02-15-2007, 02:23 AM
Has anyone here attained this exalted rank, Order of Ambrosia? :-D

Also, does anyone know of any bestiary completion guides anywhere out there? There're some lil' bastards that're giving me some problems; too many to list here individually.

02-15-2007, 03:21 AM
I personally haven't gotten there yet but I am 84% there.

As for the guides go to GameFaq or try and Google it. I know at least that Gamefaqs has Rare Game Faqs which is the vast majority of peoples problems.

02-15-2007, 04:46 AM
you're at 84 % there? Where the hell do you see this %? huh?

Oh, right... it's an estimate you've done to look good.

02-15-2007, 05:16 AM
Part of earning it is completing the bestiary, right? So that's probably what he did --- he just looked how much left on the bestiary he has to complete and factored it into there.

I don't have it yet, I'd probably be there by now if I had tried to do everything on my first savefile.

I think some people may consider the name of the highest clan rank a spoiler. I'm going to spoiler-tag this thread.

02-15-2007, 06:10 PM
I have Yizmat, Hellwyrm, Omega, a few regular Monsters, Most Raregames, Dalan the one you get for complete Monster lizard and Gabranth for Sky Pirate Den to get to recive the Final Rank. That is why I say I am 84% I have done all Hunts have most of the List filled out and their second Page, and I have done most sidequests except the Races in the Port and Finish the Fishing Minigame. And I am only at 98 hours of time.

The only reason why I haven't killed Yizmat Hell wyrm is because I am having too much fun playing my New Game. So don't say I am saying it to Look good Hynad I can back up my 84% Claim with Game Save which I would be Happy to put onto the Net if I knew how.

As for what it takes Complete Monster List you only have to Have meet each Monster once you don't need the Second Page, All Sky Pirate Den figures, and All hunts finished that is it. I read it on GameFaqs. The Hardest to Get part is Dalan since their is ALOT of confusion to how to get it, Gabranth because you have to get every Last ending quickening attack which is hard to do later on, and Ba'gama or However it is spelled because of how hard it is to trigger the RareGame to show up let alone kill some of them.

02-15-2007, 07:10 PM
Gabranth because you have to get every Last ending quickening attack which is hard to do later on.

How so, Reva? I got every concurrence, save Black Hole, with only Penelo and Vaan. I pulled off my first Black Hole with Vaan, Balthier, and Fran in Garamsythe, on a dire rat. Overkill, eh? But I've sinced introduced Elite Marks and Entites to Black Holes, as well.

I'm not sure of the exact mechanics of concurrences on stronger enemies, but maybe you could attempt them on the lowest of the low. It worked for me. I'm going to assume you have the list detailing how to generate each concurrence. If you don't, let me know.

02-15-2007, 07:15 PM
I do its just I am not very good at getting them I usually get torrent, Ark Blast, and Inferno. I now how it is done its just hard to do it properly I came So close once to getting Black Hole and I mean I was one off at level 3 Quick but I had too little time to Mist charge and timed out.Needless to say I was ticked. But yeah I have done the whole Quicken a regular enemy to death to get them all I will probably try again sometime since I am keeping My first save File I just never spent any amount of time really trying to get all the Final Mist attacks and it wasn't until recently that I got the formula for them so before it was complete Hit in the dark.

02-15-2007, 09:46 PM
Reva --- have you taken a look at the Mist Charges and Quickenings threads? Basically, you want to lay off of that R2 button once there's something up there and make sure to hit that Mist Charge whenever possible. Just take a look at the list there of the available Concurrences and figure out the types of Quickenings you need to pull off in order to the Concurrence you need. You did say that you have the formula, so I guess you know what you need to do. Hopefully some of the tips in either of those threads can help you. They are linked in the Forum Charter.

The first time I played through the game, I got that rather quickly because I relied rather heavily on Quickenings. Now that I'm playing through the game a second time, I have more familiarity with the characters and how to build them up and stuff, so I haven't used Quickenings nearly as much. But I did get it eventually, without specifically aiming for it.

02-15-2007, 10:37 PM
I have Yizmat, Hellwyrm, Omega, a few regular Monsters,...


The only reason why I haven't killed Yizmat...

Ok, either you have Yiazmat, or you don't have it... or maybe it's just the way you write that is coming through really badly. Either way, if you're at 84% using gamefaqs, then you have no merit.

02-16-2007, 12:01 AM
Uh, no Hynad, how about you read better?

"I have Yizmat, Hellwyrm, Omega, a few regular Monsters, Most Raregames, Dalan the one you get for complete Monster lizard and Gabranth for Sky Pirate Den to get to recive the Final Rank."

