01-06-2007, 05:24 PM
So, how many people have found him so far?
Lol, he's freaking hard! (But what can be expected, he has 50 mil!)
What do you think of the battle?

01-08-2007, 03:09 PM
Yiazmat? Is he the dog one with the huge ring around his neck? If he is then that was like one of the first and easiest boss fights in the game.

01-08-2007, 03:10 PM
Yiazmat? Is he the dog thing with the ring around his neck? If he is that is one of the easiest battles in the game.

01-08-2007, 03:10 PM

01-08-2007, 06:28 PM
No, No.
This guy is the final hunt. :/

01-08-2007, 08:31 PM

01-08-2007, 10:33 PM
Yiazmat, ive just spent 4 1/2 hours kicking his ass, had to leave after 3 hours to heal some characters then had to leave again after 4 1/2, so i saved it then. My main characters were levels 81 83 84, other were 85 77 76.

I thought i was going to do this in 1 go as well, should have level'd up to 90's really. I used 3 megalixers and 3 elixers, what a waste! Ive got a feeling i will need them for omega mark XII.

01-09-2007, 05:41 PM
lol sorry my mistake I was thinking of Tiamat.

01-14-2007, 11:52 PM
Just beat this bitch, level'd up to 99 99 99 91 90 80, only just beat him used all the decent stuff, elixers, megalixers and still took me 5 1/2 hours. Has any1 else done Yiazmat? I thought it was hard but i seen some guy do it on youtube with only three chars at 99, the others were at 15 15 16. I had to keep switchin people in and out, god damn i thought it was game over a few times. Did it in 1 stage though!

02-08-2007, 07:33 PM
Wow... thats impressive, although its taken me a week but im at level 65 on all characters... and OMG! he is hard! I only have Half of his HP gone!

Cloud, Aeris or Tifa
02-11-2007, 03:32 PM
Lv 55 Vaan, Lv 53 Fran and Ashe and in 4 hours he has 15 million left.

02-11-2007, 03:59 PM
yeah, that sound like an good battle.

02-11-2007, 06:07 PM
I've found him but I'm afraid to try it just yet. My parties not quite good enough I dont think. Working on getting a couple more powerful weapons so everyone in my party is well equipped.

02-11-2007, 11:44 PM
I beat him using a combination of Reverse, Lure, and Berserk on my main attacker.

02-14-2007, 11:07 AM
Forevercloud, I think Ninja swords are meant to be good against Yiazmat, but they are hard to get i think, the best 1 is dropped from a rare monster in Lhusu Mines, a bomb on the bridge southwest of the gate crystal. I chained 3 of them Bombs it did'nt drop it, you can get the next at the Bazaar for 2 Courl whiskers, 2 Sickle Blades and 3 cancer gems.

level up to 99 unless you want a really long fight.

02-14-2007, 11:34 AM
This beast will take you hours to beat no matter what level you are. I fought him at level 99 and it still took me over 3 hours.

02-14-2007, 01:13 PM
3 hours, thats fast, did you use active or wait for the battle system? When i did it at 99 i used wait and it took around 5 1/2 hours, i just need to level up to 99 on my second game now then im going after him again, going to use active this time.

What weapons, armor, accessories did you use Hynad?

02-14-2007, 02:09 PM
My party was Vaan equipped with the Yagyu Darkblade (Yiazmat is weak against Dark) and the Genji Gloves for better combos.
I had Ashe acting as a supporting attacker (her role was to cast reverse and lure on Vaan during the whole fight, then come back to fight using the Tournesol - I prefer it to the Zodiac Spear since its attack rate is much faster). And I had Balthier as the main healer equipped with the Fomalhaut and Dark shots.
Vaan would cast berserk on himself the moment he's brought back to life. Which gives him more attack power and speed. And Balthier would cast supporting magic such as Haste and Protect, all the while making sure Vaan is safe and sound (Curaja or Revive).

During my first play through, it took me a lot of time to find a working strategy and I got wiped out 2-3 times. During my second game, I beat him in one shot without having so much difficulty.

02-14-2007, 05:18 PM
Thats the Ninja sword from the rare bomb right? Im trying to get that now, i have the genji gloves this time round as well as tornosol and zodiac spear.

Sounds like good tactics Hynad, might give them a go soon, especially the beserk, but i might try something a little different.

