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01-25-2012, 03:50 AM
Much work there dx121 - cheers.

Yeah, I dunno - remember when the Napster crackdown happened? It went quiet for a while, then everything mushroomed into a new landscape. Evolution happens in funny ways.

01-25-2012, 03:52 AM
Thanks Grubbuts. Didn't seem right, me doing all of this hunting for myself and then thinking 'no other Whovians in a similar spot as myself would want these to read'. Seemed only fair that I share what I found.

And yeah, I remember hearing about the Napster crackdown. Kaaza too. (Actually used Kaaza waaaaayyyy back in the early days.)

01-25-2012, 09:28 AM
wow oh wow!!! Thank you.

01-25-2012, 11:28 AM
ʎq sǝoƃ ǝɯıʇ sɐ : #13 ʍpı oɥʍ ɹoʇɔop ƃuıoƃuo (11/01/2012) :

Docteur Qui - Le Temps qui Passe.cbr (

Scanned by Re-em. Enjoy !

01-25-2012, 12:29 PM
Thanks, FremenDar, for posting those last DWMs. One request however - the link for DWM 327 actually goes to 326. Would it please be possible for you to correct that? Thanks so much.

01-25-2012, 12:50 PM
Thank you very much for the DWM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found quite a few I was missing!

01-25-2012, 02:00 PM
On a lighter note. Sort of.

BF have just released details for the next Stargate audios Big Finish - Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis Season 3 (

This announcement gave me a major nerdgasm. The two things that I'm most excited about are Cliff Simon returning as Ba'al (one of the best villains in Stargate history) and Michael Shanks returning as not only Daniel but Thor as well! I love that little grey guy.

01-25-2012, 03:05 PM
This announcement gave me a major nerdgasm. The two things that I'm most excited about are Cliff Simon returning as Ba'al (one of the best villains in Stargate history) and Michael Shanks returning as not only Daniel but Thor as well! I love that little grey guy.

Should be great. Claudia Black is brilliant on Audio.

I hadn't really appreciated until I read that link that they were doing proper Full Cast plays this time. I was expecting the usual Companion Chronicle format.

01-25-2012, 03:05 PM
nerdgasm? is that a real word? but wait... that does describe "that" special moment, many thanks to all involved in this thread/post/information timey wiggly thing

01-25-2012, 03:24 PM
I'm a fan of DW from Latin America, and I just want to say: thank you guys for sharing these audios, really, thanks a lot :)
Paul McGann was my first doctor (back in the days of the VHS) and now I can follow all his eighth doctor adventures (currently listening to episode three from Storm Warning).
I'm definitely gonna check your scans from doctor who magazine.
Thanks again for all your fantastic work here!

Favorite doctors/episodes (currently):
Jon Pertwee: Inferno or The Time Warrior
Tom Baker: The Deadly Assassin or Genesis of the Daleks
David Tennant: Silence in the Library or Midnight
Matt Smith: The Doctor's Wife or Eleventh Hour
Christopher Eclesston: Dalek
Sylvester McCoy: The Curse of Fenric

01-25-2012, 05:13 PM
Alright here is the next Batch, sorry it took this time a little more time.
Like always, all the Magazines are in the .cbr Format for easy Reading and are hosted on not yet killed RS (Is at this time the best Hoster for Free User Mode). The Files are sorted by years like the other posts before.

NEW: 2001 until 2005







Hope your enjoy these, I see FremenDar have posted the Rest of the Magazine wich has appeared on I-net, so I guess you don`t need the rest from me, or?

01-25-2012, 09:18 PM
Let's not get all high and mighty about the Megaupload situation. These weren't "trumped up charges". We all know that there was TONS of illegal pirated materials there.

We ALL know that that the vast majority of what was posted there was copyrighted material that was illegally uploaded. What made their situation different from all of the other sites was that they ACTIVELY encouraged it, by FINANCIALLY rewarding pirated uploads that got a lot of downloads. AND when people's torrents were taken down after DMCA warnings (assuming they even took them down, which wasn't always the case), they continued to let the same users continue to post copyrighted materials there again and again. While the owners got VERY rich off of the fools who paid for upgraded access to the pirated materials there. VERY rich. As in owning a fleet of luxury vehicles, mansions and helicopters.

While I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of holding site owners liable for what the users post there (for a whole lot of reasons), I think it's safe to say that Megaupload was a very different situation.

01-25-2012, 09:30 PM
Fair enough, besthead. I was just trying to understand it to best of my ability. I didn't know Megaupload was actively encouraging people to upload pirated stuff while growing wealthy from the premium members uploading them. But I don't think it's fair for the other file sharing sites to suffer simply cos Megaupload was being a dick.

01-25-2012, 09:41 PM
True enough, Golden.

01-25-2012, 09:43 PM
Does anyone have the new short trips audio stories (Neptune and Lant Land)?

I would love to hear them...

01-26-2012, 12:01 AM
The Durse of Cavros is back up on you-know-where, with plenty of seeds.

01-26-2012, 01:26 AM
nerdgasm? is that a real word? but wait... that does describe "that" special moment, many thanks to all involved in this thread/post/information timey wiggly thing

You're not going to find it in any dictionaries but I didn't make it up myself.

01-26-2012, 01:26 AM
Listening to "The Cruise of Daves", and it's really good. Not gonna spoil. :D

01-26-2012, 01:28 AM
Listening to the aforementioned story tomorrow night will be just what I need after four hours of law lectures in a row.

01-26-2012, 01:30 AM
Couldn't agree more! Though.. four? Pah. Easy life ;)

01-26-2012, 01:33 AM
Couldn't agree more! Though.. four? Pah. Easy life ;)

It's more the boredom involved (during the second two hour slot at least) than the length to be honest!

01-26-2012, 02:04 AM
It's more the boredom involved (during the second two hour slot at least) than the length to be honest!

That's just what my missus says ...

---------- Post added at 01:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 AM ----------

At least someone likes the new 8th Theme Music.

Big Finish - 8th Doctor Theme - Jamie Robertson Remix - YouTube (

01-26-2012, 07:51 AM
Fixed it!

Thanks. The two are actually swapped now (the 326 link goes to 327, and vice versa), but regardless I was able to get it. Thanks so much for that.

01-26-2012, 08:02 AM
At least someone likes the new 8th Theme Music.

Big Finish - 8th Doctor Theme - Jamie Robertson Remix - YouTube (
That... was... AWESOME!

01-26-2012, 10:48 AM
The Durse of Cavros is back up on you-know-where, with plenty of seeds.
Is it possible for someone to upload this audio drama with medaifire or rapisdhare, please ? because the only way for me to download is at work (yeah, I know, that's bad), and the firewall is blocking torretns...

Fremendar : I'd really like to help you : you've got the magz, I've got the scan. Only problem is we're not on the same continent...

01-26-2012, 11:36 AM
You know, I actually preferred the previous version 8th Doctor's themes. I wasn't overly fond of this new theme when I heard it, but, after watching that Jamie Robertson Remix... can't say I dislike it quite as much now.*^_^*

"Fremendar : I'd really like to help you : you've got the magz, I've got the scan. Only problem is we're not on the same continent... "
...?? What does that have to do with anything? O.o?? I'm confused.

01-26-2012, 11:46 AM
That... was... AWESOME!

The remix still does nothing for me. The 'jingle bells' for a start, the electric guitars and the fake choir. Yuk!

(But I'm a an old stick in the mud - give me the Arnold version any day. :) )

01-26-2012, 05:13 PM
Is "The Art Of Death" audio available?
I have not seen it yet in my local book store

Also, the Lost Stories for the 4th doctor shows something called "The Valley Of Death" but I can only find "The Foe From The Future".....
Am I missing something? Is it a very short story? I am not sure....

Thank you!

01-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Am I missing something? Is it a very short story?
there are two links, look close

if it doesn't work then... curses foiled again (!

01-26-2012, 06:57 PM
Sorry SMeLTaR, this came up as "The Curse Of Davros" which I still really appreciate....
Could you try again, please?

01-26-2012, 08:50 PM
YES! Thanks a lot, man!

01-27-2012, 06:46 AM
a wry bequest by request:
don't be nervous, things are destined to happen. (

01-27-2012, 08:23 AM
Renaissance of the Daleks seems to be corrupted. :( Getting errors when un-raring.

01-27-2012, 11:45 AM
Winrar -
C:\Users\*******\destinazione-nervosa.rar: CRC failed in the encrypted file D***** W** - Exploration Earth.mp3 (wrong password ?)

(I added the *'s myself, just so you know.)

Smeltar, help please? (And yes I did use your regular password for it.)

01-27-2012, 01:54 PM
Hi Smeltar,
I keep getting the same thing with that link.....sorry....
Can you please re-up Valley of Death?
Thank you!

01-27-2012, 09:38 PM
Information about (for those who have no idea what it's about) -
Doc Who: Genesis of the Dals & Explor Earth - Time Machine by London Bridge (Audiobook)
Publisher: BBC Radio Collection | ISBN: 0563478578 | edition 2001 | MP3 | 72 MB
Tom B and Elisabeth S star as the 4th Dr and SJ. Genesis of the Dal sees the Dr sent on a mission to Skaro, where the crippled scientist Dav is engaged in the creation of protective cassings for the ravaged Kal race. Explor Earth sees the Tardis travel 4500 years into the earth's past, and the Dr and Sarah witness the beginning of the planet.

Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks & Exploration Earth by London Bridge (Audiobook) (
Hotfile Genisis (
Deposit Genesis (

01-28-2012, 12:12 AM

pw = the name of the person who uploaded it, no caps.

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

I apologize for the double post, but it's not allowing me to edit. Odd.
anyway, the indicated password is only applicable to doc favors the user. I'm in the process of scouring for the second one

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 PM ----------

N/m, the forums automatically appended the post for me, lol.

---------- Post added at 06:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

N/m, the forums automatically appended the post for me, lol.

01-28-2012, 04:54 AM
so many audios, so little time

01-28-2012, 05:25 AM
Here's a thought. If people would stop naming the stories when requesting them or asking about their posts, then perhaps the links will stay up somewhat longer. The posters are going out of their way to try to mask the posts so that they don't get taken down immediately. But that's absolutely useless if people keep posting the names right in this thread, sending every search engine search right to this thread. If you'd all stop complaining about the stories being taken down so quickly -- while NAMING them -- then perhaps they wouldn't be taken down so quickly!

And it probably doesn't help that someone is posting virtually every main range Who story put out by a certain company with their names without any masking. That's probably sending their IP people straight to this thread with every search they do. It's one thing to put out a story here and there. It's another thing to put out virtually their entire main output in a week. No wonder their people are taking everything here down. Can you blame them?

I imagine they now have this thread bookmarked for regular checks and takedown requests.

Exar Xan
01-28-2012, 08:45 AM
The Durse of Cavros is back up on you-know-where, with plenty of seeds.

I can only find a version with a corrupted Track 8 of CD 2 - Can someone please fix that from here?

01-28-2012, 09:32 AM
Hey Exar Xan, how are you keeping? Long time no see.


Exar Xan
01-28-2012, 09:34 AM
Yeah, due to some unpleasant circumstances regarding the health of 1 of my parents I kinda dropped into lurker mode for the most part. But I am still around :) how are you?

01-28-2012, 05:18 PM
Here's a thought. If people would stop naming the stories ...

And it probably doesn't help that ...

You can't stop links from being taken down, no matter how hard you try. The only thing you can do is put them back up & spend as little time worrying about it as possible! Personally, I applaud the efforts of FremenDar & previously of burneggroll & co. for regularly replacing links & taking a 'well, these things happen' type attitude when they lose them again. It's the kind of attitude that prevents us from becoming like a certain other unfriendly forum that regularly gets a mention here!

And if the thread has been bookmarked for regular checks then what's the point of masking the posts anyway? If they're on the ball (which lately, they appear to be), they'll have joined the forum themselves already (they certainly know about us or they wouldn't have been able to go after burn like they did) so, really, masking posts does nothing to protect them & just makes things more awkward for people that don't speak Spanish, etc. (no offense SmeLTar - I love & applaud you too - lately, you've been the star of the show!)

Anyway, my point is we can't stop the links being removed & they can't stop them being replaced. It's a never ending game - don't get tired of playing!

01-28-2012, 05:29 PM
You can't stop links from being taken down, no matter how hard you try. The only thing you can do is put them back up & spend as little time worrying about it as possible! Personally, I applaud the efforts of FremenDar & previously of burneggroll & co. for regularly replacing links & taking a 'well, these things happen' type attitude when they lose them again. It's the kind of attitude that prevents us from becoming like a certain other unfriendly forum that regularly gets a mention here!

And if the thread has been bookmarked for regular checks then what's the point of masking the posts anyway? If they're on the ball (which lately, they appear to be), they'll have joined the forum themselves already (they certainly know about us or they wouldn't have been able to go after burn like they did) so, really, masking posts does nothing to protect them & just makes things more awkward for people that don't speak Spanish, etc. (no offense SmeLTar - I love & applaud you too - lately, you've been the star of the show!)

Anyway, my point is we can't stop the links being removed & they can't stop them being replaced. It's a never ending game - don't get tired of playing!

Bravo. So I expect you'll be in the forefront of those doing the re-uploading...

01-28-2012, 09:41 PM
Hey, has anyone else had trouble getting to the forum, when clicking the links in the email notifications?

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

And yes I realise the potential irony of getting a respose from someone after I've logged out of here.

01-28-2012, 09:45 PM
Hey, has anyone else had trouble getting to the forum, when clicking the links in the email notifications?

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

And yes I realise the potential irony of getting a respose from someone after I've logged out of here.

I just followed from a mail, so no.

01-28-2012, 10:13 PM
Hey Exar Xan, how are you keeping? Long time no see.


Nice to "see" the two of you!

01-28-2012, 10:37 PM
Hey, has anyone else had trouble getting to the forum, when clicking the links in the email notifications?

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

And yes I realise the potential irony of getting a respose from someone after I've logged out of here.
I have a couple of times. I just use the bookmark.

01-28-2012, 10:50 PM
Glad to know it wasn't just me, then.
I have this place bookmarked. I had to just go back to then do a search for Doctor Who, and resave my bookmark.

01-28-2012, 10:55 PM
Hey, has anyone else had trouble getting to the forum, when clicking the links in the email notifications?

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

And yes I realise the potential irony of getting a respose from someone after I've logged out of here.

Yes. It appears that FFshrine has restructured the way the forum URLs work, but not how they are generated in replies.
Also, has a password for destinazione-nervosa.rar been discovered? I've been unable to find one.

01-29-2012, 02:23 AM

01-29-2012, 02:28 AM
I believe you use the username of the poster who posted it - but all in lowercase

Yes, but that doesn't work.

01-29-2012, 03:15 AM
i am uploading a fresh copy. 1 typo during password selection is a deadly weapon.

also, i appreciate that someone thinks i am a star, but being very short, i am more properly identified as a dwarf star.

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

a vendetta in irons (

i tested this out and it does unrar ok - if you have problems, re-download, that usually does the trick

01-29-2012, 03:32 AM
It worked wonderfully. Thank you.

01-29-2012, 11:49 AM
Thank you very much! YAY!!!

01-29-2012, 09:19 PM
Bravo. So I expect you'll be in the forefront of those doing the re-uploading...

Ha - I should have expected that.

The answer is no, I won't. I won't be making any excuses for that; I just don't have my own computer! (er... ok, that was an excuse - sorry)

I shall however continue to show gratitude & encouragement to all those who do provide & will never criticise them for their efforts! It'll just have to be enough.

01-30-2012, 03:24 AM
And if the thread has been bookmarked for regular checks then what's the point of masking the posts anyway? If they're on the ball (which lately, they appear to be), they'll have joined the forum themselves already

I would concur that with the speed of the take downs, they have more than likely joined this forum to affect takedowns. Burnie's original links stayed up for months without too much issue, so I don't think it is a case of bots capturing those links. I would suggest in the current environment, hosting links on a paid premium account (especially if you live in the U.S.) is a little more legal exposure than one should feel ultimately comfortable with. I would suggest a more guerilla style of approach to upping files is preferred:

1. Utilize the remaining free sites which still let one upload files for nix (i.e. 2shared)
2. Preferably leading into weekend periods (i.e. non business hours & links stay up longer/expected upload window)
3. Utilize internet cafes if possible (i.e. no direct ISP hassles & tracking)
4. Rotate around free upload sites & utilize foreign language ones if possible (i.e. Eastern European ones to hinder issued complaints)

Obviously, there are limitations on this approach (i.e. links are permanent, size limits and limited upload bit rates), but links are likely to be taken down anyway, multi rar files can be created and sites like 2shared seem to get around local restrictions of internet cafe transfer caps - at least, for me.

