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12-29-2012, 10:49 PM
lol - some fans have an inflated opinion of their own importance.

The one thing i get annoyed with is CE's episodes being called season 1 - i had a 'disagreement' with someone a few weeks ago - they were carrying on about how they'd watched since the very first episode and didn't like all the changes and why did they have to change actors because CE was the real doctor - and after i casually mentioned Hartnell, Troughton etc asked who they were and then proceeded to tell me they weren't real doctors because he had seen it from the first episode and they weren't in it...- he was apparently a 'true fan' and i was an ignorant cow who didn't really know anything at all about the show... :lol:

12-29-2012, 10:54 PM
Ooo! I'd not spotted the latest Cyberman design in the trailer.

Can never decide if like the latest designs of them. On one hand they do look perfectly OK as Robots/Driods, but I don't get that feeling that there's a living being inside them like the classic design. Of course, though, you just couldn't get away with spray-painted boiler-suits like you used to. Just as long as they've dropped the 'Delete' catch-phrase! (And one has to clench a fist as say "Excellent!")
I actually saw some shots of them leaked online before I saw 'em in the trailer. I kinda liked the design. They reminded me of the Cybermen from "The Five Doctors" a little bit for some reason.

12-29-2012, 11:17 PM
lol - some fans have an inflated opinion of their own importance.

The one thing i get annoyed with is CE's episodes being called season 1 - i had a 'disagreement' with someone a few weeks ago - they were carrying on about how they'd watched since the very first episode and didn't like all the changes and why did they have to change actors because CE was the real doctor - and after i casually mentioned Hartnell, Troughton etc asked who they were and then proceeded to tell me they weren't real doctors because he had seen it from the first episode and they weren't in it...- he was apparently a 'true fan' and i was an ignorant cow who didn't really know anything at all about the show... :lol:

WTF?? Some people! Didn't they wonder who those other people were during 11's big "look at me, I'm the Doctor!" moment in The Eleventh Hour?

I don't really have any problem with the 'Season 1' bit any more. Used to, but gave up worrying about it too much!

Besides, there were more important things like Dalek/Cyber(us)men designs to fret about! :)

12-29-2012, 11:26 PM
Dose anyone else think the new Cyberman look kinda resembles Iron Man? I think it's fine that the Cybermen change time to time, after all they're always upgrading. Though I really loved the art deco look of the "Pete's World" guys.

PS: anyone notice my latest avatar?

12-29-2012, 11:32 PM
I actually saw some shots of them leaked online before I saw 'em in the trailer. I kinda liked the design. They reminded me of the Cybermen from "The Five Doctors" a little bit for some reason.

Nah, don't really see it myself, but I think I see where you're coming from.

But again it reminds me why I'm still not entirely sure about post '05 designs; the classic had a definite 'living-being plus life-support and enhancement' a cyberMAN look. The RTD/Cybus (and what I remember of their latest appearances - must watch that one with Corden again) the design emphasis is more CYBERman - if you see what I mean.

Arguably, though, like the Dalek casing it's really just an in-universe evolution of their own technology - why spend all that effort keeping flesh alive when all you really need is the brain to control the machine?

It'll be interesting to see how they come across next time they hit the screen, though.

12-30-2012, 01:10 AM
So, next one.

08 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (


12-30-2012, 01:12 AM
there are some issues with that story - in that sites that would normally have them available for a d/l purchase have the wrong story linked to the d/l - i believe it is being worked on....

Thanks evilmonk

12-30-2012, 06:38 AM
Doc Berny's latest. RWQ.

Wow - this almost slipped past me! Many thanks!

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

Dose anyone else think the new Cyberman look kinda resembles Iron Man?

I take it you haven't come across this little effort yet, then? :p

12-30-2012, 07:58 AM
lol - some fans have an inflated opinion of their own importance.

The one thing i get annoyed with is CE's episodes being called season 1 - i had a 'disagreement' with someone a few weeks ago - they were carrying on about how they'd watched since the very first episode and didn't like all the changes and why did they have to change actors because CE was the real doctor - and after i casually mentioned Hartnell, Troughton etc asked who they were and then proceeded to tell me they weren't real doctors because he had seen it from the first episode and they weren't in it...- he was apparently a 'true fan' and i was an ignorant cow who didn't really know anything at all about the show... :lol:

Had that same conversation with a co-worker about 4 years ago - he kept coming to my cube and seeing different Doctors with the TARDIS in the background and whenever he asked who they were, I'd answer "The Doctor" - after this happened several times, he finally got pissy and told me that he'd SEEN Doctor Who and those "old guys" weren't the Doctor! Turned out he had never seen the original series or even knew it existed before that When I provided a link where he could watch the classic series online, he came back a few days later and said "It's too Science Fictiony - I like this one better." I almost feel sorry for the newbies they only know RTD's Doctor and he STILL rants that they need to bring back Tennant and Rose.

12-30-2012, 08:50 AM
I know a girl who started watching reruns of DW on scifi. She knew I was a fan so she asked to borrow the DVDs to which I happily said I would. Then I asked her if she ever checked out the original show. She now refuses to watch any more episodes because "I'm incapable of getting into a show unless I've seen it from the beginning" and between the black and white, missing episodes, and Shada she is convinced she can't like the program. No amount of reassurance that the new eps stand alone just fine will convince her to at least give it one season. I guess it's a good thing I never mentioned all the small references to the old show.

12-30-2012, 09:16 AM

Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (

This is the last TH book I have. Echoes is only available from the distributor's website, "Dancer" is probably easier to find. Still looking for Stagrate, the latest Benny special or DS Dramatic Readings 11 & 13 - 32.

Thanks for these. I'm really enjoying them. Great stories!

12-30-2012, 05:03 PM
have any magazines been uploaded recently?

Who Lover
12-31-2012, 04:43 AM
:) Certainly wasn't trying to pick a design fight!

The NPD look never really clicked for me; bottom heavy, hump backed, and too brightly coloured.

However, the new metallic paint job they were given for Asylum helped quite a bit, and for me they worked better along-side the 05 design rather than on their own. Some of them obviously in "guard" roles and others as "office class".

If anything, I'd like to see them bring more designs together more often. As you say, it sort of helps define roles. I like the idea of the 'Classic' design being Ship or Secret Base drones, the '05 being those that do field operations, and the NPDs being that Damn Big Guard and Officer classes. Having the machine fit the role, if you see what I mean.

But each to their own. It'd be a terribly dull world if we all agreed on everything!

But apropos my original comment about the box-cover. With them using the NPD look as the "current brand" design, it was a surprise to see to the '05 design so prominently on the box.

But what I want to know is: 1) Didn't the bronze Daleks get exterminated or something in Victory that meant that the new Daleks were replacing them. 2) Just what is in the humps of the new Daleks. I feel once we know this (50th anniversary anyone???), all my be forgiven (about their shape).

12-31-2012, 05:00 AM
Next one.

09 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

12-31-2012, 12:41 PM
Happy Anniversary Year, all! It's gonna be a blast! :D

12-31-2012, 01:10 PM
Next one.

09 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (


Got the rest ages ago but 9 was corrupted.

I feel so much less like a failure now.

12-31-2012, 02:44 PM
But what I want to know is: 1) Didn't the bronze Daleks get exterminated or something in Victory that meant that the new Daleks were replacing them. 2) Just what is in the humps of the new Daleks. I feel once we know this (50th anniversary anyone???), all my be forgiven (about their shape).

The original idea was that, yes, all the '05 Daleks were meant to be completely replaced by the NPD ones.

But a combination of SM and Gattis realising that the NPD's didn't look quite as good as they'd hoped (watch the relevant DVD with the commentary and extra) and critical response (and, from what I gather, the operators hated them as they're ridiculously heavy to move) meant they rethought the idea and now, as we saw in Asylum, they're integrated as part of the pantheon of designs and not just THE design.

The 'hump' was meant to be for a weapons storage locker, the idea being that you'd seen new 'arms' flip out from them and spin along the 'neck', but they couldn't make them work practically and CGI-ing it each time would have been too costly.

As I've said, I'm really not a fan of the design but I applaud their willingness to try a new one and their willingness to accept that it just didn't quite work.

12-31-2012, 04:02 PM
Here's some more B*B*Vs

P*U*N*C*H*L*I*N*E Punch.7z (
T*H*E**C*H*O*I*C*E Choice.7z (
T*H*E**S*E*A*R*C*H Search.7z (


And Happy New Year to all :)

12-31-2012, 05:09 PM
What series are these B*B*V*s? I mean, medic, archeologist, painting guy... who? Thanks.

12-31-2012, 05:29 PM
What series are these B*B*V*s? I mean, medic, archeologist, painting guy... who? Thanks.

The majority of the B*B*Vs posted are medic related despite the fact they didnt have the rights. So the majority are The Professor and Ace. The last two (T*h*e**C*h*o*i*c*e and T*h*e**S*e*a*r*c*h) are the Mistress and K9. They are medic in all but name with the medic actors. Give them a go!

12-31-2012, 06:36 PM
I know this is an audio thread, but does anyone know where to get dvd rips from?

12-31-2012, 06:55 PM
KAT.PH did have one doing the rounds.

Search for 'Doctor Who - The Complete Classic 26 Seasons Collection', if you're wanting classic Medic.

It was pretty slow downloading when I did it, but may have improved since.

12-31-2012, 07:31 PM
I know this is an audio thread, but does anyone know where to get dvd rips from?

Discover the joys of UseNet and most of the DVDs (and most of the audios, too) have been posted in the last two years in both VIDEO_TS and Xvid formats.

12-31-2012, 09:12 PM
buzzco, it's very odd that iTunes wouldn't play it because this is a file I converted from the .wmv original specifically for my Apple devices, using iPod / iPad optimized profiles in Handbrake.

What I'd suggest is this - the file's been compressed using Winrar, so make sure you extract the video first. Change the extension to .rar if it's downloaded as something else. After the extraction you should end up with an .mp4 file. Try that in iTunes, and if it still doesn't play, change THAT extension to .m4v and give it another shot in iTunes or something like VLC player which is so versatile I sometimes suspect it would manage to squeeze video out of a bathroom tile if I somehow managed to throw one at it.

If you still can't get the clip to play, let me know and I'll upload the .wmv original for you.

Jijoya Just wanted to let you know VLC worked. Was fun watching Toby, the Lon Chaney of voices, do his thing. Albeit the video has kind of a contraband look about it, you still get some good closeups of Toby and the other versatile actor.

One other thing, is that icon in your posts actually a snapshot of you J, if so, looking kind of cute honey.

01-01-2013, 12:47 AM
The majority of the B*B*Vs posted are medic related despite the fact they didnt have the rights. So the majority are The Professor and Ace. The last two (T*h*e**C*h*o*i*c*e and T*h*e**S*e*a*r*c*h) are the Mistress and K9. They are medic in all but name with the medic actors. Give them a go!

Thanks, I will.

Now it's time to do the temporal voodoo thing once again. This is the story with the best name, IMO.

10 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

01-01-2013, 07:29 AM
Finally saw all of The Snowmen, can't wait for spring!

01-01-2013, 07:45 AM
Thanks, I will.

Now it's time to do the temporal voodoo thing once again. This is the story with the best name, IMO.

10 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

Many thanks for all of these!

