12-21-2006, 07:26 PM
So I proposed in another thread that FFXII could actually be finished in a reasonable Final Fantasy time if you skipped scenes / FMVs and only proceeded through the main plot. I've decided I wanna try this. I'll probably spend around a half-hour each day on it. I'll post regular status updates here. If anyone else wants to try it, go ahead.

12-21-2006, 07:51 PM
Thats a good idea Agent, I will be looking forward to your updates.

12-21-2006, 10:40 PM
dont know who but somebody claimed they could do it in 20 hours or so, id like to see that.

Just Whatever
12-21-2006, 11:33 PM
I would LOVE to see that. I don't see how it's possible though. How fast can you really level up? You wouldn't stand a chance against the later enemies.

12-21-2006, 11:38 PM
Well, I would imagine it probably involves speed-run leveling along with running from most enemies and tight strategization on bosses.

12-22-2006, 03:00 AM
Hmm this is a good idea because with all the fleeing it would hard to obtain LP, and in the long run have good armor.
Good luck Agent.

J. Peterman
12-22-2006, 03:56 AM
I beat it in around 29:00 hours just knowing where to go, and I really didn't skip any of the CG sequences or anything. I'm sure you can get near 20 if you skip everything and just build up when you need too.

12-22-2006, 04:05 AM
Agent0042 reporting in!

Location: Garamsythe Waterway - East Sluice Control
Vaan - Level 3
Balthier - Level 3
Fran - Level 3

Time: 1:04:21

12-22-2006, 04:46 AM
God speed, Agent0042. God speed.

J. Peterman
12-22-2006, 05:57 AM

12-22-2006, 05:59 AM
:) Thanks Reeses. And Garamond --- I'll have all sorts of secret powers you don't even know about.

J. Peterman
12-22-2006, 06:14 AM



12-22-2006, 08:12 AM
My estimate is that your final game time will be no lower than 40 hours.

12-22-2006, 03:58 PM
:) Ah, doing predictions, are we? Well, we'll have to see about that.

Status Report (Rough Estimate)

Location: Barheim Passage
Vaan - Level 4
Balthier - Level 4
Fran - Level 4
Basch (Guest Character) - Level 4

Time: 1:30

12-22-2006, 05:04 PM
Well I say 29 hours

Vincent Ulfhednar
12-23-2006, 01:34 AM
Just checked a gamefaqs walkthrough and I'm in Balfonheim, leaving for the Feywood to Giruvegan at 45:56 so I'm just about done with the game at levels somewhere between the high thirties and low forties.

I'm the type of person who spends most of their time training and backtracking to make sure they're strong enough for the next event and didn't miss any one-time chances. Knowing that, and looking at the actual storyline game play time, I'd say it's possible to do in 20 hours (probably 24, 25 tops).

I could never do it though :-\ If I get too frustrated on a boss I'll either force myself to train or just not play for a while (one reason it's been about a month since I've actually played).

12-23-2006, 03:30 AM
Status Report or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Battery Mimics"

Location: Barheim Passage - North-South Junction
Vaan - Level 6
Balthier - Level 6
Fran - Level 6
Basch (Guest Character) - Level 8

Time: 2:24:27

J. Peterman
12-23-2006, 03:40 AM

12-23-2006, 03:17 PM
Since I'm on holiday break now, I've been putting some good time into this:

Location: Dreadnought Leviathan - Port Launch
Vaan - Level 8
Balthier - Level 8
Fran - Level 8
Basch - Level 9
Vossler - Guest Character - Level 12

Time: 3:49:57

Location: Bhujerba - Aerodrome
Vaan - Level 9
Balthier - Level 9
Fran - Level 9
Basch - Level 9
Ashe - Level 10
Penelo - Level 9, Intercession

Time: 5:05:03

12-24-2006, 05:55 PM
Location: The Tomb of Raithwall - Valley of the Dead
Vaan - Level 9
Balthier - Level 10
Fran - Level 11, Feral Strike
Basch - Level 11
Ashe - Level 10
Penelo - Level 9
Vossler - Guest Character - Level 13

12-24-2006, 09:00 PM
Interesting. I still believe my original hypothesis. But your exact game time is still hard to determine.

