03-24-2007, 10:46 AM
Are you one of those people who just build up three characters and hope they'll survive so that the pathetic other three won't get a chance to shine? Or, like me do you spend the time to level up each character equally so although everyone suffers by one or two levels, they are all equal and you have a full reserve team to help in the bigger fights.

Before I took on the level up everybody tactic I used Basch, Ashe and Vaan. Then I realised the other characters were useless so I leveled them up and started to like each character individually. Now I can swap freely between my characters so I can use their different abilities to the maximum benefit. For example when I had vossler in my team I used three archers (Vaan, Fran and Penelo) and owned all the various mini-beasts.

So what do you do?

03-24-2007, 11:42 AM
I tend to favor the same three characters. During my first play-through, these were Vaan, Balthier and Fran. But I leveled other characters periodically, whenever I wanted to have them in my party. Like when going to fetch the Sword of Kings, I wanted to have Ashe in my party so leveled her sufficiently. And later in the game, I leveled Penelo and in the end finished the game with her in my party. Basch on the other hand, was stuck at level 10 for the longest time..

I'm on my second play-through now, and the characters I use are Vaan, Ashe and Penelo. They have an average level of 60 or so. The other three are about 30 levels below them, but I do intend to level them soon! XD;

Neo Xzhan
03-24-2007, 12:35 PM
For me it's always been Basch, Vaan and Penelo.

Penelo is the best character to go with Magicks, Basch is pretty much my powerhouse damage dealer, and Vaan is the guy taking all the hits and healing everyone, it works really well.


03-24-2007, 03:38 PM
Despite what I said in the 'Overleveled Like Whoa' thread, I am leveling almost equally. The whole 'level one party 3 levels, then level the other, rinse & repeat' was getting on my nerves so I switched to the Penelo method:

She's always leader and I switch out the others each time they level.

This has left me with a lvl 68 Penelo and lvl 58 party. Perfectly acceptable given where I am in the game--Tchita Uplands.

03-25-2007, 01:41 AM
Everyone is within one or two levels of everyone else, but for some reason, my Ashe/Fran/Balthier team (made up of my favorite characters) performs to a slightly lesser degree than Vaan/Penelo/Basch.

I use Ashe and Vaan as party leaders, but Vaan is faster, so the advantage goes to him. Fran and Penelo are both great magic users, but again, Penelo is just slightly better (and with more MP). The greatest difference lies between Balthier and Basch; the latter is considably stronger and combos more often.

Bottom line, though, is that there aren't any pronounced differences between the parties. I always stick with the same setup, and since I keep them evenly leveled, there's no big discrepancies.

03-25-2007, 07:25 PM
Penelo is the best character to go with Magicks, Basch is pretty much my powerhouse damage dealer, and Vaan is the guy taking all the hits and healing everyone, it works really well.


My powerhouse is my two Fomalhauts.. ^_^;
Penelo is leading my group. She IS good with Magicks, but little girl + big gun = win.

03-25-2007, 09:47 PM
I usually have Ashe, Basch and Fran in one team and Penelo, Vaan and Balthier in the other.

Both of those teams have a close-combateer, a long-range combatant and a mage. The mage is always the party leader, so I can just concentrate on healing the others while they do their thing. It works pretty well. But Ashe/Basch/Fran are generally more effective and therefore I use them more often.

Neo Xzhan
03-26-2007, 10:13 AM

My powerhouse is my two Fomalhauts.. ^_^;
Penelo is leading my group. She IS good with Magicks, but little girl + big gun = win.

Basch + Whale Whisker + Genji Gloves > Penelo with Fomalhaut.

Penelo needs a Masamune + Genji Gloves, that'll make her a great Magick user and fighter.

03-26-2007, 10:55 AM
I tend to level up every character, swapping them in and out, due to a bad experience I had in a previous game where I leveled one set of characters the whole way through only to find out that the other set was required to win. It's probably a good thing I did in this case, or I wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the 60 hours I did out of FF12.

