12-21-2006, 05:29 PM
For those that did not know it or even care about it, there is another title of the now legend FFvii series, this one is called Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Square Enix (In development). As you can see its in development still I think, and its for the PSP, THATS RIGHT PSP!!!!!.. no details on itexcept it looks like its based on Zack, friend of Clouds. If you need the sight that I got this info from, let me know and I will post it.

12-21-2006, 05:35 PM
Congratulations on posting a thread about a game everybody knows about with information everybody knows in a section where it absolutely does not belong. You have achieved the ultimate in pointlessness and numbskullery.

12-21-2006, 06:14 PM
I think he meant to post this in "FFXII and Beyond"...but now it's changed to "FFXII", and there's a separate "FFXIII and Beyond".....
And he probably recently found out about Crisis Core, and was then he wanted to share....

I'm excited, too! It looks pretty good so far...
...I don't have a PSP, though...>< I'm not really sure if I want to buy a console for just one game...

12-21-2006, 06:24 PM
The FFXII forum was created before he joined, so that's not an excuse.

12-21-2006, 06:34 PM
Umm whatever Jolly, so I made a mistake posting it where it shouldnt be, so sue me. And thank you to Norse and you are right on all the things you said including the part that I didnt know about the game and was excited.

12-21-2006, 07:23 PM
Jolly / Prak pisses on pretty much everything related to FFVII, particularly if you start in the wrong section. It's not just you.

12-21-2006, 07:52 PM
Cool, ty for letting me know that, hehe.

12-25-2006, 01:39 AM
That he does.. .. but .. You'll see that most of the people here come to expect it from him. It's like.. his mission in life to piss on everything.

I'm excited for the game as well. I am even more excited that the screenies so far look so damn sweet and the fact that it's on the PSP. I'd rather have a PSP version of the real FFVII, but....whatever. I loved that game, and I'd get it on the PS3 and the PSP. I still have my original disks that I got way back in the day of it's release... loved that game, still love it. Looking forward to Crisis Core.

12-25-2006, 01:55 AM
Jesus christ, you people act like Prak is always a cunt and like it's his job. His honest, tough critisism, and intelligence makes him worth admiring and people should work up to those standards but you continue to blow it off since 'he's always like this'. Get a clue.

Anyone with the nerve would straighten this retard out. Wrong board, shitty, useless information, and it's FF7 related. Not to mention the post sounds like a crappy ad in Fanboy Magazine.

12-25-2006, 02:06 AM
Jesus christ, you people act like Prak is always a cunt and like it's his job. His honest, tough critisism, and intelligence makes him worth admiring and people should work up to those standards but you continue to blow it off since 'he's always like this'. Get a clue.

Anyone with the nerve would straighten this retard out. Wrong board, shitty, useless information, and it's FF7 related. Not to mention the post sounds like a crappy ad in Fanboy Magazine.

Yeah.. it's called being a cunt.

To him it isn't useless information, he was excited.. though it was in the wrong spot (that's agreed upon) no harm done. No one is injured (well.. maybe Prak) .. moderators simply need to move the thread. Situation.. fix'd.

For all you know the OP is new to forums, a kid, didn't see the other areas.. whatever... doesn't serve any purpose to flame someone about it.

YOU.. and Prak need to learn tactfulness. Add something useful to the topic and add the fix action to said offense.

(HEY.. Yes it is exciting [post you own opinion here]. This game has actually been in the making for sometime now. If you check out [said area] you'll see some pretty useful information regarding this particular topic. Just be sure to review all areas before making a post in the wrong section.)

There.. now was that so hard? So.. instead of being raving asses .. try to be civil to those with less experience in the forums....

Prak is always like this. He is always a "cunt" .. albeit has some useful information most times, but bottom line is.. he's known to flame anyone that makes a minor mistake as if this was his very own website. End of Story.

12-25-2006, 06:13 AM
and YOU need to shut the hell up. I'll be damned if I sit here and spew bullshit from between my teeth just to be nice and let them continue being a tart because they believe it to be ok. This may be the internet but there is a certain level of conduct and intelligence required to be taken seriously.

As far as experience goes, it doesn't take a genius to put a thread in the right place let alone use correct spelling and grammar. It's not hard, and people who decide otherwise deserve to get flamed, it's their own fault.

For the record, Prak isn't always a cunt, he's quite the gentleman actually, it's just that people like you and the OP fuck it up for everyone else.

12-25-2006, 06:26 AM
Uh huh... yeah you just proved my point. Take a trip to the nearest obedience school and learn a thing or two about tactfulness. The OP wasn't being a "tart". Obviously he admitted his ignorance on the matter. Believe it or not.. people don't just sit here and do stuff to piss you and Prak off just for kicks. Sometimes.. it really is a matter of inexperience.

How is posting a topic in the wrong place fucking everything up? As I said before.... moderators will eventually catch on and simply....... move it. Until then.. just... stfu.. plain and simple. If being nice and cordial is spewing bullshit from beteween your teeth.. then you truely are a bitch and.... I pity anyone that would know you in real life with your attitude and impatience toward those with inexperience.

Some people don't even know how to save a file to a floppy drive...doesn't take a genius to figure that out either, but there are people who don't know how to do it. It's called.. having patience for the uninformed.

12-25-2006, 06:42 AM
For one, I never said it fucked up anything.

and two, why would I be nice to people when I don't want to be. Spewing bullshit between my teeth is just like lying between them. I'd take being honest and critical over nice anyday. There's a difference between being nice because you want to and being nice because people want you to be.

