02-19-2007, 04:02 PM
I don't know if its just me or does anybody else thinks that FFXII doesn't feel like an FF game. Just wondering about other peoples opinions.

02-19-2007, 04:54 PM
i sort of felt like that in the beggining too, but you'll get over it once you give it a chance. It turns out too be a really great game. one question, how far are you

02-19-2007, 06:14 PM
doesn't seem like ff game?

i wonder what you mean

02-19-2007, 07:02 PM
Feels a lot like an FF game to me. It's probably just the different feel of the battle system. That's all. Takes some getting used to.

02-19-2007, 07:15 PM
If you play FFT, FFTA or FFXI you will get a similar Battle system. And what makes FF is a small group of people getting together to take on Hordes of Monster for the Goal to save something usally the World.

02-19-2007, 07:34 PM
Um... that makes hundreds of other games also, so that's really not a good thing to define the series with.

02-19-2007, 08:30 PM
It was a Joke Prak. At some point you will figure out my Humor.

As for what really defenies FF its hard to say I mean yes it does have a group save the world with Magic, Airship and so forth but there is a certain feel to it that is different then say Legend of Dragoon, Legacy of Mana, Dragon Quest and so forth its hard for me to put into words.

02-19-2007, 09:59 PM
FFXII is just different. Very different from other FF but very much capable of carrying the "Final Fantasy" name. Besides, this is actually the "good" kind of different. It just takes some getting used to.

But sometimes, whenever I see Vaan, Penelo, and Ashe running down a hall with their axes, swords, and rods, I find myself imagining that it would be Tidus instead who's running and next thing I know, I'm pressing the reset button on my PS2 and putting the FFX disc instead.

02-21-2007, 07:23 AM
It's like FF meets Star Wars.

02-21-2007, 07:32 AM
You know that wouldn't exactly be a bad thing could you just imagine Gabranth or Balither using Lightsabers? I can and it amuses me espically if you think the Darth Vader Luke connection and Balither Cid one.

02-21-2007, 09:24 PM
The only thing I thought felt different was the pacing of the battles. When I first experienced the battle system by playing the demo that came with DQ8, I thought the only difference was that you didn't have to endlessly press the X button in order to give the commands. Other than that... The overworld map is not a "globe" but only one part of a huge world.

Those are the only fundamental changes I've noticed. The rest screams FINAL FANTASY to me.

db Cooper
02-23-2007, 09:14 PM
The thing about FFXII having this slight stars wars feel about it kind of put me of... I never liked star wars... at all. But none the less I am really like XII so far!

02-24-2007, 05:24 AM
Also the thing that discouraged me about the game is the whole "FIND THE CRYSTALS" thing. I hated it in the old FF's and they bring it back in the newest one. Also maybe its also the music. Not so good. The fact that Nobuo Uematsu didn't compose any music but just helped.

02-24-2007, 05:39 AM
By find the cyrstals do you mean the Nethicite if so I can see a VAGUE resemblence but that is it. Also the Cyrstals have been around since FFI to FFV and slightly FFVI with Magicite though not the same thing. Considering that is half the games and what got it started to boot that should be the prime example of what FF is in that context.

As for music that is really each their own. I like some of the Music from each of the Games but I don't like all the Music and I am sure it is the same with a lot of people.

02-24-2007, 07:04 AM
FFXII's music grew on me over time. But my favorite music moments are still the intro (the trailer type one with "the Prelude" and "the Prologue") and the battle against Gilgamesh(Clash on the Big Bridge). And during the whole game, I thought the main theme was playing in to many versions. I missed the more dynamic touch of Uematsu. But overall, I think it's still a solid OST.

I especially like the theme playing in the Phon Coast.

02-24-2007, 07:17 PM
FFXII's music grew on me over time. But my favorite music moments are still the intro (the trailer type one with "the Prelude" and "the Prologue")
Wonderful --- neither piece ever gets old for me, particularly "The Prologue."

and the battle against Gilgamesh(Clash on the Big Bridge).
A fanastic throwback to Final Fantasy V.