I used Vaan, Basch, and Ashe for the final battle, though, and for most bosses too. Penelo was my only full mage actually, but I don't regret only having one, since pure mages seemed pretty worthless in the end. Vaan, Basch, and Ashe were my strongest sword-play and defense characters.

03-26-2007, 10:55 AM
Basch + Whale Whisker + Genji Gloves > Penelo with Fomalhaut.

Penelo needs a Masamune + Genji Gloves, that'll make her a great Magick user and fighter.

I don't have any Genji equipment or strong weapons besides the Fomalhauts yet, so for now it's like this. :P Eventually, I will devide tasks (tank, support/magick, damage dealer) properly between all the characters. They all have mostly the same gambits now but hey, it works. ^^

Sandal Hat
03-27-2007, 02:06 PM
Vaan Ashe and Penelo. I really don't have much need for other characters because once I figured out thathe gameplay has been created easy, I haven't died.

03-27-2007, 02:30 PM
I'm using Vaan as the tank with shield and heavy armor, Balthier and Fran as ranged damage dealers with Gun for balthier and bow for Fran, both with light armor. All characters can heal equal amounts of hp and do all the buffs i need. the other three are 15 lvls back, which i realize is a big mistake...

FFX combat system was my favorite cause then u used all characters naturally.

Neo Xzhan
03-27-2007, 02:51 PM
Actually I have to revise a little. Vaan + Genji Gloves + Masamune = increadible.

9 out of 10 attacks he combos atleast 2 times up to ALOT.

Sandal Hat
03-27-2007, 02:54 PM
I am a bit discouraged in using Vaan as he has more than a few feminine qualities desired in a brawler, but as I thought he was going to become the main character I persisted in using him: compelte ignorance on my part.

03-27-2007, 03:43 PM
Vaan Ashe and Penelo. I really don't have much need for other characters because once I figured out thathe gameplay has been created easy, I haven't died.

This will change.

EDIT: Let me be a little more clear in that. Are you the kind of gamer who is going to complete every sidequest and hunt? If so, expect to have to change up your strategies and gambits, though not necessarily your main party. "Easy" is of course a relative term, but if you are going to take on all of the game's optional bosses. I'm pretty sure you are going to die once or twice :D

If you are referring to the main game as being easy, please be specific to that end, as others might be more inclined to agree with you. I'm overleveled, so I can't really speak to it objectively as the main game HAS been exceedingly easy to me, as a result.

Sandal Hat
03-27-2007, 04:23 PM
This will change.

EDIT: Let me be a little more clear in that. Are you the kind of gamer who is going to complete every sidequest and hunt? If so, expect to have to change up your strategies and gambits, though not necessarily your main party. "Easy" is of course a relative term, but if you are going to take on all of the game's optional bosses. I'm pretty sure you are going to die once or twice :D

If you are referring to the main game as being easy, please be specific to that end, as others might be more inclined to agree with you. I'm overleveled, so I can't really speak to it objectively as the main game HAS been exceedingly easy to me, as a result.

Yes that's exactly what I'm referring to. The main storyline is easy, but the alternative bosses don't really appeal to me atm. Maybe on a later date.

03-27-2007, 04:32 PM
Yes that's exactly what I'm referring to. The main storyline is easy, but the alternative bosses don't really appeal to me atm. Maybe on a later date.

Really? I think that was FFXII best side, that it is a hard game. Maybe you just found an easy mode character line up or mine just sucks. And yes I mean both main storyline and sidequest. Everything is challenging. I'm at Balfonheim right now if someone wonders. At least 20 game overs so far.

03-27-2007, 05:15 PM
I myself as stated before use Fran, Ashe, and Vaan as my main line up. Fran on Bow, Ashe on Sword and Shield, and Vaan on Great sword or Katana since I missed out on Zodiac spear.

Now like K- I was overleveled big time for the most part and I have nearly completed all the Side quests I can assure you, you WILL die at least once when fighting them more likely on Gilgamesh or Zodiark would be my bet.

