01-06-2007, 04:19 AM
Okay, was anyone else here fooled by Vayne Solidor's act, at least for a bit? I have to admit, I was for a bit, and I feel a bit silly, because I really should know better. Vayne kinda reminds me of some of the political leaders I've seen on Star Trek and such and maybe Star Wars as well. You know, making overtures of peace and friendship and such, but actually being a real jerk.

One thing I'm not entirely sure though --- how much of it was Vayne actually and how much was it the nethicite messing him up or whatever? Is it like Kefka, who got screwed up and twisted in FFVI?

01-06-2007, 06:38 AM
I haven't beaten the game yet, but I saw in the Strategy Guide that Vayne'll be the final boss.
I think he's kinda cool in the game, though. But he reminded my quite a bit of Seymour of FFX, dunno why, maybe it was his hair. XD

I don't know about the Nethicite messing him up or anything, but I'll post here, as soon as I reach the part in the game.

To my mind, it was pretty obvious that he wasn't the nice guy, he pretended to be. Although his speech in Rabanastre was kinda nice, he just seemed a little off. Maybe Square shouldn't have made it that obvious.

I'll see about the nethicite in the game, but maybe he's really a little messed up by it, since he's always pretty nice with Larsa. Which isn't really something he had to be, especially because he killed his two other brothers, it was a little confusing for me that he seemed to care pretty much about Larsa.

Well, we'll see...


01-06-2007, 06:52 AM
Well, I think you'll be interested to see just what exactly happens with Larsa...

01-06-2007, 09:46 AM
I actually enjoyed the fact that within the first few hours I already knew that Vayne would be the final boss. I don't think that the nethicite controlled him as much as militarism and his fascist personality.

The one negative thing was that I had thought the Judges were all badasses, but the minute Vayne kills his father, the Judges basically get on their knees to Vayne and become a bunch of wimps.

01-06-2007, 10:17 PM
VAYNE KILLS HIS FATHER!?!?!...............................jk I know

01-08-2007, 02:02 PM
yeah, that was kind of sad he kill his own father.