If everyone adopted a similar approach, it would hinder the take down process no end.

One thing I have been toying with mentioning. Is there a chance of restarting this thread? I regularly go searching for outstanding titles through google and come up with links directly to this thread. Given the indexing approach of search sites, I think this thread is being constantly bumped up on the indexing scale as people discover it. Despite being handy at the time, I don't think the plain text index of titles found within this thread was too smart in terms of attracting such interest, even if it was a help at the time. :)

01-30-2012, 04:51 AM
One thing I have been toying with mentioning. Is there a chance of restarting this thread?

^^ this, i think would be a good idea.

when this series returns, it will be presented on your screens as a test card and be explained in the Radio Times as a history of Irish agriculture.

01-30-2012, 09:10 AM
A bit hard to re-start the thread [also we weren't the ones to originally start it... ], any mention of Doctor Who, will raise the flag for the lurkers [it must be so sad, to so little in your life, that you must spoil other people's fun....]

A point for consideration, the original Dr Who clubs were enabled by the Monkhouse Ruling which determined that: members were free to exchange copyrited material, as long as there was neither, a financial gain nor adverse competition to the copyrite owner. Therefore 30 years later, file sharing, without financial charges, would still be acceptable within a 'club' enviroment.

The after effects of the planned "Black March", internet and worldwide consumer boycott, may take the sting from the fangs of the various 'corporate trolls' and companies and kill the taking down of the 'Fileshare Sites'

So here is an idea to ponder..... create a 'database label language' ie: tt 001 ['Tardis Travels 001' or An Unearthy Child] while this may lead to having to have, several thousand entries in the database, it will keep the 'bots' at bay :)

For anyone who wants to make an attempt, here is a site with most of the video's, audios, books and some magazines listed: Doctor Who Reference Guide (

01-30-2012, 11:14 AM
In the meantime, the latest CC is out in torrent land.

01-30-2012, 12:44 PM
I'm looking for the following Doctor Who Annuals (hardcovers) to complete my collection. I'm happy to get them in any format possible.

Doctor Who - The Brilliant Book 2012
The Amazing World Of Doctor Who (1976) - Published by Typhoo Tea - full copy only please
Doctor Who - Adventures in Time & Space (1981) published by WHSmith
Doctor Who - Journey Through Time (1986)by Crescent (in the U.S.) or the 1987 UK reissue from WHSmith - happy for either version

Thanks in advance for any help

01-30-2012, 12:58 PM
So here is an idea to ponder..... create a 'database label language' ie: tt 001 ['Tardis Travels 001' or An Unearthy Child] while this may lead to having to have, several thousand entries in the database, it will keep the 'bots' at bay :)

I like the way you think with that one.

01-30-2012, 04:04 PM
Not sure if you've all seen this before, but I love it. Proud to say I've seen, read or listened to the lot
Every Doctor Who Story 1963 to Now - A Babelcolour Tribute - YouTube (

By the way the divinchi code approach to naming might be confusing but it's highly entertaining from where I sit. Better than suduko

01-30-2012, 07:56 PM
Not sure if you've all seen this before, but I love it. Proud to say I've seen, read or listened to the lot
Every Doctor Who Story 1963 to Now - A Babelcolour Tribute - YouTube (

By the way the divinchi code approach to naming might be confusing but it's highly entertaining from where I sit. Better than suduko
Saw that vid. Loved it. Especially cos they used the immortal Dalek line "WOULD-YOU-CARE-FOR-SOME-TEEEEEA?". I also agree with the anagram thing. It's really clever. I find Sudoku to be overrated.

01-30-2012, 09:56 PM
I agree that they are probably watching the thread. I've been watching another 'site some of you already know (not saying for its protection) and they have had links up that have been there for five days now and they still work as of today.

I would suggest starting another thread that is not titled with obvious words that can give it away and for it to be publicized ONLY through PMs to those you trust here on the thread.

If that makes sense and people are willing to try it, someone can start the new thread and go through the posts here to determine who is probably not the Narc (i.e. spy) and quietly spread the word.

Any thoughts?

I would concur that with the speed of the take downs, they have more than likely joined this forum to affect takedowns. Burnie's original links stayed up for months without too much issue, so I don't think it is a case of bots capturing those links. I would suggest in the current environment, hosting links on a paid premium account (especially if you live in the U.S.) is a little more legal exposure than one should feel ultimately comfortable with. I would suggest a more guerilla style of approach to upping files is preferred:

1. Utilize the remaining free sites which still let one upload files for nix (i.e. 2shared)
2. Preferably leading into weekend periods (i.e. non business hours & links stay up longer/expected upload window)
3. Utilize internet cafes if possible (i.e. no direct ISP hassles & tracking)
4. Rotate around free upload sites & utilize foreign language ones if possible (i.e. Eastern European ones to hinder issued complaints)

Obviously, there are limitations on this approach (i.e. links are permanent, size limits and limited upload bit rates), but links are likely to be taken down anyway, multi rar files can be created and sites like 2shared seem to get around local restrictions of internet cafe transfer caps - at least, for me.

If everyone adopted a similar approach, it would hinder the take down process no end.

One thing I have been toying with mentioning. Is there a chance of restarting this thread? I regularly go searching for outstanding titles through google and come up with links directly to this thread. Given the indexing approach of search sites, I think this thread is being constantly bumped up on the indexing scale as people discover it. Despite being handy at the time, I don't think the plain text index of titles found within this thread was too smart in terms of attracting such interest, even if it was a help at the time. :)

01-30-2012, 10:35 PM
Say does any one have any idea where I could aquire the Episode reconstructions put out by BBC Radio Collection?

01-30-2012, 10:52 PM
shun not a trachea (

01-30-2012, 11:46 PM
Say does any one have any idea where I could aquire the Episode reconstructions put out by BBC Radio Collection?

Three's a stupendously large torrent (70+gb) out in torrent land that has them all.

01-30-2012, 11:55 PM
Three's a stupendously large torrent (70+gb) out in torrent land that has them all.

**Whimpers** Torrents, I should have figured. But sadly I am un able to use torrents. But at least they're out there.

01-31-2012, 12:37 AM
Out of curiosity, why? A flash drive and portable software can do wonders if you are using a computer not of your own. Also, uTorrent lets you select which files you wish to download from a Torrent file, if you are worried about capacity.

I also noticed that a certain site has The Hex of a certain retcon resampled to 64kps. As much as I'm trying to save space on my Sansa, I just can't bring myself to go below 96kps, lol

01-31-2012, 12:43 AM
Out of curiosity, why? A flash drive and portable software can do wonders if you are using a computer not of your own. Also, uTorrent lets you select which files you wish to download from a Torrent file, if you are worried about capacity.

I can only download stuff via computers at my local library.

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

While a flash drive isn't a problem for me, I still would be able to use a torent file.

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

Before I undestood how torrents worked I went to a site and got DW torrents. and was dismayed when I discovered that I need both a torrent program and net access to us it.

01-31-2012, 01:17 AM
I can only download stuff via computers at my local library.

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

While a flash drive isn't a problem for me, I still would be able to use a torent file.[COLOR="Silver"] - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives ( Look under internet and then file sharing. Portables apps can be quite quite useful. :-D Trust me, I'm a librarian.

01-31-2012, 03:44 AM
I agree that they are probably watching the thread. I've been watching another 'site some of you already know (not saying for its protection) and they have had links up that have been there for five days now and they still work as of today.

I would suggest starting another thread that is not titled with obvious words that can give it away and for it to be publicized ONLY through PMs to those you trust here on the thread.

If that makes sense and people are willing to try it, someone can start the new thread and go through the posts here to determine who is probably not the Narc (i.e. spy) and quietly spread the word.

Any thoughts?

Fellow US Whovian, a dude after my own heart. . . .unless you're a lady. Then you'de a lady after my own heart. 4BjCuyoUyN0RpQPhxSBMAP-BoX3

And Catt42? Absolutely brilliant!
I use USB drives myself, never knew about the cloud thingee, though. With this newfound news (though not sure if I'll start using a cloud thingee or not) I can only do one thing.

edit :
For those of you who haven't ever seen this, it's time to see it.
KLF - The Timelords Doctor in the TARDIS
(Feel free to download and save the heck out of it if you want.)
(Watch for the feet on the underside of the 'Daleks'.)

01-31-2012, 07:34 AM
I'm looking for...
The Amazing World Of Doctor Who (1976) - Published by Typhoo Tea - full copy
Doctor Who Typhoo Tea Cards 1976
Hey, there was a book! ... and a poster! ...and all I found is the Tea Card scans: Doctor Who Typhoo Tea Cards 1976 - a set on Flickr (

Doctor Who: The Face Of Evil DVD (05 March 2012)
Will include; "*1976 Typhoo Tea Doctor Who Promotion" as a special feature.

Typhoo Tea made from the edge of a small-leafed tea. This pure-edge leaf tea produces 80 more cups to the pound than ordinary tea ~ source (

“Typhoo,” is a corruption of a Chinese word (大夫 - d�i fu) meaning doctor.

Sadly, that's all I got for now...

01-31-2012, 07:48 AM
Honestly, I've never used a cloud drive in my life, I only deal with Flash drives, lol. But portable apps have completely changed the way I use computers. I get to take my own personalized browser with me, do advanced graphic editing work, edit audio, play almost any kind of audio/video format, do various computer tests, read comics, deal with rar/zip files, even access my home computer remotely from anywhere with an internet connection and a USB port. Too bad there isn't a portable app for pizza yet. :-D

The biggest problem you might run into is if your library has disabled the use of flash drives, or yours requires "installing" for some reason. I (and many others) have come up against these problems at their work places.

01-31-2012, 08:34 AM
I must admit I am a dudette, dx. Thank you for your support =D

[QUOTE=dx121;1906011]Fellow US Whovian, a dude after my own heart. . . .unless you're a lady. Then you'de a lady after my own heart.

01-31-2012, 09:36 AM
To jlm1883 -- It's not a big deal to have a torrent program. Just get �Torrent (nice and slim as far as torrent programs on a diet go), download a .torrent file, click on it, et voil�. Nothing to it. And isn't it obvious that you need the Internet to download?

Oh, ah, this is some issue with portable thingamajigs. I'm a stationary desktop computer addict. I like my big screen, mouse, massive headset, etc... So much so that I just had to get glasses for near-sightedness.

01-31-2012, 12:45 PM
Thanks Exar Xan. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I dip in and out too. Same stuff as before but, it may be coming to a close, just not certain whether it'll work out or not. We'll see. That and I unexpectedly got made a grandad (at far too early an age, I might add! I told her I could wait. I blame the parents).

And nice to see you too, Grubbuts!

Does anyone have the following they might be able to share: The BBC versions (i.e. non-RNIB) of Winner Takes All and Monsters Inside?



01-31-2012, 12:54 PM
Does anyone know the policy of RS when it comes to getting reported?

I know MU was like 'w/e, we'll delete the files and that's that'.
Does RS have any kind of warning/ban system?

Exar Xan
01-31-2012, 01:26 PM
Well Recons, I hope it will work out for you! Granddad already...never expected you to be a dad already to be honest. But I sitll congratulate you on it, despite it being too early to your taste :)

01-31-2012, 02:00 PM
I'm keeping my fingers crossed this thread stays off the radar for a lot longer. It's interesting to see what other fans can find out there and what they think. The shares are great and I for one would miss them, who can get everything otherwise? I still buy some (mainly from eBay) and sell them on after listening to "share the love". I think the best way is still to avoid names and things that would show up in searches. Other than that what can be done? It's quite a sad thought that someone reading this isn't actually a fan but is reading the thread in the hope of catching someone out.

---------- Post added at 07:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 AM ----------

Here's another great trailer by the way

Doctor Who: "50th Anniversary" - Ultimate Cinema Trailer (1963 Onwards) - YouTube (

01-31-2012, 02:48 PM
even access my home computer remotely from anywhere with an internet connection and a USB port. Too bad there isn't a portable app for pizza yet. :-D
lol!! Now THAT would be something to see!

I must admit I am a dudette, dx. Thank you for your support =D
Ah! Fantastic! ^_^ Another female Whovian on the thread! Now I don't feel quite so alone. *^_^*

To jlm1883 -- It's not a big deal to have a torrent program. Just get �Torrent (nice and slim as far as torrent programs on a diet go), download a .torrent file, click on it, et voil�. Nothing to it. And isn't it obvious that you need the Internet to download?
Yeah, I've tried it a few times in the past, would still rather download from a host site. No worries about seeders or peers being needed to get files.
That, and hearing a few years back about how authorities were tracking people, attempting to crack down on people and arrest them. That scared me enough to steer clear of torrents. O__o

I'm keeping my fingers crossed this thread stays off the radar for a lot longer.
I think we all are at this point.

It's interesting to see what other fans can find out there and what they think. The shares are great and I for one would miss them, who can get everything otherwise?
So very true. I mean, I know that if I hadn't run across that 4shared dude who posted all those books (omg... so many 8th Dr books!), I probably never would've been able to get my hands on scans of them or the actual books to read.

And it's sad to think someone is rude and mean enough to just be hanging around here to destory links.

01-31-2012, 04:45 PM
Yeah, same here. I'm sure we aren't the only ones =D

It would be mean if they were doing it maliciously. They think they're just doing their job. If times weren't so tough on everyone, I'm sure they would get more business, but sadly, that's not the case. I've got lots of BF's to share, but don't want to see them taken down before at least a few peeps had a chance to snag them, so I'm not sure what to do at this point. We are facing losing our home right now, so it's all I can do to watch the thread let alone participate, but when we have a better idea of what the hell is going on in our life and a direction to go, I will probably get more active.

Ah! Fantastic! ^_^ Another female Whovian on the thread! Now I don't feel quite so alone. *^_^*

And it's sad to think someone is rude and mean enough to just be hanging around here to destroy links.

01-31-2012, 04:57 PM's sad to think someone is rude and mean enough to just be hanging around here to destory links.

Yeah, but its no different to my local corner-shop. They have a security guard just to stop people stealing cans of food.

01-31-2012, 05:40 PM
So true, so true.

01-31-2012, 05:47 PM
Dunno about anyone else, but it'd certainly help my particular circumstances if they'd just start selling via iTunes.

01-31-2012, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the help I've downloaded the apps, though I'm still a bit confused as to how I'm supossed to use them. But at least now I have a ray of hope.

01-31-2012, 10:33 PM
Hey guys, my apologies for asking, but it's driving me up a wall. What was the story where the 8th Doctor first met up with Mary? I can remember the story about how there was a problem with a TARDIS and it affected the Doctor and he'd sent out an emergency signal for Time Lord help and the emergency signal ended up calling to his future (or was it his past self?) to come and help. Was it The Company of Friends Mary's Story?

Also, I missed it, but does anyone have, EDA 155?

Such a shame about 8. If he keeps this up with his companions and they'll start dropping like flies all over again. I mean, Mary's only been around for a grand total of 4 stories? O__o

Oh! And lookie at the little gem I found. Some BF 8th story art. Not exactally well done, but darned cute.

01-31-2012, 11:11 PM
For the record...I am female. And a rabid Whovian.

01-31-2012, 11:22 PM
Ah!! 3 lady Whovians so far! YAAAYY!!

No offense to the gents. Love you guys too.

01-31-2012, 11:27 PM
Ah!! 3 lady Whovians so far! YAAAYY!!

No offense to the gents. Love you guys too.

None taken. this gives me hope that I can meet a nice single gall who like DW.

02-01-2012, 12:55 AM
Hey guys, my apologies for asking, but it's driving me up a wall. What was the story where the 8th Doctor first met up with Mary? I can remember the story about how there was a problem with a TARDIS and it affected the Doctor and he'd sent out an emergency signal for Time Lord help and the emergency signal ended up calling to his future (or was it his past self?) to come and help. Was it The Company of Friends Mary's Story?

That's the one.

The main problem with using her (or any Real Famous Person for that matter) is that their eventual fate is already known, so not much wiggle-room for the writers to do that much with the character. Listening back to her three stories for-instance, as fun as they are it does get a little tiring with all the lamp-shaded references to her future works and The Doctor constantly banging-on about how well she'll be known.