"To get to recive the Final Rank." That means he said he doesn't have them yet.

Seriously, I'm just saying, people don't like being told that they're "talking bullshit" and they "can't lie convincingly" when you can't even read what they posted properly.

02-16-2007, 12:08 AM
Maybe it's just his writing that is so bad.

for Sky Pirate Den to get to recive the Final Rank

If this guy is english, I don't know what I am.

02-16-2007, 12:16 AM

His writing wasn't that bad that I wasn't able to understand it. If there was something that seemed contradictory to you, then you should have at least taken another good look through the post before making comments like that. Especially before you start lobbying accusations of "lying" and "bullshitting."

02-16-2007, 12:48 AM
I am one 100% english Chum.=) and can prove it with all the Birth certifictaes and paperwork I need to work.

I unfortunatly have a Problem with spelling and Grammer it has something to do with the fact I am partially deaf. But while it was poorly written statement I will grant you that you jump the Gun on accsations to quick espically considering the fact we just had a debat where I told you I have beaten the game and am working on my second play. I am a completist when it comes to most games so I normally try to get 100% on my first play through.

Hynad you have to give a little faith for the people here we don't come here with nothing on the plate nor do we come here to be slandered so please lay off the finger pointing.

As for Gamefaq I have used it occasionaly like for some of the hunts and a guide through the Great Cyrstal to get Ultima as well as some clues for the other espers but that is it. The play most Rare monster I have and so forth I have done on my own Heck I didn't even use Gamefaq tell I was hunting the Marlith in the caverns near the time for the Golmore jungle section of the game. And even if I had used GameFaqs or anything else it wouldn't matter you know why? Because I still did it with my Characters I bulit up myself and spent 98 hours working with. As the saying goes it was bulit from Sweat tears and Blood so it counts no matter what since I still have the personal experince of the game.

02-16-2007, 05:06 AM
As the saying goes it was bulit from Sweat tears and Blood so it counts no matter what since I still have the personal experience of the game.

Yeah of course, but you don't have as much merit as someone who discovered everything all by himself. And of course, your clock is probably all wrong because of that. Going through walkthrough and faqs will speed up things a lot. SO I'm kinda glad you don't know how to post your game on the net, since you have no merit for it anyway.

Everyone can do what someone else tell them to do. But people who figure stuff by themselves achieves a lot more than those lazy ones who take the answer from the others.

02-16-2007, 05:14 AM

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

02-16-2007, 05:24 AM
I just said for the most part I did figure it out on my own when I spend a full hour going around searching for Marlith and not finding it yeah I think having a little help is justified. Game, Hunt, and sidequest I did all on my own with a hint. Only Behemoth King, the info for Yizmat, Hellwyrm, Marlith, and the map for the great cyrstal were looked up. Oh the quickening formula and where the Veg royalty is.

Everything else is all done straight and true no help. Heck I didn't even look up the Pharos underlevel I found that one out by accident when going List filling. So I have a lot of creditability YOU are the one who does not. So far you have said you have beaten the Game 3 times okay I can belive that but have you given out stragties for Monsters, Hunts, and Espers? NO. While Myself I have. Have you even given out advice to people asking No while I do it on a reguarly bases. And My info is for the most part correct and have been corrected only a few times and every single one of those has been written from Memory.

No creditability my A$$

02-16-2007, 05:38 AM

And what I wanted to say was that, well, obviously, one of the reasons we have this board is to help people. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally don't consider it my idea of fun to try to noodle out a bunch of crap that's nigh impossible to figure out without asking about it here or checking a walkthrough. I mean, honestly, for an example, I never would have figured out how to unlock the Ascetic's Door and gain access to Hell Wyrm if I hadn't checked it in a walkthrough. Not to mention trying to figure out some of that Waterway nonsense.

02-16-2007, 05:46 AM
Which with out a Faq is a Pain to do I got it more out of trial and error for the Waterway. Lets Face it FFXII has some of the worst secert out there. There are no Hints for Zodiac Spear that I have found at all, same goes for where the Espers are. Alot of the Hunts have Vague barely there directions espically the later ones involving Pharos the Horse Hunt anyone? You can't get a 100% on this game with out some help its just plain impossible unless all your life is gaming and that would be just a sad exstince for anyone.

As for time I am just lucky I guess also helps to overlevel Main Plot wise so you can breeze past the bosses and enemies. Also how do you explain level 77 for main party and 25 for secondary party with 98 hours of game time. Explanation because I busted my butt to work them up to that point without any of the Automatic Level ideas floating around, while still doing every Sidequest and Hunt I can while keeping a good Game pace.