12-25-2006, 12:06 AM
Perhaps it'll get easier to figure out as I go along. Thanks to the high-level advanced scene and FMV skip in this game, it's very easy to power through scenes. The trick is powering through some of these early bosses --- like the Demon Wall that you have to defeat quickly or the stuff with these battery mimics where you basically have to fight them to move on. That stuff's a killer. But Quickenings help a lot. As I mentioned above, I've already got two and I'm going to be going after getting as many as possible as quickly as possible. Other than that --- largely focusing on Support abilities --- HP/MP enhancement, etc.

12-25-2006, 12:58 AM
I beat it in around 29:00 hours just knowing where to go, and I really didn't skip any of the CG sequences or anything. I'm sure you can get near 20 if you skip everything and just build up when you need too.

Personally i dont think 20 hours is possible, 29 hours is a fast time, i would really like to see that too but i dont think skipping a few cut scenes and building up when you need to will make alot of difference, but please proove me wrong because as i said earlier i would really like to see that.

My guess around 35-40 hours, good luck Agent.

By the way what was the time on your last post you didnt clock it down?

12-25-2006, 05:34 AM
I didn't clock it down because it didn't change any. I have another file going, you know. I still want to beat this game and I'm kinda hoping I might actually beat it on my current main file before I beat it on this.

12-25-2006, 03:06 PM
Just my opinion, I would focus more on Magicks than Augments on the License Board.

12-25-2006, 06:41 PM
I don't know --- I might start focusing on magicks more later, but one problem with magicks is that they cost gil. Whereas once you have Support abilities, you have them. And I think stuff like +HP Bonuses especially are going to really help out my characters.

Oh, and Garamond --- as soon as I have access to that Zodiac Spear, I will try to grab it and get out alive.

P.S. --- I don't have anything significantly new to report currently.

J. Peterman
12-25-2006, 11:12 PM

Though if you can't do it you shouldn't keep on trying over and over again because it may get way too hard. BUT IF YOU DO GET IT ONE CHARACTER WILL BE LIKE DOING LOTS MORE DAMAGE THAN THE OTHER ONE

12-26-2006, 01:21 AM
Okay, I'm pleased to announce I have significant progress to report:

Location: Ozmone Plain - Sunlit Path
Vaan - Level 10, Red Spiral
Balthier - Level 10, Fires of War
Fran - Level 11, Feral Strike
Basch - Level 11, Belias
Ashe - Level 10
Penelo - Level 9, Intercession
Larsa (Guest Character) - Level 9

Time: 8:48:50

Now that I have Larsa and I have access to Golden Amulets, I plan to do some serious LP farm. So the next two-three hours of play will probably be that. First priority --- teach everyone the License for Golden Amulet. Second priority --- go crazy with the double LP.

Future plans --- sooner or later, I'm going to do a little Mark hunting, because by this point, some of the early ones will be piss-easy and I know I can get some fast rewards.

12-26-2006, 02:59 AM
Wow you are doing good Agent. I wouldn't worry about marks it will add time and the rewards are nowhere near helpful.

Are the usual enemy encounters tough? Because you are half the level I was through the Ozmone Plains.

12-26-2006, 03:55 PM
The usual enemy encounters aren't so bad if you know exactly where you're going and have good defense and heal every once in a while and stuff. I think you're also forgetting about chocobos.

Oh --- as for magic, I'm not completely ignoring it or anything. I just bought Curaga from Tetran and will be getting more magic soon. I do have a problem though --- he isn't selling Golden Amulets right now. I suspect they'll show up after I clear the Henne Mines.

I don't have a formal progress report right now, but let's just say I got some nice LP and everybody now has the License for Golden Amulet, plus a few other nice abilities as well.

Just Whatever
12-27-2006, 08:53 AM
And now that you've got a few quickenings at your disposal, you can probably squeeze through enemies that would be too tough for your level otherwise.

12-27-2006, 02:42 PM
Yeah. Those bats at the Henne Minnes are annoying little buggers though. I think I'm going to try fleeing using the R2 button --- I had forgotten you can do that, because I've never really used it.

12-28-2006, 04:37 AM
Location: Ozmone Plain - Sunlit Path
Vaan - Level 12, Red Spiral
Balthier - Level 13, Fires of War, Tides of Fate
Fran - Level 11, Feral Strike
Basch - Level 16, Fulminating Darkness, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow
Penelo - Level 10, Intercession
Larsa (Guest Character) - Level 13

Time: 10:59:48

Nearly made it to the Gate Crystal at the Henne Mines, but got mauled by those stupid Tyranos. Next time, it's Quickenings and Belias on their asses. Belias / summons in general --- very useful in this type of challenge...