Now, that said, there could be some fun to be had with those famous people that just 'disappeared' - eg Amelia Earhart - as long as, again, The Doctor didn't keep banging-on about how that person was known to have vanished without trace and couldn't go back.

02-01-2012, 01:11 AM
Nobber, thanks! That certainly answers that question. ^_^

And yeah, I hear you about that with the famous person being used as a companion. Kinda reminds me of 1, The Waters of Mars where Ten, despite knowing the fate of the lady, saved her anyway (but she ended up killing herself anyway), and 2, in Star Trek Voyager (be warned, I am a Whovian Trekkie) where the crew happened upon a planet where people who'd mysteriously vanished from 1939 (or was it '49?) were on this planet held in suspended animation.

02-01-2012, 01:25 AM
The '39-ers :)

Were I the head-honcho at BF I'd do a VERY dark, multi-Doctor-spanning, story that explained The Twenty-Seven Club ... But I don't think it'd be very popular ...

02-01-2012, 01:31 AM
Yeah, I've tried it a few times in the past, would still rather download from a host site. No worries about seeders or peers being needed to get files.
That, and hearing a few years back about how authorities were tracking people, attempting to crack down on people and arrest them. That scared me enough to steer clear of torrents. O__o

So very true. I mean, I know that if I hadn't run across that 4shared dude who posted all those books (omg... so many 8th Dr books!), I probably never would've been able to get my hands on scans of them or the actual books to read.

I was scared off of torrents when a coworker tried to get me started on them. I'd had a casual interest in them for a while since they get everything first but I couldn't find any info on how to get started. This guy explained the basics and then told me that he has no internet for the foreseeable future because he downloaded 380 GBs of music over three days. Now obviously that's a red flag and this guy is an idiot but I walked away from the idea and never looked back.

As far as finding the physical 8th Doctor books, I can tell you with an absolute certainty that it isn't hard, just potentially expensive. There aren't that many rare books in the series which means you can find a copy any day of the week on Amazon or ebay you just might not like the price. There is also this bizarre situation where you'll see a book for 20 dollars and up every day for six weeks and all of a sudden there are five copies for 5 dollars. And vice versa. Patience is key.

I'd been wanting to get a set of DW books for a while and finally decided to start last summer and my OCD left me with a nice chunk added to my credit card debt and a shelf overflowing with books. Which is ridiculous given how often I read at the moment. It would take years to finish so I should have been more patient. Spreading the debt is the key.

Because you can only get most of the books used, the BBC and the original authors didn't make one penny off my foolishness. For that reason, I don't see why they don't make all of the books available digitally. Since there are so many, it's a potential gold mine.

02-01-2012, 02:29 AM

02-01-2012, 02:54 AM

Invasion Earth Miniatures Games Rulebook (

It's badly scanned (found elsewhere), but I've shoved it up for the sake of completeness. It probably really needs the original miniatures to play properly (they are so cute!), but you can find some images of them here:

Harlequin - Doctor Who Invasion Earth (

02-01-2012, 03:16 AM
Ooo! I've never heard of that. Looks brilliant and, you're right, those mini's look excellent.

Who Lover
02-01-2012, 06:22 AM
Gosh!!! Is this forum going up a page a day? Will be a sad day when I can't get here after a week or more.

02-01-2012, 06:55 AM
requests, i've had a few... but then again, too few to mention...

cosine parsnip ( (it was lost for a second, zorgon23 wanted this)

egret fish fun ( (X2 wanted this)

02-01-2012, 07:35 AM
Who North America - Who North America, Your Doctor Who Source: US-Based Suppliers of Doctor Who and British Sci Fi Merch ( - a store run by fans for fans, has 18 of the EDA's available new at cover price. That's a start, at least! ;-)

By the way, I didn't put that description in there with the link. This site did it automatically. (I put in the line about the store being run by fans for fans, but not the previous part.) Weird.

02-01-2012, 07:48 AM
WhoNA is a good store but there shipping for single items is extremely high. Now if you wanted all 18 at the same time it would be more reasonable but then that's the trap I fell into. Also, there paypal checkout is buggy. They have an Amazon checkout which is instantaneous but strangely doesn't ask for you password so I wouldn't leave your toddler near it. Alien Entertainment also has quite a few books, some reasonable priced, others not so much. Ebay often has bundles of EDAs and PDAs too. Those are great when you're first starting because few people trying to get a complete set need all of the random books being offered so you can win the auction for a fairly low price. Like I said, finding them isn't that difficult. Weeellll, except for the first one. The Eight Doctors can be elusive. I paid 25-30 which was about half off the going rate and my copy is very readable but worn as well. Still looks good on the shelf though!

02-01-2012, 08:27 AM
Ah!! 3 lady Whovians so far! YAAAYY!!

No offense to the gents. Love you guys too.


None taken. this gives me hope that I can meet a nice single gall who like DW.

Good luck with that.

02-01-2012, 03:01 PM
Am I included in the lady Whovians? 'Cause I'm a rather obvious one. My blatant fangirling is usually a giveaway.

The fact that I'm a Ten/Rose and Two/Jamie fan might just give away my gender.

I really hope Big Finish gets a hold of NuWho soon. I can definitely see Tennant doing a bunch of audios.

02-01-2012, 03:45 PM
I just to add my thanks again for this thread. I have not been able to contribute any actual items. But hope to add to the conversations more.

02-01-2012, 06:39 PM
None taken. this gives me hope that I can meet a nice single gall who like DW.

You will, jlm. There are enough of us out there that are still looking for nice, respectable Man Fans that, as we say in America, "have a life". I.E. have a job, wash regularly and don't make you turn and run screaming in the other direction. Most of you fit the have a life bill, but I daresay, in the 30 years I've been in fandom, I have run across my share of "scary fan" syndrome, too. ;)

02-01-2012, 06:54 PM
Am I included in the lady Whovians? 'Cause I'm a rather obvious one. My blatant fangirling is usually a giveaway.

The fact that I'm a Ten/Rose and Two/Jamie fan might just give away my gender.
You're definitely included. I like Ten/Rose too, despite being a guy. Also, my girlfriend is a Whovian and we've been together for little over a year because of it. I've had her listening to the Eighth Doctor stuff because he's closest to the new series Doctors in that he's more openly romantic. The only ones I've shared with her that have Five, Six, or Seven in them are the stand-out stories that are acclaimed in a lot of fan circles, like "Spare Parts" and "Jubilee". I may share more with her as she becomes more comfortable with hearing Doctor Who instead of watching it. So far, she's enjoying Eight and Mary Shelley. Can't wait to share the Charley stuff. Especially "Invaders From Mars", as she loves Simon Pegg... XD

02-01-2012, 07:11 PM
Heh, don't get me started on recommending excellent Five stories. If she likes romantic, try Loups-Garoux. It's the closest Five gets so far to being interested in someone (she is definitely taken with him) and has werewolves (a bonus!).

Circular Time has a love interested for Nyssa, as well as being a beautiful English village/countryside/cricket type of story. I love Peter's voice so much in this one I have his opening narration as my ringtone and never get tired of it!

For excellent stories in general for Five, I love Exotron and the first trilogy with all the Tardis Four back together - Cobwebs, The Whispering Forest and Cradle of the Snake. If you listen to only one of those and are a Five fan, listen to Cradle of the Snake. Davison gives the most amazing performance thus far in the entire series, IMO.

You're definitely included. I like Ten/Rose too, despite being a guy. Also, my girlfriend is a Whovian and we've been together for little over a year because of it. I've had her listening to the Eighth Doctor stuff because he's closest to the new series Doctors in that he's more openly romantic. The only ones I've shared with her that have Five, Six, or Seven in them are the stand-out stories that are acclaimed in a lot of fan circles, like "Spare Parts" and "Jubilee". I may share more with her as she becomes more comfortable with hearing Doctor Who instead of watching it. So far, she's enjoying Eight and Mary Shelley. Can't wait to share the Charley stuff. Especially "Invaders From Mars", as she loves Simon Pegg... XD

02-01-2012, 07:16 PM
I've been listening to Five lately, and will take your recommendations under consideration, so thanks uswhofan. I've actually been meaning to listen to Loups-Garoux for awhile myself because of the werewolf thing, so... :)

02-01-2012, 07:57 PM
Love this thread... I'm relatively new to BF and thus far sticking "close to home" with mostly Five, Six (I'm amazed at how much I like Colin on audio!) and the occasional Seven stories. Interestingly my kids love to listen to them with me on long drives, which we do a lot of.

Anyways, I know it's a lot to ask, but the recent postings of the regular monthly line are all dead from #91 on up are all dead (the earlier ones are delightfully still there)... I'm interested in any and all. And especially any of the recent Tom Baker stories... I've picked up the few on the recent pages.

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------

Love this thread... I'm relatively new to BF and thus far sticking "close to home" with mostly Five, Six (I'm amazed at how much I like Colin on audio!) and the occasional Seven stories. Interestingly my kids love to listen to them with me on long drives, which we do a lot of.

Anyways, I know it's a lot to ask, but the recent postings of the regular monthly line are all dead from #91 on up are all dead (the earlier ones are delightfully still there)... I'm interested in any and all. And especially any of the recent Tom Baker stories... I've picked up the few on the recent pages.

02-01-2012, 08:11 PM
My personal favorite of the whole lot is The Glorious Revolution (Companion Chronicle with Frazer Hines as Jamie). This is one of the absolute best companion showcase stories in any medium (and the one that finally makes real use of Jamie's place in history). And it's the ultimate example of Frazer's eerie, uncanny, stunningly accurate impression of Patrick Troughton (he's honestly closer to the mark than David Troughton, as much as I love him, too). The scene where Two and Jamie are arguing, of course, is really Frazer arguing with himself. One of the greatest compliments I've seen is reviewers saying it took them a moment to realize that Pat is dead and that it must be Frazer.

I also am rather fond of the Six/Jamie quadrilogy (starts with City of Spires) that is a big love letter to The Mind Robber. There's one scene in there that is utterly heartbreaking (see my signature).

And I have a major soft spot for Prison in Space (made extra precious seeing as though it was almost made instead of The Krotons and was found in Frazer Hines' garage) with all of its fetish-wear/larruping/cross-dressing crackiness. It also would have been the first time the Doctor has pretended to be dead by shutting off his hearts and Jamie aware of his alien physiology being different.

My biggest hope is for more exploration of what exactly was going on in season 6b. It's so terribly unexplored and it could really go almost anywhere (seeing as though it's missing from both the Doctor's memory and Jamie's--well, for the latter, it's presumably missing until his memories get rejigged right prior to The World Shapers). I can't believe they haven't done anything with Jamie's unrequited feelings for Victoria (look no further than the last 10 minutes of Fury from the Deep).

I'm also quite fond of Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee, though my favorites are indeed David Tennant and Patrick Troughton. I've only been a fan for 2 years, too! The thing with my fondness of the older Doctors and companions over the '80s-'90s Doctors is that I'm much more strongly pulled into the direction of The Companion Chronicles over the main range. I definitely have a '60s-'70s and '00s bias. I've seen 580 Classic episodes, so I'm pretty familiar with all of it, but I tend to go for my favorites like Jamie, the Brig, Ian, etc... Oddly enough, Polly is now on my must-listen list (even more so than Zoe, which is very strange). I'm incredibly tempted by the Jago & Litefoot stories, seeing as though Christopher Benjamin is unfailingly hilarious. I listened to David Tennant's pre-Doctor turn as a Nazi in Colditz not too long ago (stole the show even when he was a nobody)--kind of hilarious to hear him perving on Ace.

02-01-2012, 08:50 PM
You will, jlm. There are enough of us out there that are still looking for nice, respectable Man Fans that, as we say in America, "have a life". I.E. have a job, wash regularly and don't make you turn and run screaming in the other direction. Most of you fit the have a life bill, but I daresay, in the 30 years I've been in fandom, I have run across my share of "scary fan" syndrome, too. ;)

Well I firmly believe I have a life despite not meeting the first of your criteria. Being a fellow american all I can say is that this recession is killing me. Thankfully I have the whole of the who-niverse to keep me from getting too depressed. And Big Finish Audios to give me motivation to end my unemployed state.

02-01-2012, 09:02 PM
Am I included in the lady Whovians? 'Cause I'm a rather obvious one. My blatant fangirling is usually a giveaway.

The fact that I'm a Ten/Rose and Two/Jamie fan might just give away my gender.

I really hope Big Finish gets a hold of NuWho soon. I can definitely see Tennant doing a bunch of audios.

Oh most definitely. I cannot wait for NuWho audio from BF, ok so CE is more likely to want to mud wrestle with a cactus than do them but I can hope. But I do want Tennant as my fave is Colditz and Sympathy for the devil. Though Dalek Empire is a fave.

02-01-2012, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the help I've downloaded the apps, though I'm still a bit confused as to how I'm supossed to use them. But at least now I have a ray of hope.

My ray of hope has now burned out. :(

02-01-2012, 09:19 PM
Am I included in the lady Whovians? 'Cause I'm a rather obvious one. My blatant fangirling is usually a giveaway.
lol Same here. And, yes, now you are officially included in the Lady Whovians category! Congratulations!

I really hope Big Finish gets a hold of NuWho soon. I can definitely see Tennant doing a bunch of audios.
Ooohh boy, if they ever would / ever do, (oh dear lord I hope they do) and they'd do a full cast audio like they do with the other Doctors, I think I'd just curl up and die in a happy little puddle of fangirl. I mean, just Tennant reading the few he did for a couple BBC Audio books was a kick and a half (got to listen to the Tenth Doctor again in a matter of speaking), and it wasn't bad, but oohh and I'd fangirl so much if BF picked him up and did a full cast audio.

Though I still adore the 8th Doctor to bits and pieces. Lovely, lovely voice. Blast you, Paul McGann and that lovely voice of yours!

(I'm amazed at how much I like Colin on audio!)
Oh, tell me about it. There was a time when I was checking out the earlier Doctor's tv episodes. Kinda jumped across the board watching a few here, a few there. Suffice it to say, I was only able to watch about 3 of the 6th Doctor before he scared me off. For whatever reason, when I saw 'Her Final Flight' available for the 6th Doctor, something nudged me to give it a listen. Despite my fears that he was gonna be all 'GRR!' like he was in the 3 episodes I watched of him, hearing how he felt about Peri and how emotional he got and then nearly getting killed while unconscious, well. . . I haven't been able to resist listening to any of his other BF stories since. *^_^* He may not be a pretty boy, but I've definately become something of a fan of his thanks to BF giving him another chance (and not making him so GRR!!).

Oh good lord, look what you people have done. Now my fangirl is showing for the whole thread to see!

But, on a lighter note, .cbr

02-01-2012, 09:25 PM
lol Same here. And, yes, now you are officially included in the Lady Whovians category! Congratulations!

Ooohh boy, if they ever would / ever do, (oh dear lord I hope they do) and they'd do a full cast audio like they do with the other Doctors, I think I'd just curl up and die in a happy little puddle of fangirl. I mean, just Tennant reading the few he did for a couple BBC Audio books was a kick and a half (got to listen to the Tenth Doctor again in a matter of speaking), and it wasn't bad, but oohh and I'd fangirl so much if BF picked him up and did a full cast audio.

Though I still adore the 8th Doctor to bits and pieces. Lovely, lovely voice. Blast you, Paul McGann and that lovely voice of yours!

Oh, tell me about it. There was a time when I was checking out the earlier Doctor's tv episodes. Kinda jumped across the board watching a few here, a few there. Suffice it to say, I was only able to watch about 3 of the 6th Doctor before he scared me off. For whatever reason, when I saw 'Her Final Flight' available for the 6th Doctor, something nudged me to give it a listen. Despite my fears that he was gonna be all 'GRR!' like he was in the 3 episodes I watched of him, hearing how he felt about Peri and how emotional he got and then nearly getting killed while unconscious, well. . . I haven't been able to resist listening to any of his other BF stories since. *^_^* He may not be a pretty boy, but I've definately become something of a fan of his thanks to BF giving him another chance (and not making him so GRR!!).

Just to comment on poor Colin Baker. I'm glad BF got him for audios, his career as the Doctor was so unfair. He's a great actor, so good is that when the powers behind doctor who decided to make viewers hate their hero he was spot on!