Cloud, Aeris or Tifa
02-14-2007, 11:34 PM
Lv 55 Vaan, Lv 53 Fran and Ashe and in 5 hours he has 0 million left.
He died. lol
My Party was:
Vaan Fran Ashe
Weapon Ragnarok Golden Axe Save the Queen
Armor Maximillian Genji Armor Maximillian
Helm Genji Helm Black Mask Black Mask
Acc. Firefly Sage's Ring Sage's Ring
Shield ------ Genji Shield -----
Vaan always had Berserk, Bravery, Haste, Protect, Shell, Bubble and so he attacked for 9999 and at times (HP Critical Yiazmat) 6999.
Fran and Ashe were Support casting Curaga(ja) and sometimes Darkga.
Going after Omega Mark XII to get Wyrmhero Blade

02-15-2007, 01:46 AM
I thought it was funny how beyond 5 mil, he gets to be a reeeeal pain in the ass. So much so that I had to turn off my Curaga, Bravery and Haste gambits, as they were only taking up time I couldn't afford to take and just Arise anyone who fell.

He took several hours, but he finally effin' died. I was so happy, I took a video of him dying with my phone to watch over and over again. XD

02-17-2007, 12:11 AM
Same here --- I'm fighting him right now, about halfway through, and he just keeps using Death Strike every other turn, so I'm done with Curaga / Bravery / Haste, etc. Time to get serious.

02-17-2007, 03:23 AM
All you people who are saying it only took 4 hrs is a lie, to even get him down to half takes a lot more time then 4hrs. And most of those people used the action replay to just show how the fight is. its imposible to beat him in 4hrs. maybe if you had the people on X because they can hit beyound the limit. When xii wasn't even out here in the us in jap people were calling it the 24hr fight, now does that sound like 4hrs? He was hard though and no for the most part I don't see anyone beating him at lv 50 or in all beating him like he is easy. Can we stop making ourselves look hard than what you really are.

And if you can beat him so easy you wouldn't mind showing a video from start to finish. Thats not to much for you 4hr people now is it?

02-17-2007, 03:44 AM
I will try some of you guys ways, I could have been doing something the long way, but i'll bet nothing will beat him that fast. all my people are in their 90s and the guy had me coming back to life over and over not completly though. it took me 19hrs to beat him using my tech. His tornado attack kills everyone unless you have bubble on. and at lv 50 anything is just a lie.

02-17-2007, 05:28 AM
Um --- Topcat, I can tell you right now, I have him at critical HP --- only 4 "orbs" left (if you fought Hell Wyrm, then I think you know what I mean by "orb") and it has taken me about 4 hours. Admittedly, I'm still going, and I think there's a chance I'm going to lose (in which case I am going to be seriously pissed) but 24 hours is an insane figure.

(And yes, I know I made my last post more than five hours ago, but there's no way I'm going to sit there and do the same thing for five hours. Pause button to the rescue.)

02-17-2007, 11:07 AM
4 hours could probably be done at lvl99 and with the right equipment like ribbons, genji gloves, ninja swords etc, but i do doubt characters at lvl50 in 4 hours.

02-17-2007, 11:48 AM
Its cool the guy gave me a serious fight yea I beat him and hell whrym ( how ever you spell it) the hell beast wasn't hard just annoying. I'm gonna fight him again but not all the way if I get him down to half in a 1hr than i'll believe it can be done in 5hr. ribbons aren't good on the monster. This time im gonna use ninja swords. Oh in FFXII being lv 99 isn't really all that much strong as say like VII or VIII. X still has the strongest characters when at max hitting like 99,999 not 9999. with people like that XII's bosses would die a lot easy.

the secret area in Henne Mines still sucks with powerful monsters even on lv 99. I hate those stupid bats.

02-17-2007, 07:10 PM
I... lost. For the record, my "A" team was all about mid-80s and my other characters were only 40s are so. Hubris --- your worst enemy in this game. I will fight it again, but not until my characters are a lot more beefed up and not until I get myself a real strategy.

02-18-2007, 02:30 AM
I had all my characters in Level 99. It took me more than five hours to beat the monster because even though my characters are strong, they're only doing 6499 damage(each character). Yiazmat's level will double when his life is in half(a whopping Level 146!), which gives him incredible defense and strength. I wouldn't suggest taking on Yiazmat for just one shot. Just leave the place and heal up, then return.

