05-11-2007, 05:55 AM
Hi all,

Have FF 12 and it rocks. I'm 70+ hours into the game. I have the brady games guide but have only been using it sparingly when needed for tough spots.

So I'm progressing through the storyline only breaking to level up periodically. I then decide to go back and do some side quests.

Thats when i notice i need a great serpent skin. I sold it habitually in the bazaar, not knowing i should keep it. So I'm to understand that now I CAN'T get an esper!!!!! And I can't get highest clan rank because not getting this esper means no skypirate award.

Am I royally screwed now? Is there no way to get another skin?

Ephemeral Dyne
05-11-2007, 06:52 AM
There is NOT another Giant Serpent Skin in the game, AFAIK. But fear not, because you can still recieve the Barheim Key at the end of the quest even if you do not have the skin in your inventory. So go ahead and finish up what you have left of that quest, and you will get the key. You will not, however, recieve the Golden Amulet. The Golden Amulet is an accessory that doubles the amount of LP earned. But those can be bought later on in the game, so thats no big deal.

05-11-2007, 09:39 AM
I can still get the esper? So all I miss out on is the Golden Amulet? (Cause I already have 6 of those, :) . They are pretty handy!) I'd hate to miss out on highest clan rank, and the esper. Although I did miss out on the Zodiac spear already...

Ephemeral Dyne
05-11-2007, 09:53 AM
I can still get the esper? So all I miss out on is the Golden Amulet? (Cause I already have 6 of those, :) . They are pretty handy!) I'd hate to miss out on highest clan rank, and the esper. Although I did miss out on the Zodiac spear already...

You can still get the Esper. Actually, you can still get the Zodiac Spear too even if you opened on of the "trigger" chests you aren't supposed to open. The other one is in a chest in Henne Mines. Of course, you have about a 1/1000 chance of actually getting the weapon, but its still available.

05-11-2007, 09:58 AM
You can still get the Esper. Actually, you can still get the Zodiac Spear too even if you opened on of the "trigger" chests you aren't supposed to open. The other one is in a chest in Henne Mines. Of course, you have about a 1/1000 chance of actually getting the weapon, but its still available.

Yeah, I read about that in some other forum. 1/1000 odds though... ugh. Is it even worth the effort? You know where in the mines?

It is a relief to know I don't have to start over though, I was about to.

05-11-2007, 05:22 PM
Yea, all you're missing out on is the golden amulet, which is great if you complete that side mission as early as poss but otherwise its no big deal.

The zodiac spear is in the henne mines once you have 10 espers and have done the mindflayer mark. Go speak to geomancer yugelo (i think thats his name) and he'll show you a previously unaccessible part of the mines. The chest is in there, but with a lowchance of it appearing and a lower chance of the spear being in it when it appears, it'll take you a long time to get it.