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01-11-2013, 03:37 AM
Thought I'd post some audios that are sort of DW related. Don't think i've seen them on here...

Richard Mace - t*h*e* V*i*c*t*o*r*i*a*n D*e*t*e*c*t*i*v*e.

Richard Mace was a character who appeared in the 5th Medic TV Episode - The Visitation.
Link for more information ... Richard Mace - Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki ( ... this is supposed to be his 18th century descendant, although the audio was released sometime before the DW TV episode, same writer though. (Time travel's a bugger)

There were three episodes but i've only manage to find the first two. If anyone has the third i'll buy you a pint...that's only an internet pint. Cheers

P*e*g*a*s*u*s (

T*h*e A*s*s*a*s*s*i*n (

Hope those links work, PC conflict problem with the uploader!!!

01-11-2013, 04:09 AM
Oh! Never heard of these. Ta!

01-11-2013, 04:28 AM
No probs.
Only found by accident.

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

Nobber please let me know if they work, my PC's being a right bugger at the moment. (freezing on uploas and allsorts)

01-11-2013, 04:32 AM
D/L and unpacked OK. Not had chance to listen, but a quick preview and they seem OK.

01-11-2013, 04:41 AM
Good to know.

Anyone need anything old?

01-11-2013, 06:41 AM
You expected someone else??

(Although Robert Shearman would've been nice...)

Shearman once told me that Large Conclusion could no longer afford him.

Anyway, sorry to stir up a hornets nest about Briggs. I am a big fan of his, about half the time. Still recovering from the disappointment of Dark Eyes, though.

01-11-2013, 11:35 AM
Does anyone know where I can get J*a*g*o & L*i*t*efo*ot Series 2-4, whether it's a reup or tor*rent?

01-11-2013, 12:15 PM
Does anyone know where I can get J*a*g*o & L*i*t*efo*ot Series 2-4, whether it's a reup or tor*rent?

Search on ISOHUNT FOR D*o*c*t*o*r*W*h*o*M*e*g*a*C*o*l*l*e*c*t*i*o*n. If I remember correctly, it has pretty much all the Large Conclusion Medic stories upto about last October or thereabouts.

01-11-2013, 02:27 PM
Search on ISOHUNT FOR D*o*c*t*o*r*W*h*o*M*e*g*a*C*o*l*l*e*c*t*i*o*n. If I remember correctly, it has pretty much all the Large Conclusion Medic stories upto about last October or thereabouts. This! I have it bookmarked, though I can't speak for how well it's seeded.

01-11-2013, 02:41 PM This! I have it bookmarked, though I can't speak for how well it's seeded.

That's the one! Was seeded pretty well when I got the Benny stuff.

01-11-2013, 02:53 PM
Does anyone have a working link to Missing Plots 3.08 "The Pinkish Sailors"?
I seem to have missed it somewhere along the line.

---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

Medic Classics Volume 3

Reply with quote

01-11-2013, 04:57 PM
I agree that some with David would be nice...... but, PLEASE, without Rose or Martha!!!!! I for one, never want to see or hear from those characters again!!! :) I would like to think that there are tons of untold stories during the "specials" year..... and he can do audios with his wife (she is a companion) Georgia was Cassie in the animated special.

---------- Post added at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 AM ----------

I think the exact opposite, the last year was one of the strongest for a good long time.

the 5th and 7th medic trios were amazing.... the trio of medics were lacking though... it was the few years previous i thought dipped... Flip and Mary
no thanks.. that period really tested my purchasing power. but the the Meat Cleaver of a Austrailian city was simply superb

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Shearman once told me that Large Conclusion could no longer afford him.

Anyway, sorry to stir up a hornets nest about Briggs. I am a big fan of his, about half the time. Still recovering from the disappointment of Dark Eyes, though.

See this is what i commonly thought that they tend to have to spread some of the work aropund with the stasffers at BF because some writers are out of the price range....[heard comics writers John Ostrander say the same thing..] When you are using alot of your budget to pay for cast members (and remember some of these people don't live in the UK or close to the production studios... so they have to be in town for another event as well or make a special trip....) ie Strickson,Feilding, McCoy Baker....

01-11-2013, 05:26 PM
Speculation, a bit, but ...

According to B.Edwards in one of his occasional video-chats he intimated that the all the writers (inc Mr B, writing is paid on-top of his exec-prod role) are paid a flat-rate for each range. (I think it's the same for the sound-design/music people; theirs being a flat-rate per CD)

And I *THINK* that may have been confirmed (or at least given more credence) in a podcast, too, one of the BF-Day ones but I'm not 100% sure on that.

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ----------

Shearman once told me that Large Conclusion could no longer afford him.

Which is a shame, as he's a terrific writer.

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

Flip and Mary ... no thanks..

I just couldn't help but think of Mary as "Charley-Lite" - it didn't help that she was obviously doing the whole 'falling in love with the Doc' thing, too. (And it really started to grate on my ears when he kept refering to her by her full name all the time. After a while I wanted to yell "Yes!! We get who it is!! You don't have to keep reminding us." ) Which was a shame - it felt like there was potential, but it was never really used.

(And that AWFUL remix of the theme. Hopefully they'll put that in the 'Opps. We got that wrong' pile)

And Flip was ... sorry ... just Lucie-Lite. But without the charm. I struggle to remember the stories. Apart from the Davros one, but that was saved purely by that character.

And neither of those are any slight to the actresses who coped admirably with some rather flimsy material.

01-11-2013, 06:18 PM

Does anyone have the Large Conclusions Medic IX subscription tale about that time the big Thunder Raven came when it was dark?


01-11-2013, 06:45 PM
Speculation, a bit, but ...

According to B.Edwards in one of his occasional video-chats he intimated that the all the writers (inc Mr B, writing is paid on-top of his exec-prod role) are paid a flat-rate for each range. (I think it's the same for the sound-design/music people; theirs being a flat-rate per CD)

And I *THINK* that may have been confirmed (or at least given more credence) in a podcast, too, one of the BF-Day ones but I'm not 100% sure on that.

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ----------

Which is a shame, as he's a terrific writer.

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

I just couldn't help but think of Mary as "Charley-Lite" - it didn't help that she was obviously doing the whole 'falling in love with the Doc' thing, too. (And it really started to grate on my ears when he kept refering to her by her full name all the time. After a while I wanted to yell "Yes!! We get who it is!! You don't have to keep reminding us." ) Which was a shame - it felt like there was potential, but it was never really used.

(And that AWFUL remix of the theme. Hopefully they'll put that in the 'Opps. We got that wrong' pile)

And Flip was ... sorry ... just Lucie-Lite. But without the charm. I struggle to remember the stories. Apart from the Davros one, but that was saved purely by that character.

And neither of those are any slight to the actresses who coped admirably with some rather flimsy material.

I am clad i wasn't the only one that felt the Mary/Flippy stories were least sucessful in quite a while....the 5th medic dream team and the 7th medic/H-ace-ex were amazing and i do have high hope for the Red hairsed Peas pottage girl trio coming up... and by the looks of it the 5th dream team have some great satories with a returning carbon based king who must live/die

01-11-2013, 06:50 PM

Does anyone have the Large Conclusions Medic IX subscription tale about that time the big Thunder Raven came when it was dark?

See post #5699

01-11-2013, 08:11 PM
See post #5699

Magic - thank you very much

01-11-2013, 08:35 PM
now what i wanted to see instead of Flippy is a trio with D.I.Menses...and would be upset if they did a series of stories where she encountered different Doctor at different times..

01-11-2013, 09:05 PM
The new, purely historical and scorching hot CC! It's a long one and I liked it very much.

Download TFOC1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download TOFC2.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Individual MP3 files

Sam Fett1989
01-11-2013, 09:12 PM
I have the 4th Medic extended extras from the Missing Adventures Boxset if anybody is interested? :)

Thanks Bulletzen for the new CC! :D

01-11-2013, 09:13 PM

01-11-2013, 09:24 PM
Bulletzen You're still a hero.

01-11-2013, 09:37 PM
Cheers, Bulletzen.

01-11-2013, 09:37 PM
now what i wanted to see instead of Flippy is a trio with D.I.Menses...and would be upset if they did a series of stories where she encountered different Doctor at different times..

It would be a good excuse to do something interesting where if you listen to them in HER order you get a very different story to listening to them in DOCTOR order.

01-11-2013, 10:26 PM
Thanks Bulletzen!

01-11-2013, 10:39 PM
It would be a good excuse to do something interesting where if you listen to them in HER order you get a very different story to listening to them in DOCTOR order.
my thoughts exactly ...a BF twist on a River- type relationship --- and D.I. Men is a saavy enough character to figure out she is meeting one in the wrong order...

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

thanks for the 1st medic CC goodness

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

I have the 4th Medic extended extras from the Missing Adventures Boxset if anybody is interested? :)

Thanks Bulletzen for the new CC! :D

count me interested

01-11-2013, 10:55 PM
So just after Christmas I discover that there are 4 Christmas themed Short Trips anthologies. And thus I begin hunting them down, and as of the 10th I find a collection of most if not all ST books which include the 4 I'm seeking however the download link when clicked on tells me the file is not found and there are no mirrors either. Could anyone help me get a hold of the four ST Christmas anthologies? Epubs are preferred but I'll take any format I can get.

01-11-2013, 11:29 PM
I have the 4th Medic extended extras from the Missing Adventures Boxset if anybody is interested? :)

I most certainly am!

Medic Classics Volume 3

Much appreciated Hellbelly! You wouldn't happen to have Volume 1, would you?

01-11-2013, 11:39 PM
Details of the 50th anniversary story have been announced.

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Release Announced - News - Big Finish (

~*eye twitches, struggles not to fangirl squeee*~

Thank you for posting this Drake!

01-12-2013, 01:03 AM
my thoughts exactly ...a BF twist on a River- type relationship --- and D.I. Men is a saavy enough character to figure out she is meeting one in the wrong order...

I was thinking more that (to use extreem examples) if you listen in the order the Docs turn up they've been defeating the Daleks, but if you listen to it in HER timeline she's defeated the Cybermen without the Doc realising. (Or something like that) - More of a twist on Flip/Flop and Creatures Of Beauty (was that the one that Briggs did that's essentially backwards?)

01-12-2013, 02:15 AM
Search on ISOHUNT FOR D*o*c*t*o*r*W*h*o*M*e*g*a*C*o*l*l*e*c*t*i*o*n. If I remember correctly, it has pretty much all the Large Conclusion Medic stories upto about last October or thereabouts.

Awesome, thanks!

01-12-2013, 06:06 AM
/excited ember adds voice to chorus of "thank yous" to Bulletzen! :)

01-12-2013, 06:58 AM
Much appreciated Hellbelly! You wouldn't happen to have Volume 1, would you?

Here you go. (

01-12-2013, 07:58 AM
I didn't dislike the Mary 8th medic audios but I didn't love them either. And I love the 8th medic audios. DI Mens comes across as a classic comp type and I was disappointed that she was turned down. I believe their magazine states that they have no current plans to change that but I sincerely hope she returns and often. Perhaps she could be one of those characters who appears every so often simply because we love having her around. Just so long she doesn't have some hidden epicness to her. An ordinary human is just fine for a change. On the other hand, Flip was a nobody background character who is suddenly traveling and you just have to wonder who she **** to get that position. While I don't dislike her character, I haven't invited her on board yet either.

Am I the only one who wants to see some Samson and Gemma audios? I'd settle for eighth's return to the monthlies. He needs to be in more.

01-12-2013, 09:58 AM
Add me to all the DI love going 'round. Along with Charley, Evelyn & Lucie, she's a priceless addition to the Medic cannon from the Large Conclusions team. And say what you like about 'em, they've given us a LOT to love...

Bit of an off-topic request, but does anyone have ebook copies of the latest Blokes Heaven book A*R*C*H*A*N*G*E*L and/or JB's Burning Trees novel E*X*O*D*U*S*C*O*D*E that they can put up here? Big thanks in advance if so...

01-12-2013, 01:22 PM
I know this is the wrong thread, but I get the feeling it's only me that still visits the correct one so I thought I'd chance my arm and ask if anyone has the most recent Terrorist and his six buddies novel please? The one with the green cover?

01-12-2013, 02:19 PM
Am I the only one who wants to see some Samson and Gemma audios? I'd settle for eighth's return to the monthlies. He needs to be in more.
Yes please on both.

01-12-2013, 03:03 PM
I didn't dislike the Mary 8th medic audios but I didn't love them either. And I love the 8th medic audios. DI Mens comes across as a classic comp type and I was disappointed that she was turned down. I believe their magazine states that they have no current plans to change that but I sincerely hope she returns and often. Perhaps she could be one of those characters who appears every so often simply because we love having her around. Just so long she doesn't have some hidden epicness to her. An ordinary human is just fine for a change. On the other hand, Flip was a nobody background character who is suddenly traveling and you just have to wonder who she **** to get that position. While I don't dislike her character, I haven't invited her on board yet either.

Am I the only one who wants to see some Samson and Gemma audios? I'd settle for eighth's return to the monthlies. He needs to be in more.

It did take me a while to click with the DI (partly, I'm sorry to say, because that nasal whine got on my nerves) but, yeah, she's a handy character to bring out now and then. But, as you say, no "Epic"ness and no "Torchwood:Manchester"-ness. Just a regular copper who the Doc bumps into now and then.

