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  1. Is numerology all that good? (15 replies)
  2. Release date (5 replies)
  3. Disconnect between story and endgame quests (5 replies)
  4. I finally pwned yiazmat. :) (2 replies)
  5. Just got it (31 replies)
  6. getting zodiac spear in the necrohol (22 replies)
  7. Best Weapon (14 replies)
  8. Whats the use of the canopic jar? (4 replies)
  9. About my level.... (24 replies)
  10. final fantasy xii STAND (14 replies)
  11. Balthier :@ (5 replies)
  12. Where should I level up after Lv. 75 (20 replies)
  13. Preparation for zodiark fight (10 replies)
  14. Do you need help with rare game hunt?? (1 replies)
  15. WTF?!?!?!?!?!? (13 replies)
  16. BOSSES (18 replies)
  17. My thoughts on FF12 (15 replies)
  18. revenant Wings (5 replies)
  19. Should You Put Sleep Higher On Your Gambit List?? (1 replies)
  20. Elder Wyrm (4 replies)
  21. Gil question (12 replies)
  22. The Tournesol (34 replies)
  23. Where the hell is Fenrir (5 replies)
  24. Which is your best type of weapon? (21 replies)
  25. Barhiem Passage Question (3 replies)
  26. Difficulty (14 replies)
  27. Phew... (2 replies)
  28. OMEGA MARK 12 WONT ATTACK ME (6 replies)
  29. gambit bug? (2 replies)
  30. Gambit Weirdness, plz help. (7 replies)
  31. I'm working hard right now to finish this game with (nearly) 100% sidequests (1 replies)
  32. lv. 99 white chocobo? (1 replies)
  33. Favorite FF (4 replies)
  34. Help D: (10 replies)
  35. Ashe, Penelo, or Fran? (15 replies)
  36. I'm playing again today after three months absence! (4 replies)
  37. Ending Question (Possible Spoilers) (11 replies)
  38. Finding Certain Gambits (5 replies)
  39. penelo magicks (1 replies)
  40. XII? Play X as well! (19 replies)
  41. Problems with playing FF XII RW (Emu) (8 replies)
  42. In Need Of Help (16 replies)
  43. Sagittarius Help (28 replies)
  44. Playing Tactically (11 replies)
  45. Revenant Wings Question (0 replies)
  46. Quick question about Gambits (1 replies)
  47. What loot shouldn't you sell? (12 replies)
  48. Question for anyone, specially experianced players (40 replies)
  49. The fishing mini game. (1 replies)
  50. Silver liquid (7 replies)
  51. F'd selling Great Serpent Skin (5 replies)
  52. Fave Character poll (233 replies)
  53. Esper&Quickening usage (15 replies)
  54. Something I've wondered... (3 replies)
  55. Gambits: On or Off? (27 replies)
  56. Help finding Roh'kenmou (6 replies)
  57. FFXII: Theme Song? (1 replies)
  58. Help in the SHrine of Miriam, and other general questions (8 replies)
  59. magic pots (4 replies)
  60. Final Fantasy XII Riddles (29 replies)
  61. Ashe (5 replies)
  62. gain gil quickly??? (26 replies)
  63. ??? on characters (6 replies)
  64. about how long is this game? (13 replies)
  65. Anything I need to know? (19 replies)
  66. Help~~! (1 replies)
  67. Pharos subterra (2 replies)
  68. Dragon scale? (7 replies)
  69. Cluckatrice (29 replies)
  70. Fishing Nebra River (9 replies)
  71. omega mark XII.... (34 replies)
  72. Who wants to be an FFXII Gillionaire? (16 replies)
  73. Zodiac Spear....? (4 replies)
  74. Gil / LP strategy! (8 replies)
  75. Help with Tyrant Boss fight!! :( :( :( :( :( :( (3 replies)
  76. useful tip for noobs (1 replies)
  77. Style out of hand!!!!! (25 replies)
  78. creature on giza plains (11 replies)
  79. Zodiac Spear (2 replies)
  80. Just played FF9 a bit (3 replies)
  81. Umm... (9 replies)
  82. A couple of questions (3 replies)
  83. Was FFXII truly ready for release? (45 replies)
  84. What Characters Do You Use? (56 replies)
  85. zodiac spear (4 replies)