02-18-2007, 02:43 AM
That's what I should have done. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

02-18-2007, 02:51 AM
Don't leave the Ridorana Cataract though, or he'll start healing up fast. Just save in Footfalls of the Past(first area in Ridorana where the save crystal is) then heal up and go back.

02-18-2007, 02:53 AM
Got it, thanks. See, I think that was something I was worried about. I've tried the saving trick with other Marks before, and I think one of them ended up healing on me. So I'll just make sure to use the save point you mentioned.

02-18-2007, 06:48 PM
You dont have to leave the area to heal up, you can flee into the passageways then yiazmat cant reach you, problem is he will start to heal himself pretty fast so you have to be quick. Thats what i did the only reason is i wanted to do it in 1 go, he heals fast as well so you might have to dispel him inbetween healing.

I would'nt bother trying at a level lower than 99 agent, even at 99 its a hard battle, Unless you want to keep leaving and coming back.

02-18-2007, 08:30 PM
Got it, I'll just level up, that's all. It's not like I don't have a bunch of other stuff left to complete anyway.

02-19-2007, 06:29 AM
Two of the reasons for me running to the save is one, scared that during the fight at the last moment, the power ends up blowing out, because it used to happen a lot over here. Two, my characters kept running out of MP.

The wildest fight in that whole game to me.....I wonder if XIII will top that fight.

Anyone have any options on ways to beat him faster?
19 hours is way too long i'm sure, but I did it without putting the contoller down.

02-25-2007, 01:26 AM
so should i prepare for a long battle? because i have vaan at 86 balthier 65 as well as penelo ashe and basch and fran 63 all equipped with golden axes

02-25-2007, 01:27 AM
Be prepared to lose if you don't have a strategy going in.

02-25-2007, 01:29 AM
like what? i am bad at strategy

02-25-2007, 01:32 AM
what would be a good strategy to leveling up? i have embroidered tippet equipped but cannot find a good place to level.

02-25-2007, 01:49 AM
Well, you might want to have a look through the Q+A thread. There's a auto-leveling-up trick that's kinda popular. But really, it's not so much about levels as it is knowing what to do at certain points in the battle and having good Gambits equipped and such. I'd really recommend GameFAQs. There's a Game Mechanics FAQ there that has a 50-minute Yiazmat strategy. I haven't tried it myself, but it seems solid.

02-25-2007, 01:52 AM

02-25-2007, 01:53 AM
ill check it out

02-25-2007, 02:23 AM
FFMan91, please use the edit button if you would like to add something to your posts, before anyone has replied to them. Double posting is not appreciated.

02-26-2007, 11:02 AM
Is beating this guy in 50min really possible? I think thats just pushing it too much? What weapons are you guys using?

02-26-2007, 12:10 PM
50 mins is really fast, i'd be happy with 2 hours. Im about to do Yiazmat again but this time i have all the weapons and accessories with some good armor. Im going to try using my own tactics though, will try the 50 min guide after that.

03-04-2007, 01:03 AM
sry bout that

03-15-2007, 05:57 PM
I'm fighting him right now actually

Vaan - 82
Basch - 70
Ashe - 69
Rest of party - 69

I intend to win, so far its been 1 1/2 hours and hes a few orbs from being halfway.. I'll post up my results haha

EDIT: If I do die, I'm gonna try that Reverse trick... a lil scared I think I might kill myself but I'm gonna try my way first. I started at about 10 so hopefully I'll be done by the time I have to go to work... 5

03-15-2007, 08:26 PM
If you fight him for a while, then go to the save point and save, and then turn the power off to play it some other time, is his health saved at the point to where you brought it down? Or does he regenerate all of his health?

03-15-2007, 08:35 PM
Nah, you can even go and restock..... like me! It seriously sucks playing an hour without Chronos Tears. I killed off my own chars so they can revive and move again... for shame. :(

lol I remember waiting sayin, are you going throw one out now?!

EDIT: I'm at the part now were he doubled in strength.... about 2/3 done! but its 330 :( almost work time... hurry and die haha!!

03-15-2007, 08:38 PM
So what's this about him being able to restore his health, then? Is it not significant enough to matter?

