07-20-2007, 10:24 AM
Where would you recommend I should level up after round level 75, up until now ive been leveling up in the henne mines at junction c, press the switch and round 15 abysteels wth 20,000 health each drop down, then press it again and 5 more arrive. Curaja wipes them out fair quickly aswell seeing as there undead. But is there anywhere more proftable than here????

Please help

Neo Xzhan
07-20-2007, 12:35 PM
The mines are probably your best bet. Or you could go to the Great Crystal, I guess that's the one place better than themines.

07-20-2007, 12:47 PM
any specific area in the great crystal????
Or any specific monster in the crystal??

07-20-2007, 04:18 PM
I've hit the same snag. Leveling in the Henne mines works, but it takes long and my MP keeps running out, so I have to stop and use Charge, etc etc.. very annoying.
The Great Crystal isn't exactly a location you can just nip off to for some leveling, getting there is such a bother.
So I've been making parties of two characters and have them chain Dead Bones in the Nabreus Deadlands.. And it takes about 60 of them for both characters to gain one level. @_@; I'd rather be doing something else than leveling for hours, really, but my characters need to get stronger so I can take on some of the optional bosses..

Fatalis Prime
07-20-2007, 09:33 PM
Skeletons in Nabreus Deadlands might not rack up the biggest numbers, but it is the most efficient; i.e., you'll get better EXP per hour there than anywhere else. Also tons of LP and loot. You might want to pass on the embroidered tippets in favor of argyle armlets and/or black belts because they like to use Flash and Hawk Glare a lot.

07-20-2007, 11:49 PM
I dont agree, junction c in henne mines is far more profitable, with good gear and tactiacs you can get as much as 3 mil exp an hour. U just press the switch kill the abysteels, press it again kll more abysteels, move two zones away (takes literally two seconds as two zones away is just round the corner)
And back in again to restart the whole cycle.

marke mark
07-24-2007, 02:00 AM
I dont agree, junction c in henne mines is far more profitable, with good gear and tactiacs you can get as much as 3 mil exp an hour. U just press the switch kill the abysteels, press it again kll more abysteels, move two zones away (takes literally two seconds as two zones away is just round the corner)
And back in again to restart the whole cycle.

I tried that out and came to the conclusion that is a horrible place to level up.

First off be sure to buy 6 of the Embroidered Trippet's from the shop in Old Archades, this will double your EXP earned for ever fighter. Equip them.

Next (since already level 75, I'm assuming you are far if not ready to finish the game) head to the The Pharos. Teleport there and save the game. Assuming you have Hastega, Shellga, Bubble and Protectga, cast them on all party members. Next choose a leader and cast Bravery, and for the other two fighter cast Berserk on each.

Next head down one level to the Penumbra, and turn right untill you see the first toad jumping into sight, immediately turn around and start running untill you see the horses or more toads running at you from the other direction. stop (you should be right next to the elevator) and start fighting (the 2 characters with Berserk will do most of the fighting, which is fine all the members will make the same amount of EXP) There should be around 15 monsters that will come to you and will easily be taken out thanks to the beserk'd fighters. After all the monsters are dead start heading around the bend and more monsters should show up, around 10.

Next head back up the elevator and into the room closest to the save crystal, (you need to move 2 zones away to reset the monsters), head back out, go touch the crystal (in case you are needing health, shouldn't though) recast all magic as did before and start process over (you will get fast enough so most will still be active, I can make 2 trips before I have to recast).

Once you get strong enough, Shellga and Protectga will not be needed.

After a couple times, this process, from loading the game to coming back up to the save crystal should take around 4 to 5 minutes. Each trip (with the Trippet on) should get you around 50,000 to 60,000 EXP.

When compared to the Abysteels, with Trippet equiped each is worth 800 EXP (400 each), each "toad" or "horse" is worth almost 4000 (with Trippet equiped).

07-24-2007, 12:39 PM
When compared to the Abysteels, with Trippet equiped each is worth 800 EXP (400 each), each "toad" or "horse" is worth almost 4000 (with Trippet equiped).

Thanks for the advice, but i think we must be talking about different sections of the henne mines. The junction im talking about is on the way to zodiark.
And the abysteels have around 20,000 health each and give 3000 exp each or 6000 with the embroidered tippet.

But thanks very much for the advice, will give it a shot and see how it works out.

