02-02-2007, 12:19 AM
For an airship you don't really get to control until the end of the game and a game that has Gate Crystals in it, the Strahl is quite useful and pretty slick-looking and cool to boot. Once you get the Strahl, anchors appear in a number of useful locations. If I need to get somewhere, I like to board the Strahl and then travel to someplace like the Mosphoran Highwaste where the Anchor is right by the Gate Crystal, then I can teleport to another Gate Crystal, 'cause they're usually more conveniently placed than the aerodromes.

02-02-2007, 01:07 AM
I always use the teleport crystals, because at least I know where I'm going. The only thing that the Strahl offered was some more destinations that one could easily travel to. But there's nothing really new (except the Bahamut). And teleport spheres really aren't expensive; I find it more convenient.

And I hated how SE made it so you can't even go inside the Strahl.

02-02-2007, 01:35 AM
But some areas don't have convenient teleport crystals --- for example, I could be wrong, but I think you can take an Anchor directly to the Feywood.

Oh, and yeah, I guess I have to agree. Piss on airship you can't go inside.

02-02-2007, 01:59 AM
Eh, the Strahl wasn't a big deal to me; I use teleport crystals a lot more. Plus it doesn't get me to the really good places I want to's back to the good old-fashioned back tracking. Now if the Strahl could land in the Lhusu Mines...

02-02-2007, 04:46 AM
I have to agree the Strahl did open some nice places but the Gate cyrstals were more usefull. I Like the Strahl design but it wasn't as well implemented as say FFX and FFX-2 airships were. I always loved the control the Airship aspect of FFIX and downwards. I am VERY gulity of doing the OMG WE ARE GOING TO CRASH thing with them got hooked ever since FFVI or FFIII as it was known when I played it for the first time near the end of World of Balance. I both Like and dislike the fact they moved away from Propellers in this game Nice on the physics point of view because they now are like Military Hovercrafts but at the same time there is a Hint of Nostliga over them as well. But yeah Strahl nice to look at but not well used.

02-02-2007, 04:55 AM
Turns out that the Strahl doesn't go to the Feywood. It's still helped me out to have it at times though. In any case, yeah, no argument about the design. Reminds me a bit of X-2's Celsius and quite sweet. Hmm, I wonder if I can get a picture of the Strahl... meh, found one, but didn't like it. Ah well.

02-02-2007, 05:21 AM
Ask and you shall recive I have a whole bunch of them so give me a place to send them and I will my favorite is the Strahl in its hanger when you first see it, I have it where it floats over the ocean after the pharos, flying to Bhujerba and coming out of the clouds, a few enter Bahumat ones, and a Production sketch Low quality it shows the Strahl forward angled down so you can see the top with its wings open. If you want them I have them so just tell me how to give them to you and I will same with everyone.

02-02-2007, 05:30 AM
E-mail [email protected] --- just make sure the filesize is reasonable. No more than about 100K per image.

02-02-2007, 05:38 AM
I just checked all of them are bigger then that so why don't I just tell you were you can find them online?

Go to Children of Ivalice FMV screenshot section and that is were I got most of my good ones, the others from around the Net. And if you still want more say so and I will post them on my DeviantArt account Revanninja. I have only FF DOC Art work shots right now but I will post them with props to Children of Ivalice and Not Mine or work just like the shots tags if you still want them.

02-02-2007, 05:43 AM
Okay, no prob, I'll get on that when I have a chance.

02-02-2007, 06:01 AM
Glad to be of service.