Would also just like to thank ALL the uploaders here for all their Sterling efforts throughout the past year, and to wish you, one and all, a Happy New Year!

(by the way, does anyone have, or know where I could find, the Space 1889 audios?)

01-01-2013, 09:02 AM
Yes, big thanks to everyone who has uploaded!

And I listened to the first of those B*B*V* stories. Oh my gollygosh. Was not expecting a riff on crap old Britcoms.

01-01-2013, 10:20 AM
And I listened to the first of those B*B*V* stories. Oh my gollygosh. Was not expecting a riff on crap old Britcoms.

Neither was I when I started listening to T*H*E*S*H*A*D*O*W*H*E*A*R*T (although, admittedly, that was riffing on rather good ones)...

01-01-2013, 01:01 PM
And I listened to the first of those B*B*V* stories. Oh my gollygosh. Was not expecting a riff on crap old Britcoms.

What did you think?

01-01-2013, 01:11 PM
Yes, big thanks to everyone who has uploaded!

And I listened to the first of those B*B*V* stories. Oh my gollygosh. Was not expecting a riff on crap old Britcoms.

I take it you mean P-Line? That's actually the last of the BBV NotDoc+NotAce series, and a pretty odd one at the that.

There's some real gems in the rest, though, in particular LH-O'Darkness and 'tother-side.

01-01-2013, 02:17 PM
Here's a couple more B*B*Vs

T*H*E**R*A*N*I**R*E*A*P*S**T*H*E**W*H*I*R*L*W*I*N* D Reap.7z (

T*H*E**K*I*L*L*I*N*G**S*T*O*N*E Stone1.7z (, Stone2.7z (


01-01-2013, 03:20 PM
Typical for me, start at the end. Still, I was never provided with a listening order. :)

But PL. I didn't really like it. It was riffing on something I'm not a fan of, until it got all meta at the end. Which I'm also not a fan of. However, for two things I don't like, it was decent at least. Could have been worse.

Thanks, Del!

01-01-2013, 04:24 PM
Typical for me, start at the end. Still, I was never provided with a listening order. :)

But PL. I didn't really like it. It was riffing on something I'm not a fan of, until it got all meta at the end. Which I'm also not a fan of. However, for two things I don't like, it was decent at least. Could have been worse.

It's a Rob Shearman script - what do you expect! :)

Here's the listening order -

01-01-2013, 04:28 PM
Typical for me, start at the end. Still, I was never provided with a listening order. :)

But PL. I didn't really like it. It was riffing on something I'm not a fan of, until it got all meta at the end. Which I'm also not a fan of. However, for two things I don't like, it was decent at least. Could have been worse.

Thanks, Del!

Yeah, sorry for the lack of order. I was uploading them as I dug them out! You may well enjoy some of the previous uploads, there's more traditional medic stuff in there. The most recent ones are (fairly obviously) a R*A*N*I story and a Y*A*T*E*S audiobook reading so tangentially medic, I guess.

01-01-2013, 04:52 PM
ok thanks, was looking for Full rips, they are very hard to find

01-01-2013, 06:29 PM
There's some real gems in the rest, though, in particular LH-O'Darkness and 'tother-side.

Walking down memory lane here.

'tother-side was my very first exposure to the Medic, which is most likely why McCoy is my favorite "old medic". I got it from WinMx over a decade ago, followed by O-n-l-y Hu-m-an and it was fascination from first sound. I have to admit I had NO idea they were covert Medics or I wouldn't have downloaded them - I had decided that for my own good, I must avoid getting obsessed with DW because there are too many Medic plays out there, and too little time. I managed to stay away from audios with "Medic" in the title for another year, listening to just Ace and The Prof, but then I downloaded large conclusions' Dakel Epmire and Dakel Raw (again without having a clue it's a Medic spinoff). I still remember how entranced I was, War and Empire are just so well written. As importantly, the Daleks actually spooked me so I had to look them up. That was the day I officially surrendered and started watching / listening to everything Medic that I could get my hands on.

Speaking of BBV and the covert Medics, P-r-osp*erity Isl*and is another favorite of mine, along with R-e-pub-lica.

Was fun watching Toby, the Lon Chaney of voices, do his thing. Albeit the video has kind of a contraband look about it, you still get some good closeups of Toby and the other versatile actor.

I think that's the director, John Ainsworth. Apparently he can act, too. OT remark, but Toby looks great in this video. I suspect everyone looks their best when being on fire doing what they love.

One other thing, is that icon in your posts actually a snapshot of you J

Yeah, it's me. I like visualizing who I talk to so I make sure I provide people with the same opportunity.

01-01-2013, 11:27 PM
Yeah, sorry for the lack of order. I was uploading them as I dug them out! You may well enjoy some of the previous uploads, there's more traditional medic stuff in there. The most recent ones are (fairly obviously) a R*A*N*I story and a Y*A*T*E*S audiobook reading so tangentially medic, I guess.

That's fine. I'm getting them for free, can't complain too much. :)

01-02-2013, 12:20 AM
Can I request the T*a*r*g*e*t audio book t*a*l*o*n*s of w*e*n*g c*h*i*n*g and the new d*e*s*t*i*n*y of the medic audio. Thanks. Happy new year !!!

01-02-2013, 03:28 AM
This is the second-last. It takes another left turn. Expect these last couple to be something different again.

11 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

And if anyone isn't familiar with some of the mysteries behind the series, such as who Lady Jailbait is and such, the answer is as always, look at the Wiki. Faction Paradox Wiki ( . However, beware of spoilers. Those tricky Wikis, eh? You can nearly always get the information you want, but sometimes you can get too much.

01-02-2013, 03:30 AM
Can I request the T*a*r*g*e*t audio book t*a*l*o*n*s of w*e*n*g c*h*i*n*g and the new d*e*s*t*i*n*y of the medic audio. Thanks. Happy new year !!!

I believe the latter of those isn't due to be released until the 3rd.

01-02-2013, 04:07 AM
Here's a couple more B*B*Vs

T*H*E**R*A*N*I**R*E*A*P*S**T*H*E**W*H*I*R*L*W*I*N* D Reap.7z (

T*H*E**K*I*L*L*I*N*G**S*T*O*N*E Stone1.7z (, Stone2.7z (


Sorry, when I try the links, it goes to an upload page, not a downloader. Any Suggestions?

01-02-2013, 04:18 AM
Sorry, when I try the links, it goes to an upload page, not a downloader. Any Suggestions?

Just tried all three and they seem OK to me. Try going via and see if that helps.

---------- Post added at 03:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 AM ----------

This is the second-last. It takes another left turn. Expect these last couple to be something different again...

:) First time I heard these I think I was so confused by who was doing what to whom and why by this point I'd actually more or less given up trying to follow the over-all plot and was just enjoying each on their own merit.

Must give them another spin soon. Possibly over summer.

01-02-2013, 04:25 AM
I like low-budget kitchen utensil alien costumes. It's a chance to imprint your own imagination on the storytelling.

It's a Rob Shearman script - what do you expect! :)
Here's the listening order -
I have never figured out why The Killing Stone by Richard Franklin isn't included on most BBV lists. Details: The Killing Stone (

Sorry, when I try the links, it goes to an upload page, not a downloader. Any Suggestions?Could have been a temp server issue. Works for me. Big green box says DOWNLOAD.

Happy New Year. Thanks for the fun of sharing!

01-02-2013, 05:07 AM
First time I heard these I think I was so confused by who was doing what to whom and why by this point I'd actually more or less given up trying to follow the over-all plot and was just enjoying each on their own merit.

Must give them another spin soon. Possibly over summer.

I've listened to the last four only twice now - this morning actually - and I still can't tell you exactly what happened. This sort of thing is why Lawrence Miles is sometimes called Mad Larry. But I do like his stuff.

01-02-2013, 05:17 AM
I like low-budget kitchen utensil alien costumes. It's a chance to imprint your own imagination on the storytelling.

I have never figured out why The Killing Stone by Richard Franklin isn't included on most BBV lists. Details: The Killing Stone (
Could have been a temp server issue. Works for me. Big green box says DOWNLOAD.

Happy New Year. Thanks for the fun of sharing!

No joy here and Rapid8 wants $$ I don't have. The "free" section has so many pop-ups it's hard for a blind chick to wade through. I may have my sighted guru figure out another option. Thanks

01-02-2013, 07:34 AM
I just realised I won't be around tomorrow, so I may as well put the last one up now. This is the end of original material, but I may do the rare repost of things I find around the place, depending on assorted factors. Anyway, enjoy!

12 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

01-02-2013, 07:57 AM
anyone have /S*/P*/A*/R*/E*/P*/A*/R*/T*/S*/? /

01-02-2013, 09:20 AM
I just realised I won't be around tomorrow, so I may as well put the last one up now. This is the end of original material, but I may do the rare repost of things I find around the place, depending on assorted factors. Anyway, enjoy!

12 - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

Thank you, once again, for all of these!

01-02-2013, 10:33 AM
anyone have /S*/P*/A*/R*/E*/P*/A*/R*/T*/S*/? /
Not as such, but it's available at Doctor Who - Complete - Big Finish Productions (download torrent) - TPB ( . 34.01 Spa . I listened to it a couple of months back. Good story.

01-02-2013, 12:23 PM
Sorry, when I try the links, it goes to an upload page, not a downloader. Any Suggestions?

I don't sorry. I've just tried clicking on my own links and it goes straight to the page with a big green download box. Hopefully somebody more tech savvy can help you.

01-02-2013, 01:45 PM
I'm out of B*B*Vs now but I've got other stuff that people may be interested in. Here's a S*H*O*R*T**T*R*I*P, not a Large Conclusions of the originals when those innocent people had the rights. Let me know if there's any interest in these:

S*T*O*P**T*H*E**P*I*G*E*O*N Pigeon.7z (

01-02-2013, 01:59 PM
No joy here and Rapid8 wants $$ I don't have. The "free" section has so many pop-ups it's hard for a blind chick to wade through. I may have my sighted guru figure out another option. Thanks

Ah! Didn't know you weren't sighted.

Yeah, one of r8's issues is that it's rather pop-up happy - thankfully they're adverts rather than 'attacks' but damn annoying at times. Bad enough normally, so I dread to think what it's like trying to use it via a screen-reader or similar.

01-02-2013, 03:07 PM
anyone have /S*/P*/A*/R*/E*/P*/A*/R*/T*/S*/? /

Try this

Parts1.7z (
Parts2.7z (

Best wishes

01-02-2013, 03:10 PM

01-02-2013, 04:47 PM
I'm out of B*B*Vs now but I've got other stuff that people may be interested in. Here's a S*H*O*R*T**T*R*I*P, not a Large Conclusions of the originals when those innocent people had the rights. Let me know if there's any interest in these:

S*T*O*P**T*H*E**P*I*G*E*O*N Pigeon.7z (
Always interesting to hear the early audios that helped keep Who afloat in the void between the old and new incarnations.
I, for one ,would like to hear some more. Thanks.[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

01-02-2013, 05:41 PM
Always interesting to hear the early audios that helped keep Who afloat in the void between the old and new incarnations.
I, for one ,would like to hear some more. Thanks.[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

No problem. Here's a couple more (I did try to put them all on in one go but the file was too large!)