12-28-2006, 05:35 AM
Woah that's fast. I took twice as long as you to reach Henne Minds, after a few hours of searching of course ^_^. Just finished the game last night, and the ending is one of the most satisfying and heartwarming endings ever!

12-28-2006, 05:41 AM
I'm really looking forward to it. I'm planning to do some more plot advancement on my main file soon --- I'm getting bored with Mark hunting again for the moment. (Though I'm sure I'll be interested again soon. It ebbs and flows.)

12-29-2006, 04:16 AM
Location: Henne Mines - Staging Shaft
Vaan - Level 13, Red Spiral
Balthier - Level 14, Fires of War, Tides of Fate
Fran - Level 12, Feral Strike
Basch - Level 17, Fulminating Darkness, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow
Penelo - Level 11, Intercession
Larsa (Guest Character) - Level 14

Time: 11:29:22

Tiamat was just a wee bit too hard for my characters. I'm gonna do another half-hour or so of LP farming and then stick it to him.

12-29-2006, 07:50 AM
I'm impressed. *thumbs up*

12-29-2006, 04:04 PM
:) If you liked that, then you're gonna love this:

Location: Stilshrine of Miriam, Walk of Mind
Vaan - Level 16, Red Spiral, White Whorl
Balthier - Level 17, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery
Fran - Level 12, Feral Strike, Whip Kick
Basch - Level 26, Fulminating Darkness, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 11, Intercession, Evanescence

Time: 15:20:13

12-29-2006, 04:15 PM
Lol judging by your levels I'm thinking you die a lot, but Basch is the only one who lives, therefore gaining SUPER EXPERIENCE!

12-29-2006, 04:37 PM
No, take a close look at what's after his name.

12-30-2006, 10:10 PM
Location: Mt. Bur-Omisace - Sand-strewn Pass
Vaan - Level 17, Red Spiral, White Whorl
Balthier - Level 17, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery, <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Fran - Level 12, Feral Strike, Whip Kick
Basch - Level 26, Fulminating Darkness, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 12, Intercession, Evanescence

Time: 16:27:51

12-31-2006, 06:07 AM
Location: The Imperial City of Archades - Aerodrome
Vaan - Level 18, Red Spiral, White Whorl
Balthier - Level 23, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery, <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Fran - Level 12, Feral Strike, Whip Kick
Basch - Level 27, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 12, Intercession, Evanescence

Time: 20:05:48

Anyone care to revise their prediction upwards or downwards based on this newest information?

12-31-2006, 06:34 AM

12-31-2006, 01:35 PM
Well, you certainly aren't wasting any time. =]

40 hours, you can most likely beat, but you should try to shoot for 35 just to rub it in my face.

01-02-2007, 08:09 AM
I haven't made it to Archades just yet and I have about 50 hours. All my peeps are lvl 45+ tho. Fun game ^_^

Maybe once I've beaten it I'll try to beat your time. Good luck sir

01-02-2007, 08:59 AM
Yo should go the archades, buy the double experience tippets :)

01-02-2007, 04:21 PM
I want those Tippets, but I need gil first. Gil is especially hard to come by in this sort of game. Thanks for reminding me about those though, as such...

01-02-2007, 08:40 PM
Ah! So they're in Archades! Niice

01-02-2007, 10:02 PM
They're in Old Archades --- there's a merchant you encounter shortly after entering that sells them.

01-02-2007, 10:08 PM
Have you played more at all or are you leveling up?

01-02-2007, 10:14 PM
I haven't had a chance to play the speed run more at all yet and when I do, yes, I will be leveling / LP farming for a while.

01-02-2007, 10:16 PM
Yeah I think you should beat the game before you continue on because you can plan ahead more for final bosses and what not.

Where are you at on your non-speed file?

01-03-2007, 12:01 AM
Nearly finished! And yeah, knowing exactly what to do and where to go has helped a lot. I'd estimate that perhaps no more than five hours tops of the time that I've gained has been from skipping scenes / FMVs. Almost all of it has been from not wasting unnecessary time leveling up, riding chocobos and knowing exactly which routes to take and what strategies to use.