02-01-2012, 09:40 PM
The recession is killing all of us, me included. I guess I should amend that statement to say, either has a job or is willing to work if there WAS work, lol. Jobs these days can't really be defined by a "9 to 5", either. I have two businesses that bring in an income in only small, sporadic bits, except for a website maintenance contract that pulls in a small monthly amount. Please forgive my lack of considering the state of the economy and amend that statement to say, "would definitely work if there WAS work, wash regularly, etc."

Well I firmly believe I have a life despite not meeting the first of your criteria. Being a fellow american all I can say is that this recession is killing me. Thankfully I have the whole of the who-niverse to keep me from getting too depressed. And Big Finish Audios to give me motivation to end my unemployed state.

02-01-2012, 09:50 PM
Has anyone else noticed how perfect the BF Audio covers would be as Doctor Who bookmarks?

---------- Post added at 12:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

Oh, and I'm refering to the column with the tittle and doctor's head in it.

02-01-2012, 10:23 PM
Jlm, I hadn't thought about that before, but now that you bring it up, they totally would!

02-01-2012, 10:25 PM
Oh, and I'm refering to the column with the tittle and doctor's head in it.

BF once said their licence doesn't allow them to do 'memorabilia' like that. And these days, I expect, they'd probably have to put the modern Branding over it, too.

02-01-2012, 10:30 PM
A quick read through of the names of people, who make up the members conversing in this thread, shows a ratio of 40% female to male.... [sadly most of them are Tennant, he never did anything for me - Peri,circa 1985, that's another thing - and his time as the Doctor, became all 'invisible foes, and talking to fire. Where were the Zygons, etc..., even Eccelstone, had better enemies].

NuWho is being produced, mostly by the BBC, in odd bursts, in a previous thread I recommended a website, I would urge all to go to it, and just read through the timelimes and the chronology there, not only will it show you how everything goes together, it will give you a starting place for what to read/listen to or watch.... that site again is: Doctor Who Reference Guide (

Personally [if the Peri statement didn't give it away], I'm male, employed, wash several times a day, an international club President, a 40 year Who fan, all of my partners have been who fans, as well as most of my friends :) .... and I want everyone to have fun in 'our' world, and get on with each other :)

02-01-2012, 10:35 PM
BF once said their licence doesn't allow them to do 'memorabilia' like that. And these days, I expect, they'd probably have to put the modern Branding over it, too.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I've actually hunted down clean covers for of all eight doctors and cut out the columns on photoshop, I've even found a site that had every single DW logo.

02-01-2012, 11:05 PM
Thank you for sharing!

02-01-2012, 11:15 PM
jlm1883 was looking for some of these... here are a few
acute herds (
flora ax guy (
mutts own onion skin eh (
stake me rhythm (
there will be others later

02-01-2012, 11:23 PM
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I've actually hunted down clean covers for of all eight doctors and cut out the columns on photoshop, I've even found a site that had every single DW logo. - The Doctor Who Logo Collection ( logos can be found here.

02-01-2012, 11:51 PM
Just to comment on poor Colin Baker. I'm glad BF got him for audios, his career as the Doctor was so unfair. He's a great actor, so good is that when the powers behind doctor who decided to make viewers hate their hero he was spot on!
I've seen all his TV episodes and always hoped to find one I could wholeheartedly like, but I never did... even the better ones had some major problem or annoyance that tanked them. It didn't help that Peri always annoyed me (I like her better in the audios but she's still no favorite). But the first audio with Colin I heard was one of the stories with Jamie, which was a big plus in itself... but Colin proved totally worthy of Troughton's companions and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed his performance. I now count myself as a big fan of a Doctor none of whose TV adventures I like... strange, but there you go.

02-02-2012, 12:01 AM
now there are more
a desk teller phantasm uno (
a desk teller phantasm due (
ace's hamster (
ace holster a tit meekly (
wow...ace...getting kinky there.

02-02-2012, 12:08 AM
I remember the first time I was traumatized by the 6th Doctor. It was in his first story, The Twin Dilemma. I just kept yelling at him to shut up. I also couldn't look at the screen because of that eyes-ore of a quilt he called a coat.

02-02-2012, 12:26 AM
Who is the best Doctor? Poll results from Yahoo. - Doctor Who and Torchwood - Digital Spy Forums ( - The poll itself has long since been deleted by Yahoo, but the DigitalSpy thread is hilarious.

02-02-2012, 01:19 AM
Smeltar, I love ya to bits and pieces for sharing, really I do, but could you pretty please place a number beside each link so I'll know which Dr's story is being shared. It'd be most sincerely appreciated.
^_^U I'm just a picky little thing and would most sincerely appreciate the identification. (Especially since the ones I hunt for are 4, 5, 6, and 8.)

I remember the first time I was traumatized by the 6th Doctor. It was in his first story, The Twin Dilemma. I just kept yelling at him to shut up. I also couldn't look at the screen because of that eyes-ore of a quilt he called a coat.

@__@ omg, tell me about it. I'm glad that he got a (reasonably) better outfit in the audios. Sure, solid blue from head to toe may be overdoing it, but it's a HECK of a lot easier on the eyes than that rainbow-patched excuse of an outfit he got stuck in.

I say the TARDIS got tired of the rainbow outfit and decided to dress him.

And just because my fangirly side got a big kick out of this (even if I couldn't play sports for the life of me).
Oh, I guess they’re kind of nerdy. That’s cool. Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica and Zelda jerseys. You can get the names and numbers customized, which is nice, since the things are eighty freaking dollars. Still, nice big custom jerseys? Would make a nice change from the ridiculous number of t-shirts I have in my closet.

Is it wrong of me to actually be attracted to sports just because of the coolness factor of a TARDIS jersey?

02-02-2012, 01:41 AM
it appears that one of my prior posts may have been 'cursed'


a scud for servo (


02-02-2012, 01:57 AM
Oh, I guess they�re kind of nerdy. That�s cool. Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica and Zelda jerseys. You can get the names and numbers customized, which is nice, since the things are eighty freaking dollars. Still, nice big custom jerseys? Would make a nice change from the ridiculous number of t-shirts I have in my closet.

Surely the "Smith" jersey should be number 11?

It's kind of funny that Colin's outfit was made more *visually* appealing for his audio adventures. Yes, it sounds much less garish!

02-02-2012, 02:28 AM
Colin is quite an underrated chap if you've only seen the deal he got on the t.v. series. I wasn't crazy about his Doctor either and that was opinion was based solely on the shows. Through Big Finish's further developing his character, however, I've come to really like and respect his Doctor a lot.

His favs of mine are The Reaping and Catch 1782 (w/Mel). He also has some priceless moments with the other Doctors in Sirens of Time and especially Zagreus.

7th - "One can wear too much black."

6th - "So speaks the multi colored nightmare." (referring to the 7th's garish attire. Their clothing taste roles are reversed in this one =)

I've seen all his TV episodes and always hoped to find one I could wholeheartedly like, but I never did... even the better ones had some major problem or annoyance that tanked them. It didn't help that Peri always annoyed me (I like her better in the audios but she's still no favorite). But the first audio with Colin I heard was one of the stories with Jamie, which was a big plus in itself... but Colin proved totally worthy of Troughton's companions and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed his performance. I now count myself as a big fan of a Doctor none of whose TV adventures I like... strange, but there you go.

02-02-2012, 02:58 AM
Colin is quite an underrated chap if you've only seen the deal he got on the t.v. series. I wasn't crazy about his Doctor either and that was opinion was based solely on the shows. Through Big Finish's further developing his character, however, I've come to really like and respect his Doctor a lot.

As the youth and streetwise kids of today would say ... "Tru, dat"

Or, in other words ... when I did a marathon "watch the lot" I wasn't looking forward to his TV appearances, but if you mentally turn down the "many bright colours" setting and over-ebullient Mel that JNT put in place the stories are far better than ... well, as JNT would say "The Memory Cheats"

But, oh my, just how improved the whole character has become with BF allowing him to develop the way that CB wanted him to on TV. And kudos to him, too, for making it part of the reason he agreed to start doing them.

Which sort of brings me to ... quite a lot of the time I think BF as a company need a really good shake-up (improve the website, possibly pull back on the ranges, get rid of Richardson and Briggs, that sort of thing) but it does say a heck of a lot that after all these years the four of them (and now TB) have stayed with them and all evidence would point to them all (and hopefully TB) doing it for as long as they can.

02-02-2012, 03:03 AM
A quick read through of the names of people, who make up the members conversing in this thread, shows a ratio of 40% female to male.... [sadly most of them are Tennant, he never did anything for me - Peri,circa 1985, that's another thing - and his time as the Doctor, became all 'invisible foes, and talking to fire. Where were the Zygons, etc..., even Eccelstone, had better enemies .

Wow, really? That's a heavier percentage than I expected.

A poll on who is Their Doctor, too, might be interesting. My Doctor is Five, but I am very fond of 8, 7, 11 and 10 in that order =D

02-02-2012, 03:56 AM
A poll on who is Their Doctor, too, might be interesting. My Doctor is Five, but I am very fond of 8, 7, 11 and 10 in that order =D

Excluding TB as it's too early to tell, and taking Performance and Stories into account, I'd have to go ... (and I am being harsh otherwise they'd all be vying for 1st place)

4th Place - SMcC - Some great stories (Master, the last lot of Hex stories) but some WOEFUL performances (his last lot of Solo stories. Very 'phoned in')
3rd - PD - No really Bad stories, but his voice is starting to get VERY raspy and definitely stating to loose that Youthful sound these days
1st Place Tied - CB and PMcG - Can't choose between them. They're both still performing on all cylinders and are still revelling in it all. I honestly don't think I've heard a Bad performance from CB, and PMcG's only missfire has been The Company Of Friends - Benny where there was NO chemistry between them at all, only time I felt he was 'going through the motions'.

02-02-2012, 04:15 AM
3rd - PD - No really Bad stories, but his voice is starting to get VERY raspy and definitely stating to loose that Youthful sound these days.

Sadly, I noticed that, too, especially in a couple of my favorites. I was hoping it was my imagination, but you're right. Still, he's what, 60 now, so it took quite a while for his voice to go.

02-02-2012, 04:16 AM
Surely the "Smith" jersey should be number 11?
lol!! Good eye there.

It's kind of funny that Colin's outfit was made more *visually* appealing for his audio adventures. Yes, it sounds much less garish!
~*nods*~ I know, right?

Colin is quite an underrated chap if you've only seen the deal he got on the t.v. series. I wasn't crazy about his Doctor either and that was opinion was based solely on the shows. Through Big Finish's further developing his character, however, I've come to really like and respect his Doctor a lot.
I'd like to think the bulk of people who have, thanks to Big Finish, have come to appreciate and like him.

His favs of mine are The Reaping and Catch 1782 (w/Mel). He also has some priceless moments with the other Doctors in Sirens of Time and especially Zagreus.
~*nods*~ I agree. I'm not sure what my favorite aspect of the Zagreus storyline I like best. I know, personally, I love it when I get to hear more than just the regular 'calm' tone most actors stay within. Hearing them get stressed, having to show emotion, scream, cry, get outright angry, it's a nice change of pace. Gwah, I should stop right there. I've already let my fangirl loose enough for one day. -_-U

My favs have to be, in just this order
1st - McGann (because of that lovely voice of his) & Tennant (he was just so easy to like for me)
2nd - C. Baker
3rd - Davison
4th - T. Baker (always has such a smooth voice to listen to. I remember hearing a meme he did a couple years ago and lol despite a few of his answers to the posed questions were a bit raunchy, his tone of voice was just so jazzy smooth and easy on the ears, it was difficult to be offended by anything he said.)

02-02-2012, 04:43 AM
Sadly, I noticed that, too, especially in a couple of my favorites. I was hoping it was my imagination, but you're right. Still, he's what, 60 now, so it took quite a while for his voice to go.

Probably all the smoking and his time in 'Legally Blonde' can't have helped, either. Thankfully, though, his underlying performance is still as Youthful as it needs be. (But as I said, when placing them I had to be harsh!) :)

02-02-2012, 04:52 AM
Probably all the smoking and his time in 'Legally Blonde' can't have helped, either. Thankfully, though, his underlying performance is still as Youthful as it needs be. (But as I said, when placing them I had to be harsh!) :)
Peter's one of my very favorite TV Docs so I cut his voice some slack, and he still definitely does the Doctor in character. However, having enjoyed him so much in "The Last Detective" with his latter-day rasp, I do find myself sometimes picturing Dangerous Davies during the audios instead of the cricketing outfit... just for a second.

02-02-2012, 05:01 AM
Have you heard his accent in At Home with the Braithwaites? Lovely Yorkshire lilt there...mmmm...


Peter's one of my very favorite TV Docs so I cut his voice some slack, and he still definitely does the Doctor in character. However, having enjoyed him so much in "The Last Detective" with his latter-day rasp, I do find myself sometimes picturing Dangerous Davies during the audios instead of the cricketing outfit... just for a second.

02-02-2012, 07:41 AM
Personally I find it easier to rank Doctor's I don't love. I don't hate any of them, but I find I like Sylvester McCoy the least, and Peter Davison next least. I'm watching through the lot now, and have listened to almost all the Big Finish stuff. McCoy and Davison have their moments, but they're not my favorites. I find it hard to choose between Tom Baker, David Tennant, Colin Baker, Paul McGann, and Patrick Troughton. Admittedly, though, I've yet to see any Colin TV stories.
I also get the impression (though I could be wrong) that those are the actors that loved the role the most, and had the most fun. Though I think every actor has loved the role while playing it... Eccleston's issues, iirc, were more production related than the role.

I'm babbling, n/m

02-02-2012, 07:54 AM
The funny thing about CBs god awful coat turning blue for the audios is the original coat wasn't allowed to have any blue in it because of the blue screen. I'm not a particularly big fan of Colin's tv Doctor. His coat it a joke and his companions are a bubblegum pop tart and the whiny American with the big cans. The audios on the other hand are fairly terrific. All the characters get the development they deserved to get on the show and you're not distracted by bad costumes or gaping cleavage. (Not that I'm complaining about cleavage, it's just doesn't fit the show.) That said, it feels like Colin gets the dodgier scripts. I particularly hated ...ish. Still a tremendous improvement over most episodes, especially Peri.

Overall, I have to say Paul McGann is my favorite audio Doctor. It's impossible to say how good his television show would have been but his audios are all around fantastic. I started with the EDAs audios before moving on to the monthly series and he consistently shines even when the story isn't holding my attention. Like Davidson, his voice has gone a bit deeper with age but it suits him far more than his younger one and most people wouldn't notice. Davidson on the other hand had such a youthful sound that the audios really stretch your ability to believe you're hearing the same person but I don't complain. Tom's voice has aged a bit but it's still so powerful it's easy to overlook.

McCoy hasn't changed one bit except his stories are actually great. That's kind of a funny thing for me to say because I first got hooked on Doctor Who when I had the flu and couldn't sleep and watched Dragonfire on PBS with my brothers. He does have some great episodes but he suffers whenever he's in a three parter because it feels like they took a four parter and just sliced away scenes without regard for the finished story. That said, if you know what's going on in Ghost Light it's actually a fantastic story.

Just came across this.

02-02-2012, 12:18 PM
But, on a lighter note,

Download Doctorwho14(2012).rar - Mp3 Upload (
Download DoctorWho14(2012)(3covers)(Digital)(G85-Empire).cbr from - send big files the easy way ( .cbr

Wow... you really amazed me there... this issue has not even been released yet (or I missed it) !

02-02-2012, 12:36 PM
See, Paul is probably at the bottom of my list as far as Doctors I plan to listen to. He doesn't really do anything for me.

And even if Chris did miraculously come back to DW, I can't say I'd rush to listen to that era--that era absolutely plummeted for me and got overshadowed once I had seen Classic Who (not helped by there being so little of it). Matt used to be #2, then #3 (once Pat entered the picture), but series 7 really soured my enjoyment (mostly Moffat's writing, which is under-serving Matt with the wacky, wacky persona all the time). I really think Matt could use a new companion. I really want a past companion (I could do without another 51st century comedy future character). Alien or male would be good, too. I really want some serious writing and toned down characterization for him. He needs that "Human Nature" major acting moment.