G*L*A*S*S Glass.7z (
D*E*G*R*E*E*S**O*F**T*R*U*T*H Truth.7z (

01-02-2013, 05:50 PM
Does anyone have any of D*W*M comics featuring the lastest version of the Medic? Also the final 10 comics of B*A*T*T*L*E*S* I*N* T*I*M*E? Any DW Adventures comics would also be appreciated. :)

01-02-2013, 06:29 PM
And here's a couple more

M*O*D*E*L**T*R*A*I*N*S*E*T Train.7z (
O*L*D**F*L*A*M*E*S Flame.7z (


01-02-2013, 09:56 PM

01-02-2013, 11:19 PM
And another one

F*R*E*E*D*O*M Freedom.7z (

Apologies by the way for my earlier error, these S*H*O*R*T**T*R*I*P*S date from the auntie era not from the innocent era. if that makes sense!

01-03-2013, 12:51 AM
Ah! Didn't know you weren't sighted.

Yeah, one of r8's issues is that it's rather pop-up happy - thankfully they're adverts rather than 'attacks' but damn annoying at times. Bad enough normally, so I dread to think what it's like trying to use it via a screen-reader or similar.

It usually doesn't slow me down much (hence the dark4eyes handle), but captchas are a royal PITA.

01-03-2013, 03:23 AM
Thank you, Redhoof, for the Team Contradiction series! :)

01-03-2013, 05:59 AM
Was S#N#A#K#E#B#I#T#E ever posted?

01-03-2013, 07:12 AM
Has anyone posted:

Hunters of The Third Rock from The Sun


01-03-2013, 09:25 AM
Does anyone have any of D*W*M comics featuring the lastest version of the Medic? Also the final 10 comics of B*A*T*T*L*E*S* I*N* T*I*M*E? Any DW Adventures comics would also be appreciated. :)

Sadly, no... No D*W*M beyond #437 has been sighted on the Internet... It's been nearly a year and a half, now... :(

01-03-2013, 11:18 AM
Sorry, when I try the links, it goes to an upload page, not a downloader. Any Suggestions?Are you using IQS (Icefilms Quick Stream ( If so, the MF download link is sometimes under the IQS player. Oh wait, that's not it. Because you can still click the Download button on the IQS player instead.

Which browser are you using? Try FireFox ( with AdBlockPlus ( Or Chrome ( with AdBlockPlus (

Failing that, which host would you prefer?

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 AM ----------

Has anyone posted:

Hunters of The Third Rock from The Sun

Yet?You surely don't mean this: 3rd Rock from the Sun 4x20 Alien Hunter - YouTube (

01-03-2013, 01:24 PM
Are you using IQS (Icefilms Quick Stream ( If so, the MF download link is sometimes under the IQS player. Oh wait, that's not it. Because you can still click the Download button on the IQS player instead.

Which browser are you using? Try FireFox ( with AdBlockPlus ( Or Chrome ( with AdBlockPlus (

no its the new D*E*S*T*I*NY O*F T*H*E D*O*C*T*O*R audio release.

Failing that, which host would you prefer?

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 AM ----------

You surely don't mean this: 3rd Rock from the Sun 4x20 Alien Hunter - YouTube (

01-03-2013, 02:15 PM
Has anyone posted:

Hunters of The Third Rock from The Sun


IIRC it's today that it's released. Give people some chance! :)

01-03-2013, 05:52 PM

01-03-2013, 07:12 PM
In a related D*W*M question, does anyone have links for the older issues? I've tried some of the old links in this thread and most of them are dead.

01-03-2013, 07:42 PM
Does anyone have any of D*W*M comics featuring the lastest version of the Medic? Also the final 10 comics of B*A*T*T*L*E*S* I*N* T*I*M*E? Any DW Adventures comics would also be appreciated. :)

I wouldn't mind these too!!!


01-03-2013, 08:23 PM
I would also be interested in the Battles comics....
Thank you!

Exar Xan
01-03-2013, 08:24 PM
I would also be interested in the Battles comics....
Thank you!

Me to!

01-03-2013, 10:19 PM
Does anyone have t*h*e *w*h*e*e*l o*f i*c*e book in PDF or ePub please?

01-03-2013, 10:55 PM
Does anyone have t*h*e *w*h*e*e*l o*f i*c*e book in PDF or ePub please?

<!-- Download from - send big files the easy way ( -->

Reply with quote.

01-03-2013, 11:22 PM
Ok, here are some more stories

M*O*O*N**G*R*A*F*F*I*T*I Moon.7z (
V*I*G*I*L Vigil.7z (
W*I*S*H**Y*O*U**W*E*R*E**H*E*R*E Wish.7z (


01-03-2013, 11:35 PM

01-03-2013, 11:47 PM
I would also be interested in the Battles comics....
Thank you!
can we have these too?thanks

01-04-2013, 02:47 AM
While we're on the topic of comics does any1 have the collection of Graphic Novels in .cbr/.cbz? I would love to try any or all of them, A Dr*ag*ons Cl*aw, A Co*ld Day in He*ll, The Gl*our*ious De*ad, The Wo*rld Sh*ap*ers etc.

Thanks :)

01-04-2013, 06:15 AM
Anyone have the bonus subscriber extras?

Crumbs of Bread and Exclusively Connect?

By John Banks?

01-04-2013, 08:38 AM
Anyone have the bonus subscriber extras?

Crumbs of Bread and Exclusively Connect?

By John Banks?

Try these

bread.7z (

only.7z (

01-04-2013, 09:21 AM
Fourth installment from the I.D.W ongoing series v3.

Reply with quote ;)

Doctor Who V3 04 (2c)(2012) (


01-04-2013, 09:37 AM
Sadly, it would appear the way to the "traces of doughy confection" has already been broken :/ It may be a temporary hiccup, however.

On a similar note, does anyone have the documentary recounting the recollections of a certain Quaternary medic?

01-04-2013, 09:42 AM
Fourth installment from the I.D.W ongoing series v3."
other 3?

01-04-2013, 10:54 AM
Fourth installment from the I.D.W ongoing series v3."
other 3?

Get them while hey're hot ;)

#1 (
#2 (
#3 (


01-04-2013, 01:20 PM
Get them while hey're hot ;)

#1 (
#2 (
#3 (


1st two are cold already.

01-04-2013, 01:49 PM
Sadly, it would appear the way to the "traces of doughy confection" has already been broken :/ It may be a temporary hiccup, however.

On a similar note, does anyone have the documentary recounting the recollections of a certain Quaternary medic?

I suck with codes, do you mean my link? It seems to be working fine for me.

01-04-2013, 01:53 PM
I suck with codes, do you mean my link? It seems to be working fine for me.

Both worked fine for me, much appreciated!!

01-04-2013, 01:54 PM
Get them while hey're hot ;)

#1 (
#2 (
#3 (


---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

Thanks very much!

01-04-2013, 01:55 PM
has any one got the new destiny of the medic audio from big start yet

01-04-2013, 02:12 PM
1st two are cold already.
I just tried them, they work fine for me... :?

01-04-2013, 03:15 PM
So I just listened to S*t*o*r*m*c*r*o*w*. Very good, but not exactly the best choice to listen to late at night in an empty house...

Oh well, I'm a big boy. I can cope.

On another note, so that's why Briggs is in everything! He's an executive producer for BF. I didn't know that until he mentioned it in the episode interview. Well, if the boss wants to be in everything, he is the boss. Can't really say no.

01-04-2013, 04:54 PM
1st two are cold already.

My Bad, Managed to get the first one, but still can't get the second, keeps asking for phone number or to join gold account. am I doing something wrong???

Thanks for these as well

01-04-2013, 05:11 PM
I suck with codes, do you mean my link? It seems to be working fine for me.

*b*r*e*a*d* gives me a 404 Not found... :/ (when I click the button, not the page itself)

Edit: Managed to get my bread too now... my oven must've been faulty. Thank you!

01-04-2013, 05:47 PM
*b*r*e*a*d* gives me a 404 Not found... :/ (when I click the button, not the page itself)

Very odd, I've just clicked it now and got straight to the download page. Then I clicked on the green download button and the save option came up straight away. Furthermore, when I look on my files page I can see there have been 35 successful downloads of this file. I have no idea why it's not working for you. Anyone got any ideas?

01-04-2013, 05:54 PM
Try these

bread.7z (

only.7z (

My Bread came out of the oven just fine, Tastes Fantastic! Thank You for the recipe!

01-04-2013, 06:04 PM
While we're on the topic of comics does any1 have the collection of Graphic Novels in .cbr/.cbz? I would love to try any or all of them, A Dr*ag*ons Cl*aw, A Co*ld Day in He*ll, The Gl*our*ious De*ad, The Wo*rld Sh*ap*ers etc.

Thanks :)

"The Planet Reorganisers" :)

Reply with quote.

<!-- Download from - send big files the easy way ( -->

I'll dig the rest out later.

01-04-2013, 06:14 PM
Very odd, I've just clicked it now and got straight to the download page. Then I clicked on the green download button and the save option came up straight away. Furthermore, when I look on my files page I can see there have been 35 successful downloads of this file. I have no idea why it's not working for you. Anyone got any ideas?

I get no GREEN download button. Just asking me if I want Gold or Regular download. Gold asks me to join and regular asks me for a phone number.

01-04-2013, 06:19 PM
I get no GREEN download button. Just asking me if I want Gold or Regular download. Gold asks me to join and regular asks me for a phone number.

I think that's someone elses download, mine's a mediafire one that takes you to a great big green download button straight away.

Edit: it's not my link, it's the deposit files one for the medic comic.

01-04-2013, 06:40 PM
On another note, so that's why Briggs is in everything! He's an executive producer for BF. I didn't know that until he mentioned it in the episode interview. Well, if the boss wants to be in everything, he is the boss. Can't really say no.

I'm no fan of Briggs (indeed, I think he's an egotistical twonk) but he's probably not in as many things as you'ld guess (bar the odd bit of wild-tracking), and he's got his Sheerluck range as he's been playing him on stage for years in various small theatre runs.

Though I do wish he'd get Alistair Locke in more often to do more dalek voices, as well as people like Toby Longworth and Danny Webb, just for a bit of variety in the dalek sound-scapes.

Charles Dalek
01-04-2013, 07:28 PM
Sadly, no... No D*W*M beyond #437 has been sighted on the Internet... It's been nearly a year and a half, now... :(

does this help?
Doctor Who Scans - DWM #455 scans (

01-04-2013, 08:39 PM
While we're on the topic of comics does any1 have the collection of Graphic Novels in .cbr/.cbz? I would love to try any or all of them, A Dr*ag*ons Cl*aw, A Co*ld Day in He*ll, The Gl*our*ious De*ad, The Wo*rld Sh*ap*ers etc.

Thanks :)

Medic comic reprints, Volume 1 (Dr*ag*ons Cl*aw starts in #9 btw)

<!-- [url=[/url] -->

Reply with quote.

01-04-2013, 10:37 PM
Does anyone have the 5th Medic's last Large Conclusion adventure in MP3 format - I like the stories's the one about those soooo many nights.

