12-19-2006, 06:42 AM
There's somebody out there stalking Clan Centurio hunters. Everybody at the Clan seems to think it's Monid, but I'm a bit suspicious of that.

Anyway, without spoiling too much --- about when does this guy show up, should I be worried about him, and what can I do to be prepared for him?

Edit --- I spoke with a Bangaa on the Phon Coast and he told me of a "headhunter" who's secretly working for an Archadian Judge and laying low somewhere. Any connection, possibly?

12-20-2006, 03:24 AM
Hmm without giving away too much eh? Ill try.

Well, lets just say that the hunter stalker is indeed a familiar bangaa. He will show up during a mark fight in the ogir yensa sandsea (could be nam yensa i dunno for sure) Anyway, it will be fairly obvious when you are going to fight him because of a little scene in the clan HQ.

As for preparing for the hunter stalker. My best advice is to not take the fight lightly. When i saw him i figured i would be able to run right through him, but the battle can actually get kind of tough. Going into any more detail would probably spoil it for you, you'll know why when you get there. If you are properly leveled and do the normal protect/shell/bubble etc b4 the fight you should do fine.

12-20-2006, 05:05 AM
Good --- glad to know there's gonna be prep time and stuff. Although, actually, kinda disappointing in a way. I was almost hoping it was a bit more complicated than that.
