04-25-2007, 02:55 AM

I'm about to start playing FFXII. The way I usually play these is, I get through the story, and then load some save late in the game and do all the sidequests. So the question is, is there anything (sidequest, important item, etc.) that can be missed, or that cannot be recovered at the endgame? (where 'endgame' means "story is done except for going to beat the final dungeon")

Or is there anything that'll piss me off that I wish I had known (e.g. in FF8, I levelled up a lot early on, which worked out against me at the end... ugh...)?


04-25-2007, 02:59 AM
There's a ton of that crap. The game is designed so that you absolutely cannot find a lot of the secrets if you don't have the overpriced guide.

04-25-2007, 03:00 AM

Just playin' it safe.
Well the one definite thing I know is the July side-quest. After the tomb of Raithwall make sure to head to Nalbina and help out the spy crouching just outside of town.

Also, you'd do well to head up into the Mosphoran Highwaste after Raithwall and get Thief's Cuffs to steal a Gnoma Halcyon from a Gnoma Entite in the Westersand during a sandstorm BEFORE you take out Earth Tyrant.

That last sentence is WOW, but just read it a couple times ;)
You can get that later, but getting a sandstorm is harder.

EDIT: I know what you're saying Prak and you're right, but he's specifically asking about stuff you can miss if you put it off. Right now, there's only the two things I mentioned that I think you ABSOLUTELY MISS if you don't do them at the right time.

jewess crabcake
04-25-2007, 03:01 AM
they have ebook torrents but they are scarce and have seldom seeders.

04-25-2007, 07:40 AM
The Gnoma Entite's arent absolutely missable, like you said its just harder to get sandstorms later.

Ad the July sidequest is the only one I know of, but its only for a piece of rare loot which if you're determined you can get from a mob anyway.

04-25-2007, 12:16 PM
The Gnoma Entite's arent absolutely missable, like you said its just harder to get sandstorms later.

Ad the July sidequest is the only one I know of, but its only for a piece of rare loot which if you're determined you can get from a mob anyway.

Very true. I'm honestly surprised that Sqaure was so forgiving this time around--At least in terms of things you can permanently miss.

04-25-2007, 12:24 PM
I would have thought the Zodiac spear thing is quite important. Search for this in the forum if you want to get a powerful weapon early as there are some things you should avoid doing early if you don't want to have to faff around later in the game. I'm being deliberately vague as this isn't a game breaking thing and you can get on without it, but it has annoyed a lot of people as it contradicts normal game playing ideals.

04-25-2007, 01:17 PM
I would have thought the Zodiac spear thing is quite important. Search for this in the forum if you want to get a powerful weapon early as there are some things you should avoid doing early if you don't want to have to faff around later in the game. I'm being deliberately vague as this isn't a game breaking thing and you can get on without it, but it has annoyed a lot of people as it contradicts normal game playing ideals.

D'oh! Good call, man. That's so obvious I didn't even think of it XD

04-25-2007, 04:26 PM
Again its not entirely missable, its just extremely hard to get if you dont do it the main way.

04-26-2007, 04:58 AM
Prak, I think all the secrets in FFXII can be found without a guide. You'll just have to waste more time on it.

04-26-2007, 05:11 AM
Prak, I think all the secrets in FFXII can be found without a guide. You'll just have to waste more time on it.

Sure about that Hynad? I'd never think to chain 13 of a particular enemy and then move into a area without that self-same enemy to spawn a rare game.

Same goes for an exact chain of 100. Finally, I don't think anyone has enough time in their lifespan to trial and error which chests control the Zodiac spear.

04-26-2007, 07:17 AM
And there no clues given about those chests as far as I kno. The only way you would realised about it is if someone told you or you looked at a guide.

04-27-2007, 07:39 AM
Get a game genie. Also up, up, down, down, left, right, b, a, select, start will get you 30 lives. Aside from that just be ready to invest about a THOUSAND hours into this game and still be only 42% complete.

04-27-2007, 08:05 AM
Sucks how it doesnt have a % completed stat, thats one of the things I liked about X-2, you can actually see yourself coming closer to 100% rather than just guessing.

04-27-2007, 08:14 AM
Well since X-2 was a "mission based" RPG, (for lack of a better term), % of completion would make since, especially since it dictates what ending you'll get.

04-27-2007, 04:08 PM
Yeah, I agree with Marvin. Also, percentage complete would only make me feel worse about myself. There's certains things that I know I will never be able to achieve in certain games, and if they have a way of letting me know that actively, well it pangs me.

I will never be Lord of Skipping in IX :sad:

04-28-2007, 04:27 AM
Completionists are crazy. Just play the game and have fun. You absolutely do not need the Zodiac Spear early to have fun with this game. You definitely don't need to do any of the rare game hunts mentioned above (I didn't even start that sidequest until after I won).

If you are the kind of person who requires completion of every task, I'm certain you already have bookmarked anyway.

04-28-2007, 04:39 AM
Completionists are crazy. Just play the game and have fun. You absolutely do not need the Zodiac Spear early to have fun with this game. You definitely don't need to do any of the rare game hunts mentioned above (I didn't even start that sidequest until after I won).

If you are the kind of person who requires completion of every task, I'm certain you already have bookmarked anyway.

True dat. Also, hunt around for some of my other posts. I've never denied that I'm crazy :-P

04-28-2007, 11:05 AM
I play a game for the first time and I play for fun, just get on and complete it. Then I want to go back and make the most out of it, get some of the secret weapons, complete sidequests etc, thats just what I do. Why pay �40 for a game if you're not going to make the most out of it? Besides, its not like I dont enjoy doing all the sidequests.

04-28-2007, 10:49 PM
Whoops I kinda disappeared for a while. Thanks for all the advice!