Thanks in advance

01-05-2013, 12:14 AM
Okay so here's a UNIT Project update:
Our first script is coming along, slowly but coming along. Act 1 has six scenes now! Not much has happend in terms of our finding our character voices. But we'll be having a recording session soon. And now that my partners for this project have stopped pushing me to be Scottish, I really want to be Scottish. :/

We also have three other stories being discussed two directly link to each other they were inspired by the 2012 Olympics, feature Time Travel, an SJA villain, and someone from the Doctor's Past/Future. In short it's epic.

Then we have the final story for our season it's late 2012 in South America, and involves Osterhagen.

Sadly I expect that at best it will be late this year/early next year that we'll even finish our first story, but at least we've been bitten by the creativity bug and thus have a fun hobby!

Is anyone here Scottish by chance? I'd like it if someone could help me learn typical Scottish slang, expressions, ect.

01-05-2013, 12:44 AM
Okay so here's a UNIT Project update:
Our first script is coming along, slowly but coming along. Act 1 has six scenes now! Not much has happend in terms of our finding our character voices. But we'll be having a recording session soon. And now that my partners for this project have stopped pushing me to be Scottish, I really want to be Scottish. :/

We also have three other stories being discussed two directly link to each other they were inspired by the 2012 Olympics, feature Time Travel, an SJA villain, and someone from the Doctor's Past/Future. In short it's epic

Then we have the final story for our season it's late 2012 in South America, and involves Osterhagen.

Sadly I expect that at best it will be late this year/early next year that we'll even finish our first story, but at least we've been bitten by the creativity bug and thus have a fun hobby!

Is anyone here Scottish by chance? I'd like it if someone could help me learn typical Scottish slang, expressions, ect.

Just don't say something like "hoots mon theres a moose loose aboot this hoose"

01-05-2013, 01:07 AM
I'm no fan of Briggs (indeed, I think he's an egotistical twonk) but he's probably not in as many things as you'ld guess (bar the odd bit of wild-tracking), and he's got his Sheerluck range as he's been playing him on stage for years in various small theatre runs.

Though I do wish he'd get Alistair Locke in more often to do more dalek voices, as well as people like Toby Longworth and Danny Webb, just for a bit of variety in the dalek sound-scapes.

He's in everything I listen to, considering he does not just monster voices, but minor characters too. However, he hasn't branched into women. Yet. On a related note, I've discovered that I've become completely sick of the metallic screechers. When someone posted the Empire stories a few weeks ago, I didn't give them a chance. Oh good, another chance to be screeched at for two hours... :)

01-05-2013, 01:30 AM
Just don't say something like "hoots mon theres a moose loose aboot this hoose"

Not terribly helpful, I already learned from Roses' mistake of faking a Scottish accent.

I just don't want to just be an American with a Scottish accent. I'd really like some pointers on realistic dialogue.

01-05-2013, 03:01 AM
Click Reply With Quote, located where the Edit Post and Reply buttons are (very bottom of each post). Then, the code with the links will show up in the Quick Reply box.

Thank you for explaining....thought I was going blind for a second!

01-05-2013, 03:34 AM
Not terribly helpful, I already learned from Roses' mistake of faking a Scottish accent.

I just don't want to just be an American with a Scottish accent. I'd really like some pointers on realistic dialogue.

The easy answer is ... don't be Scots if you can't do the accent.

Failing that. Look up programmes made and set in Scotland on YouTube such as 'Taggart' or 'Rebus', or even their soaps like 'Take The High Road', and get some BBC Radio Scotland podcasts and listen to those.

(Apologies to any Scots readers. They were the only examples that readily sprang to mind!)

01-05-2013, 03:40 AM
The easy answer is ... don't be Scots if you can't do the accent.

Failing that. Look up programmes made and set in Scotland on YouTube such as 'Taggart' or 'Rebus', or even their soaps like 'Take The High Road', and get some BBC Radio Scotland podcasts and listen to those.

(Apologies to any Scots readers. They were the only examples that readily sprang to mind!)

My best advice would be to search out voice coach tutorials on youtube. And failing that, as Nobber says, don't try. Youl'll just sound like a comedic parody.

01-05-2013, 03:48 AM
He's in everything I listen to, considering he does not just monster voices, but minor characters too. However, he hasn't branched into women. Yet. On a related note, I've discovered that I've become completely sick of the metallic screechers. When someone posted the Empire stories a few weeks ago, I didn't give them a chance. Oh good, another chance to be screeched at for two hours... :)

Which sort-of begs the question just how many have and what have you listened to?

That's not to be snarky, btw, I just honestly can't think of that many when he's not doing Pepperpot/Cyber/IceWarrior voices where he's a major part. Couple of the earlier 8th's, and a handful of ones up-to about release 90-ish where he took over from Gary R as Exec Producer.

EDIT TO ADD - And don't forget that if you're listening in release order back in the very early days they did have very much of a "Radio Repertory Theatre" feeling as they could only call on a fairly small pool of actors.

To be fair and balanced - one of the basic reasons I don't like him too much on audio is that he's got a very distinctive voice (even hidden in FX) that all I hear is HIM and not the PART. Relating back to a recent conversation about J-Dredd, he's the exact opposite of Toby Longworth. With Longworth I hear the PART first and then the actor.

Actually, I'd give D-Empire another chance as it's far more human-centric than I think you're expecting. And it's not just Mister Ego doing THE voices, there's also Alistair Locke and A.N.Other (who I forget at the moment).

01-05-2013, 04:21 AM
My best advice would be to search out voice coach tutorials on youtube. And failing that, as Nobber says, don't try. Youl'll just sound like a comedic parody.

I'm confident about the accent itself. I'd just like to have dialouge that would give the character a bit more believability for the character.

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

All words for any and all British characters I may possibly be, consist of the following:
Oi! = Hey!
Biscuit = Cookie
Chips = Fries
Crisps = Chips
Football = Soccer
Herb = Herb

I'd like learn more, please help.

01-05-2013, 05:38 AM
[/COLOR]All words for any and all British characters I may possibly be, consist of the following:
Oi! = Hey!
Biscuit = Cookie
Chips = Fries
Crisps = Chips
Football = Soccer
Herb = Herb

I'd like learn more, please help.

English translation guide ()

01-05-2013, 10:01 AM
I'm confident about the accent itself. I'd just like to have dialouge that would give the character a bit more believability for the character.

I'd keep this to a minimum rather than speak like a Scottish stereotype e.g. have the character say "wee" for small so "I'll abide here for a wee while" rather than "I'll stay here for a short time" or "you'll no have a wee dram with me?" rather that "won't you have a small drink with me?". Anything more than hints at Scottishness will land you straight in the bad stereotype trap.

01-05-2013, 11:22 AM
does this help?
Doctor Who Scans - DWM #455 scans (
Thanks a lot for the link, but the uploader of these scans seems to be more interested in the pictures than the articles - or the comics... :(

But thanks anyway ;)

01-05-2013, 11:26 AM
Well, there's always the comedy Scots translations provided here, which can be amusing: Scotranslate - English to Scottish Community Translator & iPhone App (

I probably wouldn't trust it, though.

Obviously, if your character is, say, Jamie, there's a fairly comical character voice with the "television Scots" dialect ("Oh, aye." being probably his most frequent phrase--funnily enough, it's also said quite a lot by Frazer's Joe Sugden character as well). In that case, you've got particular Jamie-isms that you'd be doing, rather than any particular Scottish dialect. Note that he's actually from Yorkshire (but with a Scottish mother).

And there are very notable differences between the real lilting Highlander accent, television Scots, Glaswegian, etc... If you want something more Whovian to listen to, you could check out which roles David Tennant has had where he's actually been allowed to speak with his real accent (or interviews). Probably avoid Sylvester McCoy, as his speech impediment isn't particularly typical! And if you start doing a Sean Connery impression with all the "sh"s, it'll be just that: a Sean Connery impression.

If you're looking for some hardcore Scottish accents for the Scottish-only market in Tennant-related things, look up his cheap 1987 anti-smoking PSA, Dramarama: The Secret of Croftmore (note that everyone is going for a Highlands accent in this one) or his Rab C. Nesbitt appearance as Davina (in drag). These appearances definitely don't soften any accents.

One thing that's noticeable with David Tennant and Karen Gillan both (even when David's trying to sound Estuary--he does lapse), is the tendency to end shouting with "-ah!"s. "And I'm not listening-ah!" "And you are late for my wedding-ah!"

01-05-2013, 12:03 PM
Which sort-of begs the question just how many have and what have you listened to?

That's not to be snarky, btw, I just honestly can't think of that many when he's not doing Pepperpot/Cyber/IceWarrior voices where he's a major part. Couple of the earlier 8th's, and a handful of ones up-to about release 90-ish where he took over from Gary R as Exec Producer.

EDIT TO ADD - And don't forget that if you're listening in release order back in the very early days they did have very much of a "Radio Repertory Theatre" feeling as they could only call on a fairly small pool of actors.

To be fair and balanced - one of the basic reasons I don't like him too much on audio is that he's got a very distinctive voice (even hidden in FX) that all I hear is HIM and not the PART. Relating back to a recent conversation about J-Dredd, he's the exact opposite of Toby Longworth. With Longworth I hear the PART first and then the actor.

Actually, I'd give D-Empire another chance as it's far more human-centric than I think you're expecting. And it's not just Mister Ego doing THE voices, there's also Alistair Locke and A.N.Other (who I forget at the moment).

I've listened to a bunch of... assorted ones. All sorts of things that have been posted here or on a torrent site. It's not so much that I dislike his voice, or can even pick it out of the crowd, it's more that he's in there, and I'd like other people to have a go at being monsters or background characters. The more the merrier. I dislike a monopoly, even if it's just being creatures or minor characters. :)

Oh, and I have a request. Does any kind soul have the B*e*n*n*y* audio The A*d*o*l*e*s*c*e*n*c*e* of T*i*m*e* ? It's by one of my favourite writers, creator of F*a*c*t*i*o*n* P*a*r*a*d*o*x*, Lawrence Miles. Thanks!

01-05-2013, 12:23 PM
Does any kind soul have the B*e*n*n*y* audio The A*d*o*l*e*s*c*e*n*c*e* of T*i*m*e* ? It's by one of my favourite writers, creator of F*a*c*t*i*o*n* P*a*r*a*d*o*x*, Lawrence Miles. Thanks!

Didn't you get them all when Marvlarz posted the links to all the audios a few pages back (post 5404)?

01-05-2013, 01:26 PM
I'm confident about the accent itself. I'd just like to have dialouge that would give the character a bit more believability for the character.

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

All words for any and all British characters I may possibly be, consist of the following:
Oi! = Hey!
Biscuit = Cookie
Chips = Fries
Crisps = Chips
Football = Soccer
Herb = Herb

I'd like learn more, please help.
I'm Scottish. You have to remember that Scot's English is different from England English, depending on the region of Scotland. For Example =
American = Soccer
English = Football
Scottish = Fitba

I've sent you a PM

01-05-2013, 01:37 PM
Didn't you get them all when Marvlarz posted the links to all the audios a few pages back (post 5404)?

At the time, I just went through and picked the ones that struck me as interesting. But I'm getting it now, thanks.

01-05-2013, 01:44 PM
I just noticed but is there a reason why all my previous posts were deleted and my posting count reset?

01-05-2013, 01:56 PM
I just noticed but is there a reason why all my previous posts were deleted and my posting count reset?

How odd!