Colin definitely improved for me from the glimpses I've had of him on audio (mainly City of Spires+, in which he is excellent). A particular companion or era crossover can really get me to listen to something (I've listened to The Five Companions twice just to gush over the awesomeness that are Ian, Steven and Polly--I really liked Five's conversation with Polly, in particular). Now, Colin used to be last on my list until I saw Sylvester's stories with Ace... Which I *really* didn't like. Which was very strange, because it was an era (and companion) that I had heard a lot of hype for. I prefer Peri any day (I feel sorry for her a lot). Colditz was a marked improvement acting-wise for both of them (even though I was quite distracted by the loveliness of Tennant), so I have hope. I've thus now sampled something of the 5-7 audios. Of these three, I'm definitely giving it to the City of Spires trilogy--not only is it Frazer acting his emotional and comedic socks off, but a return to the Land of Fiction is a complete nerd fest for me (that element alone makes it a favorite).

My favorite Colin story is predictably The Two Doctors, but even on his side of the story I find it's probably the story that he's on his best and most sympathetic behavior (I honestly believe if Frazer had perhaps stuck around that Six would have continued to tone down within the show before it was too late--"...I was always rather fond of Jamie." was one of his better moments, as was "You killed Peri."--he needed more of these in the show).

Lately, I've found myself listening to Nicholas Courtney audios. I enjoy just letting his warm, resonant voice wrap around me like a big blanket. One of the best. I've listened to The Three Companions, Old Soldiers and Old Flames now by him. There are plenty of television stories I love simply for his presence in them, even if they have some issues (see Battlefield).

Anyway, favorite Doctors:
1. David Tennant
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Tom Baker
4. Jon Pertwee
5. Matt Smith
6. William Hartnell
7. Peter Davison
8. Christopher Eccleston
9. Colin Baker
10. Sylvester McCoy
11. Paul McGann

Favorite companions (to me, they are just as important):
1. Jamie McCrimmon
2. Rose Tyler
3. Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
4. Ian Chesterton
5. Donna Noble
6. Zoe Heriot
7. Jo Grant
8. Sarah Jane Smith
9. Leela
10. Polly Wright

William Russell absolutely must come back before it's too late, IMO. Ditto Tom Baker. Another that should probably be a bit high-priority is Frazer Hines (bowel cancer). Bernard Cribbins, as well.

02-02-2012, 01:07 PM
Warning ! Warning ! Fangirl rambling ahead! Warning!

Wow... you really amazed me there... this issue has not even been released yet (or I missed it) !
Probably not released quite yet. Because my nearest comic book store is quite some distance away and I can't always shell out money every month for new issues
(I consistently follow 12, but sometimes get sucked into a few more, but that's just because I got sucked into them lol The gorgeous art on the covers sucked me in, and now I can't quite stop reading or else I'll be left wondering 'What happened?!?!' ^_^U I mean, seriously! Andy Kubert, Jim Lee, Geoff johns, to name a few. Their style just makes me very weak in the knees because it's so, for my personal tastes, visually lovely. . . .ahem. If anyone asks, I just read them for the stories. Yeah. Totally for the stories and plot. It has nothing at all to do with the pretty, pretty men and gorgeous style. Nothing at all.
as well as not always make the almost hour-long drive north of there. So I've kept an eye on a couple different sites (which I found rather by accident a couple years back) and check out the titles I follow so I won't be in suspense from month to month when I can't immediately buy. Plus I've seen the sites get first post dibs on quite a few comics before they hit the one comic book store I know.

/end Fangirl rambling

02-02-2012, 02:21 PM
I reckon Chris would work so well on audio. I get the feeling that, like Paul, he really wanted to investigate the character more and (I theorise) how he became the morose soul we met at the start of Rose. And BF are more than willing to write towards the way the actor wants the part (within reason, obviously) they'd be perfect - and CE wouldn't (if the rumours are true) have to put up with the overwhelming desire to punch Barrowman on the nose.

(There's the whole 'time war' thing to worry about, though. One of the biggest cock-ups of Who history, IHMO, as it's too big a concept to ever really play-out to anyones satisfaction, and yet too much of a lump to ignore. )

And as for when DT gets to audio - My personal theory is that he left as he was starting to get tired of playing Mr Messianic-Doom-Monger all the time. That it wasn't the "5th Doctor Skipping Around The Universe" that he'd grown-up with and wanted to do for himself. Not much timeline-space for audio in his regeneration (perhaps slot them all in just before TimeCrash - a run of 'fun' adventures that reminds him of his 5th time hence why he's so chuffed to 'bump into' him again) but, again, BF could give him a happy, normal, period to play with.

02-02-2012, 02:45 PM
Hmmm...a .cbr file? What opens that? Can't recall at the moment.

Wow... you really amazed me there... this issue has not even been released yet (or I missed it) !

02-02-2012, 02:51 PM
Hmmm...a .cbr file? What opens that? Can't recall at the moment.

Well on my Mac, that's Zipeg, Unarchiver, or Stuffit.

02-02-2012, 03:10 PM
Hmmm...a .cbr file? What opens that? Can't recall at the moment.

A 'comic book' file. Essentially just a compressed RAR (cbr) or ZIP (cbz) file containing JPGs. You can either rename them .rar or .zip and extract, or Google "comic book reader" for your operating system of choice.

02-02-2012, 03:53 PM
Wow, I don't agree with a single thing you just wrote, Nobber. And some of it is just straight-out false (Chris' issues had nothing to do with John, for one--it was how the crew were treated and some production stuff that doesn't make for juicy fanboy gossip that can be used to hammer anything *they* don't like--and I'm no Barrowman fan).

As for Tennant, I really doubt it had anything to do with the darker arc. That was his best material. And his favorite Doctor was Tom Baker, by the way. Common mistake. He also liked the Peter Davison era, but he came into the show in the Four era with Sarah Jane as a child. It's Moffat whose favorite Doctor is Davison (the words in Time Crash are his). In fact, I hope when Big Finish does get a hold of him, they do push the depth of the stories a bit further than random adventures. That would be a total waste of Tennant, who clearly does like to sink his teeth into dramatic acting (see his Shakespeare obsession). RTD was a big U.N.I.T. family-era fan who had been watching since the '60s, by the way. Moffat has mostly praised Davison and somewhat McCoy while he was writing the NAs (let's not go into that interview he did while drunk where he pretty much panned the rest!).

David, of course, grew up with the '70s-'80s Doctors, but is probably the biggest fanboy the show has ever had (he's known for bringing up the Voord in commentaries). Matt seems to be the one largely responsible for the Troughton influences (the bowtie was definitely not Moffat's idea)--and David was actually the one who gave him that Tomb of the Cybermen DVD as a present that he wouldn't stop telling Moffat about over the phone.

02-02-2012, 04:06 PM
Fair enough, Nile, but I did read on GallifreyBase that CE and Barrowman never got on off-set - JB being far too loud and bouncy all the time. Nothing, before anyone jumps on me, about his sexuality, just that he'd never shut up or calm down a bit.

As for DT. Yes, you're right there, my mistake. But I think the general principle stands that he just wanted to have a fun time as The Doctor. Recapture that era, and not be the near godlike figure he became. Don't get me wrong - I think he played it very well indeed, but I always get the "this isn't quite what I was expecting" vibe from him now and then. Especially in the Confidential. Your mileage may, of course, vary. :)

EDIT TO ADD - Actually you hit on a bit of nail there about the Shakespeare bit. IMHO he wanted to play out the Doctor role as a bit of "light relief" in-between deeper Stage runs. A change of pace and tone, each facet acting as a re-charger for the other. Playing 'serious' all the time probably isn't his preferred way. That's not to say he didn't take The Doctor seriously, BTW.

Anyway - I hope that makes sense! Had to re-edit again as I was starting to go in circles! :)

02-02-2012, 04:21 PM
Uh, no, not really. I see the arc as very much a Shakespearean-style tragedy. In fact, his Doctor does have some Hamlet correlations. A tragedy often starts out jovial and fun (a bit like how Ten and Rose aren't taking anything seriously and are out having fun with only eyes for each other, but it comes back and bites them in the end), but then the character's fatal flaws start eating away at them until their tragic ending. It's a very literary arc. It would be a complete shame if Big Finish just turned the Ten audios into a series of disconnected, light fluff adventures--I'd rather they tapped into the arc and made it even more poignant.

Similarly, I desperately would like to see some more dramatic writing for Matt Smith, who is genuinely being wasted with light fluff and material that isn't being written seriously.

And one only needs to watch The End of Time (probably a story you hate) Confidential to see David very much hands-on about a certain moment (and very supportive and involved in getting it perfect) that the fanboys who whinge about the dark arc notoriously hate. He doesn't agree with you. And he doesn't hate the Rose stuff either, so don't try to project that on him either. And of course, he's a very good friend of Catherine Tate's, so it's very likely that a lot of future audios will be with her (perhaps more likely than getting Billie back). Just because a certain section of fanboys hate the arc, doesn't mean the people who made it do. ;)

And for that matter, Matt recently just said that of all the Doctor's past companions, he'd like to work with Billie Piper, as she's a good friend of his. I've also seen him talk about Tom Baker a fair bit, so he seems to be Matt's favorite after Pat. The only past Doctor that Eccleston ever really seemed to mention in interviews was actually Hartnell.

02-02-2012, 04:33 PM
I think you may be, for want of a better phrase, "putting words in my mouth"; especially as you seem to have gotten the impression I don't like DT. I think he's a great actor and played his part pretty damn well. I don't particularly like the end of his era, but taken as a whole it's certainly one of the better ones. "The End Of Time" I'd give an 8/10 - 2 points lost for the last quarter hour or so when he did 'the farewell tour'. I get the sentiment of the idea, but it ruined the pacing of the episode.

So, yes, he's a consummate professional; but still one I think would have preferred to have had a longer, lighter-toned, run.

02-02-2012, 04:55 PM
IMHO, the farewell tour and ending were my favorite parts of The End of Time. I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. (Sadly, a lot of the stereotypical fanboy opinions I referred to are ones I argue with rather frequently on Gallifrey Base, so I'm sorry if I assumed you fit in that grouping.)

Similarly, my favorite Classic serial happens to be The War Games, which is also pretty emotional for Classic Who (I'm fond of the aforementioned Jamie + Zoe, Victoria, Jo and Sarah Jane's goodbye scenes--Susan and Ian + Babs did well, too--Donna, of course, got the Jamie + Zoe treatment). Ten's regeneration is overall my favorite of the bunch due to its dramatic power (which I like). Two (though the companion goodbye is much sadder than the actual regeneration), Three and Five's were also handled very well. Nine, too, though my favorite part of that scene is actually the Children in Need special with Ten's repetition of the hand-holding and "Run". Four deserved so much better (I sadly get the impression that Tom really didn't give a rat's tookus by the time of Logopolis and he certainly wasn't into the latest batch of companions). Six's was pathetic and incredibly rude to Colin. I actually like the brutalness and helplessness of Seven's. So yeah, definitely "I don't want to go." is the one that sticks with me.

In fact, if they do ever bring back Tennant beside Smith, I hope the Doctor is plucked from the end of his tenure so that they can really play with Ten's fear of being replaced. If it were up to me, I'd pluck him from his final moments and have him start out a bit desperate, but then ultimately work with his replacement.

02-02-2012, 04:59 PM
dx121 missed this one
so here it is
daft yam hero (
so many little boxes

02-02-2012, 05:07 PM
Big smile and pints all round - No worries, Nile!

I find it hard to discuss areas of likes and dislikes on-line these days as there's a horrible tendency for people to read "I didn't like aspect X of programme Y, but enjoyed the rest" as "I *HATE* RTD AND HE MUST DIE" - no 'grey areas' seem to be allowed these days. GB is terrible for that, hence why I stopped using it a few years back.

(And the few RPG posts recently reignited my old love for the hobby - so went off to read various fora. I wish I hadn't! The various in-fighting, or 'edition wars', made my eyes bleed ...)

02-02-2012, 05:36 PM
OMG, I DESPISE that part of GB! I only go there regularly for the Velvet Web costume thread and cautiously skim through anything that seems safe to read that isn't so opinionated as to alienate everyone that reads it that doesn't agree with them.

I never understood the need of fans to be right and argue a point to death, to point out each other's mistakes and to hate on those with extreme opinions like, "I don't like RTD" or "I don't like Mofatt". They are entitled to their opinion, but they do run the risk of starting troll wars by bagging on people's favorites when they do open their mouths. People like that are the reason Mofatt has been banning opinionated idiots from his account when they threaten him on Twitter. Have people lost their ever-lovin' minds?!? Threatening someone over Doctor Who?!? Don't get me wrong, I love and adore the show TO PIECES and am EXTREMELY fond of Peter Davison in all he's done, BUT It's JUST A TELEVISION SHOW FER CHRISSAKES! You can kinda go to jail for threatening someone!!!

Big smile and pints all round - No worries, Nile!

I find it hard to discuss areas of likes and dislikes on-line these days as there's a horrible tendency for people to read "I didn't like aspect X of programme Y, but enjoyed the rest" as "I *HATE* RTD AND HE MUST DIE" - no 'grey areas' seem to be allowed these days. GB is terrible for that, hence why I stopped using it a few years back.

(And the few RPG posts recently reignited my old love for the hobby - so went off to read various fora. I wish I hadn't! The various in-fighting, or 'edition wars', made my eyes bleed ...)

02-02-2012, 06:12 PM
always loved the us rpg and its nutty theories (i.e. master = meddling monk, adric saved at the last minute by another time lord)...but don't take my word for it (
it was nice that it was compatible with the star trek rpg. boy did we have fun with that back in the day

02-02-2012, 06:27 PM

02-02-2012, 08:06 PM
Actually I've heared numerous interviews by people involved with the show at the time that after the hiatus they did intend to start toning down CB's Doctor. But by the time the show was back in full swing the damage had been done, and the suits said "Die Doctor, DIE!" And for the filming of CB's last scene as the doctor *ie his death. CB refused to show up for filming hoping to prevent or stall his demise on the show. This is why Sylvester McCoy ended up having to wear a blonde, curly wig!

See, Paul is probably at the bottom of my list as far as Doctors I plan to listen to. He doesn't really do anything for me.

And even if Chris did miraculously come back to DW, I can't say I'd rush to listen to that era--that era absolutely plummeted for me and got overshadowed once I had seen Classic Who (not helped by there being so little of it). Matt used to be #2, then #3 (once Pat entered the picture), but series 7 really soured my enjoyment (mostly Moffat's writing, which is under-serving Matt with the wacky, wacky persona all the time). I really think Matt could use a new companion. I really want a past companion (I could do without another 51st century comedy future character). Alien or male would be good, too. I really want some serious writing and toned down characterization for him. He needs that "Human Nature" major acting moment.

Colin definitely improved for me from the glimpses I've had of him on audio (mainly City of Spires+, in which he is excellent). A particular companion or era crossover can really get me to listen to something (I've listened to The Five Companions twice just to gush over the awesomeness that are Ian, Steven and Polly--I really liked Five's conversation with Polly, in particular). Now, Colin used to be last on my list until I saw Sylvester's stories with Ace... Which I *really* didn't like. Which was very strange, because it was an era (and companion) that I had heard a lot of hype for. I prefer Peri any day (I feel sorry for her a lot). Colditz was a marked improvement acting-wise for both of them (even though I was quite distracted by the loveliness of Tennant), so I have hope. I've thus now sampled something of the 5-7 audios. Of these three, I'm definitely giving it to the City of Spires trilogy--not only is it Frazer acting his emotional and comedic socks off, but a return to the Land of Fiction is a complete nerd fest for me (that element alone makes it a favorite).

My favorite Colin story is predictably The Two Doctors, but even on his side of the story I find it's probably the story that he's on his best and most sympathetic behavior (I honestly believe if Frazer had perhaps stuck around that Six would have continued to tone down within the show before it was too late--"...I was always rather fond of Jamie." was one of his better moments, as was "You killed Peri."--he needed more of these in the show).

Lately, I've found myself listening to Nicholas Courtney audios. I enjoy just letting his warm, resonant voice wrap around me like a big blanket. One of the best. I've listened to The Three Companions, Old Soldiers and Old Flames now by him. There are plenty of television stories I love simply for his presence in them, even if they have some issues (see Battlefield).

Anyway, favorite Doctors:
1. David Tennant
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Tom Baker
4. Jon Pertwee
5. Matt Smith
6. William Hartnell
7. Peter Davison
8. Christopher Eccleston
9. Colin Baker
10. Sylvester McCoy
11. Paul McGann

Favorite companions (to me, they are just as important):
1. Jamie McCrimmon
2. Rose Tyler
3. Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
4. Ian Chesterton
5. Donna Noble
6. Zoe Heriot
7. Jo Grant
8. Sarah Jane Smith
9. Leela
10. Polly Wright

William Russell absolutely must come back before it's too late, IMO. Ditto Tom Baker. Another that should probably be a bit high-priority is Frazer Hines (bowel cancer). Bernard Cribbins, as well.