The game isn't really easy unless if you Overlevel like K- and myself did, Fight the Hunts, and or Figure out some of the trick gambits and abilities like the reverse Item+Remendy which its Accesory Name I forget right now. If you do one of those things then the game becomes easy sure but normal players die all the time. Heck even I died Slightly overleveled as I was on Demonwall the first in Raithwall's tomb had to Level up before I could kill the Bastard then kill his weaker brother. Basically there are plenty of ways to make the game easier and if you stumbled across one then you destroyed your objectivity. Example Raithwall if you can kill both Demonwalls you can get a Demonslayer sword which isn't sold until well after Stilshrine right there so makes alot of things easier. Also there is the Deathbringer in Barahiem passage tough to do but possible and it nets you the Last sold one handed sword in the Game at the beginning of the game and lets not forget the Zodiac spear which you can get as soon as you get to Salikwoods plot wise or even before that. See any of those tricks and the game becomes VERY easy but most normal players aren't going to get that so I say it still has its challanges.

03-27-2007, 07:23 PM
I use all the characters, because in every major battle and I can't make it out without a single one of them. The game is much more fun to me when your partys strength are ranged weapons and magic and you don't have any frontline fighters (usually called "tanks"). That way you find all the benefits of magic and accessories helping you to make gambit combinations that can make your characters almost invulnerable in battles.

Right now I just finished my battle with Gilgamesh while having all the ordinary weaponary and armor and my stongest character only has a 43'th level. To others this may be no big deal, but me it is.

Personaly I don't find find it interesting just leveling three characters while others are left behind, to me it's the same as playing FFVIII only with a different battle system.

Sandal Hat
03-28-2007, 12:28 PM
Really? I think that was FFXII best side, that it is a hard game. Maybe you just found an easy mode character line up or mine just sucks. And yes I mean both main storyline and sidequest. Everything is challenging. I'm at Balfonheim right now if someone wonders. At least 20 game overs so far.

It's character creation is built in a way for the user to be able to create the perfect characters. Once you understand the system it's very difficult to die. But there is just so much potential in this gamestyle that if it's tweaked and if limitations, rules and boundaries are placed on character customization it would be much more fun and much more of a challenge.

03-28-2007, 01:40 PM
Well that is true and not true all at once. Yes the Characters have the Potential to be the best but in truth the best would probably be Genji armor or at least Gloves plus Zodiac spear. Since you can only obtain one that means you can only create one best outfitted character. What the characters use your play style and your what you are fighting all adjust what is the 'Perfect Character'.
Basically what I am saying is that while you can create a Perfect Character in the end what is the Perfect character is subjective. Some like Tanks others Mages and even more a Mixture but in the end there is no perfect Character that is the same for all or even a few play styles.

Sandal Hat
03-28-2007, 03:41 PM
By perfect characters, I mean characters that can conviently do anything and everything if they so choose not. I don't mean the one witht the best or highest stats. But in this game all of my characters are tank/mage/healers. And because of that plus the gambits, I really haven't died since firemane. (in the main story of course). If i used quickenings more frequently, it'd be even easier.

03-28-2007, 05:49 PM
Now that I can understand and don't have anything to say other then it varies based on play style.

Judge Bergan
03-28-2007, 06:50 PM
I use Basch, Fran and Balthier - Basch being my captain. I like my fellas to use axes/hammers, and Fran to use bows/ninja swords.

Going to use Basch, Vaan and Pennelo second time around.

03-29-2007, 04:26 AM
I had them all set up unique so I mainly played them all. I had xp amulents on Penolo and Fran because I used them the least, Basch and Vaan and ashe were what I called tanks which I always used them as my controlled character to maintain damage from everyone else. My strongest character would probably be Vaan though, he could do awesome black magic,green,time and white. while others where mainly set on certain magics.

Mr Jack
03-29-2007, 02:23 PM
I usually level them up as equals, but it can be hard, especially when you just cant be arsed anymore,

Now though, when it comes to party menus, i just wing it, whoever has the best abilities forthe job, gets to be in the party, except for the smaller battles, where i try and put the weaker characters in to equalise it out a bit.