03-15-2007, 09:20 PM
Well when I took off to restock I think he gained alil bit because it had already told me he doubled his level, then shortly after that I took off... I fought him the second time and he said it again... so I suppose he does... just not as much as say when your standing right in front of him out of harms reach

But I could be wrong... can anyone verify por favor?

I'm gonna take him down when I get back from work.. I feel underleveled AFTER he doubled his level

03-15-2007, 09:35 PM
Yeah, I remember I was hitting him by 9999, then once he doubled his levels, I would hit him only by 6999. It took me around 3 hours to beat him.

I had to exit the fight 2-3 times to make sure I wouldn't die trying and lose what I had done.

I never needed to go restock for items though. I entered the fight with 99 of about every items so I was fine.

03-16-2007, 12:30 AM
once you've gained to Level 99 before going to Yiazmat it's gonna be like a test of endurance isn't it?

I never needed to go restock for items though. I entered the fight with 99 of about every items so I was fine.

and just how did you end up having 99 Megalixir and Elixir?

03-16-2007, 02:05 AM
Don't be so literal --- I'm pretty sure he meant 99 of every item you really need and can purchase. Those being ones such as Chrono's Tear, Gold Needle and Ether.

03-16-2007, 05:06 AM
And here we go, back at 12 in the morning... I'm gonna eat Yiazmat for breakfast!

I shall unpause the game....... now

03-16-2007, 05:32 AM
It is possible to get 99 Megalixirs it is just a pain though. The way you do it is the Magic pots you give the Pot an Elixir it goes crazy steal the elixir back then kill it and it may drop a megalixir just repeat until you get max is all.

Note you are looking at a lot of time doing this since Megalixirs get dropped rarely. It also might drop Elixirs I am not postive on that though.

03-16-2007, 06:32 AM
LOL, yeah, thanks Agent!

But I did specified
"I entered the fight with 99 of about every items so I was fine."

03-16-2007, 01:53 PM
Damn.... Reflectga.... Renew.... nuff said :(

He was at 3 freakin orbs for God's sake

03-16-2007, 07:28 PM
YIAZMAT IS MINE!!!!!! I have joined the ranks of the MIGHTY!!!!!
Took me aboiut 5 hours to do so.... well play time anyways

03-17-2007, 01:53 PM
speaking of Renew i couldn't find that spell anywhere in Ivalice can anyone help out sincerely? danks.

03-17-2007, 04:52 PM
speaking of Renew i couldn't find that spell anywhere in Ivalice can anyone help out sincerely? danks.

haha not the Q&A thread but I supose I could give it a whirl...

You get Renew at Dalmasca Westersand from that Merchant in the Western Divide

03-30-2007, 09:27 AM
Yiazmat? Is he the dog one with the huge ring around his neck? If he is then that was like one of the first and easiest boss fights in the game.

no he is not the 1 in henne mines... he has 50 million hp and it takes minimum of like 2 hours(dats fast) to kill him..

Paladin Cecil
04-03-2007, 06:33 AM
lol u guys are crazy, it took me a good 8+ hours with all my chars lvl 85+

04-10-2007, 01:39 PM
Has anyone set the speed of the battle at max in config? I am at lvl 82 got him only 1/4hp in 50 mins. This fight could be really long for tonight. I set only one guy to curaja, just to make others mp gain then keep changing the healer. This way I don't have to worry about mp. But couldn't imagine how it turn up when Yiazmy got to critical hp.

04-13-2007, 12:28 PM
believe me the only bad thing about yiazmat is the amount of hp it has and the exception of cyclone and deathstrike i've gotten it dwn to hp critical n believe me it wasnt hard just very time consumming my main party is vaan lvl 99 with tournesol, circlet, maximillian and bubble belt, basch lvl 78 with ultima blade, golden skullcap , maximillian and a bubble belt then theres ashe lvl 78 famalhaut loaded with dark shot , circlet , maximillian , and a sages ring to limit mp consumption, all i have to do is have ashe as my party leader with curaja gambits set up arise gambit and and a bubble gambit then theres the other gambits for bravery protectga shellga and hastega used by vaan and basch, then with ashe i distance her from yiazmat while vaan and basch take the damage then cure them when needed with the curaja gambit at the moment i have yiazmat at my mercy as it is in hp critical the only problem now that i never know it was able to use growing threat (which doubles its level!!!) but its still weak at attacking, another tip is to equip windbreakers when yiazmat uses cyclone to half the damage from about 4-5000 to about 2-2500 damage, also shell increase's the chance of deathstrike missing i think...
besides that yiazmat is just another wyrm with alot of hp, the only monster i connot beat is omega mark XII in the great crystal it just doesnt stop attacking.... lol anyway thats all i have to say happy hunting !