02-02-2012, 10:01 PM
jlm1883, more of yours... the last of the first...
stags heave (
mesh struggle (

and the first of the next...
watershed elk poof ( (bom taker vocals)
delight hen rash (
a rude teen crewman (

and a lost bonus...
yes otter herd (
there will be more later

02-02-2012, 11:58 PM
I found the wep page for the clean BF-DW album covers, enjoy:
Flickr: BluishMoon's Photostream ( - The Doctor Who Logo Collection ( logos can be found here.

---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

Favorite Doctors:
David Tennant (my first doctor)
Patrick Troughton (the first doctor to realize that bowties were cool)
Peter Davison (I want to learn criket)
Tom Baker (love him as the doctor, but he still scares me as Rasputin)
Jon Pertwee (the tattooed doctor)
William Hartnell (the coolest grandfather)
Sylvester McCoy (silly and fun, but devious and manipulative)
Colin Baker (Poor fashion sense, but who else can save the world/s by yelling at everyone?)
Paul McGann (so much potential, but thanks to my fellow americans an missed opportunity)
Christopher Ecclestone (bitter and depressed, needed beter stories)
Matt Smith (A great follow up to Tennant, but I don't really know where to place him yet.)

The Doctor but not really:
Jackson Lake (The one, the only, and the best... if only he had been.)
The Vallyard (Lets hope we never see him take the tittle role, the show would be doomed.)
Doctor Who, aka: Peter Chushing's Doctor (more like Mister Wizard, but still enjoyable.)

---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

Favorite caompanions:
Sarah Jane Smith (who doesn't like her? She's technicly had 3 spinoffs)
Donna Noble (I love her. What was Lance thinking?)
K-9 Mark 1-4 (I don't care what some people say about him, he rocks!!!)
Jamie McCrimmon, of the Clan McCrimmon (I can respect a man in a skirt, especially if he carries a knife and knows how to use it)
Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (UNIT's best!!!!)
Sergeant John Benton (UNIT's 2nd best!!!)
Captian Jack Harkness (Regaurdless of orientation or personal beliefs, how can you not think this guy is cool?)
Zoe Heriot (She's just so cuuuute! And freaking smart, and as much as I hate to admit that I've noticed has a very nice bum.)
Leela (She took some geting used to, but she's cool regaurdless of her ridiculous outfit)
Martha Jones (If only she didn't spend so much time pinning for the Doctor, I could forgive her for being so squeakey.)
Rose Tyler (Didn't care for the romance aspect or the whole blondeness of her, but she was a pretty tough gal.)
Hennry Gordon Jago, Impresario (Who ever thought him up was a genius, if only we could get him on film again.)
Professor George Lightfoot (see above)
Mickey Smith (the "Tin Dog", loyal no matter what.)
Amy Pond (I have a thing for redheads and she's got a great accent)
Rory "The Roman" Williams (I love this guy he reminds me of myself, a well meaning bumbler. And you don't want to make him mad.)

02-03-2012, 12:55 AM
OMG, I DESPISE that part of GB! I only go there regularly for the Velvet Web costume thread and cautiously skim through anything that seems safe to read that isn't so opinionated as to alienate everyone that reads it that doesn't agree with them.

I never understood the need of fans to be right and argue a point to death, to point out each other's mistakes and to hate on those with extreme opinions like, "I don't like RTD" or "I don't like Mofatt". They are entitled to their opinion, but they do run the risk of starting troll wars by bagging on people's favorites when they do open their mouths. People like that are the reason Mofatt has been banning opinionated idiots from his account when they threaten him on Twitter. Have people lost their ever-lovin' minds?!? Threatening someone over Doctor Who?!? Don't get me wrong, I love and adore the show TO PIECES and am EXTREMELY fond of Peter Davison in all he's done, BUT It's JUST A TELEVISION SHOW FER CHRISSAKES! You can kinda go to jail for threatening someone!!!
God, GB is so bad for that that it actually makes me gunshy about conversations about DW elsewhere. I'm actually one of those longtime old-school fans who finds the Smith/Moffatt Who to be the best we've gotten since NuWho began, but I hesitate to say so because I fear a huge horde of people are gonna jump down my throat screaming "It's all childish timey wimey nonsense and River Song raped my childhood!" or similar. It's a weird parallel universe where people seem to believe a show that's basically been of quite consistent quality for its entire modern run turns occasionally so bad as to be unwatchable. And it kinda makes me wonder why so many people who like the same show as me are such total a-holes! Thankfully I don't see any of that around here... cheers, all!

02-03-2012, 01:35 AM
factoid: i am the one fan who wants to hear audio adventures of the rowan atkinson doctor

02-03-2012, 02:40 AM
Alex Kingston is such a great actress and worked so well with both DT and MS that I can forgive any issues I have with the character and the convolutions that had to have been gone through to make the idea work.

(Just don't tell the Missus that I fancy the dooo-dahhs-off-her, too ..) :)


EDIT TO ADD - This conversation reminds me that I should recommend again that people listen to TheTimeValult podcast - slowly but surely they're reviewing every single story from 'An Unearthly Child" to today. The main attraction - they're VERY openminded about the whole thing. They take Actors, Acting, Story, and Production into account. So far I don't think I've really ever disagreed with their final marking - possibly only The Edge Of Destruction which I still think is better than they give it credit.

Their current podcast is HERE - theTimeVault ( - which continues where their previous incarnation, Cadmium2, left off. I've copies of those if anyone wants them.

They also cover stuff like Blakes 7, The Avengers, The Tomorrow People, Hammer Horror, etc. Well worth subscribing.

---------- Post added at 01:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

factoid: i am the one fan who wants to hear audio adventures of the rowan atkinson doctor

If BF could do a really good story for him for Comic Relief then, yes, sign me up.

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 AM ----------

Zoe Heriot (She's just so cuuuute! And freaking smart, and as much as I hate to admit that I've noticed has a very nice bum.)

Oh, Yes, VERY much agreed,

02-03-2012, 04:24 AM
anyone for seconds?
one shot beam (
rather tram core (
fleshes cease not (
a nobleman mobs wine (
i teach worriers (

river does have awfully nice dooo-dahhs

02-03-2012, 04:33 AM
And the few RPG posts recently reignited my old love for the hobby - so went off to read various fora. I wish I hadn't! The various in-fighting, or 'edition wars', made my eyes bleed ...

Just wait until they release the provisional rules for 5E D&D. :P

I'll up the rest of the Doctor Who RPG I have the next time I'm near an internet cafe for you.

RE: Time War. I attempted to develop a two session convention roleplay game a couple of years back revolving around that concept, I quickly lost interest when the Daleks needed to be involved :

02-03-2012, 05:13 AM
Doesn't DT's Doc say in Smith & Jones that he was a postman for a while? That's a scenario that could be mined. There's loads of places you could slot in stories for his regeneration. Like the bit in Tom Baker's incarnation between Deadly Assassin and Face of Evil where he could've been travelling in the TARDIS for hundreds of years! In DT's there's not only the time between seasons but many, many offscreen adventures must've taken place between the specials.

02-03-2012, 05:54 AM
Still loving the anagrams. I shall now forever think of our favorite whispering Martians as Criteria Whores!

02-03-2012, 06:28 AM
So here we all are, going through 2 pages a day at the moment... "Is everybody happy?!!" :)

For those on the wrong half of the planet, here is what passes for fan-dom, around the Counterbalance Continent', and shows that bitchy'ness is worldwide. Some may find the articles amusing or informative ['how I killed a fanzine' has a few swearwords], others will smile a bit.

How I Killed a Fanzine (

Though the majority of the articles date from the late 1990's until 2005, many of the people named are still involved in fandom in Australia, and some of the post'ers here collect the books and magazines reviewed.

02-03-2012, 10:50 AM
in the 80s i used to subscribe to d.w.b. wish i still had them to scan. the bitching was epic. occasionally they would get a good article in, like one i remember by paul cornell describing how colin baker's whole first series was following the formula of caves of androzani. but the rest of the time... so much whining.

no one region has a monopoly on pointless drama... and no one fandom, later felt deja vu from watching trekkie hysteria over wanting berman to leave. same result in both cases: bitch up a storm about the showrunner and the whole show goes away. was it worth it?

like many of you i was on o.g. and then g.b., and stopped showing up because of b.s.

02-03-2012, 12:00 PM
river does have awfully nice dooo-dahhs


---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ----------

Just wait until they release the provisional rules for 5E D&D. :P

Some folks are already bitchin' about it and it's not even out yet. Acting like Wizards Of The Coast are going to come round, burn their old 4E copies, and force them to get 5E.

02-03-2012, 12:27 PM
Favourite Doctors??... My doctor was always Patrick Troughton, he was on TV Friday Nights when I first started watching the show, William Hartnell is rememberd more for the repeats that were played for the 20th year anniversary, not many Australian fans actually watched his episodes when they were broadcast, the show started in 1963 in England but not until 1966 in Australia. In 1971, when Australia received Spearhead From Space, we then had years of Jon Pertwee shown over and over again, followed by Tom Baker endlessly repeated for 15 years, the Doctors of the 80's, were shown but not to the same extent...familiarity breeds contempt.... but the second favourite was Sylvester McCoy, followed by Colin Baker.... NuWho, hasn't had the same effect, though I am enjoying Mat Smith, though I would prefer the stories to be 4 parters, not single episodes, allowing the drama to rise and the fixes not so quick..a cliff hanger or two wouldn't go astray :) it, in my opinion, is why the audios of BBV / BBC and Big Finish work so well.

Peri may have been considered eye-candy, but she did bring a strength to the 6th Doctor that wasn't there with the 5th. Many of the companions came and went and weren't really missed... Jamie, Zoe, Leela, Romana, Jo Grant and of course Sarah Jane are the ones, people name, when asked - younger viewers, who started with Davison, remember Adric Nyssa, Turlough and Teagan, as the main companions in the classic series ... Some of us sad a.r. fans, can name every companion, the show they started in, the show they left in...

It annoys me, to go to forums, and sites, to see useless arguments over minor points, in a show, recorded 20 years ago... and the smile comes to my face, when I remember the reply, at a Red Dwarf convention, by Craig Charles to a fan, when he was asked why Lister had 2 operations to remove his appendix [once in series 2 and again in series 5], as the episodes had been filmed some 10 years earlier, and Craig, not having read a script in quite awhile, looked at the expectant face, replying, 'How would I was in the script"

Why do the Daleks in Destiny of the Daleks have yellow lights, and the Daleks in Death to the Daleks have white? - I don't know, it was in the script.....

If we have any former members of of the old Q Space here, who have changed their logon name, please drop me a line, as always, there are things afoot [secret smile!]

Hope people looked through the other articles and listings in 'How I Killed a Fanzine'..... there was an Easter Egg for the seekers......... in one of the articles is a ra file, [which can be converted into most audio files] - of Sophie Aldred at the "Time Storm" convention in Australia in the 1990's, where she sings a song on stage..... rare enough for the fans??? :)

02-03-2012, 12:35 PM
With the new series I think you have to change gear a bit, especially considering SM's circular writing style, and consider each series a 13-Part Story instead.

That said - I really hope he doesn't go down the same route next time. I did start to tire a little during the last one as I was finding I was spending too much time looking for 'the arc clues' and not the story that was airing at the time. The DVD re-watch was a bit easier, though.

02-03-2012, 01:00 PM
Bad Wolf??? as the common theme for series 1 NuWho.... all thirteen don't hang together brilliantly...
If I were to create a single episode [ie show of multiple parts like the olden days...], it would be joining together 1, Daleks in Manhattan [parts 1 & 2], 2, Dalek, 3, Journey's End [parts 1,2] , 4, Parting of the Ways[part 1&2] - in that order- as this is how I think that they should be viewed, it is the same Dalek from 'Cult of Skaro member to Emperor', spread over several timezones and involving 2 Doctors... if you doubt it, watch the episodes in that order and see what you think :)

{not just Nobber but anyone}

The rule 'I can't cross my own timeline' has created a dead-end for many of the writers, and even 10th and 11th's "Spoilers", doesn't get them [the writers], out of the underlining limitation.
Think of the adventures of the 7th, nearly everyone was the Doctor going to a place, for a purpose, usually as he knew what would happen, or had set up the situation in a previous incarnation or timezone...

02-03-2012, 03:26 PM
Ah! My apologies - when I said 'the new series' I was really thinking of Eleven's tenure, not the new series as a whole. So, yeah, take each season of the 11th Doctor and view them as one long story rather than 13 separate ones.

02-03-2012, 03:46 PM
Never need to to apologise for your opinion :)

Even the 11th Doctor's stories 'set', have a few, that don't have a common thread, though I freely admit, at the end of a series, they are linked, - but at the end of series 6, the attempt to link all of the 13 episodes and stop the 'Death', became too complicated and should have been spread over 2 or more episodes... some of the explanations, were a bit "Wot????"
'The Doctor's Wife', didn't gel with 'The Wedding of River Song', and should have been a christmas special [or holiday of choice...], of course this was mainly to do with it had been put-off form series 5, on budget costs, and wasn't really part of series 6....

02-03-2012, 04:16 PM

I reckon I'm one of the few that's not overly taken with "The Doctors Wife" - Dunno what it is about Gaiman, but I always get 'an emperors new clothes' feeling about him. shrug. (That said - Suranne Jones was superb.)

(Gaiman's other-half rather nice, too. Shame she couldn't have been in it! :) )

02-03-2012, 05:56 PM
Hopefully a moderate request... anyone got the Dieter Pavison run of the Stost Lorries? Those sound quite nice.

Interestingly, although not a rabid fan or anything, I rather like Neil Gaiman, but can't abide his wife in the least. "The Doctor's Wife", however, was ace.

02-03-2012, 08:19 PM
I have to say, although I do find the 11th Doctor's episodes good (I mean, good heavens! The Pandorica Opens left me going 'NO! DOCTOR! NOOOO!!!' when they were dragging him into the box), but I haven't truly been able to get comfortable with him. Not sure why.
Colin, Paul, David, Peter, I can get into their stories. For some reason I'm having trouble 'clicking' with the 11th Doctor. Don't hate him or anything, but it does bother me that I haven't been able to really get sucked into it like I have with the others.
The Doctor's Wife wasn't so bad, and was interesting getting to see a representation of her (though it's not like this is the first time the TARDIS has been able to communicate with him, though with Zagreus it was a rather different set of circumstances).

I have to agree, people here do seem to be a lot more laid back and respectful of one another. (Thank goodness.) Not clogged up with frantic Whovians that'll start a fight the moment you say something that they don't agree with. We're all individuals. We're different. And we've all got the common sense to agree to disagree and continue to like one another regardless.

In any case, just a regular round of nosing about over on and lookie what I found. Good for the lols, but I'm a more modern lady, attracted to 'the pretty'. (don't judge me.)

From Bad Librarianship Now!: Take home Dean Trippe's delightful Batman/Doctor Who team-up. (
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Take home Dean Trippe's delightful Batman/Doctor Who team-up.
You may well have seen and loved Dean Trippe's Batman/Doctor Who piece that was going gangbusters all over the internet last week: well, it's now available as a print, too. Perfect for sticking over that unsightly crack on your bedroom wall.
by Mark Kardwell at 2:36 PM

From Bad Librarianship Now! (
Monday, September 20, 2010
Remember this? Here's the sequel, of sorts.

And then, CUPCAKES FOR EVERYONE!!! (I now know what I want for my birthday this year.)

From Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Birthday Party � crunchytiger (
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Birthday Party
November 29, 2011

02-03-2012, 08:47 PM

I reckon I'm one of the few that's not overly taken with "The Doctors Wife" - Dunno what it is about Gaiman, but I always get 'an emperors new clothes' feeling about him. shrug. (That said - Suranne Jones was superb.)

(Gaiman's other-half rather nice, too. Shame she couldn't have been in it! :) )

Nobber mate, me too! I know we're in the minority. I liked it well enough - but couldn't understand the adulation. There were ideas in that script that had been bobbing about fandom for many years - the TARDIS' consciousness and human-shaped TARDISes foremost amongst them - and I can't believe Gaiman didn't soak these up at some point. And he seems to get all the credit for that.