Fatalis Prime
07-25-2007, 02:05 AM
Heh, I never thought about leveling in the Subterra spam zones. Namely because everyone was lv. 99 before I even knew that dungeon existed... >.>

marke mark
07-25-2007, 04:35 AM
Thanks for the advice, but i think we must be talking about different sections of the henne mines. The junction im talking about is on the way to zodiark.
And the abysteels have around 20,000 health each and give 3000 exp each or 6000 with the embroidered tippet.

But thanks very much for the advice, will give it a shot and see how it works out.

I can't figure out for the life of me where you're talking about. Please do explain more.

07-25-2007, 12:57 PM
you turn right at the ore seperation zone which is just north of the henne gate crystal. You need chief supenulu to open the door for you, he opens it after you have 10 espers, go through the door, and once you start walking in this direction you'll start fighting abysteels lv 60+ with round 20,000 health and they give you 3000 xp each, then you keep walking in that direction and you'll eventually find a junction with one of those gate switches, thats where they are, if you still cant find them, look up gamefaq or something.

07-25-2007, 12:57 PM
chief supinulu is in the lull of the land in jahara.

marke mark
07-29-2007, 09:35 PM
You're right, much faster to level up in the mines. The monsters are tougher, but you can go an hour and gain multiple levels.


07-29-2007, 09:39 PM
funny that this thread is bout helping me, yet I seem to be the one which has helped you. anyway glad i could be of service

07-31-2007, 04:18 AM
So the Henne mines are where its' at? Cool. I've been leveling up there also. I have thoughts about going to Great Crystal or Pharos soon also. I also levelled up in Lhusu mines recently I believe. I'm in the mid 50's levels.

Did I leave out any places to level up at a high level?

07-31-2007, 10:37 AM
If your a
i your mid fifties than theres no way that you can take on the second part of the henne mines area. To get in there you need to have 10 espers and also have gotten chief supinulu to unlock the gate for you.....
That section of the henne mines is extremely difficult, i would recommend not going in there until your lvls are in the late 60's.

07-31-2007, 05:34 PM
The Embroidered Tippet is fantastically useful for levelling up, I bought 6 of them in Old Archades, though I suppose you only ever truly would need 3, even only 1.

07-31-2007, 08:30 PM
If your a
i your mid fifties than theres no way that you can take on the second part of the henne mines area. To get in there you need to have 10 espers and also have gotten chief supinulu to unlock the gate for you.....
That section of the henne mines is extremely difficult, i would recommend not going in there until your lvls are in the late 60's.

I don't understand, I'm currently levelling up there, it seems fine. Maybe I am somewhere else? I'm pretty sure I'm there though.

Anways, I need to beat FF XII or Rogue Galaxy by August 28th when Blue Dragon comes out. I started FF XII first and am playing both now. I need more time for FF XII. I decided to spend almost all of my rpg time on Rogue Galaxy and just get it done and then I can play Blue Dragon and Final Fantasy XII. I'll gradually finish FF XII by Nov 20th when FF XII: RW comes out. I'll beat Rogue Galaxy, Blue Dragon, Zelda: PH, and be in the middle of Lost Odyssey by that time. :D

08-01-2007, 12:15 AM
The way to see is how much health have the abysteels got, and wats d name of the area of the map were you are training.

08-01-2007, 07:57 PM
What are you asking about Abysteels? I believe this is what I am doing...can't remember exactly because I haven't played for a couple weeks...

I got a ton of espers, went to Jahara and talked to a guy and he opened a path in Henne Mines to Zodiark or something, I went there and am levelling up near the start of that secret path. :D I don't have the area name right now, I can check later. I'm actually playing Rogue Galaxy right now, I plan to finish it by August 28th when Blue Dragon comes out.

I'm so excited, yesterday I got in the mail my rental of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for Xbox 360, but I don't get my Xbox 360($399 version) until Friday. This is a long week! I also have tons of homework and tests this week. :D

08-02-2007, 11:52 AM
you turn right at the ore seperation zone which is just north of the henne gate crystal. You need chief supenulu to open the door for you, he opens it after you have 10 espers, go through the door, and once you start walking in this direction you'll start fighting abysteels lv 60+ with round 20,000 health and they give you 3000 xp each, then you keep walking in that direction and you'll eventually find a junction with one of those gate switches, thats where they are, if you still cant find them, look up gamefaq or something.