04-16-2007, 12:13 AM
phew i just killed yiazmat or rather more like raped yiazmat thought i'd finidh it off with a nice quickening hehe

Time assasin
04-17-2007, 02:19 PM
It took me quite a bit but I too join the coveted club of having defeated him. I didn't think he was that tough aside from the fact that he had 50 million hp. Someone did mention it was an endurance test and boy was it every. It drained 12 mega elixers, all my elixers, and I think about 20 or more high ethers. My only problem was running out of MP and later on reflectga. I counter that with the opal ring off course.

04-17-2007, 02:46 PM
when yiazmat starts to use refletga what i did is worked out a strategy he used when he had 4 hp bars left was that when you exited the fight u use 1 character too dispel it and take its cyclone attack then if that character dies bring out another one to take the refletga let that character die then bring out your main team to finish it off,
and yh i agree it is an endurance test

04-17-2007, 05:38 PM
Took me 7 hrs with lvl average 82. Use most of megalixer, exlixer and hi ether, it should be the last tough fight anyway. No shame.

04-20-2007, 11:58 PM
where do I actually fine Yiazmat? I'm lvl 99, all ultimate weapons (Zodiac Spear was a bitch to find! I fucked up the chest thing so I had to go to Henne Mines like 1000 times! ), all best armour according to what people say about him, but i can't fucking find him!

Any help with the matter??

04-21-2007, 12:50 AM
I havent fought him personally but Im sure you have to fight and beat Hell Wyrm first, them Yiazmat appears as an Elite Mark available from Montblanc once you have done all the other hunts.

04-21-2007, 01:30 AM
Thanks, p.s. awesome sig!

04-21-2007, 02:13 AM
where do I actually fine Yiazmat? I'm lvl 99, all ultimate weapons (Zodiac Spear was a bitch to find! I fucked up the chest thing so I had to go to Henne Mines like 1000 times! ), all best armour according to what people say about him, but i can't fucking find him!

Any help with the matter??

Well if your have the hunt unlocked then to face him all you have to do is go to Ridorana Cataract at the Coliseum.... trust me lol you can't miss him. Pretty sure you don't have to beat Hell Wyrm first... I remember taking him down while I was on the Yiazmat hunt. HOW to beat him, well... there's a few, everyone has different taste on how to do it. You should go trial and error ha!

04-21-2007, 12:18 PM
Lol, save before you fight him and then when u beat him, reset and try a different technique. You'd b there for days.

Time assasin
04-23-2007, 11:09 AM
In my game the only stipulation I found for the Yiazmat Hunt was doing all the Clan hunts...beating optional bosses didn't matter.

04-23-2007, 11:26 AM
I remember taking on Overseer and Yiazmat at the same time... I think they both unlock together.

04-29-2007, 12:36 PM
I have one question: when you fight Yiazmat, and then leave the screen, are you also allowed to save at the crystal, without having him restore all of his hp?

04-29-2007, 04:44 PM
I have one question: when you fight Yiazmat, and then leave the screen, are you also allowed to save at the crystal, without having him restore all of his hp?

Si Senor.... or Senorita???

Yea you can leave and save and also restock on items if need be.

04-29-2007, 08:06 PM
Thanx... Oh, btw. I know it's off topic, but can you do the same with omega?

04-29-2007, 10:28 PM
Umm... I haven't fought omega jjjjjjuuuuuust yet, but you can leave the fight, I THINK (if someone can check that) that you can leave and his health won't be completely restored.. Yiazmat you CAN leave, and buy items. To be honest it probably works the same way as him... but I heard the crystal is pretty far from omega

04-29-2007, 10:43 PM
Well, far... But it might be worth the try.

Time assasin
05-30-2007, 07:47 PM
Omega doesn't have nearly as much as the other two big bosses (Hellwyrm or Yiazmat) so it's no use leaving and coming back. You have to beat him in one shot...even if you run up the ramp and heal up he'll restore himself. I used a combination of Reverse, Decoy, and Berserk to beat him. Two to cast one to hit.