01-05-2013, 02:32 PM
whoa thats not good!

01-05-2013, 02:33 PM
Weird things are happening.... I cant access page 224 of this thread, click on it and it takes me to page 222! I can click on 223 and it takes me there, but if I click 224, straight back to 222. I was unable to see new posts until it clicked over to page 225, but still cant access 224! weird times indeed!

01-05-2013, 02:34 PM
Its like they deleted a whole bunch of posts and reduced the thread by around 5 or 6 pages.

01-05-2013, 02:57 PM
I just noticed but is there a reason why all my previous posts were deleted and my posting count reset?

I noticed the same thing happened to me a few days ago! was hoping it would just correct itself, but no joy :(

---------- Post added at 06:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 AM ----------

Medic comic reprints, Volume 1 (Dr*ag*ons Cl*aw starts in #9 btw)

Reply with quote.

Thanks Hellbelly, looking forward to trying these out :)

01-05-2013, 03:22 PM
Funny now I can't see my last post nor can access page 226.

01-05-2013, 05:20 PM
Any news about IDW P*r*i*s*o*n*e*r*s of Time comic with First Medic?

01-05-2013, 05:31 PM
will someone fix the page please

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

ah, ok.

01-05-2013, 06:57 PM
'Is anyone here Scottish by chance? I'd like it if someone could help me learn typical Scottish slang, expressions, ect.'

A belated Happy New Year to all!! [no I'm not dead, just not on line very often :)]

An idea for you Jim - get hold of DVD's of Ronnie Baker's "Porriage" set in Slade Prison, made in the 70's, it has 2 Scottish characters, with different regional accents, and multiple examples of expressions and slang of varous parts of the UK at the time... it is also well written, and can be listened to, without the picture [always a sign of good performances], as an audio track. US releases of the TV series on DVD started in ther late nineties ...

01-05-2013, 08:23 PM
When someone posted the Empire stories a few weeks ago, I didn't give them a chance. Oh good, another chance to be screeched at for two hours... :)

Give the first 2 installments (Empire & War) a chance - I'd be beyond surprised if you regret it. They are really good, and it's a shame to pass them up just because Briggs is doing the tinmen (and a minor character or two). It's true he's inflexible (I recognize his voice and manner instantly, same way I do those of Mark McDonnell - god forbid either of those guys should try to change things up a bit), but that doesn't manage to ruin the Empires (1+2). The writing, character development and suspense are superb, plus there's Gareth Thomas (whose part allows him to go into powerhouse mode). Sarah Mowat is doing a great job, but there's something about the stereotypical way The Heroine has been written (WAY too much yelling / whining) that gets on my nerves.

3+4 you could probably do without. They are good, don't get me wrong, but not in the same league IMO.

01-05-2013, 09:24 PM
3+4 you could probably do without. They are good, don't get me wrong, but not in the same league IMO.

You're right. 1 and 2 are definitely worth a go.

3 can't really make it's mind up what it wants to be and, IIRC, just goes on far too long.

4's not a bad story, per-se, but Clarke can't do audio acting.

01-05-2013, 10:25 PM
Thank you for explaining....thought I was going blind for a second!

Glad to have helped.

3 can't really make it's mind up what it wants to be and, IIRC, just goes on far too long.

Spot on. It took me 3+ tries to finally get through the whole thing. Same with 4.

Both are good concept-wise but I think Briggs tried to do too much, and got entangled in it all. Which surprised me because 1+2 are among the best examples of writing-for-radio that I've encountered to date. I also really liked the first Cyberman series (haven't listened to the second one yet) and he penned that one as well.

4's not a bad story, per-se, but Clarke can't do audio acting.

He's got no vocal presence, sadly - to the point he's sometimes a bit hard to even hear. I think I spotted him in a trailer for the new Star Trek though, so his screen career appears to be taking off.

Here's that Bernice S episode btw (The.A.of.Time)

BS9-02 - Download - 4shared - (

01-05-2013, 10:59 PM
C-Man Two is very good ... but ... it's not happy listening. Really must be one of the bleakest, darkest, no-happy-endings, things that BF have produced.

01-05-2013, 11:14 PM
C-Man Two is very good ... but ... it's not happy listening. Really must be one of the bleakest, darkest, no-happy-endings, things that BF have produced.

Oh good. I officially can't wait to get to it. (Dark / unhappy tends to be in the description of maybe 70% of my favorites, BF or not. After all, the only Dredd story I love is War.Crimes and I couldn't get enough of Blue Stone & Hard Metal, DaisyChain being my favorite. A good writer REALLY shines when allowed to stray from the comfortable subjects and the happy endings.)

01-05-2013, 11:21 PM
Does anyone have c-man two? I still need this.

01-06-2013, 12:50 AM
A good writer REALLY shines when allowed to stray from the comfortable subjects and the happy endings....

Very true. And reminds me that 1) I must find the USB stick I've got S&S on and 2) get round to giving them another spin soon.

01-06-2013, 01:20 AM
I have a bit of an oddball question to ask here. Hopefully no one minds.

So, this thought came to me earlier today.

1 - We know that the TARDIS is not simply a machine, but a biological one. (in a nutshell)
2 - The TARDIS knows the past, the present, and the future
3 - PURPOSELY sets the Doctor down into specific times and locations where he'll be of help / is needed. (Sure, yes, sometimes he DOES actually get to go to planets and times he wants to, but, more often than not, that's not the case.)

Not trying to overthink this at all, but it has me wondering. Let's just say that the TARDIS *does* do this. She does put the Doctor down where he's needed. And she not only does this, but does this in a calculated process.
Why? To what end? It can't simply be for him to save this planet on Monday, that planet on Tuesday, this race trying to conquer the galaxy on Wednesday, etc.
This is just me thinking a bit too much but... what if she's not only purposely doing this, but doing this to a bigger end? Maybe it's a evolution process for the Doctor, so when the time comes, he'll be ready for one big, last, ultimate shebang. All thanks to the TARDIS having purposely put him through the paces through his regenerations. All of his smaller adventures, all of his loves and losses, all to help him become this man to tackle this one huge, end all, beat all situation at the very end?

What do you think? Am I thinking too much about this?

01-06-2013, 02:42 AM
I'd say she's as sentient as the plot requires! :)

But, hmm, I think I'd lean towards her actions being more semi-autonomic-ish "this sort of event in the timeline has attracted the attention of my owner, so this one may be of interest" - A time-travelling Auto-Complete and Microsoft Paperclip!

Trying to find any deeper meaning can only lead to gibbering and dribbling, I suspect.

But lets throw this into the pot to see what happens ... perhaps a 'bonded TARDIS' is there to help teach more adventurous timelords and get them fit and ready for then their final regeneration into ...


01-06-2013, 03:06 AM
perhaps a 'bonded TARDIS' is there to help teach more adventurous timelords and get them fit and ready for then their final regeneration into ...



omg.... that never entered my mind but...

oh... my ... gosh...

01-06-2013, 03:14 AM
Medic Classics Volume 2

Reply with quote

01-06-2013, 05:03 AM
Fern Britton Meets John Barrowman


Reply with quote



Reply with quote

01-06-2013, 05:51 AM
But lets throw this into the pot to see what happens ... perhaps a 'bonded TARDIS' is there to help teach more adventurous timelords and get them fit and ready for then their final regeneration into ...

So...wouldn't that be kind of HARD to do?

Unless, you know, TimeLords regeneration is into a seed.

01-06-2013, 10:55 AM

So...wouldn't that be kind of HARD to do?

Unless, you know, TimeLords regeneration is into a seed.

And why not? All that experience and 'race memory' encoded in the the TimeLord DNA, RNA and whatever. Would be a waste for it not to be used if it's not already in the Matrix.

Explains why it's generally better for a Timelord to be in their TARDIS to regenerate. If it's their last one then their TARDIS takes them home and it dies too, whilst it 'feeds' the kernel of a new TARDIS that's being grown it's own physical remains and practical experience.

01-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Here's Medic 8 reading a short story collection

E*A*R*T*H**A*N*D**B*E*Y*O*N*D Beyond.7z (


01-06-2013, 01:05 PM

01-06-2013, 03:31 PM
Bulletzen's posts containing the Arabian Tales and the 6th Medic's journey to America seem to have been deleted. Anyone care to furnish me with the links to those stories?

01-06-2013, 04:56 PM
Hi All,
Does anyone know if T*O*M*B*A*K*E*R* has recorded any new C*Y*B*E*R*M*A*N* stories for B*I*G*Endings or any S*E*A*D*E*V*I*L*S ones
for release in the next year or so?
Seems such a shame that Tom only did one story with our Tin Robot Friends!

01-06-2013, 05:25 PM
does anybody have *H*U*N*T*E*R*S*O*F*E*A*R*T*H*? would be much appreciated!

01-06-2013, 05:53 PM
Funny season 5 spoiler pic -


01-06-2013, 06:15 PM
Hi All,
Does anyone know if T*O*M*B*A*K*E*R* has recorded any new C*Y*B*E*R*M*A*N* stories for B*I*G*Endings or any S*E*A*D*E*V*I*L*S ones
for release in the next year or so?
Seems such a shame that Tom only did one story with our Tin Robot Friends!

Well he may have some coming down the line with his 3rd season...but as of now he hadn't recorded from the first two seasons with Leela, and Romana or from the Lost Lost stories

01-06-2013, 08:50 PM
C-man1, eps 1-4



[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

C-man2, eps 1-4


[url= ( [/url)

[url= ( [/url)

01-06-2013, 11:02 PM
Great share, andyb2011, thank you :)

---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 PM ----------

By the way, I have old medics reading novelisations of their adventures eg medic 3 reading C*U*R*S*E**O*F**P*E*L*A*D*O*N if there's any interest I'll put them up.

01-07-2013, 12:39 AM
Does anyone have the T*h*e T*a*l*o*n*s O*f W*e*n*g-C*h*i*a*n*g audiobook or the new d*e*s*t*i*n*y of the D*o*c*t*oR : H*U*N*T*E*R*S OF E*A*R*T*H please? thanks

01-07-2013, 05:25 AM
I use firefox & Adblock on a PC running Win7. Using THUNDER as a screen reader. Works fine for everything else :D THANKS for the help

01-07-2013, 09:57 AM
gone wonky again, stuck on 226

01-07-2013, 01:18 PM
It's probably a vBulletin glitch. A forum I used to be on hadn't updated vBulletin in years and we got all kind of phantom pages/post count issues.

01-07-2013, 02:50 PM
And why not? All that experience and 'race memory' encoded in the the TimeLord DNA, RNA and whatever. Would be a waste for it not to be used if it's not already in the Matrix.

Explains why it's generally better for a Timelord to be in their TARDIS to regenerate. If it's their last one then their TARDIS takes them home and it dies too, whilst it 'feeds' the kernel of a new TARDIS that's being grown it's own physical remains and practical experience.

O__o ... whoa... now *that* bit I didn't know about!

01-07-2013, 03:58 PM
A bit of an odd request, but does anyone have high-res versions of the G*a*l*l*i*f*r*e*y* covers? I'm specifically after W*a*r*f*a*r*e*, A*p*p*r*o*p*r*i*a*t*i*o*n*, and I*m*p*e*r*i*a*t*r*i*x*. BF only posts the covers in 318 by 318. Thanks!