My hats off to the Faq writers and Game Guide writers you all deserve our praise and adminration for the work you put in to please us Gamers.

02-16-2007, 07:23 AM
I personally haven't gotten there yet but I am 84% there.

As for the guides go to GameFaq or try and Google it. I know at least that Gamefaqs has Rare Game Faqs which is the vast majority of peoples problems.

I've done that. The rare monsters aren't what're troubling me. It's more "common" monsters who apparently don't spawn under normal circumstances. Most recently, I went searching for Oilings in the Stilshrine of Miriam and couldn't find 'em any-fuckin'-where.

Besides those guys, there're the 5 different mandragoras who're in the Feywood (whom I recently discovered how to find), the Gazer in Lhusu, the Gnoma Entite in the Dalmasca Sands, the Leshach Entite in Paramina, the Lv. 99 Red Chocobo, etc.

So yeah, I was looking for a comprehensive bestiary somewhere that includes where and under what circumstances the less common, but still relatively rare enemies spawn. *shrugs* S'pose none exists yet. Ah well, I guess until then I can just Google in all the random monsters I'm missing and see what I come up with.

02-16-2007, 07:38 AM
Unfortunatly no one has written that one but I can answer a few of your questions.

LV99 Chocobo is a part and Parcel of the regualr Chocobo entry so you don't need to kill it for the List. If you want more info there is a thread on this subject. Gazer I am not quite too sure but I found him on the bridge from where you fight Rocktortise to the Site 9 so I can't help you much there.
The Leshach entite you need a Snow Storm and Avoid the Brook which cancels a snowstorm and they Come out. Gnoma you need a Sandstorm and they come out Rain season and entrance from Giza seems to up the possibility others have said check the Q&A Faq for more detail. As for Oilings that is one of the enemies I need to get myself so sorry.

02-16-2007, 08:07 AM
Heh, yeah, I remember reading that Lv. 99 Red Chocobo thread. *sigh* It's a loooong way to Order of Ambrosia, ain't it?

02-16-2007, 08:09 AM
You aren't kidding my friend it is a Long road even for me being so close since 3 of the last things I have to do is kill the Hours long bosses sheesh that is going to be a pain in the butt when I get around to it.

02-18-2007, 01:12 AM
Has anyone here attained this exalted rank, Order of Ambrosia? :-D

Also, does anyone know of any bestiary completion guides anywhere out there? There're some lil' bastards that're giving me some problems; too many to list here individually.how do you get that rank?

02-18-2007, 01:19 AM
Full Sky pirate's den and all Hunts completed even the Elite Marks.

02-18-2007, 01:23 AM
Full Sky pirate's den and all Hunts completed even the Elite Marks.

I guess saying "Full pirate's den" was enough since you must complete the bestiary to get one of the Sky pirate's den award...

02-18-2007, 02:10 AM
I'd say that's fair enough. This is basically a lot like getting King Mickey's seal for every journal entry in Kingdom Hearts II, except that game is way better about giving you hints and info you need to figure out to complete stuff.

02-18-2007, 02:11 AM
Some people don't know that and I have run into people who think the Monster list Sky figure doesn't need the Marks so I was nipping it in the bud before a misunderstanding happened.

02-18-2007, 02:12 AM
Getting the final rank would be so hard!

Right now, my rank is the one before Order of Ambrosia, which is Knight of the Round, and I'm currently working to get the final rank. It's hard since you have to complete the Sky Pirate's Den, and complete the bestiary, which means look for all the monsters, including the Rare Game monsters. I finished all the marks already though. Yiazmat was tough, but not tough enough for me! =)

02-18-2007, 06:54 AM
the hardest thing on the list, i think, is to activate every Concurences.

Finding the many rare Games and finishing all the Marks is only time consuming. While the Concurrences rely on luck.

02-18-2007, 06:37 PM
It's a combination of skill and luck, if anything. We have very detailed strategies on how to do it.

02-18-2007, 08:28 PM
The Concurrences don't necessarily rely entirely on luck. If you use the tips I directed for Mist Charges, then you can find the info you need. Then it's merely a matter of knowing which Concurrence or Concurrence you still need and making sure not to end the chain until you've filled the particular requirements for that Concurrence (and no further, if necessary.) And then from there on, it's luck.

