a thing or two from Steam they wouldn't have to worry about piracy.

But the content is still easy to find, if you know where to look...

Specially if you base64 decode this twice: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMeU5HSVhsck9WUjNTMUZFSV RCdk1FNWpkM1JVVW1oc1JFOW1RbU5OTlcxSE5WRT0

Yeah, but to be fair to the creators of the works - how p***d off would you be if you were someone who made their living from music or other creative arts and knew that 75%+ of the copies of your hard work out there hadn't been paid for? And how really annoyed would you be if you went bankrupt or at least unable to continue production of your stuff because of piracy? Whatever happened to the Golden Rule - Behave towards others as you would have them behave towards you.

Anyway, what did you expect from a site indexed by Google and other bots? How else did you and others find the place? It's hardly hidden on the so-called dark web, you know.

05-20-2019, 04:01 AM
Yeah, but to be fair to the creators of the works - how p***d off would you be if you were someone who made their living from music or other creative arts and knew that 75%+ of the copies of your hard work out there hadn't been paid for? And how really annoyed would you be if you went bankrupt or at least unable to continue production of your stuff because of piracy? Whatever happened to the Golden Rule - Behave towards others as you would have them behave towards you.

Anyway, what did you expect from a site indexed by Google and other bots? How else did you and others find the place? It's hardly hidden on the so-called dark web, you know.

If i may interject, to be fair, this website is full of content that is basically being shared for free so what you are saying has already been basically thrown out of the window. I also think that these sellers, especially for things like audio dramas, like take the range from Big Finish for instance, they should be offering a lossless format option to people who want that choice instead of offering a lossy only download where you can end up paying quite a lot for something that has been transcoded to a smaller size and thus losing considerable audio quality. That's why it's good they still offer a CD format option as CDs are in essence lossless. I know there is things like storage to consider but most music providers offer a lossless option nowadays. Offering it in .WAV would still be a good option as well.

There is always going to be people buying things and piracy can help make something that was small, obscure or unoticed get noticed and thus, get people buying it.

Miss Joan Doe
05-20-2019, 08:05 AM
Hmm. By that argument, laws against rape and murder haven't stopped people committing those crimes either so.......................................

And do you seriously believe that people will suddenly start paying for stuff they used to get for free because they like it? I personally disagree. I've seen small obscure and unnoticed good stuff from musicians get pirated, and they ended up making a living stacking supermarket shelves with the occasional unpaid pub gig where they sometimes sold a couple of CDs. If people had spread the word instead of the files, maybe they would have been able to keep going, but hey ho, what's done is done.

Anyhoo.... I do appreciate the irony of me complaining about breach of copyright when, if those pioneers hadn't worked out ways to record early Who episodes onto their reel-to-reel tape machines, the BBC wouldn't have ever been able to release the audio versions of such classic stories as Marco Polo and Richard the Lionheart. But then again, it was a much smaller scale operation for their personal entertainment, not disseminating it to millions across the globe at the touch of a button.

I understand your wish that you could download lossless from the creators, perhaps if they got several hundred / thousands of messages from folks around the world asking for such an option it might be considered at a future strategy meeting? They're pressing vinyl, after all.

05-20-2019, 01:12 PM
I agree about the better stories with the audios

Sorry, been away a little bit. Just had appendix surgery last week. Was feeling bloated and stomach hurt, did not know why. Went to urgent care and after a CT scan they rushed me by ambulance to the hospital. Was not expected that at all.

05-20-2019, 03:33 PM
I agree about the better stories with the audios

Sorry, been away a little bit. Just had appendix surgery last week. Was feeling bloated and stomach hurt, did not know why. Went to urgent care and after a CT scan they rushed me by ambulance to the hospital. Was not expected that at all.

Sorry to hear that, glad you're on the mend.

05-20-2019, 04:24 PM
Sorry to hear that, glad you're on the mend.

Thank you
Appreciate that
It was totally unexpected

05-21-2019, 11:12 PM
I echo Dels sentiments, Glad you are feeling better!

05-22-2019, 10:05 AM
I echo Dels sentiments, Glad you are feeling better!

Thank you my friends!
I am going to the doctor today to get the ok to go back to work.

Riddle Snowcraft.Δ17
05-24-2019, 04:50 PM
Yeah, but to be fair to the creators of the works - how p***d off would you be if you were someone who made their living from music or other creative arts and knew that 75%+ of the copies of your hard work out there hadn't been paid for? And how really annoyed would you be if you went bankrupt or at least unable to continue production of your stuff because of piracy?Pissed and annoyed enough to accept fucking international billing addresses like Steam does, instead of expecting people to buy shit in exclusive currencies. But then again, it's the UK, who knows if you need some expensive licence to possess money from other countries...

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule - Behave towards others as you would have them behave towards you.Briggs is free to download anything I produce whenever he wants.

If people had spread the word instead of the files, maybe they would have been able to keep going, but hey ho, what's done is done.At this point this is no longer wanting us to pay for their stuff, it's straight up asking us to work for free as their marketing managers.

05-29-2019, 05:59 PM
So what do people think about today's announcement of the two new Lost Stories, Nightmare Country (5th Doctor) and The Ultimate Evil (Sixie)?

05-29-2019, 06:18 PM
I did not hear. What is going on with them?

05-29-2019, 06:31 PM
Both are being adapted by the original writers (with Guy Adams doing a script edit on Nightmare Country). Scheduled for release in November. I've never read the novelization of The Ultimate Evil, also by the original author, though I know not everyone loved it.

05-29-2019, 06:43 PM
I thought they were already in BF as a play???

05-30-2019, 10:46 AM
I'm all for lost stories being made, Ok, I'm all for any Medic story being made........

05-30-2019, 05:31 PM
The idea of finally hearing never-produced scripts from the eras of the first seven Doctors always appeals to me. On the other hand, though, there's the risk that a particular script didn't receive a green light thirty-odd years ago for good reason. So we never know ...

06-08-2019, 03:13 PM
I've read the novel of The Ultimate Evil, and I'll agree there is room for improvement. But Daly's working with the Big Finish crew and has to adjust dialogue for audio, so that improvement is very possible.

06-14-2019, 01:53 AM
I made this awhile back and I didn't really have a good place to put it. Episode 1 of The Crusade was never Vidfired due to the quality of the recovered print. I've gone ahead and basically done it myself, to simulate the original video look. It is 2.2 GB, but that's so it wouldn't lose any quality from the original. Sort of an oddity, but it is here for your consumption. Share and enjoy.

06-14-2019, 01:47 PM
Thank you!
I will take a look

06-15-2019, 03:07 AM
We're getting another box set of Bennie with David Warner's Unbound Doctor!

06-18-2019, 10:11 PM
What do you guys think about Charles Dance as the next incarnation of the Master or the Rani in future series of new who? How about box sets of the War Rani and the War Monk? Why doesn't large conclusions bring back the War Chief from the 2nd doctor's last story "The War Games"? He was in the same class as the Doctor, the Master, the Rani and the Monk at the Academy.

06-24-2019, 09:14 AM
Wondering if anyone had the collected BF dramas focused on the sleuth in 221B? Thanks!

06-27-2019, 04:44 AM
I have the music for a handful of the classic series stories, and I was wondering if more are available anywhere.