04-10-2007, 03:31 AM

I am at the Tyrant boss fight, and having a really difficult time taking this guy on.

My characters, Vaan, Basch, and Fran are level 40, the rest are like around 32.

I tried using the 3 highest (its my most common used combination), but I can hardly do any damage to the freak. And the Tyrant can basically beat my characters in TWO HITS! thats all it takes, 2 hits. Its ridiculous, how do you beat something that can kill you in 2/3 hits?

Maybe I don't have good armor? I thought I bought the best available at Balfonheim Port.

Can any of you help or make suggestions of what to do during the battle? All my characters have quickening. 4 of the characters have 3 quickening, 1 character has 2, and 1 character has 1.

04-10-2007, 04:54 PM
Well one is simiply Level up 10 or so levels pretty easy to do.
Second is go on Hunts helps with Lp and Exp as well as give you better stuff then what you can get normal Game play.
Third is Bazaar for Better equips and a bit easier then hunts sometimes.

Now first check your armor Best avabile isn't always just for Heavy hitters Heavy armor is better or if you need more health Light armor. Check what you can equip on the Lp board then what you have. Same goes for weapons and spells.

A good stragety is to cast Protect on your characters and DISPEL on Tyrant he has Stat boosters I think it was. Also spread your characters out if you have them all close range werapon put one on Long range weapon it helps break up your characters preventing group kills. Put in gambits ALLY Any Phoenix Down at the very top of the List for all characters even Team leader not Life but Phoenix down its faster by a wide margin Second on the List should be Ally 60% less health Curja it will really help keep you alive.

Also just checked you are 3 levels to 11 below Tyrant who is Level 43 level up to Level 45 or so to make the fight an easy win. Also next time you ask for help Q&A thread is the place for it and Say where you are I thought you were in Pharos because I forgot about tyrant in Giruvegan so have the Location would have helped me help you faster.

04-15-2007, 06:00 AM

I am at the Tyrant boss fight, and having a really difficult time taking this guy on.

My characters, Vaan, Basch, and Fran are level 40, the rest are like around 32.

I tried using the 3 highest (its my most common used combination), but I can hardly do any damage to the freak. And the Tyrant can basically beat my characters in TWO HITS! thats all it takes, 2 hits. Its ridiculous, how do you beat something that can kill you in 2/3 hits?

Maybe I don't have good armor? I thought I bought the best available at Balfonheim Port.

Can any of you help or make suggestions of what to do during the battle? All my characters have quickening. 4 of the characters have 3 quickening, 1 character has 2, and 1 character has 1.
If u need to level up, there is a merchant outside the door to Sochen Cave Palace in Old Archades (if ur up to there) who sells Embroidered Tippets. These get u double EXP for quick leveling. Once ur around 45 for everyone, you can kill him easy. I was 65 and killed him in 4 hits. Super fun!

04-15-2007, 11:50 AM
all i did was keep one healer nd beserk nd hatse the other two damage dealers and u could also knock a few hp off if ur reserve team has all their quickenings nd try to use ark blast luminesence or black hole before they die