I especially like the theme playing in the Phon Coast.
Best theme in the game possibly, other than the "The Prologue."

02-24-2007, 11:21 PM
Good to see we can agree on something here Agent0042! ^_-

I was really glad to see they just re-orchestrated the Clash on the Big Bridge without changing much of it. They only improved the original with a better sound quality.

Most of the other themes in the game fits the mood, but aren't as memorable and catchy as the other themes from older FFs. I must admit though that some themes like the Paramina Rift and the Westersand were really enjoyable.

02-25-2007, 12:06 AM
I also like the theme plays, I think it's when Penelo shows up and joins Vaan in the Giza Plains. It's played a few other times later in the game. I'll call it "Penelo's Theme" for lack of knowing what it's actually called.

P.S.: What did you think of the ending music? I thought the vocal piece worked well as an accompaniment to Penelo's reading of the letter and the closing-credit music and had some very unusual instrumentals.

02-25-2007, 12:45 AM
I LOVED the ending theme. Kiss me good-bye is such a lovely song. At first, it kinda bothered me they would make Penelo talk over the song, but as I kept watching I though it was just fine. The credits theme "Hope" is most certainly one of my favorite theme of the game (except the Prologue, Prelude and Clash). And it's funny how I end up enjoying the themes that weren't composed by Sakimoto more than his... Even if I really liked Vagrant Story's OST, I must say this kind of composing is not as well suited for FFs than those from Uematsu... Unless it's just me being a huge fan of the later... I don't know. I certainly miss him when I play this game.

02-25-2007, 03:26 AM
wat u think of FFXII? i've got issues with it (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?p=758056#post758056)

^exactly wat i think... doesnt seem like a ff game... check out my thread if u wanna discus it more ^^^^^^^^^

02-25-2007, 03:29 AM
It's like FF meets Star Wars.

yea i no wat u mean, but more the lord of the rings less star wars but it still there

02-25-2007, 03:43 AM
Proper spelling and grammer please. And no double posting use the edit button

02-25-2007, 03:46 AM
I wonder what in the game makes you feel like it's anything like LOTR...

oh yeah... people use swords and magic... and there's many races.

If someone thinks I'm being cinical, you're right.

02-25-2007, 03:55 AM
What makes LOTOR different from FF is the plot and atmosphere. In the whole entire Books and even more in the movies you have a desperate air of thin hope like a man holding on to a weed to not fall off a cliff. The little hobbits are faced with so much danger just on the trip alone and while they make their trip they are slowly being corrupted by their very Cargo and you are VERY aware of this fact.

No where does that same desperate all or nothing Hope like in LOTOR exisit in FF. Yes there is desperate hope but the hope is placed on the backs of Good virutous people who won't Fail if even it costs them their lives.

FF and LOTOR have similar things but in the end their atmosphere is COMPLETELY different.

02-26-2007, 04:15 AM
I just want to go back to the topic of music for a second (sorry, been away all weekend).

I've been enthralled with FF since the first one, though admittedly I missed quite a few iterations down the center so I have to ask - is Pachelbel's Canon in D as memorable to everyone else as it is to me? I've had the melody in my head since heading off to fight Kraken in FFI and it wasn't until recently that I actually looked into who wrote it.

Just curious :-\

02-26-2007, 04:35 AM
Pachelbel Canon? I've always enjoyed that piece, but I had no idea it was in FFI. Or is it in Dawn of Souls only? Either way, it's been a long time since I've played FFI. Anyway, you often here that piece played around Christmas-time, although it's not specifically a Christmas song.

02-27-2007, 10:09 AM
i like the music in this one the mood is on the spot.

but the thing i miss is the interation that the chareters have with each other is kind of lacking .. there is some but far from Enough
so far at least
where is the humor and the fun i it i havent even smiled i this one yet
compared to the previus games that had a lot of it ..

think about it

it`s still a fantastic game and i can`t beleve i even writhe bad thing about it but it is what it is so that my opinion ..

in not done with it yet only lv 34 so i have a long way to go but i hope that changes som and we get some humor and interacions that isent that story based and just for funn ..