I always got the feeling that Flip was an 'emergency' companion. As though the stories were written for an established companion that couldn't make the recording dates.

Never read the books that S&G were in, so can't really comment on that aspect but I wasn't particularly taken with them in Terra-Firma. But I suppose that's partly down to the story and it's particular framework.

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ----------

Add me to all the DI love going 'round. Along with Charley, Evelyn & Lucie, she's a priceless addition to the Medic cannon ...

I was heartily sick and tired with Ms Pollard by the time she left 8 (more 'familiarity breeding contempt') and was pleasantly surprised by how well she worked with 6. But she was given a really great send-off at the end of BFP and I really can't see the appeal of a spin-off for her. Sometimes it's just best to let a character go.

Talking of Blue Planet - that whole end trilogy for her shows NB at his best and worse. He wrote her out really well with a great impact and ensured the sound/music really gave the whole thing a grand scale, but he (IMHO) completely messed-up the Vyrans idea and made a mistake shoe-horning the daleks into it all, and that whole strand with Mira. I still find it so hard to accept that there's been this invisible companion hanging around the TARDIS all these years without anyone noticing at all.

The trilogy from PZ to BFP is superb, but I daren't prod some aspects of the plot too hard as I fear it'd collapse.

01-12-2013, 05:03 PM
Would it be possible for someone to reupload the recent 8th medic Black vision box? Many thanks in advance.

01-12-2013, 08:34 PM
Never read the books that S&G were in, so can't really comment on that aspect but I wasn't particularly taken with them in Terra-Firma. But I suppose that's partly down to the story and it's particular framework.[COLOR="Silver"]

I checked the T*A*R*D*I*S wikia and as far as I can tell the characters have only appeared in the one audio and two short stories. Which is why I'd like to see more of them.

01-12-2013, 10:44 PM
anyone got or heard "THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF ABERCORN"? I think this may be of interest to many here, and would love to hear it!

01-12-2013, 11:22 PM
Fate of the mysterious medic #1 - Foragers of Terra

MP3 file
Download DOD-HOE.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (

Is this scrambled for anyone else? I'm finding it more or less impossible to listen to like this.

01-12-2013, 11:34 PM
I haven't listened to it yet but did a few scans through at about 5-10-15-20 mins etc for a few seconds at a time and it seems fine to me

01-12-2013, 11:49 PM
Works fine for me

01-13-2013, 12:14 AM
I seem to remember somebody asking for J*a*g*o*&*L*i*t*e*f*o*o*t Series 1-4.

[url= [/url]

01-13-2013, 12:28 AM
thankies bullet for the cc. and i didnt have any probs with the foragers of terra file either

01-13-2013, 12:59 AM
Redownloading the file seems to have fixed the problem. Another person who had grabbed it at the same time as me (minutes after it was upped) had the exact same glitches in the exact same places so I thought it was a problem with the file.

01-13-2013, 03:03 AM
Is this scrambled for anyone else? I'm finding it more or less impossible to listen to like this.

Just started listening and sounds OK to me. (Apart from Ms Ford who seems to have had a cold during the recording. Not quite as 'bright' as normal.)

01-13-2013, 05:01 AM
I seem to remember somebody asking for J*a*g*o*&*L*i*t*e*f*o*o*t Series 1-4.

Yeah, that was me. Thanks for this!

01-13-2013, 02:29 PM
So many have asked for older posts to be reposted. MANY of the older Large Endings of the Medic may still be found here Free Doctor Who Audiobook Torrent, Download Free Doctor Who Audio Books Torrents ( . Memberships are free, and you can use a temp gmail, gmx, or yahoo address to sign up. Memberships and downloads are available as torrent files or as high speed downloads (I prefer the Torrent file option). They don't have ALL older episodes, but they have a large offering.

01-13-2013, 02:49 PM
So many have asked for older posts to be reposted. MANY of the older Large Endings of the Medic may still be found here Free Doctor Who Audiobook Torrent, Download Free Doctor Who Audio Books Torrents ( . Memberships are free, and you can use a temp gmail, gmx, or yahoo address to sign up. Memberships and downloads are available as torrent files or as high speed downloads (I prefer the Torrent file option). They don't have ALL older episodes, but they have a large offering.

Or alternatively, check post 5759. The torrent there has pretty much everything medic related up to last around October.

01-13-2013, 02:54 PM
So many have asked for older posts to be reposted. MANY of the older Large Endings of the Medic may still be found here Free Doctor Who Audiobook Torrent, Download Free Doctor Who Audio Books Torrents ( . Memberships are free, and you can use a temp gmail, gmx, or yahoo address to sign up. Memberships and downloads are available as torrent files or as high speed downloads (I prefer the Torrent file option). They don't have ALL older episodes, but they have a large offering.

I tried that. Managed to get one adventure out of three. The others I found elsewhere.

In other news, I've been listening to the shorter adventures. Sophie can't do Sylvester's accent at all! She can do Scottish, but a completely different Scottish accent. And I quite like Nicola's natural accent. A lot better than her American one.

01-13-2013, 04:11 PM
Or alternatively, check post 5759. The torrent there has pretty much everything medic related up to last around October.

Or UseNet that has everything up to date :) (There was a bulk flood in Sept, so decent servers will still have them)

01-13-2013, 06:13 PM
I was wondering if anyone had

suozıɹoɥ ʞɹɐp ?

01-13-2013, 09:08 PM
okay this is not an audio.... but does anyone have a rip of the Francais Rain of Tarot? DVD cartoonish version of the 1st medic?

01-13-2013, 09:20 PM
Thought I'd post some audios that are sort of DW related. Don't think i've seen them on here...

Richard Mace - t*h*e* V*i*c*t*o*r*i*a*n D*e*t*e*c*t*i*v*e.

Richard Mace was a character who appeared in the 5th Medic TV Episode - The Visitation.
Link for more information ... Richard Mace - Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki ( ... this is supposed to be his 18th century descendant, although the audio was released sometime before the DW TV episode, same writer though. (Time travel's a bugger)

There were three episodes but i've only manage to find the first two. If anyone has the third i'll buy you a pint...that's only an internet pint. Cheers <table border=6 bordercolor=red align=center bgcolor=#ffffff><tr><td align=center>Sweet. Thanks for sharing. Now seeking...

The Nemesis Machine (1976) by Saward for BBC Radio 4.

Doubling the big virtual pint reward for finding and sharing.</td></tr></table>

Meanwhile, under free audio stuff:

The Scarifyers: The Secret Weapon of Doom Episode 1 of 4
Availability: 7 days left to listen
Duration: 30 minutes
Stars: Nicholas Courtney and Terry Molloy, with guests Leslie Phillips and Nigel Havers.
Dunning has literary trouble, while Lionheart searches for a mysterious object.
BBC Radio 4 Extra - The Scarifyers, The Scarifyers: The Secret Weapon of Doom, Episode 1 (

Doctor Who: Deimos
Availability: 5 days left to listen
Duration: 1 hour
Stars: Paul McGann.
A Martian moon has become a tourist trap. But below its surface stirs a deadly menace, once thought extinct.
BBC Radio 4 Extra - Doctor Who, Deimos (

Doctor Who: The Book of Kells
Availability: 4 days left to listen
Duration: 1 hour
Stars: Paul McGann
The Time Lord and Tamsin are embroiled in an Irish medieval mystery surrounding an influential manuscript.
BBC Radio 4 Extra - Doctor Who, The Book of Kells (

Doctor Who: Nevermore
Availability: 3 days left to listen
Duration: 1 hour
Stars: Paul McGann
The Time Lord and his new companion materialise on a prison planet, themed on the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
BBC Radio 4 Extra - Doctor Who, Nevermore (

Doctor Who: Situation Vacant
Availability: 2 days left to listen
Duration: 1 hour
Stars: Paul McGann
Four hopefuls attend an audition to be the Time Lord's next companion. But who compiled the shortlist?
BBC Radio 4 Extra - Doctor Who, Situation Vacant (

Doctor Who: Death in Blackpool
Availability: 1 day left to listen
Duration: 1 hour
Stars Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith
The journey home for Christmas leads to major revelations for the Time Lord's companion.
BBC Radio 4 Extra - Doctor Who, Death in Blackpool (

Other free audio drama stories (updated daily): BBC Radio - Programmes categorised as Drama, Available now (

<hr size=6 color=green> Update for: The Nemesis Machine
3rd adventure of Richard Mace, the thespian highwayman
Writer: Eric Saward
Starring: Geoffrey Matthews, Nigel Lambert, William Eedle
Aired: 13.8.1976 BBC Radio 4

Reported as a lost transmission by:
The Vintage Radio Programmes Collectors' Circle

01-13-2013, 09:24 PM
okay this is not an audio.... but does anyone have a rip of the Francais Rain of Tarot? DVD cartoonish version of the 1st medic?

Not released until the 28th, according to Amaz.

01-13-2013, 11:38 PM
lol i hope that bolding has the same result as the hiding of certain titles that others use so they wont show up certain places

01-14-2013, 12:14 AM
Is this scrambled for anyone else? I'm finding it more or less impossible to listen to like this.

I take back my earlier comment about it being OK. There's a few glitches, but nothing that really spoils it.

01-14-2013, 12:20 AM
I take back my earlier comment about it being OK. There's a few glitches, but nothing that really spoils it.

Yep what he said!

And damn it! I promised myself not to go down the J+L path but I foolishly tried the first one. Now I'm hooked..!

01-14-2013, 06:20 AM
The new, purely historical and scorching hot CC! It's a long one and I liked it very much.

Download TFOC1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download TOFC2.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Individual MP3 files

Thanks so much for this - never enough 1st medic!

---------- Post added at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------

It'll be interesting to see if in future years the Beeb will allow characters and situations from the new series to be added to what BF can draw from...[granted getting some of the actors may be rough going, but we never though we would see Tom Baker in the role again....] When we get to 12 will they release 9 [ getting Chris to do some audios would be amazing, we already know David would do them in a double heartbeat.

Chris doesn't want anything more to do w/ the show or the fans. He's not a happy man by the sound of it. Every interview I've seen he's been VERY negative about everything. Sad to see because I'm sure all of us would love to see him do more. Who knows what the future might bring, but for now, don't bet on it.

01-14-2013, 07:12 AM
He's negative about it now. Years down the road that could change. Possibly, he could be convinced that bf are a better bunch of people and it could be a better experience for him than the tv show was.

01-14-2013, 07:59 AM
An update for what we're now missing on the comic strips. Anyone got any of these?

First Doctor: The Secrets of Gemino (TV Comic 753-754 & 757), The Haunted Planet (TV Comic 758-762), The Hunters of Zerox (TV Comic 763-767).

Second Doctor: The Space Pirates (TV Comic 859-863), Car of the Century (TV Comic 864-867), The Jokers (TV Comic 868-869 & 871).

Fourth Doctor: The Eerie Manor (TV Comic 1371-1372), Guardian of the Tomb (TV Comic 1374-1379), The Image Makers (TV Comic 1380-1384), The Wanderers (TV Comic 1404-1408), The Metal Eaters (TV Comic 1409-1415), Moon Exploration (TV Comic 1416-1423).

Tenth Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 1, 3-118 & 120-159) (DWAM 2 & 119 - The Mirror Image -reprint- & The Ball and Chain Gang are the only available strips); Battles in Time (BIT 46 - Sting of the Serpent).

Eleventh Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 160-165, 167, 169 & 176+); DWM (452 & 454-456).

The whole thing with Chasseurs de la Terre was a bit odd, but I redownloaded and suddenly didn't have a broken file anymore like the other person! Thanks!

And I just figured what the hell was going on with the pre-Unearthly continuity that is a bit of a headache. Susan is left behind at Coal Hill for a while, during which One trots off to play with Zarbi and his other grandchildren for a while! Meaning that a certain directly-pre-1963 CC and Brief Encounter go before the Telos novella. I had it that way in my continuity and then I second guessed myself wondering why there were two Susan periods. Ay.

And am I guessing that Las Llamas de C�diz is towards the end of Susan's time? Like, right before they go to see Daleks in 2164? For now I've placed it after the CC with a certain Father Grigory. Where do people place the Spanish historical? Reviews make it sound like it should be placed late. *edit* Having listened to it, I'd definitely say post-Reign (Ian compares the prisons he's been in).

01-14-2013, 08:50 AM
I promised myself not to go down the J+L path but I foolishly tried the first one. Now I'm hooked..!

They'll get you, alright- they're like audio crack! I remember listening to the entire first boxset in one night while in hospital, and not because I had nothing else to do, but because they were that good! The two leads are simply impeccable and make even the worst stories sparkle a bit more. Personally, I think they're the best thing Large Conclusions put out, and prove to me without a doubt that a TV spinoff in the 70s would have been SUPERB!

01-14-2013, 01:31 PM
The whole thing with Chasseurs de la Terre was a bit odd, but I redownloaded and suddenly didn't have a broken file anymore like the other person! Thanks!

How odd. Ok, I'll re-download and give it another spin at some point.

Despite the glitches, it was quite fun and partly explains why they were so on edge with Ian and Barbara start nosing around.

