06-26-2007, 04:35 AM
I'm 118 hours or so into the game. I had stopped playing for three months for various reasons but I returned in the past two weeks. I plan to not just beat this game in 80 hours with no sidequests but instead do almost all the sidequests, secrets, and levelling to finish it in like 160 hours. The only thing I think I might skip is beating Omega Mark XII since it's Level 99 and that's very high up in levels.

I'm at level 53 and am getting secret Esper Exodus for Basch next. I see myself levelling up to maybe about level 70 or 75 considering Yiazmat is at level 73 isn't it? I am not sure if I will do the club hunts and beat Omega Mark XII but I think I might do everything else.

I still got to beat Rogue Galaxy and then start playing Alundra 1. I want to get all three of these games out of the way before the fall season starts up(officially on August 28th when Blue Dragon and Wild Arms 5 come out).

The summer off season has Final Fantasy I for PSP out tomorrow and 28 days later is Final Fantasy II for PSP and Shin Megamei Tensei: Persona 3 for PS 2. On August 14th comes out Heroes of Mana for Nintendo DS but I am not sure yet if we will consider that to be part of the summer off-season or the fall season. The only game I'm definetely getting in the fall is Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings but I want to get a bunch more like Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, and others.

Me putting so much time into this game is a double edged sword. On one hand it's taking a long time and delaying me playing other games but on the other hand it gives me a full completion of the game. I would only do something this complete for a top rpg like Final Fantasy XII. Who else is in this current situation? :)

06-26-2007, 05:22 AM
This could have gone in the 'What are you currently gaming' thread, but that being said:

I'm 213hrs into it. I finally decided to just finish the story and take a good LONG break from it, as I'm more than a little burnt out. I took two breaks while playing and even that didn't seem to help horribly.

If you want 100% you're going to have to fight Omega Mk. XII as he's part of the requirements for the highest clan rank. When I do go back I'm going to get Order of Ambrosia and call it done. I'm not going to bend over backwards to get a Danjuro or a Yagyu Darkblade.

I do love the game and I WILL go back to finish it at some point. I'm almost done with III, and I'm not buying a PS3 or 360, so it isn't like I'm on a strict time schedule. That leaves only Xenosaga Ep. III and Twilight Princess on my plate. I'd like to have those done by January. I know that sounds odd, but I'm working on my Master's and I'll be student-teaching in the spring, so I'd like to have all the games I haven't played completely to be out of the way by then.