pagan pride
01-24-2007, 09:51 PM
can i level up/strengthen my weak ass espers?

01-24-2007, 10:38 PM
the espers level up with you characters, i'm not sure if it's your current party's level or your entire partys average but they never end up really getting very good, especially not against bosses.

pagan pride
01-25-2007, 09:05 PM
thanks you guys,.but that sucks!! the best part about final fantasy has always been summons,.. now they come out,like they're all hardcore,& die just as furious,.with no room to whoop ass,.. i thought there was some way,to like take them to the f.f. gym, work out a bit,.then teach them how to grow a set,.maybe counciling for summons<<<too silly<< whatever,thanks again though,..

(Agent0042: What I do outside of this site is my business, I wouldn't expect some moron who can barely type to understand. If you don't like, it tough.)

the espers level up with you characters, i'm not sure if it's your current party's level or your entire partys average but they never end up really getting very good, especially not against bosses.

01-25-2007, 11:31 PM
there is only one way to make a few of them useful. You have to set them up so that they're final attack triggers immediately, that makes them work more like past final fantasy games where they came in and just did one big hit. I'll list a few for you to get started here, Hashmaal-summoner's hp <10%, Exodus- summon time less than 10 seconds and is immobilized(thats a tough one), Ultima- Summoner's and esper's hp <10% (probably the toughest), Zodiark- summoner under break effect(petrify) not too hard. Most other espers just wait until there is 10 seconds remaining on there summon time, which means they'll usually die before that if it's against anybody half decent. This makes them slightly useful though so maybe this will help. hope so, enjoy

01-26-2007, 12:59 AM
I have already explained how to get the best out of espers in another thread, but it just so happens that every single poster here is on my Ignore list. However, just to reiterate --- cast support spells on your espers and don't summon against packs of enemies, generally, only when there's only one enemy for it to target, i.e. a Mark you need help with.

Oh, and kilgore, personal attacks on the mods are not permitted and will get your post deleted. Keep it up, and I'm just going to start deleting every post you make in this section. I've had it with you.

01-26-2007, 01:04 AM
haha yea we know you hate me man, I've already apologized and moved on. I'm just trying to help him out. The best way to use them is for their ultimate spells/attacks.

01-26-2007, 01:06 AM
And I have nothing personal against you, I just wish you would learn to type properly. It really hurts my eyes trying to read posts without any capitalization or punctuation.

As for the ultimate spells/attacks, yes and no. I've found that sometimes I will actually dismiss an esper before it uses it special attack if I feel like its overkill.

01-26-2007, 06:28 AM
This is true, it's not always necesary. Usually though the espers are summoned in a dire situation where you do need such attacks, although if you don't need the special attack there really is no reason to keep them around. I agree with that.

01-26-2007, 06:27 PM
WOW!!!!! Cloud did you just use Capitalization and punctuation? Or am I just dreaming this and need to stay asleep so that I can read your posts better now?

01-26-2007, 06:47 PM
Haha you guys are sooo funny. Yes I do know how to type, and yes I was typing horribly before. I have converted from my past evil ways of not spelling words completely, and disregarding our important punctuation marks. You have saved me, I have seen the light!!! Plus this forum is very helpful. Haha

01-26-2007, 07:06 PM
Then I think it is time that you graduated from elementary school. j/k. LOL

01-27-2007, 06:12 AM
Haha hey come on now, kindergartens higher than preschool right?

Time assasin
01-28-2007, 06:45 AM
You may be ready for 1st grade...but only if you promise to be good and play nice with the other first graders.