I think I'm going to spend around four-five hours LP farming / leveling up. If I do that, then I think I stand a good shot of barreling through the rest of the game and beating it in a time on the clock of around 30 hours.

01-03-2007, 02:01 AM
You are going to watch the ending FMV, correct?

01-03-2007, 02:18 AM
The game... gives you a choice? This is what I was alluding to earlier in another thread. There's something going on here apparently that I don't know about. Some sort of thing or something that lets you continue after the final battle. Without spoiling anything related to the plot, can somebody please explain to me how this works?

01-03-2007, 04:05 AM
you can't... it just ends, then takes you back to the start menu, when you can load up your save file before fighting vayne again.. then repeat..

01-03-2007, 04:19 AM
Oh. In other words, the usual. But it lets you skip the ending FMV? I know it lets you skip pretty much all FMVs, but I find the idea that you could skip the last one interesting for some reason. Is there any final results screen, like you get on Final Fantasy V, or Kingdom Hearts?

01-03-2007, 05:32 AM
results? No. It just has the ending fmv, then credits, then a message saying The End, then after all that takes you back to the starting menu.

01-03-2007, 05:40 AM
Ouch. I was entertaining a vague hope of taking down a final, final time.

01-03-2007, 05:52 AM
Hmm, I forget if it tells you game time in the game menu, or does it only when you save?

In any case you will have to keep track of time after your last save.

J. Peterman
01-03-2007, 05:52 AM
dang man agent u should do it quicker man

i think my save file was 29 hours at pharos i built up a little maybe 2-4 hours worth maybe a little more had zodiac spear all that jazz actually only that jazz man i did no hunts though and like knew exactly where to go whenever man but man u like man i feel ur top game is like 27 hours imo

01-03-2007, 05:56 AM
Well, I acknowledge that my time probably isn't going to be some sort of uber-super-top-notch time. I really wasn't trying for that. This thread was mainly more an attempt to give an overall analysis of the idea, with an example, of how this game can be played through in a fast time.

Anyway, I was getting whipped by the soldiers in the Draklor Laboratory, so I definitely want to spend some time doing some quality leveling / farming.

01-03-2007, 05:57 AM
You should salvage your way through the Laboratory (mainly because Cid is an easy fight) and do the leveling up in Giruvegan.

J. Peterman
01-03-2007, 06:02 AM
Oh, then you seem to be going the same pace I was going the second time I went through the game. I was at 29:00 after I beat Pharos, but didn't do any of the quests and had the Zodiac Spear once I could. I think that might have shaved maybe an hour or two off my time because the spear itself made one character of my party a killing machine so I was able to gain levels faster and all that jazz. Though, I started doing side quests after getting past Pharos and I've already got the time to around 40:00 or so, so the side-quests and hunts and all that really do take a good amount of time. I read somewhere that there's actually a way to get the Zodiac Spear once you get Belias, since you can use him as a shield for one hit and then run like crazy, but I just went in at level 35 or so where I could handle one hit and just tried my luck.

Suikoden II is the greatest game ever made

01-03-2007, 06:12 AM
I want that spear, but yeah, I figured that there was no chance of making it out alive. I may just try that Belias trick.

Maybe I'll just try doing some farming instead of leveling right now, since it doesn't really matter where you farm overall. If I can do some good farming, then I can get some more good abilities and magicks and such.

01-03-2007, 09:19 AM
Whoo, game beaten! What a ride. Nice ending.

Time to go full-out on the Speed Run now. Not tonight though. I need to get to bed --- like, soon.

01-03-2007, 08:16 PM





I liked the ending because I really thought Balthier was going to die and it was random that him and Fran just kind of left. But it was cool to see Dalmasca restored and Basch practically following in his brother's footsteps. Haha.

01-04-2007, 02:58 AM
Oh Fuck man. thanks for ruining for me.





Nah only joking, already beat it :P

01-18-2007, 06:09 AM

Agent man hurry up I want to know your final game time! Hahaha.

01-18-2007, 06:24 AM
Roffle. I've been having so much fun with my new file, I was hoping everyone would just forget about this.