01-14-2013, 01:57 PM
Eleventh Doctor: DWAM 160-165, 167, 169 & 176+; DWM (452 & 454-456).
� stares hopefully �
Does this mean you got the DWM comics from #438 to #451 ? :D

01-14-2013, 03:04 PM
to anyone who downloaded Chasseurs de la Terre without glitch, what is the length/duration of the file?
because what I downloaded is about 70 minutes..thanks

01-14-2013, 03:17 PM
Large Conclusions states that the new Fourth Medic series is out today..... just sayin' ;)

01-14-2013, 03:34 PM
to anyone who downloaded Chasseurs de la Terre without glitch, what is the length/duration of the file?
because what I downloaded is about 70 minutes..thanks

Hour, ten minutes, and a few seconds.

01-14-2013, 04:04 PM
How odd. Ok, I'll re-download and give it another spin at some point.

Despite the glitches, it was quite fun and partly explains why they were so on edge with Ian and Barbara start nosing around.

where can I find this one? EDIT FOUND IT LOL

01-14-2013, 04:26 PM
Hey, just testing if there's an interest in this sort of thing. It's the 8th medic reading his TV adventure

Film.7z (

01-14-2013, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the 8th story del37.

01-14-2013, 06:08 PM
Thanks for the 8th story del37.

My pleasure, I'll put up some more later.

01-14-2013, 06:35 PM
Sooo. New 4th medic anyone? The Substantial Relative.

Download 4thDA-TAM.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
M4A Audiobook

01-14-2013, 06:36 PM
He's negative about it now. Years down the road that could change. Possibly, he could be convinced that bf are a better bunch of people and it could be a better experience for him than the tv show was.

Possibly - I know for a long time TB didn't want to do anything Medic related, which is understandable seeing how long he did the part, but CE seems downright hostile about the whole thing. Seems like anything he's ever done (that I've seen) his characters are always pretty angry too. Wonder whether that's just his choice of parts or something else is going on.

01-14-2013, 06:42 PM
Sooo. New 4th medic anyone? The Substantial Relative.

Download 4thDA-TAM.m4b from - send big files the easy way (
M4A Audiobook

Bulletzen, you are a freakin' star. :)

01-14-2013, 06:43 PM
oh go on then, if you insist! you bloody star!!!!!

Sam Fett1989
01-14-2013, 06:44 PM
4th Medic Stuff

Missing Adventures Extras (

The Uncle Figure (


01-14-2013, 07:02 PM
New monthly time! - The Wrong Medics.

Download TWD.1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download TWD.2.rar from - send big files the easy way (
MP3 files

01-14-2013, 07:10 PM
Bloody hell, you are fast!

I am so gutted, I am away from home with work and the wifi in the hotel is crap. That CD better be there when I get home.

01-14-2013, 07:15 PM
New monthly time! - The Wrong Medics.

Download TWD.1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download TWD.2.rar from - send big files the easy way (
MP3 files

I believe that Bulletzen should be made lord god overlord of the universe! either that or we all owe him sooooooooooooo many pints! you decide :)

01-14-2013, 07:16 PM
Pints would be fine. :)

01-14-2013, 07:20 PM
See post 5826, and thanks again.

01-14-2013, 07:47 PM
Pints would be fine. :)

u are the best

01-14-2013, 07:48 PM
Many thanks Bulletzen - this should be a hoot ;-)

01-14-2013, 08:06 PM
Cheers Bulletzen you are my fav!

01-14-2013, 08:09 PM
Pints would be fine. :)

thats why we love you! let the universe take care of itself, after all who would want THAT responsibility, and you would be at the local tavern, with an endless supply of free pints!

01-14-2013, 08:26 PM
An update for what we're now missing on the comic strips. Anyone got any of these?

First Doctor: The Secrets of Gemino (TV Comic 753-754 & 757), The Haunted Planet (TV Comic 758-762), The Hunters of Zerox (TV Comic 763-767).

Second Doctor: The Space Pirates (TV Comic 859-863), Car of the Century (TV Comic 864-867), The Jokers (TV Comic 868-869 & 871).

Fourth Doctor: The Eerie Manor (TV Comic 1371-1372), Guardian of the Tomb (TV Comic 1374-1379), The Image Makers (TV Comic 1380-1384), The Wanderers (TV Comic 1404-1408), The Metal Eaters (TV Comic 1409-1415), Moon Exploration (TV Comic 1416-1423).

Tenth Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 1, 3-118 & 120-159) (DWAM 2 & 119 - The Mirror Image -reprint- & The Ball and Chain Gang are the only available strips); Battles in Time (BIT 46 - Sting of the Serpent).

Eleventh Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 160-165, 167, 169 & 176+); DWM (452 & 454-456).

Sorry for a stupid question I'm completely new here, but you are looking for scans, don't you? Do you need the whole issues, or just pages? I have
CBR: TV Comic 1421-1423 and a few old DWAM (DW Adventures Magazine, right?). Also DWAM Special Collector's Edition 1-6.

01-14-2013, 08:56 PM
He could be typecast. Happens.

I'm just saying that you never know what the future might bring.

CE could could have an accident that ends his acting career (god forbid that happen to anyone) and suddenly he NEEDS money bad enough to do audios.

CE marries the love of his life and she's a huge DW fan (I would wish that on everyone here) and *rewards* him for every audio he does.

The tenth medic travels here from the land of fiction with a head wound that causes him amnesia and he is so desperate to know more about his recent past that he hypnotizes CE into doing the audios so he can fill in the gaps.

01-14-2013, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the new scarfed Medic tale as well as the new monthly. I really appreciate it. :)

01-14-2013, 09:33 PM
Bulletzen & Sam Fett 1989 you are both BRILLIANT. Thanks very much

01-14-2013, 09:36 PM
New monthly time! - The Wrong Medics.

Download TWD.1.rar from - send big files the easy way (
Download TWD.2.rar from - send big files the easy way (
MP3 files

Thanks so much!

01-14-2013, 09:56 PM
Has anyone managed to get Serpent Chomp yet? It was meant to come out last december.

01-14-2013, 10:29 PM
Thanks again Bulletzen!

01-14-2013, 11:20 PM
Thank you Bulletzen you are a still a legend

01-14-2013, 11:25 PM
The Substantial Relative

Well that was certainly a hoot! Just the right length, and a great bit of humour.

And a lovely tribute to Mary Tamm. Lovely.

01-14-2013, 11:56 PM
wow thanks a ton for both meds bullet youre a huge help

01-15-2013, 12:17 AM
All of this comes on the day I go back to work! I certainly appreciate it, just hate the timing. Oh well, when I get home tonight...

Thank you!

01-15-2013, 12:21 AM
Really fun romp....i like the little Adams-Doug bits...

01-15-2013, 12:41 AM
Here's the 3rd medic reading P*L*A*N*E*T**O*F**T*H*E**D*A*L*E*K*S

Planet.7z (

01-15-2013, 12:50 AM
Dim00n -- Yes! If you have 4th Doc Moon Exploration and all of those totally, hopelessly missing Doctor Who Adventures Mags... Please, oh, please! These have long eluded the Internet.

Here's a slightly outdated, chronologized upload (a few missing books since acquired and some recent DWM cropping) I did very recently:

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

1 -
2 -

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -

1 -
2 -

1 -
2 -

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -

1 -

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -

Alt Docs & Goodies (full anthology books, paperwork & RTD books):
1 -
2 -

People need to post the hell out of the missing list until it gets whittled down:

First Doctor: The Secrets of Gemino (TV Comic 753-754 & 757), The Haunted Planet (TV Comic 758-762), The Hunters of Zerox (TV Comic 763-767).

Second Doctor: The Space Pirates (TV Comic 859-863), Car of the Century (TV Comic 864-867), The Jokers (TV Comic 868-869 & 871).

Fourth Doctor: The Eerie Manor (TV Comic 1371-1372), Guardian of the Tomb (TV Comic 1374-1379), The Image Makers (TV Comic 1380-1384), The Wanderers (TV Comic 1404-1408), The Metal Eaters (TV Comic 1409-1415), Moon Exploration (TV Comic 1416-1423).

Tenth Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 1, 3-118 & 120-159) (DWAM 2 & 119 - The Mirror Image -reprint- & The Ball and Chain Gang are the only available strips); Battles in Time (BIT 46 - Sting of the Serpent).

Eleventh Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 160-165, 167, 169 & 176+); DWM (452 & 454-456).

01-15-2013, 12:57 AM
wow i just have to say that the quality of the releases for this month were amazing..... Both pastry chef medics were simply stunning as were their apprentices... and the grand daughter and her teacher for the non color 1st medic really was good as well. Great start to the golden year

01-15-2013, 01:56 AM
Bulletzen, you are a freakin' star. :)
What he said!!! THANKS, Bulletzen!!!!

01-15-2013, 02:12 AM
Anyone know when The Incorrect Medics is set? Just for my slightly OCD side, I haven't listened to all of the other 6 + M3L stories yet and I want to know if it's set before them or after...

01-15-2013, 02:25 AM
I've not had chance to listen yet, but I'm gonna guess that given their time together on TV was so short and they've only a handful of audios, that it's more than likely their audio releases are in chronological order.

01-15-2013, 02:28 AM
Anyone know when The Incorrect Medics is set? Just for my slightly OCD side, I haven't listened to all of the other 6 + M3L stories yet and I want to know if it's set before them or after...

Isn't the whole point of this audio that it's trying to reconcile the knotty problem left at the end of Medic 6s trial? So it might be a nightmare to fit into a neat slot in the continuity.

01-15-2013, 02:38 AM
Does anyone have the individual tracks for "One thousand or so nights" from December? Thanks in advance...

01-15-2013, 03:42 AM
All of this comes on the day I go back to work! I certainly appreciate it, just hate the timing.

Whereas I just wernt on holidays so I'm THRILLED!! :D

Thanks a bundle, guys, for enriching my life so often!

01-15-2013, 05:02 AM
4th Medic Stuff

Missing Adventures Extras (

The Uncle Figure (


Great stuff Fett! any chance you have the not-so-right-medic as well? Thanks to all who upload the files but unfortunately, i'm still unable to dl anything from deadspace without having it time out on me... usually when it's about 90% done.

01-15-2013, 06:16 AM
Thanks for these, Sam Fett1989 :)

01-15-2013, 07:44 AM
Oh Bulletzen, what can one say? A simple "thank you" seems inadequate.

Holding back the tears at the prospect of hearing the late dear Mary T. and Tom B. reunited.

And The Wrong Monthly Release too!

Well, there's nothing for it but to present Bulletzen with the K.e.y to T.i.m.e 1 2

1 Some assembly required
2 Lalla W. available separately. ;-)

01-15-2013, 11:49 AM
The 6th medic reads V*E*N*G*E*A*N*C*E**O*N**V*A*R*O*S

Vengeance.7z (

01-15-2013, 01:01 PM
Any idea if The Dalek Project has been found on cbr yet?

01-15-2013, 01:39 PM
del37 Thanks for your uploads. J.P reading PLan-et of-the D's is one of my faves!

Sam Fett1989
01-15-2013, 02:46 PM
My old History teacher at School was a big fan of the Medic, she gave me the Plan-et of-the D's on tape and some others. Thanks for these Del37 :)

01-15-2013, 03:10 PM
Isn't the whole point of this audio that it's trying to reconcile the knotty problem left at the end of Medic 6s trial? So it might be a nightmare to fit into a neat slot in the continuity.

That's what I thought. Does anyone know the production code? That's been a clue in the past (I know they were pretty sly with the codes for some of the recent 7th Medic ones, but mostly they've followed the TV series' pattern)

01-15-2013, 05:32 PM
Anyone know when The Incorrect Medics is set? Just for my slightly OCD side, I haven't listened to all of the other 6 + M3L stories yet and I want to know if it's set before them or after...

Finally had chance to start listening and ... er ... yeah, confusing where to put it. The opening scene is obviously not long after Evelyn has left, but that's where I've got Charley in my personal list as Mel is obviously last. And (if memory serves) 6+E+DI Menzies is set earlier in his time line than when he meets her with C.

So ... erm ... given his messed-up memory over the whole Charley thing, I think I'll put it as his first (chronological) audio outing with Mel. and put the opening scene down to Evelyn being a more powerful memory than Charley/Whatserfaceinvisiblestupidplotpoint

And I feel anyone with REAL OCD over story order!

01-15-2013, 06:21 PM
Bulletzen, many thanks for the Wrong'uns, DOD-HOE & Burning Z=I=D=A=C. I've been away on business and this is my first opportunity to show my appreciation. Having checked through the posts put up while I was away I didn't see E=T=I=B=E=K=A=N=S. Did I miss it or is it still unavailable?

01-15-2013, 06:53 PM
Finally had chance to start listening and ... er ... yeah, confusing where to put it. The opening scene is obviously not long after Evelyn has left, but that's where I've got Charley in my personal list as Mel is obviously last. And (if memory serves) 6+E+DI Menzies is set earlier in his time line than when he meets her with C.

So ... erm ... given his messed-up memory over the whole Charley thing, I think I'll put it as his first (chronological) audio outing with Mel. and put the opening scene down to Evelyn being a more powerful memory than Charley/Whatserfaceinvisiblestupidplotpoint

And I feel anyone with REAL OCD over story order!

We're dealing with traveling through time and space. There are no 'then' and 'now' s !! :)

01-15-2013, 08:36 PM
wibbley wobbley timey wimey....well i know after evelyn there has to be room for Charley, the Jamie trio [with zoe] ,and i assume the Jason/Crystal era as well.
Frobisher is somewhere in the Peri timeline

01-15-2013, 08:51 PM
And Flip!