  86. Will someone help me? (3 replies)
  87. Quickie Question (8 replies)
  88. Why FFXII Is not Great (68 replies)
  89. n00b question... (4 replies)
  90. my opinion, and a little help please! (18 replies)
  91. Best Selection Soundtrack (3 replies)
  92. Nabudis (5 replies)
  93. Frustrated. Need help. (8 replies)
  94. So ive Decided to Go get The Zodiac Spear From H.Mines (4 replies)
  95. Okay im confussed with Cid **SPOILERS** (10 replies)
  96. michael jackson noses (29 replies)
  97. Worst Final Fantasy XII Review EVAR! (12 replies)
  98. Vaan stuck with silence! WHY, WHY!? (4 replies)
  99. This may sound stupid but..... (7 replies)
  100. Taking down the "king" (5 replies)
  101. final fantasy 12 really reminds me of... (4 replies)
  102. Special Edition Guide (47 replies)
  103. About the Giza Plains... (3 replies)
  104. hello im stuck in that desert town (26 replies)
  105. The ending (29 replies)
  106. My Balthier doesnt have any mp is this a bug? (6 replies)
  107. Whats wrong with Vaan? (6 replies)
  108. Graphic Issue. (16 replies)
  109. u have progressed so much in ffxii... (15 replies)
  110. FFXII Pics (0 replies)
  111. FFXII short review. (12 replies)
  112. How far through am i? (17 replies)
  113. Who should i give Belias too? (8 replies)
  114. This game is HUGE!!!!! (12 replies)
  115. Y have they done this (10 replies)
  116. Boring (2 replies)
  117. FFXII Boss Help (27 replies)
  118. The Cut Scenes (4 replies)
  119. wat u think of FFXII? i've got issues with it (16 replies)
  120. Few Things to ask...... (5 replies)
  121. Finally here, and not half bad... (98 replies)
  122. Weird Glitch While Fighting Yiazmat (6 replies)
  123. Coming soon to a game shop Near You (UK ONLY) (28 replies)
  124. No menu access? (18 replies)
  125. Rumor about FFXII being unplayable... (14 replies)
  126. STILSHRINE OF MIRIAM (8 replies)
  127. Is it just me or FFXII doesn't seem like a FF game (42 replies)
  128. battery mimics (21 replies)
  129. The Highest Clan Rank (Possible Spoilers) (47 replies)
  130. So the story.... (27 replies)
  131. Rain season wont come up (14 replies)
  132. Cant find the wind globe (9 replies)
  133. where to go (36 replies)
  134. zodiark got his ass kicked (22 replies)
  135. Which party should i go with (35 replies)
  136. Question about characters (9 replies)
  137. Question about Deathscythe's Location (9 replies)
  138. Trigger happy (1 replies)
  139. Which areas are/n't Jagd? (11 replies)
  140. zodiark (12 replies)
  141. any extra help? (3 replies)
  142. Vaan MP will not replenish (6 replies)
  143. Al-Cid (42 replies)
  144. Mardu Entite (13 replies)
  145. The Strahl (10 replies)
  146. i HATE Belias (6 replies)
  147. Favorite Judge and Why? (Spoilers) (14 replies)
  148. Hell Wyrm Defeated (9 replies)
  149. Reddas's Swords (0 replies)
  150. Overleveled Like Woah (12 replies)
  151. espers?? (12 replies)
  152. Ultima (4 replies)
  153. Soul of Thamasa (7 replies)
  154. Final Fantasy 12 romance (76 replies)
  155. EazymoneY??? (3 replies)
  156. Side quest? (1 replies)
  157. Ixion need help (5 replies)
  158. StillShrine Help PLEASE!!! (4 replies)
  159. IGN's FF evolution leading to FF12 (0 replies)
  160. Final Fantasy XII Forum Charter (11 replies)
  161. Final Fantasy 12 European Extras? (0 replies)
  162. Colossal Gate (Effaced Ruin) in Feywood (5 replies)
  163. Whats going on with my mp gage? (4 replies)
  164. Favorite Locations (21 replies)
  165. Tanking (34 replies)
  166. Is FFXII Violent (7 replies)
  167. Money trouble (4 replies)
  168. Chest respawn? (8 replies)
  169. Esper Assignments (0 replies)