03-29-2007, 05:10 PM
Are you one of those people who just build up three characters and hope they'll survive so that the pathetic other three won't get a chance to shine? Or, like me do you spend the time to level up each character equally so although everyone suffers by one or two levels, they are all equal and you have a full reserve team to help in the bigger fights.

I do just like you. I level up all the characters to have a full reserve team to help in bigger fights. and that sure has come in handy plenty of times already. so even thought I waste a little more time to level up them all... I get the chance of easily beat the bosses.

03-29-2007, 05:26 PM
I only Use Fran, Vaan and Ashe xD...i just lvlup them one by one on a easy place ^_^

03-30-2007, 02:15 AM
MP [OOOOO-----]

HP [OOO-------]
Str [OOOOO-----]
Vit [OOOOOO----]
Spd [OOOOOO----]


MP [OOO-------]
Mag [OO--------]
Vit [OOOOOOO---]

04-15-2007, 05:33 PM
I usually play as Ashe. Penelo and Fran but Vaan, Basch and Balthier are the same levels as the other 3. The characters mostly use the default weapon thing (Ashe-Swords, Balthier-guns etc) but Vaan uses a spear (Zodiac Spear) and Penelo uses poles...

04-18-2007, 06:25 AM
Well, I just got the game about 3 weeks ago, but with school, and prepping my art portfolio, I only have 2.5 days of actual gameplay, and I'm bearly passed the part where Fran goes berserk on the Shiva. So far I have everyone at Lv24, and I have absolutely no clue on what direction to put my characters in. In every FF from 7 and on, each character shows you their strengths, but in this one, even Penelo is a strong character (I have her using axes) In the end, I'll probably have everyone some what similar

My style has always remained the same: Switch Offs
No matter how badly I want to try out new join up characters, unless they're at the same level or lower than all my characters, I won't use them.
My strategy is simple, go as far into the game till I get my ass handed to. Then stop and go to any area with pretty strong enemies, and keep leveling up till after 10 levels, or till the enemies become easy kills. You might say this is slow and tedious, but it works for me. (I finished FF7 in 50+ hours, with the good ending, side quests, everyones Final limits & at Lv70+)

04-18-2007, 07:21 AM
I never switch Vaan out of my party but switch my others round so that they're equally levelled. Vaan is about 10 levels higher than the rest. It would be more because I started this run through trying to do it equally but I realised its easier to constantly have one leader with a different set of gambits to the rest, and it easier when you dont have to keep switching people's gambits around.

04-18-2007, 07:26 AM
I never switch Vaan out of my party but switch my others round so that they're equally levelled. Vaan is about 10 levels higher than the rest. It would be more because I started this run through trying to do it equally but I realised its easier to constantly have one leader with a different set of gambits to the rest, and it easier when you dont have to keep switching people's gambits around.

QFT. I use Penelo, of course. She's 79 right now and the others are 66, so the gap does get bigger. However, it will be closing as everyone else uses embroidered tippets, while I always leave my Genji gloves on.

04-18-2007, 06:31 PM
Exactly, once i get 2 embroidered tippets, i give them to the two people in my party fighting alongside Vaan so that they catch up.

04-19-2007, 01:54 AM
I use all my characters. Once a character levels up, I switch and bring in the next character. Vaan is the exception. He's always in my party and he's like 7 levels ahead and everyone else is at the same level. Plus, my setup is like this

Vaan - Warrior/Thief. Great Swords, Heavy Armor

Basch - Warrior. Axes, Shields, Heavy Armor

Balthier - Thief. Daggers, Light Armor

Ashe - Paladin. Swords, Shields, Heavy Armor, White Magic

Fran - Black Mage. Bows & Arrows, Mystic Armor, Black Magic, Arcane Magic

Penelo - Summoner/White Mage. Staffs, Mystic Armor, White Magic, Green Magic, Time Magic, Espers

As you can see, I like my characters to have some variety and I enjoyed the game using this combination =)