Oh... shucks. Okay, who am I kidding? Here's the deal --- I decided to go ahead with the idea of powering through the Draklor Laboratory. I made it through to the top and am currently saved there, but I pretty much got my ass handed to me by Cid and his Rooks. My characters are weak, have sucky attacks and magicks and very few items at their disposal. Any strategy ideas?

01-18-2007, 06:25 AM
Haha. Ouch. You might just have to play around with gambits and use a lot of Haste and Protect type magicks. I really wouldn't know. haha.

01-18-2007, 06:29 AM
Well, I guess I'll try giving it a go, see if I can work something out. Stay tuned...

Time assasin
01-24-2007, 06:52 AM
On trick I've found that works with stronger enemy is using the Niphopoa thing that reverse curatives...wear that and throw a few Remedies at the baddies and see them squirm. They're easy pickin' after that.

01-24-2007, 05:16 PM
And the 30000 gil would come from?

01-24-2007, 05:40 PM
And the 30000 gil would come from?


01-24-2007, 07:18 PM
Isn't that item only available at the Clan shop, which would mean you would have to hunt Marks?

03-13-2007, 02:16 AM
try starting with your reserves and kill the rooks with a quickening chain. then bring in your better people and pound his ass!

03-13-2007, 02:22 AM
try starting with your reserves and kill the rooks with a quickening chain. then bring in your better people and pound his ass!

Do not revive month-and-a-half-old threads. :mad:

If it is not on the front page of threads in the given forum, leave it alone, please.

03-13-2007, 03:05 AM
Actually, the rules are a little different in this section, still, given that this thread was basically dead and buried, that's fair to say.

That's really not a bad idea, though, but I was pretty much prepared to let the "Speed Run" go. May still give it a shot though.

03-23-2007, 01:50 AM
Location:ThirdAscent/Red Spire Ravel
Vaan- level 49, Red Spiral/White Whorl/Pyroclasm
Balthier- level 48, FiresOfWar/TidesOfFate/ElementOfThreachery - Shemhazai
Fran- 48, Feral strike/Whip Kick/ShatterHeart
Basch- 47, Fulminating Darkness/Ruin Impedent/FlamePurge - Belias
Ashe- 48, Northswain Glow/HeavensWrath/MaelstromsBolt
Penelo- 47, Intercession/Evanessence/Resplendence - Mateus
Reddas (Guest Character) - Level 49

Time: 87:21:23

Is that decent for my first time? Watching all the cut scenes and all.

03-23-2007, 02:25 AM
I have you beat nearly everything done Sidequest wise finished Plot Level 70s For Vaan Ashe and Fran Level 25 for others at 97 hours.

But at the moment the Fastest Game time is around 60 hours or so just straight playing that I know of.

Longest Game time is K- at near 150 hours and still not done last time I heard.

03-23-2007, 02:37 AM
I have you beat nearly everything done Sidequest wise finished Plot Level 70s For Vaan Ashe and Fran Level 25 for others at 97 hours.

But at the moment the Fastest Game time is around 60 hours or so just straight playing that I know of.

Longest Game time is K- at near 150 hours and still not done last time I heard.

167 hours and in Tchita Uplands. I haven't played in 2 weeks, grad school, yada, yada, yada. Penelo lvl 67/Others lvl 58. Everything currently available is finished, but I don't have a Yagyu Darkblade yet :(

03-23-2007, 04:05 AM
To be honest, I haven't played hardly any at all lately, either this or my regular file. Are there still people that want to see me continue this? If so, just let me know and I'll try any of the strategies mentioned here and see if I can make it past that point. If I can, I will definitely try to complete this.

03-23-2007, 04:22 AM
K- by the time you are done I think you will be at 230ish in hours and that is me being low High very real for you to be in 300 hours.

Agent you should do a Speed run or finish your speed run I know I want to see the fastest time for this Long game. Espically since FFXII bashers keep on saying the plot goes nowhere after 4 hours yada yada I would be able to say look here is the Speed run done by a Veteran of the Game and you haven't scratched the surface in time. By the way where and how long is your Speed run?

03-23-2007, 04:29 AM
If you read back through the thread, you should be able to find the info. Anyway, that's good enough for me. I will try by all means to complete it then and if I'm able to get it off the ground again, I will start posting progress reports again.