I've read a lot of Gaiman's comics and get the same feeling. He's a very slick, capable writer who often co-opts historical or mythical figures to float many of his central themes - and those are always borrowed from other sources. He's very good with dialogue, but there's seldom anything that's outright original in his work, no new slant, nothing that reveals a hunger to communicate his own weird way of seeing the universe. He's just exceptional at picking and mixing all the right ingredients, reliable more than inspired. Arguably, there's nothing new under the sun, but hell, in that case it's the way you tell 'em then, and I always come away from his stuff feeling that it just isn't essential. I'd honestly like to know what I'm missing, what other people see that I don't.

02-03-2012, 09:32 PM
broomere, i plead the fifth...
i'm kinda lost...
teeth lie (
ax ogre ha (
deflect his horn (

02-03-2012, 09:42 PM
Blimey, these cryptic titles are starting to make my brain ache. I'm off to the zero room for a drop of whisky and a lie down

02-03-2012, 10:47 PM
And apperantly Alex Kingston isn't afraid to flaunt them either. I have a whovian friend I often hangout with and at random times he likes to search for naughty pics of actresses I fancy. A while back he showed me pics of Alex Kingston from a few movies she did.

I really hate him for it, he does this kind of thin all to often and just because he knows it makes me a tat uncomfortable. I'm just glad he can't find anything with Catherine Tate like this.

[river does have awfully nice dooo-dahhs[/spoiler][COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

I don't see any Jelly Babies, Jammie Dogers, or "ballbearings you can eat" on the table. That's just so wrong.

I have to say, although I do find the 11th Doctor's episodes good (I mean, good heavens! The Pandorica Opens left me going 'NO! DOCTOR! NOOOO!!!' when they were dragging him into the box), but I haven't truly been able to get comfortable with him. Not sure why.
Colin, Paul, David, Peter, I can get into their stories. For some reason I'm having trouble 'clicking' with the 11th Doctor. Don't hate him or anything, but it does bother me that I haven't been able to really get sucked into it like I have with the others.
The Doctor's Wife wasn't so bad, and was interesting getting to see a representation of her (though it's not like this is the first time the TARDIS has been able to communicate with him, though with Zagreus it was a rather different set of circumstances).

I have to agree, people here do seem to be a lot more laid back and respectful of one another. (Thank goodness.) Not clogged up with frantic Whovians that'll start a fight the moment you say something that they don't agree with. We're all individuals. We're different. And we've all got the common sense to agree to disagree and continue to like one another regardless.

In any case, just a regular round of nosing about over on and lookie what I found. Good for the lols, but I'm a more modern lady, attracted to 'the pretty'. (don't judge me.)

From Bad Librarianship Now!: Take home Dean Trippe's delightful Batman/Doctor Who team-up. (
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Take home Dean Trippe's delightful Batman/Doctor Who team-up.
You may well have seen and loved Dean Trippe's Batman/Doctor Who piece that was going gangbusters all over the internet last week: well, it's now available as a print, too. Perfect for sticking over that unsightly crack on your bedroom wall.
by Mark Kardwell at 2:36 PM

From Bad Librarianship Now! (
Monday, September 20, 2010
Remember this? Here's the sequel, of sorts.

And then, CUPCAKES FOR EVERYONE!!! (I now know what I want for my birthday this year.)

From Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Birthday Party � crunchytiger (
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Birthday Party
November 29, 2011

02-03-2012, 10:52 PM
For those who must see Alex Kingston, 'butt in the moonlight', there is only one movie, you need to watch; 'Essex Boys' it's not 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', but it has a story, violence and a naked Alex - aged 30ish.... [she is now approaching the early 50's :)]
Catherine Tate.....well, we just wont go there.... [***********.com, if you have to :)]

02-03-2012, 10:58 PM
For the record Iwas encoraging anything, just so we're clear on that. What have you got against CT? She's a GINGER!

For those who must see Alex Kingston, 'butt in the moonlight', there is only one movie, you need to watch; 'Essex Boys' it's not 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', but it has a story, violence and a naked Alex - aged 30ish.... [she is now approaching the early 50's :)]
Catherine Tate.....well, we just wont go there.... [***********.com, if you have to :)]

02-03-2012, 11:05 PM
Moll Flanders was Alex Kingston's best, er, outing.

As for Gingers ... tread carefully ... My Better-Half is one ...

02-03-2012, 11:38 PM
broomere, i plead the fifth...
i'm kinda lost...
teeth lie (
ax ogre ha (
deflect his horn (

Many, many thanks!

02-03-2012, 11:45 PM
Oh, and thankfully fake nudes don't count when my friend is trying to make me uncomfortable. so he can't ruin my love of catherine tate. :)

For those who must see Alex Kingston, 'butt in the moonlight', there is only one movie, you need to watch; 'Essex Boys' it's not 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', but it has a story, violence and a naked Alex - aged 30ish.... [she is now approaching the early 50's :)]
Catherine Tate.....well, we just wont go there.... [***********.com, if you have to :)]

02-03-2012, 11:51 PM
Yeah, it isn't like it hasn't been done in audio form...Zagreus, Omega...

As one who loves The Doctor's Wife I can only tell you from my point of view what I see in the episode that endears it to me. It's the interplay between the Doctor and Idris...the "I'm not your mother" and "You're not my child" lines that are SO TRUE. Validating what a few have been suspecting all along that the Tardis doesn't take the Doctor to where he wants to go because she's too busy taking him to where he needs to be. The fact that she is as batty as he is, thus making them the PERFECT COUPLE (again, IMO). The amazing, sorrowful performance Matt Smith gives in saying goodbye to her.

It had everyone in my house crying, believe you me! In my case, it's harder to find things I *don't* like about the episode. There is/was so much unexplored potential in Idris's character and so little time both in the real life limitation of episode minutes and in the whole story arch of the Doctor's life, it's hard not to mourn the "what could have beens", "ifs" and "maybes". I think there is enough speculation out there on where the character could go in one's mind to fill the whole of the Tardis.

There were ideas in that script that had been bobbing about fandom for many years - the TARDIS' consciousness and human-shaped TARDISes foremost amongst them - and I can't believe Gaiman didn't soak these up at some point. And he seems to get all the credit for that.

02-04-2012, 12:11 AM
Yeah, it isn't like it hasn't been done in audio form...Zagreus, Omega...

As one who loves The Doctor's Wife I can only tell you from my point of view what I see in the episode that endears it to me. It's the interplay between the Doctor and Idris...the "I'm not your mother" and "You're not my child" lines that are SO TRUE. Validating what a few have been suspecting all along that the Tardis doesn't take the Doctor to where he wants to go because she's too busy taking him to where he needs to be. The fact that she is as batty as he is, thus making them the PERFECT COUPLE (again, IMO). The amazing, sorrowful performance Matt Smith gives in saying goodbye to her.

It had everyone in my house crying, believe you me! In my case, it's harder to find things I *don't* like about the episode. There is/was so much unexplored potential in Idris's character and so little time both in the real life limitation of episode minutes and in the whole story arch of the Doctor's life, it's hard not to mourn the "what could have beens", "ifs" and "maybes". I think there is enough speculation out there on where the character could go in one's mind to fill the whole of the Tardis.

That's a pretty good take on it. I like to view it as proof that fanservice doesn't *have* to be bad or inaccessible, which is also what the best of the audios sort of prove, too. Someone mentioned the Six/Jamie/Land of Fiction/Cybermen/Zoe arc recently... that sounds like a bad fanfic on paper, but it's executed so well that it captivated me and my kids, who had no investment in any of those concepts (except the Cybermen). Led to us watching a slew of old Who together, as well as some films based on the literary creations who appeared in it.

Of course most blatant fanservice is pretty dreadful. Who in general seems to do better with it than most, but there are certainly some bad examples there, too.

02-04-2012, 12:22 AM
As much as I loved the interplay between 6 and Jamie, and Zoe when she appeared, I'd been far happier if the arc had been real. If they'd met properly with 6 really meeting an older Jamie. In fact - wasn't there a huge 'open door' for such a thing in one of the early Jamie CCs? "The Glorious Revolution". I think, had a Time Lord needing to access the older Jamie's memories, and an "we may need you again"-type ending?

Arguably the resurrection of Sara Kingdom is possibly the largest bit of Fanservice/wank that BF have done - and one that I can never decide if I like or not.

02-04-2012, 12:43 AM
I love that she came back as a house, though I do find her and Robert switching places a bit dubious... I have yet to listen to the Five Companions yet though.

02-04-2012, 01:00 AM
As much as I loved the interplay between 6 and Jamie, and Zoe when she appeared, I'd been far happier if the arc had been real. If they'd met properly with 6 really meeting an older Jamie. In fact - wasn't there a huge 'open door' for such a thing in one of the early Jamie CCs? "The Glorious Revolution". I think, had a Time Lord needing to access the older Jamie's memories, and an "we may need you again"-type ending?

Zoe (the older her) was real, more or less. I agree with your point mostly, though, although there was a sort of unique kind of sadness to their parting dialogue which really works better than it sounds like it would. And it almost makes the point that if the Doc doesn't then go seek out the real Jamie, he's a total ass. I suppose it's arguable that 10 saw Jamie on his farewell tour, as 11 claimed on SJA that he visited all his former companions, but that's really taking a while for the lesson to sink in. And if 6 does go to see (the real) Jamie, we'd have to hear some of the same exposition all over again. Still, I'd put up with it!

02-04-2012, 01:53 AM
I love that she came back as a house, though I do find her and Robert switching places a bit dubious... I have yet to listen to the Five Companions yet though.

I found the whole thing dubious! :) As a Sci-Fi Story it works well enough, but I'm not sure about how it works as a Who-Story.

The saving grace is her performance, which is excellent.

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

Zoe (the older her) was real, more or less. I agree with your point mostly, though, although there was a sort of unique kind of sadness to their parting dialogue which really works better than it sounds like it would. And it almost makes the point that if the Doc doesn't then go seek out the real Jamie, he's a total ass. I suppose it's arguable that 10 saw Jamie on his farewell tour, as 11 claimed on SJA that he visited all his former companions, but that's really taking a while for the lesson to sink in. And if 6 does go to see (the real) Jamie, we'd have to hear some of the same exposition all over again. Still, I'd put up with it!

I think I'm going to have to give that trilogy another re-run soon as I honestly can't really remember much about the ending.

02-04-2012, 07:43 AM
Yes... email me at [email protected], if you are in the Asia Pacific region, I am the Loose Cannon Head Dubsite, but I also send to, the US and UK if requested, if you want to deal with one of our other dubsites, [and you have had a previous falling out with Russ or Dean], and don't want to go through the LC website Request box, I can give you the email address of dubsites in your area.

** Most of the original creators of the LC recons, now work for the BBC Recon Department, LC will not break it's arrangement with the BBC, and the UK website/dubsite only does VCD copies, here I do the DVD copies as we do not recognise VCD in Australia as one of our media types. It is unlikely that there will be further stories re-mastered or issued as of 2009**

02-04-2012, 08:48 AM
** Most of the original creators of the LC recons, now work for the BBC Recon Department, LC will not break it's arrangement with the BBC, and the UK website/dubsite only does VCD copies, here I do the DVD copies as we do not recognise VCD in Australia as one of our media types. It is unlikely that there will be further stories re-mastered or issued as of 2009**

It is is such a pity most of the indivdual members of Loose Cannon are now comissioned to work on bonus features for the BBC Classic DW range (there is no BBC Recon Department) for 2/Entertain. I enjoy their stuff, don't get me wrong. The Now and Then featurettes and Looking For Peter are among the best features in the range. But they had really hit their stride with the last few LC recons, but stopped two stories short of completion - Wheel In Space and Web of Fear. If we ever get to BBC DW season DVD boxsets, I hope the Beeb will consider recons (either by LC or similar) as extras that might encourage double-dipping. The BBC's own three recons have worked really well, but perhaps they weren't successful enough releases? I understand they have refused to release animated versions of missing stories which have already been completed; Galaxy 4 and Shada are the ones I've heard of.

Re: Colin Baker's 'newer' costume. CB's costume was first updated for The Ultimate Adventure (the stage play) with hues of blue and purple in the mix, and it was a less jarring affair than the television version:

Blues do seem to suit his Doctor, particularly his more thoughtful, less bombastic and arch Big Finish Doctor. Now that we've seen a figure of 6 from his BF/animated adventure, I wonder if we'll see the updated Cybermen from this too.


02-04-2012, 01:59 PM
The BBC's own three recons have worked really well, but perhaps they weren't successful enough releases? I understand they have refused to release animated versions of missing stories which have already been completed; Galaxy 4 and Shada are the ones I've heard of.

Can't comment on Galaxy 4; but BF are involved in animating 'The Reign Of Terror' ( and Nicholas Pegg tweeted the other day that he was working on Shada DVD Information subtitles (!/NicholasPegg/status/165431781619810305)

02-04-2012, 02:18 PM
Blues do seem to suit his Doctor, particularly his more thoughtful, less bombastic and arch Big Finish Doctor. Now that we've seen a figure of 6 from his BF/animated adventure, I wonder if we'll see the updated Cybermen from this too.

True, though I have to think about that comment a few pages back. His outfit color was changed to be more appealing for the *audio adventures* ^_^U I guess it's all in what's in our imagination, huh?

02-04-2012, 08:08 PM
He didn't have blue on in Timelash.

It was first done in Reeltime.

True, though I have to think about that comment a few pages back. His outfit color was changed to be more appealing for the *audio adventures* ^_^U I guess it's all in what's in our imagination, huh?

I rather like the darker hues of blue to violet (seems a bit too dark to call it purple) on 6, rather than the sky to medium blues for him. Not sure why, but it does suit him. At least in my tiny, humble opinion.

Also, I've seen the BF blue 6th suit ever since I first started listening to 6's stories a couple years back. Just sorta assumed it was the default color of him for BF adventures and that everyone knew. O.o

02-04-2012, 08:36 PM
Maybe it was a mistake for whoever made the cover for Timelash there that he got a blue outft on the cover? O.o?

02-05-2012, 01:36 AM
Maybe they just figured the blue suit worked better on the cover, color wise. Personally, I love the coat of many colors! And the reaction it gets in The Sandman. :-D

02-05-2012, 01:52 AM
And the reaction it gets in The Sandman. :-D

Bloody hell - there's another one I've not heard in ages.

HaHa! With BF producing so many stories these days it difficult to stop and take to a breath to really appreciate what they've done! :)

02-05-2012, 02:12 AM
Out of curiosity, the Tardis Wiki claims that out of all the Short Trips that were publish by Big Finish the only ones that they recorded for audio (that weren't part of the Short Trip audio series) were "Lepidoptery for Beginners", "The Switching", and "The Little Drummer Boy".
But I know that they recorded and released "One Small Step", "Museum Peace", and "Twilight's End" as well.
Does anyone know of Big Finish recording any others?

I'm not wondering about "Moon Graffiti", "Wish You Were Here", "Vigil", "Freedom", "Model Train Set", "Glass", "Degrees of Truth", "Stop the Pigeon", "Old Flames", "Bounty", "Dead Time", or "The People's Temple" as those were BBC audio books.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

Also, I think Evelyn is possibly one of my favorite companions... after Jamie, and Leela or course. But I loved Evelyn so much. :-D

I look handsome, I look smart
I am walking work of art
Such a dazzling coat of colours
How I love my coat of many colours


I can't figure how to delete a pointless double post. :-(

02-05-2012, 03:52 AM
I look handsome, I look smart
I am walking work of art
Such a dazzling coat of colours
How I love my coat of many colours

02-05-2012, 11:14 AM

02-05-2012, 11:24 AM
This year the Monthly Series surpasses the number of stories in the Classic series ...

And with The EDAs, Lost Stories and Specials (Excelis, etc) they've already done more Who than TV has.

02-05-2012, 02:36 PM
O_O Nobber, are you serious?! Dude!! That's just awesome! Heh, goes to show fun the 'Old Doctors, Brand New Adventures' are.

02-05-2012, 03:28 PM
Does anyone have the new short trips audio stories (Neptune and Lant Land)?

I would love to hear them...

Just thought I'd ask again...I don't know if I missed them.


02-05-2012, 06:18 PM
Also, I've seen the BF blue 6th suit ever since I first started listening to 6's stories a couple years back. Just sorta assumed it was the default color of him for BF adventures and that everyone knew. O.o

Is it? I'm embarrassed to say I've never noticed it until now. I really do love the blues on him, too, though.