05-30-2007, 07:50 PM
Well, I realized that... Omega was a piece of cake... But Yiazmat... Grrrrr.... It took me like 5 hours or more...

05-30-2007, 09:30 PM
Oh my god, man, omega was extremely hard for me! Just beat him now, Yiazmat was easy, just time consuming. Yea, I used reverse+decoy for omega, fought him twice :P

I'd got him hp critical and almost killed him when it got into a loop where I would only be 'arise'ing and nothing else. Left to heal up, came back and he'd got all his health back! Oh well, got my wyrmblade now.

09-05-2007, 07:40 PM
Yiazmat Is A Dragon FYI, And It's Hard Yea, So Just Beat It, By Not Talking, Complaining And Shit, Damn, You People Don't Know When To Quit Do Ya???

09-06-2007, 02:22 AM
Oh my god, I can't wait to kick his ass with no gambits or lisence board thingies (I forget what thy are called) my second time round playing and then post it on youtube.

Just kidding. I am a n00b! but not really.

11-08-2007, 01:41 AM
I fought him for 3 hours and almost had him but my analog stick jammed up and i died...havent tried since then

01-22-2008, 09:22 AM
I am fighting Yiazmat right now and I've got it down to it's last seven HP bars my main party is Vaan, Balthier and Fran all of them at level 76 I have the zodiac spear the Ultima Blade and the Ragnarok (wish I could use my Excalibur instead but the son of a bitch absorbs holy so I can't) also I have pretty good armor and bubble belts equipped to each character. so far it has taken me from 12:30 AM to 11:30 PM to get it down to the last seven HP bars but I didn't really have any trouble until now I keep running out of MP before I can get it down to the last six HP bars and charge isn't really working for me every time I run out to heal and save then come back in it seems like it is gaining HP most likely from the regain it casts right before I get in range to fight it again. But Despite Yiazmat's 50,000,000 HP it is really pretty easy. In fact it's nothing compared to ruby and emerald weapon in FFVII or Omega weapon in FFVIII or even the Final Boss in FFIX

01-22-2008, 03:57 PM
LoL what??

Necron (IX) was piss-easy!

Yiazmat is considered one of the hardest enemies in FF history, along with Ruby / Emerald Weapon(VII), Omega / Shinryu (FFVI), Omega Weapon(VIII) and Penance(X)!

Even so, every one of those enemies simply requires a strategy to make them seem like childsplay. For the Weapons, its Final Attack + Life / Mime + KotR OR Omnislash, for Omega, its just spamming Beserk, Omega Weapon is use Zombie + Beserk + absorb Wind and use Tornado to heal.

Still, I haven't found a decent strategy for Yiazmat yet...

01-22-2008, 04:09 PM
Wait for LeonAvion to spit the strategy from the guides.

01-22-2008, 10:34 PM
Like people have been saying, Yiazmat is fairly easy, but very time-consuming. I was at Lv 85, using Basch, Ashe and Penelo, with the Zodiac Spear (Ashe) Yagyu Darkblade (Basch with Genji Gloves) and Saggitarius for Penelo. She was only a healer really... The trick is to hurt him as much as possible, heal at the save crystal, and repeat.

01-22-2008, 11:46 PM
LoL what??

...Still, I haven't found a decent strategy for Yiazmat yet...

Ya know REVERSE Gambits work usually good or atleast they did for me... just kinda have to be careful with your healers and just make sure that you keep that status... Self->Reverse. Self->Beserk is what I had on Vaan when I beat him. Also I think I had Reverse->Vaan on Ashe because she was my healer at the time.... Funny the team I never really use is who I beat him with... Ashe and Basch... also I didn't have Genji... Zodiac... or most of the extreme weapons seeing as it was my first time around and I didn't use a guide or anything...

Except that one part were you had to cast Belias in the forest... lol anyone else get stuck on that part?

01-23-2008, 11:34 PM
I just beat him and this was my strategy. I never once ran out of mp, nor did I ever use the save crystal. It took me a grand total of 3 hours and 12 minutes.

Characters: Ashe (Mage), Baltheir (Fighter), Vaan (Combination)

(It can be done with other charactes; however do not use Fran, Balthier, or Penelo as your combo player with the long range weapon. They all have a 0.2 second delay with ranged weapons, in this fight every second counts.)