03-23-2007, 05:25 AM
So you are facing Cid for the very first time and about 30ish Hours is that about right? and you are getting your butt handed to you. Way to win by the way is to use your Summons have Mateus first then let him pound away until he croaks then do it with Gigas then go with the main party if you have them Bows and guns on the rooks stay behind Cid if you can to avoid his final and spread out as much as you can to prevent group slaying. Also go with the Leveling Giruvegan is going to hand you your Ass if you are below level 30 or so.

03-23-2007, 07:14 AM
Jesus, I haven't done anything with the clan or quests hardly.

12-22-2007, 05:50 AM
Hey there, just ran across your thread here, and I'd just like to say I am very interested to see you finish this.

Good luck to you Agent, I'll be watching this thread to see your status reports. ^_^

12-22-2007, 06:09 AM
And did you not see that the most recent post in the thread was nearly nine months old? Sorry, but it's over.

12-22-2007, 09:17 AM
No, I apparently didn't. Sorry, but it's difficult to find stuff for certain games anymore, so when I see a single lead, I go with it and hope.

01-21-2008, 12:09 AM
Back in the mix. I'm giving it another go, and this time, I'm going to avoid my mistakes from last time and also take advantage of what I learned previously. Here's my current status. I think it's similar too, if not better, than where I was at that point in time the first time I tried this:

Location: Eruyt Village

Vaan - Level 11
Balthier - Level 19, Fires of War, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 11, Feral Strike
Basch - Level 10, Fulminating Darkness
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 10, Intercession
Larsa (Guest Character) - Level 17

Time: 8:52:42

P.S.: If I manage to finish this, I think I will try doing a guide for it.

01-23-2008, 12:05 AM
Location: Stilshrine of Miriam - Walk of Mind

Vaan - Level 14 - Red Spiral
Balthier - Level 23, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 14, Feral Strike
Basch - Level 10, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 10, Intercession

Clank Rank (<font color="red">New!</font>): Headhunter

Time: Approximately 15 hours, I think...

The next time I get to Cid, I'm gong to be ready. I'm going to have everything I had before, plus superior magic, armor and weapons. And a backup file saved in case anything goes wrong.

jewess crabcake
01-23-2008, 12:44 AM
How...How are you beating these bosses?

01-23-2008, 05:06 AM
Jeff -- spam Quickenings/Quickening chain + Concurrence works wonders, as does summon Esper and casting beneficial statuses before heading into the battle. That, and standard LP farm tactics -- HP +50, +100, +200, +500, etc. And, as you can see, the same tactics work well too for some of the easier Marks at that point in the game, which is why I've made it to Headhunter. (Being able to purchase Teleport Stones in the Clan Shop now really helps.)

01-23-2008, 02:30 PM
Location: The Phon Coast - Hunter's Camp

Vaan - Level 14 - Red Spiral
Balthier - Level 23, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 14, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 10, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 10, Intercession, Evanescence

Clank Rank: Headhunter

Time: 16:33:24

01-24-2008, 04:59 AM
Location: Tchita Uplands - The Chosen Path

Vaan - Level 14 - Red Spiral
Balthier - Level 23, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 15, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 10, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 11, Intercession, Evanescence

Clank Rank: Headhunter

Time: 17:29:35

01-25-2008, 12:13 AM
Location: Sochen Cave Palace - Skybent Chamber

Vaan - Level 15 - Red Spiral, White Whorl
Balthier - Level 24, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 22, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 10, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath
Penelo - Level 11, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence

Clank Rank: Headhunter

Time: 19:54:57

01-26-2008, 05:01 AM
Take this, Cid/Rooks...

Location: Balfonheim Port - Sea Breeze Lane

Vaan - Level 19 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm
Balthier - Level 27, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 31, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 12, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence

Clank Rank: Ward of Justice

Time: 24:23:02

Cid and his Rooks never stood a chance against my superior Quickenings, Espers, and magic/equipment/abilities. He only got to use his special attack once.

Well, from here on out, it's virgin territory for me as far as this quest goes. If anyone that originally posted here before is still reading, care to revise your estimates upwards or downwards based on this new information?

01-26-2008, 05:14 AM
I reckon doing it (as in the main plot) in around 35-40 hours would be an achievement. Bear in mind you've still got the Feywood, Giruvegan and the incredibly long Pharos to come, plus battling later bosses will take a lot longer with your characters at the levels they are.

Keep us posted, Agent.

