02-26-2007, 10:36 AM
Ok i have just got to the start of traveling to Rockwalls tomb, So i dont think im that far through,
But i love this game i beleive it is one of the best FF games released although it is FF9 in story line terms I think this game is awesome!

Oh and hi i am new and this is my first post!

02-26-2007, 01:52 PM
Welcome, I hope you will continue posting on the Shrine :)

02-26-2007, 02:37 PM
So what are you in one of the sandseas right now?

02-26-2007, 05:49 PM
Yeah i was in the sandsea (first one you get attacked by the Things on fish (dont know what there called) But i got owned there So ive taken some time off to train and do some hunts.

02-26-2007, 07:11 PM
Just for the record, you're still very early in the game. If you're getting whipped, taking some time off to train is definitely a good idea. After all, it's not like there's any penalty for it or anything.

02-26-2007, 09:39 PM
Welcome to FFshrine! What I am about to post is all the specific areas you visit in order, throughout the game. This does not include any sidequests. There are 9 different "campaigns" and I will list all 9 of them, with all specific locations you visit in each. This will give you a little bit of an idea. This list I will give does not spoil the story I believe. If you want the answer to the question, view my list. Moderator, I am unable to get a spoiler tag to work, I am confused, maybe my message was too long? I got it from here...

1st campaign:
1. Nalbina Fortress
2nd campaign:
2. Rabanastre
3. Dalmasca Estersand
4. Rabanastre
5. Lowtown
6. Giza Plains
7. Garamsythe Waterway
8. Royal Palace
9. Garamsythe Waterway
10. Nalbina Dungeons
11. Barheim Passage
12. Dalmasca Estersand
3rd campaign:
13. Rabanastre
14. Bhujerba
15. The Lhusu Mines
16. Bhujerba
17. The Leviathan
4th campaign:
18. Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
19. Nam-Yensa Sandsea
20. The Tomb of Raithwall
21. The Shiva
5th campaign:
22. Rabanastre
23. Giza Plains
24. Ozmone Plain
25. Jahara
26. Golmore Jungle
27. Eruyt Village
28. The Henne Mines
29. Golmore Jungle
30. Mt Bur-Omisace
31. Paramina Rift
32. The Stilshrine of Miriam
33. Mt Bur-Omisace
6th campaign:
34. Mosphoran Highwaste
35. The Salikawood
36. The Phon Coast
37. Tchita Uplands
38. Sochen Cave Palace
39. Old Archades
40. Archades
41. Draklor Laboratory
7th campaign:
42. Balfonheim Port
43. Feywood
44. Giruvegan
8th campaign:
45. Balfonheim Port
46. Ridorana Cataract
47. Pharos
9th campaign:
48. Balfonheim Port
49. Bahamut

02-26-2007, 11:03 PM
Wow, interesting breakdown. I'm about to do #32. I've been playing for 3 months to get there. Whereas, Ultimadream is at #29 within a week.

Hehe :-P

02-26-2007, 11:28 PM

02-27-2007, 02:16 AM
"Campaigns," huh? That's an interesting way of structuring the game and makes perfect sense.

Spoiler-tagging does not work on these boards, never has, as mentioned in another thread here recently. Direct-linking to FAQs at GameFAQs doesn't work either --- they have blocking software in place.

02-28-2007, 09:23 PM
Not even a week! well im only 19 hours into the game to my suprise that seems like over half of the game........this concerns me,my characters are levels 18 -21 im now about to go to the The Henne Mines are there any sidequests i can do at this point?

(Also if it is 1/2 way i do hope the story gets very dramatic soon,like on FF8 when theres the Garden battle or at the end of disc one the plan t assasinate edea,or on ff9 the fight with beatrix at the end of disc one or on final fantasy 7 the shirna building, fights with jenova.)

yea it was pretty easy to get far in the game i thought. it took me like a week and a half to get beat the main storyline. Now im aiming to go and finish all the hunts and other side quests.

And i don't want to give away anything but i think that you'll be pleased with how the story unfolds.

02-28-2007, 09:47 PM
I finished #48 and will do #49 next of the main story. But before that I have about 40 more hours of sidequests to do! Besides this I am playing Rogue Galaxy at the same time. I believe that game has 40/80 hours depending on how much sidequests you do. I am 13 hours into the game and just started Chapter 6 or 13. :)

The 5th campaign and the 6th campaign are the longest I think. The 6th campaign seems to take forever to finish!

Just wait until you get to The Ridorana Cataract and The Pharos. The FMV's of the arrival and getting there will be one of the best things you will ever see in a video game.

03-01-2007, 12:39 AM
Im at #34 and my main three characters are at lvl 31-32, is that a good level for being this far in the game?

03-01-2007, 12:45 AM
although it is FF9 in story line terms

How? could you explain?

03-01-2007, 01:29 AM
Well, I always though it was more FFVI. Although there are FFIX resemblances --- namely the princess battling to reclaim her kingdom. But I really got more of a VI vibe than IX. The summons are tied a lot more closely to the plot in IX. Also, IX's main character is a lot different. Whereas VI has more of a XII feel in that although you're required to use Vaan in towns, it's like VI in that there really is no one character that can be strongly called the "main" character.

03-01-2007, 06:22 AM
I would be at 44 then, with characters around level 40. What a shock to find that I'm almost done with the plot of the game.

03-01-2007, 06:33 AM
Yeah, you're nearly there, but don't think you're done just yet. The Pharos takes a fair while to climb and Giruvegan will take up a while as well. But you're on the home-stretch, for sure.

03-05-2007, 10:13 PM
The Pharos was insane! It took 7 hours to complete it, and there is still more to come back for later. It was pretty great though. Anyways, I'm currently doing the Nabreus Medal sidequests. I recently did 8 clan hunts and tried to get the secret esper in Garamsythe Waterway but got killed off. I haven't had time to play in the past few days. Also I'm playing Rogue Galaxy. I got until May 18th(?) when Mass Effect and June 1st when Blue Dragon comes out to beat these two games and Alundra 1. :)

03-05-2007, 10:23 PM
It took you 7 hours to get through the Paharos? It only took like 2-3 for me. Did you decide to take some time to do some extra training?