Pfft, besides, it won't be the first time I've been called a bitch before, and it's getting old. But until tarts like yourself realize your own idiocy and correct it, me being nice is merely a luxery you can't afford. Also, pulling pity onto my acquaintances is ignorance on your part, considering you know next to nothing about me and getting to know me is a minimal notch of the battle.

PM if you'd like to continue your bullshit. This shit thread has suffered enough and shouldn't be bumped any longer.

12-25-2006, 06:53 AM
am i interrupting?

12-25-2006, 08:57 AM
Obviously he admitted his ignorance on the matter.

Only after Prak corrected him.

Prak rocks, Fran sucks.


12-25-2006, 06:45 PM

12-25-2006, 09:23 PM
tight asses over the internet woooo, fucking nerds

J. Peterman
12-25-2006, 11:07 PM

Just Whatever
12-26-2006, 10:27 PM
So..... anyone here a Bears fan?

J. Peterman
12-27-2006, 03:14 AM
So..... anyone here a Bears fan?


Just Whatever
12-27-2006, 08:49 AM
The thread was hijacked anyways, I figured I'd toss it out there.

12-28-2006, 09:28 PM
Well I would love to add to this arguement, but for the sake of being the bigger/better person, I will just ignore all the retarded bullshit responses that Twilight mentioned. She (so she claims to be) is nothing more than a modern day 'bully', albeit she doesnt physically beat people up, she just insults and berates them to death. It's people like her that really need to get a life badly because obviously harrassing others with your idiocy is so unbecoming of a 'lady'. Also what 'lady' would ever dare say the word cunt???? Unless Twilight is a he/she. hmm. So do us all a favor Twilight and get off your high horse, you are no more better than anyone of us PERIOD. I made a mistake and you managed to take that and made me out to be this stoopid (yes I purposely misspelled it, get over it) little child that shouldn't be on the internet. Well biotch, I am not a child and I am certainly NOT stoopid. So if you have nothing good to say, THEN KEEP YOUR FREAKIN FUGLY ASS TRAP SHUT!!!!

Also to Gil, I thank you for your kind words and sticking up for me. Also I apologize to anyone, except Twilight, if I offended anyone with my rants. These rants were only intended for Twilight and 'her' alone.

12-28-2006, 09:41 PM
ROFL, girls don't say cunt?

Oh that was brilliant.

12-28-2006, 09:48 PM
I'm sorry let me clarify that, proper girls don't say that. Slutty ones well thats a different story.

12-28-2006, 09:51 PM
Yeah, I'm totally a slut.

12-28-2006, 09:54 PM
To each, their own.

Black Paladin
12-28-2006, 11:09 PM
God bless you

Valerie Valens
12-28-2006, 11:10 PM
To him it isn't useless information, he was excited.. though it was in the wrong spot (that's agreed upon) no harm done. No one is injured (well.. maybe Prak) .. moderators simply need to move the thread. Situation.. fix'd.

That's a pretty lame excuse IMHO. There are things I may get excited about but I do try and get information pertaining to the subject before making a redundant topic about it. Willful ignorance is never a good excuse.

For all you know the OP is new to forums, a kid, didn't see the other areas.. whatever... doesn't serve any purpose to flame someone about it.

That's a pretty bad excuse too, unless he wants to be seen as a mentally-handicapped poster. The forums are sectioned quite nicely, he could have easily do a bit of researching before deciding to post or reply to an existing topic.

YOU.. and Prak need to learn tactfulness. Add something useful to the topic and add the fix action to said offense.

They can be tactful when they see it to be meritous.

There.. now was that so hard? So.. instead of being raving asses .. try to be civil to those with less experience in the forums....

I can easily say the same to you Gilthanos, your posts in that Gears of War thread shows that you aren't a good example of civillity yourself. Then again, neither is anyone posting in this thread, save for Agent0042.

Prak is always like this. He is always a "cunt" .. albeit has some useful information most times, but bottom line is.. he's known to flame anyone that makes a minor mistake as if this was his very own website. End of Story.

It's called being harsh and unforgiving, piling on a lot of negative reinforcement on an erroneous behaviour pattern is bound to discourage them from making the same mistake, whether they accept the message or lash out in response.

Irinicus, learn from your mistake and don't lash out in reaction to being chastized like countless other idiots have done. Also, you're in no position to define how "proper" members of one sex should behave, so keep the condescending sexist comments to yourself.

12-29-2006, 01:11 PM
You all kill me, I made one mistake and I get this for it?? Do you all NOT have anything better to do in your lives than bash a normal human being for making a simple mistake?? I am not saying I am a better person, especially after what I wrote, and I want to apologize to Twilight for those remarks. I was angry at how I was treated for a simple mistake. My bad. IMO, what you should have done was nicely point out the fact that I had made the mistake instead of bashing me. After all, we are all humans and we all make mistakes.

12-29-2006, 04:14 PM
You've failed to correct the biggest mistake of all --- you won't shut up about it. Amazing how it would probably go away if you simply chose to ignore the thread.

12-29-2006, 08:32 PM
That he does.. .. but .. You'll see that most of the people here come to expect it from him. It's like.. his mission in life to piss on everything.

I'm excited for the game as well. I am even more excited that the screenies so far look so damn sweet and the fact that it's on the PSP. I'd rather have a PSP version of the real FFVII, but....whatever. I loved that game, and I'd get it on the PS3 and the PSP. I still have my original disks that I got way back in the day of it's release... loved that game, still love it. Looking forward to Crisis Core.

I got the psx version on psp using popstation, just need to play it now.

Hex Omega
12-31-2006, 07:59 AM

12-31-2006, 08:00 AM
You bring the cards.

Hex Omega
12-31-2006, 08:02 AM