01-27-2008, 06:17 PM
Location: Giruvegan - Gate of Earth

Vaan - Level 24 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>
Balthier - Level 29, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 33, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence

Clank Rank: Riskbreaker

Time: 28:54:06

01-28-2008, 04:30 AM
Location: Giruvegan - The Haalmikah Water Steps

Vaan - Level 29 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>
Balthier - Level 29, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 37, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence

Clank Rank: Riskbreaker

Tyrant defeated

Time: 30:42:15

01-28-2008, 05:49 PM
Location: Ridorana Cataract - Footfalls of the Past

Vaan - Level 29 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>, <font color="green">Shemhazai</font>
Balthier - Level 29, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 37, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 11 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence
Reddas - Guest - Level 35

Clank Rank: Riskbreaker

Time: 31:26:59

01-30-2008, 01:25 PM
Location: Pharos - Second Ascent: The Reach

Vaan - Level 38 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>, <font color="green">Shemhazai</font>
Balthier - Level 37, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 44, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart <font color="blue">Mateus</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence
Reddas - Guest - Level 35

Clank Rank: Riskbreaker

Time: 36:42:16

01-31-2008, 05:26 AM
Location: Balfonheim Port - Saccio Lane
After the Pharos

Vaan - Level 38 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>, <font color="green">Shemhazai</font>
Balthier - Level 37, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery <font color="red">Belias</font>
Fran - Level 44, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart, <font color="blue">Mateus</font>, <font color="orange">Hashmal</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence
Reddas - Guest - Level 35

Clank Rank: Riskbreaker

Time: 37:57:53

Might just be able to make that 40 hours after all...

02-01-2008, 05:08 AM
Location: Balfonheim Port - Saccio Lane
After the Pharos

Vaan - Level 41 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>, <font color="green">Shemhazai</font>
Balthier - Level 40, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery, <font color="red">Belias</font>, <font color="purple">Famfrit</font>
Fran - Level 47, [b]Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart, <font color="blue">Mateus</font>, <font color="orange">Hashmal</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence
Clank Rank: Riskbreaker

Time: 38:48:09

But I wasn't able to beat The Undying. I got through everything else and he toasted me. So I'm gonna have to work on it some more. New goal is within 45 hours.

02-01-2008, 05:38 PM
Well, finally did it! Beat The Undying and this challenge. Here were my final stats:

Location: Sky Fortress Bahamut

Vaan - Level 47 - Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm, <font color="yellow">Adrammalech</font>, <font color="green">Shemhazai</font>
Balthier - Level 46, Fires of War, Tides of Fate, Element of Treachery, <font color="red">Belias</font>, <font color="purple">Famfrit</font>
Fran - Level 51, Feral Strike, Whip Kick, Shatterheart, <font color="blue">Mateus</font>, <font color="orange">Hashmal</font>
Basch - Level 13, Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, Flame Purge
Ashe - Level 12 - Northswain's Glow, Heaven's Wrath, Maelstrom's Bolt
Penelo - Level 13, Intercession, Evanescence, Resplendence

Clank Rank: Riskbreaker
Clan Points: 510287

Final Time Logged: (The Undying HP in critical) <font color="red">42:21:34</font>
Approximate Total Time: 43 hours

Note -- all ending FMVs and cut-seqeunces are skippable, with the exception of the credits. Why anyone would want to skip them, though, is beyond me, unless they just really want to hear Symphonic Poem "Hope" or check a name or something.

02-02-2008, 04:25 PM
Congrats, great stuff.

02-02-2008, 10:21 PM
Grats, Agent :)

02-02-2008, 11:55 PM
:) Thanks! Next step is to create a guide for the challenge. Watch for that in a new thread, coming soon...

12-24-2009, 04:55 AM

I didn't do this myself. I was just floating around and found ur thread. I don't want to crush your achievement or anything but thought you might like to know. If the address doesn't take you straight there then oh well. Its complete video of the game minus the cutscenes in under ten hours.

12-24-2009, 06:02 AM
Sorry about deleting your post. I mistaken believed that you were a spammer- we get those a lot here. Anyways, that looks pretty good, I guess they really wiped the floor with me then. I'll have to examine that in more detail when I have the chance...

12-24-2009, 06:06 AM
Yea. I wouldn't have believed it myself had i not seen it with my own two eyes.