- Weapon- Staff of the Magi
- Helm- Circlet
- Armor- Lordly Robes
- Accessory- Sage's Ring
(This creates a high Magick Power for your mage)

- Weapon- Masamune
- Helm- Golden Skullcap
- Armor- Maximillion
- Accessory- Genji Gloves
(This creates a strong, yet quick fighter to rack up combos)

- Weapon- Fomalhaut
- Off-hand- Dark Shot (Yiazmat is weak against Dark element)
- Helm- Circlet
- Armor- Maximiliion
- Accessory- Sage's Ring
(This is a balanced fighter, leaning more towards Magick)

Gambits: (Gambits need to be in this order)

* Ally: Balthier (Fighter) -> Reverse
* Ally: any -> Arise
* Ally: any -> Shellga
* Ally: any -> Hastega
* Ally: Balthier (Fighter) -> Bravery
* Ally: any -> Bubble
* Ally: Balthhier (Fighter) -> Berserk (Use this gambit after you have successfully done Expose six times)
* Self -> Libra
* Ally: Vaan (Combo) -> Bravery
* Ally: Status=Sap -> Remedy
* Ally:any -> Reverse

* Foe: highest max hp -> Expose (Get about six successful ones then get rid of this gambit for the duration of the battle)
* Foe: highest max hp -> Attack

* Ally: Balthier (Fighter) -> Reverse
* Ally: any -> Gold Needle
* Ally: any -> Arise
* Ally: any -> Chronos Tear
* Ally: any -> Bubble
* Ally: Balthier (Fighter) -> Decoy
* Ally: any -> Shell
* Ally: any -> Haste
* Ally: Status=Sap -> Remedy
* Foe: highest max hp -> Attack

Reserve- (This person will come out in case two or more die. Let them arise then regroup your main fighters)
* Ally: any -> Arise

Yiazmat attacks:
* Rake- Basic attack that can cause stop (Countered with Chronos Tear)
* White Breath- Basic attack
* Stone Breath- Basic attack that can cause petrify (Countered with Gold Needle)
* Cyclone- Brutal Attack w/ movie sequence. Massive Hp and can cause sap (Countered with Bubble and Remedy)
* Deathstrike- Attack that causes instant death (Countered with Shell. Shell will reduce the % this attack works)

Basic Strategy:

This boss is an endurance battle as so many have said. All my character were level 99 when I did this. For one thing you are going to die during this battle, but don't fret. If two or more of your party dies run into a side area and regroup; however Yiazmat will begin casting Protect, Shell, and Regen so Dispell him ASAP. I herded my group into some steps so my Fighter was in the ring with Yiazmat while the Mage and Combo stayed on the stairs. Keep the combo as your leader so Deathstrike will most likely target them if the Fighter dies. Another important spell to use MANUALLY is SYPHON. If your Mage or Combo run out of mp use SYPHON on your FIGHTER, the Fighter will regain mp ridiculously fast because they are constantly attacking and being attacked! Yiazmat will DOUBLE LEVELS about halfway through, but continue with this and you will be fine. The damage cap after he does this is around 7000, but with Masamune you will combo 7000, thus damaging Yiazmat for more. (Greatsword: 9999, Masamune: 7000 x4 = 28,000). Watch out for the traps and have a good time! Make sure you have plenty of the items referred to above and you should be alright. If you have questions about where to get weapons or armor feel free to ask! Happy Gaming!

01-24-2008, 03:36 AM
Wow... I just tried using that strategy, and it worked pretty damn well!

I got him down to 5 bars of health. I didn't finish because, no offense, but I want to beat him with my own strategy.

But still, your strategy kicks arse!

01-24-2008, 04:56 AM
Seems like there's some great ideas. Whenever I finally get ready to have another go at him, I'm definitely gonna try some of it.

01-24-2008, 06:24 AM
I want to try that... I might now have the armor and such though I have to check..

Also my chars were like... 70 I think when I first fought him... got some lvling to do.

01-24-2008, 08:40 AM
Since no one's replying to my other Yiazmat thread (which I probably should have asked here, but it was more about my situation), I'll copy my question here:

Everyone's about level 75, I've beaten every mark but him, and gotten every Esper. I have every piece of equipment in the game except the Grand Helm, Grand Armor, Danjuro, and Yagyu Darkblade (which I know is useful and I am in the process of trying to get, have an ongoing chain in the Lhusu mines at about 18 so far with my game paused as I take breaks) and the Wyrmhero Blade (well DUH!!).
Everything else I have, even the Zodiac Spear and Tournesol.