01-07-2013, 04:55 PM
1st 50th Children's Book announced ...

Doctor Who � A Big Hand for the Doctor (

Should be good. I love his Artemis Fowl books.

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------

O__o ... whoa... now *that* bit I didn't know about!

Which bit? The 'generally better to be in The Tardis'? That was based purely on The Doctor always wanting to get back to The Tardis for his regeneration.

01-07-2013, 06:35 PM
And why not? All that experience and 'race memory' encoded in the the TimeLord DNA, RNA and whatever. Would be a waste for it not to be used if it's not already in the Matrix.

Explains why it's generally better for a Timelord to be in their TARDIS to regenerate. If it's their last one then their TARDIS takes them home and it dies too, whilst it 'feeds' the kernel of a new TARDIS that's being grown it's own physical remains and practical experience.

I always really liked the idea of TARDISes (TARDI?) being more than just machines, even organic machines - almost as if they're a higher form of life. This theory of yours is great, and fits with all the stuff from the Eighth Doctor adventures; of "semi-sentient" TARDISes like Compassion and the one featured in Lawrence Miles' novel Alien Bodies.

01-07-2013, 06:46 PM
I always really liked the idea of TARDISes (TARDI?) being more than just machines, even organic machines - almost as if they're a higher form of life. This theory of yours is great, and fits with all the stuff from the Eighth Doctor adventures; of "semi-sentient" TARDISes like Compassion and the one featured in Lawrence Miles' novel Alien Bodies.

Didn't one of the early 7th audios touch in the subject, too? "Unregenerate"?

01-07-2013, 07:11 PM
The doctors wife episode brought the TARDIS to life, making her sentient and giving her a bigger background too.

01-07-2013, 07:35 PM
Fate of the mysterious medic #1 - Foragers of Terra

MP3 file

01-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Bulletzen, Hero, two words that go together.

01-07-2013, 08:23 PM
bulletzan... words.. none... awesome!

01-07-2013, 08:26 PM
does anyone know when the 4th and 6th medic audios are released

01-07-2013, 08:29 PM
Based on the usual release schedule, I'd say about a fortnight.

01-07-2013, 08:30 PM
The dates are random. Usually after the middle of the month.

01-07-2013, 08:53 PM
cheers mate

01-07-2013, 09:26 PM
Fate of the mysterious medic #1 - Foragers of Terra

MP3 file
Download DOD-HOE.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (

Thanks Buddy! welcome back! hope you had a good time up north over the festive season!

01-07-2013, 09:50 PM
Thanks Bulletzen! Much appreciated

01-07-2013, 10:53 PM
Thank you so much for this, you truly are a star

01-07-2013, 11:10 PM
Didn't one of the early 7th audios touch in the subject, too? "Unregenerate"?

Think so - I'd have to listen to it again to be sure. I moved continents a couple of years ago and sold all my LC CDs and archived all the files. True to form, they're not easy to get to, but I should dig that one out. I like anything that riffs on Gallifreyan science - always entertaining!

01-07-2013, 11:10 PM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks bullet

01-08-2013, 12:17 AM
Erm... Am I the only one noticing it can't be converted to anything with dBpoweramp? Just me?

*EDIT* Ah, at the part that it breaks at (2 minutes in), there appears to be a missing section of audio.

Thanks, though!

01-08-2013, 12:30 AM
A bit of an odd request, but does anyone have high-res versions of the G*a*l*l*i*f*r*e*y* covers? I'm specifically after W*a*r*f*a*r*e*, A*p*p*r*o*p*r*i*a*t*i*o*n*, and I*m*p*e*r*i*a*t*r*i*x*. BF only posts the covers in 318 by 318. Thanks!
I found some 500x500 RwQ
Warfare 3.2

Appropriation 3.3

Imperiatrix 2.5


does anyone know when the 4th and 6th medic audios are released
The correct answer is NO. Dates are announced, but because time travel is involved... they are rarely accurate.

01-08-2013, 01:30 AM
Yeah, I think I only have the last season of Gally in hi-res (pulled off of a Wiki, actually). The rest are totally puny. Thankfully, all the CCs and almost all EDAs are at least now in 600x600 minimum, but nobody bothered with some of the middle-of-the-range main range (the first 50 are all hi-def and the latest are pretty much all hi-defs now). It's like the official sites began to put covers in hi-def or at least medium-def and then just quit. A-Go was running 512x512 for a while that I nabbed for items where that was an improvement (some NSAs, in particular, but I've since found a bunch of hi-defs of those--oddly enough, a few of the NSAs I found were versions without text and then with text and alternates!), but some of their files came down with the site redesign. Google Image Search set to high quality really helps. I could chuck over my covers folder into an upload here if it's desired.

01-08-2013, 01:59 AM
Thanks, burneggroll! And thanks, Nobber, I was worried I might have to be productive today. :)

Grubbuts, you may be interested in the The Book of the War ( , which among other things has Lawrence Miles' thoughts on T*i*m*e* L*o*r*d*s* and T*a*r*d*i*s*e*s*. It's also a good read in its own right. I dip into it every so often, read whatever interests me.

Nile, I'd appreciate that, thanks.

01-08-2013, 02:08 AM
Thank you Redhoof, that story is a really wierd ride!

01-08-2013, 02:09 AM
Does anyone else have the Telos novellas in epub format? And if so, would they please consider re-upping them, as all of the Megaupload links have gone the way of the dodo (not to be confused with Dodo Chaplet, who went a different way)..

01-08-2013, 02:14 AM
Thanks, burneggroll! And thanks, Nobber, I was worried I might have to be productive today. :)

Grubbuts, you may be interested in the The Book of the War ( , which among other things has Lawrence Miles' thoughts on T*i*m*e* L*o*r*d*s* and T*a*r*d*i*s*e*s*. It's also a good read in its own right. I dip into it every so often, read whatever interests me.

Nile, I'd appreciate that, thanks.

Me? Not sure what I've done worthy of praise, but Ta anyway!

That book certainly looks ... interesting ... I love the description
"The War: A fifty-year-old dispute over the two most valuable territories in existence: "cause" and "effect.""

01-08-2013, 04:28 AM
Me? Not sure what I've done worthy of praise, but Ta anyway!
Oops. I thought it was you who posted the link to the new Medic story. Well, you're a good sort of person anyway, it's all good. :)

That book certainly looks ... interesting ... I love the description
It's very interesting. If you liked the FP audios I posted before, you'll probably like the book.

And to correct my earlier mistake, thanks for the audio, Bulletzen!

01-08-2013, 04:57 AM
I could chuck over my covers folder into an upload here if it's desired.

I, for one, would greatly appreciate it! :D

01-08-2013, 05:14 AM
Covers.part1.rar download - 2shared (
Covers.part2.rar download - 2shared (
Covers.part3.rar download - 2shared (

01-08-2013, 06:30 AM
Excellent! /clenches Cyber-hand. Thanks Bulletzen! :)

01-08-2013, 08:42 AM
Archaeologist Persimmons. I converted from another format to .pdf. Not my scanning work! Just some formatting on my part:

01-08-2013, 09:27 AM
Does anyone else have the Telos novellas in epub format? And if so, would they please consider re-upping them, as all of the Megaupload links have gone the way of the dodo (not to be confused with Dodo Chaplet, who went a different way)..

Most (all bar one, I think) are available on TUEBL, if that helps

01-08-2013, 09:27 AM
Archaeologist Persimmons. I converted from another format to .pdf. Not my scanning work! Just some formatting on my part:

Ah, brilliant. Finally got a full set! Thanks so much!

01-08-2013, 12:18 PM
BBC Radio 4 Extra has started to broadcast Eighth Doctor - Series 4 - "Death in Blackpool" was broadcast yesterday; today "Situation Vacant"; tomorrow (09.01) "Nevermore"; Thursday (10.1) - "The Book of Kells"; Friday (11.1) - "Deimos". These are "live" at 18.00 and 00.00, but they can be heard for one week after broadcast (not only in the UK) by going to the BBC Radio 4 Extra web-page. One must assume that the rest of series 4 will be coming along next week.

01-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Radio Times for next week (12-18 Jan) confirms the next batch of the 8th's 4th Series - Mon 14: "Resurrection of Mars" through to Fri 18: "To the Death"
All eps at 18:00 and repeated at midnight

01-08-2013, 04:08 PM
Bulletzen, would you mind reposting the links to the Arabian Tales and the Sixth Medic's journey to America please?

01-08-2013, 04:24 PM
Ah, brilliant. Finally got a full set! Thanks so much!

How many books in the full set and are the rest available here?


01-08-2013, 04:32 PM
Bulletzen, would you mind reposting the links to the Arabian Tales and the Sixth Medic's journey to America please?

If it helps, they've just popped up on UseNet today.

01-08-2013, 05:07 PM
Bulletzen, would you mind reposting the links to the Arabian Tales and the Sixth Medic's journey to America please?

Download from - send big files the easy way (

Download from - send big files the easy way (

01-08-2013, 05:17 PM
Thanks, burneggroll! And thanks, Nobber, I was worried I might have to be productive today. :)

Grubbuts, you may be interested in the The Book of the War ( , which among other things has Lawrence Miles' thoughts on T*i*m*e* L*o*r*d*s* and T*a*r*d*i*s*e*s*. It's also a good read in its own right. I dip into it every so often, read whatever interests me.

I've read it, along with almost all of Miles' other output. :) I think he's a fine writer with some outstandingly original ideas - an awful lot of the stuff he created for BBC Books has latterly been repurposed for New Who (even if you just counted the idea of the Time War. And Neil Gaiman's The Doctor's Wife owes him a lot). That he managed to spin off his own "universe" with the Faction Paradox stuff is a good thing, but a bad thing - for the rest of us - that he alienated himself from Doctor Who. He's one of several writers of the Virgin and BBC Books who didn't go on to gain TV experience but I really wish did so they could write episodes of the modern show. Not that Miles would be invited (probably) as he's slagged Moffatt off quite a bit.

01-08-2013, 07:22 PM
You, Bulletzen, are a saint. Much obliged!

Is the latest 4th Medic story, the free one, available?

01-08-2013, 08:55 PM
Is the latest 4th Medic story, the free one, available?
Do you mean this one? -

Download from - send big files the easy way (

01-08-2013, 08:59 PM
I did indeed. Thanks again!

01-08-2013, 09:28 PM
I don't suppose anyone has any of the recent Extended Extras from Large Conclusions or the Fourth Medic retrospective put up over the seasonal break??

01-08-2013, 11:07 PM
There are 25 books in this range plus one unpublished, so the count goes up to 26.
See post 5327.

How many books in the full set and are the rest available here?


01-08-2013, 11:31 PM
There are 25 books in this range plus one unpublished, so the count goes up to 26.
See post 5327.

Is this the list of books?

