Just Whatever
12-21-2006, 06:53 AM
I mentioned before in another thread, but I've been stalling since Reddas joined my party so I can use him to complete as many hunts as I can. It also adds a purpose to leveling up so I'm not aimlessly cruising around. Anyone else do that as well? The ones who posted about having completed the game kinda sounded like they sailed through. I just got 'Knight of the Round'. Anyone? Anyone?

*dances around like Muhammad Ali*

12-21-2006, 07:03 AM
I personally dislike travelling with guests. They can't be controlled, and they attack everything and everyone. And they fall the fastest. On the other hand, though, they have an infinite stock of moderately useful items. I prefer to fight alone.

Btw, I just got 'Knight of the Round' today too. I'm around level 70, so beating many of the marks is a breeze.

Just Whatever
12-21-2006, 08:37 AM
Have you taken down 'Fafnir' yet by any chance? I can't get that bitch to show himself.... something about waiting for a blizzard, but no blizzard, no Fafnir.

12-21-2006, 08:41 AM
no, not yet.

12-21-2006, 09:31 AM
I love going on hunts. Bounty hunting in general is such a sexy profession. :D

12-21-2006, 12:59 PM
I wish I could help you with Fafnir, but I am only on Trickster, Roblon, and Carrot. Last night while going to kill Braegh, I had to kill an innocent and cute little bunny(wydehare or wyldhare) so that Carrot didnt spawn. I think for a Rank 7 hunt, me being only lvl 49 on all characters may be a bit too low for it. What lvl should I be to take out Rank 7? Also is the Fomalhaut the best gun in the game because I just got it in Lhusu Mines after killing Antlion and checking out the chest that was behind him. By the way that was a good fight too.

12-21-2006, 01:08 PM
Irinicus: a good rule of thumb was to look at the mark ranks as levels. So for you rank 7 would mean level 70 and above. But you seem to have been doing well thus far. So do whatever rocks your boat. Perhaps just find the mark, see how tough it is and gauge what level you need to be from that.

Good luck.

12-21-2006, 01:30 PM
Thank you Ili, I just may do that, after all there is a save point before Carrot anyways, hehe. Also King Bomb, pushover and I also discovered something, well dont know if its much of a discovery, but he only managed to call for help several times and then stopped that, he also renewed himself only 2 times. I don't know if this is his norm or I just got lucky. Also Silence works on him too.

12-21-2006, 02:11 PM
You're welcome. I don't actually know anything about King Bomb. I went in there, miraculously managed an 18 chain Quickening and that was all it took to take it and all its minons down. Kind of a shame. I missed all the bombs attacks :(

12-21-2006, 03:40 PM
Have you taken down 'Fafnir' yet by any chance? I can't get that bitch to show himself.... something about waiting for a blizzard, but no blizzard, no Fafnir.

Just keep going back to the rift at random times during the game and when theirs a blizzard make your way to the bottom section of the map. (cant remember what its called) hes on the section that leads no where, not the section that leads to stilshrine of mirium. I noticed that when entering from feywood a number of times their was a blizzard, dont know if it makes any difference but you could try that.

Just Whatever
12-21-2006, 09:11 PM
Thanks a ton... I'll try that. I've been doing the back and forth, back and forth over the blue dotted line there thinking that at least once it'll be a blizzard. How dumb am I gonna feel if after all this Fafnir just ends up ripping them off and handing them to me? Oh well, away I go. Thanks again.

12-22-2006, 02:25 AM
I had such a hard time!
Theres a certain area you cant pass, or else the blizzard stops.
Fafnir only appears when there is a snowstorm at Silverflow's End however you
cannot go through Frozen Brook since that area changes the weather(if you had
trouble finding trickster you might have noticed this >_>). You can force a
snowstorm by talking to the client, Relj. Upon exiting Bur-Omisace to
Freezing Gorge head west to Head of the Silverflow and then south to Icebound
Flow. In Icebound Flow take the SE exit to Karydine Glacier and then take
the nearby SW exit to Silverflow's End(dead end part).

12-22-2006, 02:26 AM
and I am definetly a hunter.
I have all regular hunts done, and I only have like 2 more elite ones

Just Whatever
12-22-2006, 05:50 AM
Yeah, there's one that's gonna be an all-day job. Yiazmat, the one with 50,112,254 HP. Seriously, that's 50 million Hp! For taking him down, I'd want a real-life award. Someone from Square Enix should come to the house and give me a Corvette or something.

12-22-2006, 06:38 AM
Yeah, there's one that's gonna be an all-day job. Yiazmat, the one with 50,112,254 HP.

you know you can exit that battle and save, right? no joke. there's no reason to do it in one sitting. at least, that's what the book says.

12-22-2006, 05:03 PM
I agree with Just, there should be a real life award, even if its something small that you can use as bragging rights.

Just Whatever
12-22-2006, 09:06 PM
you know you can exit that battle and save, right? no joke. there's no reason to do it in one sitting. at least, that's what the book says.

Has anyone here killed that one? That's a mini-game in itself.

12-23-2006, 06:07 AM
Oh, I'm a major hunter. I've hunted pretty much everything available to me so far and just recently opened up a bunch of new hunts. I'll be dealing soon with the hunter-stalker and am eager to resolve that plot.

12-23-2006, 06:17 AM
Any one else having trouble with King Behemoth?
He is real hard to draw out....