  170. fafnir (13 replies)
  171. About Party Leveling (13 replies)
  172. A real criticism thread (157 replies)
  173. Getting Zodiac spear even if chests were opened (90 replies)
  174. flaws (1 replies)
  175. EXP farming, later in the game (1 replies)
  176. i need heeelp please (38 replies)
  177. xii collectors edition (uk) (1 replies)
  178. strongest esper (7 replies)
  179. treasure chest items (5 replies)
  180. Some thoughts on Espers... (27 replies)
  181. Negalmuur help (6 replies)
  182. What do your characters do? (17 replies)
  183. High Arcana Drops (18 replies)
  184. Dumb questions about tanking and classes (23 replies)
  185. Can you ever buy motes? (3 replies)
  186. Grand Armor (4 replies)
  187. Key Items (5 replies)
  188. Where do I find Masamune ? (2 replies)
  189. Where to level (19 replies)
  190. Sochen Cave Palace/Mirror of the soul (8 replies)
  191. Formalhaut in Lhusu Mines? (15 replies)
  192. Ether (38 replies)
  193. Bunny Tails (0 replies)
  194. Masamune and Genji Gear (7 replies)
  195. So....Yiazmat... (101 replies)
  196. Qiuck Question about world map (1 replies)
  197. I need help getting Ultima Blade!!! (14 replies)
  198. Vayne Solidor (Major Spoilers) (5 replies)
  199. Techniks, love em or hate em (18 replies)
  200. Wyrmhero Sword (21 replies)
  201. Lend some advice... I'll mail some pine chops! (10 replies)
  202. Zodiark *spoilers* (8 replies)
  203. Final Fantasy Collector's Edition?? (12 replies)
  204. auto leveling rocks! (2 replies)
  205. Stats Report (3 replies)
  206. Need Help With Money!!! (29 replies)
  207. NO NEED FI=== (8 replies)
  208. I NEED FI-- (0 replies)
  209. I NEED FI- (7 replies)
  210. Boss trouble (24 replies)
  211. The Power You Must Relinquish (Spoiler-Free) (3 replies)
  212. Gil Snapper won't appear -,- (15 replies)
  213. Change chars' menu position possible? (1 replies)
  214. Why would anyone.....? (7 replies)
  215. The Chain-Levels Thread (10 replies)
  216. 99 lv. chocobo (46 replies)
  217. Question for all (23 replies)
  218. The thread I was looking for last week....... (3 replies)
  219. Weapon atk, dmg and char level's relationship (0 replies)
  220. Most disappointing thing? (19 replies)
  221. International Man of Mystery (Major, Major Spoilers) (36 replies)
  222. I Feel Like... (11 replies)
  223. problem (3 replies)
  224. using espers (7 replies)
  225. guns/levels/classes (9 replies)
  226. FFXII Speed Run -- *** Completed!!! *** (111 replies)
  227. Another FFvii title coming soon... (33 replies)
  228. Any hunters here besides me? (39 replies)
  229. Keeping your starting weapons? (0 replies)
  230. Gate Crystals (18 replies)
  231. Final Fantasy XII v. Kingdom Hearts Combat (27 replies)
  232. First, thank you all. Now for the issue.... (9 replies)
  233. The Hunter Stalker (Possible Spoilers) (2 replies)
  234. Those little things you'd never notice... (1 replies)
  235. Morbid Urn (9 replies)
  236. Esper question (10 replies)
  237. Most annoying type of enemy.... (12 replies)
  238. Non-Existant Weapon? (2 replies)
  239. The Hunt Club (0 replies)
  240. Ultima Esper *spoilers* (7 replies)
  241. Favorite Esper (Possible Spoilers I Guess) (6 replies)
  242. Vanish/Vanishaga (6 replies)
  243. The Quickenings Thread (49 replies)
  244. Cautionary or Risktaker? (5 replies)
  245. Fafnir Mark (3 replies)
  246. Gil Snapper Mark (2 replies)
  247. Vorpal Bunny (8 replies)
  248. Most Gripping Part of the Game *MAJOR SPOILERS* (2 replies)
  249. Where to find Aekom? (3 replies)
  250. Which Main/Hero Character is Vaan Most Like? (Possible Spoilers for Multiple FFs) (8 replies)