The Doomsday Manuscript by Justin Richards
The Gods of the Underworld by Stephen Cole
The Squire's Crystal by Jacqueline Rayner
The Infernal Nexus by Dave Stone
The Glass Prison by Jac Rayner

The Big Hunt by Lance Parkin
The Tree of Life by Mark Michalowski
Genius Loci by Ben Aaronovitch
The Two Jasons by Dave Stone
Terra Incognita by Ben Aaronovitch — originally announced in 2007, this novel remains unpublished save for an extract in Missing Adventures
The Weather on Versimmon by Matthew Griffiths
The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis by Xanna Eve Chown [1]

A Life In Pieces by Dave Stone, Paul Sutton and Joseph Lidster
Parallel Lives by Rebecca Levene, Stewart Sheargold and Dave Stone, with linking material by Simon Guerrier
Old Friends by Jonathan Clements, Marc Platt and Pete Kempshall
Nobody's Children by Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum and Philip Purser-Hallard
The Vampire Curse by Mags L Halliday, Kelly Hale and Philip Purser-Hallard

The Dead Men Diaries, edited by Paul Cornell
A Life of Surprises, edited by Paul Cornell
Life During Wartime, edited by Paul Cornell
A Life Worth Living, edited by Simon Guerrier
Something Changed, edited by Simon Guerrier
Collected Works, edited by Nick Wallace
Missing Adventures, edited by Rebecca Levene
Secret Histories, edited by Mark Clapham
Present Danger, edited by Eddie Robson

Thanks for your help...


01-08-2013, 11:49 PM

01-09-2013, 12:34 AM
Archaeologist Persimmons. I converted from another format to .pdf. Not my scanning work! Just some formatting on my part:

What was the original format?

01-09-2013, 09:37 AM
What was the original format?

Yep, I was wondering that. Pdf is almost the most rubbish thing to read on, or convert to, a kindle.
Not that I'm complaining of course :-)

01-09-2013, 12:16 PM

01-09-2013, 12:26 PM
Which kind soul uploaded S*e*r*p*e*n*t C*r*e*s*t*? I've caught up on the other ones, and now is the time to start. Only it's passworded, and I didn't note the PW at the time. Please tell me, thanks!

01-09-2013, 02:54 PM
Hi there,

To begin I would like to say thank you to all for all the stuff that's been put up on here...

And secondly, I would be really grateful if anyone could sort out copy of the time that Benny joined the Roman Army...

Thank you again :-)

Sam Fett1989
01-09-2013, 04:25 PM
I don't suppose anyone has any of the recent Extended Extras from Large Conclusions or the Fourth Medic retrospective put up over the seasonal break??

I do. I'll try and sort them out for you :)

01-09-2013, 06:16 PM
First attempt so I hope this is OK

Electronic medic reading from the 1990s in e*p*u*b and m*o*b*i plus covers

Including all fresh escapades, absent escapades from both ranges, 8th medic stories, the archeologist fresh escapades.

B*B*C Books

bbcdweb.rar (

V*I*R*G*I*N Books

vnadweb.rar (

01-09-2013, 07:02 PM
Which kind soul uploaded S*e*r*p*e*n*t C*r*e*s*t*? I've caught up on the other ones, and now is the time to start. Only it's passworded, and I didn't note the PW at the time. Please tell me, thanks!

If they're the ones I upped, the pw is whovian. If that doesn't work, let me know. I've re-upped them without passwords since then.

01-09-2013, 08:15 PM
Details of the 50th anniversary story have been announced.

01-09-2013, 10:12 PM
I went straight for the 5 disc, it sounds amazing.

Sam Fett1989
01-09-2013, 10:44 PM
Here's the retrospective of the first series of fourth medic adventures. Hope these work, first time I've done this. .1.mp3 ( - Part 1 .2.mp3 ( - Part 2

01-09-2013, 11:09 PM
If they're the ones I upped, the pw is whovian. If that doesn't work, let me know. I've re-upped them without passwords since then.

That's it, thanks!

01-10-2013, 12:21 AM
First up, thanks again to all here.

Secondly, has anyone got the 5 c*o*m*p*a*n*i*o*n*S.

All the Best.

01-10-2013, 12:21 AM
[QUOTE=Sam Fett1989;2246642]Here's the retrospective of the first series of fourth medic adventures. Hope these work, first time I've done this.


01-10-2013, 02:28 AM
Details of the 50th anniversary story have been announced.

Written by Nick Briggs. Dammit.

01-10-2013, 02:57 AM
Thanks Sam Fett1989! :)

01-10-2013, 03:28 AM
Written by Nick Briggs. Dammit.

More or less my reaction, too. He's been very hit and miss since "Lucie Miller/To The Death" and I'm still getting over the disappointment of 'Dark Eyes'.

I would have thought for a story that's got FIVE doctors and FIVE companions that just two CDs doesn't seem a lot of story time for each of them. I'd would have guessed it would have been a three CD at least.

And the two hours of documentary ... I hate to say it but most of their extras/documentaries are generally full of self-congratulation and very little real 'behind the scenes' stuff. That's why I rarely bother with the Extras these days.

Oh well, fingers crossed that it will follow the 'The Four Doctors' template that worked pretty well; interlinked stories with just the right amount of 'meet up at the end'.

Wonder if they'll all be recording together, though? Or over separate days with Tom's being done in Kent again?

(Odd choice of CC to throw in, too. I know it's already been released, but 'The Time Museum' would have fitted a 'Fifty Years' set better.)

01-10-2013, 03:38 AM
This Nick Briggs hate gets to be tiresome... he doesn't appear and write as many stories as people make him out to. And remember this is a small company with a limited budget.... the fact that they have such great actors and the original cast as well and the production standards much... this is a theme that has run for years that peoiple tend to focus on Briggs for some reason rather thanEllery or Richardson... or even Russell back in the day.

Seriously just shut up and enjoy it. . It gets old

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 PM ----------

Written by Nick Briggs. Dammit.

another Briggs hating post dammit... maybe we should be grateful rather than grousing.

01-10-2013, 03:50 AM
another Briggs hating post dammit... maybe we should be grateful rather than grousing.

I believe it's called Constructive Criticism :)

01-10-2013, 03:58 AM
sounds like the typical annual Briggs-bashing again...:roflbalok:

01-10-2013, 04:28 AM
sounds like the typical annual Briggs-bashing again...:roflbalok:

You've been registered about half-a-year - so how can you claim it's annual? :)

But I suppose to partly address the position; I think if you went back through all 5724 posts on this thread I suspect you'll find more praise (for the company and individuals) generally than you'll find any faulting, and even the faulting I'd say is pretty balanced and acknowledges good points.

On the whole, I'd say the thread is fairly neutral, really.

01-10-2013, 04:32 AM
I dunno - Briggsy on form can be very good. Off-form he can be self-indulgent and predictable. But generally I think he writes more hits than misses. (I'm being "glass half-full" here): let's hope he rises to the occasion as regards this 50th anniversary story. Whether Tom's recorded elsewhere or not, the thought of actually hearing the fourth Doctor interact with the others is really something to look forward to. I want to see how he is with Doc 8!

01-10-2013, 04:59 AM
I dunno - Briggsy on form can be very good. Off-form he can be self-indulgent and predictable. But generally I think he writes more hits than misses....

Yeah, I think I see where you're coming from. As I writer I think he can let a story "get away from him" and he looses track of it.

Look at LM/TTD - A good story well told, well paced, with one heck of an emotional impact.

Then you get 'Energy Of The Daleks' - Bit of a 'Invasion Of Earth for The Umpteenth Time' rehash, ill paced, too much story in not enough time. Actually, that one could have better as a 2CD-er set on a.n.other planet. There's a good story in there just not really given the proper chance to get out.

DarkEyes - So frustrating, this one, as I really see what he was going for, but the whole story is a bit of a mess and having 8 go against the Daleks again directly after LM/TTD just feels so horribly contrived. Possibly could have been better trimmed to 2CDs and bumped into earlier in his timeline or much later. (That said, I really want to hear what happens next in his timeline after this. There's potential in the new companion and hopefully this will then 'sit better' over-all, if you see what I mean.)

But to end on a high-note, we'll look at DE IV-I

IV - Reasonable story let down by a lead actor with very limited audio skills.
III - Even Mr B himself accepts this goes on far too long and could have been more focused.
II-I - Great set these two. Excellent story that gives us a lead character we actually care about. One of his best bits of writing, I'd say.

01-10-2013, 05:23 AM
You've been registered about half-a-year - so how can you claim it's annual? :)

But I suppose to partly address the position; I think if you went back through all 5724 posts on this thread I suspect you'll find more praise (for the company and individuals) generally than you'll find any faulting, and even the faulting I'd say is pretty balanced and acknowledges good points.

On the whole, I'd say the thread is fairly neutral, really.

i see your point then... i exaggerated the same way people stretch the ammount that Briggs has the involvement they think he does.....

see? you call me to task for that yet i cant call people to task for saying the Briggs hate is rearing it head again and again....[[cue the rolling eyes of doom...] seriously! sheesh!

01-10-2013, 08:02 AM
I think the reason that disc five is the cc they chose rather than another one is the simple fact that it was a download only title and bf customers like to have them on cd. I'm glad since now I can stop trying to find an inexpensive copy to purchase just to justify already having the audio.

01-10-2013, 08:45 AM
Written by Nick Briggs. Dammit.

You expected someone else??

(Although Robert Shearman would've been nice...)

I certainly don't hate Briggs or his work, but it does often feel like he keeps all the 'big' stuff for himself - thus no surprise he's writing this - and it can as a consequence come across as if he's hogging the spotlight. Maybe just one or two 'special' releases without his involvement would be a nice change, is all.

Having said that, to be honest, if I had half as many good stories in me as he does, I'd be a very happily prolific person, indeed...

01-10-2013, 10:05 AM
Having said that, to be honest, if I had half as many good stories in me as he does, I'd be a very happily prolific person, indeed...

That's a very good point. And my problem with Briggs isn't his work as such, it's just that he seems to have a monoply on audio Medic, and I don't like monopolies.

01-10-2013, 01:14 PM
In defence of Briggs, he is one of the driving forces behind the very existence of Large Conclusions. Right back to the old Audio-Visual days, he was one of the group including Gatiss who kept the medic going and proved there was a market for medic audios. So most of the stuff you all enjoy exists because of people who seem to get a lot of bashing.

01-10-2013, 01:17 PM
and now we get the real reason why people dislike him.. this percieved monopoly...... and remember with the big stuff the larger casts means the production costs more..,.if he is already on salary as writer then they dont have to pay for that......

so they can get hmm i dont know... all the multiple cast members that dont work for free. Doctors ,Companions. Supporting parts sound editing , music composition,
the list goes on...

And a curosy look at the main ranges shows he has far less than other writer, almost none on the CCs , and didn't do much with the 8th medic til later stories....

like i said it is a percieved notion that he does everything becuase he so involved in the production and HAS to wear many hats just to keep the audios affordable and the company is a monopoly in the same way RTD had ...Moffat does .... . and Gary russell did or even Holmes and Dicks and Saward ,Adams. did back in the day

01-10-2013, 02:26 PM
TTROY, I understand that as head honcho, he's going to be there on all levels. Actually, he does more than the other producers. He writes and/or directs and/or performs in most of the audios. Other producers generally write some of the stories, and let other people take over directing and performing. But due to assorted factors, he does that other stuff too.

Really, it's just a base emotional response to seeing his name in the credits when I go on the Wiki afterwards, not based on logic at all. And besides, I'm the sort of fan who likes to complain about things. It's a sickness, I know. :)

01-10-2013, 03:27 PM
i see your point then... i exaggerated the same way people stretch the ammount that Briggs has the involvement they think he does.....

see? you call me to task for that yet i cant call people to task for saying the Briggs hate is rearing it head again and again....[[cue the rolling eyes of doom...] seriously! sheesh!