02-27-2007, 10:52 AM
i think the story is really great..
when i first played battles i didn't really like 'em and i thought this ff was worse than the previous...
but after a while i got used to it and i think it's much better than the pass ff's...
u don't just sit u can move all the time just like wow :D

03-04-2007, 12:15 AM
i thought it was an good final fantasy game.

03-05-2007, 10:16 AM
as i have progressed further in the game its picking up .and i im liking this game more and more every day ..
only thing som fare there havent been any action secvence and i can`t realy see the motevation that the character have .. i mean the reason that van an penelo has for risking their life so far is kind of dull and easy way to go ..
there is less storry and more mystery in this one .. but it`s til i great game...
Can`t wait to get off work and go home to play some more ..

03-05-2007, 11:01 AM
why does vaans magic only occasionally work? thanks

03-05-2007, 04:41 PM
You need to up Vaan's magic ability accuracy and make sure he finishes his casting it should always work. The only way it wouldn't is a Fire spell on a much higher level creature this better dodge ability.

Penelo is along for the ride really she got so caught up in it she wants to see it to the end basically. For Vaan it is a self-discovery trip at first he thought it was his adventure but as time goes on he starts to realize things about himself. He also realizes that this is too imporant for him to just give up on he needs to finish it.

03-05-2007, 05:13 PM
Yeah raven thats probably right, and the fact they are probably bored shitless doin crappy jobs for migelo all day makes flying around in an airship with skypirates risking their lives seem like a good idea.

03-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Vaan wants to get revenge for his brother's murder. He holds the Empire responsible for his death.
But during the course of the game, you'll see him mature and his motivations will be a bit different.

03-06-2007, 03:50 PM
mmm its trippy. it works occasionally when im wandering around but when it goes into stry line its just stays at zero the whole time.

03-07-2007, 10:17 PM
It's not just you. I felt the same too that FFXII doesn't give me the feeling of a Final Fantasy series. Except the part where you fight with Gilgamesh. That part feels like the traditional FF series (a bit) because of that amazing music =)

I wonder if it's because of the battle system or the story ...

I hope FFXIII will have the FF feeling back. I miss that.

03-07-2007, 11:43 PM

03-09-2007, 12:40 PM
cant anyone help me out?

Neo Xzhan
03-09-2007, 12:55 PM
The story may be different, but I think it's far better then most FFs so far. I absolutely love the battle system. I find it a weak arguement to say that this isn't a real FF because of this.

BUt the story is awesome, you feel like you're part of something bigger. You're not just fighitng some emo kid who wants to blow up the world for sentimental reasons and crap. You're in the middle of a war, you pick a side and do what ever you feel like you should do.

The characters are awesome too *spoiler* when Ashe was in front and in doubt at the Suncryst, that was amazing.

All those things really makes it feel to me like a FF game.

Judge Bergan
03-09-2007, 02:09 PM
It's not just you. I felt the same too that FFXII doesn't give me the feeling of a Final Fantasy series. Except the part where you fight with Gilgamesh. That part feels like the traditional FF series (a bit) because of that amazing music =)

I wonder if it's because of the battle system or the story ...

I hope FFXIII will have the FF feeling back. I miss that.

FFXIII doesn't look that way at the moment. So the hunts, the races, the chocobos, the moogles, the monsters, mystical places to visit, don't make it good enough for you? =P

03-09-2007, 11:35 PM
Don't forget the Crystals, the Espers, the Magicites and the airships!

03-10-2007, 02:15 AM
the only thing that makes me feel odd about FFXII is the fact that the battle system is very different. o_o like one of an MMORPG.
but, the immense details and architecture, as well as the character designs and setting has FF written all over them. <3 gawd, i just love Penelo.

is so hawt. :( i originally imagined her to have a deep and seductive voice, but i like this voice in the english dub stuff too. :) very intriguing.
okaysoztwasgettingofftopic. D:

03-10-2007, 06:23 AM
Final Fantasy XII is a much needed change in pace. It's refreshing in my opinon. Once you have grown accustom to the changes you'll feel right at home.