So... have I got a chance? Or should I bother with the Yagyu (I'm already almost there anyway), or level up more? And If I can pull it off, any tips?

So... anyone help here? I actually just got the Yagyu. Nightrikku would your strategy work at my level?

Also, Can you leave Ridorana and continue where you left off?

01-24-2008, 08:49 AM
Also, Can you leave Ridorana and continue where you left off?

You can go back to the Save Crystal, but that's it. Also note that Yiazmat will recover HP quite fast if you do that; around 1 or 2 HP bars per minute.

01-24-2008, 09:11 AM
I never had to use the save crystal so I am not familiar with with outcome of using it; however, if Yiazmat gains that much hp I would just run into a part of the area and regroup. Yiazmat will cast Regen, but you can Dispell it while you are healing up. From what I have seen many people have beat Yiazmat at lower levels and with Reverse and Bubble a lower level should work fine. Don't take my word for it, but give it a shot if you want. The Darkblade isn't necessary, but use it if you have it; since Yiazmat is weak to dark. I have a great way to level, it's a bit of a cheat, but you can go from 75 to 99 in about an hour; maybe a little longer.

01-24-2008, 11:33 AM
... I have a great way to level, it's a bit of a cheat, but you can go from 75 to 99 in about an hour; maybe a little longer.


01-24-2008, 11:54 AM
Alright first off head the Henne Mines. You are going to want to cast bubble and/or equip a bubble belt and have float active. The run is difficult, but I promise it is worth it. You are going to run into a bunch of Absteels either kill them or run. You are aiming to get to the area known as Pithead Junction C. Once here tap the switch twice (You want to be able to exit into Phase Shaft 2. I am not sure if the light should be red or blue). Tons of Absteels will fall from the ceiling. This is a good thing.

Equipment: (Same for all three characters)

- Weapon- None
- Off-hand- Any Shield (Preferably Strong)
- Helm- Any Helmet (Preferably Strong)
- Armor- Any Armor (Preferably Strong)
- Accessory- Embroidered Tippet (This Doubles Exp. Earned)

(Also, if you need license points equip golden amulets on your reserves.)

Gambits: (Gambits need to be in this order. Same for everyone)

* Foe: Furthest/ Nearest (Have one person be furthest, one be near, and the third be either) -> Sleepga (You must get this off first and foremost. Even if someone dies get this off. Raise them after all enemies are asleep.)
* Ally: any -> Arise
* Ally: any -> Faith
* Ally: any -> Protectga
* Ally: any -> Hastega
* Ally: any -> Bubble (Use Bubble if you feel you need it)
* Foe: Furthest/ Nearest (Use what you used above) -> Curaja
* Ally: Hp < 50% -> Curaja

You will cast sleep on all the Absteels and them hit them with Curaja. Since they are Undead a few blasts will kill them all. You should gain levels ridiculously fast! Just make sure you do not attack anything, if you do they will come out of sleep and attack right back. After you have killed all of them head into Phase Shaft 2 then into Crossover C. Turn around and go back into Pithead Junction C and repeat. You will level so fast you won't believe it! If your party is attacked before all can be put to sleep exit, regroup, and go back in. The Absteels will still be asleep!

As usual feel free to ask any questions you may have!

(New information from porthioskanan at Final Fantasy XII US Forum. All credit goes to him.)

* You can't access Henne Mines part 2 without having Geromancer's approval, and to get his approval you need 10 espers.
* You mention no weapon. Try using Main Gauche (It is a crappy dagger but it provides excellent evasion (+34).
* You mention to run there. If you do run there, make sure to wear an Ensanguined Shield along Main Gauche. With this the only time you will be damaged from those bats is from leech, the rest of the time you'll block everything.
* A good idea is to have float activated and wear indigo pendant and cast Sleepga on your way to Pithead Junction C.
* Don't forget to try that Zodiac Spear chest on your way, you never know.

02-03-2008, 10:53 PM
I am leery about facing him... Hell Wyrm took a good 5-6 hours of my time with a lvl.65+ party, so it looks like I'm gonna get everyone to lvl.99 before I attempt Yiaz