Well, firstly, I do apologise if you didn't spot the Smiley which clearly indicated a 'tongue in cheek' comment.

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------

(Although Robert Shearman would've been nice...)

Blimey, but it's been an age since they we've had a Shearman script. Hard to believe his last one was Scherzo. (I know it's a Fan Divider but, wow, Scherzo is a thing of beauty for me.)

---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------

I think the reason that disc five is the cc they chose rather than another one is the simple fact that it was a download only title and bf customers like to have them on cd. I'm glad since now I can stop trying to find an inexpensive copy to purchase just to justify already having the audio.

Yeah, I see the production logic of putting the freebie it, just that Time Museum, or The Last Post too, would have been better commemorations for a 50th set with them both being 'Love Letters' to the series.

01-10-2013, 03:42 PM
well the point comes in when when it seems to rear it head every few months....[the point there is every major announcement] The simple fact is that in a perfect world you could have a script editor that could afford to hire a different writer for each production, a different actor for every cast member [remember many production use 1 actor for multiple roles and sometimes that same actor over multiple production. All these people need to get paid, and many tim es it has been noted that Briggs takes other jobs outside the company as to make ends meet for himself .
That beinf said it is highly likely the the cost in this particular production will go to the few dozen [at the very least] actors involved since it is quite plain that Doctor and Companions can't be doubled up .... this is a bonus... I tended to think DE in the same way... the cast was amazing and really were worth the cost saving of an outside writer while going to the better performers.
As fans we have no idea how lucky we are for Russel , Briggs and Big Finish --simply put it was their efforts that made the BBC notice that this wasn't a dead show..but a property that with the proper nurturing could be revived , thrive and be around for a 50th anniversary.....while a dont want him to do everything a a fan who knows these things behind the scenes....[and most of us here are savvy to this as well] we can accept the multiple roles and positions that many of the staff of BF have to play to keep the small company spinning through the vortex...

for that alone i can overlook any percieved monopoly that Briggs had/has/might have in the result that we actually get a story with 5 Doctors interacting with the original actors rather than a film clip a stand in and 3 originals. [This production will be the REAL 5 Doctors].. and i epect all the flaws and fun that Terrance Dicks gave us in 1983

---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 AM ----------

that being said the Time Museum would have been the perfect choice... Ian needs to have his due during this anniversary....maybe he will be a part of the special [I am hoping some of the companions of the 1st through 3rd Doctor will make appearances as well. Ian,Jamie and Jo...would be great choices...]

01-10-2013, 03:56 PM

REALLY like the idea of an Ian/Jamie/Jo CC if they could find a nice way to get round Jamie's memory block. Ian/Jo being sent back to Jamie, perhaps? As long as it didn't feel too contrived I reckon it'd be a brilliant threesome.

01-10-2013, 04:06 PM
but which versions? i would love that 3-some but all the older versions.... the post SVA Jo..the post TM Ian and the older Jamie..

it would be nice to have the CC have a multiple companion special....[and remember this year we also see the debut of a certain Bent-on Sergeant in the CC ---

01-10-2013, 04:51 PM
Definitely the older ones. (Again with the caveat of getting round Jamie's memory block)

I'd forgotten the illustrious Sergeant was in one this year.

01-10-2013, 05:06 PM
It'll be interesting to see if in future years the Beeb will allow characters and situations from the new series to be added to what BF can draw from...[granted getting some of the actors may be rough going, but we never though we would see Tom Baker in the role again....] When we get to 12 will they release 9 [ getting Chris to do some audios would be amazing, we already know David would do them in a double heartbeat.

01-10-2013, 06:46 PM
It'll be interesting to see if in future years the Beeb will allow characters and situations from the new series to be added to what BF can draw from...[granted getting some of the actors may be rough going, but we never though we would see Tom Baker in the role again....] When we get to 12 will they release 9 [ getting Chris to do some audios would be amazing, we already know David would do them in a double heartbeat.

I agree that some with David would be nice...... but, PLEASE, without Rose or Martha!!!!! I for one, never want to see or hear from those characters again!!! :)

01-10-2013, 07:16 PM
so does anyone have the new CC? it came out yesterday

01-10-2013, 08:10 PM
lol give it some time

01-10-2013, 08:14 PM
Yeah, I think I see where you're coming from. As I writer I think he can let a story "get away from him" and he looses track of it.

Look at LM/TTD - A good story well told, well paced, with one heck of an emotional impact.

Then you get 'Energy Of The Daleks' - Bit of a 'Invasion Of Earth for The Umpteenth Time' rehash, ill paced, too much story in not enough time. Actually, that one could have better as a 2CD-er set on a.n.other planet. There's a good story in there just not really given the proper chance to get out.

DarkEyes - So frustrating, this one, as I really see what he was going for, but the whole story is a bit of a mess and having 8 go against the Daleks again directly after LM/TTD just feels so horribly contrived. Possibly could have been better trimmed to 2CDs and bumped into earlier in his timeline or much later. (That said, I really want to hear what happens next in his timeline after this. There's potential in the new companion and hopefully this will then 'sit better' over-all, if you see what I mean.)

But to end on a high-note, we'll look at DE IV-I

IV - Reasonable story let down by a lead actor with very limited audio skills.
III - Even Mr B himself accepts this goes on far too long and could have been more focused.
II-I - Great set these two. Excellent story that gives us a lead character we actually care about. One of his best bits of writing, I'd say.

Really agree with your assessments. DW went on for too long, but at its height was very solid storytelling - I really enjoyed it. LM/TD the same. Energy of the Kaleds was a terrible letdown - but so was most of that season in storytelling terms, bar the actual sheer joy of hearing those leads together again. Medic stories often depend on their actors to sell what sometimes can be slightly dodgy concepts - half of 10's era on TV seemed that way to me, but you had a lead actor who so clearly loved what he was doing it was impossible not to get caught up in it. I'm like that with 8 - I love him and could listen to him read the telephone directory. Well, maybe that's a stretch but you know what I mean. DE really did toy with my patience though, and to my mind properly illustrates Briggsy's tendency to ramble, or come up with a great idea that works for an episode or two which he subsequently fails to develop. Cool new potential companion though.

[This is not, I hasten to add, a criticism of any of his other skills, nor does it demonstrate my lack of thankfulness for his enormous contributions to keeping the legend alive in the past and what he creates now. I just think he overworks a bit and could probably use a more skilled script editor. For the record, I love and have supported Large Conclusions output since the beginning.]

but which versions? i would love that 3-some but all the older versions.... the post SVA Jo..the post TM Ian and the older Jamie..

it would be nice to have the CC have a multiple companion special....[and remember this year we also see the debut of a certain Bent-on Sergeant in the CC ---

Really? That's something to look forward to!

01-10-2013, 08:43 PM
Love this thread. Has brought me numerous hours of enjoyment.

I was wondering if anyone had any of the following?



01-10-2013, 11:35 PM
I don't think it's just Briggs. Imho the overall quality of the writing seems to have dipped a little over the past year, mainly down to the sheer number of stories Large Conclusions have released.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------


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01-11-2013, 12:04 AM
well the point comes in when when it seems to rear it head every few months....[the point there is every major announcement] The simple fact is that in a perfect world you could have a script editor that could afford to hire a different writer for each production, a different actor for every cast member [remember many production use 1 actor for multiple roles and sometimes that same actor over multiple production. All these people need to get paid, and many tim es it has been noted that Briggs takes other jobs outside the company as to make ends meet for himself .
That beinf said it is highly likely the the cost in this particular production will go to the few dozen [at the very least] actors involved since it is quite plain that Doctor and Companions can't be doubled up .... this is a bonus... I tended to think DE in the same way... the cast was amazing and really were worth the cost saving of an outside writer while going to the better performers.
As fans we have no idea how lucky we are for Russel , Briggs and Big Finish --simply put it was their efforts that made the BBC notice that this wasn't a dead show..but a property that with the proper nurturing could be revived , thrive and be around for a 50th anniversary.....while a dont want him to do everything a a fan who knows these things behind the scenes....[and most of us here are savvy to this as well] we can accept the multiple roles and positions that many of the staff of BF have to play to keep the small company spinning through the vortex...

for that alone i can overlook any percieved monopoly that Briggs had/has/might have in the result that we actually get a story with 5 Doctors interacting with the original actors rather than a film clip a stand in and 3 originals. [This production will be the REAL 5 Doctors].. and i epect all the flaws and fun that Terrance Dicks gave us in 1983

---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 AM ----------

that being said the Time Museum would have been the perfect choice... Ian needs to have his due during this anniversary....maybe he will be a part of the special [I am hoping some of the companions of the 1st through 3rd Doctor will make appearances as well. Ian,Jamie and Jo...would be great choices...]

I totally agree with the fact that Large Conclusions is the reason why we were able to see a revival of the Medic. and even before then, the bbv effort. if the medic had to go on extended holidays, i chalk it up to really bad Scripting. 6th and 7th really shine in the audios in ways they were not permitted to in their day. even the 5th has more depth although seasons 20 and 21 have incredibly superb stories.
i may be really off here, but you know there's always some exception to every rule. i always loved the multiple doctor stories. the 3 medics opened up the world of gallifrey like never before (can't even imagine later stories like the invasion of time without recalling the 3 medics imho), the 5 medics took us a little further into the deal, opening up the idea of a declining civilisation which led up to the Trial serials (although the scripts were horrible and totally downplayed 6th's obvious talents. about that i hope that the next audios give us a Mel that's at least tolerable). As far as the 2 medics, well i'll admit that seeing a clown running aroung with a steak knife after jamie and peri was more than ridiculous and that the potatoe heads were useless and uninteresting but just the fact we got to see the 2nd medic made it all worthwhile for me.
i would hope for a BIG production for the 8th that spans between TTD and "Rose". i for one am dying to know what exactly happened in this war. how was the medic involved? Who was involved? How did Rassilon come back from his "living casquet death" (once again seen in the 5 medics *G*) to "flesh and bone"? Did Romana bring him back? did flavia? whatever happened to susan? since she is gallifreyan, she had centuries left in her, even after TTD... SO many questions! Long live Large Conclusions!!!

01-11-2013, 12:05 AM
I don't think it's just Briggs. Imho the overall quality of the writing seems to have dipped a little over the past year, mainly down to the sheer number of stories Large Conclusions have released.

I think the exact opposite, the last year was one of the strongest for a good long time.

01-11-2013, 12:31 AM
I think the exact opposite, the last year was one of the strongest for a good long time.

I think I'd have to go for 'mediocre' for the Mains with only the 7+Ace+Hex trilogy making a real impact. Same for 'The Time Museum' and 'Last Post' for the CCs (but I've never really been that fond of the CCs, so a bit of bias there)

Summerfield feels like she's treading water.

On the up-side - J&L are going from strength to strength, and I've been really impressed with the Grey series.

01-11-2013, 12:34 AM
I don't think it's just Briggs. Imho the overall quality of the writing seems to have dipped a little over the past year, mainly down to the sheer number of stories Large Conclusions have released.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------


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Awesome! Thanks so much!