05-03-2007, 02:50 AM
I use all six characters. The main way I customize them is through their weapons and armor. I have two teams of three: each with one heavy armor wearer (the tank), one light armor wearer (the speedy damage dealer) and one magic armor wearer (the spellcaster). Each character uses a unique weapon, with some overlaps. i.e.:

Vaan: light armor, ninja swords/crossbows
Balthier: light armor, guns/poles
Fran: heavy armor, swords/bows
Basch: heavy armor, axes & hammers (and sometimes a bow if fighting a flier)
Ashe: magic armor, maces
Penelo: magic armor, katanas

I try not to powerlevel. Instead when I reach a new area I try to level enough so that I my party average equal to the highest level monster in that area. Since party levels > monster levels in terms of effect, my party stays powerful enough to deal with nearly any adversary.

Neo Xzhan
05-03-2007, 05:28 PM
Well second time through the game, different characters.

Vaan still, because he's pretty much the best character statistics wise.

I traded Basch for Balthier. Balthier has higher Vitality and Speed values. Strength is nearly the same.

Traded Penelo for Ashe. Ashe has higher Magick statistics aswell speed and slightly higher max HP.

05-03-2007, 08:03 PM
Vaan for speed and attack, Fran for magick and ranged attack and ashe for magick and attack. Works fine for me. I dont use any others now.

05-03-2007, 09:18 PM
Penelo has the highest magic stats at 99 if I recall correctly. My choices are never really on statistics, I couldn't tell you what they are right now if you asked me. It's more emotive/aesthetic.

Neo Xzhan
05-04-2007, 06:54 PM
Actually, at 99, both Penelo's and Ashe's Magick stats are identical.

The only difference is that Ashe's Magick stat grows faster then Penelo's. Meaning she's at 69 (which is both of their maxed Magick stat) faster.

05-04-2007, 11:25 PM
You are correct, Forevercloud reported them ( correctly, and I guess bias unconsciously drove my incorrect notion that Penelo was slightly higher. My bad.

Kaeso Brutius
05-05-2007, 07:33 AM
Vaan-Light sword
Penelo-Bows.. or it could be grenades i can't remember.

Neo Xzhan
05-05-2007, 11:48 AM
Ugh, I really hate Axes/Hammers. The fact that you can score alot of damage does not measure up to the fact that you also do like 20 damage sometimes.

05-05-2007, 12:52 PM
They are good at first, early on in the game, but there are much better weapons later in the game.

05-06-2007, 04:01 PM
I still often mix up my groups and let everyone have a chance to fight with someone else, that way I can get most of my characters to level up equally, but everything changed when I let my sister play once for most of the day only to come back later and see that Balthier is almost 10 levels higher than anyone else.. x.x;

Never quiet recovered from that.

05-06-2007, 04:55 PM
I used all charactors. Well they were built,it's ashame not to be used.:)
I always split 2 groups

Van:Leader,shield+durandal or Zodiac spear - Tank or attacker & supporter
Fran : Crossbow or Sagitaurius Bow or Masamune - Magic user
Baltheir : Formalhult or Zodiac spear or Orochi - Attacker

Ashe/Basch/Panello(This group is stronger,I don't know why,lol)
Ashe : Leader, Masamune or Excalibur - Attacker & Supporter
Basch :Zodiac spear or Excalibur or shield+durandal - Tank or attacker
Panello : Masamune or Staff - Magic user

05-09-2007, 06:05 AM
Balthier, Ashe, and Basch are the three most badass characters in my opinion. The other three are just my benchwarmers. Balthier is a narcissistic A-Hole, Ashe is a tough hottie, and Basch is just cool cause he played a major role in the begining of the story. Fran has that cool exorcist thing going on when shes near magicite, I just didn't use her. As far as Vaan or penelo, their just kids, which automatically cuts them off from being badass.

05-11-2007, 10:40 AM
I have:
Vaan and Basch as my Damage Dealers.
Ashe and Penelo as my Healers.
Balthier and Fran as my Support (mix spells and attack).