Haha! Quite ironic that within the space of a day or two we've forgotten she was there.

01-15-2013, 09:37 PM
Yes! If you have 4th Doc Moon Exploration and all of those totally, hopelessly missing Doctor Who Adventures Mags...

Unfortunately, I don't have ALL...

pw: medic1410


01-15-2013, 10:11 PM
He could be typecast. Happens.
I'm just saying that you never know what the future might bring.
CE could could have an accident that ends his acting career (god forbid that happen to anyone) and suddenly he NEEDS money bad enough to do audios.
CE marries the love of his life and she's a huge DW fan (I would wish that on everyone here) and *rewards* him for every audio he does.
The tenth medic travels here from the land of fiction with a head wound that causes him amnesia and he is so desperate to know more about his recent past that he hypnotizes CE into doing the audios so he can fill in the gaps.

Is this meant to be funny? CE is an actor that had serious problems with the way people were treated, especially the people -not being actor- that had to work the extreme days (much more than during the second series when they had learned) and got treated badly. He kept quiet about the reason he left (except one time to students), so he did not harm the show, nor RTD he work with before on more than one occasion. He helped bring back a show that needed him (more than he needed the show...).

So why so negative about someone that, before, during and after he played 9th, was always positive about the fans. Only because some time ago he simply said no to journalists when asked about returning as 9th in the show? He's no 11th that was unknown when he started and is now only waiting for the best moment to go to Hollywood...

01-15-2013, 10:36 PM
I think Drake had their tongue firmly in cheek, there. Hardly "negative", IMHO.

01-16-2013, 01:46 AM
NileQT1987 and Dim00n, thank you so much for the treasure trove of medic sequential narratives! Wonderful stuff. And Bulletzen, you know we love ya.

01-16-2013, 06:15 AM
And our update now makes the list look like this (much better!):

First Doctor: The Secrets of Gemino (TV Comic 753-754 & 757), The Haunted Planet (TV Comic 758-761), The Hunters of Zerox (TV Comic 764-765 & 767).

Second Doctor: The Space Pirates (TV Comic 859-863), Car of the Century (TV Comic 864-867), The Jokers (TV Comic 868-869 & 871).

Fourth Doctor: The Eerie Manor (TV Comic 1371-1372), Guardian of the Tomb (TV Comic 1374-1379), The Image Makers (TV Comic 1380-1384), The Wanderers (TV Comic 1404-1408), The Metal Eaters (TV Comic 1409-1415), Moon Exploration (TV Comic 1416-1420).

Tenth Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 1, 3-24, 27, 31-50, 61-118 & 120-159); Battles in Time (BIT 46 - Sting of the Serpent).

Eleventh Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 160-165, 167, 169 & 176+); DWM (452 & 454-456).

A big round of applause to Dim00n!

01-16-2013, 06:58 AM
Is this meant to be funny? CE is an actor that had serious problems with the way people were treated, especially the people -not being actor- that had to work the extreme days (much more than during the second series when they had learned) and got treated badly. He kept quiet about the reason he left (except one time to students), so he did not harm the show, nor RTD he work with before on more than one occasion. He helped bring back a show that needed him (more than he needed the show...).

So why so negative about someone that, before, during and after he played 9th, was always positive about the fans. Only because some time ago he simply said no to journalists when asked about returning as 9th in the show? He's no 11th that was unknown when he started and is now only waiting for the best moment to go to Hollywood...

First off, I agree. Eleven is going to jump ship and soon. Every interview he does where he's asked about staying he becomes evasive and mentions Hollywood. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the anniversary special contained a regeneration. That said, I'd love it if he stayed.

More importantly, how does my comment come off as negative? I simply gave three funny examples about how he could decide to do the audios in the future. In an earlier post, I clearly referenced his bad feelings concerning the tv show and how he might like the good people at bf more. The audios, being run by a completely different set of people, just might be a happier home for him There is nothing negative about that.

01-16-2013, 08:18 AM
The latest rumour is eleven is going to regenerate in a special new years day story (???)
Anyone one else heard anything about this ?

01-16-2013, 02:13 PM
A day or two ago, someone asked for a repost of 1001N. It was in my recycle bin on another computer, I hadn't quite deleted it. Very lucky. Enjoy!
1001N - Download - 4shared - Jace Willows (

01-16-2013, 02:56 PM
Does anyone have the NA prequels in pdf format? Thanks in advance.

01-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Wow, so many gems in here lately!
And especially the Verbalizing Foliants, I had given up hope to see any of them.
any chance of Il Terrore di Zygons, I guerrieri della Profondita or Terra e Oltre?
(is that kind of italian code okay? i just can't think up synonyms)

01-16-2013, 07:24 PM
Does anyone have the NA prequels in pdf format? Thanks in advance.

Actually can I request the same but in epub or mobi? So much better than pdf...

01-16-2013, 07:27 PM
The 5th medic reads W*A*R*R*I*O*R*S**O*F**T*H*E**D*E*E*P

Deep.7z (

01-16-2013, 09:22 PM
NileQT1987, is there anywhere the full list of uploaded goodies?

Does anyone have last medic's Creative Activity of Permanent Ending of Vital Processes, WhiteDwarf Institution, One-seventh of Week of the Scavenging Insect? And non-medic Great Detective and his Lap-dog?

Thanks in advance!

01-16-2013, 11:06 PM
you're awesome del!

01-16-2013, 11:21 PM
Don't know if anyone else posted this yet but here is Alex Kingston reading T*H*E A*N*G*E*L'*S K*I*S*S - A M*E*L*O*D*Y M*A*L*O*N*E M*Y*S*T*E*R*Y

Download AK-TAK-AMMM (

It's 1 hr & 43 min in 26 MP3 files I split myself from the original. If anyone wants the single file here's the link:
Download single file link (

01-16-2013, 11:38 PM
Anyone got a clean copy of LC 169 D*A*R*K AND L*I*G*H*T? Mine is buggered - no idea why. It'd be much appreciated if anyone could help out!

01-16-2013, 11:57 PM
Don't know if anyone else posted this yet but here is Alex Kingston reading T*H*E A*N*G*E*L'*S K*I*S*S - A M*E*L*O*D*Y M*A*L*O*N*E M*Y*S*T*E*R*Y

Single file would be great if you can post it

Download AK-TAK-AMMM (

It's 1 hr & 43 min in 26 MP3 files I split myself from the original. If anyone wants the single file let me know and I'll upload it and share the link.

01-17-2013, 12:02 AM
I edited my original post above to include a link for the single MP3 file version is anyone wants it.

01-17-2013, 12:13 AM
Dim00n -- Yes! If you have 4th Doc Moon Exploration and all of those totally, hopelessly missing Doctor Who Adventures Mags... Please, oh, please! These have long eluded the Internet.

Here's a slightly outdated, chronologized upload (a few missing books since acquired and some recent DWM cropping) I did very recently:

1 - 1st Doctor - William Hartnell.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 1st Doctor - William Hartnell.part2.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 1st Doctor - William Hartnell.part3.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 1st Doctor - William Hartnell.part4.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 2nd Doctor - Patrick Troughton.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 2nd Doctor - Patrick Troughton.part2.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 3rd Doctor - Jon Pertwee.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 3rd Doctor - Jon Pertwee.part2.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 3rd Doctor - Jon Pertwee.part3.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 3rd Doctor - Jon Pertwee.part4.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.part2.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.part3.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.part4.rar download - 2shared (
5 - 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.part5.rar download - 2shared (
6 - 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.part6.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 5th Doctor - Peter Davison.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 5th Doctor - Peter Davison.part2.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 2shared - file upload (
2 - 6th Doctor - Colin Baker.part2.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 7th Doctor - Sylvester McCoy.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 7th Doctor - Sylvester McCoy.part2.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 7th Doctor - Sylvester McCoy.part3.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 7th Doctor - Sylvester McCoy.part4.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 8th Doctor - Paul McGann.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 8th Doctor - Paul McGann.part2.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 8th Doctor - Paul McGann.part3.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 8th Doctor - Paul McGann.part4.rar download - 2shared (
5 - 8th Doctor - Paul McGann.part5.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 9th Doctor - Christopher Eccleston.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part01.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part02.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part03.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part04.rar download - 2shared (
5 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part05.rar download - 2shared (
6 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part06.rar download - 2shared (
7 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part07.rar download - 2shared (
8 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part08.rar download - 2shared (
9 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part09.rar download - 2shared (
10 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part10.rar download - 2shared (
11 - 10th Doctor - David Tennant.part11.rar download - 2shared (

1 - 11th Doctor - Matt Smith.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - 11th Doctor - Matt Smith.part2.rar download - 2shared (
3 - 11th Doctor - Matt Smith.part3.rar download - 2shared (
4 - 11th Doctor - Matt Smith.part4.rar download - 2shared (
5 - 2shared - file upload (
6 - 11th Doctor - Matt Smith.part6.rar download - 2shared (
7 - 11th Doctor - Matt Smith.part7.rar download - 2shared (

Alt Docs & Goodies (full anthology books, paperwork & RTD books):
1 - Alternate Doctors & Goodies.part1.rar download - 2shared (
2 - Alternate Doctors & Goodies.part2.rar download - 2shared (

People need to post the hell out of the missing list until it gets whittled down:

First Doctor: The Secrets of Gemino (TV Comic 753-754 & 757), The Haunted Planet (TV Comic 758-762), The Hunters of Zerox (TV Comic 763-767).

Second Doctor: The Space Pirates (TV Comic 859-863), Car of the Century (TV Comic 864-867), The Jokers (TV Comic 868-869 & 871).

Fourth Doctor: The Eerie Manor (TV Comic 1371-1372), Guardian of the Tomb (TV Comic 1374-1379), The Image Makers (TV Comic 1380-1384), The Wanderers (TV Comic 1404-1408), The Metal Eaters (TV Comic 1409-1415), Moon Exploration (TV Comic 1416-1423).

Tenth Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 1, 3-118 & 120-159) (DWAM 2 & 119 - The Mirror Image -reprint- & The Ball and Chain Gang are the only available strips); Battles in Time (BIT 46 - Sting of the Serpent).

Eleventh Doctor: Doctor Who Adventures (DWAM 160-165, 167, 169 & 176+); DWM (452 & 454-456).

Thank you! This collection had the Short Trips Christmas Anthologies I had been asking help to find. Yay!

01-17-2013, 12:32 AM
I want to start listening to Sixie and friends (I am currently finishing Egiht, Chalrey, Crziz) and I am sure where to start. I know Sixie has lots of friends (nylevE, leM, pilF, yelrahC, eimaJ, ireP). Should I start from the beginning (i.e. the first Large Conclusions audio with Sixie)?

01-17-2013, 12:37 AM
I want to start listening to Sixie and friends (I am currently finishing Egiht, Chalrey, Crziz) and I am sure where to start. I know Sixie has lots of friends (nylevE, leM, pilF, yelrahC, eimaJ, ireP). Should I start from the beginning (i.e. the first Large Conclusions audio with Sixie)?

If in doubt, just listen in order!

01-17-2013, 12:42 AM
My goodies are everything chronological (and I mean just about everything) that isn't an episode, audio or game. The missing slots are probably one of those items.

The NA prequels are included. Try the Sylv section, obviously.

01-17-2013, 02:38 AM
Here's the 3rd medic reading P*L*A*N*E*T**O*F**T*H*E**D*A*L*E*K*S

Planet.7z (

...Thank you so much, I met and worked with Jon back in the 80's on a few fave doc....and a good man

01-17-2013, 02:44 AM
I want to start listening to Sixie and friends (I am currently finishing Egiht, Chalrey, Crziz) and I am sure where to start. I know Sixie has lots of friends (nylevE, leM, pilF, yelrahC, eimaJ, ireP). Should I start from the beginning (i.e. the first Large Conclusions audio with Sixie)?

What Del said. Just do them in in release order.

01-17-2013, 01:36 PM
Romana choose her regeneration appearance.
(Princess Astra, as played by Lalla Ward)
but the Doctor doesn't get to chose?

First off, I agree. Eleven is going to jump ship and soon...

Doctor Who TV ( ~ 1 April 2012 ~ Next Doctor Will Be Female (
"In a surprising twist, Jenna-Louise Coleman is in fact playing the 12th Doctor. The actress was previously announced as new companion merely to conceal her real identity, as well as keeping Matt Smith’s exit a surprise."

Previous rumours: The most famous involve Johnny Depp and Tim Burton... .jpg ( g) can't find my favorite. ()
Disney/BBC are fast-tracking a 3-D Doctor Who movie starring Johnny Depp:
Doctor Who Disney movie ( g
Morgan Freeman: The Next Doctor (

According to official comic rumormonger Rich Johnston,
Paterson Joseph will be the next Doctor Who: New Doctor Who? (

David was asked to comment... f

01-17-2013, 01:55 PM
Does anyone have the script for BF 124 The Bunch of Mates?

01-17-2013, 02:30 PM
"In a surprising twist, Jenna-Louise Coleman is in fact playing the 12th Doctor. The actress was previously announced as new companion merely to conceal her real identity, as well as keeping Matt Smith’s exit a surprise."