02-19-2007, 04:40 AM
The concurrence that's 5 3 mist chains...the Wind one I think...that one was a B**** to get done. I spent so much time trying to get it, I actually levelled up, I was at Nabreus at lvl...67. Sigh...took me so long XD
I'd say the hardest thing to get is the bestiary. Or at least, it's the most time consuming. Quickenings aren't hard once you understand them, I accidentally got my Black Hole with a 13 chain. Others have done 20+ chains. But they practice.
But the bestiary....rare spawns, tough fights....and if you miss some early on it could screw you over XD. Frustrating, to say the least.

02-19-2007, 05:06 PM
to complete the bestiary do you have too just kill one of every monster, or do you have too get the 2nd-6th page

02-19-2007, 05:17 PM
One of every monster, according to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTEHaaVkL4k) guy.

02-19-2007, 06:54 PM
I second that I have seen a few Youtube vids were the guy was missing one monster from his list showed us the Missing spot then killed the Monster I belive it was a Gorome entite then had the list with a Star and the Sky figurine.

02-19-2007, 08:06 PM
Reva, you change your avatar so often it's disorienting. Well as long as it isn't a pic of Cloud or Tidus :-P

02-19-2007, 08:27 PM
Well I was using Cid but the artist said no when I asked permission the artist had been offline for awhile so I had to switch.

But this time it actually fits the Avatar is Wegrief from FFT who is considered a Heretic and seeing as how he is a Knight.

02-19-2007, 08:36 PM
Yeah, I've seen some pretty humorous changes to pics that are linked directly without permission.

Edit: I'm not saying you necessarily direct linked it. Here (http://www.n-chicken.net/tomfoolery/bandwidth3.shtml)'s my favorite example of the phenomenon. That link may or may not be safe for work, just letting you know.

02-25-2007, 02:51 AM
*does a little dance* Just got Order of Ambrosia! :D

Now I'm off to dole out some severe punishment to Mr. Solidor and the rest of his buddies, hehe.

02-25-2007, 03:55 AM
*does a little dance* Just got Order of Ambrosia! :D

Now I'm off to dole out some severe punishment to Mr. Solidor and the rest of his buddies, hehe.

I hope you took the time to forge your Wyrmhero Blade :-P

02-25-2007, 03:57 AM
I hope you took the time to forge your Wyrmhero Blade :-P

Am I the only one here who think the Wyrmhero Blade is the most annoying sword in the game? I forged it, and although it's an impressive sword for it's attack power, the sword's attack rate is too slow and the sound it makes when it hits is too annoying I don't even equip it. I prefer the Tournesol or the Zodiak Spear.

02-25-2007, 04:03 AM
I agree with you Wyrmhero is worthless for the most part the only good things are the permeant Bravery and Faith and that is easy to fix game wise.

02-25-2007, 04:04 AM
lol, yeah. My gambits are set so faith and bravery is on my party members at all time.

02-25-2007, 04:06 AM
I was really just saying it for the sake of completion. I've heard plenty of negative things about the sword itself. However, if you're going to take the time to get Order of Ambrosia, you might as well play the fishing game and forge the blade.

02-25-2007, 04:09 AM
I forged it just so I could get every equipment pieces in the game. But it really isn't worth it. They should have made the sword faster and with a better sound effect (something like a real ULTIMATE weapon). After all, it's the hardest weapon to get (you really have to work hard for it) but in the end, it's just a worthless sword that is in no way better than the 2 others I mentioned... Oh well, at least I succeeded in coillecting everything.

02-25-2007, 06:45 PM
Haha, yeah, I've heard all these bad things about the sword too. It sort of reminds me of the special garment grid you get in FFX-2 called, "The End;" the one for which you not only have to complete the bestiary but also oversoul every monster on it. I thought the special attack it gives you (also called, The End) would be something amazing, but nope. Anyone know what I'm talkin' about?

Alas, I have yet to get the Tournesol and I've been nearly driving myself crazy going in and out of the Henne Mines trying to find that one stupid chest that, if I'm insanely lucky, would contain the Zodiac Spear. I may stick around in the game long enough to at least get the Tournesol, but I've accepted that I've missed out on the Zodiac Spear. It's just not worth the stress, lol.

My gambits are set to cast Haste and then Bravery on everyone. I toyed around with Protectga, Shellga, Hastega and Bravery for a little while, but someone was always out of range and it got irritating; not to mention quite taxing on the MP.

02-25-2007, 07:10 PM
I would suggest getting Tournesol just because it is the Best weapon in the game now that you can't get Zodiac spear. I have in the Q&A thread the Loot List and where to get them for the Tournesol.

02-25-2007, 07:26 PM
If you ever play through the game again, z0z0, you can get the spear after finishing Raithwall, if you're leveled enough. If you want that strategy, let me know.