Knowing their roles I use 1 Damage Dealer, 1 Healer & 1 support, at any given time. Which ever one is lowest level gets put in.

IE: If Vaan & Basch are both lvl 30 and I'm using Vaan, once he hits 31, he gets benched till Basch hits 32. Switching up every 2 levels

So I get a even mix of all the characters, while keeping an effective battle set up.


Vayne Curadas Solidor
05-11-2007, 04:34 PM
My top three are Ashe, Baltheir and Fran. Penelo is pretty high up in magick ability. But ashe, Baltheir and Fran are about level sixt whereas everyone else is around level thirty. I want to keep them higher, but I'm just eager to defeat Vayne so I only use the higher three when training. Every now and then the others get a chance.

05-13-2007, 06:08 PM
I always made their level up equally until when I finished Giruvegan.
I found that is very hard to keep them in equal level so, I made Vaan
Balthier and Ashe had more level than the others 1 or 2 levels and used
them when I have to fought with difficult enemies.
But in general, I often changed the groups to fight with general enemies.

The reason I made them at equal level because I would feel not good if I
left some of them in behind level(Is it funny?) and the reason why I chose
Vaan Balthier and Ashe to gain more levels because I think that vaan is a balance fighter.Ashe have a high magick power and also not bad in attack power. Bathier because he use the gun that I think that is very good weapon.
(and for another reason is he is my most favorite.)

05-14-2007, 05:07 AM
All my characters have different levels. I was using three of them, Vaan, Basch, Fran but then noticed the others were low level. So I'd change one character over so that when one of my original three leveled once, the other added character would have leveled 4-5 times.

05-27-2007, 10:42 PM
My Party: Vaan, Balthier, and Fran

Occasionally I switch characters to level them up.

06-19-2007, 04:24 AM
Vaan, Balthier, and Fran

06-21-2007, 03:54 PM
For my team I wanted everyone to have a purpose... After being n00b-ish and reading the play tips, I learned a lot of kick-ass-useful informationzzz....

Vaan = My White Knight. Using ninja swords and wearing mage garments instead of armour. He can heal sufficiently, as well as deal lots of damage because ninja sword damage increases with magik power, being a 'magik weapon'.

Balthier = Shooter. He suites guns... With a low attack power it seems like guns suck, but with switchable, elemental ammunition and long-range, it's quite useful, and he gets high critical-hit ratio. ^.~

Fran = Archer. Obvious... It's the only thing that suites her though.

Basch = Lucky-hard-hit weapons. He uses Axes, etc because he looks like the type to use brutal weapons... I often have him berserked when using him.

Ashe = Spears/Poles. She just doesn't suite her default sword&shield IMO. I'm gonna restart the game now I know how to get the Zodiac Spear. -_- Presently using Save The Queen, because of it's high attack power, & it's 2-handed.

Penelo = My Black Mage. (Using a staff obviously), she heals/uses black magik mainly.

I always have Penelo in my team for healing support, she's over 10 levels higher than everyone else, and the other two characters are whoever are the lowest levels, so beside Penelo, I level my characters evenly. In boss battles I have either Ashe or Bash out & berserked, Penelo or Vaan for healing, and then whoever can be the most useful in the situation.

06-21-2007, 08:05 PM

Vaan & Basch - Melee

Fran & Balthier - Ranged

Ashe & Penelo - Mages (...and fapping material...Lol! Just kidding!)

06-23-2007, 01:32 AM
I use all of the characters, though Vaan, Fran, and Ashe are my main party, and currently three levels higher than the others. I often switch party members during lengthy battles, so it's in my best interest to keep everyone around the same level. I'm currently at Giruvegan, and in the 47-50 range.

06-26-2007, 12:40 PM
I use all of the characters, though Vaan, Fran, and Ashe are my main party, and currently three levels higher than the others. I often switch party members during lengthy battles, so it's in my best interest to keep everyone around the same level. I'm currently at Giruvegan, and in the 47-50 range.

I started Giruvegan about those levels too... I left Giruvegan almost level 65-ish. xD