Did anyone actually fall for that?

01-17-2013, 02:53 PM
First off, I agree. Eleven is going to jump ship and soon. Every interview he does where he's asked about staying he becomes evasive and mentions Hollywood. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the anniversary special contained a regeneration. That said, I'd love it if he stayed.

I wouldn't use the phrase "jump ship" as it implies the series is in bad shape and sinking :)

But, yeah, I agree that we're probably not going to get more than another season from 11

And then what? He's running out of lives so their needs to a good bit of writing to grant him more regenerations, or a grand scale send-off that somehow manages to bring the whole character idea in a complete circle that ends up with him back as an old man and his grand-daughter in 60s London.

I'm never entirely sure if I like the idea of him changing gender - though it handily gives an 'out' on the regenerate limit as it could be 'per-gender'

01-17-2013, 03:52 PM
I don't really like the idea of the Medic changing gender either. Although it is established that some TimeLords have the ability to effectively "choose" their new body (ie. Romana) and that the High Council can also "choose" new bodies for others (ie 2nd to 3rd Medic in that comical end of the epic finale 2nd Medic story), nothing can let us suppose that TLs can change gender. Even when Romana could obviously change species, her gender was always female. But even that has always left me a little perplexed. I like the idea of TLs being humanoid with very specific traits, ie. 2 hearts, repiratory bipass system, etc. If one were to regenerate as a Sontaran, would they just "look" like a Sontaran on the outside and keep their specific TL physiology? Things would get pretty hairy if they regenerated into a Rutan!
As far as unlimited regenerations go, we know that the High Council could grant this like proposed to the Master in the 5 medics. I really hope that sooner or later we can have a resurrection of Gallifrey. I miss the TLs! We need some good enemies for the Doctor as well. Another TL would seem to be a sure win. Besides, we still don't know exactly how the TARDIS blew up and none of the classic enemies have that power. Only the Tls have ever been able to effectively maneuver a TARDIS, until exerting an outisde force, like it being caught in a Time Corridor (Resurrection of the Daleks). Now it seems that the enemies are all bland and a joke to the omnipotent Medic. Who ever really feels that the Medic is in mortal danger? Even the Daleks seem to be no real threat. In Asylum, the Medic just dances around them, and especially in Good Man goes to War every enemy is turned into a joke. Even Rory seems invincible in front of the Metalfolk.

01-17-2013, 03:57 PM
As for the regeneration limit - I think that's already gone out of the window. It's been a long time since I watched it but didn't the Daleks exterminate The Master at the beginning of the '96 movie and use his remaining regenerations?

Not sure where he was in his time-line though, so it could still be in his future.

01-17-2013, 04:22 PM
Hi there

I missed c* o* u* n* t* e* r*m * e * a *s *u * r * e * s * when it was released. Does anyone have a copy?

01-17-2013, 04:35 PM

01-17-2013, 05:05 PM
The gender/cross-species thing - the Master gets exterminated by the Daleks in the TVM and then becomes a kind of parasitic snake that takes over the ambulance guy's body! Is this a TL ability or one specific to the Master? Unca Terry Dicks provides an explanation in his novel The Eight Medics IIRC but it's pretty flimsy. In the SJA story Death of the Doctor, 11 states to Clyde that he can be any colour and regenerate 506 (I think) times. It seems reasonable to assume (if that statement is "true") that TLs can become female - but surely control of a regeneration is an ability that can be learned and honed, and Romana's demo of that in the first ep of DotD is just her showing off? Wouldn't be out of character. The Medic's whole raison-d'�tre is that he lives life on the hoof, crazily, erratically, helping others and defeating evil, often at risk to himself - so his regens are almost always out of control.

I'm not philosophically opposed to the idea of a female Doctor at all - but she's going to have to be a bloody fine actress with awesome gravitas to pull it off. I think I'd rather they just brought Romana back rather than mess with the central character's essential DNA so much. I always liked that he's sometimes upstaged, even out-thought by his female companions, that ALL of his companions have been essential to his continuing survival and self-belief. How would that work with those roles being reversed? Or is the essential DNA of the show that you just need a Doctor and the TARDIS, and it doesn't matter if the main character is male or female? The book range once showed that you didn't even need the TARDIS, stranding 8 on Earth for a century while the TARDIS recovered after nearly being destroyed after the (first, literary) Time War.

The longtime fans (i.e. us) are already convinced that it can do anything, if not on TV then certainly in spin-off media. That's the thing about Doctor Who - it seems infinitely mutable, an incredibly flexible format. It's just a question of whether it works on TV and whether viewers would stick with it if you changed it from what they already know.

01-17-2013, 05:50 PM
I have a feeling that after the 50th we'll get maybe one more series at the most...from 11 ... the balance of this series will be the Clara story ..and i have a feeling the next series will focus on the Fall of the 11th /Silence will fall ongoing story --I doubt they'll muddle a regeration with the anniversary special, i could be wrong but that wouldn't be moffat's style..

01-17-2013, 08:11 PM
The fiftieth will have high viewing figures regardless. Now imagine if it included a regen. Style or not they'd jump on that if 11 forced them to by saying 'no three is enough'.

The Master was on his last life when he met 3. During 4's tenure he tried to regen beyond that and became a walking corpse sustained by the energy he gained in deadly ass*assin. He gained more knowledge from the tra*kens and possessed one of their people. The TLs offered him a new set of regens during the five medics. During the TVM he used even more arcane knowledge to live beyond his physical death temporarily. Then the Tard*dis ate him. The TLs resurrected him for the time war (possibly by plucking him out of time and giving him the new regen cycle) and we see him in current show.

What 11 said in SJA is meaningless. They practically admitted it was a test of sorts to see if the fan reaction would support the regen limit being thrown out. There were three versions of that scene shot. One said the limit was 12, one said it was infinite, and the aired version said 517? but it sounded very random. Fans don't want the show to end but we don't want them to mess with the rules so a creative out needs to happen. Sci fi explanations could easily make any regen possible. He could change into a planet or a sun if they wanted. We might not like it but it could happen. That said, we know from Roma*na that regens can be controlled. They are cross species as verbally confirmed by 9. 11 stated that his friend always got the same tattoo even when he was a women confirming cross gender. Will they ever do it? Hard to say. Lines like that test fan reactions. Some fans say cool and some have brain meltdowns.

Even if they did you have to consider the logistics. We might accept a woman medic but what then? Should she be sexy? Would she travel with a male or female companion? Do we continue pushing the romantic tension angle? Should she refer to the tar*dis as 'Old girl' and 'sexy' or would that be weird? Would Capt*ain Ja*ck's head explode if he met 10 and female 12 on the same day? Would River's if it was 11 and 12?

So many possibilities for the future of the show and that doesn't even take into account wild theories. I personally would love for Rom*ana to have fled Galli*frey when Rass*ilon returned, hid in E-space, and gave birth to 8s secret love child. Who then returns to take charge of the show and the tar*dis during 13's finale. Possible? Certainly. Likely? Not really. But like time travel itself, the show's future is unpredictable and there are precious few rules that we can use to make any attempt to predict it ourselves. So let's just sit back, enjoy the ride, give the beeb our opinions, and wait for what comes.

01-17-2013, 10:00 PM
As for the regeneration limit - I think that's already gone out of the window. It's been a long time since I watched it but didn't the Daleks exterminate The Master at the beginning of the '96 movie and use his remaining regenerations?

Not sure where he was in his time-line though, so it could still be in his future.

Oh it's definitely not out the window, it's a biological thing that the Time Lords can get around using those bed-things we saw in Underworld. However, since immortality is kind of a curse, they basically never used them.

The Master was on his last regeneration in The Deadly Assassin. He took the body of Tremas in The Keeper of Traken - not using any regenerations there. Regenerations Left: 0

He was granted an additional regeneration during The Five Doctors by the Time Lords. Regenerations Left: 1

Then came all the shenanigans in the film, where it only appeared that he died - instead he did some snake-shenanigans and stole the body of that random guy. Regenerations Left: 1

He later stored himself to a fob watch and lived as a human, wherein it is entirely reasonable to assume that he could have changed his appearance as well - perhaps he didn't like being Eric Roberts =P. Regenerations Left: 1

He was shot by alien-lady in Utopia, causing him to use his last regeneration. Regenerations Left: 0

I haven't seen all of New Who, but it looked like he stored himself to a ring after the ridiculously stupid Doctor-is-Jesus 'clap your hands if you believe in The Doctor' nonsense in The Last of the Time Lords. So... Regenerations Left: 0

Now, the Time Lords revived him for the silly Time War plot device. But you know The Master - no way he would have fought for the Time Lords. The Doctor fighting is dubious enough. And The Rani is totally still ought there. The only way The Master would have fought would be with bribes. It's entirely reasonable that they bought him off with an undisclosed amount of regenerations. Who knows how many he had as Yana?

01-17-2013, 10:24 PM
about coming to end of regen. Didn't River S. give him all her regens???? if they don't use that then I'm sure something else will come into play. running out of regens never stopped the master.

01-17-2013, 11:34 PM
I just did a quick google search and it seems that 11 would be returning for series 8. I'm not sure if everyone is saying series 8 would be his last or if this season would be, but it seems that we'll have 11 after the 50th. All the articles I've read are from about August to the premiere of the new series, so they might be dated. If so, is there a new article that shows his intent to leave that postdates October 2012?

01-18-2013, 12:09 AM
Well, with the exception of 4th, all the Doctors have only stayed with the show for 3-4 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if 11th does leave before too long. As far as regenerations go, as long as the show is drawing viewers and selling well overseas, I imagine that the show's writers will find some way of getting around the whole limited regenerations.

He actually altered his DNA to become human in Family of Blood; who says that couldn't have reset his regeneration count?

01-18-2013, 12:19 AM
about coming to end of regen. Didn't River S. give him all her regens???? if they don't use that then I'm sure something else will come into play. running out of regens never stopped the master.

Please read my post above... He never ran out of regenerations.

Also, River didn't give him regenerations - she burned them to save him. If she gave them to him, it would hardly have cured the silly-poison, would it? It wouldn't have even been a sacrifice at all if it had. It'd have just been a minor inconvenience. The dialogue would have been:

Doctor: "Oh my, I seem to have falled ill. Dear, can you lend me your regenerations for a mo'?"
River: "Why yes dearie, I sure can! Have like 3!"
Doctor: "Well gosh golly, that sure did fix me right up. Here are your regenerations back since they weren't lost or anything!"
River: "Well gee, that sure was nice"
(They would also become southern for some reason)

That said, there will likely be some plot device that happens come 13. To put it bluntly, the 13th being the last regeneration is SO embedded in Who lore that if someone were to just ignore it, people would throw a fit.

This is especially when there are such nice ways out. Namely the Ring of Rassilon, the Eye of Harmony (together with the sash and the key), and those bed things in Underworld. Just to name a few.

01-18-2013, 12:46 AM
For the choosing your body thing:
I think some TLs just have a talent for that. I admit that I haven't watched all of Classic Who yet, but wasn't the Doctor not exactly a very good TL? Basically, he flunked out while Romana was a genius. So it stands to reason that the smarter or more powerful TLs could influence their own regeneration willingly. I guess the Doctor's regenerations are more of an involuntary reactions. I read this theory once that the Doctor subconsciously changes what he perceives lead him to his death (like 3 was too obsessed to be in control, in charge, so 4 became an alooft alien, and when that got him killed, he turned into kind compassionate 5, when that got him killed he became pompous 6, and so on and so forth)
I think the Master probably would be a TL that can determine how he he did in Utopia. He could have regenerated to someone of 3s apparent age, but chose to become young.

For the TimeWar and the Master fighting:
I can see the Master fighting in it, not necessarily for the TL, but certainly against the Daleks. The TL lost much of their inital threat - if they went back to that stage during the war, which I imagine they would - they could probably force him to fight.

As for the limit of regenerations (I had a discussion in youtube comments about that one, and yes, it was as horrible as expected)
The 12 limit thing is a biological thing. A TL cannot on his own just decide to regenerate again - if he could, the Master would have done it. But, didn't Rassilon temper with the genes of the species itself? Didn't he impose that rule, literally wrote it into DNA?
But if he had that technology, couldn't someone with access to TL technology reverse that?
And couln't you imagine that during the war, the TLs themselves chose to do away with that limit?
Then you'd basically have an army which can die an infinite number of times. Which is horrible.
And that sounds like old TL logic.

So, the Doctor could have had access to a machine and gave himself more regenerations.
Or maybe it was done to him by someone else.
Or some big sciency thing - Eye of Harmony, Hand of Omega - boosted his regenerations.

01-18-2013, 01:09 AM
Well the easiest out would be simply to point out that 13 lives was a Gallifreyan Law, which is kind of obvious in the Five Doctors. As it is suggested that the Time Lords can give the Master a complete new life cycle (though this could just have been a lie to get him to help). And yet in the same story, the "spirit", for lack of better word, of Rassilon, denied immortality to all those who sought it.

Another idea someone I know thought of has to do with the Chameleon Arch, how it turned every cell in his body to Human and then back to Time Lord again. What if the Turning him back to Time Lord sort of rebooted his Regenerations, thus making the 10th Dr. to 11th Dr. his "first" Regeneration.