I wonder if this is why a variant color scheme among crafting Who fans for Tom Baker's mile-long scarf is in blues? I've never had the urge to knit one, but got interested in it and it's history when Peter Davison unraveled one of Tardis Tara's at Gallifrey last year after the convention. I kicked myself for missing that, but at least it was captured on video.

02-05-2012, 09:24 PM
Since the old one at MegaUpload is no longer on line, here's the latest version of:

MadKalnod's Doctor Who Stories Chronology - Revised and Expanded Through 02-2012 (!download|904l34|420040343|Doctor_Who_Stories_Chr onology_-_Revised_and_Expanded_02-2012.pdf|27488|R~0|0|0|RapidPro expired. (34fa3175))

Covering all of the following:
BBC Doctor Who TV episodes
BBC Torchwood TV episodes
BBC The Sarah Jane Adventures TV episodes
BBC Blake's 7 TV episodes
BBC/AudioGo Doctor Who full-cast audio dramas and audiobooks
BBC/AudioGo Torchwood full-cast audio dramas and audiobooks
BBC/AudioGo The Sarah Jane Adventures audiobooks
BBC Blake's 7 full-cast audio dramas
BBC Doctor Who webcasts and online games
Big Finish Doctor Who full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Doctor Who: Excelis full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Doctor Who: Short Trips audiobooks
Big Finish Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles audiobooks
Big Finish Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Doctor Who: The Lost Stories full-cast audio dramas and audiobooks
Big Finish Blake's 7 audiobooks
Big Finish Cyberman full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Dalek Empire full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Davros full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Gallifrey full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Iris Wildthyme full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Jago & Litefoot full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Professor Bernice Summerfield full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish Sarah Jane Smith full-cast audio dramas
Big Finish U.N.I.T. full-cast audio dramas
BBC Books Doctor Who: New Series Adventures novels
BBC Books Doctor Who: Quick Reads novellas
BBC Books Torchwood novels
BBC Books Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures novels
BBC Books Doctor Who: Past Doctor Adventures novels
BBC Books Doctor Who: Short Trips short stories
Virgin Publishing Doctor Who: The New Adventures novels
Virging Publishing New Adventures Professor Bernice Summerfield novels
Virgin Publishing Doctor Who: The Missing Adventures novels
Virgin Publishing Decalog short stories
Big Finish Professor Bernice Summerfield novels and anthologies
Big Finish Doctor Who: Short Trips short stories
Telos Publishing Doctor Who novellas
Marvel UK/Panini Doctor Who Magazine short stories
Titan Torchwood Magazine short stories
Marvel UK/Panini Doctor Who Magazine comics
Titan Torchwood Magazine comics
IDW Publishing Doctor Who comics
Other comics (Incredible Hulk Presents, Radio Times, etc.)
Other short stories (BBC Website, charity anthologies, etc.)
Other novels (Penguin Doctor Who: The Darksmith Legacy, Target Doctor Who: The Missing Episodes, etc.)
Reeltime/BBV unauthorized videos (Auton, P.R.O.B.E., etc.)
BBV Audio Adventures in Time and Space audio dramas
BBV/Magic Bullet Faction Paradox audio dramas
Magic Bullet Kaldor City audio dramas
Mad Norwegian Press/Obverse Books Faction Paradox novels and anthologies
Big Finish/Obverse Books Iris Wildthyme anthologies and novels

With illustrations by Paul Hanley, Mateen Greenway, and others

02-06-2012, 02:32 AM
Doctor Who roleplay game releases:

Cubicle 7
Main Rules
C7DWMainRules.rar 2shared - download (
Creatures & Aliens
C7DWCreaturesAliens.rar 2shared - download (

DWFASARPG.rar 2shared - download (

*Main Rules Box Set
*City Of Gold
*The Dalek Problem - A Symposium
*The Daleks
*The Iytean Menace
*The Hartlewick Horror

Timelord RPG (Main Rules & Companion)
DWTimelordRPG.rar 2shared - download (

DW Classics
DWClassics.rar 2shared - download (
#1 Timetrap
#2 Keep The Piece
#3 Mirror Of The Past
#4 The Curse Of The Amaorian Sector

Still looking for the following FASA releases:
*The Master And The Master: CIA File Extracts
*The Cybermen and Cyber Files: CIA Special Report
*The Lords of Destiny
*The Legions of Death
*The Warrior's Code

02-06-2012, 04:40 AM
Weakest Link Doctor Who Special

Doctor Who - The Weakest Link Special.part1.rar 2shared - download (

Doctor Who - The Weakest Link Special.part2.rar 2shared - download (

02-06-2012, 01:21 PM
Um... Why ARE there so many keys to the TARDIS anyway?

02-06-2012, 02:42 PM
Um... Why ARE there so many keys to the TARDIS anyway?

Because when you change your girl, it's wise to change the locks!

02-06-2012, 02:51 PM
All I can manage to say is 'dang...' I never knew there were so many.
Um... Why ARE there so many keys to the TARDIS anyway?

I always find it funny that nobody mentions the keys, until it is a BIG deal. Normally, everyone just opens the doors and walks right in. But the moment that a bad guy tries to open the doors it's "haha, you don't have the key!".

02-06-2012, 02:58 PM
I always find it funny that nobody mentions the keys, until it is a BIG deal. Normally, everyone just opens the doors and walks right in. But the moment that a bad guy tries to open the doors it's "haha, you don't have the key!".

Keys sera sera...

02-06-2012, 03:41 PM
Since the old one at MegaUpload is no longer on line, here's the latest version of:

^----- This -----^ is amazing.
Any chance of getting some info on where you got those amazing pictures?

02-06-2012, 04:10 PM
Because when you change your girl, it's wise to change the locks!
lol!! Sounds like you speak from experience.

02-06-2012, 06:17 PM
^----- This -----^ is amazing.
Any chance of getting some info on where you got those amazing pictures?


The vast majority of the illustrations are by Paul Hanley, who has a gallery at PaulHanley on deviantART (

All but one of the CGI pieces came from a fellow named Mateen Greenway, who has a who site full of Sci-Fi inspired CGI art not just for Doctor Who, but a whole host of famous SF settings.
Mateen's 3D Graphics (

Time War Montage on page 21 by Shawn Van Briesen: vanbriesen on deviantART (
Art Nouveau Amy Pond on Page 26 by Bill Mudron: The Bill Mudron Entertainment System (
TARDIS in Vortex on page 26 by Robert J. Wilson, no further info available.
Captain Jack and Gwen on page 28 by Dan Boultwood: bazazatron on deviantART (
Kaldor City Voc Robot on page 37 by Danielle Ellison: thecosmicdancer on deviantART (

02-06-2012, 06:22 PM

Thank you so much! :)

02-07-2012, 12:36 AM
Maybe it was a mistake for whoever made the cover for Timelash there that he got a blue outft on the cover? O.o?

He's not wearing a blue coat, it's the lighting in the image creating a tint. The blown up version of the image is clearer.

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------

it appears that one of my prior posts may have been 'cursed'


a scud for servo (


Sorry, been away from the thread for a while, why are we re-arranging the titles?

02-07-2012, 12:51 AM
Sorry, been away from the thread for a while, why are we re-arranging the titles?

Have a read back through the thread .. we're trying to not have quite so many links pulled.

02-07-2012, 01:56 AM
Maybelogic23, Ah, I see. ~*tilts head to the side and looks a bigger version of the pic*~

. . . tint or not, he still looks better in that rather than rainbow-covered.

02-07-2012, 01:57 AM
Interesting bit of news from BF!

Wonder if they'll move it all back to Gallifrey-Proper or continue that damn awful Divergent-Arc-Lite that G4 gave us?

02-07-2012, 03:05 AM
They have to bring it back to the normal universe by the end of it, or at least Leela, as she was back there in the Companion Chronicles. I know this, because
she turned into the time vampire her younger self met.

02-07-2012, 03:20 AM
Nobber, thanks for sharing, and Catt42, that's a good point. At some time things have to start going in that direction... to make everything make sense in the end, right?

Also, could someone please tell me what episode this is from? It just caught my eye and it's been driving me nuts that I don't know.

02-07-2012, 03:36 AM
Nobber, thanks for sharing, and Catt42, that's a good point. At some time things have to start going in that direction... to make everything make sense in the end, right?

Also, could someone please tell me what episode this is from? It just caught my eye and it's been driving me nuts that I don't know.

My pleasure. I certainly agree that they should bring them back to "reality", but Gary Russell does like his 'alternate universe' approach to stories. (And ditto goes for the the Summerfield range)

EDIT TO ADD - And I bet that it ends on a "You May THINK It's A Cliffhanger Because It Meets Each And Every Dramatic Trope To Apply To A Cliffhanger, But It's Really Not Honest" in the same way that G3 did.


I *THINK* that snap is from Mawdryn Undead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( but it's been a while since I watched any 5th Stories.


And, apropos of nothing, but there's a few gamers here (and, erm, people that like cute redheads), so I thought I'd recommend the brilliant web-series The Guild - The Guild - a web series about gamers (

02-07-2012, 03:38 AM
This has probably been asked a couple of times, and answered many times, but I can't seem to find the answer or (possibly crack the code). But has BF154 The witch from the well and BF155 Army of Death been released yet? And if so where could I possibly find the links?

Also I have most of the eighth doctor audios, plus the Virgin New Adventures, and Eighth doctor novels. I plan on uploading the first, and if anyone's interested I will upload the latter two. Cheers! n.n

02-07-2012, 03:58 AM
...But has BF154 The witch from the well and BF155 Army of Death been released yet?...

The Witch from the Well, Army of Death, and The Curse of Davros have been released. I'd scan back through the thread for possible links, though they might be dead, or check out places where you can obtain torrents. Possibly a demonic site, or piratical one?

My pleasure. I certainly agree that they should bring them back to "reality", but Gary Russell does like his 'alternate universe' approach to stories. (And ditto goes for the the Summerfield range)

Now here's something I've been wondering, Gallifrey IV seems to imply that the Benny stuff is all alternate universe, and while there were some main range stuff involving Benny that were "sidesteps" (ie AU), but the Company of Friends, the Excelis Saga, and The Criminal Code seem to imply that she exists in the normal universe, which would imply that Braxiatel made it back to the normal universe?

You know what? The last great Time War. The answer is always the last great Time War. Any continuity mistakes? The last great Time War did it.

02-07-2012, 04:13 AM
Thank you Nobber!

02-07-2012, 04:15 AM
Can't remember the details of CoF:Benny but I think there's a bit that confirms it's set whilst she's still got Peter around and with The Braxietel collection. (I may be wrong on this), but the whole of her stuff since S11 has been 'alternate' in-so-far-as Earth-isn't-Earth etc -

But, in honesty - I've sort of given up on the character and her story since about S10 when I felt the whole Brax arc was 'resolved' with a bit of hand-waving and some alien-future-threat that felt horribly drop-kicked-retconed. And the whole restart/reboot to "get new listeners" just feels like a swatch of changes for the sake of change and not by drawing a neat line under the previous 10 series. It's late, I'm tired, and not feeling particularly eloquent, but when I think of S9 - > Epoch it all feels just so much of a mess. Shame, really, as there was some damn good stuff in previous years.

02-07-2012, 05:56 AM
I *THINK* that snap is from Mawdryn Undead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( but it's been a while since I watched any 5th Stories.
It is indeed. Which reminds me, I'm surprised that nobody's yet deployed the very best anagram for the actor who played the fifth Codrot: "Davros Pee-Tin".

While I'm at it, might I request Mr. Pee-Tin's Spring 2011 stories from the regular monthly line? I'm on a bit of a tear here.

02-07-2012, 05:05 PM
any sign of The Twin Dilemma audiobook anywhere?

02-08-2012, 04:50 AM
Broomere, I can honestly say I haven't heard of that yet but pfft ~*snicker*~ no comment from me.

02-08-2012, 11:25 AM
Hi, I can't seem to download anything from the links Smeltar. I press download but the only thing that happens is that it goes back to the first page, an endless cycle.

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 AM ----------

Hi I can't seem to be able to download anything from your links. It just goes back to the first page.

---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 AM ----------

oops XP sorry about the double post, I'm new to the forum and takes a while to get used to it.

02-08-2012, 02:05 PM

02-08-2012, 08:03 PM
Has the play about a 'man who would be quite good at art and science' yet been posted?

02-08-2012, 09:14 PM
Does anyone have the pass for 'So Curves a Ford'? The rar doesn't want to unpack without one.

02-08-2012, 09:40 PM
Use the name of the person that posted the .rar file. ^_^

02-09-2012, 02:45 AM
Dunno if this is really news or not, but just noticed that a heck of a lot of the Classic Series TV stories are now available for (generally) less than a �5 on iTunes (such as iTunes - TV Programmes - Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin (

Have to say, that's pretty good VFM. May even tempt me to, er, make some of my copies legitimate.

02-09-2012, 04:10 AM

Alchemists of Sound - BBC Radiophonic Workshop TV Documentary

Alchemists_Of_Sound_-_BBC_Radiophonic_Workshop.part1.rar 2shared - download (
Alchemists_Of_Sound_-_BBC_Radiophonic_Workshop.part2.rar 2shared - download (
Alchemists_Of_Sound_-_BBC_Radiophonic_Workshop.part3.rar 2shared - download (
Alchemists_Of_Sound_-_BBC_Radiophonic_Workshop.part4.rar 2shared - download (

Hopefully, everything works

02-09-2012, 04:51 AM
dx121 - beyond awesome!

02-09-2012, 06:23 AM
re: timelines
I always go with Iris Wildthyme's version.
found at: Yahoo! Groups (

Hi all,

We've just started discussing Iris' convoluted personal timeline in the Iris group and I wondered if anyone here could shed any light.

My own timeline for Iris goes likes this :

Iris as Edith Wharton
Iris' mother abandons her and runs off with an off-worlder and she is raised in a matriarchy with her older 'Aunts' in a Gallifreyan House in the mountains of southern Gallifrey . When her Aunts all die and she is left alone she goes to the Capitol to ask to become a Time Lady but is rejected. En route she finds her TARDIS dying in the wilderness. (Scarlet Empress) A later incarnation describes this original version as a 'very old, haughty looking woman'
("Entertaining Mr O"). Iris (possibly) first appears in print in Marked for Life where she ends up turned into a baby and, less probably, in the short story 'Patient Iris' where she dies. These are from an alternative Universe, perhaps?

Iris as Shirley Bassey
Iris under the name of Brenda Soobie, the 'Scots Caribbean songstress" who sings 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles in 1960 and drives a big red bus. This takes place in the post Ancestor Cell Timeline and thus Iris as Brenda survived that particular holocaust (Mad Dogs and Englishmenis )

Iris with a long white braid
Mentioned by the Doctor as a previous incarnation (from his POV) in Scarlet Empress.

An unseen Iris incarnation would fit in either here or prior to the braided Iris.

Iris as Beryl Reid
This incarnation lives for a long time (outliving 5 Doctors according to SE) and appears in the short stories "Old Flames", "Entertaining Mr O" and "Being An Extract from the Adventures of Iris Wildthyme on Neptune". this is her 5th incarnation according to SE. She does make it to a full-scale novel in Verdigris and then in Scarlet Empress, she regenerates into...

Iris as Jane Fonda/Barbarella
This incarnation of Iris appears in the short stories "Femme Fatale" and "Iris Explains", and in the novel The Blue Angel. Sarah Jane Smith interviews Iris whilst she is working as UNIT's Scientific Advisor in Interference (confirmed in "Entertaining Mr O").

Iris as Gracie Fields (but with a drink problem)
This mancunian incarnation appears in Excelis Dawns, The Plague Herds of Excelis and The Wormery. She mentions her previous life as a singer (MD and E).

Iris as Marlene Dietrich
Final incarnation of Iris from the Wormery.

Iris appears to live her life out of synch with the rest of Gallifrey which does confuse matters further.

Any views?


02-09-2012, 01:20 PM

02-09-2012, 01:30 PM
dx121 - beyond awesome!
*^_^* Thanks.

02-09-2012, 04:09 PM
Couldn't stand the first Iris series, but the second was far better.

Officially, of course, you can't tie Iris to Gallifrey at all - � Guide (

02-09-2012, 05:19 PM
have all the links gone? anyone got new ones

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

any one got new links?

---------- Post added at 10:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

any one got new links?

02-09-2012, 06:12 PM
Fall, have you tried any of the links on the most recent pages? And, as for new links, start from this page and go back. ^_^U They're impossible to NOT see.

Good luck.