Just Whatever
12-30-2006, 09:11 AM
I've noticed a couple of things that you can get that turn good things bad. Nihopalaoa turns potion to poison, and the ensanguined shield actually poisons, slows and HP saps you. Am I missing something? I get that maybe someone would want to poison an enemy using an item rather than a spell, but why spend 90LP on a shield that will slow you down while killing you?

12-30-2006, 12:25 PM
Im not to sure but if you cast reverse on a character the sheild with poison and sap may have the same effect as regen and slow will be haste, but im not sure will have to try.

No doesnt work if you cast reverse on a character when the poison takes its first hit the reverse status dissapeers but the poison doesnt take any hp of.

If you equip a ribbon this would probably stop the negative effects and still give the high stats the sheild has. Or if you equip renewing morion it would help against poison, hermes sandals would help against slow and quasimodo boots would help against sap. Obviously you cant equip 2 accessorys so would have to choose 1 or the other. It might work eh?

12-30-2006, 03:39 PM
yeah, what about the firefly accessory? why would anyone not want to recieve exp points? lame.

12-30-2006, 04:11 PM
yeah, what about the firefly accessory? why would anyone not want to recieve exp points? lame.

It's a trade off with the firefly - you get a +2 strength bonus when equipped. I guess it would be used while fighting boss-type enemies (only provides LP) early in the game if the rest of your accessories are no good.

12-30-2006, 06:11 PM
Hmm. This reminds me of the Cursed Shield in FFVI, that eventually turned into the Paladin Shield. But this one doesn't turn into anything else?

The Firefly --- some players like to play low-level games. The Firefly can help with that.

12-30-2006, 06:23 PM
I've noticed a couple of things that you can get that turn good things bad. Nihopalaoa turns potion to poison, and the ensanguined shield actually poisons, slows and HP saps you. Am I missing something? I get that maybe someone would want to poison an enemy using an item rather than a spell, but why spend 90LP on a shield that will slow you down while killing you?

Nihopalaoa: because items have near-zero charge times; in fact, Item use is faster than the Attack command (very odd). Translation: bomb time. Potions are not the thing to be throwing while wearing that accessory. Throw the good stuff. The problem is finding these more appropriate items and maintaining a good stock of them. If you're using a cheat peripheral, however, I think you coud set a Gambit "Foe - nearest --> Elixir" with that thing on (and infinite Elixirs, obviously, or perhaps even infinite Phoenix Downs) for insta-kills (I ought to try that on a boss to see if it works...). At first, I thought it set up a permanent Reverse status, so when I actually tried it I was also initially disappointed.

Ensanguined Shield: because its evade rate is ridiculous. Ribbon doesn't help remove the effects; however, no one said you had to keep it on 24/7. When the enemy winds up (if it's a great enough threat), open the camp menu, strap it on, wait for the enemy attack to resolve (most likely you'll block it), and then take it off. The conditions it inflicts (particularly Sap) make it good for creating extremely specific Reverse gambits. I do agree the penalties for using it are a bit harsh, though.

The Firefly is a mock-up, plot reward item (kinda like the Dawn Shard). I don't think you're supposed to actually wear it.

Just Whatever
12-30-2006, 11:02 PM
Yeah, I never thought of any of that. The firefly though, maybe to stop leveling at a certain number to avoid say.... level 4 break or level 2 sleep?

12-31-2006, 06:04 AM
That's as good a reason as any, I suppose.