I regards to choosing his appearance or not the Dr.'s Regenerations happen either while he's barely conscious, or already dead. Though the Time Lords did give him the chance to choose from a series of options when they forced him to Regenerate from 2nd Dr. to 3rd Dr, in the end the chose for him... or didn't. The Doctor Himself seems to be a gambling man when it comes to his fully conscious Regenerations.

01-18-2013, 01:22 AM
The problem with the limit being a law is that the Master is a criminal. If it's a law, it can be broken by choice.
If it was just a law, why didn't he just decide to screw it and regenerate again? It sure would have been an improvement over the "crispy" master.
The Time Lords in Five Doctors would have had to do something to him to give him more regenerations, they couldn't say "you know what? okay, we allow you to regnerate more times, go on."

The chameleon arch is a neat idea, until you ask yourself why no one has tried it before. In Five Doctors there were several Time Lords who were seeking immortality, and they were trapped in Rassilon's tomb. Wouldn't one have thought "hey, chameleon arch! I'll just leave myself a note beside the watch and in 10 minutes I'll have a new set of regenerations.?"
Wouldn't the Master have tried that?

But concerning the arch, if it can rewrite your entrie could use it to turn yourself into a new timelord, to imitate regeneration. Every cell in your body changes, just like regeneration. If the limit is biological, you could surpass it by rewriting your DNA to you being the same person....just with this one thing changed. Or if you liked, to just be someone else with the limit resetted.
I think that's a neater version of the arch use - provided the limit is genetical - but it once again poses the problem of why no one tried that before.
And why during the time war the time lords didn't think "you know what? how about a legion of Rutans?"

01-18-2013, 01:30 AM
Well compared to the Doctor the rest of the Time Lords are kind of retarded. Just look at the obvious de-evolution of their society.

All in all though there won't ever be a perfect answer, but hopefully makes some sense if only a little bit.

01-18-2013, 01:31 AM
Perhaps the "Arch" has the 'photocopy-a-photocopy effect' - the more you change the changed DNA the quality degrades to a level where it becomes in-viable?

01-18-2013, 01:42 AM
Curiously, that's the reason why I think Rassilon made immortality impossible - it degrades the body. Things go wrong during regeneration and the more you do it, the more likely it is it will affect you until you turn insane or just can't live anymore.
if the arch could duplicate that effect, I believe that some powerhungry timelords would accept that risk.
first and foremost, the master.

01-18-2013, 01:48 AM
Don't forget that when mels was regenerating into River, she did say she was concentrating on a dress size - which does imply she had some control over what she regenerated into

01-18-2013, 01:59 AM
And couln't you imagine that during the war, the TLs themselves chose to do away with that limit?
Then you'd basically have an army which can die an infinite number of times. Which is horrible.
And that sounds like old TL logic.

That's kinda how I see it. The number of regenerations bacame a moot point after the Time War - either the TLs overrode the limit, or somehow the destruction of Gallifrey negated the rules. Either way, the Doctor (& Master?) are no longer limited to just 12.

01-18-2013, 07:51 AM
According to BF's Gallifrey series, regenerations are coded into the TL DNA. It has nothing to do with laws. At one point in the series, TLs were buying and selling their own regenss and while it was frowned on, it was never illegal.

01-18-2013, 08:07 AM
According to BF's Gallifrey series, regenerations are coded into the TL DNA. It has nothing to do with laws. At one point in the series, TLs were buying and selling their own regenss and while it was frowned on, it was never illegal.
But they CAN be extended...and often have been.

Then again...

It'd be nice to know which comics, books, audio dramas, etc...are canon and which are 'alternative universe/timeline' crap.

I think this would help both the TV show AND writers for other media.

---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 AM ----------

---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------

01-18-2013, 08:36 AM
He was granted an additional regeneration during The Five Doctors by the Time Lords. Regenerations Left: 1

How do you figure? He was promised a full set but he threw that away for a chance at immortality.

I just did a quick google search and it seems that 11 would be returning for series 8. I'm not sure if everyone is saying series 8 would be his last or if this season would be, but it seems that we'll have 11 after the 50th. All the articles I've read are from about August to the premiere of the new series, so they might be dated. If so, is there a new article that shows his intent to leave that postdates October 2012?
All I know is that nothing has been officialyl announced.

For the choosing your body thing:
I think some TLs just have a talent for that. I admit that I haven't watched all of Classic Who yet, but wasn't the Doctor not exactly a very good TL? Basically, he flunked out while Romana was a genius. So it stands to reason that the smarter or more powerful TLs could influence their own regeneration willingly. I guess the Doctor's regenerations are more of an involuntary reactions.
This was also included in the novelization of the story featuring her regen.

That's kinda how I see it. The number of regenerations bacame a moot point after the Time War - either the TLs overrode the limit, or somehow the destruction of Gallifrey negated the rules. Either way, the Doctor (& Master?) are no longer limited to just 12.
If the planet were in someway influencing regens, it stands to reason the master could simply have visited a parallel universe or something.

According to BF's Gallifrey series, regenerations are coded into the TL DNA. It has nothing to do with laws. At one point in the series, TLs were buying and selling their own regenss and while it was frowned on, it was never illegal.
I haven't heard these yet but now I want to with a passion!

Missed a quote: A timeline of any series which encompasses a massive amount of tv episodes, books, audios, comics, etc could never be accurate. No one could ever keep all the histories straight and no writer of the show is going to constrain him or her self to something a comic book written fifty years ago said.

I think we also have to consider the fact that the Master was desperate to extend his life. He attempted a regen beyond his final life. He would have destroyed Galli*frey to stabilize that regen. He possessed a lesser being. He agreed to help his greatest enemy for more regens. He tried to steal the medic's body. If the key to more regens were an easy thing, he'd have found it. He was a genius after all. Whatever TL trick would allow for a complete set of new regens (which is a type of immortality and yet not the immortality the characters offering them would be satisified by) must be difficult to grant. Otherwise it would be a common TL reward. For all we know, the TLs were going to offer the Master the body of a criminal. Allowing him to possess another TL would be a grievous thing indeed, possible something they know the master could do without knowing precisely how themselves.

Whatever happens in the future, the regen limit was firmly set in the past. The writers may decide to toss it away but they do so at the risk of upsetting fans who have supported the idea that there will be an end. As mortals ourselves we like the idea that dying is something the medic must take seriously since he won't regen forever.

01-18-2013, 09:47 AM
Apologies if anyone considers this old information from books etc a spolier.

The Master was on his final regen (Delgado) in 3rd Dr stories. The Delgado Master meets the 8th Doctor in the book Legacy of the Daleks. Now whilst the books are not canon particularly from this book where discrepancies appear from this book where he meets Susan for 1st time since he left her on Earth and the 8th Dr Audios where he meets her for the 1st time since then. This book does explain how The Master ended up an ugly looking thing and from The Masters timeline this leads into The Deadly Assassin.

So with no regens left he uses Keeper of Traken powers to steal a body. In The 5 Dr's he is offered a new set of regenerations but it would appear he never got these. In Survival we see his latest attempt to extend his life. In the 8 Dr's book we find out the whole Dalek Extermination was a plan to steal The Dr's body.

The Master gets resurrected for The Time War and does a runner and hides in The Fob Watch. When he is shot in Utopia he regenerates but chooses not to at the end of Last of the Timelords again knowing he has a backup plan as seen in The End of Time. What happened to him after disappearing with Rassilon.

That is all at least how I see it.

01-18-2013, 09:47 AM
Whilst risking a cry of BOOOOOOO!!!, here we go;

We don't know if Hartnell IS the first incarnation, Pertwee and Troughton ARE the same doctor,
Tom is out of his body and goes into the watcher's body, more like the 'watch trick' less like a regeneration,
Colin changes body, but why?, Sylvester 'dies' in the TVM **which does NOT belong in the series, the BBC announces that Richard E Grant is the '9th', the announces that Christopher is the 9th............ don't believe the hype!**

Lets count the TRUE regenerations, 1- 10th Planet, 2- Planet of the Spiders, 3- Caves of Androzani, 3 1/2- Time and the Rani, the 2 regenerations in NuWho, are they before Hartnell or after McCoy?... either way fellow whoians that's 6, which means six to go, to follow the original 12 regenerations rules... or 7 more doctors to look forward too

Before you hiss, sit and think, if I am correct....
You can grow a hand, and it's not a regeneration,
You can change how you look and it's not a regeneration,
A regeneration is "WHERE EVERY CELL OF A TIMELORD'S BODY IS REPLACED", when the time lord is on the point of death.....

[shout out the capitalised words, not being rude, just emphasizing]

01-18-2013, 09:47 AM
Then again...

It'd be nice to know which comics, books, audio dramas, etc...are canon and which are 'alternative universe/timeline' crap.

I think this would help both the TV show AND writers for other media.
Only the BBC can make an OFFICIAL timeline.
The very first episode (An Unearthly Child) sets the canon.
Only the classic television series is canon.
The classic television series is the Official Timeline.
Charity productions, animations, and the movie are not canon.
When the Doctor visits himself, the timeline becomes recursive.
All time travel is 'alternative universe.'

Timeline is what YOU make it. Other "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff" experts are wrong. Wrong I tell you, all wrong. (And I have a time machine to prove it.)
Or see

01-18-2013, 12:04 PM
Whilst risking a cry of BOOOOOOO!!!, here we go;

We don't know if Hartnell IS the first incarnation, Pertwee and Troughton ARE the same doctor,
Tom is out of his body and goes into the watcher's body, more like the 'watch trick' less like a regeneration,
Colin changes body, but why?, Sylvester 'dies' in the TVM **which does NOT belong in the series, the BBC announces that Richard E Grant is the '9th', the announces that Christopher is the 9th............ don't believe the hype!**

Lets count the TRUE regenerations, 1- 10th Planet, 2- Planet of the Spiders, 3- Caves of Androzani, 3 1/2- Time and the Rani, the 2 regenerations in NuWho, are they before Hartnell or after McCoy?... either way fellow whoians that's 6, which means six to go, to follow the original 12 regenerations rules... or 7 more doctors to look forward too

Before you hiss, sit and think, if I am correct....
You can grow a hand, and it's not a regeneration,
You can change how you look and it's not a regeneration,
A regeneration is "WHERE EVERY CELL OF A TIMELORD'S BODY IS REPLACED", when the time lord is on the point of death.....

[shout out the capitalised words, not being rude, just emphasizing]

No, I quite like the idea and I see where you're coming from.

But ...

It's smacks of 'RetCon' ... and we all know that no good can ever come of that.

Besides - what about the 5th Doctor and what he says in Mordryn Undead about all his lives and regenerations?

01-18-2013, 12:16 PM
The new series is definitely set after McCoy. Hartnell tells Ian and Barbara how old he is in an early story (can't remember off the top of my head which story or how old), and he is certainly over 1100 years old now in the current series.

01-18-2013, 01:30 PM
as much as I like Jenna-Louise Coleman, I don't think I would like to see The Doctor regenerate into a just wouldn't be right.......

01-18-2013, 04:09 PM
No, I quite like the idea and I see where you're coming from.

But ...

It's smacks of 'RetCon' ... and we all know that no good can ever come of that.

Besides - what about the 5th Doctor and what he says in Mordryn Undead about all his lives and regenerations?

I tend to agree with this last statement. the 5th medic clearly stated he had 8 lives left which taking into account the 12 REGEN/13 lives rule (that we can't easily dismiss), we would have to count 4 regenerations. when the 1st asked "Regeneration?" to the 5th medic in the 5 medics, he clearly states: "4th" "Goodness me! So there are 5 of me now!" replies the 1st. I think that the regens sometimes have different causes. in the 1st, the medic says that "this body is wearing thin" regen due to old age? the 2nd is a criminal conviction, something akin to the death penalty, a forceful regeneration. the 3rd is radiation poisonning, the 4th, well we know how we'd feel after that fall... and so on. i would think that the more traumatic the reason for regeneration is the reason behind the relative ease or difficulty in the transition from one incarnation to another. from 1 to 2 there is very little difficulty, while after being poisonned and "waiting too long" from 5th to 6th or being eaten alive by the time vortex obviously created problems in the regen. in the 4th regen, the Watcher is aiding the 4th to 5th change, much as other time lords have aided him (ie. planet of the spiders). and it is not unseen that a future incarnation would play around with his own past, like in the Trial, albeit for horrible reasons. the Valeyard wanted to "take" 6th remaining regens for himself. i think that the Watcher is the Doctor reaching back through time to warn himself that the entire universe is in danger, and that it's not just another "common" crisis. it's the same motif as "bad wolf" or the "cracks in the wall" or Donna hearing the TL double heart beats or the sound of drums in the Master's mind. they're things that ripple back trough time because of the incredible impact of the thing which accounts for the Doctor's sometimes sense of forebodding or even limited precog abilities. this seems to be another trait of gallifreyans as we've seen in the 1st installment of Destiny of the Doctors with Susan's last statement of horrible things to come in the far future, which would seem to refer to things yet to come in the 11th medic period.
it really can't be that easy to gain more lives. otherwise, the master would have done it centuries ago. the powers of the keepership, his exposure to the eye of harmony and to the cheetah energy can explain why he seems to overcome this, much as when the 10th avoids regeneration using the metacrisis trick. these are not regenerations because the energy comes from an outside source while in other cases they come from within, given a little grace period for partial regeneration/invulnerability during the 1st hours of a new incarnation as displayed by 10th and River.

