07-15-2007, 08:01 PM
Hello!! I am Gerard-Blaize! This is the first big forum I've been on! :D On with the topic....

On the safety manual for the p.s.2 it states "take a 15 minute break for every hour of game play" or something to that effect. I love Final Fantasy and most of them get me hooked. I often find myself playing FFXII from 11pm to 4am and then trying to access my own gambit list and putting "sleep" above "play FFXII 'til your eyes bleed". I hate getting up at 2pm and finding that the day is gone. So my question is....

Should there be a message every hour saying take a break???

I put this under FFXII because its more like the newish wave of hyper addictive games such as W.o.W. They could tweak it so that it appears after an hour of constant game play, or so that it won't appear until after a lengthy cut scene or boss battle.

Again, this isn't in general gaming discussion because I've never had a problem with taking breaks in previous FF titles. A simple on-screen message every hour is far more effective than a warning in a manual, right?

Well, that's 15 minutes. On with FFXII...

Safer Roco
07-16-2007, 05:08 AM
they say that with everygame

and no most people would ignore it