Just Whatever
12-24-2006, 12:18 AM
Do you have a strategy guide? If not I can tell you what it says. From what I gathered (it's not available to me yet) you need to kill everything in the area, which is tough since you can't see very far, then exit and come back. He should be in the middle of the area. Again, it's just off the top of my head. I don't have the book handy.

12-24-2006, 05:25 AM
Any one else having trouble with King Behemoth?
He is real hard to draw out....

As JW said, you have to enter from Giruvegan to the Edge of Reason, and then obliterate everything there and in the area to the north. To be honest, I did it yesterday and discovered that the monsters didn't respawn very quickly, so I took my time to make sure I didn't miss a single one. Once you kill them all, go back to the Edge of Reason and search around A LOT. The Behemoth King only spawns if you go like all over the place.

One more thing, if you thought Famfrit was hard, this guy's realistically about 3x worse. I'd recommend you be at the very least, level 70.

12-24-2006, 05:59 AM
Thanks guys, I did find him, it was real cool to see that lumbering beast on the horizon!
He wasnt so hard, just a long battle.
I am working on Hell Wyrm now and The Seer.

Just Whatever
12-26-2006, 02:53 AM
It's gonna suck for me.... I just bit the bullet and continued the storyline to open new stuff and make more things available. Reddas is gonna leave my party after this area is clear though and I'm gonna have to get used to fighting with just 3 party members.

01-04-2007, 12:41 AM
im working on the god hunt i have killed phoneix but thats it so far also have 11 espers good for me at level 65

01-22-2007, 05:55 PM
hey i'm on trickster right now and i just can't get him to show up. i been walking around frozen brook for a bit now and i got monid with me. anyone know how to draw him out too?

01-22-2007, 06:12 PM
nevermind i found him somehow. that guy can move pretty fast. overall not too tough though i'd say. best to use nonelemental magicks especially towards the end when he's immune to the physical attacks. ardor is good.

01-22-2007, 07:19 PM
You might want to have a look at my Agent0042's Guide to Trickster thread. It has some good tips. You fought him using Ardor? You must have fought him way late in the game. He becomes available well before you gain access to that spell.

01-22-2007, 10:24 PM
Yea I did fight him pretty late. I went through most of the story before I really got started on the hunts. So most of the hunts were way too easy until I got up to these elite ones, like Gilgamesh. I also just kind of forgot to talk to Montblanc until I finished the story. Haha, woops.

Safer Roco
01-25-2007, 05:19 AM
I'm a hunter too my rank is rank knight of the round and I have 40 hunts complete

01-25-2007, 05:41 AM
Has anyone else beaten Omega MK XII besides me?

01-25-2007, 05:46 AM
I'm the only Hunter here currently who's hard-core enough to put my Clan rank in my signature. :D Although I actually made it up to Knight of the Round on my original playthrough. Obviously, I'm not anywhere near taking on Omega yet.

01-25-2007, 05:50 AM
I believe Knight of the Round is the sencond highest title. The acquire the highest, you must complete the Clan Primer. Which I have not done.

I just started a new game though for almost no apparent reason. About 2 hours in and I just finished the Barheim Passage. I am really taking advantage of properly distributing LP and Gambits.

01-25-2007, 05:50 PM
Playing through the game a second time and not skipping scenes is definitely a good idea. Going through it the second time, I'm amazed at how much I missed the first time. Some pretty basic stuff that makes total sense with the perspective of knowing what happens after it.

01-26-2007, 06:54 PM
What level would you suggest for taking on Omega Mark XII. My party is currently 91,89,89. With full license board. He looks pretty tough though so I may wait a couple of levels, or try to get a couple more of the ultimate weapons.

01-26-2007, 11:16 PM
If you use the right strategy you could easily beat him at the levels you are at. I am assuming you have bought all the magick to?

01-26-2007, 11:33 PM
Well, he said he has Ardor, so I'm guessing he probably has most of not all of the good magicks. And I'm guessing by now he's probably done most if not all the other Hunts as well and got good weapons and such.

01-27-2007, 06:11 AM
Yea I have some pretty good weapons, Excalibur and a few others, not tournesol or zodiac spear though. Also I do have all of the magicks, atleast as far as I know I do. So I may try it soon I think.

01-27-2007, 06:25 AM
Weapons don't even matter as much as your Gambits. Just to let you know. I would be more concerned about that.

01-27-2007, 06:52 AM
Alright thanks, I have purchased every gambit, and have full license board so all twelve gambits per character. I'm pretty sure I found a guide on it that says to use decoy and reverse on your one character and to support him with the other two. Looks like the fight takes a while no matter what, so this should be interesting. Thanks again.

01-27-2007, 08:00 PM
Has anyone else beaten Omega MK XII besides me?

I did omega mark XII a few weeks ago. I tried the gambit thing but found it didnt work for me, maybe i had them set up wrong i dunno.
I just used 1 character casting curaja and the others attacking. My guys were at 99, i thought omega was easy but, Levels were high.

I found Yiazmat hard towards the end, it was a struggle trying to get those last 2 bars down, has any1 else done Yiazmat?

My rank was at Knight of the round, i didnt want to try getting to the higher rank in this game as i dont have the zodiac spear, so i started another game, in this game i will hunt every rare beastie and obtain every weapon/armor/accessorie.