01-18-2013, 04:41 PM
Then again...

It'd be nice to know which comics, books, audio dramas, etc...are canon and which are 'alternative universe/timeline' crap.

Not official, but Lance Parkin's AHistory does a fine job of putting everything - all TV episodes and all spin-off media including comics, books and audios into one timeline. I think there's three versions now, each updated from the last and each time swelled massively from the last edition. It's mind-boggling as an exercise in crafting continuity from all the available evidence.

Canon in Doctor Who is such a disputable concept though, which is probably why the BBC's never issued any definitive document. I also think it's kind of limiting in a show like Doctor Who, which has contradicted itself time and time again, leaving all sorts of gaps for us fans to imaginatively fill (which is what we seem to be doing on this thread! I love that, that it induces creativity). I have my own personal Doctor Who canon - the TV stuff plus stories I like. The rest I ignore.


01-18-2013, 06:23 PM
I think every single one of us has their own personal canon when you really get down to it! Personally, while the new series definitely puts PMcG in the official canon as being the 8th, i still have a really hard time with the TVM. Some things are so different from canon in the original series that i just chalk that up to the necesary evils of movie productions. things like the medic being half human, for example, are (imho) ridiculous to say the least. the idea of the chameleon arch could maybe somehow allow for a retcon explanation of this, but other than that... Like medic 6, PMcG is a much better doctor in audio than in the series and his character is much more in tune with his medic identity than he ever was in the TVM

01-18-2013, 06:27 PM
Blimey! The posts in the thread have left my head spinning...
Sooooo.... a request for a fresh upload of "the Green pussycat" and the "Large planet meeting" Pleeeaseeeee?

01-18-2013, 06:39 PM
I think every single one of us has their own personal canon when you really get down to it! Personally, while the new series definitely puts PMcG in the official canon as being the 8th, i still have a really hard time with the TVM. Some things are so different from canon in the original series that i just chalk that up to the necesary evils of movie productions. things like the medic being half human, for example, are (imho) ridiculous to say the least. the idea of the chameleon arch could maybe somehow allow for a retcon explanation of this, but other than that... Like medic 6, PMcG is a much better doctor in audio than in the series and his character is much more in tune with his medic identity than he ever was in the TVM

Got to agree with you about him being half human, but the movie was made by Americans, for Americans and they just don't seem to be able to re-create British TV shows.

Tbh, PMcG was never given a chance. It's like trying to tell what kind of doc Tennant would've made if he'd only done 2 episodes and then left.

01-18-2013, 06:51 PM
I think every single one of us has their own personal canon when you really get down to it! Personally, while the new series definitely puts PMcG in the official canon as being the 8th, i still have a really hard time with the TVM. Some things are so different from canon in the original series that i just chalk that up to the necesary evils of movie productions. things like the medic being half human, for example, are (imho) ridiculous to say the least. the idea of the chameleon arch could maybe somehow allow for a retcon explanation of this, but other than that... Like medic 6, PMcG is a much better doctor in audio than in the series and his character is much more in tune with his medic identity than he ever was in the TVM
That was fixed in New Who.

I think it was the 10th that said he FAKE/tricked The Master into thinking he was part human.

If you listen to the 8th's audio dramas I think they say the same.

01-18-2013, 07:10 PM
I hated the half-human thing too. Pointless! I absolutely loved McGann as the Doc though, despite the crapness of the TVM surrounding him; even moreso with his continuing development on audio.

I don't remember it being fixed - must've missed that. Willfully ignored, though? I can totally agree with that. Nice if they dealt with it with a dismissive line and moved on - sometimes that's the best way. Who is a patchwork of fixed points and mutable continuity!

01-18-2013, 07:20 PM
They've retconned the half human thing multiple times. Two off the top of my head are the eighth medic section of the comic T*h*e F*o*r*g*o*t*t*e*n and in the sixth medic audio T*h*e A*p*o*c*a*l*y*p*s*e E*l*e*m*e*n*t.

01-18-2013, 07:30 PM
I recall the medic saying he tricked the master into thinking he was half human but I couldn't say it was tv, audio, or other at the moment. Regardless, the new show has repeatedly made PmcG canon so he counts. Also, after SJ told 10 he regen again, he replied, "half a dozen times since I last saw you". Personally, I'd feel cheated if they broke the regen limit. I could possibly be mollified if it was only by a couple but I would much prefer the show to end and then immediately pick up as a new show with a new concept/character.

I find 10s aborted regen into the hand thing less controversial than 11s using his regen energy to heal river's hand. That decision must come back to bite him next regen. Perhaps he could be regen but not fully healed from his previous injuries?

01-18-2013, 08:19 PM
Edit to remove the utter tripe wot I just wrote.

---------- Post added at 07:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

...i still have a really hard time with the TVM...

I quite like the TVM. My main issue is that it takes far too long to actually get Paul on-screen and BEING The Doctor. Yeah, they were hoping for a series, but even as a Pilot they take WAY to long to get him in character properly.

01-18-2013, 10:01 PM
Edit. I've been made aware that BF or a mole may be viewing this thread so I've deleted said contents, as it made links to my real life. Shame really as I could have used the input/views. Sorry folks and thanks Nobber. I never thought of that.

01-19-2013, 12:05 AM
will check it out tomorrow and get back to you bulletzen, was going to do it now, but saw it was over an hour long lol.

01-19-2013, 12:15 AM
Aye it's a long one.
Appreciate it mate!

01-19-2013, 12:28 AM
I thought you folks would like to know that S/N/A/K/E/ B/I/T/E/ is now available to download for only �1.66 @ A/U/D/I/O/G/O - down from �6.79

01-19-2013, 12:50 AM
Edit. I've been made aware that BF or a mole may be viewing this thread so I've deleted said contents, as it made links to my real life. Shame really as I could have used the input/views. Sorry folks and thanks Nobber. I never thought of that.

A bit draconian, perhaps. but best played safe rather than sorry. :)

01-19-2013, 12:52 AM
Quite right and thanks again.

01-19-2013, 02:53 AM
Thanks for all your posts, Bulletzen. Always enjoyed them! :)

Who Lover
01-19-2013, 05:17 AM
First attempt so I hope this is OK

Electronic medic reading from the 1990s in e*p*u*b and m*o*b*i plus covers

Including all fresh escapades, absent escapades from both ranges, 8th medic stories, the archeologist fresh escapades.

B*B*C Books

bbcdweb.rar (

V*I*R*G*I*N Books

vnadweb.rar (

Thanks very much for this. Did you have the same problem of getting the back covers on the epubs. Anyone know how to do this using Calibre. My PDFs to epub don't keep the back cover in a readable way. I have ticked and unticked, but still nothing. Help!!!
-- Paul.

01-19-2013, 07:22 AM
I think most would agree that PMcG is absolutely brilliant as medic 8. The audios (even those of lesser quality) shine because of him and some of his better companions like Charley and Lucie. In a world of wonderful possibilities, it would be amazing to have a spin-off about the TimeWar with PMcG starring to fill in the gaps between the TVM and the new medic series. We could really see him shine... and besides someone really needs to write the TW story. can't help but think that somehow it will be addressed in some way in the 50th.

01-19-2013, 12:48 PM
I don't think they should touch the Time War with a barge pole because (1) depicted a war across time in which time lines are written and unwritten would be horrendously complex and almost incomprehensible as a linear narrative and (2) it would never satisfy the fans. Let the Time War keep its mythic quality.

01-19-2013, 01:12 PM
Here's a slightly outdated, chronologized upload (a few missing books since acquired and some recent DWM cropping) I did very recently:

twospared is doing the round and round thing again. boo!

do you have them anywhere else please? particularly 8 and 11 :)

01-19-2013, 01:33 PM
I don't think they should touch the Time War with a barge pole because (1) depicted a war across time in which time lines are written and unwritten would be horrendously complex and almost incomprehensible as a linear narrative and (2) it would never satisfy the fans. Let the Time War keep its mythic quality.

I tend to agree. You could probably throw all the resources at it you could dream of, with the worlds best directors, script-writers and effects people and you'ld probably not do the concept justice.

But, perhaps, if there was a story that focused on the run-up to war. The Daleks invade Gallifrey via time-travel, The Doctor tries to defeat them but fails and is captured, Daleks assassinate The High Council and they're now the The Lords Of Time. The Time Lords admit defeat as The Matrix tells them it should be this way.

That's how it should have ended.

But the Doctor, tortured beyond endurance, more hurt and angry than he's ever been before, escapes and forces himself to regenerate into the man he needs to be. A man that can Fight.

And his first trip in the Tardis, back to before the Daleks invaded, is the real First Shot of The Great Time War.

01-19-2013, 03:30 PM
Hi Who Lover

Thanks very much for this. Did you have the same problem of getting the back covers on the epubs. Anyone know how to do this using Calibre. My PDFs to epub don't keep the back cover in a readable way. I have ticked and unticked, but still nothing. Help!!!
-- Paul.

The back cover can only be readable if it has been OCR'd. Many of the PDFs only contain images for them.

In my experience Calibre does not do the pdf to epub conversion very good. It tries to keep far too much unnecessary formatting.
I have converted all the BS books to epub. For the first version I still use Calibre, but then the real work begins.
For that I currently use Sigil and it takes several hours for each book to fix the TOC and the paragraph formattings, to remove unnecessary page numbers and line breaks and so on. This task is not trivial and currently I don't know of any software which can do that automatically.

01-19-2013, 03:51 PM
And his first trip in the Tardis, back to before the Daleks invaded, is the real First Shot of The Great Time War.

The first shot of the Time War would be the events of Genesis Of The Daleks, an attempt by the Time Lords to unwrite the very existence of the Daleks.

01-19-2013, 04:25 PM
The first shot of the Time War would be the events of Genesis Of The Daleks, an attempt by the Time Lords to unwrite the very existence of the Daleks.

I lean toward Genesis being the opening of the equivalent of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870

01-19-2013, 05:40 PM
I lean toward Genesis being the opening of the equivalent of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870

Would you say the Daleks are French?

01-19-2013, 06:30 PM
The first shot of the Time War would be the events of Genesis Of The Daleks, an attempt by the Time Lords to unwrite the very existence of the Daleks.

Clearly. We do have an incredible amount of Pre-TW stories. Not the least of which is Pepperpots come back to life. in that story they lay out their plan clearly: to invade Gallifrey and become the Lords of Time. You could even go back further to the Hartnell era with The Chase. There we have a viable time ship and they even actively persue the Medic to exterminate him. Also, i think that the events of the Trial set the stage as it becomes clear that Gallifrey is far from the safe haven some would like to think.
But coming back to the TimeWar, some things are just not clear. there is a difference between "everybody died" and having "everybody stuck in a TimeLock". I'd just be happy with a few flashbacks to give us more of a background on the actual TW. we know what happens before and obviously the new who and the CE medic are consecuences of that TW. It was an important motif in the 1st new who serial but has taken the back seat in recent years giving way to all emcompassing companion stories. Let's see if the TW and even Clara have something to do with that specific event.

01-19-2013, 06:34 PM
You could even go back further to the Hartnell era with The Chase. There we have a viable time ship and they even actively persue the Medic to exterminate him.

You could view that as the Dalek's response to the initial attack by the medic since, through Davros, they'd be aware of the temporal nature of the incident.

01-19-2013, 08:56 PM
In regards to the half human thing I pretend it's just a temporary side effect of having had human blood transfused into his body after being shot. And when he says he's half human on his mother's side he's in no way being serious. That scene doesn't really fit, it's just random. Besides the Time Lady that talks to Wifl throughout The End of Time, credited only as "The Woman", is vaguely implied to possibly be the Doctor's Mother, in the DW Encyclopedia.

Classic Who and the Time War, in my opinion it started off really as cold-war, and gradually heated up to all out warfare. Two pivitol moments in the cold-war phase were definitely the events of "Genesis" as well as "Remembrance". In DW: The Time Traveller's Almanac, the state that the Master being on trail on Skaro was one of many concessions made between the Time Lords and the Daleks.

01-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Hi there

I missed c* o* u* n* t* e* r*m * e * a *s *u * r * e * s * when it was released. Does anyone have a copy?


[url= [/url]

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

Besides the Time Lady that talks to Wifl throughout The End of Time, credited only as "The Woman", is vaguely implied to possibly be the Doctor's Mother, in the DW Encyclopedia.

Whenever she is on screen tho, Rose's Theme is playing.

01-19-2013, 10:07 PM

[url= [/url]

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

Besides the Time Lady that talks to Wifl throughout The End of Time, credited only as "The Woman", is vaguely implied to possibly be the Doctor's Mother, in the DW Encyclopedia.

Whenever she is on screen tho, Rose's Theme is playing.

I'm very doubtful it's intended to be Rose, I guessing they used it because it's a great piece of music, and at that time seldom used.
There's obviously are direct connection between The Woman and The Doctor, most plausible is a family bond of some sort.

01-19-2013, 11:48 PM
GRRR!! Apparently, external hard drives do not like being dropped. DOH! just lost all my back ups of medic that I had. Thankfully found most of them on line at various sites, but does anyone know how I can get hold of copies of all the S/c/a/r/i/f/y/e/r/s?

I need the medics magical box to return to point in time to catch said hard drive before it hits the floor.

01-20-2013, 12:16 AM
If you're in the UK, Radio 4 Extra are currently repeating (IIRC) Scrat Weepon Of Dume

01-20-2013, 12:27 AM
Yes in UK. Also need the 1 more than 4 c/o/m/pa/nio/ns if anyone can help

never mind found it.

01-20-2013, 12:47 AM
I may have missed it, but did anyone ever post the archaeologist's Multiple Joyous Comebacks?

01-20-2013, 04:01 AM
Could someone please post or direct me to a post for the mp3s of 6 medic v*oy*age to the n*ew w*0*rld? I have been struggling to speed read through all the kind-of off-topic stuff that seems to be in this forum now to try and find it.

Thanks for your help!

01-20-2013, 08:36 AM
Hopefully our moles are struggling too. I would dispute the label 'off-topic' however. It's not like we're dishing on Britney Spears's wardrobe.

01-20-2013, 10:04 AM
I must say, now that I've heard them all, that it's been a excellent bunch of releases from the Conclusions gang this month. The Firey Tendrils of Spanish Coastal Town was a lovely, evocative piece, The Mother's Sister Situation was a brilliant, Williams-era style comic romp, and The Incorrect Medics was, frankly, a corker - fast, funny and enormously entertaining. Langford's become a great little voice actress now (I'm pretty sure she played more than just Mel in this, too) - her reading of P*a*r*a*d*i*s*e T*o*w*e*r*s for the audiobook range is one of my faves. What did everyone else think of this month's offerings?

Also enjoyed DotD: Gatherers of Terra (which is pretty much a Conclusions production), although as a rabid music fan, it niggled me more that it would most people the massively inappropriate music choices used to represent Merseybeat & early Dylan (for God's sake guys, it even says in the script "just acoustic guitar & harmonica", so why the hell use something ELECTRIC that sounds like a reject from "Blonde on Blonde"??!! But I digress...

Just realised, if Conclusions are producing ALL of the DotD releases, that means we'll soon get to hear their first bashes at the New Series Medics! Interesting...

01-20-2013, 11:07 AM
I believe audio go or bbc are making those not bf. Bf is just selling them.

01-20-2013, 11:28 AM
I believe audio go or bbc are making those not bf. Bf is just selling them.

I think it is Large Conclusions since it does say "a large conclusions production for audio go" on the end credits.

---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

Medic 6 reads A*T*T*A*C*K**O*F**T*H*E**C*Y*B*E*R*M*E*N

Attack.7z (

01-20-2013, 11:53 AM
Just realised, if Conclusions are producing ALL of the DotD releases, that means we'll soon get to hear their first bashes at the New Series Medics! Interesting...

Yeah, BF definitely did this one and it wouldn't surprise me if they're doing the rest too. And, as you say, theire first official contact with Nu, too. Which is nice.

As for the rest - Agreed! After a year of 'So-So' releases it was a damn good batch this month. Ms Bush(es!) doesn't felt to have aged at all and you can tell that Bonnie still very much loves doing the part.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

I believe audio go or bbc are making those not bf. Bf is just selling them.

Del's correct. At the end it does say "produced by beefee for a.go .."

01-20-2013, 12:59 PM
I'd like learn more, please help.
Try some Christopher Brookmyre novels - eg, One Fine Day In The Middle Of The Night.

01-20-2013, 01:55 PM
On the subject of the Time War I would like to see it on screen but then agree with the points made against it here.

Maybe if we could just see PMcG Regen into CE :)

01-20-2013, 03:39 PM
can some one help
do people have T*h*e*W*i*s*h*i*n*g*B*e*a*s*t, C*a*t*c*h*1*7*8*2, E*x*o*t*r*o*n, T*h*e*M*i*n*d*s*E*y*e

01-20-2013, 06:30 PM
can some one help
do people have T*h*e*W*i*s*h*i*n*g*B*e*a*s*t, C*a*t*c*h*1*7*8*2, E*x*o*t*r*o*n, T*h*e*M*i*n*d*s*E*y*e

– Catch 1782
[url= ( [/url) - Exotron
– The Wishing Beast
[url= ( [/url) – The Minds Eye

01-20-2013, 06:48 PM
Looking for:
G*a*l*l*i*f*r*e*y* 2.3, 4.1


01-20-2013, 07:17 PM
Yeah, BF definitely did this one and it wouldn't surprise me if they're doing the rest too. And, as you say, theire first official contact with Nu, too. Which is nice.

As for the rest - Agreed! After a year of 'So-So' releases it was a damn good batch this month. Ms Bush(es!) doesn't felt to have aged at all and you can tell that Bonnie still very much loves doing the part.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

Del's correct. At the end it does say "produced by beefee for a.go .."
I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. The Amazon pages (both us and uk) have the publisher listed as audiogo. Checked the bf page again and their logo isn't on the front. Also, there is a note explaining that CD purchase does not include free download.

01-20-2013, 07:57 PM
HI guys my first post, as part of my 50 anniversary celebrations, i am spending a month dedicated to each medic, and i just wondered i anyone had the new first medic companion chronicle? set in CADIZ

01-20-2013, 07:58 PM
that mole being about is worryring lol

01-20-2013, 08:58 PM
I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. The Amazon pages (both us and uk) have the publisher listed as audiogo. Checked the bf page again and their logo isn't on the front. Also, there is a note explaining that CD purchase does not include free download.

The bulk of them are PUBLISHED by AudoiGO, but at the end the end it confirms that BF did the Production work "... and is a BF Production for AudioGo" (just double checked the wording. Much like BF do (or at least did) the Production work for The Black Library to Publish their Warhammer series.

So considering that it's BF that have "done the hard work" it's a strange that they can't provide downloads for it; licensing/marketing deals are damn odd at times.

---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------

HI guys my first post, as part of my 50 anniversary celebrations, i am spending a month dedicated to each medic, and i just wondered i anyone had the new first medic companion chronicle? set in CADIZ

Check the posts around the publication date - the 11th IIRC

01-21-2013, 11:25 AM
Hopefully our moles are struggling too. I would dispute the label 'off-topic' however. It's not like we're dishing on Britney Spears's wardrobe.
RE: Off Topic
I think that was an observation, not a judgement. It's all "off topic." Some of it is intentional, to frustrate moles, assassins and posers. Only the true believers will pass the test(s). BTW - Has anyone reviewed the site main page? Final Fantasy Shrine - The Ultimate Final Fantasy Fansite ( That's the "official topic."

I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. The Amazon pages (both us and uk) have the publisher listed as audiogo. Checked the bf page again and their logo isn't on the front. Also, there is a note explaining that CD purchase does not include free download.

purchase does not include free
Damn, I was so expecting a "free with purchase." Why is that phrase tolerated? It is not good grammar, nor is ever the truth. I just want to fish slap a dalek whenever I hear "free with purchase."

It's cyber-pint time...

Exar Xan
01-21-2013, 01:37 PM
My copy of *H*u*n*t*e*r*s*o*f*E*a*r*t*h* has some audio cracks in it and stops playing after the 5th minute. Can someone help me to a new version here? Preferably in (individual) MP3(s)? THanks!

01-21-2013, 01:38 PM
got a question for you......
I just downloaded The Dalek Project Kindle Edition but it won't let me convert to jpg or there a way to do that?
my other problem is, my home computer is down and I am using my work computer which is limiting.....
i want to make a cbr of it

Exar Xan
01-21-2013, 01:46 PM
Not a clue myself, but if you managed to cbr this, then I am sure many people here, among myself, would appreciate the share :)

01-21-2013, 01:53 PM
that is my plan

01-21-2013, 03:30 PM
I thought you folks would like to know that S/N/A/K/E/ B/I/T/E/ is now available to download for only �1.66 @ A/U/D/I/O/G/O - down from �6.79

Do you have a link for this, cleverclever? I can't seem to find it on there.



01-21-2013, 03:35 PM
got a question for you......
I just downloaded The Dalek Project Kindle Edition but it won't let me convert to jpg or there a way to do that?
my other problem is, my home computer is down and I am using my work computer which is limiting.....
i want to make a cbr of it

did you download it as a .kf8 or .azw?
if so you're going to need to remove drm then send it through calibre to convert it to something more useful.

while I'm saying conversion - please don't convert anything more to pdf! it's rubbish on ebook readers and a right royal pain in the ass to convert to anything useful. epubs are a really flexible way to go (can be read on just about anything and easily converted for a kindle).

just a thought ;)

01-21-2013, 03:42 PM
did you download it as a .kf8 or .azw?
if so you're going to need to remove drm then send it through calibre to convert it to something more useful.

while I'm saying conversion - please don't convert anything more to pdf! it's rubbish on ebook readers and a right royal pain in the ass to convert to anything useful. epubs are a really flexible way to go (can be read on just about anything and easily converted for a kindle).

just a thought ;)

Seconded. Converting anything from PDF to Kindle generally comes out godawful.

01-21-2013, 03:50 PM
right now, i don't know because it says it's on the cloud and because i can't do anything with it, i have someone else trying to grab it for me.....
i sent him the info you supplied to see if that will help him....

01-21-2013, 04:10 PM
right now, i don't know because it says it's on the cloud and because i can't do anything with it, i have someone else trying to grab it for me.....
i sent him the info you supplied to see if that will help him....

just PM'd you with some (hopefully) useful info

01-21-2013, 04:17 PM
Thank you!

01-21-2013, 06:24 PM
got a question for you......
I just downloaded The Dalek Project Kindle Edition but it won't let me convert to jpg or there a way to do that?
my other problem is, my home computer is down and I am using my work computer which is limiting.....
i want to make a cbr of it

Calibre ( and Apprentice Alf's DRM stripping plug-ins ( are any Kindle owner's best friend...

01-21-2013, 06:31 PM
Do you have a link for this, cleverclever? I can't seem to find it on there.




I have PM'd you the URL. I"m wasn't sure if it was safe to link from this forum! The price seems to have changed. It is now 1.99, still pretty good though!

Best wishes,


01-21-2013, 08:41 PM
The 5th medic reads K*I*N*D*A

Kind.7z (

01-21-2013, 11:16 PM
My copy of *H*u*n*t*e*r*s*o*f*E*a*r*t*h* has some audio cracks in it and stops playing after the 5th minute. Can someone help me to a new version here? Preferably in (individual) MP3(s)? THanks!

Try redownloading it a couple of times. Other people including myself have had the same problem. The errors appear to always be the same. My only guess is that the file host automatically mirrors data across multiple different servers so that it can balance the load on them during peak hours. Presumably one of these copies is corrupt and whenever the server hosting it is the one to take the file request, someone gets a corrupted copy.

01-21-2013, 11:44 PM
del37, again, you are wonderful and so are your up-loads. Many thanks

01-21-2013, 11:57 PM
Eleven Time Lords to feature in 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode - Birmingham Mail (


01-22-2013, 12:22 AM
Eleven Time Lords to feature in 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode - Birmingham Mail (


Hmmm .... will believe it when I see something from the BBC. (But at least there's some good-ish reporting as they acknowledge Zagreus - alibeit with the oddly outdated phrase "audiotape")

01-22-2013, 01:28 AM
Hmmm .... will believe it when I see something from the BBC. (But at least there's some good-ish reporting as they acknowledge Zagreus - alibeit with the oddly outdated phrase "audiotape")

Well if Melody was to be behind this great meeting, i could see it happen. Nobody can mess with Sweetie more than Melody can! Still hoping that this would bring about the return of some companions too, especially the unearthly child. would be beautiful to see a few winks to the brilliant journalist as well as she is absolutely the most wonderful companion in the old and in the nu... i mean if you can give the brigadier companion status in the old, i'm sure we can agree to give it to Liz in the new with the many cross overs she played with 10 and 11 as well.

01-22-2013, 01:33 AM
my kindle can read pdf

but it's not a comfortable read since the aspects were not intended for a kindle.

01-22-2013, 02:40 AM
purchase does not include free
Damn, I was so expecting a "free with purchase." Why is that phrase tolerated? It is not good grammar, nor is ever the truth. I just want to fish slap a dalek whenever I hear "free with purchase."

I know!! So irritating! It's like when a candy bar company has some contest going on. It has written on there 'no purchase necessary' written on it.
So... what? It's okay if we just rip it open in the store, throw away the wrapper, and get the promo code for the contest??

Eleven Time Lords to feature in 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode - Birmingham Mail (


....~*struggles not to squeal*~
I've got to agree with Nobber. I'll believe it when it's on the BBC.
But, between you and I, my inner fangirl will be squealing with delight at the mere thought of that.

01-22-2013, 02:44 AM
Oh, God. Don't even joke about River being the center of attention during the anniversary. Worst nightmare possible. Seriously, just no. River is not particularly special to the history of DW. She's Moffat's toy and probably won't continue much beyond him. There are lots of companions who have met more than one Doctor (the Brig and SJS for starters).

Well, at least we've got the A-Go/BF eleven Doctors audios! I hope the one coming in October means that the Beeb will let BF have DT in their stable. I can imagine him being prolific! CE is unlikely and MS is a maybe post-Doctor (though probably likely later in his career--depends on that Hollywood plan that keeps coming up). I can see DT easily willing to do his own monthly spin-off (and it would probably be the best-seller). Interesting thing that I saw reported from the multi-Doc event for Janet was that DT was spotted over at the BF table looking through audios.